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Check-in/Move-in scheduling To reduce congestion and close contact with others, the on-campus housing move-in process for both new and returning students will look different this year:
New, Transfer, and Returning Residential Students The moving in of incoming new and transfer students will be August 22. Returning students will return to campus on August 24 and 25. New and transfer students received a link to sign up and check into NCU in mid-July. In early August, returning students will receive an email with a link and instructions to sign up to arrive on one of these two days, indicating when they expect to arrive on campus.
We encourage students to pack minimally and efficiently to streamline the time it takes to movein, since each student will have a limited time window for the moving process. A limited number of NCU student leaders may be available to assist, if needed. Students are strongly encouraged to limit their guests to only those who can assist with their move in process. Students and their helpers must wear masks during the move-in process.
Early Arrival Residential Students Students (both new and returning) that need to arrive to campus early (prior to Aug. 20) for university-sponsored reasons or due to special circumstances will be provided special instructions through email by the university unit sponsoring their early arrival (e.g., fall athletics, NCU Student Leadership, and on-campus employment) or from Housing.
Action Steps to Take before Coming to Campus: COVID-19 Health and Safety Preparedness We encourage you to familiarize yourself with North Central’s new student move-in schedule and procedures (they are different from past years’ due to COVID-19 health and safety precautions). Each student, new and returning, is required to sign up for a check in time to assist with social
distancing and crowd management. We are also asking that students only include people who are capable of assisting with move in to help as we try to limit the number of non-residents in the living area.
Below are requirements and recommendations to help you arrive prepared to be part of a healthy campus community. Students are encouraged to continue to check Skyline and their student email regularly for updates to changes and plans related to returning to campus.
Waiver form Read North Central’s Waiver & Assumption of Risk document. [LINK] This is an electronic form. If you sign it before coming to campus, we will verify that you have signed it; if you have not, you will be asked to read and sign the form at check-in. All students must sign the form prior to being allowed to move in or attend class. Any concerns about the form should be directed to Student Development before your arrival on campus.
Pre-arrival quarantine All undergraduate residential students are being asked to commit to a 10-14 day self-quarantine prior to coming to campus, if possible. We are asking students to:
Stay home unless absolutely necessary. The best way to keep our campus COVID free is to stay home for 10-14 days prior to your arrival. This means avoid or minimizing going to work, public areas, or attending large gatherings. If you need medical care, please call your health care provider.
Wash your hands often and practice good hygiene.
Arrange for routine medical appointments prior to self-quarantine.
Avoid public areas including grocery stores, malls, theaters and large public gathering spaces.
Monitor your temperature daily and watch for symptoms. If symptoms develop, call your health care provider BEFORE seeking in-person care.
Avoid public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis, if possible.
Postpone any travel.
If you must leave your home for any reason, wear a mask, practice strict social distancing and be vigilant in handwashing.
Recommendations for air, bus or train travel If a student’s journey to North Central requires air, bus or train travel they must take extra measures to remain safe and healthy while traveling (retaining distance from others, washing hands frequently, not touching face, wearing a mask at all times).
Risk-factor notification If you have vulnerable risk factors to COVID-19, and are studying as an in-person, on-campus student during fall semester, please email Stacy Sikorski, LICSW, Director of Student Success at sjsikors@northcentral.edu to initiate a conversation about a proactive plan for your care.
Title IX training New students (on-campus and online) are reminded that Title IX Sexual Violence Prevention Training must be completed by the 10th day of classes, September 9, 2020. We highly encourage you to watch the video-based training and complete the corresponding quizzes before your arrival on campus. You may access the training at northcentral.edu/titleix.