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In making plans for a safe and healthy campus this fall, we have looked to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Minnesota Department of Health, and local health experts, including Hennepin Healthcare and the Mayo Clinic for guidance.
Here are basic health guidelines to follow to help our campus community stay healthy.
Know COVID-19 symptoms and signs It is essential that you do not arrive on campus if you have one or more COVID-19 symptoms. If you are not feeling completely healthy, please stay home until you are well. To prepare for your return to campus, we encourage you to minimize interactions with people as much as possible for the two weeks prior to your scheduled return date.
If you have come into contact with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19, please delay your arrival for 10 days. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, or have tested positive for it within 14 days of your scheduled campus arrival date, please stay home until 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared, and at least 24 hours with no fever without fever-reducing medication and symptoms have improved.
If you must delay your scheduled arrival on campus due to testing positive, exhibiting symptoms, or suspected exposure, please email covid19@northcentral.edu prior to coming to campus and we will work with you on a plan to come to campus when you are symptom-free.
Self-Screening Once you are on campus, all community members are expected to self-monitor their health on an ongoing basis and remain at home if you are a commuter or faculty/staff member, or in your campus residence in you are a resident student, anytime you do not feel well and/or have one or more COVID-19 symptoms.
Daily self-screening for symptoms of COVID-19, which includes temperature checks, prior to engaging with others at NCU, is required. According to the CDC, the symptoms of COVID-19 that you should self-screen/monitor for are:
Fever or chills Headache
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
If you exhibit these symptoms you are encouraged to get tested for COVID-19. On-campus
students may access the testing facilities at Hennepin Healthcare, immediately north of campus.
Personal hygiene and respiratory etiquette To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the NCU community will be following CDC guidelines. This includes hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
Community members are encouraged to wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer can also be used. Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout campus.
When coughing or sneezing, it is encouraged for individuals to use the inside of their elbows or a tissue. Washing or sanitizing hands after a cough or sneeze is important, too.
Wear face coverings/masks (see below)
Practice social distancing (see below)
Signage about hygiene practices, room/building capacity, distancing, masks and other public health measures will be in place throughout campus.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) In accordance with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s Executive Order 20-81, face coverings are required at all times on campus.
Here is a list of specific, although not exhaustive, face-covering situations:
All NCU community members and guests are required to wear face coverings in all public settings, including classrooms, meetings, common spaces, and large gatherings.
Students are required to wear a face covering in all common areas of the residence halls including lounges, laundry rooms, and hallways. Face coverings do not need to be worn in a student’s own residential unit. If authorized visitors are in the room, face coverings are strongly recommended.
In outdoor spaces, social distancing is still expected. If socially distanced outdoors, community members are not required to wear a facial covering. If social distancing cannot be maintained outdoors, facial coverings are required at all times.
The Governor’s Executive Order makes allowances for those participating in athletic events, public speaking, and musical practice and performance where wearing face coverings create unique challenges. Further context-specific details on these guidelines will be provided with students, faculty, and staff upon their return to campus.
Individuals who have a medical condition that prohibits or limits their ability to wear face coverings can be granted an accommodation regarding this policy. Appropriate documentation supporting the need for and type of accommodation may be required.
Social Distancing According to the CDC, “Social distancing, also called ‘physical distancing,’ means keeping a safe space between yourself and other people who are not from your household. To practice social or physical distancing, stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people who are not from your household in both indoor and outdoor spaces.”
Effective social distancing requires awareness and may be especially challenging on a warm and friendly campus such as NCU. Creativity in finding replacements for hugs and handshakes is important to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Common areas on campus will be equipped with reminders, directional signage, social-distance markers, or rearranged furniture to encourage social distancing. Additionally, some redirection of foot traffic or changes in entrances and exits may be in place. Watch for signs and follow the guidance to help keep the needed distance for safety.
Sanitizing and cleaning The NCU Housekeeping, Facilities Management, Operations, and Residence Life teams are working diligently to help maintain a sanitized and clean campus. The supporting efforts from all community members to maximize cleanliness will also make a great contribution to campus health and safety. Here are some specific actions being taken to help mitigate the spread of disease.
North Central University is committed to maintaining, at minimum, a Level 2 threshold [http://tnd.appa.org/detail/8780] of cleanliness according to the APPA – Leadership in Educational Facilities organization.
There will be no fewer than four full cleanings during the school day for all common spaces (e.g., building entrances, hallways, lounges, etc.).
Bathrooms will be cleaned three times per day.
Classrooms will be cleaned by the Housekeeping staff twice a day, with sanitizing steps taken by classroom users throughout the day.
We are utilizing a state-of-the-art PathoSans On-site Generation System to ensure effective disinfection without disruption.
Instead of waste-producing disposable wipes, areas throughout campus, including all classrooms, will be equipped with bacteria resistant dry cloths and disinfecting solution. Clearly marked bins are used to dispense the cloths and discard them after use. They are washable and reusable and restocked daily for all areas.
We are implementing specific protocols for key areas, including athletics, to ensure ongoing cleaning and disinfecting and/or limiting access to some areas.
Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout campus.
Signage will be in place throughout campus for cleaning and use-of-space instructions