NCU Strategic Plan

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Message From Our President Scott Hagan


I believe the next ten years will determine the next 100 years at NCU. As we stand on the edge of our tomorrow, it’s imperative we live our mission… and we live it well. We are a university of Promise that is emerging as a leading Christ and Spirit-centered university that the church, state, nation, and world will look to for leadership. Our fidelity to Jesus and His Word, combined with an insatiable hunger for His Presence, will be the key to our success. As university leaders, we face rapid streams of experience that offer little time for reflection and sensemaking, yet we are responsible to be stewards and champions of NCU by keeping a laser-like focus on the soul of our institution. Personally, I want to grow and become a more effective and caring leader who ignites internal and external confidence and passion about NCU. As we look to our immediate future, I want biblical diversity to be a strength that distinguishes NCU among universities nationwide. Increasingly, our faculty, staff, administration, and students at NCU need to reflect the growing diversity of the American Church and the world at large. I see two critical cornerstones in Higher Education: first and foremost is the discovery and distillation of Truth. Secondly, we must produce leadership-ready graduates with spiritual vitality, emotional maturity, and intellectual readiness. We are on a remarkable trajectory.



Our University & Mission North Central University is a dynamic Christian learning community educating students for lives of service throughout society, the marketplace, and the church. In keeping with its Pentecostal heritage and mission, NCU models and expects excellence in both academic practice and Christian faith. Through rigorous engagement in undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, NCU graduates are becoming more competent, wise, competitive, and skillful. Our graduates possess a faithful outlook and disposition for reflective and critical thought that is rooted in scripture and guided by the Holy Spirit, resulting in career excellence, spiritual integrity and ethical courage. The NCU experience fosters a mature commitment to both Christ and the mission of God throughout the world. As a leading urban Christian university, NCU offers a transformative student experience. NCU graduates are challenged to engage in thoughtful and proactive dialogue concerning biblical models for compassion, equity, and social well-being. Grateful to God, the NCU community carries out this mission with responsible stewardship of our physical, financial, and human resources.


F OU ND ED IN 1 9 3 0



Nor t h Cent ral was fo unded in 1 9 3 0 as No rth Central Bib l e Insti tu te. In t he fol l owi ng years, we experienced growing enro llm e nt, ex panded programs, and the change to No rth Central University in 1998. Loc ated i n t he heart of Minneapo lis, we’re a co m prehensi ve resi denti al an d on l i n e u n i versity owned and o perated by 1 1 Assem b l i es of Go d di s t r i c t s of t he upper Midwest. Ou r Col l ege of Graduate and Professio nal Educatio n beg an i n 2014 as t he Sc h ool of Graduate Studies with o ur first m aster’s deg ree, o u r Master of Ar t s i n St rategic Leadership, which has since do ubled i n stu dent en rol l ment .


Our Values WISDOM At NCU we value and integrate the sacred scriptures and the work of the Holy Spirit throughout our curriculum, pedagogy, and professional practice.

HONOR At NCU we celebrate the faith and sacrifice of those who came before us and have entrusted us with this institution—while also knowing we must pass our work on to others in the future.

EXPERTISE At NCU we champion and strive for excellence. We look to employ top scholars and innovators and surround them with engaging culture and technologies.

STEWARDSHIP At NCU we encourage our students, alumni, faculty and staff to properly care for and succeed in their vocation from God to the greater world where they serve.

ACCESSIBILITY At NCU we welcome and support students from all backgrounds and ethnicities, and diligently work to see them graduate with spiritual and economic freedom.



Our Aspirations Maintain and improve our position in the field of education. Develop new models, new fields, new techniques, and new demands. Earn the respect of the communities in which we operate. Develop campus-wide morale, outlook, and enterprise. Contribute something meaningful to the art of education and leadership.




Academic Quality


Student Experience


Institutional Culture

Resourcing the Future


St r at e gic Planning G oa l s

Academic Quality 1. Provide academic programing that is innovative, furthers our mission, and meets market demand • Create robust growth and investment in online and graduate education by launching new academic programing • Unbundle the 4-year degree into credit-bearing and non-credit bearing certificates • Deliver seamless educational opportunities for transfer and degree completion students

2. Expand educational partnerships • Form new educational partnerships in corporate and non-profit sectors • Broaden postsecondary enrollment options (PSEO) and early college program offerings • Serve our local and global communities through educational outreach

3. Invest in faculty development • Implement a holistic onboarding program for new faculty • Launch faculty development program to support excellence in teaching, scholarship, service, and spiritual leadership


St r at e gic Planning G oals

Student Experience 4. Deepen the spiritual growth of our students • Develop and assess spiritual life outcomes for an NCU graduate • Create a disciple-making framework by focusing on increased biblical literacy and connections to co-curricular ministry opportunities • Build continuity of spiritual life with our online student community

5. Maximize intercollegiate athletics • Implement recruiting strategies and enrollment tracking to ensure roster goals are being met • Create a Rams network that places an emphasis on spiritual growth, academic success, internships, and job placement for student athletes • Form new athletic facility partnerships across the Twin Cities

6. Foster a vibrant on-campus and online student experience • Improve student wellness opportunities and access for all students • Provide comprehensive career readiness programming • Cultivate greater belonging through community connections


St r at e gic Planning G oa l s

Institutional Culture 7. A renewed sense of collective mission • Effectively connect our Pentecostal heritage to our present-day experience • Create a series of meaningful community building events

8. Enhance cultural effectiveness • Design an intentional pathway for hiring, developing, and retaining a more diverse work force • Provide theological clarity, training, and an institutional blueprint that fosters diversity and human flourishing

9. Invest in employee well-being and professional development • Offer a competitive compensation package to all employees • Develop a wellness culture to promote better mental and physical health • Promote and resource staff professional development


St r at e gic Planning G oals

Resourcing the Future 10. Expand enrollment • Explore a new educational economy (e.g. Full Tuition/Work Model) • Address long term affordability issues

11. Invest in strategic facilities and technologies • Construct our new science and student union building • Invest in new technologies for innovative educational delivery

12. Establish new fundraising and revenue streams • Diversify and expand NCU’s donor base • Maximize revenue generation opportunities


Future Science & Student Union Building



President Scott Hagan

Our Leadership


EDUCATION • Ph.D., Leadership Studies, Gonzaga University ( Washington) • M.A., Leadership and Organizational Studies, A zusa Pacific University (California) • B.S., Ministr y, Bethany University (California) PRESIDENTI AL BIO A natural le ader, Scott Hagan has been drawn to the study and practical application of leadership inside and outside the church. He has written six books on leadership, influence, a nd biblical topics, and since 1995 has written more than 60 ar ticles appearing in publications such as Charisma Magazine, Ministries Today, Pentecostal Evangel, and Influence Magazine (formerly Enrichment Journal). He speaks regularly at conferences, seminars, and on college campuses. Hagan has ser ved as adjunct faculty at A ssemblies of God Theological Seminar y (Springfield, Missouri), Epic Bible College and Capital Bible College in California, and Nor th Central University. Additionally, he’s ser ved on the Advisor y Board for the Master ’s Degree in Leadership at William Jessup University (Sacramento, California) and for two years ser ved on the President’s Advisor y Council at NCU under Dr. Gordon Anderson. Hagan also ser ved as the Moen Chair for Pentecostal Preaching at NCU for 2003–04.

Dr. Jason Welschlag Vice President of Academic Affairs

EDUCATION • Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership, Concordia University Chicago • Ed.S. in Education Leadership, University of St. Thomas (Minnesota) • M.Ed. in Business and Marketing Education, University of Minnesota Minnesota) • B.S. in Business Administration, Nor th Dakota State University (Nor th Dakota) ROLE AT NORTH CENTRAL Dr. Wenschlag provides oversight for the four undergraduate colleges, graduate education, online education and instructional design, PSEO, academic par tnerships, accreditation and assessment, registrar, librar y, instructional development, and athletics.

Bethany Harshbarger Vice President of Enrollment & Student Development EDUCATION • M.A. in Strategic Leadership, Nor th Central University (Minnesota) • B.A. in Youth Ministr y, Nor th Central University (Minnesota) ROLE AT NORTH CENTRAL Bethany is responsible for providing strategic oversight for admissions, marketing, retention, student financial ser vices, and student development. Her leadership focuses on creating an excellent student experience from a student’s first recruitment experience until their graduation day.

Dr. Tim Hager

Vice President of Business & Operations EDUCATION DMIN, Leadership Development and Management Theor y in Non-profits, Assemblies of God Theological Seminar y (Missouri) MDIV, Adult Education, Assemblies of God Theological Seminar y (Missouri) BA, Pastoral Ministries, Oral Rober ts University (Oklahoma) ROLE AT NORTH CENTRAL Dr. Hager provides executive leadership on behalf of the President for university Business and Finance, Operations, and Human Resources by providing leadership within the whole university to assure collaborative work is happening in development and execution of strategies and initiatives that fulfill the mission and vision for NCU.


Jeremy Williamson

Joshua Edmon

Dr. Desiree Libengood

Associate Vice President of Student Life

Associate Vice President of Spiritual Life

Associate Vice President of Acacemic Affairs

EDUCATION • M.A. in Ar ts, Christian Studies, Trinity International University (Illinois) • M.A. in Ar ts, Urban Ministr y, Trinity International University (Illinois) • B.A. in Ar ts, Biblical Studies, Trinity International (Illinois)

EDUCATION • Ed.D. in Higher Education Administration, Bethel University (Minnesota) • M.A. in English, University of St. Thomas (Minnesota) • B.A. in English Creative Writing, Nor th Central University (Minnesota)

ROLE AT NORTH CENTRAL Joshua is responsible for providing spiritual oversight for the university, which includes directing chapel programming and other spiritual life activities. He also ser ves our university in the area of Multicultural Development.

ROLE AT NORTH CENTRAL Dr. Libengood is responsible for assessment, accreditation, and institutional research. She works closely with faculty to ensure academic quality and improvement. She also cochairs the Diversity Action Council, driving effor ts for DE&I across the institution.

EDUCATION • M.A. in Leadership in Student Affairs, University of St. Thomas (Minnesota) • B.S. Worship Ar ts – Music Pastor, Nor th Central University (Minnesota) ROLE AT NORTH CENTRAL Jeremy is responsible for leading the Student Life experience by leading the residence life and student engagement depar tments at NCU. Additionally, Jeremy ser ves as the chief conduct officer at NCU.


Rich & Robyn Wilkerson University Chancellors ROLE AT NORTH CENTRAL Alumni of Nor th Central University, Rev Rich and Dr. Robyn Wilkerson represent the university ’s mission and vision in a variety of external arenas and on-campus special events. They also ser ve as key ambassadors of the university, providing catalytic leadership in pursu ing major financial gifts and transformative lead gifts for capital campaigns.

“We desire NCU to be a great place to learn and serve. Our goal is to build an educational climate that is supportive and respectful to all. We want NCU to have an unmistakable reputation for being a Holy Spirit centered institution.” President Scott Hagan


910 Elliot Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55404 800.289.6222 fax:612.343.4146

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