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Satisfactory Academic Progress
Violations and Response Any verified violation of the academic integrity policy will result in action fitting the gravity of the offense and may range from grade reduction to failure on an individual assignment to failure for an entire course. Compounding the situation with multiple occurrences, further dishonesty, or other violations may result in more serious consequences. In extreme cases, violations of academic integrity may result in dismissal from the University. All documented violations of academic integrity will be kept on record in the Office of the Provost and in the student’s conduct file.
First Offense Procedures The Office of the Provost should be notified of any documented violation of academic integrity. Determination of appropriate sanction for an individual violation will be left with the instructor in consultation with the program director and/or dean. In most cases, a grade of F will be given on the individual assignment and/or a requirement that the assignment be resubmitted. Should a student challenge the sanction, the dean of the college may convene an ad hoc “academic integrity committee” consisting of at least two faculty members (not including the original instructor) who shall review the specifics of the incident.
Multiple or Repeated Offenses If records kept by the Office of the Provost indicate that a student has committed multiple academic integrity violations within the same course or in multiple courses, the student’s program director and/or dean of the college will be notified so that appropriate intervention and disciplinary measures can be implemented.
A violation of the academic integrity policy more than once within the same course may result in a failure for the course. If a student commits a violation of academic integrity in multiple courses, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, in consultation with the student’s program director and/or dean may convene an ad hoc “academic integrity committee” of at least three faculty members to review the incidents and submit a recommended course of action. Sanctions may vary from simple warning, to grade reductions, to dismissal. The VP of Academic Affairs must approve the Committee’s decision before the University acts on it. If a student is dismissed, he/she is not able to return for one entire semester following the dismissal.
It is expected that a student will make satisfactory progress toward a degree, diploma or certificate. An Academic Warning, Academic Probation and Academic Provisional Continuance list is compiled each semester, based on the student’s academic achievement for the previous semester.
The following information states the required total cumulative grade point average (GPA) necessary for the student to remain in good academic standing based upon the total number of credit hours which the student has earned.
Minimum Requirement:
Cumulative Credits Earned 0-59 60+ Cumulative GPA 1.8 2.0
Students with a grade point average below 2.0 will be notified in writing by the Registrar's office and placed in one of the following categories: • Academic Warning: When a student’s term GPA is lower than 2.0 or the cumulative GPA is lower than 2.0 but above the good standing requirement, the student will be placed on Academic Warning status for the following semester. There are no sanctions associated with a warning status. • Academic Probation: When a student’s cumulative GPA falls below the level of good standing, as noted in the chart above, the student will be placed on Academic Probation status for the following semester. The maximum academic load for students on Academic Probation is 16 credit hours. Students on Academic Probation are limited to participation in one extra-curricular activity. In addition, students are required to take GS 160-Academic Skills Development. • Academic Provisional Continuance: The student who does not attain a cumulative GPA above the level of good standing after being placed on Academic Probation (at any point in his or her academic career) will be placed on Academic Provisional Continuance. Any student with a cumulative GPA that is below 1.0 will be place on Academic Provisional Continuance. This is a heightened status meant to be more stringent than probation. A student on Academic Provisional Continuance will not be allowed to enroll in more than 16 credit hours or participate in extra-curricular activities such as campus leadership, organizations, ministry teams or athletics to name a few. Enrollment in online courses is not recommended, and requires prior approval from the SSC. Students will be required to take one of the Keys to Academic Development courses, as determined by the SSC. • Removal from Academic Warning/ Academic Probation/Academic Provisional Continuance: A student will be declared in Good Academic Standing at the end of any given semester when their cumulative GPA meets the requirements for good standing. • Academic Dismissal: The student on Academic Provisional Continuance whose cumulative GPA at the end of the semester is lower than what is required for good standing can anticipate dismissal from the University. In addition, any student whose cumulative GPA is below 0.5 will be reviewed by committee and could face academic dismissal.
Academic Dismissal Appeals should be made in writing to the Registrar and will be reviewed by the Academic Progress Committee. They may also be considered by the Provost and others as needed. Individuals who have been dismissed for academic reasons may reapply after they have attended another college and earned at least 6 credits of “C” academic work that will transfer to NCU. The Admissions Committee will, upon receipt of a transcript from that institution, consider the reapplication request.