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We wish to draw attention to the U.K.'s Code for Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen, as amended, and in particular to: Chapter 1 Risk Assessment; Chapter 5 Safety Signs; Chapter 7 Work Equipment; Chapter 9 Fire Precautions; Chapter 19 Manual Handling; Chapter 21 Lifting plant.
The conduct of such activities as well as the maintenance, storage, securing etc of related equipment should be incorporated into the yacht's safety management system and certified under the ISM Code.
2.3 Drug and Alcohol abuse
2.3.1 According to the American Red Cross, more than 50% of drownings result from boating incidents involving alcohol. The U.S. Coast Guard believes that alcohol involvement in recreational boating accidents is under-reported and remains a significant factor in recreational boating accidents and deaths. Drug and alcohol abuse directly affect the fitness and ability of a seafarer to perform watchkeeping duties in impairing judgement, balance and coordination . Seafarers found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol should not be permitted to perform watchkeeping or other duties until they are no longer impaired in their ability to perform those duties.
2.3.2 As guidance, the consumption of alcohol within four hours prior to serving as member of a watch or being on duty should be prohibited. Similarly, the consumption of alcohol by those participating in yacht-based sporting activities, should be discouraged. Typically, the maximum blood alcohol level (BAC) during work or when engaged in sport should be no more than 0.08%.
2.4 Barbecues
These are considered potentially hazardous and their use is discouraged. However, should you decide to use one, refer to Part C Section 3 "Open Flame Installations."