3 minute read
Survey, Certification, Inspection and Maintenance
Part D, Section 3
Survey, Certification, Inspection and Maintenance
2.1 General
All yachts covered by this code are required to be surveyed and certificated in accordance with: • International Load Line Convention; • The MARPOL Convention (for yachts more than 400 GT); • The construction and safety equipment requirements of the SO LAS Convention; • The radio requirements of SOLAS. Statutory surveys may be undertaken by surveyors of the Administration, by surveyors of a Recognized Organization appointed by the Administration, by other authorized surveyors appointed by the Administration or by surveyors of another Administration authorized by the Administration. A yacht to which the International Conventions apply must be surveyed and, if the necessary standards are met, Convention certificates will be issued. All requests for survey and certification must be made initially to the Administration.
2.2 Initial Survey (including new-building commercial yachts)
Yachts are required to be issued with the following certificates, as appropriate: .1 International Load Line Certificate .2 Certificate of Compliance - this certificate is to cover all aspects of the Code for which a separate certificate is not required . . 3 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (for yachts of 300 GT and above) . .4 International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (for yachts of 400 GT and above) . .5 International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (for yachts of 400 GT and above) . . 6 International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (for yachts of 400 GT and above or with more than 15 persons on board) . .7 Certificate of Compliance with Annex V of MARPOL (for yachts of 400 GT and above or with more than 15 persons on board) . . 8 Statement of Compliance with the International Convention on Control of Harmful Anti -Fouling Systems . . 9 International Tonnage Certificate . . 10 Minimum Safe Manning Certificate.
2.3 Exemption from certain safety regulations
If an owner, operator or manager seeks any exemption from the application of specific regulations or requirements, formal application must be made to the Administration, demonstrating an equivalent level of safety. The Administration will issue an exemption, if and when appropriate.
2.4 Periodical Surveys
Load Line Certificates, Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificates and Certificates of Compliance (valid for five years in general). Annual, intermediate and renewal surveys with respect to the Load Line Certificates, the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificates and the Certificate of Compliance should be carried out to the satisfaction of the Administration. Any certificate is to be valid for not more the 5 years from the date of survey.
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment and Safety Radio Certificates (Safety radio yachts of 300 GT and above)
Safety Equipment Certificates and Safety Radio Certificate surveys should be carried out either by the Administration or Parties to the SOLAS Convention at the request of a the Administration; or by a Recognized Organization surveyor or other authorized surveyor appointed by the Administration to act on its behalf; or by an appropriate Certifying Authority in relation to radio installations for cargo ships. An application to the Administration for an extension to the certificate will be agreed only in cases when it appears proper and reasonable to do so.
2.6 Use of a Recognized Organization or other appointed surveyor to act on the behalf of the Administration
A surveyor from an authorized Recognized Organization or another Administration and proposed by it may be appointed to act on behalf of the Administration. An individual surveyor may also be appointed directly by the Administration to act on its behalf. In some cases, where the individual has been previously approved, specific elements of surveys may be carried out by a suitably qualified chief engineer or master mariner who is a member of the crew. When a Recognized Organization or other surveyor is so appointed, actions taken will be under direct instruction of the Administration. The Administration will provide the appointed surveyor with detailed guidance on the scope of survey and report required.