9 minute read
Grow with the Cleveland Senior Network
from Northeast Ohio Boomer | July August 2023
by Mitchell Media LLC: Northeast Ohio Parent & Northeast Ohio Thrive/Boomer
The Cleveland Senior Network is growing to meet the needs of seniors throughout greater Cleveland. If you need a little spark to keep sizzling, we’re here to help.
leveland Senior Network is a volunteer organization that Networks with a Heart, supporting colleagues working in senior services while functioning as a community service organization. It has been bringing cheerful, skilled support to local seniors since 2020. Each sponsor listed here has the expertise, connections and heart to help you live your best life.
Speaking of living your best life, “Not a Day Over Fabulous” was a fab success, raising $4,000—and counting—for Alzheimer’s Association’s The Longest Day Campaign. Finding humor in aging, audiences enjoyed live performances of this original musical comedy about growing older. Beachwood playwright and director Jill Koslen-Freireich showcased the lively variety show featuring an original set of rib-tickling vignettes and musical spoofs set to ‘70s hits. An energetic cast of local actors tackled taboo topics like sex after 60, menopause, ED and more.
If you were were among the 300+ audience members who enjoyed the show in June, you know it’s a performance worthy of more encores. If you missed it, stay tuned for upcoming showings for the next planned fundraiser by the Cleveland Senior Network.
You can still support the Longest Day Campaign by donating online through August 31 at act.alz.org/goto/CLESeniorNetMusical.
Meanwhile, if you could use practical assistance with challenges associated with aging, our growing Network offers more services and targeted expertise to help you.
Marketing board member Melinda Smith is leveraging her extensive background in senior care services into a new business, Task Angel Care Services. A Boomer herself, Melinda gets it! “Life is busy and sometimes we can’t get it all done,” she says.
Task Angel Care Services can help you or a loved one with everyday tasks, from personal errands to mail collection, making and attending medical appointments, making personal visits at rehab centers or senior living locations, and more. Melinda says, “Keep life more manageable and less complicated. Let us help.”
If part of managing life is requiring mobility assistance, access durable medical equipment from Network sponsor Rocking Mobility for sales, rentals and repair services of motorized scooters, wheelchairs, power chairs, hospital beds and other mobility solutions.
Another service provider new to the Network is The Winfield at Richmond Heights, “which provides comfort and community amenities for our Independent Living and Assisted Living residents to get the most out of life,” says Director of Sales & Marketing Michaela Kenny.
Apartments feature walk-in closets, well-equipped kitchens, spacious bathrooms, and a washer-dryer set in each Independent Living and some Assisted Living apartments. Winfield’s Independent Living frees residents from the stress of household chores, cooking meals, or taking out the trash. Assisted Living ensures residents the help they need to live a full, enriched life with customized care plans.
Also new to the Network is Caring Hospice Services in Independence, which provides quality and compassionate hospice care when you need it most.
“At Caring Hospice Services, we provide unique, holistic and cost-effective hospice care to meet the social, emotional, spiritual and physical needs of each of our patients and their families as they face terminal illness,” says Eva M. Konya, MBA, BSN, RN, Director of Business Operations.
Cleveland Senior Network is your trusted resource. Contact us through our website, clevelandseniornetwork.org, or reach out to any board member for answers. Whether you’re seeking a little support or comprehensive care, Cleveland Senior Network is here for you, Networking with a Heart.
Cleveland Senior Network Sponsors
Task Angel Care Services: No task too big or small. Specializing in helping disabled individuals or seniors when you can’t be there.

Melinda Smith, Owner: 216-409-8140, taskangelcareservices@gmail.com
Board Members
Right at Home: We employ amazing caregivers & companions! Call the Plotkin Family - A Tradition of Caring. Shalom Plotkin, Owner: 216-752-2222, shalom@ ohioseniorcare.net
Koewler Law Firm: Attorney Jim Koewler helps people who need long-term care, have chronic illness, or have special needs by working with their wishes and needs rather than cost-driven decisions.
Jim Koewler, Attorney: 330-659-3579, jkoewler@ProtectingSeniors.com
Five Star Clinical Solutions: As Patient Advocates, we ensure you receive the best possible medical care and services. Robera Brofman, President/Founder: 216-513-9622, roberta@fivestarclinical.com, fivestarclinical.com
Benjamin Rose Institute: Mary Norris-Pack
BigHearted Blooms: Sue Buddenbaum
Solon Pointe: Jelena Kirkland
Caring Hospice Services: Quality, compassionate hospice care at the time you need it most. Providing unique, holistic, cost-effective hospice care meeting social, emotional, spiritual and physical needs of patients and families facing terminal illness.
Eva M. Konya, MBA, BSN, RN, Director of Business Operations, Independence: O: 216-524-5500, M: 216-678-3153, ekonya@caringhospice.com
Howard Hanna Real Estate Services: Stephanie McFearin, Realtor expert for Northeast Ohio. Call, text or email anytime for info on a free market analysis or buyer consultation.
Stephanie McFearin, REALTOR®: 440-554-7712, StephanieMcFearin@HowardHanna.com
Medicare Advocates: Licensed Insurance Broker helping clients navigate the “Medicare Maze” for the best benefits and coverage for individual needs. No-cost review of coverage options provided.
Lawrence Lesiak, Licensed Insurance Broker: 330-523-7002, Larry@ MedicareAdvocates.US
Rocking Mobility: Repair-Rent-Sales of durable medical equipment from wheelchairs and power mobility devices to hospital beds plus bath and home safety equipment.
Marsha Adair, President & Co-Owner: 216-356-6984, rockingmobility.com
Tapestry Senior Living Wickliffe: A senior community dedicated to helping your loved ones live full and meaningful lives with Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care.
Angela Simon, Director of Sales & Marketing: 440-855-1722 (mobile), angela. simon@tapestrysenior.com, tapestrycompanies.com
The Winfield at Richmond Heights: Providing comfort and community amenities for our Independent Living and Assisted Living residents to get the most out of life. Spacious, well-equipped apartments plus customized care plans.
Michaela Kenny, Director of Sales & Marketing: O: (216)-289-9800, M: (440)-679-0195, MKenny@winfieldrichmondheights.com
We had a Blast at the Beach Blanket Bash
We’ve brushed off the sand and packed away the palm trees. Boomer Bash East 2023 at Lavera Party Center in Willoughby Hills was a bunch of fun with our ‘60s beach movie vibe and an enthusiastic crowd of readers and exhibitors. We hope you had as much fun as we did.

The Beach Blanket Bash was a lively afternoon of beachinspired entertainment, networking and information-gathering. We enjoyed meeting hundreds of readers, mingling with sponsors, and soaking up the retro atmosphere.

The event was co-sponsored by Northeast Ohio Boomer magazine and Hospice of the Western Reserve. Proceeds from our popular 50/50 raffle went to the Lake County Volunteer Network.
If you missed our other two Bash events this year, you’re in luck; we’ve got one more planned for 2023. Monster Mash Boomer Bash Southeast is Oct. 26 at The Bertram Inn, Aurora. For more information ,check our website northeastohioboomer. com or watch for updates on our Northeast Ohio Boomer Facebook page.
Interested in sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities? Please contact Northeast Ohio Boomer publisher Brad Mitchell, brad@ northeastohioboomer.com.
Hospice of the Western Reserve
Nonprofit Hospice vs. For-Profit Hospice. What’s the difference?
The accessibility of hospice care has empowered millions of Americans to make their own medical decisions. Even though hospice is relatively new in the medical field, its revolutionary and holistic approach to end-of-life care is now woven into our healthcare system. It’s been over 40 years since the first hospice opened in the United States, and today, half of all Americans die in hospice care.
Yet in the last 10 years, a shift has taken place. A November 2022
ProPublica report showed that today, more than 70% of hospices are owned by for-profit providers. For-profit hospices tend to focus on patients living with diseases like dementia, which usually involve longer stays but less costly interventions.
However, nonprofit hospices accept all patients, including those who require more costly interventions and complex care. In some instances with for-profit hospice agencies, shortcuts and bottom lines take precedence over holistic needs. When profits are prioritized over patients, communities can suffer.
Hospice of the Western Reserve has provided quality, comprehensive, holistic care to our neighbors in Northern Ohio for over 40 years. We work collaboratively with our providers, our community partners, our distinguished board of directors, and others to ensure that we are providing care of the highest caliber. Profits are not our priority; our patients are.
It can be confusing when deciding where to turn. But there are steps you can take to ensure the best hospice choice. Consider these questions when deciding who will care for your loved one:
• Are hospice staff certified in their specialty?

• Does the agency offer enrichment programs such as comprehensive grief services and pet therapy?
• Is there specialized care for children? What about veteranspecific care?
• What is the reputation of a particular hospice program in your community?
• What are the agency’s quality scores on medicare.gov?
• Talk with friends, neighbors or coworkers who may have walked this journey before. Who would they recommend?
The choice of hospice is an important one. If we have open dialogues with our loved ones about death, and if we seek out the options we have available to us, we can make sound decisions about what we want for ourselves, and for those we love.
Go to hospicewr.org to learn more about Hospice of the Western Reserve.

HealthMarkets Insurance Agency
Choosing insurance can be intimidating and confusing for many people. If that’s been your experience, then the HealthMarkets Insurance Agency can help. Insurance agents Kathy Carvin and Sheila McInerney listen to their clients, assess their needs and help them navigate the mountain of information available.
Medicare plans can be especially challenging. Because people don’t understand many of the plans’ details, they’re afraid to make a change and, as a result, don’t explore their options. That can be a costly decision. Medicare plans change every year and the plan you had last year may no longer be the right fit. If you don’t know what those changes are, you could be faced with medications no longer being covered, doctors who are no longer in your plan, or cost increases you didn’t realize existed.
The focus at HealthMarkets Insurance Agency isn’t to sell insurance but to offer guidance as informed consultants. Carvin and McInerney agree that one of the best parts of their job is knowing they’ve helped someone find a Medicare plan custom-tailored to their needs.

After a client makes an informed decision, the agents follow up with them to make sure they’re happy with their choice. Schedule a free review today. With their guidance, many clients end up saving money.
HealthMarkets Insurance Agency’s offices are conveniently located at 38052 Euclid Ave., Suite 101, Willoughby and 28881 Lorain Road, North Olmsted and 10512 Northfield Road Northfield.
To learn more about how HealthMarkets Insurance Agency can help you meet your health, Medicare, small group, life and supplemental insurance needs, contact Kathy at HealthMarkets. com/kcarvin, 216-373-2777, or contact Sheila at HealthMarkets. com/smcinerney, 440-520-6822.

HearingLife is part of the Demant Group, a world-leading hearing health care group built on a heritage of compassion and innovation since 1904. Demant was founded by a husband who was determined to help his wife lead a better life. Camilla Demant had hearing loss, which Hans Demant wanted to improve. But he just didn’t care about her hearing, he cared about her as a unique individual.
Our purpose is to provide lifechanging hearing health delivered with the best-personalized care. HearingLife operates nearly 700 hearing care centers across 42 states. We follow a scientific, results-oriented approach to hearing health care that is delivered by highly skilled and caring professionals. The care that customers receive is world-class and second to none. At HearingLife, we know that helping people to hear and enjoy full, meaningful lives is of the utmost importance.

Most HearingLife offices offer complimentary hearing assessments and demonstrations of the latest technology. This is in addition to risk-free trials, cleaning and checking of your hearing devices, fittings, adjustments and more.

We also provide virtual expert hearing care resources, free to everyone in the U.S. These OnDemand services are provided by our knowledgeable hearing care specialists and can help you with any of your hearing loss, prescription hearing aid and overthe-counter hearing aid questions or treatment options. OnDemand Support is available weekdays from 8:30 a.m. -10 p.m. EDT and weekends from 9:30 a.m-.3 p.m. EDT by calling 888-277-3802.
Locate a HearingLife location at hearinglife.com/ hearing-aids-centers.
Menorah Park
Presented by Menorah Park
Live empowered. Live better. Be inspired.
Menorah Park prides itself on being a community resource offering sound solutions to improve lives, with a focus on each individual’s preferences, values and motivations. Our health care organization continues to evolve to meet the needs of all of you in our community while honoring a rich legacy.

We provide many choices in health care services and residential options to help you fulfill your goals and continue your personal stories of successful aging, however you define them.

Our dedicated goal is Excellence in Caring® in all that we do. No matter which program or service you engage in on the Menorah Park campuses in Beachwood or Chagrin Valley, you’ll find that our expert teams are invested in a strengthbased approach so that, regardless of the circumstance, you are assured opportunities to improve and experience a higher quality of life.
Standards of excellence have been recognized by organizations including Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, the Mather Lifeways Institute on Aging, the American Society on Aging, the International Council on Active Aging, and the American Health Care Association. We are honored to continue to help our community live empowered, live better, and be inspired.
Locations in Beachwood and Chagrin Valley • MenorahPark.org • 216-831-6500