THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2012
Gas price angst surfaces during Merkley visit KATY NESBITT The Observer Sen. Jeff Merkley fielded a wide variety of questions at the Southfork Gran ge in LosLine Wednesday afternoon , everything from banking practices to gas price gouging to federal agencies acquirin g private land. J oh n McColgan of Joseph owns a bed an d breakfast with his wife, Pepper. He said th ey tr ied to refinance their home, but Sen. Merkley since it's use d as a said on the business, they world market, weren 't able to get demand is a loan. down and "It flies in the supply is up, face of logic that it so it doesn't counts against you make sense when your home makes money," said for gas to be McColgan. as expensive Mer kl- ey, wh o as it is. serves on th e Sen ate's banking committee, said investors are very conservative and len ding has swung from outrageously loose to extremely tight. J ean Falbo, also ofJoseph , asked why gas is 20 Lo 30 cenLS cheaper in Elgin than it is at any of the Wallowa Coun ty stations. "\'\That is the rationale to ch arge that much Lo bring gas inlo Lhe counly? I think it's price gouging," said Falbo. "We arc a poor county with a struggling population and we are paying more for something so fundamental." Merkley said on the world market, demand is down and supply is up, so it doesn 't make sense for gas to be as expensive as it is. On a local basis, he said h e could only explain the high cost of gas being due to lack of competition. ile went on to say that Congress asked the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to se t limi ts on futures to control speculators and they've struggled to comply with the request. Merkley said Congress is also workin g to eliminate dependence on foreign oil. Ramona Philips, a rancher whose cattle graze on pr ivate land outside of Joseph, said she wanted to remind the sen alor of Lhe ongoing wolf and livestock interaction in Wallowa County. See MERKLEY, 3A
KATY NESBITT I The Observer JOHN McCOLGAN OF JOSEPH, far left, talks to Sen Jeff Merkley (0-Po rtla nd). about th e d iffi culty of refinanc ing his bed and breakfast durin g Merkley's vis it to the Southfork Grange in Lostine Wednesday afternoon.
Senator sees need for permanent timber policies fix BILL RAUTENSTRAUCH The Observer U.S. Sen . Jeff Merkley stopped in La Grande on his way to Wallowa County on Wednesday, meeting with the Observer's editorial board and making comm ents on issues of local an d national importance. Merkley (D-Portland) said he and colleagues in clu di ng Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Portland) and U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (R-Hood River) continue the fight for an extension of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act. Th e bill, also known as the county paymen ts bill, is due to sunset, taking away large chunks of fe deral revenue from timber-depen dent coun ties. Union County, for example, would lose about $650,000 offunds for roads and schools this year if th e bill is not renewed.
Merkley said he and others h ave good if you like diseased forests," h e m anaged to get an am endment said. Merkley also talked about the exten ding county payments into the federal transportation bill now being Wallowa-\r\lnitman National Forest's considered for pa~sagc . He said the Travel Management Plan that wa~ extension represents a MERKLEY ON pulled this spring fol"bridge to next year." TIMBER HARVEST lowing a firestorm of "I think if we can get AND FOREST HEALTH: protest. . . the tran sportation bill He said he believes 'The hope is we passed it (county paywill have a different Forest Sup ervisor Monica Schwalbach did m ents) will stay in. It's framework for the the right thing in withonly a one-year bridge that gets us to th e point future. Failure to have drawing the plan pendwhere hopefully the a sustainable harvest ing more pubic comecon omy is better," h e plan is good if you like ment. "I h eld town halls said. diseased forests.' and I communicated Merkley added, Lh ough, Ll~al h e sees a need for a perLhe concerns I heard Lo Lhe Forest m an en l fix for federal governmenl Service," Merkley said. "I Lhink p olicies on timber h arvest and forest Monica got the message that th e proh ealth. cess was flawed and we need to go "The h ope is we will have a differback to the drawing board. I think pressing the reset button was very en t fram ework for the future. Failure LO have a sustainable harvesl plan is helpful. "
DICK MASON The Observer La Gran de School District's 201213 budget picture looks considerably brighter than it did 10 weeks ago. La Grande school officials ann ounced in mid March that they feared the district would face a $270,000 sh ortfall for 2012-13. An uptick in the state's reven ue forecast since th en h as reduced the district's proj ected revenue shortfall considerably. This was apparent Wednesday night when the district's proposed 2012-13 spending plan was presented to the sch ool district's
budget committee. On Lhe plus side, Lhe proposed budgel calls for: • the four school days cut a year ago to be added back at a to tal cost of about $250,000. • teach ers and classified staff to continue to receive pay inc re a~es when they take a step up their salary schedules. Teachers advance up their salary schedule based on experien ce and education. Classified staff members advan ce based on experience. • the pay for extra duty contracts for staff, which was cut 10 percent for 2012-13, be reslored to th e previous See BUDGET, 5A
Ceremony Sunday marks official opening of pavilion BILL RAUTENSTRAUCH The Observer A spanking new pavilion risen from the ash es of a disastr ous February 2011 fire waits to greet the public in a ceremony Sunday at Riverside Park. Throngs of well-wishers are expected to turn out at 11 a.m. that day for the ribbon-cutting marking the official openin g of the pavilion, rebuilt on the site wh ere the historic old pavilion wen t up in smoke and flames in the early morning hours ofFeb. 13, 2011. Following the disaster, city officials, the local Soroptirnist Club and a host of community volunteers j oine d in a fundraisin g etlort to build a n ew facility that looks much like the original
Projected shortfall decreases in light of state revenue forecast
In 2005, the federal government's Travel Man agem en t Rule was developed to establish consistency about where and when motorized vehicle use is perm issible on national forests, and to resolve user and resource issue conflicts. The Wallowa--Whitman plan was written as a requirem ent of th e rule. Environmental concerns, includin g the La Grande-based Hells Canyon Preservation Council, wanted mor e road closures, saying there's a need to improve fish an d game habitat and increase roadless recr eational opportunities. Rut other groups and individuals said closures proposed in the local plan unfairly restricted a host of tradition al activities including camping, hiking, beny-picking, woodcuLLing, all-terrain vehicle-riding and mor e.
COMPLETION of roof work at the new Rivers ide Pa rk pavilion occurred in December_The old pavilio n burned to the ground in Fe brua ry 2011 Observer file photo
early 1900s structure but features improvements, includin g a state-ofthe-art kitch en area and better storage options. Contractors began construction in early spring, with the complete d project ready now for it~ public unveiling. La Grande Mayor Daniel Pokorney said he encourages everybody to
come to the ribbon-cu tting, which imm ediately follows the Soroptimists' annual breakfast -- a tradition at the pavilion for decades. "The Soroptimists, along with many, many people and businesses in the community, spearheaded the See PAVILION, 2A
I 68
54 1 -963-3 1 6 1 lag rand eo b se rver. c o m Th ree se c t1 o ns. 3 4 p ag es La Gra nde , O rego n
5 1 1 53 00 100
2 A The Observer
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Arrested: Roxanne M. Romeo, 29, La Grande, was arrested Wednesday on two Union County warrants charging burglary in the first degree, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, trespass in the first degree and theft in the third degree. Burglary: A business in the 1000 block of Adams Avenue Wednesday reported an attempted break-in that occurred last weekend. An officer responded and took a report. Trespasser: Dispatch received a report Wednesday about a possible trespasser at an address in the 300 block of 0 Avenue. An officer checked the area but was unable to locate anything. Larceny: An officer responded Wednesday to a report of a theft at an address in the 1600 block of J Avenue. The officer took a report. Burglary: Dispatch received a report Wednesday about a possible burglary to a residence in the 1300 block of Eighth Street An officer made contact and logged information. Larceny: A citizen from the 800 block of Y Avenue requested officer contact Wednesday regarding a theft. An officer made contact and took a report Arrested: Brett Allen Walker, 33, La Grande, was arrested Wednesday on charges of disorderly conduct in the second degree and criminal mischief in the second degree. Larceny: A woman at an address in the 2500 block of Fourth Street requested officer contact Wednesday regarding a stolen bicycle. An officer responded and took a report for theft in the second degree.
La Grande Fire & Ambulance
Between 7:30a.m. Wednesday and 7:30 this morning, La Grande Fire and Ambulance responded to eight medical calls. La Grande Rural Fire
No incidents to report. Union County Sheriff
Burglary: The La Grande Country Club on McAlister Lane Wednesday reported a burglary. A deputy responded and took a report. Shoplifting: Walmart requested deputy contact Wednesday regarding a theft. A deputy responded and will follow up. Larceny: A deputy responded Wednesday to a report of a theft at an address on Godley Road in Union. A deputy was advised. Arrested: Jennifer Rebecca Coonrod, 39, address unavailable, was arrested Wednesday on a Union County warrant charging failure to appear. The original charge was furnishing liquor to a minor. Wallowa County Sheriff
No incidents to report Enterprise Police
Observer f1le
No incidents to report.
THE OLD PAVILION was destroyed in a disastrous February 2011 fire . The new pavilion waits to greet its pu blic in a ceremony Sunday at Riverside Park.
Oregon State Police
No report available.
Mayor will preside over ceremony
Information for the record is obtained from police departments and other public agency logs. Persons charged with crimes are presumed innocent until pleading guilty or proven guilty in a court of law. Those who appear in this column who have had charges dropped or have questions about information contained in the record should call The Observer at 541-963-3161.
and all that LOgether has resulted in a beautiful facility for the whole community," Pokorney said. The mayor~ joined by city
fundraising for the rebuild. There were grants that city employees worked hard to get,
councilors, City Manager Robert Strope, Parks and Recreation Director Mark Touhey and Soroptimist President Rebecca Lowman,
will preside over the ceremony. Light refreshments will he served following the ribbon cuLLing.
DAILY PLANNER Today in history Today is Thursday, May 31, the 152nd day of 20 12 There are 214 days left in the year.
Highlight On May 31, 1962, former Nazi official Adolf Eichmann was hanged in Israel a few minutes before midnight for hi s rol e in the Holocaust
(Eichmann's remains were cre- er, delivery should be by 6 p m For mated, the ashes scattered in calls after 6, please call 541 -9751690, leave your name, address and the Med iterranean Sea. ) phone number. Your paper Will be
Nobody won the $144 million jackpot. Estimated drawing Saturday: $164 million. Wednesday's numbers: 09-10-24-52-56-PB 14
delivered the next business day
Newspaper late
MEGABUCKS Nobody won the S2.6 million jackpot. Estimated drawing Saturday: $2.8 million. Wednesday's numbers: 11 -18-32-38-39-45
SUN Sunset: 8:33p.m. Sunrise: 5:06a.m.
~ 45
20 percent chance of showers, T-storms
A chance of showers and thunderstorms
Mostly cloudy
Today Soft white wheat - May, $6.85; June, $6 85 July $6 85 Hard red winter- May, $7.35; June, $7.35; July, $7.35 Dark northern spring- May, S8.99 ; June, $8.77; July, $8.77 Barley - May, $1 90; August, S180 Corn- May, $196/ton; December, S185/ton Bids p rovided by Island City Grain Co.
Standard & Poor's 500 Index Down 3 at 1,310 Tech-heavy Nasdaq composite index - Down 13 at 2,824 NYSE - Down 35 at 7,436 Ru ssell - Down 5 at 757 GOLD AND SILVER Gold- Up $4.90 at $1,567.40 Silver- Up 7 cents at $28.00
Quote of the day "H e that can have pati ence can have what he will." - BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
A slight chance of showers
Astoria 64/53
· '+«!·
A chance of showers and thunderstorm s
A chance of showers and thunderstorms
A slight chance
A chance of showers and thunderstorms
POLLENCAST 20 pe rcent chance of showers
20 percent chance of showers, T-storms
of showers
OREGON TRIVIA Oregon's first capital punishment came in 1850 when five Cayuse Indians were hanged in Oregon City after being convicted for the Whitman Massacre.
Dow Jones average - Down 5 at 12,415
As of B a.m. at La Grande airport Wind - Calm Misery index - 59 (feels like 59) Tree pollen count: moderate Most active tree pollen types: pine and maple
PICK4 Wednesday's numbers: 1 p.m.: 2-0-8-0 4 p.m.: 7-4-4-6 7 p.m.: 7-5-7-5 10 p.m.: 6-8-5-2
24 hours ending 4 a.m.: .00 Month to date: 1.65 Normal: 1.90 Year to date: 8.94 Normal: 8.26 Today's record: .61 of an inch State's wettest: .12 at Astoria
Wednesday's numbers: 07-37-56-61
Wednesday's high: 67 Low this morning: 47 Average higMow: 70/45 Record higMow: 95/34
Lottery numbers
Every effort is made to deliver your Observer in a timely manner Occasionally conditions exist that make delivery more difficult. If you are not on a motor route, delivery should be before 5:30 p.m. If you do not receive your paper by 5 30 p.m. Monday through Friday, please call 541 -963-3161 by 6 p.m. If your delivery is by motor carri-
Grain report
Hottest Wednesday
The Old Farmer's Almanac
Nation: 111 at Death Valley, Calif. Oregon: 86 at Medford
Rainy periods, cool
Coldest today
Moon phase Waxing: 81 percent visible
Nation: 27 at Silver Bay, Minn. Oregon : 40 at Burns
Across the region Temperatures indicate previous day's high and overnight low to4a.m . Hi Lo Pre The Dalles .00 80 55 Joseph .00 64 46 CoNal lis 75 49 .00 52 Newport .00 59 Portland 73 60 .00
Salem Hermiston Meacham Pendleton Redmond Pasco Walla Walla Baker City Ontario
75 79 65 74 79 80 74 68 81
Temperatures indicate previous day's high and overnight low to 5 a.m. Pacific lime. Hi Lo Pre Sky Anchorage 52 42 Cdy Boise 79 53 PCdy Boston 74 67 Clr Chicago 70 51 .02 Rn Denver 84 50 Cdy Honolulu 82 72 PCdy
Houston 94 Las Vegas 97 Los Angeles 74 Miami Beach 93 New York City 76 Phoenix 101 Salt Lake City 80 San Francisco 67 Seattle 66 Washington, D.C. 83
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With Legacy Ford Owner Advantage every FIFTH oil change is FREE!
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77 77
Cdy Clr Clr .06 Rn Clr Clr Clr Cdy .01 Rn Clr
Across the nation
'=' '
HL 16360 4 73 F
56 59 41 52 46 60 60 42 50
59 78 66 76 55 51 53 69
Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Observer 3 A
Senator hears concerns Merkley discusses need for tighter regulation of the oil industry, and the need for energy independence
MERKLEY from 1A "We've spent$10,000 dealing with wolves and haven't even lost a calf," said Philips. The senator was thanked for his help keeping the Imnaha post office open. Though the amendment Merkley championed would keep post offices more than 10 miles away from one another open, Merkley said it has not passed the House. lie said he believes that the post master general now understands the importance of rural post offices. Annette Aschenbrenner told Merkley that she was opposed to the federal government buying private land with Land and Water Conservation Fund monev. She said the U.S. Forest Service already ~anag es land comprising 51 percent ofWallowa County. "I have a problem with government agencies' ability to acquire private land when they can't take care of what thev have," said Aschenbrenner. ' Wallowa Whitman National Forest Supervisor Monica Schwalbach attended the town hall and was available to field question afterward. The forest's Travel Management Plan was withdrawn in April, quelling, for the lime being, outrag·e at the proposed closure of more than 3,800 miles of roads. Alan Fambrini of the Wallowa County Occupy movement asked what Cor1gres~ could do in regards to the Citizens United law confirmed by the CS. Supreme Court that allows corporations to give unlimited amounts of money to political action committees with no disclosure. Merkley said when a corporation spends millions of dollars on television advertising, it is like using a stadium-size sound system to drown out the voice of the people and real issues. "V\-11at are the first three words of the Constitution?" Merklev asked the nearly 50 people gathered. "\,Ye the people," l;e said. "It's the heart of what we're all about. " One method of restricting the law, said Merkley, is for Congress to pass a disclosure act forcing corporations to be transparent about their donations.
KATY N ESBITT I The Observe r SEN. JEFF MERKLEY, speaking in a town hall meeting in Lost1ne, said when a corporation spends millions of dollars on television advertising, it is like using a stadium-size sound system to drown out the voice of the people and real issues.
Hundreds of local people registered strong objections about closures included in the plan. "I think the Forest Service was cauaht off auard bv' t> t> the amount of concern raised about the traditional uses," Merkley said. On a n ational issue, Merkley talked about the need for tighter regulation of the oil industry, and the need for energy independence. "We' re spending more than $1 billion a year on overseas oil," he said. · He said he is frustuled by the lack of movement on regulatory proposals that co~ld bring energy costs down. "The question is, how do you get the regulator to act when he won't do what you've laid out for him?" he said. The senator said he looks forward to a future where vehicles are m ore energy efficient, travel options are increased and infrastructure is improved, and alternative transportation fuels are developed. .~lso during his visit, Merkley talked about ways the nauonal debt can be reduced. An end to the war in Afgh anistan would be a good start, he said. "We're spending $120 billion a year on the war. We could take one third of that and spend it on deficit reduction, a third for infrastructure and a third for education. It would be a big help," he said. H e added he would like to see certain tax loopholes closed and th e money spent on those three things also. Merkley also talked about reform of congressional rules related to the filibus ter. He said the minoritv in Cor_1gress is increasingly using Glibuster to force s~per maJonty votes. "Before, the Senate operated on a simple m<Y ority. Very few times did someone object to a simple majority vole," Merkley said. "With super m<Yorily, you take the path of the minority rather than the wisdom of the majority," he said.
Colleges' bank deals saddle students with big fees Wt\SHINGTON (AP) As many as 900 colleges are pushing students into using payment cards that carry hefty costs, sometimes even to get to their financial aid money, according to a report released Wednesday by a public interest group. Colleges and banks rake in millions from the fees, often through secretive deals and sometimes in apparent violation of federal law, according to the report, an early copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press. More than two out of five U.S. higher-education students- more than 9 million people- attend sch ools that have deals with financial companies, says the report, written by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Higher Education Fund. "For decades, student aid was distributed without fees," said Rich Williams, Ll1e r eport's lead author. "I\ ow bank middlemen arc making out like bandits using campus cards to siphon off millions of student aid dollars." Programs like Higher One's shift the cost of handing out financial aid money hom universities, which no longer have to print and mail checks, to fee-paying students, Williams said. The fees add to the mountain of debt many students already take on to get a diploma. U.S. student debt tops $1 trillion, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
BRIEFLY 3 Rivers Race Against Domestic Violence set for Saturday LA GRANDE Register for the annual 3 Rivers Race Against Domestic Viol ence, set for June 2 at Pioneer Park. Included will be a 1OK for runners and walkers, a half marathon for runn ers and bikers and a 70-mile route and century bike for teams and individuals. The regisu·ation fee is a $50 minimum pledge for all participants. The pledge includes a
barbecue, Families can pay $100. The pledge includes a barbecue for four participants. Register and get more information at 3riversrace.com or call541-377-3715.
School district hosts retirement party Saturday evening IMBLER Imbler Sch ool District is hosting a retirement party for Beccy Kramer al 6 p.m. Saturday. The potluck will be held in Imbler Elementary
Wade Hall, which is also "retiring" along with the 100-year-old red building. · lleccy's teaching career spanned 36 years, from 19762012. Friends and colleagues are welcome to attend.
Volunteers sought to prepare Flora School for School Days FLORA A Flora School work party will meet from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . the next lwo Saturdays Lo strip paint, make minor r epairs and work on o ther projects. Volunte ers are invited to help clean the sch ool from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . June 14. During the same h ours June 15, organizers n eed more help cleaning and setting up for School Days, set for June 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers are also sought to help with clean-up June 17. Volunte ers should bring small tools if possible; some will be available to borrow. Workers should also bring a potluck dish or a sack lunch. The school will provide bottled water and will have a h ot dish to share.
Find out more about Flora School at www.floraschool.org.
Estate sale benefits Animal Shelter Saturday evening LA GRANDE Rlue Mountain Human e Association is h osting an estate sale at 9 a.m. Saturday at the shelter at 32 12 Highway 30 in La Grande. For sale will be collectibles, h ousehold items, craft items, sewing iLems and more. All proceeds go to help the animals. Cash, checks and credit cards will be accepted. In addition , the shelter will be offering an adoption special Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m. The fee for dogs will be $99 and for cats $49.
Blue Mountain Montessori School celebrates 30th year LA GRANDE Blue Mountain \1ontcssori Sch ool celebrates the end of its 30Lll year witl1 a potluck from 11 a.m. to noon Friday. Dishes
should be non-sugary. All past, present and future students along with their families are invited to attend at the school, in the basement of U nitcd Meth odist Church, 1612 Fourth St. in La Grande. RSVP by calling Hank and Cheryl Hudson at 541-96:J-690R.
Rotary Club plans June 16 clean-up day in Enterprise ENTERPRISE Wallowa County residents can get rid of iter~s n ot usually accepted at the coun ty's recycling centers or landfill June 16 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the recycling center on Fish llatchery Lane in Enterprise. Accepted will be clean tires off rims, cans of latex paint, n onleaking automotive batteries, printer ton er and ink cartridges, cell phones, computers, computer towers, keyboards, laptops and monitors. The county landfill usually accepts tires, but charges for th em. The Rotary Club of Wallowa County is the organizer. For more inform ation, con-
tact Jolene Cox atjcox@bcobank.com or 541-426-4205.
Timber Cruisers display cars every Friday evening LA GRANDE The Union County Timber Cruisers will h ave cars on display every Friday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at La Grande Town Center. The public is welcome. To get your non-profit event in any day's paper, call before 3 p.m. the previous day.
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The Observer La Grande, Oregon Thursday, May 31, 2012
email us at news@ lagrandeobserver.com
Provocative choice to lead Oregon schools The Oregonian: Rudy Crew speaks in stories and metaphors. He alludes to ruffled feathers and fast-approaching twilights, to laying railroad tracks and chiseling away at goals. Yet he seemed most animated, while on tour this week as Oregon's presumptive first chief education officer, when describing his task in rodeo terms. "T can ride the eight seconds with the best of them" during a crisis, Crew said, eliciting a smile from the cowboy-chic governor who chose him. But to successfully lead a school system, Crew added, it always helps to have someone hold your horse steady while you try to mount it. Crew's description neatly sums up his action-oriented approach, and it hints at the questions that will define Crew's time in Oregon: How long will this restless figure stay, and how will he effectively lead a conflict-averse, slow-mm~ng, quietly stubborn state? THE ANSWERS WILL SHAPE the next decade of public education in Oregon, not to mention the legacy of Gov. .John Kitzhaher. On Thursday, the Oregon Education Investment Board is expected to approve Kitzhaber's choice of Crew as the first to oversee the state 's entire education enterprise, from preschool to graduate school. The hire is a critical step in the governor's ambitious plan to make the system more connected and efficien l, so that students and teachers at each stage spend less time making up for lost ground. Crew is a smart, provocative and partly symbolic hire. By choosing a true heavyw·eight in the K-12 world, Kitzhaber signaled the seriousness of his in tent and his desire to boost the state's role in local education. By choosing someone who could hold his own in New York and Miami, Kitzhaber showed he wanted someone not to be cowed in Salem. Crew, 61, is one of a dozen household names in K-12 education circles. He is a former chancellor of New York City schools and 1onner superintendent in Miami, Sacramento and Tacoma, and National Superintendent of the Year in 2008. He has held many other posts along the way, from professor to technology consultant. HE's WELL QUALIFIED for the Oregon job, not just from his mostly positive track record but because his strengths align with Oregon's weaknesses. Most notably, Crew shows clear impatience with schools that fail low-income and minority students. That sense of urgency is vital in a state that really wants to be better by 2025 or so. Crew also moves easily between K-12 and higher education, which will be useful as Oregon tries to produce a better-educated workforce and strengthen its teacher-prep colleges. Yet the challenges are daunting. Crew will step into a half-reformed bureaucratic tangle, with new oversight boards stacked atop old ones and major governance questions to resolve, particularly for higher education. Tf th e governor and Legislature don't smooth this out soon, Crew Vlrill waste precious time on issues far removed from the classroom. CREW WILL INHERIT a university system that is famously underlimded and a K-12 system squeezed by stagnant state funding and the rising cost of pensions, social services and corrections. He won 't be able to throw money at problems, as he has in other states and in flusher times. He must make hard choices about where to invest and where to cut hack, which is where conflict and resistance will arise - and when the ever-antsy Crew may decide to move on to the next big thing. Crew says he's committed to Oregon for at least three years , and he describes the state's turnaround efforts as a 10-year endeavor. We're eager to see him get to work and turn the endless policy discussions into action: Oregon needs an education system that pe ople can brag about rather than sheepishly defend. It's nice to have a star in the saddle, and everyone loves a good cowboy metaphor. But without real progress that the public can see and feel, Crew and the whole enterprise will be more hat than cattle. ~SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION
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Western Communications, Inc.
American and proud of it It doesn't matter whether you are in the majority or minority ight minutes past 5 a.m. and the sodden morning air already smells of the day's promise. The dog is tugging at her leash when, from my doorstep, I spot balloons waving gaily from the mailbox. They're accompanied by a sweet note from a yet-unnamed admirer- and a sonogram photograph that in the dark makes this darling, this newest thief of my heart, resemble a tadpole instead of the cherubic-faced child T'm sure it will become. I'm to be a grandmother again. Grandchild No. 5. My family is multiplying, a happy event, and at times it seems that I'm responsible, in one way or another, for much of the population growth of a nearby ZIP code. The next generation has been busy; a fresh baby crop will be out this fall. My niece is due in September, my nephew's wife in October and my daughter-in-law a month later. Felicidades and mazel tov. A prayer of gratitude is forthcoming. Two days after this unexpected announcement, the country of my grandchildren's births marked a milestone of its own. The Census Bureau announced that. afler years of projections, non-Hispanic whites no longer account for the majority of U.S. births.
In the 12-mon tl1 period tl1aL ended last July, births of minorities - llispanics, blacks, Asians and people of mixed race - reached a majority for the first time. MY FAMILY'S NEXT GENERATION is part of a tectonic shift, with broad implications for our society. William H. Frey, senior demographer at the Brookings Institution, told the New York Times we are witnessing a "transformation from a mostly white baby boomer culture to the more globalized rnultiethnic country." Tomorrow's generation will be more diverse and less ca~y to define or divide along the traditional black-white line. Because I live in Miami, where this has long been the case, I initially shrugged off the new numbers. The Census Bureau announcement felt like the rest of the country finally catching up to us. But this doesn't sit well with some folks - change never does - and the Internet has buzzed with doomsday predictions about the demise of "American values." My celebration apparently is an affront to others. As if descendants of North Europeans had a lock on commitment to
family, country, hard work and sacrifice. As if the traditions of the past provided the only map to success. As if certain immigrants from certain countries, with certain physical characteristics, were the only ones worth welcoming. How sad, and insulting, to read such stupidity. How very shortcsighted. Tomorrow's generation already lives among us. It's as American as apple pie a la mode, sauerkraut on hotdogs or chips with salsa. Tomorrow's generation is your heart surgeon and your gardener, the legal secretary and the Wai-Mart cashier, your grandson's best friend and your favorite newspaper columnist. It is sometimes tow-headed and sometimes almond-eyed, sallow-faced and brown-skinned, tall and short, thin and barrel-chested, Catholic, Protestant, Bap tist, Buddhist and Muslim. Tomorrow's generation may not be heralded by silver balloons tied to a mailbox, as mine was, but I see it represented in my grandchildren, the blond and the dark-haired, the Irish-Cuban and the Honduran-Chilean by way of Alabama. I sec it and, once again, I'm filled with hope and optimism for what's to come. Americans, one and all, and dang proud of it. Ana Veciana-Suarez is a columnist for The Miami Herald.
LE,.,.ERS Stay 5 days per week
Making "bi~ger and better," in my opinion, lots better. Don Henry
To the Editor: It is my opinion that printing The
Observer three days a week is not the answer. Wouldn't it be better to call it Raker Union Wallowa County Observer and print it five days a week? It would sure make the businesses and the readers in Baker feel lots better since they only get the paper three days a week. It sure seems to me that it would sell more ads and sell lots more papers instead of lots less. Isn't that what business is all about?
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Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Observer 5 A
Pretty little lady is full of catitude
Advancing years
ack when I was young, in the Pleistocene epoch, I wanted to look old. Now that I am as old as granite -- calcified, pnmeified, .\1ilk of Magnesiafied- I want to look young. OK, so I just turned 55. It's only middle age- if you're from Okinawa and eat truckloads of sweet potatoes each day. In America, the double-nickel, 55, is the terrible twos of old age. You have 10, maybe 20 years to sweat until you can safely retire with hope of not having cat food as the main course most nights. Fifty-five is a time when you discover your first wrinkles, age spots, thinning hair and well marbled belly. Fifty-five is a Lime when you discover perfectionism is as impossible a~ training a deer to do the hula hoop. Fifty-five is a Lime when you discover that no matter how bad things get, you've seen worse way worse. You've seen a dad dying of bone cancer at age 70. You've seen the funeral where all his aunts and uncles in their mid90s sit in a front row of chairs as the casket is lowered into the ground at the cemetery. You've seen a wife of 24 years die of complications of diabetes. You've h ad a year of grief recovery and then begun dating again and got remarried . You've seen traumatic events, life-changing moments. All these moments help keep molehills from growing into m ountains. You've seen the mountains. You've breathed LhaL rardied air. WHAT'S IMPORTANT, in these advancing years, is to advance. To noL g·et stuck in grief. To not get stuck in petty grievances. What's important is not whether everyone likes us. Only two in three people will, as a r ule of thumb, and to expect m ore is unrealistic. The important thing is tha t we care. That we like ourselves. That we do our best in the hours we are given. To work hard. To play hard. To sleep blissfully. OK, that may b e asking a lot when you 're 55. The other morning it was 4:30 when the radio alarm went off, and I was already awake. My 80-something neighbor used to say if Twoke up at 3 in the morning and saw her light on to come down and play cards. This time of day even the smooth delivery of public broadcasting sounds harsh. Still, sleep or no sleep, it's good to have survived to .i oin Club 55. The point is, at age 35 we can settle into the rocking chair and waiL for Lhe next 10 or 20 years to r oll by so we can retire. Or we can get busy and enjoy each day and make these truly advancing years m atter. Reach the author at jpetersen@ lagrandeobserver.com.
This pretty little lady is 1\ngelina. She has quite the mix of being a Siamese, Tortie and Manx. With all this in her bloodline it is no wonder that she is full of catitudc! She is a cat who knows what she wants ... and isn't afraid to let you know when she wants attention or to be left alone. Because Angelina can be so opinionated, we recommend that she go to a horne that will respect and love her for who she is. An adult-only horne where she can be active may suit her best. She is an active girl who loves to play and talk to her people. Give this beautiful kitty a chance; meet Angleina today!
Upcoming events
Corne meet Willie. Willie is a gentle and loving older dog who is looking for his retirement horne. Walks by the lake
• Our summer kick offYard Sale will be held aL Lhe Animal Shelter Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are pleased to
BUDGET from 1A levels. Coaches and advisors for programs like FFA and Future Business Leaders of America are among th ose who receive extra duty contacts. Presently, the approximate range of extra duty contracts is $1,000 to $4,000. • stipends to be added for teachers leading the district's new Professional Learning Communities program. The stipends would be close to wh at department heads in schools receive, which is about $400 a year. On the minus side, the proposed budget calls for 3.24 teaching ar1d non teaching positions to be cut. Fortunately, these cuts will be made by not r eplacing employe es who are r etiring. "This is a much better way to cut a budget than to tell · people in p ositions that they are out of work," said La Grande School District Superintendent Larry Glaze. Proposed to be cut are a full-time kindergarten teaching position, one half of a La Grande High School social studies position, .25 of a La Grande Middle School music teacher position, .25 of an LHS music teach er position,
.3 of an LMS food service support position and .94 of an LHS special education paraprofessional position. The kindergarten teacher position would be cut because enrollment projections in dicate that the district will be able to operate its kindergarten program with three instead of four teachers in 2012-13. Should kindergarten enrollment be higher than anticipated and cr eate a n eed for another teacher, the district will be able to quickly add one. Glaze explained that the funding needed to hire an additional kindergarten teacher would he kept in reserve. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT'S
budget reflects a reduction of $4%,958 in projected state funding. The d eclin e is expected because of reduced state funding for schools due to tl1e poor economy and falling enrollment. School districts receive about $6,000 from the state per student. The proposed 2012-13 budget contains just $500 for th e district's Talented and Gifted program. Several budget committee members said tl1is concerned them. They stressed that the needs of high achieving students
should not be overlooked. Glaze pointed out that a number of programs are in place or are being developed to help high achieving students. In 2012-13, for example, four teachers at LHS will be instructing EO~ courses after receiving training through tl1e n ew Eastern Promise program. This will add to several programs already in place at LHS which offer sLudenls a ch ance to e arn college credit. Glaze noted that advanced placement classes are now taug-ht aL LHS and LhaL students can also earn community college credit via vocational technical classes taught by agriculture ar1d natural resources teacher Paul Anderes. Martha Frasier, the school district's special education director, noted that at the grade school level intervention blocks arc in place, which assist high achieving students. Intervention blocks are p eriods in which children who need help reaching state testing benchmarks receive it and tl1ose who are meeting or exceeding benchmarks are provided with enrichment activities.
Oregon county releases inmates amid budget cuts
environment. They are generally a bit more independent, or do not like or wanL much human contact. These arc cats that have a history of having been mousers, and will greatly aid in keeping rodents at bay in a barn, workshop or storage sheds. All of our working cats have been spayed or neutered. 1f you arc interested in being a guardian for one of these hard working cats, contact The Animal Shelter. We are curre ntly filling slots for our Feral Cat Clinics on Wednesdays as pan of our "Working Cat" program. You must call the Shelter and be added into an open slot. Feral cats that are born and live outdoors, without any human contact or care.
Glaze said the school district n eeds to d o a better job of letting the public know of the programs it is providing for high achieving students. "We do a lot of things but people just do not see it. We need to do a better job of publicizing them," Glaze said. The superintendent also pointed out tlnt the district can always do more for high
achieving students. "TAG students need our help and support. They will be our leaders of tomorrow," Glaze said. The budget committee will meet again on Wednesday to review the proposed 2012-13 budget. The meeting will begin at 6: 30 p .m. in the conference room of Willow Elementary School.
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PASS (AP) Dozens of inmates ran whooping fro rn a small town jail in to the sunshine Wednesday after a cash-strapped county in Oregon's timber region was forced to release them amid budget cuts. The sheriffs office released 39 inmates, dropping the population at the jail in Grants Pass Lo 60 - half of Lhem federal prison ers held on contract. "We had no other alternative based on om funding predicament," said .Josephine
County Undersheriff Don Fasching. "We are very concerned for public safety." About half of those released will finish their senten ces on work crews. T he rest were waiting for trial. The most common ch arges were for drug crimes, minor assaults, burglary, identity theft and probation violations. "We did keep the worst of
the worst" - those facing charges for crimes that carry mandatory prison sentences said Jail Commander Vicki Smith. Among the inmates released was one incarcerated for failing to register as a sex offender, and another accused of agreeing to sex for money with a 14-year-old girl offere d by her boyfriend online.
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I bought an engagement ring!
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~~~~~~~ unteers and to make our program a success. Please plan to join us for ...____,""'"".,. volunteer Willie training day,June 19 at 11 a.m. Please refer any friends or family members that would like to volunteer or possibly be a foster family. We need great volunteers and more foster homes to make our program a success. Please refer any friends or family members that would like to volunteer or possibly be a foster family. Please come out and grab a leash. • Our Working Cats Program is an option for cats tl1at would not be well suited for an indoor pet
Proposed budget calls for 3.24 positions to be cut
Graduation Party Pia Hers 6Ft. Sub
and nights by the couch with his companions is all he asks for. Willie is neutered, micro chipped and current on his vaccines. He carne from a horne with other dogs and lived primarily outside. Willie would be best suited in a horne with a gentle touch. Come in and m eet this guy today.
announce that the Estate of one of our valued donors will be on hand Angelina with all proceeds going to the care our animals. In celebration of this event dog adoptions will be $99 and cat adoptions at $49.The Animal Shelter will be open from l to 5 p.m. • Bl'viHA is honored to welcome dog obedience trainer Dallas Voss June 9 at 11 a.m. Please bring your dog and plan on joining Dallas for a free clinic to review his training techniques. Dallas has experience with numerous law enforcement K-9 units. • We always need great vol-
M ust be available Monday, Wednesda y, and Friday afternoon hours, and have a reliable, insured vehicle.
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6 A The Observer
Thursday, May 31, 2012
1 2 3
• La Grande Rural • Open Studio 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Union Fire Protection District Annual County Art and Culture Pancake Breakfast Center 6 to 11 a.m. , LGRFD • Blue Mountain fire hall, $5 adults, $4 Montessori School children Potluck • Grande Ronde 11 a.m. to noon, United Methodist Church, 1612 Bowmen 3·D Shoot 7 a.m., Spring Creek Fourth St., La Grande, area RSVP at 541-963-6908 • Hog Wild Days • Cove Senior Markel Luncheon 8 a.m. market, 11 a.m. noon coffee, 12:30 parade, Island City lunch, Kimsey • Delta Epsilon Commons Yard Sale • Pride March 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Banner 3 p.m., Max Square to Bank parking lot EOU campus quad, • Blue Mountain Rebecca Hartman, Humane Association associate professor of Estate Sale history, will speak, 9 a.m., Animal Shelter, downtown La Grande 3212 Hwy. 30, • Union County Timber Cruisers Car La Grande • Chapter DK Display P.E.O. Plant, Yard 5:30 to 7:30p.m , La Grande Town Center and Bake Sale 9 a.m., 308 LAve. • Hog Wild Days • La Grande High Annual Dinner School 5:30p.m., Island City Commencement School gym, $8 adults, Ceremony $5 kids 10 a.m., LHS gym ENTERTAINMENT • Pride Week: • Live Music: Fine Rainbow Revolution Prom Tunes 8 p.m. to midnight, neon 11 a.m. to noon, Union underground theme , County Senior Center Hoke Main Lounge, • Bingo, LG EOU, $6 per person, 6:30p.m. early-bird games, 7 p.m. regular $10 couples, 18 and games, Eagles Lodge, older, show ID 1212 Jefferson • Open Studio • EOU Percussion 10 a. m. to 2 p.m. , Union County Art and Culture Ensemble 7:30p.m., McKenzie Center • Retirement Theatre, EOU, donaParty and Potluck tions accepted for Beccy Kramer KIDS 6 p.m., Imbler • Think Link Elementary Wade Hall Discovery Center ENTERTAINMENT Children's Museum 9 a.m . to noon, Riveria • La Grande School of Ballet's Activity Center, 2609 Second St. , La Grande 'Swan Lake' 6:30 p. m., McKenzie MEETINGS Theatre, EOU, $10 • Pinochle Social adults, $5 students and Club children 6:30 business meeting, • Bingo 7 p.m. cards, Union 7 p.m., Odd Fellows County Senior Center; Hall, Summerville 18 or older may join KIDS WALLOWA CO. • Children's Reading and Craft • 30th Annual Wallowa Valley Hour Festival of the Arts 11 a.m. to noon, Gala Looking Glass Books, 7 to 10 p.m., Joseph 1118 Adams Ave. Community Center, $25 MEETINGS at The Bookloft, The Sheep Shed and • La Grande Gun Steward Jones Designs Club Shooting League BAKER CO. 9 a.m., club on Highway 30 past exit 265 • Art Reception: Paul Hoelscher WALLOWA CO. 5:30p.m., Crossroads Carnegie Art Center, • Flora School 202 Auburn Ave., Baker Work Parties City 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Flora • Art Reception: School Don Gray • 30th Annual 6 p.m ., Short Term Wallowa Valley Gall ery, 1829 Main St., Festival of the Arts Gala Baker City • Art Reception: 10 a.m. to 5:30p.m., Marlin A. Wilke Joseph Community 6 p.m., Peterson's Center Gall ery, 1925 Main St., • Quick Draw Baker City 6:30 to 10 p.m., Joseph Community Center, $5 • Live Music: 14NI 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., Stu bborn Mule, Joseph BAKER CO. • Taco Feed 4 p.m., Baker County fairgrounds, $5 • Blue Mountain Old-Time Fiddlers 6 p.m., community event center, Baker County Fairgrounds, $5 adults, $4 members for members, free 12 and younger • Poetry Reading: Catherine Jontos Putnam's 'Always' 6 p.m., Rimrock Inn, Highway 3 north of Enterprise
ISLAND CITY'S HOG WILD DAYS includes the annual d 1nner Friday and the parade Saturday.
4 5 6
• Grande Ronde Bowmen 3·D Shoot 7 a.m , Spring Creek area • La Grande Soroptimist Breakfast in the MONDAY Park 7 a.m. to noon, EVENTS Riverside Park pavilion, $5 adults, $4 children • Free Zumba younger than 12 Class • Hog Wild Days 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. , Market Grande Ronde 8 a.m., Island City Fitness Class, 13 and • Official Ribbon· older Cutting for Riverside • Oregon Rural Park Pavilion Action 11 a.m., Riverside Park Weatherization pavilion 5:30 to 6:30p.m., Cook Memorial Library WALLOWA CO. • 30th Annual Wallowa Valley . Festival of the Arts ' Gala 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Joseph Community Center
TUESDAY continued
WALLOWA CO. • Parent/child Activity Group 2 to 3:30p.m., children 1 through 5 and their siblings, Head Start building, 670 NW First St. , Enterprise • AI·Anon, Enterprise 7 to 8 p.m., Eagle Cap Christian Fellowship Church, NE 1st and NW Logan
Let us know
• Union County Museum Mon through Sat. , 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 333 S. Main St., Union • Bridge, LG 12:30 p.m. , Union County Senior Center • Live Music: Dottie Brown & Co. 3:30 to 4:30p.m., Grande Ronde Retirement Residence, 1809 Gekeler • Live Music: Prevailing Winds Recorder Ensemble 5:30 to 6:30p.m., Cook Memorial Library • Eastern Oregon Community Symphonic Band Free Concert 7:30p.m., McKenzie Theatre, La Grande, donations accepted
about Union and Wallowa county KIDS meetings, events • Indoor Park and children's activi9 to 11 :30 a.m., ties. Send email or LG United Methodist write a letter giving Church basement, 1612 the event , date, Fourth St. time, cost if any and • Adoption a phone number. Playgroup Service clubs, 10 to 11 :30 a.m., LG United Methodist support groups and Church other non-p rofit organizatio ns are MEETINGS encouraged to notify • LG Lions us of their regular noo n, NE Transit Center meeting times. next to Union County The deadline is Senior Center 9 a.m. Wed nesday • Elgin Site • for Thursday's Council calendar. 4 p.m., district office • LG Tops 98 Fax: 5 p.m. weigh-in, 6 p.m. 541-963-7804 meeting, Faith Lutheran Email: Church, 12th and news@ Gekeler lagrandeobserver.com • Elgin EDGE 6 p.m., AmeriCorps Center, US Bank • Imbler City Council 7 p.m., City Hall • North Powder City Council 7 p.m., Wolf Creek Grange • AI·Anon, Cove 7 to 8 p.m., Calvary Baptist Church WA LLOWA CO. • Oregon Equestrian Trails 6 p.m. no-host dinner; 7 p.m. meeting, Lostine Tavern
Reynolds School Board approves teachers' contract TROCTDALE (AP) - The Reynolds Sch ool Board approved a new teach ers' contract that was agreed upon after a fiveday strike. The Oreg·onian r eports the approval Wednesday was reluctant with several members dismayed by wh at they called the strong-arm tactics of the Reynolds Education Association. The three-year contract includes cost-of~ living an d step-pay r aises and increased health insurance. The teach ers union approved the contract by 98 percen t. The Reynolds district ea5t of Portland has 11,000 students .
• Cove Library Open, Book Sale 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Cove Library • Union Senior Luncheon noon. United Methodist Church
• Elgin Stampede • Family Night Sign-up • 5 to 8 p.m., Elgin • Stampede Hall, Elgin • Open Studio • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 6 • to 9 p.m., Union County • Art and Culture Center
• Live Music: Blue Mountaineers 11 a.m. to noon, Union County Senior Center • Pinochle Lessons 12:30 p.m. , Union County Senior Center, must be 18 or older: free • Live Music: Terry LaMont 5 to 7:30p.m., American Legion • Bingo, LG 7 p.m., Union County Senior Center • Traditional-Live Dance Evening: Mix of Favorites 7 to 8:30p.m., Art Center at the Old Library, 1006 Penn Ave., La Grande KIDS • Indoor Park 9 to 11:30 a.m. , LG United Methodist Church basement, 1612 Fourth St. • Children's Reading and Craft Hour 10 to 11 a.m., Looking Glass Books, 111 8 Adams Ave.
· • Live Music: • Dottie Brown and • Company • 11 a.m. to noon, Union • County Senior Center • Bingo, Union 5 p.m. doors open, 6 p.m. early bird games, . 7 p.m. regular games, • VFW hall, Union • • Ballroom • Dancing · 5:30 to 6:30p.m. , LHS Commons • Bingo, Elgin 6:30 p.m., Community Center • A Night of Surf • Guitar 7 p.m., Joe Bean's Coffee, 1009 Adams Ave., La Grande, $5 KIDS • Indoor Park ' 9 to 11:30 a.m., LG United Methodist Church basement, 1612 Fourth St. MEETINGS
7 8 9
• Cove Library Open, Book Sale 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Cove Library • Open Studio 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Union County Art and Culture Centers • Cove Farmers Market noon to 5 p.m., corner of Foster and Church streets • Steak Dinner Benefit for LHS Wrestlers 4 to 10 p.m. , Union County Senior Center, $15 tickets at Benchwarmers, Union Wallowa Baker Federal Credit Union, Ten Depot, The Shortstop and Les Schwab Tires • Solarize Union County Workshop: Financing, Tax Credits and Incentives 5:30p.m , Cook Memorial Library, 2006 Fourth St. • Country Swing Couple Dancing 7:30 to 8 p.m. dance instruction, 8 p.m. dance begins, Maridell Center, 1124 Washington Ave., $3 before 8 p.m., $5 after 8 p.m., discounts for students showing ID ENTERTAINMENT
• Live Music: Fine Tunes 11 a.m. to noon, Union County Senior Center •LiveMusic: Terry LaMont 5 to 7:30p.m., American Legion
• Union TOPS 573 KIDS 8 a.m. weigh-in, 9 to 10 • Indoor Park a.m. meeting, Union 9 to 11:30 a.m., Clinic • Union Cemetery LG United Methodist Maintenance District Church basement, 161 2 Fourth St. 9 a.m., district office MEETINGS • Preschool Story • Union County Time • Sunrise Rotary Commission 11 to11 :30 a.m., 7 a. m., Dusty Spur 9 a.m., Joseph Annex Cook Memorial Library Cafe, 1502 S Ave., • AI·Anon, LG La Grande 12:15to1:30 p.m. , MEETINGS • Success By Faith Lutheran • UFO Sewing Referral Church, 12th and Circle 7 a.m., Flying J Gekeler 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., • IC TOPS • Post-polio United Methodist 8 a.m. weigh in, Syndrome Support Church, basement 9 a.m. meeting, IC 1 to 3 p.m., Mt. Emily • Bi-polar Support City Hall ; fragrance, Conference Room, GRH 5 p.m., call 962-8800 for · • La Grande Gun free location • LG Optimist Club • Club Shooting • AI·Anon noon, Bear Mountain · League Pizza, La Grande 6 p.m., club on Highway 6 p.m., Lutheran Church, 12th Street • LG Rotary 30 past exit 265 • VFW High Valley noon, NE Oregon • Cove Masons Post 4060 and Transit Center, 7:30 p.m. , Masonic Auxiliary La Grande Lodge 7 p.m., VFW Post 51 8 • LHS Class of REHEARSALS N. Main St. , Union 1957 Lunch • Star • Just Guys @5:00 1 p.m., Golden Harvest, Promenaders La Grande · 5 to 6 p.m., Loso 123, 7 to 9 p.m., Grange • Elgin TOPS EOU Hall , corner of 5 15 p.m. weigh-in; McAlister and Gekeler 6 p.m. meeting, Harvesters Church, REHEARSALS 11th and Birch • Grande Ronde • LG Community & Community Chorus Fores tryCommission • 7 to 9 p.m., Loso 123, 5:30 p.m., Parks · EOU Division, 2402 Cedar WALLOWA CO. • Wolf Creek • Hells Canyon Grange Mule Days 6:30 p.m., North 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Powder Tomas Room in the • Union PTA Business Center, 6:30 p.m. UHS Enterprise conference roo m • LG VFW & Auxiliary 6:30 p.m., Ten Depot Street • Rainbow Girls 7 p.m., Union Masonic Lodge • Cove City Council 7 p.m., City Hall • Cove Booster Club 7 p.m., Cove high school math room SALEM (AP) - Police say an Oregon • Elgin children 's book author wh o is visually Sta mpeder s 7 p.m., Stampede impaire d was crossing the street when a Hall drunken driver struck him. • IC Lions The 70-year-old man, J ohn Dashney, wa5 7 p.m., Denny's in critical con dition at Salem Hospital after • LG Masons th e accident Tuesday a few blocks from his 7:30 p.m., Masonic home. Lodge No. 41, 1303 1/2 Adams Ave. The Statesman Journal rep orts a 58-year-
• Rendezvous at the River 7 a.m. check-in, La Grande Rifle and Pistol Club, La Grande • Open Studio 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Union County Art and Culture Center • La Grande MOPS ENTERTAINMENT Annual Yard Sale • Live Music: Fine Fundraiser 7 a.m. to 2 p.m , Valley Tunes 2 to 3 p.m., Grande Fellowship, La Grande Ronde Retirement ENTERTAINMENT Residence • Bingo, LG • Bingo 6 30 p.m. early-bird 7 p.m., Odd Fellows games, 7 p.m. regular Hall, Summerville games, Eagles Lodge, KIDS 1212 Jefferson • Children's • Pinochle Social Reading and Craft Club 7 p.m., Union County Hour Senior Center; must be 11 a.m. to noon, 18 Looking Glass Books, • 1118 Adams Ave. KIDS MEETINGS • Think Link Discovery Center • La Grande Gun Club Shooting Children's Museum League 9 a.m. to noon, Riveria Activity Center, 2609 9 a.m., club on Highway Second St., La Grande 30 past exit 265 • Union County BAKER CO. Historical Society • Live Music: noon, log cabin at Wicked Mary fairgrounds; potluck, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Bud presentation, business Jackson's Sportsmans meeting Bar and Grill, La Grande WALLOWA CO. • Open Studio 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Union County Art and Culture Centers • La Grande MOPS Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., Valley Fellowship, La Grande
• Flora School Work Parties 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Flora School
Whooping cough cases surge PORTLAND (i\P) - Another 145 cases of wh ooping cough were reported in the past month in Oregon, bringing the to tal for the year to more th an 290. That's triple the number at this time last year. The Oregonian reports more than a third of the cases are in Washington County. At least 11 babies h ave r equired hospital treatment for the infection. The disease, also known as pertussis, is an epidemic in Washington with more than 1,900 cases this year. Health officials are urging adults to update their vaccin ation to preven t spreading th e respiratory infection to babies, who are most vulnerable.
Idaho pilot's plane, body found near Plush PORTLAND (AP) - Search crews h ave found the wreckage of a small plane that crashed in sou theast Oregon last week. Klamath Coun ty Sheriff Tim Evinger says the plane and the body of pilo t Tony Nicholls were found Wednesday afternoon on the west-facing side of Hart Mountain - 13 miles northeast of Plush. Th e 48-year-old pilot from Meridian , Idaho, flew his two stepsons to Lakeview on Thursday and was to return h ome that day because his daughter was graduating from high school over the weekend. Th ere were snow showers and gusty winds in the region at th e ti me of departure .
Drunken driver hits visually impaired Oregon author crossing street
TUESDAY at left
old Salem woman was arrested on drunken driving and assault ch arges.
Da~hn ey is president of the Willamette Chapter of the American Council of the Blind of Oregon. A neighbor says he has not lost all vision but uses a white cane. Dashney's biography describes him as a storyteller wh o has practiced his craft in seven countries and at more than 700 schools. He has appeared at th e Oregon State Fair Au thor's Table to publicize his books.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Observer 7 A
OBITUARIES LOCAL FUNERALS AND VISITATIONS June 2- Betty Beith, memorial service, 2 p.m., First Christian Church June 5 - Donald Townsend, funeral service, 2 p.m., Elgin Christian Church
Gavyn Owings Wallowa Gavyn Owings, 20 months old, of Wallowa, died May 27. A service will begin at 1 p.m. Saturday at Assembly of God Church in Wallowa. Bollman Fun eral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
John A. Zastrow Cove John Albert Zastrow, RR, of Cove, died May 30 at his home. A full obituary will be available later. Loveland Funeral Chapel and Crematory is in charge of the arrangements.
Betty Beith La Grande 1938-2012 Betty LaVonne "Grammy" Beith, 74, of La Grande, died May 28 at Grande Ronde Hospital. A memorial service will begin at 2 p.m. Saturday at First Christian Church in La Grande. DanielsKnapp Funeral, Betty Crem ation & Beith Life Celebration Center is in charge of the arrangements. Betty was born April13, 1938, to J ames Walter and Opal "Elizabeth" (Gover) Shaver in Baker. She was raised in Lime until she was 5 years of age when Lhe family moved to llaker where she graduated from high school. On April 22, 1956, she married Garry Dean Beith in Baker. They lived in Nebr aska as well as Stanfield and Huntington in Oregon. She settled in La Grande in 1969 . Garry preceded Betty in death in November of 1996. Be tty was a child care provider for many children over the years as well as a Sunday school teacher, a volunteer at Riveria School and a 4-H leader. She was a very active member of dte First Christian Church and was a member of Reta Sigma Phi Sorority, tl1e Eagles Lodge, the VFW Auxiliary and the American Legion Auxiliary. Sh e enjoyed crocheting and was known among p eople sh e knew for making baby booties.
She loved making popcorn balls. She also e 1~oyed sewing and knitting. Th ose who knew her say she was a comp assionate and supportive person who was always willing to help others. Survivors include her children , Don ald M. and Rosie Beith of La Grande, Deana and Jack Dalton of Grange r, Wash.,
Dana Musgrove of La Grande and Bernice and Willard Hafer of La Grande; daughter-in-law, Kathleen Coles of Portland; 15 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; and other relatives. She was preceded in death by sister, Jeanie Ann Shaver; and son, Robert Coles. Memorial contributions mav be made to any public school ' library in care of the La Grande School District or First Christian Church in La Grande.
Leta L. Currey Formerly of Elgin 1966-2012 Leta L. Currey, 46, of Pendleton and formerly of Elgin, died May 28 from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident in Baker County. Funeral services will begin at 2 p .m. Friday at First U nited Methodist Leta L. Church, Currey 352 SE Second St. in Pendle ton. Viewing will run from noon to 5 p.m. today at Burns Mortuary of Pendleton. Leta was born Mar ch 5, 1966, in Lewiston, Maine. Leta was the daughter of Donald Moulton and J enny McLeod. She was raised and educated in Maine. In 1989 she moved to Elgin. She had worked with Headstart in Elgin as well as the Elgin Corner Market and D&B Supply in La Grande. She had also been a r eserve police officer for the City of Elgin. She marri ed James Currey on July 25, 1998, in Elgin. The couple moved to Pendleton in 2005. She worked for Verizon and the PGG store before she began working as a Transportation Security Admin is tralion officer for Homeland Security at the Pasco airport. She was tl1e founder of the Northwest Iron Maiden women's motorcycle riders and a m ember of Wife's Behind The Badge, the H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group) and the Elgin Methodist Church. She loved spending time with her family and grandchildren as well as· kniLLing, croche ting, photography and gardening. She loved anything with the color purple. Her passion was riding her m otorcycle. She is sunived by h er husband, James Currey in Pendleton ; h er five children, Dana Apling of Portland, Stephen Devoe of Pendleton, Isaac Bolduc of Portland, Rainer Rolduc ofYucca Vallev, Calif., and India H ardv of La' Grande; nine grandch,ildren ; four sisters, Julie Shaw of North Carolina, Kelly Laircey of Texas, Elizabetl1 Donahue of l\orth Carolina and Mi&>'Y Rolerson of Maine; two brothers, Donald Moulton of North Carolina and
Pendleton Round Up every fall. 6121. Those who donate States :\1arine Corps. His v.~fe is Her favorite trip of all was seeshould reference Lynne Jeanette Elaine (Thompson) ing the national parks. Erickson. Townsend. She loved spending time Donald is smvived by his with her dog, Teke. wife, .Jeanette Townsend of Lynne is survived by her lovRainier; his futher, Donald A Formerly of Elgin Townsend and his wife, :\1arilvn. ing husband, John of Olalla, of Elgin; his mothe1~ Joyce ' . Wash.; daughter, Nichole of 1965-2012 Yakima, Wash.; son and daughCasebeer of La Grande; brothDonald W. Townsend, 46, of ter-in-law, TJ and Mei-Ling of er, Randy Townsend of Portland and formerly of Elgin, Olalla, Wash.; two grandsons; La Grande; sister, Sandra died May 26 at his home. A uncle, Bud Hays of Shelton, Swearingen and her husband, funeral services will begin at Wash.; her brothers and sisterMatt, of Sheridan; three halt~ 2 p.m. June 5 at Elgin Christian in-law, Jim and Kathi Erickson brothers, Corey Rreeding, Church. Interment will be at of Chehalis, Wash., and Don Jimmy Townsend and Bradley Elgin Cemetery. Loveland Townsend; step-son, Dale R. and Vicky Erickson of Yakima, Funeral Chapel is in charge of Wash.; sister-in-law, Patty Earlywine; six grandchildren; ilie arrangements. Haynes of Bremerton, Wash.; two great-grandchildren; several Donald was born Nov. 6, and numerous nieces, nephews nieces and neph ews; and many 1965, in Heppner to Donald Formerly of La Grande and cousins. aunts and uncles. . Arthur Townsend and Joyce lynne was proceeded in Isebell (Breeding) Townsend. 1943-2012 death by her parents, Tom and When Donald was 4 years old, Virginia Lynne Erickson, 68, Betty Faulkner of La Grande; his family moved to Elgin where of Olalla, Wash., died peacefully and grandparents, Harry and he grew up and April28 in Bremerton, Wash ., Maude Hays. attended school. surrounded In lieu of flowers memorial Donald served his by her famicontributions may be made to country in the United ly after a Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, courageous P.O. Box 19023, Seattle, WA nine-year 98109-1023 or call 206-667battle with ovarian cancer. Services were held May 11 at St. \licholas Virginia L. Bright, Fun Colors! Church in Erickson Flatterin g Styles! Gig Harbor, Wash. The Shop is Full, Enhancing your Graveside services will begin So Hurry In! at 11 a.m. June 16 at Olney natural beauty since 2007 Cemetery in Pendlcr.on. Open Daily 10 a m 5 pm Gary FAnger, AAMS® Lynne was born Aug. 1, Financial Advisor 1943, to Betty V. and Thomas L. 1910 AdamsAve ~ P 0 Box 880 Faulkner in Yakima, Wash. The La Grande, OR 97850 fam ily moved to Pendleton 541-963-0519 www .edwardjones.com then to La Grande where she graduated from La Grande Member SIPC High School in 1961. ~ Growing up in La Grande, Lynne was a saxophone player U p town Clothing & Accessories MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING in Downtown joseph in the pep band and a member Member SIPC 12 S. 'vtain St. • 541-432-W O LP of tl1e choir. She was a Union www.wolfe fleece.com County fair maid one year. She said she built wonderful, lasting relationships with "the gals" in La Grande ln 1964, Lynne graduated from Yakima Junior College with her LPN. She enjoyed being a nurse at various hospitals and retirement centers. Lynne marriedJohnJ. Erickson on Sept. 7, 1963, in La U N tc:::>N, c:>REG<:::>N Grande and lived in Yakima, Wash., until moving to Seattle. ~ They eventually settled in Olalla 'Movinf1 Our to raise their children, Nichole Country iJ:orward'' and TJ. l ynne was an active member .------=-----..,...........,,.....,..,.-..... MONDAY, JUNE 4 of th e com munity from being a 4-H Horse Show ................................... 9am 4-H & FFA TUESDAY, JUNE 5 Camp Fire leader to a member 4-H Horse Show ................................... 9am SPONSOR of the Seattle chapter of WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 National Foundation of Ileitis Livestock Weigh-ln ......... .................... 1-7pm 4-H, FFA Goat Showmanship ............... 5pm and Colitis (now Crohn 's and Insurance • Flnoncla l services THURSDAY, JUNE 7 Colitis Foundation). She owned 4-H, FFA Livestock Conformation .. ....... 9am Children's Bear Essentials and 4-H, FFA Judging Contest... ................. 3pm AUCTION FRIDAY, JUNE 8 The Dance Shop. She belonged SPONSOR 4-H, FFA Showmanship ................. ....... 9am to Port Orchard Chamber of FFA Awards Presentation ..................... 1pm ~ Commerce, Relay for Life, 4-H Awards Presentation...................... 6pm Soroptimist International of SATURDAY, JUNE 9 ~~R 4-H, FFA Livestock Auction .................. Sam Port Orch ard and Tacoma Oriliopedic Association where You're Invited to Wildflower Lodge she founded the Betty Faulkner for: Guild, named for h er mo ther. Lynne enjoyed volunteering for anything, baking, crafting, gardening, golfi ng and spending time witl1 her grandsons, and 'Meet & Greet' for Our New • Alex and Noah. H er favorite hobby of all was Health Services Direclor: :f~ RV'ing with .John. She looked Mickie Winnett forward to attending the
Johnny Poulin ofMaine; many nieces and nephews; uncle, Floyd McLeod; and aunt, Beth Prevost. She was preceded in death by her parents. Memorial contributions may be made to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Oregon and SW Washington Affiliate, in care of Burns Mortua17 of Pendleton, P.O. Box 489, Pendleton, OR 97801. Sign the online guest book and send condolences at www. burnsmortuary.com.
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Virginia L. Erickson
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Thursday, May 31, 2012
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9A The Observer La Grande, Oregon Thursday, May 31, 2012
Heat take 2·0 series lead with 115·111 win
A GLANCE Union athlete takes fifth as team in meet CORVALLIS- Union's Trevor Verhelst was a one-man team at the recent Mid-Valley Meet of Champions middle school track meet The eighth-grader won both the 100 meters and 200 meters, and got second in the 400 meters. "This is pretty amazing considering the level of competition," according to Union High School assistant track coach Steve Sheehy. "By himself he placed fifth out of 42 teams. "We believe that the 200-meter time is a Union junior high school record," Sheehy added . Hood River won the boys team title with 46.2 points, followed by Linus Pauling (43), North (32) and Lebanon (30.7). Verh elst finish ed with 28 points, to give Union fifth place as a team. He beat teams from Fernridge (sixth, 23.5), Scappoose (seventh, 22), and Duniway (eighth, 21). Verhelst won the 100 meters in 12.00 seconds and th e 200 meters in 24.46 seconds . He was second in the 400 meters with a 56.49 time.
Getting into the
LGSC hosting summer registration The La Grande Swim Club will be holding registration Wednesday from 4:30p.m. to 6:30p.m. at Veteran's Memorial Pool Swimmers must have graduated from Level 4 of th e c ity's swim lessons or comparable to join . For more information, call Dave Felley at 54 1-663-16 15 or email at lgswimclub@gmail .com .
Youth volleyball camp to be held at LHS There will be a youth volleyb all c amp at La Grande High Sc hool from June 11 - 13 . The camp cons ists of two sessions each day, with th e morning session runnin g from 8:30 a.m. to noon for girl s and boys in grad es f irst throug h fourth . The second session is from 1 p.m. to 4:30p.m. and is for g irl s and boys in grad es five throug h e ight The registration fee is $45 whic h inc ludes aT-shirt Reg istration is available at the door. For add itional information, c all head coach Melinda Becker at 54 1-663-1391.
LHS girls set to host youth basketball camp The La Grande High Sc hool g irl s basketball team will host a youth c amp June 6-8 at LHS The mornin g session run s from 9 a.m . to 11 :30 a. m . and is for g 1rls in f ifth and sixth grade. The aftern oon session is from noon to 3 p .m . and is for g irl s in seventh and e ig ht grade. The camp features ind ividual skills, games, dri lls and team c ompetition. Earl y registration for the camp has passed , so the fee is $45 at the door. Each camper will rece ive a basketball. Campers are encourag ed to bring gym shoes, gym c lothes and a w ater bottle . For more informati on a bout th e camp, call Bob Bedard at 541 -963-2940.
MlAMl (AP) - Rajon Rondo posted a stat line never before seen in NBA playoff history. He was on the court for every second of a game that finished more than three hours after it started. He scored more points in a single overtime than anyone this season. His night was called incredible, amazing and unbelievable -and that was by the Miami Heat. And when it was over, Rondo could only express disappointment that the lloston Celtics needed more. LeBron James scored 34 points and grabbed 10 rebounds, Dwyane Wade scored eight of his 23 points in overtime and the Heat took a 2-0 lead in the Eastern Conference finals with a 115-111 win over the Celtics on Wednesday night, overcoming what will surely go down as the best game of Rondo's career to m ove within six wins of an NBA title. "We lost," Rondo said, shrugging off talk of the historical ramifications of his night. "Simple a5 that." Rondo's final numbers: 44 points, 10 assists, eight rebounds. He scored all 12 of Boston's overtime points, giving the Celtics the lead three times, only to have the Heat answer each of those. 1\nd when he finally missed in the extra session - on a play where Rondo said he got struck in the face by Wade - then and only then co uld Miami put Boston away. Came 3 is Friday night in Boston, where the Celtics ~ill try to make this a series. No Celtics team has successfully rallied from ar1 0-2 hole since 1969. "He re ally played his heart out and carried the load for us offensively," Celtics fonvard Paul Pierce said. "He shot the ball, did everything possible you could ask for in him. You j usl haLe to see an effort like that really go to waste." Mario Chalmers scored 22 points for Miami, which got 13 points, 11 rebounds and three assists off the bench from Udonis Haslem. The entire Celtics bench combined for seven points, tive rebounds and one assist. Miami trail ed by 15 points in the first half, making this the largest deficit the Heat have overcome to win a playoff game in their history. Miami had rallied from 14 points down to win twice before in the postsea5on , one of those bein g the game that clinched the 2006 NBA title. "There just can't be any o ther way with this team," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. "And it has to be the har·d way." The Heat won on a night where so many things Rondo's effort included- suggested that they were in going to be in trouble. There was the big early deficit, a 7-for-20 shooting effort from the floor by James, Wade going scoreless until the final seconds of the first half, 16 missed free throws ar1d two missed char1ces to win- both shots by James at the end of r egulation . 1\nd if all that wasn't enou gh, Boston's Big Four were Big again. Pierce scored 21 points before fouling ouL. Kevin Garnett scor ed 18 points and added eight rebounds.
WID Local golfers prep for regional Special Olympics tournament llA_\IKS - Lnion Coun ty will be sending a golf team comprised of 11 athletes to compete in the regional Special Olympics competition June l 0 at Quail Valley Golf Course . According to local pr ogram coordinator Pam Thompson, there will be m ore than ~ 00 athletes from every county in Oregon in the competition. The two-day 2012 State Compe tition will be held at the Chehalem Glenn Golf Course in Newberg starting July 14. The golf competition will be set up with a golf skills accuracy event and alternate shot com-
petitions on both 9-hole and 18-hole courses. In the alternate shot competitions, the athletes are teamed with unifi ed partn ers taking every other shot. George Altenburg is the tearn's head coach, while Thompson is assistant coach and program coordinator. According to Thompson, the
team from Union County of: lan Altenburg with Unified Partner K.C. Frye -18-hole Alternate Shot Sam Altenburg with Unified Partner Pat Vaughn- 9-hole Alternate Shot Terry Bolken with Unified Partner James Johnson - 9-hole Alternate Shot Abel Mendoza with Unified Partner Abel Mendoza Sr. - 9-hole Alternate Shot Dwight Brown - Level1 Skills Austin Trotter - Level1 Skills Alex Weissenfluh - Levell Skills According to Thompson , Special Ol)mpics Oregon is consist~
BRAD MOSHER I The Obse rver LA GRANDE'S TERRY BOLKEN (top) watches exc ited ly as a drive from the middle of the fairway makes it onto the gre en during a rece nt practice at La Grande Golf Course in Is land City. Austin Trotter (above) tries a little body englis h to move his ba ll closer to the hole during practice on a putting green while program coordinator Pam Thompson watches. Both Bolken a nd Trotte r serving more than 8,000 partici- will be competing in th e reg ional pants with intellectual disabilitourn ament at Quail Valley Golf ties through participation in Course in Banks June 10. Olympic-type sports. their families, oth er Special "Through our signature Olympics athletes, and the sports programs, athletes gain community," she said. self-confidence, social com peThe team has been tency ar1d other enhar1ced practicing at the La Grande skills, giving them continuing Country Club Golf Course in opportunities to develop physiIsland City to prepare for the cal fitn ess and participate with regional competitions.
Mariners rout Texas, 21-8 ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) .Justin Smoak hit two three-run h omers against his form er team and the Seattle Mariners used a pair of early eight-run innings to rout the Texas Rangers for the second straight game, winning 21-8 Wednesday night. Smoak had thre e hits to go with his career high for lllils as Seattle reached double digits in back-to-hack games against the AL West leaders. J esus Montero h omered among his three hits and drove in four runs and Kyle Seager had four hits and two RBis. Every Seattle starter had at least one hit in amassing ~0 hits. Dustin Ackley also had a three-run horner in support of former Rangers minor league prospect Blake Reavan (3-4) . Rangers starter Derek Holland (4-4) gave up eight hits, eight rw1s ar1d two walks in 1 2-3 innings. Seattle h ad lost
La Grande Boys Golf Team The La Grande boys golf team won its second consecutive 4A state title May 15. The Tigers shot a team score of312 on Day 2 to win by 13 strokes. The team consists ofMavric Goss, Jake Girard, Daniel Seymour, Joel Wylam and Nathan Ladlendlort_
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five in a row before beating Texas 10-3 Tuesday night. They scored eight runs in the second and third innings en rout to scoring the second-most runs in club history, equaling a 21-9 victory against the Los Angeles Angels on Sept. 30, 2000. Coincidentally, that was the same day the Rang-ers g-ave up the most runs in club history, a 23-2 loss at Oakland. The Mariners started the game with only one player hitting better than .250 in the lineup. No matter, they sent 27 batters to the plate in the second and third innings, scoring 16 runs on 15 hits - tying th eir season high for a game including thre e h ome runs. And they did it without khiro Suzuki, who was held out by manager Eric Wedge to get some rest. Th e 21 runs ar·e the most scored in the majors this year.
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TV LISTINGS COMING FRIDAYS Look for our new and improved TV schedules now in Friday editions begining
10 A The Observer
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Harris named District 7 player of the year Kopitar's OT goal lifts Elgin's Justin Harris was tabbed as the Special District 7 player of the year recently when the postseason awards were announced. Harris is one of just five seniors out of the 31 players to receive honors. Harris was also named a firstteam catcher along with Union/Cove's Brenlon ~1oore, also a senior. Harris had one heck of a senior campaign at the plate, behind the plate and on the mound. For the season he hit .418 with three home runs and 19 RBis in 55 recorded at-bats. On the mound, llarris finished 5-2 for the 11-R Huskies, recording a 1.82 ERA. H e had 82 strikeouts in 50 innings pitche d. Harris ended his high school career with a one-hit, 17 strikeout game in a 5-0 victory against Pine Eagle. · Many other local players were also named to the Special District 7 all-league team. Wallowa/ Imbler's Andrew Fullerton (senior) and Union/ Cove's Kaleb Poor both were named first-team pitchers. Elgin's Kyle Ludwig (senior) made the first team at first base, while Dalton Opie of Union/ Cove and Wes McDaniel of Wallowa/Imbler were honorable mentions. First-team infielders included Union /Cove's TyCoon and Braxten Anderson, Elgin's Blu
Kings to 2-1 victory
Risseeuw and Wallowa/Imbler's Wesley Conrad. Union/ Cove's Brazin Wellington, along with Kody Swift and Casey Robertson of Wallowa/ Imbler were all second-team infield selections. Andrew Naughton of Elgin was an honorable mention. In th e outfield, Chris Ross of Union/Cove and Sheldon Rlair of Elgin recieved first-team honors, while DJ. Lizotte of Elgin and Wallowa/ Imbler's Joe Griffin and Kyle Johnson were named to the second team. Union/ Cove's Marshall Short (senior) earned first-team ELGIN'S JUSTIN HARRIS f1nished designated hitter. strikeouts for the Huskies in 20 12. Casey Furgerson of Elgin was overall and 9-3 in the Special second-team designated hitter, District 7. and Reed Graves of Wallowa/ The league also had 11 playImbler was honorable mention. ers named to all-state teams at Union/ Cove coach Greg the 2A/ lA level. Poor was named the league's Harris (catcher), Fullerton coach of the year after leading (infield) and Kaleb Poor (utilia very young Bobcats squad to a ty) were all first-team all-state share of the league title and a selections. berth in the state playoffs. Coon (infield) and Blair Union/ Cove finishe d 12-10
O bse rve r file pho to
5-2 with a 1.82 ERA and 82
(outfield) made second team all-state. Ludwig (first base), Risseeuw (infield) , Ross (outfield) and Pine Eagle's Colter Marks (outfield) earned third-team honors. Moore (catcher) and Conrad (infield) were honorable mentions.
NEWARK, NJ (AP) - Anze Kopitar scored a spectacular goal on a breakaway with 11:47 left in overtime Wednesday night and the Los Angeles Kings beat the New Jersey Deviis 2-1 in Came 1 of the SLanley Cup Finals. Kopitar faked a backhand shot, put the puck on his forehand and beat a prone Martin Brodeur. Los Angeles has won all nine of its road games in the playoffs, an NHL record. The Kings are now one win shy of tying the NHL record tor postseason road victories. More importantly, they are three wins away from the franchise's first NHL title. They have won 11 consecutive road playoff games dating back to last season. Kopitar saw Justin Williams battling with Devils detenseman Bryce Salvador and forward Dainius Zubrus along the boards. "I wanted to make sure I went to the middle," Kopitar said. "I don't know if he heard me or not, but I yelled for the puck and he chipped it. It was perfect, right on my tape. It happened pretty quick and Twas able to finish it off." As soon as h e rifled the puck into the net, Kopitar raised his hands and banged himself into the boards, facing the crowd off to Brodeur's right. "To put it past a goaltender like Marty is a good feeling," Kopitar said. The veteran goaltender dejectedly skated off to the locker room as the rest of the Kings piled on Kopitar. This the third straight series in which the Devils have lost the first game. "I think it was probably the worst game in the playoffs for us," Devils leading scorer Ilya Kovalchuk, who was limited to one shot. "Maybe we were a little too nervous before the game started, but it's all excuses. We've got to make sure we know what we didn't do right and be a different team next game." Fourtlt-line center Colin Fraser scored in the first period for the Kings, the No. 8 seed in the Western Conference who beat the top three teams to get to th eir first Stanley Cup Finals since 1993. Amon Volchenkov tied it late in tlte second period for New Jersey, the East's sixth seed. Kings goaltender Jonathan Quick finished wir.h 17 saves in what was a relatively easy night. Brodeur had 23 saves as the Devils lost in overtime fOI-just the second time tltis postseason; they have won four times. LA is 3-0 in overtime this spring.
Tampa Bay New York Toronto Boston
American League East Division w L Pet 29 22 .569 29 22 .569 27 23 .540 27 24 529 26 24 520 Central Division L Pet 29 22 569 27 23 .540 23 27 460 21 28 429 18 32 .360 West Division Pet L 31 20 608 26 26 .500 23 30 .434 22 29 431
Chicago C leveland Del ron Kansas C ity Minnesota
T exas Los Angeles Seattle Oakland
2 2%
GB 1%
5% 7 10 %~
5l2 9 9
Wednesday's Games Kansas City 6, Cleve.,nd 3 Chicago White Sox 4, Tampa Bay 3 Minnesota 4, Oakland 0 Toronto 4, Baltimore 1 Boston 6, Delran 4 Seattle 21, Texas 8 N.Y. Yankees 6, L.A. A nge5 5 Thursday's Games Delran at Boston, 4:10p.m. Frida y's Games Minnesota (Pavano 2· 4) at Cleveland (D.Lowe 6-3) , 4:05p.m. N .Y. Yankees (Sabath1a 6· 2) at Detro1t (Crosby 0·0), 4:05 p. m. Bos ton (Buchholz 4·2) at Toronto (H.Aiv arez 3-4), 4 07 p.m. Baltimore (W C hen 4· 1) at Tampa Bay (Pnce 6- 3), 4 10 p.m. Oakland (Colon 4-5) at Kansas City (F.Paulino 2-1) . 5:10p. m. Seattle (F .Hernandez 4· 4) at C hicago White Sox (Peavy 6- 1), 51 0 p.m. T exas (Lewis 4·3) at L.A. Angels (Williams 5·2), 7:05p.m. Saturday's Games Boston at T oronto, 10:07 a.m.
Oakland at Kansas City. 11 : 10 a.m. Baltimore at Tampa Bay, 1:10 p .m. Seattle at C hicago White Sox, 1:10 p.m. Minnesota at C leveland. 4 15 p m N.Y. Yankees at Detroit, 4 :15 p.m. T exas at LA Angels, 7:05p.m. Sunday's Games N .Y. Yankees at Detroit, 10:05 a.m. Boston at T o ronto, 10:07 a.m.
Washington Miami New York Atlanta Philadelphia
H2 3
6 6 10 GB 5% 91-' '2 1 H~
Wednesday's Games Chicago Cubs 8, San Diego 6 Pittsburgh 2, C incinnati 1 Philadelphia 1o. N.Y . Mets 6 Atlanta 10, St. Louis 7 Miami 5, Washington 3 Colorado 13, Houston 5 Ml..,aukee 6, L.A. Dodgers 3 A rizona 4, San Francisco 1 Thursday's Games Houston at Colorado, 5:40p.m. Mi~Na ukee at L.A. Dodgers, 7 :10p.m. Friday's Games Atlanta (Minor 2·4) at Washington (Strasburg 5-1), 4:05p.m. Miami (Buehrle 5-4) at Philadelphia (K.Kendrick 1-4) . 4.05 p .m. St. LOUIS (Wa1nwng ht 4· 5) at N.Y . Mets (J.Santana 2-2), 4:10p.m. C incinnati (Leake 1·5) at Houston (Happ 4-4). 5:05 p.m. Pittsburgh (Correia 1·5) at Mi~Naukee (Wo~ 2·4), 5:10p.m. L A. Dodgers (Capuano 7·1) at Colorado (Outman 0· 1), 5:40 p.m. Arizona (Miley 6· 1) at San Diego (Richard 2-6), 7:05p.m. Chicago Cubs (Maholm 4·3) at San Franc1sco (Bumgarner 5-4), 7: 15 p.m. Saturday' s Games A tlanta at Washmgton, 1:05 p .m. Miami at Philade lphia, 1:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at Colorado, 1: 10 p.m. St. Louis at ~I.Y . Mets, 1:10 p .m. Pittsburgh at Milwaukee, 4:10p.m. Arizona at San Diego, 4:15 p.m. Chicago C ubs at San Francisco, 4: 15 p.m C incinnati at Houston, 4:15p.m. Sund~y·a O~mea
Baltimore at Tamp a Bay, 10:40 a.m. Oakland at Kansas City, 11 :10 am Seattle at Chicago White Sox, 11 :10 a. m. Minnesota at C leveland, 12:05 p.m. Texas at L A Angels, 12:35 p m National League East Division w L P et 29 2 1 .580 29 22 .569 28 23 .5 49 28 24 .538 27 25 .5 19
Central Division w Pet L 28 22 .560 S t. Louis 27 24 529 Pittsburgh 25 25 .500 H ouston 22 28 .440 Milwaukee 440 22 28 Chicago 18 32 .360 West Division w L Pet Los Angeles 32 18 .640 San Francisco 27 24 .529 A rizona 23 28 .45 1 C olorado 20 29 .408 San Diego 17 35 .327
C incinnati
Y2 1%
2 3
A tla nta at Washington, 10:35 a m Miami at Philade lphia, 10:35 a.m. C incinnati at Houston, 11 :05 a.m. Pittsburgh a!Milwaukee, 11:10a.m. L.A. Dodgers at Colorado, 12: 10 p.m. Chicago C ubs at San Francisco, 1:05 p.m. Arizona at San Diego, 3 :35 p.m. St. LOUIS at ~I.Y . Mets, 5:10p.m.
Wednesday's Games Miami 115, Boston 11 1, OT , Miami leads series 2· 0 Toda y's Games San An!on1o at Oklahoma City, 6 p.m. Friday's Games Miami at Boston, 5:30 p.m.
Friday, June 1st 9am to 4pm Prizes • Displays Refreshments La Grande, Oregon • Baker City, Oregon
1505 N Pine, La Grande
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Canyon Notes Katy Nesbitt
'What does this all mean?' ''Neighbors bring food with death and flowers with sickness and little things in between," said Harper Lee at the end of her classic novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird," a book about a small town in rural America. The book is about racial tension, poverty, and childhood rites of passages, but it's also about neighbors. Jem, Scout, and tl1eir summertime playmate, Dill, interact with the neighbors on their street on a daily basis, for good or for ill. I spent the first part of my childhood in a coast range town of :JOO people who lived primarily off the timber industry and the second half in rural, southeastern Oregon in a county dominated by Herefords. Today I could walk through my old Lakeview n eighborhood and rattle of th e names of n eigh bars for blocks in every direction. Four years ago I ran into a classmate at Warner Canyon, the ski hill outside of Lakeview. Several trag·edies had struck people we knew and I said it sure seemed Lake County had an overabundance of sadness. My old friend said it was because we knew everybody that it seemed that way. Six months later I moved to Wallowa County where the whole county feels like a seamless community. T came here because the owner of an inn had died and his family needed a manager to run it. I never met Chuck Fieser, but he was such a force of nature that I quickly felt as if I'd known him for years. Chuck was diagnosed with melanoma and after initial treatment he was still able to run his motel and a fishing train that departed from Minam and dropped off fishers along the Wallowa River during steelhead season, bringing \~sitars from around the country. When he grew sicker, friends helped rent and clean the rooms and greet the guests who were drawn to the loneliness of the canyon. Some returned because Chuck had touched them personally and made them feel at h ome. CHUCK WAS THE PERFECT Wallowa County ambassador greeting its visitors at its far western edge, where two rivers and three canyons meet. It is where elk, deer, bears, cougars, migrating and resident birds, and steelhead, salmon, and trout beckon hunters, fishers and rafters. But it was that personal touch of Chuck's that made the canyon come alive and stirred his friends to help him live his dream. My indirect conn ection to Chuck prompted his friends to take me under their wings, till the garden, bring wood for the fire pit, vegetables from their gardens and company in a lonely place. vVhen T moved to Lostine, it was friends connected to Minam that found me my house. Some days I come home to find cartons of eggs, flowers, and hand-me-downs on my doorstep. Even the dogs have a sense of neighborhood. My n eighbor's bird dog, Max, comes to visit on his own accord and often I have to go roust my chow mix away from his yard. Tuesday my neighbor didn't bring me eggs or flowers, she brought me news of another death in our circle of friends. Mike Erickson died in the middle of the night. Dej a vu all over again. I brewed coffee, and we sat together, dumbfounded . Eventually I got my wits together and went to see Mike's wife, Cindy. People had been in and out of the house since before dawn. There was food on the kitchen table and more would be arriving for an evening barbecue, when another stream of friends and neighbors and family would be arriving. A ribbon from Cindy's birthday bouqu et lay on the counter. Written in black lettering it said, "Happy Birthday. I love you." "What does Lhis all mean?" my neighbor asked over h er cotlee cup. "What is this all about?" It's about food, it's about flowers, and it's about the little things we give each other in between. Reach the author at knesbitt @lagrandeobserver.com.
Don't feed the bears at Wallowa Lake Aggressive older bear that had lost fear of humans put down after getting into garbage KATY NESBITT The Observer It is spring and the bears that den in the Wallowa Mountains are awake and hungry, bul please don't feed the bears, warn biologist~.
Every year both USDA Wildlife Services and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife get numerous calls regarding problem bears. Many of these calls are the from Wallowa Lake community. Fish and Wildlife Biologist Mike llansen said Wallowa Lake is close to winter den sites so residents, business owners and visitors need lo be careful with food and garbage. La~t week, an older bear that
had been ransacking garbage cans and dumpsters ended up in a Fish and Wildlife culvert trap and was eventually killed. Hansen said younger bears are often released into the wild tar from where the problems occurred, but they only get one chance. If they return and cause more problems they arc killed. Last week the agency decided that the problem bear would be destroyed because he was not afraid of humans and was aggressive. The bear had been getting into garbage cans and dumpsters at Vali's Restaurant, Flying Arrow cabins, the Eagle Cap pack station and the Wallowa Lake State Park
for a couple weeks before he crawled into the state's culvert trap. Hansen said this happens every year, mostly in the spring. "The head of Wallowa Lake is bear country so people live in bear country," said Hansen. He said the two species can live peaceably if garbage cans are indoors and Dumpsters are secured. Few of the garbage cans at Wallowa Lake are "bear proof' and acquiring these receptacles that are ditlicult for bears to open can alleviate the problem of marauding bears and su·ewn trash. When bears awake in tl1e spring th ey haven't eaten in several months and are very hungry, said Hansen. They start out by eating grass, which helps get their digestive systems working again. Then they move onto roots and
evenlually insects, squirrels, and scavenging. In the summer apples, plums and berries become their main diet. When garbage or campers' coolers are available they become eary targets. Reing dexterous and opportunistic, bears h elp themselves to what is easiest. They can open doors to homes, camp trailers, cars and even take the lid~ off peanut butter jars. Hansen calls garbage an "attractive nuisance" to bears. If no food is around, they will wander off away from humans. Enterprise District Biologist Vic Coggins said black bears are found all over Wallowa County and den as low as 2,000 feet and as high as 6,500 feet. The agency's website says tl1ere are between 25,000 and 30,000 black bears in the state.
New tipis set up at Joseph interpretive site KATY NESBITT The Observer
"The besl way lo be in a Lipi is to lie down on your back in the middle and look through the top," said tipi artist Kevin Peters. Light penetrates through the otl~white canvas and the magpies and mountains painted on its exterior can be seen even from the inside. "I like magpies, tl1ey flock togctl1cr like tribes," said Peters, "and I like their iridescent tails with all of the colors in it." Painting tipis is one of Peters' many artistic talents. He attended the Institute of North American Arts in Santa Fe, N.M. He paints tipis, hides. does h eadwork, is a photographer and plays the Native American flute. Peters is Nez Perce and h as worked as the curator at tl1e Nez Perce National Historic Park in Spalding, Idah o. He h as immersed himself in his tribe's artistic traditions. lie is also Connie Evans' uncle, who makes tipis with husband Steve and travels the Northwest gi\~ng demonstrations. Memorial Day afternoon, the Evanses and Peters put up two tipis, with some help of onlookers, at the Joseph Imerpretive Exhibit Site of the Nez Perce 11om eland Proj ect. A 20-foot and 16-foot tipi were erected to replace tl1e previous ones that have been there for 1 ~ years. Peters said h e researched traditionall\ez Perce tipis for his artwork. Most were plain, but some had beaded applique . He painted stylized mountains and magpies on the two now on display in J oseph. The Jose ph interpretive site is on donated ground in downtown J oseph and is open from Memorial through October. The Lamb foundation granted tl1e money for the new tipis and a swing set that Rob Lamb said will attract kids. "We'd like to get more families in lo use the tipis and go inlo exhibit," said Lamb. The remainder of the grant mon ey is paying for a rock salmon cooking station at the Tamkaliks powwow grounds in Wallowa. This week, up in Wallowa, the ground was leveled for its construction. The Joseph exhibit sile is a renovated shed, said Lamb, and is
KATY NESB ITT I The Observer
TWO NEW TIPIS ADORN the Nez Perce Homeland Project's Josep h Interpretive Exhibit Site. Steve Evans said he and Connie Gi,~ng lectures at Eastern open during the days for self-guidOregon University, Evans met began making tipis because they ed tours. A.s you enter on the left wanted to have some tl1at were Lamb of Joseph. Lamb and his the tour begins with pre-contact with which they grew like the ones wife, Ary, maintain the J oseph history, then sepia tone photoup; he in Umatilla County and she exhibit. Mike Rosenblum of La graphs. Following around to the right are artifacts including arrow- in Lapwai, Idaho. He said most are Grande also helps with the upkeep commercially made and based on of the center and brings n ewspaheads, information on the Nez other tribes' designs, but he and pers from the Colville, Lapwai and Perce fisheries program, modern, Connie wanted to make authentic Umatilla reservations for visitors to color photos of r\ez Perce and Nez Perce tipis. read. information of where they arc Evans has long been interested "People '~sit the exhibit site all today. The tour wraps up with the in Nez Perce history. His doctoral summer long - more people than Homeland Project and descripdissertation at Wa~hington State you'd realize," said Lamb. tions of future plans, including a University was on tribal history The exhibit was also welllonghousc to join a brand-new and it was later published in book received by the Joseph community. kitchen completed last year at form as "Voice of the Old Wolf: Lamb said they had good commuTamkaliks. nity buy-in when the site was proLucullus Virgil McWhorter and The brightly painted tipis are a the Nez Perce Indians." posed and it is never vandalized. sure draw to bring in visitors to He is now a retired history proLamb said, "Th at is the respect explore on a summer's day or to fessor from Lewis Clark State people are showing tor the Nez study Nez Perce history inside College in Lev.1ston, Idaho. Perce history." exhibit center.
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2 8 The Observer
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Slow Foods after-hours events center on 'exceptional' food offerings KATY NESBITT The Observer An ever increasing national appreciation for locally produced food reminded some Wallowa County foodies that the rural lifestyle of growing and preserving food has become trend setting. Since there are so many likeminded folks raising produce and livestock and others who simply love to cook and e at good fo od, a handful got together and started the Wallowa County Slow Food chapter, now simply dubbed, "Slow Food Wallowas." President Lynne Curry said locals have always raised animals, made ch eese, and canned, but the chapter was started to raise awareness among pe ople who aren't inclined to go to the farmers markets. The popularity of locally grown food has h elped not only increase business at the Joseph farmers market on Saturdays and the Enterprise market on Thursdays, but two n ew marke ts opened Memorial Day weekend in Wallowa and Lostine. This summer, Slow Foods Wallowa is expanding its scope a bit and offering after-hours events for members and nonmembers alike. On Wednesday, May 23, Arrowhead Chocolate in Joseph hosted 14 people for ch ocolate tasting and to try their hands at both h and-dipping and using machinery to make truffles. Curry said the chapter ch ose Arrowhead for its first afterh ours event to gather around a table and celebrate food traditions. "Our after-hours events will h ighlight people bringing exceptional food into our community," said Curry.
Bruce, Wendy and Erica Reininger took turns describing where chocolate is grown and how it's processed. Wendy Reininger said chocolate is an ancient food that predates Aztec and .\1ayan culture. Due to the extensive process of turning a cocoa bean pod into liquid chocolate, she described it as a "very" slow food. Cocoa plants origin ated in Central America, said Bruce Reininger, but are now grown around the globe, within 20 degrees north and south of the equator. Cocoa n eeds sun and tropical humidity to flourish. The plants grow to be 20 to 40 feet tall and need partial shade. When a pod is opened it reveals it~ fruit and seeds. To turn the raw product into chocolate, the seeds are fe rmented and then the cocoa butler is separated tr om the cocoa solids, where the source of future truffles lies. The seeds are dried and fermented like wine, beer, or coffe e, said Bruce Reininger. When th ey are ground, 50 percent turns to liquid. Arrowhead receives the bars they use to create confections in 10 pound slabs of 100 percent chocolate. lt is then mixed in different percentages with cocoa butter, sugar and sometimes milk. To illustrate the differences of ch ocolate, each participant at the chocolate ta~ting wa~ served slivers of 100 percent all the way down to the lowest cocoa com ent, white chocola te. Th e 100 p ercent slivers were a little bitter, but surprisingly delicious despite the lack of cocoa butter and sugar. The 85 percent version was slightly sweetly sweeter, but h ad a strong, chocolate flavor. The 75 percent blend wa'i very smooth
KATY NESBITT I The Observer BRUCE REININGER shows Wa llowa County Slow Food c hapter members how he takes a slab of chocolate a nd gently cuts it into 210 separate truffles Next step, dipping them in melted c hocolate
and the 63 p ercent mix had more sweetness than the previo us offerings. The next blend was milk chocolate with 38 percent cocoa and lastly, white choco-
late , that is m ostly cocoa butter and sugar. Next, ch ocolate from countries around the world like Madagascar, Ecuador, Columbia and Venezuela were sampled.
Bruce Reininger said growing conditions dictate flavor and the plam takes on its character from its environment, especially Lhe soil. The Reiningers then
explained the process of heating, mixing and tempering each of the different percentages to get the right consistency. Lecture and tasting completed, the crew went to the kitchen. A large rectangle of future chocolate truffies was laid out on a table. llruce Reininger took a rolling pin with blades and carefully rolled it across the chocolate lengthwise and widthwise to create 210 separate truft1es. Next, he took a pizza cutter treated with cooking spray and cut deeper through the chocolate to separate the tiny squares. Each person took a turn with a fondue fork dipping the cubes in melted chocolate, a feat much trickier than one would assume. Eric Reininger said when they first made ch ocolates in their home kitch en they made each by hand, but wouldn't be able to keep up with the demand ofLheirJoseph store and website without the aid of a conveyer machin e. The reward for the tour was a truffle or two to taste and a few to take horne. Cmry said the next Slow Food Wallowas event is tonight - a dan ce party and fundraiser at Gypsy Java coffee shop in Enterprise at 7, which follows h er book signing of h er new cookbook, "Pure lleef ' at the Bookloft in Enterprise at 5:30. Future events also include a beer and beef tasting at Mutiny is Brewin g in J oseph and a to ur of Red H orse Coffee Traders in .Joseph complete with a discussion on coffee roasting. For more information or to become a member, email slowfoodwc@gmail.com or visit them on Face book at Wallowa County Slow Food.
Backpacks transport families to birding, fishing worlds Thanks to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service program, local families have another r esource available to help them enjoy
the great outdoors. The La Grande field office rece ived funds through a FWS Connecting People with Nature
grant to purchase "Let's Go Outside" birding and "Let's go Fishing" backp acks, which are currently available for checkout
from La Grande, Wallowa, Enterprise and J oseph public libraries. The goal of the project is to connect families, kids and local communities to nature by pr oviding opportunities to learn about bird watching by utilizing the backpacks to get kids outdoors learning about their environment. The packs are filled with education al items and information to help guide outdoor experiences. Bird-theme backpacks are equipped wilh binoc ulars, a bird book, a j ournal, a magnifYing glass, a container for bug collection, cloud identification information , laminated plant and animal identification cards for local species and cards with suggested activities. The fishing/ aquatic theme backpacks come with a telescoping fishin g pole, tackle box and tackle, pond life book, a j ournal, fish identification cards, aquatic insect/ fly-fishing identification cards and a small dip net. According to Biologist Gretchen Sausen of the
La Grande F\\!S field office, the hope is that the backpacks will offer on going educational programs the flexibility to loan out the backpacks to individual kids to do self-exploration as well a'i to be used in a group outdoor learning experience. 'Why take kids outside?" says Sausen . "The simple answer is that kids are happier, h ealthier, smarter, it's free and it's fun for the entire family to explore in nature." The La Grande FWS field office initiated the bird backpack grant in 2010 and the fishing backpack grant in 2012. Fishing location and other fish educational materials included in the backpacks were provided by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the La Grande field office. Sausen says the La Grande field office plans to use tl1e fishing backpacks for fishing events, Wallowa County Watershed Festival, local public sch ools, classroom field trips, outdoor schools and oth er outc door community and family programs.
The La Grande field office educational programs including tl1e implementation of tl1e "LeL's Go Outside" birding backpacks and "Let's Go Fishing" backpacks are supported by several partners including ODFW, U.S. Forest Service; Wallowa Resources, local sch ools and public libraries in La Grande, Wallowa, Enterprise and J oseph, Wall owa Lake State l'ark, Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program and FWS. More of tl1e backpacks will be available for the public as additional funds become available. For more information and to ch eck a backpack out, contact the public libraries mention ed above. for people interested in providing funds to purchase addition al backpacks or who wish to ch eck out backpacks fo r an outdoor educational event, contacL Sausen at 541-962-8584 and/ or see http:/ / www.fws.gov/ letsgooutside/ for more details on the FVVS Let's Go Outside Program.
THE "LET'S GO OUTSIDE " birding a nd fi sh ing bac kpacks s upplied to local libraries by the U S Fish and Wil dlife La Grande field office in clude a variety of tools a nd educationa l information to encourage fa milies to s pend time learnin g outdoors .
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Look for more PUZZLES, DEAR ABBY and NEWSOFTHEWeird!
Starting June 4th.
••••••••• •••••••• The Family of Duane Hulse would like to thank everyone for their contributions, cards, flowers, and care during our time of sorrow.
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The Observer 3 8
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Rude fiancee raises red flag
Sudoku Puzzle
Ask if Meredith treats you so poorly on pur- suggestions. (Counseling can help if the My son has been dating "Meredith" for pose and, if so, why. Ask what you can do to issues relate to your basic personality.) The quite some time. They live together at colimprove things. But we urge you to do it rest is going where the women are. Do without condemning Meredith, lege and plan to marry next year. some volunteer work. Travel. Join a choir, which would force your son to I don't know how to handle community theater, church group, political this girl. She never says thank defend her. The point is to make organization, whatever interesLs you. It will you when you give her a gift, him think about what his future give women a chance to get to know you even in person, or when we cook Mailbox with her will be like. If nothing without the pressure of a relationship - and dinner for her. And when the K""'M '""u"' changes. please find something to vice versa. And keep in mind that becomNarq 'S cgar resL of us gel up Lo clear the appreciate about this girl even if it ing a stepfather can be rewarding as well as kills you. The alternative is to risk alienattable, she just sits there. It's awkward tor challenging. Please don't dismiss it so me to ask her to help. ing your son. quickly. She apparently was brought up without DEAR ANNIE: manners. I have discussed this with my son, DEAR ANNIE: I am 45 years old, have never been marwho doesn'L seem lo care, but it irks me lo "Hands Tied in Michigan" said her husried and do not have kids. I am a straight no end. Worse, my son always seems to be band works out of state and sometimes taking care of her. He rubs her back, clears man looking for a long-term relationship, doesn't call when he's back from dinner her plate and brings her drinks and snacks. but have had no luck finding the right lady. with the guys. I have tried several dating websites, to no She never responds in kind. I say the wife needs to develop her own This is going to create a lot of tension at avail. I keep meeting divorced women with interests and friends and find ways to keep issues and baggage far beyond what I can future family get-togethers, and I want to busy while he is away so she is not so handle. My longest relationship lasted nine demanding. It is excessive to expect a say sometl1ing before they marry. Do 1just tell her my feelings directly and let th e months and ended abruptly. phone call each night. She sounds insecure I have no problem dating divorcees with and immature. After working all day and chips fall? -NEW JERSEY kids, but they don 't seem to want a man in having dinner with co-workers, he may be D EAR N EW J ERSEY: my situation. And I'm having trouble meet- finished talking for the day. Couples who Please don't. It's possible that Meredith ing women who have never been married have independent interests add more to is horrifically shy and cannot bring herself and don't have children. What can I do? their relationship. to respond in a normal way. That would - SINGLE Too LoNG - AN INDEPENDENT WIFE DEAR SINGLE: require that you patiently teach her. llut if that's not the case, you have a rude, There arc drawbacks to being 45 with Annie's Mailbox is written by Kathy .,.,l itchell and i'vfarcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email indulged girl who isn't going to change no baggage. People wonder what's wrong your questions to anniesmailbox@comcast.net, or write to: unless your son insists on it. And he has no with you. Gather your closest friends and Annie's Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, in ten Lion of doing so. relatives and ask for an honesL critique of Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. Talk to your son as neutrally as possible. your date-ability. Be willing to work on their COPYRIGHT 2012 CREATORS. COM DEAR ANNIE:
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
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lgrand<? 05-H b 04
Page 1
4 B The Observer
Three Wallowa seniors receive Amos Marsh Jr. Memorial Scholarship Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center has awarded three Wallowa High School seniors with the Amos Marsh Jr. .Ylemorial Scholarship. RebekahJamerson and Derek Shike were the main recipients of the award, and Katelynn Bums was granted an honorary award. The scholarship was open to graduating seniors in the Wallowa and required students to demonstrate their scholarship, community service, and personal experiences with cuirural diversity. The Amos Marsh Jr. Memorial Scholarship is funded by LaDon Marsh, A1nos Marsh Jr.'s nephew and a descendent of Maxville's logging community. "As someone who is very in Lerested in sociology, diversity, and race relations," said LaDon Marsh, "I believe these t}1)es of projects truly help shape the core being of any individual.'' Jamerson, awarded a $750 scholarship, will be attending Clackamas Community College to study marketing and advertising. She was Wallowa's senior class vice president, the
Subm itted photo
DEREK SHIKE, REBEKAH JAMERSON AND KATE LYNN BURNS were the 2012 winnners of the Maxville Amos Marsh Jr Memorial Scholarship awarded by the Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center. member of the National Honor Society, Rotary Interact and the Cougar Club. Last summer .Jamerson volun leered at th e Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center and lead tours at the Maxville Summer Gathering. Derek Shike, awarded a $300 scholarship, plans to attend Yavapai College in Prescott, Ariz. to study marketing and business. He h<15 been involved with Future Business Leaders of America, the :\ational H onor Society, FFA and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Shike played football, basketball, and baseball at Wallowa. Katelynn Burns, awarded a $.30 honorarv g-rant. will he
attending Oregon State Lniversity, where she intends to study biochemistry and biophysics for pre-med. Burns is a reporter for her FFA chapter and the treasurer/ secretary for Wallowa's Kational Honor Society, and
she worked with the Mid-Valley Theater Company. The award recipients applied for tl1e sch olarship with personal essays that explored cultural diversity and heritage in their community. Th e .Ylaxville Heritage Interpretive Center hopes that these studen ts continue to develop their thoughts on cultural diversity and how it affects their lives and rommnnitirs.
Thursday, May 31, 201 2
Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center selects two summer interns from Whitman College Maxville H eritage Anderson is currently Interpre tive Center welstudying with the comes two new summ er "Wh itman in Wallowa.s" interns, Madelyn Peterson summer program, an in tensive month-long enviand Erik Anderson. ronmen tal stu dies proBoth interns are students in the gram stu dying communityEnvironmental Studies ba.~ed conservation, field science, and environmenprogram at Whitm an College in Walla Walla. tal writing. Whitman In~ worked in The cen ter's interns will help to expand the cenpartnership with various Wallowa County organizater's summer hours and tions over the years, and its support o utreach in the commun ity. students often come to Madelyn Peterson Erik Anderson learn about land and The center's museum ies program where she spent a resource use in the region. and gift shop will be open outweek in Wallowa Coun ty meetPeterson is the curr en t sumside of regular hours and weling with local ranch ers, Forest comes drop ins. Call ahead for mer intern. She is a senior enviService employees and commuronmental studies and p olitics an ap pointment at 541-886-3670 nity leaders. combined m ajor from Palmer, or stop by 211 E. Second St. in Peterson will be working with Wallowa, Thursd ays throu gh Alaska. She grew u p fis hing for the center until mid-Ju ly. salmon, harvestin g huckle berMondays. Anderson will be the cen ter's ries and currants, hiking, skiing, Don't forget to mark your second summer in tern. He is an and backpacking in th e Alaskan calendars for the An n ual environmental h umanities backcoun try. Maxville Gathering on Aug. 18 major from Buckley, Wash ., In the fall of 2010 she travin Maxville, 15 miles n orth of where he grew up hiking logeled with \Vhitman College's Wallowa. "Sem ester in the West," an inter- ging roads at the foothills of For more information visit www.maxvillehe ri tage.org·. disciplin ary environmental stud- Mount Rainier.
Heritage Center drive bolsters Wallowa Food Bank The Maxville Heritage Interpre tive Center reported that six boxes of food were donated to th e Wallowa Foo d Bank through this spring's fo od drive. The food drive was organized
by the MaA'Ville H eritage Interpre tive Cen ter and ran from mid-April un til Moth er's Day. The Blonde Strawberry, Food City, Oddball Jun ction, th e Interpretive Cen ter, Community
Bank and the U.S. Postal Service all participated in this year's food drive. This is the first year the center coordinated a food drive an d hopes th at a sprin g food drive will become an annual event. LINE AD DEADLINES: Monday - Noon Friday Tuesday - Noon Monday Wednesday - Noon Tuesday Thursday - Noon Wednesday Friday - Noon Thursday
Northeast Ore
Phone 541-963-3161 On-Line go to www.lagrandeobserver.com Email Classifieds@lagrandeobserver. com Fax 541-963-3674
DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date
Published by The La Grande Observer and The Baker City Herald 1 05-Announcements
1 05-Announcements
145-Yard, Garage Sales- 145-Yard, Garage Sales- 210-Help Wanted-Baker 220-Help Wanted-Union Union Co. Union Co. Co. Co.
LAMINATION UP t o 17 1/2 inches wide any length $1 00 per foot
TROPHY FISHING on t he YARD SALE & Fundraiser for the Cletic Society of Kenai River Peninsula in FARM / YARD SALE . Sat YARD SALE . Sat June 2 Eastern Oregon Alaska . June-Sept ember. June 2nd, 8-2 . Sta in less 7am -Noon. 1212 A spen ' KIL TED' YARD SALE vvvvw.Kenai RiverCharSte el Ba r tee B1n w / Dr1ve. TV, entert amment t e rs .co m Call Saturday from 8am to 4pm speed rail, camping, glass center, coff ee table, and (The Observer IS not (541)761 -1933 o r em ail June 9t h, 2012 disp lay ca se. b ig scree n more . taytorthorp@gmail .com 405 F A ve nue (corner of F responsible for f laws in TV, clothes, housewares, 1 05-Announcements material or machine error) & Sunset La Grande. ORl some antiques, law n fur- YARD SALE. Sat on ly . Bam -4pm. 1504 V AveAll yard sale items sold and niture. Ford p/u boxtrailer, nu e. Ant 1qu e dress e r. do nat ions ra ised, w 1llgot THE DO YOU know kid s ages cheap - 73-78 L. Box for gun ca binent, household OBSERVER help f und : 7- 10 who are Ho rse Chevy p/u. 13' Alum inum items. The La Grande Celtic Festi Crazy?? Th en the Horse 1406 Fifth •541-963-3161 b oat w/ e lect ric trollin g val and H1ghtand Games. Cra zy Camp at Clover motor, 5th w hee l t railer, ourgracegospel.com August 25 & 26. 2012 at hitches, automotive. Lots YARD SALE. Sat o nly. Haven is for th em ! Come .. .t rust w hat he did, Ba m -4pm. 1504 V Avethe Union County Fairjo in u s July 9- 13, fro m mo re great st uff pnced to not w hat you are domg. nu e . A nt 1qu e dresser, grounds La Grande, Orese ll . 5 m iles N . W allow 9:00-1 00 for a fu n-filled gun cabinent, household gon . week o f lea rnin g ab out Lake Hwy. Market Lan e items. horses t hroug h g room Exit. 1st House. The Celt1 c Society of Eastern ing, leading, ri ding, and Oregon GARAGE SALE . Fri & Sat . 160-Lost & Found activiti es 1n art, music, PO Box 3236. La Grande. 8 -4 . 106 01 Wes t 4 t h scie11ce, wnt1ng, geograOregon eocelts@ya hoo.com SUMMER PIANO Gene rat o 1·. a1 1· co m p , p hy and hi sto ry $200 . (541 )975-3952 Free "Found" Ads LESSONS x-mas stu ff, tent, 0 matat Call Ru th 1 \Nvvvv.eoc elt s .co m As a public se rvice, The Joyful Sounds Studio t ress set, hu tch, china , 54 1-663-1528 t o reg1ster. Observer will publish at no Call now for Summer linens. & much morel charge a three tine ad for 11 0-Self-Help Group Spec1a ll 541 -91 0-3992 f 1ve co nsecut iv e day s, Classifieds get results. www.joyfulsounds88.com Meetings GUY YARD S ale. Sat. June 2, 8-2 . 1101 4th St. Tools, pet s* and items found . TH E OBSERVER AL-ANON-HELP FOR fa miw all tent, black pow der nlies & fnends of alcohol 100 - Announcements 600 - Farmers Market 54 1-963-3 161 fte, kn ives, hot tub, ma ny "* Excluding pet organizations I CS . 56 8- 4 856 or quality 1tems. 105 - Announcements 605 - Market Basket 562-5772 610 - Boarding/Training 110 - Self Help Groups LOST FEMALE Bo rd e r HUGE ESTATE SALE 620- Farm Equipment Supplies 120- Comm unity Calend ar Collie, blac k & w hite w / Alcoholics Anonymous Sat 9am. Blue Mountain NE Oregon 24 Hour Hotblack spot in t he middle 130 - Auction Sales 630- Feeds H u m an e A ssoc iat io n/L a of he r h ea d . Near La line Gra nde A nimal She lter. 140 - Yard, Garage Sales, Ba ker Co 640 - Horse, Stock Trailers Gra nde In n, on 5/15 . 1-866-285-0617. 3212 Hwy 30 . 78 years of 650 - Horses, Mules, Tack 143 - Wallowa Co $2 00 rew ard , no q uesgrea t treasures, collecta145 - Union Co 660 - Livestock NARCOTICS ti ons as ked . bl es, hou seho ld it em s , 54 1-504- 288 1 or ANONYMOUS 150 - Bazaars, Fundraisers 670 - Poultry craft, sew1ng items, lots 541 -604-4860 . HELP LINE-1-800-766-3724 of n ew 1te m s. 160 - Lost & Found 675 - Rabbits, Small Animals M eetings: Cash-chec k- credit card s 170 - Love Lines 680 - Irrigation 8:00PM: Sunday, M onda y, acc epted. All proceeds t o MISSING TENT at M organ 180 - Personals 690 - Pasture Tuesday, Wednesday, 5 .2 8. Smal l Lake go help t he anima ls. Thursd ay, Fnday blue/green/yellow at 2nd ta ble camp af t er la nd Noon : Thursday HUG E YARD SALE! Sat , 200 - Employment 700 - Rentals 6:00PM: Monday,Tuesday, br 1dge . N o q ue st ions Ju ne 2 nd , 7a m-2p rn . as ked 54 1-786-0326. W ednesday, Thursday 210 -Help Wanted, Baker Co 701 -Wanted to Rent 10304 West 4th St reet , (Women's) Island City 220 - Union Co 705 - Roommate Wanted PL EASE CHECK the A nimal 7:00PM: Saturday 230 - Out of Area 710 - Rooms for Rent Sh elt er w ebs ite if you MULTI-FAMILY YARD 720 - Apartment Rentals 280 - Situations Wanted have a lost or found pet . Rear Basement Entrance Sale Fri & Sat . 8am- 7. www.bmhumane.o rg at 1501 0 Ave . 730 - Furnished Apartments 10605 F1ft h Cou rt, Island C1ty Too many ite ms t o 740 - Duplex Rentals 300 - Financial/Service 180-Personals list I
One of the nicest things about want ads is their low cost. Another is the quick results. Try a classified ad today! Call our classified ad departm e nt today to pl ace your ad.
310 - Mortgages, Contracts, Loans 320 - Business Investments 330- Business Opportunities 340 Adult Care Baker Co 345 - Union Co 350 - Day Care Baker Co 355 - Union Co 360 - Schools & Instruction 380 - Service Directory
400 - General Merchandise 405 - Antiques 410 - Arts a Crafts 41 5 - Building Materials 420 - Christmas Trees 425 - Computers/ Electronics 430 - For Sale or Trade 435 - Fuel Supplies 440 - Household Items 445 - Lawns & Gardens 450 - Misce llaneous 460 - Musical Column 465 - Sporting Good s 470 - Tools 475 - Waned to Buy 480 - FREE Items
500 - Pets Et Supplies 505 - Free to a Good Home 510 - Lost & Found 520 - Pet Groom ing 525 - Pet Boarding/Training 530 - Pet Schools, Instruction 550 - Pets, General
750 - Houses for Rent 760 - Commercial Rentals 770 - Vacation Rentals 780 - Storage Units 790 - Property Management 795 - Mobile Home Spaces
800 - Real Estate 801 - Wanted to Buy 810 - Condos, Townhouses, Baker Co 815- Union Co 820 - Houses for Sale, Baker Co 825 - Union Co 840 - Mobile Homes, Baker Co 845 - Union Co 850 - Lots a Property, Baker Co 855 - Union Co 860 - Ranches, Farms 870 - Investment Property 880 -Commercial Property
900 - Transportation 902 - Aviation 910 - ATVs, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles 915- Boats a Motors 920 - Campers 925 - Motor Homes 930 - Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels 940 - Utility Trailers 950 - Heavy Equipment 960 - Auto Parts 970 - Autos for Sale 990 - Four-Wheel Drive
120 - Community QUALITY GARAGE Sale: Calendar 425 E. Dewey Ln. Un1on . Sat. 8-2. Ra in or Shine . Fu r n iture, gu ns /am mo, D 1s n ey, book s , Pa rk e r bo w / arr ows , hu nt mg , unique home decor, an d hous e ho ld, w 1lto1l cake YOU TOO ca n use this atp ans , dvd s, so met hi ng te ntion gette r. Ask how f or everyone! y ou can get yo ur ad t o stand out l1ke t his I Sat. Ju ne 2nd . 8 :00am 145-Yard, Garage Sales10102 S McA list er. 2 pc . Union Co. couch se t, ot r f urn, baby & t od dler clothes, hou seCHAP T ER DK P.E.O .. hold m isc. fresh donuts & plant/ya rd/bake sale, 308 coffee. L Av e , Sat 6/2 9 am Pm ceeds f und local st u- SOROPTIMIST LA Grande dent scholarships. A nnual Yard Sale - Saturday, June 2, 2012 - 7: 00 DELTA EPSILON ya rd sale. t o 12.00 - 10304 Sout h D J une 2 nd 8a m- 2p m at A venu e, Islan d City , A ll Banner Bank parking lot. Ite m s Be st Offer-Yo u Something f or everyone! Pn ce . ENJOY THE drive to Sum- SUNDAY ONLY Ju ne 3 , merv ille, 68093 Pumpkin Sam-Noon. 1503 N. W ilRidge. Fri & Sat, 8-noon . low St . P urses , shoes, Lots of stuff, looking for a kitchen items boat motor new home ! and much, m uch more ! YARD SALE. Sat & Sun , 7-5. 61539 M elody Rd, t o e nd of road ! Sad dles , packs, fi shing anc hor & ba ll , msul ing pum ps & diabetiC suppli es, catheEven if you think they t ers, handicapped sup pl ies. p iano . an tiq ues , do, you'll have to keep lots of new born-2x clothreminding them about ing, m uch, m uch more !
PLEASE NOTE!! CHECK YOUR AD ON THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLICATION We make ev ery effort to avoid er rors . Howev er m istakes do slip through . We ask therefore that you check your ads the first day of p ubl icat i on and call us immediately if you find an error. The Observer WILL BE RESPONSIBLE for only one incorrect i ns ert i on and will cheerfully adjust your correction as soon as possible .
PEOPLE READ TH E CLAS SIFIED You've just proved it to yourself I Rem embe r us when you need effi cient, eco no mi cal advertising .
POWDER BASIN Watershed Council 1s seek1ng a M o n1to r111g Coord inator. M on ito r ing Coord inat or (MC) w ill f ac il itate ou r W ater Qua lity Monitoring Pr o gram and co nduct fiel d surveys . T he progra m's primary goal is t o develop a long-t erm volunt eer moni t or in g pro gram that provides objective, cred ible data to decision makers in t he Powder Basin and p romotes stakeholde r engagement in m on itori ng waters hed co nd itions . The monito ring p lan incl udes b as1c wate r quality monitoring (cont inuous temperature, d iss olved oxy g en , p H, co nd uct iv it y , t urb idity , and flow ). photo monitorin g, an d p lant he al t h monitoring . Field surveys support t he development of stra teg ic resto rat io n p lans f o r a rea wate rsheds. Interested parties co ntact O re go n Emp loy m en t Dept . Baker C 1ty , OR 54 1-523 -633 1 f or complete job desc ri ption and information. Appl icat ions close 5 p.m. Friday, Ju ne 01 , 201 2.
CUSTOMER SERVICE Representative The Ba ker Ci ty Herald is seek1ng a f ull-t 1me customer service representat ive to w ork Monday t h roug h Fr 1da y 111 ou1 customer service center. This pos ition is responsible f or daily circulat io n pro cess in g, includin g distr ibu t io n info rm at ion fo r came r s and b und le haulers ; subscriber starts. stops and paymen t s ; report ge n e ra t ion and data base management and circ ulatio n acco unt ing functions. Qu ali fi catio n s . H ig h Scho o l Di p loma or eq uiva len t , wi t h rele vant circu lat ion or custo m er serv ice exp eri ence. Attent ion t o deta il, exp e r ie nce w ith co mput er reco rd keeping and fa m iliart iy w ith bookkeeping pract ices a mu st , as w elt as good public conta ct skills and abil ity to work as part of a te am . Pre- e mp loyment dru g screening required . Ap p lica t ions may be picked up at the Ba ke r City Herald office, 1915 First Str eet . Please send resume to: cgibson@lagrandeobserver.co m. The Baker C1ty Herald is an equal opportunity employer. Eager buyers read t he Classified ads every day . If yo u hav e som et hing f or sa le, reach the m fa st and mexpensively .
IT IS UN LAWFUL (Subsection 3, ORS 659.040) for an emp loyer ldomes t 1c he lp ex ce p te d) or e mployment agency to pri nt or ci rcu late or cau se to be pr inted or ci rcu lated any statement. advert isement or publication, or to use any fo rm of app lication fo r employment or to make any inquiry in connection w ith prospect ive employment w hic h express es d irect ly or indir ect ly any li m itat i on , specif1cat1o n or discl imination as to race, religion, color, sex, age or national or1 g 1n o r any inte nt to make any such lim itat ion, specificat io n or disc riminati o n, un less based upon a bona f ide oc cupational qualif ication. NOTICE TO PROS PECTIVE EMP LOYEES W HO RESPON D TO BLIND BOX AD S PLEASE be su re w hen you address you r resumes t ha t t he addr ess is co mplete w ith all inf ormation required , such as t he BLIND BOX NUMBER. This 1s the only w ay we have of makmg su 1·e you r resume gets to the proper place. Observer Classified Staff DRIVERS: REDDAWAY is currently seeking app licants for a Loca l Ci ty Driver pos it ion at our Pasco/La Grande T erminat. M ust have a valid Class A lice nse w ith hazmat and doubles endorsements and a good driving record . M ust have a rn111. of 1 yr . exp. See job description and app ly online at w ww.yrcw .com under Reddaw ay Careers.
Reddawav is an equal opp ortumtv emplover.
FULL TIME CNA's f or evening & noc shifts at Post Acut e Rehab. Apply at 91 Anes La ne. La Grande 01 ca ll Rob at 541 -963-8678. EEO/AAP
LQQK THE OBSERVER New spape r D e live ry rout es, both carr ier and moto r, w il l be adv e rt ised i n t h e Bus iness O ppo rt un i ty s ec t io n . Pleas e see class1f1cat ion #33 0 f or any ava il able routes at t his t ime
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lgrand<? 0 5-H b 04
Page 2
Thursday, May 31, 2012
5 B The Observer
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Northeast Ore
Phone 541-963-3161 On-Line go to www.lagrandeobserver.com Email Classifieds@lagrandeobserver. com '--~......_ Fax 541-963-3674
DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date
Published by The La Grande Observer and The Baker City Herald 220-Help Wanted-Union Co.
380-Service Directory
OUR COMPANY is seeking an A ccount Executive to help l oca l busines s es grow . We need an ind ividu al wh o has g r ea t COmmuniCatiOil skills, reli- 330-Bus. Opportunities able, o rganiz ed, and is a team p layer. J ob duties INDEPENDENT 1nclude sell1n g client adCONTRACTED verti sement , maintaining c l1ent re lationship s, and NEWSPAPER CARRIERS WANTED creat 1ng market1ng packDeliver The Obserer t o ages . For more informahomes in Wa llowa tion and t o apply f o r thi s County, M on. Wed . & Fri. pos1t1on co nta ct the O reAPPROXIMATE PROFIT gon Employment Depart$50 A DAY m e nt J ob l1s ti ng ID . Conta ct The Observer 874510. 541 -963-3161 . PART-TIME CLEANERS for Sum m e r, m u st pass background check, apply on l111 e at · chJanitorlal. co m . O r leave msg 541 -963-92 10 .
ADVERTISE VACATION 2 YOUTH Ge nes is Co m SPECIA LS to 3 million Papo u nd Bows , bot h cif ic Nort hwesterners I 30 equ ipped w/ wh isker b isdaily newspapers, s 1x cu it, quiver & pi n s 1ghts. One needs to be re sta t es . 25-word classified $525 f or a 3-day ad. Call strung. $250.00 f or both. (9 1 6) 288-6019 o r v is it 562- 1 188 Ca l l wwvv. pn na .co m/advertis9 a m - 1 230a m or ing_pnd c .cfm for the Pa5 30pm-8pm . cif ic N ort hw est Da ily MANTIS DELUXE T 1ll e r. Connection . (PNDC) NE W I FastSta rt engine . Ships FREE. ATTENTION DIABETICS w 1th Med 1care . Ge t a O ne-Year-Money-Back Guarant ee when yo u buy FREE t alking meter an d diab etic testing supplies DIRECT. Ca ll fo r the DVD at NO COST, p lus FREE and F REE Good So i l home delivery I Best of al, book l 877 -357- 5 647 (PNDCJ th1 s meter el1m 1na t es pa i nf ul fi ng er p r ic k in g ! C a ll 8 8 8 -739-71 99. MEN'S SIZE 13D, as new . (PNDC) To ny Lama , reta ll boots. $85 00 T ony La m a Buckaroo Boots , $75 .00. DO YOU NEED Lucc heese Brown ShoulAffo rdable Denture Service? der T a n Boots, $ 1 05 Double H Military Gra de Troy Stewa rt, LD Packe1s, $70. S1ze 7 3/8 N IB , Res ist -A ll , 4x BLUE MOUNTAIN DENTURE CENTER Geor ge St ra it Tan Hat . $80 .541-786-1657. 2194 Court St. Baker City, O r 97814 (541) 519-4696 or NIGHTCRAWLERS, $1.50 (54 1)523 -4752 a dozen. 541-963-2572 .
VISTA SPECIALTY Care is seek1ng full/part-t1me Certified Nursing Assistants for all sh1fts. Competitive wage s, come app ly at 10 3 Adam s Ave. Fo r m ore information ca ll Directo r of Nurs in g at EVER CONSIDER a Re(54 1)963-4184 345-Adult Care-Union v erse M ortgage? At least Co. 62 years old? Stay in your VISTA SPECIALTV care is ho m e & in c rease cash seeking a part-t ime dieWALTER ELDERLY CARE f low I Safe & Effective I taly cook. Required food has on e priva t e ro om Call Now f o r yo u r FR EE handlers card, facility w ill available l OW, for f emale . DVD I Ca ll Now he l p you obtain Must N ice , friend ly, homelike 888-785-5938. (PNDC) have a positive attitude atmospher e, w ith quality an d be w ill 1ng to wo r k ca re. 541 -963-7998. EXTREME VALUE Advel-w it h the geriatric popu lat is ing I 30 Daily newspation . To apply ca ll Du sty 355-Day Care-Union Co. pers $525/25-w ord classi541-963-4 184 . fi ed, 3-days. Reach 3 m illion Pacific NorthwesternVISTA SPECIALTV Care is GRANDMA WOULD like seeking a pa rH 1me Cert ito t ake ca r e o f t wo ers. For more inform ation ca ll (9 1 6) 288-6019 or c hildren. family neighfi ed M e dicat 1o n As s is emai l: tant. Competitive wages, borhood, m y h o use , yo ur nann ycam okay. e li zabet h@ c n pa.com f or co m e apply at 103 Ad th e Pac i f ic N o rth west Lots of activ ities ! A nyam s Ave. For more lllfortime I La Grande, Re f Daily Connection. (PNDC) matio n ca ll D ir ecto r of erences . 541-786-8960 Nursing (54 1) 963-4184. GET FREE OF CR ED IT CAR D DEBT N OW I Cu t VISTA SPECIALTV Care is 360- Schools & paym e nts by up to half . seeking a full-t im e Reg isInstruction Stop c reditors fro m ca lltered Nurse f or pos1t io n i n g. 866 -775-962 1 . a s Res id ent Ca r e M an AIRLINES ARE H I R II'-J G (PNDC) ager. Competitive wages, hands on Av iaf or Tra1 n f lexib le hours, come jo m tion Maintenance Career. MOW JOES Ga r den & team Vista . Apply at 103 FAA approved p rog r am . other t illing, f 1el d m ow Adams Ave. For more inFman c1al a 1d 1f qual1f1ed ing, graveVdirt spreading, formation call D1rector of ousing ava il ab le Ca ll H shrub digo ut and m ore, Nur s 1ng at Aviation Inst itute of MainJoe Sandoz, 54 1-963-7595 (541 )963-4184. tenance . 1-877-804-5293 . (PNDC ) SOCIAL SECURITY D IS230-Help Wanted-Out of AB ILITY BENE FITS. W IN Area ATTEND COLLEGE ON o r Pay N oth i ng l Start LIN E from Home. *MediYour Appl1 cat1on In Under CPA OFFICE ha s op ening ca l, *Business, *Criminal 60 Seconds . Call Today l for a full t ime accounting Ju sti ce , * Hospitali ty . Job Disability Group, Contact & aud it in g ass istan t . p lacement assista n ce . Inc . L1 cen sed A tto rn eys M ust be ava ilab le to Computer availabl e Fi& B BB A cc redi t ed Call trave l out of t own ove rnancia l A id if q ual if i ed 888-782-4075. !PNDCl ni g ht , o ff and on beSCHEV ce rt ifi e d . Ca l l tween t he m o nths of 866-688-7078 www .CenMay and Decemb er. SalturaOnli ne.co m ary based on expe ri ence . Excelle nt benef its. Re levant educat1o n and p r1or 380-Service Directory work experien ce helpful but not required . Send re- A CLASSIFIED a d is an s u me t o Ost er ProfesEASY WAY TO REA CH Siona l Group, CPA s, 101 ove r 3 m illi on Pacifi c N E 1st Ave , John Day, Northwesterners. O R 97845 $525/25-word clas s ified These little ads rea lly w ork! ad in 30 da ily n ewspa- Jo in t he thousan ds of o th er Classif ied advert is ing is a pers f or 3-days Call the peop le in thi s area w ho are Pa c ifi c No rt hwe st D aily regular users o f t he class ibette r way t o te ll m o re Connect ion (9 1 6) p eop le about t h e servi ce 288-60 19 o r email e liza- fied. See how simple and efyou h ave t o o f f er. A s k beth@cnpa .com for more f ect ive th ey can be. We ' re about o u r low rat e s toope n f ro m 7 30 a .m . to 5 info (PNDC) p.m. for your convenience. d ay
'~ ~
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( ~ )
Whirlpool® and KitchenAid®
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A M ERCANTILE COMPANY "Full Service" Dry Cleaner For your convenience
109 Elm St., La Grande
( ~ ) Embroidery by...
Ertensive Junior &ShoeDepartments
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Homes - PoleBuilcings- Remodels- Barns De<:ks - Fencing- Siding - ~ndows - Garages
541-BID-4489 or 541-582-5005 Licensed · Bonded - Insured CCB#183563
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MAl DTO ORDER Licensed & Insured Commercial & Residential
Call Angie @ 963-MAID
AKC YELLOW Lab Pupp1es ROOM FOR Rent for Summer, in 2 bdr m ap t . Prif or sale. 54 1-5 34-2444 or 54 1-263- 1426. va t e ba t h, partia lly fu rn is hed , a ll uti li tes pa id . $375/mo Ava il able June-August. 541-910-3018 . YOU TOO ca n use th is attentio n gette r. Ask how you ca n get your ad to st and out like t hiSI
ROOM FOR r e nt , $320 Util ities in cluded, partially fu r n 1s he d , p lu s c ab le . 541-962-7708 .
541-963-4134 ext. 101
620-Farm Equipment & Supplies
ALFALFA SEED, cor n seed , $99 .00/bag, ma ny g rasses W arn1ng se ed s u p p li es sho r t every whe r e . Ray Oderm ott : 800-910-4 101 ' 208-465-5280
FIREWOOD $185 & $200 i n t h e r o un ds; $210 & HORSE AND feeder hay in CIMMARON MANOR $225 split, seasoned, desma ll bales , und e r s hed . Kingsview Apts . li v e r ed 1n the va l ley $100- $ 120 /ton. T ested. (541 )786-0407 Wi ll load Ca l l 2 bd, 1 ba . Call Cent ury 21, Eag le Ca p Real ty . or 541 - 663 -014 1 541-963-1210 SEASONED FIREWOOD , 54 1-910-0341 de livered $ 1 50 a co r d CLOSE TO EOU , 2 bd rm , 54 1-786-211 2. 3rd f loo r. most utilit ies paid , coin-op laund ry, no 440-Household Items smokin g . no pets, $4 50/month . $4 0 0 dep LARGE UPRIGHT Freezer. 541-910-3696 . in great shape, $400 Epiphone Electric Guitar $ 150. Have a special skill? Let New England .223 Rifle . peop le k now in the Ser$200. Call 54 1-786-2510 702-Wanted To Rent- v ice Di rectory 450-Miscellaneous Union Co. AVAILABLE AT THE OBSERVE R NEWSPAPER BUNDLES (Burning or packing) $1.00 each NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS (Art p rojects & mo rel $2 .00& up Super for young arti st s I Stop in today ! 1406 Fifth Street 541-963-3161 465-Sporting Goods VERSA CLIMBER, at hlet ic e qui p . i n great s hape $75.00 541-962.7828. 475-Wanted To Buy ANTLERS , b uying brown , w hi te, chalk. Honest fa 1r p r ic e s . Ca l l 541-786-4982 .
COWGIRL IN sea r c h of r e ntal w ith ro o m f o r ho rses & mule, private b ut commutab le to L a G r ande ai rpo rt . Ca l l 509-847-4 193. Leave message, w ill return call 71 0-Rooms for Rent NOTICE A ll real estate advertiSed he re-1n 1s subject to t he Fe de ral Fa ir Housin g Act , wh ich makes it illegal t o advertise any pref erence, limita t ions or d iscr im ina tion based on race, co lo r, r eli g io n, s ex , handicap , fam ilia I statu s or na tiona I o r1 g 1n, o r i n t enti o n t o m ake any suc h p ref ere nces, lim itatio ns or disCII Ill lll atio n . W e w il l not knowingly accept any adve rt is ing fo r rea l es tate w h1ch 1s in v io latio n of t h1s law. A ll persons ar e hereby inf ormed t hat all dwe lli ng s adv ert ised ar e availab le on an equal opportu n1ty basis.
Class ified ads get great re sults . Place yours today!
lawn care included. $650. Northeast Prop erty M anagement . 541 -9 10-0354 .
Call (541)963-7476
3 BDRM , 1 bath, ga rage, s torage , $895 . 541-910-4444 .
231 0 East 0 Avenue La Grande,O R. 97850 Income Restrictions Apply Professionally Ma naged by GSL Properties Located Be hind La Grande Town Center
725-Apartment Rentals- SMAL L 1 bdrm apt A ll Union Co. u t il it ies pa id. n o pets . pa rk1ng . O n-street DORM ROOM $200. Eco$500/ m o, $1 00 c lea ning nom ical off -street offi ce dep . 541 -9 10-4440 o r spa ces, . A ll utilites pa id . 541 -9 10-2488. Northeast Property M gmt 541 -91 0-0354. UPSTA I RS, NICELY f urn ished 1 b dr m, ove r a s h op So u t hsi d e , fu ll CENTURY21 b at h, pa rtia l ki tc hen , PROPERTY c ree k, g reat y a rd & MANAGEMENT view s. A ll utilit ies & intern et, no smokin g . $525 . LagrandeRentals.com 541-663-8683 (541)963-1210
www.LagrandeRentals.com 745-Duplex Union Co.
Ren t a l s-
AVAIL 6/ 4 . Ve ry 111ce qu1et 2 bdnn 1 bath 1/2 garage. S u i t ab l e fo r two W / d, fr 1dge, stove . W / S pa1d . Law n ca re p rov ided . Not H UD app roved . No pets, no n-s m o k1ng . $ 55 0 m o . $400 deposit . 306 F1rst St La Grande . 54 1-910-5200 752- Ho uses For RentUnion Co. 1 BDRM , $5 00, w / s pa id, plus dep 541-963-41 25 2 BDRM , mo b i le ho m e . $560/mont h, w/s/g pa1d, HUD okay . 54 1-9 10-3 166 3 BDRM, 2 ba t h, m a nuf home . Very nice, cen t ral a/c. $9 00 p lus dep, HUD O K. W/S pa id 910-0122 5 BDRM, 2 b at h ho use, in Uni on. $9 00/mont h . No pets, no sm ok1n g. Valley Rea lty 541-963-4174 . FULLY FURN ISHED 3 bd rm . 2 ba t h. f irepla ce. fa m il y ro om , ho t tub , 3 block s f r om h o sp ital . Complete ly handicapped access ib le . $ 110 0, North east Prop . Mg m t . (54 1)91 0-0354
1 BDRM, 1 bath, basement apart ment . V e ry n ea t , n ew carpet , acc ess to co m mon area w ith w / d . No pet s. $350 mo. W/s/g pd 1908 3 rd St . HOMEY 3 b d rm . 1 bath , (54 1)962-7828 w /d, frig. stove included. Gas hea t, w ell insulated, 1 BDRM, w/d inc luded, all all new inside . No p ets, util ities p ai d , no smo kNo s moking inside . Garin g, no pe ts, $ 675/mo, b ag e p a id. $ 70 0 m o . $600 dep 541-91 0-3696 $500 dep. 503-99 1-1789 .
HOROSCOPES THURSDAY, MAY 31,2012 hy Stella Wilder Burn today, you are something of a stickler when it comes to the rules. This doesn't mean that you are inca· pable of cuttingloose and having fun -- on the contrar}; you know how to play and work harder than most, but you also have a very firm notion of whal i; appropriale al any given lime or in any given place. You are not to be found testing the limits or challenging authority merely fur Lhe;ake of rebellion; rather, you will do things very much according to Hoyle, unless you feel that there are injustices being perpetrated and there is som~thing to be gained for everyon~ by challenging the status quo. ~RllJAY, )UN.E l GE,\1INI (May 21-)une 20) .. Two key issues will arise today .. one involves your deepest feelings, and one involves money. ~ocus on where they intersect. CANCER (June 21-)uly 22) .. You11 have a good reason to indulge yoursdf in ways you haven't been
-----------------2 BDRM, 1 bat h, w/s/g and
gtmanager@ gslcommunities.com
GREENWELL MOTEL Rent $475/mo. F urnished room w /m icrowav e , sma ll f r idge , co lo r TV w / HBO, p h one & all ut 1l1t1 es Ill eluded. 305 A dams Av e.
(~~ · ~)
IC Foster
Veteran Owned anrl Operated Free Local estimates, Licensed, bonded and Insured. CB#59684 Ca ll JC Foster
c~~~) Oak Haven Preschool - Private Tutoring Beginning Piano Summer Preschool Programs
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T herapeutic Riding Programs for Youth Equine-facilitated Psychotherapy clovemaven.org 541-663-1528
Mow, trim, edge, fertilize, leaf removal, tree & shrub trimming.
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R&S Mowing
Since 1982
Clover fiaven
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RILEYEXCAVATION 29 Years Experience
Excavator, Backhoe, Mini-Excavator,
Grooming by appointment 7 D ays a Week
Dozer, Grader, Dump Truck & Trailer
963-0358 License #163912 You Grow It - We Mow It!
Call541 -962-5347 We'll Mow It Like Our Own.
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rileyexcavalon@gmail.com CCB# 168408
Boh Fager • 91i3 -370 I • u .«H" ' DANFORTH CONSTRUCTION Wayne Dalton Garage DoorsSales • Installation • ServiceRick 963-0144 786·4440 CCB#32022
1-208-7 41-0166
c~~- ) JOYFUl. SOUNDS Piano Studio Piano IUnillJ, repair, regulation &Silles
S41-910-801S www.joytulsoundsBB.com
Over 30 years serving Union County
Composi1ion · Metal · Rat Roofs Con1inuous Guuers 963-01 44 (Office) or Cell 786-4440 CC8#3202
541 -962-7576
Across from Red C ross Drug
435-Fuel Supplies
725-Apartment Rentals- 745-Duplex Union Co. Union Co.
71 0-Rooms for Rent
550 Pets
recently. Focus on those aspects of your daily life that give you strength. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) .. Your sup· port of another ·will not go unnoticed today, and there may be talk of elevating you to a more important position as a reSLtlt. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept. 22) .. You are holding true to your beliefs, but today sumeune may be trying lu prove that your sideisthe losing side. This is not the case. LIBRA (Sepl. 23-0cl. 22) .. You have lost something important, but it can he recovered quickly .. provided, of course, that you do not keep the situation secret. SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21) .. One key point of interest is worth more discussion than others are willing to dedicate to it today .. but you know what isnocessary. SAGI'l'l '\RIUS(Nov 22-!Jec. 21) .. You may have to abandon a plan you have been working on for quite some lime. The alternative, however, is exciting to consider. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-)an. 19) ..
by Stella Wilder
Your comments today are not likely to go unnoticed, and those who hoth agr~ and disagree will shJre Lheir feelings more freely than usual. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -You can afford to be a bit more spontaneous at this time. 'Joday, a spur-of-the-moment decision gives you the edge in a certain situation. PISCES(Feb 19-March 20) .. You may be surprised at the reactions you get from those who claim to be on your side. Once again, you'll be on your own for a while. ARIES ('vlarch 21-i\pril 19) .. Health matters compete for your attention with other elements of your life that are not asbasic Don't overlook anything at this time! 'J'AlRUS(April 20-May 20) -- You are likely to have more authority over others than usual today, and you will know how to use it to your advantage while helping others, too. (IDIJ'I)R£: Ftt tftcrial qutstion;, f•loau .;autJ
\'leotriJt :rt
hwulr.r..g,Pnran:iw:~CJnl) C07'1fR J(.HTXll ~ 11NIF.IJ FF.ATJR<:
\"1101\ffl.. IN."".
J :STR:EL1ED EY m JVERI.\L :J:::U:K fOR UfS l Dll\':uut H., [mm Cit1,MO 6UI)) ,00(1-2~S.C7J4
I CROSSWORD PUZZLER ~~ -~ , it~ ~ L.: :;=~=~=i~ h~:~ ~ro~~;~;~!~~r~~~i~~~=~e~~~~A=n~s~w=e~r~t~o~P~re~v~i~o~u~s~P~u~z~l::e=.J z (~tfu_ ·m_ miD_ !m~)
430-For Sale or Trade
Camera ready or we can set up for you.
Cootact Frri Everidge @Tne Observer963-3t6t
(~) Northeast Property Management, LLC Commercial &Residential Larry Schlesser - Lk:ensed Property Manager La Grande, OR
Paul Soward Sales Consultant 541 -786-5751 . 541-963-2161 24 Hour Towing Saturday Service· Rental Ca rs 2906 Island Ave., La Gra nde, OR
C. B.'S, LLC Septic Tank Cleaning & Portable Restrooms Serving Northeast Oregon lorover 40 years! DEQ#05t&l
( ~ ) BLUE MOUNTAIN SOLAR, INC. Gel your electricity from Sunlighl! Slate and Federal Tax Credits
(~~ ----::-----") TERRY RICH TREE SERVICE Beautifying La Grande lor 15 Years
Decorative &Corrective Trimming
541-975-1 033 CCB#77375
VALLEY REALTY 1020t W 1sl Streel Suite 2, La Grande, OR
M.A.S. Co.
Planting • Pruning • Removal M. Curtiss PN·7077A CCB# 1iJ3649
541-963-4174 www.Valleyrealty.net
Certifl9d Tr99 Care
541 -786- 8463
4 Parapsychology topic 7 Injure a toe 11 Add brandy 12 RR termi nal 13 "Typical Male" sin ger 14 Kind of po licy (hyph.) 16 W hirlpool 17 Ru ndown car 18 Full of energy 20 K ids' cereal 21 Dive rt 23 Ego companions 26 Lemon candy 27 "Paint the Sky With Stars" singer 28 Least wi ld 31 Extended 33 - Kringle 34 Fishing gear 35 Autumn mo.
43 45 47 49 50 51 52 53 54
favorite city Ran in neutral O wne r's paper Says again Former science magazine Once named Harvard rival Be lost in th ought Menacing sound Almost-grads DOWN
1 - pants 2 Mountaineer's aid (2 wds .) 3 Fender spoiler 4 That, to Pedro 5 C log (2 wds.) 6 Whittles down 7 Footfall 8 Stra ightening
© 2012 UFS. Disl by Un iv Uclick l or UFS
9 German conjunction 10 - of Fundy 11 Fasten 15 Good-hearted people
19 Gym class (abbr.) 22 Witticism 24 Apply henna 25 Crestfallen 26 - Pla ines 2 7 Jr. naval officer 2 8 Bout ender 29 Portion of a c ircle 3 0 Hand warme rs 3 1 Sinbad's bird 32 Robin of bal ladry 34 Tear gas target 3 6 Scotland's loc . 3 7 Making bows 38 Vow s venue 39 High land dances 4 0 Inventory wd . 4 2 Garfield's house mate 44 Ca lendar div isions 45 Co mic actor Del uise 46 Nat iona l bird of Australia? 48 Co nsta ntly , to Poe
lgrand<? 0 5-H b 04
Page 3
6 B The Observer
Thursday, May 31, 2012
LINE AD DEADLINES: Monday - Noon Friday Tuesday - Noon Monday Wednesday - Noon Tuesday Thursday - Noon Wednesday Friday - Noon Thursday
Northeast Ore
Phone 541-963-3161 On-Line go to www.lagrandeobserver.com Email Classifieds@lagrandeobserver. com '--~....._ Fax 541-963-3674
DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date
Published by The La Grande Observer and The Baker City Herald 825-Houses For Sale- 915-Boats & Motors 1010 Union Co. Legal Union Co. Notices FOR SALE : 10ft. Liv ing$150,000 MOVE IN st on Boat , Calkins Boat LA GRANDE, 2 bd rm , w / CITY OF La Grande, SEE ALL RMLS Trailer, and Honda Motor. Orego n storage shed, $600/mo, READY! Neat and clean 2 L ots of ext ras , $800 . $600 dep . No smokers or Public Notice - Proposed bed 2-bath home. Office 54 1- 963 -60 75, or pet s, 541-562-5807. Land Use Amendment s could be used as a 3rd 541 -3 79-607 5. 2700 E N This is to notify you that the bedroom. New tile flooring Ave, La Grande, 97850 . C1ty of La Grande IS pro760-Commercial Rentals in the kitchen. Oversized pos ing amendments to 925-Motor Homes detached 2-car garage with t he La nd Deve lopme nt BEARCO BUSINESS Park ESTATE roll up door. RV storage PROPERTY, Cod e and Com pre h e nMOTOR HOME 1987, 38 3600-12 00 sq. ft. un it s garage. Garden shed and s ive Plan O rd i n an ces, South Cen tral Washin gLISTINGS AT: ft . 37 ,000 m 1 les . Good available. For· more 111fo ton , Near Tri -C it ies . which perta in to t he deirrigation well & pump. This ) www.valleyrealty .net shape, ev erything works . cal1541-963-7711 v elopme nt st anda rds f or 16,000 Acres, So uth home is offered oompletely $2500 . 541 -263- 1577, 541-963-4174 Slope Rattlesnake Mounproperties w it hin t he City 780-Storage Units furnished! That's right! Al54 1-398-2333 tain . For Sa le J u n e 1 , of La Grande the most new living room furniLa Gra nde Urban Growth 2012. One In A L1fet 1me 930-Recreational 12X35 STORAGE un it. ture, dining furniture, dishBounda ry . Opportunity. Veh icles $100 mo 541-963-41 25 washer, washer-dryer, trig, These amendments update www. m cworterra nch .co 845-Mobile Homesfreezer, beds, etc.!II Iand use regulat ions t hat m for information . (PND) 7X11 UNIT, $30 m o . $2 5 Union Co. THE SALE of RVs llot bear11 503052 may affect the permiss idep. (541 )9 10-3696 . ing an Oregon insignia of 825-Houses For Saleble uses of your property Century 21 Eagle Cap Last 2 lots available in 55 + comp liance 1s illega l: ca ll Union Co. and ot her properties, and Realty, 541-963.{)511. park, Moun ta in Pa rk EsB uil d i n<:< Codes (503) A PLUS R entals has may change the va lue of 373-1 257 ta tes. Double w ide only. storage units ava ilable . BEAUTIFUL 4 bdrm , 3 your prope rty. 541 -910 -3 51 3 or 5x12 $30 permo bath home in Island City BEAUTIFULLY MAIN- The City of La Grande Plan541-786-5648. 8x8 $25-$35 per mo Very large garage w / ofn i ng Comm iss ion w il l TAINED 23 ft. U lt ra-Lite 8x 10 $30 per mo flee, s 1ts on large lot, plus 825-Houses For Sale- 855 Lots & Propertyhold a Pub lic Hearing durTho r w/ pu l l-o ut , f u ll y * plus deposit * irrigat ion well. New ly re- Union Co. Union Co. ing th ei r Ju ly 1 1, 2012, c o nta in ed . s lee ps 6 , 1433 Madison Ave., or modeled, must see I meet111 g . at 6 :00 p .m . in newe r 1u bbe 1 1oof , 402 Elm St. Co ntact 541-963-5315. LOCATED IN Cove, OR . 81X113, 18 18 Z Ave. t he C it y Ha l l Cou nci l smoke f ree . $ 12k. Call 541-403-1 524 Two story hom e built in Utilities available, $45k Chambers at 1000 Ad54 1-437-9190 1890s, possible 4 bdrm s, OBO , 541-963 -2668 ams Avenue, La Grande, 2 baths, one fu lly remodOregon. The proposed or970-Autos For Sale e led . New carpet in li v- BEAUTIFUL COVE lot fo r 795-Mobile dinances w ill be read f or i ng, d ini n g, and one sale, specta cu lar 360 deSpaces the f irst time by tit le only 1999 DODGE DAKOTA bdrm N ew v i ny l i n gree v iews, 3 .56 acres . The Pu blic H earing may Club Cab. 130k, 4x4, AT $39,000. 208-761-4843 . kitc hen an d ut il ity room, b e cont in u ed t o t he AVAILABLE 6-15-12 ud ded cy l, 5 .2 L . S t 8 n ew e lec t ric ra nge an d August 8, 2012 , Regu lar 2 bdr m, 2 bat h mob 1le snow tires, two package , ref rigerator, new natural FLAG LOT for sale near Sess 1o n , wh 1ch w ill be home 111 country off Marmatch ing canopy $8000 . gas heatin g stov e s in Greenwood school. he ld i n t he same t i me ket Lane. $500/mo, plu s 1-56 8-4343 54 kitc hen and liv ing room . 11 Ox83, plus driveway an d locat ion as noted dep. l1l l water/garbage & Fresh ly pa inted throu gh- 111x20. 1706 V Ave, above. W/D. 1'-lo sm oking. Small IN CASE OFAN out, new back deck, f ront $36, 000. 541-786-0426 ; AM ENDMENT SUMMARY pet neg 54 1-786-882 0 ERROR IN YOUR AD: porch and ba lcony Sepa- 541-428-21 12 . Please contact us Immedi- (A detailed summary can be rate 864 sq . f t. b uil d ing ONE BLOCK f ro m Sa f edow n loa de d from t he ately. We accept responsiw/ fu ll bath and gas f ire- ROSE RIDGE 2 S u bd iv i- bil ity f or the first incorrect w ay, trailer/ RV spaces . City of La Grande web p lace . Large overs ized s i on , Cove, OR . Cit y: site at W ater, sew er, ga rbage. insert ion, and t hen only t o Sewe r/ Wat er ava i lab l e. the ext ent of a corrected ind etached two car garage, $ 2 0 0. Je r i, mana g e r . http://planning.city Reg ular price: 1 acre m/1 w ith fi nish ed heated lof t. oflagrande.org) 541-962-6246 . sertion or refu nd of the $69,900-$74,900. A ll on large lot w ith fruit Ame ndme nt s to t he Land pr ice paid. t ree s and property ha s W e also p rov ide property Development Cod in var ima nageme nt. C heck wa t er rig ht s . $1 75,500. ous chapt e r in the Code . 825 - Hom es for Sale Union Co. 54 1-568 -4674 . Can be out our rental l1nk on o ur lfP~)·, These a m end m ent s af webs1te seen at 607 Hibbler. Can fect Articles 1 .1, 1.2, 1.3, ~ www. ran c h nhom e.co m v iew wvvvv. rea Iestate 2.2, 3.2, 3.8, 3.10, 3 .11 , or ca ll Ranc h-N-Home Reeasternoregon .com #1837. 3 .20, 4 .2, 4 .3, 4 .4, 4 .6, alty, Inc. 541 -963-5450. 5.5, 5.8, 6. 1 0, 8.5, 8 .1 0, NEAR GREENWOOD 10.2. sc h oo l, r ece nt ly r eJune 01, 2012 Ame nd ment s to th e ComJ,;;: l egals modled four bdrm home, prehens ive Plan inc lude 5:00-7:00 p.m. • 22 15 Gekeler Lane w ith bonus roo m . Sm all Goa l 8 - Parks Master re ntal h o me a nd la rge Plan; Goal 11 - Public Fashop on prope rty . $205, 880-Commercial c ilit ies - Water M aster 000 . 5 41 -786-0 4 26 ; Property Plan, Sewer Mast er Plan, 541428-2112. and Storm Water Master Plan; and Goal 12 - Trans1200 PLUS sq . f t. plof esNEWLY REMODELED, port at ion . sional off ice spa ce , 4 of T ri-level, 3 bdrm, 3 ba t h. Cop1es of the proposed orfices, recept ion a rea, lrg Din in g area, lg liv 1ng di na nces a nd t he St aff c on f e rence/b reak ar ea . room w/fl re p lace , lg . 1995 Marlette Triple Wide, 1757 sq. ft. Report w 1ll be ava1lab le ha n d 1ca p ac c ess ib le And you can too! g reat roo m , double car fo r rev iew at t he City of Pr 1ce ne got ia b le pe r Wha t? Why, fi nd that $35,000 worth of upgrades since 2009 ga rage, new de ck, 2 La Grande Planning Div ileng th of lea se. N o rth item you've been look- Sion located at 1000 AdNew roof• Heat pump bd rm re ntal un1t, o n .83 eas t Prop e rt y M anage 1006 2 1st St . Call acres . in g for. Like so many ams Avenue, La Grande, Laminate flooring • Patio • Jetted tub ment (541)9 10-0354. 541 -963-5996 O r eg o n, no t le ss t han people in th is area who Three car detached garage with 3 overhead doors, insulated, RV sevell (7) days before the shop the Classi fieds parkmg, 1/2 bath and an air compressor. Sellers will pay $5,000 of These li tt l e ads r e a l ly Plann i ng C om miss io n regularly, yo u can join H ea ri ng . Copies o f t he buyers closing costs with an accepted full price offer written before w o r k! Jo in the t h ou san ds o f o th er people in in the fun and satisfy propo sed ordinances and June 08,2012 and that closes before July 31,2012. the Staff Report w ill be th is area w ho are reg ul ar yo ur fami ly's needs by availab le f or purc hase at use rs o f t h e c lass ifi e d . Transportation turn ing to the classi- t ha t t i me, at a cost of Presenled by See how s 1rn p le an d e fEquipment $0 2 5 pe r page , $ 1 00 fi eds right now. You 'll Dennis (Pete) Price, f ec t ive th ey c a n be . m ill l m um c ha r ge . An Century 21 Eagle Cap Realty, W e ' r e open frorn 7· 30 Te ll som eone Happy Birt h- f ind ad after ad for elect ron ic co py (CD ) is ® ~ 541-786-8080 li ke bikes , availab le at a cost of $5 a .rn t o 5 p . rn . for your day in our class ified section items conv e n ience. today! ant iq ues, sport ing plus mai1 111g charge . For good s and televis ion add it io na l i nfo r mat ion concerning the proposed Public Notice sets.. . and al most ordinances, you may coneveryth ing else you NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING tact the planning division A public meeting of the City of Cove will be held on June 5, 20 12 at 7:30 p.m. at 504 Alder, Cove, O regon. The can imagi ne ! And at (541) 962-1307. m ee ti n g s of t h e La purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 as approved by the C ity of wh en you have some - A llGran d e Pl ann i ng Com Cove Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or th ing to sell, there's no m ission and City Counci l obtained at 504 Alder Cove, OR between the hours of 8:00a.m,, and 12: 00 p.m. T his budget is for an annual budget eas ier or qu icker way are access ib le t o pe rsons period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. it h disab il ities. A reto get results than by wquest for an accommodaplacing an ad yourself! t io ns f or pers on s w ith d isa b i l it ies s ho uld be N. Lewis made at l east fi ve (5) days p rio r to t he Pub lic Hea r in g by call i ng TOT.AL 0!' ALL FUNDS (541)962- 1307 . 752-Houses For RentUnion Co.
825-Houses for Sale
@ goo
""-J.IIU"2l • \.J'I
1 010 Union Co. Lega l 1010 Union Co. Legal Notices Notices
S EALED BIDS w ill be reNOTICE OF Budget ceived by t he La Grande Committee Meeting Schoo l D istr ict fo r t he A pub lic m eet i n g of t h e Budget Com m ittee of the e lectrica l and fou ndat ion work requ ired to place a Uni o n Co un ty Vector 28 x 64 modular bu ll d1ng Co nt 1·o 1 D 1st r1 ct , U n 1on at Island City Elementa ry County, State of Oregon, Sc h oo l . B ids must be to discuss t he budget for t h e f 1sca l y ea r J uly 1, s ubm 1tted on or be f or e 1 2 ·00 p m , M ay 3 1 , 2012 , to J une 30, 20 13 20 1 2 . T h ese a re t w o wil l be held in the Joseph se parate l nv1tat1o n s T o A nnex M 1n1-Co nf e re nce Roo m , 10 06 K Ave n ue, Bid Copi es of the b ids may be obtained by co nLa Grande. T he m eeting wil l take place on t he 7th t act in g Mar1lyn Kn 1ght, day of J u n e , 20 12 at 541 .663 .32 14 or from the La Gra nde School Dist rict 5:15p.m The purp ose of w ebsite the meet ing is t o receiv e www .lagrande .k12. or .us the budget messa ge and to rec eive co m ment f rom A pre-bi d que s tio n a nd answ e r sessio n w il l be the publ ic on t he budget. held at Islan d C it y EleA co p y of the b ud g et docu m en t may be 111m entary School front enspected or obta ined on or trance at 10:00 am o n Friday, May 25, 2012. after May 31, at t he Union Cou nty Adm inistrative Publish: May 22, 31, 2012 Off ice, 1006 K Ave nue, Legal no . 25039 La Grande . between the ho urs of 9 :00a .m . an d NOTICE OF Public 4:00 p.m . This is a public Hearing meeting w here deli beraConditional Use Permit tion of the Budget ComThe City of La Grande Planm it tee w ill ta ke p lac e . n ing Co m m1 ss 1o n w 1ll A ny pe rson may appea r hold a Public Hearing at at the m ee t ing and d isit s Regu lar Sess io n o n cuss t he p roposed p roTuesday, J une 12, 201 2, grams w it h t h e Budget which be gi ns at 5 ·3 0 Com m ittee . p . m . i n th e L a Grande City Hall Coun cil Cham- Publish: May 24, 3 1, 20 12 bers, 1000 Adams Ave- Legal no. 25030 nue, La Grande, Orego n. T he H ear i ng is to consider an application for a Conditional Use Pe rm it to expand the operation of a p riva t e p reschool to inc lud e an afternoo n sess ion T he property is located 2 109 Oak Street, T3S , 38E Sect ion 6DB , Tax Lot 6400, La Grande, Un io n Co un ty, Oregon . Th e appl ica nt is M. Ruth Davenport, PhD . Th e app licable land use regu lat io ns are f o und in Chapte r 8, Artic le 8 .5 of the C1ty of La Grande Land D evelopment Cod e Ordinance Number 308 1, Se r 1e s 2009 . Fa 1l ure to ra ise a spec ific iss ue at t he Pub li c H earing p recludes appeal of t he Planning Commission' s decisio n. A copy of the application and 1nformat1on relat ed to th e proposal are available for review at no c ost , w ith cop ies supp lied at a reasonab le cost. A St aff Repo rt w ill be ava il abl e f o r rev iew seve n (7) days bef ore t he Pla n n i ng Co m m iss io n Hearing, and can also be supplied at a reasonable cost. For furt her lllformation, contact the Planning Div is ion at (5 4 1) 962-1307. A ll meetings of t he La Grande Plan ning Comm iSSIOn are ac cessible to persons w it h disabi lit ies . A requ est regardi ng acco m modations f o r pers on s w it h d isab ili t ies shou ld be made by t he F r iday p revio u s to th e meeting, by ca lling (54 1) 962-1307.
DON'l RUN ll.
M ichael J. Boquist City Planner
Drive Safe~. fhe Way to Go. Transpor!ation Safety - ODOT
Publish: May 31, 20 12 Legal no . 25095
Give Us A Call Today!
Publish: May 3 1, 2012 Legal no. 25194
Public Notice
g. l'ersonne l Sarvl~ .... ,,, ,,,,,.........................,,,,,,,.,,.,,,.,.,.,,.,,., ,
10. Materil\lv and Sarviees , ... ,.....................................................................~_ _ _ ___l~~~---~~~Qj...---..,J~@cQ_ 11. Capha! Outlay ........................................ ....... ,........,.,,.,..........._. ....... ......}-----!'~~---~~~~----l~~t.\I!L 12. Debt Servi~ .................,.,...,....,.,,,.,,,.,..... .. 13. lnt~lfund Translers ......... ........................................... .,.,.,.,,, .,............. ······ !----~=~------,==:~~-~--~~~
NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A meeting of the Tri County Coo perative Weed Management Area Board of Directo rs w ill be held on June 12th, 2012 at 9 :00am at the Ag Service Center 10507 N. McAlister Rd ., Island City, OR . The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the bu dget for the fiscal yea r beginning July 1, 20 12, as approved by the T ri County Cooperative Weed Management Area Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of th e budget may be inspected or obtained at Tri County C WMA office located at 26 10 Grove Street, Baker City, OR between the hours of 8 :00am and 5:00pm , T his budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is consistent w ith the basis of accounting used durin g the preceding year. Major cha nges, if any, and their e ffect on the budget, are explained below . This budget is for: one Annual Period . hairperson of Governing Body
Ba ke r C ity
elephone Number
(541) 523-2740
Mark Porte r
A d opted Budget T his Yea r 2011-2012
jgl budget only has on e fund
1. Total Personal SeN ices... 2. Total Materials and Supplies ..
3 Total Capital Outlay Ant c1pated Requirements
4. Total Debt Ser11ce ..
. ............... •
5. Total Transfers . . 6. Total Contingencie s .. 7_ Total Reserves and Special Payments ..
8. Total Unappropriated Ending Fund Ba lance ..
Antici pated
1 473 762
FTE Non-Departmmtal/Noo-f'r
275 241
Estimated Ad Valorem
Tax Levies By Type
Rate or Amount Imposed
Long Term Debt
Rate or Amount Imposed R11l e ot Amount A!JilrO'Ied
16 . Permanent Rate Umit Levy (rate limit 17. Local Opt on Taxes ... 18. Levy for Bonded Debt or Obl1gat1ons ...
0 0 0
Debt Autho rized, Not Inc urred
tncurffld on Juty 1
1,169 683 1.169,683
Rate o r A mo unt
0 0 0
Long-Term Debt
OtherBonds ............................ .........., ......, .....~::~:~:::::.:·"'::.:"'·::.:·"'::.:"·::.:"'::'":::;•"'+--------....,.-,::-=c=:-::4-----~~----~
Publish: May 31, 2012 Legal no. 4748
000 0 .00 0 .00
Rate o r Amou nt
Debt Outstanding
General Obligation Bonds..........................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.., Othe! Borrowing~ .................... .... ................ , ,.,,,.,,,,.,.............
0 0 0
B. Discounts Allowed, other Uncollected Amounts ..
ST./IIEMEt:IT ()~ lt:ID.!;_!i!.li:.:D"-'Nc::.ES::.:S~----T"""------:-.,..--:-:--Estimated Dabt Outst:and[ng on J~ly 1 ~imat~d D~t Allth¢riz<ld, but 1'101
Total '""'" ''"'''"" ""'"' """'' """""""""··· ············""'"'""'""''"'"""'"''""""""""""""
148,5 52.98 455,8 70 .00 000 0 .00 0 .00 23,0 17.02 000 0 .00 627,440.00 627,440.00 000 627,440 .00 0 .00
A Loss Due to Crnstitutional Umits .
Penmmenl Rate Levy .•'""'"" (Rate L.imit .4007 Pill' ~1000) LOilal Optfon Levy .............,,..,.,,...................-........., ,.,,.,,,,,.,,,, , ... .. Levy lor G91li!ral Obligation Bon.ds ....,...,...., ,, ...,.,..,.,................_.
1 75,580 559,920 29,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 789,500 789,500 0 789,500 0
15. Total Tax Levied .
12 . Tota l Resou rces - add Lines 10 and 11
13 . Total Property Taxes Estimated to be Received (line 11) 14 . Plus: Estimated Property Taxes Not To Be Received ....
Property Taxes
2 513 896
I ota! Re ulrements
9. Total Requireme nts - a dd lines 1 through 8 . 10 . Total Resources Except Property Taxes .. 11. Total Property Taxes Est1mated to be Rec~ ved ..
Approved Bud get Next Y ear 2012-2013
Estimated Debt O utstanding at the
Estimated Debt Autho rized, Not Incu rred a t t he
Beginmng of the Bud get Year
Beginning of t he B udget Yea r
Jul 12012
JJiy 1 2012
Bonds.. Interest Beeling Vlllrrants .
Other . Total Indebtedness ..
Publish: May 3 1, 201 2 Legal no.4743
Wednesday, May 31, 2012
The Observer 7 8
SINCE 1 8 9 8
A$300 Wallowa Union Scenic .,.._, Railwav Package
A $75 Buffalo Peak Goll Course Package For Two
~n~ ~
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$50 GIFT CERTIFICATE to GrandeScapes Nursery & Landscaping $20 GIFT CERTIFICATE to Eastern Oregon Nursery & Landscapes
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PLUS, we're giving away a $10 GIFT CERTIFICATE with every prepaid 3 month, 6 month or 12 month subscription renewal, while supplies last, so mention this ad! $10 gift certificates are available from: Gilstrap Winery, Ten Depot, La Fiesta, Bella, and GrandeScapes Nursery & landscaping
ENTER TODAY AND YOU COULD WIN! Prepaid subscriptions and renewals received between May 25t h and J une 25th, 2012 wi ll be automatically entered in t he sweepstakes. Seven prizes to be drawn . No purchase necessary to win. Entry forms available at The Observer, 1406 Fifth Street, La Grande. Must be 18 years of age. Employees of Western Communications, Inc. and their immediate families are not eligible to win . Winners agree to t he use of t heir photo and names for pro motional purposes. Drawing will end on Monday, J une 25t h, 2012. Winners will be notified by phone or email and announced in The Observer on Friday, J une 29, MORE THAN 2012. 5
BIZ &1>1:. LIFE
••• -$
Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Observer
tlo ! l UI of th !IIBRICAN BUN fiR·
Photos for illustration purposes only
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No dealer sales • Food Saturday Only 11 • 2 Plus many more in store specials! 5T/Hl. :
Stihl FS 55 Trimmer Reg. $239.95
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Stihl MS 250 18" Bar Reg. $299.95
SALE$219.99 SALE $269 •99
·Reps from Nikon, Leupold, Nosier, Tic a, Bench made & Lamiglas Photos for illustration purposes only. Limited to stock on hand.
La Grande Ace Hardware· 22121slandAve·LaGrande·541·BD5·D152
••• -$
MAY 30, 31,2012
Northwest artists display work at Wallowa Valley Festival of Arts in Joseph PageS
Island Citv rolls out HOG WilD DAYS this weekend Paue 2
Island City Lions Club rolls out 34th annual
Hog Wild Days celebration BILL RAUTENSTRAUCH The Observer
Observer f1le photo
THE BIG EVENT for Saturday is the parade sponsored by the Lions, which starts at 11 a.m. in downtown Island City.
INSIDE 4 Percussion ensemble
5 6 7 8
Ballet recital Movies Thursday Art Night Wallowa Valley Festival of Arts
CONTACT US BAKER COUNTY LISA BRITTON Ibritton@bakercityherald. com WALLOWA COUNTY KATY NESBITT knesbitt@lagrandeobserver.com UNION COUNTY JEFF PETERSEN j petersen @I ag ran deobserver. com NOTE NEW DEADLINES: Go! magazine will be published Wednesday in the Baker City Herald and The Observer. Submit information by Wednesday the week before publication.
ISLAND CI1Y- Union County is in for a porker of a good time this coming weekend, as the Island City Lions Club and community partners roll out the 34th Annual Hog Wild Days celebration in Island City. The three-day event opens Friday, with local merchants as always displaying their wares and offering sidewalk specials. Friday's festivities pick up steam 5:30 p.m. with a roasted pork barbecue in the Island City School gym. The menu for the annual dinner includes roasted pork, potato salad, cole slaw, old-fashioned baked beans, garlic bread, dessert and a drink. Adults pay $8, kids $5. Take-out will be available. Saturday's activities start bright and early at 6 a.m. when the La Grande Rural Fire Protection District puts on its annual pancake, egg and sausage feed at the fire hall. Volunteers will begin
serving up the chow at 6 a.m. and continue through 11 a.m. Adults will be served for $5, children $4. The traditional flea market featuring more than 100 vendors offering food, arts and crafts and much more opens at 8 a.m. It continues through the day and re-opens Sunday at 8 a.m. The big event for Saturday is the parade sponsored by the Lions, complete with color guard and entries galore. Always a gala affair, the parade rolls down Island City's main thoroughfare beginning at 11 a.m. Also on Saturday, Smokey Bear and Spar key will be on hand at the school, entertaining kids and teaching about fire safety. Smokey and Spar key appear courtesy of the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest's La Grande Ranger District. Kids also get to have fun by riding the Lions' pig train, which runs all three days of the event. There's no admission fee. Proceeds of the event go for community development.
TV LISTINGS COMING FRIDAYS Look for our new and improved TV schedules now in Friday editions begining
June 1 brings new art shows to Baker City LISA BRITTON
BAKER CI1Y- Martin A. Wilke, formerly of Baker City and now of Boise, will be the featured artist for June at Peterson's Gallery. His show opens at 6 p.m. Friday at the gallery, 1925 Main St. Wilke creates highly detailed ink drawings. "Many of my works depict things that fly planes, birds, ghosts, meteors - and sometimes, things that shouldn't fly- quilts, horses and other shapes," he said. "Most of my drawings involve old wood and wire. When asked why I draw these mediums, I have no satisfactory answer. It just is. It feels right to me." Wilke is a graduate of Wayne State College with a bachelor's degree in fine arts. He also taught art in the Michigan Public School system for five years. For more information, contact Peterson's Gallery at 541-523-1022, send an email to mail@petersonsgallery.net, or visit the website, www.petersonsgallery.net.
Crossroads Carnegie Art Center Paul Hoelscher is the featured artist for June at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center. His show, "Peschi delle Mente -Fish of the Mind," opens at 5:30 p.m. Friday at Crossroads, 2020 Auburn Ave. The show is free and open to the public, and is sponsored by the Baker County elected officials and employees (no public funds were used).
Refreshments will be provided by friends of the artist, and Sarah Spaugh will perform live acoustic guitar and vocals. Hoelscher paints with acrylics, watercolors, pastels, and oils, and draws with many dry media and ink. According to a press release: "He works with his sketchbooks trying to capture fleeting moments in nature as references for finished drawings and paintings that will hopefully inspire all of us. His art is intended to help us stay connected with the perfect beauty and greatness of creation." Hoelscher is a professional artist and art instructor in Baker City. He has a bachelor's degree in art and economics from St. John's University in Collegeville, Minn., and has been a full-time artist since 2002. He is a prolific sketcher and develops his visual notes into finished works with acrylic paint or watercolor, charcoal, pastel or clay. In addition to his art, he teaches drawing and painting and beginning ceramics through open studios for children and adults at the Crossroads. He also guides open studio art with the Artspeak grant program in elementary schools and is an active member of ArtsEast's "Artist in Residence" program in Eastern Oregon.
First Friday art shows: Crossroads, Peterson's and Short Term Baker City
Short Term Gallery This month, Short Term Gallery will feature the artwork of Don Gray. The show opens at 6 p.m. Friday at the gallery, 1829 Main St., with refreshments.
By Martin A. Wilke
Fiddle show set Saturday
BAKER CI1Y- A fiddle music fundraiser is set for June 2 to raise money for improvements to the Baker County Fairgrounds. The Blue Mountain Old-Time Fiddlers will play at 6 p.m. Saturday at the Community Event Hall, 2600 East St. (at the fairgrounds). Admission is $5 adults, $4 for those
with a membership card for the Blue Mountain fiddlers, and free for those age 12 and younger. Also, a taco feed starts at 4 p.m. Cost is $5 and proceeds benefit the fairgrounds. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Baker County fairgrounds. For information, call541-523-7881.
Fiddle Show Saturday, 6 p.m. Event Hall, 2600 East St., Baker City $5 adults, free for 12 and younger
Percussion Ensemble to perform in concert LA GRANDE- The EOU Percussion Ensemble under the direction of Teun Fetz will perform in concert with the EOU Drumline and Michael Kellison on bass guitar Friday at 7:30 p.m. at McKenzie Theatre. Admission is free. Donations will be accepted to benefit the EOU Music Department. The EOU Percussion
Ensemble has six student members. "Three are brand new this spring term as we had to replace three veteran members from last year's ensemble," Fetz said. The ensemble will perform a variety of mostly short energetic pieces, Fetz said. "Most have a Latin theme and feature two main composers: Tom O'Connor and Terry
Mahoney," Fetz said. Fetz will also play marimba with the group on two tunes. The percussion ensemble will be joined by the EOU Drumline for a marching percussion feature on one selection and will include Michael Kellison on bass guitar on two pieces. "Much of the music is Latin dance music in nature," Fetz
said, "mostly tuneful with bright tempos and syncopated rhythms." The most recognizable melody, he said, will be on a Murray Houllif arrangement of the "Can Can" by Jacques Offenbach. "One piece will feature our three most veteran players on multi-percussion set-ups playing a rock-and-roll style drum piece in homage to composer
Christopher Rouse and rock drummer Peter Criss from the group KISS," Fetz said. The ensemble will be using mallet keyboard instruments including xylophone, vibes and marimba. It will also use the electric bass and marching percussion, as well as shakers, drumset, tom toms, timbales, cowbells, bongos, congas, maracas, timpani, cymbals, tam tam, snare drums and more.
Review: Pendleton band takes a while to find its groove STEPHEN TOOL
For Go Magazine The Dakota Brown Band played what I would call a middling show at 10 Depot May
24. The Pendleton band features Dakota Brown as lead singer and rhythm guitarist, Tucker Murphey on drums, Mike Kellison on the bass and Luke Basile (emcee of 10 Depot's open mic) on lead guitar. The band is young and needs work but I see a lot of potential there. The show started 10 minutes late while the band fussed with stage equipment. The kinks need to be ironed out before the show starts. The band appeared a bit hesitant and didn't really settle into a comfortable groove for four to five songs. The band's web page lists pop I acoustic/ soul/ alternative as
, ' 'a
their genres, but a good portion of the night was spent doing '70s and early '80s pop covers. Brown is lead singer and rhythm guitarist. I heard hesitancy in his vocals at times. He shouldn't. He has a great voice and his upper register is pristine. If Brown wants to do covers, he should throw a little Motown in the mix. He has the voice for it. Murphey is a good, solid drummer, but his kit wasn't properly miked and some of his rimshots stepped on Brown's vocal lines. Kellison is one of the best young bass players I've seen. The guy is always in the pocket and he has a real sense playing to enhance
the song, not himself. Basile is a fine guitarist, solid without being overly flashy. Unfortunately, his guitar was miked slightly too loud and sometimes marred Brown's vocals. Basile needs an accessible stage monitor. One last quibble: Twentysomething musicians don't need to take a 20-plus minute break during a two-hour set. Standard Deviation's band members are at least twice this band's age and they manage not to take breaks. Suck it up, fellas. ALL NEGATIVES ASIDE, I think this band has a lot of potential. A couple of their covers showed startling originality. The band did an A+ semi-reggae cover of "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" that nearly made me for-
get the classic original. Maybe it was that night's audience, but their reaction to the band's great original tunes was tepid at best. That's too bad because I'd rather hear a good original than "Fly Like an Eagle" for the 20-thousandth time. I remember one guy dressed in cowboy clothes practically running onto the dance floor so he could wiggle to "Billie Jean." That's just not right. I realize a band needs to have a repertoire that appeals to a variety of audiences, but I'd
with Hannah Hatley Topical Therapy to Reduce Infantile Hemangoimas Infantile hemangoimas (IH), also known as "strawberry marks," are collections of blood vessels caused by increased cell division and growth. Approximately 5-10% of Caucasian children have hemangoimas. They are more common in girls, fair-skinned people and premature babies. Most hemangoimas are not visible at birth and may first appear only as a small bruise, scratch or atiny red bump. Unlike other types of birthmarks, hemangoimas grow and change greatly during the first months of life. Recently, a compounded topical "gel-forming solution" containing the medication timolol maleate has been reported as a potentially effective treatment for superficial IH. A study conducted at prestigious medical centers in the USA and Canada included 73 children. Median age when treatment began was about 4 months. All patients except one improved, with improvement ranging from 15-75%. The best response was achieved with the superficial type of hemangoima, using a solution of 0.5% timolol applied topically twice daily for longer than 3 months. The major advantages of topical timolol are ready availability, cost, ease of administration, and minimal risk of drug-relate adverse events.
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hate to see these guys degenerate into a cover band of music written 20 years before they were born. They're better than that. The negative aspects of the band's performance are easily remedied. I see them as A-1 performers. They're good musicians with something to say and deserve a listening audience. Maybe if I buy one of Dakota Brown's CDs of originals I can get that "Billie Jean" image out of my head.
June 10th 1to4pm
People Who Care ~
1123 Adams Avenue • 541-963-5741 THE OBSERVER I BAKER CITY HERALD, MAY 30,31, 2012
Dancers from Ballet Idaho featured in La Grande School of Ballet's performance of
' wan Lake'
lA GRANDE - Former La Grande dancer Elizabeth Herrmann Barreto from Ballet Idaho returns to perform the roles of Odette/Odile in La Grande School of Ballet's "Swan Lake" this weekend. Joining her is Andrew Taft in the role of Prince Sigfried, also a Ballet Idaho company member. The recital is Saturday at 6:30 p.m. in McKenzie Theatre at EOU. Tickets, $10 for adults, $5 for students and children, are available at the door. This recital features students from the ages of 3 Y2 through adult. They are performing a variety of dances featuring the music of Tschaikovsky and some
Recital features students from the ages of 3 Y2 through adult performing a variety of dances featuring the music of Tschaikovsky choreography of Marius Petipa from the original "Swan Lake." Featured dancers are local seniors Gwen Antell, Sarah Winn and Riley Schaefer performing the pas de trios. Instructor Ashley Braden performs the "Spanish Dance." Charlotte Gerbver, Katie Wagner, Tishina Brock and Annie Woodworth are the cygnets. The "Big Swan" dance is
A Night of Surf Guitar set June 6 lA GRANDE- June 6 will be the next First Wednesday Concert at Joe Bean's Coffee, 1009 Adams Ave. in La Grande. The show starts at 7 p.m. Admission is $5. Colorful floral shirts are encouraged but not required. According to organizer Al MacLeod, the show will be A Night of Surf Guitar starring Jerry Smith, Too Loud MacLeod and Luke McKern. The singers take the night off as local guitarslingers twang and bend their way through guitar instrumentals made famous by The Ventures, The Shadows, Dick Dale and Teisco Del Rey among others. The night's support team will include Roger Barnes on bass, Tim Erickson on drums, Greg Johnson on sax and Kevin Durfee on keys.
danced by Alyssa Pratt, Kathryn Prout, Sarah Winn and Gwen Antell. All of the girls in the studio are swans and the boys are ravens who assist the evil Rothbart (Tom Herrmann/Rick Mugrage). La Grande School of Ballet was established in 1982. Instructors Swannee Herrmann and Ashley Braden offer training in classical ballet and modern dance. Elizabeth Herrmann Barreto will return to teach a ballet/ modern intensive class June 18-21. Catherine Herrmann will teach a ballet/modern intensive class July 9-12. Call Swannee Herrmann at 541-963-9247 for details.
Submitted photo
FORMER LA GRANDE DANCER Elizabeth Herrmann Barreto and Andrew Taft from Ballet Idaho will perform as part of the La Grande School of Ballet recital Saturday.
Author to read twice DRUMMER TIM ERICKSON is part of the support team for A Night of Surf Guitar. Submitted photo
"Always," a collection of poems by Catherine Jontos Putnam, uses memory and awareness to connect the ordinary details of daily ritual to the author's vision of the luminous. Putnam's words reflect the awe she feels for the
world around her. Putnam has scheduled two readings in Wallowa County on Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Rimrock Inn on Highway 3 north of Enterprise and June 12 at 6 p.m. at the Bookloft, 107 E. Main St. in Enterprise.
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21st century 'Snow White' puts new twist on fairy tale JOHN HORN los ANGELES TIMES
MARLOES SANDS, Wales (MCT) - Nearly a hundred soldiers on horseback sprinted across the beach here last fall, dodging arrows and catapulted fireballs. Despite many casualties, the charging "Snow White and the Huntsman" army was determined to storm the castle of the evil Queen Ravenna, who not only can suck the beauty out of young women but also transmogrifY into a murder of crows. Assessing the battle from an all-terrain vehicle was Rupert Sanders, a commercial director making his first feature film. No one could accuse him of going timidly into new territory, for this was not just any entry-level first feature but a $175-million ambitious retelling of the Snow White fairy tale. Expunged of its nursery school wonder and filled with young adult heartthrobs such as Kristen Stewart of "Twilight" and Chris Hemsworth of "Thor," the film is dressed up with so many elaborate action scenes, fantasy frights and visual effects that it's more superhero story than classic children's fable, all done with a girl-power spin. "You look around the corner, and you see that the circus has come to town," Hemsworth said of all the chaos unfolding on the beach. "It's an epic on a grand scale." Sanders' challenge was to inject the classic "Snow White" story, which dates to the early 19th century, with contemporary relevance without losing the narrative's familiar center. He also had to work closely with actors - something he did only fleetingly in his television commercial career - and give audiences a movie that didn't look like a dusty costume drama or a kiddie flick. "It feels like it could be a girly film," said Charlize Theron, who plays Ravenna. "But more than anything, it's an
Granada Theaters La Grande Snow White and the Huntsman (PG-13) Men in Black 3 (PG-13) The Avengers (PG-13)
Eltrym Theatre Baker City www.eltrym.com
Drive-In La Grande Big Miracle (PG) Battleship (PG-13)
OK Theater Enterprise
MCT photo
CHARLIZE THERON as the queen in the action-adventure "Snow White and the Huntsman."
action-adventure piece set in an epic landscape." And while a typical summer blockbuster can take three years from inception to release, Sanders had about half that time to bring "Snow White" across the finish line for Universal Pictures, which was determined to have the movie come out June 1. UNIVERSAL'S HIRING of Sanders was unconventional but not totally out of the blue. The lanky 41-year-old Brit, who made award-winning commercials for Sears, Toyota and the video game Halo 3: ODST, had been considered for a number of prominent film jobs, including "The Hunger Games." Other directors like David Fincher and Michael Bay have made the leap, but success is hardly guaranteed. "For every Ridley Scott, there's 20 guys who don't make it," said "Snow White" producer Joe Roth, referring to the com-
mercial director who went on to make films including "Gladiator," "Black Hawk Down" and "American Gangster." Roth said he was convinced Sanders was up to the job when he watched him direct a World War 11-themed commercial for DirecTV. "There were tons of people, hundreds of extras, explosions," Roth said. "And he was very calm and collected in the middle of it. He was not going to get stage fright." As adapted by screenwriters John Lee Hancock ("The Blind Side"), Hossein Amini ("Drive") and newcomer Evan Daugherty (who wrote the first draft in film school), the "Snow White" story follows the essential contours of the legend. While there's a poisoned apple and a prince's magical kiss, the movie makes narrative and thematic departures. The film's tone is much more Brothers Grimm than Walt Disney, and its architecture calls to mind Peter Jackson's Middle-earth and
James Cameron's Pandora. Snow White (Stewart) has been imprisoned by the murderous Queen (Theron), whose thirst for eternal life and beauty has made her far more vampiric than regal. When Snow White escapes, the Queen recruits the drunken Huntsman (Hemsworth) to retrieve her stepdaughter. Snow White runs into the forest and finds the woodlands both enchanting and foreboding. There are merry dwarfs
(played in part by full-sized actors Bob Hoskins, Ray Winstone and Nick Frost) and a frightful, computer-generated troll. But it is Sanders' use of visual effects, the work of 18 companies, that distinguishes "Snow White" from this spring's "Mirror Mirror," a much tamer and less expensive version of the same fable.
ELTRVM THEATER, 1809 First St â&#x20AC;˘ Baker City â&#x20AC;˘ 523-2522 www.eltrym.com
For showtimes, call
541-523-2522 or visit www.eltrym.com ()=Bargain Matinee
Two films featured at Thursday Art Night
Baker band presents 'Summertime Jazz Ball' BAKER CI1Y- The Baker High School jazz band will present a Summertime Jazz Ball Thursday at the Baker Elks Lodge, 1896 Second St. The music begins at 8 p.m.
Admission is $5 for singles and $8 for couples. The dress code is described as "creative black tie, vintage, costume and casual." The evening features music, food and drinks.
BAKER CI1Y- Baker Art Guild will screen two films for Thursday Art Night. The first is a short made by the students at Haines Elementary School, and the second is "Being Elmo" by Constance Marks. The evening begins at 6:30 Thursday at the Eltrym Theater, 1809 First St., Baker City. Admission is $6 for adults and $4 for students and seniors. Proceeds will go to the Haines School art program. The theme for live storytelling at 6:30 is "Master of Puppets: Tales of Pulling Strings." The films start at 7 p.m. "Being Elmo" is about that red puppet beloved by children around the world. His creator, Kevin Clash, dreamt of working with his idol, master puppeteer Jim Henson. Displaying his creativity and talent at a young age, Kevin ultimately found a home on Sesame Street. Narrated by Whoopi Goldberg, this documentary includes rare archival footage, interviews with Frank Oz, Rosie O'Donnell, Cheryl Henson, Joan Ganz Cooney and others and offers a behind-thescenes look at Sesame Street and the Jim Henson Workshop. For more information about the film visit www.BeingElmo.com or the Eltrym's website at www.eltrym.com.
Run to the Ruts is Saturday BAKER CI1Y- Lace up your shoes and head for the hills - this Saturday brings the second-annual Run to the Ruts fun run and walk. The 5K (3.1 miles) is described as challenging- the route is on the trails around the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, located five miles east of Baker City on Highway 86. The runners will take off at 9 a.m., followed by the walkers. Mterward participants will be treated to water, juice, fruit, bagels and breakfast burritos. Registration forms are available online at www.trailtenders.org. Entry fees are $15 for runners and $10 for walkers. Saturday is National Trails Day, which means admission to the center is free. For more information, call541-523-1843.
a.m.- 5 p.m.
demos 0-10 p.m.
.-2 p. â&#x20AC;˘
Train robbery set this weekend SUMPTER- If you ride the Sumpter Valley Railroad this weekend, be ready for a little extra excitement- it's the first train robbery of the season. The Gold Rush Bandits are a historic shooting group that uses period firearms and costumes for their horseback mounted robberies. Round-trip fares are $16 adults, $14 seniors, $11 children or $45 for a family. For information and to make reservations, call the railroad at 866-894-2268 or the Baker County Chamber at 541-523-1235.
*Opening Night Reception tickets available for $25.00 at the Bookloft in Enterprise and at The Sheep Shed or Stewart Jones Gallery in Joseph. Or call 541 432-7535. Quick Draw $5.00 at the door. Exhibits free to public Saturday and Sunday
Visit our website at www.wallowavalleyarts.org THE OBSERVER I BAKER CITY HERALD, MAY 30,31 2012
Art mecca 30th annual Wallowa Valley Festival of Arts kicks off Friday JOSEPH- The 30th Annual Wallowa Valley Festival of Arts kicks off the summer arts season June 1-3 when artists from around the Northwest display their work at the Joseph Community Center. This year's juried selection of art is strong in oil, watercolor and acrylic painting as well as photography, organizers of the show say, with the landscape and lifestyle of Northeast Oregon prominently featured. There will also be a fine selection of bronze sculptures and a variety of works in clay, wood and other media, organizers say.
Friday night's opening gala from 7 to 10 p.m. will give show attendees a chance to mingle with the artists. A limited number of tickets are available to art lovers for $25 each at the Bookloft in Enterprise, at the Sheep Shed and Stewart Jones Gallery in Joseph or by calling the festival director at 541-432-7535. Guests are treated to wine in hand-painted glasses, hors d' oeuvres and door prizes as well as first chance to purchase the works of art on display and bid on silent auction items. Art lovers can attend the fes-
Submitted photo
THE 2011 FESTIVAL attracted art lovers from far and wide to Joseph, renowned throughout Oregon as a wonderful place to tour and look at great art.
tival free of charge Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5:30p.m. They can take a dinner break at one of the area's restaurants and return for "Quick Draw" at 6:30 p.m. to watch and bid on work that festival artists start and must complete in 1 1/2 hours. The $5 charge includes live
music, refreshments and a nohost bar. The art exhibit continues Sunday free to the public from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. A variety of art demonstrations interspersed with live music provided by the Wallowa Valley Music Alliance will entertain guests
throughout the exhibition. The silent auction will close at 1:30 p.m. Sunday to cap off a weekend of art beneath the Wallowa Mountains. For a look at last year's festival winners and a short video about the event, visit www.wallowavalleyarts.org.
Breakfast in the Park set LA GRANDE - The La Grande Soroptimist's 70th Breakfast in the Park at the newly rebuilt Riverside Park pavilion is set for Sunday. Breakfast starts at 7 a.m. and will be served until noon. The meal includes scrambled eggs, sausage or ham, orange juice and all-you-can-eat pancakes and coffee. Adults eat for $5 and children
younger than 12 eat for $4. Tickets are available from any Soroptimist member or may be purchased at the door. An official ribbon-cutting for the pavilion begins at 11 a.m. Community members are invited to join city, county and other officials as well as donors that made the rebuild possible. Cake and coffee will be served. Admission is free.
Party planned for 'Pure Beef' ENTERPRISE - Mark your calendars for Thursday for a couple of events surrounding the publishing of Lynne Curry's "Pure Beef' cookbook. From 5:30 to 7 p.m. at The Bookloft in Enterprise there will be a book signing, reading and tasting.
COMING WEDNESDAYS Look for GO! arts & entertainment magazine-- Full of places to go and things to do. Now in Wednesdays
June 6th.
Then from 7 p.m. to closing there will be a book release dance party at Gypsy Java, 118 W. Main St., in Enterprise. The free event will include a raffle for a grass-fed beef package, including red wine, steaks and a copy of the "Pure Beef' cookbook.
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Live! W~h Kelly (N)
AM Northwest (I !OJ
Today Chris Hemsworth; The Band Perry. (N)
The Ellen DeGeneres ShOW (I !OJ The 700 Club !OJ MORE Good Day Law & Order: Criminal Judge Judge Judy (I Judy (I Oregon Intent "Dead" !OJ Sesame Street "Squirma- Sid the Lidia's Italy Charlie Rose (N) (I !OJ CliffordMartha WordWorld Painting Barney & Bob the Cat in the Arthur (I (I (EI) dega Car Race" Dog Speaks Builder (I Hat El) Science and Travel Friends Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking **Below (2002) Matthew Davis, Bruce Greenwood. Mysterious H), U-571 (2000) Matthew McConaughey. Gls try to steal an ***),The Fugitive (1993, Suspense) Harrison Ford, events occur aboard a World War II submarine. !OJ encryption device from a German sub. !OJ Tommy Lee Jones, Sela Ward. !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Mickey's Adventures Doc McSt. Pirates Phineas Phineas Shake It Shake It Shake It !Shake it Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck ANT Farm SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ NFL Live (N) !01 SportsCenter (N) !OJ Report Football Around Pardon Gilmore Girls (I !OJ Boy/World 700 Club The 700 Club !OJ Still Sind Still Sind S, Rules IS Rules Grounded Grounded '70s Show '70s Show *),Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo (1999) Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me ** ), Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story Howl Met Howl Met Gold Girls Gold Girls Martha Stewart Show Hungry Hungry Emeril Pets Martha Stewart Show Martha Stewart Show The Waltons !OJ The Doctors !OJ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Days of our Lives (N) Judge B. Judge B. Ellen DeGeneres Show The 700 Club !OJ The Talk (I !OJ Let's Make a Deal (I Dr. Phil (I !01 The Price Is Right (N) Young & Restless News Bold (I !OJ Live! With Kelly (N) (I KTVB Midday News (N) Days of our Lives (N) The Doctors !OJ Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Dr. Oz Show (N) Live! With Kelly (N) (I The View (N) (I !OJ Rachael Ray (I !OJ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Chew (N) !OJ The Revolution (N) General Hospital (N) Grey's Anatomy !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Will/Grace Will/Grace Will/Grace Will/Grace Chris Chris Chris Chris Dora... Dora ... Umizoomi Umizoomi Bubble Bubble Franklin Max, Ruby Dora the Explorer (I Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Penguins Perf. Yard Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show Rugby USA Rugby, Round of 32: Teams TBA. Bensinger Paid Prog. Gangland (I !OJ (:06) Gangland !OJ (:12) Gangland "Highway to Hell" (:1S) Gangland !OJ Gangland (I !OJ 1(:24) Gangland !OJ Gangland FBI: Criminal Pursuit FBI: Criminal Pursu~ FBI: Criminal Pursuit FBI: Criminal Pursuit FBI: Criminal Pursuit Almost, Away Almost, Away Baby Story Baby's What Not to Wear (I Help-Giant Say Yes Say Yes Baby Story IBaby Story Baby Story Multiples Four Weddings !OJ Las Vegas "Wines and Leverage A corrupt The Closer "Batter Up" !OJ Charmed Paige tries to Supernatural "Time Is on Supernatural "No Rest Las Vegas "Whrte My Side" (I !01 hire a new professor. for the Wicked" !OJ Christmas" (I !OJ Misdemeanors" !OJ lawyer. !OJ Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Man, Food Man, Food Truck Stp Truck Stp Common Law !OJ House (I !OJ House "Family" !OJ House "Resignation" House "The Jeri<' (I House "Human Error" Law & Order: SVU Payne Payne Browns Browns Payne Jim Jim Amer. Dad Amer. Dad IEarl Earl Raymond Raymond Raymond The Loving Story (I H), Waterworld(1995) (I !OJ **Arthur (2011) Russell Brand. (I !OJ (:15) *Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997) Sandra Bullock. (I The Love We Make (I !OJ (:05) ** Celebrity(1998) HankAzaria. !OJ (:35) **Letters to Juliet (2010) (I !OJ **Remember Me (201 0) (I !OJ
Good Day Oregon (N)
Curious Cat in the Super Why! Dinosaur George Train (I Hat Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Nopalea Sexy Looks Tummy Fat Lovers with Tuck Fat Loss Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Octonauts Mickey Mickey Pirates SportsCenter (N) !OJ 17 SportsCenter (N) !OJ 22 Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World 15 H), Twin Dragons (1991) Jackie Chan. 35 Love Lucy Love Lucy Gold Girls Gold Girls 6 Today Chris Hemsworth; The Band Perry. (N) (I !OJ 2 CBS This Morning Actor Stephen Fry. (N) !OJ 7 (6:00) Today Chris Hemsworth; The Band Perry. (N) 4 Good Morning America Brad Paisley pertorms. 33 Balancing Designing Will/Grace Will/Grace 26 Parents Parents Sponge. Sponge. 18 (6:00) The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) 29 Insanity! Hair Loss Paid Prog. WEN Hair 32 Paid Prog. J. Robison J. Meyer WEN Hair 39 19 Kids 19 Kids Baby Story Baby Story Angel fights a Charmed Leo opposes 27 Angel demon from hell. !OJ the Avatars. (I !OJ Homes The Smithsonian 14 Homes Common Law "Pilot" (I !OJ 16 Fairly Prince 17 23 Home Imp. Home Imp. Prince 500 551 US Open *),From Justin to Kelly (2003) 600 575 MayorCu (:35) *** Walking and Talking
13 31 25 35 37 22 34 21 187 6 2 7 4 40 32 23 27 15 16 20 18 24
Good Morning America Brad Paisley pertorms. N) (I !OJ The Jeremy Kyle Show America Paid (I !OJ NOW !OJ Program CBS This Morning Actor Stephen Fry. (N) (I !OJ
13 28 20 24 37
Cheaters Divorce (I !OJ Court (I Let's Make a Deal (I !OJ
The View Charlize Theron; Margaret Cho. T~)e People's Court N !OJ The Price Is Right (N) (I !OJ
America's Judge Alex !OJ Court The Youn~ and the Restless (l ~) (I !OJ Anderson (N) (I !OJ
!OJ The Chew "Restaurant Secrets" (N) (I !OJ The People's Court !OJ
The Revolution "Revolu- General Hospital (N) (I !OJ lion 3 Way" (N) Judge Mathis (I !OJ Judge ~~i Judge Joe Brown N Brown (I News Bold/Beau- The Talk (I !OJ The Doctors Cancer tijul treatment; light bulbs. NewsChan- Be a Mil- The Nate Berkus Show Days of our Lives (N) (I !OJ (I !OJ nelS lionaire Perry Mason !OJ Rachael Ray (I !OJ Better (I !OJ
The Dr. Oz Show (N) (I !OJ Cops (I !OJ Cops (I !OJ Dr. Phil (I !01
LG - La Grande BC -Baker City 6/1/12
~" ~ •> PllS
KATU News ABC World at 5 News Family Family Feud (I Feud (I KOIN Local News 6 at 5 NewsChan- Nightly nelS News 5 O'Clock News (N)
KATU News at 6 (N)
Jeopardy! Wheel of Shark Tank A cat draw- (:01) Primetime: What 20/20 (I !OJ KATU News (:35) Night- Jimmy Kimmel Live (I !OJ 2 2 line'(N)' N)!Oi Would You Do? !OJ Fortune (N) ing service. (I !OJ Old Chris- The Simp- Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's SO'Ciot~l Monk Monk takes a job at Monk Monk helps his The King of The King of According The Office 5 5 sons (I Theory Theory father-in-law. (I !OJ to Jim (I "Sabre" a department store. tine News on POX-TV N Queens Queens KOIN Local CBS Entertain- Extra (N) Undercover Boss CSI: NY A fraternrty prank Blue Bloods "Moonlight- KOIN Local (:35) Late Show With Ferguson 6 6 ing" (I !OJ Evening "BrightStar Care" (I David Letterman !OJ 6 at 6 men! Ton. (I !OJ leads to a death. 6 at 11 Your Four O'Clock Dateline NBC (I !OJ NewsChan- News Live at 7 Inside Edi- Best Best NewsChan- (:35) The Tonight Show Jimmy 8 8 News (N) N)!Oi lion (N) (I Friends With Jay Leno !OJ nelS Friends nelS Fallon Judge TMZ(N) Access House "~e[~ls of Para- Bones Human remains 10 O'Clock News (N) 11 O'~ll~lk Love-Ray- Love-Ray- (:35) 6 O'~IU~lk Timbers 12 12 J~)dge Judy Judy (I (I !OJ Hollywood noia" (I PA !OJ Frasier !OJ News N in 30 are found in a field. News N mond mond PBS NewsHour (N) (I !OJ Washing- BBC News- Midsomer Murders PBS NewsHour (I !OJ WordGirl Wild Kratts Electric Fetch! With TravelNightly (9:4S) Midsomer Masterpiece Classic 13 13 (I (EI) "Fireflies" Comp. scope (I "Dead Man's Eleven" Murders !OJ "Wuthering Heights" Ruff Business ton Week night 31 28 Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage !Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage H), Red Dawn (1984, Action) Patrick Swayze. High-school guer- ~~** WarGames (1983, Suspense) Matthew Broderick. A teenage ***),The Fugitive **U.S. Marshals (1998, Crime Drama) Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes. 25 20 (2:00J) 1993 !OJ Sam Gerard qets cauqht up in another fuqitive case. !OJ rillas take on invadinq Soviet troops. !OJ computer whiz nearly beqins World War Ill. !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars Louisiana Lockdown Louisiana Lockdown Whale Wars Whale Wars 35 24 Whale Wars (I !OJ Austin Shake It Good Luck ANT Farm Jessie (I ANT Farm ANT Farm Phineas Shake It Austin Phineas !Good Luck Jessie (I ANT Farm Shake It 37 37 ANT Farm ANT Farm Austin SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ NBA Basketball 22 17 SportCtr NBA Countdown (N) NBA Basketball Conference Final: Teams TBA. (N) !OJ The 700 Club !OJ Prince Prince 34 22 '70s Show '70s Show A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song (2011) Another Cinderella Story (2008) Selena Gomez. **A Cinderella Story (2004) Hilary Duff. The Ultimate Fighter Live (N Same-day Tape) (I Ultimate Fight 21 15 Howl Met Howl Met Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men H), Hancock(2008, Action) Will Smrth. The Waltons !OJ Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier (I IFrasier (I Frasier (I Frasier (I Gold Girls Gold Girls 187 35 The Waltons !OJ Dateline NBC (I !OJ NBC News News Millionaire Jeopardy! Wheel BFF BFF News Tonight Show w/Leno J. Fallon 6 6 Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News CSI: NY (I !01 Blue Bloods (I !OJ CBS News KREM 2 News at 6 (N) Inside Ed. Access H. Undercover Boss (I News Late Show Letterman Ferguson 2 2 The Dr. Oz Show (N) News Dateline NBC (I !OJ (12:05) Today !OJ NBC News News Ent BFF BFF News Tonight Show w/Leno Jimmy Fallon C. Daly 7 7 News Shark Tank (I !OJ 20/20 (I !OJ ABC News News News Ent Insider Primetime: What Sports Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live (I 4 4 The Nate Berkus Show News Coming Home !OJ Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Coming Home (N) Amer. Most Wanted 40 33 Howl Met Howl Met Amer. Most Wanted Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Victorious Victorious Sponge. Korra Korra '70s Show '70s Show George !George 32 26 Penguins Kung Fu Sponge. Sponge. Fred Mariners MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Chicago White Sox. The Dan Patrick Show Poker 23 18 Mariners Mariners MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Chicago Whrte Sox. (Live) (5:47) Gangland !OJ (:09) Gangland (I !OJ (6:53) ***First Blood (1982, Action) (I ** Walking Tall (2004, Action) The Rock. (I Gangland 27 29 Gangland (:42) Gangland (I !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Almost, Away Deadliest Catch The aftermath of the hurricane. Alaska: Ice Cold Kill Deadliest Catch The aftermath of the hurricane. 15 32 Almost, Away Four Weddings !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes ISay Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes 16 39 Four Weddings !OJ Law & Order "Embed- Law & Order "Good Law & Order Meat-pack- Law & Order Shooter hrts ***),Forrest Gump (1994, Drama) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise. An *** lnvictus (2009, Drama) Morgan Freeman, Matt 20 27 ded" (I !01 (DVS) Faith" !01 (DVS) ing company. (I reputable doctor. innocent man enters histo y from the '50s to the '90s. !OJ Damon, Tony Kgoroge. Premiere. !OJ The Dead Files !OJ Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files (N) Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures 18 14 Bizarre Foods Fairly Legal (N) !OJ Common Law (N) (I Su~s!OJ Fairly Legal !OJ Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU 24 16 Law & Order: SVU Friends (I Friends (I H), The Holiday (2006) Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law. !OJ Friends Friends King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Payne Payne Payne Payne 17 23 (:45) ** Ar1hur(2011) Russell Brand. (I !OJ True Blood R. Gervais Too Short Game of Thrones (I Real Time/Bill Maher R. Gervais 2417 500 551 Waterwrld (:45) ***It's Kind of a Funny Story (201 0) (:20) *),My 5 Wives (2000) H), The Beaver(2011) !OJ Original Latin Kings Kaboom ***Meek's Cutoff (201 0) 600 575 Remembr H), Casino Jack(2010) Kevin Spacey. (I KA TU News First at Four (N) (I !OJ America's Funniest Home Videos (I !OJ KOIN Local 6 at 4
(I !01
LG - La Grande BC -Baker City THE OBSERVER I BAKER CITY HERALD, MAY 30,31, 2012
~" ~ •> PllS
KA TU News This Morning -Sat (I !OJ
Jack Hanna Ocean Born to Everyday Food for Sea Rescue Paid Paid Ball Boys Ball Boys Best Pillow Paid ESPN Sports Saturday 2 2 (I !OJ !OJ Mysteries Explore Thought Program Program N)!Oi Program I(N) Health Ever! Animal Hanna Into Animal Animal Paid Paid Paid Next Stop The lngre- Whacked Access Hollywood (~lp TMZ(N) (I !OJ Trout TV (I ~~~f Tales Paid 5 5 Exploration P~ls.TV El !01 Atlas !OJ El !01 Program Program Program Program Out Sports stories of the week. N the Wild Rescue dient DoodleDoodleFusion Garden Danger Horseland Cindy Paid Open Paid PGA Tour Golf Memorial Tournament, Third Round. From Muirfield Village How to Busytown 6 6 bops !OJ bops (EI) Rangers Program Golf Club in Dublin, Ohio. (N) (Live) !OJ Mysteries Time Crawford Program House (I Drive NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00AM (N) !OJ 2012 French Open Tennis Men's and Women's Third Round. From Roland Track and Field Prefontaine Classic. College Rugby USA Sevens Champi- Jane and Pearlie (EI) 8 8 Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) (I (Live) !OJ From Eugene, Ore. (N) !OJ onship. From Philadelphia. (N) the Dragon Gookin' (6:00) Good Day Oregon Saturday (N) Natural Great Big Mystery Made in MLB Player Paid *),Whatever It Takes (2000, Comedy) Shane West, The lngre- The Green Teen.~~~s 12 12 Advantage World With Gutty News N Hollywood Poll Program Marla Sokoloff. 'PG-13' Economy Hunters dient Cook's Sesame Dinosaur Cat in the WordGirl Electric Fetch! With Victory Garden Sew With SewltAII Love of Quilting Essential Test MotorWeek WoodWoodsmith 13 13 Street (I !OJ (I (EI) Comp. Nancy Quilting Arts (I Pepin (I Country N) wright Shop (I Train Hat Ruff Garden Home Kitchen Flip This House !OJ Flip This House !OJ Sell: Extreme Fix-Yard Fix-Yard Monster Monster Dog Dog Dog the Bounty Hunter 31 28 Sell House Sell House Flip This House !OJ Rifle- The Rifle- The Rifle- The Rifle- H ), Cahill, United States Marshal (1973) John Wayne. A *** ), Chisum (1970) John Wayne, Geoffrey Deuel. A rancher ***The Cowboys (1972) John Wayne. Rancher 25 20 The lawman's sons become involved in a fatal bank robbery. battles an evil land baron in 1870s New Mexico. !OJ takes schoolboys on cattle drive. !OJ man man man man American Stuffers (I American Stuffers (I American Stuffers (I American Stuffers (I American Stuffers (I American Stuffers (I American Stuffers (I American Stuffers (I 35 24 Dogs 101 (I !OJ Jessie (I ANT Farm Wizards Doc McSt. Mickey Pirates Phineas Phineas Phineas Fish Wizards Good Luck Good Luck Shake It Shake It Good Luck Good Luck 37 37 Mickey NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: 5-hour Energy 200. (N) SportsCenter (N) !OJ NASCAR Countdown NHRA Drag Racing 22 17 SportsCenter (N) (Live) !OJ **Bewitched (2005) Nicole Kidman. **Practical Magic (1998) Sandra Bullock. 34 22 Boy/World Boy/World Another Cinderella Story (2008) Selena Gomez. **A Cinderella Story (2004) Hilary Duff. Howl Met Howl Met Howl Met Howl Met Howl Met Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men *** The Simpsons Movie (2007, Comedy) Julie Kavner 21 15 *),Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo (1999) The Waltons !OJ The Waltons !OJ The Waltons !OJ The Waltons !OJ The Waltons !OJ Love Lucy Love Lucy Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls The Waltons !OJ 187 35 2012 French Open Tennis Men's and Women's Third Round. (N) !OJ Track and Field College Rugby Jdg Judy Zula Patrol 6 6 KHQ News Saturday (N) PGA Tour Golf Memorial Tournament, Third Round. (N) (Live) !OJ Paid Prog. Fat Loss 2 2 Doodlebop Doodlebop Busytown Busytown Danger Horseland Paid Prog. Landscap Cash Cab Loss 2012 French Open Tennis Men's and Women's Third Round. (N) !OJ Track and Field College Rugby Entertainment Tonight 7 7 KTVB Morning News (N) Explore Rescue Health Food ** Underdog (2007) Voices of Jason Lee. Ball Boys Ball Boys ESPN Sports Saturday (N) 4 4 Good Morning America J. Hanna Ocean Drop Dead Diva !OJ Drop Dead Diva !OJ Drop Dead Diva !OJ Drop Dead Diva !OJ Prank 40 33 Tummy Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cindy C Chris Kung Fu Power Sponge. Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Time Big Time 32 26 T.U.F.F. T.U.F.F. Parents Parents Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Korra Loss Perf. Yard Tummy Paid Prog. Mariners Mariners MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Chicago Whrte Sox. (Live) 23 18 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Landscap Juice and Lose! Trucks! (I MuscleCar Wildest Police Videos (:1 0) World's Wildest Police Videos Wildest Police Videos (:27) ***First Blood (1982) (I Insanity! Xtreme Horse. 27 29 Paid Prog. WEN Hair Loss Myth Busters (I !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ 15 32 Removal Paid Prog. Best Vac! Cindy C Myth Busters (I !OJ Property Ladder !OJ Property Ladder !OJ Property Ladder !OJ Property Ladder !OJ Insanity! Paid Prog. Tummy Paid Prog. On the Fly On the Fly Lottery Changed Lottery Changed 16 39 Rizzoli & Isles "Burning The Closer The squad ***Double Jeopardy (1999, Suspense) Tommy **Kiss the Girls (1997, Mystery) Morgan Freeman, (:15) w , Starsky & Hutch (2004, Comedy) Ben (:15) H ), Fun With Dick 20 27 Down the House" investigates a death. Lee Jones, Ashley Judd. !OJ Ashley Judd, Cary Elwes. !OJ Stiller, Owen Wilson. !OJ & Jane (2005) Man v. Food "Miami" No Reservation Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food No Reservation No Reservation No Reservation Hotel Hotels 18 14 Bizarre Foods Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) *** The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) Georgie Henley. 24 16 Best Mop! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fat Loss ** Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) (: 10) w , The Holiday (2006) Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet. !OJ Earl Earl Earl Jim Yes, Dear Yes, Dear (:25) *** Ghost(t990) Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore. !OJ 17 23 Earl Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (I (:15) Hemingway & Gel/horn (2012) Clive Owen, Nicole Kidman. (I !OJ True Blood REAL Sports Gumbel 24n 500 551 *** X-Men: First Class (2011) (I !OJ ** ), A Summer in Genoa (I (:25) * ), Happily N'Ever After (8:55) The Twilight of the Golds (:45) ***A Single Man (2009) Colin Firth. (I HoteiRw *** Cairo Time (2009) (I !OJ 600 575 Letters
LG - La Grande BC -Baker City 6/2112
~" ~ •> PllS
KATU News ABC World at 5 News The King of The King of Queens Queens Extra (N) (I !OJ
KATU News Paid Jeopardy! Wheel of Program !OJ at 6 Fortune The Office The Office Big Bang Big Bang (I !OJ (I !OJ Theory Theory KOIN Local CBS American Paid Evening Program 6 at 6 Hlth 2012 Stanley Cup Final Los Angeles Kings at TBA. Game 2. (N) (I (Live) !OJ
Secret Millionaire (I !OJ
Secret Millionaire (I !OJ
Secret Millionaire Entre- KATU News Comedy. TV (I !OJ Proactiv is preneur John Ferber. Number 1 FOX12 FOX12 House The team treats a House The inner work- South South South South 5 5 college football star. ings of the hosprtal. (I Park !OJ Park !OJ Park !OJ Park !OJ News News EngageBe-Gentle- CSI: Miami "Sinner Takes 48 Hours Mystery (I !OJ KOIN Local (:35) True Hollywood Relieve 6 6 All" (I !OJ Story "Kate Hudson" men! man 6 alii Ipain Paid Inside ** The Basketball Diaries (1995, Drama) Leonardo NewsChan- (:29) Saturday Night Live (I !OJ 8 8 (I !OJ Program Edition DiCaprio, Bruno Kirby. nelS Cops (I !OJ Cops (I !OJ Law & Order "American Starlight Parade Annual parade in downtown The Finder "The Great 30 Seconds Paid MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Detrort Tigers. From Comerica Park in 12 12 Detroit. (N Subject to Blackout) (I (Live) !OJ Dream" (I !OJ Portland, Ore. (N) Escape" (I !OJ Program Hometime Ask This This Old The Lawrence Welk Last of the Travels to R. Steves' Glo~i Trekker (I !OJ OfficialMy Family IPutnum- ~~rew Tricks Death of a Masterpiece Mystery! An elderly 13 13 !OJ the Edge Europe !OJ bered (I rofessor. (I !OJ woman loses her money. (I Old House House (I Show Wine DVS Fest Storage Storage Storage Storage Dog the Bounty Hunter Flipped Off (N) !OJ (:01) Flipped Off !01 Storage Storage 31 28 Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Storage Wars !OJ ***Independence Day (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff *** lndependenceDay(t996) Will Smith. Earth***The Cowboys ***Rio Bravo (1959, Western) John Wayne, Dean Martin, Ricky Nelson. 25 20 (2:00) 1972) !OJ Sheriff and deputies try to hold rancher's brother in jail. !OJ Goldblum. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. lings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. Tanked (N) (I Tanked (I !OJ Tanked (I Tanked (I !OJ Tanked (I !OJ It's Me or the Dog (I Lost Tape Lost Tape 35 24 It's Me or the Dog (I Tanked (I !OJ Jessie (I Jessie (I Jessie (I Jessie (I Good Luck Good Luck Austin Shake It Shake It Shake It Good Luck Austin Shake It Austin Phineas ANT Farm I Shake It !Good Luck 37 37 SportsCenter (N) (Live) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter !OJ Update College Softball 22 17 College Softball w , The Notebook(2004) Ryan Gosling. ****Beauty and the Beast (1991, Fantasy) ****Beauty and the Beast (1991, Fantasy) 34 22 Practical **A Walk to Remember (2002, Romance) Shane West. w , Hancock (2008, Action) Will Smrth. ** Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Shia LaBeouf. Wilfred Wilfred Louie Louie 21 15 *),Jumper (2008) Hayden Christensen. The Waltons !OJ H), A Wedding on Walton's Mountain H ), A Wedding on Walton's Mountain **A Walton Wedding (1995, Drama) Gold Girls Gold Girls 187 35 The Waltons !OJ NUMB3RS "Hydra" (I Criminal Minds !OJ (:29) Saturday Night Live (I !OJ News Wheel News 6 6 Shelldon Dragon 2012 Stanley Cup Final Los Angeles Kings at TBA. Game 2. (N) !OJ Paid Prog. Grey's Anatomy !OJ 48 Hours Mystery (I (:35) The Closer !OJ CBS News News Rules Gentleman CSI: Miami (I !01 News Cold Case 2 2 Access Hollywood (N) News Dateline NBC (I !OJ NBC News 2012 Stanley Cup Final Los Angeles Kings at TBA. Game 2. (N) !OJ News !Saturday Night Live (I !OJ 1st Look House House News 7 7 News Secret Millionaire (I Secret Millionaire (I ABC News News Insider Entertainment Tonight Secret Millionaire (I ***Garden State (2004) Zach Braff. 4 4 XTERRA Storms News Shadow of Fear (2012) Amanda Righetti. !OJ Imaginary Friend (2012) Lacey Chabert. !OJ *),The Resident (2011) Hilary Swank. !OJ Imaginary Friend !OJ 40 33 Playdate (2012) Marguerrte Moreau. !OJ iCarly (I iCarly (I iCarly (I iCarly (I iCarly (I Friends (I Friends (I Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious Rock !Victorious Yes, Dear !Yes, Dear Friends Friends 32 26 Boys in MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Chicago Whrte Sox. Game 365 IMLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Chicago Whrte Sox. 23 18 Mariners Baseball Paid Prog. Sports Unlimited H ), Green Zone (2010) Matt Damon. Premiere. (I ** Walking Tall (2004, Action) The Rock. (I *** ), A Few Good Men(t992) 27 29 First Blood (:44) **Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985, Action) (I Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ 15 32 Deadliest Catch !OJ Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life On the Fly IOn the Fly Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life 16 39 Lottery Changed (3:15) H ), Fun With Dick NBA Pre- NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Oklahoma Crty Thunder. Inside the NBA (N) Law & Order "Good Law & Order Meat-packFalling Skies Hal begins Falling Skies "What 20 27 & Jane !OJ Farth" !01 (DVS) inq company. (I Ia ame (N) I(N) (Live) !OJ Live) !OJ to distrust Clayton. Hides Beneath" !OJ The Dead Files !OJ The Dead Files !OJ Hotels Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures 18 14 Hotels w , It's Complicated (2009) Meryl Streep. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU 24 16 (2:00) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Law & Order: SVU Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Seinfeld H ), Just Like Heaven (2005) !OJ King Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang ** Failure to Launch (2006) !OJ 17 23 King H), Mr. Popper's Penguins Snow ** ), Liar Liar (1997) (I !OJ (:15) Game of Thrones Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (I 124n 500 551 *** X-Men: First Class (2011) (I !OJ (:35) ***As Good as It Gets (1997) Jack Nicholson. (I Bill Bellamy: Crazy Boxing Antonio Tarver vs. Lateef Kayode. (N Same-day Tape) 600 575 (3:30) ***Hotel Rwanda (2004)
(3:00) ESPN Sports Saturday (N The Joy of Paid Fishing Program Busytown Paid Mysteries Program Zula Patrol Shelldon !OJ
LG - La Grande BC -Baker City
~" ~ •> PllS
Your Voice Paid This Week WI George Weight lndyCar Racing Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix. From Paid Paid ~~elebrity Paid 2 2 Program Stephanopoulos Program Detrort. (N) (Live) Program Program Loss Makeup Stargate Universe "Trial Star Trek Kirk duels the Wild Bill (2011, Drama) Sports The Green Jack Van Made in Hollywood (I !OJ I~Nll~scoop He~rtl~ld "Step by Step" Criminal Minds "A Rite Without a Trace 5 5 Stars Economy lmpe !01 DVS of Passaqe" (I !OJ Employee's funeral. !OJ and Error" !OJ ruler of Gothos. (I Charlie Creed-Miles. CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (I !OJ Face the Nation (N) (I !OJ Paid Paid Storm Stop IPGA Tour Golf Memorial Tournament, Final Round. From Muirtield Village Golf Club in American Wall Street 6 6 Program Program Stories !OJ Memory Dublin, Ohio. (N) (Live) !OJ Hlth Journal NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00AM (N) !OJ Meet the Press (N) !OJ 2012 French Open Tennis Men's and Women's Fourth Round. From Roland College Rugby USA Sevens Championship. From Babar Willa's Wild 8 8 IlEI) !01 Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) (I (Live) !OJ Philadelphia: (N) (I (Live) !OJ Life H), Rent (2005, Musical) Rosario Good Day Oregon Sunday (N) Who Knew NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Fed Ex 400. From Dover International Speedway in Dover, Del. (N) (I (Live) jiaid Paid 12 12 !OJ Program Program Dawson, Ta e Diqqs. 'PG-13' R. Steves' Travels to Nature "Black Mamba" NOVA The planet's most Goat Rodeo Live: Yo-Yo Great Performances Tony Bennett Mister Curious Thomas & Bob the loopdiver: BBC News- European 13 13 Rogers George Friends (I Builder (I Europe the Edge Black mamba of Africa. deadly creatures. sings with many artists. (I !OJ Journey night Journal (I Ma, Stuart Duncan The Glades "Beached" The Glades "Shine" The Glades "Breakout" Criminal Minds !OJ Criminal Minds !OJ Criminal Minds !OJ Criminal Minds !OJ Criminal Minds !OJ 31 28 The Glades !OJ (:04) Mad Men Peggy's (:08) Mad MenDon's (:12) The Pitch "JDRF: (:12) ***The Birdcage (1996, Comedy) Robin Williams. A son's (:44) H), Overboard (1987, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. An amnesiac (:15) Hr[he ~edding 25 20 family's new priest. challenqed by a pitch. Muse & Bozell" !OJ enqaqement throws a kink into a qay couple's life. millionairess is duped by a cunninq carpenter. !OJ Planner 2001 Whale Wars (I !OJ Whale Wars Brothers Brothers Brothers IBrothers Brothers Brothers Wildman !Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman 35 24 Dogs 101 (I !OJ Jessie (I Austin Doc McSt. Mickey Pirates Phineas Phineas Good Luck Shake It ANT Farm IAustin Wizards Wizards Good Luck !Good Luck Shake It Shake It 37 37 Mickey SportsCenter (N) (Live) !OJ Baseball College Softball Update College Softball 22 17 SportsCenter (N) (Live) !OJ H Practical Magic (1998) Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman. **Bewitched (2005) Nicole Kidman. I** A Walk to Remember (2002, Romance) Shane West. 34 22 H Snow Dogs (2002) Cuba Gooding Jr. H Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003) *),Max Payne **Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001, Adventure) 21 15 Smarter Smarter Smarter *** The Simpsons Movie (2007, Comedy) Julie Kavner Love Lucy Love Lucy Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie 187 35 Meet the Press (N) Babar (EI) Pro Ninja 2012 French Open Tennis Men's and Women's Fourth Round. (N) !OJ College Rugby USA Sevens Championship. (N) GrtPillow Paid Prog. 6 6 KHQ News Invest Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 2 2 CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (I The Nation Backroads Paid Prog. Proactiv Cash Cab Cindy C IPGA Tour Golf Memorial Tournament, Final Round. (N) (Live) !OJ Viewpoint J.Hanna Willa's Pearlie (EI) 2012 French Open Tennis Men's and Women's Fourth Round. (N) !OJ College Rugby USA Sevens Championship. (N) Dragon Animal 7 7 Meet the Press (N) Matthews Wall Street Hometime Your Home Paid Prog. IKettleBell Paid Prog. lndyCar Racing Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix. Storms Storms 4 4 Good Morning America This Week Shadow of Fear (2012) Amanda Righetti. !OJ w, Orphan (2009) !OJ RSchuller Jeremiah J. Osteen Paid Prog. Chris TBA To Be Announced 40 33 In Touch iCarly (I Victorious Big Time Big Time 32 26 Penguins Penguins Parents Parents Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. !Sponge. WinxCiub WinxCiub Big Time IRock Fishing Mariners Mariners MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Chicago White Sox. (Live) Mariners Boys in Baseball Paid Prog. 23 18 Paid Prog. NA Hunter Fishing Fisherman Quest Trucks! (I MuscleCar Am Digger lAm Digger Stings Wealth Insanity! Xtreme Horse. (:44) Undercover Stings !Stings ** Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) (I 27 29 Perf. Yard Loss 15 32 Paid Prog. Youssef J. Osteen In Touch Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction !Auction Auction Auction Auction !Auction Auction Auction Myth Busters (I !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Loss Insanity! Four Weddings !OJ Gypsy Wedding Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive 16 39 Dr. Fred Price Law & Order "Absentia" Law & Order "ProSe" (I Law & Order An abusive Law & Order A man H Four Law & Order Woman is Law & Order "Fixed" (I ***Gran Torino (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood, Christopher 20 27 (I !01 (DVS) !01 (DVS) mother dies. (I resorts to vigilantism. (I pushed off a balcony. !01 (DVS) Carley. A veteran faces his longtime prejudices. !OJ Brothers Year of Adventures (N) Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bggg Bills IBggg Bills Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food IMan, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food 18 14 When Vacations **He's Just Not That Into You (2009) Ben Affleck. !OJ It's Com 24 16 Defrosting Yng- Skin Miracles J. Osteen H), Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom. !OJ MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Detroit Tigers. (N) (Live) !OJ Browns ** The Perfect Man (2005) Hilary Duff. Friends (I I** Runaway Bride (1999) Julia Roberts. !OJ 17 23 Browns 2417 **Life as We Know It (2010) Katherine Heigl. *** Unstoppable (201 0) (I !OJ IFirst Look Real Time/Bill Maher *** Sea biscuit (I 500 551 Getting Even With Dad ***Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) (I (:45) *),The Back-up Plan (2010) (I !OJ Boxing Antonio Tarver vs. Lateef Kayode. Dead Man Running (2009) 50 Cent Company 600 575 *Bratz KA TU News This Morning -Sun
(I !OJ
LG - La Grande BC -Baker City 6/3/12
~" ~ •> PllS
KA TU News ABC World KA TU News at 6 (N) (I !01 America's Funniest Secret Millionaire (Sea- Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition "Tony" A KATU News (:35) Cars. TimMePaid Recipe. (:35) Paid 2 2 Program TV!Oi Home Videos (I !OJ son Premiere) (N) (I man struggles with food addiction. (I Program at 5 News TV Carver The Closer A man wear- Oregon (3:00) WildBi/1(2011) ** Clockstoppers (2002, Comedy) Jesse Bradford, Big Bang ~~ig Bang Law &Order "Apocry- The Closer "Speed According 'Til Death Whacked 5 5 Charlie Creed-Miles. (I !OJ pha" (I !OJ Bump" !OJ to Jim (I French Stewart, Paula Garces. Theory Theory ing a wire is shot. Sports Out Videos 60 Minutes (I !OJ Dogs in the City (I !OJ The Good Wife "Feeding CSI: Miami (I !01 Paid Paid Dog & Cat The Insider KOIN Local CBS KOIN Local (:35) Cold Case "Torn" (:35) Paid 6 6 Program Program Training I(N) (I (I !OJ Evening the Rat" (I !OJ Program 6 at 6 6 alii Dateline NBC (I !OJ The Unit Team tries to NewsChannel8 at 5PM Nightly Straight Adele Live in London 2012 Miss USA Competition Contestants vie for NewsChan- Sports (12:05) Cold Case Files 8 8 raid anthrax lab. !OJ (I !OJ N) (I !OJ N)!Oi the crown. (N Same-day Tape) (I !OJ Sunday News Talk nelS (2 :30) H), Rent (2005) 5 O'Clock News (N) Paid Next Stop American Irhe Cleve- The Simp- IBob's Family American 10 O'Clock News (N) Oregon Love-Ray- Old Chris- Old Chris12 12 Rosario Dawson. Dad !OJ land Show sons (I Burgers Guy !OJ Dad !OJ Program Sports mond tine tine Moyers & Company (I !OJ Oregon Art Ore. Field Antiques Roadshow Masterpiece Mystery! "Zen: Vendetta" loopdiver: Audrey Hepburn Globe Trekker (I !OJ Religion & To the Secrets of the Manor 13 13 Ethics "Jackpotl" (I !OJ IIDVS) Contrary Beat (I House !OJ (DVS) A man seeks revenqe. (I Journey Remembered (I !OJ Guide Criminal Minds !OJ Criminal Minds !OJ Criminal Minds !OJ Criminal Minds !OJ The Glades !OJ Longmire "Pilot" !OJ (:01) Longmire "Pilot" (12:01) Criminal Minds 31 28 Criminal Minds !OJ (3:15) H The Wedding Planner (:45) w, Two Weeks Notice (2002) Sandra Bullock, Alicia Witt. A The Killing Sarah moves The Killing Sarah and Mad Men "Commissions (:04) The Pitch (N) (12:04) Mad Men !OJ 25 20 2001) Jennifer Lopez. !OJ unsteadily. (I and Fees" (N millionaire confronts his feelings for his lawyer. Holder go on the run. 35 24 Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman IWildman Wildman IWildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman ANTFarm IShake It ANT Farm Jessie (I Austin Good Luck ANT Farm Jessie (I Wizards Wizards 37 37 Phineas Phineas Good Luck ANT Farm Jessie (I Shake It ANT Farm !Austin SportsCenter (N) (Live) !OJ SportsCenter !OJ SportsCenter !OJ Basketball 22 17 SportCtr NBA Countdown (N) NBA Basketball Conference Final: Teams TBA. (N) !OJ H The Last Song (201 0, Drama) Miley Cyrus. Premiere. ** The Time Traveler's Wife (2009) Rachel McAdams. J. Osteen Ed Young 34 22 H), The Notebook(2004) Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams. H),X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Hugh Jackman. H), X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Hugh Jackman. ** Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Shia LaBeouf. 21 15 (3:00) Max Payne 187 35 Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Gold Girls Gold Girls NBC News News Paid Prog. Dateline NBC (I !OJ Adele Live in London 2012 Miss USA Competition (N Same-day Tape) News Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Insanity! 6 6 NUMB3RS "Hydra" (I News Dogs in the City !OJ The Good Wife !OJ CSI: Miami (I !01 (:35) The Unit (I !OJ CBS News KREM 2 News at 6 (N) 60 Minutes (I !OJ News Fam. Guy 2 2 Backroads Inside Ed. News NBC News Dateline NBC (I !OJ Adele Live in London 2012 Miss USA Competition (N Same-day Tape) News Sports Ext. Whacked Paid Prog. Whacked Tummy Paid Prog. Dateline 7 7 News Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition !OJ News ABC News News Hollywood Funniest Home Videos Secret Millionaire (I News Van lmpe Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 4 4 Heartland (I *),The Resident (2011) Hilary Swank. !OJ Imaginary Friend (2012) Lacey Chabert. !OJ Drop Dead Diva !OJ The Client List (N) (:01) Imaginary Friend (2012) Lacey Chabert. 40 33 (2 :30) H), Orphan 32 26 iCarly (I iCarly (I Victorious Victorious Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. !Sponge. Yes, Dear IYes, Dear '70s Show '70s Show George George Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Sports Unlimited Bull Riding World Poker Tour MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Chicago White Sox. Heartland Poker Tour 23 18 Volvo Ocean Race (N) Rev3 H), The Transporter 2 (2005) Premiere. (I H), The Transporter 2 (2005, Action) (I **The Marine 2 (2009) Ted DiBiase. (I 27 29 (:15) H), Green Zone (2010, Action) Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear. (I Myth Busters (I !OJ Myth Busters (I !OJ Myth Busters (I !OJ Myth Busters (I !OJ Myth Busters (N) !OJ Head Games (I !OJ Myth Busters (I !OJ Myth Busters (I !OJ 15 32 Myth Busters (I !OJ Gypsy Wedding Sister Sister Gypsy Wedding Sister Sister ISister 16 39 Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Sister Four Brothers (2005, Crime ***Patriot Games (1992) Harrison Ford, Anne Archer. A former H), Shooter (2007) Mark Wahlberg. A wounded sniper plots Killshot (2009) Diane Lane. A couple flee a relent- ***),Heat 20 27 (3:30)r !OJ Drama Mark Wahlberq. !OJ CIA aqent is stalked by a venqefuiiRA terrorist. !OJ revenqe aqainst those who betrayed him. !OJ less assassin and his younq partner. !OJ Bggg Bills Bggg Bills Gem Hunt (N) !01 Hotel Impossible !OJ Tricked Out Trailers Bggg Bills Bggg Bills Gem Hunt !OJ Tricked Out Trailers 18 14 Sand M. Sand M. Hotel Impossible !OJ Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU **He's Just Not That Into You (2009) !OJ 24 16 (3:30) Hdt's Complicated (2009) !OJ H Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009) !OJ **Failure to Launch (2006) !OJ (:05) **Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009) Men-Work Music 17 23 H), Just Like Heaven (2005) !OJ H), Mr. Popper's Penguins (I Game of Thrones (I (:15) ***Unstoppable (2010, Action) (I !OJ (:10) Veep (:40) Girls (:10) Game of Thrones (I !OJ (:20) Veep 500 551 (3:00) *** Seabiscuit (2003) (I The Borgias (I !OJ (:25) ***Source Code (2011) (I The Big C INrs Jackie Nrs Jackie The Big C The Borgias (N) !OJ Nrs Jackie The Big C The Borgias (I !OJ 600 575 (3:35) ***The Company Men
LG - La Grande BC -Baker City THE OBSERVER I BAKER CITY HERALD, MAY 30,31, 2012
~ 5
~" ~ •> PllS
Good Morning America (N) !OJ The Jeremy Kyle Show America (I !OJ NOW !OJ CBS This Morning (N) (I !01
Paid Program
Divorce Court (I Let's Make a Deal (N) (I !OJ
(I !OJ
Today Technology; sandwiches; protein. (N)
AM Northwest (I !OJ
The View Angie Harmon; Live! W~h Kelly (N) (I !OJ Beth Stern. (N) The People's Court !OJ America's Judge Alex !OJ Court The Price Is Right (N) The Youn~ and the (I !OJ Restless (l ~) (I !OJ Anderson (I !OJ
The Chew (I !OJ
The Revolution
General Hospital (N)
The Dr. Oz Show (I !OJ
(I !OJ
The People's Court !OJ
Judge Mathis (I !OJ
The Talk (I !OJ
Bold/Beautijul NewsChan- Be a MilnelS lionaire Perry Mason !OJ
The Ellen DeGeneres ShOW (I !OJ The 700 Club !OJ Better (I !OJ Good Day Oregon (N) MORE Good Day Law & Order: Criminal Judge Judge 12 12 Judy (I Judy (I Oregon Intent "Briqht Boy" (I Curious Ifat in the Super Why! Dinosaur Sesame Street Big Bad Sid the CliffordMartha WordWorld Paint This- JoanneBarney & Bob the Cat in the Arthur (I 13 13 George Hat (I (EI) Train (I Wolf scares Slimey. Dog Speaks Jerry Cooking Builder (I Hat El) Science Friends Criminal Minds !OJ CSI: Miami (I !01 CSI: Miami (I !01 Criminal Minds !OJ Criminal Minds !OJ The First 4S !OJ 31 28 Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds !OJ Paid Paid (:15) ***North Country(2005, Drama) Charlize Theron, Frances McDor(:15) ** The Wedding Planner (2001) Jennifer Lopez. An event (:45) w, Two Weeks Notice (2002) Paid liaid 25 20 Program Program Program Program mand. A miner charqes her employer with sexual harassment. !OJ orqanizer has eyes for her biqqest client's beau. !OJ Sandra Bullock, Huqh Grant. Hillbilly Handfishin' (I River Monsters 35 24 I Shouldn't Be Alive (I Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Infested! (I !OJ Mickey Mickey Doc McSt. Little Phineas Octonauts Phineas Phineas Phineas IPhineas Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck 37 37 Octonauts !Jake and the Pirates Pirates SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ NFL Live (N) !01 SportsCenter (N) !OJ Report Football Around Pardon 22 17 SportsCenter (N) !OJ Gilmore Girls (I !OJ Still Sind Still Sind SRules Grounded Grounded '70s Show '70s Show IS Rules 34 22 Boy/World !Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World 700 Club The 700 Club !OJ ** Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003) **Lara Croft: Tomb Raider(200t, Adventure) *i' Max Payne (2008) Mark Wahlberg. Black Hawk Down, War 21 15 *i' Teaching Mrs. Tingle (1999, Comedy) The Waltons !OJ Love Lucy I Love Lucy Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Martha Stewart Show Hungry Martha Emeril Pets Martha Stewart Show Martha Stewart Show 187 35 The Doctors !OJ Juice and Lose! Days of our Lives (N) Willa's Judge B. Ellen DeGeneres Show 6 6 Today Technology; sandwiches; protein. (N) (I !OJ The 700 Club !OJ The Talk (I !OJ Dr. Phil (I !01 The Price Is Right (N) Young & Restless News Bold Let's Make a Deal (N) 2 2 CBS This Morning (N) (I !01 Live! With Kelly (N) (I KTVB Midday News (N) Days of our Lives (N) The Doctors !OJ Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Dr. Oz Show (I 7 7 (6:00) Today Technology; sandwiches; protein. (N) (I !OJ Live! With Kelly (N) (I The View (N) (I !OJ Rachael Ray (I !OJ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Chew (I !OJ The Revolution General Hospital (N) 4 4 Good Morning America (N) !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Chris Chris Chris 40 33 The Balancing Act (N) Will/Grace Will/Grace Will/Grace Will/Grace Will/Grace Will/Grace Chris Dora ... Umizoomi Umizoomi Bubble Bubble Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. IParents Big Time Rock Parents Parents 32 26 Kung Fu IKung Fu Sponge. Sponge. Dora... Bolder Boulder '12 (N) Paid Prog. Juice and Lose! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show Bensinger IPaid Prog. Volvo Ocean Race 23 18 (6:00) The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) Down load: EA GTTV-E3 Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die 27 29 Paid Prog. IPaid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GTTV-E3 Xbox: Entertainment Evolved (N) GTTV Presents: E3 All Access Live (N) (I Sons of Guns !OJ Sons of Guns !OJ Sons of Guns !OJ American Chopper (I American Chopper (I American Chopper (I 15 32 Paid Prog. IJ. Robison J. Meyer Paid Prog. Sons of Guns !OJ Baby Story Baby's My Deadly Appetite (I Four Weddings !OJ What Not to Wear (I 19 Kids and Counting Baby Story Baby Story Baby Story IBaby Story Baby Story Multiples What Not to Wear (I 16 39 Supernatural (I !OJ Las Vegas "Fleeting Las Vegas "Wagers of The Closer Search for The Mentalist Hallmarks Angel Angel targets a Charmed "Show Ghouls" Charmed Piper is atSupernatural Dean is 20 27 vampire cu~ leader. (I (I !OJ Sin" (I !OJ tacked by demons. (I freed from hell. !OJ Cheating Meeting" (I murderer and rapist. of a serial killer. Tastiest Tastiest Tastiest Tastiest Tastiest Tastiest Carnivore Carnivore Carnivore Carnivore Carnivore !Carnivore Man, Food Man, Food No Reservation 18 14 Homes IHomes NCIS "Pop Lrre" !01 Law Order: Cl Law Order: Cl Law Order: Cl Law Order: Cl Law Order: Cl Law Order: Cl Law Order: Cl 24 16 Law Order: Cl Prince Browns Browns Browns Browns Browns Jim Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Amer. Dad IEarl Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond 17 23 Home Imp. IHome Imp. Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (I (:15) **50 First Dates (2004) Adam Sandier. * i, Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (I Lost World-Jurassic 500 551 Yogi Bear I** Mr. Nanny(t993) (I !OJ The Locksmith (201 0) (I !OJ **Remember Me (201 0) Robert Pattinson. (I New Moon I*** American Heart(t992) Jeff Bridges. 600 575 (6:15) One Christmas ** Before and After (1996) Meryl Streep. (I
(I !OJ
Paid jiaid Program Program Rachael Ray "Rach for Rentl" (I !OJ Charlie Rose (N) (I !OJ
Judge Joe Judge Joe Cops (I !OJ Cops (I !OJ Brown (I Brown (I The Doctors !OJ Dr. Phil (I !01 Days of our Lives (N) (I !OJ
LG - La Grande BC -Baker City 6/4/12
~" ~ •> PllS
KATU News ABC World at 5 News Family Family Feud (I Feud (I KOIN Local News 6 at 5 NewsChan- Nightly nelS News 5 O'Clock News (N)
KATU News at 6 (N)
Jeopardy! N)!Oi Old Chris- The Simp- Big Bang sons (I tine Theory KOIN Local CBS EntertainEvening 6 at 6 men! Ton. NewsChan- News Live at 7 N)!Oi nelS 6 O'Clock News (N) TMZ(N) (I !01
Wheel of Fortune (N) Big Bang Theory Extra (N)
The Bachelorette (N)
(:01) Castle The team KATU News (:35) Night- Jimmy Kimmel Live (I !OJ 2 2 line'(N)' searches for a sniper. FOX 12's SO'Clock Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special The King of The King of According The Office 5 5 (I !OJ Victims Unit "Mercy" Victims Unit (I !OJ to Jim (I News on POX-TV (N) Queens Queens KOIN Local (:35) Late Show With Ferguson Two and a w31) Mike & Hawaii Five-0 "Ki'ilua" How I Met/ ~~Broke 6 6 (I !OJ (I !OJ Mother Girls (I Half Men Molly (I David Letterman (N) (I 6 alii Your Four O'Clock Inside Edi- America's Got Talent American Ninja Warrior Grimm Investigating an NewsChan- (:35) The Tonight Show Jimmy 8 8 News (N) lion (N) (I N) (I !OJ "Finals Region 3" (N) arson-related homicide. nelS With Jay Leno !OJ Fallon Hell's Kitchen "18 Chefs MasterChef "Auditions 10 O'Clock News (N) 11 O'Clock Love-Ray- Love-Ray- (:35) Judge Judge Access 12 12 Judy (I (I !OJ No.1" (I !OJ Judy (I Frasier !OJ Hollywood Compete" !OJ News (N) mond mond WordGirl(l Wild Kratts Electric PBS NewsHour (N) (I !OJ Andre Rieu: The Homecoming Violinist Andre PBS NewsHour (I !OJ Fetch! With This Old Nightly Use Your Brain to Change Your Age With Dr. 13 13 N) !OJ Comp. House (I Business Rieu. (I !OJ Daniel Amen (I !OJ Ruff The First 4S !OJ The First 4S !OJ Family Jewels Family Jewels Jewels Monster Monster Monster Monster Family Jewels !Jewels 31 28 The First 4S !OJ (2:45) Hi, Two Weeks *** lndependenceDay(t996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff ***Independence Day (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff The Killing Sarah and Mad Men "Commissions 25 20 Notice (2002) Goldblum. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. Goldblum. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. and Fees" !OJ Holder go on the run. Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman IWildman Wildman !Wildman Wildman Wildman Swamp Wars (I !OJ Wildman Wildman 35 24 Swamp Wars (I !OJ Jessie (I Austin Austin Austin Austin Shake It Good Luck Austin Good Luck ANT Farm I**** Beauty and the Beast 'G' Good Luck Shake It Wizards Wizards 37 37 Austin SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ Baseball Tonight (N) MLB Baseball 22 17 MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Philadelphia Phillies. (Live) Pretty Little Liars (I The 700 Club !OJ Secret-Teen Secret-Teen Secret-Teen Prince Prince 34 22 '70s Show **The Last Song (2010) Miley Cyrus, Greg Kinnear. Howl Met Howl Met Two Men Two Men ** You Don't Mess With the Zohan (2008, Comedy) Adam Sandier. ** You Don't Mess With the Zohan (2008) 21 15 (3:00) *W, Black Hawk Down (2001, War) The Waltons !OJ Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier (I Frasier (I Frasier (I Frasier (I Gold Girls Gold Girls 187 35 The Waltons !OJ America's Got Talent American Ninja Warrior Grimm (I !OJ NBC News News Millionaire Jeopardy! Wheel News Tonight Show w/Leno J. Fallon 6 6 Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News Hawaii Five-0 "Ki'ilua" News CBS News KREM 2 News at 6 (N) Inside Ed. Access H. How I Met IBroke Girl Two Men IMike News Late Show Letterman Ferguson 2 2 The Dr. Oz Show (I America's Got Talent American Ninja Warrior Grimm (I !OJ (12:05) Today !OJ NBC News News Ent News !Tonight Show w/Leno Jimmy Fallon C. Daly 7 7 News The Bachelorette (N) (I !OJ (:01) Castle "Kill Shot" News ABC News News News Ent Insider Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live (I 4 4 The Nate Berkus Show News Reba (I Reba (I Reba (I Reba (I Reba (I The Client List !OJ The Client List !OJ Drop Dead Diva !OJ Amanda de Cadenet (12:01) The Client List 40 33 Howl Met Reba (I Reba (I Friends (I IFriends (I Friends (I IFriends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I 32 26 iCarly (I iCarly (I Sponge. Sponge. Victorious Victorious Sponge. Fred Paid Prog. Boys in Mariners Mariners MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. (Live) Mariners The Dan Patrick Show MLB Baseball: Mariners at Angels 23 18 Sports Unlimited Ways Die IWays Die Ways Die !Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Wildest Police Videos Wildest Police Videos 27 29 Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die GTTV Presents Outlaw Empires !OJ Outlaw Empires !OJ Outlaw Empires (N) (I Outlaw Empires !OJ Outlaw Empires !OJ 15 32 American Chopper (I American Chopper (I American Chopper (I Outlaw Empires !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Toddlers & Tiaras (I Extreme Extreme Cake Boss I Cake Boss Cake Boss !Cake Boss Extreme Extreme Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss 16 39 The Mentalist "Red The Mentalist Murder of NB~tegame (N) IFalling Skies "Mutiny" !OJ Falling Skies "Eight The MentalN~1l B~lketball Oklahoma City Thunder at San Antonio Spurs. 1 ~rsi~)e the NBA (N) 20 27 ayounq waitress. (I Tide" (I !OJ Live !OJ N Live !OJ Live !OJ Hours" !OJ ist (I Hotel Impossible !OJ Hotel Impossible !OJ Hotel Impossible !OJ No Reservation No Reservation Hotel Impossible (N) No Reservation No Reservation 18 14 Bizarre Foods NCIS (I !01 NCIS "Red Cell" !01 NCIS: Los Angeles (I NCIS "SWAK" !01 (:05) Common Law (I (12:05) NCIS (I !01 WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) 24 16 NCIS "Bikini Wax" (I King Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy IFam. Guy Fam.Guy IFam.Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Conan (N) !OJ The Office The Office 17 23 Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I King Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (I R. Gervais 24n 24n Real Time/Bill Maher Big Mommas 500 551 Lost World-Jurassic Face Off Hi, The Adjustment Bureau (2011) (I (5:50) Hi, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (I Weeds (I !Episodes The Borgias (I !OJ Nrs Jackie The Big C The Borg ias (I !OJ Nrs Jackie The Big C 600 575 (3:30) Hi, The Twilight Saga: New Moon KA TU News First at Four (N) (I !OJ America's Funniest Home Videos (I !OJ KOIN Local 6 at 4
(I !OJ
LG - La Grande BC -Baker City
~ 5
Good Morning America (N) !OJ The Jeremy Kyle Show America (I !OJ NOW !OJ CBS This Morning (N) (I !01
AM Northwest (I !OJ Flawless Face
!,Divorce Court (I Let's Make a Deal (N) (I !OJ
The View Drew Manning; Live! W~h Kelly (N) (I !OJ Dr. Jill Biden. (N) The People's Court !OJ America's I.Judge Court Alex !OJ The Price Is Right (N) The Youn~ and the (I !OJ Restless (l ~) (I !OJ Anderson (I !OJ
The Chew (I !OJ
The Revolution
General Hospital (N)
The Dr. Oz Show (I !OJ
(I !OJ
The People's Court !OJ
Judge Mathis (I !OJ
Cops (I !OJ Judge Joe Judge Joe Cops Brown (I Brown (I "Atlanta" (I The Doctors !OJ Dr. Phil (I !01
Bold/Beau- The Talk (I !OJ tijul Today Jill Biden; Jenny McCarthy. (N) (I !OJ NewsChan- Be a Mil- The Nate Berkus Show Days of our Lives (N) The Ellen DeGeneres 8 8 (I !OJ (I !OJ ShOW (I !OJ nelS lionaire The 700 Club !OJ Rachael Ray "Trash or Better (I !OJ Good Day Oregon (N) MORE Good Day Law & Order: Criminal Perry Mason !OJ Judge Judge ~ 12 12 Treasure?" (I !OJ Judy (I Judy (I Oregon Intent "Anti-Thesis" (I Charlie Rose (N) (I !OJ Curious Cat in the Super Why! Dinosaur Sesame Street Playing Sid the Martha Barney & Thomas & Cat in the Arthur (I IWordWorld Oil Painting Jazzy lflifford13 13 George Hat (I (EI) princesses. (I (EI) Dog Speaks Vegetarian Friends (I Hat El) PllS Train Science Friends A&E 31 28 Dog the Bounty Hunter Storage Storage Storage !Storage Storage !Storage Storage !Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage H), Swordfish (2001, Suspense) John Travolta, *),Collateral Damage (2002) Arnold Paid Nopalea Paid Paid The Killing Sarah and **Escape From L.A. (1996, Action) Kurt Russell. Snake AMC 25 20 Program with Program Program Holder qo on the run. Huqh Jackman, Halle Ber . !OJ Plissken faces foes in the ruins of 2013 Los Anqeles. !OJ Schwarzene 1Qer !OJ Hillbilly Handfishin' (I River Monsters ANP 35 24 I Shouldn't Be Alive (I Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Infested! (I !OJ Mickey Pirates Mickey Doc McSt. ILittle Phineas IPhineas Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Shake it Shake It Shake It Wizards IMickey DISN 37 37 Octonauts Mickey SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ NFL Live (N) !01 SportsCenter (N) !OJ Report Football Around Pardon ESPN 22 17 SportsCenter (N) !OJ Pretty Little Liars (I Pretty Little Liars (I Pretty Little Liars (I Pretty Little Liars (I Pretty Little Liars (I FAM 34 22 Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World 1700 Club The 700 Club !OJ *),The Animal (2001) Rob Schneider. ***),Eastern Promises (2007, Drama) ***),Black Hawk Down (2001) Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor. FX 21 15 *),Deep Rising (1998) Treat Williams. Emeril Pets Martha Stewart Show Martha Stewart Show The Waltons !OJ HALL 187 35 Love Lucy Love Lucy Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls IGold Girls Martha Stewart Show Hungry IHungry The Doctors !OJ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Days of our Lives (N) Pearlie (EI) Judge B. Ellen DeGeneres Show KHQ 6 6 Today Jill Biden; Jenny McCarthy. (N) (I !OJ The 700 Club !OJ The Talk (I !OJ Dr. Phil (I !01 The Price Is Right (N) Young & Restless News Bold Let's Make a Deal (N) KREM 2 2 CBS This Morning (N) (I !01 Live! With Kelly (N) (I KTVB Midday News (N) Days of our Lives (N) The Doctors !OJ Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Dr. Oz Show (I KTVB 7 7 (6:00) Today Jill Biden; Jenny McCarthy. (N) (I !OJ Live! With Kelly (N) (I The View (N) (I !OJ Rachael Ray (I !OJ Paid Prog. IMy Pillow The Chew (I !OJ The Revolution General Hospital (N) KXLY 4 4 Good Morning America (N) !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ LIFE 40 33 The Balancing Act Umizoomi IUmizoomi Bubble Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Time Rock IDora ... IBubble NICK 32 26 Kung Fu Kung Fu Sponge. Sponge. Dora... Paid Prog. IPaid Prog. Landscap IPaid Prog. Paid Prog. IPaint The Dan Patrick Show Autogeek Motorhead Diesel TV MLB Baseball ROOT 23 18 (6:00) The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) GTTV Presents GTTV Presents GTTV Presents Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die SPIKE 27 29 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Nintendo All Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ TDC 15 32 Paid Prog. J. Robison J. Meyer Paid Prog. Deadliest Catch !OJ Four Weddings !OJ What Not to Wear (I What Not to Wear (I 19 Kids 19 Kids Baby Story Baby Story Baby Story I Baby's Pregnant I Pregnant Baby Story Baby Story Baby Story Multiples TLC 16 39 Charmed "Scry Hard" Charmed Pandora's Box Supernatural "In the Supernatural Flesh-eat- Las Vegas (I !OJ Las Vegas "Pharoah Rizzoli & Isles "Living Rizzoli & Isles "Brown Angel The crew must TNT 20 27 destroy a demon. (I (I !OJ 'Null" (I !01 resurtaces. !OJ Beginning" (I !OJ ing monster. !OJ Proof" !OJ Eyed Girl" !01 Forbes Luxe 11 !OJ Homes Tastiest Places Tastiest Places Tastiest Places Tastiest Places Tastiest Places Man, Food Man, Food No Reservation TRAV 18 14 Homes Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU USA 24 16 Necessary Roughness Necessary Roughness Necessary Roughness Law & Order: SVU Prince Payne Browns Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Amer. Dad Earl Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond IPayne IBrowns Payne IJim WTBS 17 23 Home Imp. Home Imp. Prince (:15) H), Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011) (I w, TooBigtoFai/(2011) (I ***Runaway Jury (2003) John Cusack. (I True Blood *** X-Men: First Class (2011) (I !OJ HBO 500 551 (6:30) *** Antz (I *), Wishful Thinking (1999) (I *), T.N. T. (1998) Olivier Gruner. Dead Man Running (2009) 50 Cent (:35) ***Hotel Rwanda (2004) IHoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (I SHOW 600 575 (6:45) The Love We Make (I !OJ
(I !OJ
LG - La Grande BC - Baker C1ty 6/5/12
KATU News (:35)(~!ght- Jimmy Kimmel Live (I !OJ Wheel ~f(l~) Last Man ILast Man Concert for the Queen: A Dia(~)d Jubilee 2 2 N !OJ Fortune N Standing Standing Celebration W~h Katie Couric N (I !OJ line N Old Chris- The Simp- Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's SO'Clock Cold Case A homeless Cold Case A secret gets The King of The King of According The Office 5 5 ~ !OJ sons (I Theory Theory News on POX-TV (N) family lives in a car. (I a teenager killed. to Jim (I tine Queens Queens KOIN Local CBS Entertain- Extra (N) NCIS The team investi- NCIS: Los Angeles "The 4S Hours Mystery (I !OJ KOIN Local (:35) Late Show With Ferguson Evening gates a murder. (I Debt" (I David Letterman (N) (I ~ 6 6 6 at 6 men! Ton. (I !OJ 6 at 11 NewsChan- News O'Clock L~le at 7 lnsid(Udi- A~erica's Got Talent Love in (J~)e Wild The teams must navigate rough NewsChan- (:35) The Tonight Show Jimmy 8 8 Your,~~lr N !OJ lion N (I N (1!01 waters. N (I !OJ With Jay Leno !OJ News N nelS nelS Fallon 6 O'Clock News (N) Hell's Kitchen "17 Chefs MasterChef The judges 10 O'Clock News (N) 11 O'Clock Love-Ray- Love-Ray- (:35) Judge Judge TMZ(N) Access ~ 12 12 Judy (I (I !OJ Judy (I Hollywood Compete" !OJ News (N) mond Frasier !OJ eliminate contestants. mond PBS NewsHour (N) (I !OJ Oscar Hammerstein II --Out of My Money Smarts With Jonathan Pond Qi Gong: Deeper Flow PBS NewsHour (I !OJ WordGirl Wild Kratts Electric Fetch! With Ask This Nightly 13 13 (I (EI) !OJ Dreams (I !OJ Achieving financial security. (I With Lee Holden !OJ PllS Comp. Ruff Old House Business A&E 31 28 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage !Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage (:01) Longmire "Pilot" Storage Storage (2:30) *),Collateral Dam- CSI: Miami A flight atCSI: Miami "Target CSI: Miami "Wolfe in *Awake (2007, Suspense) Hayden Christensen, H), The Bodyguard (1992, Drama) Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston. A AMC 25 20 age(2002) !OJ Specific" (I !OJ Sheep's Clothing" (I bodyguard falls for the sin er-actress he must protect. !OJ tendant is murdered. Jessica Alba, Terrence Howard. Premiere. Wild Japan (I !OJ Wild Japan (I !OJ Blue Planet: Seas/Life Blue Planet: Seas/Life Wild Japan (I !OJ Blue Planet: Seas/Life Blue Planet: Seas/Lije Wild Serengeti !OJ ANP 35 24 Wild Serengeti !OJ ANT Farm Shake It IPhineas and Ferb: The Movie Phineas Phineas Good Luck Shake It Wizards Wizards DISN 37 37 Wizards Wizards Jessie (I Jessie (I Shake It Good Luck Austin NBA Basketball Conference Final: Teams TBA. (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ NBA Basketball ESPN 22 17 SportCtr NBA Countdown (N) Pretty Little Liars (I Pretty Little Liars (I Pretty Little Liars (I Pretty Little Liars (I Jane by Design (N) (I Pretty Little Liars (I The 700 Club !OJ Prince Prince FAM 34 22 Pretty Little Liars (I ***),Avatar (2009) FX 21 15 Two Men Two Men Howl Met Howl Met Howl Met Howl Met Two Men Two Men ***),Avatar (2009, Science Fiction) Sam Worthington, Voice of Zoe Saldana. The Waltons !OJ Frasier (I Frasier (I Gold Girls Gold Girls Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier Frasier HALL 187 35 The Waltons !OJ America's Got Talent Love in the Wild (N) (I !OJ NBC News News Millionaire Jeopardy! Wheel News Tonight Show w/Leno J. Fallon KHQ 6 6 Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News NCIS: Los Angeles (I 4S Hours Mystery (I News CBS News KREM 2 News at 6 (N) Inside Ed. Access H. NCIS "Need to Know" News Late Show Letterman Ferguson KREM 2 2 The Dr. Oz Show (I America's Got Talent Love in the Wild (N) (I !OJ (12:05) Today !OJ NBC News News Ent News Tonight Show w/Leno Jimmy Fallon C. Daly KTVB 7 7 News ABC News News News Ent Insider Last Man ILast Man Concert for the Queen: A Diamond Jubilee News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live (I KXLY 4 4 The Nate Berkus Show News Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms (N) !OJ Dance Moms (N) !OJ Dance Moms !OJ 7 Days of Sex !OJ (12:01) Dance Moms LIFE 40 33 Dance Moms !OJ Friends (I IFriends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends NICK 32 26 iCarly (I iCarly (I Sponge. Sponge. Victorious Victorious Sponge. Fred Boys in Mariners MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. (Live) Mariners The Dan Patrick Show MLB Baseball: Mariners at Angels ROOT 23 18 MLB Baseball: Mariners at Angels (:05) Gangland !OJ (:10) Gangland !OJ (:15) Gangland "The Death Head" (:29) Gangland !OJ (:36) Gangland !OJ (:43) Gangland (I !OJ 1(:22) Gangland !OJ SPIKE 27 29 Gangland (I !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ The Devil's Ride !OJ Deadliest Catch !OJ Deadliest Catch (N) (I The Devil's Ride (N) (I Deadliest Catch !OJ The Devil's Ride !OJ TDC 15 32 Deadliest Catch !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Toddlers & Tiaras (I What Not to Wear (I What Not to Wear (I What Not to Wear (I Big Style Big Style What Not to Wear (N) Big Style Big Style TLC 16 39 Rizzoli & Isles "Gone Rizzoli & Isles "Remem- Rizzoli & Isles "Can I Get Rizzoli & Isles A Rizzoli & Isles "Burning Rizzoli & Isles "What Rizzoli & Isles "What Franklin & Bash Franklin & Bash TNT 20 27 Daddy Gone" !OJ ber Me" !OJ a Wrtness?" !OJ dancer's mother is killed. Down the House" Doesn't Kill You" "Strange Brew" !OJ Doesn't Kill You" "Strange Brew" !OJ Off Limits (N) !OJ Off Limits !OJ Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum TRAV 18 14 Bizarre Foods Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene Necessary Roughness USA 24 16 Law & Order: SVU King Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang IBig Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) !OJ The Office The Office WTBS 17 23 Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I King H), Mr. Popper's Penguins (I Veep (I Game of Thrones (I ***Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) (I **Arthur (2011) Russell Brand. (I !OJ True Blood 24n R. Gervais X-Men HBO 500 551 Portrait ** ), The Beaver (2011) (I The Borgias (I !OJ The Big C Nrs Jackie The Borgias (I !OJ The Big C Nrs Jackie H), Rubber (2010) SHOW 600 575 HoteiRw (:45) ***Meek's Cutoff (201 0, Western)
KAT~~)ews First at Four N (I !OJ America's Funniest Home Videos (I !OJ KOIN Local 6 at 4
KATU News ABC World at 5 News Family Family Feud (I Feud (I KOIN Local News 6 at 5 NewsChan- Nightly nelS News 5 O'Clock News (N)
KATU News at 6 (N)
(I !01
LG - La Grande BC - Baker City
~ 5
~" ~ •> PllS
Good Morning America (N) !OJ The Jeremy Kyle Show America (I !OJ NOW !OJ CBS This Morning (N) (I !01
AM Northwest (I !OJ Paid Proaram
Divorce Court (I Let's Make a Deal (N)
The View Joan Rivers; Rachael Ray. (N) !OJ The People's Court A trip to Las Veqas. The Price Is Right (N)
(I !OJ
(I !OJ
Cheaters (I !OJ
Live! With Kelly (N)
(I !OJ
The Chew (I !OJ
The Revolution
General Hospital (N)
The Dr. Oz Show (I !OJ
(I !OJ
America's Judge Alex !OJ Court The Youn~ and the Restless (l~) (I !OJ Anderson (I !OJ
The People's Court !OJ
Judge Mathis (I !OJ
Judge Joe Judge Joe Cops (I !OJ Cops (I !OJ Brown (I Brown (I The Doctors !OJ Dr. Phil (I !01
Bold/Beau- The Talk (I !OJ tijul Today Jada Pinkett; Jane Fonda; turning 40. (N) (I !OJ NewsChan- Be a Mil- The Nate Berkus Show Days of our Lives (N) The Ellen DeGeneres 8 8 (I !OJ (I !OJ ShOW (I !OJ nelS lionaire The 700 Club !OJ Better (I !OJ Good Day Oregon (N) MORE Good Day Law & Order: Criminal Perry Mason !OJ Fred Meyer Junior Judge Judge 12 12 Intent "Best Defense" Judy (I Judy (I Oregon Parade Charlie Rose (N) (I !OJ Curious Cat in the Super Why! Dinosaur Sesame Street "Amphib- Sid the CliffordMartha WordWorld Joy/Paint- P. Allen Barney & Bob the Cat in the Arthur (I 13 13 George Hat (I (EI) Train (EI) ian Show" !OJ Dog Speaks ing Builder (I Hat El) Science Smith Friends Criminal Minds !OJ CSI: Miami (I !01 CSI: Miami (I !01 Criminal Minds !OJ Criminal Minds !OJ The First 4S !OJ 31 28 Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds !OJ H), The Bodyguard (1992, Drama) Kevin Costner, Paid Paid Paid Paid The Three **Escape From L.A. (1996, Action) Kurt Russell. Snake *Awake (2007, Suspense) Hayden Christensen, 25 20 Program Plissken faces foes in the ruins of 2013 Los Angeles. !OJ Program Program Program Stooges Jessica Alba, Terrence Howard. Whitney Houston, Gary Kemp. !OJ Hillbilly Handfishin' (I River Monsters 35 24 I Shouldn't Be Alive (I Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Infested! (I !OJ Jessie (I Mickey Pirates Mickey Mickey Doc McSt. Little Phineas Phineas Phineas and Ferb: The Movie IANT Farm ANT Farm A.N.T. Farm (I !01 37 37 Octonauts Mickey SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ NFL Live (N) !01 SportsCenter (N) !OJ Report Football Around Pardon 22 17 SportsCenter (N) !OJ Gilmore Girls (I !OJ Still Sind Still Sind S, Rules IS Rules Grounded Grounded '70s Show '70s Show 34 22 Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Boy World 700 Club The 700 Club !OJ **Little Man (2006, Comedy) Shawn Wayans. **Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) Ellen Barkin *),The Benchwarmers (2006) David Spade. 21 15 Smarter Smarter *), The Animal (2001) Rob Schneider. Pets Martha Stewart Show Martha Stewart Show The Waltons !OJ 187 35 Love Lucy Love Lucy Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Martha Stewart Show Hungry Hungry Emeril The Doctors !OJ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Days of our Lives (N) Judge B. Judge B. Ellen DeGeneres Show 6 6 Today Jada Pinkett; Jane Fonda; turning 40. (N) (I !OJ The 700 Club !OJ The Talk (I !OJ Dr. Phil (I !01 The Price Is Right (N) Young & Restless News Bold Let's Make a Deal (N) 2 2 CBS This Morning (N) (I !01 Live! With Kelly (N) (I KTVB Midday News (N) Days of our Lives (N) The Doctors !OJ Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Dr. Oz Show (I 7 7 (6:00) Today Jada Pinkett; Jane Fonda; turning 40. (N) (I !OJ Live! With Kelly (N) (I The View (N) (I !OJ The Chew (I !OJ Rachael Ray (I !OJ Juice and Lose! The Revolution General Hospital (N) 4 4 Good Morning America (N) !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Chris Chris Chris 40 33 The Balancing Act (N) WiiVGrace WiiVGrace WiiVGrace WiiVGrace WiiVGrace WiiVGrace Chris Dora ... Umizoomi Umizoomi Bubble Bubble Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. IParents Big Time Rock Parents Parents 32 26 Kung Fu Kung Fu Sponge. Sponge. Dora ... Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Joint Pain? Paid Prog. Fishing Quest The Dan Patrick Show Volvo Ocean Race Action Sports World MLB Baseball 23 18 (6:00) The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (I CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene 27 29 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Am Digger Am Digger CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (I CSI: Crime Scene American Guns !OJ American Guns !OJ American Guns !OJ American Guns !OJ American Guns !OJ American Guns !OJ 15 32 Paid Prog. J. Robison J. Meyer Paid Prog. American Guns !OJ What Not to Wear (I Pregnant Pregnant Four Weddings !OJ Baby Story IBaby Story Baby Story Multiples What Not to Wear (I 16 39 19 Kids 19 Kids Baby Story Baby Story Baby Story Baby's Las Vegas "The Burning Las Vegas "Bare The Closer "The Butler Law & Order Squad Cordelia, princess Charmed "Freaky Charmed Vicus tries to Supernatural "Monster Supernatural Several 20 27 Angel of demons. !OJ Phoebe" (I !OJ convert Wyatt. !OJ Movie" (I !OJ men die of fright. !OJ Bedouin" (I !OJ Chested in the Par~' Did It" !01 probes a naval death. Homes Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Food Wars Food Wars Food Wars Food Wars Food Wars IFood Wars Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food 18 14 Homes Royal Pains !OJ Royal Pains !OJ NCIS (I !01 NCIS "Family" !01 NCIS "Ex-File" !01 NCIS "Identity Crisis" NCIS "Leap of Farth" NCIS "Requiem" !01 24 16 Royal Pains !OJ Prince Payne Payne Browns Browns Payne Jim Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Amer. Dad IEarl Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond 17 23 Home Imp. Home Imp. Prince *),Jonah Hex(2010) (I !OJ 24n Glee the 3D Concert Movie (2011) REAL Sports Gumbel (:15) *),Major League II (1994) (I !OJ My Big Fat 500 551 *** Deceived(1991) Goldie Hawn. (I !OJ ** The Perfect Game (2008, Drama) (I !OJ ***),Sophie's Choice (1982) Meryl Streep. Premiere. *** ), Capote (2005) (I 600 575 The Princess Stallion (:15) * Bratz(2007) Nathalia Ramos. (I
LG -La Grande BC - Baker City
e ~
~" ~ •> PllS
KATU News ABC World at 5 News Family Family Feud (I Feud (I KOIN Local News 6 at 5 NewsChan- Nightly nelS News 5 O'Clock News (N)
KATU News at 6 (N)
Jeopardy! N)!Oi Old Chris- The Simp- Big Bang sons (I Theory tine KOIN Local CBS Entertain6 at 6 Evening men! Ton. NewsChan- News Live at 7 N)!Oi nelS 6 O'Clock News (N) TMZ(N) (I !01
Wheel of Fortune (N) Big Bang Theory Extra (N)
The Middle ~~uburga(I !OJ tory !OJ FOX 12's SO'Clock News on POX-TV (N) Dogs in the City (N) (I !OJ
Apartment Modern KATU News (:35) Night- Jimmy Kimmel Live (I !OJ Modern I~appy line'(N). Family (I Endmgs Family (I 23 Burn Notice Rescuing Burn Notice "Center of The King of The King of According The Office 5 5 !OJ Fiona. (I !OJ the Storm" (I !OJ to Jim (I Queens Queens Criminal Minds "Closing CSI: Crime Scene KOIN Local (:35) Late Show With Ferguson 6 6 (I !OJ Time" (I Investigation (I David Letterman (N) (I 6 at 11 Your Four O'Clock Inside Edi- Off Their ~~pAll Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special NewsChan- (:35) The Tonight Show Jimmy 8 8 News (N) lion (N) (I Rockers Night (I Victims Unit (I !OJ Victims Unit (I !OJ With Jay Leno !OJ nelS Fallon So You Think You Can Dance "Audrtions No.3" 10 O'Clock News (N) 11 O'Clock Love-Ray- Love-Ray- (:35) Judge Judge Access 12 12 Judy (I Judy (I (I !OJ Hollywood Auditions continue in Atlanta. (I !OJ News (N) mond Frasier !OJ mond PBS NewsHour (N) (I !OJ Nature Hummingbirds are tiny and WordGirl Wild Kratts Electric Fetch! With In the Nightly l{he British Beat (My Music) British Invasion hits European PBS NewsHour (I !OJ 13 13 (I (EI) !OJ tough. (I !01 (DVS) from the 1960s. (I !OJ Comp. Ruff America Business Insights The First 4S !OJ Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage !Storage Storage !Storage Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Storage Storage 31 28 The First 4S !OJ CSI: Miami "Chip/Tuc~' CSI: Miami Realrty star's CSI: Miami "Collateral *** 0 Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) George Clooney. Three *** 0 Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) George Clooney. Three (2 :00) ** ), The Body25 20 guard(1992) !OJ (I !OJ Damage" (I !OJ murder. !OJ escaped convicts embark on an unusual odyssey. !OJ escaped convicts embark on an unusual odyssey. !OJ Tanked (I Hillbilly Handfishin' (I Tanked (I Wildman Wildman Gator Boys (I !OJ Wildman !Wildman Gator Boys (I !OJ 35 24 Hillbilly Handfishin' (I Tanked (I Jessie (I Good Luck !Good Luck Austin !Jessie (I Shake It ANT Farm Good Luck Shake It Wizards Wizards 37 37 Jessie (I Jessie (I Good Luck Good Luck Shake It Good Luck Austin SportsCenter (N) (Live) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter !OJ 22 17 (3:00) SportsCenter (N) College Softball The 700 Club !OJ Melissa ** Confessions of a Shopaho/ic (2009) Prince Prince IMelissa 34 22 '70s Show '70s Show ***Mrs. Doubtfire(1993, Comedy) Robin Williams, Sally Field. Big Momma's House 2 Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men *** Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008) *** Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008) 21 15 *** The Simpsons Movie (2007, Comedy) The Waltons !OJ Frasier (I Frasier (I Gold Girls Gold Girls Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier Frasier 187 35 The Waltons !OJ NBC News News Millionaire Jeopardy! Wheel Betty Law & Order: SVU News Tonight Show w/Leno J. Fallon IAII Night Law & Order: SVU 6 6 Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News Criminal Minds (I News CBS News KREM 2 News at 6 (N) Inside Ed. Access H. Dogs in the City !OJ CSI: Crime Scene News Late Show Letterman Ferguson 2 2 The Dr. Oz Show (I (12:05) Today !OJ NBC News News Ent Betty All Night Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU News !Tonight Show w/Leno Jimmy Fallon C. Daly 7 7 News ABC News News News Ent Insider The Middle ISuburg. Apt. 23 Mod Fam News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live (I Mod Fam IHappy 4 4 The Nate Berkus Show News Reba (I Reba (I Wife Swap (I !OJ Wife Swap (I !OJ Wife Swap (I !OJ Wife Swap (I !OJ (12:01) Wife Swap (I House House House House 40 33 Howl Met Reba (I Friends (I IFriends (I Friends (I IFriends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I 32 26 iCarly (I iCarly (I Sponge. Sponge. Victorious Victorious Sponge. Fred Mariners Mariners MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. (Live) Mariners The Dan Patrick Show MLB Baseball: Mariners at Angels 23 18 MLB Baseball: Mariners at Angels 27 29 (:12) 1,000 Ways to Die Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction !Auction Auction !Auction Am Digger Am Digger Am Digger Am Digger Auction Ways Die American Guns !OJ American Guns !OJ American Guns !OJ American Guns !OJ American Guns (N) (I Fast & Loud (I !OJ American Guns !OJ Fast & Loud (I !OJ 15 32 American Guns !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Toddlers & Tiaras (I Tallest Children Lost His Face Man-Half Body The Man: 2001b Tumor Man-Half Body The Man: 2001b Tumor 16 39 Four Weddings !OJ Law & Order Quadriple- NBA Pregame (N) NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Oklahoma City Thunder. ~~rside the NBA (N) ~~SI: NY Danny and Aiden~~~w & Order Woman is Law & Order "Punk" (I Law& 20 27 gic ltlive) !OJ boy is killed. (I N) (Live) !OJ Live) !OJ !01 (DVS) Order (I Iprobe a massacre. ushed off a balcony. 18 14 Man,Food Man,Food Man, Food Man, Food Sandwich Sandwich Bggg Bills Bggg Bills Man, Food IMan, Food Sandwich !Sandwich Bggg Bills Bggg Bills Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food NCIS "Borderland" (I NCIS "Patriot Down" NCIS "Rule Fifty-One" NCIS (I !01 Royal Pains !OJ Royal Pains !OJ Necessary Roughness Fairly Legal !OJ 24 16 NCIS "Chimera" !01 King Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam.Guy IFam.Guy Fam. Guy IBig Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Men-Work The Office 17 23 Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I King Game of Thrones (I (:15) Glee the 3D Concert Movie (I IFirst Look Veep (I !Girls (I Real Time/Bill Maher Snow Sports 500 551 (3:45) My Big Fat Greek Wedding Big Mommas: Like Father (:15) The Ramen Girl (2008) Brittany Murphy. Bill Bellamy: Crazy Aries Spears, Smiling Mike Epps Presents: Club Nokia Original Latin Kings 600 575 Capote (I ** Speak (2004) Kristen Stewart.
KATU News First at Four (N) (I !OJ America's Funniest Home Videos (I !OJ KOIN Local 6 at 4
LG -La Grande BC - Baker City
~ 5
~" ~ •> PllS
Good Morning America (N) !OJ
AM Northwest
The View (N)
(I !OJ
(I !OJ
Live! With Kelly (N)
(I !OJ
The Chew (I !OJ
The Revolution
General Hospital (N)
The Dr. Oz Show (I !OJ
(I !OJ
The Jeremy Kyle Show America (I !OJ NOW !OJ CBS This Morning (N) (I !01
Flawless Face
Divorce Court Let's Make a Deal (N)
The People's Court !OJ
(I !OJ
(I !OJ
Cheaters (I !OJ
America's Judge Alex !OJ Court The Youn~ and the Restless (l~) (I !OJ Anderson (I !OJ
The People's Court !OJ
Judge Mathis (I !OJ
Cops (I !OJ Judge Joe Judge Joe Cops In Brown (I Brown (I Indianapolis. The Doctors !OJ Dr. Phil (I !01
Bold/Beau- The Talk (I !OJ tijul Today Chris Rock; Andy Samberg. (N) (I !OJ NewsChan- Be a Mil- The Nate Berkus Show Days of our Lives (N) The Ellen DeGeneres 8 8 (I !OJ (I !OJ ShOW (I !OJ nelS lionaire The 700 Club !OJ Rachael Ray "Mario Better (I !OJ Good Day Oregon (N) MORE Good Day Law & Order: Criminal Perry Mason !OJ Judge Judge 12 12 Judy (I Judy (I Oregon Intent "Chinoiserie" (I Batali" (I !OJ Charlie Rose (N) (I !OJ Curious Cat in the Super Why! Dinosaur Sesame Street Using Sid the CliffordMartha WordWorld Color Seafood Barney & Thomas & Cat in the Arthur (I 13 13 George Hat (I (EI) senses to help people. Dog Speaks El) Friends (I Hat Train Science World Cook-off Friends The First 48 !OJ The First 48 !OJ The First 48 !OJ The First 48 !OJ The First 48 !OJ The First 4S !OJ 31 28 Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter The First 4S !OJ Nopalea Paid Paid Paid H Force 10 From Navarone (1978, War) Robert Shaw, Hamson Ford Bnt1sh H Commando (1985, Action) Arnold Schwarzeneg- H), Midway (1976, War) Charlton Heston, Henry 25 20 with Program Program Program major and US colonel lead commando ra1d on bndqe !OJ lqer, Rae Dawn Chonq, Dan Hedaya. !OJ Fonda, James Coburn. !OJ Hillbilly Handfishin' (I River Monsters 35 24 I Shouldn't Be Alive (I Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Animal Cops Houston Infested! (I !OJ Mickey Pirates Mickey Mickey Doc McSt. Little Phineas Phineas ANT Farm ANT Farm ANT Farm jANT Farm Phineas Phineas Phineas Shake It 37 37 Octonauts Mickey SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ NFL Live (N) !01 SportsCenter (N) !OJ Report Football Around Pardon 22 17 SportsCenter (N) !OJ Gilmore Girls (I !OJ Still Sind Still Sind SRules Grounded Grounded '70s Show '70s Show IS Rules 34 22 Boy World Boy World Boy World Boy World Boy World 700 Club The 700 Club !OJ *),Big Momma's House 2 (2006) Nia Long H), Rounders (1998) Matt Damon, Edward Norton. H* The Simpsons Movie (2007, Comedy) 21 (2008) 21 15 H Little Man (2000, Comedy) Shawn Wayans. The Waltons !OJ Love Lucy Love Lucy Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Martha Stewart Show Hungry Hungry Emeril Pets Martha Stewart Show Martha Stewart Show 187 35 The Doctors !OJ Paid Prog. GrtPillow Days of our Lives (N) Judge B. Judge B. Ellen DeGeneres Show 6 6 Today Chris Rock; Andy Samberg. (N) (I !OJ The 700 Club !OJ The Talk (I !OJ Dr. Phil (I !01 The Price Is Right (N) Young & Restless News Bold Let's Make a Deal (N) 2 2 CBS This Morning (N) (I !01 Live! With Kelly (N) (I KTVB Midday News (N) Days of our Lives (N) The Doctors !OJ Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Dr. Oz Show (I 7 7 (6:00) Today Chris Rock; Andy Samberg. (N) (I !OJ Live! With Kelly (N) (I The View (N) (I !OJ The Chew (I !OJ Rachael Ray (I !OJ Juice and Lose! The Revolution General Hospital (N) 4 4 Good Morning America (N) !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Grey's Anatomy !OJ Chris Chris Chris 40 33 Balancing Designing WiiVGrace WiiVGrace WiiVGrace WiiVGrace WiiVGrace WiiVGrace Chris Umizoomi Bubble Bubble Mike Umizoomi Dora ... Sponge. T.U.F.F. Parents Penguins JDora ... 32 26 Kung Fu Kung Fu Sponge. Sponge. Max, Ruby Franklin Dora ... Paid Prog. Brazil Bum Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show UFC Ultimate Knockouts 9 MLB Baseball 23 18 (6:00) The Dan Patrick Show (N) (Live) Jail !OJ Jail !OJ CSI: Crime Scene ICSI: Crime Scene Investigation (I 27 29 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Am Digger Am Digger CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (I CSI: Crime Scene Myth Busters (I !OJ Myth Busters (I !OJ Myth Busters (I !OJ Myth Busters (I !OJ Myth Busters (I !OJ Myth Busters (I !OJ 15 32 Paid Prog. J. Robison J. Meyer Paid Prog. Myth Busters (I !OJ What Not to Wear (I Pregnant Pregnant Four Weddings !OJ Baby Story IBaby Story Baby Story Multiples What Not to Wear (I 16 39 19 Kids 19 Kids Baby Story Baby Story Baby Story Baby's Angel An old acquainCharmed Phoebe Charmed Zankou steals Supernatural Summon a Supernatural "Wishful Las Vegas "Junk in the Las Vegas "Heroes" (I !OJ The Closer An Iranian The Mentalist Patrick 20 27 tance seeks revenge. becomes vulnerable. (I Phoebe's power. dangerous demon. Thinking" (I !OJ Trunk" (I !OJ traps a killer. (I !OJ and his driver die. Homes Homes Homes Homes Homes Homes Homes Outrageous Beach Killer Beach Houses Extreme Bathrooms Man, Food Man, Food No Reservation 18 14 Homes Burn Notice !OJ Burn Notice !OJ Burn Notice !OJ Burn Notice !OJ Burn Notice !OJ Burn Notice !OJ *H Drag Me to Hell (2009) Alison Lohman. 24 16 House (I !OJ Prince Payne Payne Browns Browns Payne Jim Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Amer. Dad IEarl Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond 17 23 Home Imp. Home Imp. Prince (:45) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) (I Hemingway & Gel/horn (2012) Clive Owen. (I George Harrison: Living JSnow 500 551 NuttyProf Portrait H), Just Wright (2010) (I (:45) Nice Guy Johnny (201 0) (I (:15) H Before and After (1996) Meryl Streep. (:15) H Guy X (2005) Jason Biggs. (I !OJ H* Cairo Time (2009) (I !OJ Summer 600 575 H The Twilight of the Golds (I
The Price Is Right (N)
LG -La Grande BC - Baker City 6nt12
~" ~ •> PllS
KATU News ABC World at 5 News Family Family Feud (I Feud (I KOIN Local News 6 at 5 NewsChan- Nightly nelS News 5 O'Clock News (N)
KATU News at 6 (N)
Duets "Songs That Inspire" Pertorming songs that Rookie Blue "A Good KATU News (:35) Night- Jimmy Kimmel Live (I !OJ 2 2 line'(N). inspire. (N) (I !OJ Shoot" (N) (I !01 FOX 12's SO'Clock Without a Trace "Nickel Without a Trace "Nickel The King of The King of According The Office 5 5 (I !OJ and Dimed" and Dimed" to Jim (I News on POX-TV (N) Queens Queens Person of Interest "Wo~ The Mentalist (I !OJ Big Bang EngageKOIN Local (:35) Late Show With Ferguson 6 6 (I !OJ Theory and Cub" !OJ David Letterman (N) (I men! 6 at 11 Your Four O'Clock Inside Edi- The Office Parks and Saving Hope (Series Rock Center With Brian NewsChan- (:35) The Tonight Show Jimmy 8 8 News (N) lion (N) (I (I !OJ Williams (N) (I With Jay Leno !OJ Recreation Premiere) (N) (I !OJ nelS Fallon 10 O'Clock News (N) 11 O'Clock Love-Ray- Love-Ray- (:35) Judge Judge Access Take Me Out (Series The Choice (Series 12 12 Judy (I (I !OJ Judy (I Premiere) (Nj (I !OJ Frasier !OJ Hollywood Premiere) (N) (I !OJ News (N) mond mond PBS NewsHour (N) (I !OJ Australian Pink Floyd Show: Live lfllie Boe: Live from the Royal WordGirl Wild Kratts Electric Fetch! With J. Bird's Nightly 3 Steps to Incredible Health! With Joel Fuhrman, 13 13 (I (EI) !OJ Comp. From the Hammersmith Apollo (I Festival Hall, London (I M.D. Joel Fuhrman's health plan. (I !OJ Ruff Blue World Business The First 4S !OJ The First 4S !OJ The First 48 !OJ The First 48 !OJ The First 48 (N) !OJ (:01) Longmire "Pilot" Cajun (12:01) The First 4S JCajun 31 28 The First 4S !OJ (2 :00) H), Midway (1976) CSI: Miami Julia spins CSI: Miami Horatio tries CSI: Miami Recalling the H), Heartbreak Ridge (1986, War) Clint Eastwood, Marsha Mason. Marine H), Heartbreak Ridge (1986, War) Clint Eastwood, 25 20 Charlton Heston. out of control. !OJ to save Yelina. (I team's formation. sergeant sees ex-wife, readies recruits for Grenada. !OJ Marsha Mason, Everett McGill. !OJ River Monsters Super Snake Man-Eating Super Croc River Monsters Super Snake Man-Eating Super Croc River Monsters River Monsters 35 24 River Monsters Austin Shake It Good Luck Austin Shake It ANT Farm H* Geek Charming (2011) Sarah Hyland. (I jJessie (I Good Luck Shake It Wizards Wizards 37 37 Shake It Shake It Austin SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ SportsCenter (N) !OJ NBA Basketball 22 17 SportCtr NBA Countdown (N) NBA Basketball Conference Final: Teams TBA. (N) !OJ H), Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) The 700 Club !OJ H* Elf (2003) Will Ferrell, James Caan. Prince Prince 34 22 '70s Show *H Holes (2003) Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight. How I Met How I Met Howl Met Howl Met Two Men Two Men Two Men ITwo Men H), Pineapple Express (2008, Comedy) Seth Rogen. Pineapple 21 15 (3:30) H), 21 (2008, Drama) Jim Sturgess. The Waltons !OJ Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier (I JFrasier (I Frasier (I Frasier (I Gold Girls Gold Girls 187 35 The Waltons !OJ Saving Hope (I !OJ NBC News News Millionaire Jeopardy! Wheel The Office Parks Rock Center News Tonight Show w/Leno J. Fallon 6 6 Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News Person of Interest (I The Mentalist !OJ News CBS News KREM 2 News at 6 (N) Inside Ed. Access H. Big Bang Rules News Late Show Letterman Ferguson 2 2 The Dr. Oz Show (I Saving Hope (I !OJ (12:05) Today !OJ NBC News News Ent The Office Parks Rock Center News jTonight Show w/Leno jJimmy Fallon C. Daly 7 7 News Duets Pertorming songs that inspire. (N) !OJ Rookie Blue (N) !OJ ABC News News News Ent Insider News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live (I 4 4 The Nate Berkus Show News Reba (I Reba (I Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Wife Swap (I !OJ Wife Swap (I !OJ (12:01) Wife Swap (I 7 Days of Sex (N) Amanda de Cadenet 40 33 Howl Met Reba (I iCarly (I Friends (I jFriends (I Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Friends (I Friends (I Sponge. Kung Fu Victorious Sponge. Sponge. '70s Show '70s Show George JGeorge 32 26 Big Time Ninjas UFC Reloaded Jon Jones faces Lyoto Mach ida. UFC JUFC Unleashed JBensinger The Dan Patrick Show UFC Reloaded 23 18 MLB Baseball: Mariners at Angels Jail !OJ Jail !OJ Jail !OJ Jail !OJ Jail !OJ iMPACT Wrestling (N Same-day Tape) (I !OJ UFC Unleashed (I Stings Stings MMA Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die 27 29 Jail !OJ Final Offer (I !OJ Auction Auction 15 32 Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction jAuction Final Offer (N) !OJ Four Weddings !OJ Toddlers & Tiaras (I On the Fly On the Fly Undercover Boss (I On the Fly Jon the Fly Tattoo jTattoo On the Fly On the Fly Tattoo Tattoo 16 39 Four Weddings !OJ The Mentalist "The Thin The Mentalist "Flame The Mentalist "Red Brick The Mentalist Patrick The Mentalist Patrick The Mentalist Murdered CSI: NY Painful memo- CSI: NY Suspect has an CSI: NY The team must 20 27 staqes a seance. !OJ Red" (I !OJ Red Line" !OJ and Ivy" !OJ leaves the CBI. !OJ hiqh schooler. (I ries haunt Stella. !OJ iron-clad alibi. !OJ save the lab. (I !OJ Man, Food Man, Food Bggg Bills Bggg Bills Mysteries-Museum Bizarre Foods Bggg Bills IBggg Bills Mysteries-Museum Bizarre Foods Man, Food Man, Food 18 14 Bizarre Foods NCIS "Hiatus" !01 NCIS "Hiatus" !01 NCIS "Trojan Horse" NCIS "In the Zone" (I NCIS "Legend" !01 NCIS "Legend" !01 Royal Pains !OJ CSI: Crime Scene 24 16 NCIS (I !01 The Office (I !OJ King Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang IBig Bang Men-Work IBig Bang Conan (N) 17 23 Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I Friends (I King w, Just Wright (2010) (I True Blood (I !OJ 24n A. Lincoln True Blood (I !OJ K. Morgan K. Morgan Girls (I Gel/horn 500 551 Gel/horn (:45) H), Win a Date With Tad Hamilton! Orchids: My Intersex No Look Pass (2011) Premiere. IUltra suede: In Search of Halston Red Light Comedy Sunset Sex, Lies 600 575 A Summer in Genoa (:05) H Letters to Juliet (2010) (I !OJ KATU News First at Four (N) (I !OJ America's Funniest Home Videos (I !OJ KOIN Local 6 at 4
Jeopardy! N)!Oi Old Chris- The Simp- Big Bang sons (I tine Theory KOIN Local CBS EntertainEvening 6 at 6 men! Ton. NewsChan- News Live at 7 N)!Oi nelS 6 O'Clock News (N) TMZ(N) (I !01
Wheel of Fortune (N) Big Bang Theory Extra (N)
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