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Researcher becomes one with penguins


WEEKEND HIGHLIGHTS FRIDAY • Pride March 3 p.m., Max Square to EOU campus quad, La Grande

• Union County Timber Cruisers Car Display


Big H ready for launch Air Expect inconveniences when work on streetscape project starts Monday BILL RAUTENSTRAUCH The Observer City of La Grande officials are warn· ing that the Big H streetscape project due to start downtown Monday will cause inconvenien ces for pedestrians, business

5:30 to 7:30p.m., La Grande Tov.'ll Center

owners and motorists. The project includes a rebuild of sidewalks, all eys and alley approaches on Elm and Depot streets between Washingwn Avenue and Jefferson Avenue. It also takes in the section of Adams Avenue between Elm and Depot. the north side of Washington between Elm and Depot, and the two alleys that rw1 between Elm and Depot on either side of Adams. Local contractor Mike Becker will

tanker fleet shrinks

start Monday and wrap up work in the early fall. At an information al meeting Thursday, La Grande Community and Economic Development Director Charlie Mitchell said people should expect disruptions to downtown's ebb and flow. Mitchell said that at times there will be places where the street lights won't be on. Pedestrians will sometimes be walking See STREETSCAPE, 2A

• Hog Wtld Days Annual Dinner 5:30 to 8 p.m., Island City School gym, $8 adults, $5 kids younger than 12

• 30th Annual Wallowa Valley Festival of the Arts Gala 7 to 10 p.m., Joseph Community Center, $25 at The Booldoft, The Sheep Shed and Stewart Jones Designs

• EOU Percussion Ensemble 7:30 p.m., McKenzie Theatre, EOU, don ations accepted

SATURDAY • La Grande Rural Fire Protection District Annual Pancake Breakfast 6 to ll a.m ., fire hall, Island City, $5 adults, child ren


• Hog Wtld Days Market and parade 8 a.m. market, 11 a.m. parade, Island City

• 30th Annual Wallowa Valley Festival of the Arts 10 a.m. to 5:30p.m., Joseph Community Center

• QuickDraw 6:30 to 10 p.m., Joseph Community Center, $5

• Pride Week: Rainbow Revolution Prom 8 p.m. to midnight, neon underground theme, H oke Main Lounge, EOU, $6 per person, $10 couples, 18 and older, show lD

SUNDAY • La Grande Soroptimist Breakfast in the Park 7 a.m. to noon, Riverside Park pavilion, $5 adults, $4 children younger than 12

• Hog Wtld Days Market 8 a.m ., Tsland City

• 30th Annual Wallowa Valley Festival of the Arts 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Joseph Community Center

• Official RibbonCutting for Riverside Park Pavilion 11 a.m., Riverside Park pavilion

Officials cite fewer, older planes as wildfire season approaches


DYLAN J. DARLING WesCom News Service

HOG Cove eighth-grader readies Lavender for EOLS auction MIKE SHEARER Correspondent COVE - If raising a 4-H pig for sale at the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show looks easy, it isn 't. The day starts early for Trevor Leithner and Lavender. Leithner is a Cove eighthgrader who maintains a 4.0 grade poim average. Lavender is the robust and swee t-disposition ed gilt pig h e's been babying for months for the Eastern Oregon Livestock Sh ow 4-H and FFA auction June 9. "From the end of :\1arch

until the beginning of September," Leithner said, "I get up by 7 a.m., put on shorts and tennis shoes and run one of the lambs on 50-yard sprints." Th en Lavender, usually with anodter gilt named Sugar Snap who's being groomed fo r the state fair latel~ will get walked for exercise a half hour to 45 minutes every day. See EOLS, 5A


TREVOR LEITHNER readies his gilt pig Lavender for the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show 4-H and FFA auction June 9 Lavender should weigh in at just over 200 pounds at auction time.


Event has special meaning for 'Old and Bold' cycling team DICK MASON The Observer Many entrants in the annual 3 Rivers Race Against Domestic Violen ce on Saturday have power ful tales to share, stories of victims, courage an d survival. Few are more inspirational

than one told by members of "Old and Rold," a Cove-based team that will participate in the race for a sixth consecutive year. The team was founded by Donna and Burr Betts of Cove, the parents of a daughter who suffered from escalating

physical and emotional abuse at the hands of h er husband. Their daughter, after several years, finally walked ouL with her three children and went to Shelter From rhe Storm. There she received counseling See RACE, 3A












As tire season grows closer in Oregon, the federal air tanker fleet is a quarter of what it was six years ago. The U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Lan d Management had more than 44large air tankers under contract in 2006, said Sen . Ron Wyden, D-Ore. It starts this year with 11. "This is going to put communities at risk this summer," he said. When the federal air tanker fleet was larger, there were more air tankers in the stale -including one in La Grande. During a Thursday visit to Butler Aircraft Co. in Madras, which operates air tankers for the state, Wyden said he'd like to see the federal fleet expanded to 20 air tankers as soon as possible. Tn February, the U.S. Forest Service put out a report saying the federal government would like to update its fleet with faster, larger and more reliable planes. Most of dte planes n ow in use are old P-2Vs, a Lockheed plane originally design ed to chase submarines, dtat face retirement by 2021. The other air tanker is a Rritish Aerospace 146. The federal government is finalizing contracts to bring in two other air tankers, said .Jim Hubbard, deputy Forest Service chief. 1\nd





68 I 2A


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I 5A



I 6A

AMY BETIS and her daughters Harley and Reagan, who all live in Cove, will be participating in the 3 Rivers Race Against Domestic Violence on Saturday as members of the team "Old and Bold." Amy's sister was a victim of spousal abuse but has since recovered after receiving help from Shelter From the Storm.

HOW TO REACH US 541 -963 -3 161 lagran deobs Three secti ons, 3 6 pag es La Gra nd e , O rego n





2 A The Observer

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mitchell: Business owners to be impacted the following week will be contacted STREETSCAPEtmm1A on gravel pathways rather than concrete, and dusty and noisy conditions will be common. For people driving downtown, only minor interruptions of traffic flow are expected, but parking will be an issue. "Some parking areas will be closed. There will be some parking challenges for awhile," .\1itchell said during the sparsely-attended meeting at the Eastern Oregon Fire Museum and Learning Center, the project's headquarters. "There will be disruptions and adverse impacts. As a team we'll try to mitigate them." Mitchell said the project team will hold meetings every week and by the end of the day on Friday business owners to be impacted Ll1e following week will be contacted. He said that in the first week of the proj ect, workers will be using saws to cuL concrete on Depot between Adams and J efferson, and also will he work-

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~IQ ~W !.-l A.U.I !oC II.I'E IMPR011E~<AE"'l '!

Today is Friday, June 1, the 153rd day of 2012. Th ere are 213 days left in the year

ing along one side of Elm. Mitchell also said Ll1e project will cause inconveniences for vendors delivering product~ to businesses in the area. He said the business owners will be responsible for alerting delivery drivers about issues. Becker representative Lavar Bowles also spoke, saying the plan is to remove only 2 feet of concrete from a sidewalk at a time, and that crews will work only one side of a block at a time. Rowles also said that when access to a business is blocked, signs directing people to other entrances will be posted. Bowles also said that the contractor and City Garbage are currently making arrangements to accommodate garbage pickup in the project. Details on that will be announced later. He said workers will stick as closely as possible to the schedule, but at times tl1ere may be changes. "The sched ule is a living,


") -;:.-::-..:•

BILL RAUTENSTRAUCH I The Observer LA GRANDE COMMUNITY and Economic and Development Director Charlie Mitchell addresses the small crowd that turned out for

Monday's informational meeting on the upcoming Big H streetscape project. Mitchell said the project, scheduled to be complete in the early fall, will cause some inconveniences for people in the downtown area.

Newspaper late

On June 1, 2009, General Motors Corp. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection under a plan to make the world's second-larg est

breatl1ing thing and if there are changes, we'll be notifYing people," he said. La Grande Public Works Director Norm Paullus said during the meeting that many alleyway approaches will he rebuilt, as part of a separate project funded by a grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation. At times, alley crossings will be closed off.

The City of La Grande Urban Renewal Agency is fund· ing the Big H project witl1 a $1 million loan from Wedbush Securities, and Ll1e grant money from ODOT In addition to reconstruction of sidewalks, alleys and alley approaches, the project includes new lighting, planting of additional tress and installation of benches, planters and additional

waste cans. During his project overview, Mitchell said that downtown improvements have been on Ll1e city's radar screen since Ll1e Urban Renewal District was formed in 1999. "Part of the plan calls for streetscape work and amenities for downtown," he said. He said the Big H project, conceived by the La Grande

Main Street Program's design committee, is only a start. More streetscape work will be done in the future, as funding comes available. "We decided we'd start in the middle of downtown and hopefully build out," Mitchell said. "The end goal is to improve the physical environment, make it more pedestrian friendly so people will want to come and shop."

you do not receive your paper by 5:30p.m. Monday through Friday. please call541 -963·3161 by 6 p.m. If your delivery is by motor carri· er, delivery should be by 6 p.m. For calls after 6, please call 541 -975· 1690, leave your name, address and phone number. Your paper Will be delivered the next business day

1 p.m.: 3-3-1·1 4 p.m.: 5-6-2-5 7 p.m.: 8-6-2·3 10 p.m.: 5-8-2-0

Barley- June, $190; September, 8180 Corn - June, $195/ton; November and December, $185/ton


Every effort is made to deliver your Observer in a timely manner. Occasionally conditions exist that make delivery more difficult. If you are not on a motor route, delivery should be before 5:30 p.m. If




Today Soft white wheat - June, $6.84; July, $6.84; August, $6.84 Hard red winter - June, $7.40; July, $7.40/38; August, $7.20 Dark northern spring -June, $8.92; July, $8.65; August, $8.65

Lottery numbers PICK 4 Thursday's numbers:











A chance of showers and thunderstorms

A 20 percent

A chance of showers, with thunderstorms


Markets WALL STREET AT NOON Dow Jones average - Down 211 at 12. 182 Broader stock indicators

Standard & Poor's 500 Index Down 24 at 1,286 Tech-heavy Nasdaq composite index - Down 62 at

NYSE - Down 139 at 7.325 Russell - Down 19 at 743 GOLD AND SILVER Gold - Up $53.60 at $1,613.80 Silver- Up 98 cents at $28.69

Quote of the day "Imagination is more important than knowledge " - ALBERT EINSTEIN



Saturday's weather

Bids provided by Island City Grain Co.

Grain report





automaker privately held and 60 percent U S governmentowned the fil ing is the largest for an industrial co mpany and fourth-largest in history.

Today in history



=' --==···=-


LA GRANDE TEMPS Thursday's high: 76 Low this morning: 51 Average high/low: 70/45 Record high/low: 96/31


Chance of showers

24 hours ending 4 a.m.: .00 Month to date: .00 Normal: .06 Year to date: 8.94 Normal : 8.33 Today's record: .60 of an inch State's wettest: .06 at Astoria

chance of showers

A chance of showers











Sunset: 8:34 p.m. Sunrise: 5:06 a.m.


POLLENCAST Grass pollen count: high

OREGON TRIVIA The wettest month in Oregon history was November 1909 when 57 inches fell at Glenora. - "The Oregon Book: Information Ato Z"




30 percent

50 percent

20 percent

chance of showers, T-storm s

chance of showers, T-storms

chance of showers

Showers likely and possibly a thunderstorm

The Old Farmer's Almanac

Nation: 119 at Death Valley, Calif. Oregon: 91 at Medford


Moon phase Waxing: 90 percent visible

Nation: 27 at Kenton, Mich. Oregon: 40 at Burns


Salem Hermiston Meacham Pendleton Redmond Pasco Walla Walla Baker City Ontario

76 79 68 75 81 79 73 77 84

Temperatures indicate previous day's high and overnight low to 5 a.m. Pacific time. Hi Lo Pre Sky Anchorage Cdy 56 46 Boise 84 57 PCdy Boston PCdy 83 59 Chicago 51 50 1.11 Cdy Denver 75 50 Cdy Honolulu 84 73 .02 Cdy

Houston 90 Las Vegas 103 Los Angeles 78 Miami Beach 86 New York City 79 Phoenix 109 Salt Lake City 81 San Francisco 78 64 Seattle Washington, D.C. 85


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T T T .00 .00 .02 T .00 .00

Across the nation


HL 1 63 604 7 3 F

57 58 45 55 50 60 60 44 56

Showers likely

Hottest Thursday

Coldest today

Across the region Temperatures indicate previous day's high and overnight low to4a.m. Hi Lo Pre The Dalles 78 .00 59 Joseph 70 45 .00 Corvallis 79 55 .00 Newport 54 .00 63 Portland 72 .03 60


71 Clr 79 Clr Cdy 60 72 1.08 Rn 62 Cdy 79 Clr Clr 57 54 Clr 58 .22 Rn 71 Rn


Friday, June 1, 2012

The Observer 3 A

ODOT: Road repairs may cause traffic delays The Oregon Department of Transportation said traffic delays are expected n ext week as construction crews place the remaining beams at the Indian Creek Bridge on State Highway 82, 2 miles south of Elgin. Tom Strandberg, ODOT's public affairs specialist, said the beam placements will take place June 4-6. Travelers should

plan for delays up to 20 minutes throughout each day as five beams are lifted off a delivery truck and placed on to the new bridge supports. Work is expected to take place around noon and continue to the afternoon ofJune 4. On June 6, work is slated to begin mid-morning and continue to the afternoon.

All work each day is expected to be complete by 4:30p.m. Strandberg said depending on weather and conditions, the times could change. D.L. Edmondson is the contractor for the $4.3 million Oregon Transportation Investment Act project that is replacing the Indian Creek bridge with a structure that will

have two travel lanes, a passing lane and 10-foot shoulders. The project began in 2010 and should be tlnish ed by this fall. Five of 10 bridge beams were placed Wednesday. Assistant Project Manager Mike Remily said the Wednesday work went well, with work starting around 6 a.m. and all five beams placed by

9:15a.m. "ODOT and our contractors greatly appreciate everyone's patience during this construction project," Rcmily said. Elsewhere in Eastern Oregon next week, ODOT is mounting a freight improvement project that will widen a sharp curve on the John DayPendleton highway (Highway

395) near Dale in Grant County. Dice Construction of Bend will begin work on the project Monday. The route is currently restricted for vehicles towing trailers in excess of 48 feet in length between Pilot Rock and Mt. Vernon due to numerous sharp curves and a narrow roadway.

Three domestic violence centers benefit from Three Rivers Race RACE from 1A Lhal Lumed her life around. "We so appreciate what they did," said Donna Betts, speaking of Shelter From the Storm, which is the "Cnion County beneficiary of funds raised by the 3 Rivers Race Against Domestic Violence. Betts said h er daughter was "incredibly selhontident" before h er marriage sent her into a dovmward spiral. By the time she moved out, she was a shell of h er former self. "Sh e was beaten down emotionally," Donna Betts said. Then the staff at the shelter worked its magic.

"We (her parents) could not have done what they did. We were not trained to," Donna Betts said. Donna and Burr Bells will be among the seven members of the "Somcrhing Old, Something Bold'' team that will again participate in the 3 Rivers Race as bicyclists. Donna and Burr Betts will be joined by another daughter, Amy, who is not the victim of domestic abuse, along with h er two chil dren, Harley and Reagan, plus the Betts' grandchildren, Benjamin and Konrad Chrzanowski. Donna Retts is excited about the chance to again reach out and h elp Shelter

'It is important that we poignant story to tell, one of keep Shelter From the tragedy. The Run Kathy Run team Storm alive. It is will be participating to keep very important to alive the name of a woman, the community.'

"Kathy," who died in 2004 at - Sharon [ voy age 33 in New Jersey when her husband stabbed her to death Run Kathy Run team in a murder-suicide. Sharon Evoy and her husFrom the SLorm. band Jerry Sebcstycn, wh o "1 have seen way too much founded the Run Kathy Run domestic violence in this world. team about six years ago, are In my perfect world, we good fi·iends of Kathy's parents, wouldn't need Shelter From J oe Gymkowski and Melissa the Storm. But, as long as we Genu-y ofMollala. do, we will support their work." Evoy and Sebestyen created The members of the La the Run Kathy Run team to Grande team Run Kathy Run, help keep the woman's m emory which also will be participating alive. in the 3 Rivers Race, also have a "We wanted to honor her

life in some way," Evoy said. Kathy's parents were so moved by the Run Kathy Run team's salute to their daughter that they carne to La Grande in 2007 to participate in the 3 Rivers Race. Evoy said that what happened to Kathy caused Evoy and her husband to focus on the importance of domestic violence centers like Shelter From the Storm. "It is important that we keep Shelter From the Storm alive," Evoy said. " ... It is very important to the community." Shelter From the Storm is one of three domestic violence centers that will benefit from money raised via the Three

Rivers Race. The others are Safe Harbors of Enterprise and May Day of Baker City. Sixty people are sig·ned up for the 3 Rivers Race as of this morning and there is still time for more to enter. A registration session will run hom 4-6 p.m. today at The Mountain Works, 1307 Adams Ave. People can register the morning of the race but are encouraged by race oHicials to register today. All races start at Pioneer Park. The bicycling events begin at 6 a.m., the running events at 10 a.m. and n oon. Additional information is available at

.1\.pplications to j oin Grande Ronde Bowmen and concessions will be available Lhis weekend.

begin its free summer food service program for everyone ages 1 Lo 18 Monday al Riveria Activity Center at 2609 Secon d St. in La Grande. Adults can cat for $3. Lunches will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday through Aug. 24. Meals must be eaten on-site. The program is open to everyone regardless of race, color, income level, national origin, religion, age or disability. This is a federally funded USDA program. For more information, call J eff Hensley at 541-963-3186.

BRIEFLY Soroptimists sponsor Breakfast in the Park LA GRANDE The La Grande Soroptimist llreakfast in the Park will run from 7 a.m. to noon Sunday at the Riverside Park pavilion. Tickets for Lhe 70th annual event will be available at the park Sunday. The cost is $5 for adults and $4 for children younger Lhan 12.

Cattlemen hear about predator control ISLAND CITY Union Coun ty Cattlemen will meet al 7 p.m. Monday al the Ag Service Center. This will he a regular business mecring with a discussion about the county predator control program and the annual Cattlem en's picnic on July 15 at Catherine Creek State Park. The meeting is open to the public.

School District discusses budget LA GRANDE A public meeting of the budget commi ttee of the La Grande School District No . 1 to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013, will begin at 6:30p.m. Wednesday in the Willow School gymnasium/ conference room. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and public comment on the budget. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained at tl1e mee ting or later at the district busin ess office at 1305 K Willow in La Grande between 8 a.m. and 4p.m. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the budget committee will take place. Any person may appear at the

meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the commitlee .

Register for La Grande Swim Club Wednesday

lot at Banner Bank.

Community band performs for concert

at the door. For more information, call Head Coach Melinda Becker al 541-663-1391

Recorder ensemble plays for free concert

Register for the La Grande Swim Club between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at Veterans Memorial Pool. Swimmers must have graduated from Level 4 of Lhe cily's swim lesson program or comparable to j oin. The club h as a professional coaching staff and over 50 years of experience in the Grande Ronde Valley. For more information on the schedule and fees, visit www.lagrandeswirnclub. com or email questions to

LA GRANDE The Eastern Oregon Community Symphonic Band will perform for a free community concerl at 7:30 p.m. Monday in McKenzie Theatre. The band is directed by James Howell, retired La Grande High School music direclor. Donations will be accepted to provide continuing support for the program. For information, call 541-962-3624 or email dheath@e ou .edu. The band is co-sponsored by the Community School for the Arts, a partnership between ArtsEast and Eastern Oregon C niversity.

RSVP for Union senior meal by Saturday

Yard sale supports scholarship fund

UNION The Union senior meal will begin at n oon Tuesday at Union Methodist Church. Make a reservation by Saturday by calling Betty at 541-~ 10-3543 or Gracie at 541-562-5675. On the menu is tamale pie. To arrange for a ride to the senior meal, call Claudia at 541-562-5225. The fee for the ride is $2.

LA GRANDE Chapter DK P.E.O. is organizing a plant, yard and hake sale beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday at 308 LAve. Proceeds go toward local student scholarships.

LA GRANDE Dottie Brown and Company will perform from 3: 30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday at Union County Senior Cen ter.

Youth volleyball camp set for June 11·13

GR Bowmen sponsor bow shoot

LA GRANDE The La Grande High School youth volleyball camp is set for June 11-13 in the La Grande High School gym. Firstthrough fourth-grade girls and boys participate tram 8:30 a.m. to noon and fifth- through eighth-grade girls and boys participate from 1 to 4:30 p.m. The registration fee is $45 and includes aT-shirt. Register

SPRING CREEK Grande Ronde Bowmen will sponsor a 3-D shoot in the Spring Greek area Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is a fun shoot, and Sunday is an Internation al Bowhunting Organization sh oot. Registration hegins at 7 a.m. both days less than fives miles off the Spring Creek exit. For more information, call local ar ch ery shops.


LHS Class of 1957 to meet for lunch LA GRANDE La Grande High School Class of 1957 will meet for lunch at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Golden Harvest in La Grande.

Delta Epsilon sets Saturday yard sale LA GRANDE The Delta Epsilon yard sale will run from 8 a.m . to 2 p.m. Saturday in the parking

LA GRANDE The Prevailing Wind Recorder Ensemble will play music from the 13th century up to today with a preference for Renaissance and Baroque-era music Monday al Cook Memorial Library. The fre e concert will run from 5:30 to 6:30p.m. The recorder comes in a variety of sounds - sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor and bass. Prevailing Wind musicians switch around on the instruments according to a random decision-making process. The group dresses up on occasion.

Dottie Brown and Company performs

Are you ready for swimsuit season? Grande Ronde Med Spa is kicking off their next successful weight loss management class Monday, June 4th. Let us showyou how easy our successful, medically supervised programs can be! Learn how to utilize diet and exercise for amazing results... we've lost a TON of weight! Plus, if you sign up now, we are offering5free Zumba pnsses. What are you waiting for? Call for your appointment today.

ME I F@~~gg. With Love from Your Family



1613 Fifth Street 541-963-3772



Weatherization workshop set LA GRANDE Oregon Rural Aclion is hosling a free weatherization workshop from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Cook Memorial Library. The workshop is for anyone who is interested in learning about low-cost, efficient ways to reduce energy bills.

Free summer lunch program begins on Monday

To get your non-profit event in any day's paper, call before 3 p.m. the previous day.

LA GRANDE Community Conne ction of Northeast Oregon. Inc. will


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Thank You I would like to thank all of you who voted in the recent election. I am honored to h ave received your strong support and look forward to the many challenges of the futue. I am very grateful t o the m any volunteers through out the district that gave me a victory in the primary. Please be assured Lhal I will be constantly vigilant and work diligently t o further the best interests of district 58. I am h onored and grateful for this opportunity to serve this district and our state of Oregon.

Representative Bob Jenson




I WRITE A LETTER: email us at news@

The Observer La Grande, Oregon

Friday, June 1, 2012


Wyden' s stance on energy may bring benefits The Bulletin (Bend): If Democrats keep control of the U.S. Senate, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden is in line to chair the Senate's Energy and Natural Resources committee. That could mean good Lhings for Oregon and good Lhings for energy policy. Some other Democrats in Congress don't know how to say no to any energy with a green label. Wyden has been more thoughtful. Consider President Barack Obama's push for a clean-energy standard. His budget proposal for 2013 includes requiring that 80 percent of the country's power come from clean sources by 2035. There might be credit for new nuclear plants and for replacing coal with natural gas. Still, it would be a whopper of a federal mandate. Ther e's no question there would be green benelits, but Lhe counLry needs Lo know Lhe cosls lo consumers, Loo. WYDEN HAS BEEN SUPPORTIVE of the concept of the bill. He also wants to ensure that energy prices are kept low, and he wants to give states flexibility, possibly through a waiver process. Just last week, there was another example ofWyden 's approach . The three '~itncsscs in testimony before the energy committee all h ad variations on the same theme - the federal government should spend m or e on subsidizing energy innovation. Wyden has been more careful than that. He has called, for instance, for more variation in the evaluation process for the federal loan guarantee program that sent money Lo Lhe failed solar company Solyndra. He has also fought to protect biomass from being ruled out as a renewable resource. He pro tested when new rules for boilers might force schools to refit unnecessarily. He has shown a willingness to side with Republicans if he thinks Democrats arc missing important solutions. Remember when he joined with Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., on Medicare reform? We haven 't always agreed with Wyden. If he gets the ch airmanship, we 're with him if h e shows h e wants smart energy- n ot just green energy.

WHERE TO WRITE President Barack Obama: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. 20500; 202456-1414; fax 202-456-2461 ; To send comments, go to www. U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley: SDB-408 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510, phone 202-224-3753, fax 202228-3997; One World Trade Center, 121 S.W. Salmon St. Suite 1250, Portland, OR 97204, phone 503-326-3386, fax 503-326-2900 ; 310 S. E. Second St. Suite 105, Pendleton 97801 , phone 541 278-1129; email: elizabeth_ U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden : 105 Fir St., No. 210, La Grande, OR 97850; phone 541 -962-7691 , email: Kathleen_Cathey@, or fax, 9630885 (Kathleen Cathey, field representative); 516 Hart Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510, phone 202-224-5244; fax 202-228-2717. U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (2nd District): 1211 Washington Ave., La Grande, OR 97850; phone 54 1-6242400, email: Wade.Foster@; 2352 Rayburn Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, phone 202-2256730; fax 202-225-5774.

U.S. Rep Earl Blumenauer (3rd District): 729 NE Oregon St. Suite 115, Portland 97232, phone 503-231 -2300, fax 503230-5413; 2446 Rayburn Office building, Washington, D.C. 20515, phone 202-225-4811; fax 202-225-8941. U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio (4th District): 151 W. Seventh St., Suite 400, Eugene, OR 97401, phone 541-465-6732; 800-944-9603; fax 541 -4656458; 2134 Raybum Office Bldg., Washington, D.C., 205 15, phone 202-225-641 6; fax 202-225--2994.

U.S. Rep. Kurt Schrader (5th District) : 494 State St. , Suite 210, Salem, OR 97301, phone 503-588-9100, fax 503588-5517; 1419 Longworth Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515, phone 202-225-57 11, fax 202-225-5699. Gov. John Kitzhaber: 254 State Capitol, Salem, OR 97310, phone 503-378-3111. Secretary of State Kate Brown: 900 Court St. N.E., Salem. OR 97301; 503-9861523. State Treasurer Ted Wheeler: 350 Winter St. N.E. , Suite 100, Salem, OR 97301 3896; 503-378-4329. Attorney General John Kroger: Justice Building, Salem, OR 97301 -4096; 503-378-6002.



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Is Romney a unicorn? T

he time has come for Mitt Romney prove it on~e and for all: Is he or 1s he noL a umcorn? Let me stipulate that 1 have no proof that Romney is a unicorn, and indeed I want to believe that he is not. But I have not seen proof of this because he has not released the original copy of his long-form birth certificate. There are many others who feel as I do - 18,000 people to be precise. I first began to consider the possibility that Romney might be a unicorn when Theard that LeftAction, an online petition operation created by Dem ocratic PR guy John Hlinko, was campaigning to get the Arizona secretary of state to certifY that the presumptive Republican nominee is not a mythical beast before allowing his name to be on the presidential ballot. "There has never been a conclusive DNA test proving that Mitt Romney is not a unicorn," the group wrote last week. "And if Mitt Romney is or may be a unicorn, he is not Constitutionally qualified to be president." The campaign came about because Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, citing allegations that the birth certificate President Obama released is a fraud, threatened to take him off the ballot. Obviously, the likelihood that Romney is a fanciful equine is no more plausible than the claim that 0 bama was born in Africa. So why is the unicorn fair game?



Because Romney has made it so. Donald Trump, the nation's most prominent "birther," in interviews, revived his charge that Obarna was born in Kenya. ROMNEY ON MONDAY declined to repudiate Trump. It's not the first tim e Romney, who once distanced himself from the binhers, has failed to stand up to sinister elements on the right. But this is a particularly unsavory crowd. Some members have already turned against Romney. In a lawsuit filed in Mar ch, a group of birthers sued to require California to verifY the eligibility of all presidential candidates. Obama is "arguably ineligible," the plaintiffs wrote, and "a similar si LuaLion may exisL concerning the Republican Party candidacy of Min Romney. " A lawyer for the birthers said the claim is related to George Romney's time in Mexico as a child. Give these birthers some credit: Th ey may be crazy, but they're nonpartisan. There actually is a minor controversy surrounding Romney's birth certificate. Roston Gl obe columnist Joan Vennochi, pursuing a theory that the candidate 's middle name is "Milton" rather than "Mitt," asked Romney's campaign tive years ago for a copy of th e birth

LE,.,.ERS Dams not problem To the Editor: Lately the local newspapers seem to be honoring Judge Redden for his work on endangered salmon rulings. Judge Redden made lots of rulings on biological law based on poor information. He insisted that the government programs had to be rewritten to protect the fish. He and our state governor still believe darns need to be removed. The dams on th e Columbia and Snake rivers were supposedly endangering the runs of fish. During the sarne time, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife planned to close several coa5tal hatcheries because the runs in the Alsea, Siletz and Nehalem were returning at dismal rates. None of these coastal streams had or have a dam. If dams were the main problem, why were the coastal salmon and steelhead runs bad at the same time?

STAFF . . . . . . . . Kari Borgen Publisher . Editor . Glenn Rabinowitz Ad director ................. Glena.s Orcutt Operations director Frank Everidge Circulation director . . . . .. . . . .Carolyn Gibson Bookkeeper Heidi Kennedy Sports editor. .. ... . .. . . . . . .. . .Brad Mosher Sports writer .... . . . ... .. . . . . . Casey Kellas News editor/Go! ...... .. ...... Jelf Petersen Schools, outdoors . . .... Dick Mason Photo/design editor . . .. . . . . . . .. .Phil Bullock Photographer ......... . .. . .... Chris Baxter Wallowa County ... . . . .... Katy Nesbitt City, business, politics..... Bill Rautenstrauch News assistant . ... . .... . . . ... . Eden Kruger Circulation specialist .... . . . ... .. . Kelli Craft Classifieds. . ......... Katelyn Winkler customer service representative. .Cindie Crumley


certificate. The campaign declined. I would prefer it if presidential candidaLes didn't need Lo produce vital records to prove eligibility. But if Romney is going to pal around with birthers - especially a newly reborn birther such as Trump- he shouldn't be surprised that people want him to play by the same rules. That was the thinking behind the unicorn campaign. When Arizona's Bennett said he was investigating Obarna's eligibility because he received 1,200 e-mailed requests, Hlinko's group wanted to see what Bennett would do if presented with even more requests to investigate an equally implausible claim against the Republican. LeftAction claims 18,000 have petitioned Bennett so far. TI1e request for a unicorn pro be, Bennett said, is "ridiculous." The "corners," as we unicorn movement followers call ourselves, agree that ours is "a cockamamie conspiracy the ory v\'ith no basis in reality," as Hlinko put it. And yet, he told me, "it's arguably more plausible" than the Obama-Kenya claim, because nobody has seen whether Romney has a unicorn's horn beneath that ample mane. "If he would just shave his head, the whole thing would be disproved," Hlinko otlered. I'd settle for a long-form birth certificate. Contact Dana Milbank at


As I recall. all the rivers in northern Oregon and Washington had the same problem whether there were dams on the rivers or not. Logic clearly shows that the darns did not cause the problem of low salmon adult returns. Yes, they probably were part of the problem on rivers with dams. Yes, overharvest of forests, big city pollution and runoff were all part of the problem. Why are the salm on and steelhead now returning in large numbers if government prognms need Lo be rewrillen? Why are we having spring chinook fishe ries in the Snake and John Day rivers? I would like someone to answer the simple question: if dams were Lhe primary cause of the low adult salmon returns, why were the returns also low on the rivers without dams and also the ones so close to the ocean ? Also, 1 would like to know how these

record returns of fish are still endangered? John Isley Enterprise LETTERS FROM READERS

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L 0 C A LI R E G I 0 N

Friday, June 1. 2012

The Observer 5 A

Trainer pays attention to small details EOLS from 1A On warm days, Leithner will wash her. "And every day she gets skin conditioner," Leithner said, "so she's not all scaly." She requires lots of handling so she'll perform well in the ring on auction day, Leithner said. "Once in the ring, she needs to be right in front of the judges so she's in their line of sight." He even spends time training her to get on the scales. The scales become all important because while the judges are looking the pigs over, so are the buyers who pay by the pound. Lavender should weigh in at jusl over 200 pounds. Leithner is preparing Lavender and "two or three breeding ewes" to market at the EOLS auclion Lhis year~ which will be his fifth year of showing and selling at the livestock show.

Ar; with most participantr; in the auction, Leithner comes from an EOLS family. llis father, John Lei thner, is co-chair of the auction, and Trevor's sister, Brittany, has shown and sold at the auction for several years. Of his sister, Leithner said, "Brittany taught me everything I know. I had to listen to her about a lot of things." Brittany graduated from high school this year. Asked what's the hardest part of raising and selling livestock, Leithn er said, "Letting go of my market animals, that's the saddest part. Especially the lambs." But the money he makes selling at the livestock show and other fairs and shows doesn't gel spenl frivolously. "1 put it in a bank account to pay for other animals and feed," he said. Thal bank accounl may help

FULL SCHEDULE of EOLS EVENTS Monday 4-H horse show - 9 a m Tuesday 4-H horse show- 9 a.m. Wednesday Livestock weigh-In- 1-7 pm 4-H. FFA goat showmanship -5p.m. Thursday Cowboy breakfast - 6 a m 4-H, FFA livestock conformatlon - 9 a.m. 4-H, FFA JUdging contest3pm Carnival, family n1ghtnoon-10 p.m Happy hour, clubhouse - 5 pm Ed Miller Memorial Xtreme Bulls- 7 p.m.

him with his long-term goal of going to Redlands Community College in El Reno, Okla., and eventually on to Oklahoma State in Stillwater. His father said, "He'll be able to put a couple of hundred in his pocket" h·om the sale of Lavender. "lt benefits kids. 1 think it's the most important part of the show." The auction will be at 8 a.m. .June 9 at the livestock show grounds in Union. Those interested in buying locally grown livestock n eed to get a pre-assigned buyer's number to participate. Auction co-chairs John Leithner at 541-786-1750 or Billie .Jo Boothman at 541-9759519 can answer questions about buying at the auction, and there is a copy of tl1e EOLS Junior Auction lluyer's Guide on the EOLS website:

Adult dance, clubhouse begins after rodeo Friday Cowboy breakfast- 6 a.m.

4-H, FFA showmanship- 9 a.m. FFA awards presentation 1pm Carnival - noon- 10 p.m. Main Street parade- 2 p.m. PRCA rodeo and horse raeing -4 p.m. 4-H awards presentation 6 p.m. Youth dance- 8 p.m Adult dance begins after rodeo Saturday Cowboy breakfast 6 a.m 4-H, FFA livestock auction -Sam Kids Corral, Knott Family Barn- 10 a.m. Carnival noon - 10 p m PRCA rodeo and horse raeing -2 p.m Adult dance begins after rodeo Sunday PRCA rodeo and horse raemg- 1:30 p.m.

Fleet may expand TANKERS from 1A he said there is the possibility of adding four more contracts, bringing the fleet to 17 air tankers. "It won't bring us to 20 this season," h e said, "but we hope to continue to make some progress toward that." The Forest Service may also call in eight military cargo planes affixed witth temporary retardant tanks and eight Convair 580 air tankers from Canada if the fire season is especially busy, said Tom Harbour, national director of fire and aviation for the Forest Service.

OBITUARIES LOCAL FUNERALS AND VISITATIONS June 2- Betty Beith, memorial service, 2 p.m., First Christian Church June 5 - Donald Townsend, fun eral service, 2 p.m., Elgin Christian Church June 10- Jay Trumbo, memorial and barbecue, 3 p.m., Riverside Park pavilion June 16- Jimmy Stone, memorial service, 1 p m., First Baptist Church, La Grande June 30 - Rod and Jeanne Gilstrap, celebration of life ceremony, 1 to 4 p.m.; family presentation, 2 p.m., 69789 Antles Lane, Cove

Francis Tarvin La Grande Francis Tan~n, 92, of La Grande, diedJune 1. DanielsKnapp Funeral, Cremation & Life Celebration Center is in charge of the arrangements.

Franklyn P. Babb La Grande

1927-2012 Franklyn Peterson Babb, 85, of La Grande, died May 16 at his home. Services are not planned at this time. Loveland Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements. Frank was born May 7, 1927, in St. Clair, Mo., to Franklyn Briggs Babb and Velma Peterson Babb. He married Mary Louise Nappier and was employed as a certified life underwriter with Prudential Life Insurance until his retirement.

Frank served his country in the United States Kavy during World War II. He was stationed in the Ph ilippin es, and afterward received an honorable discharge. Frank enjoyed fishing and boating. Surviving are his wife, Mary; and his children, Christopher (Linda) Babb of San Diego, Pamela Everett of Cambridge, England, Frances Sr.ahnke of Kernersville, N.C ... and Matthew Babb of La Grande; two brothers, Robert (Diane) Babb of Lubbock, Texas, and David (Rosemary) Babb of Denver, Colo.; 10 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. Frank was preceded in death hy his parents, Frank and Velma. Online condolences to the family of Frank Babb may be given at w\vw.lovelandfun eralchapel. com.

Walter R. Tarter Union

1921-2012 Walter Robert Tarter, ~1 , of Union , died May 25 at his home. A memorial service was held at Loveland Funeral Chapel .\1ay 27,and burial was at Union Cemetery May 29. He was Walter R. born in Tarter

Weiser, ldaho, May 24, 1921, the ninth child to Alexander Davis Tarter and Ethel Rodelia Hill Tarter. He moved to Union at 7 years old. He worked as a farmhand and horse handler for Conley Brothers of Cove and atten ded Union schools until he was 18. He was ajockey, riding at a few small racetracks in the Northwest. H e worked briefly al tlre shipyards in Vancouver, Wash., as a welder. He enlisted in the Navy in 1944 and was honorably discharged on a hardship in 1945 to care for his two daughlers when his wife became ill. After his discharge, he worked on a chicken farm in Hockinson, Wash., and as a bellh op at The Redwoods Hotel in Grants Pass. He was a jockey at various racetracks in Canada. He moved back to Union and started working for the Cnion Pacific Railroad as a fireman and later as an engineer. He finished his railroad career as an engineer for Amtrak, retiring in 1986. Walter married Juanita Aliene Hough in 1940 and they h ad four children . Juanita died in 1953. Walter then married Gracie .\1ae Dunn in 1954 and they had three daughters. Walter and Gracie purchased their first racehorse in 1956. Walter was a thoroughbred horse breeder~ owner and lrainer who ran horses al l'ortland Meadows, Yakima

Meadows, Les Rois Park, Longacres, as well as Eastern Washington and Oregon fair circuits. He finished his horseracing career at Playfair Race Course in Spokane, Wash. He was a member and past president of the Union Range Riders Riding Club; and a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Fralernal Order of Eagles and Nationalllorsemen's Benevolence & Protective Association. He and Gracie were grand marshals of the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show in 2004. He was hired for the movies "Thunderhead, Son of Flicka," "Rogue River" and "Pillars of the Sky." In each of these films, he could be seen in full screen shots, which always thrilled his kids. Walter was a sports fan and loved to watch Seattle Seahawks, Portland Trailblazers and Seattle Mariners games. He is survived by his wife, Gracie; and six chiidren, Brenda Cantrell (Dan Hoogen) of Tacoma, Wash., Rita Bangs of Union; Bob Tarter (Ho' on ani) of Honolulu, Hawaii; J acqui Tarter of Spokane, Wash., KaLhy Miller of La Grande and Cindy Tarter of Spokane; 14 grandchildren: eight great-grandchildren: and a great-gr andson on the way. He is also survived by his sisterin-law, Jessie Tarter of Hermiston; and many nieces and nephews. lle was preceded in death by

his father, Alexander Tarter; his mother, Ethel Hard; an infant son, William Lee Tarter in 1948; his first wife, Juanita Tarter in 1953; eight brothers, Dreyfus, Alfred, Floyd (an infant who died in 1909), Lyle, Bill, Vic, Donnie and Marvin; three sisters, Louticia Simonis, Florence (an infant who died in 1909) and Edna Snively. Memorial contributions in Walter's memory may be made to the Union Food Bank in care of Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St., La Grande, OR 97850. Online condolences to the family of WalLer Tarler may be made al www.lovelandfuneralchapel. com.

The Observer publishes free obituaries as a community service. Obituaries are edited to fit news guidelines. Photos are encouraged. Paid space is available for families who would like to include more information. Both Daniels-Knapp and Loveland Funeral Chapel post unedited obituaries on their websites. The sites are \ and \,

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PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT POLICE AND FIRE La Grande Pollee Trespass: Dispatch received a report from the parks department Thursday about a transient sleeping in Pioneer Park. An officer responded and the subject moved on . Trespass: Dispatch received a repo rt Thursday about a transient sleeping on Wells Manor's property in the 160 0 block of Albany Street. An office r responded and the subject move d on. Crash: An officer responded to a report of a non-injury motor vehicle crash T hursday a t Seventh Street and Penn Avenue. The officer rendered assistance. Disturbance: An office r responded to a report of a dis turbance involving a female subject Thursday at an address in the 1500 block o f Adams Avenu e. The situation was resolved. Larceny: A man in the 1400 block of Y Avenue requested office r con tact T hursday regarding a theft from his yard . An officer responded and logged information . Arrested: Jamie Ann Shepherd, 27, address unavailable, was arres ted Thursday on a charge of violati on of a restraining o rde r. Arrested: Jesse Ryan Lavimo diere, 24, address unavail-




abl e, was arrested Thursday on a warrant charging parole/probation violation. The original charge was unautho rized use of a motor vehicle. Larceny: A citizen in the 2600 blo ck of May Lane requested officer contact Thursday rega rding a theft. An office r responded and took a report. Larceny: Albertsons on Thursday reported someo ne in their can cage taking cans . An officer responded and d etermin ed the subject did not get into the cage. T he officer took a report. Car prowl: A man in the 2700 block of First Street early Friday reported a ma le subject looking into a car. An officer responded but was unable to locate the subject. La Grande Fire & Ambulance Between 7:30 a.m. Thursday and 7 :30 this morning, La Grande Fire and Ambulance responded to thre e medical ca lls and a burn complaint.

La Grande Rural Fire No incidents to report. Union County Sheriff Vandalism: A man in the 1900 block of Public Street in Elgin requested deputy contact Thursday regarding vandalis m to his vehicl es. A deputy was advised. Arrested : Michael Owen Delepierre, 38, Union, was arrested Thursday on a Union County warrant cha rging failure to appear. The o riginal charge was criminal trespass in the second degree. Arrested: Allen Donald Lari son, 32, address unavailable, was a rrested in Elgin T hursday on a charge of menacing . Larceny: A man at an address in the 600 bloc k of North 14th Avenue requested deputy contact ea rly Friday regarding an attempted theft. Wallowa County Sheriff Arrested: David Ray Talbot, 55,


Joseph , was arrested by Wallowa County Sheriff's Department Thursday on charges of domestic violence, fourth-degree assa ult and menacing . He was transported to Union County Jail. Enterpris e Police No incidents to report. Oregon State Pollee A rrested : Daniel Lee Altherr, 25, La G rande , was arrested Monday on a charge of violation of a restraining order. Arrested: Matt Jorge Reme rsaro, 55, Portland , was arrested Saturday on charges of reckless driving and speeding . Cited: Joshua Lee Pa lmer. 34, La G rande , was cited May 24 on a charge of failure to register as a sex offender. Arrested: Justin Forrest, 35, Union, was arrested May 22 on a charge of probation violation.

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6 A The Observer

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Spirit calls all to the love of God


appy Binhday, Church! May 27 was Pentecost Sunday, which has been traditionally held as the inccption of the Christian Church by the giving of the Holy Spirit. Originally Pentecost was an agricultural celebration, being seven weeks after the presentation of the first sheaf of spring barley for the Passover. (Israel is further south than us, spring comes earlier). Later, Pentecost became associated with the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai, so bestowing the Holy Spirit on this day held great symbolic meaning. In a reversal of tlie Tower of Babel, the Spirit burst forth, driving tlie followers of .Jesus out into the streets to tell the Good News of God through Jesus Christ in all the languages of the world. At least the world



StPvPn A Wolff

as they knew it. The world of the Jews and those who had joined in the Jewish faith, but not the Celts, the Chinese or the Cayuse. Not yet. Later~ while Philip was walking down the road to Gaza, the Holy Spirit directed him toward a man in a chariot reading the scroll of Isaiah. This man in the chariot was a follower of God, coming from Jerusalem, but he would have been barred from temple worship. You see, this man was an Ethiopian and a eunuch, which made him ritually unacceptable. Still the

inspired event, missioners went out to the Mediterranean, Europe, Asia and all the world. This is the birth of the church that includes even me. Happy Birthday, Church! Recently, the General Conference of the United Methodist Church met in Florida. As the only group that can speak for the entirety of United Methodism, they function as the gatekeepers of this branch of God's Church. As WITH ALL denominations, really at all times, one of the issues was who can be included, and who is excluded, from tl1e ministry of tl1e church. I don't think anyone went into this General Conference with high hopes for a sweeping removal of the barriers to participation that have been erect-

Spirit was present, the man was baptized and a new church was born that day, one a little more inclusive. Happy Birthday, Church! Even later, Peter had a vision in which he was told not to call unclean anything· that God had created. Immediately thereaf~ ter, representatives showed up from a God follower named Cornelius. Cornelius was a Roman soldier, an officer, which put him and his people really on the outside of the church at that time. Yet, the Spirit was present, these Roman foreigners were baptized and Peter announced that "I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and docs what is right is acceptable to h'lm." Because of this Spirit-

ed around some groups of peapie. Perhaps the most crushing blow was the refusal to even consider a statement that as a body of Christians, we do not agree on the issues of inclusion and exclusion. People have asked me, in the wake of this, how can we continue to call ourselves the United Methodist Church? How can we keep saying that we have "open doors, open minds, open hearts?" Tongue in cheek I've suggcsted that we change the name to the Untied Methodist Church. Happy birthday church? Looking at our scriptural history, it is clear that the Holy Spirit's work has b een to open the circle of the church to larger and more unexpected groups with each "birthday." This hasn't happened in great

synods or conferences, but in small intimate settings where the people involved were surprised by the outcome. Surprised by the Spirit. What the Cnited Methodist church will do, I don't know. I only know that in this time and this place, the Spirit calls all to the love of God, regardless of race, economics and even sexuality. We are not called to do this through compromise, but with compassion. Happy Rirthday, Church! Steven A. Wolff is lead pastor ot the La Grande United Methodist Church. "Footsteps" is c o lumn open to everyo ne wishing to ex press them selves on a topic related to fa ith, ethic s o r spiritua lity. Se nd c o nt ri b utio ns to new s® lag ra nd eobserver. com

HIGHLIGHTS Worship focus is Holy Trinity

worship witl1 coffee and refreshments.

ENTERPRISE Worship at Grace Lutheran Church in Enterprise begins at 9 a.m. on Holy Trinity Sunday. The Gospel reading is from John 3:1-17 -.Jesus' miracles prompt r\icodemus to visit him in secrecy. J esus tells him about being born of the Spirit "no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit." And also about tlie son who has been sent by God to save: "God did not send the son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." Fellowship and Bible study follow tlie service. On June 8, th e church will provide music and serve meals at the Enterprise Community Center at 11 a.m.

Fellowship follows service Sunday COVE Grace Community Lutlieran Church will celebrate Holy Trinity Sunday this week. Sunday worship service begins at 9:30 a.m. at Cove Seventhday Adventist Church. Pastor Carl will detail the meaning of the Holy Trinity and its importance to tlie Christian church. A men's weekly Bible study group is being organized. Fellowship will follow the service.

Message is 'Let's Go Fishing' COVE The service at Cove United Methodist Church for Trinity Sunday begins at 9 a.m. Lay speaker Dolores Roper will give the message, "Let's Go Fishing." Fellowship continues after

R ejoice in the L oTd always! The L md is nem! Phil. 4: 4& 5

CHURCH OF CHRIST 2107 Gekeler Lane, La Grande 805-5070 P. O. Box 260

Sunday Sch ool Sunday Worship Sunday Evening

9:30 am 1 0 :4!J a m

6:00 pm

Wednesday Night Life Groups: 7:00pm Call for location Preacher: Doug Edmonds 541-805-5070



JOIN US ... Catch the Spirit! Worship: 9:00a.m. Cove Worship: 11:00 Union

Cove: 541-786·0100

Donations sought for Food Share LA GRANDE La Grande United Methodist Church celebrates Communion worship Sunday. Classes meet at 9:30 a.m. and worship follows at 11 a.m. The guest accompanist is Priscilla Coe . Childcare is available from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The first Sunday of the month is also Food Share Sunday. This month's recipient is the Salvation Army. Parishioners are invited to bring non-perishable food items.

Sundays at 10 a.m.

La Grande · Our Lady of the Valley - 1002 L Avenue Saturday 5:00 pm Mass Snndav 7:00 am & 9:30 am Mass

S11u3day 3:00 pm Traditional Latin \lass

2 & last Sunday 11:00 am Spanish Mass Weekday 8:00am Mass

Union - Sacred Heart - 340 South l Oth Avenue


Snndav R:OO am Wed~sday 6:00pm Mass

Elgin- Saint Mary's - 12th and Alder Sundav 11:00 am Mass Thursday 6:00pm Mass

North Powder - Saint Anthony's - 500 E Street Sunday 6:00 pm Mass

LA GRAN DE, COVE The service at Seventh-day Adventist church in Cove begins at 9:30 a.m. and in La Grande at 11 a.m . Saturday. Topical Rible study classes for all ages begins at 9:30 a.m. in La Grande. A fellowship meal will follow the service in La Grande. Pastor Mike Annayor will look at another maj or Bible theme and how it was influen ced by pagan thought and practice still common today.

LA GRANDE St. Peter's Episcopal Church will observe Trinity Sunday with Holy Eucharist at 9 a.m. The Rev. Katliryn Macek will preside and preach . Bette Hoskins will be honored for her years of service as St. Peter's Ascension School representative. The book club will meet Sunday at 6 p.m. in the parish hall. Participants are invited to bring a snack to share and ideas for a good book to read this summer. Morning Prayer is offered Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 in the chapel.

Message comes from scriptures LA GRANDE Trinity Sunday will be celebrated Sunday during tlie 9: 30a.m. worship service at First Presbyterian Church in La Grande. Pastor Keith Hudson will be preaching on scriptures Isaiah 6:1-8 and Romans 8:1-4, 1~-17. Vacation Ribl e School is sch edul ed for Jun e 11-14.

Message is 'Me and Family'

Sermon focus is the Triune God

LA GRANDE The worship service at Church of Christ will begin at 10:45 a.m. Sunday. Doug Edmonds' message will be "Me and Family" from 1 John 3:11-

LA GRANDE On Trinity Sunday, the Divine Service begins at 10 a.m. at Faith Lutheran. The sermon will come from John 3:1-17 where the Fa ther, the Son

(Disciples of Christ) 901 Penn Avenue 963-2623 web:

440 R UCKMAN, IMBLER 534-2201 Sunday Services

Worship 10:00 a.m. ~ Sunday School 8:45

.l. .

9:00 a.m.

Worship Service

Sunday School Dming Services

-Join us at The Lord's Table-

Crossroads Community Church

Guest shares cowboy poetry ELGIN The service at Elgin 'Cnited Church begins at 11 a.m. Sunday. Services will be led by Gerald Hopkins. The guest speaker will he Gerald "Butch" i\rbogast, who will be sharing Christian cowboy poetry as a part of tlie Truth Through Poetry Ministries. Coffee and fellowship will follow the service, as well as an administrative board meeting.

Message is 'As Grace Extends' LA GRANDE The service at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) begins at 10 a.m. Sunday. Oregon Regional Minister Doug Win's message Sunday will be "As Grace Extends," from 2 Corinthians 4:1 3-5: l. A congregational meeting and potluck will follow worship.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Churches and faith-based groups are encouraged to submit Highlights for the Spiritual Life page by 4 p.m. Tuesday for publication Friday. Submit via fax to 541-963-7804, hand delivery or e-mail to news @ with Highlights in the subject line.

902 Fourth Street, La Grande, OR (541) 963-5998 9:30am- Traditional Worship 10:30 am- Fellowship & Refreshments Nursery Available

Pastor Richard YOLmg - An ELCA church

for kids age three to 5th Grade


First Baptist Church SIXTH & SPRING • 963-3911

601 Jefferson Ave., La Grande (541) 963-4342

Sunday Worship 10:00 am Wednesday Night 6:15 pm

E>uikling T ogcthco·O oo C l "i•LAiouc

Kingdom Kids - Youth in Action

Sun. 8:4 5 AM - Bible Classes Sun. 10:00 AM - Worship

"-··where you can begin again''


2620 Bearco Loop Pastor Dave Tierce • 541 -605 -0215 We use the King James Version Bible

Community Church

Sunday School - I 0:00 am Worship 11 :00 am Sunday Afternoon Bible Study - 2:00 pm Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm

2702 Adams Ave, La Grande


H o lding Services at:

Seventh Day Adventist Church PO Box 3373

(541) 663- 1735 Regular services 9:00am Sunday School Classes 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service

(Corner of "'Y" Avenue ancl N. Birch Street)

(541) 663-0610 9 am Sunday Schoo l 11 am Wo rship

Exalting God Edifying Believers Evangelizing Unbelievers


Baptist Church 1531 S. Main St., Union • 562-5531 Pastor Dave 80 5 -9445

Sunday School Morning Worship Sunday N ight W ednesday Night Thursday AWANA

9 :45 am 11 am 6 pm 6 :30pm 6 :30 pm


963-0340 • 507 Palmer Ave (just east of city pool)

Sunday Worship 10:02 am Come and share in a time of worship. prayer and the study of God's word with u.v. Worship includes communion on Sunday. Email: church

Faith Center

La Grande Seventh-day Adventist Church


2~ ~ o<L - ~SP+

1612 4th Street - 963-2498 Pastor Steve Wolff

Come join with us in Worship and Fellowship Meeting every Satnrday


9:::'> 0 a.m .- Rihlc Sru rly/ Fell owsh rp 10:45 a. m . - Worship Service


1114 Y Avenue, La Grande


Come Celebrate the Lord with us!


Foursquare Church First

Office Hours: Mon-Thur Slam-Noon

Worship 11:00 am Fellowship Coffee I lour II :00 am

Tuoway 6:00 pm Mass


and the Holy Spirit are mentioned. This Triune God loves mankind. Sunday school is at 8:45 a.m. Faith's annual Haiti benefit yard sale will nm from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 9.


First Christian Church

Dan Mielke "Where you canjind TRUTH according to 54 1-663-6 122 the scriptures" www. celebrotioncommunitychurch. org www.lagrandemissionarybaptistcom RO\fA~ CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES

Pastor looks at pagan influence

St. Peter's observes Trinity Sunday

Celebration LA GRANDE Community Church MISSIONARY BAPTIST meets at Union County Senior Center, Cove Ave.

15. Communion is available every Sunday. Children's Chmch during the sermon for kids in the fitth grade and under is offered. Sunday morning classes begin at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Life groups meet at 7 p.m. at various home locations. Call Doug at 541-805-5070 for the locations.



Service 9 :00AM - 10:30 A M

A Plru:11 wlum: JwjH1


found in j

2702 Ada ms Avenue, La Grande •



Second Service 11:00 AM - 12:30 l'M Sanctuary 6:00 PM - 7:30PM www.lg4sq ul! 10300 South "D " Street - Island City OR 97850 (54I) 963-8063



Friday, June 1, 2012

The Observer 7 A

Remembering those who serve our country M uch has already been said and written about the Memorial Day services, but I must at least make mention of the 25th annual Avenue of Flags and the gran ted Fly-Over. They came as they promised. They came and they went in a matter of moments as we sat or stood at Grandview Cemetery, having completed the touching program arranged for us by the various veteran organizations and concerned citizens. The aircraft from the 1i3rd Fighter Wing of Oregon Air ~ational Guard base at Klamath Falls responded to the Daughters of the American Revolution Lone Pine Tree Chapter of Baker City/ La Grande and the American Legion Family Post 43 of La Grande, and flew their F-15 Eagle fighter jet over our city at exactly noon on ~1 emorial Day as promised. The outline of the aircraft was silhouetted against the darkening sky that threatened rain but managed only a few drops. We had hoped for sunshine, but how fortunate we were that it faded away or we would have been blinded against the view afforded us. Some say it was hardly worth the effort since the flight lasted such a short time and the aircraft so high in the sky, but they were the ones untouched by the true meaning of the flyover, the protection still granted us in guarding our freedoms and recognition of th e h eroic services of our ve terans. Yes, it was over in a moment of our time but lastin g in our hearts. As a member of the Dl\R requesting the flyove t~ I am deeply grateful for all of those


Dorothy Swart Fleshman

who made it possible. My husband, for whom one of the fl ags at the cemetery flies each year, representing 224 names, was a navigator in the Air Force dming W\¥II, and I could imagine his plotting the route from Klamath Falls over Union and Baker counties. In my mind, he flew with Monday's crew and I wished them Godspeed. A retired Army stranger from out of state, related to earlier Lyell and Broomfield folk , ifl remember the names correctly, took time to speak to me. I could see in his eyes his pride in having served to protect our country, and still h e took time to compliment Dory's Di ary, reading my column from another state. I felt humbled. Tears tried to surface during Pastor Roger Cochran' s m eaningful talk and to learn that a Knopp son was on an aircraft carrier at the moment his father Lowell spoke to us. H ow could we n ot feel emotion at the first raising of our flag and Josh Jenkins' playing of Taps to bring the remembrance of those who serve in our nation's military program to a close. I was grateful to the Boy Scouts who furnished chairs so that folks such as I could sit. If you missed the event, I'm sorry.


Dear Diary, It has come to my attention that folks have been calling The Observer and asking whether or not my diary is still going to be available to tl1em as the newspaper goes through numerous changes. Because of their interest, I ratl1er believe I should respond in some way even though r Ill not sure myself what I want to do about it. One fact remains that I haven't been invited to stay but neither have I decided that I must again hide my diary in another place where folks can't find it. That part remains for the future. Maybe it should be what the people want. Another fact is that I must have my say in that I am totally set against this three-day-a-week change. T, too, want my newspaper five or even six or seven days a week. I want to pick it up, h old it in my hands and read what it has to say in my own time, but 1 don't want to do it only three days a week. I have n o choice in the changes even as I try to look into the matter to see whether there is necessity or wisdom at work here. The local Observer wa.~ in the black, but it is part of a whole and so, as far as I can tell, the whole eats into our portion and we must share because of it. We can blame it on anything we like - the economy, poor management, the electronic age, or anything else we can think of- but the facts remain the same. Management has m ade its decision and our local paper must follow the directive. Who knows. Maybe you will

really like the new set-up, with or without my column and only the given days of the week. We must wait and see. I wrote a recent column about sometimes less being more as more becomes less. I'm not sure just how we can relate this to a newspaper, but maybe it is tl1ere someplace. While we readers think of the n ewspaper as Our News, Our Crossword Puzzle, our Comics, the sales folks see it as Our Advertisements, Our Sales, Our Income. The n ewspaper itself may think of it as Our Livelihood, Our llome Away From Hom e, Our Social Realm, Our Community Service. Even the Carriers can think of it as their First Income, their First Responsibility, their First Business experience. We are all correct. In the early days, starting out as a carrier and progressing to a writer, my view of the n ewspaper was limited as I drew red outlines around my first stories, espe cially those with my name on them. It was a proud time. The r est of the newspaper existed only to see tln t my articles and pictures were put to print and distributed. Maybe age and experience has something to do with it, but I now see it all as a Community of Sharing. Without one of the elements going into producing the daily paper, the newspaper wouldn't exist at all. We must work and produce together. If the Advertisers de cided not to use th e newspaper to let the folks know what they h ad to sell, the n ewspaper couldn't afford to print the news, for

Federal judge says no to halt • 1n sea lion killing

the subscribers couldn't pay all the bills. Likewise, if the subscribers all quit buying the newspaper, the businesses would have no place to draw in an unlimited number of customers to purchase their wares. They need each other. Take even the folks who put the pieces of the paper together page by page and the persons who run the big press in the back of the building, or the carriers who bring the paper to your door. Without each part of this big business, a newspaper wouldn't be a n ewspaper at all. I'm sure every business and every household, not just the newspaper business, faces the same dilemma of how to make the budget work. \Vhat hurts here is that we had no say in the changes that are being made at The Observer. We didn't have a vote. See what I have meant in other columns about preserving our freedoms. Of course, we aren't a truly local newspaper or a co-op paper, either. We belong to a conglomerate out of town, and we must abide by their decisions and then decide how we individually respond to them. Thank you for asking by phone, email and personal response concerning whether or not Dory's Diary will continue appearing in The Observer on a weekly basis. It remains to be seen where it goes from here.

PORTLAND (AP) -A federal judge has rejected a request to halt the killing of California sea lions that eat protected salmon at Oregon 's Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River. The Humane Society of th e United States wanted to stop the lethal injections while its lawsuit against the practice works its way tl1rough the courts. Judge Michael Simon has said the request faced difficult tests in such legal circumstances. The Oregonian reports he ruled Wednesday it didn't pass the tests. Eleven California sea lions were trapped and killed this spring. Another was sent to an aquarium. The rest have largely returned to th eir oceanic breeding grounds after the spring fish run. Simon has said he wants to rule on the lawsuit itself before the sea lions return next year.

Veteran newspaperwoman Dorothy Swart Fleshman is a La Grande native. Reach her at

BP's Wash. refinery back to work after Feb. fire BLAINE, Wash. (AP) - A BP refinery in Washington state that shut down after a February fire has resumed normal operations. BP spokesman Scott Dean in Chicago said Thursday that repairs and maintenance were completed in May at the Cherry Point refinery

near Blaine. The three-month outage has been cited as one reason that gasoline prices have been higher on tl1e West Coast than the rest of the nation. But other factors also go into the price of gasoline, including increased demand for summer driving.

BP Cherry Point is the thirdlargest refinery on the West Coast. It produces 20 percent of Washington's gasoline needs and supplies the m~ ority of jet fuel for Sea-Tac, Portland and Vancouver, British Columbia, airports. The refinery was hit by a fire Feb. 17.

U NIC::>N , <Z>REGC::>N

"rTimber &' ~gricu(ture ·Movinf1 Our Country Torwa.rd''

.------.----=------...--,.......,..,.---. MONDAY, JUNE 4

N.M. fire spreading in all directions RESERVE, :K.M. (AP) -A massive wildfire in the 'Jew Mexico wilderness tlnt already is tl1e largest in state history spread in all directions Thursday, and experts say it's likely a preview of things to come as states across the West contend with a dangerous recipe of wind, low humidity and tind er-dry fuels. The erratic Gila National Forest blaze grew overnight to more than 190,000 acres, or nearly 300 square miles, as it raced across the area's steep,

ponderosa pine-covered hills and through its rugged canyons. The 2-week-old Gila forest fire is the largest wildfire burning in the country. Gov. Susana Martinez viewed the fire from a ~ew Mexico National Guard helicopter Thursday afternoon and saw the thick smoke amon g some of the steep canyons that are inaccessible to firefighters. Along tl1e fire's nortl1ern edge, Martinez spotted crews doing burnout operations

designed to slow the erratic bl aze, which has surpassed the Los Conchas fire as the state's largest ever. That fire charred 156,593 acres last year and threatened the Los Alamos Nati onal Laboratory, the n ation's premier nuclear facility. From the air, Martinez pointed to the terrain a.s being "impossible" in some areas. "It seems daunting to us because it's now 190,000 acr es," she told reporters. "It's going to keep going up."


L..,__ _ _ _ _ ____;,;:::::__ _ _____J

4-H Horse Show .... ............................. .. 9am TUESDAY, JUNE 5 4-H Horse Show .... ............................... 9am WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 Livestock Weigh-ln ............................. 1-7pm 4-H, FFA Goat Showmanship ............... 5pm THURSDAY, JUNE 7 4-H, FFA Livestock Conformation ......... 9am 4-H, FFA Judging Contest .. ....... ........... 3pm FRIDAY, JUNE 8 4-H, FFA Showmanship ........................ 9am FFA Awards Presentation ............ ......... 1pm 4-H Awards Presentation ...................... 6pm SATURDAY, JUNE 9 4-H, FFA Livestock Auction .................. 8am

4-H & FFA


Cie]il~iirJ•nsurance e. Financial servi ces




You're Invited to Wildflower Lodge for:

S J.. ,.





and 'Meet & Greet' for Our New Health Services Director: Mickie Winnett

Friday, June 8th 2012 9AM -12PM

RIPPLES IN TIME Celebrate the History of Life Along the

FREE . I ubliC. tot he P

John Day River

• Variety of health services vendors • Valuable information to help with your health needs • Raffle prizes • Food & beverages will be sold with proceeds to benefit: Wreaths Across America

Sat rday June 9, Bates State Park 10am--5pm H ow would you like to stand beside a live red~tailed h awk taste salmon fresh out of an open~fire native salmon bake? H ow abo ut giv ing your k ids a ch at1.ce to get a close Look at nat ive trout? Or meet a fly~fi shing C clchri ty.

~ l.r




r ••

For more information or to RSVP, contact: 541 -663- 1200

Come to the Ripples In Time Celebration wh ere we h ave created a FESTNAL that h onors our rivers and our h eritage on th ose rivers. Learn about historic mining, cattle grazing and logging. See th e newest ideas in river sustainability-

Don't miss this Celebration!


N orth Fork J ohn Day W atershed Council

r? ),






8 A The Observer

Friday, June 1, 2012

Be tactful with greedy kids DEAR ANNIE:



too sensitive and she won't share future decisions with me. I keep hoping there is a sensible, rational reason that would relieve some of the hurt. Perhaps ifl get it out in the open, I can let it go. Any thoughts?

Sudoku Puzzle

My husband and I have five adult chi!Of course not. If your children are old dren between us, all making a good living. enough to have kids of their own, they Some of our children expect us should not n eed to be driven to pay their airfare to come visit around by their parents. But we - NAME-DROPPED us, in addition to picking them recommend a tactful approach. For DEAR NAME-DROPPED: th e next visit, simply say, "We wish up at Lhe airport, being their taxi It's OK to ask, as long as you don't get we could pick you up at the airport, service so they can go out drinkteary-eyed and make her feel guilty. Or pering at night and letting them usc Mailbox but it won't be possible. We suggest haps she confided her reasons to her sister our car. At no time does anyone ~~%~~,'!:'~~"' you rent a car so you can have your and you would feel more comfortable askput gas in the car or even treat independence." You also can mening your younger child. But be prepared to us to a cheap breakfast. tion how nice it would be if they treated accept with equanimiLy an answer yo u may During a recent visit, we made rcscrvatheir folks to a meal once in a while to not like. thank them for their hospitality. tions for dinner with one son, his girlfriend, their daughter (who lives nearby) DEAR ANNIE: DEAR ANNIE: and the daughter's boyfriend. That morn"Wondering" wanted to know how to ask I am a divorced woman in my 50s and ing, my husband drove them to the beach his parent~ about his inheritance so he the mother of two beautiful daughters. (10 miles away). They then called to say could plan his retirement accordingly. When they were born, we chose to pass on they ate a late lunch and asked that we Recently, our son demanded his share of push back the reservation and that my hus- my first name to both girls as a middle his "inheritance." The ramifications of this name. It's been a family tradition for the band pick them up from the daughter's have been heartbreaking. Recause of past four generations. · house and bring them home to change. It money already given to him, we made the Recently, my eldest daughter informed seems the daughter didn't want to drive the difficult decision to exclude him from anv me that she legally replaced her middle 10 miles to our house. inheritance at our deatl1. He ' further name with her maiden name. I was stunned I adamantly said no to my 74-year-old that said, received a paid-in-full statement that the name I passed on to her with pride husband. These "kids" are so self-absorbed "This is your share that you demanded via was cut out entirely and forever. We are on iliat they think nothing of forcing us to good terms, and I don't believe she intend- an attorney, notarized and recorded accommodate their schedules with no through the courts." ed to hurt me. And I don't have a problem thought to ours. I have told my husband So, "Wondering," let sleeping dogs li e. with her choosing her father's surname. iliat from n ow on, the kids must rent their You will get yours (if anything is left) at Normally, I'm prelly laid back, but this one own car when visiting. I'm tired of being your parents' death. Prepare and plan for stings. their private chauffeur. Am I overreacting? - SELFISH GUESTS No LONGER I'd like to ask why she made this choice, your future yourself. - SADDER AND WISER WELCOME but I'm afraid it might make her think I'm


Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

5 7


6 9 6 7 3

8 2

9 1 7


9 1 2

7 4

6 5


6 7 9 5 1 4

3 2 8

5 2 4 6 1 3 2 8 3 7 8 9 6 4 9 1 1 7 5

8 3 2 6 9 7 5 4

7 9 3 4 8 1 9 2 5 4 8 7 4 3 1 9 6 5 2 8 1 2 5 6 9 8 7 1 3 7 6 5 2 6 4 3



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3 2 8 9











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Friday, June 1 2012 1

The Observer 9 A

Thunder pounds Spurs, snapping 20-game winning streak OKlAHOMA CITY (AP) -The streak is over. The series may only be beginning. Kevin DuranL scored 22 poinLs, Thabo Sefolosha set playoff career-bests with 19 points and six steals, and the Oklahoma City Thunder snapped San Antonio's 20-game winning streak by beating the Spurs 102-82 in Game 3 of the Western Conference finals on Thursday night. Oklahoma City closed its series deficit to 2-1 and will host Game 4 on Saturday night. "We never thought these guys had an advan-

tagc over us even though we had lost a few," Durant said. "It was just good that we took it to 2-1. We didn'L wanL Logo down 0-3." Sefolosha threw a wrench in the Spurs' welloiled offense at the start, getting four steals in the first 3 minutes. The Spurs ended up committing a postseason-worst 21 turnovers and scoring their least points all season. San Antonio had been averaging 109.4 points during its month-and-a-half winning streak and had been held to double digits only twice.


Tulowrtzkl on the 15-day DL Activated INF ChriS Nelson from the 15-day DL. LOS ANGELES DODGERS- Placed OF Matt Kemp on the 15-day DL. Recalled IN F·OF Alex Castellanos from A lbuquerque (PCL) . NEW YORK METS- Sent RHP Manny Acosta outright to Buffalo (IL) PITTSBURGH PIRATES - Placed OF ~l ate

BASEBALL Today's games 3AOSAA Playoffs Final Cascade Christian at SANTIAM CHRISTIAN, 5 p.m., Volcanoes Stadium, Salem

McLouth on waivers for the purpose of giving his unconditional release

2A/1 A OSAA Playoffs Final Kennedy at WESTON- MCEWEN ! GRISWOLD, 1:30 p.m., Volcanoes Stadium, Salem Saturday's games 6AOSAA Playoffs Final Thurston at O REGON CITY. 5 p.m., Volcanoes Stadium, Salem SA OSAA Playoffs Final Summit at WILSON. 1:30 p.m., Volcanoes Stadium, Salem 4AOSAA Playoffs Final Ontario at HIDDEN VALLEY, 10 a.m., Vo lcanoes Stadium, Salem GIRLS SOFTBALL Today·s games 3AOSAA Playoffs Final Santiam Chnst1an at BLANCHET CATHO LI C, 1 p m. OSU Softball Complex. Corvallis 2Ait A OSAA Playoffs Final Glendale at HEPPNER / lONE, 4 p.m., OSU Softball Complex, Corval lis Saturday's games 6AOSAA Playoffs Final North Medford at SOUTH SALEM, 4 p.m. , OSU Softball Complex, Corval lis SAOSAA Playoffs Final Pendleton at SILVERTON, 1 p.m., OSU Softball

ST. LOUIS CARDINALS- Recalled RHP Maikel Cleto f rom Memphis (PCL). Optioned RHP Chuckle Fick and RHP Brandon Dickson to Memphis

Dew signed with Acereros del Norte (Mexican)

can-Am League ROCKLAND BOULDERS - Released INF Todd Gossage. Frontier League EVANSVILLE OTTERS - Signed iNF Greg Fontenot. NORMAL CORNBELTERS- Signed INF Jordan stouffer. Released C Mitch Rider RIVER C ITY RASCALS - Traded OF Jareck West to Windy City for a player to be named SOUTHERN ILLINO IS MINERS - S1g ned LH P Anthony Collazo. United League SAN ANGELO COLTS - Acquired RHP Chris Peacock from Abilene for future considerations.

FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZO NA CARDINALS - Named Zac Canty and John Ritcher college scouts and Josh

Complex , Corvallis

4AOSAA Playoffs Final Cascade at BANKS, 10 a.m., OSU Softball Complex, Corvallis

Scobey scouting assistant. Announced college

scouts M1ke Bani will evaluate the near east


region, Kyle Johnson w ill evaluate the midwest

region and Luke Palko w ill evaluate in t he south-

LOCAL SPORTS EVENT SCHEDULE Grande Ronde Road Runners Saturday 3 Rivers Relay Mary Ellen Le Berge

east region.

BUFFALO BILLS - Signed DB Isaiah Green. Released LB Garrick Williams. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS - Clatmed CB Korey Lindsey off waivers from Arizona. Waived S Micah Pellerin. JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS - Stgned CB M 1ke Harris. Re-signed CB Dontrelle Johnson. Waiv ed CB Morgan Trent WASHINGTON REDSKINS - S igned QB Kirk

Riverside (or Pioneer) Park Shelter From the Storm berefit; run or bike, individual or teams

JuneS High Valley Hall Marathon Eric Jensen, Eastern Oregon Sports Training

Cous ins.

Union High School

Canadian Football League SASKATCHEWAN ROUG HRI DERS - S igned O L Ben Heenan, LB Samuel Hurl, LB Kevtn Regin-bald-Gagne and WR lsmaet Samba. HOCKEY National Hockey League CALGARY FLAMES - Named Bob Hartley

F und raiser for Union XC

June t6 Vet erans Moving Wall Benefit Run/Walk Sandra J. Meyer. DHS Office of Vocational Rehab DHS (1607 Gekler Ln.) Fundraiser for the Traveling V ietnam Vet's


Memorial Wall


July 7 Lostine River Run

Signed C

Derek MacKenzie to a two-year contract.

Eric Jensen, Eastern CK"egon Sports Training

Lostine School - 10k & 5k down the nver; 1-mi out·&·back from the school July 21 Xterra La Grande Offroad Triathlon

9a.m Brian Sather, La Grande Ride, Inc . Morgan Lake Aug. 4 Cat herine C reek C lassic Haii/5K (7am) Steve Sheehy. Eric Jensen (Eastern Oregon Sports Training) Catherine Creek state Park Unio n·Cove HS XC fundraiser Aug. 18 Cove Cherry Festival Run Scott Brazil Cove Ascension School 1Ok along High Valley Rd Aug 18 La Grande Sprint Triathlon Andrew, Veteran's Memorial P ool Vete ran's Memonal Pool Run. Bike & Swim - Individual or Team Aug. 25 Werst Memorial Rac e Sean W illiams, EOU at EOU 2 .35 mi race up Morgan Lk Rd; Run, Walk or Bike www.moun1iec Sept. 21-22 Hells Canyon Relay Smith Rock Race Group Baker C ity - 140m 12- member team relay; run. walk, ult ra, military or HS GRRR's Update 3· 11-1 2: There are several teams planning on participating from the GRRR's. C ontact Jeremy Morris (541 ·805·5321) if you'd like to be on a t eam. There are sev eral positions available, we als o need volunteers for dr iving and he lp ing w ith the race (each team needs to provide several volunteers for help ing stage the race).


Sunday's Games N.Y. Yankees at Detroit, 10:05 a.m. Boston at Toronto, 10:07 a.m. Battimore at Tampa Bay, 10 :40 a. m

Oakland at Kansas City, 11: 10 a.m. Seattle at Chicago White Sox, 11: 10 a.m Minnesota at Cleveland, 12:05 p.m Texas at LA Angels. 12:35 p.m.

Thursda y's Sports Transactio ns BASEB ALL American Leag ue DETROIT TIGE RS - Selected t he contract of C Omir Santos from Toledo (IL) . OAKLAND ATHLETICS - Optioned RHP Tyson Ross to Sacramento (PCL) . T ORONTO BLUE JAYS - Selected the co ntract RHP Robert Coello from Las Vegas (PCL). Sent 1B Adam Lind outright to Las Vegas. National League COLORADO RCX::KIES - Placed SS Troy

DETROIT RED W INGS - Announced the retirement of D ~lickl as Lidstrom. EDMONTON OILERS - Signed D Brandon Davidson. COLLEGE BELLHAVEN - Named John Aiken men's bas ketball coach. HARDIN-SIMMONS - Announced the resignation of softball coach Dan Sheppard, effective June 15. IOWA - Announced the resignation of women's

Natio nal League East Division


Pet L Wash ington 29 21 .580 Miami 29 22 569 New York 28 23 .549 Atlanta 28 24 .538 Philadelphia 27 25 .5 19 Central Division w L Pet C incinnati 28 22 .560 St. L ouis 27 24 .529 Pittsburgh 25 25 .500 Milwa ukee 23 28 .451 Houston 22 29 431 Chicago 18 32 .360 West Division w L Pet 32 19 .627 Los Angeles Sen Francisco 27 24 .529 A rizona 23 28 .45 1 Colorado 21 29 .420 San Diego 17 35 .327

1'2 1Y, 2 3 GB 1111

3 s:~:~


10 GB 5 9 10141


C incinnati at Housto n, 2:05p.m .

Pittsburgh at Milwaukee, 2: 10p.m. LA Dodgers at Colorado, 2:40p. m. Anzona at San Diego, 4:05 p.m .

Chicago Cubs at San Francisco, 4:15p.m Saturday's Games Atlanta (Beachy 5·3) at Washington (G .Gonzalez 7·1), 10:05 a.m. Miami (Nolasco 5· 3) at Philadelphia (Hamels 8·1 ). 10:05 a.m. L A Dodgers (Harang 3·3) at Colorado (Nicasio 2-2), 10:10 a.m. St. Louis (Lynn 8· 1) at N.Y. Mets (D1ckey 7· 1). 10:10 a.m. Pittsburgh (Bedard 3-5) at Milwaukee (Marc um 3-3) ,1:10p.m. Arizona (D.Hudson 1· 1) at San Diego (Volquez 2-5), 4:15p.m. Chicago Cubs (Garza 2·3) at San Francisco (M. Cain 5·2). 4:15p.m. C incinnati (Latos 4-2) at Houston (W.Rodriguez

4·4), 4:15p.m. Sunday's Games Atlanta at Washington. 10:35 a.m. Miami at Philadelphia, 10:35 a.m. C incinnati at Houston,11 :05 a. m.

Pittsburgh at Milwaukee, 11 :10 a.m. L A Dodgers at Colorado, 12: 10 p.m. Chicago Cubs at San Francisco, 1:05 p.m

rowing coach Mandi Kowal

Arizona at San Diego, 3:35 p.m

St. Louis at N.Y. Mets, 5:10p.m.

Named Lincoln Phillips wom-


Thursda y's Games Colorado 1 1, Houston 5 Milwaukee 6, LA Dodgers 2 Today's Games Atlanta at Washington. 1:05 p.m. Miami at Philadelphia, 1:05 p.m. St. Louis at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m.


offensively and defensively," Spurs coach Gregg said. "They were very active, physical, Lhey moved tl1e ball well on offense. They did all those things better than we did. They beat us good." The Spurs, who already set an NBA record for the longest winning streak carried over from the regular season into the playoffs, were trying to match the league mark for most wins to start the postseason. The Lakers won 11 straight in 1989 and 2001. Popm~ch

Homers help Rockies hammer Houston Astros in 11-5 victory

(Tomlin 2·2), 4:15p.m. NY Ya nkees (Kuroda 4·6) at Delran (Porcello 3-4), 4:15p.m. Texas (Darvish 7·2) at LA Angels (C.Wilson 6·4), 7:05p.m.

American Association

EL PASC DIABLOS - Released OF JJ Muse. LINCOLN SALT DOGS - Signed LHP Michael Zoellner and OF Thomas Collaro. W ICHITA WINGNUTS - Announced RHP Josh

"We just played a good ha.~kcthall game," Thunder coach Scott Brooks said. "We played wiLh a loL of force, we played wiLh good energy, but we played defensive-minded basketball. "That's who we arc. That's how we win." Tony Parker and Stephen Jackson led the Spurs with 16 points apiece. Tim Duncan had 11 points on 5-for-15 shooting, taking 11 of San Antonio's first 25 shots as the offense went through the All-Star center. "They played like it was a closeout game, both

DENVER (AP) -Carlos Gonzalez homered again, Michael Cuddyer and Jordan Pacheco had three hits apiece and the Colorado Rockies heat the Houston A~tros 11-5 on Thursday night. Gonzalez, who homered in his last three atbats Wednesday, hit a three-run shot in the first inning against Bud Norris. He was intcn6onally walked in the second, doubled in the fourth and singled in th e eighth. Gonzalez's 14th horner made him the tirst Rockies player to go deep in four consecutive at-bats. It was the 22nd time a major league player has homered in four consecutive plate appearances and the 38th time for four straight official at-hats. The talented left fielder is 13 for 20 with six homers and 10 RBis in his last five games . .\1arco Scutaro also homered for the Rockies, who pounded out 15 hits while completing the four-game sweep. Colorado finished the series with 40 runs and 56 hits after scoring just 20 mns in its previous five h ome games.

J eremy Guthrie (3-3) earned his first win since April 22. J.D. Martinez homered for the Astros, who have lost six straight. Brewers 6, Dodgers 2 LOS ANGELES (AP) - Aramis Ramirez and Carlos Gomez each hit a two-run homer, Zack Greinke pitched effectively for six innings and Milwaukee completed the four-game sweep. The Brewers played without NL MVP Ryan Braun, who was scratched because of tightness in his right Achilles tendon. The Dodgers also played without their No. 3 hitter, Matt Kemp, and will be without the slugger for at least a month. The All-Star center fielder, who was runner-up to Braun in last year's MVP voting, was placed on the 15-day disabled list after re-injuring his left hamstring Wednesday night. Greinke (7-2) allowed a run and nine hits in his Dodger Stadium debut, striking out seven and walking one.

Tigers' Scherzer stymies Red Sox, 7-3 BOSTON (AP) -Max Scherzer pitch ed into the seventh inning, Delmon Young homered and the Detroit Tigers beat the Boston Red Sox 7-3 on Thursday night to avoid a four-game senes sweep. Scherzer (5-3) retired nine consecutive batters before Nick Punto led off the seventh with a walk, forcing the right-hander from the game. He allowed tlu-ee runs and seven hiLs in his third consecutive victory, closing out a strong May. Young hit a solo drive in the eighth to mal(e it 5-3, then added a run-scoring single in the

ninth inning. J arrod Saltalamacchia hit his l Oth homer for Boston, which was seeking its first four-game sweep against the Tigers since 2004. J osh Beckett (4-4) allowed four runs and a seasonhigh 10 hits in seven innings. The Red Sox opened May with eight losses in nine games to drop to 12-1 9 on the year. Bm tl1ey closed ouLLhe montl1 witl1 a 14-6 run Lo pull within three of the division lead. Young and Quintin Berry each had three hits for Detroit, which finished v.~th 14 overall. Berry also scored twice and stole two bases.

en's assistant soccer coach.

NORTH CAROLINA STATE - Announced Don Horton res1g ned as t 1ght ends coach and narred him ass istant direct or of f ootball operations

NYU - Named Lauren Haii·G regory women's b asketba ll coach.

MLB Ba~imore

Tampa Bay New York Toronto Bosto n

Chicago Cleveland Detroit

Kansas City Minnesot a

American League East Division w L Pet 29 22 .569 29 22 .569 .540 23 27 27 24 .529 26 25 .5 10 Central Divis ion w L Pet 29 22 .569 27 23 .540 24 27 .471 21 28 .429 18 32 .360 West D IVISion L Pet 31 20 .608 26 26 .500 23 30 .434 22 29 .431


Tex as

Los Angeles Seattle Oakland


1Y2 2 3 GB 1V2

5 7 1OYz

GB 51h 9 9

Thursday's Games Det roit 7. Boston 3 Today's Games Minnesota at Cleveland, 4:05 p.m N.Y. Ya nkees at Detroit, 4:05p.m. Boston at Toronto, 4:07 p.m. Ba~imore at Tampa Bay, 4:10 p.m. Oakland at Kansas City, 5: 10p.m. Seattle at Chicago White Sox, 5:10 pm. Texas at LA Angels, 7 :05 p m Saturday's Games Boston (Doubront 5· 2) at Toronto (Drabek 4·5). 10:07 a.m. Oakland (McCarthy 3·3) at Kansas City (Hochevar 3·5), 10:10 a.m. Baltimore (Matusz 4·5) at Tampa Bay (Hellickson 4-1), 1:10 p.m. Seattle (Noesi 2-6) at Chicago Whne Sox (Floyd 4·5). 1:10pm. Minnesot a (Watters 2-1) at Cleveland


EASTERN CO NFERENCE GB W L Pet 3 0 1.000 Indiana 3 0 1.000 Chicago 2 1 .667 Atlanta 2 2 .500 1% Washington 1 2 .333 2 0 4 .000 New York 3:1:2 WESTERN CONFERENCE L Pet GB Minnesota 5 0 1.000 Los Angeles 4 1 t .800 S an Antonio 1 2 .333 3 3% Phoenix 1 3 .250 4 3 .000 Seattle 0 Tulsa 0 4 .000 4% Connecticut


s u





Thursday's Games Atlanta 8 t , Phoentx 65 Friday's Games Minnesot a at Connectic ut, 4 p.m.

Phoenix at San Antonio, 5 p .m. Washingt on at Chicago, 5:30 p.m. Tulsa at Seattle, 7 p .m . Saturday's Games

Chicag o at Atlanta, 1 p.m. New York at lnd1ana, 4 p.m. Sunday's Games Wash1ngton at Connecticut, noon p.m. Tulsa at Phoenix, 3 p.m. Indiana at New York, 3 p.m. S an Antonio at Minnesota, 4 p .m.

Seattle at Los Angeles, 5:30p.m.

NBA NBA PLAYOFFS Thursday, May 31 Oklahoma C ny 102, San Antonio 82, San Antonio leads series 2- 1

Today's game Miami at Boston. 5:30 p.m. Saturday's game San Antonio at Oklahoma City, 5:30p .m. S unday's game M iami at Bost on. 5:30 p.m



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10A The Observer La Grande, Oregon Friday, June 1, 2012


EOU ranks 27th in Learfield standings

A GLANCE Triple Crown hopeful avoids track collision NEW YORK (AP)Trainer Doug O'Neill says a loose horse nearly slammed into Triple Crown hopeful I'll Have Another during training Thursday at Belmont Park. He says his Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner was walking a few feet from the outside rail when another horse threw his rider and came "screaming up the outside rail" the same way I'll Have Another was walking O'Neill says the horse went between the rail and I'll Have Another, and that exercise rider Jonny Garcia told him the horse grazed his boot The trainer feared a collision was imminent. O'Neill says he's seen accidents like that, and "they are ugly." He says his stomach is "still a little twisted" and he doesn't want to think about what nearly happened. I'll Have Another will attempt to become the first Tripl e Crown winner in 34 years at the Belmont Stakes June 9.

EOU Athletics

Eastern Oregon University Athletics ranked No. 27 in the first rating of the Spring in the NAL<\ Learfield Sports Directors' Cup Standings Thursday. The Mountaineers have a total of 377.25 points in 20 ll12, which is the fourth highest point total in the Cascade Collegiate Conference. Eastern collected 113.25 points in the Spring, all counesy of EOU women's and men's track and field championships. Eastern Oregon grabbed 224 points in the winter from women's and men's basketball. The conference has Concordia (lOth overall594.25 points), The College of Idaho (20th overall- 434.00 points), Southern Oregon (26th overall- 379.50 points), Eastern Oregon (27th overall377.25 points), Oregon Tech (69th overall - 171.50 points), Northwest Christian ( l 08th overall- 118.50 points), Northwest (I 13th overall111.00 points), and Corban (l36th overall-75 points). Each of the nine schools except Northwest earned points during the spring season, as Concordia tallied a conferenceleading 222.50 points thanks to a runner-up finish in women's track & field, fourth place show-

NCAA investigating Montana football MISSOULA, Mont. (AP)- The University of Montana says the NCAA is investig ating possible violations involving its football program. The NCAA notified UM Pres ident Royc e Engstrom about the investigation on Jan 30 The letter does not say why the program is being investigated and Engstrom said Wednesday the NCAA has not told him th e reason . As part of UM's investi gati on last winter into how it handles reported sexual assaults, the university's legal counsel cautioned employees about referring stud entathletes to outside attorneys David Aron ofsky said such referrals are legal, but could appear to violate NCAA rules about seeking or receivin g benefits in the form of free or discounted fees.

American loses long match in French Open PAR IS (AP) - John Isner, the Maratho n Man of Tennis, played the second longest matc h, by time , 1n Frenc h Open history on Thursday, falling 7-6 (2), 4-6, 4-6, 6-3, 1816 to Paul -Henri Mathieu of France in a 5-hour, 41-minute second -round enco unter. The 6-foot-9 American won the longest matc h in tenni s history at Wimbledon two years ago in a matc h th at lasted 11 hours, 5 minutes.

Aussie Iron man tweets end to Olympic dream SYDNEY (AP) - Twotime World lronman c hampion Chri s McCormack's attempt for an Australia O lympic team berth a ppears to have failed . McCormack gave up the longer lronman disc ipline 18 month s ago to c oncentrate on the Olympic distanc es of a 1.5-kilometer swim, 40K cycle and 1OK run in an effort to qualify for London But the 39-year-old McCormack tweeted on Friday : "Back to my d ay job! I need an Hawa iian holi day again soon ) No London for me 1"


ing in men's track & field, and 12th place finish in women's golf. The College of Idaho is the lone CCC school that will move up in the final Learfield Cup Standings, as the Coyotes will earn points thanks to their showing at the Avista-N/\1-\ World Series. Seven-time defending lear±ield Sports Directors' Cup cham pions Azusa Pacific arc currently sitting in first place with a combined 1,054.00 points followed by Shorter (Ga.), Lindsey Wilson (Ky.), Embry-Riddle (Fla.), and Oklahoma Baptist to round out the Top 5 teams. Among the conferences in the NATA. th e Golden State Athletic Conference (GSAC) has six teams ranked in tl1e Top 25 that includes Azusa Pacific, Fresno Pacific (6th), ConcordiaIrvine (8tl1), Biola (12th), Westmont (17th), and Point Lorna Nazarene (2 1st) . The GSAC and Sooner Conference each have three teams ranked inside the Top 10. The Learfield Sports Directors' Cup was developed as a j oint effort between the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (::\TACDA) and USA Today. The final NAIA Lear·field Sports Directors' Cup standings will be releasedJune 13.

Kings make Devi Is desperate in battle for NHLs Stanley Cup NEWARK, 1\j. (AP) -The New Jersey Devils are in danger of becoming the latest team to be stearnrolled by th e Los Angeles Kings. The Devils played one of their worst games of the postseason in dropping the series opener 2-1 in overtime Wednesday night here, and they can 't alford another sub-par effort. Lose two games at home to a team that has posted a 9-0 re cord on the road this post~ea­ son, and the guys who lug around h ockey's biggest prize might start shining it in earnest after Saturday night's contest at tl1e Prudential Center. Th e situation is desperate for coach Peter DeBoer's team. While they missed chances to win the opener, th ey also mad e

We have to be better. We got over the early-game jitters. We started to play a little bit better. But, you know, as a group, we 've got to bring more to win this time of year." Th e Devils carried the play in the third period and had two great chances to take the lead. Captain Zach Parise failed to put a bouncing puck in the net four minutes into the period and defenseman ~1ark Fayne missed a wide open net with roughly 10 minutes left in regulation. "We didn't play at our best, I think," Devils center Travis Zajac said. "We were a little n ervous in the first period, a little tentative. You could see th at. We weren't making plays. We were throwing Lhe puck away a little too much. We weren' t

The 3 Rivers running/ walking

a slew of mistakes that ranged

moving our feet and getting on

events will sLarL at noon (5-kilom eter andiO-kilom eter). The half-marathon will start at 10 a.m. "We have some thing for everybody including a IOK for runners and a 5K for walkers, a half marathon, a 70 mile bike and a century bike for teams and in dividuals. For those that do not want to bike 70 or 100 miles, you can choose a shorter route," said event director Mary Ellen LaRerge. "This is a charity event. We ask that each participant collect as many pledges as possible," she added. Th e event has a goal ofraising $18,000 this year. According to LaBerge, all proceeds from the fundraiser will go to The Shelter from the Storm, Mayday, or Safe Harbors, depending on which program is in the area.

from bad dump-ins of pucks, being tentative on the ice, failing to shoot when the shot was there, and leaving the Kings open. The most glaring error came in the overtime when Anze Kopitar scored on a breakaway. The problems can be fixed. Th e bad news is that the Kings wer en 't exactly at their best either ... and still won. And if you're a Devil, here's a scary fact. The Kings have played some of their best hockey in Game 2s of their three previous series, beating Vancouver, St. Louis and Phoenix by a combined 13-4 margin to take commanding 2-0 seri es lead back to Los An geles each time. "The comforting thing for me is when Tlisten to th e comments of our players last night, tl1ey were dead-on," DeBoer said. "We weren 't good enough .

the forech eck like we usually do. For us, we felt that, yeah, we missed an opportunity because we were able to hang around against this team, you know, not playing our best game. Still having a chance to win, that makes us feel pretty good that we can play better, be a little bit more successful." Kings captain Dustin Brown said that the Darryl Suttercoached team has done a good job of not being satisfied after winning Game 1. "In Game 2. it's been our starts," Brown said. "\Ve've jumped on teams early, most noticeably against St. Louis. we had a 4-0 lead after tl1e first and th at goes a long way. Some teams get a win and they are satisfied. "This group h asn't been and it goes a long way wh en you come out in Game 2 and really put it to them."

Observer file pho to

HARD CLIMBING: Craig Nightengale was able to keep ahead of friend Jim McMahon last year as the pair were working on making it up Mount Glen Road on the way back to La Grande duri ng last year's edition of the 3 R1vers fundraiser

Local riders, runners prepare for Saturday's 3 Rivers fundraiser Bicycle riders competing in Saturday's 3 Rivers fundraising ride will have to get up early. The first wave of riders will leave the Pioneer Park starting area at 6 a.m. Th e runners will be able to sleep in Saturday morning.

Observer file pho to

LATER START: Runners and walkers participating in th e 3 Rivers fundraiser will start at 10 a.m. for the half-marathon or noon for those in the 5-kilometer or 10-kilometer run/walks

American teen atwitter over her latest victory in French Open PARIS (AP) - American teen Sloar1e Stephens and Maria Sharapova advan ced today, while Ana Ivanovic lost in the third round of the French Open. Stephens r eached the fourth ro und by beating Mathilde .Johar1sson of France 6-3, 6-2. Of the eight teenagers in this year's draw, Lhe 19-year-old Stephens was the only one to even reach the thir d round. "''m excited because n ow I'm going to have more Twitter followers,"

Stephens said. The second-seeded Sharapova defeated Ayumi Morita of J apan 6-1, fi-1 in a match postponed a day by the marathon contest between American Jolm Isner and Frenchman Paul-llenri Mathieu. Sharapova h as won three major titles in her career, but she still nee ds to win at Rolar1d Carras to complete a career Grand Slam. Ivanovic fell to Sara Errani of Italy 1-6, 7-5, 6-3.

•• -$

The 13th-seeded Ivarwvic, a former top-ranked player who won the French Open title in 200R, committed 37 of her 40 unforced errors in the final two sets. Errar1i h ad only 18. "ln the third set 1 was creating a lot of opportunities and missing a lot of easy, easy finishing balls," Ivanovic said Sixth-seeded Sam Stosur, the 2010 runner-up, defe ated Nadia Petrova 6-3, 6-3. Two days after eliminating Venus

Williams from the French Open, thirdseeded Agnieszka Radwanska was routed by 2009 champion Svctlana Kuznetsova 6-1, 6-2. She didn't look anything like the player who overwhelmed seven-time Grand Slam champion Williams in straight sets on Wednesday. Radwanska h as been having a stellar· year on tour, winning three titles and moving up to a career-high No. 3 ranking last month.


Friday, June 1, 2012

The Observer 11 A

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12 A The Observer

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•• -$





Friday, June 1, 2012


'Everyone is two feet talt wearing a tuxedo and smells like fish'

Photo from the book "Among Pengu1no. "

A GROUP OF YOUNG PENGUINS march in the Cape Crozier area of Antarctica.

Livin wit

Researcher shares his Antarctica experience, where he studied penguins eight hours a day, with Ladd Marsh Birdathon audience DICK MASON The Observer

A striking and uncommon image is painted when Noah Strycker speaks of standing out in a crowd. Strycker traveled to Antarctica four years ago for the ch ance of a lifetime - to be among 250,000 Adelie penguins for four months .--~=---;~~..........., with two other people. Strycker, the keynote speaker for the recent Ladd Marsh Birdathon, compares the experience Lo being aL the largest rock concert of your life. The only difference is Noah Strycker "everyone is two

fe et tall, wearing

Photo from the book "Among Penguins ."

ADULT ADELlE PENGUIN: Adelie penguins tend to always be good-natured with people and usually get along with each other, Noah Strycker said .

Photo from the b ook "Among Penguins"

NOAH STRYCKER STAYED in this 9-by-15-foot hut with two other researchers duri ng his stay in the Cape Crozier area of Antarctica where they studied pen guins.


a tuxedo and smells like fish." Strycker found that the flightless birds are not afraid of people. In fact, they are drawn to people and infinitely curious. This was apparent when Strycker discussed his daily routine. "My job was to study penguins eight hours a day, seven days a week. It was endless hours of staring at birds starring back at you," Strycker said. Penguins are so attracted to people that it is hard to take photos of them since they are always almost on top of you. "Tt (taking photos of penguins) is frustrating because they too approachable," Strycker said. "They are chasing you." He found that Adelie penguins tend to always be good-natured with people and usually get along with each other. Occasionally penguins will fight am ong themselves - but this tends to be rare. Strycker worked with two other r esear chers in Southeast Antarctica. They were flown into the site from McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Strycker and his fellow researchers sLayed in Lents and a small building at the site. The world they lived in was one of subzero temperatures and roaring winds. "It is one of the windiest places on earth," Strycker said. Winds often blow continuously at 70 miles per hour and sometimes reach 100 miles per hour, which are

• •• -$-

Photo from the book "Among Penguins' '

NOAH STRYCKER poses amid penguins at Cape Crozier in Antarctica. hurricane force. "A subzero hurricane is lotally disorientating," Strycker said. "You can't sec, hear or stand. It is hard to think." It rarely snows in Antarctica. In fact, the continent receives so little precipitation that it is considered a desert. This means texture of the snow has an almost unnatural feel. "The snow is amazing. It is cold, dry and light weight. It is like Styrofoam," said Strycker, who graduated from Oregon State University in 2008 with a a degree in fishery and wildlife. Antarctica is on e of many places Strycker has studied birds. He has also observed them extensively in Australia, the Falkland Islands, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Fiji, New Zealand, Hawaii, Alaska, California and Oregon . Strycker wrote a book about his experience in i\ntarctica, "i\mong Penguins: A Bird Man In A.marclica," which was published by Oregon State University Press in

2011. Strycker noted during his keyn ote address that decomposition is slow in Antarctica's dry, freezing environment. Many penguin carcasses, as a result, have harden ed into a dry, mummified state. "Penguin mummies covered a lot of the ground surface," Strycker wrote in his book. He said in La Grande that research has indicated

that many of the mummies are hundreds and possibly thousands of years old. Despite Antarcti ca's remote location, Adelie penguins are among the most studied birds in the world, Su)'cker said. He attributes tl1is, in his book, to their charisma, fearlessness and abundance. H e describes Adelie penguins as among the few species "witl1 so-called star appeal, which are easy to observe." The Adelie penguins of Antarctica live in a world where there is virtually no plant life. Strycker and his researchers thus had no fresh fruit or vegetables during their stay. Strycker developed a strong craving for fresh produce. So great was this longing that upon returning lo the United SLates tl1e first thing h e ate was a bowl of lettuce. "It was the best meal I ever had." Strycker spoke to an audience at the Blue Mountain Conference Center. At least 250 people participated in the Ladd Marsh Birdathon. Almost all of its events were conducted at Ladd Marsh. The birdathon was organized by the Oregon Department ofFish and Wildlife. The birdatlwn's m~or sponsors in cluded Friends of Ladd Marsh, Union County Tourism, the Oregon Wildlife Heritage Foundation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servi ce .



2 8 The Observer

Friday, June 1, 2012

Photos 1 JIM WARD

MARSH DENIZENS: The sora and Virginia ralls are quite common at Ladd Marsh, but seldom seen. The birds are very shy about coming out in the open and prefer to lurk in the dense cattails and sedges. Their calls are quite distinctive. If viewers can be still and pati ent, the birds do sneak out along the edges at times - especially when they are looking to feed their young.


R E P 0 RT Oregon Deparbnent of Fish and Wildlife


Waterfowl congregate at marsh Tule Lake Public Access Area and the Auto Route are open for the season. The Glass Hill Unit is also open to public access. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult game bird regulations before entering the wildlife area. There are numerous qualityviewi ng opportunities from county roads that pass through the area. Binoculars or a spotting scope will help as many animals are best viewed from a distance Waterfowl using the area include Canada goose, snow goose. g realer white-fronted goose, north ern pintail, American wigeon, ring-necked duck, mallard, gadwall, cinnamon teal, green-winged teal, northern shoveler and at least a few Eurasian wigeon. Shorebirds have included killdeer, black-

necked stilt, greater yellowlegs and others. Local sandhill cranes are nesting and a few have hatched. Soon the young may be visible as they feed in meadows with th eir parents. A spotting scope or quality binoculars are important as the meadows are closed to entry and viewi ng 1s from the viewpoint or county roads. There are also small groups of non-breeding sandhill cranes using the wildlife area. Cranes ca n be seen from county roads in several locations. Please report any sandhill cranes we aring leg bands to the Ladd Marsh staff (541-9634954). If poss1ble, note the color and order of bands on each of the bird's legs (e.g. , pink above white on left leg; silver above black on right leg). The specific

combination and order can identify individu al birds. Bewick's wren, black-capped chickadee , western meadowlark, savannah sparrow and son g sparrow are singing. Red-winged and ye llow-headed blackbirds are claiming territories and swallows can be seen over nearly every body of water on the marsh. Common yellowthroats have returned and are singing th eir witchy-witchy-witchy song all over the area. Red-tailed hawks are sitting in

their nests in several locations And the Swainson's hawks are claiming nests sites and beg inning to build . Osprey have returned and can be seen hunt1ng over ponds on and near Ladd Marsh Wildlife viewers and anglers nee d a parking permit to park on the wildlife area. The $7 da1ly or $22 annual perm1t can be purchased online or at an ODFW office that sells lice nses or at a lice nse sales agent

High flows hamper fishing GRANDE RONDE RIVER: steelhead , trout, whitefish, bass The Grande Ronde River opened for fishing this past weekend. High flows from spring runoff are currently making fishing difficult, but some trout and whitefish can be caught where flows are slower in

pools and near shore. Cooler weather has been holding spring hatches back, but we expect more hatches to come off with warmer weather. Flows are still too high and cold for bass, but anglers should take advantage of this great bass fishery later this summer.

JUNIOR GOLF CAMP Sponsored by Buffalo Peak Golf Course & The Observer

June 4-5-6-7 Cost $25 per student A limited numver of hardship scholarships available.


To Register Call Buffalo Peak 541-562-5527

June 18, 2012 through June 22, 2012



For Making Our


Ist Annual



A Huge Success

Congratulations Jackie Hiatt Winner of the Plant Giveaway



NURSERY & LANDSCAPING 11001 Island Avenue • Island C ity • 54 1-963-7474 • LCB #898 1 •

•• -$


lgrand<? 06 -01 b OJ

5/31 /1 2

3: 3 5


Page 1

Friday, June 1, 2012

3 B The Observer


LINE AD DEADLINES: Monday - Noon Friday Tuesday - Noon Monday Wednesday - Noon Tuesday Thursday - Noon Wednesday Friday - Noon Thursday

Northeast Ore

Phone 541-963-3161 On-Line go to Email Classifieds@lagrandeobserver. com Fax 541-963-3674

DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publicat ion Date


Published by The La Grande Observer and The Baker City Herald Classified advertising is a better way t o tell more people ab o ut the service you have to offer. Ask ab out our low rates today. 130-Auction Sales

UNION ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, June 3, 2012 Start: 9:59a.m. View: 8:00a.m. 1120 South 2nd Street, Union, OR

10% Bu~ers Premium Food Available China hutch wRh top glass doors - WoOO dining table with two leaves and four padded chairs- Large rdl-top desk with wooden chair- 2 x two drawer filing cabinets - Beaut~ul selection of wall pictures - t x mirror SmRh & Wesson ~cture- 1x mirror Remington pcture- Fe! lowes par:er shredderCorner wood table with wood chair- 2 x srnall TVs- 1 x large TV, wooden exterior- Large glass aquarium with wood stand - Carefree exercyde - 2 x Queen s1zed beds - Bent wood rocking chair - Padded bench - Assorted chests of drawers - Wooden desk - Nee selection of lamps - singles and pairsm - Wh~e metal plant stand- Set wood TV trays -Assorted sofas, scme matching chairs - Nice selection ct ocffee & end tables- Wooden rocker Foot stoo- Two metal bar stools- Area chairs - CtJVed wood wall mirra- Stainless steel silverware set in lined case -Several small appliances - Bridal gown in storage box - Clystal glass items - Decanter &six glasses, blue with gold trim - Cobalt blue decamer with s~ wine glasses - S~teen inch GriswokJ cast iron skillet -Cabelas bocts &waders - Hobnail cake plate and egg plate - Countertop chop block - Beer steins - Assorted tents - Kirby vacuum cleaner - Bissel vacuum - Oil space heater - Assorted luggage - Bushnell scope 565 on tripod - Casio playboard - Upright freezerm - Refr~erator Kitchen range - Craft items - Dream catchers Check out Pictures at www.lagrandeauctions.ocm The house ~ for sale - net as part of this auction.




DO YOU know kids ages KNOW SOMEONE in th e 7 -1 0 w ho ar e H o rse La Grande area with A lcoCrazy?) Th en t he Horse h o l, T o b a cco o r o t her Crazy Camp at C lover Drug p rob le m? Get t he Haven is fo r t hem ! Come bea ut iful cassette t ape 'RA ISED FROM THE RUJo in us J uly 9-13 , f ro m 9 :00-1 :00 f or a f un -f ill ed INS'. FREE/CONF ID ENTI A L. Yo u' ll love it l week of learn ing abo ut h o rses t hro u gh g roomCALL FR EEDOML INE in g, lead in g, rid ing, and 1-800-528-0070. ac tiv it ies in art , mu s ic , science, w rit ing, geograp hy an d h1 story . $200. CRUISE THROUGH cla sCa ll Ru t h i at sifi ed w hen you're in t he 541-663-1528 t o regist er ma r ket f or a new or

used car.





LAMINATION UP t o 17 1/2 inches w ide any length $ 1.00 per f oot SUMMER PIANO LESSONS

(The Observer is not responsible fo r flaws in material or machme error)

J o yful Sounds Studio Call now for Summer Specia II 54 1-9 10-3992

THE OBSERVER 1406 F1fth •541 -963-3161

T&T TEKNOWLEDGY All Computers Repa ired 541-7S6-371S, 25 yrs . exp We also do house calls. Call About Our Rat es I .. trust w hat he did, not what you are do1ng

TROPHY FISHING on the Kena i Rive r Penins ula in A laska . June-September. \NWw.KenaiRiverCharCall t e rs .com (541 )761 -1933 or e m a il taylorthorp@g ma

Annual Summer Toy/ Tool Internet Auction








PM YARD SALE & Fundraiser for the Cletic Society of Eastern Oregon 'KILTED' YARD SALE Sat urday f rom Sam to 4pm June 9th, 20 12 405 F Avenue (corner of F & Sunset La Grande, ORI A ll yard sa le 1tems sold and donat ion s raised, w illgot help fund : The La Grande Celtic Festival and Highland Games . August 25 & 26, 2012 at the Un1on County Fairgrounds La Grande, Oregon.

•• Ill RV' s • Boats • ATV' s • Lots of GREAT Shop Tools Welding Equipment • Farming Equipment • H o • • • & Sports I Camping • Adding Items Daily

PLEASE NOTE LOADOUT TERMS: June 7th from 9-5 June 8th from 9-3


For Pictures, Videos, Information, a complete list & TO BID visit:




Pickett Auction Service 208-455-1419 Rich Pickett 208-250-4767


BY KRAMER AUCTION Manager - Phyllis Wright Call for more Info: Phyllis at 541 -910-0844 Jim at 541-910-1474 Auctioneer- David Kramer, Paul Kramer & Mike Sain

The Celtic Society of Eastern Oregon PO Box 3236, La Grande, Oregon (541)97 5-3952 www.eocelts .com

Buyers are responsible for their own merchandise. responsible for accidents, errors or omissions



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This y a rd sale m ap is pro v ided as a se rvice b y T he Observer. L ocations shown are approxima tion s C h eck in d ividual ads for e xact a ddress. 'Wbile we m ak e every e ffort to be complete and accurate, we cannot be repon~i h l e for errors a nd omml.<islon s.

P rivate Par tv

YARD, GARAGE SALES 5 Lines, 3 Days Plus 1\Iap & 2 Yard Sa le Sig n s


All yard sa le ads mus t b e PR EPAID!

Additional Lin es •1,00 p er line W ed ., T hurs., F r i. a d d eadline : 12 n oon Tuesday

For inform a tion call K A TEL YN 5 41-96 3 -3 16 1


Mountain D


145- Yard , Garage Sales-Union Co.

145- Ya rd, Garag e Sales-Union Co.

145-Yard , G arage Sales -Unio n Co.

1 45-Yar d , Gara ge Sales-Union Co.

145 -Y a rd, Garage 1 45 -Ya rd, Gar age Sales- Union Co. Sales-Union Co.

1- 3 -FAMILY YARD Sale . Sat , June 2nd. 8am-2pm . 622 W Grande, Un ion . Canopy, compre ss ors, Bowfl ex, fu rn iture, and m uch more I

6 - FARM/YARD SALE. Sat June 2 nd, 8-2 . Stain less St e e l Bar Ice B i n w/ speed rail, ca m ping, glass display case, big screen TV, clothes, ho usewares, some antiques, lawn furniture, Ford p/u boxtra iler, cheap - 73-78 L. Box f or Chevy p/u. 13' Al um1num boat w/ elect ric trolling motor, 5t h w heel trailer, hitches, autom otive. Lots m o re great st uff priced to sell. 5 m iles N . Wa llowa Lake Hwy. Market Lane Exit, 1st House.

9- HUGE ESTATE SALE Sat 9am . Blue M ountain Humane A s so ciation/ La Grande Anima l Shelter. 32 12 Hvvy 30 . 78 years of grea t t reasures, col lectables, household items, craf t, sewing it em s, lots of new items. Cash-checkcredit cards accepted All procee ds go t o the animals at th e shelter.

13- Q UALITY GARAG E Sale : 425 E. Dewey Ln Union. Sat . 8-2. Rai n or Sh1 n e. Fu m 1t u re, g u n s/a mm o , D isney , books, Parker bow/arrows, hu nt 1ng, un iqu e hom e d eco r, and househo ld, wilt on cake pans, dvds , something for everyone !

17- YARD SAL E. Fri & Sat , 2 1- YARD SALE. Sat. June 8am -4 pm 1905 L ind a 2. 8am-4pm. 10200 S SterLane. King & t w in matlmg. Behind 0 &8. M ise tless, iPod to uch, sports items. equ 1p , Jewe lry , bicycles , microwa ve & desk. 22- YARD SALE. Sat, June 2nd. 8am-1pm . 2409 E 0 18- YARD SALE. Sat & Sun, Ave . 7-5. 6 1539 M elody Rd, t o end of r oad l Sad d les , tacks, f ishin g anchor & ball, insulin pum ps & diabetic supplies, catheters, hand icapped supplies. plan o , anti ques , lots of newbo rn- 2x clot h1ng , much, much mo re l

7 - GARAG E S AL E. Fri & Sat. 8-4. 10601 West 4t h. Ge n era t o r, a i r ca mp, x-mas stuff, tent, Q matt ress set, hutch, ch1na, l1nens, & m uch more I

11- MULTI -FAMILY MOVING Sale. Fri 5pm-7pm , Sat . Sam-Noon . 302 W alnut Street . Furniture, pott e ry barn item s, lot s of good thing s I

8 - GUY YA RD Sale . Sat June 2, 8-2. 11 0 1 4th St. 5- ENJOY THE drive to SumTools, wall t ent, black powmerville, 6S093 Pumpkin der rifle, knives, hot tub, Ridge . Fri & Sat, 8-noon. many quality items. Lots of stuff, looking for a new home !

12- MULTI-FAMILY YARD Sale . Fri & Sat . Sam- /. 10605 Fifth Court, Island City. Too many item s t o I1st !

2- 7-12 Yard Sale . 803 0 Ave . Tw1n bdrm set, dining table & chairs, girls clothing, dolls & toys, comput er hut ch, J1m Beam decant er co llect io n, decor, and m ore !

3- CHAPT ER DK P E.O ., plant/yard/ bake sale, 30S L A ve , Sat . 6/2 9 am . Proceeds fund local student scholarships. 4- D ELTA EPS ILON ya rd sale. June 2nd 8a m-2pm at Banner Bank parking lot . Something for every o ne I

10- HU GE YARD SAL E! Sat., June 2nd, 7am-2pm . 1 0304 W est 4t h Street , Island City

14- Sat. June 2nd. 8 :00am . 10102 S M cAlister. 2 pc couch set , ot1· f um, baby & t oddler clothes, hou sehold mise, f resh don ut s & coffee 15 - SOROPTIMIST LA Grande Annua l Ya rd Sa le - Saturday, J une 2, 2012 - 7 :00 t o 12 00 - 10304 Sout h D Avenue, Island City, All It ems Best OfferYou Price. 16- SUNDAY ONLY June 3, Ba m -Noon. 1503 N. W illow St. Purse s, shoes , kit chen item s boat mot or and m uch. m uch more I

19- YA RD SALE. Sat J une 2. 7am-Noon. 121 2 Aspen Drive . TV, entertainment center, coff ee ta ble, and more . 20- YARD SALE. Sat only Ba m-4p m 1 504 V A venue . A nt ique dresser , gun cabu1 ent , household Items.

110-Self-Hel p Meetings

Group 22Q-Help Wanted-Union Co.

AL-ANON-HELP FOR fam i- IT IS UNLAWFUL (Subseclies & frie nd s of alco ho lt ion 3, ORS 659 040) f or IC S. 568- 4 S56 or an e mp loye r (dome stic h e lp e x cepte d) or e m 562-5772 ployment agency to pri nt Alcoholics Anonymous or ci rc ulat e or cause to NE Oregon 24 Hour Hotb e pr int ed or Ci rc ulat ed line any state m ent , advert ise1-866-285-0617. m ent or publication, or to use any fo rm of applicaNARCOTICS tion f or employment or to ANONYMOUS make any inquiry in conHELP LINE-1 -800-766-3724 nection w ith prospect ive M eetings: e m ployment w hich ex8:00PM: Sunday, M onday, p re sse s d irec t ly or indiTuesday, Wed nesday, r e ct ly a ny li m itat i o n, Thursday, Fr1day specifica t io n or discrimiNoon: Thursday nation as to race, relig ion, 6:00PM : Monday,Tuesday, color, sex, age or nat1onal W ednesday, Thursday o rig i n o r any inte n t to (Wom en's) make any such limitation, 7:00PM : Saturday spec ificatio n or discriminati o n, un les s based Rear Basement Entrance upon a bona f 1de oc cupaat 1501 0 Ave. tional qualif ication .

120-Co m mun i ty Calendar

YOU TOO can use th is att ent ion getter . A s k how you ca n get your ad to stand out like this I

160-Lost & Found

NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE EM PLOYEES W HO RESPON D TO BLI ND BOX ADS PL EASE be s u re w hen you address yo ur resumes t ha t t h e address IS co m plete w it h all inf ormation req uired , such as the BLI N D BOX N U MBER. T his IS the o nly wa y w e have of making su re y our resume gets t o the proper place. Obse1ver Classified Staff

ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST/ Accou nts FOUND MONE Y, call t o Receivable ide nt ify quan tity & locaFull tim e positio n. Genera l tion. 541-805-9070. duties in c lu d e w o r king MISSING TENT at Morgan under the general superLake 5 .2S . Sma ll v is io n of the Executive blue/ green/yellow at 2nd Di re ct o r a n d t he d irect supervision of t he Direct ab le camp a ft e r lan d b r idge . No qu est io n s tor of Finance . Possesses asked 541-786-0326. kn ow ledge of off ice record keeping and repo rtPLEASE CHECK the An imal i n g p r i n c ip les . Ex pe riSh e lt e r we b s it e if yo u ence: Bookkeep ing trainhave a lost or fou nd pet. ing and em p loym e nt quil·ed. Please p rov ide a resu m e alo n g w ith t he app licati on . Start in g Sa lary $2780 pe r mont h. Fu ll pos it ion d esc ript ion and app licat io n are av ailable ONL Y at t h e State of O regon Em ploym e nt Divisio n O ff ice, 190 1 Adams A venue, La Grande, OR 978 50. Closin g Date: June 8 , 2 01 2 at 3 :00 pm. A l l qu ali f ied a pp l icants w i ll r ec e ive d ue POWDER BASIN con s1de rat1o n f or emp loyW at ershed Co uncil m e n t w it hou t re ga rd to is seeking a Mon it oring race , ag e, re li gion, sex, Coordinator . co lor, o r nat 1on al o r1g111. Mon it ori ng Coo rd inato r No qualified handicapped (M C) w ill f ac il it ate ou r person shall, on th e basis Water Qua lity Monito ring of the hand1cap , be subPr o g ra m a n d conduct ject t o discr im inat io n in fiel d surveys. Th e proemploy m ent. The No rthgram 's primary goal is to east O reqon Hous 1nq develop a long -t erm vo lAut hori ty is an Equal Opu n t ee r mon 1to r 1n g p ro port unity Emp loyer . Refgra m that provides objecerence #878367 . tive, cred ib le data t o deciSIOil makers 111 t he Pow - DRIVERS: REDDAWA Y is der Basin and p rom otes currently seeking applistakeholde r engagement cants for a Loca l City 111 mon1to r1ng w aters hed Dri ve r pos it ion at our co nd it ions . T he monit o rPasco/ La Grande T ermiing p lan i nc l udes ba s ic nal. Must have a va lid water qua lity m onito ring Class A lice nse w it h ha z(co nt inuous t emperature, mat and doub les end isso lved oxygen , p H, dorsements and a good conduct iv it y , t u rb idi ty , driving reco1·d. M ust have and flow), photo mo nitora m in. of 1 y r . exp . See i n g , a n d p lan t h e alt h job description and app ly monit oring . Field s urveys online at w support th e development under Reddaway Caof strate g ic re sto rat io n reers. p lans f o r a rea w ater- Reddaway is an equal sheds. opportunity employer. Inte rested part1es co ntact O rego n E m p loyme n t FULL TIME CNA' s f or eveDept Ba ker C i ty , OR ning & noc s hif ts at Post 5 41 -52 3 -633 1 f or comAcut e Rehab. Apply at 91 plet e JOb description and A ries Lane. La Grande or mf orm ation . A ppl icat ions ca ll Rob at 541-963-S67S. close 5 p.m . Friday, June EEO/AAP 01 , 201 2. LA GRA NDE - Apartment M a i n t e n a nce Tec h n i ci an nee ded . Th is posit ion is res po n s ib le f o r p repa rat io n of ap a rt m ents f or re nt & property CUSTOM ER SERVICE gro u n d s ma i nt ena n c e . Representat iv e M inimu m 1-yea r m ainteT he Baker City Hera ld is nance experie nce exce lseeking a fu ll-t ime cuslent pa1nt1ng sk1ll s & gentomer serv1ce represeneral min or buil ding maintat ive t o w ork Monday tenance i e p l u mb i n g, t h roug h Fr ida y in our carp entry, and drywall rec ustomer serv1ce cen p a ir . Pool c ert if icat io n t er . This pos it ion is rep ref er red . Liv 1ng on -site sponsib le for dai ly ci rcup re f er re d . W a g e p l u s lat io n p rocess 1n g, In hea lth insurance benef it s. c lud in g distr ib ut io n in401 (k) & more . Email ref o rmat io n fo r ca rr ie rs sume to: jobs@gslproperan d b un d le ha u lers ; or t ies com subscribe r starts, stops Fax 503 -223-4463 . EOE and pa ymen t s , repo rt ge n erat ion a n d data base m ana gement and c ircu lati on ac counti ng functions. Qu a lifi c at io n s : H ig h T HE OBSERVE R School D 1p loma 0 1 Newspaper D e l iv e ry eq u iv alent, wi th re le rout es, both carrier and vant circu lat io n or cusmotor, w 1l l b e adv e rto m e r se rv 1c e expe rit ised i n the Bu s i ne ss ence . A ttentio n to deO ppo r tu n i ty sect io n . ta i l, ex p e r ie n c e w it h Please see classif icat ion com pute r record keep#33 0 f o r any ava il able ing and f am iliart iy w ith routes at t his t ime . bookkeeping pract ices a must, as w ell as qood OUR COM PANY 1s seeking public contact skills and an A cco unt Ex ecut iv e to ability to work as part of h e lp lo c al b u s i n e s s es a team . Pre-e m p loy grow. We nee d an indiment drug screening rev id ua l who has g r eat quired. comm unication sk1lls, re liAp p l ic at ions m ay be able, organi zed, and is a picked up at th e Baker team p lay e r. J ob d uties City Herald office, 191 5 include se lli ng c lient adFir s t St r eet P l ease ve rt ise m ent, maintaining send resume to : c li ent relat ions hips, and cg creat ing marketi ng pa ckm . T he Bake r Cit y Herages . For m ore inf ormaald is an eq ual opportution and to apply f or t his nity employer. position co nta ct t he Oi·egon Employment Department . J ob li st i ng ID : FIN D IT IN THE S74510.



W hatever you're looking for, classif ied ads can help.

Don't giv e it away - sell1t l Affordable person-t o person a d s re a c h t ho u sa n d s of readers. Cash in tod ay l


lgrand<? 06-01 b OJ


5/31 /12



Page 2

4 B The Observer

Friday, June 1, 201 2


LINE AD DEADLINES: Monday - Noon Friday Tuesday - Noon Monday Wednesday - Noon Tuesday Thursday - Noon Wednesday Friday - Noon Thu rsday

Phone 541-963-3161 On-Line go to Email Classifieds@lagrandeobserver. com ""-_..___Fax 541-963-3674

DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date

Published by The La Grande Observer and The Baker City Herald 220-Help Wanted-Union 330-Bus. Opportunities 380-Service Directory 430-For Sale or Trade Co. INDEPENDENT ATTENTION DIABETICS MANTIS DELUXE T 1ll e r. CONTRACTED NE W I FastSta rt e ngin e. w ith Med ica re. Ge t a PART·TIME CLEANERS for FREE talking m eter and FREE. Ships Summer, must pass NEWSPAPER CARRIERS WANTED One-Year·-Money-Ba ck diab etic testing sup pli es background check, apply Deliver The Obserer to Guarantee when you buy at NO COST, plus FREE onl1ne at: homes in Wallowa DIRECT. Call for the DVD home delive ry! Best of al. Or leave County, M on. W ed. & Fri. th1 s meter elim ina tes a nd FREE Go o d So il msg 541 -963-921 0 . APPROXIMATE PROFIT b oo kl pai nf ul fi ng er p r ick in g I 877-35 7-5 647 $50 A DAY VISTA SPECIALTV care is Call 888 -7 39- 7 199 . (PNDCl Contact The Observer seeking a part-time die(PNDC) 541 -963-3 161. MEN'S SIZE 13D, as new . tary cook. Required food DO YOU NEED Tony Lam a, reta n boots. handlers card, facil1ty w ill $8 5 00 T ony La m a Affordable Denture help y o u obtain Must Serv1ce ? Bucka roo Bo ot s, $75.00. have a po sitive attitude Luccheese Brown Shouland be w ill mg to wo r k d e r Tan B oot s, $ 10 5. Troy Stewart, LD w it h the geriat ric populaDouble H M il 1tary Grad e BLUE MOUNTAIN tion. To apply call Du sty DENTURE CENTER Pa ckers, $70. S1ze 7 3/8 54 1-963-41 84 ' 4x 2194 Court St . N IB, Res ist -A ll , Baker C1ty, Or 97814 Ge org e St ra 1t T an Hat . VISTA SPECIALTY Care is (54 1) 51 9-4696 or $80 .541-786-1657. seeking full/part-time Cer(541 )523 -4752 tified Nursing Assistants for all sh1fts. Compet1t1ve 435-Fuel Supplies EVER CONSIDER a Rew ag es , c o m e ap p ly at verse M ortgage? At least FIREWOOD $185 & $200 103 Ad ams Av e For 62 years old ? Stay in your m ore 1nformat1on ca ll DIin the ro u nd s ; $2 1 0 & 345-Adult Care-Union ho m e & in crea se c ash re ctor of Nurs in g at $225 split, seasoned, deCo. fl ow ! Sa f e & Effect1ve ! (541 )963-4184 live r ed 111 the va l ley. Call Now f or yo ur FREE {541 )786-0407 WALTER ELDERLY CARE Now DV D I Call VISTA SPECIALTY Care is has o ne priv ate ro o m 888-785-5938. (PNDCl seeking a part-t1me CertiSEASONED FIREWOOD , available now, fo r female. fi e d M e dicat io n Ass isd e live r e d $ 150 a co rd N1 ce , fr1endly, homel1ke EXTREME VALUE Advertant. Com petitive w ages, 54 1-786-211 2. atmosphere, w it h quality ti sin g I 30 Dally newspaco m e app ly at 103 Ad ca re. 541 -963-7998. pers $525/25-word classi- 450-Miscellaneous ams Ave. For more lllforfi ed, 3-days . Reach 3 m ilm ati o n call D ire cto r of ADULT FOSTER ho me in La Grande has immediate openlion Pac1f1c Northwest ernNursing 1541 ) 963-41 84. AVAILAB LE AT in q f or male or female rese rs. For more information THE OBSE RVER ident, privat e room. Call call (9 16) 288-60 19 o r VISTA SPECIALTY Care is 541 -910-7557. NEWSPAPER e mail: seeking a f ull-tim e RegisBUNDLES eli za beth@cn pa .com f or t ered Nurse f or pos1tion (Burning or packing) t he Pac i f ic N o rth w es t as Re s ident Ca re M an - 355-Day Care-Union Co. $1.00 each Da1ly Connection. (PNDC) ager. Competitive w ages, flexible hours, come join NEWSPRINT GET FREE OF CR ED IT team Vista. Apply at 103 ROLL ENDS CARD DE BT NOW! Cu t Adams Ave. For more in- GRANDMA WOULD like (Art projects & more) to t ak e ca re o f t wo pa y ments by up to half . formati on call D1rector of $2.00& up children, fa mily neighStop creditors f rom callNur s1ng at Super f or yo ung arti sts I borho od, m y house , ing. 86 6 -775-962 1 . (541 )963-4184 Stop in today I yo ur nann ycam okay. (PNDC) 1406 Fifth Street Lots of activit ies I Any230-Help Wanted-Out of 541-963-3161 time I La Grande, Ref- MOW JOES Ga rd e n & Area erences. 541-786-8960 o t he r t illing, fi eld mow- 465-Sporting Goods ing, gravel/dirt spreading, CPA OFFICE ha s opening & shrub digout and more. VERSA CLIMBER, at hletic for a full t 1111e accounting 360-Schools Joe Sandoz, 541-963-7595 eq ui p i n great s hape & audi t in g ass ist a nt. Instruction $75 .00 541-962.7828. M ust b e av ailabl e t o AIRLINES ARE HIRIN G SEWING ALTERATIONS & trav el out of t own over475-Wanted To Buy Train for hands on Av iarepa irs . Hems, po ckets, ni g ht , o ff and on betion M aintena nce Career. zippers, any item . Leave twee n t he mon t h s of FAA approved program . message: 541-963 - 4379 ANTLERS, b uying brown . M ay and December. Sa lw hi te, chalk . Honest f a1r Fin ancial aid if qualified o r cell: 54 1-786-551 2. ary based 011 experi ence . p r ic es. Cal l H ousin g a vail ab le . Ca ll Excellent benef 1ts. Rele541-786-4982 . Aviation Institute of Main- SOCIAL SECURITY D ISva nt education and p rior tenance. 1-877-804-5293 . AB ILITY BE NE FITS. W IN work exp erience helpful (PN DC) o r Pay N o th i ng l Sta rt but not required. Send reYour Application In Under sum e to Ost er Profes- ATTEND COLLEGE ON 60 Seconds. Call Today ! LIN E from Home. * M ediSional Group , CPAs, 10 1 Contact Disability Group, ca l. *B usiness, *Criminal NE 1st Ave ., J ohn Day, Inc . Li censed A ttorn eys Ju st1 ce, * Hosp1tal1 ty. Job OR 97845 & B BB A ccred1ted. Ca ll pl ace m e nt a ssista n ce 888-782-4075. (PNDC) Computer ava ilabl e . FiDRIVERS: GREAT pay, nancial A id if qualif ied . quarte rl y saf et y b on us . SC H EV c ert ifi e d Ca ll H o m et1m e cho 1ces . 866-688-7078 www .CenSteady f re i ght, f ull or turaOnli ne. co m pa rt-tim e. Safe, c lean, m odem t rucks. CDL-A, 3 380-Service Directory DOG BOARDING 1n Union . months current OTR exJune Gra nd Openi ng peri e nce. 800-4 14 -9569, A CLASSIFIED ad is an Special $1 0/night! www.d rivekn EASY WAY TO REA CH M tracleAcres@u ov e r 3 m ill1 o n Pac 1f 1c 503-857-8700. Northwesterners. $525/25-word class if ied ad 111 30 daily newspapers for 3-days. Call the 2 YOUTH Ge ne s is Co m - AKC YELLOW Lab Pupp ies for sale. 541-534-2444 or p o u nd Bows, bo t h Pa cifi c Nort hw est Da ily 541-263-1426. eq uipped w/ w hisker bis(91 6) Connec t ion cuit, quiver & pin sights. 288-60 19 or email e lizaBusiness/ Service O ne n ee d s t o b e r f or more strung. $ 250.00 for both . info (PNDC) 562 -11 88 Call These little ads really work! ADVERTISE VACATION 9a m - 12 .30a m SPECIALS to 3 million PaJoin th e thousands of other 5:30pm-8pm . cif ic Northwesterners I 30 peop le in this area w ho are daily new spape rs , s 1x reg ular users of th e classist ates. 25-word classified Cla ssifie d advertising is a fied . See how s1 mpl e and $525 for a 3-day ad . Call b e tte r way t o t e ll m o re e ff ect 1ve th ey ca n be . (9 16 ) 288- 60 19 or v isit W e 're open from 7:30 a.m . www.pnna .com/ advert is- people abo ut t he se rv ice t o 5 p. m . fo r yo ur co nvein g_pndc.cfm for t he Pa- yo u ha v e t o o f f e r . A sk nience. cif ic N o rthwes t Daily about o u r low rat es t o d ay. Connection. (PNDC)


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Whirlpool® and KitchenAid®

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43 N. 8th Elgin 541·437·2054

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!Ye ~u!~go~!ig~~~tt2!t~~! EXPANDED INTO PLUS SIZES

A M ERCANTILE COMPANY "Full Service" Dry Cleaner For your convenience

109 Elm St., La Grande

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Baker City, OR 97814


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Across from Red C ross Drug

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Renta l s- 752-Houses For RentUnion Co.


CIMMARON MANOR BDRM, w /d in cluded, all LA GRANDE h ou se f or ALFALFA SEED, cor n Kingsv1ew Apts . utilities paid , no sm okrent . Taki ng applicat ions. in g, no pe t s, $675/ mo, seed , $99 00/bag, many 2 bd, 1 ba . Call Cent ury 21, Lrg . 3 b dr m , 3 bat h g rasse s . W arn 1ng seed Eag le Cap Rea lty. house 111 quiet May Park $600 dep. 541-91 0-3696 541-963-1210 s u pp li es s ho rt ever y area . W/s/g & lawn care 2 BDRM, 1 bath, w/s/g and included . No smoking, no w he re. Ray O d ermo t t : lawn care included. $650. CLOSE TO EOU , 2 bdrm, pe t s . A vailab le 7/1, 800-910-4 101 ' 3rd fl oor, most utilities Northeast Property M an$ 1,0 00 m o $500 dep. 208-465-5280 agement. 541-910-0354. paid , coin-op laundry, no (541)786-0196 . smo k in g. no pets, $450/mo nt h . $400 dep . 3 BDRM, 1 bat h, ga rage, LA GRANDE, 2 bd rm, vv/ 541-910-3696 . sto rag e, $895 . sto rage shed, $600/mo, 54 1-910-4444. $600 dep . No smokers or pets, 541-562-5807. AVAIL 6/4. Very nice quiet "WELCOME HOME" 2 bd rm 1 bat h 1/2 ga rage . 755-Rent, Miscellaneous Su it ab le f or t wo. VV/d , Call f ridge, stove . W/S pa id. DRC'S PROPERTY (541 )963-7476 702-Wanted To RentLaw n care provi ded. Not Management , Inc. Union Co. HUD approved . No pet s, 541 -663-1066 GREEN TREE non-smoking. $550 m o . NEED AFFORDABLE APARTM ENTS $400 depos1t. 306 F1rst St Apartments: Stud 1o, place/room in Union or La La Grande. 541-910-5200 2310 East 0 Av en ue $325.00 & $375.00. Grande t o rent, from July La Gra nde, OR. 97850 1 bd rm. $350.00-$400.00 . 1- M id-October, annually . qtmanager 752-Houses For Rent- Apts, some ut1l1t1es pa 1d. Pets al lowed . nee d Union Co. phone/ Internet access. Income Restricti on s Apply Duplexes: Please call 602-316-0 548 Profess1011ally Managed by 1 BDRM, $500, w/s pa id, 3 bd rm, 1 bath, $750.00 . GSL Properties or 541-91 0-4622. plus dep. 541-963-4125 Locat ed Behind La Grande 710-Rooms for Rent Houses: Town Center 2 BDRM , mob il e ho m e . Stu dio, 1 ba th, w /s pa1d, $560/mo nt h, w/s/g pa id, $375.00. NOTICE HUD okay. 541-910-3166 2 bd rm, 1 bath, den, w /s A ll real esta te advertised pa1d, $600.00. he re-i n is subject t o t he SMALL 1 bdrm apt . A l l ut 1l1t ies pa 1d , 110 pe ts. 3 BDRM, 2 bat h, ma nuf Fede ra l Fa ir Housing Act , home . Very n1ce, cent ral On-stree t pa rk ing . w hich makes it illegal t o a/c, $900 plus dep, HU D Sto rage & Co mmercial $500/mo, $100 cleaning advertise any p1efe ren ce, O K. W/S paid 910-0122 Units dep. 54 1- 9 1 0 -44 4 0 or limita t ions or discr im ina541-910-2488 . tion based on race, co lor, 760-Commercial Rentals BDRM, 2 bath house, in 5 reli gion , sex , ha 11dicap , Un ion . $900/ mo nt h . No fa m ilial statu s or national UPSTAIRS, NICELY f urpets, no smoking . Va lley BEARCO BUSINESS Pa rk n ished 1 bd rm , ove r a orig in, or inte nt i o n t o 3600 -12 00 sq . ft un it s Realty 541 -963 -4174 . sho p . Sou thside, f ul l rn ak e any s uc h p ref er ava ilab le . For more info bat h, pa rt ial k it chen , ences, limitat ions or discall 541 -963-771 1. cre e k, gr eat ya rd & FULLY FURN ISHED 3 c ri m inatio n . W e w 1ll not bdrm , 2 bat h, f ireplace, 780-Storage Units v1ews. All utilities & interknowingly accept any adfam ily roo m, hot t ub, 3 net , no smoking . $5 25 . ve rtising for rea l es tat e b locks f ro m ho sp ita l 12X35 STORAGE u n it . 541-663-8683 w h1ch IS in v io la t ion of Completely hand icapped $100 mo 54 1-963-4125. t h1s la w. All persons ar e $ 1 10 0 , ac ce ss ib le. he reby informed that all www.LagrandeRNo rt heas t Prop. Mgmt . 7X11 UNIT, $30 mo. $25 dwe llings advert 1se d are (541)91 0-0354 dep (541 )91 0-3696. available on an equal opport u n1ty basis. 745-Duplex Rentals- HOMEY 3 bd rm . 1 b at h, Union Co. w/d , f rig. stove included . A PLUS Re nt als has storage units availab le . Gas heat , w ell insulated, 5x 12 $30 per mo all new inside . No pet s, 1 BDRM, 1 bath , basement EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 8x8 $25-$35 per mo No smoking inside. Garapa rt men t . V e ry nea t , b age pa id . $ 7 0 0 m o . 8x1 0 $30 pe r· rno new ca rpet, access to ROOM FOR Rent for Sum*plus deposit * $500 dep. 503-99 1-1789. common area w ith w/d . m er, 111 2 bd rm apt . Pr i1433 Madison Ave., or No pets. $ 350 mo . W/s/g vat e bat h, p art ial ly f ur402 Elm St . pd . 1908 3rd St . Too m any ki tt e ns ? Fin d Cal154 1-403-152 4 ni sh ed, all ut ilites pa id . (541 )962-7828 t h em a home t hroug h t he $375/mo. Ava i lab l e June-August. class1f1ed. 54 1-910-30 18. ROOM FOR rent. $3 2 0 . Ut1l1t1es mcluded, part1ally f ur ni s he d, p lus cab le 54 1-962-7708 GREENWELL MOTEL 541-963-4134 ext. 101 Rent $475/mo. Furn ished roo m w/m icrowave, sm all f r idg e , co lo r TV w/HBO , p ho ne & a l l ut il1t ie s In cluded . 305 Adams Ave. 725-Apartment RentalsUnion Co. DORM ROOM $200. Eco nom ica l off-st reet off ice spaces, . A ll util1tes paid. Northeast Property Mgmt 54 1-91 0-03 54 CENTURY 21 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (541)963-1210

HOROSCOPES FRIDAY, JUNE I, 2012 by Stella Wilder Born today, you seem able to endure any kind of personal hardship in order lo rl'ach your goals and win the prizes upon wh1ch you have set your sights and hung your hopes. This is not to say that you pre!er to have things the hard way- -quile the contrary -- but it docs suggest that you have a kind of dedication, tenacity and fortitude that others do not necessarily share, that give you a distinct advantage when you arc facing d!fficu]t situations. SATURDAY, JUNE 2 GEM!!\! (May 21-/une 20) -You're likely to come around today and accept what another has been tdlmg you for quite some lime. Don'l consider this a surrender! CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You may not be feeling as powerful as possible today, but ~ou can tome up with one or two important ideas that others can make work ior you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Yourabil-

ity to understand those around you will put you far ahead ofthe competition at this time. One choice you make today really counts. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) -You're doing what you feel is necessary to further your own agenda -but today you may want to consider whal another is ddvising you lo Jo. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) -Instmctions you receive today can be misinterpreted -- but once you begin a trial-and-error process you'll see what must be done. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- It may be that your closest competitor is ready to suggest another way of proving him or hersel f. Listen to what is otfered. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- What lies just beneath the surface today 1s likely to he gwte important to you -- in both the short and the long run. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -Things may begm to look rosrer to you and those closest to you -- and

by Stella Wilder

the reasons, if discovered, are likely to surprise and please you. AQUARIUS (/an . 20-Feh. 18) -You may be separated for a time ioJay irom lhose whom you like lo have closest to you. Don't let yourself overreact; this is only temporary. PJSCES (reb. 19-March 20j -- A J iffiwll silualion is likcly lo be resolved today after you step in and do what you ca n to clarify what involved parties are really after. ARIES ('vlarch 21-April 19) More than one key issue is at play here, and you'll certainly want to pay attention to what others need and want. Nothing is out of the question. TACRUS (April 20-May 20) -Principles and practicality will combine loday as you lry lo communicate your values to those around you. Later, it's a matter of strategy. (EDITORS; Fa d l cml


pl<!!t .;an:t


Wt!lriJt a\

hwnh'lll\i!'nw:iw~W.CJml •:O~RIGffi':OOl2 UN :lEO FEATJR3 ~HDICJ!Te. ll>C JSTRH."TEO fY u-IJVERSAL J:o:::K f('!! UFS

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620-Farm Equipment & 725-Apartment Rentals- 745-Duplex Supplies Union Co. Union Co.

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4 Coal seam 7 k.d. - of country 11 Singles 13 Actress Sue - Langdon 14 Mme. Gluck of opera 15 Urge caution 16 Equip 18 Mink or ermine 20 Stand -in 21 Craze 22 Geese forma1ion 23 Ru n - of 26 Take back 30 Rug texture 31 Jacuzzi feature 32 Tokyo, formerly 33 Digestive aid 36 Posh hot el lobbies 38 Vacuum part

46 Go-getters 48 Dumpster output 50 "Laugh-In" name 5 1 Rock's - Lobos 52 Toshiba rival 53 Spiky flower 54 Harry's successor 55 Bigger than med. DOWN 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Do yard work What mice do Like a pitta nce Bleated SASE, e.g. Winter mo . Victor's w reath Deep-voiced lady


© 2012 UFS. Dist. by Un iv. Uclick for UFS

9 Santa Fe lac. 10 Cooper of "High Noon" 12 Muddled situation 17 Fuel cartel

19 "My gal" of song 22 Animal doc 23 Literary collection 24 Make a breeze 25 Choose 26 Embarrassed 2 7 - Lingus (Dubl in ca rrier) 2 8 Deposed Amin 29 Extinct bird 3 1 Lively dance 34 Diminished 35 - Gustav Jung 36 Sigh of content 3 7 Neophytes 39 "The Body" Ventu ra 40 Thick carpeting 4 1 Cast 42 Is, in Avila 43 Feel empathy 44 "White Wedd ing" singer 45 Pagoda feature 47 Cotton gin name 49 Re uben bread


lgrand<? 06 -01 b OJ

5/31 /12



Page 3

Friday, June 1, 2012

5 B The Observer


LINE AD DEADLINES: Monday - Noon Friday Tuesday • Noon Monday Wednesday • Noon Tuesday Thursday · Noon Wednesday Friday • Noon Thu rsday

Phone 541-963-3161 On-Line go to Email Classifieds@lagrandeobserver. com

DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date

.,...____Fax 541-963-3674

Published by The La Grande Observer and The Baker City Herald 795-Mobile Spaces

Home 825- Houses For SaleUnion Co.

825-Houses for Sale $83,000 CUTE BUNGALOW HOME that would make a great starter home or rental. Close to EOU and shopping. 12164942 Century 21 Eagle Cap Realty, 541-963.{)511.

AVAILABLE 6-15-12 BEAUTIFUL 4 bdrm , 3 2 bdrrn , 2 bath mobile bath home in Island Crty. horne rn country off MarVery large garage w/ ofket Lane. $500/rno, plus fic e, sits on Ia rge lot, pi us dep. lnl water/garbage & irrigat ion well. Newly reW/D. No smoking. Small modeled, must see I pet neg . 541 -786-8820 Contact 541 -963-5315. ONE BLOCK from Safe- LOCATED IN Cove. OR . Two story horne built in way, trail er/RV spaces. Water, sewer, garbage . 1890s, possible 4 bdrrns, $200 . Je r r, manager . 2 baths, one fully remodeled. New carpet in liv541-962-6246' ing , dining, a nd on e bdrm . New v iny l rn kitchen and utility room, new electric range and ref rigerator, new natural gas h eating st oves in kitchen and living room . Freshly pa inted th ro ughout, new back deck, f ront porch and balco ny. Separate 864 sq . ft. building 805-Real Estate w/ full bath and gas fireplace. Large overs rzed ESTATE PROPERTY. detac hed two car garage, South Centra l Washrnt:Jwith finished heated loft t on, Near T rt -C iti es All 0 11 large lot w rth f rurt 16,000 Acres, So uth trees and p roperty has Slope Rattlesnake M ounwater right s. $175,500 . ta in. For Sa le J une 1, 54 1 -568-467 4 . Can be 2012 . One In A Lif etime se en at 607 Hibbler. Can Opportunrty. view vvww.rea lestate www.mcworterra #1837. m f or information. (PNDl

825- Houses For SaleUnion Co. NEWLY REMODELED. Tri-level, 3 bdrm, 3 ba t h. Drn rn g area, lg . lrv rn g ro om w/firep lace, lg. great room, double car ga rage, new de ck, 2 bdrm rental unit , on .83 acres. 1006 21st St. Call 541-963-5996 PRIME SOUTHSIDE 3 bdr m 1 bat h, st ucco h ouse. Large corne r lot w/ fen ced ya rd, fireplace, open li ving/d ining room . 1328 sq. ft. for marn, 482 sq f t. unf ini shed bsrnt. $132,000. 541-805-0005

h ave to break free in a manner that



Need a good used vehicle? Look in the classified.

HOROSCOPES SATURDA'.:; )U:'-IE 2, 2012 by Stella Wilder Born today, you are the kind to be drawn to fun, no matter where it may be, and if there are people enjoying themselves around you, you will want to .ioin in and share the excitement, the experience and the good times being had. You can become jealous very quickly of those who are enjoying themselves when you cannot _join in; indeed, you are so covetous in this way that you1 mood can become quite dark when you feel you are beins left out of a sood time. There are those who may call this childish, and you aLe not likely to disag1ee: Yo u know yourself well, and can lace the truth with grace and comfort. SUNDAY, JUKE 3 GEMINI (May 21-june 20) ·· 'rou are looking for a good time, but others art holding you back. You may


825-Houses For Sale- 855 Lots & Property- 855 Lots & Property- 8 8 0 - Commercia I 915-Boats & Motors _.:...,_..,:.... Union Co. Union Co. Union Co. Property FOR SAL E: 10 ft . Liv rngsto n Boa t, Ca lkins Boat 81X113, 1818 Z Ave. UtrliROSE RIDGE 2 Subd iv i- 1200 PLUS sq . ft . profesSEE ALL RMLS Trailer, and Honda M otor. t res ava rlable, $45k OBO. sion , Cove, OR . C ity: siona l offi ce space, 4 ofLISTINGS AT: Lo t s of ext ras, $8 00. 54 1-963-2668 Sew er/Water ava ilab le . f ices, reception area , lrg 54 1-963-607 5, or Reg uIa r price : 1 acre m/1 co nfe re nce/ b reak area , www.valleyrealty .net BEAUTIFUL COVE lot for 541-379-6075. 2700 E N hand rcap access ibl e . $69,900-$74,900 . sale, spectacu lar· 360 de- We a Iso prov ide property Ave, La Grande, 97850. Pr ice nego t iab le pe r gree vrews, 3.56 acres , le ngt h of lease . Nort h- 925-Motor Homes manage ment. Ch eck $39,000. 208-761-4843. out our rental link on our east Pr ope rty M anagewebsrte ment (541)910-0354. MOTOR HOME 1987, 38 wvvw. ra nc hn home .corn ft . 37,000 m il es . Good FLAG LOT f or sale near or call Ranch-N -Horne Reshape, everyt hrng w orks. Greenwood schoo l. alty, Inc. 54 1-963-5450. $2500 . 54 1-263-1577, 541-963-4174 11 Ox83 , plus driveway 541-398-2333 ' 111 x20 . 1706 V Ave, $3 6,000. 541-786-0426; 930-Recreationa l 541-428-21 12. Vehicles 845-Mobile HomesUnion Co. THE SALE of RVs not bearing an Oregon insignia of compliance is rllega l: call Last 2 lots avai lable in 55 + B ui ld ing Co d es (5 03) park, Mountain ParkEs373-1257. tates. Dou ble w rde only. 2007 HA RLEY Dav idso n 54 1-9 10-35 13 or Spo rts t e r, 1200 CC's , BEAUTI FULL Y MAIN 541 7865648. black cherry & silver, ve ry TAINED 23 ft . Ultra-Lite low m il es , prac ti ca lly Place your ad by ca llin g 541Th or w/ pu ll -o ut, f ully new, $800 0 abo . 963-3161 . co nta i ned , s leeps 6, 541-910-7797 ne we r rub be r roof, s moke f ree . $12k. 541-437-9190 .

1999 DODGE DAKOTA Club Cab. 130k, 4x4, AT 8 cy l, 5 .2 L. St ud d ed snow t ires, two pac kage, matching canopy . $8000. 541-568-4343 '

by Stella Wilder

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-]an. 19) ·major impact today; take care that you don't let another venture into You are seeking the kind of reward d angerous territory in your n ame. today that will last. You want to feel LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You are good about yourself and your recent not at all sure that what you are doing eftorts. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. IS) ·is going to pay off-- but the journey itself should reap certain hidden Someone may surprise you with an rewards. unexpected admission of ?;Uilt. He or VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- she is ready to do whatever you Happiness and sadness ane likely to require to make amends. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ·be comingled today. Your emotions a1e near the surface, and you must You'll get a second chance today, but it won't come to you in the way you guard a~ainst showin~ your hand. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) ·· expect -- or hope. In the end, there Solitude can a!lord you a chance to could be no other way. assess things carefully while avoiding ARIES (March 21-April l 9) ·· the judgment of those amund you ·· Your fate is closely linkal with the but it may not be fun. fate of another today, so yo u'll surely SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2l) · · want to watch what he or she is doing Teamwork is the key today, but one very closely. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ·· You participant isn't likely to get with the program until it's almost too late. may think you ane something that Patience is a virtue!

2010 GMC Terrai n w / every opt ion. Leath er & the works, $29, 000 . Losin g d riv ing ab i lit y . 541-663-8248 FOR SALE : 1994 Fre ightlin er truck wa te r t end er·; low m ile ag e ; se t back f rom axle; 3,300 ga l wate r ta nk; spray bar front and back and m iddle side spray; 1,000 gal per m inute pump; hose reel; new t ire s ; US FS Reg io n 6 q ua lified f or w ildf rre , 1 y ea r left on USFS contract. W ill sell w ith all fire equipment $35,000; w ithou t f ire e q u ipme nt Ca l l $32,0 0 0 . 541-962-7481 afte r 5pm . IN CASE OFAN ERROR IN YOU R AD: Please contact us immediately . W e accept responsibility for t he first incorrect insertion, and t hen only to the extent of a corrected insert ron or refu nd of the price pa rd.

you are n ot -- and visa versa. You're

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 2l) enlering a period marked by a -- You're thinking about tangible change in self-esteem.

doesllt come naturally. gains, but the profit you can score CANCER (June 21-july 22) -- today may have nothing to do with


plt-1« o;._;to-ot Holle



~~~-~~:;.~~ ~:~~si'L.,~~-~~~R~~,Iu:::

Even a minor mishap can h ave a cash, stocks or bonds.

l ! lOW<.hutSl.

[<Jl:(IO ~~,W0 0i!0~000 ;5561:;i

SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2012 dispiriting at this time. focus not on must be willing to listen to him or by Stella Wilder what you know see, but what may her. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -Born today, you are in many soon come to pass. VJRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -· The more professional your demeanrespects a classic Gemmi native, one



who has two selves that must be dealt You're more interested in seeing or today, the better your chances --

"ith · · by you and by others · · around the d ock, day in and day out, year after year. Those two personalities are so different in so many ways ·· at least to the casual observer and anyone who doesn't deal with you regularly ·· that you may seem at one moment to be one person, and at the next another altogether. MONDAY, JUNE 4 GEMINI (May 21-june 20) -- Your desire to help another in need is likely to overpower any instinct you have to do something for yourself. This is to be admired. CANCER (June 21-July 22) ·· You'll encounter someone who seems immune to both yow natuul charms and your powers of persua sion. This is a tJicky situation! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You may

someone close to you succeed today but you must also let your own tnte than you are in p romoting you r own self shine th rough at certain times. agenda. You can offer valuable help. PISCES (Feb. l9-,\1arch 20) -LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) -- Take Money is likely to change hands hJr a care that you don't let someone else's suspicious reason today ·· and you'll expertise keep you !rom looking into want to position yourself as favorably a certain situation yourself. You can as possible. uncover the truth. ARIES (Yiarch 21-April 19) -SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -· Your comments about a certain situYou'll want to approach the day in a ation may be taken the wrong way at conservative manner -- at least unt il first -· until others understand your you understand more fully what is point of \i ew more d early. required of you. TACRUS (April 20-May 20) -SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) lnionnation you receive today may -- You may doubt your own motives not be completely accurate. It's or methods today. Someone else is in important that you have at your tinyour corner, however, who can do gertips a reliable source. much to pwpel you toward success. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. L9) -- ~~:~~TJ'!;1'!.;.~"'tiom, F1''"" vorr...ct Hoi;, 'A<trb! " A d ose friend is likely to understand ~~s%~!~~~:z~,:~~:~~~~~i~: JOC why you are doing what you are . mw•.:ut!lt, J:ano .. att,N:06<.Jo.;,a:JO-l~ . ;.~ 5 67

flnd cuHent circumstances quite doing hu more than you aJe; you

Saturday, June 2, 20 12


NOTIC E OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Elgin school District #23 board of Directors wil l be held on June 12, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at 111 So. 15th Street in Elgin, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 as approved by the Elgin School District #23 Bu dg et Committee . A summary of the budget is presented below. A oopy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 111 So . 15th Street in Elgin Oregon, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p,m. This Budget is for an annual budget period . This Budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same basis of accounting used during the preceding year.



5 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 22 23 27 29 30 33 34 35 36 37

Gloomy atmosphere Dow Jones fig. Speech stumbl es Concise Luau welcome Drink with scones Understudy Helms Suffix for forfeit Docket Tarzan, really Half a couple Compete at Indy Feels grateful Ceremonies Leave stranded Scoundrels Madrid art gallery Emcee - - grip! Southeast Asian

38 Planted, as seed 42 Speaks slowly 45 Question starter 46 Pullovers 49 Ached for 5 1 Hail, to Caesar 52 Stein fille r 53 Glimmerings 54 Amazon milieu 55 One less than a bogey 56 Dainty pastry

Answer to Previous Puzzle

Begin ning F und Bala nce Current Year Property Taxes, othe r than Local Option Taxes

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Actual Amount Last Year 2010-11 $419,876 576, 526

Adopted Budget This Year 2011- 12 $602,000 592,000

Approved Budget Next Year 2012-13 $412,000 607 ,000

31 7,90 8

432,600 2 4,000 2.734.101 47 6,600 194,350

20,000 2,700,739 430,000 168,00

$5,0 55,551


$1,965,290 1.285,349 5 30,734 851 ,273

150,000 10 0,0 00

$1 ,9 38 ,2 13 1,261,827 542,784 647,6 10 10,000 90,880 72,025 60 ,000 100 ,000


$4,723 ,339

Current Year Local Oplion Property Taxes other Revenue from Local Sources

14,1 88 2,564,150 675,872 168,964

Revenue from Intermediate Sources Revenue f rom State Sources.


1,000,000 $5,737,484 ANA NCIAL S UMMARY . REQ UJREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSI FICATI ON $2,076 ,1 79 1,2 10,597 5 35,734 1,032,056 22,233 129,175 4 1,9 03 168,964

DOWN Smaller than rnini Pronounce Frat letter Sedgwi ck of the screen Takes up or lets out Ribs of a leaf Coat with gold Pass near Pikes Peak

I '#$ 0MI'&'() " +.' -


ontact: Denise Ludwig


6-2- t 2

t O,OOO 90,880



9 That girl 10 Stockholm carrier 11 Radio's - Harvey 16 Nooses

19 Feds (hyph.) 21 Gizmos 24 Off-road vehicle (abbr.) 25 So-so grade 26 Slalom run 28 Seek the favor of 29 OR workers 30 Auto-sticker info 31 Stil l exist 32 Wi llard's pet 33 Rapper - Moe Dee 35 Anchor cable 37 Eric Clapton classic 39 Business proprietor 40 Dururn, for one 41 Looks sleepy 43 Enjoy, as benefits 44 Barbecue need 46 Crocodile feature 47 Festive night 48 Civil War soldier, for short 50 Spud st.

oo lnstru"!~~~---·--·---··-····--··--------····-····-----·----·-·---··-·-·L_ _ _ _ ___:!':$2~.~ 87:_c7c",8:::92=t___ _ _ _ _ _;:: S2::::.8~1.:::5!!: ,2::.:98:L------$"'2"',7.:.3__,7,.:.08'--'3 ·-·FfE···--··--·-·----···-···-···---·---------·---··--------------·--------



---FfE-···---·--··-----·-······--·--·----·-···--·-------------·-·-·--------r-- - -- -- ...:..:= .:;3r



_ _ _ ___ ____!z~s~o.~52oC>_~t--------=z~ss:,:,o~o~o

~~O~~ci!~ty-~~.'!~!~!t.i?D.~.g~~~~cti~n---·--------------·····-·--···-·r---------'6=4::.. 4 ,7::.51+----------+--------_.--J 50 00 Olher U ses 5 10 0 Debt Service• 5200 lnterfund Transfers* 6000 Contingency

59,3 02 168,964

72,000 150,000 100,000

7 2,00 0 6 0,00 0 100,000

55 ,2 16,842

$5,055,551 47.86

$ 4,723,339 46.61

000 Unappropriated End ing Fund Balance

Total Requiremen ts Total FTE

2 25


· not Included in to tal5000 Other Uses. To be appropriated seporately from other 5000 expenditures. STATEMEN T OF CHANGES IN ACTIVmES an d SOURCES OF FINANCI NG •• D~e to the loss ?f fed~ral grants from the state. El gin School District has decreased staff by 6.99 o ver two y ears. Our reven ue is based on an estimated average da11y membershi p we~ghted of 532.2 compared to 546.18 last year.

Permanent R ate Levy Lo cal Option Levy

(Rate Limit

PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or A mount Imposed 5.089

per $1,000)

Rate or Amou nt Imposed 5.089

Rate or Amount Approved 5.089

Levy For General Obligation B ands STATEMENT OF I NDEBTEDNESS Estimated Debt Outs ta nd ing


Estimated Debt A uthorized, But Not Incurred on .Illy 1

J General Obligation Bonds her Bonds Other Borrowings



Publish: June 1. 2012 Legal no. 4749








TRUST EE 'S NOTICE O F SALE Loan No: 00 93 3 562 02 T .S. No . 12-00679-5 Refe rence is made to th at ce rt ain Deed of T ru st dated as of Dec emb er 19, 2 0 08 made by, GUY A LAM BERT AN D JE NN IFE R K LA MB ERT, HU SBA ND AN D W IFE, as the original grantor, t o FIDE LITY NAT IONAL T IT LE INS CO, as t he origina l t rust ee, rn f avo r of Wel ls Fargo Bank, NA, as t he or iginal benefic ia ry , recorded on December 29, 2008, as Inst rument No. 20085540 of Off icial Records in t he Office of the of U nion Re co rder Co u nty, O r ego n (the "Deed of Trust"). The current benef iciary is: W ells Fa rgo Ba nk, NA , (t he "B e nef ic rary ' ) . A PN : 02S3834C B-400 CD 124 LOT FO U R (4) O F C LEA RWATER PON D SUBDIVISION IN UNION COU NTY, OREGON, ACCORD ING TO THE PLAT FILED APRIL 6, 1989, IN CAB INET 'A", SLI DE 273, PLAT RECORD S OF UNION COUNTY, OREGON. Commo n ly k now n as : 629 46 F RU ITD A LE LANE, ISLAND CITY, OR Both th e Beneficiary and the Trustee ha ve elected to sell the sard rea l property to satisfy the ob ligat ion s s ec ured by t he Deed of Trust and notrce has been recorded pursuant to Sect ion 86 .735(3) of Orego n Revrsed Statutes · th e defau lt (s ) f or w hich the foreclos ure is mad e rs t hat the granto r( s) · failed t o pay payments w hich became due : t o<:]eth er w ith late charges- due ; and w hich defau lt ed amounts total: $8,739 .56 as of M ay 14, 20 12 By t his reason of sa rd default the Benef rciary has declared all ob ligations secured by said deed of t rust im med rately d ue and payab le, said s ums be ing t he f o ll ow ing, t o w it : T he sum of $1 68, 137 22 to ge t her w it h interest t hereo n at the rate of 6.50000% per a nnu rn f ro m Novem ber 1, 2011 un til paid; plus all accr ued lat e ch arg e s thereon: and all Trustee 's fee s, f oreclos ure co sts and any sum s advanced by th e Benefi ciary pursuant to the terms of said deed of t rust. Wh ereo f, notice h ere by is g ive n that FIDE LITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURAN CE COMPA NY, as t he d uly appo i nted Tr uste e under the Deed of Tru st w ill on Sep te m ber 24, 20 12 at t he hou r of 10 :00 AM , Standard of Time, as es-

lgrand<? 06-01 b OJ


5/31 /12


Page 4



Friday, June 1, 2012 LINE AD DEADLINES: M onday - Noon Friday Tues day - Noon Monday Wednesday - Noon Tuesday Thursday - Noon Wednesday Friday - N oon Thursday


Phone 541-963-3161 On-Line go to rww.lagrandeobserver.conJ Email Classifieds@lagrandeo bserver. com ~--~"Fax 541-963-3674


DISPLAY ADS: 2 Days Prior to Publication Date


1010 Union Co. Legal 1010 Union Co. Legal 1010 Union Co. Legal 1010 Union Co. Legal Notices Notices Notices Notices


tablished by section the mascu line gender in187.110, Oregon Revised cludes the f eminine and Statues, at th e front ent he neuter, the singular trance of the Uni o n in cludes p lural, the word Courthouse . 1001 4th "grantor" Includes any Street, 1n the C1ty of Lasuccessor in interest t o Gra nde, County of Union, the grantor as well as any State of Oregon, sell at other persons owing an public auction to the highob ligation, t he performest bidder for cash t he inance of which is secured tere s t 1n the sa id deby said Deed of Trust, sc ribed real property t he words "Trustee" and w hich the grantor had or " Be n e f ic iary" include had power t o convey at t heir respectiv e succesthe t1me of the ex e cution sors 111 interes t, if any . of the Deed of Trust, toDated: May 22, 2012 FIgether w1th any interest DELITY NATIONAL TITLE wh1ch the g1antor or h1s INSURANC E COMPANY, successor(s) 1n in tere st Trustee J ohn Catch1ng, acqu1red after the execuAuthorized S ignature tion of the Deed of Trust, A-4249199 to satisfy the f ore going obliga t ion s th e reby secu red and the costs and P u b lish · M ay 25, 2012 ; June 1, 8, 15. 2012 expenses of sa le, in cluding a r easonable charge Legal no. 25097 by t he T rustee. Notice is UNION SOIL and Water further given t hat any Conservation District person named in Section 86 753 of Oregon ReSTANDARD PUBLIC v ise d Statutes ha s t he IMPROVEMENT right to have the forecloCONTRACT s ure pro c eeding d is mi sse d and th e tr ust ADVERTISEMENT FOR deed r emstated by payBIDS m e nt t o the B e nef 1c 1ary of the entire amo unt then due (other than such por- Sealed bids w ill be received by t h e Union So il an d tio n o f sa id p rin c ipal as Water Conserva tion Disw ould n ot th en be due trict at 10507 N . McAlishad no de fault occurred), ter Road, La Grand e, O ret oge t her w ith the costs, go n , 97850 until 4 :00 Tr ust ee ' s or attorn ey ' s p.m . loca l t ime Wednesfees and cu rin g any other day, June 2 0, 20 12 f o r default co mplain ed of in the Catherine Creek - 37 th e Not ice of Default by Stream and Fish Ha bitat t en de ring th e p e rfo rm Resto rati o n p r oj ec t lo ance required u nder t he cated at t he co r n er of ob l1 gat 1on or D eed of 66926 M il ler Lane, NVV Trust, at any time prior to and SW Ot rs . of Sect ion five days before the date 14 , Tow n s hi p 4 So uth, last se t for sa le. FOR Range 39 East. in U nion FURTHER INF O RMA Coun t y, O reg on. Th e TI O N, PLEASE CONTA CT p roject inc lu des [OR is FIDELITY NATIONAL T Igenerally descri bed as[ TLE IN SURANCE CO M c rea tin g o r e nh a n c in g PANY, 11 000 O lso n Driv e complex fi sh habitat and Ste 1 0 1 , Ra ncho Co rstream channel by recondova , CA 95670 nect lllg back w at er habi916-636-0 114 FOR SALE tat/oxbows, constructing INF OR MATI O N CA L L . new or enhanc ing ex ist7 14.73 0. 2727 Webs ite ing stream channel, large for T ruste e ' s Sa le Inforwoody st ructur es in sta llamation : t ion, and riparian/up land www. lp sa sap .co m In plantin gs . co n struing th is not ice,

A ma ndatory pre-b id confere nce and exam ination of the site a nd co ndit io ns w ill be co nducted at 10:00 a.m ., Th ursday, Ju ne 7, 2012. Bidders shall meet w ith th e Owner's Representative at t he p roj ect site located at the corner of 66926 M ill er Lane, UnIOn, 0 R 97883, fo r t hat purpose. Bid s w ill be opened and pub l1c ly read al o ud on Thursday, J une 2 1, 2012 at 10 :00 a.m. local ti me, at the off1ce of the Un1on Soil and Wat er Conservation District by the underSig ned or a des 1g na ted representative. Bids w ill be received on an item ized lum p-s um ba sis for all listed work . Contract documen ts may be obtained [at n o c harge OR for t he cost of reproduct io n[. by req uest at the Union Soil and Water Conservation D istri ct o fflees at 10507 N . McAlister Road, La Grande, OR 97850 , or can be delive red by mail upon written request. A ll b id ders must comp ly w ith req uirem ents of the prevailin g wage law i n O RS 279C.800 , t hroug h O RS 279C .870. A ll b idders m ust be registered w ith th e Co n st r u ction Contractor' s Boa rd at t he time of b id s ubm iss ion . Bidders shall subm it evid ence of "Affirmat ive Act io n Comp lianc e" as required by an y A ffi rmative Acti on Requirements issued w ith thi s procurement. No bid w ill be considered unless f ully comp leted in t he manner provided in th e "Instructions t o Bidders" upon t he Bid For m p rov ided an d ac co mpanied by Bid Security Questions about the bid process or b id pac kage ca n be addressed to Craig Schellsmidt, District Manager, 541-963-13 13.

Publish: May 30 , 20 12; June 1, 20 12 Lega l no. 25187


Public Notice

And you can too! What? Why, find that item you've been looking for. Like so many people in this area who shop the Classif ieds regularly, you can join in the fun and satisfy your family's needs by turning to the class ifieds rig ht now. You'll find ad after ad for items like bikes, antiques, sporting goods and television sets... and almost everything else you can imagine! And when you have something to sell, there's no easier or quicker way to get results than by placing an ad yourself!

NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Union Cemetery Maintenance District will be held on June t3 , 2012 at 9:00am at 770 E Fulton Street Union, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fisca l year beginning July 1, 2012 as approved by the Union Cemetery Maintenance District Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 770 E Fulton Street Union, between the hours of 9:00a.m. and 11 :00 a.m. This budget is for an ann ual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as used the preced ing year. I

Tolonhone!541 502 521 ~ FINAIIO!AL SUMM

Adoplod Bu4gel


1111• v..r2011·1~

Nt)(!Yur OW12 13

4,40 J

F"'• \.- DMl~, Permlts 1 Ffnea, A.fiae.Mme«ta & Otl"!•r SeMco ChardU rF.otr.[,_ Sbdaand All ~fi' Grants Q!115.AII ont Donati-on1-

!All Olh,..,......,..... ~Proporlf Tecd P"''>>OIYTIX.,EI!\I,_tl be Roctlved


.lS 040








31 ..00

30200 19100


i OO 000


T~tiii !<..OIIICU


1Coaltal ullav

s.,..;,r PlV~~~onl$ UneDttrOI' ri~


Et\dlng S.llrl(l>tt.nel Re!!le rvad rot Futuro



12 t 19 168.2T8





Give Us A Call Today!






1\oluol Alii~UIII 2010.11


FTE FTE TGtol Tolai FTI!

I l'ormanont Roto Lovv

m\e llmH , &S3



PROPERTY TA LEVI!iS tt6 or Arnounl lmDos• 1.30!3



oun m DMtd




L.,.l Ollllon Low


jA public mODUli; of111t Ullion Comtllory Mllln10nonce DIWI« v.ill be htld on Juno (1, 2012 att:OO am at _770E. Fu~on SirottUnior>, 0.-gon . Tho pUI'J>O¥'! of1hl• m-ijngls Ito llm\1$1 illo b\J~gt! 1.\r ttlo flml yoar beginning July 1, :1!012 •• opproved bv !he Union Com•II'IY MolntunM(t Dmtric\ BvdgotCommll!<le. AJummll)' <lflh• bu<lgot iJO !MIIow. A,copy o>ll!lo budgot may~olnspod<ld or obtolnod •1710! Fulton S troot Unioo, bolweon lht Mimi of 8;00a.m. an~ 11 :00 •.111, Thll budgot b f9r•n budsot ~. Thl• b~~aotw. . prop~r~ on o ba,), ohctoonting illrt I< tho ~•m•"" u,od tho pr~.,;ilng yHr. lf~lltt<onl, tht moJorchtngM ol>d 11141r ~on


I!SI!mtl..:i A~, Ilul Not 011 Ju;v 1




:lli illll

By: Cu rt Ricker D istrict Cha ir

Public Notice FORM LB-1






: ~-

Published by The La Grande Observer and The Baker City Herald

jtnv l>~dgttart!

tntr«l Oh"IPI"on Bone!•



Olhof.B<>rmwfnu• Tot.I

• Nmo"' apace io ft...,ta.., comploU any $~n of thi$ r.lo~hone: 541

,l.ct'uo!Amounl 201Q.l1 1tl1,510

"TO\'AI. OP J\ll:l'UNDS I S.,.lnnlng Fund Bohmeo/Nel Working Coplh\1

¢1m, nsert linoo (I CWS)

on lhi• ••••t 01 add shoat.. ou mty dolo!• un"'ad ~nu.

Emol!: u~lllhC<>

5$2 5212

Publish : June 1, 2012 Legal no. 4744

"PpriNod Budgol


Nt)(!Y.... 2012-13 17S 728

Tnlfl V•ar2CH·12


Public Notice

~F~~~·~~;IIa~a~n~dl.~~~~~;''r~Otlla~n~~~-~G~~.~~~~~·~~·o~n~•~·n~d~Do~n~~ij~.o~n~·----~--------------- · ·-+------------------~~------------~l Rovonuo froM Bonds 1nd Olh<r Dobt

FORM LB-1 All 011\tf Roaourots ~ Proplll'f Tillrll•


38.040 53852




~ public meet ing or the City of La G ra nde w ill be held on June 13, 2012 at 6 :00 pm at City l·lall, 1000 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Oregon. The

purpose of this meeting is to discuss the b udget for the fiscal year beginn ing July 1, 201 2 a s approv ed by the City of La Grande Budget Committee.



FINANCIAl. SUMMARY· REQUII'."MENTS 8Y OBJECTCI.ASSII'IC.I\T,_,I,Oc:N_ _______,_________ --II 20240 31 ~00 19100 14S37 \11 100 100000 3.877

summary of tile budget Is p resented below . A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 1000 Adams Avenue. beffieen the hours of 8 ~ .m. and 5 p .m . This budget is for an ann ual budget period. This b udget was prepare d on a basis of accounting t hat is the same as u sed the p receding year.


Uno~~ Endlna ~Ton.. ond R... l'o'Oil lOt Futuro Ex~~a~"'" TQ\A) lltGYhm011t.

19,!i22 H1422


Be • ar Amountl~~od DOT$

12 778 ~IB,2n





Rate w Amount Accr4'10d

Ra • or .o.mounllmoeu< 1.a953



Telephone: 541 -962-1309

Contact: Robert St rope

Actual Amount

2010-11 $ 10,769,19 8 $9,345,271 $1,375,939

Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital Fees, Licenses. Permits. Fines, Assessments & Other Service Chargee Federal. State and Art Other Grants, Gifts, Allocat ions and Donations Revenue from Bonds and Other Debt lntcriund Transfers I Internal Servica Reimbursements !Afl Othe r Resources Except P roperty Taxes

Approved Budget N ext Year 20 12-13

Total Resources

$ 10,436,6 35

s 10,532,655 $ 9,737,404 $ 4,223,144


s 8,871,460 $$ 3,031.771 $ 281,850 $3,826,131 $ 36,338,637

$5, 106,61 $ 963,800 $3,815,858 $ 34,379,537

$3,976 ,17 $666,656 $3,783,075 $ 29,91 6,308

Property Taxes Estimated to be Received


Adopted Budget ThlsYear 2011-12

llxlill Ootion tW

a..w F<>< Oe~~trol Obllgotion Sond>

FINANCIAL SUMMARY· REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATIO N $ 8,404,769 $ 4,008,522 s 1,470,167 $630,573 s 3,515,515

Personnel Services Materials and Services

Capital Outlay Debt Service lnterfund T ransfers Contingencies Special Payments U na~ated Ending Ba!4lnce and Reserved for FuiUie Expenditure Total Requ irements

Publish: June 1, 2012 Legal no. 4742

Public Notice FORM UR-1

$ "-,919 ,671

$ 34,379,537

s 6 ,71 9,073 $ 10 ,776,933 s 369,523 $ 1,9 14,934 $3,506,005 $-


s 3,499,.J62 $38,181,685

s 2,485,626



~ public m eeting of the City of La Grande w ill be held on June 13, 2012 at 6:00pm at City H all, 1000 Adams Avenue, La Grande. f:)regon. T h e purpose of this m eeting is to discuss the budge t fo r the fiscal year beginning Ju ly 1, 2012 as a pproved by th e L a Grande 's ~rban Renewal Agency's Budget Comm itlee. A summary of 1he budget is presented bel ow. A copy of the budget may be inspected o r p btained at 1000 Adams Avenue. b etw~n the hours of 8 a.m. and 5p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was l5


$$ 11,886.7$1 $ 29,91 6,308

N ame of Organizational Unit or Program FTE for that l!nit or program


prepared on a basis of a ccounting that

$ 11 ,3 95,555

$9,048,555 $5,999,567 $6,546.911 $370,679 s 5,008,528


$ 2 ,414,989

s 1,320,892

s 736,471

s 1,2 32,44<! 10


$1 ,355,543 s 802,730 10


the sam e as used the preceding year.

~!?LJ_C_~_IJ_Ef'~!~~-~?.----·····---·-----·····-----·-···----···---····----·-···-----l------~$.!:2.::_:748~,0~82~_________ _:$<.:20!.,7C':04 ~ ,19~-----___:$~2:e.8~68::,·;695:::;! FTE


Telephone: 541-962-1309

Contact: Robert Strope



Actual Amount

Adopted Budget

Approved Budget


This Year 201 1-12

Next Year 2012-13

Revenue from Bonds and Othe r Debt lnte rfund Transfers All Other Resources Except Division of Tax & Special Levy Rev enu e from DNisi.on of Tax


s 391,588


$ 1,6 00 ,000 $ 1,041,535 $ 25.000 s 810.000 $4,230 ,063

$ 439,452 $31,787 $ 4 64,604


Reverwe_f rom S p:?cial Levy


Total Resou rces

Personnel SeiVices

Materials and Services Capital Outlay

Debt Service lnterfund Transfers

s 351,940

$91 7,942

Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital Federal. State and A ll Other Grants



Contingencies All Other Expenditures and Requirements Unappropriated Ending FunO Balance


$ -, $399,947 $2,231,599 $278,523 $ 1,041,535 $ 78,459

s 894,281

$1,635,76 1 $ 200,000 $$993,790 $ 25,000 $810,000 $

$ 3 ,664,551

$200,000 $4,230,063

S$398,7 90 $ 1 ,5 70 ,000 $ 108,321 993,7 90 $ 125,000 $$ 468 ,6 50 $3,6 64,551



···················-·-~~~-~ -~~ii£~~\~~~~~;~~~~~~!1:.......-------------+-- · ·-· · ---··· ··--··-···- · · · · · · · ·--·· -· ·-· ··········--- ····-----····-· · ·· · -- · · · · ----- . ·-···. · · · · · ·-· · GENERAL FUND




Total FTE


5 .5 5521,828 4



5 $602,718

5 $636,569 4


BIJI~I)IN~}N03f'!';CTIONS··-·······-······---······----····-----·······-··----···-----i--------=$c:1e,:,1~57:.c,8":7C:2~-------.:::S..:.1•,::02:::4";,2:;;09r--------"CS-"1,.:.049 :.:::,::,6~26 FTE




_1_1_EM._~~~§N.~'!'--····---····--··-·-----···----····---·····--·········-···---····----·I------------"$~-~---------~S:-83~1~,7_,_1::j3_____ __ FTE

0 .0


~-~~~~~-~,()~~~-~2-~-------·····-·-·····---·--··------·------------····--·······--+-----------'$"'2"',1'"'G4"," 16~51--------.:::S.:::2,,5:::0 ;: 7_;:,63 7.;17_____ ~ATER


$ 2,737,978 $ 1,99 9 ,549 ....... -·- ....................·-·-· ...-.c__ _______.:; Sc:1c.: ,4::.:1..:. 1 1=.21"'----------$~ 1 ·c: 4~92::,..0~8~5L-______:$~ 1 ._:::66~5:,:.0~0:::~ 2

Totai FTE

_:::S::;85;o:7:.:. ,7'"' 53 4.4

31 $ 2.843,750 $!,216,995 $ 953,993 $ 377,098 $4,404,485 $346,13 $ 852,818 $ 3,584.~ S 398,490 $ 108 ,26 $ 225.065 $ 1,107,450

30 $ 2,535,741 $1 .350.177 S 1.053,553 $ 432,150 $3.862,461 $ 495,253 $ 894 ,202 1 $ 5,91 4,483j $1 ,575 ,809 $ 20 ,776 $ 213,07 $848,51

_ _.:.S,::,2,c48 c.::5"-,4~08 31 $ 2,407,979 $1,149,171 $ 1,054,062 $ 500,15 $ 4,079,20. $656.76: $ 604,186 $ 10,320.002 $ 1,335,881 $· $ 592,907 $ 840,400



38,18 1,685





I Total Requirements

28 .8

~!~.Rf:~~--·····--······-······--··· ··---······-······--····---··--·-----···-······--··I---------"S:,:4:;::57C!:,:4;:'8~0f-----------!$;:488=,0"'94;1------------"-S4"'9"5'"',1~1 6 PLANN ING, ECONOM IC DEVELOPMENT AND BLDG MAINTENANCE


········--· · ····- ········--······---····




s 1,853,785

Total Requirements


~!~':'- ~~E.§II!_!;;_____________ _____..........---······--······-··-···--·······-···· · -----\---------'S:.!1.:::,0~27~,5~1~1f-----~--.!.$.!: 2•e::15~6o::,4'782;;J--------S"-2"',.::19:;:3:e;,3';:;138

1 I



I 3,664,551



~he Fire and Emergency M edical SeN\ces (EMS - Ambulance) departments were combined into one department beginni ng in Fiscal Year 2012113. Last fiscal year the 9 11

Emergency Fund was separated from the Police Department (Gcneml Fund) to account for those revenu es and expenses consistent with requirements.

The line above

~tied General Fund Non Department21reflects the total amount of Contingencies and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance.


~~~~~;;~~~~~~~;;~~S~TA~T;E~M~E;N;T;O;F;C;H;AN;G;ES ;;I;N~ , A~C;TI;V;IT:IE;S;a;nd;;SO~U~R;C;E;S:O=F~F~IN;A;N;C:IN:G:'::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~

' Dur;ng F;scal Year2011112 a Loan was otlained an~ the majrrty of those expendllures are reflected ;n F;scal Year 2012113.

PROPERTY TAX.EVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Permanent Rate Le\llf Local Option Levy


Estimated Debt Outstanding

Estimated Debt Authorized, But

July 1, 2 01 1

Not Incurred on July 1

total • If more space is needed t o complet e any section of t his form, i nsert lines {rows) on this sheet or add sheets. Yo1111ay delete llla:!d lines.


Rate or Amount A pproved



Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1.

Estim<:Jtod Debt Authorized, But Not Incurred on July 1

General Obligation Bonds Other Bonds Other Borrcwings Total

Publish: June 1, 2012 Legal no. 4747

Rate or A mount Imposed


$ 1,067,564

$ 15,00(

Levy For General Obligation Bonds

Genera l Obligation Bonds Other Bonds Otl1er Borrowings

7 .4392

(RATE L1MIT 7.4392 pe~ $1 ,000)

Publish : June 1, 201 2 Legal no . 4746

$3,270,953 $3,270,953


7 .4392






~ 5





~. . 8



12 12


13 13 PBS A&E 31 28 AMC 25 20 ANP 35 24 DISN 37 37 ESPN 22 17 FAM 34 22 FX 21 15 HALL 187 35 KHQ 6 6 KREM 2 2 KTVB 7 7 KXLY 4 4 LIFE 40 33 NICK 32 26 ROOT 23 18 SPIKE 27 29 TDC 15 32 TLC 16 39 TNT 20 27 TRAV 18 14 USA 24 16 WTBS 17 23 HBO 500 551 SHOW 600 575

Jack Paid Paid Ball Ball -waid Paid ESPNSports Saturday (N) KATU World KATU Paid Ocean Born to Everyd Food lor Sea Explore Health Thought Rescue PrOQram ProQram Boys (N) Boys I) ProQram ProQram News News News ProQram Hanna Mys. Paid Paid Trout TV Joy of Paid Explora- Pets. Into the Animal Animal Dog Paid Paid Next The In· Whacked Access Hollywood TMZ(N) il llll King of King of The Of. The Of· IIN) t) llll Program Program Pror~ram Pror~ ram Stop tion TV ~ Wild Rescue Tales lgredient Out Fish inr~ Program Queens Queens l ice il lice 11 Atlas Extra (N) {I llll Evening Doodle- Doodle- Fusion Garden Danger Horse- Paid High School Basketball PGA Tour Golf FedEx St. Jude Classic, Third Round. (N) Paid Busy- BusyPaid News Program town bops bops Time Rangers land Program Live) 1!1 town Program News (6:00) 2012 French Open Tennis Babar ll!l Gymnastics 2012 Visa Championships. Track and Field Adidas Grand 1441h Belmont Stakes From Belmont Park in Grant Shelldon 2012 Stanley Cup Final Los Angeles JaneWomen's Final. (N) il (Live) lJI Dragon Prix. From New York. Elmont, N.Y. (N) fl (Live) l!ll Getaway 1m Kings at NewJersey Devils. (N) irn FromSt. Louis. (N) llll (6:00) Good Day Oregon Saturday (N) Paid Great Mystery Cookin', Kids Holly- MLB Paid ** Underdog (2007, Adventure) Voices The In- Green MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N Subject to Blackout) fl (Live) ~ Player Program of JasonLee, JimBelushi. 'PG' ProQram BiCIWrld Hunters Cuttv News wood laredient Econ. Surviving Disaster With Use Your Brain to Change Your Age l awrence Wei k's Big Band Sesame Dinosaur Easy Yoga lor Dr. Wayne Dyer: Wishes Fulfilled Getting the most out of Qi Gong: Deeper Easy Yoga lor life. t) Ill Amanda Ripley o 1111 Flow With lee Arthritis With Dr. Daniel Amen o ill Splash [CJ Street Arthritis Flip This House Flip This House Flip This House Flip This House Monster Monster Dog Dog Dog Dog Cajun Cajun longmire 'Pilot" !Storage Wars House Sell Sell: Extreme The The The The (:15) *** North to Alaska (1 960) John Wayne. Prospector *** ElDorado (1967, Western) John Wayne. A gunfighter **~ Sahara (2005) Mat1hew McCo*** The Far Country (1955) James brinqs French qirl to partner in qold·rush Alaska. llll and a drunken sheriff face an evil land baron. 11!1 nauqhey, Steve Zahn. ~W Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Stewart, Ruth Roman. 11!1 Tanked 11 ~W Tanked il ll!l Tanked t) llll Tanked 11 ~ Tanked il ll!l It's Me or the Dog Tanked 11 !0!1 Dogs 101 11!1 Tanked: Unfiltered Tanked: Unfiltered Tanked il llll ITanked (N) il Mickey Doc Jessie ANT Wizards Wizards Good Good Shake II Up! il ANT ANT ANT ANT Good Jessie Austin Shake II Mickey Pirates Phineas Phineas Phineas Fish SportsCenter (N) llll 2012 UEFA European Championship Report 2012 UEFA European Championship EURO SportsCenler (N) (Live) 1111 NBA Countdown NBA Basketball Beauty & the Briefcase (20 10) Confessions of Drama Queen Willy Wonka & Chocolate ***The Mask(1 994) JimCarrey. ** ~ Nanny McPhee (2005) *** Holes (2003) Jon Voight Two H Armageddon (1998, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis. **&2012 (2009, Action) John Cusack. * TheBachelor (1 999) Hal Holbrook IMother Two Two I** Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem ITWO Lucy Lucy *** The Parent Trap (1961) Hayley Mills. ~ *** The Parent Trap (1 998) Lindsay Lehan. !0!1 " **The Parent Trap (1961) Hayley M ills. ~ *** The ParentTrap (1998) ~W 2012 French Open Tennis News Gymnastics Track and Field 1441h Belmont Slakes (N) il (Live) Cl Shelldon Dragon 2012 Stanley Cup Final Doodle. Doodle. Busy Danger Horse Paid High School Basketball PGA Tour Golf FedEx St. Jude Classic, Third Round. (N) Access Hollywood News News Paid Busy Paid Paid News Track and Field 1441h Belmont Stakes (N) o (Live) =a Paid 2012 Stanley Cup Final 2012 French Open Tennis Patrol Shelldon Gymnastics News Good Morning Ball ESPNSports Saturday (N) ABC News Ball J. Ocean Explore Rescue Health Food t~ Zoom (2006) TimAllen. Made Insider News All Chris Solstice (2007) Elisabeth Harno5. 10!1 Murder 13th Paid Paid Holly Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Chris ** The Eye (2008) Jessica Alba. *** Desperate Escape (2009) Cl Kung Fu Power Sponge. Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Kung Fu Big Big iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Viele Viele Penguin Penguin Parents Parents Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Korra Paid Paid Juice and lose! land Paid Paid Paid Paid Fame Bolder Rev3 Volvo Ocean Race Sports Unlimited Bull Riding World Poker Tour Bensin Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Xlreme Horse. Trucks! Muscle Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction *H I, Robot (2004) Will Smith. o /, Robot MythBusters 11 MythBusters {I Paid Paid MythBusters il Am. Chopper Am. Chopper Am. Chopper MythBusters t) MythBusters 11 Fast N' loud il MythBusters 11 Paid Paid Hard Evidence Paid Paid Property Ladder Property ladder Property Ladder Property ladder On the On the Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Paid Paid law& Order law& Order Law & Order law&Order Rizzoli & Isles IW The Closer "Neces· Law& Order "** ~ Heat (1995) AI Pacino. A homicide detective matches *** American Gangster (2007) Denzel "Barter' o ' Slave" 11 sary Evil'' 10!1 "Driven" il wits with a cunning_ adversary. llli_(DVS) Washington. w 'School Daze" 11 "Prejudice" il Best RV 2011 ll!l Extreme RV's Extreme RV's Extreme RV's Food Food Food Food Sand Sand Alaska Unleashed Best Glamping lt!l Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures NCIS{I illl NCIS r aking It' Paid Insanity! Paid Paid NCIS "Bait" 1m NCIS "Bloodbath" NCIS "Jeopardy" NCIS "Shalom" NCIS "Escaped' NCIS o ~ The Break-Up NCIS il 1<!1 Earl Earl Jim Yes Dear YesDear "** City Slickers (1 991) Billy Crystal. 1<!1 King King King King Friends Friends Friends Friends Earl Earl (12:55) ** RV (2006) Robin Williams. Fight Day Now! Panda2 **~ Jackie Chan's Who Ami? 24n 24n 24n 24n Weigh- REAL Sports The Latino list il *** X-Men: First Class (2011 ) {I (:15) *** Unstoppable (2010) {I 1The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) 1(:10) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse o ** The Perfect Game (2008) o ** ~ Booty Calf (1 997) (:15) ** Square Grouper (2011) o I**' Casino Jack(201D) f 1 ill~ IBynd KATU News This Morning· Sat il llll

• • • tr1v1aqu1z $-


LG ·La Grande BC ·Baker City

mi!JmJIO}.!j) BI!J~DI!Jii!Ii.1i!iJII!E!'JiiEIJIIE!]iflimiiPE!Jml!iJIE!IflmmiJIIJ:ijgDI!JIEJDIEiJDimlm.Jllmm!J





Questions: 1) Janine Turner ("Strong Medicine;' "Northern Exposure"), played which old-fashioned TV mom in th e 1997 movie based on an endlessly repeated home-screen comedy?

2) Which acto r played private detective Peter Gunn in both a c lassic te lev ision series and in the 1967 feature " Gunn"?

3) Which cha racte r did Buddy Ebsen play in the 1993 "Beverly Hillbillies" movie? 4) Who re plac ed Ernest Borgnine as th e PT boat lie utenant commander in th e 1997 film "McHale's Navy"? 5) M el G ibso n played Western ga mbler "Mav eric k" in th e 1994 movie. Also on ha nd was th e actor who originated th e TV role . Who was it? 6) In two m ovies, Shelley Long a nd Gary Cole play big -screen incarnations of which fa mous TV fa mily's pa rents?

7) Who played Fred in the live-action m ovie "The Flintston es" (1994)?

8) In which 1999 film did Christo phe r Lloyd play an alien visito r known as Uncle Ma rtin ?



..UimjBII'J et!WAB::J AII'J, (s ue wpoo9 u4or (L ..4ouns APB"S a41,, (9 "a um9 sewer (s PIOW'v' WOl (p s a uor ,.<;q eums (£ SU8A8lS 6!Bj:) (c ,.,JaAeas 01 11 eABel , ( ~



13 13 A&E 31 28 AMC 25 20 ANP 35 24 DISN 37 37 ESPN 22 17 FAM 34 22 FX 21 15 HALL 187 35 KHQ 6 6 KREM 2 2 KTVB 7 7 KXLY 4 4 LIFE 40 33 NICK 32 26 ROOT 23 18 SPIKE 27 29 TDC 15 32 TLC 16 39 TNT 20 27 TRAV 18 14 USA 24 16 WTBS 17 23 HBO 500 551 SHOW 600 575



~ 5




~. . 8



13 31 AMC 25 ANP 35 DISN 37 ESPN 22 FAM 34 FX 21 HALL 187 KHQ 6 KREM 2 KTVB 7 KXLY 4

13 28 20 24 37 17 22 15 35 6 2 7 4 LIFE 40 33 NICK 32 26 ROOT 23 18 SPIKE 27 29 TDC 15 32 TLC 16 39 TNT 20 27 TRAV 18 14 USA 24 16 WTBS 17 23 HBO 500 551 SHOW 600 575 PBS


- - -

Wheel of Concert lor the Queen: A Diamond Jubi· Secret Millionaire KATU Comedy. (I ~ Fortune lee Celebration With Katie Couric ~ News TVil Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's 8 O'Clock House Treating an House ' Black Hole'' South South (I @ Theory Theory News on PDX·TV avid blogger. 1!1 Park Park Entertainment Engage- Gentle· CSI: NY 'Cavallino 48 Hours Mystery News True Hoi{I ~ Tonight (N) il @ Rampante'' ~ men! man llywood 2012 Stanley Cup Grant SNL *** Internal Affairs (1990) R1chard Gere. A corrupt News Getaway cop manipulates colleagues for personal qain. Final Cops il 1!1 Cops 11 ~ Cops•) 1<!1 Copsil l!l Law & Order 11 Ill 10 O'Clock News (N) The Finder "L~tle Green Men" 1m Band Straight No Chaser: Songs of Rick Steves' Hidden Europe Highlights Easy Yoga for Splash the Decades ~ 1m from trips around the world. 11 llll Arthritis Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage !Storage Dog Bounty Hunter (:01) Flipped Off (N) (5:00) **~ Sahara ***' The Patriot (2000, War) Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, Joely Richardson. A Exec. 2oos) ~ man and his son fight side by side inthe Revolutionary War. li!l Decision m·s Me or the Dog Tanked 11 Tanked t) Tanked il Tanked il li!l Good Shake II IPhineas Austin IANT Shake II Good Jessie ANT Good SportsCenler (N) SportsCenler (N) NBA Basketball SportsCenter (N) SportsCenler (N) Holes *** Finding Nemo (2003) Ellen DeGeneres * ** ~ Aladdin (1992, Fantasy) (4:30) 2012 (2009) ** .. ~ Avatar (2009) SamWorthington, Voice of Zoe Saldana. Wilfred The Parent Trap Mr. Magorlum's Wonder Emporium 10!1 Frasier IFrasier Frasier Frasier Criminal Minds t) News Stanley Cup News Wheel NUMB3RS IW SNL Grey's Anatomy o Rules Gentle CSI: NY il 1m 48 Hours Mystery News Closer Stanley Cup Dateline NBC il News !Saturday Night Uve il ill~ 1st look House Entertainment Ton. Concert for the Queen: A Diamond Secret Millionaire *** DieHard2 Who Killed Allison Parks? (2011) l!l Murder 13th ** The Stepfather (2009) Dylan Walsh. Rock Viele Victo Victo Yes Dear IYes Dear 1Friends Friends iCarly o IVicto Bad Ultimate Matt Hughes (N) UFC Reloaded Jon Jones faces Lyoto Machida. (6:30) *" ~ I, Robot (2004) Will Smnh. Spike Guys Choice 201 2 (N) {I Guys Choice American Chopper Grand Design Grand Design Grand Design Grand Design Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence Hard Evidence (5:00) *"* American **' The Book of Eli (2010, Action) Denzel Wash1ng- ltH The Book of Eli (2010) Gangster l!ll Denzel Washington. ton Gary Oldman. Premiere.~ Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Necess. Rough * ~ Couples Retreat (2009) Vince Vaughn. l!l (6:00) *" The Break-Up lll:l The PinK Panther Seinfeld Seinleld Big Bang Big Bang * ~ Shriek (1998) Tanya Dempsey. Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son { o 1(:45) Game of Thrones l!l The Hangover Part II Beyond Gay _L**~ The Twilight Saga: New Moon ___!!:_!Q)_*H The Twilight Saga: Eclipse


l!!i');~ 12 12


LG ·La Grande BC ·Baker City





-- 12 8 12 8 lltrul ~


iDmD!iJI DiiJ HI!JIJmiiE!JIIIii!i]II!E!JDJ::ii)IIE'J - - -




Cable subscriber channel numbers follow call names. times may vary for staellite viewers

2 ardy! 5


~- .. -~RSEitV&R TV



mi!JDI!JIDl.!iJim~DI!J mi!iJil!.IIi)iiEIJimi!][fJil!illfE'Jml!iJIE!IflmmiJIIJ:ijgiE!J mi!iiiEiJIImDI!Jllmm!l Paid This Week With Weight -Jfeleb. Paid lndyCar Racing Chevrolet DetronBelle Isle Grand Paid JTwist -Jraid -~~ecipe. KATU World -~KATU News at 6 KATU News This Morning · Sunil !0!1 JYour

Voice Program George... loss Makeup Program Prix. FromDetroit. (N) (Live) Program Program TV News News j[N) o ~ Wild Bill (2011, Drama) Charlie Creed· ** Clockstoppers (2002, Comedy) Sports Green J. Van Made in Hollywood Holly· Heartland 'Step by Criminal Minds "A Without a Trace Stargate Universe Star Trek "The j) [@ scoop Step" il "Trial and Error" Squire of Gothos" Miles, Will PouHer, Liz Whne. Jesse Bradford, French Stewart. lmpe "Better Anqels" Stars Econ. Rne of Passaqe'' Evening CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Nation Paid Ameri- Wall S!. John Paid Dog& The News Storm Memory WGA Tour Golf Memorial Tournament, Fmal Round. From Muirtield Paid N) 1\ !0!1 N) Oilll Program Program Stories loss Villaqe Golf Club in Dublin, Ohio. (N) (Live) ~ can Hllh Journal Denver Program Cat Insider News 2012 French Open Tennis Men'sand Women's Fourth NewsChannel 8 at Sunriseat 7:00 AM Meet the Press Colle~e Rugby USA Sevens Champion· Babar ~ Willa's The Unit "Misled & NewsChannel 8 at Nightly Straight N)ll!l N)l<!l Round. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) ~ ship. rom Philadelphia. (N) llll Wild Misguided' fl 5PM (N)II!l News Talk Good Day Oregon Sunday (N) "*~ Rent (2005, Musical) Rosario Dawson. East 5 O'Clock News Paid Next Who NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: FedEx 400. From Dover International Speedway in Jfaid Paid Knew Dover Del. (N) 1\ (Live) ill Program Program Villaae artists cope wnh povert and illness. Program Stoll_ Nl Goat Rodeo live: Great Performances "Tony loop· Europe Reli~on To the Moyers & Com· News Mister Curious Thomas( Bob the Steves' Travels Nature Black NOVA "Venom: Oreaon Field Rogers Geor11e Friends Builder Europe to Ed11e mamba of Afnca. Nature's Killer" 11 Yo-Yo Ma-Duncan Bennett: Duets II" 11 llll diver Jrnl & Et ics Contrary pany il l!l Art eat Guide The Glades lll The Glades 1m The Glades Cl TheGlades @ Criminal Minds 11 Criminal Minds { I Criminal Minds il Criminal Minds il Criminal Minds {, Criminal Minds il Criminal Minds 11 Criminal Minds il (:08) Mad Men 1m (:12) The Pitch~ (:12) ***The Birdcage (1996, Comedy) Robin (:04) Mad Men (:44) "*~ Overboard (1987, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, (:15) *" The Wedding Planner (2001) Jennifer (:45) **' Two Weeks Notice 2002) HuQh Grant "Three Sundays" Williams, Gene Hackman. 10!1 Kurt Russell, Edward Herrmann. 10!1 Lopez, Matthew McConaughey. 10!1 Dogs 101 10!1 Whale Wars WhaleWars il Brothers Brothers Brothers !Brothers Brothers Brothers Wildman !Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman !Wildman Wildman !Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Mickey Doc Mickey Pirates Phineas Phineas Good Shake It ANT Shake It Shake It Jessie Austin Phineas Phineas Good ANT Jessie Shake II IAustin Wizards Wizards Good IGood SportsCenter (N) (Live) Ill Baseball College Softball Update College Softball SportsCenter (N) (Live) 1<!1 NBA Countdown NBA Basketball /u A Walle to Remember(2002) Shane West. *H The Notebook(2004, Romance) Ryan Gosling. *" Snow Dogs (2002, Comedy) ** Bewitched (2005) Nicole Kidman. Practical Magic (1 998) Sandra Bullock. *~ Max Payne (2008) Mila Kunis Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Smarter Smarter Smarter 1*** The Slmpsons Movie (2007, Comedy) ** Charlie's Angels: Full Throtfle ** Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) Lucy Golden Golden Golden Golden little House little House little House little House l ittle House little He use Little House little House Little House l ucy News Babar Pro 2012 French Open Tennis College Rugby GrtPil Paid NUMB3RSilll News News J. Den Invest Meet the Press News News Cindy C IPGA Tour Golf Memorial Tournament, Final Round. (N) (Live) ill CBS News Sunday Morning Nation Back Paid Back Edition News Proactiv Cash Paid Paid News Dragon Animal News News Dateline NBC { I Adele-london Meet the Press V'poinl Hanna Willa's Pearlie 2012 French Open Tennis College Rugby This Week lndyCar Racing News ABC News I Made Storms Storms Heartland o Good Morning Mal Wall S!. Home For Paid I Kettle Paid Shadow of Fear (2012) lCiJ t<H Orphan (2009) Vera Farmiga. ~ H The Res/dent (2011) ~ Chris In Touch Schuller Jere Osteen Paid Trust (2009) Jamie Luner. 1m Big Sponge. Sponge. Big Big iCarly iCarly Victo Penguin Penguin Parents Parents Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. !Sponge. Winx Winx IRock iCarly Viele Viele Volvo Ocean Race Rev3 Hunter Fishing Fisher Quest Fishing Mariners Mariners MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Chicago Whne Sox. Mariners Boys in Baseball Paid Sports Unlimited Bull Prfct Perf. l oss Jillian Insanity! Xlreme Horse. Trucks! Muscle Am Dig lAm Dig Stings Undercover Slings !Slings **Rambo: First Blood Part If o (:15) **~ Green Zone (201 0, Action) Matt Damon. il Paid Youssef Osteen In Touch Auction Auction Auction Auction Final Offer i!ll MythBusters o MythBusters o MythBusters o I MylhBusters o MythBusters il IMythBusters o MythBuslers 11 Dr. Fred Price Loss Insanity! Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Gypsy Wedding Hoard-Burled Hoard-Buried Hoard-Burled Hoard-Buried Hoard-Burled Law & Order "Pro Law&Order Law&Order Law & Order il llll Law& Order Law&Order *** Gran Torino (2008) Clint Eastwood. A veteran ** Four Brothers (2005) Mark Wahl· *** PatriotGames (1992) ltDVS) "Absentia" o Se" {I "Birthright" o "Patriot" o "Fixed" il faces his longtime prejudices. 1111 berg, Tyrese Gibson. llll Harrison Ford. llll Food Sand M. Sand M. Hotel Impossible Bggg Bggg When Vacations Year-Adventrs Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bggg IBggg Food Food Food IFood Food Food Food Defrost YngMiracles Osteen ** xPirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) Johnny Depp. lt!l ** He's Just Not That Into You (2009) ~ ** ~ It's Complicated(2009) Meryl Streep. law & Order: SVU IMLB Baseball New York Yankees at Detrofi Tigers. (N) Browns Browns ** The Perfect Man (2005) Friends lu Runaway Bride 11999) Julia Roberts. ® ** xJust Like Heaven (2005) Failure to Launch Getting Even 24n RealfBill Maher Mr. Popper's Penguins {• **Life as WeKnow/1 (201 0) 11 I*** Seabiscuit (2003) Tobey Maguire. il * ** Kung Fu Panda 2 *** Unstoppable (201O) I First 1Boxing Anton io Tarver vs. Lateef Kayode. *Bratz 1(:45) *XThe Back-up Plan (201 0) IDead Man Running (2009) 1(:35) " ** The Company Men il I(:25) Source Code '---.L!..,_'----'-----'-- - - - ' - - - ' -- - ' ' - - -- -- - - ' ' - - -- -








~. . 8


I~ 12 12


13 13 A&E 31 28 AMC 25 20 ANP 35 24 DISN 37 37 ESPN 22 17 FAM 34 22 FX 21 15 HALL 187 35 KHQ 6 6 KREM 2 2 KTVB 7 7 KXLY 4 4 LIFE 40 33 NICK 32 26 ROOT 23 18 SPIKE 27 29 TDC 15 32 TLC 16 39 TNT 20 27 TRAV 18 14 USA 24 16 WTBS 17 23 HBO 500 551 SHOW 600 575 l'I!S

Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition KATU ~35) A man struqqles wnh food addiction. il News ars.TV Oregon Accord· Big Bang ~~ig Bang law & Order "Apoc· The Closer "Speed The Closer "Live Theory Theory lrypha'' Oil Bump'' l1!l Wire" lll Sports ing-Jim 60 Minutes 11 Oil Dogs In the City "I The Good Wile CSI: Miami "A Few News Cold "Feeding the Rat' Caseil I$p«lak Dog'' 11!1 Dead Men" Ill Dateline NBC {o 1m Adele live in 2012 Miss USA Compet~ion Contestants News Sports London (N) o 1:9 vie for the crown. (NSame-day Tape) {I Sunday Family American 10 O'Clock News (N) Oregon LoveAmerican !Cleveland Simp- ~~ob's sons Burgers Guyil Dad fl Sports Raymond Dado Antiques Roadshow Secrets of the Masterpiece Mystery! A man lloopdiver Audrey Hepburn Manor House o Remembered fl "Jackpot!" seeks revenge. 1!1 (DVS) Criminal Minds 11 Criminal Minds il The Glades l!l Longmire "Pilot" (1 0:59) longmire The Killing Sarah The Killing 'Bulldog' Mad Men "Commis· (:04) The Pitch (N) (5:45) *H Two N) o l<!l Weeks Notice moves unsteadily. sions and Fees' (N) Wildman !Wildman Wildman !Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman !Wildman Wildman Wildman Jessie Austin IGood ANT Jessie ANT IAustin ANT IShake II ANT NBA Basketball SportsCenter (N) (Live) 1m SportsCenter Ill SportsCenter lll ** The Last Song (201 0) Miley Cyrus. Premiere. The Time Traveler's Wife(2009) Eric Ban a IX-Men Origins: Wolverine Transformers **~ X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009, Action) little House(Prairie little HousefPrairie little House/Prairie little HousefPrairie little House/Prairie Dateline NBC fo Adele-london 2012 Miss USA Compet~lon il 1<!1 News Paid Dogs in the City {I The Good Wile il CSI: Mi ami ~<!~ News 60 Minutes ~ The Unit 2012 Miss USA Competition t) 1m Whacked Tummy News Sports Whacked 1Paid Funny Videos Secret Millionaire Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition News V'lmpe Imaginary Friend (2012) Lacey Chabert. Drop Dead Diva !The Client list (N) Imaginary Friend Sponge. jSponge. Yes Dear !Yes Dear 70s '70s !George !George Friends Friends Bull Riding World Poker Tour MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Chicago White Sox. ** ~ The Transporter 2 (2005) { I ** ~ The Transporter 2 (2005) ** The Marine 2 MythBuslers llll MythBusters 11!1 MythBusters 11!1 MythBusters (N) 11 1Head Games llll Sisler Hoard-Buried Sisler Sisler Sisler Sisler !Sisler Gypsy Wedding (5:30) **"Patriot **XShooter (2007, Suspense) MarkWahlberg, ~ilfshot (2009, Drama) Diane Games (1992) Michael Peiia, Danny Glover. ~ Lane, Mickey Rourke. Ill Gem Hunt (N) GemHunt ll!l Trckd OutTrlrs Bggg Bggg Trckd Out Trlrs l aw & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU He's Just Not Failure to Launch ** Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009) (:05) ** Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Game of Thrones Veep (N) IGirls (N) Game o!Thrones (:15) *** Unstoppable (2010) il 1m The Borgias lJI l The Big JNurse JNurse l The Big The Borgias (N) fi J Nurse l Th!_B_i_g

7Unelica's Funniest Secret Millionaire



6/3/1 2

LG ·La Grande BC ·Baker City

IJm D.IiJiiJil9HI!JI.Jm DiiJII!Di!JII!E!J DEli!iJ lmi!J

2 Home Videos {I

~ 5


LG · La Grande BC- BakerCity

I\ Ill



** •

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If you 've ev er w a nted to k nock a hole in o n e into Gene S immo n s ' mouth, stock up on KISS merc ha ndise , check out an a n imat ronic K ISS band a nd get married, a ll in o n e d ay, La s Vegas has the mini-golf for you .

A ll ind oors, the K ISS : B y Mons te r M in i G o lf opened in M arch , featuring the band's logo a n d im ages s p read across t he course, a souve nir s hop a nd a b ig colle ction o f band m emorabilia . The re's even a "Hotter T h a n Hell" w edding c hapel. And j ust ins ide the e ntrance, th ere's a 5 00-gallon f is h tank contain ing a n L E D -lit K ISS logo timed to fla s h to m us ic . O n S aturd ay, June 9 , An im a l P la ne t's soph omore reality series "Tanked" chron ic les the c reation and ins talla tion of the K ISS-themed tank. O uts ide the mini-golf, set in a s hopp ing p laza, there's a concert s tage set u p for a performance by a K ISS t ribute band, a long with a seatin g a rea for a party in the ev e n ing. But at midday, preparations a re s till frantically u nderway to get both the tan k and t h e m in i-g o lf ready in time for the arriva l o f band membe rs S immons and Pa u l S ta n ley. Brett Raymer, one of t he two brothers-in-law (the other being Wayde K ing ) of Las Vegas-bas ed Aq ua riu m Tank M a nufacturing , creators and b u ilders of the cus tom tank, n eeds a little extra h e ight to reach over the top of the t a nk and put in the f is h, s o he d ons a pair o f KISS platfor m boots . "I like KI SS;' he s ays . "I g rew up with the m:'






LG ·La Grande BC • Baker City

IZ.1i!il DmlmD IDD.l.!i!lllmmDl'llii!Eil iiDi!iliJEil immliFE!JDmiE!Jflm lfE!IDmDI!IIEIIIEmllmDI!I miD mii.l ------


Good Morning America

AM Northwest

The View

Live! With Kelly

The Revolution

The Chew

The Jeremy Kyle America Paid Cheaters Divorce The People's Court Judge Judge The People's Court Judge Mathis Program Show Now Court Ross Alex Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right The Young and the News CBS This Morning Bold The Talk 6 Restless Today Anderson News Million- Nate IVaried 8 aire Berkus Good Day Oregon MORE Good Day The 700 Club Law&Order: Perry Mason Rachael Ray 12 Oregon Criminal Intent Sid the Clifford- Martha Word- Varied Programs Charlie Rose Curious Cat in Super Dinosaur Sesame Street 13 George the Hat Why! Science Dog Speaks World Varied Dog Varied Programs 28 Dog Varied Paid Paid (:15) Varied Programs (:15) Movie Paid 20 Program Program Program Movie Animal Cops Animal Cops Animal Cops Infested! Animal Cops 24 Shouldn't Be Alive Animal Cops Mickey Mickey Pirates Mickey Mickey Doc Phineas Phineas Varied Programs 1Little 37 Octo SportsCenter SportCtr Varied SportsCenter SportCtr Varied Report Football NFL Live 17 SportsCenter The 700Ciub Still Gilmore Girls Still 8 Rules 18 Rules 22 Boy... Boy... Boy... Boy... Boy... 700 Varied Programs Movie Movie Varied Programs Movie 15 Movie Varied Programs Hungry Hungry Emeril Pets Lucy Golden Golden Golden Golden Martha Stewart Martha Stewart 35 Lucy The Doctors Paid Varied Days of our Lives 6 Today The700 Club The Price Is Right Young & Restless News Bold The Talk 2 CBS This Morning Live! With Kelly Mid News Days of our Lives The Doctors 7 (6:00) Today Live! With Kelly The VIew Varied Programs The Chew The Revolution 4 Good Morning America Will Will Chris Chris Grey's Anatomy Will Chris Chris Will Will 33 Balance Varied !Will Umi Bubble Bubble Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. 1Parents 26 Kung Fu Kung Fu Sponge. Sponge. Dora... Dora... Umi Paid Paid Paid Dan Patrick Varied Programs Varied Paid Paid 18 (6:00) The Dan Patrick Show Paid Paid Paid Varied Programs 29 Paid Robison J. Meyer Paid Varied Programs 32 Paid Preg What Not to Wear Baby IBaby Baby Baby Baby's Preg Four Weddings 39 19 Kids 19 Kids Baby Las Vegas Angel Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Las Vegas Charmed

eli @1Jfij] 5 5

.1111. 1m

6 8 12


13 A&E 31 AMC 25 PIS


35 37 22 34 21

187 6 2 7 4 40 32 23 27 TDC 15 TLC 16


18 14 24 16 17 23 500 551 600 575

Homes Homes Varied Programs Varied Programs YesDear Yes Home Home Prince Prince Payne Payne Browns Browns Payne Jim Movie Varied 1Movie Varied Programs Movie (6:15) Movie _LMovie_ _ __ ____l~:..::__ JVaried !Movie _ _ __ _____L_-'-'-'..:. !Varied _LMovie 1.'..:..:..:..:"--'=..:_:_:__...c.:.:::.c..:...::_...t:::..::..:_:_:_











~~~ 12 12


13 13 A&E 31 28 PBS


The Dr. Oz Show

KATU News Family Feud News

Days of our Lives The Ellen DeGeneres Show Better Judge Judge Judy Judy Barney, wob the Cat in Arthur Friends Builder the Hal Firs148 Varied Varied 1(:45) Movie

Your Four O'Clock News Judge Judge Judy Judy WordGirl Wild Kratts First48 Varied



Varied Programs

Cops Judge J. IJudge J. Cops Brown Brown The Doctors Dr. Phil

River Monsters

World News Family Feud News

KATU News at6

Chris News

Nightly News News 5 O'Clock News News Electric Comp. First 48 CSI: Miami

Simpsons Evening News News Varied

Fetch! Varied BusiWith ness Varied Programs Varied CSI: Miami Shake II Good

Around IPardon Ground !Ground Varied Programs Martha Stewart Judge iJudge Let's Make a Deal Judge !Judge General Hospital Grey's Anatomy Parents 1Parents

SportsCenter '70s '70s

Varied Programs Varied Programs '70s Mother Mother Little House News Million. News Varied Programs News News

The Waltons The Waltons The wanons Ellen DeGeneres Judge Judge News News The Dr. Oz Show News CBS Dr. Phil Ent The Dr. Oz Show News News News Rachael Ray Nate Berkus News ABC Grey's Anatomy Mother Varied Programs Big Rock iCarly iCarly Sponge. Sponge. Viele Victo Baseball Varied Programs Mariners Mariners

Baby IMulti The Closer

Not Varied The Mentalist

Wed Varied The Mentalist




Ray Movie


Ray Ray Varied Programs

Bizarre Varied Programs NCIS NCIS NCIS Friends Friends Friends Friends King


Varied IWed NBA Pregame

Toddler Varied NBA Basketball


_LMovie JVaried Programs IMovie _!Varied

6/4/12 TUESDAY EVENING LG·LaGrande BC·BakerCity 6/5/12 LG BC fJmDii.JI!.DDiiE!JII'iJm~~lliE!JDJ::iij]IIEiJ LG BC fliiD Dii.J D:iijJ liEiJI l'iJm ~ &:l!Ji!l lliEiJ DJ::im ll'II!J

@1JfHl 5 5


Amer. IEarl Varied Programs _LVaried Programs

KATU News First at Four America's Funniest Home Videos KOIN Local 6at 4

General Hospital

35 37 22 34 21 187 6 2 7 4 40 32 23 27 15 16 20

24 37 17 22 15 35 6 2 7 4 33 26 18 29 32 39 27

TRAV 18 USA 24 WTBS 17 HBO 500 SHOW 600

14 16 23 551 575


LG ·La Grande BC ·Baker City

(:35) JeepWheel of The Bachelorette The group travels to (:01) Castle "Kill KATU ardy! (N) Fortune Bermuda. (N) {I ltll Shot" {I 1m Nightline News Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's 8 O'Clock Law & Order: Spe- Law & Order: Spe- King of King of Theory Theory_ News on POX-TV cial Victims Unit fl cial Victims Unit fl Queens Queens News Entertain- Extra (N) How I Met~ ~ Broke Two and ~~ike & Hawaii Five-o Letter{I IIII men! Girls o Half Men Molly {I "Ki'ilua" fl 11!1 man America's Got Tal· American Ninja Grimm "Plumed News Live at 7 Inside Jay Leno N)<ll Edition ent (N) o <ll Warrior (N) Serpent" f1 ll!l LoveTMZ (N) Access Hell's Kitchen "18 MasterChel "Audi- 10 O'Clock News (N) News Hollyw'd Chefs Compete' Raymond tions No. 1" !C!l PBS News Hour Andre Rieu: The Homecoming Violinist Use Your Brain to Change Your Age With Nj_{l ~ Andre Rieu. fl ~rn Dr. Daniel Amen fl ~ The First 48 ~rn Family Jewels Jewels !Jewels Monster Monster Monster Monster The Killing "Bulldog" (5:00) lndepen- *** Independence Day (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smrth, Bill ,) IOil denceDav Pullman. Earthlinqs vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. Wildman Wildman Wildman !Wildman Wildman !Wildman Wildman Wildman Swamp Wars ~rn IBeauty and the 8east (1991) Jessie Austin Good Austin Good ANT Shake II SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Secret-Teen Secret-Teen Pretty Little Liars Secret-Teen The 700 Club Two Men Two Men You Don't Mess You Don't Mess With the Zohan (2008) Adam Sandier. Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Jeopardy Wheel America's!Talent Ninja Warrior Grimm o lll News Jay Leno Inside Access Mother !Broke Two Men IMike Hawaii Five-0 fl News Late Sh. Ninja Warrior Grimm {I ~rn News iJay Leno Jimmy Fallon C. Daly Ent Insider The Bachelorette (N) o ta (:01) Castle ~ News Nighlline Reba o Reba o Reba {I IReba o Unfaithful (2002, Drama) Richard Gere. IC!I Reba •) Sponge. Fred Friends !Friends Friends !Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends MLB Baseball: Mariners at Angels Mariners Dan Patrick Baseball GTIV Presents Ways !Ways Ways IWays Ways Ways Police Videos Jesse James Outlaw Empires j) Outlaw Empires j) Outlaw Empires (N) Outlaw Empires fl Extreme Extreme Cake Extreme Extreme Cake Cake Cake ICake ICake NBA Basketball: Thunder at I:nside the NBA (N) walling Skies The Mentalist "Red The Spurs I(Live) ll<l "Mutiny" IC!I Tide" o OJ! Mentalist Hotel Impossible Hotel Impossible Hotel Impossible No Reservation Hotel Impossible NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS "SWAK" o WWE Monday Night RAW o 11!1 (:05) Common Law Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy IFam Guy Fam Guy IFam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Conan (N) ill Ad Real/Bill Maher Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Gervais 24!7 24!7 Twit: Eclipse Weeds !Episodes The Borgias ~rn Nurse The Big The Borgias 100 n ~:g

I ~


~ 5


Ii .1111. lim

2 5





12 12


13 13 A&E 31 28 PBS


AMC 25 20






35 37 22 34 21 187 6 2 7 4 40 32 23 27 15 16 20

24 37 17 22 15 35 6 2 7 4 33 26 18 29 32 39 27


18 24 17 500 600

14 16 23 551 575

Jeop· Wheel of ardy! (N) Fortune Big Bang Big Bang Theory Theorv Entertain- Extra (N) {1 11!1 men! Live at 7 Inside N) llll Edition TMZ(N) Access j) ~ Hollyw'd PBS NewsHour N) f1illl Storage Storage CSI: Miami fl llll

Last Manlast Man Concert for the Queen: A Diamond Jubi- KATU (:35) Standing Standing lee Celebration With Katie Couric (N) {I News Nighlline FOX 12's 8 O'Clock Cold Case "A Dollar, Cold Case "Shuffle, King of King of Ball Chanqe" llll News on POX-TV aDream"~rn Queens Queens NCIS The team in· NCIS: Los Angeles 48 Hours Mystery News Letterj) lliJ vestiQates a murder. "The Debf' o man America's Got Tal- Love in the Wild The teams must navigate News Jay Leno ent (N) fi iOil rough waters. (N) {I IC!I Hell's Kitchen "17 MasterChef "Audi- 10 O'Clock News (N) News LoveChefs Compete' lions No. 2'' (N) {I Raymond Oscar Hammerslein II -Out of Money Smarts With Jonathan Qi Gong: Deeper My Dreams {I @I Pond fl Flow With Lee Storage !Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage (:01) Longmire * Awake (2007, Suspense) Hayden Chris- ** ~ The Bodyguard (1992, Drama) Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston. ~rn tensen Jessica Alba. Premiere. Blue Planet: Seas Blue Planet: Seas Wild Serengetl o Blue Planet: Seas Wild Japan ~rn Austin Shake It IPhineas and Ferb: The Movie Phineas Phineas Good Shake It ANT NBA Basketball SportsCenter (N) SportsCenler (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenler (N) Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars Jane by Design (N) Pretty Little Liars The 700 Club Two Men Two Men **H Avatar (2009) Sam Worthington, Voice of Zoe Saldana. Avatar Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Love in the Wild (N) fl llll Jay Leno Jeopardy Wheel America'siTalent News Inside NCIS: Los Angeles 48 Hours Mystery News Late Sh. Access NCIS•) Love in the Wild (N) ,) 100 News Jay Leno Jimmy Fallon C. Daly Ent Insider Last Man 1Last Man Concert for the Queen: A Diamond News Nightline Dance Moms ~ Dance Moms iC!I Dance Moms (N) Dance Moms (N) Drop Dead Diva Friends IFriends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Sponge. Fred MLB Baseball: Mariners at Angels Mariners Dan Patrick Baseball (:15) Gangland {I llll 1(:22) Gangland {I (:29) Gangland o (:36) Gangland f• Gang Deadliest Catch "The Aftermath" 11<1 Deadliest Catch (N) The Devil's Ride (N) Deadliest Catch o Big Style Big Style What Not to Wear What Not to Wear Big Style Big Style What Not to Wear Rizzoli & Isles ~ Rizzoli & Isles @I Franklin & Bash Rizzoli & Isles llll Rizzoli & Isles llll "Strange Brew' Mysteries-Museum Off Limits (N) 11!1 Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Off Limits llll Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene Seinfeld Selnfeld Big Bang IBig Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) IC!I 24!7 Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011) True Veep fl Game of Thrones (6:00) ** Arthur The Big Nurse The Borgias ~rn The Big Nurse (6:30) The Beaver The Borgias ~rn



-~~uburga· Modern [~appy

(:35) Apart· ]~Modern KATU Family End1rigs ment 23 FamUy News Nightline Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's 8 O'Clock Burn Notice Rescu- Burn Notice "Center King of King of Theory Theory News on POX-TV inq Fiona. {I ~ of the Storm" Queens Queens Letter· Criminal Minds Entertain· Extra (N) Dogs In the Cny CSI: Crime Scene News j) flll N)"j) llll Investigation {I men! "Ciosinq Time" {I man Law & Order: Spe- Law & Order: Spe- News Jay Leno Live at 7 Inside Off Their wp All N)llll Edition Rockers Night fl cial Victims Unit j) cial Victims Unit f • TMZ(N) Access So You Think You Can Dance "Auditions 10 O'Clock News (N) News Love· ~ j) IC!J Raymond Hollyw'd No. 3'' Aud~ions continue in Atlanta. f1 PBS NewsHour Nature Hummingbirds are tiny ~~he British Beat (My Music) Br~ish lnva- Steves N) {• IC!I and touqh. { I IC!I (DVS) sion hrts fromthe 1960s. •) ill Storage Storage Storage !Storage Storage 1Storage Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. CSI: Miami "Col0 Brother, Where Arl Thou? (2000, Comedy0 Brother, Where Arl lateral Damaqe" fl Drama) Georqe Clooney, John Turturro."' Thou? (2000) Georqe Clooney. Wildman !Wildman Gator Boys lll Hillbilly Handfishin' Gator Boys lll Tanked fl Austin Jessie Good Good Shake It Austin 1Jessie Shake It ANT IGood SportsCente r (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Softball SportsCenter (N) (Live) @I Mrs. Doubtfire Melissa !Melissa The 700 Club Confessions of a Shopaholic Two Men !Two Men ***Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Jeopardy Wheel Betty Jay Leno IAII Night Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU News Inside Access Dogs in the City fl Criminal Minds •) CSI: Crime Scene News Late Sh. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU News IJay Leno C. Daly 1 Jimmy Fallon Insider Middle iSuburg. Mod Fam !Happy Apt. 23 Mod Fam News Nightline En! Wife Swap ~ House House House House Wife Swap ~ Wife Swap ~ Sponge. Fred Friends IFriends Friends IFr lends Friends Friends Friends Friends Baseball MLB Baseball: Mariners at Angels Mariners Dan Patrick Auction Auction Auction !Auction Auction 1Auction Am Dig AmDig Am Dig Am Dig American Guns {I American Guns {I American Guns (N) Fast N' Loud llll American Guns fl Tallest Children Lost His Face Man-Half Body 2001b Tumor Man-Half Body NBA Basketball: Spurs at ~ ~nside the NBA (N) [iallin~ Skies "Eight Law & Order "Mar- Law& !(Live) llll Hours' IC!I ried Wrth Children' Order •) Thunder Bggg Bggg Sand Bggg Food Bggg Food IFood Food ISand NCIS fo @I Royal Pains 131 Fairly Lega l ~rn NCIS o li.ll Necess. Rough Seinfeld ISeinfeld Fam Guy IFam Guy Fam Guy IBig Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Veep o !Girls o Game of Thrones ReaVBIII Maher Glee the 3D Concerl Movie IFirst The Ramen Girl IBill Bellamy: Crazy Aries Spears Mike Epps Presents IOriginal ' - - -- - - - - " - -----''----'--J----'--- - - - ' - -' - ' - - -- - --'---'



2 ardy! (N) Fortune Middle {• tory j)











12 12



13 13 FilS A&E 31 28 AMC 25 20 ANP 35 DISN 37 ESPN 22 FAM 34 FX 21 HALL 187 KHQ 6 KREM 2 KTVB 7 KXLY 4 LIFE 40 NICK 32 ROOT 23 SPIKE 27 TDC 15 TLC 16

24 37 17 22 15 35 6 2 7 4 33 26 18

29 32 39

TNT 20 27 TRAV 18 14 USA 24 16 WTBS 17 23 HBO 500 551 SHOW 600 575

Wheel of The



(Ufp\!ij] 5




5 6


13 13 1'I!S A&E 31 28 AMC 25 20 24 37 17 22 15 35 6 2 7 4 33 26 18 29 32 39

TNT 20 27 TRAV 18 USA 24 WTBS 17 HBO 500 SHOW 600


LG · La Grande BC·Baker City

fliiD Dii.J Dm liEiJI l'iJm D.I!JI D.!liiJ lliEiJ IIJill 111m - - - -- -- - -


12 12

ANP 35 DISN 37 ESPN 22 FAM 34 FX 21 HALL 187 KHQ 6 KREM 2 KTVB 7 KXLY 4 LIFE 40 NICK 32 ROOT 23 SPIKE 27 TDC 15 TLC 16



- - -- - -- --

Wheel of Shark Tank o llll

Primetime: What 20120 {I ll<l KATU (:35) Would You Do? {I News Nightline Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's 8 O'Clock Monk Meddne dulls Monk Break-in. fl <ll King of King of Theory Theory News on PDX·TV Monk's skills. Queens Queens Entertain- Extra (N) Undercover Boss CSI: NV "Cru shecf' Blue Bloods "Whistle News Letter{I @I {I IC!J j) II!J Blower"l;ll man ment News Live at 7 Inside Whitney ICommu- Dateline NBC fl @I Jay Leno N) llll Edition o ~ nitv •) Love· TMZ(N) Access House "Better Half' Bones o (PA)flll 10 O'Clock News (N) News j) @l Hollyw'd O(PA)II!l Raymond PBS NewsHour Washing- ~~hris Isaak Live! Beyond the Ed Sullivan's Rock and Roll Classics ton W'k Sun fl CJ •• The 60s (My Music f1ICil N) ') ~rn Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. IDuck D. Duck D. lOuck D. Duck D. IDuck D. Duck D. Duck D. (5:30) The Chroni- ** ~ Sahara (2005) Matthew McConaughey, Steve Zahn. Adventur- The Chronicles cles of Riddick of Riddick ers search for a Confederate ship in Africa. [[ll Whale Wars ~rn Whale Wars ~rn Seal Wars {I La. Lockdown La. Lockdown Austin ANT ANT IJessie Phineas IFish Austin IGood Phineas Austin SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) College Baseball Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory The 700 Club Frea/cy Friday (2003, Comedy) UFC on FX (N Same-day Tape) (6:00) uArmageddon (1998) *** ~ Avatar Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Frasier IFrasier Frasier Frasier Whitney ICommun Dateline NBC {I ll<l News Jay Leno Jeopardy IWheel Access Undercover Boss CSI: NY "Crushecf' Blue Bloods ~ News Late Sh. Inside Dateline NBC {• ~rn News C. Daly IJimmy Fallon IJay Leno 20/20 {I @I Ent Insider Shark Tank llll Primetime: What Sports Nightline Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Coming Home (N) Amer. Most Wanted Sponge. Fred Big Time IBig Time Friends !Friends Friends !Friends Friends Friends MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Seattle Mariners. (Live) Mariners 1Dan Patrick Baseball Brool<lyn's Finest (2009) Richard Gere. Premiere. fl (5:56) **" A Bronx Tate (1993) o Gold Rush: Alaska Gold Rush: Alaska Gold Rush: Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Gold Rush: Alaska Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes ISay Yes Say Yes ISay Yes DC Cupcakes SayVes ISayVes NBA Basketball: Thunder at ~ ~ nsidelhe NBA (N) ~ ~a iling Skies 'Live ~~ailing Skies "The The Spurs I(Live) ICll and Learn" ll!l Armor? IC!I Mentalist The Dead Files (N) Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Common Law (N) Suits "Dog Fight" Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Fairly Legal (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Payne IPayne Payne IPayne RV(2006) Robin Williams. ll!l Real/Bill Maher 24!7 2417 Real/Bill Maher IWeigh~ n Gervais !Veep {I 12<V7 The Company Men *** Another Happy Day (201 1) *** The Rock (1996) Sean Connery.

2 ardy! (N) Fortune

~~~. 8 8





6/6/1 2

LG ·La Grande BC ·Baker City

lflm Dii.J D:iijJ liEiJI l'iJm Dii.J ~ IIiE!J a:J::i1!l ll'II!J

14 16 23 551 575









2 ardy! (N) Fortune songs that inspire. (N fl ~rn











12 12


AMC 25 20 ANP 35 DISN 37 ESPN 22 FAM 34 FX 21 HALL 187 KHQ 6 KREM 2 KTVB 7 KXLY 4 LIFE 40 NICK 32 ROOT 23 SPIKE 27 TDC 15 TLC 16

Rookie Blue "A (:35) KATU Good Shoot" (N) fl News Nightline Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's 8 O'Clock Without a Trace King ol King of Without a Trace Theory Theory News on POX-TV 'Nickel and Dimed" "Nickel and Dimed" Queens Queens LetterEntertain· Extra (N) Big Bang Engage- Person of Interest The Mentalist "Pink News i) !rn Theory men! men! "Wolf and Cub" f1 Tops" j) 11!1 man Live at 7 Inside The Of· Parks/ Saving Hope "Pilof' Rock Center With News Jay Leno I N) IOll Brian Williams (N) Recreat •H I! Edition l ice ICll TMZ(N) Access Take Me Out (Series TheChoice (Series 10 O'Clock News (N) News LovePremiere) (N) <ll Hollyw'd Premiere) (N) Ray_mond ') 11!1 PBS NewsHour Australian Pink Floyd Show: ~~lfie Boe: Live from the Royal 3 Steps to lncred· N) fl <ll Live From the Hammersmith Festival Hall, London fl ible Health!-Joel The First 48 ~rn The First 48 @ The First 48 (N) (:01 ) Longmire !Cajun !Cajun CSI: Miami "Out of Hearlbreak Ridge (1986, War) Clint Eastwood. Marine " *~ Heartbreak Ridge (1986) Time" f1 10li serQeant sees ex-wife readies recru~s for Grenada. lll Super Croc Super Snake River Monsters River Monsters !Super Croc Austin Shake II ANT Shake It Geek Channlng (2011 ) 'NR' ~rn IJessie Good NBA Basketball SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) The 700 Club ** ~ Austin Powers in Goldmember Bf (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. Mother Mother Two Men !Two Men Two Men !Two Men ~ Pineapple Express (2008) Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Frasier 1Frasier Frasier Frasier Jay Leno Jeopardy Wheel Rock Center Office Parks Saving Hope !C!l News News Inside Access Big Bang Rules Person of Interest The Mentalist fl Late Sh. Saving Hope ~rn Rock Center News IJimmy Fallon C. Daly I IJay Leno Enl Insider Duels Performing songs that inspire. (N) Rookie Blue (N) f1 News Nighlline Dance Moms ~ Wife Swap i!OI Wife Swap ttl 7 Days of Sex (N) Conversation Sponge. Fred Friends Friends Friends 1Friends Friends IFriends Friends Friends (6:00) UFC Reloaded UFC IUFC Unleashed IBensin Dan Patrick Slings Stings iMPACT Wrestling (NSame-day Tape) UFC Unleashed fl MMA Ways Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction 1Auction Final Offer (N) {I Auction Auction On the On the On the On the Undercover Boss On the IOn the Tattoo ITattoo CSI: NY"... Comes The Mentalist 'Red The Mentalist Patrd The Mentalist "Red CSI: NY "Cold Revear' fl@ leaves the CBI. Rum" o <ll Around' o ~rn Brick and Ivy' o Mysteries-Museum Bizarre Foods Bggg Mysteries-Museum Bizarre Foods IBggg NCIS ollll Royal Pains llll NCIS "Legend" NCIS "In the Zone' NCIS "Legend' Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Big Bang IBig Bang MenIBig Bang Conan (N) True Blood <ll A. Lin True Blood llll ** ~ Just Wright (2010) Katie IKatie Red Light Comedy No Look Pass (2011) Orchids: My 1Ultrasuede: In Search Jeop·

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LG· LaGrande BC · BakerCity

IJilD Dii.J D:iijJ liEiJI l'iJm ~ ll:!liD] lliEiJ DJ::im ll'II!J Wheel of Duets "SongsThat lnsp1re" Performing









After being the subject of much conversation d uring your " Bachelor" run, were you prepared for that again going into " The Bachelorette" ?


Obviously, that was a huge thing in the back of my head, "Am I going to be able to go through all of this again?" I think that maybe I wasn't in the right place last time to be able to deal with everything. It's like you're put in a whirlwind , and your whole life changes in a second. I wasn't prepared for that, and this time, I am. It didn't c hange me as a person; it actually made me stronger, so I'm not that worried about it.


The percentage of couples who have stayed together over t he history of the " Bachelor" and " Bachelorette" franchises hasn't been huge. What do you think about that?

A: There have been 16 seasons of "The

Bac helor;' and I've been on more than 16 dates in my lifetime, so that doesn't mean I'm going to stop dating. I just have to keep trying. I'm not ever going to give up on love until I find the right guy.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Observer 9 8

SINCE 1 8 9 8








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