Union School District budget
Up to three school days to be cut in Union By Dick Mason The Observer
UNION - The Union School District will not be reducing its Spanish teacher position in 2012-13 and will cut at least one less school day than originally anticipated. This was the good budget news annmmced at Wednesday
night's Union School Board meeting, news that brightened an otherwise somber budget picture. The board voted to adopt a 2012-13 budget of$4.513 million, which calls for about $240,000 in cuts. Up to three school days and three teaching and non-teaching positions will be cut to make these reductions.
Timber oavments extended
The cuts are less than what the district budget committee had recommended on June 5 in part because of additional funds that have become available. The budget picture is brighter for the following reasons: • The district's ending fund balance is about $12,000 higher than anticipated because of con-
servative budget estimates. • Afull-time high school teacher recently resigned. The district will hire a half-time teacher to replace the person in this position. The additional funding will allow the district to reduce the number of school days it See Union I Page lOA
Tall order
• Temporary contract that has deputies providing police coverage to Elgin on interim basis becomes three-year pact
• If president signs bill, Union County will receive about $645,000 from Securing Rural Schools act, $900,000 from Payments-in-Lieu ofTaxes
By Bill Rautenstrauch The Observer
The Union County Board of Commissioners Wednesday approved a law enforcement contract between the county sheriff's department and the City of Elgin, making official an agreement months in the making. After hearing a briefreport from She1i:ff Boyd Rasmussen, the board voted unanimously in favor of the contract. Rasmussen told the commissioners he expects the arrangement to work well. "We had several conversations and I'm satisfied with what we have here," he said. Elgin's police department disintegrated in the wake oflast August's shooting of city resident Richard Shafer by Officer Erik Kilpatrick in a domestic disturbance call. Though a grand jury ruled the shooting justified, public outrage over the incident and a host ofother law enfOrcement-related issues continued. Kilpatrick and Chief Kevin Lynch resigned in October, leaving the city without any officers. The city council and a hiring committee mounted a months-long search for a new chie~ but was unable come up v.ith a suitable candidate. In the interim, Union County sheriff's reserves provided coverage under a temporary contract. See Elgin I Page 9A
By Don ller Observer Intern
Early Thursday morning, Congress announced payments frum the Secure Rural Schools act and Payment-in-Lieu ofTaxes would continue for another year after being added in a conference committee for the Surface Transportation Bill. The payments have "If it hadn't been made since 2000 been extended to counties to make up the loss oftimber we would have for receipts from diminished been making harvests on National cuts. We will be Forest lands. Many rural able to rnaintain Oregon counties, including Union and Wallowa, . " servzces. have been dependent on - Steve McClure, the payments in order to Union County fund roads, schools and comm1ss1oner other projects. The payments have continued to be renewed year after year as counties have been unable to find other revenue sources to make up for the loss of timber payments, and the federal government has been unable to come up v.ith a permanent solution to smaller payments from smaller timber harvests. The bill calls for about $346 million to be paid to rural counties throughout the nation, with about $100 million going to Oregon counties. Union County will receive around $645,000 from the Securing Rural Schools act and $900,000 from Payments-in-Lieu of Taxes. "Ifit hadn't been extended, we would have been making cuts," said Steve McClure, Union County commissioner. "We will be able to maintain services." McClure said that the funds are a very important source offunding for the county; being discretionary they can be spent where the county needs to. Mike Hayward, Wallowa County Board of (';Qmmissioners chairman, said he was told that there would be a slight reduction from 2011 appropriations and at best guess expects between $700,000 and $900,000 if the bill is approved. That roughly estimated sum will go to the county roads department; the school funding portion goes to the state before being distributed, Hayward said. Hayward said the county budgeted $990,851; without the federal money it would have about $65,000 to run its road department. See Payments I Page 2A
INDEX Calendar ........ 6A Classifi ed ....... 48 Comics ...... ..... 38 Crossw ord ..... 78 Dear Abby ... 108
Opi nion ......... .4A Outdoors ....... 1C Spiritual Life 5A Sports ............ 7A Tel evision ...... 7C
u.s. Suprema Court Health care law
ruling means Oregon's reforms can press ahead By Betsy 0. Cliff and Lauren Dake W esCom New s Service
Katy Nesbitt /TI-e Observer
Members of New Old Time Chautauqua display their juggling and balancing prowess at the Wallowa County Courthouse lawnThursday ev ening. The Seattle-based troupe will bring its fun-filled brand of entertainment to today's Watershed Festival that unfolds at the Wallow a County Fairgrounds in Enterprise.
WEATHER Health ............ 18 Ho roscope ..... 78 Lottery............ 2A Record ........... 2A Obituaries...... 3A
Sheriffs onice assumes police duties
The landmark Supreme Court decision on the health care law will allow Oregon to continue pressing forward with reforms. The state has been aggressively implementing many of the provisions in the 2010 federal law, some of which were already written into state law before the passage of President Barack. Obama's signature legislation. With the decision, the court preserved the largest expansion of the nation's social safety net in more than 45 years, including the hotly debated core requirement that nearly everyone have health insurance or pay a penalty. State leaders primarily expressed pleasure at the result Thursday. "This is very good news for Oregon. See Ruling IPage 6A
Full forecast on the back of B section
52 LOW
Isolated shower early
Slight chance of thunderstorms
Chance of showers
Em ai l story ideas to ne w s @lagrande
Issue 122 3 sectio ns, 30 pages La Grande, Orego n
More contact info o n Pag e 4A. 8
•• •
•• •
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
No semement in Pon of Ponland dispute
PORTLAND (AP) - A federal judge has set a Tuesday deadline for a deal to end a dispute slowing the flow of cargo at the Port of Portland. At a hearing Friday,
TODAY Today is Friday, June 29, the 181 st day of 2012. There are 185 days left in the year. In history: In 1613 the Original Globe Theater in London, burned to the ground after a cannon used for special effects misfired during a performance of Shakespeare's "Henry VIII:' In 1956, the Federal-Aid Highway Act is signed into law, creating the U.S. Interstate Highway system. In 1972, the U.S. Supreme court ruled in Furman v. Georgia that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. This resulted in a de facto moratorium on the death penalty unti11976.
fonner Gov. Ted Kulongoski told Judge Michael Simon no agreement has been reached between the unions representing longshoremen and electrical workers. The unions disagree about
which workers should plugin and unplug refrigerated shipping containers. Simon appointed Kulongoski to broker a settlement. Unless there's a deal, the judge says, he may act on a
temporary restraining order requiring the longshoremen to stop the work slowdown that has led ships to bypass Portland. More than 1,000
regional businesses depend on the port to get their goods to or from international markets.
LG High School Class of 02 10 Year Reunion! Sot. Aug 4th @ 6 PM
PAYMENTS Continued from Page lA
Oregon senators and representatives lobbied hard to get the money included in the bill. ''This is the fourth time since I ~TOte the original county payments law in 2000 that Congress has come down on the side of schools, roads and law enfurcement in rural, natural resource dependent counties," said Sen. Ron Wyden. "$100 million to help stem the tide oflayoffs, cutbacks and reductions in vital services in hard-hit rural communities could simply not have come at a better time." Counties in Southwest Oregon stand to gain the most from the payments. Cuny County leaders feared the county would go bankrupt without the payments. Josephine and Lane counties had to release prisoners from their jails to make up for the projected shortfall. ''This one year extension gives us the breathing room we need to continue our bipartisan and delegation-wide work toward a long-tenn solution that brings jobs back into the forests to create revenues that keep essential local services like schools and law enforcement afloat," said Rep. Greg Walden, R-O:re. Several solutions to solving the continued problem of making up timber payments to counties have been floated over the last year. One proposal by Rep. Peter Defazio, D-Ore., would have divided timber lands into two trusts, one for conservation and the other open to logging. A proposal by
LOTTERY Megabucks: Current jackpot $1.2 million.
11-22 -32 -33 -36 -42 Powerball: Current jackpot $50 million.
6-34 -40 -46 -58 -6 Win for Life:
16-36-60 -66 Pick 4: June 28, 2012 • 1 p.m.: 0-8-9-2 •4 p.m.: 3-7-0-8 •7 p.m.: 8-7-8-0 •10 p.m.: 2-7-8-3 June 27,2012 •1 p.m.: 2-7-8-6 • 4 p.m.: 3-8-3-6 •7 p.m.: 5-6-0-4 •10 p.m.: 8-5-0-0
Washington Rep. Doc Hastings would have required federal lands to generate at least 60 percent of the previous income they once produced. However, neither bill has made it through Congress and a long-teiiD solution to replacing timber payments has not been reached. "We think there needs to be more activity in our National Forest land," McClure said. ''They need to take more logs to the mills. The forests are overstocked and there is the potential for what is happening in Colorado (with the forest fires) to happen here. We need to go back to producing products in our National Forests." Historical1y, counties with National Forest lands received 25 percent of the revenue from timber sales. These payments began in the early 20th century when many counties in the Western United States complained they had smaller amounts of revenue to work with because much of the land was federally owned and therefore unable to be taxed by county govemments. Tlris system worked well until the 1990s when diminished timber sales on federal lands caused these payments to dry up, leaving many Oregon counties in a lurch. The federal govemment owns 53 percent ofland in Oregon, much of that under the Bureau of Land Management or the United State Forest Service. Oregon ranks fourth in the amount of land owned by the federal government. Only Nevada, Alaska and Utah have more of their territory owned by the federal govermnent.
Moridell Center
Sun. Aug 5 @ 11
To RSVP and request more info,
contact Brandi Younggren-Delph at
Pioneer Pork
Join The Observer as a Newspaper Delivery Independent Contmctor. (Route approximate pnjitabzliry oj$50-$65 a dqy)
CALL US TODAY! We ore looking for responsible adults to service home delivery routes in Wallowa County. Must be available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon hours, and have a reliable, insured vehicle.
ROAD REPORT Numbers to call: •Inside Oregon: 800-977-6368. •Outside Oregon: 503-588-2941.
Wall Street at noon: • Dow Jones average - Up 215 at 12,817 Broader stock indicators: • S&P 500 Index - Up 25 at 1,353 •Tech-heavy Nasdaq composite index - Up 67 at 2,916 • NYSE - Up 160 at 7,757 • Russell - Up 18 at 794 Gold and silver: • Gold - Up 46.30 at $1,596.70 per ounce • Silver - Up 1.14 at $27.39 per ounce
Correction: Misty Dawn Dean, 28, La Grande, was cited June 24 on a charg e of interfering with a police officer and was not cited on a charge of furnishing false information to a police officer as previously reported. In th e same incident, Shane Patrick Nelson, 36, La Grande, w as cited on charges of hit and run and reckless driving. Disturbance: Officers responded to a report of a disturbance Wednesday at an address in the 2900 block of Third Street. The officers m ade contact with both involved parties and determined th e disturbance w as verbal only. Restraining order options were given to the female involved, and th e m ale w as advised to have n o further contact until situations are reso lved. Arrested: David Lee Ritter, 27, address unavailable, was arrested Wednesday on a Union County warrant charg ing failure to appear. The original charge was driving while revoked/misdemeanor. Ritter was arrested while already lodged at the Unio n County Correctional Facility. Disturbance: Officers and a Union County Sheriff's deputy responded t o a report of a domestic disturbance Wednesday at Mulholland Drive and W alton Road in Island City. The disturbance was verbal only and the involved parties were separated. Burglary: A citizen requ ested officer cont act Wednesday regarding a burglary t o a bu siness in the 2200 block of Seco nd Street. An offi cer responded and took a report. Suspicious circumstances: Officers and a deputy responded to a report of possible gunshots Wed nesday in the 1000 block of 14th Street. The noise was det ermined t o be fireworks. Arrested: Oti s L. Thomas, 58, La Grande, was arrested
GRAIN REPORT Portland grain : Soft white wh eat - July, $7.55; August $7.55; September $7.57 Hard red winter - July, $8.01; Augu st, $8.06; Ssptern ber, $8.11 Dark Northern Spring - July, $9.42; Augu st, $9.47; Sept ember, $9.47 Barley - August $190 Bids provided by Island City Grain Co.
NEWSPAPER LATE? Every effort is made t o deliver y our ObseNer in a tim ely manner. Occasionally conditions exist that make delivery more difficult. If you are not on a motor route, delivery should be before 5:30 p.m. If you do not receive your paper by 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, please ca11541 -963-3161 by 6p.m. If your delivery is by motor carrier, delivery should be by 6 p.m. For call s after 6, pl ease ca ll 54 1-9751690, leav e your name, address and phone number. Your paper will be delivered the next business day.
QUOTE OFTHE DAY "What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure:'
Wednesday on a Multnomah County warrant. Agency assist: An officer assisted a medical crew with a caiiThursday at an address in th e 1100 block ofWillow Street. Disturbance: An officer responded to a report of a domestic disturbance Thursday in th e 200 block of Fir Street. Th e officer w as unable to locate anything. Disturbance: Officers responded to a report of a domestic disturbance Thursday at an address in the 1400 block of Hall Street. The officers were unable to locate anything. Arrested: Wendy K. Cox, 45, address unavailable, was arrested early Friday on charges of driving under the influence of intoxica nts and attempt to elude.
LA GRANDE FIRE AND AMBULANCE Between 7:30 a.rn.Thursday and 7:30a.m . Friday, La Grande Fire and Am bulance responded t o nine m edical calls. During the sam e period Wednesday, the department responded to eight medica l calls.
UNION COUNTY SHERIFF Larceny: A man in the 500 block of Patton Street in Summerville requested deputy contact Wednesday regarding th e th eft of his chainsaw from his pi ckup the night before. Arrested: Edwin Hill, 39, address unavailable, was arrested in Baker County Wednesday on a Union County warrant charging failure to appear.The original charge w as criminal trespass in the first degree. Arrested: Gregg All en Kramer, 53, address unavailable, was arrested in Baker County Wednesday on a Union County warra nt chargi ng failure t o appear.The original charges w ere interference with patrol and probation and reckless driving . Arrested: Steven Michael McBride, 30, w as arrested W ednesday on two Union County warrants charging
WINNERI Kasey Kohne after winning the Charlotte race said "Thanks to Quaker State oil and the durability of the oil"
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WALLOWA COUNTY SHERIFF Fraud: A woman on Hartford Place in Elgin requested deputy contactThursday regarding fraud. A deputy made co ntact and explained options.
OREGON STATE POLICE Arrested: Derek Haney, 33, address unavailable, was arrested Thursday on charges of trespass in th e first degree, theft in the seco nd degree and vehicle abandonment. Arrested : Tanner Paul Laprelle, 20, address unavailable, w as arrested W ednesday on a Union County w arrant charging failure t o appear.The ori ginal charges w ere th eft in th e second degree and possession of less th an an o unce of marijuana.
- Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
Care for your car like a
fai Iure to appear. Arrested: Paul Leo Smith, 26, La Grande, was arrested Wed nesday on a parole and probation w arrant, o riginal charge driving whil e suspended. In the same incident, Brandin Lea Del app, 30, was arrested on a warrant charging parole/probation violation, original charge th eft in the first degree. Delapp was also charged with furnishing fal se informati on to police. Arrested: Brian Bernard Beausoleil, 39, address unavailable, was arrested by Parole and Probation Thursday on a Union County warrant charging failure to appear. The original charg e w as driving while suspended/felony. Arrested: Nicholas William Thomas, 25, address unavailable, and Justin Edward Jones, 25, address unavailable, w ere arrested Thursday on charges of theft in th e second degree. Arrested: Gilberta Aquirre, 40, address unavailable, was arrested Friday in Grant County, Wash., on a Union County w arrant charging failure to appear. The original charges were attempting to elude and possession of a controll ed substance/math.
Helpu;;;;2o12la"Gr;de F;ih7tjulyF;;;ks sh~
ground by becoming a member ol the Patriots Club by donating $50 or more, or becoming a Family Fireworks Supporter. 0 Yes, I (we) would like tojointhe Patriots Club by donating $50 or more. (Patriots Club members will be recognized in a spedal announcement published inThe Observer. 0 We would likelo become Family Fireworks Supporters by donating $2 per family member Name________________________________
Addres:__ _ _ Ci: :__ _
Send contributions to:
Union County Fireworks Action Committee P.O. Box 135 La Grande,
lA GRANDE Drive·ln
OPENFri, Sat &Sun
•• •
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Call GRH Education De pt. @ 541-963-1495 for info.
•• •
•• •
FRIDAY, JUNE 29,2012
------------------------- 0BITUARrns ------------------------Eva Dockweiler Union
Eva Dockweiler, 95, of Union died May 24 at her residence. Acelebration ofher life will begin at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Baker City Christian Church. There will be a reception at the church fellowship hall following the service. Gray's West & Co. is in charge of rurangements.
LRora Simmons Cove 1925-2012
Leora Ruby Simmons, 87, a lifetime resident of Cove, died June 18 at the Grande Ronde Hospital. A celebration oflife took place at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Daniels-Knopp Funeral, Cremation & Life Celebration Center, 1502 Seventh St. in La Grande. Committal and interment will follow at the Cove Cemetery. Those who wish may make contiibutions to the Cove Senior Meals in care of the Cove Baptist Church or Daniels-Knopp. To sign the on-line guestbook visit Leora was born on Feb. 24, 1925, the daughter of Roy and Frankie Delia(Ross) Alexander in High Valley. She attended grade school in High Valley and then Cove High School. In 1942 she married Lloyd Murchison in La Grande. They lived and farmed in the High Valley area where they raised their two children. He preceded her in death in 1971. She later married Weldon Simmons, and he also preceded her in death in 2000. She was a member of the Mount Fanny Grange and the Cove Sportsman Club. She was a homemaker and enjoyed taking care of her lawn. She enjoyed cooking and was well known for her pies. She raised vegetable and
fruit which she preserved for winter and family. She hosted many holiday dinners and gathering for family. Survivors include her children and their spouses, Delia and Tom Bowman of La Grande and Jan1es and Debbie Murchison of Cove; siblings and their spouses, Hrury and Mia Alexander of Union and Arizona, Shirley and Dave Fields of Cove and Betty and LaVern Brant of Bend; sister-in-law, Shirley Alexander of Union; six grandchildren; fourteen great grandchildren; many nieces and nephews and other relatives. She was preceded in death by brothers, Virgil, Ken and Ray Alexander.
William Robert Gale Formerly of Union 1923-2011
William Robert Gale died Nov. 25,2011, at his home in Hood River. A celebration oflife for friends and family will beheld at the Hood Gale River Inn in the Gorge Room July 8 from 2 to 5 p.m. He was born Oct. 4, 1923, to Donald Robert Gale and Miskell Bloom Gale in Union. He was born in the house his father was born in, which was built by his grandfather and greatuncle. He grew up in Union and graduated from Union High School, where he was active in sports, (football, track and field, and Golden Gloves boxing) and FFA Bill won a Union Pacific scholarship to Oregon State University, but gave it up when he was drafted into World War II. He joined the lOth Mountain Division, the fan1ous "soldiers on skis," and trained at Camp Hale in Colorado. He was a staff sergeant and was awarded the Bronze Star. After the war he attended
Oregon State University, where he was a member of Sigma Nu fratemity, and graduated with a bachelors degree in horticulture in 1950. Upon graduation he moved to Hood River and worked for Food Machinery Corp., Niagra Chemical Division as a field manager. In 1951 he mruried Margie Carolyn Bryan. They had a daughter, Kathleen, and a son, Robert. Bill and Margie purchased the farm on Dethman Ridge where he lived the rest of his life. Margie died in 1964. Bill mruried Francis Yayoi Sono in 1966. They had a daughter, Stephanie. Bill was active in Crag Rats, serving as Big Squeak in 1959; Pine Grove Fire Dept.; the Hood River Elks, American Legion, and JACL. He was preceded in death by his parents, and his sister Donna. He is survived by his wife, Francis, three children, Kathleen (Don Morris) of Corvallis, Robert of Seattle, and Stephanie (Tom McKnight) of Hood River; five grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren (Isaac and Malrina Morris of Spokane). Memorials may be made to a charity of choice.
George Edward Blanton formerly of La Grande 1933-2012
George Edward Blanton died June 18, 2012 in McMinnville. He was born Nov. 11, 1933 to Buster and Bernice Blanton. He married Gayle Gruis on Oct. 21, 1955. They had three daughters, Kathy, Becky, and Debbie. Ed was preceded in death by the love of his life "Gayle" and niece Terri Ann Gowins. He is survived by daughters Kathy Holmes, Becky Echauri, and Debbie Phillips, and sister Nadine Gowins. Ed was an avid hunter and spent his whole life with ''his girls:' He lived in La Grande his entire life until the last two years when he moved to McMinnville to be close to
his daughter Becky. He was her "superhero" and will be greatly missed. A private memorial will be held at a later date. To leave online condolences for the family, please visit www.
Christine Marie Kohl Union 1962-2012
Christine Marie Kohl, 50, of Union, died at her residence June 26. A "casual dress" Celebration of the Life ofCh1istine will be Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Eastern OrKohl egon Livestock Clubhouse in Union followed by a potluck dinner. For information about the potluck dinner, please call Kim Brock at 541-519-0311. Christine was born May 15, 1962 in Yreka, Calif., to her parents Kenny Fox and Alice Margurite (Bunce) Fox. She grew up in Bremerton before her family moved to Baker City at the age of 12. She graduated from Baker High School. Christine enlisted in the Air Force and after serving her country, received an honorable discharge. She continued her education at Eastern Oregon University. At this time she met Johnny Kohl and they were married on June 18, 1988. Christine put her education on hold while she raised her family. It was not until a few years ago that she went back to complete her education. With hard work and the proud support of her family, Christine graduated Suma Cum Laude from Eastern Oregon University in 2009 vvith a bachelor's of science degree in Sociology. Christine was employed by the United States Forest Service from 1989 to 2008,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - LOCAL BRIEFING - - - - - - - - - - - - - From staffreports
Planned power outage coming soon Oregon Trail Electric Consumers Cooperative \vill have a planned outage on July 4 at 2 a.m. lasting approximately an hour and a half The Outage will affect approximately 1,475 residents in and around Elgin. The planned outage is necessruy so tl1at the transmission line between La Grande and Elgin can be switcl1ed out for maintenance and construction done at the site.
Biggs to sign first novel Saturday
will be provided. Bring one salad, one dessert, plate, fork, knife and spoon. This is a great time to visit old friends and good neighbors, organizers say.
Natural building workshop set Professional-level workshops on solar hot water and solru· electric components, as well as a hands-on natural building workshop, will be offered as part ofSolWest Fair in John Day July 26-29. Instructors are Energy Trust Solar Hot Water Inspector Jeny Henderson,
John Patterson, owner of Mr. Sun Solar; and Randy Joseph of Joseph Millworks. The solar plumbing classes are approved for a total12 hours of Continuing Education towards journeyman plumbing licenses. For more info and signup forms, see workshops.htm#pre-fair, or call541-575-3633.
Aug. 13 at 3:30p.m. at city hall
Meeting canceled
Senior meal not seiVed Thursday
The July 9 Urban Renewal Advisory Commission meeting scheduled for July 9 has been canceled. The commission is sclteduled to meet
The Literacy Center at fue Cook Memorial Library will be closed July 3-5 to observe the Independence Day holiday. The center will open again July 10. The summer session will continue until fue end of July. The center \vill be closed in August and reopen the middle of September.
Cattlemen plan picnic July 15 at state park Union County Cattlemen \vill not have a meeting in July. The group will have its annual picnic July 15 at 1 p.m. at Cafuerine Creek State Park. Steak and drinks
•• •
Marilyn Jean Wylam
Jean Wylam died June 26 in Salem. Marilyn was bam in Centr·alia, Wash., on June 9, 1928, to Jay and Vernetta Southworth. She mruried Robert Wylam on Feb. 15, 1947. Bob and Marilyn lived in Puyallup, Wash., until moving to La Grande, where Bob took a job at Hand Ford Sales in 1957. Marilyn loved her home at 1812 Walnut St. where she and Bob raised their two sons. Her husband, Robert, died in July of1993. Marilyn is a member of Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church. Marilyn was a wonderful mother and homemaker. She maintained her home beautifully, loved her flower gardens, and time with her two sons, her eight grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. Marilyn was blessed to spend the last four weeks of her life surrounded by all of her family. Marilyn is survived by her sons Jay and Doug Jay and his wife Ann live in Salem. Jay and Ann have four children; Holly, Benjamin, Dustin and Emmett. Doug and his wife Kerrie, live in Roseburg. They also have four children; Brent, Brooke, Alexa and Joel. A graveside service will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday at Grandview Cemetery. Friends and farnily are also invited to share stories and a ''Toast to Marilyn" from 3 to 5 p.m. at the La Grande Country Club. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Marian Academy of Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church in care of Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St., La Grande OR. Condolences to the family may be made at www. The Observer publishes free obituaries as a community service. ObituariEs cu e edited to fit n ews guidelines. Photos are
La Grande 1928-2012
encouraged. Paid space is availa ble fo r families who would like to include more
info rmation.
Grande Ronde Mennonite BI Church a.--~
69371 Lantz Lane,Cove
July 9-13 &July 16-20 • 6:30-8:30 pm Open for children nursery through tenth grade
line dancers set schedule There will be no line dancing class on the Fourth of July, but there \Viii be one at fue Union County Senior Center at 1:30 p.m. Monday and the VFW in Union at 6 p.m.
For more information call ~ 541-963-0985 or 541-910-1477
DONATE YOUR CAR 1·800·925·0817 (IHeritage
Senior meal at the Union Methodist Church will not be served on Thursday.
Free Towing· Tax Deductible .,
for the
Ask about aFREE 3 vacation toover 80 destinations!!!'
A book signing by Terrie Biggs for her first published novel, "One ofEleven: Based on the Life of Gary Kopperud," will take place from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at Lookingglass Books on Adams Avenue.
literacy Center closed next week
serving as a dispatcher and then as an administrative assistant. In her erulier years she worked at the Baker City Co-op and was a 4-H leader. She was educated the practice ofReiki energy healing and achieved fourth level Reiki Master Teacher. Christine was active in Wings and served as a True Colors Counselor. Her best and most enthusiastic support was reserved for her son Haiden and his Union High School cross country team. She attended every meet with her support. Christine loved gardening and her flowers. She enjoyed canning and sewing for her family. Christine is survived by her husband Johnny; two children, Haiden Kohl of La Grande and Tyger Ricard of Portland; her mother, Alice Saul of Baker City; her siblings Kenny H. (Lori) Fox of Haines; Clifford L. (Kathy) Fox ofNorth Powder; A Katlty (Tracy) Moss ofPrairie City; Billy (Arlene) Saul of Baker City; Kim (Wes) Brock of Baker City; one grandchild Tital Bailey of Portland; Aunt Vicky Culver ofWashington; Uncle George Bunce oflndiana; and nine nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her father Kenny H. Fox Sr., her dad Roy R. Saul; Grandmother Alice Bunce and Grandfather Ken Bunce. Memorial contribution..s in memory of Christine may be made to the Wings True Colors Scholar·ship Fund, in care of Loveland Funeral Chapel, 1508 Fourth St., La Grande OR 97850. Online condolences may be made to the family at w·
Sport-Specific Conditioning Camp - BASKETBALL
June 20th: 6:30pm- 8pm Bai-A-Vis-X (balance, auditory, and visual exercises) Free Public Seminar - Mountain Valley Therapy
Wildflower Lodge & La Grande Seniors Invite You to an:
June 25th- June 29th
Sport-Specific Conditioning Camp- SOCCER
July 9th- July 13th Sport-Specific Conditioning Camp - VOLLEYBALL
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012
July 16th- July 20th
12-1:30 PM
Sport-Specific Conditioning Camp - FOOTBALL
Mountain Valley Therapy ~Tl·~~~~
( Filnl!ss ~ Hl!illlh)
For more information or to register, call 541 -962-0830
Please join the La Grande area seniors on July 3 for an All American Bingo Bash---and good ol' time! Bingo Bash includes: • Variety of bingo games • All American lunch of: hot dogs, chips, cookies, & lemonade Assisted Living and • Prizes valued at $25 and up • Registration begins at 11:30 am To RSVP or for more infor mation:
Registration at 11:30 AM
Wildflower Lodge
•• •
541-663-1200 or
Memory Care 508 16th St
La Grande, OR 97850
•• •
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012 La Grande, Oregon
Write a letter news@ lag
Safe roads imperative onHwy.3 The best people can say about the pending closure of the Oregon Department ofTransportation's highway maintenance site near Flora in Wallowa County is that the two people staffing it get to keep their jobs. The worst is that the snow will fly as it always has, and driving State Highway 3 could get trickier in the winter than ever before. The highway; known informally in Wallowa County as theNorth Highway; isn't a major state route but is in fact a critical link between Enterprise and Clarkston, Wash., Lewiston, Idaho, and points beyond. It's traveled by truckers and tourists alike, and by ambulances and other emergency vehicles. Not only that, fanns and ranches and retirement homes are scattered along the route. The people living "out north" use the highway on a daily basis to get to jobs and school, do their shopping, and otherwise conduct their business. Highway 3 starts in Enterprise and runs through wild mountainous country, and as it nears the Washington State Line it plunges downward via Rattlesnake Grade, that high, lonesome section of road so aptly named for its seemingly eternal series of sharp twists and turns. In sum, the highway isn't easy to drive even in good weather. In winter, it's a real bear. ODOT plans to close the Flora maintenance site some 36 miles out of Enterprise and move the two employees who work there to the district office because of statewide budget cuts amounting to $1.8- $2.5 million. With Enterprisebased crews maintaining theNorth Highway, the department will save the cost of operating the station, especially the cost of fuel to run the generator that powers the station. The department may pick up some additional revenue by selling the 2.5 acre maintenance site.
Keeping the highway safe District Manager Mike Buchanan told a Wallowa County crowd at a recent meeting ODOT 'vvill bring crews on early and keep tl1em out late to clear the highway in \vinter. He also said the department v.rill rely on citizens to report bad conditions, and that there is a "possibility" of installing road weather stations that detect pavement temperatures and visibility. While we have faith in ODOT's commitment to keeping the state's highways open and safe to drive, we don't think a mere "possibility" of installing those stations is enough. Given the highway's local importance - and possible hazards ranging from black ice to rock slides - ODOT should use every technological tool available to give North Highway drivers an edge. ODOT should also clearly pledge the North Highway \vill get at least the same level of maintenance it has in the past, regardless of whether the effort starts at Enterprise or Flora. ODOT bean counters may have determined the highway is a low volmne road with "only'' 320 vehicles traveling on it each day, but that doesn't change the fact that there's a critical need for dependable, year-round access to Wallowa County's north country.
YOUR PUBLIC OFFICIALS President Barack Obama: TI1eWhite House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.,Washington, D.C. 20500; 202-456-1414; fax 202-456-2461; to send comments, go to U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley: D.C. office: SDB-40B Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510; 202-224-3753; fax 202-228-3997. Portland office: One World Trade Center, 121 S.W. Salmon St. Suite 1250, Portland, OR 97204; 503-326-3386; fax 503-326-2900. Pendleton office: 310 S. E. Second St. Suite 105, Pendleton 97801; 541-278-1129; email elizabeth_scheeler@ U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden: D.C. office: 516 Hart Bldg.,Washington, D.C. 20510; 202-224-5244; fax 202-228-2717. La Grande office: 105 Fir St., No. 210, La Grande, OR 97850; 541-962-7691; fax, 541 -9630885; email U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (2nd District): D.C. office: 2352 Rayburn Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, 202-225-6730; fax 202225-5774. La Grande office: 1211 Washington Ave., La Grande, OR 97850; 54 1-624-2400, email wade.fost
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Subscription rates per month : By carrier .... ................................ $8.50 By motor carrier . .. . . .... .. $9 50 By mail, Umon County ............. $14 By mail, Wallowa County .. .... ... ...... $14 By mail, all other U S ............... $15
Your views Candy distribution at parades To the Editor: Parade season is on and with it prizes in the fonn of candy and mementos. More than once I have seen associates of entrants marching along the parade route directly distributing candy to spectators. This should always be the rule and never the exception during a parade. Too often I have seen children run into the street and could easily be struck by an oncoming float or frighten horses. My heart leaps into my throat when I see these pint sized pillagers coming borderline, if not entirely, in front of oncoming floats.And they are so small, they may not be seen in time. Our hats go off to the direct distributors of candy, people who are willing to go the distance. Ron Fischer Elgin
Keep Union Spanish teacher To the Editor: I am writing about tl1e budget cuts that the Union School District is facing and I really feel that they need to keep the Spanish class here. Yes, the kids need their sports but I think it benefits to pay a teacher rather than a coach. I'm not saying that coaches don't deserve to be paid, but when push comes to shove, let's keep our teachers. I have a son who was able to speak Spanish and he used to work at the gas station and Wal-Mart while going to college and then became a police officer in Baker City, then later in La Grande and finally in Salem. I don't know how many times he was called in to hospitals, restaurants and other places in order to talk to people or to comfort loved ones. We really need to keep the Spanish teaching position as well as sports. If necessaiJ~ we could use volunteers for at least awhile so that we can keep teaching positions as well as sports. If I was in better health, I sure would be over there to help.
(USPS 299-260) The Observer reserves the right to adjust subscription rates by giving prepaid and mail subscri bers 30 days notrce. Periodicals postage paid at La Grande, Oregon 97850. Published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (except Dec. 25) by Western Communications Inc , 1406 Fifth St , La Grande, OR 97850 (USPS 299-260)
Western Communications Inc.
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Chiefengineer; OPB La Grande
The Observer retains ownership and copyright protectron of all staff-prepared news copy, advertising copy, photos and news or ad rllustratrons. They may not be reproduced without explicit pnor approval.
Due to restriction on number of words (letters to the editor are limited to 350 words), some parts of my letter were removed. Using logic indicates that at least one coastal stream in the Pacific Northwest in a \vilderness or park would have had good returns during the time of low coastal returns if the problem was caused by logging, etc. and bad water quality in the streams. Logging around coastal hatcheries before low returns had gone on for decades and had not reduce the programs. Records indicate that the reduction in adult returns came before the reduction in smolt releases. The hatchery smolt release programs nun1bers were not significantly reduced by the mud and slash that is attributed to logging so the adults should have returned to the hatcheries. Also one should recall that one of the first critters to return to Mount Saint Helens was migratory fish. And records indicate that pre-eruption local fish survived the ash, mud flows and hot water of the total devastation of the blast zone. The early years of The Oregon Forest Practices Act of 1971 must have been a failure in the non-logical way of thinking because the regulation of clear cut size, road building requirements, and stream side protection occmred long before the low return era and must have done little to improve the fish returns. Records do support improvements in water quality because of the Act. The spotted owl era also occurred before the poor salmon years and so that reduction in logging also did not help restore the salmon any more than the spotted owls. The commercial salmon farms with direct access to the ocean stopped production because adults did not return to their sites and surplus eggs were no longer available. John Isley Enterpri&
Write to us The Observer welcomes letters to the editor. Letters are limited to 350 words and must be signed and carry the author's address and phone number (for verification purposes only). Email your letters to or mail them to the address below.
Migratory fish update To the Editor: Mr. Charles Jones completely missed the point of my Snake River migratory fish letter to the editor and gave the standard reply. Yet some of the traditional causes do not fit the logic picture.
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Street address: 1406 Fifth St, La Grande
A division of
Upgrading TV signals To the Editor: I would like to thank a group of people for their time and effort. They have worked very hard to bring digital TV to Union and Baker City. What I think is so special is the fact that they volunteer their time to keep off air signals in the valley. Without their help, Blue Mountain Translator District would cease to exist. Please help me in thanking them too. Dennis Spence, Ken Paterson, Shirley and David Coombs, and past board member Howard Richardson. Also a special thanks to Michael Elliott, an engineer fur OPB who helped in the design ofthe system. Please rescan every so often as BMTD will be upgrading their signals over the summer with true HD signals and with co-channels as they become available.. Dana Moore
To the Editor: To the person who stole from my father's gravesite: Eight months of the year I live in a large metropolitan area. Coming
An independent newspaper founded in 1896
La Grande
Robin Morin
Stole from gravesite
home to La Grande in the summer is a treat. I leave behind crime and a lack of empatlw to find just the opposite in my hometown; something I treasure in La Grande. That thought was broken this last Memorial day. As she does every year, my 90-yearold mother placed a beautiful iron basket of flowers on my father's grave at Grand View Cemetery in La Grande. She has placed this same basket for several years and then returns to pick it up and replant for the next year. This year when she went to pick it up, a large container of petunias and the iron basket was gone. (She returned prior to the cemetery crew's clean up) After tears, she asked the question, 'What kind of person steals from a gravesite?'' Followed b)~ "I did not think tl1at would happen in La Grande." I didn't think that would happen either. To the person who stole the basket from my father's gravesite, I would also ask, 'What kind of person are you? Do you have any sense of decency?" The basket does not belong to you; please return it. Barbara Sherwood Sparks
Send address changes to: The Observer, 1406 Fifth St , La Grande, OR 97850 Periodicals postage paid at: La Grande, Oregon 97850
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Publisher.. .. ................. Kari Borgen Editor . .... .. . Ad director . ........................ .... . Glenas Orcutt Operations director .............. Frank Everidge Circulation director ............... Carolyn Gibson Bookkeeper ......... ......... .. Herdr Kennedy Sports editor ............... Brad Mosher Sports writer .................. .... ... Casey Kellas News editor/Go! .. .. Jeff Petersen Schools, outdoors .................... Dick Mason Photo/design editor . ............... Phil Bullock Photographer ............................. Chris Baxter Wallowa County ....................... Katy Nesbitt City, business, politics ....... Bill Rautenstrauch News assistant Circulation specialist .... .. .. .. .. ....... Kelli Craft Classifieds .......................... Katelyn VVinkler Cu sterner service rep .. Cindie Crumley
Circulation district manager... Megan Petersen Single copy manager ............... ...TasiVVelley Advertising representative .. .Karri ne Brogoitti Advertising representative ...... Angie Carlson Advertising representative ... ....... John Winn Graphic designer supervisor .... Dorothy Kautz Graphic designer ................... Cheryl Chnstian Lead pressman ........... Curt Blackman Pressman .. .. .................. .. ....KC Kunkle Pressman ... . . . .. . . Keith Stubblefield Distribution center supervisor .... Jon Silver Distribution center lead .......... Tom Johnston Distribution center ................... Terry Everidge Distribution center. . . ......... .... .. .. TC Hull Distribution center.... .. .. Charles Pietrzak
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FRIDAY, JUNE 29,2012
New bishop visits The Most Rev. Liam Cary, the new bishop of the Baker Diocese, made his first visit to Our Lady ofthe Valley Catholic Church earlier this month. Cary was ordained the new bishop of the diocese in May. He succeeded the Most Rev. Robed Vasa as bishop of the Baker Diocese. Vasa was transferred to the Santa Rosa, Calif diocese in 2010. The Rev. William Skylstad of Washington served as
the interim bishop of the diocese w1til Cary was ordained. Cary, who grew up in Prineville, was pastor of St. Mary's Church in Eugene. He was ordained as a priest 20 years ago. He studied for the priesthood at N01th America College in Rome. The Baker Diocese, with headquarters is in Bend, has 36 parishes and about 34,000 Catholics.
Dick Mason /The Observer
Bishop Liam Cary, center, meets with Rev. Christopher Agoha, pastor ofthe Our Lady ofthe Valley, and seminarian David Jones and his parents, Jim and Linda Jones, of La Grande.
HIGHLIGHTS Gospel reading is on healing at Grace
Call541-568-4230 for more information.
On the fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Grace Lutheran Church in Enterprise will begin their worship service at9 a.m. In Sunday's gospel, Mark 5:21-43, a women finds healing by touching Jesus' cloak. He said to her, ''Your faith has made you well." Jairus, a respected leader, begs Jesus to heallris daughte1: He said to him, "Do not fear, only believe." Both Jairus and the women came to Jesus in faith, believing in his power to heal and bring life out of death. Fellowship, refreshments, and Bible study follow the worship service.
Learn about miracles, healing Sunday Grace Community Lutheran Church, a LCMC congregation, will be eelebrating Sunday worship service at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cove starting at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Carl wiH be preaching on the subject of miracles, healing and faith. Fellowship will follow the service. A non-denominational Men's Bible Study and breakfast has begun and meets at 7:30 a.m. on Thursdays in Cove.
Coffee, fellowship follow service July 1 service will begin at 9 a.m. at the Cove United Methodist Church. Tlris is the fifth Sunday after Pentecost, and Rev. Mike Lavelle will be delivering a message based on Mark 5:21-43 and will be providing the church smvices during July. The Cove food pantry is the third Saturday of every month from 9 a.m. to noon, in the church fellowship hall. The weekly Fresh Food Alliance will be held Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall from 11 to noon. There is coffee and fellowship following the service where all are welcome.
Coffee hour follows service Sunday Join the La Grande United Methodist Church fur Communion Worship on Sunday. The message is, "Between Two Women," drawn from Mmk 5. Coffee hom· follows the service. Everyone is welcome.
Episcopals observe fifth Sunday St. Peter's Episcopal Church will observe the fifth Sunday after Pentecost with
CHURCH OF CHRIST 2107 Gekeler Lane, La Grande 805-5070 P.O . Box 260
Sunday School Sunday Worship Sunday Evening
9:30 am 10:45 am 6:00pm
Werl11esrllly Night LifeGroups: 7:00 fnll Ct!ll for location
Preacher: Doug Edmonds 541-805-5070
Hwy. 237 • Union, OR
JOIN US ... Catch the Spirit! Worship: 9:00 a.m. Cove Worship: 11 :00 Union
Cove: 541-786-0100
Union: 541-562-57
Holy Eucharist at 9 a.m. The Rev. Kathryn Macek will preside and preach. The book club will meet Sunday evening at 6 in the parish hall. This month's selection is "The Beggar King and the Secret of Happiness" by Joel ben lzzy. Please bring a snack to share. The office will be closed Wednesday in observance of Independence Day. Morning prayer is offered Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 in the chapel.
Recognize God's grace at work Zion Lutheran will celebrate a Service ofWord and Sacrament this Sunday beginning at 9:30 a.m. Dropins and travelers are always welcome. Come as you are. One of the verses in the lessons for this Sunday is 2 Corinthians 8:7. In this verse, Paul is reminding the congregation in Corinth how they can recognize God's grace at work in them. Among other marks of this work is the gift of generous and cheerful giving. The sermon for Sunday will be asking the question, ''How do I know God's grace is working on me?"
Sermon focus is touching stories Pastor Laura Hudson will
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
901 Penn Avenue 963-2623 web:
Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 8:45
Crossroads Community Church
10200 N.
McAllister, Island City
Sundays at 10 a.m. Dan Mie lke 54 1-663-61 22
La Grande • Our Lady of the Valley - I002 L Avenue Saturday 5:00 pmMass Sunday 7:00 am & 9:30 amMass Sufay 3:00pmTraditional Latin Mass 2" & last Sunday 11:00 am Spanish Ma;, Weekday 8:00 amMass
Union. Sacred Heart - 340 South lOth Avenue Sunday 8:00 am Mass Wednesday 6:00 pm Mass
Illgin • Saint Mary's - 12th and Alder Sunday ll:OO am Mass 11mrsday 6:00 pm Mass
North Powder · SaintAntltonv's - 500 E Street Sunday 6:0(1 pmMa"
Tuesday 6:00 pm Mas;
•• •
Adventists plan services Saturday At La Grande and Cove Seventh-day Adventist churches, join Pastor Mike Armayor this Saturday at 11 a.m. in La Grande at 2702 Adams Ave. as he will present from the Bible why we have great reason to celebrate Jesus' death which
440 RUCKMAN, lMRLTIR 534-2201
Sunday Services Worship Service
Sunday School During Services for kids age three to 5th Grade
Sermon is on 'The Right Touch'
Lutherans celebrate Independence Day Faith Lutheran on Gekeler welcomes people to use their front lawn to watch to the 4tll ofJuly firewmks. Let us celebrate this great country together. The sermon for Sunday morning will be on Jesus' authority over the wind and the waves from Mark chapter fom: He demonstrates His Divine power over all creation. The disciples "were terrified"when they witnessed the wind and waves obeying His word. Stories like these of Jesus' life are to have us be open to having faith in Jesus and His work.
"The Right Touch" based on scripture in Mark, chapter 5 is the title of the message by the Rev. Mike Lavelle at Union United Methodist Church Sunday. Lavelle will be the guest preacher in Union for July. People can get prayed for at the daily 8 a.m. prayer time. Call541-562-5848 and leave a message. Senior meals, hosted by the church, will not
Churches and faithbased groups are encouraged to submit Highlights for the Spiritual Life page by 4 p.m. Tuesday for publication Friday. Submit by email to news@ (with Highlights in the subject line), by fax to 541-963-7804, or by hand to the office.
902 Fourth Street, La Grande, OR (541) 963-5998 9:30 am • Worship 10:30 am. Fellowship & Refreshments NurseryAvailable Pastor Richard Young- An ELCA church
First Baptist Church SIXTH & SPRING • 963-3911
10918th Street • 963-3402
Sunday Worship 10:00 am Wednesday Night 6:15pm Kingdom Kids -Youth in Action
"... where you can begin again"
2620 Bearco Loop Dave Tierce • 541-605-021 We u~·e the King James Vmion Bible
5 uiidlng T ogcthcr On Christ A lone
Sun. 8:45 AM - Bible Classes Sun. 10:00 AM - Worship Wed. 6:15 PM - AWANA
SonRise Community Church Holding Services at:
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Sunday School - 10:00 am Worship ll :OOam Sunday Afternoon Bible Study - 2:00pm Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm
2702 Adams Ave, La Grande
"Where you can find TRUTH according to the scriptures"
Regular services 9:00 am School Classes
Doug Edmonds' message at the Church of Christ Sunday will be "So, Your Life is Disorganized" from John 15:1-4. Communion is taken every Sunday. Sunday moming classes begin at 9:30, and worship service follows at 10:45. There is Children's Church during the sermon for fifth grade and younger. Wednesday Lifegroups are at 7 p.m. at various home locations. We will have a Youth Camp and Vacation Bible School in August. Please call Doug at 541805-5070 for more information.
meet Tuesday.
601 Jefferson Ave., La Grande (541) 963-4342
Getting organized is focus of message
directly impacts how we relate to one-another and approach life more positively and passionately. A special time of footwashing, as Jesus directed in John 13 and Lord's Supper will follow his message. All who believe in Jesus and have been baptized are most welcome to join in or simply come and observe. The music group Hand Picked will lead the church service at the Cove Seventhday Adventist church at 9:30 a.m. and perform in the La Grande church at 4 p.m. with refreshments to follow. A free¥.ill offering will be taken to defray travel expenses for Hand Picked at the 4 p.m. performance. All are welcome and stay for lunch in La Grande.
-.loin us at The Lord's Table-
be leading the 9:30 worship service Sunday at the First Presbyterian Church in La Grande. The sermon, ''Touching Stories," will be based on Psalm 130 and Mark 5:21-43.
1114 Y Avenue, La Grande (Corner of "Y" Avenue and N. Birch Street)
(541) 663-061 0 9 am Sunday School 11 am Worship
Exalting God Edifying Believers Evangelizing Unbelievers
Sunday School 9:15a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Pastor Tim Gerdes
Union Baptist Church 1531 S. Main St., Union • 562-5531 Pilstor Dm'c 805-9445
Sunday School Morning Worship Sunday Night W ednesday Night Thursday AWANA
9:45 am II am 6 pm 6:30pm 6:3 0pm
963-0340 • 507 Palmer Ave (just east of city pool)
Sunday Worship 10:02 am
Come Celebrate the Lord with us!
Come and share in a time of worship prayer and the study of God's word with us. Worship mcludes communion on Sunday. Email: church@valley
Faith Center
La Grande Seventh-day Adventist Church
S'.,..t<..,;ytLL- .to,.;.;"?J ~'P•.,ff"
1612 4th Street - 963-2498 Pastor Steve Wolff
PO Box 3373
(541) 663-1735 10:00
Foursquare Church
A Place where hope is found in .Jesus Come join with us in m>rship and Fellowship M eeting every Saturday 9:30 a.m. - Bible Study/ Fellowsl11p 10:45 a .m.- Worsh1p Service
2702 Adams Avenue, La Grande • 963-4018 F1rst Service 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Pasror· Mjke Aoooyor zmn11lagranrkvla r.etotirJP:atiq m:g Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9am-Noon Second Service 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Lenrni11g for Todny and Eternity Sanctuary 6:00PM - 7:30PM Little Friends Christian Preschool/Chilclcare 963-6390 Fellowship Coffee Hour 11:00 am 10300 "D" Street- Island City OR 97850 (541) 963-8063
Worship 11:00 am
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FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
o~~ERVER Communi
I 2012 Artists of Eastern Oregon Reception: Regional juried art show sponsored by ArtsEast; 5-8 p.m.; Nightingale Gallery, Loso Hall, Eastern Oregon University, One University Boulevard, La Grande. I Bingo: 6:30 p.m. early bird games, 7 p.m. regular games; Eagles Lodge, 1212 Jefferson, La Grande. I Building a Strong Online Presence: ArtsEast professional development workshop for artists; $25; Information: 541-962-3629; Eastern Oregon University Loso Hall Room 116, La Grande. I Cars on display: Timber Cruisers display classic cars; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; La GrandeTown Center, 22121sland Ave .. I Fine Tunes: 11 a.m.noon; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande; 541-9637532. I Honored Artists of Eastern Oregon Biennial 2012: See art by artists juried into the 2012 Artists of Eastern Oregon Show at opening reception; free; 5-8 p.m.; ArtsEast Gallery, Corner of Sixth Street and LAvenue, La Grande; 541-9623624. I Open Studio: The art center offers easels, drawing tables, pottery wheels, a kiln and other resources and tools; drop-in: $7 members, $10 non-members; Monthly Access: $30 members, $40 nonmembers; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Art Center at the Old Library, 1006 Penn Ave., La Grande; 541-624-2800.
Bowmen host event; 7 a.m.; Mount Emily Recreation Area. Bingo: 7 p.m.; Odd Fellows Hall, Summerville. Book signing: Terrie Biggs signs her first published novel, "One of Eleven: Based on the Life of Gary Kopperud"; free; 10 a.m.-noon; Looking Glass Books, 1118AdamsAve., La Grande. Children's Reading and Craft Hour: Free; 11 a.m.-noon; Looking Glass Books, 1118AdamsAve., La Grande. Community Dance: Blue Mountaineers will provide the music. Included will be a finger food potluck and door prizes; $5 couples, $3 singles, free for kids 12 and younger; 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande; 541-9637532. Eagle Cap Excursion Train:The Two Rivers. Box lunch available; order when reservations are made; $65 adults, $60 seniors 60 and older, $35 3 to 12, free for kids younger than 3; RSVP atAiegreTravel, 1-800-323-7330 or travel@aleg retravel. com; Elgin Depot, 300 N. Eighth St.. La Grande Farmers Market: Seasonal open-air market featuring fresh local produce, baked goods, specialty foods, quality meat eggs, arts and crafts and live music; 9 a.m.-noon; Max Square, corner of Fourth Street and Adams Avenue. Open Studio:The art center offers easels, drawing tables, pottery wheels, a kiln and other resources and tools; drop-in: $7 members, $10 non-members; Monthly Access: $30 members, $40 nonmembers; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Art Center at the Old Library, 1006 Penn Ave., La Grande; 541-624-2800.
I Archery safari shoot: Grande Ronde
I Archery safari shoot: Grande Ronde
RULING Continued from Page lA " It's very good news for the country," Gov. Jolm Kitzhaber told the Associated Press. Kitzhaber said the state has already set up much of the infrastructure to implement some of the provisions at issue in Thursday's decisian, including the Medicaid expansion and health insurance exchange, an online marketplace that will allow individuals and small businesses to shop for coverage. Had the entii·e Affordable Care Act been overturned, federal funding for the Medicaid expansion and insurance exchanges would have been at risk. Thursday's ruling did impose some limitations on
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art center offers easels, drawing tables, pottery wheels, a kiln and other resources and tools; drop-in: $7 members, $10 non-members ; Monthly Access: $30 members, $40 nonmembers; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Art Center at the Old Library, 1006 Penn Ave., La Grande; 541-6242800. I Terry LaMont: Country, classic and tropical rock as well as requests; 5-7:30 p.m.; American Legion, 2129 Second St., Baker City; 541523-2141.
Observer file photo
The Imbler Old-Fashioned Fourth of July parade begins at noon.
Bowmen host event; 7 a.m.; Mount Emily Recreation Area.
I Bridge: 12:30 p.m.; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande; 541-9637532. I Strings in Summer group: String players beginning or intermediate playing level; 6-7 p.m.; Groth Recital Hall, Loso Hall, Eastern Oregon University, 1 University Blvd., La Grande.
TUESDAY I Bingo: 7 p.m.; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande;541 -9637532. I Blue Mountaineers: 11 a.m.-noon; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande;541-9637532. I Children's Reading and Craft Hour: Free; 10-11 a.m.; Looking Glass Books, 1118AdamsAve., La Grande. I La Grande Farmers Market: Seasonal open-air market featuring fresh local produce, baked goods, specialty
the intended expansion of the Medicaid program. It will allow states that do not wish to expand Medicaid to opt out and not lose all funding for the program, a joint effmt ofeach state and the federal government. But in Oregon, the governor and lawmakers have made it clear they are committed to expanding coverage for those on Oregon's version of Medicaid, called the Oregon Health Plan. "Today's decision will make it possible for an estimated 180,000 to 200,000 more people to qualifY for the Oregon Health Plan in 2014," Oregon Health Authority clirector Dr. Bruce Goldberg said in a statement. "Under the Affordable Care Act, the health care lottery for
foods, quality meat, eggs, arts and crafts and live music; 3:30-6 p.m.; Max Square, corner of Fourth Street and Adams Avenue. Parent/Child Activity Group: For parents and their children 1-5 and their siblings; 2-3:30 p.m.; Head Start, 670 NW First St., Enterprise. Pinochle: must be 18 or older; 12:30 p.m.; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande; 541-9637532. Terry LaMont: Country, classic and tropical rock as well as requests; 5-7:30 p.m.;American Legion, 2129 Second St., Baker City; 541 523-2141. Traditional-Live Dance: TraditionalLive (Northeast Oregon Folklore Society sponsors traditional dances every Tuesdaycontra, Balkan/ international, English country and more; free; 7-8:30 p.m.; Art Center at the Old Library, 1006 Penn Ave., La Grande; 541624-2800.
I Bingo: 5 p.m. doors open, 6 p.m. early bird games, 7 p.m. regular games; VFW Post 4060, 518 N. Main St., Union. I Bingo: 6:30p.m.; Elgin Community Center, 260 N. 10th Ave .. I Lostine Flea Market: Annual flea market with scores of booths featuring foods, crafts, collectibles; free; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Lostine. I Old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration: Parade, city-wide barbecue; 11 a.m.;Wallowa. I Open Studio: The art center offers easels, drawing tables, pottery wheels, a kiln and other resources and tools; drop-in: $7 members, $10 non-members; Monthly Access: $30 members, $40 nonmembers; 6-9 p.m.; Art Center at the Old Library, 1006 Penn Ave., La Grande; 541624-2800.
WEDNESDAY I Ballroom Dancing : 5:30-6:30 p.m.; La Grande High School, La Grande High School auditorium, 708 KAve; 541 -6633300.
low-income Oregonians goes away and everyone wins."
Individual mandate Local health leaders said the upholding of the individual mandate, arguably the most controversial component ofthe law, would create a more stable health system. Diegel said he was happy that the individual mandate had been upheld. "I don't think that someone should be able to elect not to have coverage, and then when something happens, the rest of us have to pick that (cost) up." Medicaid funding The federal government will foot the bill for any Medicaid expansion for the first two years.After that, some
I Country Swing Thursday: A modern style of country Western dancing that is a mixture of the country two-step and east coast swing with various moves from West Coast swing, salsa and other ballroom styles; $3 before 8 p.m., $5
general fund dollars will be used. In 2017, the federal government will pay 95 percent, with the state on the hook for the other 5 percent. In 2018, the federal government's chunk ramps down to 94 percent. By 2020 and beyond, the federal government will pay 90 percent, with the state responsible for the other 10 percent. The state will keep more than $60 million in federal money the federal government has already committed to Oregon to create a health insurance exchange, where individuals and small businesses can compare different types of coverage.And the state is well on its way toward creating coordinated care organizations, which
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after 8 p.m; dance instruction available from 7:30 to 8 p.m.; Maridell Center, 1124 Washington Ave., La Grande; 541-9105042. Eagle Cap Excursion Train: Chief Joseph Express; $20 adults and seniors, $10 for youths, free for kids younger than 3; 1 p.m.; Joseph Depot. Eagle Cap Excursion Train: Chief Joseph Express; $20 adults and seniors, $10 for youths, free for kids younger than 3; 10 a.m.; Joseph Depot. Fine Tunes: 11 a.m.noon; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande; 541-9637532. Locavore Thursdays in Cove: farmers market and youpick garden; noon-5 p.m.; Ascensi on School, 1140 Church St.. Lostine Flea Market: Annual flea market with scores of booths featuring foods, crafts, collectibles ; free ; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ; Lostine.
I Bingo: 6:30p.m. early bird games, 7 p.m. regular games; Eagles Lodge, 1212 Jefferson, La Grande. I Cars on display: Timber Cruisers display classic cars; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; La Grande Town Center, 22121sland Ave .. I Fine Tunes: 11 a.m. noon; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande; 541-9637532. I Lostine Flea Market: Annual flea ma rket with scores of booths featu ring foods, crafts, collectibles; free; 9 a.m .-5 p.m.; Lost ine. I Open Studio:The art center offers easels, drawing tables, pottery wheels, a kiln and other resources and tools; drop-in: $7 members, $10 non-members ; Monthly Access: $30 members, $40 nonmembers; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Art Center at the Old Library, 1006 Penn Ave. , La Grande; 541-62 42800.
Submit an event Tell us about events, meetings and children's activities in Union and Wallowa counties. Service clubs, support groups and other nonprofit organizations are encouraged to notify us of regular meeting times. Email or fax a letter to 541-963-7804 and include the event name, date, time, location, cost and contact information. Deadline is 9 a.m. Thursday to make Friday's calendar.
aim to lower costs by focusing
on prevention and keeping people out of costly emergency room situations. "I am pleased that the Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act, which will help all Oregonians, including the 600,000 Oregonians who are uninsured, have better access to health coverage," the governor said in a statement. "It's a vindication of the Obama administration's bold approach. Oregon's health transformation initiative is well under way.We're moving forward with Coordinated Care Organizations that will transforn1 Medicaid for better health and lower cost. And the Oregon Health Insurance Exchange will be a central marketplace where
individuals and small businesses can shop for health plans and receive help paying for coverage:' The state would have confumed with its health care overhaul even if the Supreme Court had struck down the federal law, but Rep. Peter Buckley, D-Ashland, who sits on the budget-writing committee, said this means the state can hope to stretch its dollars by lowering costs using the health insurance exchanges and CCOs. The idea is to deliver more efficient care and as a result have the money to fill the gap between the federal and state payment<;. "If we get better at controlling our costs, our dollars will go a lot longer," Buckley said.
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7A June 29, 2012
The Observer
Cunningham taken in first DALLAS (AP) Nowthatthe NBA draft is done, the Dallas Mavericks can concentrate on their expected pursuit of hometown All-Star guard Deron Williams. They certainly hope that free agency turns out as well as their draft did. The Mavericks traded the 17th overall pick, their highest since 2000, and moved down seven spots. They said they still got the player they wanted in the first round, Oregon State guard Jared Cunningham, while adding two early second-round picks also expected to be part oftheir roster next season. Cunningham led the Pac-12 in steals the past two seasons. As a junior for the Beavers last season, he averaged 17.9 points, which was second in the Pac-12. Cunningham also had 91 steals, matching Gary Payton's mark as a junior, and averaged 3.8 rebounds.
Wade will miss Olympics MIAMI(AP)Dwyane Wade needs surgery on his left knee and will miss the London Olympics. The Miami Heat guard called USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo and coach Mike Krzyzewski on Thursday and let them know that he is not healthy enough to participate in the Olympics. Wade was playing through pain for much of the postseason, yet still averaged 22.6 points during Miami's five-game win over Oklahoma City in the NBA Finals. Wade tells The Associated Press that the situation is disappointing. Wade and his doctors are in the process of scheduling the surgery.
Balotelli sends Italy to finals WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Mario Balotelli scored twice Thursday to give Italy a 2-1 win over Germany and an unexpected spot in the European Championship final. Extending its winless streak against Italy in major tournaments to eight matches, Germany had no answer for Balotelli nor Antonio Cassano's creativity. In the 20th minute, Balotelli had no trouble getting past Holger Badstuber to head in a pinpoint cross from Cassano. Then in the 36th, the striker blasted a long shot into the top right corner.
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Brad Masher/The Observer
Eastern Oregon University graduate assistant C.J. Green talks to players on Tuesday at an eight-man camp put on by the EOU football team in Cove. The camp ran from Saturday through Wednesday and had teams from all over Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Asummer of camps for EOU's Camp By Casey Kellas The Observer
COVE- Just because it's the off-season, that doesn't mean Tim Camp and the Eastern Oregon University coaching staffis taking any time off. The Mountaineers held their annual eight-man camp in Cove this week, and the turnout was the best it's been in the four seasons since it started. Camp said that more than 100 players from around the region attended the five-day camp. Four years ago that number was less than 40 when it first started. "We're really building this thing," Camp said. "It's a great oppmtunity for the Cove community as well as our coaching staff "I think it can get bigger still." The stop in Cove was just one part of what has been a busy off-season for the EOU football program. The team held its big-man camp back on June 2. That camp also had more than 100 players in attendance, up from the 20 when it started. The coaching staff attended
a one-day camp in Yakima, Wash., earlier this year, then spent a week at a camp in Winnemucca, Nev. And they aren't done for the summer just yet. EOU's annualll-man team camp will run July 1619, and Coach Camp expects to see more than 500 players at that. In late July, Enterprise will have the pleasure ofhosting the coaching staff for a few days. Camp said a clinic in Bend may loom after that, but didn't make any guarantees. Putting on local clinics and traveling around the Northwest to other camps has been a great chance to get Eastern Oregon football's name out there, according to the coach. "It's a great chance to evaluate kids that we may not have the budget to go see. It's one more option that we have. "It's really invaluable in small college football." The Mountaineers kick off their 2012 season Sept. 1 when they travel to play Montana Tech. The home opener is Sept. 8 against Montana State-Northern.
Powder Valley's Colton Eubanks (left) strips the ball from another player during an exercise in Cove Tuesday morning. Eubanks was participating in a five-day high school football camp that drew more than 100 participants from Washington, Idaho and throughout Oregon. EOU head coach Tim Camp (above) has spent the summer promoting Eastern football through a variety of camps and clinics. The next one is July 16-19 on the EOU campus.
Blazers take Lillard, Leonard with first-round picks PORTLAND (AP) - The Portland Trail Blazers didn't pull any early surprises in the NBA draft, filling needs with guard Damian Lillard and center Meyers Leonard. The Blazers took Lillard out ofWeber State with the sixth pick before selecting the 7-foot-1 Leonardoutoflllinois with the 11th on Thursday night. It was the first time that Portland had two lottery picks in the draft. The Blazers got the sixth pick in a trade with the Nets at the March deadline for forward Gerald Wallace. The Blazers, known for draft-night drama in recent years, had earlier targeted a point guard and center at the top of their wish list for the offseason. Lillard, a two-time Big Sky Conference player of the year, averaged 24.5 points, five rebounds and four assists as ajuniorwith the Wildcats before declaring early for the draft. The 6-foot-3 guard had a solo workout with the Blazers earlier this month and reportedly dined with Portland
owner Paul Allen afterward. He was widely considered the top point guard in the draft. "I wanted to see what happened," Lillard said about waiting for his name to come up. "I tried not to have expectations because I didn't want to be disappointed." Lillard is the first player from Weber State to be drafted since Willard Sojourner was taken in the second round - 20th overall - by the Chicago Bulls in 1972. The most recent player from Weber State to play in the NBA was Eddie Gill, who played in six games for the Milwaukee Bucks in 2008-09. In a conference call with reporters, Lillard said he believes his game will complement Blazers All-Star forward LaMarcus Aldridge. New Blazers general manager Neil Olshey did not mince words when it came to Lillard. "Damian Lillard was brought here to be our starting point guard. He might not be that in camp, but we selected him to be the starting point guard," Olshey said. Leonard averaged 13.6
thing special," Olshey said. The Blazers selected guard Will Barton out of Memphis with the 40th overall pick. The Conference USA player of the year last season as a sophomore, the 6-foot-6 Barton averaged 18 points and 6.5 rebounds. Portland also dealt the 41st overall pick, Tyshawn Taylor out of Kansas, to the Nets for cash considerations. Taylor averaged 16.6 points and 4.8 assists per game as a senior last season for the Jayhawks, who went to the NCAA championship game butfell to Kentucky. The draft picks were the Blazers' first significant moves involving Olshey, hired earlier this month to make over the tean1. APphoto Olshey spent nine seasons Damian Lillard, right ofWeber State, is hugged after being with the Clippers, and last selected the No. 6 overall draft pick by the PortlandTrail season oversaw a roster Blazers in the NBA basketball draft,Thursday revantp that included the points and 8.2 rebounds per improve myself;" Meyers said. acquisition of Chris Paul, Caron Butler and Chauncey game as a sophomore last Olshey said the Blazers Billups, and the re-signing of season before he also declared would be patient with Leonearly for the draft. He led the ard, since big men typically DeAndre Jordan. take longer to bring along. As a result, the invigorated Big Ten with an average of "When you get a big guy Clippe1s finished 40-26 and 1.9 blocks per game. "Coming in I'm just going with a motor and a skillset reached the second round of like that, you've got somethe playoffs. to work as hard as I can and
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FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
Local lighters bring home world titles LAS VEGAS, Nev.- A pair oflocal fighters combined to win four world titles at the International Martial Arts Councils World Championships in Las Vegas last weekend. Sigung Ken Johnson and student Arden Yundt both brought back two world chan1pionship trophies each. Johnson, who is the owner and instructor of Grande Ronde Karate School, was defending three world titles from last year and has now won a world title in six different decades. Yundt, 22, and a La Grande High School graduate, was competing at his first world championships and is the first student to win a world title under Johnson. "It's much more satisfYing than winning one myself;" Johnson said ofYundt. "Arden's great, I couldn't ask for
a better prodigy." "It was awesome, seeing all those fighters from all over the place," Yundt said of the expenence. "It was more than I expected. It blew me away." Johnson's first test was in the men's heavyweight black belt kick boxing division. He went 6-0 with three wins by TKO to retain the title. Next Johnson competed in the men's black belt heavyweight full contact continuous fighting division. There, he went 7-0 with six wins by TKO to defend the title. In the black belt pointfighting division he finished 5-1 to take third place. Yundt went undefeated in the under black belt men's MMA division, with no fight making it to the judges to claim his first world title. "It was insane," Yundt said
of the championship fight. "That was actually a good fight. Back and forth. He was on top for a bit, but I was able to reverse it and take him out \vith strikes from the top." Yundt then went undefeated in the men's under black belt point-fighting division to \vin his second championship of the da)' Yundt finished in second place in the men's under black belt continuous fullcontact division, losing a split decision in the finals. The tournament had more than 8,000 contestants from all over the world. Both Johnson and Ylmdt said that the atmosphere and camaraderie amongst opponents was a friendly one. "It's kind of a brotherhood feeling. I remember standing there in my continuous division waiting to fight, and we're all standing there,
Submitted photo
Sigung Ken Johnson defended two of his three world titles at the IMAC world championships last weekend in Las Vegas.
talking. "Then we go up there and beat the crap out of each other, then come back and sta:It talking again. "Everyone has the same
mind set, and they're all good sportsman, so it was fun," Yundt said. Yundt said he plans on retUining next year to defend his titles.
Johnson currently has around 14 students participating at his school. He has nine under the age of 14. They train Mondays and Wednesdays during the summer, with kid's classes going from 5:30p.m. to 6:30p.m. Adults classes go from 6:45-8 p.m. There is also a boxing class available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The cost is $150 for three months, and that includes the Gi. Johnson said he's taken students to two tournaments this year, one in Nyssa and another in Caldwell. 'We're really not trying to teach kids how to fight. They have to learn to defend themselves, that's going to give them a strength in life. "But more importantly we teach tltem how to become leaders," Johnson said.
Jaso' s pinch-hit single lifts Mariners past Boston, 1-0 SEAITLE (AP)- Felix Hernandez walked off the mound in the ninth inning knowing the gem he just tossed was one of the best outings ofhis career. Yet he still stood on the top step of the Seattle Mariners' dugout in the ninth inning begging for a run to make sure this brilliant effort came in a \vin. "Just score one run. One run is all I need," Hmnandez thought as tlte bottom of the ninth started. Thanks to John Jaso and Casper Wells, Hernandez got his deserved victory. Hernandez matched his career
It was the third straight start where Hernandez looked more like the Cy Young winner he was in 2010. It was his 19th career 10-strikeout game and the first time he's ever struck out at least 10 in consecutive starts. The last Mariners pitcher to accomplish that was Freddy Garcia back in 1999. His fastball was moving late and his breaking balls had bite. It was the third time in his career Hemandez struck out 13, the most recent coming on May 22, 2011, at San Diego. "That's the best we've seen. He was unreal. His stuff was moving
high with 13 strikeouts in a brilliant five-hitter and Jaso's pinch-hit single in the bottom of the ninth scored Wells to give the Mariners a 1-0 win over the Boston Red Sox on Thursday night. Hernandez (6-5) tossed his fifth career shutout and was one of the first out of the Mariners dugout after Wells belly-flopped onto home plate with the only run. "Tonight is as good as I've ever seen him;' Seattle manager Eric Wedge said. "Against a lot of veteran hitters, a lot ofgood hitters, and a 0-0 ballgame like that, you couldn't ask for anything more."
all over the place," Boston second baseman Dustin Pedroia said. ''He kept the ball out of the middle of the plate. He was pretty special tonight." The only time Hernandez was tested came in the ninth. It was quite the challenge. Hernandez struck out Pedroia on a 3-2 pitch to open the ninth inning. David Ortiz responded with a line drive back up the middle on a hanging curveball that sent Hernandez sprawling to avoid the shot. He got ahead ofSaltalamacchia 1-2, but missed on the edges and walked him on a 3-2 pitch, allowing a run-
ner to second base for just the third time in the game. Newly acquired Brent Lillibridge pinch-ran for Ortiz, with Adrian Gonzalez coming to tl1e plate. Hm~ nandez almost instantly fell behind Gonzalez 3-0, but fought back to 3-2 before GDnzalez fouled off the next four pitches. On the ninth pitch, Gonzalez hit a shot to deep left-center that Michael Saunders chased down just before the wall. Will Middlebrooks then popped out and Hemandez was left waiting to see if the Mariners offense could get him a run.
SCO~BOARD ----------------------------------MLS w
NewYOfk Baltimcre Bo>Lon Tampa Bay
,16 41 40 40 38
AMERICAN LEAGUE East Divisio n L Pel 29 .613 34 547 36 .526 36 526 38 5CO Central Divis ion L 35
w ChK;ago C"vP-Iand Detrort Kansas City Mir1r1esola
41 38 3/ 34 30
5 61h 61h 8 V2
Washn1gton ·13 Atkmta 40 ~Jew York 41 M iami 35 Phil3dclphia 36
Pet 539 F-D7
39 39 44
466 .405
Gll }V,..
C1nc1nnat1 Pittsburgh St I ouis lvlrMiaukoo
41 40 40 31 32 26
L 31 35 36 40 42 Central Division L 34 35 ~n
Pel bB1
532 467 462
Pet 547 533 ~7n
9 GB
44 49
42 1 347
9%: 15
Pet 571 558 507
West Division
West Division L 29 33 40 45
w 48 LosAngcbs 43 Oakkmd 37 Sooule 3.3
RESULTS/ SCHEDULE All times EDT AMERICAN LEAGUE Thursday's Games ChK;agoVJhite Sux 4. N Y Yankees 3 Cle•;eland 7, Baltrmore 2 LA Angels 9, Toronto 7 Deboil 5.Tarnpa Bay 2 Te-:as 7, Oakland 6 Seattle 1, Boston 0 Friday's Games Chrcago Wh~e Sox at fJ Y Yankees. 7:05p.m. C" veland ill Raltimore. 7 ffi p m LA Angels atToronto, /:0/ p.m Detroit atTampa Bay, 710 p m Oakland at Texa>. 8 05 p rn Kansas City at ~l rnnesota , 8:10 p m. Boston at Seattle. 10 10 p m Saturday's Games ChrcagoWh~e Sox (f'eavy6-41 at ~J Y Yankees (Kuroda 7-71, 1:05 p.m. I A Angels !Richards 7-01 at Toronto
'JV Pet 623 .566 481 423
4 1h 11 151h
San Franosw 44 Los Angeles 43 Arizona 38 Colorado 29 San ()ego 28
IH Awmez 4-6), 107 p m Kansas City (JSanchez 1-3) at Mrnnesma 1Diamond 6-3), 1:10 p.m.. 1st game C"veland ( lom hn 3-5) at llaltrmore ([ veland MI. 4:05 p.m. Detroit iFbrcello ~~ arTampa Ray (Hellidcson '1-3), / :1b p.m. Kansas City (Hochevar 5-7) at M innesota IDeVre> 1-11.7 15 prn . 2nd game Oakland iMrlone S5) atTe-:as (Grimm 1-11. 7 15 p m Boston IBOOcett 4-71 at Seatt!o IEr Ramirez 0-2), ·1o:·1o p.m. National League Th..sday's Gam es f1ttsburgh 5, f'hrladel:hra 4 Colorado 11 , Washington 10, 11 innings .1\ri?Ona :1, .l\tlanta 7 San Dego i, Houston 3 tJ Y Mets 3. LA Dodgers 2 Sar·, Franciscv 5, Cir1cinnati 0 Friday 's Games Houst on at Chrcago Cubs. 220 p.m.
OLYMPIC TRIALS Olympic Trackiials Results The Associated Press Thursday At Hayward Field in Eugene (All race distances in meters; q-qualified) Men 1,500
Preliminaries (Top six from each heat plus next six fastest
advance to semifinals) Heat 1_1, q Craig M 1lbr, New Balance, 3 min utes, 41.89 seconds. 2, q-DavidTorrence, ~Jike. 3 4199 3. q-Matthe.N Centrnwitz. Nike. 3 42 02 4, q~eff Soo, Saucony, 3 42.CG. 5, q-Dan131 Cknk. unattached. 3 42 05. 6, q-Jack [)alas, Nevv Ra"-nce. 1 47 14 7 q-.1\ndrew Rayer India no. 3:~ 2 . l1 . 8, Rrl"{ M asters, Oklahoma, 3:·12./ l 9 Duncan Philip s, .t>.rklansas. 3 42 75 10. Erik Van lngen, SUNY Brrl!]liarnton. 3.43.52. Heat 2_'1, q-W illiam Leer, Nike, 3:40.79. 2, q- AJ Acosta, Oregon 340 98 q-Gorren Heatl·r. Saucony, 3:4102. 4. q-Robby Andrews, adidas, 3 41 n 5, q-M ile Batty, BYU, 3 412 1 6, q Gorma1 Fernandez, unattached, 341.33. 7, q Brian Gagnon. New Jersey tJew York TC. 34138 8, q-StCf1hen Pifer. tJike/OregonTC Eite. 3 4147 9, q-John Jefferson, Brooks, 3:·11lYI . 10, Kyle M iler, Nike, 3 48 81 Heal 3_1, q-Jordan McNamara. Nrke/Oregon TC Elite. 3 4078 2, q-Leonel Manzano, ~like, 3 40 Ql 3, q-Russell BroNn, ~Jike/Oregon TC Elr te, 3:4 113. 4. q-AndrHN '1\fheatrng, ~Jrke/ OregonTC Elite, 3 41 14 5, q-Liarn Bo)lan-Pen, New Jersey NcwYorkTC, 3:41.1 7 6, q John MickoNski. unattached, 3:4118. 7, q-MattheifV Maldonado. Long Beach Statern 3:4193 8. q-lJonan Ulrey, Nrke, 3:42.55. 9, Hob ~rnnerty, W isconsin, 8 43 10. ~fe Merber, Columbia,
1·4~ S7
3,000 steeplechase Final 1. Evan J<>;J81, tJrke/OregronTC Elrle. 8.1740. 2, Donald Cabral, Princeton, 8 198 1 3, Kyle Ak:orn, Nrke, 8:22.17 4, DonakJ CONort, Rogged Mountain Racing, 8:2749. 5, Ben]<tT1 i·1B1uce, adrdae/lv1cMrll3n El1te. 8:29.61 6. Max Krng. Central Oregon Hunnrng Klub. 8 30.54. 7, l)anrel I luling f1eebok, 8 30 76 8, William ~Jetson, Nevv Ra"-nce. s·:'l7 71 ~. ( ory I esi e, Ohro State. 833 9-1. 10, Augustus M aiyo. unattached, 8:35.6 1. 11, Br<Jn Olrnqer, Reebok, 83793. 12, Jo>hllil McAdam, , New Balance, 8.4 110. 13. Craig Forys, Mid1igan, 846 81 VI , DavkJ ." dams, Teom Nebraska, 8:48.83.
•• •
L 33 34 37 40 49
Saturday's Games Prttsburgh (Karstens 0-2) at St. Lou ~ (Lynn 10-3). 2 15 p m Ci·u.::innati (Latus 6-2) at :3an Francisco (Zrto 6-5), 4:05p.m Houston (Happ 6 71at Chicago Cubs (Gatza 3-0). 4:0!J p.m. Washington (Strasburg 9-2) at Atlanta (Mn0f3-6). 4 05p.m Philadelphia (llamels 10-3) at Miami (Ruehre 6-il). 4 10 p m Anzona (Mrley 9-3) at M 1 ~va u koo (Fers 2-2), 7 15pm ~J . Y Mets U. Santana Ml at LA Dodgers (EwakJi 04), 7'15 p m San D0go 1\!olqucz 4 71 at Colorado 1Fredrd 14-G). 7:1G p.m.
(Top three from each heat plus next four fast·
est adva nce to semifinals)
Philoclelphin nt MOJmi, 7 10 p m Washrngton at Atkmta, 7:'3Jp.m. Arizona at M ilwaukoo. 8 10 p.m San Grego at Colorado. 810 p m Prttsburgh at St. Lours, 0:1 5p.m. ~J Y Mers at I .4 Dodgers. 10 10 p m Cn crnnati at San Francrsco, 10 1b p.m.
5,000 Final 1. Galen Rl.ffl. Nrke. 13: 22.67 2. Bernard Lagat. Nrke, 13:22 82 3, LOf:BZ Lomong Nrke. 13:2447 4, .t>.ndrew Oumbalough, N1ke, 13:26.67 5, nyan HiD. ~Jorth Carolina State. 1:'1 7749 6, Renjamin True, Saucorty, 132l:l02 /, Ellrott Heath, Stanford, 13:28.20. 8, Hassan Mead, Mrnnesota, 13 30.21 9. Scott Bauhs. unattad ,ed. 13 3169 1U. MohamedTrafeh, Nrke, '13:36.19. 11 ,Trevor Dunbar, Oregon, 13 4066 12, Rcbcrt Chcserct, unattad1ed, 13 W 39 13, BrentVaughn, ~Jrke. 13:51.49. 14. Ian Dohsnn. Nrke;Oregon TC El"e. 13 5171 15, George!llex, Oklahoma, 13 5715 16, llrandon Gethke, unattache:J, 14:03.37 400 hurdles
Heat ·u ,q-Angefo Taybr, n1ke, 49.53. 2, qMdmel Stigler, Kon= , 5002 3, q-Aiexv\lilright, Evu 1iad< Clw , 50.31. 4, q-Regrrrald V\'yatt Jr. USC, 50.34. 5. q-Steven Wh~e, Na'thTe-:as, 50 80 6, q Antonk> Blanks, Oh1o State, 5111 7, Errc Clay, Oklahoma, Sl32. Heat 2_1. q-Bershavvn Jadcsnn. Nike. 505-9 2. q-LeHon Hennen, unattached, 5107 3, q-K"{unta llayes, UTSA, 51.16. 4, Chrs topher Carter, OYU, ~1 7/ ~. Ali Arasnr. Michigan, ~ 17 17 6. •Jibri Vdonan, Copprn State, 52.21 7, Austrn Hollrmon, umttod1ecl, 56 50 Heat 3_1, q-lvlrd·,aeiTrn>ley, ad <las, 49.55. 2, q-Justin Gayrnon, unattached, 49.56. 3, q-DavkJ Anstill, South FloriJa. 50 53 4,Trey Charfos, First LightTC, Gl 23. G, Adam Durham. unattached, 515:3 6. Carson Blanks. Oe Miss. 5253 7 Lee Moore, unattoche<t 5748. Ileal 4_1. q-Kerron Clement, tJike, 49 37 2. q-.Johnny Duren. ~like, 49 rl.CJ ~. q-.Jeshua Anderson, Nrke, b(J.~ 9. ~, q-Rueben lvlcCcy. unattad1ed, 50 58 5, Jermare Lo,very, Pitt, 51.39. 6. Rdrard Lowe. lvlernpill>. 5188. 7 Caleb Cross, Arka1sas, 5705 Triple jump Semifinals (Top 12 advance to final) 1, q Chr ~nan Taybr, Lr tJrng, 56 feet, 8 rn<fus. 2, q-VVilliam Claye. Nike. G!>-1 Yz 3, q-AarikW ilson. Ullilttad1ed. !>4-R 4. q-Walter IJavs, Ullilttad1ed. iYI-'1 %. b, q-Brandon Roulhac, Shore AC, iYI-3 'k 6, q-Chris Bernard, Ar~ona State, 54-D. 7, qNkasrrrLa Balumbu. MrLurrtl'lvlrs>ourr Valy Trad<. 53-'1'11\ 8, q-Omar Craddock, Florida, 53-TI %. 9, q-Trcy Doris, lewa, 53-10 y, 10, q-Rofeeq Cuny. Shore AC, 53-1014. 11. q-Ryan Grinnell, unattad1ed, 53-4 !~. "12. q-ZedricThomas, unattachod, 53 3. 13, Chns Carter, unattached, 53 2 %. 14, Alphonso Jordan, unattached. 53-1 1h. 15.
EASTERN CONFERENCE L T Pts CF CA DC 9 5 3 30 31 22 NEl>'; York 9 ~ 3 30 31 21 Sporting KC 9 4 2 29 20 15 Clm.:ago 24 19 5 3 20 Houston 5 5 20 20 23 Cc>umbus 5 4 19 14 15 NEl>'; Er'lgland 7 3 18 20 20 lvlontreal 5 9 3 18 24 29 f111ladelph<J 11 12 15 3 8 2 Toronto f C 2 10 2 0 16 28 WESTERN CONFERENCE w L T Pts GF GA San he 10 3 3 33 31 19 Real SaiL Lake 10 19 5 2 32 28 '18 '19 Vancouver 7 4 5 26 Seatte 7 4 19 16 5 25 Los .f..ngeles 6 8 2 20 22 23 •J Colorado 6 8 19 21 21 4 Chrvas USA 19 11 18 5 7 Fbrtland 4 0 4 10 14 17 FC Oallas 14 16 3 9 26 Wednesday's Games Seattle FC at Nelli Engk.r.J, 7:30 p.m. Toronto FC 3, Montrea 0 Today 's Games Heal Salt Lake at Columbus, Chrcago at Sportrng Kansas Crty, 8p.m. Phi~rleJphia ar Houston, R·:'lo Rp m Saturday's Games pm Portland at Cdorado, 9 p.m New York atToronto FC, 7 pm Mmtreal at DC Unrted. LasAngele>a t San Jose. 10 prn 7:30 p.m
East Division
BA EASTERN CONFffiENCE L Pet 750 9 3 7 4 636 8 5 Wl5 6 .462 4 9 308 182 2 9 WESTERN CONFERENCE w L Pet n 1 979 10 6 62b 6 5 .545 6 462 3 9 250 2 11 .154
Connectrcut Chicago Indiana
Atlanta tJENVYork Washington
Mrnnesom Los Angeles San Antonro Seallle Phoenix Tulso
~than [)efongh, unattached, 52-9 Y, 16, Hovd noss. Nev; Mexk:o. 52-2 17, Jonathan Clark 1\( ullilttamed. 51-10 Vz. 18. .Josh Como. ChulaVista ~ lrte, 51-8 Y, 19 Law rence VVrlls IlL US ~xpress TC, 51-7 ~ - 20, Marcus nobinson, \lirginia, 51-5 h 71,Tydree I P.wis, unnni'Kil9:i. S1-0 % 77, Phrll p Young, FbrkJa State, b0-1 14. 23, La'kit Handy, CeorQe Mason, 5Q.D %. Tyron Stevvart, Chula 'vbta Elite. DNS Pole vault Final 1, Brad \!Valker. Nike, 16-7 14. 2. Jeremy Scott. Nike, 18-4 h . 3, Scott Roth, unattadH?.d, 184 Y, 4, Derek lvlrles. Nrke, 184 Y, 5, lvlark Hollrs, Nike, 18-4 v, 6, Dusnn Del eo, unattached, 1& y, 7, M K:hoeiWO'fEe. l JCI A, 18 Y, R, (tiel. Pory Quilter, unattmed, and JackVIihrtt. Oral Roloerts, 17-8 y, - Darren tJrederm"{er, Jump Hrgh Athletic Club, NH - Jordan Scali. unattad 1ed. NH Discus 1, Lance Brooks, rJike. 213-0 2, Jarred Rome, Nike, 207-10. 3, Jasen Youri!J, Nrke, 203-11 4, Ian Waltz, NYAC, 20l2. 5, Russ W inger, !lsics, 200 11 6. C<£r:y Mabne. Nike, 200 6 7, Dan Hvt111en, unattched, 19!>-10. 8. Westley Stocki:Brger unattached. 194-2 9. tJick Jores. Abilene Chrstran Unrversrty 18S7 10, W rllram Con'-"'911, Orooks/Ciub Northwest, 100-4. 11, Luke [)ryan!, Oklahoma, 1R7-6 17, Chase MadOion, Ullilttact,ed, '17S9.
200 Preliminaries (Top three from each heat plus next three fastest advance t o semif inals) Heat 1_1, q-Krmberlyn [)uncan, LSU, 22.69. 2, q-Octavk>us f reem an, UCI, 22.93. 3 q-1aShaunte'a Moore. Nike. 71 09 4. q-.1\lexis Love, Murray State. 23.1b. Heat 2_1, q-Sanya Richards-Ross. Hike, 22 612. q-Charonda W rllrarns. addas, 22.89. 3. q-~Ja tasha Hastings, Under Armour, 23..15. 4, Cambrya Jones, unnttndied, Z3.3D. S, Jessico'TOung,
SaUWII'{, 23.89 Heat 3_·1, q-AIIyson Felix. Nike, 22 82 2, qShabnda Sobmon, Rocbok, 22.96. 3, q Tiffany ToNnsend. adkJas. 23 00 4, q-Joonna Atkins. umttFJd1ed, 73 10 5, Domin1que [)unr.iln, Texas A&lvl, 2 3. 2~. Heat 4_1, OJenel:<>Ta moh, ~like. 22 90 2 q-Branca Krught. adrda>. 23.11 3. q-F'aro; daniek;, Kansas. 23 '17 4. ShareeseWoods. unattached, 23 33 5, Aareon Poyne, USC, 23 41 6, AshI"{ Collrer; Texas A&lVI, 23.51 Heat s_·l , OTianna Madison, Saucony, 22.57 2, q Auneyall Scott, UCF, 22.72. 3, q Lauryn W illiams, Saucony. 232 0 4. Ashton PurvOi. East
GB 1!1, 1!12 3!1, 5Y2 6 \12 GO
5Vz 6!1, 9 101'<
Oakland Youth lJevelopment, 23.50. 5, Leslie Cole. unattache:J, 2366 Heat 6_1 . q-Carmelita.Jeter. Nrke. 22.63. 2. q-!llexandna /\nderson, ~< i<e. 22 98 3, q-l-brsd1a Lucas, Saucony, 23.05. 4 , q-Chalorda Goodrnan, Texas. 7107 ~. Shayla lvlahan. ~ Jth Carolina,
n o< 1,500 Preliminaries
(Top six from each heat plus next six fastest advance to semifinals) Heat 1_1. q-Shannon Rarvbeny, ~like. 4:16.17 2. qJenny Srmpson, New llalance, 4 16 70 3, q-Sarah D<wman, Ne-v [)al:lnce, 4:16.06. 4, q-tJicole Schappert. ~JYAC, 416 89 ~. q-Sara Vaughn, BoNerman Ath letrcC iub. ~ : 1!00 o q-Heather Kampf, Asics/Team USA Mrnnesota 41765 7. q Kate Grace. Oi>ele' Nev; Je""' Nev; York, 4:1765. 8, Cory lvlcGoo, Ffonda, 41776 D, Stephan" Charnrgo, New Jers"{ New YorkTC, 4 19.09. LeaWakloo, tJike. D~I S. Heat 2_·1 , q-Morgan Ucerty. adidas. 4:.14.07 2, q Gabriele Anderson. Brook>ifeam USA Min nesota, 4:14.23, 3, q-Kathenne Mack"{, Brooks. 414 28 4. q-Margaret lnfeU. NYAC. 414 60 5, Q lrenrere Moser, Nrke, 4:14.79. 6, q-Greta rekJman. Flinceton, 4 14 .09. 7, q-Karly I lam ric, RIAIJHA. 4 1'i :1.1 R, q-Ashley Miller, tJebraskil. 4:15.34. 9, q-Katre Flood, Washrrg ton, 4:'15.45. 10. Louren Bonds, adidns,RuleighTC, 42 075 Heat 3_1, q-Airce Sd 11rndt. Nrke, 4:15.70. 2, qAnna Pierce, Nike, 4:'15.86. 3, q-Amy Mortimer, Saucorty, 4 16 02 4, q Jordan Hasay Oregon, 4:10.00. 5, q-Brenda Mamnez. Nevv Balance. 4 16 11 . 6. q-Phoei:'e Wright. tJike. 416 29 7 q-Henee lomlrn, Nrke, 4:16.36. 8, q-Melrssa Salerno, unattached. 4 16.50. 9, I IEidi Dahl, N~ENJ Ralance, 4 ·?7M I aurro Centrow it7, Ne.r; Baance, DNS. 5,000 Final '1, Julie Culley, Asics!NYAC, '1 5:13.7Z 2, Molt{ Huddle, Souoony, 15 14 40 3, Kim Conley, New Baance'SR.t>. Elrte. 15:1779. 4, Julra Lucas, Nrkei OreJonTC Elite, .15 1983 5,Abbey D)\.gost1no, unattached, 15:19.98. 6, Lisa Uhl, Nrkc/Oregon TC Elite. 1G241I 7, Ebbeth Mala{. New Raonm 1Ci 74 Rei R. Fmily lnfekJ, Georgeto·JVn, 1b: 2~.00. 9, Alrsha VVrl rams, Boulder Runnng Club/adrdas, 15 32 98 10,Tara Erdmann, unatLadred. 15.33.96. 11 . lvlag<:ldena Lewy Boulel. Saucorty, '1534 3'1 ·12, Emif{ Sisson, unattached, 15 34 6S 13, Debornh Mo.,r, unottoched, 153756. 14, KellynJol rnson ad rdas/Mc~lil k.n Elite, 153960 15. Katr"' Kreger, Stanford, 15:40.55. 16, Lauren Fleshman, Nrkc/OregonTC Elite, 1[) 54 14
•• •
Charlotte makes Davis No. 1 pick NEWARK, N.J. (AP) Anthony Davis hugged his college tean1mate, hugged his coach, and climbed on stage as the No. 1 pick. Turns out, that was just the start of Kentucky's party at the NBA draft. The Wildcats became the first school to have the top two picks and tied a record with six players taken overall Thursday night. After theNew Orleans Hornets made the longexpected selection of Davis, Charlotte followed by taking fellow freshman Michael Kidd-Gilchrist. Saying he was nervous even though his selection was no surprise, Davis shared an embrace vo:ith Kidd-Gilchrist, seated at a nearby table. "My arm was shaking and my hands were sweaty. Got up and hugged Michael, my best friend, wanted to hug him for a minute," Davis said. 'When my name got called, wanted to make sure he stayed close." He did - following Davis as the next player to climb up and shake Commissioner David Stem's hand. "It's crazy," Davis said moments after Kidd-Gilchrist's selection. "Michael is a great player.We have two down and four more to go. Hopefully, all of them will go in the first round." They didn't, the only disappointment for the Wildcats. They settled fur four in the first round and a tie with North Carolina, which won the race to four picks - all in the top 17 selections. Han ison Barnes (No. 7, Golden State), Kendall Marshall (No.13, Phoenix), John Henson (No. 14, Milwaukee) and Tyler Zeller (No. 17, Dallas and later traded to Cleveland) all went between Kidd-
Gilchrist and the next Kentucky playe1; Terrence Jones at No. 18 to Houston. Otherwise, it was the Wildcats' night. Kentucky got its fourth first-round pick at No. 29 with Marquis Teague, another freshman, who is headed to Chicago as a possible replacement for the injured Derrick Rose. Doron Lamb went 42nd to Milwaukee, and Darius Miller was 46th to New Orleans. Only UNLV in 1977 had six players drafted - but none in the first round. The 6-foot-10 Davis averaged 14.2 points, 10.4 rebounds and 4.7 blocks, becoming a dominant defender after growing 7 inches from the start of his junior year of high school. A season after the Hornets traded longtime star Chris Paul, Davis is ready to be tlteir centerpiece, since playing for the Wildcats means he is already accustomed to plenty of attention. "Like I said, at Kentucky we had it all the time, especially the six who played, we had the spotlight all the time," Davis said. "I think it really prepared me." Charlotte, coming off a 7-59 season and the worst winning percentage in NBA history; had been open to moving the No. 2 pick ifit found the right deal. Instead, Michael Jordan's team went with KiddGilchrist, whose selection by the Bobcats was loudly cheered, a sharp contrast from the boos Stem received when he came out to announce the picks. The new Charlotte swingman played in high school at nearby St. Patrick's in Elizabeth, N.J., and fans chanted "MKG! MKG!" as he walked off the stage.
•• •
FRIDAY, JUNE 29,2012
ELGIN Continued from Page lA Then in May, the Elgin council voted to enter into a three-year contract with the county department rather than continue the effort to rebuild the local department. The contract worked out in subsequent negotiations takes formal effect in July. Sheriff's Office law enforcement services will cost the city $298,693 in the first year of the contract, $269,023 in the second year, and $290,345 the third year: Rasmussen said the deputies will use the offices formerly occupied by the city police department, and the city's police vehicles will be retrofitted for use by the deputies. He said that two deputies will patrol the city initially, with plans to add a third as funds become available. "The city is paying unemployment costs for the two officers who left, and that's why we're not fielding three deputies in the beginning," Rasmussen said. During a training period from this July to March, 2013, the county will provide 40-60 hours coverage. After training is complete, the minimum number of service hours will rise to 70. When the contract is fully implemented, three deputies 'vvill provide 105 hours of service. "I think with three, you should be able to provide good service out there," County Commissioner Steve McClure said. According to the contract, the Sheriffs Office will send a representative to monthly city council meetings to provide a report oflaw
((The city is paying unemployment costs for the two ~fficers who left, and that's why we're not fielding three deputies in the beginning." - Sheriff Boyd Rasmussen
enforcement law enforcement activities and services. Members of the city's safety committee will receive the report by email at east a day prior to the council meeting. In another item ofbusiness during Wednesday's county board meeting, the board voted some financial support for Northeast Oregon Public Transit summer activities, which include providing free bus transportation for community events. Among the activities is bus service to the Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall at the La Grande Gun Club July 19-23. Northeast Oregon Public Transit Manager Frank Thomas said his organization will try and serve as many people as possible who want to see the memorial, which makes an appearance in La Grande tl1anks to the efforts ofHigh Valley VFW Post 4060. Thomas said that vehicle parking will be limited at the gun club. ''We have a park and ride altemative to get people out there 'vvithoutjamming the venue, but we're also offering rides to people who wouldn't othenvise be able to get there," Thomas said. He said the service will be distributing flyers to tl1e Union County Senior Center and local elder living facilities. Thomas said the schedule is still being worked out, but
busses will run to the memorial site several times each day. Busses will likely remain on site for 30 minutes or until a group is ready to return, whichever comes first. "Passengers will be welcome to catch a later bus if they wish to spend more time," Thomas said. Thomas said the service will be staffed with a veteran who recently completed a tour in Iraq. Thomas also filled the board in on the transportation service's plans for bus service during the Union County Fair, Aug. 1-4 He said that during that project, there will be an effort to support merchants who are also vendors at the fair. Measures will include on-board advertising and promotions, outdoor advertising, local and social media promotions, and intentional stops and layovers in the downtown business district. Thomas said busses will run the fair route 3 p.m. to 10 p.m.Aug.1-3, and 12 noon to 10 p.m. Aug. 4. In a third summer activity, Thomas said his agency will again be running busses for players housed in La Grande while practicing for the EastWest Shrine game in Baker CityAug.4. After hearing Thomas' presentation, tl1e boaru approved funding of not more than $4,878 for the transportation projects. Also during Wednesday's meeting, the boar'd formally adopted the county budget and solid waste district budget for 2012-13, and considered and took action on a variety of administrative matters.
Emergency trip has happy outcome
t was Devin and Terrv on this run. It was lunchtime for the emergency medical technicians, but the phone rang anyway. They didn't know what they might find when they arrived downtown other than the 911 call had come in to say a woman had fainted in a local restaurant and needed medical help. Once on the scene, they found the patient groggy but able to respond to the questions. Her blood pressure taken. It was low. Anxious faces hovered over her. Shortly tl1e strong arms of the medics had the patient placed on the stretcher and moved into the ambulance where more medical supplies were at the ready. When all was in readiness, Terry drove the ambulance to the hospital while Devin continued administering to the patient. At the hospital, more gentle hands received the one for car·e. The initials RK
(or was it KR?) appeared on the male nurse's nameplate, a retired military serviceman and now in medical service as was his mother working upstairs at the hospital. In-between the necessary attachments to monitor the patient's recovery; the blood work, x-rays, EKG, oxygen, inquiring interviews and the comings and goings of needed personnel, there was a little more time for the patient to take in her surroundings. Her head cleared more fully, as the dedicated health providers saw to her care. The bed, that could bend in almost any direction, lowered the head and raised tl1e feet, bringing blood to the heart and head. Then it was lie flat, sit up, stand up. The results were good. Around four hours after the call and treatment, emergency room Doctor
brought the results. A newly-tried medication to bring down high blood pressure may have brought it down all right - too far, too fast. Was a hardly-used vial of pills again to be discarded?, the side-effect momentarily being worse than the cure. The patient was released togo home. This emergency trip made by Devin and Terry, EMTs, had a happy outcome. Not knowing whether or not the timing and beginning treatment was crucial, they were there when needed, even during the noon hour. Maybe then they could enjoy their lunch sandwich awaiting them on the front seat of their vehicle. A free fresh one at the Sub-Shop 21 on Fourth Street awaits them, with the recipient's appreciation, if they happen to read this. Veteran newspapeTWoman Dorothy Swart Fleshman is a La Grande native. Reach her at
Sheriffs Olice makes arrest in
By Bill Rautenstrauch The Observer
ELGIN- The Union County Sheriff's Office said it has made arrests in connection with three recent burglaries in Elgin. Union County Sheriff Boyd Rasmussen said in a press release that on June 23 and June 25, deputies responded to separate reported burglaries at the 0 & M gas Station in Elgin. Also on June 25, the Sheriffs Office received a report of a burglary at the Elgin Food Town. Rasmussen said investigations led to three juvenile suspects, two 17 years old and one 16. The thTee were cited to the juvenile department on charges ofburglary in the second degree, theft in the second degree, and criminal mischiefin the second degree. The boys were placed on house arrest. Rasmussen said that much of the stolen property was recovered, and that investigation of one the burglaries was aided by witnesses. "I appreciated the immediate response and investigation by deputies on behalf of the affected business owners and citizens of Elgin," Rasmussen said.
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- Densmore Family Gregg, Linda, Sara, Samantha & Liam Our community will not be the same without you! \Ve can't thank you enough for all you have given of your time & talents! You will be sorely missed. Wishing you tl1e best on yam new adventure! 1he following (& their families) are just a sampling - not enough time & space to list us all! Pat & Patty 0 ' Reilly Darren & Louise Larvik Lisa & Larry Nicholson Rod & Shicla Sands Eric & Meg Valentine Doug & Andrea Waldrop Tim & Candi Thompson Kevin Cahill Joe & Carrie Grover David & Olivia Westenskow Chris & Kellv Cook Paul & Kelly Anderes Patrick DesJardin Oregon Rur~l Action Linda Carlsen Mt. Valley Therapy I David & Melinda Becker Nikki Ebel LHS Volleyball 'leam Craig & 'leresa Smith-Dixon Leslie Graham Jerry Sebastian & Sharon Evoy Josh White NODA Volunteers Susie Harris Brenda & Dave Cleman Amelia Ettinger Jenny Tucker Shelby A. Sherrod Kristie Albm.:ht Emily Frontier Randy & Diana Siltanen The Bullock Pamily Mark & Sallie Aldape Larry Glaze Ellen Schoenfelder Tim Schoenfelder Pete & Kim Ridder John & Kit Evers Terry & Shelly Fischer Bob & Debbie Mills John & Ruth Yeates Annette Howell Janine & John Atilla Mike & Ann Johnson Jim & Patti Marlin Beth & Steve Huntington Ben & Amy Morgan David Knight Family Rod Muillenberg I Gina Valinas Sean & Chelsee Rohan Evonne Cranford & Brent John Lamoreau Timm Heidi Klammer Sean & Julie White Katie Boula & Phil Howell Mark Carollo Steven Ilg Matt Babb & Lucy Parker Siobham & Dick Knowles Rick & Tina Bowen Dale & Rhonda Sue Basso Heather & Eric Gooderham Joel & Mary Goldstein Wes & Jennifer Williams Barb Ely Betsy Neeley & Sherry Blakely Penny MacKay Ken & Jeri Watson Mandv Treanor Bill & Cheryl Simpson-Whitaker Tracie' Aldrich Tom & Emily Insko Carol & Brad Byron Pat & Valerie Goss Lyle & Iris Mann Doug Ross & Cheryl Gosgrove Roger & Melanie Yeales Kevin & Anne March Galvez Familv Tim Cary Jan & Lynn Harris Rebecca Tilley Susan Whitelock & Don Wolff Joel & Susan !lice Jade Clark & Brenda Jackson Darren & Corrine Dutto Greg Thurman I Tina Beeck Deb & Brent Christensen
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•• •
•• •
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
Charter Communications customers should be aware of scam Charter Communications customers, beware. Scammers are out and looking to cheat you. According to a report received this week, at least two
La Grande residents received calls recently from someone claiming to represent a company that bought Charter. In both cases, the caller said he needed infonnation in order
to facilitate the changeover. Infonnation requested included debit card account numbers. One person receiving a call did provide that information,
services despite this cut. • A special education aide position. Savings: $34,783 in salary and benefits. • The district's band coach position. Savings: $2,500, which had been paid as a stipend. The budget also calls for the high school wrestling program to be club status. This
will save the district $8,000. The wrestling program will have a volunteer head coach. The budget also calls for reductions in expenditmes for textbooks, computer leases, utilities, science comput" ers, maintenance equipment and computer software. This will save the district about $52,000.
Continued from Page lA
will cut in 2012-13 by at least one day to three. Union School District Superintendent Jon St. Germaine mged the board to do this because the district had promised its teachers that the number of school days cut would be reduced if the district's financial situation improved. Each school day cut costs teachers an average of$300 a year. The district will save about $10,000 for each school day cut. St. Germaine said there is a real chance that more than one day Vlrill be added back because of the district's improved financial situation. The budget committee had recommend that the district cut its part-time Spanish teacher position by one third but asked the board to look for ways to avoid doing this if possible. The board was able to restore the position by cutting the travel budgets for athletics and activities by $9,000. The savings Vlrill be used to maintain the pmi-time Spanish teaching position at its present status. The move means the Spanish teacher Vlrill continue instructing three classes a day at Union High School. The teacher would have taught two classes a day had his position be reduced. The teacher also instructs tln·ee Spanish classes in the Cove School District during the school year. Following are the personnel reductions that will be made as part of the budget adopted: • One half of a kindergarten teaching position. Savings: $24,418 in salary and benefits. The position was originally cut a year ago but was added back late because Union's kindergarten enrollment was higher than expected. • The district's media center-librarian position. Savings: $80,912 in salary and benefits. The district will continue to offer library
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later had to call her bank and have her card cancelled. It appears she did that before the scammers could access her account. The second person receiv-
ing a call refused to provide the infonnation and contacted Charter; which said the story about a new owner wasn't true. People receiving such calls
mation. Anyone who has received a call should contact La Grande Police, 541-9631017.
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•• •
•• •
Friday, June 29, 2012
The Observer & Baker City Herald
Read thoseRx • wammgs and take heed
File photo
Dealing with • • nugrames
By Jane Glenn Haas The Orange County Register
By Meredith Cohn The Baltimore Sun
BALTIMORE - The many people who suffer from migraine headaches often seek quiet, dark places to 1ide them out. But there are effective means of preventing them, shortening their duration and even stopping them. There are established medications and lifestyle changes sufferers can employ, and even some new ones to try, says Dr. Michael Sellman, chiefof neurology at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. Q: How comnwn are migraines, and who usual~y suffers from them? A: Migraine headaches are the most frequent neurology problem that I see in my office. Migraine headaches typically begin in adolescence or young adult life. They can be genetic in nature and inherited from the mother or father. Women get migraine headaches three times more often than men. It is estimated that 15 percent of all women get migraine headaches and 5 percent of all men as well. Q: Do you need to see a doctor to diagnose them? A: You do not necessruily need to see a doctor to diagnose migraine headaches. It is reasonable to see a doctor to con:finn this diagnosis and make sure the headache disorder is not due to some other cause. I would, however, suggest someone see a doctor if the headaches do not respond to treatment or have any unusual features. Q: What causes them and can they beprevented? A: There are multiple causes of migraine headache. About 15 percent of migraines occur shortly before a woman's menstrual cycle. Certain foods have been implicated to trigger a migraine. These include chocolate, strong cheese, onions, oranges and tomatoes. Red wine and sometimes beer frequently precipitate a migraine attack. Rapid changes in barometric pressure (impending rainstonn) can trigger a migraine headache. Migraine headaches can be prevented in part by a healthy lifestyle. Patients should be encouraged to eat small, frequent meals to avoid hunger. Personal stress should be reduced as much as possible. Lack of sleep can cause a headache disorder to worsen. See Migranes I Page2B
Jim Bates/The Seattle Timesi MCT
Angela Slendbroek, left, and her daughter, Stephanie Abdulkader, run together in the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon to benefit the American Cancer society.
Going the distance • Women are wowing field in marathons Half-marathon finishers have increased by 234 percent since 2000. A record 59 percent of the more than 1.6 million The SeattleT1mes/ MCT half-marathon finishers were females. Women accounted for 65 percent oflast year's field in SEATILE - When Stephanie Abdulkader suggested to her 64-year old mother, Angela Slendebroek, in February Seattle, said John Bingham of the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon they should participate in Seattle's Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, Series. "It's only really been a generation or so, but this is a reSlendebroek had her doubts. "Me, run a marathon?" Slendebroek said when her markable change and I think it's fantastic," Bingham said. daughter asked. "Oh God, no." Slendebroek and Abdulkader said they pushed each Abdulkader, 30, carried on with the registration and other to wake up every morning at 5 a.m. to run. signed up for the half marathon that Slendebroek said she had high blood pressame night. She clicked around on the sure and couldn't run a mile two years ago. "Me, run a marathon? site and learned about the marathon's The preparation for this event has changed Oh God, no." her lifestyle. partnership with the American Cancer Society, which included an endurance pro- - StephanieAbdulkader "Now I'm running 13.1 miles. Give me a gram to help prepare for the race, called break," she said, laughing. "That's unbelievDetenniNation. able." From that point, Abdulkader had no doubt in her mind. Slendebroek and Abdulkader have raised more than They had to run this race. $1,600 each for the American Cancer Society in every Her father, Hans, passed away on April 9, 2011, after an way possible. They've stood outside grocery stores in the 18-month battle with lung cancer. Abdulkader and Slenfreezing rain, held garage sales, asked for sponsorships and linked family and friends to their blogs to submit online debroek wanted to place their emotions into something positive to honor their 71-year old father. payments. "The way it unfolded, it worked out just right," Ab"(Hans) would give the shirt off of his back for someone Abdulkader said about her father. "He never had a lot else," dulkader said. Women's participation and charity-led groups have of money in his wallet, but he would always carry a dollar played an important role in the increase in half-marathon and he'd always give it to someone else. participants. It's the fastest growing road-race distance in tl1e United States since 2003, according to Running USA. See Running I Page2B By MasterTesfatsion
THE FACTS: • Mortality rate for Colore ctal Cancer in Union County is higher than both the State & National averages.* • Colorectal Screenings in Union County lag behind the State average by 8%.*
*U S. National Cancer Institute's Surveillance Epidemiology and End Resu/ls at
See Warnings I Page 2B
File photo
It's time you got serious about screening.
Age 50 or older? Poor eating habits? Sedentary lifestyle? Do you smoke? Family history of colorectal cancer?
When was the last time you looked at that extra label pasted on your prescription bottles? You know the one I mean. Sometimes its vertical and sometimes its horizontal. It often says something like "May cause drowsiness. Alcohol may intensify the effects. Use care when operating a car or dangerous machinery." That's pretty routine, actually, but each yeru· at least 4 million Americans experience some sort of adverse reaction to prescription medications, some because they didn't read the label. The reactions - ranging from mild rashes to hospitalization to death- could be avoided if warning labels were more effective, according to a Michigan State University study. The study revealed only half the participants surveyed looked at the warning label and 22 percent didn't look at any labels, says Laura Bix, associate professor in :Michigan State's School of Packaging. She concludes some relatively simple changes could improve the labels' effectiveness. "Given our results, we are recommending a complete overhaul of the design and labeling of the ubiquitous amber bottles, which have seen little change since their introduction 50 years ago," she writes in her report. "Our initial recommendations would be to move all of the warnings from the colored stickers to the main white label." The change is especially important on prescriptions used by patients 50-plus, Bix said in an interview. "Students in our study tend to rotate the vial and actively search for infonnation. Older folks assume they are going to know what's on
General surgeons Andy Pearson, DO, & Chris WoodNorth, MD
We're here to help you do that. @
Aslc your doctor about a surgical referral for colorectal screenings. If you do not have a doctor. call the Regional Medical Clinic at 541-663-3138 for an appointment with one of our providers. ~
•• •
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
Tally me banana: Fruit found to boost workouts • Study fmds popular fruit good source of carbohydrates By Anne Aurand WesCom Nevvs Service
Abanana could serve as an all-natural alternative to sugary sports drinks fur an athlete -especially a cyclist -who needs a workout boost. A small randomized, crossover study of 14 competitive male cyclists compared the effects of eating bananas and drinking water to drinking standard 6 percent carbohydrate sports drinks on cycling performance, post-workout inflammation, oxidative stress and immune functions. Researchers at the Appalachian State University Human Perfom1ance Laboratory found that the bananawater combo had similar results to the 6 percent carbohydrate sports drinks. This study, published in PLoS ONE, a peer-reviewed online joUinal, was funded by Dole Food Co., a banana producer. A medium banana has
MIGRANES Continued from Page lB
Afrequently underappreciated cause can be too much sleep. Therefore, do not sleep 10 hours on a weekend if headaches are a problem. Medication to prevent migraines works very well for the majority of patients. These medications need to be prescribed by a physician. A physical examination is necessary before a prescription could be given and follow-up monitoring for complications is necessary. A newer treatment that is having some success in preventing migraine is botox injections. Q: Ifone begins, is there a
File photo
File photo
Bananas originated in Southeast Asia.
about 105 calories, 27 grams of carbohydrate and 422 milligrams of potassium, according to the United States Department ofAgricultUI·e. These ingredients are also found in sports drinks in varying an1ounts. A banana way to slwrten its duration? A: The key to abortive treatment is to fight the headache immediately in the ear·ly stages. By the time the headache becomes fullblmvn, it is too late. Practical ovm~the-counter treatments that work in some patients is to drink a strong cup of coffee and take a tablet or two of aspirin. There are numerous prescription medications that can effectively reduce a migraine headache as well. Q: Are there complications from the migraines or medications to look out for? The complications of migraines are infrequent but do happen. The most devastating is that of stroke. Young women with frequent
WARNINGS Continued from Page lB
there, so they don't read it." Bix admits she doesn't know why older prescription users do not read warning labels. "It could be difficulties in vision or perception or it could just be lack of awareness," she says. She said we have to find a way to make sure these patients notice the warning labels and heed them. "I believe too many ofthese warnings ar·e pasted on the bottle vertically. I recommend a horizontal application at the bottom of the regular prescription information." Her students found that, on average, more than 30 percent of those 65 and older take 10
RUNNING Continued from Page lB
"I know that's what he would've chosen for us to do because he Javed people." Described as a stubborn Dutchman, he continued to run his business, Dutch Masters Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, throughout
Toothpastes and powders came into general use in the 19th century. Fluoride was first added to toothpaste in 1890.
also has about 3 grams of fiber, unlike a sports drink. Fiber is undesirable to some athletes during exercise, since the body is more focused on fueling its muscles than its digestion. migraines ar·e sometimes advised not to take birth control pills because they are at increased risk for stroke. The side effects of medications to look out for should be discussed by the prescribing physician. I think it is a good idea for patients to ask this important question to their doctor when receiving a prescription. The most common side effect of over-the-counter medication comes from taking too much aspirin. Patients can bleed or get an ulcer. They also can get "rebound" headaches because the aspirin loses its effectiveness. The patient then gets a bad headache because he did not take an aspirin.
Is toothpaste giving your children allergies? By Andrea K. Walker The Baltimore Sun
risk, indicated by circulating antibodies
Soap, toothpaste and mouthwash may fight germs, but it also could make your child prone to allergies, new research has found. Common antibacterial chemicals in these products may affect development of the immune system, making children more likely to develop food and environmental allergies, the research from Johns Hopkins Children's Center found. Researchers analyzed data from a national health survey of 860 children ages 6 to 18. They compared urinary levels of antibacterials in each child to preservatives found in personal hygiene products. Levels of lgE antibodies - immune chemicals high in people with allergies - were also examined in the blood of each child. 'We saw a link between level of exposure, measured by the amount of antimicrobial agents in the urine, and allergy
to specific allergens," lead investigator Dr.
different medications daily. Taking multiple medications increases the odds of adverse reactions, she says. Also, this complication is "complicated further" since older participants were less likely to notice or remember the warnings. Not surprisingly, more people who saw the stickers could recall them better, she says, suggesting that enhancing the labels' noticeability is key. The study results highlight the importance of studying how people notice and pay attention to the labels, says Mark Beckel~ assistant lVIiclrigan State University professor of cognition and cognitive neuroscience. "By applying basic research on the control of attention to the design oflabels, we may greatly improve their effectiveness," he says in the report.
his chemotherapy treatment up until his last month. As much as his family wanted him to relax, they couldn't get him to sit down. He continued to climb ladders to install lights in his cathedral-style ceiling, "''ith oxygen attached to his nostrils. He built a shed on the side of the house by himself
But he also kept his family's spirits up during the difficult time. Slendebroek said her husband made the family stronger. "The motivation to do this run is bigger than yourself," Slendebroek said. "I just had to do it. It's something way, way, way above us."
Jessica Savage said in a statement. The findings more than likely show that antibacterials and preservatives don't cause allergies, but may influence immune system development. The research may back up the belief that more kids have food and environmental allergies because they are not getting early childhood exposure to common pathogens, which help build healthy immune responses. Missing out on that exposure can lead to an overactive immune system that misfires against harmless substances such as food proteins, pollen or pet dande1; the researchers said. The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health published online and in the print version of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
Bring your lunch and lawn chairs to the park and enjoy the music. Suggested concert admission $3 per person by donation. Powder River Music Review conce1·t series is presented to raise funds to build a bandstand pavilion in the center af Geiser-Pollman Pa1·k. Brochure and brick order forms will be available at weekly coru~erts or may be do<Wnloaded at www.facebook .com/BAKERCITYBANDSTAl\.TI ........,~+-tl for anyone interested in purchasing an engraved b1·ick to be placed in the stage/foundation of the new bandstand pavilion. Thanks to the musicians for donating tlteir time and talent to raise funds to build the bandstmul. Put your nam.e down in history w ith an engraved brick · makes great birthday, annil!ersary and holiday gifts or memorial tributes. 4 inch by 8 inch b1icks are $60 8 inch by 8 inch b1·icks ure $300 12 inch by 12 inch tiles are $1000
A support column sponsorship is $10,000
Barbara Jeans Store Closing Sale
Soroptimist Intemational of Baker County (SIBC) is the 501(c)3 non-profit for this project. Powder River Music R eview is organized and supported by the volunteer effm·ts of the Baker City Herald, SIBC and the The Bandstand Committee. Fm· more information call Marv Sundean 541 -523-4664 or 541 -5 19-56 53
begins July 5 2034 Main Street, Baker City Store will be closed July 2,3,4 to prepare for sale.
•• •
•• •
By DAVID OUELLET HOW TO PlAY: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle - horizontally, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them and CIRCLE THEIR LEITERS ONLY. DO NOT CIRCLE THE WORD. The leftover letters
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
spell the Wonderword.
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Solution: 5 letters
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I 0 u G) G w u u K c ® R E c N A D s T A D® L A R G E 0 A s H I ® T 0 y s L E G s © 2012 Universal Uc lick
www.wonderword.c om
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7 1 8 6 2 3 5 6 2 7 49 3 4 9 5 8 1 2 5 3 4 98 4 8 6 13 7 1 9 7 2 5 6 8 3 1 9 7 4 9 2 4 8 65 6 7 5 3 12
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* * * ** *
s s R s s s 8 E p M L u I I N L 0 s
Adults, Around, Assemble, Audio, Back, Balance, Children, Circus, Color, Cylinders, Dancers, Duration, Fabric, Fair, Fast, Fitness, Games, Hands, Hula, Large, Legs, Lesson, Limbs, Motion, Neck, Noise, Patient, Patterned, Rattan, Rocks, Shift, Shoulders, Simultaneously, Size, Skills, Slow, Songs, Spins, Spun, Sticks, Throwing, Toys, Tubing, Twirl, Twist, Water, Weight
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SftNS()f;:SH I P.
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I 'D 7N~A-K OUT A-~v TIL.-1,. MY fii\DM CAlK11fT N£ ... '' BI'ZINb TltA-T ~i<WM RlbltT BI\C-K fJO DRA-b RA-G IIll& INITI+ !l\Y BVPD1t;7 t1l7RJ~ ~ I NGeD TOS.WBBP ,.----___...,
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IF Tff/'3 KeeP5 UP, We'U HAVe THE! lll!i.T8A6 5PACE AU TO OU!i.5E3LVE35. OF COU!i.5e, THe ll011JN<;JIJI3 1$ THeRe ARe FeWeR PIRTBA6 5 &eFT TO ReP.
" See that? That means you are waaaaaay too stressed out."
•• •
•• •
•• •
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday
2 days prior to publication date
Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 • • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 • • • Fax: 541-963-3674
1 05 - Announcements
105- Announcements
110- Self-Help Group Meetings
DO YOU know kids ages 7-10 who are Horse .. trust what he did, Crazy/7 Then the not vvhat you are do1ng. Horse Crazy Camp at ' Clover Haven is for PINOCHLE: FRI., 6:00 p.m. Senior Center, them I Come join us 2810 Cedar St. 105 -AnnounceJuly 9-13, fr om Public is we lcome. 9 00-1 00 for a ments fun-filled week of learn1ng about horses CHECK YOUR AD ON THE DEADLINE for THE FIRST DAY OF throu g h grooming, placing a ClassiPUBLICATION lead1ng, riding, and acfied Ad is 12:00 tivities in art, music, We make every effort p.m. to avoid errors. science, writing, geogTHE DAY BEFORE However mistakes r·aphy and histor·y PUBLICATION. do s lip through. $200. Call Ruthi in La Check your ads the Grande at BAKER COUNTY Health f1rst day of publica541-663-1 528 to reg isDepartment offers a t ion & call us immeter. var1ety of affordable diately if yo u find an birth control. Some inerror. Northeast dividuals may qualify Oregon Class if1 eds for a program t o get wi ll cheerfully make PRESCHOOL birth control at little or FALL your correction & ope n~ng s ava ilable for no cost. We also offer exten d your ad 1 3 & 4 year olds at STI testrng Please call day_ Herdr Ho fo r the if you have question or 2012-2013 yea r. Limto make an appointPUBLIC BINGO : Mon. ited spaces. Call ment 541 -523-82 11 . doors open, 6:30p.m .; 963 -8 795 or email early bird game, 7 p.m. BEGINNER PIANO followe d by regular LESSONS! games. Community Safe, fun environment ! Connection, 2810 CeLAMINATION UP *$16 - half hour. dar St., Ba ker. All ages to 17 1/2 inches wide *$30 - hour. welcome. any length Call Katelyn for more 541 -523-6591 $1 .00 per foot details r 541 -805-97 41 . VETERANS OF (The Observer is not FOREIGN WARS POST for flaws rn responsible BINGO: SUN., 2 - 5 p.m. 3048 MONTHLY St . F ranc1s de Sa les material or machine erMEETING 2nd Thurs. of ror) parish hall, 2245 First the month. Post & Auxi lSt. Sponsored by t he iary meet at 6:30p.m. THE Knights of Columbus. VFW Hall, 2005 Valley OBSERVER Ave., Baker KNOW SOMEONE 111 1406 Fifth 541 -523-4988 th e La Grande area •541-963-3161 w ith Al co hol, Tobacco 110- Self-Help or other Drug probGroup Meetings lem? Get the beautiful
AA MEETING: Survior Group. Wed. & Thurs. 12:05pm-1 :05pm . Presbyterian Church, 1995 4th St. (4th & Court Sts) Baker City Open. Nonsmoking .
cassette tape ' RAISED FROM THE RU INS". FREE/CONFIDENTIAL You' ll love itl CALL FREEDOM LINE 1-800-528-0070. ... everything necessary to save your never dying soul, trust w hat he did not what you are do1ng ..
110- Self-Help Group Meetings NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS HELP LINE-1-800-766-3724 Meetings: 8:00PM: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thu rsday, Fri day Noon: Thursday 6:00PM: M onday,T uesday, Wednesday, Thursday (Women's) 7:00PM: Saturday
AL-ANON Do you wish the drinking would stop? Mon, Noon Baker County Library Archive Room 2400 Resort St. 541-523-5851
AAMEETING: The 12:05 Meeting Mon .; 12:05 p .m . - 1:05 p.m St. Stephens Ep1scopal Church 21771st St (in th e basem ent) Open No Smoking
160- Lost & Found
210- Help WantedBaker Co.
FOUND CAT. Long ST. LUKE'S Eastern Oregon wh ite ha ir, few gray Med ical Assoc iates spots & extra toes, in Baker City very frien d ly Near Ma in Stree t, LG . has an excit ing opportunity fo r a full t ime 541-963-4719. Physician Clinic FOUND: RED heeler on Business Associate Please apply at : 6/2 0/201 2 on Sparta . 541-893-6959, BK. employment Job post1ng# 15260 LOST CAT, adult neutered ma le, lar·ge, brown w/ long hair & green eyes. Named nick, no co llar Lost Uft.eS nea r Ouailrun In n, 559-474-9074. LG.
TLC (THOSE W ho Have Lost Ch ildren). a Christian-based support Rear Basement Engroup, Mon. 7 p.m ., trance at 1501 0 Ave. Valley Fellowsh ip, 3rd & M Avenues, La Grande . More info. is ava il. by calling LOST FEMALE black & STEP FORWARD Activ iNARCOTICS 541 -962-7662 . t ies has rrnme drate white cat, small & ANONYMOUS: openings for part t ime scared of people, purSun , 10 a.m . resp ite staff. This pos ico llar. Near Cove ple AAMEETING: Baker County Library, t io n ca n lead to fu ll Ave. LG 541-910-4225. Willing To Go To Any back room t ime wo rk . Full-t ime Length Group posrt1ons carry beneAids on LOST HEARING T ues ; 7 PM - 8 PM f its; medica l, life insurNARCOTICS Please Call 3rd St, LG. Sat .; 8 PM - 9 PM ance, ret ire ment p lan, 541-805-5556. ANONYMOUS: St. Francis de Sales pd . holidays, vacat ion, Sat., 2 p.m. Catholic Church sick leave . Startin g Episcopal Church LOST IN th e upper Be n 2335 1st St. wage is $1 1 4 2/ hr. 2177 Frrst St. Ba ker City. Dier Ln . La rge ne u(in th e basem ent) Oua lif red app lica nts t e red ma le gray Open m ust be 18 yrs . of st riped tabby, bobtai l. Nonsmoking OVEREATERS age, pass a cr im inal Re w ard offered . ANONYMOUS: h1story check. & hav e 541 -523-6198. Baker. Fri .. 8 45 a.m. 120- Community a valid Oregon driver' s Presbyterran Church license. Apply at 3720 Calendar LOST: MINI-AUSSIE. 1995 Fourth St. 1Oth St., Baker City M, Blue M erl e. Hwy Use alley ent rance to 86. 541-519-4373 Noah Room upstairs. BAKER SCHOOL DIS,~w~ . CJV TRI CT 5J is currently Is food a problem f or LOST:LONG HAIRED accepti ng applicatrons you? Ca l1 541-523-5128 ma le black cat. 1st & YOU TOO can use this www .oa .org/podcast/ for a .5 FTE Mad lson.541-523-5800 attention getter. Ask P E./Health Teacher hovv you can get yo ur combi ned w ith a .5 AAMEETING: ad to stand out I ike FTE At hlet ic Director Powder River Group thi s ! position. For a comMon.;7 PM - 8PM plete descri pt ion of W ed .; 7 PM - 8 PM t he posit 1on and quali160- Lost & Found Fri.; 7 PM - 8 PM f icati ons please go to Grove St . Apts. wvvw.baker.k1 2 Corn er of Grove & D Sts. FOUND 2 red roosters, or contact the employby Starr Lan e. Please MISSING TABBY CAT Open ment diVISion. You c l a im by 7-1. Nonsmoking South 12th St., above may al so ca ll Whee l Chair Accessible 541-963-6280 High Dnve, LG. 541-524-2261 or email Fe m a le s h or thai r , nnern ec@baker. k12.or. brown' ish wit h black us stri pes & sp o t s, wh ite th roat & chin . If !i!1:i sig hti ng please call 541-962-7864. HELP ATTRACT
AL-ANON Concerned about someone else's drinking? Sat., 9 a.m. Northeast OR Compassion Center, 1250 Hughes Ln . (5411523-3431 AL-ANON-HELP FOR families & friends of alco h olic s . Union County. 568-4856 or 562-5772 Alcoholics Anonymous NE Oregon 24 Hour Hotline 1-866-285-0617. NORTHEAST OREGON CLASSIFIEDS offers Self Help & Support Grou p Annou nce ments at no charge. Please call Julie at 541-523-3673.
ll'dJiFbst L •~ ' -
AAMEETING: Been There Done That, Open Meeting Sunday; 5:30 - 6 30 Grove St Apts Corner of Grove & D St s Nonsmoking Whee l Chair Accessible
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: M onday, Thursday, & Friday at 8pm . Episcopal Church 2177 First St , Baker City
110- Self-Help Group Meetings
SUM..,.ER@ HSt
"• 8
MISSING YOUR PET? Check the Baker City Anima l Cl1n1c, 541-523-3 611.
~BSI w
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t;' 8$1
Mldi!M~ SC
Chllfd\SI ChurchS! Lt~Grl!lltle-SIJ~et
Broa~.toYtySt ~
Have your ad STAND OUT for as little as $1 ext ra.
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Auburn A~
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~ ;1 Aub.JmA'-e
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140 - Yard, Garage
140 - Yard, Garage 140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co. Sales-Baker Co. Sales-Baker Co. MULTI-FAMILY SALE & MAKE ME AN OFFER! FRI. & Sat .; 7 am - I Open House: Fri. & £ Tools, collectibles, es- J 1514 2nd St ., Baker. Sat .; 7 A M - ? 18683 tat e, decor, you name Lots of good stuff at W . Campbell Lp . ATV it. JUNE 30TH at NELqood prices lll rack & ramps, Pickup SO N STORAGE, UNIT M U L Tl FAMILy SALE bed, Bed fram e, Chrna 27. "D" St. behind Ad. · hut c h, Desk, Srn . ler bas eball field . Sat. K 32 11 13th St . Frr . & freezer & fridge, Table only, 8 am - 2 pm . No Sat. ; 8 pm . Too saw, Wood trailer early sales much to l1 st . MULTI-FAMILY SALE: SAT.; 8 AM - 1 PM . 30 BEN EF IT FOR Young L Sat; 8 am - 7. 1524 Spring Garden Ave. FLife & RRJ . Fri . & Sat . Church St . A ntrqu e 8 am - 5 pm . 2201 Burroughs, adding rnaALL ADS fo r GA10th St c h1ne, m aple b un k RAGE SA LES. M OV - - - - - - - - bed s, v intage items, lNG SA LES, YAR HUGE SALE in Granite l des k, nice furn1tu re, SA LES, must be PRE GN M ain St. Jun e 28 to di shes . DON 'T MISS PAID at The Baker Cit 30; 9 AM -5 PM & July TH IS ONE! H erald Offi ce, 191 1 &2 ; 10AM-4PM . 2535 1ST St . Fri day First St reet. Baker Cit M6/29; 8 am - 3 pm and or The Observer Of SATURDAY ONLY Sat urday, 6/30 8 am 2 pm l ice, 1406 F1fth Street, H 9 am - 2 prn . 121 9 Church St . Tools, co rn- c:L-:c G-. '--3--: _F =-A=-M =-=IL--:Y -::-:cS-a.,-le-.-=F--:ri-., LaG rande. 6/29 & s 6/30 7 pressor, books, f urn1 ture, elect ro nics & lots N at., : am SUMPTER . 204 Austin - 5 pm. 2323 Fa iling C St . Thur.- Sat.; Bam - 7 more ! A ve. Sm . glass front Jim Beam co llection vvood st ove, wood furmuch more l JUNE 30TH. 8am-4pm nace, ce ment mixe r, 1 2 436 Church St . 'Neid er. radi al arm HUGE SALE . Hiw ay Doors. tools, furniture. saw, t ab l e saw , o s torag e Guy stuff} oo l glasswa re, li nens, colFrr. & Sat ., 8 am - . Jointe r/plann er, misc . lec tib les , b eddin g, t ools, freezer, 12 volt dishes, house plant s, vv h ee lc ha ir loade r, scaffo lding, ca binets, A laskan sty le lumber cockatoo. m rll. Coca Cola machine & m uch, mu ch more l I
•• •
RMSI. Grocery Merchandiser . Baker City . 1 day per wee k. $1 2/hr. Apply at: www.rms1careers. com . Port land Division.
BAKER SCHOOL DISTRICT 5J IS currently accepti ng applicat rons for a Secretary II posit io n at Baker M idd le School. For a comp lete descri ption of t he pos it ro n s go to w vvw.baker.k1 2 or contact the emp loyment d iv rsion. You may also c a ll 541-524-2261
220 - HeI p Wanted RN NEEDED FT rn our new Ba ker C1ty off1ce. Union Co. Revvarding career vvith WANTED: FFT I and/or FFT II Wi ldland FireHeart ' n Home Hos$ 28 -$ 3 2/hr. , prce. f ighters to wo rk o n a srg n-on bo nu s of contrac to r W ild la nd $2,5 00 , gen erou s Eng ine f or th e 201 2 PTO, full benef its. Fire Season. For mo re information and appl m for more info. & t o apcat io ns pleas e ca ll ply. (541) 9 10-6561.
I 0 (!)
Add sy mbols & bolding l
It's a little extra t hat gets BIG results.
140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co. DON'T FORGET to take your signs down afte r yo ur garage sale. Northeast Oregon Classifieds
140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.
140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.
ESTATE SALE. Sat 6/30 17th St reet 8a .rn .- ?
S 191 0
ONE STOP SHOP Come down to t he Sunridge Sunday, July 1st 2 p.m . to 4 p .m. Shop from many different local Vendors Find a gift for you or t hat special so meo ne .
ESTATE SALE. Sat. 1815 Ba lm St 1245 B St beh1nd house. ,. 6/30 9 am until da rk. Tools, OIN ext t o A lbertson's) f is hin g , cam p rn g, Sat . on ly . 8 am - 4 pm . household, som et hrng for everyone. RA IN OR MULTI -FAMILY. 6/30 SHIN EII p11 98" D" St . 8am - 7 22' Nash travel t railer, Tht U 3030 GROVE St. household & more l UNRJDG£ Sat. only . 8 am - 2 pm . The Place To Eat Desk, cloth es, tools, FINAL DAYS OF Q OSTWALD shelves, t oys, bedding & ESTATE SALE! One Sunridge Lane more I No early birds 2430Balm St Baker City Discovery of more 541-523-4495 MULTI -FAMILY SALE. new items has V Fri . & Sat .; 9 am - 2 1a== = = = = = =!.l prompted a final sale pm. 105 Foothill Dr from this historic machine shop. 1~28 EAST St . Saturday, June 30 WSaturday Only I 10 am - 5 pm 7 am - I Sunday, July 1 11 am - 4 pm
*************** 541 -519-1704 LARGE MULTI-FAMILY R Sale . 14905 Pin e Creek Ln . Fri . & Sat only. 9 am - 5 prn . Furn itu re, toys, electroniCS & lots more I
•• •
Advertise Lost & Found PETS Free in
THE OBSERVER Classifieds TJjaker Qtitp 3b)eralb Classifieds
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Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday
2 days prior to ptJblication date
Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 • • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 • • • Fax: 541-963-3674 220 - HeI p Wanted Union Co.
220- Help Wanted Union Co.
220 - Help Wanted Union Co.
220- Help Wanted Union Co.
220- Help Wanted Union Co.
220- Help Wanted Union Co.
220 - Help Wanted Union Co.
Milieu Aide-Academic: IT IS UNLAW FUL (Sub- COMMUNITY CONNECTION is accept111g HS diploma, FT. benesection 3, ORS fit s. 659 040) for an e m applications f or a ProChild Treatment ployer (d omestic help gram Ass istant II. GenSpecialist: BA orBS deexc epted) or employeral off ice support in ment agen cy to print gree in related f ield. La Gra nde, 40 hours per 'Neek, $ 10.91 per Ft. benefits or circulate or cause t o Op en until filled. Call be printed or circu lated hou r. w ith be nefits . (541 )963-8666. Grande Good Englis h, math eany statement , adverRonde Child Center tisement or p ubli camatical and comp uter pr ov ide s inte ns ive ti o n, or to use any skill s including sp rea dsheets and w ord procmental health services fo rm of applicati on f or to children ag es 3-12. essing req uired. M ust e mploymen t or t o Private age n cy. make any inquiry in pass pre-emp loym ent conn ect1 on w it h drug test and crim inal spectiv e ernp loy rne nt history ch eck. Applica t ion and job descripw hich express es diClassifieds really work tryJect ly 01 Indirectly any t ion ava ilab le at the one t oday ! Empl oyment De partl1m1tatron. speCifJcat1on or discrim inat ion as t o m ent . Pos ition closes 1·a ce, 1·eligion, co lor, 5 00 PM, July 5, 201 2. sex, age or nat1ona l EOE. origin or any int ent t o make any such limitation, specifi cati on o r MECHANIC NEEDED 3 discr1m1nation, unless yea rs expe r ien ce , based upon a bo na m ust be able t o work fide occupational qua liunder lim it ed superv if ication. sion. High lev el of elect ri c and mec han ica l diagnosti c skills reNOTICE TO q uired . Sa lary a nd PR OSPECTIVE benefits d ep ending on EMPLOYEES W HO expe ri ence . Drop reRESPOND TO sumes off at City GarBLII\ID BOX ADS bage Se rv1ce or ca ll PLEASE be s ure 541-963-54 59 fo r appliw hen yo u address y ou r cation res umes th at t he address is co mplete w ith all inf ormati on required, such as the BLIND BOX LEGAL SECRETARY NUMBER. Th is is the Send cover letter an d on ly way we hav e of resume t o Wasley Law m a kin g sure y o ur re- Office, PC. 105 Fir su me get s t o the propel St reet, Suite 204, La 97814 Grande, Oregon 97850. place 800-399-3912 Northeast Oregon Sa lary depe ndent o n Classified Staff expenence.
DATA PROCESSING Assistant: One full time position to be employed by the WalTHE OBSERVER lowa Education ServAND ice District with a start BAKER CITY HERALD Privately owned co ndate of August 20, Newspap e r Deliv ery crete, sand, and gravel 2012. Positi o n to be ro utes, both carrie1 company 1n La Grande, open until fi lled. For and motor. w ill be adhas an opening fo r an JOb description, applivertised in the BusiEXPERIENCED MEcatio n and instructions ness O p portunity CHANIC. T he candico nta ct th e Wall owa section. Please see date is responsible for Education Service Disclassificati on #330 for repairs and maintetrict, 107 SW First any available routes nance on all trucks and Street #1 05, Ente rat this time. equipment. To apply, prise, Oregon 9782 8 plea se send resume to (541) 426 7600. Classifieds get results . 1avc@rdma .
Baker Garage, Inc.
Baker Garage Inc. Northeast Oregon's oldest GM Dealership has an immediate full time opening for a sales associate. Job responsibilities include: • Vehicle Sales • Computer Data h1put • Social Media inventory controls • Advertising • Accounting/Bookkepping knowledge a plus • Service/Parts knowledge a plus • Saturday work required • The ideal candidate will have strong problem solving skills, strong computer skills and adaptable to a variety of customers Wage depends on qualifications. Send resume to PO Box 546 Baker City, OR For questions contact Gail or Randy at
Ln Union
l onniJ
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR W ildflower Lo dge AsSisted Liv ing Community in LaG rande, O R. is loo kin g fo r an exp ED to be respon sible f or t he overa ll ope ra- needed to deliver t ion s of t he commuThe Observer in nity. Successful candiWallowa date w ill hav e a cu rCounty. Please rent O R License and a call t w o-y ea r A ssociate Degree a nd a min of 2 541-963-3161, yrs wo rking in geriatfor more details! ncs or 3 yrs in a managem en t p os it io n. DRIVE THRU Esp resso/ M ust have experience f ast f o o d Ap p rox . w ith bu dget s, st aff 1Ox25 self conta ined devel opm ent , t raini ng on w hee ls Do ub le and scheduling Presw indow s a ir co n dit ige offers com petit io ner. $20,000 . obo. t iv e sa la ry, ben efit s, in c lud i ng me d ical , A lso av ailab le co ncesdental and 401 (k) To sion equ ip m ent- Esapply please vis1t : press o m ac hill e - co ld www .prestigeca re. com t abl e- stea m tabl eEEO/AA double coo le r- granita mac hine- snow c oneco tt on can d y - i ce cream freezer -n ew 4 bume1· sta 1nless steal table. FULL TIME CNA' s f or even ing & noc shifts at Al so ava 1lable s tainl ess stea l. propane. push Post Acute Rehab . Apand tow hot do g cart ply at 91 A ries Lane, w 1th ice com partmen t, La Gra nde o r call Rob stea m com partment at 5 4 1 - 963 -8 678. and dry compartment. EEO/AAP 54 1-91 0-0508 LG PART TIME positi on availabl e w 1th Easte rn INDEPENDENT Orego n Head Sta rt : CONTRACTED Teacher Ass istant. For NEWSPAPER more 1nformat 1on and CARRIERS WANTED appli cation m at erial s, Deliver The Obserer please refe r t o Eastto homes 1n ern Oregon University Wa llovva County, H u ma n Re sou rces Mon. Wed. & Fri. Current Openi ng s onAPPROXIMATE 1 i n e at : PROFIT: $50 A DAY http://www.eou .edu/h Con tact The Obse1ve1 dstartl 541-963-316 1 For additional Inform at ion co ntact: Eastern Oregon Head Start Director Eastern Ore(!on University One University Blvd. La Grande, OR 97850. Ph. 541 -962-3506 or
Fruitdale Chandler
Ph. 54 1-962-3409 Fax 54 1-962-3794 a; c
w -2ndCIJ -
u... 5th
.... 4tbSt
5th U>
ii5 Ct I u:;
5\h St
>.~ ~ ~ .9~ ?; > -8 '
White o 9· _ Club Ln " Birch Ln ~ St:lrool
Counln Club·
.~ii!£~..... ISLAND CITY ~ LaGran~l U5 E _
____ "":><nW- o" Em1ly Dr
U> E
as I ~ ?; • Mt Fanny ~
Leonard Ln
• lsla.nd,CitY ..: •(_!f!1~1erl
This yard sale map is provided as a service by The Observer. Location s shown are approximations - Check individual ads for ~.xact address. While we make every effort to be complete and accurate~
East e rn O regon University is an AA!E O E employer, com m itted t o exce llen ce throug h d iversity .
Let people know about your business. Place your ad in the Service Directory Today!
Private Party
& 2 Yard Sale Signs A ll yanl sale ads mus t be PREPA ID! AddiTion al L in es $] .00 p er line W ed., Fri. ad d e adline: 12 noon Tues day
For information call KATELYN 541-963-3161 Private party advertisers only. 3 days must run consecutively. Yar d Sale map publishes Friday
Give us a call today!
or stop by the office at
1406 5th Street, La Grande Wallowa Mo untain Dr
145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.
145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.
3 -PART Y YARD SALE. FUNDRAIS E R FOR 1A nt 1q u es, cl o thin g , 6 Cathl een Sco tt , Ju ne 30th . Va rious houset oys & m uch m o re I Sat ., 8am -3 pm, 802 hold 1tems, kni fe collecti on, oth er donated 4th St ite m s. 2608 M ay Ln, 315 FIR Street (o ld Sal Co mm unity Room. 2 vag e A rm y B ldg) 8am -3p m Sat . Ju ne 30th Kn1 ves t ools GARAG E SAL E. 104 m1sc ' ' 7 Oak St. Fri. & Sat. June 29-30. New th ea402 1ST ST. SAT. JUNE t er sy st em, tru ck t ool 3 30, Bam -Noon. Dini ng box, good golf c lubs, household item s, co ltable w / 4 cha1rs. tw in le ct ib les, ni ce o ld bed, lot s of baby & kids it em s & c lothes, butc her bloc k, good BB O. k 1tc he n appliclothing, m uch rnore . ances, f urniture, lot s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ of misc. GIANT YARD SALEI 62330 LEFFEL Rd. Sat . 4 Bam -2p m l:loo ks 25 cent s , c loth es - boys 4-7 twee n & t een LPS Po ll y Po cket s' St ar'w ars. T o ns of horse stuff f or g irls t o y s, b ac k p a cks, lunc hboxes. books & deco r BACKYARD SALE! Old s stuff, new st uff, 2 much stuff I 2002 E 0 Ave. Fri & Sat.
•• •
8 560
Su m m e rv ille Rd . Fn . 8am -5pm , & Sat . Ba m -Noon. Compute r desk, BBQ ga s gnll. go lf c lubs, campin g eq u1p . and mise item s I Lot s fo r everyone !
r-~----~------~ GOT A N EW HOUSE!
9 Have
db ls & trp ls : lawn m owers, furniture, c loth ing, et c . Great, quality Item s, m ake an offer o n anythi ng ! Fri . only . 7-7. 160 1 Ca ro ly n Te r . #1 7, Elg in . Or ca ll 54 1-786-809 0 . Look for signs !
145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.
1 45 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.
HUG E SALE. Treasures MULTIFAMILY YARD IOGalore! Fri. 29th and 15Sale. Baby & c hildren Sat. 30th. 7am-Noon. c lo th es, humidifi e r, 2004 East 0 Ave . 4 8" va nity t op, Big Chi ef Sm oker, Baked Close to Willow Scho ol. goods . Sat . J uly 30, 8-2 . 11 001 Island Ave. LARGE MULTI-FAMILY Beside GrandeScapes. II & Estate Sale. New item s added . June 30, SAT. & SUN. 8am-6pm . 8am-3pm, 1807 Cedar IB641 53 Aspen Rd . N on Mt. Glen, left on Star, St. A Rd Bl 18 f t on spen · ue LARGE MULTIFAMILy ~~~tdl roo~ ~; seenl~oiJ Sale. 69800 Haefe,· 12 Ln ., Cove . Fri ·· · L · It e m s, t oo ls . oak 8:30am-3:30pm , Sat cha1rs, or more ! 8 30am-230pm ,S un 9 ·.00am-1·.00pn' •. No SAT . JUN E 30 th. ..8 _ O ld · _ early sales ! Furniture, IJ; 4 pm . . Jew g olf clubs, camping, e lry, old w ood cook trun ks, chairs, fruit st ove, oak hutch , jars, ho usehold decor, c loth es f ro m 4T t o clothes, gard ening, ad ult . Sa nder, anti que table, lots uf m1sc. 660 fishing, etc . MOVING SALE, 2010 H A lbany St. , Elg111 . St op by Sunday and M onay (Sf\ve Sat only, 7-2. In too ! shop b e hin d ho use, som et hing f or every- SAT. ONLY, Bam- pm. 2 one l IBMut lifamily Ya rd Sale . 2401 Century Loop MULTI -FAMILY YARD 14Sa le Sat , J un e 30, ?am - ?, 143 1 Prog ress SAT. ONLY. June 30 ..8a m 3p m 70 1 Hil l Loop, old t oys, fi shing 111[ t- D H. I f I 1 .t r. e P u em s eras tackle, linens, jewelry, & o utd oo rs, Ind oo rs lot s of g lasswa re, 2 com e see ! a nti q ue c upboa rds, feath er w e1ght sewing m ac hi n e, rot at1ll e r, chipper shredder, lawn vac uu m , law n cart, and rnuch more.
MOTOR ROUTE Driver Needed 35 40 m iles pe r da y, 3 days a wk . f or approx imately 2 hours p er day. Incom e abo ut $375/ mo M ust have re liable veh1cle & ins urance . Pic k up Ro ute Req uest Form at 1915 First Street. Baker City
QUALIFIED WILDLAND f irefig hte r II want ed . I~=======~=== Sta rtin g pay $ 15 hr. 340- Adult Care 54 1-963-3000 . Baker Co.
we canno t be resp o ns ible f or etr ors and o mmissio n s .
330 - Business Opportunities
LICENSED OREGON St ate Adu lt Fo st e r Ho me . Desires one female res 1dent . Lovely country ho me specializing in total care residence . Competent & quali ty ca re served w it h k indn ess. Ca ll (5 41 )85 6 -37 5 7 f o r more details. 345 -Adult Care Union Co. ADULT FOSTER home in La Grande has imm ed iat e open 1ng for ma le o r f e ma le resid e nt , priva te room . Call 541-910-7557. WALTER ELDERLY CARE has o ne private room availab le now, f or fema le . Ni ce . friendly, hom elike at: mosphere, w ith q ua lity care . 541 -963-7998. 360- Schools & Instruction ACCREDITED, PRIVATE Chr is t ian Sc h oo l. grades 1-8 . Now ac: cept ing app li cat ions for 201 2-20 13 scho ol y ear. Al l denom inat io ns acc e pted . Ca ll 523-41 65 or 51 9-17 15
THE OBSERVER is PIANO LESSONS curre ntly loo k1ng f or Ages4&Up 2 part t im e, te mp oJoyful Sounds Studio rary circulation assisWhere s tudents develop a YARD SAL E. Lot s of HUGE MAN SALE! tan t s to de l1v er The Jove of music & 20ev erythin g, car jac ks, 7 From shovels t o ta bl e Observer in Wa llowa enjov learning to p tav kids lcothing, f urnitu re, saws . Sat . o nly June County . Ho urs are piano! etc. 2909 N 3rd St. Fri 30, Sam . 425 3rd St. Mo n. We d. and Fri. Ca ll Joyce t oday/re9-5, Sat 9-5 . North Powder. 1pm -6p m . Ca n d iceiv e 2 free lessons. dat es must have a 54 1-91 0-3 992 COVE. 907 Hill St. Last l- - - - - - - -- 1 va lid OR d rive rs ot 2 Estate Sales plus HUG E SALE Ju ne 28th 213 f am ili es , lots of sto July 7th 7am-6pm . cen se, clea n driving rec ord, re liabl e vehimi sc . Everything m ust Lot s of st eel whee ls & 380 - Se rvice Direccle, a nd m ust pass go l Fn . & Sa t ., J une so m e wooden ones, tory dru g t est . The Ob29 & 30. 1Oam-4pm . ant iques, f urn itu re, old server is an equal opfarm equ ip me nt, cast port un it y em ploy er. FRI & Sat. Bam . Ra il road iron, lot s of t ools. Too Please send resum e 22ties, f urnit ure, co llectim uc h t o m e nti o n . t o cgibson@lag ra nde b le s c loth es m ise Nort h Powder off ex it observer .co m o r ca ll 506 Avenue . , . 285 1ots of s igns. Ca r o ly n G ib s on FRI &SAT 9 3 541 -963-316 1. · ., am - pm . YARD SAL E 395 N 614 18th St U t W · . . 23 · nl · g1 6th , Elg111 . Lots of Books, m ovies, cloth- "'h ouseho ld items Sat ing f or all ages, an- June 30 Ba l~ -5 m. ' ti que fre ezer. Bake ' " P State and Federal Tax Credits sale ! YARD SALE. 2006 Cove Ave. Fn & Sat 8 :30am BLUE MOUNTAIN GARAGE SALE . to 3pm . Someth ing f or SOLAR, INC. 24June 30, 10 am. v 1 M Ave. ,_ e _ e_ry _o_n_e_._ _ _ _ _ ,1 MULTIFAMILY SAL E. YARD SALE. Fri & Sat , - - - - - - - - CCB#l78092 25Sat . 8am -3 pm, 2507 18am-2pm . 101 05 M t. 330- Bus iness OpM ay Ln . Furnit ure, Fa nny Ave. Scroll Saw, portunltles ANYTHING FOR baby c lot h in g, too game tables, misc . INVES TIGATE BEFORE A BUCK much t o list! YARD SALE. Fri & Sat . YOU INVESTI A lways Same owne r for 21 y rs . 541-910-6013 8AM-1PM 206 8a m-3pm 6 20 N 10th a good policy , espeS AT CC8#101518, LG ·• · S U · cially for b usiness op26Ma in Av e . 2 fam ily t, nlon. po rtu n,.t,·es & franya rd sa le, quality f ishing/ fly fi shin g/ t ying chises . Call O R De pt . JIM'S COMPUTERS of Ju sti ce at (50 3) On site service & repair gea r. Engli sh/Weste rn Wire less & w ired 378-4320 o r th e Federal Trade Commission tac k clothes, and lot s netw o1·ks 1 m ore at (877) FTC-HELP for Virus & Spam Removal free in f ormation . Or J1m T. Eidson 541 -519 -7342 - Baker visit o ur W eb site at www. www . 145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.
•• •
145 - Yard, Ga rage Sales-Union Co.
Get .your electricitv from sunlight!
•• •
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
DEADLINES: LINE ADS: Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday DISPLAY ADS :
2 days prior to publication date
Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 • • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 • • • Fax: 541-963-3674 380 - Service Direc-
380 - Service Direc380 - Service Directory tory BOONE' S WEED & Pest ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=ij Control, LLC . Trees, LAWN & GARDEN 0 r n a m e nt a 1 & SERVICE Turf-Herbi c ide, Insect Rototill ing & Fungus. Stru ct ura I l atching anating Insects, including TerMow ing, Triming & m ites Baregr o und Edging Clean ups & Hauling w eed control: noxious wee d s, aquati c FreeEstimates w eed s. Agriculture & 541-523-5131 R1ght of Way. Call 15 years expenence B0 0 ne, Baker City, OR D0 ug 541 -403-1439. BK
OREGON STATE law requires anyo ne w ho contracts for constructi on wo rk t o be licensed w ith t he Construction Contractors Boar d. An active license means the contracto r is bonded & insured. Verify th e contractor' s CCB license through th e CCB Cons um e r W e b s it e wvvvv .hlrealicensedco ntr·actor·.com . Check out our classified ads.
100 - Announcements
310- Mortgages, Contracts, Loans 320 - Business Investments 330- Business Opportunities 340 - Adult Care Baker Co 345 - Adult Care Union Co 350- Day Care Baker Co 355 - Day Care Union Co 360 - Schools a Instruction 380 - Service Directory
405 - Antiques 41 0 - Arts a Crafts 415 - Building Materials 420 - Christmas Trees 425 - Computers/Electronics 430- For Sale or Trade 435 - Fuel Supplies 440 - Household Items 445 - Lawns a Gardens 450- Miscellaneous 460 - Musical Column 465 - Sporting Goods 470- Tools 475 - Waned to Buy 480- FREE Items
CINDERELLA' S HOUSE Cleaning Service References available. 541-403-1004 BK
D & H Roofing & Construction, Inc
801 - Wanted to Buy 810- Condos, Townhouses, Baker Co 815 - Condos, Townhouses, Un1on Co 820 - Houses for Sale, Baker Co 825 - Houses for Sale, Union Co 840 - Mobile Homes, Baker Co 845 - Mobile Homes, Union Co 850- Lots a Property, Baker Co 855 - Lots a Property, Union Co 860- Ranches, Farms 870 - Investment Property 880- Commercial Property 902 - Aviation 91 o -ATVs, Motorcycles, Snowmooiles 915 ·Boats a Motors 920 - Campers 925 - Motor Homes 930- Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels 940 - Utility Trailers 950- Heavy Equipment 960 - Auto Parts 970 - Autos for Sale 990- Four-Wheel Drive
505 - Free to a Good Home 510 - Lost a Found 520 - Pet Grooming 525 - Pet Boarding/Training 530 - Pet Schools, Instruction 550- Pets, General
Troy St ewart LD BLUE MOUNTAIN DENTURE CENTER 2194 Court St Baker City, Or 97814 1541 ) 519-4696 or (541)523-47 52 FRANCES ANNE YAGGIE INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING, Commercial & Residential. Neat & efficient . CCB#1 37675. 541-524-0369 K.C. Home Repair
No Job too small Fences, decks & total remodel Interior/Exterior Painting 541-519-8875 CCB#1 71312 Baker City
JR's Painting & Interior installations CCB#17262B 541-420-3922
1000- Legals
APPLIANCES Free DeliveryN ELGIN ELECTRIC 43 N. 8th Elgin 541-437-2054 N
1920 Court Ave Baker City, OR 97814
Commercial & Residential
Call Angie @ 963-MAID
Island City
541 -523-7163
C ~mE ( ~TIE ) 541-663-0933 mbe i\ogar [lot~iers ( &i!!ffil~ ~~) KE~l.fiRD Fin eQuality onsignmefll lathing
mm!ll!ro mil!~~~ i!U~ ~~~~ ExlensiveJuniDr&ShDeDepartments 1431 Adams Ave., La G ra nde
Clover Haven
All ComputersRepaired
RlLE YEXCAVATION ~~c 29 Years Experience
Troy M artin
Excavator, BECkhoe, Mini-Excavator,
( c~~ )
Camera ready or we can set up for
you. Contad rt,e Observer 963·216;
Co.'ll/llerciaf &Res.denffaf Larry Schlesser· Lic~sed Prope'iy Manager LaGrande, OR
541-910-0354 rn~~
DANFORTH CoNSTRUCTION Wayne Dalton Garage Doors Sales • Installation • Service Rick 963-0 144 786-4440
Serving EO Since 1969
( ~ )
Ucensed - Bonded - Insured CCB#183563
c ~~ ) Teddi's Dog Grooming
1118 'f, Adams Ave. Across from RPd Cross Drug
Grooming by appointment
7 Days a Week
!l00-725-7372 541-523-7372
1932 Erst Street Baker
~~5[~ )
JO'VFUL $0UN{)$ Piano tun#Jg, repair. r&;~utaiion &sates
6 0905 Love Rd. Cove 5 4 1-568 -4329
Final Expense for "SENIORS"
Grady Rawls
5 41 -398-1825
CCB# 183649
541 -786-8463
( ~~~
Piano Studio
~1IIJillll !~~
JC Foster
Veteran Owned and Operated
Free Local estim ates, Licensed, bonded and Insured. CB#5 968<1 Call jC Foster
- L-EG -=--A...,C,--Y- F--=0-R_ D_ Paul Soward Sales Consultant 541 -786-5751 , 541-963-2161 24 Hour Towing Saturday Service· Rental Cars 2906 Island Ave., La Grande, OR (
~~W~ moo~
C.B.'S, LLC Septic Tank Cleaning & Portable Restrooms Serving Northeast Oregon for over 40 yearsI
DEQ l3il oo
541 -962-7576
•• •
~ · _· -~~
Se Hahle Rspanol Small loans to $5,000 ~o Prepayment Penalty
( r:miD~lliffi[ffi[;ffi@) G'R A'DY'RAWLS
M. Curtiss PN-7077A
541-._.....,._,-._.,._, I
~ ~
541-975-1 033 CCB#77375 or call
Bob Fager • 963-370 1 • ccu-:nn
541-910-4489 or 541-562-5005
Decorative &CorrectiveTrimming
Ali In One,All Natura Ad•tanced VfelhessFormula' Fef!l Good andHave MoreEnergy!
Buildings ~
- Barns - Decks - Fenc1ng - Siding - Windov.s - Garages
WANTED: SPRING or summer pasture for 25 - 200 p lus C OW S . 54 1-88 9 - 58 53 or 208-74 1-0800.
UmNa nted cars & t rucks & scrap meta ls too 1 Ca II today for more info ,
702 - Wanted to Rent Union Co.
EOU PROFESSOR & fam ily reloca ting from MT t o La Grande. Open Sat urdays VICKIE'S CLEANING Need long-term renta l, 541-523-7500 SERVICE 4 plus bdrm, 1 .5 plus 3210 H St. * House Cleaning bath , ya rd f or 8 1/2 yr ************* * Bus10ess Cleaning old spayed, female bu ll Vickie Schaber dog cros s. Please call QUALITY ROUGHCUT 541-519-6086, BK M i c hae l/ Te resa at lu mber, Cut t o your Excellent References! 406-777-7317. specs . 1/8" o n up. A ls o, half ro und s, 705 - Roommate s tay s, w e dge s, Wanted slabs/firew ood . Tamarack, Fir, Pine, Jun1per, ROOMMATE WANTED in priva t e hom e. A ll Lod ge pole, Cotto nut il itie s in c lu d ed . wood . Yo ur logs or $350/mo. mine. 541-971-9657 541-523-4060 ALL TYPES scrap iro n, car batt eries , app li- ROOMMATE WANTED, Fully f urn ished dou410- Arts & Crafts ances, old cars & elecbl e-w ide t o share w ith t ronics. Free drop-off lady w ho is se ldom "LATHER UP SOAPS" anyt ime. 403 59 Old t here. $400/ mo. inHandmade rn Baker Crty, Hwy 30, (off t he 306 cludes all uti lities and Oregon !w w w ex it , 2nd drive way) cab le. 54 1-786-3788. store/ latherupsoap M oyes p lac e, 928-234-5851 541-519-4120. 710- Rooms for 430 - For Sale or Trade
NORTHEAST OREGON CLASSIFIEDS reserves t he right to reject ads t hat do not comply w ith state and f ederal re gulat ions or t hat a re offe nsiv e, false, misleading, deceptive o r ot herw ise unacceptable.
( lr[;TII3 ffiillm~ )
VALLEY REALTY ~;.r~~~sL~~;
HORSE PASTURE for r en t . B a k e r. 541-523-9701.
Certified Tree Care Planting • Pruning • Removal
Management, llC
~ ~U\;~'~
GREAT PRICES We buy all sc rap metals, vehicl es & batteries . Sit e cleanups & drop off bins of all sizes. Pick up serv1ce ava ilable . Sam Haines Enterprises 541-51 9-8600 541-403-2897
690 - Pasture
Rent NOTICE A ll real estate adv ert ised here-in is subject t o the Federal Fair Housin g A ct, w hich makes it 1llega l t o advertise any prefe rence, lrm1tat ions or drsc rim ination based on race, co lor, re lig1on, sex, ha n d ic ap, fam ili al status or nat ional o rigin , or int ention t o make any such preferences, lim itati on s or discriminat ion. W e w ill not knowing ly accept any adve rti sing for real estat e wh ich is in violation of t his law. A ll persons are hereby in-
,, 'A'soo
( ~~Jrrm]) M.A.S. Co. Northeast Property
TWILIGHT SEWER & DRAINS Ti me to clean out the ROOTS! Call for Appt. to be wo rry free f or another y ear! 541-519-0409 All work guaranteed (IN WRITING)
450 - Miscellaneous
2 YOUTH Genesis Compo und Bows, both equrpped w/ wh rsker bisc uit. qu ive r & p in sights. One needs t o be rest rung. $2 50. 00 for both. Ca ll 562-1188 RETIRED CONTRACTOR look ing f o r 9a rn -1 2 30a m or smaller jobs . Still li5:30pm-8pm LG. 475- Wanted to Buy censed. CCB#4556502 BLAZE KING W ood541-403-0925 ANTLERS, BUYING stove $50. In Baker, brown, w hit e, chalk. 541 -893-6959 Hon est fair prices Ca ll FOR SALE: ATV loa ding 541-786-4982 . LG SCARLETT MARY LMT ramps alumin um: 82 " 3 massages/$100. x 12" , f oldmg , arched Call 541-523-4578 $1 00; 68" X 13" $35. Grit Certrf1cates ATV snow plow, spri ng Baker City, OR I oa ded, br ea k-ove r $250 . Craftsman 4 2" SEWING ALTERAp ull -b e hin d yard TIONS & REPAIRS. Pets a Supplies sweeper $1 50. Couch, Hems, pockets, zippers, light brown ca shmere any item. Leave msg : m icrof ibe r, rec li ne rs 505 - Free to a good 541 -963- 4379, or ce ll : bo t h en ds $ 300 . 541-786-5512. LG H1de-a-bed couch, in- home f latable mattress, stor- FIVE LAYING hens, one SPRING CLEANING. No age drawe r, soft ni ce roost er . L eave job too b1g or sma ll. 8 msg . 541-805-8626 mauv e/cream p rint yrs expenence & ex$1 75. Compute r desk, ce ll e nt re f e re nces. 59 " LX48" H X 30" D, 541-519-5120. BK keyboard s lid er, f il e draw er, print er com- Free to good home ads are FREE! partment , cred enz a 3 l1nes f or 3 days. w/disc rac k & shelves, lot s of st orage $80. Lapt op des k, 43" L x 27" H x 20" D, keyboard sli de r, pri nte r LOVING, BLACK , M, Coc ker Spaniel mix . compa rtm ent, stor·age Healt hy. 541-523-3326 shelf $40 . All items excellent condit ion I Of550- Pet s co n s id e re d f er s 541 -519-0367, Baker. AKC YORKSHIRE Terner puppies. 3-F, 1-M . W ill 435 - Fuel Supplies be very small. Please ) FIREWOOD $185 & call 9 16-275-9782, CA. $200 in t he rounds, GR EAT FATHER'S Day BLUE MOUNTAIN SOLAR, INC. $2 10 & $2 25 split, sea Getyour electricity fromSunlight! Gift! Reg istered AKC State an ~ Federal Tax Cre~its soned. delivered in t he Yellow Labs Ready va ll ey . La Grande, 4t h of July. Parents on 541-568-4882 (541 )786-0407 sit e. 5 males . 3 f emales. 541-523-3782. SEASONED FIRE La Grande WOOD, de liv e red $ 150 a co rd , La Gra nde, 541-786-2112. TERRY RICH TREE SERVICE Beauli/ying La Grande tor t5
Servicing La Grande, Cove & Union
1-208-741-01 66
WEALSO DO HOUSECALLS Dozer, Grader, Dump Truck & Trailer ("Where the Green Crass Crows!'? 541-805-9777 25 years experience nleyexca;alion@gm<ii.COOl CCB# 168466 Call About Our Rates! 101 FIR STREET Mowing -N- More
Preschool • Private Tutoring Beginning Piano Summer Preschool Programs
Since 1982
Therapeutic Riding Mow, trim, edge, fertiliZe, leaf removal, tree & shrub trimming. Programs for Youth Equine-facilitated Psychotherapy 54 1-663-1528 __L_i_c_ en_s_e_#_l_6-3 -91- 2 --
( ~lRJl]l{jm ) ( ~~OJ] T&T TEKNDWLEDGY
~J ) ( ~~~n3 ) ( m;~ ) ( Embroidery by... MAID TO ORDER ~--k---~ Blue Mountain Design Licensed & Insured O a H aven
) (
Whirlpool• and KitchenAid•
TOP OF th e Line Ho usekeeping. Tired of t hose ho us eh o ld cho re s I Ca ll 963-7921 ask for Pat. 10 y rs experience, great references.
• New Home CCB#192854. New roof s Construct ion & reroofs. Shingles, • Remodeling metal. All phases of • Add1trons construction. Pole build- • Shops, Garages ings a specialty • Tile & lntenor Finish Respond w ithin 24 hrs. • Decks & Fences 541-524-9594 B K Fast Response & Quality Work DO YOU NEED Wade, 541-523-4947 Aff ordable Denture or 541-403-0483 Service? CCB#1 76389
900 - Transportation
500 - Pets a Supplies
NEED IRONING? Call Grammie B's Ironing Ease , W it h 541-310-0110.
CERAMIC TILE: Showers, Floors & Repairs. (541)403-0925 ccb# 144354
800 - Real Estate
400 - General Merchandise
LAWN SERVICE, f lower beds, t ree t rimm ing, rototilli ng. Baker City, CEDAR/Chain Link 541-523-1 677 fences, nevv COilstru ctio n, r e m o d e l in g, MOW JOES Garden & other tilling, f ield mow handym an se rv ice . ing, gravel/d irt spreadGrea t refere nces . CCB# 60701 Kip Ca ring, shrub digout and t e r~ Cons tru c ti on , more . Joe Sand oz, La Grande: 541-963-7595 541-51 9-6273, BK.
701 - Wanted to Rent 705 - Roommate Wanted 710- Rooms for Rent 720 - Apartment Rentals 730 - Furnished Apartments 740- Duplex Rentals 750 - Houses for Rent 760 - Commercial Rentals 770 - Vacation Rentals 780 - Storage Units 790 - Property Management 795 - Mobile Home Spaces
300 - Financial/Service
through July 4th
"I Care About Your Smile " M olly Eekhoff, L.D. 2021 Court, Baker City 541-523-9677
605 - Market Basket 610- Boarding/Training 620 - Farm Equipment a Supplies 630- Feeds 640 - Horse, Stock Trailers 650 - Horses, Mules, Tack 660 - Livestock 670 - Poultry 675 - Rabbits, Small Animals 680 - Irrigation 690 - Pasture
210- Help Wanted, Baker Co 220- Union Co 230- Out of Area 280 -Situations Wanted
380 - Service Directory
JACKET & Cov erall ReTREE PROBLEMS? W e can help pair. Zippers replaced, patchi ng and oth er Insect & Disease Cont rol heavy d uty repai rs . Full Service Tree Care Reasonable rates, fast Fertllii ng - Eva luations Tony 's Tree Service service. 54 1-523-4087 600 Elm - 54 1-523-3708 or 541-805-9576 BK CCB # 63504
10% off all services
700 - Rentals
200 - Employment
380 - Service Directory
WE DO lot weed mowing. 541-523-3708
600 - Farmers Market
105- Announcements 110- Self Help Groups 120 - Community calendar 130 -Auction Sales 140 -Yard, Garage Sales, Baker Co 143 -Wallowa Co 145- Union Co 150 - Bazaars, Fundraisers 160- Lost a Found 170 - Love Lines 180 - Personals
380 - Service Directory
•• •
TAMARACK & Red Fir. $170/cord . Baker City, 541-523-3069
445 -Lawns & Gard ens YARD A MESS? W e can Help Lawns - W eedspray Fert ilize - Renovations Sprinkler Systems Tony 's Tree Service 600 Elm - 541-523-3708 CCB# 63504 450- Miscella neous AVAILABLE AT
THE OBSERVER N EWSPAPER BUNDLES (Bum ing or packing) $1.00 each N EWSPRINT ROLL ENDS (Art projects & more) $2.00& up Super for young artists I Stop in todayl 1406 Fift h Street 541-963-3161 CEM ET ERY PLOTS wi ll t a ke an increase as of July 1. 20 12 . I have two s1de-by-side lots f or sa le t hat also inc l ud e pe rpet ual care at a good price 541-523-7523 DO YOU need papers to start your fire w it h I Or are yo u m ov ing & need papers to w rap t hose s pecial items I The Baker City Her·ald at 1915 First Street sells t ied bundles of papers. Bundles, $1 00 each.
YOU TOO ca n use t hi s attenti on gette r. Ask a classified re p h ow y ou ca n get your ad to stand out like t his !
_@ form ed t hat all dwe llIn gs adv e rt ised are ava ilable on an eq ual opportunity basis. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNI TY
GREAT WEEKLY RATES: Baker City M ot el. W i-Fi, color TV, m icrow av e, frid ge . 541-523-6381 ROOM FOR rent, $32 0. Ut il ities included , part ially f urn ished, plus cab le. 541-962-7708. LG 720 -Apartment Rentals Baker Co. 1 BDRM apartm ent 111 h1stonc building, quret location. $300/mo plus dep. Heat, WiS!G paid. No smoking/pet s. Ref. and backg round che ck. 707-272-0358, leave message 1 BDRM, 1 bath apartment. $500/m o plu s dep. All ut ilit1es including W iFi and cable TV. 541-403-2220 1300 SQ FT, 2 bdrm, in ho use. W i-f i W /S/G pa i d $625/ m o . (541)388-8382 2
BDRM : Rent $460/m o. p i us sec. dep. $350. W/ S/G paid No pet s or smoking. Lorac Properties LLC. (541)523-5756
2-BDRM ., 1 bath Recently updat ed . Quiet location. No sm oki ng/pets Po ol, spa and laundry on site $425/mo. 541-523-4824 ADULT LIVING . Quiet 1 bdrm, 1 bath apartment . Laundry on sit e. Bea uti fu l bu ild i ng . THOMAS ORCHARDS 1/V/S/G included . Close Kimberly, Or·egon t o park & dow nt own. Fruitstand w ill open for St . 2 13 4 Grov e the season, Friday, $600/ m o plus d ep. June 29th. 54 1-5 23 - 303 5 or 509-366-1993 YOU PICK or REA DY PICKED AVAI LA B L E N OW ! ! Sweet Dark Cherries MO NT H 'S FI RS T RENT $ 150. N1ce 1 BRING CONTAINERS Bdrm apt in Ba ke r Open 7 days a week City Elderly or Dis8 a.m . - 6 .m. o nly abled . Subsidized Low 54 1-934-2870 Rent . Bea ut if ul Riv er Vis it us on Facebook Setting . A ll ut i lit ies for updat es pa id except phone and cab le Br ooks i d e Ma nor. Equal Opportu630 - Feeds nit y Ho us in g . Call 541 -523-3240 (off-site HAY FOR Sale: 1st Crop mg r) or Tay lor RE & Al falfa & A lfalfa-Grass, Mgmt at $1 50/to n. Small bales. 503-58 1-1813. No chemicals. Som e TIY-711 low er quality hay avail. 154 1)519-0693, Baker. TAKING Applicat ions for two 2-bdrm, 1 bath apartme nt s. Qu iet , 660 - Livest ock completely remodeled. No pet s Downt own W E BUY all classes of loca t ion $695/mo . horses, 541-523- 611 9; Please ca ll betw een J .A . Be nnett Live 8 a .m . - 5 p .m . st ock, Baker City, OR . 541-523-4435 605 - Ma rket Bask et
•• •
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday
2 days prior to ptJblication date
Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 • • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 • • • Fax: 541-963-3674 720 -Apartment Rentals Baker Co. NICE 1 bdrm apartment in Ba ker City Elderly or D 1sabled . Subsidized Low Rent. Beautiful River Setting. A ll ut ilit ie s paid except pho ne and cab le Eq ual Opportunit y h o u s i ng . C all 541-523-3240 (off-site manager) o r Taylor RE & M g mt at 503-581-1813. TIY-711 PET FRIENDLY All utilities inclu ded. 2 bdrm. 2 bath; $550/mo 1 bdrm. 1 bat h; $400/mo plus deposit References checked. 54 1-51 9-0712
725 -Apartment Rentals Union Co. 1 BD, hdwd , b1g Windows, $495, heat/dish TV pd 541-569-51 89. DORM ROOM $200 . Eco no mica l off-st reet office spaces, A ll utilites pa id Northeast Pr op e rt y M gm t 541-910-0354. 3 BDRM, $630/m onth, includes ut ilit ies, 1 yr lease, no pet s/smoking . 541-910-5359 CENTURY 21 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LagrandeRent
m (541)963-1210 CIMMARON MANOR K1ngsv1ew Apts. 2 bd, 1 ba . Ca ll Cent ury 21, Eag le Cap Rea lty. 541-963-1210
725 - Apartment 740- Duplex Rentals 750 - Houses For Rentals Union Co. Baker Co. Rent Baker Co. CLOSE TO EOU, 2 3 BDRM, 1 bat h. Fenced SINGLE WIDE, In Counyard, no smoking/pets. try: 1 horse, steer or bdrm, 3rd floor, most utilities paid, co in-op $550/mo . Availabl e o ut s ide p et o k. lau ndry, no sm okmg, 6/01. 541-519-2878 Water/sewer included. no pets, $450/month. $450/mo. $ 4 00 dep. 745- Duplex Rentals 54 1-523- 1077, eve541-910-3696 . nings or 541-523-4464, Union Co. davs. 1 BDRM, $395.00. W /s/g CLOSE TO EOU, studio & pa id. 541 -963-4125 1 bd rm. all ut1l1t1es pd . SMALL 2-BDRM hou se. $400-$450. 910-08 11 Newly remodeled, car2 BDRM, w/s pai d, $550 plu s dep M t Emily port, hobby room and P rope r t y M g t. st orag e shed . Ava il . 541-962-1 074. soon. See t o appreci"WELCOME HOME" ate. No sm oking/pets. 750 - Houses For 541-523-4701 Call Rent Baker Co . (541 )963-7476 2135 FAILING. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Large fu lly SUMPTER: Newly reGREEN TREE modeled 2 bdrm , 1 fenced ya rd. $500/mo . bat h. Sewer, garbage APARTMENTS CaII 541-519-5539 pa id . W ood st ove, 2310 East 0 Avenue propane, private river La Gra nde,OR. 97850 EXCELLENT CONDIside park. Smaller pet gtmanaged i>gslcommunities c TION QJil consid. $450/ mo plus 3 bdrm, 2 bat h w/fam ily dep. (541)894-2263 Income Restrictions Aproom. Lg. single ca r ply garage w /attached boProfessionally Ma naged nus room . View of city SUNFIRE REAL Est at e lights & mountains. 10 by LLC. has Houses, DuGSL Properties m il es f ro m Bake r. plexes & Apartment s Located Behind La 14853 Goodrich Creek f or rent . Ca ll Chery l Ln. $875/ mo . 1st. last Grande Guzman f or list ings, deposits. plus (PossiTown Center 541 -523-7727. ble acerage & ba rn s pac e ava ilab l e) 541-519-8128 SMALL 1 bdrm apt . Al l ut ilit ies paid, no pet s. HOME SWEET HOME H ELP ATTRACT On -st reet pa r kin g . Cute clea n 2 & 3 bdrms. ATTENTION TO $500/ mo, $100 clea n- 1 sm. pet considered YOUR AD ! Ing dep 541-9 10-4440 No smoking. or 541-9 10-2488 . Ed M oses Add symbols & bold(541)519-1 814. ingl SMALL STUDIO apt So ut hside locat ion , close to Univeristy. No OREGON TRAIL PLAZA It's a little ext ra t hat get s BIG results. Trailer/ RV spaces pet s, no smo kin g. f or rent $1 95/rno. Have your ad STAND $185 per month. 541-963-4907. OUT Includes W/S/G for as little as $1 ext ra. Nice quiet www.LagrandeRdownt own locati on 541-523-2777
HOROSCOPES FRIDAY, ]U.\E 2~. 2012 YOUR HIRlHlJAYby Stella Wilder Born today, you are perhaps the exact opposite of so many vdth whom you share so much, in that you are the kind to share your feelings and your inner life with the world around you so freely that you are very much lhe proverbidlopen book. You will voice your opinions and telegraph your feelings at every turn, whether or not it is actually appropriate in a given situation -· but you are conf1dent that this kind of honest behavior will be rewarded in some way, and indeed it is. You are sure to win the respect of many simply because you are true to yourself at all times. SATURDAY, JUNE 30 CANCER (June 21-)uly 22) -· You may have to make a small change in your plans that affects the outcome significantly. V.'hat you lose can be regained. LEO (jllly 23-Allg. 22) -- You'll be requiml lo make up your mind on Ihe >pol -- at least two or three times. In the end, you'll
feel very much in controL VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22) -- You can let others in on a little secret, and the result will be a stronger bond among all involved. It's time to plan a future endeavor. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) ·- You may be able to score an important first today·- but it cerldinly won'l be the las!. You have something exciting in the works. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You may discover, quite accidentally, that what was advertised is not at all what will be delivered. You can pre-empt this disastee SAGITTAR IUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -Seeking a way out of a tight spot may not result in yourfrccdom ·· at least not the way you had expected. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-jan. 19) -· You may not be the most orgamzed indi>idual, but today you can see to it that others take care of getting your ducks in a rnw. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Ycm mustn't underestimate the power and influ-
by Stella Wilder ence of your own experience today. Others will give you the respect you deserve, certainly. PISCES (Peb. 19-March 20) -- You may be getting those closest to you involved in something that cannot possibly do them any good ·- but it's not yet too late: ARIES (March 21 -Aprill9) --Ycm may be harboring a secret resentment that, today, refuses to be overlooked or ignored. You must deal with it head-on very soon. TAURUS (April 20-:v!ay 20) ·- Your way of doing a certain thing is likely to be proved the best way of doing it -· at least for the time being. GEM INI (May 21-]unc 20) -- The risks you taketoday can surely pay off handsomely ·- but you must be aware that others may not want to hazard as much as you right now. (EDITOR:t
1di:.o1ii c:UI.Iti(.U.I, phu «o.!Uct
752 - Houses for Rent Union Co. 1 1/2 BDRM, $500.00. No pets, st orag e shed, 541-963-4125. BDRM, re modeled, in Island City $500/m o, $500 clean ing d ep. Ref . r e q. No pets/smoking. Call Pat 963-3633 or 91 0-1 442.
752- Houses for Rent Union Co. FULLY FURNISHED 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fi replace, fam ily room, hot t ub, 3 blocks f rom hosp it a l , a v a il a bl e m id-Aug us t 20 12 th ro u g h m id-J une 20 13 . Co m p let ely hand icap ped access ible. $11 00, Northeast Pr op . M gm t. (541 )910-0354
760 - Commercial Rentals
,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w PRIME COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE BRAND NEW CONSTRUCTION Interior ready to be designed to rn eet your needs. 2,515 sq ft ava ilab le. 8,440 sp ft f utu re ex pa ns 1011 (opt ion split int o 3 spaces) paved pa rking lot. A DA accessibil ity, p rivat e and pub lic re st rooms, w aterfall featu re at st ree t e nte ran ce. decorat ive landscapIng and lighting, covere d sidewalks and grand e nt eran ce. on-sit e ma nagement and ma inte nance, and th e most amazing view of th e El krn ou nta in h or n ra nge. Loca t ed at 3370 1Ot h St reet in Baker City, Oregon . Lease options negot iab le. Rock Creek Develop ments, LLC Call 54 1-523 -9048 ask for Bill or· LoiTie Harvey
780- Storage Units 2
STORAGE units. 12x 24, $4 0/mo, 1808 3rd St , La Gra nde . (5411398 -1602
7X11 UNIT, $30 m o. $25 de p. (541)910-3696
3 BDRM, 2 bath home A PLUS Rentals ha s wit h updated interior, storage units log siding, very clean 755 - Rent, Miscelava ilable. w ell man1 cured ya rd in laneous 5x 12 $30 permo Is land City No pet s. DRC'S PROPERTY 8x8 $25-$35 per mo Ava il. J uly 1st. $900 Management, Inc. 8x 10 $30 per mo mo, first, last & clean541-663-1 066 *plus deposit* irl g d ep . C a ll 112 Depot, La Grande 1433 Madiso n Ave ., 5 41- 963 - 7 62 0 or or 402 El m St . La 503-347-1 076. Apartments: Grande. St ud io, $325.00-$375.00. Ca ll 541 -403-1524 3 BDRM, 2 bath, rna nuf 1 bdrm ,$350.00-$400.00. home. Ve ry n1ce, cen- 2 bdrm . $395 00-$575.00 t ra l a/c, $900 plus dep, Apts, some utilities paid. HUD O K. W/S paid. 910-0122 Duplexes: A2ZSTORAGE 3 bdrm , 1 bat h, $750.00. *New 3 BDRM. 2 bath $750, 2 bdrm , 1 bath, $525.00. *Secure $600 dep. l\jo toba cco, *10x 15 no pet s, no HU D. Houses: 541-523-5500 St udio, 1 bat h, w/s pa id, 541-962-0398. 3365 17th St. Baker $375.00. 2 bdnn, 1 bat h, den, w/s 4 BDRM, 3 bath home pa id, $600 .00 . w/ pool & hot tu b, 3500 American West PRIME OFFICE & retai l sq ft. 2 car garag e. Near Storage space avail. for rent at * LG & SM Storage Units college. $1 200/mo plus 1405 Campbell St . Call 7 days/24 hour access 111 La Grande & Union 541-523-4564 dep. Ref requ ired 541-523-4434 541-786-0777. LG COMPETITIVE RATES *Cornm erica l Units Behind Arm ory on East Downtown OFFICE SUITE for lease, and H Streets. CLEAN 1 Bed roo m 700 sq. ft. , all ut ilit ies hou se, nea r Greenprovided, 1502 N Pine. woo d school. $400. 760 - Commercial Good location, lots of No pets/smoking, not Rentals parking. Available J uly HU D app roved, de- 24X40 SHOP, walk-in & 1st 54 1-963-3450 posit , and ref. reoverhead doors, small qui red. First and last office area. $350 m o. mo nt h s r e nt MINI STORAGE $30 0 d e p . 780- Storage Units 5 4 1-786 - 0426 or 541-910-3696 . o Secure 541-428-2112 12X35 STORAGE unit o Keypad Entry $1 0 0 lll O APPROX. 1300 sq ft. o Auto-Lock Gate 5 BDRM, 2 bath house, 541 -963-41 25. commercial bus111ess o Security Lighting in Un ion. $900/month. dow ntown, pnme locao Fenced Area No pet s, no smoking. t ion. Attractiv e st ore(6-foot barb) R ea l ty V a ll ey f ront M t. Emily Prop541-963-4174. NEW llx25 units erty M anag e m en t. for "Big Boy Toys" 541-910-0345, LG. FOR RENT. 2 br. 1 ba 523-1688 house, det ac hed garage .1302 Ceda r St. BEAR CO BUSINESS 2312 14th Park 3600-1200 sq . Stov e, refn g, w /d, taft . Uil its available. For + Security Fenced ble included. $700/ mo. mo r e in fo ca ll + Coded Entry & l as t. Fi r s t 541-963-77 11. LG. 541 -568-4024 or + Lighted for your protection CLASSIC STORAGE + 4 different size units 541-524-1534 RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE: IN COVE, clean an d spa2805 L Street 2013 F1rst St. BK. Ap- + Lots of RV storage prox. 1200 sq. ft . 41298 Chico Rd, Baker City cious 2 bd rm row NEW FAC ILITY I I house . All appliances $450/mo . 1 y r. m in. Variety of Sizes Available off Pocahontas Secu nty Access Entry plus w/d $600 plus lease. Ava1l . 7/1/ 12. 541 -52390 5 0 Call 541-519-2016 . RV Sto rage dep 1541 )568-4722
ill hM~b.inzij>
)mrrivm~l. :rm )
COI'i'RIGH'l't O!Zll l!TW PEA:VRt SYNt!O\T1!, D~C DIIT:tBLTIT FY JU!YER>Al UCU:r FO~ UFS ll 21:1', r.:Jl~O$
Qty, .'\10 oi4J()i',; f,()f1.2:5S.61~
Fnday, June 29, 2012
4 7 11 13
14 15
16 18 20
21 22 23
26 30
31 32 33 36 38 39
Gator Bowl site Make an offer Good buy Puny pup Lemon cooler Bride in "Lohengrin" "Beetl e Bailey" pooch Persistence Colorful annual Districts Hearty laugh That woman Nutritional supplement Bouquet Galley mover Kind of pal Eur. country Changed drastically Copal or mastic Winery featu re Runner
•• •
Sebasti an 40 Fishtailed 43 Striped animals 46 Notched 48 Borodin pri nce 50 Cookie sheets 51 Rocky Mountain tribe 52 Lawman Wyatt 53 Letter encl. 54 1987 Michael Jackson album 55 Sleep phenom.
Answer to Previous Puzzle
DOWN 1 To's opposite 2 Figure-skating jump 3 Not pro 4 Tie-dye cousin 5 Lightbulb, in comics 6 Hibernation location 7 Judicial order 8 Newsman - Abel
6-29- 12
© 2012 UFS, Dist. by Univ . Uclick for U FS
9 Film terrier 10 Sets in order 12 Blair and Curtis 17 Long sighs 19 Protein source
22 Dad, to Grandpa 23 - Kippur 24 Perfume label word 25 Sculpture or painting 26 Composer - Rorem 27 PX frequenters 28 Onassis nickname 29 Itc h 31 Household member 34 Reluctant 35 Mock fanfare (hyph.) 36 Hold up 37 Beyond strange 39 Granted 40 Mach 2 fliers of yore 41 Darth's daughter 42 Coffee brewers 43 Fraternity's Z 44 Lab medium 45 Piqued 47 Butter container 49 LP speed
Looking for something special to roll your way but not having much luck? Turn to the Classifieds and kick your search into high gear. From new and used autos to valuable antiques and collectibles, we've got listings for just about anything you might need. And if you're looking to get rid of something, we can help you with that, tool Call today to start your subscription or to place an ad.
•• •
The Observer 1406 5th Street La Grande, OR 541-963-3161 classifieds@ or online at
•• •
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday DISPLAY ADS: 2 days prior to ptJblication date
Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 • • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 • • • Fax: 541-963-3674 780- Storage Units
*********** Surveillance Cam eras Computerized Entry Covered Storage Super size 16'x50'
780 - Storage Units
805 - Real Estate
You can enjoy extra vacation money by exchanging idle 1tems in your home for cash ... with an ad in classified.
• Mini-Warehouse • Outside Fenced Parking • Reasonable Rates For information call:
523·6316 days 523-4807 evenings
541-523-2128 3100 15th St. Baker City
3785 1Oth Street
bag e. $200. Jeri, manager 541-962-6246 LG
Fas" Friendly and Fair
Michael R. Nelson Mortgage Broker/Owner Bonded
SATURDAY, RJNE 30, 20 l2 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you are a proud and able individual, willing at aU times to put yourself on the line for something higger tha11 yourself -and as a result, you're likely to be known for backing some of the most important issues and causes raised in your lifetime. You arc destined to play a role in at least one, and perhaps lwo or more endeavors that will be long remembered, and you may even win a kind oflasting fame that has you talked about for generations. What you have goingfor you, of comse, is your strong convictions, your willingness to work long and hard to achieve your goals and your ability to separate fact from fiction. SUNDAY, JULY I CANCER (June 21-July 22) ·- Te.amwork is the key today -· but not in any ordinary sense. You and a partner must go to unusual lengths to achieve something extraordinary. I.EO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You are waiting
1-800-898-6485 ~41-523-6485
Transpo rtati o n Safety- ODOT
for someone dse to make the key decisions today -- but he or she is waiting on you. Clearly, communication is an issue. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You may haveheen unclear when givinginstructions to others recently -· but now you have something of a mess to clean up. LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct22) --You have been trying too hard to make things tum out the way you v.anl them; perhaps it is lime to adjust yom own set of expectations. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You may have to work much later than usual today in order to seal a deal that promises to reward you in a very special way. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) --You must be 11illing to step aside and let another forge ahead undeterred. You are not yet ready to charge iorward in a similar way. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -· You should be able to silence your critics, but one in particular is saying things that somehow affect you more than others.
by Stella Wilder AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ·- You'll want to pace yourself, as you won't be calling it quits until someone else has given vou the word very late in the day. PISCES (Feh. 19-March 20) ·- Are you 1\illing to put yourself in harm's way for another? You may be faced with just such a situation before nightfall. ARIES (March 21-April 19) ·- Personal business will have to take second place to those professional issues that demand attention at home and at the workplace. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -· The image you are projecting at this time may not be 11hal you lhink it is -- and others are surprised by what you seem to be. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Someone is eager to have your support, and today you may give it -- provided, of course, you receive a few guarantees in return. (EDr:'ORS: ~c,; <dit<JiJ qu«tlors, pin" w:~t1c: HQ/!i, \'h•tr~ m.miver1lli.oo:n; CCP:'RIGHT:i0!2 UUITID ff:A':'C"Ilt ffilDICATt, NC.
best intentions may not be able to save you from doing something ill advised. You're not consideringall possibilities. LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct. 22) -- You're likely to cross paths with someone who raises your blood pressure significantly ·- but not for the right reasons! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nuv. 21) ·- Someone may accuse you of wasting his or her time, but you must do what you are doing so as to influence his or her perspective. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) --You may find yourself with some extra time on your hands, but take care that you don't merely fill it with attempts to keep busy. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-)an. I9) -- You can be quite persuasive today, md many are likely to jump on the bandwagon. One straggler may get you thinking. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- It won't take you long to wrap up a project that has been ready for completion for quite some time. Today is the day to t1e up loose ends.
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SUNDAY, JULY 1, 2012 YOUR BIRTHDAY by Stella Wilder Born today, you are colorful a11d some· times tlamboyant, perhaps a little willful, and always ready to explore something new that comes your way. You arc eager to learn as much as possibleabout the world around you by mixing and mingling with other people and by immersing yourself in different cui· tures and the lilce. You have an adventurous streak, and you are willing to face consider· able danger in pursuit of knowledge and experience. MONDAY, JULY 2 CANCER (June 21-July 22) ·- You'll be thrilled at the reaction your work gets from those in the know. Keep up the good work and you'll receive high honors. LEO (July23-Aug. 22) -- Though youmay have felt pressured to participate in a certain activity today, you will certainly he surprised at how enjoyable it really is. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Even the
or Joe Rudi
Slo"" Do""n. 71te W'ay #o Go.
Clty,-'.!0 64_06; W!-15S.673i
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - You may not be able to get away ti·om a certain reminder of a bad relation~1ip decision made some time ago. !mages from the past are pervasive. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -· You may not have the stamina you had hoped for today, but if you pace yourself, you can certainly reach the finish line. TAURUS (April20-May 20) - The environment is likely to play an important role in your affairs today. Take ca re that you don't wander too far fromfamiliar territory. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -· You're not in the mood to listen to what your critics have to say, but you must. A lesson learned today keeps you from danger tomorrow. (IDITORS: FrJ" edtcr!tl~~llionJ, p.ta~eC<llla¢ HdlitWetr!~
46 49 51 52 53 54 55 56
Razor brand Gush out Poser Philosopher - -tzu Straightening up Make smile Shed tool Bioi. or astron. Troubadour instruments "Westworld" name Nondiscriminatory hirer abbr. Psyche components
Capital Benefits,
NEED CASH BUYERS NEWLY REMODELED, 1200 PLUS sq. ft . proT ri-l evel, 3 bdrm , 3 Greatl y d isco u nte d fessional off1ce space, bath . Dining area, lg. 4 offi ces, rece pti on prope rti es in Bake r County. •..vww.up•..vestlivin g room w/firea re a , Irg propertydea place, lg. great room, conference/break area, double ca r ga rage, hand icap access ib le. 54 1-403-0773 new deck, 2 bdrm Price neg otiab le per lengt h of lease. Nort hren t al u nit , on .83 OWNER CARRY . east Property Manageac res . 1006 21st St . 2-bd rm, 1 ba th ma nument (541)910-0354. Ca II 541-963-5996 factured horne on lg. doub le lot w/ce dar SEE ALL RMLS f ence . A/C, sto rage shed wood stove LISTINGS AT: metai roof . 1345 1st www.valleyrea lty. net St. Hain es . $65,000 1 0% dow n . Transportation 520-904-5166
@ goo
825 - Houses for Sale Union Co. 3 BDRM , 1.5 bat h, $135,000, 460 7th St., Imbler . 54 1-534-4124. Vievv at www.rea lestateeasternoregon.c om . Listing #1840.
820 - Houses For Sale Baker Co.
3 BDRM, 2 1/2 bath, db! car garage, 1908 sq. ft , in Sunny Hills. H JUST REDUCED H $225,000 . FSBO. 3000+ sq ft 3 541-91Q-3560 bdrm, 2 bath. High-end co m p le t e re mod el . $ 175,000. rm ls .com 5 ACRES, 10 w ide, 2 M L#12590961 bdrm mob 1le hom e. Ca ll 541 -519-2625 Snow roof , attached shed, 1 room ca bin. Water, elect. ge nera* *REDUCED * * FSBO: tor, Ma in Eagle Creek, REMODELED 3-bdrm., $50,000. 2-bath, 1400+ sq. ft . 509-946-6852 . $77,500. 2405 Baker St See pict ures on BEAUTIFUL 4 bdrm, 3 craigslist. org bath home in Is land Ca l1 541 -519-2625 City Ve1y large ga 1·age w! off1ce, sit s on Ia rg e lot, plus irrigation we ll. 12 ACRES ON THE New ly remode led, POWDER RIVER must see I Manufactu red Home. 1782 sq. ft. Newly re- Contact 541 -963-5315. modeled w ith 24 x 30 shop and three bay HOME & Shop For Sale machine shed . Just 9 By Owner In Cove miles outside of Baker 3 bdrm , 2.5 bat h, plus ofC1ty $180,000,00 . f ice . 1614 sq. ft. Bu 1lt 541-403-11 38 . 1n 1994. View interior & exterior pictures: Goog le 3 BDRM, 2 bath ra nch in Address: 1506 Jasper qui et neighbo rhood, St. Only serious and nea r th e High School. pre-qualif ied buyers. F1replace, f e n ced, Can view by appt. pati o, 2 car ga rage. only 541-91 0-4 114 $159,000. Ag ents we lcome. 541-519-5132 4-BDRM., 2-BATH: On 2 acres . 1 m i. out. $ 2 49 , 000 Go t o 2acres 1mileout.blogspot .com f or detail s. Ca ll 541-403-0398 fo r a showing. Baker.
880 - Commercial Property
541-963-4174 925 - Motor Homes 845 - Mobile Homes Union Co.
1982 32' Jaco 5th w hee l: Fu lly self cont ained. $3500. 541-523-3110
LAST 2 lot s ava ilable 111 930 - Recreational 55+ park, M ounta in Vehicles Park Estates. Doub le on l y THE SALE of RVs not w ide beari ng an Oregon in541 -9 1 0- 3513 or signia of comp liance is 541-786-5648. ill ega l: ca ll Buil din g Codes 1503) 373-1 257 .
855 - Lots & Property Union Co.
BEAUT! FULLY MAINTAINED 23 ft . Ultra-L ite Thor w/ pul l-o ut , fu lly con ta in ed, s leep s 6, newer ru bbe r roof. sm oke free . $12k: BEAUTIFUL COVE lot 541-437-9190. LG f or sa le, spectacular 360 deg ree v 1evvs, 3.56 ac res, $39,000. LIGHT WEIGHT 19' fu lly 208-761 -4843. eq uipped 2004 tra iler. Sleeps 3 Iike new $6,900, 541-963-5674. NEW PRICE! FLAG LOTS for sale near SOMEBODY'S GOING Greenwood school. TO GET A GREAT 11Ox83, plus drivevvay DEALI 2008 National 111x20 . 1706 V Ave, Surf Side 29A, 1 1K $34,000 . 541-786-0426; m iles . Double sl ide541 -428-2 112. double ai1·- awning- dinette sleeps two- sofa sleeps two - wa lk around queen- ext ra ROSE RIDGE 2 Subdivilarge showe r- corner Sion, Cove, OR . C1ty: kitchen- f ull basemen tSewer/Water available. Regular price: 1 acre fu ll pain t- load edBEAUT ! FU L. Pa id rn/1$69,900-$74,900. $11 9, 000 . Pri ced to We also prov ide property sell $65,000. management. Check out our renta l link on (trade-in possible) LG our we bs i te 541 -9 10-0508 NEAR GREENWOOD wvw,;. sc hool, recent ly rem or ca ll 960 -Auto Parts med ied f o ur bd rm home, w it h bon us LOOKING FOR roo m . Sma ll re ntal 1966 home and large sh op Mercury Montc lair or on prope rty . $205, Ra nch-N-Home Realty, M o nte rey for parts. 000. 541 -78 6-042 6; Inc. 541-963-5450. 503-254-3199 541-428-2112. 81X113, 1818 Z Ave. Ut il ities available, $45k OBO. 541-963-2668
1130Walnu: &,Kmu.1 Cty, l'i0M!Cii,8(().250·67'.A
Every day, law enforcel\tent officers aHd elftergeHcy workers put their lives on tne line to save ours. 'ven aroutine traffic sto~ has beco~t~e risky bosi~ess. In the last 10years, more than 700 officers have
Answer to Previous Puzzle
been killed in traffic incidents. In many of these cases,the officers werepulled over to the side of the road when inattentive drivers crashed into them at high speeds. That's why there's astrict law in Oregon designed to protect the people we depend on to protect us.
Move over or it'll cost you.
DOWN 1 Jeered at 2 Pungent veggie 3 Get more mellow 4 D'Urberville girl 5 Clearer
825 - Houses for Sale Union Co.
820 - Houses For Sale Baker Co.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
•• •
TRUST DEED! I'll pay cash for your trust deed, real estate contract or mortgage.
Call today!
Too ma ny k itt ens? ONE BLOCK from Safew ay, tra1 ler/RV spaces . F1nd t he m a hom e W at e r, sewer, gart hroug h the classified.
1 Capricorn 5 Not masc. 8 Bacon on the hoof 11 Faint trace 12 "Rope-a-dope" boxer 13 Suffix with fail 14 Drama awards 15 Vast 17 August kid, maybe 18 Buying frenzies 20 Ms. Ferber 22 Always, to Byron 23 Trillion, in combos 27 Neutral or first 29 Lukewarm 30 Ear bon es 33 Escalator parts 34 Drops in the slot 35 Tree, to Fritz 36 Siamese, now
795 - Mobile Home Spaces
805 - Real Estate
6-30-1 2
©2012 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclickfor UFS
6 Wascally Wabbit hunter 7 Play charades 8 "Lettuce pray," e.g. 9 1040 org.
10 Golly! 11 Enameled metal 16 Regards highly 19 Tender pods 21 Nimbleness 24 Pollution org. 25 Get - of that junk! 26 Pitches 28 Overhead railways 29 Robert Morse role 30 Invoice no. 31 Uh-uh 32 Travel word 33 Muscle-car dial 35 Very important thing 37 Con game 39 Mickey Mouse's dog 40 Loosens, as a grip 41 Hardships 43 Seine feeder 44 Harvard rival 46 Quaker pronoun 47 Item in a poker pot 48 PC key 50 Tankard
Make rootM for safety. The Move Over Law is in placeto help protect law enforcement officers and emergency workers from
The Move Over Law (ORS 811,147)states that if you
adeadly threat theyfaceon adaily basis: speeding
are driving up behind any type of police car or
and inattentive drivers.But the law also exists to
emergency vehide pulled over on the roadside with
protect you. Save yourself and those inyourcar
emergency lightsfiashing, you must:
from the physical and emotional dangersof acrash. Thefiashing lights are your cue to move overand
+MOVE OVER into another lane,
+If you can't safely change lanes, SLOW DOWN, +In all cases, the driver must try to provide as much room as possible for the emergency vehicle,
failure to obey this law can cost arivers up to ~355.
•• •
•• •
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: noon Thursday
2 days prior to publication date
Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 • • • Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 • • • Fax: 541-963-3674 960 -Auto Parts BAKER CITY
AUTO SALVAGE Used Parts Parts Locater Service Unwanted cars & tru cks towed away Save $$ today !
541-523-7500 3210 H Street Open Saturdays
Your community
towing company Reasonable rates
825-Houses for Sale $339,900 THREEYEAR-OLD CUSOM BUILT HOME Still shows like NEW!!! Owner/builder occupied. Features quality throughout with cherry cabinets, tile flooring, carpeting in the bedrooms, and neutral colors to go w~h your decorating tastes. Come and look, you'll like what you see!!l1 0037366 Century 21 Eagle Cap Realty,
970 -Autos For Sale
2003 LINCOLN Town
970 - Autos For Sale
2011 CHEVY Malibu LS,
1001 -Baker County Legal Notices
2000 FORD Exc ursion CHRISTIAN RADIO staXLT . Forest Green. 7.3 l1tr e diesel. Fully equipped, good cond rtion. Moderately high m il eage , $9,550 . 541 -910-1084, Summervrlle.
970 -Autos For Sale
Car, owned by proverbial " little ol' lady" 29,000 milesl l l Pearl wh ite color, $13,750. 541-786-0059, Cove.
tion KDJC 88 .1 w ill be holding a public meeting at Baker County Public Library, on 7/7 at 1 pm . This is a general meeting that w ill address pub l1 c 1ssues, and any questions or concerns about KDJC. The public is invited to attend.
'96 HONDA Civic Coup . 36 mpg. $3950/0BO . 541-523-3650, Dayle Legal No. 00025767 BC Published: June 29, 20 12
8,000 miles, absolutely Te ll someone Ha ppy like brand new, w/ FOR SALE: 1995 Subaru Brrthday in our classified Legacy, $2,700. Union, warranty . $16,800, 541-624-2338. section today I 541-523-7352 . BK
Beautifully landscaped home Built 1993, 2069 sq. ft. (includes double garage w/lots of storage cupboards) 2 bed, 2 bath, large rooms, AC, gas heat, gas fireplace, electric awning over patio, underground sprinkler, outbuilding for tools, fenced yard & sweet courtyard 1475 Valley Ave • 523-3323 or 523-9312
1001 - Baker County Legal Notices
1001 - Baker County Legal Notices
1010- Union Co. Legal Notices
1010- Union Co_ Legal Notices
1010- Union Co_ Legal Notices
Other Coniferous speand shareholders holdON JUNE 15, 2012, an NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING application was filed cies non-sa'N that the ing te n percent (10%) by Oregon Trail Radio, bidder agrees t o reor more of the stock 1n VARIANCE PERMIT Inc . with the Federal move at a f ixed rate. KS RV, Inc. is David N. Capps . The ten perCommunications ComIn addition , the re is mission requesting it's within the sale area The City of La Grande cent 110% 1 or mo re an unestrmated volconsent to the assignPlanning Comm ission members of KINRL, LL C. are Rand ol ph ment of lrcense of Stawill hold a Public Hearume of Softwood ti on KCMB(FMI and Oth er green convertirng at its Regu lar SesMcK on e, De br a FM Translator Station ble broma ss that the sion on Tuesday, July McKone, Joseph Cosbidder may agree to 10, 2012, w hic h beK229BN, La Grande, te ll o and V rctor 1a remove at a fixed Oregon from O regon Gan dy . Stati on gins at 6:00 p .m . in th e rate. The Forest ServLa Grande City Ha ll KWRUF M I operat es at Trail Radio, Inc. to ice reserves the right KCMB, LLC. Clare M. Counci l Chambers, 99 .9 mHz w ith studios Fer·guson-Capps is the to r·eJect any and all 1000 Adams Avenue, located at 1009-C Adbids. Interested par1OOo/o owner of Oreams La Grande, OreLa Grande , Oregorl. gon Trai l Radro, Inc. ti es may obtain a progon . FM Translator The Hearing is to con David N. Capps is the spectus frorn the ofK258BM ope rates 0 11 sider an applicat ion for a Varrance of the alley V1ce Presrdent. Th e free lr sted below. A 99 .5 mHz. A copy of prospectus, b1d f orm, ten percent (1 Oo/ol or way parking t o allow t he application and ref rve parking spaces and comp lete infor·more members of la ted materials are mation concern ing the rather t han the stanKCMB, LLC are Ranavailable for publi c indard of three parking dolph McKone, Debra timber, the cond itions spection at the studios of sale, and submisof KWRU FM) at M cKone, Joseph Cosspaces. The property sion of bids is avail1009-C Adams Ave. La t el lo and Vic t o ria rs situated at 2011 Fourth St reet, in the Gandy Stat ion able to the public Grande, Oregon during KCMB!FMI operates at from the Wh 1tman CB Cen t ral Bus1ness regular bus iness 104.7 mHz w ith stuRanger Drstrict, 3285 Zone, at T3S, R38E, hours. dios located at 1009-C Section 5BC, Tax Lot 11th Street, Baker Ada ms Ave , La City, OP, 97814, or at 700, La Grande, Un ion Publish June 20, 22, 27, Grande, Oregon . FM County, Oregon . Th e Wallowa-Whitman Na29,2012 Translator K229BN optiona l Forest Head applicant 1s In de- Leqal no. 25581 era tes on 93 .7 m Hz. A quarters, 1550 Dewey pendent Med 1ca l Pro Ave , Baker City, OR copy of the application viders, represented by ON JUNE 15, 20 12, an appli cation was filed and related materials Ty ler Kennedy . 97814 The USDA is by O regon Trai l Radio, are available for public an equal opportunity Inc . wit h the Federal provider and em- The applicabl e land use inspection at th e stuCommunications Comdios of KCMB(FMI at ployer. regu lations are fo und missio n requesti ng if s rn Chapter 8, Sectio n 1009-C Ada ms Ave. La co nsent t o the assignGrande, Oregon during Lega l No. 00025754 8 .4 of the City of ment of license of Stareg u lar business Publi s he d June 29, La Grande Land Develtio n KC MB (F M ! and 2012 hours. opment Code O rdiFM Tra nslator Stat ion rlall ce Number 30 81, K229BN, La Grande, Publish: June 20, 22, 27, 1010- Union Co_ Series 2009. Failure to Oregon f rom Oregon Legal Notices raise a spec ific issue 29,2012 Tra il Ra dio , Inc to at t he Publi c Hearing Leqal no. 25583 CHRISITAN RADIO staKCMB, LLC. Clare M . preclu des appea l of tion KEFS wi ll be holdFerguson-Capps is th e WALLOWA-WHITMAN the Planning Commising a public meeting at 100% owner of OreNATIONAL FOREST A sion's d ec ision North Powder Cafe, on go n Tra il Radio, Inc. TIMBER FOR SALE. of the applicat ion copy 7/7 at 2:30pm. Thi s is David N. Capps is th e The Tremble Sale is loand inform ation rea genera l meeting that V1c e Pres rde nt . The cated w 1thin T.6S ., proposal lat ed t o t he Will address public ISt en percen t (10 %1 or R45E, Sectr ons 25, are available for review sues. and any quesmo re m emb ers of 36; T.6S , R.46E., Secat no cost, with copres ti o ns or conc ern s KCMB, LLC are Rantions 29, 30, 31, and suppl1 ed at a reasonKEFS . The pubabout dolph Mc Kone, Debra 36; T.6S., R.47E ., Secable cost. A Staff Relic is rnvited t o attend. McKone, Joseph Costion 31; T.7S. R .44E., port wi ll be available Section s 19, 30, and t e ll o and V rc t or 1a f or rev 1ew seven (7) Publish: June 29, 2012 Gandy . Sta ti on 31; T.7S., R.45E., Secdays before the PlanKCM BIFMI operates at tions 8, 11 , 13, 14, 16, Legal no. 25763 Com m1 s s1o n n ing 104.7 mHz w rth stu27, 33, and 34; T.7S., NOTICE IS hereby grven Hea rin g, and can also dios located at 1009-C R.46 E. , Section 4· that the following debe suppl ied at a reaAdams Ave, La T.7S., R.47E., Secsonab le cost. For furscribed property perGrande, Orego n. FM tions 4 and 8 The th er rnformation, con sonal/household items Translator K229BN opForest Service w ill retact the Plann ing Drv rwill be sold at A Plus erates on 93 .7 m Hz. A ce ive sea led and ora l sion at (541 I 962-1 307. Renta ls LL C, 1433 copy of th e applica t ion bids in public at WalMadi so n Av e, La and relat ed material s lowa -Whitm an NaGrande OR 97850 on are ava ilable for public tio na l Forest HeadJ uly 7, 2012 at 9 00 Michael J . Boquist inspection at th e stuquarters at 10:00 AM a. m. to satisfy liens City Planner dios of KCMB( FMI at l oca l t im e on claimed by A Pl us 1009-C Adams Ave. La 07/26/2012 for an esPublish June 29, 20 12 Rentals LLC. Grande, Oregon during timated v olume of Legal no. 25574 regu l ar bu s iness 190 CC F of Prope rty Ownder, Heid1 hours. Douglas-fir and W estON JUNE 15, 20 12, an LWolf ern Larch sawt imber, application wa s fi led 14 2 CCF of Ponder- Unit M-27 Li ens f o r by KS RV, Inc. w ith the Publish: June 20, 22, 27, 29, 2012 osa Pine sawtimber. Federa l Com munica $365.00. and 709 CCF of White t ions Comm ission re- Leqa l no. 25582 fir and Oth er Conifer- Publi sh J un e 22, 29, qu esting it's co nserlt to the assignment of lrous s awtimber 201 2; July 6, 2012 marked or othervvise Le ga l no. 25531 cen s e o f St at ion designated for cutKWRL(FM) an d FM ting. In add ition , It's time to plan for that vacation Trans lato r St at ion K258BM , La Gran de, t here IS w ithin the sa le area an esti- trrp. For extra cash, why not sell Oregon f rorn KSRV, some of those 1tems you don't mat ed v olume of 28 In c . t o KW RL, LLC. CCF of White fir and need with a classified ad? The off icers, directors
NOTICE OF Comment Period, Union County Title Ill Projects (PL
110-343) NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN. that t he Union County Board of Commissioners are consideri ng t he following proJect fo r f unding u nder Tit le Ill of PL 11 0-343 Union County - Union County Emergency Se rv ices Officer ($40,000) Category 2 Search, Rura l County Emerg ency Response As required by PL 11 0-343, t he County wi ll be accepting comments on t he proposals until August 13, 20 12 . The p roject applications are available for review by contacting the Union County Commissioners Off ice, 1106 K Avenue, La Grande, 963-100 1. Publish: June 29, 2012 Lega l no. 25790
Drive Safely. fhe Way ro Go. Tr<ms>orhlrcn Safety - ODOT
WHAT'S TH~ fAST~ST WAY TO TURN 81.79 DON'TFORGETTHESTAIRS ·;;,~[ Sfr.K~U? llile>kp5lfilhcl!pf~LHmlmA.TE, PACE!8 ~~
... ;,~ ~ . .....,.•. •· • .,,. n:m •
• CL'\TI
~ ~ --~·'· • a 1 ~~ ..1J .•
h<l'[ l
Parkway extension
starts soon Pr-$e'lObq11$1:!~
...... ~~f'lkl.Boldr Fafl:JI!Mtii~I'IJ'tr1 :W.OaldMadsoc1~trOO
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Parents orchestrating son's love life win scant praise DEAR ABBY: My sister has decided to let her 14-ycar-old son have a girlfriend. This is contrary to every value we grew up with as kids into adulthood. She has met the girl's parents ami says they "immediate!y clicked" and she knew right away that they share the same morals. '1he parents now set up situations where the two kids can get together. Not only have my nephew and the girl bonded, but the parents have become fast friends. 1see no problem with a little puppy love that happens in school, hut is it asking for trouble when parent~ start to create dating situations when kids are so young? What happens if they are eventually allowed to be alone? Or one of them wants to break up but is afraid to hurt not only the other, but also the parents? My sister says she's "guiding her son through his first romance." I say an eighthgrader is too young and she's inviting a myriad of problems. We have fought over this because she says I'm not being "flexible" and because this hasn't happened to my child yet. Toffered my opinion only after I was asked what I thought of my nephew's girlfriend after she posted pictures on the Internet. Am I right to think this is cTazy, Abby? - SANE AUNT 1N GEORGIA DEAR SANE AUNT: Let's just say it is illadvised rather than crazy. But I agree that your sister is headed for trouble because she isn't allowing her son's "first romance'' to develop naturally. First love often peaks and bums out quickly. When there are two sets of intermeshed parents involved, it can lead to lasting hurt feelings and sometimes enmity. However, if you think your sister is going to listen to either of us, you're dreaming. So quit offering unsolicited advice and stay tuned for what's coming because there are lessons to be learned for everyone involved. DEAR ABBY: I am getting married this year and I'd like to challenge the notion that it's rude to ask for gifts toward a honeymoon or other big-ticket items such as home improvements or a car. My fiance and I mvn our home and we
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
- - - - - NEWS OF 1HE WEIRD - - - - Driver arrested after tipping hat to officer
don't need a lot of the traditional items couples receive at their wedding. Our families have been very understanding, but I'm sick to death of hearing or reading that it's rude to ask for money. Shouldn't wedding guests be happy to celebrate the couple in a way that they need and not force them to register for a bunch of material things they won't use? -ALREADY HAS A DEAR BLENDER DEAR ALREADY HAS A ...: Your question is very common. I receive variations on this theme in every hatch of mail that arrives. It is considered rude to ask for money on a wedding INVITATION, just as it is considered rude for brides and grooms to raise the subject themselves. When a wedding invitation is accepted, the guests usually contact whoever issued the invitation to inquire where the couple is registered. Once asked, it is then appropriate to reply, "TI1ey're not registered for gifts because they already have everything they need, but monetary gifts would be appreciated:' Some couples set up financial registries for this purpose with their bank or other financial institution, and there are also honeymoon registries and charitable gift registries if guests would prefer to donate to a worthy cause chosen by the happy couple.
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. For an excellent guide to becoming a better conversationalist and a more sociable person, order "How to Be Popular:' Send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. ti.mds) to: Dear Abby, Popularity Booklet, PO. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Shipping and handling are included in the price.) COPYRIGHT 2012 UNNERSAL UCLICK 1130 Walnut, Kansas City,MO 64106; 816581-7500
COOKEVILLE, Tellil. (AP) - Police in Cookeville, Tellil., say a driver tipped his hat to authorities at an intersection and then ran a stop sign. According to the Cookeville Herald-Citizen, 32-year-old Peny Bridges Haile of Cookeville was charged with drunken driving and evading arrest. Officers said they pursued his Lexus after the encounter at the intersection and found Haile out of his car and next to a briar bush, where he laughed at police trying to apprehend him.
NM mom jailed for overdue book, DVDs ALBUQUERQUE, N..M. (AP) -A New Mexico woman was arrested and spent a night in jail for not returning the book ''Twilight'' and two-DVD set "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" back to the library on time. The Albuquerque Journal reports Lori Teel was arrested and handcuffed at her Portales home in front of her five small children earlier this month for the $36 worth of library materials not returned since 2010. Her attorney says arrest warrants were mailed last year to an address at which Teel hadn't lived since childhood, but Teal was arrested by officers investigating a disturbance. Her charges were dismissed.
Game on communist hardships goes global WARSAW, Poland (AP) - A popular Polish board game based on the hardships ofcommunism is now available in international editions. Poland's National Remembrance Institute released the Polish version of the game called "Kolejka"-last year. The goal was to teach youth about
frustrations and shortages during the decades of communism, which Poland shed in 1989. Although referred to as "Communist Monopoly" the game doesn't let players collect rent or buy land. Instead, they often get frustrated because they can't buy anything even after waiting in long lines. "Kolejka" means line, or queue. Game developer Karol Madaj said Thursday that he chose that theme because standing in lines was a common experience under communism. He also knew he could "transfonn a queue into a board game, arrange the pawns in lines and make players elbow their way to the shop door." The game has been a hit. "I love it. I know it's in memory of sad times but it's wonderful that we can look back on these times with a certain amount of humor," said Barbara Stachowiak-Kowalski, a British-born Warsaw resident whose mother is hish and father is Polish. Madaj said word of the game quickly spread abroad, so the institute is launching versions in English, Gennan, Spanish, Japanese and Russian. The international editions will be sold via various websites for 30 zlotys ($10).
that at about 5 p.m. Tuesday; the van was near Manor Woods Elementary School when the operator heard something hit the side of the vehicle. The operator saw a minivan pass and saw the driver with a slingshot fire another projectile at the speed camera van. Police say that May had received two speed camera violations recently.
Talking urinal cakes assist in DUI fight DETROIT (AP) -Michigan is hoping to keep drunks off the road with the help from a special bathroom message. The state says talking urinaldeodorizer cakes have been distributed to Michigan Licensed Beverage Association members in Wayne, Bay; Ottawa and Delta counties. A recorded message will play reminding men who step up to the urinals to call a cab or a friend, if needed, to get home safely. The messages are part of a statewide Fourth of July education and enforcement effort. A kickoff is planned Monday at Detruit pub The Old Shillelagh. The federally funded dnmken driving crackdown runs through July 8. It also includes stepped up patrols in 26 counties involving local police, county deputies and state troopers. Talking minal cakes have been used in other states for similar efforts.
Man fires slingshot at speed camera ELLICOTT CITY, Md. (AP) - Police in Maryland say a man has been charged with assault for using a slingshot to fire glass marbles at a speed camera van. Authorities say Bruce Lawrence May of Ellicott City was anested Tuesday. The 50-yearold Lawrence was also charged with destruction of property and reckless endangerment. He was released on $3,000 bond. Howard County police say
Wichita Falls seeking plant thieves WICHITA FALLS, Texas (AP) - Some thefts in a North
Texas city have police truly digging for clues. Police in Wichita Falls say someone has been stealing ornamental grasses and flowers from the city's plant beds. - From wire reports
Stocks rally as Europe unveils crisis plans (AP) U.S. markets on Friday cut loose from the anchor of European debt that has weighed them down for months. The Dow Jones industrial average jumped more than 200 points in early trading after European leaders agreed to easier
bank bailouts and regional oversight for their troubled financial sector. Leaders in Brussels unveiled a plan to funnel money to banks directly from a regional bailout fund. They also agreed to ease austerity measures that have
been causing political unrest and agonizing recessions in Greece and other nations that have received bailouts. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 210 points to 12,812 as of 10:15 a.m. EDT. Its biggest gainer was industrial and aerospace giant
United Technologies, which rose $2.12, or 3 percent, to $74.72. The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 25 points to 1,353. Only 10 of the 500 companies in the S&P 500 were lower. The Nasdaq composite average gained 60 points to
2,909. The news out of Brussels also lifted energy prices, on the theory that a cure to Europe's debt woes will remove one of the major drags on global growth. Benchmark oil jumped 5.5 percent, or $4.30, to $81.98 a barrel on the New
York Mercantile Exchange, a day after hitting an eightmonth low. Industrial and energy stocks rose the most of the 10 industry groups in the S&P 500. Those companies would benefit from higher oil prices and faster global growth.
Mostly sunny
Mostly sunny
Saturday's weather
ua J
Thursday's high/Friday's low Baker County: 90/ 56 Union County: 86/ 59 Wallowa County: 84/50
Partly cloudy
Baker City 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: 1.89/1 .15 Year to date/Normal: 5.64/5 .68
Enterprise 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: 2.27/ 1.92 Year to date/Normal: 9.33/9.81 State's wettest: 0.03" at Till amook
Sunset: 8:44 p.m. Sunrise: 5:09 a.m.
shower early
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July 18 July 26
a a ·a d
Slight chance of t-storms
Mostly sunny
Mostly sunny
0 d
Chance of showers
Temperatures indicate previous day's high and overnight low to 4 a.m.
The Dalles Joseph Corvallis Newport Portland
Hi 85 82 74 63 76
Lo 63 50 56 57 62
Pre 0 0 0.02 0.01 tr.
Salem Hermiston Meacham Pendleton Redmond Pasco Walla Walla Baker City Ontario
73 88 75 85 84 88 83 90 95
60 63 52 64 52 64 64 56 60
0 tr. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Across the nation ud d
Slight chance oft-storms
Temperatures indicate previous day's high and overnight low to 5 a.m. Pacific time.
Chance of showers
Mostly sunny
Mostly sunny
Hottest Thursday
Weather History
Nation: 114 in Bullhead City, Ariz. Oregon: 95 in Ontario
On June 30 in 1942, the high tem perature reached 102 degrees in Portland, Ore. , setting the all-time record for the city.
Coldest today July 10
' Isolated
Isolated shower early
Waxing , 79 percent visible
July 3
-. /
Chance of showers
24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: 0.13/ 1.50 Year to date/Normal: 8. 17/9 .30
Partly cloudy
·a d
Nation: 31 in St anley, ld. Oregon: 43 in Lakeview
Hi Lo Pre Sky Atlanta 98 74 0 s Billings 92 62 0 s t Des Moines 97 75 0.03 Detroit 99 73 0 pc Indianapolis 104 77 0 pc Kansas City 105 72 0 s Minneapolis 88 64 0 s New Orleans 95 78 0 s Anchorage 57 50 0 c Boise 95 60 0 s
Boston 83 Chicago 100 Denver 97 Honolulu 84 Houston 96 Las Vegas 108 Los Angeles 70 Miami 93 New York City 88 Phoenix 110 Salt Lake City 101 San Francisco 68 Seattle 72 Washington , DC 96
0 0 63 0 74 0 75 0 83 0 61 0 80 0 68 0.21 92 0 72 0 57 0 59 0 78 0 77
pc pc s s pc s pc s t s s c pc pc
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Friday, June 29, 2012 The Observer & Baker City Herald
COUGAR: Cougars can be found throughout Baker County, but hunters should target areas with high concentrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. COYOTE: Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. SQUIRRELS: Ground squirrels are out and active throughout the valley. Hunters should find good numbers of squirrels when the weather cooperates; remember to ask permission before hunting on private property. UNION COUNTY EVENT
July 8: Hunter education field day, La Grande Trap Club, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. GROUND SQUIRRELS: Squirrels are up and active. Remember, always ask first to hunt on private land. COYOTE: Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. See Hunting I Page 5C
VIEWING Report BAKER COUNTY Bald and golden eagles can be seen along open water areas of the Snake River and Brownlee Reservoir. For best viewing, drive the Snake River Road between Richland and Huntington. Turkeys can be seen and heard throughout the county in the transitional zone between the forest and the valley. A good area to look is on the Elkhorn Wildlife Area. Bighorn sheep can be seen in the Burnt River Canyon west of Durkee or along the Snake River Road south of Richland. Ewes are with lambs now and can usually be found in higher elevation areas with rugged terrain. In some cases, prolonged glassing is required to locate the sheep. Canada geese goslings are starting to be found on waterways throughout Baker County. UNION COUNTY LADD MARSH WILDLIFE AREA
Note:Wildlife viewers and anglers need a parking permit to park on the wildlife area.The $7 daily or $22 annual permit can be purchased online or at an ODFW office that sells licenses or at a license sales agent. Learn more about ODF\11/'s expanded Wildlife Area Parking Permit Program. Tule Lake Public Access Area and the Auto Route are open for the season. The Glass Hill Unit is also open to public access. Visitors are advised to carefully read posted signs and consult game bird regulations before entering the See Viewing I Ibge 9C
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Lingering snowdrifts still cover parts of Elkhorn Crest National Recreation Trail at the Little Cracker Creek saddle. The view, looking southeast, includes, at the far right, Rock Creek Butte, at 9,106 feet the highest point in the Elkhorns.
cracker to Crest Old mining road up Little Cracker Creek provides access to southern portion of Elkhorn Crest Trail By Jayson Jacoby Baker City Herald
There's only one easy way to get to the Elkhorn Crest National Recreation Trail. As for all the other ways, plotting those on a scale of difficulty is a ticklish task. It's a subjective question, is the thing. Your answer will depend on such personal matters as your tolerance for scaling hills nearly as steep as a church steeple. Your ground clearance is relevan~ too. (Well, not exactly your ground clearance - r ather the distance between your rig's oil pan and whatever it passes over.) The easy way is the trail's northern terminus near Anthony Lake. It's easy because the access road is the Anthony Lakes Highway- a two-lane thoroughfare that's paved clear to the parking lot. Pull in, lock up, and your boots are on the path 30 seconds later. (Or two minutes i£ like me, you're prone to forgetting vital stuffin the car. Water, for instance.) At the Crest Trail's opposite end, 24 miles to the south, the situation is as different as a Hummer is from a Nissan Leaf To belabor the analogy, the only way a Leafis getting to the southern trailhead at Marble Creek Pass is if you hire a helicopter to haul it there. (Which, given the amount of fuel a helicopter goes tln'Ough, sort of betrays the purpose of buying the Leaf)
A Hummer could make it under its own power, but its shock absorbers would know they've been in a battle. No other actual road touches the Crest Trail. But of the routes that get to within a reasonable distance of the trail, one of the least arduous routes is, curiously, not listed as a trailhead on the official recreation map for the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. This is the old mining road that switchbacks up the canyon of Little Cracker Creek, near Bourne on the west side of the Elkhoms about 35 miles from Baker City. This is no Anthony Lakes Highway, to be sure. But unless you're working an insurance scam, you don't want to try it in a low-slung family sedan. The road poses no great challenge for a fourwheel drive pickup truck or SUV equipped with lowrange transfer case. And compared with either of the roads to Marble Creek Pass, Little Cracker Creek is actually sort of smooth. To get there from Baker City drive 28 miles, via Highway 7, to Sumpter.
Fishing for small mouth bass and channel catfish is good right now on the John Day River. The water is clearing and the stoneflies are hatching on the Grande Ronde River. Water levels are still high, but look for trout along the bank or in slower pockets. Kokanee fishing on Wallowa Lake has been fair to good and is improving. CATHERINE CREEK: chinook salmon, trout Catherine Creek is open to angling for spring chinook salmon until further notice.The open area is from the Miller Lane Bridge to the Hwy 203 Bridge upstream of Catherine Creek State Park. The bag limit is two (2) adipose fin-clipped adult chinook and five (5) adipose fin-clipped jacks per day; two daily limits in possession. It is illegal to continue fishing for jack chinook once the adult bag limit is met. All other general, statewide and Northeast zone regulations remain in effect. There are plenty of salmon now in the creek, but fishing pressure has been light and the catch has been relatinvely small. Water conditions are good. MORGAN LAKE: trout, bullheads, bass Fishing for trout is fair to good. See Fishing I Page C6
Briefly Rescuers find lost Portland hiker
Jayson Jacoby I Baker City Herald photos
The bleached white skeleton of an ancient white bark pine tree leans across the Elkhorn Crest National Recreation Trail. Whiteba rks are the predominant species in this alpine setting at an elevation of 8,000 feet. Mountain pine beetles have killed or weakened many of the white barks in the Elkhorns over the past quarter century. Spared from insects, disease and fire, whitebarks can live for many centuries. Continue through the town and, just after crossing Cracker Creek, tum right onto Cracker Creek Road at a sign for Bourne. Follow this well-graded gravel road, which is suitable for regular cars, six miles north to Bourne. After passing the last of this ghost town's summer cabins, you'll come to a Y-shaped intersection. Take the right, uphill, fork. After about 100 yards there's another intersection. Continue straight (east); the other road bends sharply to the left. Your road follows Little Cracker Creek, which, despite its diminutive name, is pretty much the measure, volume-wise, of''big'' Cracker Creek. The road climbs consistently for a little over a mile before dipping briefly and then crossing Little Cracker Creek. There's a nice big culvert, so you needn't wony about testing your vehicle's fording capabilities (or soaking your socks, should you choose to hike.) Beyond the creek the grade steepens considerably, though it's mitigated by the
occasional switchback. The biggest drawback with this route to the Crest Trail is that the road lacks places to park. (Although it's a county road, and tlms open the public, the route crosses several parcels of private land, so make sure you know where the boundaries are if you intend to deviate from l'Oad.) The path to the trail itsel( marked by a brown sign as Forest Road 030, branches off the main road about 2.3 miles from Bourne. To avoid blocking the main road, which continues uphill to the privately owned Buckeye Mine, you'd do well to start looking for a wide spot - possibly at one of the switchbacks - at about the 2-mile mark. That also eliminates the need for backing up - a generally unnerving experience on narrow mountain roads. The Road 030 junction is at an elevation of about 7,100 fuet. From here the Crest Trail is only about half a mile away. Which sounds like something you could handle in flip-flops. TI'Ouble is, tl1e route climbs about 900 feet in that
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half-mile - a grade more akin to clan1bering up the side of the Empire State Building than to walking up a staircase. The exertion is wellrewarded, though. This path meets the Crest TI·ail at one of the more scenic of the dozen or so saddles along the 24-mile route. To the east is the Rock Creek drainage. The roundtopped peak to the southeast is Rock Creek Butte, at 9,106 feet the highest point in the Elkhorns. The view to the west extends all the way to the Strawbeny Mountains south of Prairie City, more than 50 miles distant. Much nearer to the northwest is Mount Ireland - bring binoculars and you can pick out the fire lookout tower on its narrow summit. The saddle is rich in history as well as in vistas. The power line that connected the Rock Creek and Fremont powerhouses cl'Ossed the Elkhorns here. Look around and you1llikely see shards of ceramic or glass insulators. About 50 feet east of the Crest TI·ail, See Crest I Page 2C
BEND (AP)- A Deschutes County sheriff's officer says a Portland man who became separated from his hiking companions in the mountains west of Bend made a cell phone call that led to his rescue. Sheriff's Deputy Jim Whitcomb says 57-year-old William Richard Aue called 911 Wednesday afternoon to say he thought he was two to three miles north of Mount Bachelor and needed help finding his way down. He had ended up in an area west of Broken Top Mountain. Search and rescue personnel were able to get enough details from phone calls to determine the man's approximate location, and guide him by phone to the Moraine Lake area. A search and rescue team met him south of Moraine Lake and escorted him back to his hiking companions.
Chilly sea turtle found on beach NEWPORT (AP) - A hypothermic green sea turtle found last week in the surf at an Oregon beach is improving at the Oregon Coast Aquarium at Newport. KVAI:TV reports that the aquarium's Stuart Clausen says it's too soon to tell whether the turtle will soon be ready to return to his native habitat or will need a longer rehabilitation at a warm-water facility. The turtle had an internal body temperature of 58 when he arrived at the aquarium. Clausen says the natural body temperature in warmer waters is in the mid 70s.
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FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
CREST Continued from 1C on the north side of the saddle, there's the stump ofa power pole. The saddle is near the midpoint of the Crest Trail. Cracker Saddle is about three miles nmth. You can chive there, too (at that aforementioned intersection, where the road veers left, go that way rather than straight), but the road is execrable. Pole Creek Ridge trail junction is about two miles to the south. The road to that trailhead isn't too terrible, but you'll have to hike at least Jayson Jacoby I Baker City Herald twice as far to get to The Elkhorn Crest National Recreation Trail, visible in the upper left of the photo, crosses a rockslide just south of the the Crest Trail. Little Cracker Creek saddle. The mountain to the right is Windy Creek Peak.
Rules to follow in the hunting game By Mike North McClatchy Newspapers
In the world of hunting, there are a lot of written rules that have much to say about what you can't do out in the field. There are also a lot of unwritten rules tlmt dictate what you shouldn't do. Though you might not find them in any hunting handbooks, experienced hunters can pass along a lot of suggestions that'll keep you safe and ethical on your excmsions. Here's a list of 10 "don'ts" outdoorsmen should keep in mind. 10.) Don't always take the first shot Whether you're hunting waterfowl or upland birds, it's common courtesy to set up a shooting system when hunting with buddies. Hunters can rotate or pick a region to shoot Geft, right, middle). Just don't let your trigger finger get too itchy. 9.) Don't let someone else do all the dirty work
This goes for gutting and cleaning fish, birds and big game. But it also applies to other duties, such as cooking, cleaning and packing. Everyone doing their share makes those chores a whole lot easier. 8.) Don't cross across another hunters patlt when pheasant hunting When you're on a hunt, it's inevitable that you're going to encounter others. It's important to know how to handle yourself when that happens. Not only is it rude to interfere with someone's hunt by doing that, it can also be dangerous to get in someone's shooting lane. 7.) Don't intrude on another hunter's spot Cozying up next to another hunter while duck or goose hunting won't win you many friends, and neither will encroaching on a big-game hunter who's found a spot to sit and watch. It's a big countryside - make sme you leave some elbowroom. 6.) Don't wear red while tmkey hunting
The red resembles the wattle of a tom trn·key, and unknowing hunters take shots ·without thoroughly realizing what they're pulling down on.Wearing bright colors usually seems like a safe idea when hunting, but only camouflage should be wom when turkey hunting. 5.) Don't oversleep After weeks of planning and preparation, don't disappoint yam hunting partner by oversleeping. Set as many alarms as you need to wake up. (I have three alarms on my cell phone, two alann clocks and a wristwatch alarm to get me up on those early mornings seems to get the job done.) 4.) Don't trespass on other's property Most hunters know not to venture onto other's property, but it can happen by accident sometimes. The point is, if you don't fully understand the lay of the land where you're hunting, hunt somewhere else. It's not worth getting a ticket or getting into trouble with a disgruntled landowner.
The same applies for hikers and sightseers, who, from my experiences, are more often guilty of trespassing onto private property. 3.) Don't text while hunting This one may surprise a lot of people. It's definitely a new-age issue, but one that's becoming more prevalent among younger hunters who get cell phone reception out in the field. I've seen people do it (they know who they are), and I can say \vith confidence that it's my biggest pet-peeve. 2.) Don't shoot at sounds This is the other side of the "don't wear red while turkey hunting" bit. It's one of the basics of hunting- don't take a shot unless you know what you're shooting at, but people still get overzealous and accidents ensue. 1.) Don't leave a wounded animal If you have enough tin1e to go on a hunt, you have enough time to fullow yom shot. Leaving a wounded animal is never an option.
Fishing platforms help anglers reel in big ones By Gary lewis WesCom Nevvs Service
Afew years ago, headed downriver from Maupin, I stopped to check out a platform that had been built out over the Deschutes River. While I stood there looking down at the water, a fellow pulled up in an old pickup and began to assemble his tackle. Mere months before, an uninsmed, unlicensed drunk driver crossed the line and changed this fishennan's life forever. As soon as he could, he started fishing again. He was grateful someone decided to build a wheelchair-accessible platfonn on his favorite river. He said he didn't need much help unless he hooked a big one. For a lot of us, fishing is as easy as walking down to the lake. But for 56 million Americans with disabilities, it isn't that simple. Ithoughtaboutthat when we were at Walton Lake last week. There is a wheelchair accessible dock on the pretty little reservoir east of Prineville. A nice walkway leads out of the parking lot and down along the lake to the platform, which is positioned adjacent to one of the better fishing spots. We paddled our canoe along the shoreline and both of the trout the girls landed bit within a long cast of the platform rail. Accessible fishing plat-
forms have been constructed on waters around the state, but until now there has been no comprehensive list. One of the troubles is that fishing spots come with varying degrees of accessibility. Some developed sites offer little more than parking close to the wate1; while others provide paved walkways, ramps and rails to stable platforms. Amy Baker at the Oregon Department ofFish and Wildlife office in Bend compiled a Jist of fisheries for disabled anglers.A quick scan shows 32 access points in the Central, Southeast and Eastern zones where anglers with mobility issues can fish for crappie, catfish, bluegill, bass, trout, steelhead and salmon. Similar lists are being compiled for the rest of the state and will be posted soon on the ODFW website. Cross-reference the waters listed on ODFWs Easy Angling web pages with the Fisheries for Disabled Anglers and you get the picture. A lot of times, the platforms are built within casting range of some of the best fishing holes. Access Oregon, on the ODFW web site (wv<,rw. lists many wheelchair accessible sites . Accessible fishing platforms attract anglers of all ages and abilities. Unlike disabled parking spots in
front of the grocery store, most platforms are open to any fisherman. I have spent my fair share of time hanging around on docks, accessible
and not so accessible. A common denominator amongst fishermen on docks is a quality called optimism. Guys shal'e their bait and more than a little of what
passes for wisdom. There is almost always someone ai'Ound who can lend advice on how to catch a fish and a helping hand to land the big one.
Teen sets record with 59-pound monster carp MILWAUKEE, Wise. (MCT) The teenagers were up to their usual late night activity. Zack Seitz, 18, of Campbellsport, Wis., and Nic Gerhartz, 19, of Kewaskum, Wis., stood in the bow. Matt Nelson, 18, ofCampbellspmt took his tum at the om·s. Pick a place for three young men to be at 11 p.m. on a Friday night, and most would never guess: bowfishing. 'We love it," said Seitz. As the 14-fuot jon boat moved slowly furough a back channel of Long Lake in Fond du Lac County, a generator hrnnmed and bright lights illuminated the shallows. Two carp appeared in the water ahead of the boat. Seitz and Gerhartz readied their bows. But then something diverted Seitz's attention."I saw a huge, glowing shape out of the comer of my eye," Seitz said. It too was a carp. And even though it was fmther away, Seitz opted to shoot for it. He tumed, aimed and released an arrow. The water erupted and the fish began swimming away from the boat. The aiTow struck the hefty fish near the dorsal fin. It took 5 minutes to reel it to hand. Although he'd taken hundreds of carp over the last few years, including some 30 pounders, Seitz wasn't prepared for the size of the fish on the end of his line. They pulled the fish over the transom and laid it on the deck. The fish's proper name is the common carp. But there was nothing ordinary about this one. It was 46 inches long and lmd a 32 %inch girth. Minutes later, a thunderstorm rolled in. The anglers rowed back to the boat landing and did something unusual in Wisconsin - they put the carp on ice. "I was thinking it might have a chance at the record," Seitz said. The recent Kewaskum High School graduate was right. The next morning, a certified scale at Loehr's Meat Market in Campbellsport determined the fish weighed 59 pounds. The altemate methods (spear or bow and arrow) Wisconsin carp record was 51 pounds. That fish was taken in Lake Geneva on May 31, 2006, by William Hoyt of Delavan.
FRIDAY, JUNE 29,2012
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FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
Dick Mason I Observer photos
U.S. Forest Service Biologist Brian Dick, the Starkey Project's area manager, scratches the neck of one of 37 tame elk, all cows and either 19 or 21 years old.
• Tour gives natural resource professionals look at the Starkey Project's unique elk
The comfort level the Starkey Project's tame elk have around people has allowed researchers to conduct studies that would be impossible with wild elk.
By Dick Mason The Observer
U.S. Forest Service Biologist Brian Dick did not need a bugle to call in a dozen cow elk a week ago at the Starkey Project . All Dick needed to do was issue a lighthearted command - "Come here, gals!" The words created a sight almost fit for the Animal Planet channel or "Ripley's Believe It Or Not." Howeve1; the scene may be impossible to witness a decade from now at the Starkey Project. The elk trotted over to a fence about 25 adult visitors were standing behind. The visitors excitedly put their hands through the fence, patting the heads of the elk, which nudged up against them. It was hard to tell who enjoyed greeting the other the most - the elk or the people. Few other places in the world offer such scenes, for elk are shy around people. The elk who greeted the visitors at Starke)~ however, are the exception to this rule of nature. They are not genetic anomalies but were tamed about two decades ago as calves so they could be easily handled by people conducting research. The elk were all captured within 48 hours ofbeing bam and then bottle fed by people regularly as part of an intense process designed to make them comfortable around people. Today 37 of these elk, all cows and either 19 or 21 years old, are still alive at the Starkey Project. No bulls are in the mix because many have sour dispositions. "They get too aggressive as they get older," said Dick, the area manager for the Starkey Project. No other elk have been hand-raised at the Starkey Project since the early 1990s, which means once these cows, which have already lived far longer than they would in the wild, have died, no other tame elk likely will be available. "Ten years from now none of these elk will be alive," said Dick. He was among the many people who gave presentations about work at the Starkey Project to about 150 natural resource professionals on a tour sponsored
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and tame Natural resource professionals line up against a fence to get a look at the Starkey Project's hand-raised elk. The tour was sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.
Richard Larson, affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, pets a tame elk. by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. The Starkey Project's tante elk look alike to the untrained eye. However, their personalities are anything but alike. Some are almost as comfortable around people as social butterflies. Others are distant. The ones that greeted visitors at the fence might be Welcome Wagon hosts if they were humans. "They just want to know who the new people are," Dick said. The comfort level these animals have around people has allowed researchers to conduct studies that would be virtually impossible with wild elk. Biologists have been able to take blood samples on a daily basis, do ultrasound test" to make fat measurements, conduct diet studies and much more. In one diet study, people walk beside the
elk and record how many bites of specific types of vegetation they take. Some of the tame elk take time to get aqjusted to new people coming into the handling facilities. Dick pointed out that the elk can quickly sense if an individual is unsure of him or herself Some elk may get pushy with such a person. "They need to know you are in charge. If you send the wrong message, they will be more aggressive," Dick said. "It is important to be firm but not overbearing." Nobody is better at working with elk than the husband and wife team of John and Rachel Cook, research biologists with the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement. "They are magical with them," Dick said. The Cooks helped raise all the tame elk Stmkey now
has, devoting countless hours to the process. Dick speaks as ifit would be almost possible to find anyone else capable of doing what the Cooks have done to the make the elktaming project successful. "Their dedication is beyond belie(" Dick said. The 37 tame elk kept at the handling facility area are among almost 600 elk in the Starkey Project's 25,000-acre fenced facility. The Starkey Project is a joint wildlife research project conducted by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Forest Service at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range, 28 miles southwest of La Grande. The project is designed to measure the population response of deer and elk to the intensively managed forests and rangelands of the future. Research at the Starkey Project stmied in 1989.
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FRIDAY, JUNE 29,2012
Foxes, not deer, mav hold kev to rise in tvme disease By Amanda Alvarez Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
MILWAUKEE- Increases in the deer population have been blamed for the explosion of Lyme disease cases in recent years, but changes in the nwnbers offoxes and coyotes - and what they eat -may actually be responsible, according to a study published Monday. This could have implications for how wildlife is managed, and shed light on the complex ecosystems underlying the rise of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Wisconsin saw a 280 percent jump in Lyme disease cases in the decade from 1997 to 2007, with a total of 2,376 cases statewide just last year. Other states in the Midwest and the East Coast have seen even greater increases. The bacterial infection that starts with a distinctive bulfs-eye rash can require extensive antibiotic treatment and may lead to arthritic and nervous system complications. But what do small predators such as foxes and coyotes have to do with a disease spread by the deer tick? The answer lies not only in the lifu cycle of the Lyme bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, but also in the ecological changes of all the animals with which it comes in contact. Normally, small mammals get infected by the bacteria, ticks get infected by feeding on the mammals, and then ticks feed and lay their eggs on deer. Foxes disrupt the chain by feeding on the small mammals. "It was thought that deer were the only game in town for ticks," said Taal Levi, lead author of the new study and a research fellow at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies inNew York.
Jim Ward photo
A drop in fox numbers contributed to an explosion in Lyme disease. Foxes have hunting habits that are different from those ofcoyotes: They will kill many small mammals at once, stashing the kill for later. Coyotes, on the other hand, especially those that have crossbred with wolves, will eat deer; rabbits, or even foxes, and are not efficient predators of small mammals the way foxes are. As coyotes have expanded in numbers and range, the new study suggests, they interfere with the important role served by foxes: to suppress Lyme disease rodent hosts, especially around human habitation. The chain of events that leads to Lyme disease starts small, with a larval tick biting, say, a white-footed mouse that carries Borrelia bacteria. The tick matures into a nymph that can infect other animals each time it feeds. The life cycle of the tick typically ends with deer, on which they prefer to feed and lay their eggs. The unlucky outdoorsman or hunter may intrude at any stage and be bitten. Hunting, it turns out,
was key to understanding the spread of Lyme. Using harvest records from 1982 to the present, the researchers tracked the number of deer, coyotes and foxes in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Virginia. In all four states, coyote hunter harvests were up over the 30-year period, while fox harvests decreased.
Debunking myths Incidence of Lyme disease over the same time period mirrored the rise ofcoyotes and the decline offoxes. Deer abundance and Lyme cases were not related in Wisconsin, debunking the common belief that more deer equals more Lyme, according to the study, which was published in the Proceedings of the Nationa! Academy of Sciences. There also was no consistent increase in Lyme with deer numbers in the other states. In fac~ an area with a high fox population in western New York was notably devoid of Lyme. A new picture was emerg-
Sign up now for Union County hunter education field day unfolding on July 8 Be ready for this fall's hunting season and sign up for the July 8 hunter education field day, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the La Grande Trap Club, 203 Gun Club Road. Register by purchasing a $10 hunter education class application fee at Oregon Department ofFish and Wildlife's license sales site and entering the class number - number 5841 for Union County July 8 field day. The purchaser will need the student's hunter/angler identification number - the ODFW identification number printed on all ODFW licenses - or choose "New Customer" if the student has never had a license document. Be sure to include the student's or par·ent/caregiver's phone number and email
address during this process so hunter education instructors can get in touch with course announcements. 'We've had a lot of calls asking for field days in Union County, so we want to be sure kids are aware ofthis class," said James Reed, ODFWhuntereducation coordinator. "It could be the only one offered in Union County before the fall hunting season so sign up now." Field days are for students that have already completed the rest of the hunter education course using the independent study workbook or the online course. Students that took the online rourse should bring their Oregon Field Day Qualifier Certification to the field day. Students that used
HUNTING REPORT ODFW they come in slowly and use HUNTING every bit of cover as they apContinued from. Page lC COUGARS: Cougars are common in Union county. Due to the mild winter, deer and elk can be found at higher elevations. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cougar can be productive. A cougar kill is often covered with material that has been scraped up in about a 10-foot-diameter circle around the carcass. Cougars will often drag their kill to the nearest cover next to the kill site (pay attention to drag marks).You need to be extremely patient and wear camo when calling cougars as
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proach. Using remote calls will focus the eat's attention away from your blind. Above all, do not move. Their eyesight is excellent. Finding tracks in the snow, determining direction of travel and setting up ahead of the cat may produce results. Nonresident hunters can include a cougar tag with others tags for $14.50. All cougars taken must be checked in within 10 days of harvest; call for an appointment before coming in. LADD MARSH WILDLIFE AREA Bird hunting seasons are now closed. New this year, a parking permit is needed for Ladd Marsh. Hunters get the permit
the workbook should bring a completed workbook. Hunter education registration moved online in December 2011. All conventional hunter education and field day classes can now be viewed online. New classes are added as they become available. Hunter education is mandato1y for all hunters under the age of18 and recommended for any new hunter. The comse covers topics like firearms safety, hunter ethics, wildlife identification, hunt preparation and techniques and outdoor survival. The program certifies about 6,000 new hunters each year. Classes are taught by ODFWs network of volunteer hunter education instructors.
free with their purchase of an annual hunting license. Display on car dash. More information
WALLOWA COUNTY Good numbers of COYOTES can be found throughout Wallowa County. Calling coyotes with rabbit distresstype calls has been effective for hunters. It is important to choose areas with abundant coyote sign and little human activity. COUGAR numbers are strong throughout Wallowa County. Most lions are taken incidental to other hunting . However, calling with fawn bleat, or locating a cougar kill and waiting for a cat to return are often successful techniques.
ing, where Lyme appeared to be more closely associated with changes in predators rather than deer. Local survey data from the Wisconsin Department ofNatural Resources helped to corroborate the hunter data. Deer observations were stable, even somewhat declining, from 1999 to 2009. The initial emergence of Lyme in the state may be linked to a deer boom in the 1980s and '90s. In the past 15 years, howevm; deer have waned while Lyme has continued its relentless spread. This more recent burst in Lyme prevalence appears to be linked to the statewide rise of coyotes and fall in foxes. Foxes don't build dens where coyotes are present, and they may even be killed by coyotes. As a result, the small animals that host infected ticks are left to multiply freely. Infectious disease emerging from altered predatorprey dynamics is nothing new; Levi points to bubonic plague and hantavirus as diseases whose spread also
depends heavily on rodents and other common prey species. For Lyme research, shifting the focus from deer alone to the ecosystem underlying the disease has been challenging, says Levi, and perhaps overdue. Jennifer Coburn, Borrelia researcher at the Medical College ofWisconsin, agrees: "These ideas fill an important hole in our knowledge of why Lyme disease is continuing to emerge. It's not all accounted for by deer, who are dead-end hosts (for the bacteria)." As the prevalence of other tick-borne pathogens increases, tracking vvildlife numbers and transmission patterns may become even more important. Bacteria such as Anaplasma, and parasites like Babesia, are also spread by deer ticks. Last August, a new species ofEhrlichia bacteria was found in ticks in Wisconsin and Minnesota. While Borrelia, the bacteria that cause Lyme,caninfectsomeone 36 hours after being bitten, Anaplasma can be transmitted from tick to human much more quickly. To stay on the safe side, Coburn advises meticulous tick checks every evening when returning fium the outdoors. Based on their research, Levi and colleagues suggest a deer reduction strategy be combined with efforts to rehabilitate the red fox, to reduce tick abundance and ultimately to stall the spread of Lyme disease. In fact, this may be already happening organically, as wolves recover and cougars move eastward. These top predators may control the coyote population, thus helping foxes recover. Adrian Wydeven, an ecologist with the DNR, said wolf predation can also contain
the spread of chronic wasting disease in deer; but he believes implementing the new study's strategy of predator manipulation on a large scale would be very difficult. Wisconsin already has proactive management of these animals in place, according to David Drake, wildlife specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The No. 1 goal ofthe harvest strategies is to ensure healthy populations ofthese species, with the aim of minimizing crop damage and threats to property from deer and predators. Human diseases don't :figure high on the prioritylist '1 would not structure a deer season with the sole idea ofreducing Lyme disease:' said Drake. Rather, he views Lyme and other tick-borne maladies as a controllable public health concern, just not through wildlife management. The onus is on the individual, not the DNR, to manage ticks.
TICK PREVENTION TIPS Use bug repellents containing DEET. Wear long pants tucked into socks and long-sleeved shirts when walking in the woods or grassy areas. Check skin and clothes for ticks after being in the woods. Remove tick by grasping it as close to skin as possible with tweezers and gently pulling until it releases grip. Clean bite with antiseptic. If you live near woods, remove brush and litter and put wood chips or gravel path between your yard and the woods as a buffer zone to minimize tick exposure. - CDC, Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Sheep bill Controlled hunt draw
wilhdrawn results now online (MCT) Saying it's time to talk instead of fight, U.S. Rep Mike Simpson withdrew legislation Wednesday that would have blocked bighorn sheep protections from taking effect on the Payette National Forest. The Republican representing Idalw's 2nd Congressional District had previously attached a pair of riders to federal spending bills that were designed to stop or stall the Payette forest's plan to slash domestic sheep grazing over a three-year period. The grazing cuts are designed to keep domestic sheep and the pneumonia they carry away from vulnerable wild sheep. But the cuts also threatened to put a handful of ranchers out of business, and Simpson stepped in on their behalf
SALEM- Hunters that applied for a 2012 fall controlled hunt can find out if they drew the tag online at ODFW's My Hunter Information page. Hunters will need to enter their hunter/angler ID number, last name, date of birth, and then click "My Hunter Information'' and "Draw Results." A postcard with results will also be mailed this week to all hunters that applied for a controlled hunt. ODFW and license sales agents processed 373,227 controlled hunt applications this year - including 2012 spring bear hunts - rompared to just over 380,000 applications last year: A total of 139,710
controlled hunt tags were available - including 8,395 2013 spring bear tags that will be drawn next year. Hunters need to purchase their tags no later than the day before the earliest hunt period begins. Sports Pac license holders also must pick up tl1e:iJ: correct tag no later than the day before the earliest hunt period begins. Some of Oregon's big game hunts are limited entry, including almost all rifle hunting of deer and elk east ofthe Cascades and pronghorn antelope, bighorn sheep, and Rocky Mountain goat hunts. These hunts require a controlled hunt application.
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FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
Decline in king salmon is rooted in the sea By Richard Mauer McClatchy Newspapers
ANCHORAGE, AlaskaSomething in the ocean has been death to Alaska's king salmon. The state's iconic fish, treasmed for food, spmt and cash, should now be swimming in droves up rivers from the Southeast rain forests to the populated Railbelt and the Western Alaska tundm. But they're not. Th preserve futme runs, state officials are clamping down throughout Alaska, banning even catch-andrelease fishing of retUI'ning kings in Southcentral and halting subsistence king fishing on the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers. They're still reviewing whether to restrict the commercial setnetters in Cook Inlet who target sockeyes but can't help taking kings as well. "We're in a period oflow abundance and low returns, statewide, and whether it's from Southeast, Copper River, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Nushagak, Yukon, we're just in this period oflow productivity in the ocean," said Ricky Gease, a biologist and director of the Kenai River Sportfishing Association. After leaving their home rivers as half-ounce smolt, most kings spend three to four years in the ocean, though the range is wide: as little as one year for kings that return as shrimpy jacks, or seven years for monsters. That's a lot oftime for something to go wrong. Biologist Tom Vania, the Cook Inlet regional com·dinator for the Alaska Department ofFish and Game, said the widespread failures of king salmon returns indicate the problem isn't freshwaterbased, such as not enough
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
People in Alaska worries about a decline in king salmon.
adult spawners in the prior generation, or a loss of eggs from some kind of river catastrophe. "Freshwater issues tend to be more isolated in a particular drainage," Vania said. Hatchery fish are also missing and biologists know those smolt made it to sea in normal nUillbers. Whatever the problem, it's been building for the last five years or so, Vania said. "Salmon populations are cyclic in nature," he said. "Right now, I have no reason to believe this is not just the bottom end of a cycle and that we won't come out of this cycle - you see that in all game populations. But there are a lot of changes going on in the ocean environmentrightnowsurrounding global warming. Our understanding of what that's going to do to anadromous species we probably won't know for a nUillber of years." Consultant Ray Beamesderfer of Cramer Fish Sciences in Oregon, an expeit in Pacific salmon, said shifts in ocean currents that began in the 1970s generally favored Alaska kings, or chinooks, to the detrin1ent of stocks from California, Oregon and Washington, some of which
have been declared endangered. ''We used to all think the ocean was a big homogenous pasture and they all went out there and can1e back," Beamesderfer said in a phone interview. "But now we know that there's a patchy distribution of resources in the ocean and we know it's an extremely dynamic enviromnent."
Columbia run robust If Alaska-based kings are going hungry, the opposite is true of the runs from California and the Columbia River system, which are at their best in years, he said. Sockeyes are also doing well. "Ocean conditions are the primary driver in the variability in what we're seeing," he said, urging fishermen to remain calm. ''The fundamentals of the Alaska salmon system are sound. The habitat is good, the fishing is controlled, there's no problem that's exacerbating these up or down cycles." When fishennen are not catching fish, they'll often think it has something to do with the fishennan in front of them, whether it's the guy with the bigger
dipnet 5 feet to the right or the huge trawler out in the ocean scraping up fish by the boatload. There's something to be said of the trawler. Kevin Delaney, a consultant who headed the state division of sportfishing until 2000, said the historical peak abundance of upper Cook Inlet kings came in the early 1950s before dropping off. That drop coincided v..citl1 the rise of unregulated foreign fishing outside what was then the nation's three-mile territorial limit. The Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of1976 ended the pirate fishery by extending the U.S. economic zone to 200 miles. As a young Fish and Game employee, Delaney would count returning salmon in the Deshka and other upper Cook Inlet rivers. "In the early years, we would see lower nUillbers, numbers like we're seeing today - maybe tlnBe to five thousand fish in the Deshka;' Delaney said. "But by 1977, it was just amazing on the Deshka. I counted out of a helicopter and, counting 1-2-3-4, saw 25,000, 30,000 fish. It was extremely clear to us that the 200-mile limit on foreign trawl fishing had a tremendous effect on the marine survival of our king salmon. There was no other way to explain it." The runs remained strong tln·ough the early 1990s, he said. "Times were good - it couldn't have been any better;" he said. ''Then it started to drop off; stream by stream." By 2008, the crash was no longer a matter of a creek here or a drainage there _it was statewide. It took some years after passage of the Magnuson
Act, but eventually the foreign trawlers were replaced by U.S. vessels. While the pollock and cod they caught led to economic benefit-; in Alaska and Washington state instead ofJapan, China and Russia, the ships also netted thousands of kings each year in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. As "prohibited species," the kings were thrown back to sea, dead. According to a report by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, the king salmon bycatch gradually increased in the Bering Sea at the same time the numbers were declining in Alaska streams. "From 1990 through 2001, the Bering Sea chinook salmon bycatch average was 37,819 salmon ammally," the December 2009 report said. "Since 2002, chinook salmon bycatch nUillbers have increased substantially. The average from 2002 to 2007 was 82,311 chinook salmon, with a bycatch peak of 122,000 chinook salmon in 2007."Additional kings were being caught and wasted in the Gulf ofAlaska.
Agreeing on quotas Finally, in 2009, the council voted to limit the bycatch, effective 2011 in the Bering Sea. If the quota of60,000 kings is reached, pollock fishing must cease, said Diana Stram, a planner on the council staff. A similar quota of25,000 kings took effect this year in the Gulf of Alaska, said council staffer Diana Evans. State government officials from the governm· down have expressed their dislike of the U.S. Endangered Species Act but that law played a significant part in developing the quotas, Evans
said. Kings from everywhere mingle with pollock and cod, including those listed as endangered in Washington state and California. The quotas were derived using statistics that estimated the number of kings from endangered runs among the bycatch, and holding that number below the level that would trigger special action under the Endangered Species Act, Evans said. The council has ordered an aggressive sampling effort ofbycatch salmon to use genetics to attempt to determine their streams of origin, she said. Delaney said the bycatch is playing a role in the current king decline but its full significance is still unknown. ''Whether it's changes in the ocean environment, competitor species, climate change, bycatch in marine fisheries or a combination of all of them, the marine waters is where the hole in this bucket is," Delaney said. "It's not in Alaskans not putting enough fish on the spawning grounds routinely across all of the streams that produce king salmon." Two othe1· groups catch Cook Inlet king salmon while going after other species _ the drift boat fleet and setnet fisherman that primarily target sockeyes. Gease, the director of the Kenai River Sportfishing Association, said he believes the driftnet fleet could position itself in such a way as to nearly eliminate its bycatch of shore-hugging kings as it targets sockeyes.
FI S H I N G R EP0 RT Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Grande Ronde becoming fishable, improving by the day FISHING ContinU£d from Page lC GRANDE RONDE RIVER: trout, whitefish, bass Higher flows from spring runoff still persist, but the water is fishable and improving by the day. Under current conditions, trout and whitefish can be caught where flows are slower in pools, behind large rocks and boulders, and near shore. Warmer weather has brought out the bugs, as stoneflies are currently hatching along the river corridor. Flows are still too high and cold for bass, but anglers should take advantage ofthis great bass fishery later this summer. IMNAHA RIVER: salmon, trout The Imnaha River chinook fishery will close after sundown this Wednesday, June 27 as managers estimate prescribed impacts to wild Imnaha chinook have been met. River flows were more favorable last week, but catch rates remained at 20 hours per fish caught and 30 hours per fish harvested (both include jacks). Currently, conditions are great and anglers are encouraged to enjoy the last few days of the salmon fishery this week. JOHN DAY RIVER: smallmouth bass and channel catfish Below Kimberly smallmouth bass and channel catfish angling is good. River flows are perfect right now but will be dropping too low for drift boats within a couple of weeks. Trout fishing is open on the John Day Rivers and tributaries. LOOKINGGLASS CREEK:
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chinook salmon, trout The chinook season is closed. McKAY RESERVOIR: rainbow trout, yellow perch, crappie, bass McKay has been producing good catches of crappie and largemouth bass. Angling for rainbow trout has been fair. The reservoir is currently 97 percent of capacity. OLIVE LAKE: rainbow and kokanee Was stocked with 2,000 legal-sized rainbow trout and 500 trophies. Kokanee salmon are also available in the deeper parts ofthe lake. PEACH POND (Ladd Marsh): rainbow trout The pond has been stocked multiple times theis season with legal and trophy-sized rainbow trout. Fishing is fair to good. As of Jan. 1, a parking permit is required to be on the Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area. ROULET POND: rainbow trout The pond has been stocked with legal-sized trout and fishing is good. UMATILLA FOREST PONDS: trout Most ponds have been stocked; higher elevations ponds may still have limited access due to snow. Fishing is good. UMATILLA RIVER: trout The upper river should provide fair catch and release angling for rainbow trout, the river is dropping to near summer flow levels. WALLOWA LAKE: rainbow trout, kokanee, lake trout Kokanee fishing remains fair to good, but improving. Small kokanee are abundant this year, but some fish in the 14 to 18-inch range have been
reported. Kokanee are being caught throughout the lake, mostly by jigging and trolling. Anglers are also catching plenty of rainbow trout, especially at the south end ofthe lake. WALLOWA RIVER: salmon, trout Flows remain high, but greatly improving for trout fishing. Summer weather is bringing on some hatches of stoneflies and mayflies. Salmon fishing remains slow, with no hatchery fish reported yet. Only a few wild fish have been handled in the fishery to date. SOUTHEAST ZONE HWY 203 POND: trout, bass, bluegill Has been stocked with legalsized rainbows. PHILLIPS RESERVOIR: trout, perch The water level is at 90 percent full. Sampling on Phillips Reservoir shows nice sized trout (12-14 inches). Legalsized trout were stocked early to mid-April. Yellow perch have spawned and moved back into deeper water. PILCHER RESERVOIR: trout, crappie Water level is at 100 percent full. Gillnet samples indicate rainbows up to 16-inches are available.
POWDER RIVER: trout, spring chinook The section below Mason Dam has been stocked with legal rainbows. The river belowThiefValley Reservoir is a good location to catch large rainbow trout up to 20-inches this time of year. The 1000 feet of river immediately downstream of the dam is open to public access. Do not trespass on private property without permission. Chinook salmon are planned to be stocked in this section, as well, on June 14. The release will occur immediately downstream of Mason Dam. A chinook salmon season has been established, effective June 13. The open area is from the Hughes lane Bridge in Baker City upstream to Mason Dam. The daily bag limit is two chinook salmon. THIEF VALLEY RESERVOIR: trout Fishing is good for trout 12 to 20-i nches. Some recent sampling showed some 11 to 13-inch yellow perch in the reservoir as well. UNITY RESERVOIR: trout, bass, crappie Water level is at 77 percent full. Fishing should be good for trout 12 to 1- inches. WOLF CREEK RESERVOIR:
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crappie, trout Water level is at 100 percent full. Angling is good for 10-14 inch rainbows. SNAKE RIVER ZONE BROWNLEE RESERVOIR: crappie, bass, perch, catfish, bluegill, trout Current water level is at 2,073 feet and rising. All boat lanunches can be used. Fishing for small mouth bass and channel catfish is good, but slow for crappie. Call the Idaho Power Company's recording at 1-800-422-3143 to get information on access at recreational sites. OXBOW RESERVOIR: trout, crappie, bass, catfish Fishing has been good for for small mouth bass and channel catfish, but slow for crappie. HELLS CANYON RESERVOIR: trout, crappie, bass, catfish Fishing has been good for for small mouth bass and channel catfish, but slow for crappie. SNAKE RIVER below HELLS CANYON RESERVOIR:
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trout, steelhead Chinook fishing has slowed below Hells Canyon dam, but anglers are finding salmon to catch. Approximately 25 salmon were harvested this past week, and creel surveys are reporting catch rates of 50 hours per fish kept. Anglers are also reminded that new for 2012, only adipose-clipped trout may be kept in the Snake River. SNAKE RIVER (Above Brownlee Reservoir): channel catfish, flathead catfish, smallmouth bass Angling for catfish and smallmouth bass is improving. Flows at the Nyssa gauge averaged a little over 10,000 cfs and flows at the Weiser gauge averaged 14,139 cfs (June 24). Water temperature of the Snake River nearWeiser was 70'F (June 24). Boaters should continue to use caution the Snake River is high and turbid. Old debris remains in the river channel and new debris maybe enter the river from tributaries.
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SCHEDULE lialttrQlitg Btnd~ Cable subscriber channel numbers follow call names. times may vary for staellite viewers SUNDAY DAYTIME
LG-LaGrande BC-BakerCity
mi!iJilm! mi!iJ llE!JI mi!iJ mE!J mJ.:!i!llll!E!] ill:!i!Jllllr!!] ifiill!il lflm!l IDi!iJIJml flm lflml Dm DI!JIIJilDIJml IJ:il9 6I!JI r!Jm I!E!JI
~'- 8
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25 20
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27 14 16 23 551 575
Good Morning In Touch Osteen Celeb Dance Moms House House Penguin Penguin Parents Parents Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Parents Parents Outd'r Quest Prfct World Prfct Fishing MLS Soccer: Timbers at Rapids Paid Loss Paid Insanity! Xtreme Horse. Trucks! Muscle Repo Repo Paid Best Osteen In Touch Auction Auction Myth Busters 1\ Myth Busters 1\ Dr. Fred Price Makeup Insanity! Craft Wars 1:01 Four Weddings Four Weddings Law & Order "Sol- Law &Order Law & Order "Boy Law & Order "Foul Franklin & Bash 1:01 dier of Fortune" "An el rove" 1\ on Fire" 1\ Pia" 1\ When Vacations Mysteries at Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Defrost Fat Loss Miracles Osteen Necess. Rough Common Law 1\ MLB All-Star Browns Browns **Head of State (2003) 1:01 Brad HEnvy(2004) ll 1:01 2 Days (6:55) Les Formidables (2006) 1:01 The Last Play at Shea 1\
~ 5
Secret Millionaire N) 1\1:01 Big Bang ~~ig Bang Law & Order "Kids" 5 Theory Theory 1\1:01 60 Minutes (N) 1\ 1:01 Hawaii Five-0 "Ua 6 Lawe Wale" 1:01 U.S. Olympic Trials U.S. Olympic Trials 8 Track & Field. 1\ Swimming. !OJ American ICleveland Simp!Fob's 12 Dad 1\ sons Burgers Antiques Roadshow Queen & Country
13 13 31 28
25 20
24 37 17 22 15 35 6 2 7 4 33 26 18 29 32 39
20 27 18 24 17 500 600
LG-LaGrande BC-BakerCity
(:35) Cars.TV According-Jim Cold Case 1\ U.S. Olympic Trials Gymnastics. Women's News Sports final. From San Jose, Calif. 1:01 Sunday American 10 O'Clock News (N) Oregon LoveFamily Guy 1\ Dad Sports Raymond Masterpiece Mystery! "Endeav-~~merican Masters Life and 1\1:01 1\1:01 our" (N) 1\ 1:01 career of actor Jeff Bridges. Longmire (N) 1:01 Criminal Minds 1\ Criminal Minds 1\ The Glades (N) (:01) Longmire **'The Matrix Revolutions (2003) Keanu Reeves. Neo, MorThe Matrix (5:00) The Revolutions (2003) pheus and Trinity battle vicious machines. 1:01 Matrix Reloaded Wildman !Wildman Gator Boys 1\ Wildman Wildman Wildman !Wildman Gator Boys 1:01 Good Good IGood IShake It Gravity Gravity Gravity !Austin Jessie ANT MLB Baseball SportsCenter (N) (Live) 1:01 SportsCenter 1:01 SportsCenter 1:01 ***'The lncredibles (2004) Holly Hunter ***'The lncredibles (2004) Holly Hunter (5:30) Hancock Taken (2008) Liam Neeson. Taken (2008) Liam Neeson. Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy !Lucy !Lucy !Lucy !Lucy U.S. Olympic Trials U.S. Olympic Trials U.S. Olympic Trials Gymnastics. (N) News Paid 60 Minutes (N) 1\ Hawaii Five-0 1\ The Good Wife 1\ The Mentalist 1\ News The Unit U.S. Olympic Trials Gymnastics. 1:01 News Whacked Paid Whacked Perf. Sports Funny Videos Secret Millionaire Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition News V'lmpe Fugitive at 17(2012) Christina Cox 1:01 Drop Dead Diva (N) Army Wives (N) (:01) Fugitive at 17 Sponge. !Sponge. My Wife 1My Wife George 1George Yes Dear Yes Dear Friends 1Friends Bull Ride Volvo Ocean Race Mariners MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Seattle Mariners. Star Wars-Phantom 1(:45) **Star Wars: Episode 1-- The Phantom Menace (1999) 1\ Myth Busters 1:01 Myth Busters 1:01 Myth Busters 1:01 Myth Busters 1:01 Myth Busters 1:01 Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding Falling Skies "Young The Greal Escape Falling Skies "Young (6:00) Transformers (2007) Shia liN) 1:01 LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. 1:01 Bloods" (N) Bloods" Hotel Impossible Killer RV Upgrades Hotel Impossible Hotel Impossible Killer RV Upgrades NCIS ll 1:01 NCIS 1\1:01 NCIS "Two-Faced" NCIS ll NCIS "Baltimore" Madea's Family (:05) Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail True Blood (N) 1\ The Newsroom (N) True Blood 1:01 (6:45) X-Men: First Class (2011) Switch Weeds Episodes Weeds Episodes The Help (2011) Viola Davis. 1\ 1:01
2 Home Videos 1\
35 37 22 34 21 187 6 2 7 4 40 32 23 27 15 16
o:m DD om mD om DD II!Iili!LIII!E!l lll:ili!LI omm America's Funniest
Cake Cake Transformers 2007 1:01 Hotel Impossible NCIS "Cracked"
14 16 23 551 575
Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition A 493-pound-man tries to lose weight. (N) The Closer "Time The Closer An apBomb" 1:01 parent suicide. The Good Wife 1\ 1:01 The Mentalist 1\ 1:01
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Good Morning America The Jeremy Kyle
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~ 12 12
CBS This Morning Today Good Day Oregon Curious Cat in
35 37 22 34 21 187 6 2 7 4 40 32 23 27 15 16
24 37 17 22 15 35 6 2 7 4 33 26 18 29 32 39
20 18 24 17 500 600
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AM Northwest
8 Big Time Movie*** (2012) Kendall Schmidt. Members of a music group save the world from a destructive device. o ~ (1 :30) NICK Tue. 12:30 p.m.
c Cinderella Man ***l> (2005) Russell Crowe. Down-and-out boxer Jim Braddock makes a dramatic comeback.~ (3:00) AMC Fri. 11 a.m. Coach Carter*** (2005) Samuel L. Jackson. A high-school basketball coach pushes his team to excel. ~ (3:00) AMC Wed. 10:45 a.m. The Constant Gardener*** (2005) Ralph Fiennes. An English diplomat investigates the death of his wife. (2:10) SHOW Wed. 3:50p.m. Courage Under Fire ***l> (1996) Denzel Washington. Officer reviews medal candidacy of female helicopter pilot. ~ (2:30) AMC Thu. 2:30 p.m. Crazy, Stupid, Love. *** (2011) Steve Carell. A suddenly single 40something needs help finding his groove again. o ~ (2:00) HBO Mon. 4p.m.
D Dolphin Tale*** (2011) Harry Connick Jr.. People band together to save a dolphin's lffe. o ~ (2:00) HBO Wed. 7:45 a.m.
F Fright Night*** (2011) Anton Yelchin. A teenager discovers that his new neighbor is a vampire. o ~ (2:00) SHOW Wed. 6 p.m.
G Glory**** (1989) Matthew Broderick. Col. Robert G.Shaw trains, then leads an all-black Civil War regiment. ~ (2:45) AMC Wed. 1:45 p.m.
Live! With Kelly
The Chew
The Revolution
Cheatersi,Divorce The People's Court Judge Judge The People's Court Judge Mathis Court Ross Alex Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right The Young and the News Bold The Talk Restless Anderson News Million- The Nate Berkus aire Show MORE Good Day The 700 Club Law & Order: Perry Mason Rachael Ray Oregon Criminal Intent Dinosaur Sesame Street Sid the Clifford- Martha Word- Varied Programs Charlie Rose Science Dog Speaks World Dog Criminal IVaried Criminal Varied CSI Varied CSI Varied Criminal IVaried Varied Movie Varied Programs
Homes Homes Varied Programs Varied Programs Home Home Prince Prince Movie Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs
Weekday Movies
The View
America Varied Now
Super Why! Dog Paid Program Shouldn't Be Alive Varied Programs Varied Mickey Mickey Pirates Mickey !Doc (5:00) 2012 Wimbledon Championships Boy ... Boy ... Boy ... Boy ... Boy ... 1700 Movie Varied Programs Lucy Lucy !Golden !Golden !Golden !Golden Today CBS This Morning The 700 Club (6:00) Today Good Morning America Live! With Kelly Balance Varied Will Will Will IWill Dora... Dora... IUmi Bubble 1Bubble IUmi (6:00) The Dan Patrick Show Varied Programs Varied Programs Repo IRepo Varied Robison J. Meyer Varied Programs 18 Kids 18 Kids Baby Baby Baby IBaby's Angel Charmed Charmed
13 13 George the Hat Dog A&E 31 28 Dog Varied Programs AMC 25 20 PllS
LG- La Grande BC- Baker City
fl.i.1i!jJ 1m mi!iJ Dl!JI mi!iJ Dl!JI il!li.!i!illl!E!J illi.1i!i]IIE!J ifJ:D lfE!J 16i!iJIE!JI fJ:m lfE!II 11m IE!JI
Haunted !Varied Good IJessie Report Football NFL Live Still Still Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Martha Stewart Hungry Hungry Emeril Pets Martha Stewart The Doctors Paid Paid Days of our Lives The Price Is Right Young & Restless News Bold The Talk Live! With Kelly Mid News Days of our Lives The Doctors The View Paid Paid The Chew The Revolution Will Will Chris Chris Chris Chris Varied Programs Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Figure It Varied Programs Paid Varied Patrick Varied Programs CSI: NY Varied Programs Phineas Varied Programs Varied Programs SportsCenter The 700 Club Gilmore Girls
Varied Programs Supernatural
Say Yes Say Yes What Not to Wear Baby IBaby Supernatural Las Vegas Las Vegas
Browns Browns Jim
Varied Programs 1Movie
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 *** (201 0) Daniel Radcliffe. Harry sets out to destroy the secrets to Voldemort's power. o ~ (2:30) HBO Fri. 1:30 p.m. Hellboy II: The Golden Army*** (2008) Ron Perlman. Hellboy and his team battle an underworld prince. (2:30) FXTue. 1:30 p.m., Wed. 9:30 a.m. How to Train Your Dragon*** (201 0) Voices of Jay Baruchel. Animated. A teenage Viking befriends an injured dragon. o ~ (1 :45) HBO Thu. 9:45 a.m.
Recount *** (2008) Kevin Spacey. Florida becomes a battleground for the 2000 election. o ~ (2:00) HBO Fri. 6 p.m.
The Italian Job*** (2003) Mark Wahlberg. A thief and his crew plan to steal back their gold. o ~ (2:00) SHOW Mon. 5:15p.m.
L Lost in Translation ***l> (2003) Bill Murray. A middle-aged actor falls for a young woman in Tokyo. (1 :45) SHOW Fri. 6:15p.m.
M Megamind *** (201 0) Voices of Will Ferrell. Animated. A supervillain has no purpose after he defeats his nemesis. o ~ (1 :45) HBO Thu. 3:30 p.m. Men in Black*** (1997) Tommy Lee Jones. Secret agents monitor extraterrestrial activity on Earth. o ~ (1 :45) HBO Thu. 8 a.m., Thu. 5:15p.m.
p The Patriot *** (2000) Mel Gibson. A man and his son fight side by side in the Revolutionary War. ~ (3:30) AMC Wed. 4:30 p.m., Thu. 11 a.m. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl *** (2003) Johnny Depp. A blacksmnh and a pirate must rescue a kidnapped damsel. (3:00) FAM Fri. 4 p.m.
s Scott Pilgrim vs. the World *** (201 0) Michael Cera. A slacker contends with his new girlfriend's exes. 0 ~ (2:00) HBO Mon. 12 p.m., Fri. 4p.m. Spider-Man 2 *** (2004) Tobey Maguire. Peter Parker fights a man who has mechanical tentacles. (3:00) FXWed.12 p.m. Star Wars: Episode Ill- Revenge of the Sith *** (2005) Ewan McGregor. Anakin Skywalker joins the dark side and becomes Darth Vader. 0 (3:15) SPIKE Tue. 5:30 p.m. Star Wars IV: A New Hope**** (1977) Mark Hamill. Young Luke Skywalker battles evil Darth Vader. o (3:00) SPIKE Wed. 6 p.m. Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back**** (1980) Mark Hamill. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia face Darth Vader's wrath. 0 (3:00) SPIKE Fri. 6 p.m.
T Toast*** (2010) Helena Bonham Carter. A boy adjusts to his new stepmother. o ~ (1 :40) SHOW Wed. 8:35a.m. The Tree of Life ***l> (2011) Brad Pnt. A man tries to reconcile his complicated relationship wnh his father. o ~ (2:30) HBOTue. 10 a.m. Trekkies *** (1997) Denise Crosby. The cu~ following of the "Star TreK' series. o ~ (1 :30) SHOW Fri. 1:30 p.m.
X X2: X-Men United *** (2003) Patrick Stewart. A right-wing militarist pursues the mutants. o ~ (2:15) HBO Tue. 4:45 p.m.
General Hospital
Cops Judge J.ltudge J. Cops Brown Brown The Doctors Dr. Phil
KATU News Family Feud News
Days of our Lives The Ellen DeGeneres Show Better Judge Judge Judy Judy Arthur Barney, wob the Cat in Friends Builder the Hat Criminal !Varied First 48 Varied
Your Four O'Clock News Judge Judge Judy Judy WordGirl Wild Kratts First 48 Varied
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Nightly News 5 O'Clock News
KATU News at 6
Simpsons Evening News News
Electric Fetch! Varied Comp. With First 48 Varied Programs
Varied Programs Good Austin SportsCenter Varied Programs
Martha Stewart Judge !Judge Let's Make a Deal Judge !Judge General Hospital
The Waltons Ellen DeGeneres Dr. Phil The Dr. Oz Show Rachael Ray
The Waltons Judge Judge The Dr. Oz Show News News Nate Berkus
The Waltons News News News CBS News Ent News ABC
Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Victo
Wizards Phineas Good
Little House News Million. News Varied Programs News News IVicto Mariners
Baby IMulti The Closer
Varied Programs The Mentalist
Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Varied Programs The Mentalist The Mentalist The Mentalist
No Reservation
Bizarre Foods
Friends Friends Friends Friends King
Varied Programs
LG-LaGrande BC-BakerCity
Varied Programs
Varied Programs
(:15) Movie
IJiD lfm l'l:iD Bl!JI m:iD Bl!JIIl!Jill!j] IJ!Im IIJill!j] 0Jm Jeop-
World News Family Feud News
Swamp !Varied Varied Programs Around !Pardon
Wheel of The Bachelorette Emily visrts the men in
(:01) The Glass KATU (:35) House (N) (I !OJ News Nightline Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's 8 O'Clock Law & Order: Spe- Law & Order: Spe- King of King of Theory Theory News on POX-TV cial Victims Unit (I cial Victims Unit (I Queens Queens Entertain- Extra (N) Howl Met 2 Broke Two and ~~ike & Hawaii Five-0 News Letter(I !OJ Girls (I Half Men Molly (I "Kame'e" (I !OJ men! man Live at 7 Inside Olympic America's Got Talent Twelve of the top 48 acts News Jay Leno N)!Oi Edition Trials lpertorm. (N Same-day Tape) (I !OJ TMZ(N) Access Hell's Kitchen (N) MasterChef A food 10 O'Clock News (N) News Love(I !OJ Hollyw'd !01 (DVS) truck challenqe. (N) Raymond PBS NewsHour Antiques Roadshow History Detectives Monarchy: Royal Walker Percy: A (I !OJ N) (I !01 N) (I !01 Documentary Film Family Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Family Jewels Barter IBarter Barter Barter (5 :00) Hi, Sahara H* Independence Day (1996) Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff H* Independence 2005) !OJ Goldblum. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. !OJ Day(199i3) Wildman Wildman Gator Boys (I Swamp Wars !OJ River Monsters River Monsters Hi, 16 Wishes (2010) 'G' Good Jessie Gravity IShake It ANT ANT IGood Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Hi, The Notebook (2004, Romance) Ryan Gosling. The Notebook The 700 Club Two Men Two Men H Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 1Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Frasier IFrasier Frasier Frasier America's Got Talent (N Same-day Tape) (I !OJ Jeopardy Wheel Trials News Jay Leno Hawaii Five-0 (I Inside Access Mother Broke Two Men IMike News Late Sh. (6:30) America's Got Talent (I !OJ News IJimmy Fallon C. Daly IJay Leno Ent Insider The Bachelorette (N) (I !OJ The Glass House News Nightline Neighbor's Secret My Nanny's Secret (2009) Haylie Duff. My Mother's Secret (2012) Premiere. Figure It Big Time All That Kenan Hollywood Heights Yes Dear IYes Dear Friends Friends MLB Baseball Baltimore Orioles at Seattle Mariners. (Live) Mariners IDan Patrick Baseball (:45) Hi, Star Wars: Episode 11-- Attack of the Clones (2002) (I Star Wars: Episode II Plane Landings Death Row Mobster 1Mobster Mobster 1Mobster Mobster 1Mobster Craft Wars !OJ Four Houses !OJ Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake ICake The Mentalist "At The Mentalist "War The Mentalist (I !OJ The Mentalist CSI: NY A murder First Blush" !OJ of the Roses" (I "Cheap Burqundy" suspect is impaled. Hotel Impossible Hotel Impossible No Reservation Hotel Impossible Hotel Impossible WWE Monday Night RAW (I !01 NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS "Jeopardy" (:05) Common Law Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy jFam Guy Fam Guy jFam Guy Conan (6:00) The A-Team ReaVBill Maher Marina Abramovic Gervais Sports ILopez (:15) H Faster(2010, Action) (I !OJ Weeds !Episodes Weeds IEpisodes Web Weeds
2 ardy! (N) Fortune their hometowns. (N) (I !OJ 5
om Ell!JI i:lm 6l!JI 6m Dl!JI KATU News First at Four America's Funniest Home Videos KOIN LocalS at 4
The Dr. Oz Show
LG sc
~ 12 12
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24 37 17 22 15 35 6 2 7 4 33 26 18 29 32 39
20 18 24 17 500 600
27 14 16 23 551 575
A 493-pound-man tries to lose weiqht. (I Nightline News Cold Case "That Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's 8 O'Clock Cold Case "Thrill King of King of Theory Theory News on POX-TV Kill" (1!01 Woman" (I !OJ Queens Queens Entertain- Extra (N) NCIS "Restless" (I !OJ (:01) NCIS: Los (:01) 48 Hours News LetterIIDVS) men! (1!01 Angeles "Lange, H." Mystery (I !OJ man Live at 7 Inside America's Got Tal- America's Got Tal- Love in the Wild News Jay Leno liN) (1!01 ent (I !OJ N) !OJ Edition ent (I !OJ TMZ (N) Access Hell's Kitchen (N) MasterChef "Top 11 10 O'Clock News (N) News Love(I !OJ Hollyw'd !01 (DVS) Compete" (N) (I Raymond Frontline (I (Part 4 Moyers & Company PBS NewsHour Michael Wood's Michael Wood's (I !OJ N) (I !01 of 4) !OJ Story of England Story of England Storage Storage Storage 1Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage CSI: Miami "Come *H Independence Day (1996) Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff *H Independence As You Are" !OJ Goldblum. Earthlinqs vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. !OJ Day(199i3) Echo: Queen of the Elephants (I !OJ Lion Christian Lion Christian It's Me or the Dog H Starstruck(2010) 'NR' Austin Good ANT !Gravity Vampire Shake It Good Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars The 700 Club H), Spider-Man 3 (2007, Action) H* Spider-Man 2 (2004) Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst. Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Jeopardy Wheel America' siT alent America' siT alent Love in the Wild (N) News Jay Leno Inside Access NCIS "Restless" (I NCIS: Los Angeles 48 Hours Mystery News Late Sh. America' siT alent Love in the Wild (N) News Jay Leno Jimmy Fallon C. Daly Ent Insider Wipeout (I !OJ Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition News Nightline Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Dance Moms !OJ Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Figure It 1Figure It All That 1Kenan Hollywood Heights Yes Dear Yes Dear Friends Friends MLB Baseball Ba~imore Orioles at Seattle Mariners. (Live) Mariners MLS Soccer Star Wars: Ep. Ill 1(:45) *H Star Wars: Episode Ill-- Revenge of the Sith (2005) (I Deadliest Catch (I Deadliest Catch (I Deadliest Catch (N) After the Catch (N) Deadliest Catch (I Gypsy Wedding My Big Fat What Not to Wear Craft Wars (N) (I My Big Fat Rizzoli & Isles !OJ Rizzoli & Isles !OJ Rizzoli & Isles (N) !OJ Franklin & Bash Rizzoli & Isles !OJ liN) !01 Mysteries-Museum Bizarre Foods Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Bizarre Foods Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Burn Notice !OJ Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang IBig Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan *H), The Tree of Life (2011) Brad Pitt. (I H), Final Destination 5 The Newsroom (I (6:15) The Switch Weeds IWeb Episodes Weeds H Drive Angry (2011) (I Episodes
LG sc
2 ardy! (N) Fortune Versus Nerds 2.0"
LG-LaGrande BC-BakerCity
om 11m om Bl!ll om Dl!llll!I:II!il ll!lm IIJ:II!j] mm JeopWheel of Wipeout "Hollies Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition KATU (:35)
LG-LaGrande BC-BakerCity
om 11m om Bl!ll om Dl!llll!I:II!il ll!lm IIJ:II!j] mm Wipeout (N) Rookie Blue "Messy KATU JeopWheel of Duets Pertorming (:35)
2 ardy! (N) Fortune standards. !OJ 5
~ 12 12
35 37 22 34 21 187 6 2 7 4 40 32 23 27 15 16
24 37 17 22 15 35 6 2 7 4 33 26 18 29 32 39
20 18 24 17 500 600
27 14 16 23 551 575
LG-LaGrande BC-BakerCity
~~uburga- Modern wodern Family Family "Graveyard Love" Nightline News Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's 8 O'Clock Burn Notice "Dead Burn Notice "Out of King of King of Theory Theory News on POX-TV or Alive" (I !OJ the Fire" (I !OJ Queens Queens Entertain- Extra (N) Dogs in the City A Criminal Minds "It Boston Pops Fire- News Letter(I !OJ men! special-needs dog. Takes a Village" (I works Spectacular man Live at 7 Inside Off Their Up All Macy's 4th of July Fort Van-~~uly News Jay Leno N)!Oi Edition Rockers Night (I Fireworks couver Fireworks TMZ(N) Access New Girl New Girl New Girl New Girl 10 O'Clock News (N) News Love(I !OJ (I !OJ Hollyw'd (I !OJ "Normal" (I !OJ Raymond PBS NewsHour A Capitol Fourth Concert A Capitol Fourth Concert Above Yellowstone (I !OJ N) (I !01 celebrates America. (I !OJ celebrates America. (I !OJ Barter Barter Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Barter IBarter (4:30) H* The *H Independence Day (1996) Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff *H Independence Patriot (2000) !OJ Goldblum. Earthlinqs vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. !OJ Day(199i3) Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman !Wildman Wildman Wildman Shake It ANT Austin Jessie Gravity Gravity Gravity !Vampire Good Luck Charlie Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) America's Funniest Home Videos !OJ Funny Videos Funny Videos The 700 Club Two Men Two Men *H Live Free or Die Hard (2007) Bruce Willis, Justin Long. Live Free-Die Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Frasier 1Frasier Frasier Frasier Jeopardy Wheel Betty All Night July Fireworks July Fireworks News Jay Leno Inside Access Dogs in the City (I Criminal Minds (I Boston Pops News Late Sh. July Fireworks July Fireworks News Jay Leno IJimmy Fallon C. Daly Ent Insider Middle Suburg. Mod Fam Mod Fam (:02) Final Witness News Nightline WifeSwap!O! WifeSwap!O! WifeSwap!O! Coming Home (N) Coming Home Figure It 1Figure It All That Kenan Hollywood Heights Yes Dear IYes Dear Friends 1Friends MLS MLB Baseball Ba~imore Orioles at Seattle Mariners. IMLS Soccer (6:00) Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977) *H* Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977) Mark Hamill. (I Fast N' Loud !OJ Fast N' Loud !OJ Fast N' Loud !OJ Fast N' Loud !OJ Fast N' Loud !OJ Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Four Houses !OJ Undercover Boss Dallas "The Price Dallas "The Last Dallas "Truth and Dallas "Truth and The Mentalist A You Pay" !OJ Hurrah" !OJ Consequences" (N) ockey is murdered. Consequences" Food Food Food Food Food Food Sand Sand Food IFood NCIS "Legend" NCIS "Legend" NCIS (I !01 NCIS "Aiiyah" (I Suits !OJ Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Fam Guy Big Bang Big Bang IBig Bang Conan True Blood !OJ Jim McKay *H Dolphin Tale (2011) (I !OJ Real/Bill Maher (6:00) Fright Night *H), The Help (2011) Viola Davis. (I !OJ IWeeds Episodes Divisn Ill The
~ 12 12
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27 14 16 23 551 575
LG sc
om 11m om Bl!ll om Dl!llll!I:II!il ll!lm IIJ:II!j] mm JeopWheel of (:02) Final Witness KATU (:35)
2 ardy! (N) Fortune Middle (I tory (I
13 13 PllS A&E 31 28 AMC 25 20
(I !OJ
Houses" News Nightline Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's 8 O'Clock Without a Trace Without a Trace King of King of Theory Theory News on POX-TV "Transitions" !OJ "Manhunt" !OJ Queens Queens Entertain- Extra (N) Big Bang Big Bang Person of Interest The Mentalist News Letter(I !OJ Theory Theory "The Fix" (I !OJ "Cheap Burgundy" men! man Live at 7 Inside The Of- Parks/ Saving Hope "Out of Rock Center With News Jay Leno N) !01 Edition lice (I Recreat Sight"(N) (I Brian Williams (N) TMZ(N) Access Take Me Out (8:58) The Choice 10 O'Clock News (N) News Love(I !OJ Hollyw'd "Episode 5" (N) !OJ "Episode 5" (N) Raymond Doc Martin "Cats PBS NewsHour Oregon Field The Return of Sher- Michael Wood's N) (I !01 and Sharks" !OJ lock Holmes !OJ Story of England Art Beat Guide The First 48 !OJ The First 48 !OJ Cajun Cajun The First 48 (N) Cajun ICajun CSI: Miami "Ambush"I*H), The Matrix (1999) Keanu Reeves. A computer hacker learns *H The Matrix (I !OJ his world is a computer simulation. !OJ Reloaded (2003) River Monsters: Unhooked (I !OJ River Monsters (I River Monsters River Monsters H), Frenemies (2012) (I ANT Gravity !Jessie Good ANT IShake It Good Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) H* A Bug's Life (1998, Fantasy) *H A Bug's Life (1998, Fantasy) The 700 Club Two Men Two Men Two Men Anger Anger lAnger Wilfred 1Louie (N) BrandX Louie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Frasier 1Frasier Frasier Frasier Saving Hope (N) (I Rock Center Jeopardy Wheel Office Parks News Jay Leno Inside Access Big Bang Big Bang Person of Interest The Mentalist (I News Late Sh. Saving Hope (N) (I Rock Center News IJay Leno IJimmy Fallon C. Daly Wipeout (N) !OJ Rookie Blue (N) (I News Ent Insider Duets (I !OJ Nightline Reba (I Reba (I Reba (I Reba (I Reba (I 1Reba (I Reba (I 1Reba (I Reba (I Reba (I Figure It Figure It All That Kenan Hollywood Heights Yes Dear IYes Dear Friends Friends UFC 148 UFC Rumble-Ridge The Best of Pride Bensin IFox Fo Dan Patrick Tenants Tenants iMPACT Wrestling (N Same-day Tape) *H Hunt to Kill (201 0) Steve Austin. Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction !Auction Final Offer (N) (I Auction !Auction Undercover Boss Undercover Boss On the 1On the D.U.I. (N) ID.U.I. (N) On the On the The Mentalist "Red The Mentalist "The CSI: NY "No Good Dallas "Truth and The Mentalist A Deed" (I !OJ Consequences" surter is murdered. Rover, Red Rover" Crimson Hat" (I Hotel Impossible Bizarre Foods Trip Flip ITrip Flip Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods H Fast & Furious (2009) Vin Diesel. *),G./. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) !OJ Fast Furi Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam Guy Fam Guy Big Bang 1Big Bang MenIBig Bang Conan *),Little Fockers (201 0) REAL Sports 12 Days The Newsroom (I True Blood !OJ The Other F Word *H Thunder Soul (2010) Red Light Comedy I*H* Five Fingers (2006)
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2 ardy! (N) Fortune IIDVS) 5
LG-LaGrande BC-BakerCity (I !OJ
heaven. (N) (I !OJ News Nightline Big Bang Big Bang FOX 12's 8 O'Clock Monk "Mr. Monk Monk Undercover King of King of Theory Theory News on POX-TV Stays in Bed" (I office worker. !OJ Queens Queens Entertain- Extra (N) Undercover Boss CSI: NY "Brooklyn 'Til Blue Bloods "Mercy" News Letter(I !OJ (I !OJ "1-800-Fiowers" (I I Die" (I !01 men! man Live at 7 Inside News Jay Leno Whitney ~~ommu- Dateline NBC (N) (I !01 nity (I N)!Oi Edition (I TMZ(N) Access House "Man of the Bones "The Prisoner 10 O'Clock News (N) News Love(I !OJ Hollyw'd House" !OJ in the Pipe" Raymond PBS NewsHour Midsomer Murders Masterpiece Classic Rigaud OfficialWashing-~ News N) (I !01 "Blue Herrings" (I ton W'k launches an extortion scheme. Fest Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. IDuck D. Duck D. IDuck D. Duck D. IDuck D. Duck D. Duck D. (5 :00) H), Heart*H), Deliverance (1972) Jon Voight, Burt (:15) H), The Matrix Revolutions (2003) Reynolds, Ned Beatty. !OJ Keanu Reeves. !OJ break Ridge Whale Wars !OJ Whale Wars !OJ La. Lockdown La. Lockdown River Monsters Austin ANT ANT ANT IVampire Phineas !Gravity Tron ILab Rats Good Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) H* Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe. The 700 Club H Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Shia LaBeouf. 1Transformers: Revenge Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Little House/Prairie Frasier 1Frasier Frasier Frasier Jeopardy Wheel Whitney ICommun Dateline NBC (N) (I !01 News Jay Leno Blue Bloods !OJ Inside Access Undercover Boss CSI: NY (1!01 News Late Sh. Dateline NBC (N) (I !01 News IJay Leno IJimmy Fallon C. Daly (:01) 20/20 (N) (I !01 Ent Insider Shark Tank (I Sports Nightline Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Figure It Figure It Victo Hollywood Heights Yes Dear IYes Dear Friends Friends IVicto MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Oakland Athletics. (Live) Mariners IDan Patrick Baseball Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back *H* Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) (I Deadliest Catch (I Deadliest Catch (I Deadliest Catch (I Flying Wild Alaska Deadliest Catch (I Randy Rescue Say Yes ISay Yes Say Yes ISay Yes Randy Rescue Say Yes Say Yes The Mentalist A girl *H A Time to Kill (1996) Sandra Bullock. A lawyer's defense of a *),Law Abiding is suspect. !OJ black man arouses the Klan's ire. !OJ (DVS) Citizen (2009) !OJ The Dead Files (N) Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Burn Notice !OJ Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Common Law (I *),Rush Hour 3 (2007) Jackie Chan. Seinfeld Seinfeld Payne IPayne Payne IPayne (6:00) Recount (I The Newsroom (I Gervais 1Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (201 0) Lost in Translation *H), The Help (2011) Viola Davis. (I !OJ ICorey Holcomb Weeds
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om Ell!JI i:lm 6l!JI 6m Dl!JI PreAuc- Recipe. KATU World KATU
Jack Ocean Born to Everyd Food for Sea 2012 Wimbledon Championships Ladies Final Highlights. (N ISuMyPil~~realest Explore Health Thought Rescue Same-day Tape) !OJ lpersmile low Hanna Mys. lion TV News News News Pillow! Explora- Pets. Into the Animal Animal Dog Paid Paid Paid Paid Next Trout TV Joy of Paid King of PreMLS Soccer The lngre- Whacked~~ccess Hollywood I™Z (N) (I !OJ TV!Oi Program Program Program Program Stop dient Out N) (I !OJ Fishing Program Queens game lion Wild Atlas Rescue Tales Extra (N) (I !OJ Doodle- Doodle- Fusion Garden Danger Horse- To Be Announced College Baseball PGA Tour Golf Greenbrier Classic, Third Round. From the Paid BusyBusyPaid News Evening bops bops Time Rangers land Old Whrte TPC in Whrte Sulphur Springs, W.Va. (N) !01 Program town town Program News (5:00) 2012 Tour de France Stage 7. (N) Poppy Justin LazyPre Auc- Paid u.s. Golf U.S. Women's Open Championship, Third Round. From PreAuc- The Noodle/ Pajani- News News Nightly Straight (I (Live) !OJ Program Open Kohler, Wis. (N) (I (Live) !OJ Wiggles Doodle mals(EI) Cat (Ell Time Town lion lion News Talk (6:00) Good Day Oregon Saturday (N) Natural Great Mystery Gookin', Kids Holly- MLB Paid *i.Armed and Dangerous (1986, The lngre- Green MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N Subject to Blackout) (I (Live) !OJ BigWrld Hunters Cutty Player Program Comedy) John Candy. 'PG-13' Ad. News wood dient Econ. Sesame Dinosaur Cat in Word Girl Electric Fetch! Victory Garden Sewing/ Sewlt Love of Quilting Pepin Irest Last of Simply wotor- Wood- Wood- Home- This Old This Old The Lawrence Street the Hat (I (EI) Comp. With Garden Home Nancy All (I Quilting Arts (I Kitchen Ming (I Week wright shop time House House WelkShow Wine House House Flip This House Flip This House Flip This House Sell: Extreme Flip This House To Be Announced The Shawshank Redemption (1994) l**i· The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) The The The The The *i· The Reaping (2007, Horror) Hilary The Walking Dead Rick (:06) The Walking (:09) The Walking (:13) The Walking Dead (:17) The Walking (:22) The Walking Walking emerqes from a coma. Dead "Guts" Dead !OJ "Vatos" !OJ Dead "Wildfire" Dead "TS-19" Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Swank, David Morrissey. !OJ Dead Dogs 101 !OJ Bad Dog! !OJ Bad Dog! !OJ Bad Dog! !OJ Bad Dog! (I Bad Dog! !OJ Bad Dog! !OJ Bad Dog! !OJ My Cat From Hell It's Me or the Dog My Cat From Hell Bad Dog! (N) (I Mickey Doc Mickey Pirates Phineas Phineas Phineas Gravity ANT Jessie Wizards Wizards Good IGood Austin IShake It Jessie Jessie Good Good Good Austin Austin Shake It (6:00) 2012 Wimbledon Championships Women's Final. (N) (Live) !OJ Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowling Strong 1Strong Football SportsCenter (N) SportCtr 2012 World Series of Poker Baseball Daddy Daddy Melissa Melissa Melissa Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl ***Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) Daniel Radcliffe. *** Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire w. The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Two Two Two ***Spider-Man 2 (2004, Action) Tobey Maguire. UFC 148: Silva vs. Sonnen II ITwo Lucy Lucy I*** The Parent Trap (1961) Hayley Mills. !OJ *** The Parent Trap (1961) Hayley Mills. !OJ I*** The Parent Trap (1998) Lindsay Lohan. !OJ ** Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005) (5:00) 2012 Tour de France Stage 7. News Lazy Wiggles Insanity! U.S. Golf U.S. Women's Open Championship, Third Round. (N) Judge Noodle Pajan. Poppy News News News Wheel Doodle. Doodle. Busy Busy Danger Horse Paid Paid College Baseball PGA Tour Golf Greenbrier Classic, Third Round. (N) !OJ Paid MyPil Access Hollywood News News News Paid (5:00) 2012 Tour de France Stage 7. Noodle Pajan. Poppy Justin XTERRA U.S. Golf U.S. Women's Open Championship, Third Round. (N) Entertainment News News News Judge America's/Talent Good Morning Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue Health Food To Be Announced 2012 Wimbledon Championships Ladies Final Highlights. XTERRA Paid Paid Made Insider ABC News TBA Hi. Double Wedding (2010) !OJ Paid Paid Makeup Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Chris Chris **I Do (But I Don't) (2004) !01 Movie My Best Friend's Penguin Penguin Parents Parents Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Korra Kung Fu Power Sponge. Kung Fu 1Kung Fu Kung Fu !Kung Fu Big Big iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Victo IVicto Paid Paid Paid Juice and Lose! WarLand Perf. Best of European Soccer (N) Action Sports Sports Unlimrted Volvo Ocean Race Bull Riding Bensin Mariners Mariners Paid Paid Loss Insanity! Xtreme Horse. Trucks! Muscle Diamond Divers Diamond Divers Tenants !Tenants Tenants !Tenants Auction Auction Auction Auction Auction Star Wars VI: Return Myth Busters (I Myth Busters (I Myth Busters (I Myth Busters (I Myth Busters (I Myth Busters (I Myth Busters (I Myth Busters (I Myth Busters (I Myth Busters (I Paid Paid Best Paid Moving Up !OJ Moving Up !OJ Moving Up !OJ Moving Up !OJ Four Houses (I Pro Paid Jill ian Paid Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Rizzoli & Isles !OJ The Closer "Silent Dallas "Truth and **Kiss the Girls (1997, Mystery) Morgan Free***A Time to Kill (1996, Drama) Sandra Bullock. A lawyer's Countdown to NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Coke Zero Partner" !OJ Consequences" man, Ashley Judd, Cary Elwes. !OJ defense of a black man arouses the Klan's ire. Green (N !OJ 400. (N) (Live) !OJ Deep Fried !OJ Food Food Sand Sand Food Food Bggg Bggg Diner Paradise Food Truck Mnliest Rstrnts Hot & Spicy Bacon Paradise Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Royal Pains !OJ Burn Notice !OJ NCIS (I !01 NCIS (1!01 NCIS (1!01 NCIS (I !01 NCIS "Pop Lrre" NCIS (1!01 NCIS (1!01 NCIS "Heartland" Pro Paid Paid YngEarl Earl Earl Earl (8:55) **After the Sunset (2004) (12:55) ***Catch Me if You Can (2002) !OJ Family King Friends Friends Friends Friends (1 0:55) ***Long Kiss Goodnight Sister Act 2: Back (: 15) *** Crazy, Stupid, Love. (I (:15) ***Game Change (2012) (I 2 Days ***Dolphin Tale (2011) (I !OJ (:15) Megamind I*** Rio (2011) (I !OJ (: 15) *** Crazy, Stupid, Love. (I Pete Smalls (:15) ** Freakonomics (2010) (I Love, Wedding, Marriage (:35) *** The Italian Job (2003) (I (:15) ***Primary Colors (1998) Premiere. Broke l***i· The Help (2011) Viola Davis. (I !OJ KATU News This Morning -Sat (I !OJ
Hit the beach Questions: 1) When this series premiered on NBC in 1989, it fittingly featured a Peter Cetera theme song called "Save Me." Can you name the show? 2) Van Williams, Troy Donahue and Lee Patterson played a trio of Miami Beach detectives in what 1960-62 ABC series? 3) David Morse, Adam Arkin and Patrick Breen starred in a 1993 CBS series called "Big Wave Dave's." What was Big Wave Dave's? 4) Everyone remembers that Ricardo Montalban played Mr. Roarke in the original 1978-84 version of "Fantasy Island." Who played the role in the unsuccessful 1998 ABC remake?
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KATU Comedy. ~~heel of Extreme Makeover: Ball Boys I~all Boys Castle (I !OJ (1!01 (1!01 TV (I Fortune Home Edition (I News MLS Soccer PostSouth ~~ews on House "Pilot" (I !OJ House "Paternity" South Brain disease. (I Igame POX-TV Park Park NYC 22 "Se~-Ciean- NYC 22 "Crossing the 48 Hours Mystery News Entertainment True Hoi(I !OJ Tonight (N (I !OJ ing Oven" (N) Rubicon" (N) (I lywood Inside Grant America's Got Tal- Law & Order: Spe- The Firm "Chapter News SNL cial Victims Unit (I Twenty-One" (N) (I Edition Getaway ent (I !OJ Paid Paid FOX 12 News at 8 Law & Order 10 O'Clock News (N) The Finder "The Program Program O'Clock (N) I"Waqer" (I !OJ lnherrtance" !OJ Travels to Steves' Globe Trekker (I !OJ My Fam- IPutnum- New Tricks Death of Masterpiece MysEdge ily !OJ bered (I a graffiti artist. tery! "Endeavour" Europe DVS) Shawshank R. (:01) Longmire ***i· Forrest Gump (1994) Tom Hanks. !OJ (6:26) The Walking (7:58) The Walking The Walking Dead !OJ (:02) The Walking (:05) The Walking Dead !OJ Dead "Bloodletting'' Dead !OJ Dead !OJ Tanked: Unfiltered Bad Dog! (I Tanked: Unfiltered My Cat From Hell It's Me or the Dog Jessie Good Good Luck Charlie Gravity !Kings Kings !Austin Jessie Shake It Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Bun heads "Pilot" Harry Potter *** Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) Hi, Spider-Man 3 (2007) Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst. Anger lAnger Brand X Louie *** The Parent Trap (1998, Comedy) Lindsay Lohan. !OJ Frasier 1Frasier Frasier Frasier Criminal Minds (I America's/Talent Law & Order: SVU The Firm (N) !OJ News SNL Grey's Anatomy (I NYC 22 (N) !01 NYC 22 (N) !01 48 Hours Mystery News Closer Law & Order: SVU The Firm (N) !OJ News !Saturday Night Live (I !OJ 1stlook House Entertainment Ton. Extreme Makeover Ball Boys 1Ball Boys Castle (I !OJ Movie My Best Friend's *i· Bride Wars (2009) Kate Hudson. ***Father of the Bride (1991) !OJ Big Time pearly (I Yes Dear IYes Dear Friends Friends Victo Victo Victo IRock MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners at Oakland Athletics. (Live) Mariners IMLS Soccer Star Wars VI: Return I( :45) ***i· Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi (1983) Mark Hamill. (I Myth Busters !OJ Man vs. Wolf (N) (I !OJ IMyth Busters !OJ IMyth Busters !OJ IMyth Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life NASCAR Racing ***The Firm (1993) Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn. A law*** Crazy Heart school qrad siqns on wrth a sinister Tennessee firm. !OJ 2009) Jeff Bridqes. Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures NCIS "Silent Night" NCIS "Murder 2.0" NCIS "Jet Lag" (I NCIS (I !01 Necess. Rough Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang IBig Bang Hi, The Longest Yard (2005) Adam Sandier. Rep/a (6:15) Megamind (I w. The Big Year (2011) 12 Days Boxing **Drive Angry (2011) (I (6:45) ***i· Brokeback Mountain IWeeds Episodes Italian Jeop-
2 ardy! 5
LG-LaGrande BC-BakerCity
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FRIDAY, JUNE 29,2012
R EP 0 RT Oregon Department of Fish and Wilclife
Great gray owls give a hoot in Spring Creek area Young have alreadV fledged VIEWING Continued from Page 1C wildlife area. Dogs are not permitted within the wildlife area, on or off leash except during authorized hunting seasons. There are numerous qualityviewing opportunities from county roads that pass through the area. Binoculars or a spotting scope will help as many animals are best viewed from a distance. Waterfowl using the area include Canada goose, snow goose, greater white-fronted goose, northern pintail, American wigeon, ring-necked duck, mallard, gadwall, cinnamon teal, green-winged teal and northern shoveler. Broods of ducklings and goslings can be seen in nearly any wetland. Some Canada goslings are nearly as big as the adults and are beginning to "color up" to look like them, too. Shorebirds have included killdeer, black-necked stilt, American avocet, greater yellowlegs, spotted sandpiper, Wilson's snipe and others. Most local sandhill cranes have hatched and the young may be visible as they feed in meadows with their parents. A spotting scope or quality binoculars are important as the meadows are closed to entry and viewing is best from the viewpoint or county roads. There are also small groups of non-breeding sandhill cranes using the wildlife area. Cranes can be seen from county roads in several locations. Please report any sandhill cranes
Songbirds are nesting and many are feeding young. The songs ofterritorial males are mixed with the cries ofhungryyoung in the overall soundscape of LaddMarsh. wearing leg bands to the Ladd Marsh staff {541-963-4954). If possible, note the color and order of bands on each ofthe bird's legs (e.g ., pink above white on left leg; silver above black on right leg). The specific combination and order can identify individual birds. Songbirds are nesting and many are feed ing young . The songs ofterritorial males are mixed with the cries of hungry young in the overall soundscape of the marsh . With spring foliage at its peak, many birds can be heard but seeing them can be a challenge. Red-tailed hawks are feeding young and the Swainson's hawks are also nesting. Osprey have re-claimed nest sites and are incubating.They can be seen hunting over ponds on and near Ladd Marsh. For more information on access rules for Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area, please consu It the Oregon Game Bird Regulations or call the wildlife a rea at 541-963-4954.
WALLOWA COUNTY Herons are common and can be observed throughout the Wallowa Valley feeding along
creeks and rivers. Waterfowl species such as Canada geese and mallards can be observed on Wallowa Lake and throughout the Wallowa Valley feeding in agricultural fields. Prairie falcon, red-tailed hawk, northern harrier and Swainson's and Ferruginous hawks, as well as a variety of owls can be observed throughout Wallowa Valley and Zumwalt Prairie. Most raptors can be easily observed from county roads. A good pair of binoculars will improve viewing opportunities. A wide variety of songbirds can be observed from now through the summer in forested areas north of Enterprise, and along rivers and streams throughout Wa IIowa County. Mule and white-tailed deer are common in agricultural areas adjacent to Highway 82. Animals can be observed during early morning and late evening hours. Persons willing to drive down the rough Imnaha River Road will often observe bighorn sheep north of Cow Creek near Cactus Mountain. Elk can often be observed along the Zumwalt Road near Findley Buttes. Another good location to observe elk during winter months is on the Wenaha Wildlife Area nearTroy. A good place to look is along the Eden Bench Road during early morning or late afternoon hours.
Ji1n Ward photo
The Spring Creek area, about 15 miles west of LaGrande, is world-renowned for its population of great gray owls. The birds nest early, so the young have already fledged -often leaving the nest before they can fly.They'll climb up leaning logs and branches to escape predation from ground predators. The adults are usually close-by, bringing food and acting as body guards.
Citv gets proactive With reservoirs full, dams open up their gates about invasive species By Heidi Desch Whitefish Pilot, Mont.
The Whitefish City Council is considering a boat inspection program with the goal of keeping aquatic invasive species out ofWhitefish Lake. The council discussed a possible inspection program at a work session June 18. No fonnal vote was taken on the matter. Several councilors seemed to favor beginning immediately, but noted that ¥:ithout money in the budget the earliest a program could start is next summer. "This is one situation where the consequences are everything," councilor Bill Kahle said. "This is the crown jewel of our town and we don't want to lose that." The council did ask the paiks depaitment to begin giving out expanded educational brochures on invasive species at City Beach. Councilor Richard Hildner said a delay in starting the full program shouldn't stop some immediate measures. "We need to start the education and outreach now," he said. "We need to begin planning now to implement a strategy so we can have something finn by next summer." The city started taking a closer look at boat i11<Jpections after vessels from the BNSF oil cleanup project were found to have fragments of zebra mussels during a state inspection process before they were launched into the lake. Aquatic invasive species have become an increasing concern for the state .
"The threat is real," Mike Koopal vvith Whitefish Lake Institute said. "Zebra mussels and watennilfoil ai'e the most likely threats. There is an economic impact and lifestyle impact if they get in the lake. The key here is to have some vision for prevention rather than trying to treat them." The institute presented infonnation to the council about what a city prevention and inspection program might look like. Concerns were also raised that Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks inspection stations might not catch all boaters headed from out-of-state and in particular those traveling from Canada to Whitefish Lake. An inspection station in Eureka is located on Highway 37 and is for westbound traffic only. There is no check station between the border crossing at Sweet Grass and Whitefish. The number of stations is largely determined by available funding. The original suggestion to have a boat inspection site at City Beach also raised concerns that boaters tumed away from City Beach might put in at another launch on the lake. Councilor Frank Sweeney suggested that an inspection station on U.S. Highway 93 might be a better location in an attempt to stop more boaters. "Then it doesn't matter which boat launch they go to," he said. "I'm just staggered that the state isn't taking a more proactive approach to tlris."
KALISPELL (MCT) - The Kootenai River 1·ose more than two feet above flood stage Wednesday at Bonners Ferry, Idaho, prompting a variety of emergency response efforts, and Lake Koocanusa con-
tinues to fill even with Libby Dam spilling water at full capacity. Hungry Horse Dam, too, was releasing high flows since Hungry Horse Reservoir is full. High flows at Bonners Ferry are expected
to continue through the weekend, said Doug Weber, chief of emergency management for the U.S. AI·my Corps of Engineers in Seattle. The Corps has a response team providing assistance to Boundary
County and the city of Bonners Ferry. About 300 "super sack" sandbags have been deployed on about 500 feet of riverbank to protect the Kootenai River Inn Casino and Spa, Weber said.
Exciting Ne\Ns from
Nearing Mayes Fa01ily Dentistry There are so many changes happening right now! We now have a digital x-ray system and electronic charting. To that end, our patients will notice that there are now computer monitors in each operatory. Our patients have been very impressed in being able to see a gigantic image of their tooth on the monitor, making it easy to see and discuss whatever issue is going on. BIG NEWS!! Dr. Mayes is now placing surgical implants. This will often ellminate the need to refer patients out of town for this procedure. He continues to be our expert in 3rd molar (wisdom teeth) removal, and uses sedation for this. He also provides anti-anxiety medications for other procedures. MORE BIG NEWS!I Dr. Mayes is offering EVENING appointments. We will be seeing patients on Wednesdays until 7:00pm. Dr. Nearing is making additions and improvements in procedures for root canals, implant restorations, and cosmetic dentistry. As new materials and procedures are being researched every day, we continue to implement them. One thing that hasn't changed is our commitment to providing the most comfortable and comprehensive treatment to our patients. Please telephone if you have any questions, need more information, or would like to make an appointment. And by the way, A BIG THANK YOU to our patients for their tmst and support. We appreciate ALL OF YOlJII
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FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2012
2012 RAM 1500 CREW 414 DJ7494 #CT297678
2012 RAM 2500 CREW 414 DIESEl
R7220 #CS151081
R7307 #CG158526
MSRP .................... $28,835 Consumer Cash .... $1 ,500 Bonus Cash ........... $1 ,000 Legacy Disc........... $2,892
MSRP.................... $33,860 Bonus Cash .............. $750 Consumer Cash .... $2,500 Legacy Disc ........... $4,320
MSRP.................... $43,265 Consumer Cash .... $2,500 Ally Bonus Cash ...... $750 Diesel Trade Asst... $1 ,000 Legacy Disc........... $5,905
JP7456 #CD593427
CM7458 #CH166486
MSRP.................... $20,275 Consumer Cash .... 51 ,000 Bonus Cash .............. $500 Legacy Disc ........... 52,208
MSRP.................... $28,995 Consumer Cash .... $2,000 Legacy Disc ........... $2,845
2012 Kia Soul
2011 Honda CRZ
2011 Nissan Juke
2007 Ford Fusion
CB7236A, $17,221
5Dr., R68136, $24,305
PF1669, $14,399
5Dr., PF1 643, $18,491
sodn. s259mo:
sodn. s241mo:
sodll sa40mo:
sodn. 8199mo:
2011 Ram 2500
2011 Toyota Camry
2010 Chevy Malibu
2010 Kia Sportage
4WD,CC, R7483A, $36,992
4 Dr., PF1 645, $1 7,844
4 Dr., PF1646, $15,111
PF1671, S19,995
sodn. $249mo:
sodn. s212mo:
sodn. 8215mo:
2009 Ford Explorer
2008 Pont. Torrent
Eddie Bauer CA67148A, $23,055
CM7493B, $13,940
sodn. s518mo: 2009 Chev Silverado 1500 4WDCC R7297A, $26,21 0
R7462A, $13,995
sodn. sa&lmo.'
sodn. 5199mo:
2008 Ford FocusSES
2008 Hyundai Sonata G
PF1640 $12,995
sodn. 5199mo.' 2011 vw Jetta PF1 662, $19,849
PF1647 S14,999
sodn. sa23mo:
sodn. 52J9mo:
2007 FV Cruiser
2011 Ford Edge
2005 Dodge Magnum
2007 Ford Escape
DU7330F, was S22,995
PF1657 $27,445
PF1618B, $14,399
sodn. s213mo:
sodn. 5389mo.'
sodn. 5199mo:
2011 Toyota Rav4
2012 Dodge PowerWgn
2007 Grand Cherokee
PF1673, $23,499
R7498A $42,995
VIN 11 0 PF1663, $17,950
PF1660, $13,995
sodn. 5325mo:
sodn. 5595mo.'
sodn. 5249mo:
sodn. 5329mo: