• 9-year-old boy takes swift action when his 10-year-old friend is attacked by a dog Matt Howard /Oregon Department of Forestn/
Dick Mason
The Mud Fire was discovered Tuesday morning in Wallowa County,south of Kuhn Ridge, on the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest .
The Observer
W~ ig)i
Brad Mosher /The Observer
Quick action by Reilly McLean, right, saved Marie Anderson from suffering more extensive injuries after she was recently attacked by a dog while riding her bicycle at First Street and Grandy Avenue near Pioneer Park. The dog inflicted seven puncture wounds, most of which were on Marie's right arm and leg.
Like many heroes, Reilly McLean, 9, speaks like he did not have time to be afraid. Reilly was riding his bike recently with his friend and neighbor Marie Anderson, 10, at First Street and Grandy Avenue near Pioneer Park when he heard her scream. The boy turned around and was horrified by what he saw. A boxer-mix type ofdog was attacking Marie after jump ing upand knocking her offher bicycle. The canine was biting her right arm and leg. "I was freaked out...," Reilly said. "All I could think was 'I have got to get the dog away from her."' Moments later he did, coura geouslygrabbing thedog'scollar and pulling it away. It was only as Reilly was pulling the dog away that he thought he was in a perilous situation. "I realized he could turn around and bite me." Fortunately the dog did not harm him and almost miraculously Marie escaped life threatening or permanent injuries, although she does have some minor scarring. See Attack / Page 3A
By Katy Nesbitt The Observer
The 103-acre Mud Fire, north of Enterprise and west of Highway 3, is expectedto be 90 percent contained by tonight. Smoke was reported early Tuesday m orning by aWa llowa County road crew employee. Oregon Department of Forestry responded and spotted the smoke on the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. By 9:20 a.m. the Forest's Sled Springs helicopter located the fire and droppedofffourcrew members. In less than an hour an engine crew joined the helicopter crew and hiked in to the fire in the Mud Creek drainage south of Kuhn Ridge. Type III Incident Commander Na than Goodrich said the fire was started by lightning, possibly from a storm a week or two before the smoke was detected. Storms 10 days totw oweeks ago producedseveralfi re starts,but came with considerable rain keeping the spread of the initially discovered fires small. See Wildfire / Page8A
Slash woundsinflicted during domestic dispute By Dick Mason The Observer
A La Grande woman suspected of injuring a man with a knife in a domestic dispute was arrested late Thursday afternoon by the Union County Sherif's Department. Jamie Ann Shepherd, 27, 3301
Columbia St., was arrested near east Adams Avenue at about 5:45 p.m. on several charges including one of second-degree assault.
Shepherd was allegedly involved in a domestic alterca tion outside her residence early Wednesdayevening with a man
who lives at the same location. Shepherd allegedly swung a knife during the fight, inflicting non-life threatening slash wounds on the man, said La Grande Police Chief Brian Harvey. Shepherdthen fl ed thescene.A search of the area by law enforce
Filmmaker with La Grande ties named to lo 'New Faces' list
HIGHLIGHTS FRIDAY • Cars on display: Timber Cruisers display classic cars; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; La Grande Town Center, 2212 Island Ave.. • Chief Joseph Days: The 67th annual Chief Joseph Days rodeo in Joseph; Rodeo slack at 2 p m.; Rodeo at7 p m.; Dance after Iodeo. SATURDAY • Huckleberry Festival: North Powder Huckleberry Festival, celebrating the 110th anniversary of North Powder. • Antler auction: Antler auction to benefit local wildlife and hunting related projects; 9-11 a.m.; Eagles Hot Lake RVpark. • Chief Joseph Days: The 67th annual Chief Joseph Days rodeo in Joseph; Grand Parade10a.m.;Rodeo slackat2:30p.m.; Traditional Indian dance competition at 3 p.m.; Rodeo at 7 p.m.; Dance after rodeo.
INDEX Calendar........7A Classified....... 4B Comics...........3B Crossword.....7A Dear Abby ...12B
By Dick Mason
ary Swank, a 2004 Academy Award winner. Clark is a 2002 La Grande High School The news almost left Ian Clark speechless. graduatewho laterearned a bachelorof Clark, a promising filmmaker with strong fine arts degree in photography from the La Grande ties, recently learned he has University of Montana. He is now earning a been named to a prestigious watch list for master of fine arts degree from the Univer emerging talent — "Filmmaker Magazine's sity of Oregon. Clark has three films to his credit, 25 New Faces of Independent Film for 2012." Clark, who lives in Eugene, was told of his including "Country Story," which was shot in La Grande in 2010. "Country Story" is a selection via phone by Nick Dawson, the magazine's managing editor. portrait of four friends living in a small town "It was an amazing piece of news to in rural America. It follows the story of small receive, incredibly humbling...I didn't really town hipster" in his mid 20s who lives with have much to say for a few minutes. I was his mother. in total disbelief," Clark said in an e-mail to Clark's latest film, "Searching for Yellow" The Observer. is about a graffiti artist who is going through "Filmmaker Magazine" has published its a breakup with his girlfriend. Dawson, "25 New Faces" piece annually for 15 years. writing in "Filmmaker Magazine," praises Individuals previously selected include Hil See Clark / Page8A The Observer
Robert Beam photo
lan Clark was named to "Filmmaker Magazine's25 New Faces of Independent Film for 201 2." WE A T H E
Health ............1B Opinion..........4A Horoscope.....7A Outdoors .......1C Lottery............2A Spiritual Life BA Record ...........2A Sports ............BA Obituaries......5A Television ......3C
ment officers for her immediately after the incident was unsuccessful. Shepherd was also arrested Thursday on charges of second degree theft, two counts of third degreetheft,two counts ofposses sion of a controlled substance and two alleged probation violations.
R F u ll forecast on the back of B section
54 bow
Partly cloudy
Mostly sunny
Slight chance of thunderstorms
541-963-3161 Issue 134 3 sections, 30 pages La Grande, Oregon
Email story ideas to newsC~/agrande observer.corn. More contact info on Page 4A.
s I
51 1 53 0 0 1 00 I
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FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
Larceny: A citizen reported a theft in the 900 block of Lane Avenue. An officer responded and took a report. Disturbance: A citizen in the 2300 block of 0 Court reported a civil situation. An officer responded and made contact with the reporting party and attempted to contact the other half. Citation: Dee Todd Stone, 45, was cited to Union County Circuit Court on charges of a release violation. Harrassment: A citizen in the district attorney's office reported that a subject was threatening them. Officersresponded and made contact and the subject was trespassed. Unauthorized entry: A citizen in the 600 block ofY Avenue reported an unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle. Officers responded and a report was taken. Disturbance: There was an an nonymous report of a domestic disturbance in the 100 block of FirAvenue. Officers and depu ties responded and the situation was resolved. Assault: A citizen reported an altercation with another citizen. Officers responded and a report was taken. Arrested: Kyle Austin Gates, 24, was arrested on a Mult nomah County warrant charging parole violation, escape. He was also arrested on a Union County warrant charging parole viola tion, possesion and distribution of marijuana.
Today is July 27, the 209th day of 201 2. There are 157 days remaining in the year. In history: In 1953, fighting in the Korean War ends when the United States, China, and North Korea sign an armi stice agreement. Syngman Rhee, President of South Korea, refuses to sign but pledges to observe the armistice.
LOTTERY Megabucks:Next jackpot $2.2 million
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ROAD REPORT Numbers to call: • Inside Oregon: 800-977-6368. • Outside Oregon: 503-588-2941.
Vandalism: A citizen on Sum mit Road reported vandalism to equipment.A deputy responded and a report was taken. Larceny: A citizen reported a break in to a vehicle in the Walmatt parking lot. Deputies responded and a report was taken. Arrested: Richard Howard Ettinger, 60, was arrested on charges of driving under the influence.
LOCAL BRIEFING From staff reports
sion of a firearm and probation violation.
July 26: Arrested: Chester Loren Miller, 32, of Elgin, was arrested on charges of unlawful posse
The La Grande VFW Post 2990 and auxilliary will have their monthly meeting at Riv erside Park, Aug. 7 at 6 p.m. This will also be the post's an nual picnic for members and guests. Members areasked to bring a potluck item to share. For questions, call Carole at
Class of 1947
having annual picnic
WALLOWA COUNTY SHERIFF Michael Steven Sasser, 60 ofWallowa, was arrested on a Union County warrant for a charge of failure to appear; original charge was contempt of court. He was transported to Union County.
July 25: Larceny: A citizen in Elgin requested deputy assistance regarding a theft. A deputy was advised and will do a followup. Larceny: A citizen on Highway 203 in Union reported a theft of his horse trailer. A deputy made contact and will do a follow up. Citations: Carlos Carrillo Jimenez, 31, and Maria Victoria Hernandez, 26, both of Cove, were issued warrant citations charging them with theft.
La Grande VFW
ENTERPRISE POLICE No incidents to report.
meeting for lunch La Grande High School classof1947ism eetingfor lunch at the Flying J restau rant, Monday, July 30, at 1 p.m. Everyone is welcome. More briefing on Page 5A
The Marian Academy
OREGON STATE POLICE No report available. Information for the record is ob tained from police departments and other public agency logs. Persons charged with crimes are presumed innocent until pleading guilty or proven guilty in a court of law. Those who appear in this column who have had charges dropped or have ques tions about information contained in the record should call The Observer at 541-963-3161.
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July 26:
Unauthorized entry: A citizen in the 100 block of Polk Avenue reported an unlawful entry into a motor vehicle. An officer made contact and a report was taken. Larceny: A citizen in the 200 block of Polk Avenue reported an unlawful entry into a motor vehicle. The officer made contact and logged for information. Sex crime: Nijil Tommy, 29, unknown address, was arrested and lodged in the Union County Correctional Facility on charges of sex abuse and sexual harrass ment. Trespassing: Natasha Larae Ramberg, 22, and Bryan Michael Nearing, 34, were cited on charges of trespassing. Larceny: A citizen in the 200 block ofTerrace Avenue reported the theft of two bicycles. An of ficer made contact and a report was taken. Arrested: Jamie Ann Shep herd, 27, address unknown, was arrested and lodged in Union County Correctional Facility on charges of assault, theft, posses sion of a controlled substance, probation violation, and unlaw ful entry into a motor vehicle. Arrested: Lerisa Jenae Swink, 26, address unknown, was arrested on a Union County war rant on charges of theft. Burglary: A citizen in the 2500 block of Adams Avenue reported a possible burglary. An officer responded and a report was taken.
Wall Street at noon: • Dow Jones average — Up 212 at 13,100 Broader stock indicators:
• SBtP 500 Index — Up 25 at 1,385 • Tech-heavy Nasdaq com posite index — Up 62 at 2,954 • NYSE — Up 117 at 7,872
• Russell — Up 18 at 795 Gold and silver: • Gold — Up $1.80 at $1,616 • Silver — No change at $2745
GRAIN REPORT Portland grain: Soft white wheat — July, $8.90; August, $8.90; September, $8.90 Hard red winter — July, $9.54; August, $9.59; September, $9.62 Dark northern spring July, $10.48; August, $10.50; September, $10.55 Barley — July, $220; August, $220; September $220
Bids provided by Island City Grain Co.
NEWSPAPER LATE? Every effort is made to deliver your Observer in a timely manner. Occasionally conditions exist that make delivery more difficult. lf you are not on a mo tor route,delivery should be before 5:30 p.m. If you do not receive your paper by 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, please call 541-963-3161 by 6 p.m. lf your delivery is by motor carrier, delivery should be by 6 p.m. For calls after 6, please call 541-975 1690, leave your name, address and phone number. Your paper will be delivered the next business day.
LA GRANDE RURAL FIRE On Thursday at about 7:11 p.m., a crew responded to an illegal burn barrel on North Pine Street. The occupant of the residence was warned.
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Larceny: A citizen reported a theft on Webster Road. A deputy attempted to make contact and left a message.
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FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 2012
Bucking Horse Stampede
LOCAL BRIEFING Continued from Page2A
Wallowa County library celebrating deliver me a book program
Katy Nesbitt /The Observer
Abby Sail helps lead the bucking horses for Chief Joseph Daysto the rodeo grounds Tuesday afternoon down Joseph's Main Street.
last month, changed her daughter. "She's a lot more cautious Continued from page1A around dogs." "I am really grateful for She even gets nervous Reilly. If it wasn't for him I aroundherfamily'sdog don't know if anyone else when it gets excited, her mother said. would have helped her," said Marie's mom Lori Marie will be a fikh-grad Anderson. er at Island City Elemen The dog inflicted seven tary School this fall, Reilly McLean, son of James and puncture wounds, most of which were on Marie's BreAnna McLean, will be right arm and leg. She was a fourth-grader at Central Elementary School. treatedatGrande Ronde Hospital but did not need Shirlette Kenworthy of any shots because the dog, La Grande, Marie Ander which was quarantined by son's grandmother, said law enforcement officers, Reilly McLean's act of was found to have been vac bravery was truly heroic. "He could have done cinatedforrabies. Marie's mother was lots of things but he home at the time but did stayed by her side," not know that her daughter Kenworthy said. "He put had been attacked until she himself in harm's way walked into her house on and didn't think twice First Street. about it. It is pretty "She was crying and said amazing that such a a dogattacked me. Isaid young man would do 'What?"' such a thing. I'm proud Lori Anderson said the of him. It says a lot about attack, which occurred his character."
CLARK Continued from page1A Clark's photography work in his latest film and describes the work "Hauntingly lovely, simultaneously intimate and expansive." "Pool Room," Clark's first film, is a 57-minute character study of a reclu sive man in his 20s who begins to come out of his shell. It was shot in Texas in June 2008. "I was interested in tell ing a story about someone who is always there but rarely seen, someone who is practically invisible," Clark told The Observer in 2010 when discussing "Pool Room." Clark is also being recognized by the film publication for the work he has done as a founder of the annual Eastern Oregon Film Festival in La Grande. The festival features show ings of many of the latest films made by Northwest artists. Clark describes film making as a rewarding but
exhaustive process. "The most challenging part of filmmaking for me are the more managerial tasks,producing the project; it just consumes your creative energy. Feature length projects, even small ones like I'm doing, are about four years of work through to the end. You' re always nurturing it in some way, it never really stops." Clark is currently begin ning work on a film named MMXIII which will serve as his creative thesisfor the master of fine arts degree he is earning. Clark said part of the film will involve exploring the intersections of cinema and art, art and life "... be cause honestly I just don' t think that these things should always be thought of as separate. They' re intrinsically connected." Clark's latest com pleted film, "Searching for Yellow" can be viewed on his web site, www. incproductions through Aug. 13. "Country Story" will available for viewing on Clark's website starting Aug. 13.
Wallowa County Library is celebrating 5,000 deliveries with its 'Deliver me a book" program."Deliver me a book" is an outreach program of the Wallowa County Library pro viding free services to Wallowa County residents who cannot access their local libraries. Established in 2003, "Deliver me a book" has loaned over 18,000 materials. Pat Wade, senior outreach specialist, rotates large print books, audio books and videos to private residences, the Wallowa Valley Care Center and private foster homes. This fiee service is fundedby Wallowa County, Soroptimist, private founda tions and donors. In addition to the senior out reach program, the Wallowa County Library also operates the Imnaha and Troy branch libraries; Training Wheels, an early literacy program; and the Up and Away afterschool program. The library has recently joined the SAGE system. Patrons can now access materials in over 70 regional libraries along with
Library2Go that provides downloadable cbooks, audios and videos. For more information on services, call Susan at 541-426-3969.
Antler auction tomorrow There will be an antler auction tomorrow at Eagles Hot Lake RV park from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. It is spon sored by the Union/Wallowa County Chapter ofthe Or egon Hunters Association. Proceeds from the event will go towards local wildlife and hunting-related projects. For more information, call Morgan Olson at 541 568-4587or Jim Ward at
Line dancing Monday at senior center There will be line danc ing, Monday, July 30, at the La GrandeSenior Center at 1:30 p.m., and at the VFW in Union at 6 p.m. Also, on Wednesday Aug. 1 at the La Grande Senior Center at 6 p.m. For info call Cheryl at 541-910-0433.
Cleanup and hike planned for Wednesday
WILDFIRE Continued from page1A Goodrich said an "inverted cap" or mini-inversion kept the smoke from being easy to see Tuesday morning. "The smoke wasn't even above the rim," said Goodrich. Once temperatures rose and the inversion lifted the fire picked up intensity and got into heavy fuels and brush, said Goodrich. Crews began "flanking" the fire or working its edge, but pulled back to let the helicopter hit the head of the fire. Incident attack commander Gabe Hale ordered a state he licopter from Pendleton for assistance. More engines and and the North Zone hand crew was dispatched. By 1p.m.thefi re had grown to 15 acresand the Mud Creek drainagewas very smoky, said Goodrich.Thefireburned another 20 acres relatively quickly and a single engine air tanker ordered from Grangeville, Ida. flew in and dropped 12 loadsofretardant along ridge lines. "The SEAT worked out great," said Goodrich. "It painted a nice line of retardant down the ridge and kept it from crossing the 250 road". A Type 1 helicopter from John Day was also ordered to help with bucket drops to knock down the head of the fire. Additional hand crews from the Umatilla National Forest and contract crews Grayback and ASP were ordered. The Wallowa-Whitman North Zone turned the fire over to the Northeast Oregon East Type III overhead team by Wednes day morning. The difficulty of fighting the fire, said Goodrich, wasn't the size, which was kept to a little more than 100 acres, but steep terrain and lack of road access made suppression challenging. Safety in steep country with difficult visibility was a con cern so lookouts were stationed on McAlister Ridge who were able to communicate with crews in the bottom of Mud Creek, said Goodrich. Crews remained on the fire until 10 p.m. Tuesday night and by Wednesdaythe fi re behaviorhad quieted down allowing crews to complete a fire line by Thursday afternoon. Goodrich predicts the fire will be 90 percent contained by Friday night. A newly sold timber sale, an active cattle grazing allot ment, and cultural resources including historic corrals and rail road beds were being protected.Goodrich said wa terfrom stock ponds used to put out the fire would be replenished for livestock. In light of large fires with intense behavior all over the West this summer, Goodrich said the national direction of the Forest Service is to put out fires while they are small. Even fires in the wilderness, which are sometimes left alone and monitored when not threatening private land, are being put out immediately. The national fire budget is being tapped, and the Western Governor's Association has asked Congress to appropriate more funds with more than two more months of fire season aheadfortheWestern states.
I/lf~ ; /(j~/
,. visit ' •
Hells Canyon Preserva tion Council invites you to a short hike and weed event close to La Grande during the cooler evening temperatures. We will be digging Scotch thistle plants and enjoying views of the Grande Ronde Valley and nearby mountains. The Deal Canyon road leaves the edge of La Grande and climbs into the adjacentfoothills.Partsof the route are steep.Please wear long sleeves, hiking shoes, and bring leather work gloves and your favorite digging implement. HCPC will provide garbage bags and extra shovels. This eventisnotappropriate for young children. Meet Wednesday August 1st at the corner of'M'Ave. and Aspen Drive at 7 p.m. The activity will take about 1 1/2 hours. For more informa tion or to sign-up contact Brian Kelly by phone 541 963-3950ext.4 or em ailat
There will be a buyers barbecue Aug. 4 at 4 p.m. under the tent outside the livestock barn. The auction begins at 5 p.m. For more information contact Tim DelCurto at 541-910-8970
Eastern Oregon Super Shoot set for Sat. The annual Eastern Oregon Super Shoot, a 3D archery tournament, will be conducted Saturday and Sunday at the Anthony Lakes Ski Area. The tournament, open to the public, will start at 7 a.m. both days. Archers will fire at 50 Styrofoam wildlife targets on Saturday and 30 targets on Sunday. The ski lift at Anthony Lakes will be taking archers to the top of the tournament's course. The shoot is being put on by Grande Ronde Bowmen and the Elkhorn Archers.
More briefing on Page 5A
Mobile fun unit cutting cost for summer The La Grande Parks and Recreation Depart ment Mobile Fun Unit will be half pricefortherestof the summer. It is now only $12.50.For siteinforma tion and times, please call Minnie Tucker at the parks and recreation department at 541-962-1352, ext 201, or email mtucker@cityofla
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FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012 La Grande, Oregon
THE Write a letter news@lagrandeobserver.corn
er e BlmS 0 h
Editorial from The (Bend) Bulletin:
Caught up in the delayed action on the federal farm bill are four programs of particular importance this year. The four provided assistance to farm ers and ranchers hit by natural disaster, and all expired at the end of 2011. Now Sen. JeA'Merkley, D-Ore., has introduced a measure to replace the four, prompted in part by wildfires that have burned more than 750,000 acres in southeast Oregon. Two of the four covered loss of forage on federal and private land; a third indemnified ranchers for livestock losses and the fourth sent money to or chardists who lost trees or nursery stock in a disas ter. Together, the programs cost$187 million in 2011, a relatively small amount by government standards. If you' re a farmer or rancher on the receiving end of the disaster aid, however, the amounts don't seem so small, we suspect. In this year of drought through much of the nation combined with fires in the West, the money will be sorely missed, and not just in Oregon. That's why Merkley is pushing to get the Senate to act quickly and approve the bill by unanimous consent, an action that would move the measure to the U.S. House of Representatives quickly. Merkley clearly believes that separating the four from the larger farm bill improves their chance of passage. While he hopes to move it quickly through the Senate, he is prepared to take a more traditional,
lengthy approach if need be. Even if it does gain Senate approval this week, the bill's fate in the House is uncertain. All four programs were in the farm bill approved by the Senate last month but were removed in the version approved recently by the House Agriculture Com mittee, for one thing, and that bill is further mired in a fight over the food stamp program. Yet considered as a separate measure, the bill would provide assistance to farmers and ranchers in so much of the country that it may stand a chance. It's one thing to deny Oregon ranchers relief when your constituents all live in Georgia and a far differ ent matter when those same constituents are facing weather losses of their own. We hope so.
TI a%~,S u>R;a,„, %EDI~
B Vln O Ul" U Just over a year ago, patrons of Sunflower Books received the news that Lani Schroeder had decided to sell the bookstore in orderto accomplish a full retirement. Since the bookstore has been an ongoing tradition in our com munity for over 30 years, it has been Lani's desire to sell the business to an individual who will carry on the book store's mission of encouraging literacy and the love of books by employing sales personnel who offer friendly and efficient customer service. Visitors to the bookstorecan attestto thepresent success of Lani's mission as they expe rienceprompt and courteous service in a cozy environment filled with an assortmentofbooks for allages. As the owner of a small business, Lani has shown commitment to our community by establishing a cultural center within her bookstore intended to support local entities like the public library, local schools, and Eastern Oregon University. Many of us have benefited from Lani's dedication to our community as she has used Sunflower Books as a venue to host events such
OW e l " O O
MARY BROWN DONNA RAIN BOTH as author readings and book signings, to advertiseand sellticketsfor m usi cal and drama performances, and to givesupport to various writing groups, poetry groups, and service groups. During the past year, several local individuals have each expressed a sincere desire to become the new owner of Sunflower Books, but their potential purchase offers have been limited by insufficient funding. However, the fact remains that Lani still wishes to retire whether or not the bookstore is sold. As a result, our community may see the closureofthisbeloved bookstore atthe end of December, and we would lose the only independent bookstore in our local area dedicated solely to selling new books. Despite society's use of online and digital book sales, we believe that an independent bookseller fulfills a vital role within a community by providing
personaland customized service in responsetolocalinterests. At this point, we would like to offer community members the opportunity to give input about how it might be possible to insure the continuation of Sunflower Books beyond Lani's retire ment. An obvious solution would be to find a benefactor willing to put forward funding which could facilitate a pur chase of the bookstore. But, in the ab sence of such a benefactor, we feel that other viable yet unexplored solutions may exist. If anyone in the community has sincere ideas to share,please send an e-mail to sunflowerbooks@frontier. corn, and put "Community Input" in the subject line. As we gather suggestions for Lani's considerationregarding a potential transfer of ownership, we will ac knowledge genuine ideas submitted in good faith to sustain the operation of Sunflower Books within our local community. Mary Brown is from Summervitte and DonrrrI Rainboth lives in Cove.
Your views Sen. Merkley protecting us Senator Merkley is doing an excellent job protecting the interests of all Or egonians. A current example of his fine work is his call for a thorough environ m ental review oftheplanstooperate many, many trains daily through the Gorge to export coal to China and India.
Ifthisexportofcoalgoesforward,its burning will increase dramatically the negative impacts of global warming on Oregon's farmers and ranchers — and all of us. Thank you, Senator Merkley. Bill Whitaker La Grande
W hat smooth a street Good work Norm Paullus and crew. The new pavement on Second Street is smooth as a baby's tuchus. Now, if the whole town were like that I might buy a bicycle again and enjoy the ride. Kudos. Mike "Swede" Rosenbaum
la Grande
Write to us
Don't rush to emulate Washin on on liquor sales Editorial from the Albany Democrat-Herald: Last week's Associated Press report on liquor prices near the Washington line confirms the idea that Oregon should not rush into following Washington's lead in that department. Washington state abandoned its liquor monopoly after the voters approveda ballotm easure to that effect lastfall.Privatestoresnow sell hard liquor, but the state col
lects a hefty tax. In Oregon, the same change has been proposedfrom time to tim e, and interest in making the change rose again after the Washington election. But now, Oregon liquor stores near the state line find that their sales and profits are way up. Their only explanation is that Washington residents are coming to Oregon to load up on liquor because the prices in their home state have risen too
high because of the state taxes. Oregon is among the few remain ing stateswhere the state retainsa monopoly on the sale and distribu tion of hard liquor, which it sells to the public through state-contracted agents. The profits from this business go to the state, which shares them to some extent with counties and cities. Agentshave rebelled atsome of the regulations of the Oregon
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Liquor Control Commission. One Albany agent used to be in hot water with the agency for selling snacks the rules did not allow, even though no harm was done. But the Oregon system is not so bad thatitneedstobe abolished,es pecially if doing so would invite the stateto tax alcoholicdrinks so heav ily that more people would have an incentive to drive to Hilt — the first crossroadssouth oftheCalifornia line — to buy some.
The Observer welcomes letters to the editor. Letters are limited to 350 words and must be signed and carry the author's address and phone number (for verification purposes only). Mail:TheObserver, 1406 Fifth St., La Grande, OR 97850 Email:news@ lag randeobserver.corn Fax: 541-963-7804
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Publisher.........................................Kan Borgen Circulation district manager....Megan Petersen Editor ................................................................ Single copy manager .....................Tasi Welley Ad director.................................. Glenas Orcutt Advertising representative .... Karnne Brogoitti Operations director ......................................... Advertising representative .......Angle Carlson Circulation director .................. Carolyn Gibson Advertising representative ............ John Winn Bookkeeper ............................... Heidi Kennedy Graphic designer supervisor ....Dorothy Kautz Sports editor ............................... Brad Masher Graphic designer .................... Cheryl Chnstian Sports writer................................ Casey Kellas Lead pressman..........................CurtBlackman News editor/Go!......................... Jeff Petersen Pressman.......................................... KCKunkle Schools, outdoors ........................Dick Mason Pressman.............................. Keith Stubblefield Photo/design editor ...................... Phil Bullock Distribution center supervisor.........Jon Silver Photographer ................................Chas Baxter Distribution center lead ........... Tomi Johnston Wallowa County ........................... Katy Nesbitt Distribution center.................... Terry Evendge City, business, politics........ Bill Rautenstrauch Distribution center................................TC Hull News assistant ................................................ Distribution center..................Charles Pietrzak Circulation specialist........................ KellyCraft Distri bution center.................Joshua Johnson Classifieds ............................... Katelyn Winkler Customer service rep .............. Cindie Crumley
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FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 2012
LOCAL BRIEFING Continued from Page8A
He was a veteran of World War II, having Imbler served in France. 1924-201 2 Dulin and his wife made their Norma F. home in Whit Storms, 87, of tier, Calif., where they Imbler, died at built a home in an orange her residence grove in 1950. As Dulin on Tuesday, and his wife were con July 24. No S torm s sideringwhere to retire, services are they traveled through the being planned at this time. Lostine area. They spent Loveland Funeral Chapel the night at Pat's Cab is in charge of the arrange ins up the Lostine River. ments. Before they left, they had Norma was born in purchased property along Mansfield,Pa.,to H enry the Lostine River in 1972. W. Fralic and Elva E. Soon after hisretire O'Dell Fralic on Septem m ent several years later, ber 23, 1924. She grew up he started building a log and graduatedfrom high garage and then a house. He read books on building school in Mansfield. In 1945 she married William log homes, and with this knowledge and his na B. Roberts. In 1965 she married James R. Storms. tive intelligence, he built She lived in Hillsboro, a large log garage and a three bedroom, two story Ore.,before she moved to log house where he lived Lopez, Wash., where she livedfor 30 years prior until his death. Dulin loved his family to moving to Imbler nine and made sure they had years ago. Norma was a bookkeeper family vacations each year, before her retirement. She whether camping at the enjoyed sewing, knitting, beach or a road trip to see painting, and gardening as relatives. Dulin enjoyed well as golfing, boating and fishing, hunting and hik collecting antiques. She ing in the Wallowas. He was a member of the Lopez could out hike his kids and Country Club. grandkids. He ran in the Surviving her are two 10K Lostine River Run children, Judy iRodneyl when he was 70 years old. Payant of Elgin; Rip Rob He was a kind and gener erts of Imbler; one sister in ous man who loved people law Mrs. Bob iJoycel Fralic and enjoyed helping his of Lopez, Wash.; 3 grand neighbors in any manner children, Lori Cooney and needed. He loved telling Kara Meyers of Joseph; storiesof his early years Frank Kee of La Grande on the farm and his life and 7 great grandchildren. during the depression. Norma was preceded in Dulin is survived by his death by her husband daughter Christina Dulin James; two sons Brad and Geyer and her husband Mike Roberts; brother Bob Chris of Lostine and his Fralic and her parents, son John W. Dulin Jr. and Henry and Elva. his wife Linda of Whittier, Online condolences may Calif. John was blessed be made to the family at with 6 grandchildren and www.lovelandfuneralcha 12 great grandchildren. pel.corn. His family and friends will gather for a celebra tion of life on Monday, Lostine July 30 at 10 a.m. at the 1915-201 2 Lostine Cemetary. A buf fett lunch will be served at John W. Dulin, of the family home following Lostine, was born Aug. 3, the service. 1915 in Springfield, Mo. to In lieu of flowers, dona Christine May Youngblood tions can be made to Wal and John Thomas Dulin. lowa Valley Health Care. He died early in the morn ing of July 21, just 14 days shy of his 97th birthday. Joseph Dulin was raised on the family farm in Springfield, James George Justice, Mo. where he gained his 94, of Joseph, died on loveforthe outdoors and July 23. Services will learned a strong work be held at Community ethic. He was the youngest Congregational Church of four brothers and one in Enterprise on July 31 sister. In his early twen at 11 a.m. A full obituary ties,he moved to Califor will follow at a later date. nia where he picked fruit Bollman Funeral Home of during the depression and Enterprise is handling the eventually went to work arangements. for Bethleham Steel in Vernon, Calif., where he worked for 40 years. He Enterprise married his wife, Dorothy, on Nov. 16, 1941. They Services for 83 year old were married 66 years. Helen E. Windsor of Enter
1Vorma Storms
James Justice
Helen E. Windsor
prise, who died on Jan. 25, whill be held Friday, July 27 at 10 a.m. at the Enter prise Cemetary. Memorials may be given a charity of choice.
Laurence Lewin La Grande Laurence D. Lewin, 93, La Grande,died July 26 at a local care facility. A full obituary will be published at alater time. Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crema tory will be handling the arrangements.
Chad Mercer Formerly of Sutherlin 1975-201 2 Chad Mitchell Mercer died on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 in Albuquerque, N.M. Chad is survived by his wife, Shannon Burklin; his daughter Ayden Raine Mercer; parents, Brian and Dianna Mercer, his broth ers, Richard and Russell M ercer; and his sister, Lanae Jackson. Chad was preceded in death by his grandfather, Alva G. Clark; grandmother, Esther Mer cer; and nephew, Alexander Clark. Chad was born in Pendle ton, Ore., on September 16, 1975 to Brian and Dianna Mercer. He was one of four children raised in Sutherlin, Ore., and graduated from Sutherlin High School. He joined the Army in 1997 and served as a multi-channel transmission system operator and a network switching specialist for four years overseas in Bosnia and Germany until 2001. He was presented with several military com mendations including Na tionalService and Overseas ribbons, a Good Conduct Medal, an Army Achieve ment Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal, and NATO medal. After serving in the Army, Chad moved to Albuquer que where he lived until his passing. He will always be remembered for his quiet humor, sly smiles, and his muttered under his breath comical comments. He had an incredibly gentle spirit and will always be in our hearts. Services will be held on Sat. July 28, 2012 at 2 p.m. at Sutherlin New Hope Church. All are invited to come celebrateChad's life with us.
He was born in Prineville, Ore., on January 17, 1962 and has been living in Wilder working with his father the past few years. He attended school in Wallowa County and then moved to Brook ings, Ore., where he worked for many years on a rock crusher and paving crew. He was anavidfisherman and hunter. He is survived by his companion Roberta Williams, his mother Dorothy Daggett of Prineville, Ore., and his father Leslie Ray Thacker of Wilder, Idaho;threebrothers Jerry, Mike and Ivan; two sis ters Sherry, Patty; he raised three children and has four grandchildren; three sister in laws and one brother in law; four nieces and six nephews, all who will miss him very much. Arrangements are entrust ed to Flahiff Funeral Chapel in Caldwell, Idaho. Contributions can be made in his name to your favorite charity. The Observer publishes free obituaries as a community ser vice. Obituaries are edited to fit news guidelines. Photos are encouraged. Paid space is avail able for families who would like to include more information.
George Thacker Formerly of Elgin, Enterprise 1962-201 2 George Ray mond Thacker of Wilder, Idaho, died on July 23, 2012.
Mickie Winnett •
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LE gO12 F AIR SCHE> Thursday, August2, 2012 SENIOR DAY Saturday, July 28, 2012 8am Fair Opens Enter Open Class Exhibits 8am-10am Hooked on Chocolate 1pm - 4pm Art s and crafts, photography 10am Booth Exhibits Open 2pm Cascade Amusement Carnival Sunday, July 29, 2012 Opens Enter Open Class Exhibits 9am - 6pm Art s and crafts, photography 4:00pm Entertainment 8pm Nicole Lewis Monday, July 30, 2012 10pm Fair Closes Enter Open Class Exhibits 9am - 8pm Po e try and textiles Friday, August 3, 2012 8am Fair Opens Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10am Booth Exhibits Open Enter Open Class Exhibits Noon Amanda Bly - Main Stage 8am-8pm Ope n Class Livestock 2pm Cascade Amusement Carnival
9am-12pm T extiles Exhibits Entered
Health Services Director:
The La Grande Parks and Recreation Depart ment Mobile Fun Unit will be half price forthe restof the summer. It is now only $12.50.For siteinforma tion and times, please call Minnie Tucker at the parks and recreation department at 541-962-1352, ext 201 or
financial future a priority.
and 'Meet 8c Greet' for Our New
Price for mobile fun unit decreased
The Oregon State University County Exten sion office, located at the Ag Service Center, will be open mornings only, Aug. 1-3 from 8 a.m. to noon. The public is encouraged to visit the OSU Extension booth at the Union County Fair in the Commercial Building to sign up for a great raflle and to receive help with their questions. For more
Make your
9am-8pm 8am-7pm
q~~ gibbon C„.
information, call 541-963 1010.
photore prints
9am-8pm 9am-8pm
Wildflower Lodge Invites YoLI to:
Extension oNce open half day during fair
Lan d Products Can n ing, Home Craft, and Cooking Fl ow ers All L i vestock Allowed on Fair Grounds 4-H & FFA Market Animal Weigh In
Wednesday, August I, 2012 FAMILY DAY 8am Fair Opens 8-9am Cream/EggPiesEntry 8:30 am Open Class Judging Bowers 9am Open Class Goat Judging 9am Open Class Judging Canning and Preserving 9am Open Class Judging Home Craft 10am Booth Exhibits Open 10:30am 4-H O pen Class Livestock Judging, including exotic and small animals 2pm Cascade Amusement Carnival opens 4pm Talent Show Spm Pee Wee show Ukelelee performance Becky's Studio of Dance 6pm 5:30PM FAIR PARADE LINE UP 7PM FAIR PARADE DOWNTOWN
8pm 10pm
Spm 7:30pm 10pm
Saturday, August 4, 2012 7am Open Horse Show
Reg istrationPre reg istration
8am 8:30am 10am
is encouraged Fair Opens Open Horse Show Booth Exhibits Open Cascade Amusement Carnival
Opens 2pm 4pm 4pm Spm 8pm 10pm
Wasteland Kings Fair Closes
a s E4
Dry Fork Hired Hands Amanda Bly - Comm. Stage Mark Strarron & Lost Creek Road Fair Closes
Brady Goss Junior Market Auction Buyer check in Junior Market Auction BBQ Junior Market Auction Brady Goss Fair Closes
Adults ................... Adult Season Pass Kids....................... Kids Season Pass.. 6& Under............. Thursday Seniors 60+ .........
...$5 .$I5 ...$3 ...$9 Free
• 0 •
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
Short Arctic night a challenge for Muslims during Ramadan ROVANIEMI, Finland iAPl — How do you observe dawn-to-dusk fasting when there is neither dawn nor
dusk? It's a question facing a small but growing number of Muslims celebrating the holy monthofRamadan on the northern tip of Europe, where the the sun barely dips below the horizon at this time of year. In Rovaniemi, a northern Finland town that straddles theArcticCircle at66 degrees north, the sun rises
around 3:20 a.m. and sets about 11:20pm. That means Muslims who observe Rama dan could be required to go without food or drink for 20 hours. In a few years, Ramadan will begin even closer to the summer solstice in late June, when the sun doesn' t set at all. "We have to use common sense," said Mahmoud Said, 27, who came to Finnish Laplandfrom Kenya three years ago. To Said, that means fol
lowing the fasting hours of the nearest Muslim country: Turkey. "Itinvolves 14 or 15 hours of fasting which is okay, it' s not bad," said Said, who works for a non-governmen tal organization helping im migrants settle in the area. He estimates there are a little over 100 Muslims in Rovaniemi, mainly from Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan. There is no unanimity on how to deal with the issue, which is becoming more pressing as more Muslim
immigrants find their way to sparsel y inhabited areas near the Arctic. In Alaska, the Islamic Community Center of Anchorage, "after consulta tion with scholars," advises Muslims to follow the fast ing hours of Mecca, Islam's holiest city. The Dublin-based Euro pean Council for Fatwa and Research, however, said Mus lims need to follow the local sunrise and sunset, even up north. "The debate on how to do
this in the north has been on going on for a few years," said Omar Mustafa, the chairman of the Islamic Association of Sweden. 'We fast accord ing to the sun. As long as it is possible to tell dusk from dawn. This applies to 90 per cent of Sweden's Muslims." The few Muslims who live so far north that they are awash in 24-hour daylight should follow the daylight hours the closest city in Swe den where you can tell dawn from dusk, he said, noting thatit'spermitted to break
the fast for health reasons. Kaltouma Abakar and her extended family of nine relatives came to Finland from Sudan's Darfur region four years ago. She opts to observethe localLapland sunrise and sunset times before breaking the fast in her downtown Rovaniemi apartment. Kaltouma explains that she gets up early and works until the afternoon, then starts cooking the family' s iftarmeal around 5 p.m.
HIGHLIGHTS Grace Lutheran celebrates ninth Sunday aRer Pentecost On this the ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Grace Lutheran Church in Enterprise will begin worship service at 9 a.m. with the cel ebration of July baptism birthdays. This Sunday's second reading is from Ephesians 3: 14-21, "that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith." Because Christ dwells in our hearts,our lives are continu ously strengthened and empowered by the ongoingpresence ofthe spirit. A time of fellowship and refreshments fol low the service, hosted by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. On this Sunday the annual Blue Mountain Chapter Thrivent picnic begins at noon at the Fred Beeman Park in Island City. Lunch is provided.
The sermon at Faith Lutheran this Sun pieces in praise to God as well as a quartet and soloist. The message will be given by Me day will use Mark 6:30-34 as the text. Prior lia Insko concerning her recent mission trip to to theseversesthe apostleshad been sent Haiti. Fellowship will follow the service. out and serve the people. In Mark 6:30 we read, "The apostles gathered around Jesus La Grande Methodists meeting and reported to Him all they had done and for "church out of church" taught." Christ was compassionate with La Grande United Methodist Church them and lead them to get some rest. All Thrivent members and six Lutheran meets for Church Out of Church this com ing Sunday. A brief worship service starts congregations in eastern Oregon are invited at 9:30, then attendees will form groups for to the Annual Thrivent Picnic at Fred Bee projects including yard work, carpet cleaning, man Park in Island City starting at noon. and quilt prep. Everyone is welcome; projects This picnic is hosted by the Blue Mountain are available for all levels of experience and Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. ability.
First Christian Sunday message in song,uses favorite hymns
UnionUnited MethodistChurch hosts senior meal this week
"The Old Story: Hearing and Telling" is United Methodist Church of Union is the theme of the fifth Sunday message in St. Peter's begins service on back again welcoming visiting pastor, Rev. Mike song at First Christian Church iDisciples of lawn of church, dedicates stairs Lavelle on Sunday, July 29 at 11 a.m. Based Christ), 901 Penn Ave., La Grande, Sunday St. Peter's Episcopal Church will observe on readings from Mark 6, the title of his at 10 a.m. Favorite hymns about the stories the ninth Sunday after Pentecost with Holy message is "Give Them Something to Eat". of Jesus will be sung by the congregation Eucharist at 9 a.m. The Rev. Kathryn Macek Refreshments follow service. Coming this and by special musical ensembles. Paint will preside and preach. The service will begin week is Food Alliance ia fresh food bank offer the Town will be held on August 10 and 11. on the lawn with a dedication of the back ing from 12:30 — 1 p.m.l on Monday and senior Anyone interested in helping church mem staircase in memory of Willard Carey and Je meals on Tuesday at noon. bers paint the home which has been chosen, rome Hoskins for their many years of devoted may call the church office at 541-963-2623 Zion Lutheran hosts Sunday service to the parish. A potluck brunch will and volunteer. worship service in Beeman Park follow the service. Boise Temple open house, The office will be closed next week and Zion Lutheran will hold their Sunday dedication dates announced there will be no morning prayer. worship service at the Fred Beeman Park in Island City at 10 a.m. They will be joined by BOISE, Idaho — The First Presidency First Presbyterian hosts the Grace Community Lutheran. A picnic lunch has announced open house and dedication Handbell Six group during service is planned at noon. This meal is furnished dates for the newly renovated Boise, Idaho Bells will be ringing and voices singing this by the Blue Mountain Chapter of Thrivent Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Sunday during the 9:30 worship service at Financial. Latter-day Saints. The public is invited to the First Presbyterian Church in La Grande. visit the temple during an open house from Faith Lutheran looking at Mark 6 Oct. 13 through Nov. 10, excluding Sundays. The Handbell Six will be offering several
this Sunday during sermon
I Piejoicein the Lord always! The Lording near! Phil. 4: 4&'5
901 Penn Avenue 963-2623 web: firstchristianlagrande.ore
(Disciples of Christ)
P.O. Box 260
Sunday School Sunday Worship Sunday Evening
9:30 am 10:45 am 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night Life GrouPs:7:00Pm Call for locntion Preacher: Doug Edmonds 541-805-5070
CovE UNITED METHoDIsT CHURcH Hwy. 237 • Cove, OR
Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 8:45 -Join us at The Lord's Table
534-2201 Sunday Services 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service
Sunday School During Services forkid>age threeto 5th Grade
First Baptist Church Crossroads SIXTH 8c SPRING • 963-3911 Community Church
UNIoN UNITED METHoDIsT CHURcH 601 Jefferson Ave., La Grande Hwy. 237• Union, OR
JOIN US... Catch the Spirit! Worship: 9:00 a.m. Cove orship: 11:00 Unio
Cove: 541-7S6-0100(Nevaj Union: 541-562-5748 Sue
Kingdom Kids - Youth in Action
"...where you can begin again"
LA GRANDE CELEBRATIQN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CQMMUNITY CHURCH 2620 Bearco Loop Pastor Dave Tierce• 541-605-0215 NEW LOCATION 10200 N. McAIIIster, Island City
Sundays at 10 a.m. DCIn Mielke 541-663-6122
www.celebrationcomm ROMANCATHOLICCHURCHSERVICES La Grande -ourLadyofthe valley -1002 LAvenue Saturday 5:00 pmMass Sunday 7:00 am &9:30 amMass Suday 3:II pm Traditional Latin Mass 2" & last Sunday I I:00 amSpanish Mass Weekday 8:00 amMass
Union-Sacred Heart-340 South loth Avenue Sunday 8:00 amMass Wednesday6:00 pmMass
Elgin -Saint Mary's- 12th andAlder Sunday I I:00 amMass Thursday 6:00 pmMass
North Powder - Saint Anthony's- 500 E Street Sunday 6:00 pmMass Tuesday 6:00 pmMass
Weuse the King JamesVersion Bible Sunday School — 10:00 am Worship I I:00 am Sunday Afternoon Bible Study — 2;00 pm Wednesday Evening — 6:30 pm
"Where you canfind TRUTH according Io the scriptures" www,lagrandemissionarybaptist,corn
GRACE BIBLE CHURCH 1114 Y Avenue, La Grande (Corner of 'Y" Avenue and N Birch Street)
(541) 663-0610 9 am Sunday School 11 am Worship
Exalting God Edifying Believers Evangelizing Unbelievers Solus Chnstus, Sola Scriptura, SolaGraua,Sola Fide, Salt Deo Glona
The temple closed in July 2011 for an extensive renovation of the grounds and the interior. The variegated marble that characterizedthe temple's exterior has been replaced with a white granite. A new gold-leafedstatue ofthe angel Moroni sits atop the temple's tallest spire. Inside, the temple interior is fully renovated with new finishes and furnishings. While the Church's 18,000-plus meet inghouses are open to all people who wish to attendreligious services there,temples are open only to faithful Latter-day Saints afterthey are formally dedicated. Latter-day Saint temples differ from the meetinghouses or chapels where members meet for Sunday worship services. Tem plesare considered "houses of the Lord" where Christ's teachings are reaffirmed through marriage, baptism, and other ordinances that unite families for eternity. Inside, members learn more about the pur pose of life and make covenants to serve Jesus Christ and their fellowman.
JesusChrist The Hope for Today
Zion Lutheran g ilOV g h u r C 902 FourthStreet,La Grande, OR (541) 963-599S 9:30 am - Worship 10:30 am - Fellowship & Refreshments
Pastor Richard Young - An ELCA church
(541) 963-4342 Sunday Worship 10:00 am Wednesday Night 6:15 pm
CHURCH OF CHRIST First Christian Church 2107 Gekeler Lane, La Grande 805-5070
Free reservations for the open house can be made through the www.boisemormontemple. org website in the coming weeks. The temple will be formally dedicated on Sunday, Nov. 18, in three sessions. In conjunc tion with the dedication of the temple, there will also be a cultural celebration featuring music and dance on Saturday, Nov. 17. The Boise temple is the 27th operating temple of the Church's 138 temples world wide. It is one of four temples in Idaho, with others in Twin Falls, Idaho Falls, and Rexburg. A fifth temple in Meridian is currently in the planning and approval
109 1SthStreet •963-3402 Idling Taecthc Qn Christ Alone
Sun. 8:45 AM — Bible Classes Sun. 10:00 AM — Worship Wed. 6:15 PM — AWANA
Son Rise
Sunday School 9 '.15 a.m. SundayWorship 10'.30 a.m. Pastor TimGerdes
Church Community Church1531Baptist S, Main St,, Union• 562-5531 Holding Services ac Seventh Day Adventist Church
2702 Adams Ave, La Grande PO Box 3373
(541) 663-1735 Regular services 9:00 am Sunday School Classes 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Dave 805-9445
S unday School 9:45 a m Morning Worship 11 am Sunday Night 6 pm Wednesday Night 6:30 pm Thursday AWANA 6 : 3 0 pm
- Nurseryprovided
• 0 •
j (ust east of ci~ pool)
Sunday Worship 10:02 am COIII e and Share in a IiIIIe OfWOrShiP, prayer and the study of God's word withus.
Come Celebrate the Lord with us!
Faith Center
La Grande Seventh-day Adventist Church
Foursquare Church
1612 4th Street —963-2498 Pastor Steve Wolff SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES: IgumcC eoni.corn Brst Service 9:00 AM — 10:30AM Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9am-Noon SecondServiceII:00 A M — 12:30 PM Fellowship Coffee Hour I I:00 am
963-0340• 507 Palmer Ave
Worship includesco~~union onSunday. Email:
Worship 10:00am
Sanctuary 6:00 PM — 7:30 PM www.lg4square.corn I0300South "D" Street - Island City OR97850 (54I) 963-8063
A Place where hoPeisfound in Jesus Come join with us io Worsbip and Fellowship Meetingevery Saturday 9:30 a.m.- B>ble Study/Fellowsh>p 10:45 a.m.- Worsh>p Serv>ce
2702Adams Avenue, La Grande • 963-4018 Learningfor Todayand Eternily Little Friends Christian Preschool/Childcare 963-6390 La Grande Adventist School Christian Education K-8th Grade 963-6203
FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 2012
LTHDRSD AV • Union County Fair:Union County
Fairgrou nds.
g7FRIDaV • Bingo:6:30 p.m. early bird games, 7 p.m.regulargames; EaglesLodge, 1212 Jefferson, La Grande. • Cars on display:Timber Cruisers display classic cars; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; La GrandeTown Center, 2212 Island Ave.. • Eagle Cap Excursion Train:Chief Joseph Express; $20 adults and seniors, $10 for youths, free for kids younger than 3; 1 p.m.; Joseph Depot. • Eagle Cap Excursion Train:Chief Joseph Express; $20 adults and seniors, $10 for youths, free for kids youngerthan 3; 10 a.m.;Joseph Depot. • Fine Tunes:11 a.m.-noon; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande; 541-963-7532. • Old-Time Community Dance: Special guest band and caller; $3 per person, $5 per couple, $10 per family, free for younger than 12; 7-10:30 p.m.; Hurricane Creek Grange, Enterprise. • Open Studio:The art center offers easels, drawing tables, pottery wheels, a kiln and other resources and tools; drop-in: $7 members, $10non-members;MonthlyAccess: $30 members, $40 non-members; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Alt Center at the Old Library, 1006 PennAve., La Grande; 541-624-2800. • Chief Joseph Days:The 67th annual Chief Joseph Days rodeo in Joseph; Rodeo slack at 2 p.m.; Rodeo at 7 p.m.; Dance after rodeo; 541-432 1015.
ggSaTDRDaV • Huckleberry Festival:North Powder Huckleberry Festival, celebrating the 110th anniversary of North Powder; 541-898-2620. • Bingo:7 p.m.; Odd Fellows Hall, Summerville. • Antler auction:Antler auction to benefit local wildlife and hunting related projects; 9-11 a.m.; Eagles Hot Lake RV park. • Children's Reading and Craft Hour:Free; 11 a.m.-noon; Looking Glass Books,1118Adams Ave., La Grande. • Eagle Cap Excursion Train:The Two Rivers. Box lunch available; order when reservations are made; $65 adults, $60 seniors 60 and older, $35 3 to 12, free for kids younger than 3; RSVPat Alegre Travel, 1-800 323-7330 or travelI alegretravel.corn; Elgin Depot,300 N. Eighth St.. • Eagle Cap Excursion Train:Chief Joseph Express; $20 adults and seniors, $10 for youths, free for
• Garden Sale:Cove FFAgarden sale; 5-7p.m.;803 Main St.,Cove;541-805 5204. • Country Swing Thursday:A modern style of countryWestern dancing that is a mixture of the country two-step and east coast swing with various moves from West Coast swing, salsa and other ballroom styles; $3 before 8 p.m., $5 after 8 p.m; dance instruction available from 7:30 to 8 p.m.; Maridell Center, 1124 Washington Ave., La Grande; 541-910-5042. • Eagle Cap Excursion Train:Chief Joseph Express; $20 adults and seniors, $10 for youths, free for kids younger than 3; 1 p.m.; Joseph Depot. • Eagle Cap Excursion Train:Chief Joseph Express; $20 adults and seniors, $10 for youths, free for kids youngerthan 3; 10 a.m.;Joseph Depot. • Enterprise Farmers Market: Observer file photo Includes live music 5:30 p.m.-7 Chief Joseph Days will offer plenty of thrills and spills this weekend as rodeo action unfolds for 67th time. p.m; 4-7 p.m.; Wallowa County Courthouse, 101 S.River St.. kids younger than 3;1 p.m.; Joseph • Traditional-Live Dance:Traditional • Fine Tunes:11 a.m.-noon; Union Hall, Loso Hall, Eastern Oregon Depot. University, 1 University Blvd., La County Senior Center, 1504 N. Live (Northeast Oregon Folklore • Eagle Cap Excursion Train:Chief Grande. Albany St., La Grande; 541-963-7532. Society sponsors traditional dances • Dancing:Line dancing at La Grande every Tuesday - contra, Balkan/ • Locavore Thursdays in Cove: Joseph Express; $20 adults and seniors, $10 for youths, free for kids Senior Center; 1:30 p.m.; 541-910 international, English country and farmers market and you-pick garden; 0433. noon-5 p.m.; Ascension School, 1140 younger than 3; 10 a.m.; Joseph more; free; 7-8:30 p.m.; Alt Center at Depot. • Dancing:Line dancing at Union the Old Library, 1006 PennAve., La Church St.. • La Grande Farmers Market: VFW post; 6 p.m.; 541-910-0433. Grande; 541-624-2800. • Open Studio:The art center offers Seasonal open-air market featuring easels, drawing tables, pottery fresh local produce, baked goods, wheels, a kiln and other resources specialty foods, quality meat, eggs, and tools; drop-in: $7 members, arts and crafts and live music; 9 a.m $10non-members;Mont hlyAccess: noon; Max Square, corner of Fourth • Garden Sale:Cove FFAgarden sale; • Union County Fair:Union County $30 members, $40 non-members; 5-7p.m.;803 MainSt.,Cove;541-805 Street and Adams Avenue. Fair Grounds; Exhibits open at 8 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Alt Center at the Old • Open Studio:The art center offers 5204. a.m., booths open at 10 a.m., carnival Library, 1006 PennAve., La Grande; 541-624-2800. easels, drawing tables, pottery • Bingo:7 p.m.; Union County Senior opens at 2 p.m. wheels, a kiln and other resources Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La • Ballroom Dancing: 5:30-6:30 p.m.; and tools; drop-in: $7 members, Grande; 541-963-7532. La GrandeHighSchool,La Grande $10non-members;Monthly Access: • Blue Mountaineers:11 a.m.-noon; High School auditorium,708 K Ave; 541-663-3300. $30 members, $40 non-members; Union County Senior Center, 1504 N. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Alt Center at the Old Albany St., La Grande; 541-963-7532. • LineDancing:6p.m.;La Grande • Union County Fair:Union County Library, 1006 PennAve., La Grande; • Children's Reading and Craft Senior Center; 541-910-0433 541-624-2800. Hour:Free; 10-11a.m.; Looking Glass • Bingo:6:30 p.m.; Elgin Community • Bingo:6:30 p.m. early bird games, • Chief Joseph Days:The 67th Books, 1118Adams Ave., La Grande. Center, 260 N. 10th Ave.. 7 p.m.regulargames;EaglesLodge, annual Chief Joseph Days rodeo • La Grande Farmers Market: • Open Studio:The alt center offers 1212 Jefferson, La Grande. in Joseph; Grand Parade 10a.m.; Seasonal open-air market featuring easels, drawing tables, pottery • Cars on display:Timber Cruisers Rodeo slack at 2:30 p.m.;Traditional fresh local produce, baked goods, wheels, a kiln and other resources display classic cars; free; 5:30-7:30 Indian dance competition at 3 p.m.; specialty foods, quality meat,eggs, and tools; drop-in: $7 members, $10 p.m.; La GrandeTown Center, 2212 non-members; MonthlyAccess:$30 Rodeo at 7 p.m.; Dance after rodeo; arts and crafts and live music; 3:30-6 Island Ave.. 541-432-101 5. p.m.; Max Square, corner of Fourth members, $40 non-members; 6-9 • Fine Tunes:11 a.m.-noon; Union Street and Adams Avenue. p.m.; Alt Center at the Old Library, County Senior Center, 1504 N. • Parent/Child Activity Group:For 1006 PennAve., La Grande; 541-624 Albany St., La Grande; 541-963-7532. parents and their children 1-5 and 2800. • Open Studio:The alt center offers their siblings; 2-3:30 p.m.; Head Start, • Open Studio:The alt center offers easels, drawing tables, pottery • Bridge:12:30 p.m.; Union County 670 NW First St., Enterprise. easels, drawing tables, pottery wheels, a kiln and other resources Senior Center, 1504 N. Albany St., La • Pinochle:must be 18 or older; 12:30 wheels, a kiln and other resources and tools; drop-in: $7 members, Grande; 541-963-7532. p.m.; Union County Senior Center, and tools; drop-in: $7 members, $10non-members;Mont hlyAccess: • Class of 1947:La Grande High 1504 N. Albany St., La Grande; 541 $10non-members;MonthlyAccess: $30 members, $40 non-members; 963-7532. School class of 1947 lunch; 1 p.m.; $30 members, $40 non-members; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Alt Center at the Old Flying J Restaurant. • TerryLaMont: Countr y,classicand 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Alt Center at the Old Library, 1006 PennAve., La Grande; 541-624-2800. • Strings in Summer group:String tropical rock as well as requests; Library, 1006 PennAve., La Grande; 5-7:30 p.m.; American Legion, 301 Fir 541-624-2800. players beginning or intermediate playing level; 6-7 p.m.; Groth Recital St., La Grande.
3FRIDAY Fairgrou nds.
By Jayson Jacoby
Measure 11 crime in Oregon; if con victed on that charge, Coates would A Baker City man has been be sentenced to a minimum of 75 charged with manslaughter for a months in prison. May crash on Highway 7 that killed a A Baker County grand jury indict Pendleton woman. ed Coates on the charges. A warrant Derrick A. Coates, 24, was arrested for his arrest was issued on Friday. ust after midnight Saturday morn Baker County District Attorney ing and taken to the Baker County Matt Shirtcliff said he waited for an Jail. Bail was set at $75,000. Coates Oregon State Police accident recon was scheduled to be arraigned on structionist to finish a report on the July 23. crashbeforebringingthe case to the Coates is charged with two felonies grand jury. — second-degree manslaughter and ShirtclifI'said the evidence shows third-degree assault — in the May 28 thatCoates was driving too fastto crash that killed Leta Louise Currey, maintain his lane of travel on a cor 46. ner near Denny Creek Road junction Second-degree manslaughter is a on Highway 7 about one mile west of Baker City Herald
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Salisbury Junction. The suggested speed on that corner is 30 mph. The site is about 11 miles &om Baker City. The crash happened about12:30 p.m. On May 28. Shirtcliff said there is no indication thatCoates was intoxicated. "This is solely about driving in a reckless fashion," ShirtclifI'said. Currey, along with Joanne Mohr land, 53, of Walla Walla, Wash., and both their husbands, were traveling together in a string of four motor cycles. The group was riding east, toward Baker City, when Coates, who was driving a 1994 Nissan pickup truck toward Sumpter, crossed the center
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Making Downtown La Ql'ande euen better.
Sidewalk im)rovements, benches, trees and more< • 0 •
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line. Coates' pickup collided first with Leta Currey's motorcycle, then hit Joanne Mohrland's motorcycle. Currey was pronounced dead at the scene. Mohrland was flown by LifeFlight to St. Alphonsus Regional Medi cal Center in Boise, where she was initially in critical condition but later released. ShirtclifI'said Mohrland is recover ing in a care facility. Neither of the women's husbands was hurt. Coates suffered minor injuries that didn't require treatment at a hospital.
Xe're stitt open f' or business! O Vf NYO & f N L A GR A N D E , OR E G Q N
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Shop, eat ... just sag hetto! • 0 •
July 27, 2012 The Observer
Man says he is Victim 2
ison, cnos earn irs-eam onors The Special District 6 was well represented when the 2A/1A all-state softball teams were announced recently. Enterprise/Joseph's Katie Edison, who was tabbed as the district player of the year, was named a first team all-state pitcher. Edison was dominant in the circle, going 9-3 with a .86 ERA, while striking out 110 in 73 V3 innings. She also had a.532 batting average with 36 RBIs, 32 runs scored and three home runs. The Cubs went 19-5 overall this season and 15-1 in
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — For months, the identity of the boy who was sexu ally assaulted in the locker room showers by Jerry Sandusky was one of the biggest mysteries of the Penn State scandal. Now, for the first time, a man has come forward to claim he was that boy, and is threat ening to sue the university. The man's lawyers saidThursday they have done an exten sive investigation and gathered "over whelming evidence" on details of the abuse by Sandusky, the former assis tant football coach convicted of using his position at Penn State and as head of a youth charity to molest boys over a period of 15 years.
league play.
I. t
Former IU
player dies SANTA MARIA, Calif. (AP) — Neil Reed, the former Indiana basketball player who coach Bob Knight was caught on tape chok ing in1997, has died after collapsing in his Central California home. He was 36. Pioneer Valley High School Principal Shanda Herrera said Reed diedThursday morning of heart complications in Nipomo, Calif. In March 2000, Reed accused Knight of choking him dur ing a practice in 1997. When video of the practice surfaced backing Reed's claim, the Hall of Fame coach, who was known for his temper as well as his success, was put on a zero-tolerance pol icy by then-Indiana University President Dr. Myles Brand.
Observer f>re photo
Elgin/Imbler's Danika Mclntosh finished out her senior season with a first-team all-state selection as a designated hitter/utility player
Elgin/Imbler's Danika McIntosh joined Edison as a first-team all-state selection. McIntosh, a senior, was named to the team as a designated hitter/utility player. McIntosh was a key contributor both at the plate and in the field for the Ravens in 2012. She was also named a first-team all-league DH/utility player. Amy Edison of Enterprise/Joseph was tabbed a second-teamall -statecatcher. The sophomore hit .523 this year and scored 35 runs with 11 RBIs. She had a .967 fielding percentage in 21 games behind the plate. Union/Cove's Keesha Sarman earned second-team all-state honors in the infield, while teammates Kelsey Walenta ioutfieldl and Carsyn Roberts iDH/ utility) were also second-team selections. Sarman and Roberts were both freshmen, while Walenta was a junior. Wallowa's Bailey Shelton, Union/Cove's Amber Fiorito and Enterprise/Joseph's Sidney Cooney were honorable mention all-state selections in the infield, while Union/Cove's Dani Sturm was an honorable mention pitcher. Kylie Willis and Ali Garrett, both of Enterprise/Jo seph, were honorable mentions in the outfieldd. Heppner/lone's Baily Bennett was named the state player of the year, while her coach, Petra Payne, took coach of the year honors.
wa s J~
Observer file photo
Enterprise/Joseph's Katie Edison added a first team all-state selection to go along with her District 6 player of the year nomination.
Legends open district tourney with pair of wins PENDLETON La Grande's Legacy Legends won both of its games on the opening day of the American Legion Class A Zone 1 district tournament Thursday at Bob White Field. Legacy defeated Pendleton 4-3 in eight innings in Game 1, then turned around to beat Hermiston 8-1 in Game 2. "Both of our pitchers put in great games," coach Brian Chamberlain said. "And our bats were work ing. Especially for playing two games in hot weather." In the opener against Pendleton, the hosts jumped on the board with two runs in the first inning before Legacy
tied the game with a two-run third. From there the game went scoreless untilthe top ofthe eighth inning when Tyson Wicklanderand Jake Cham berlainboth scored to putthe Legends on top 4-2. Pendleton got one run in the bottom of the eighth inning, but Mitch Workinger was able to limit the damage and Legacy got the win. Workinger went all eight innings, allowing six hits and striking out five. "Mitchwas ableto settle down after the first inning. And we were able to score guys when we had to," Coach Chamberlain said. Logan Lankford fi nished
two for four. As a team Legacy had seven total hits. The momentum gainedin the topoftheeighth carried over against Hermiston. Legacy put up a run in the first and four more in the second and never looked back, cruising to an 8-1 victory. Kaleb White was solid on the hill, going all seven in nings, striking out four and allowing four hits. Lankford, Hayden Albrecht, Jordan Rogers and J.C. Rog ers all had two hits for the Legends, which finished with 12 hits in all. Legacy will await the win ner of Pendleton-Hermiston today to see who it faces in the title game at 7 tonight.
Matt Entrup/EastOregonian
La Grande Legacy Legends' Mitch VVorkinger pitches against Pendleton's Hodgen Red Bulls in the American Legion Class A Zone 1 DistrictTournament on Thursday in Pendleton at BobWhite Field.
USC picked to
Rodeo action kicks off at 67th Chief oseph Days
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Southern California is eligible to win champion ships again, and the Pac-1 2 media expect the Trojans to reclaim their spot atop the league. USC has been picked to win the Pac-1 2 in the annual preseason poll, the league announced Tuesday. The Trojans were picked to win the South Division on 117 of the 123 ballots, while Oregon was picked to win the North Division by the same overwhelming margin. Still mired in scholarship restric tions and NCAA probation, USC has been picked to win the league champi onship game by 102 of the voters. USC has enjoyed an outstanding off season after finish ing 10-2 and No. 6in the final AP poll last season.
Joseph Days Rodeo kicked off Wednesday with Family Night at the Harley Tucker Memorial Arena. The night started with bareback riding with Morgan Heaton scoring 80 points, Josi Young had 77, Bobby Mote scored 74, and Ethan McNeill had 70 points. In steer wrestling, Travis Taruscio and Baylor Roche had total times of4.2sec onds, Stan Brasco finished in 4.6, Colin Wolfe in 4.7, Tyler Mitchell in 4.8, Jack Vander lans in 5.0 and Bustor Barton in 5.1 seconds. Cimarron Boardman and Cody Prescott tied in the tie down ropong in 7.9 seconds, Ryan Thibodeauxfi nished in 8.0, Jake Pratt in 8.4 and Murray Pole in 8.6. Only two teams had quali fying times in team roping Wednesday night. Charly Crawford and Jim Ross Cooper finished in 5.0, while Sam Willis and Houston Hutto finished in 7.2 seconds. Top finishers in barrel racing were Kim Kammen zind in 17.65 seconds, Jillian Connolly in 18.05, and Kristie
win Pac-12
JOSEPH — The 67th Chief
Hum in 19.40 seconds.
• 0 •
Observer file photo
La Grande's John Green (above) had the fastest time in steer wrestling Thursday night at 5.7 seconds.
Katy Nesbitt/The Observer
Princess Emily Ketscher and Queen Kylie Willis are ready for a week of Chief Joseph Days Rodeo events. In saddle bronc riding, Mert Bradshaw received 74 points and Fran Orozco Marchand got 69pointsforhisride. Dylan Vick was the lone qualifying bull rider with 84 points. Thursday night the horses and bulls were tough on rid ers with Trenton Montero as
the only bareback qualifier earning 70 points and saddle bronc rider Joseph Levi Harper earning 63 points. In bull riding, Dakota Beck had a 79-point ride and Trenton Montero received 68 points. Barrel racing had a lotof good competition Thursday
• 0 •
night with several close rides. Pamela Capper rode in 17.28 seconds, Viki Friedrich in 17.72, Lexie Goss in 17.85, Al lison Vankoll in 17.86, Kellin Currin in 17.92, Tanya Led better in 17.98, and Jordan Crossley in 17.99. Top team roping finishers were Bobby Davis and Dave Inman in 5.6 seconds, Shane Erickson and Brent Falon in 5.8, Mike McGinn and Bill Justus in 6.1, and Jack Fishcer and Ryan Powell in 7.0 seconds. Steer wrestling top finish
ers were John Green with 5.7 seconds, Mike McGinn in 6.0, and Christian Radabaugh in 6.5 seconds. In tie-down roping, Shane Erickson finished in 8.6 seconds, Ty Holly in 9.0, and Brett Hale in 9.5. It'sthe peak ofrodeo sea son with many contestants hitting a rodeo a night all over the West from Utah to Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and into Canada. Tonight's rodeo starts at7 at the Harley Tucker Memo rial Arena in Joseph.
• 0 •
FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 2012
Blue ays snap Oakland's seven-game winning streak TORONTO iAPl — Edwin
and Chris Perez the ninth for his 29th save in 31 chances. Jason Kipnis followed Cabrera with another RBI single as Cleve land took two of three in the series, droppingDetroita half-game behind the idle Chicago White Sox in the AL Central. Austin Jackson had three hits and Delmon Young homered for De troit, which lost for only the fourth time in 18 games.
Baltimoreavoided a three-game sweep. Nick Markakis had two hits for the Orioles, who had scored only one run in each of their three previ ous games. It was just the second time in 10 games that Baltimore scored more than four runs. Tillman i3-1l allowed two runs, five hits and four walks in six-plus innings.
Encarnacion hit a three-run homer, Kelly Johnson added a solo shot and the Toronto Blue Jays ended the Oakland Athletics' seven-game winning streak with a 10-4 victory Thursday. Johnson went 2 for 4 with two RBIs as the Blue Jays avoided a three-game sweep and rebounded from Wednesday's 16-0 loss. Travis Snider had two hits and two RBIs, driving in the tying run with a squeeze bunt, and Brett Lawrie scored three runs. Brandon Lyon i1-Ol pitched 1 1-3 innings for his first win since joining Toronto in a 10-player trade with Houston on Friday. Tommy Milone i9-7l gave up eight runs five earned — and six hits in seven innings with no walks and seven strikeouts as Oakland dropped to 16-3 in July.
James Shields i8-7l gave up five runs, six hits and five walks in six innings.
allowed one hit in eight innings to win his career-high 11th game, and Mike Carp had three hits to lead Seattle.
Cabrerasingled home the go-ahead run in a four-run seventh inning as Cleveland rallied to beat Detroit ace Vargas i11-7l allowed only a fourth-inning double. He struck out Justin Verlander. Carlos Santana and Travis fiveand walked three. Halner tied it at 3 by homering on He retired the first 11 batters he the first two pitches of the inning by faced before Billy Butler's 200th Verlander i11-6l. career double drove in Lorenzo Joe Smith i7-2l threw two pitches Cain in the fourth. Vargas walked to get the win. He got Miguel Cain, then fell behind 3-0 before Butler drilled a fastball to the gap Cabrera to ground into an inning ending double play in the top half. in lef t-center. Vine Pestano pitched the eighth Kansas City did not get a runner
ORIOLES 6, RAYS 2 BALTIMORE iAPl — Chris Tillman took a three-hitter into the seventh inning, Chris Davis hom ered and drove in four runs, and
to secondbase againstVargas after the fourth. Luis Mendoza i4-7l threw five in nings, allowed nine hits, four earned runs, walked three and hit a batter. Tom Wilhelmsen pitched the ninth for his 12th save in 14 op portunities.
CARDINALS 7, DODGERS 4 ST. LOUIS iAPl — David Freese and Matt Carpenter each had three of the Cardinals' season-high 18 hits, handing the Dodgers their second straight loss since acquiring Hanley Ramirez. Obtained a day earlier from Miami, Ramirez started at third base and batted fikh for the second straight game. He had an infield hit, two walks and a steal, and he also hit a double-play grounder. The 2009 NL batting champion is 2 for 6 with three walks an RBI with his new team. Matt Holliday hit his 17th homer, his third on a 6-1 homestand for St. Louis, which fell behind 4-2 by allowing four runs in the fifth and then scored four in the bottom half.
SCOREBOARD MLB W 59 New York Baltimore 52 Tampa Bay 51 Toronto 49 Boston 49
W 53
53 Cleveland 50 Kansas City 41 Minnesota 40 Detroit
W Texas 58 Los Angeles 54 Oakland 53 Seattle 44
AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division L Put 39 47 48 49 50
602 525 515 500 495
Central Division L 45 46 49 57 58
Put 541 535 505 418 408
GB 7'/z 8'/z
10 10'/z
59 Washington W Atlanta 54 Nevv York 48 Miami 45 Philadelphia 45
'/z 3'/z
Sr Lollls
12 13
Pittsburgh Milwaukee Chicago Houston
W 58 56 53 44 40 34
West Division L 39 45 45 57
Put 598 545 541 436
GB 5 5'/z
San Fianasco 55 Los Angeles 53 Aizona 49 S an Diego 4 2 Colorado 37
RESULTS/SCHEDULE All times EDT AMERICAN LEAGUE Friday's Games Boston at N Y Yankees, 7 05 p m
Angels (C Wilson 96), 9 05 p m Sunday's Games Detroit at Toronto, 1 07 p m Oakland at Baltimore, 1 35 p m Cleveland at Minnesota, 2 10 p m
Oakland at Baltimore, 7 05 p m Detroit at Toronto, 7 07 p m Chicago White Sox atTexas,8 05 p m Cleveland at Minnesota, 8 10 p m Tampa Bay at LA Angels, 1005 p m Kansas City at Seattle, 10 10 p m Saturday's Games Detroit IA Sanchez 0-0) at Toronto (H Alvarez 6-7L 1 07 p m Boston (Lester 58) at N YYankees (Sabathia 10-3L 4 05 p m Kansas City (B Chen 7 8) at Seattle (Millvvood 3-8L 4 10 p m Oakland (B Colon 68) at Baltimore ITom Hunter 4 5L 7 05 p m Cleveland (Masterson 7 8) at Minnesota (Deduno 1 0L 7 10 p m Chicago White Sox (Humber 4 5) at Texas (M Hainson 12 5L 805 p m Tampa Bay(M Moore 67) at LA
Tampa a Byat LA Angels,335 pm Kansas City at Seattle, 4 10 p m Chicago White Sox atTexas,7 05 p m Boston at N Y Yankees, 8 05 p m National League Thursday's Games St Louis 7, L A Dodgers 4 Pittsburgh 5, Houston 3 Washington 8, Milwaukee 2 N Y Mets 3, Auzona 1 hidey's Games
St Louis atChicago Cubs,220 p m San Diego at Miami, 7 10 p m Philadelphia at Atlanta, 7 35 p m Pittsburgh at Houston, 8 05 p m Washington at Milwaukee, 8 10 p m Cinonnah at Colorado, 840 p m N Y Mets at Auzona, 9 40 p m
L A Dodgers at San Eranosco, 10 15 pm
XTERRA SOLSTICETRIATHLON RESULTS Overall 1Kevin Donovan (Fresno, Calif)2 18483,2 Michael Gordon IWalla Walla) 2 19 39 L 3 Bruce Rogers (Bend) 2 25 03 0, 4 Zachaiy Heath (La Grande) 2 27 11 7, 5Matheiu Signoretly (unknovvn) 2 27 34 9, 6-Greg Geivais (Coeur de Alene) 2 27 35 L 7 David Cloningei (Bend) 2 30 54 5, 8 Tom Hayes (Searlle) 2 35 084, 9 Nathan Simonson (Rohnert Park, Calif ) 2 36 06 7, 10-Michael Rushton (Baker City)
23612 7, 11 Jacob Florence (Boise) 24032 0, 12 Douglas Lowe (Searlle) 2 42 170, 13-Jennifer Tobin (Boise) 2 42 39 4, 14 Joel Kopf (Plummer, Ida ) 2 43 50 7, 15Michael Nybeig (Bend) 2 44 26 6, 16&ter Roberts (Boise) 2 46 119, 17 Javin Berg (Dime, Wash) 246204,18 Kara Nielsen IWalla Walla, Wash )2 46 38 3, 19 Me lissa Noiland (Corvaliis) 2 48 09 0, 20Andy Rrry (La Grande) 2 50 23 2, 21 KelheWiith (Boise) 2 51 432,22 MarkTate(Boise) 2 52 122, 23 Elizabeth Giubei (Corvallis) 2 53 20 2, 24 Robert Jackson (Lake Oswego) 2 54 28 0, 25Mauro Felezia iWenatchee, Wash ) 2 55 01 0, 26 Bryan Anderson (Eagle, Ida ) 2 58 45 3, 27 Timothy yandervlugt (La Grande) 2 59 56 0, 28Anhur Miller (Greenacres, Wash ) 3 00 19 4, 29 Troy Bucy (Beavenon) 3 01 10 0, 30Margaret Hepvvonh (Boise)3 01 14 4, 31 Shavvn Davis (Auburn, Wash )302 290,32 M i chaelWaung (Port OrchardWash) 303413,33Tiyg Eoitun (Kenmore, Wash ) 3 04 02 0, 34 Terry Rousset (Boise)3 05 12 4, 35-Molly Obetz (Coeur d'Alene, da l )308 060,36-JohnPalumbo (Eagle, Ida ) 3 10 20 0, 37 Jesse Anderson (Spung field) 3 10 35 4, 38 Rovvland eddie (Spokane, Wash )324 000,39ClydeHampton (Forks, Wash ) 3 25 39 0, 40-Alyoa Laidlavv Merous, B C ) 3 27 24 4, 41 Buan Shields (Boise) 3 31 05 0, 42 Jason Sondgeroth (Pull man, Wash ) 3 31 370, 43-Jacob McCoskey (Richland, Wash ) 3 32 06 L 44 David Kenton (El Gianada, Cahf ) 3 48 52 0, 45-Kelly Sondgeroth (Pullman, Wash )3 49 22 0, 46-dared Whipps
(Portland)3 52 36 0, 47 Dino May (LaGrande) 3 53479,48-gamic Akeis (LaGrande)3 5438 L 49 Jacob Haius (La Grande) 4 14 35 7, 50 Kus ten Rushton (Baker City) 4 25 418, 51 James Blanc (Incline Village, Nev) 4 35 10 0, 52 Robert Nelson (Kennevvick, Wash ) 5 16 32 8
DNF Dominic Clay (La Grande), Laura Berg (Dime, Wash L Andrew Dingvvall (unknovvn) SWIM Results 1 David Cloningei (Bend) 12 375, 2 Dominic Clay (La GrandeH2 39 L 3- MarkTate (Boise) 1345 8, 4 Michael Gordon IWalla Walla) 14 04, 5 Mathieu Signoretly (unknovvn) 14 06 6, 6-Kevin Donovan (Fresno, Calif) 14 160, 7 Arthur Miller (G reenacres, Wash ) 14 19 9, 8-Tom Hayes (Searlle) 1442 L 9 Margaret Hepvvorth (Boise) 15 04 5, 10Troy Bucy (Beavenon) 15 35 L 11 Greg Geivais (Coeur de Alene) 1542 0, 12 Elizabeth Giubei (Corvalis) 15 54 3, 13dennifei Tobin (Boise) 15 55 5, 14 Kara Nielsen IWalla Walla, Wash) 15 56 8, 15 Nathan Simonson (Rohnert Park, Calif ) 16 00 3, 16 Michael Rush ton (Baker City) 16 23 7, 17 Molly Obetz (Coeur d'Alene,lda ) 16 276, 18 David Kenton (El Gianada, Cahf) 16408, 19KellieWiith (Boise) 16416, 20 Joel Kopf (Plummer, Ida ) 17 00 3, 21 Terry Rousset (Boise) 17 11 6, 22 Doug las Lowe (Searlle) 17 31 5, 23Tryg Eoitun (Kenmore,Wash) 17 352, 24 Mauio Eelezia iWenatchee,Wash ) 1750 9,25Roben Jack son (Lake Oswego) 17 52 Z 26 Zachary Heath (La Grande) 17 569, 27 Shavvn Davis Auburn, Wash H8073,28 MichaelNybeig(Bend) 18 14 0, 29Timothyyandervlugt (La Grande) 18 19 L 30Bruce Rogers (Bend) 18 20 9, 31 Clyde Hampton (Forks, Wash) 18290, 32 Andrew Dingvvall 18 30 L 33 Bryan Anderson (Eagle, Ida ) 18 40 7, 34 Andy Krry (La Grande) 1848 9, 35Bnan Shields (Boise) 1849 5, 36Jesse Anderson (Spnng field) 18 54 6,
• 0 •
NAllONAL LEAGUE East Division L Put 39 44 51 53 54 Central Division
L 40 42 46 54 57 66 West Division
L 43 47 50 58 60
602 551 485 459 455
W Nevv York Sporting K C Houston DC Chicago Columbus Montreal New England Philadelphia Toronto EC
5 11 '/z 14 14'/z
Put 592 571 535 449 412 340
Put 561 530 495 420 381
2 5'/z
14 17'/z 25
3 6'/z
14 17'/z
Saturday's Games St Louis (J Kelly 1 3) at Chicago Cubs (Samardzta 78L 1 05 p m L A Dodgers (Bilingsley 59) at San Eianasco (Zao 8-6L 4 05 p m Pittsburgh IW Rodnguez 7 9) at Houston (Galarraga 00L 7 05 p m Philadelphia (Blanton 88) at Atlanta (Minor 5-7L 710 p m San Diego (Ohlendod 30) at Miami
(Eovaldi16L 710 pm
Washington (Zimmermann 76) at Milwaukee IWolf 3 6L 7 10 p m Cinannati (Cueto 12 5) at Colorado (Eneduch 5-7L 8 10 p m N Y Mets (C Young 24) at Ai zona
(I Kennedy 8-8L 8 10 p m Sunday's Games San Diego at Miami, 1 10 p m Philadelphia at Atlanta, 1 35 p m Pittsburgh at Houston, 2 05 p m Washingtonat Milwaukee, 2 10 p m St Louis atChicago Cubs, 2 20 p m Cinannati at Colorado, 3 10 p m
11 11 9 10 9 7 7 6 6 5
W San Jose Real Salt Lake Vancouver Seattle Los Angeles Chivas USA Colorado EC Dallas Portland
13 12 9 8 9 6 7 5 5
EASTERNCONFERENCE L T Pts GE 5 6 5 7 7 7 13 9 10 11
5 4 7 3 4 4 3 5 2 4
38 37 34 33 31 25 24 23 20 19
37 26 31 34 22 18 30 25 20 24
WESTERNCONFERENCE L T Pts GE 5 7 6 5 10 8 13 10 11
4 3 7 7 3 5 1 7 4
Wednesday's Games MLS All Stars 3, Chelsea 2 hidey's Games Vancouver at Real Salt Lake, 9pm
43 39 34 31 30 23 22 22 19
44 33 25 25 38 13 27 25 19
GA 29 19 25 27 22 19 42 25 21 36
GA 27 26 26 21 35 21 30 30 35
hidey, Aug. 3 New York at Houston, 8 p m
Saturday, A ug. 4 Columbus at D C United, 7 30
pm Saturday's Games Houston atTorontoFC,430p m New York at Montreal, 7 30 p m Los Angeles at EC Dallas, 8 p m Columbus at Sporting Kansas City, 8 30 p m Seattle EC at Colorado, 9 p m Chicago at San Jose, 10 30 p m Chivas USA at Portland, 11 p m Sunday's Games New England at Philadelphia,
7 pm
Sporting Kansas City at New
England, 730p m
Philadelphia at Montreal, 7 30
pm Toronto FC at Chicago, 8 30 p m Real Salt Lake at Colorado, 9pm
Sunday,Aug. 5 EC Dallas at Portland, 7 p m Los Angeles at Seattle EC, 9 p m
Dodgers at San Era nasco, 4 05 p m
37 Mehssa Noiland (Corvallis) 19 01 L 38&ter Roberts (Boise) 19 12 L 39 John Palumbo (Eagle, Ida ) 19 20 5, 40dacob Florence (Boise)
1924 7,41 JaredWhipps(ponland)19405,
42 Alyoa Laidlavv Merous, B C ) 1949 9, 43-Jacob Hains (La Grande) 19 59 9, 44 Robert Nelson(Kennevvick,W ash )20 029,45-M ichael W aung (Pon Orchard,Wash )20 098,46 Knsten Rushton (Baker City) 20205,47 Javin Berg (Dixie Wash ) 20 21 8, 48 Jamie Akeis (La Grande) 20 23 8, 49 Mare Brewer (unknovvn) 20 38 5, 50-Kelly Sondgeroth (Pullman, Wash ) 21 06 7, 51 Jacob McCoskey (Richland, Wash ) 21 112, 52 Laura Berg (Dixie, Wash ) 21 12 7, 53- Jason Sondgeroth (Pullman, Wash ) 23 00 0 , 54 Rovvland eddie (Spokane, Wash ) 23 05 3 , 55- James Blanc (Incline Village, Nev) 2316 6, 56- Dino May (La Grande) 24 194 BIKE Results 1 Kevin Donovan (Fresno, Calif ) 1 18 28 5, 2 Michael Gordon IWalla Walla) 1 22 02 L 3 Zachary Heath (La Grande) 1 22 078, 4 Matheiu Signoretly (unknovvn) 1 22 08 8, 5-David Cloningei (Bend) 1 23 396, 6-Greg Geivais (Coeur de Alene) 1 25 14 5, 7 Tom Hayes (Searlle) 1 28 50 3, 8-Douglas Lowe (Searlle) 1 29 164, 9 Jacob Florence (Boise) 1 30 513, 10-%ter Roberts (Boise) 1 31 214, 11 Michael Nybeig (Bend) 1 31 22 2, 12 Nathan Simonson (Rohnen Park, Calif) 1 31 52 L 13-Javin Berg (Dime, Wash ) 1 32 29 6, 14 Andy Krry (La Grande) 1 33 19 8, 15-Jennifer Tobin (Boise) 1 33 560, 16 Joel Kopf (Plummer, Ida) 1 34 236, 17 Michael Rushton (Baker City) 1 35 58 5, 18 Meiissa Noiland (Corvallis) 1 36 09 L 19 Robert Jackson (Lake Oswego) 1 37 01 2, 20- Mauio Eelezia iWenatchee, Wash ) 1 37 18 0, 21 Kelhe Wiith (Boise) 1 37 24 5, 22 Kara Nielsen IWalla Walla,Wash) 1 37 33 6, 23 Michael Waung (Port Orchard, Wash ) 1 40 15 9, 24 Bryan Anderson (Eagle, Ida) 140243,25MarkTate(Boise) 140303, 26 Terry Rousset (Boise) 1 43 02 4,27, 28-John Palumbo (Eagle, Ida ) 1 44 39 7, 29Tiyg Eoitun (Kenmore, Wash ) 1 45 34 2, 30- Shavvn Davis Auburn, Wash ) 1 47 12 6, 31 Jesse Anderson (Spnngfield) 1 47 12 6, 32 Ei zabeth Giubei (Cor valis) 1 47 20 3, 33- Arthur Miller (Greenacres, Wash) 1 50200,34,35,36,37,38 Bruce Rogers (Bend) 1 55 36 4, 39 Jason Sondgeroth (Pullman, Wash) 1 50259,40- Jacob Mc Coskey(Richland, Wash) 1 5952 L41 Alyaa Laidlavv(Victona, BC) 201 148,42 Buan Shields (Boise) 2 01 512, 43- Clyde Hampton (Forks,Wash) 20223 L44 Dino May(ka Grande) 2 05 26 7, 45- Jamie Akeis (La Grande) 2 11 58 8, 46-Kelly Sondgeroth (Pullman, Wash ) 2 17 29 0, 47 David Kenton (El Gianada, Cahf ) 2 17 40 L 48 dared Whipps i&r tland) 2 18 03 L 49 Mare Brewer 2 34 22 6, 50-James Blanc (In cline Village, Nev) 2 42 34 L 51 Jacob Haius (La Grande) 2 45 09 0, 52 Kusten Rushton (Baker City) 2 51 16 5, 53-Robert Nelson (Kennevvick, Wash ) 3 16 33 4 RUN Results 1 Michael Rushton (Baker City) 42 06 L 2 Michael Gordon IWalla Walla) 42 16 L 3- Timothy yandervlugt (La Grande) 44 15 9, 4 1 Kevin Donovan (Fresno, Calif ) 44 24 5, 5-Greg Geivais (Coeur dAlene) 44 32 0, 6- Bruce Rogers (Bend) 45 01 3, 7 Zachary Heath (La Grande)45 083,8-Nathan Simonson (Rohnen Park, Cahf )46 04 2, 9 Jacob Florence (Boise) 47 184, 10 Elizabeth Giubei (Corvallis) 48 119, 11 Matheiu Signorerly (unknovvn) 49 40 5, 12 Joel Kopf (Plummer, Ida ) 49 412, 13 Tom Hayes (Searlle) 49 42 8, 14 Mehssa Noiland (Corvaliis) 50 416, 15Jennifei Tobin (Boise) 5047L 16-Javin Berg (Dime, Wash) 51 130, 17 Kara Nielsen IWalla Walla, Wash ) 51 19 0, 18&ter Roberts (Boise) 51 50 5, 19 Margaret Hepvvonh (Boise) 52 23 0, 20-Arthur Miller (Greenacres, Wash ) 52 45 6, 21 Michael Nybeig (Bend) 52 48 8, 22 David Cloningei (Bend) 53 13 7, 23 Mare Brewer (unknovvn) 53 20 5 24 Douglas Lowe (Searlle) 53 42 8, 25Kellie Wiith (Boise) 55 30 7, 26 Shavvn Davis Auburn, Wash ) 55 55 9, 27 Andy Krry (La Grande)
55 59 5, 28 Mark Tate (Boise) 56 01 9, 29Bryan Anderson (Eagle, Ida ) 56 218, 30 Mauio Eelezia iWenatchee, Wash ) 57 55 2, 31 Molly Obetz (Coeur dAlene,lda ) 58 079, 32 Robert Jackson (Lake Oswego) 58 10 7, 33 Tiyg Eoitun (Kenmore, Wash ) 58 33 5, 34 Troy Bucy (Beavenon) 1 00 04 6, 35 Michael Wanng (Pon Orchard, Wash ) 1 01 23 3, 36-Clyde Hampton (Forks, Wash ) 1 01 41 Z 37 Jesse Anderson (Spungfield) 1 01 45 7, 38-Rovvland eddie (Spokane, Wash) 1 02 25 L 39 John Palumbo (Eagle, Ida ) 1 02 31 8, 40-Alyoa Laidlavv (Vic tous, B C ) 1 02 38 5, 41 Terry Rousset (Boise) 1 02 39 L 42 Bnan Shields (Boise) 1 05 39 8, 43 Jacob Haius (La Grande) 1 06 35 5, 44 Jacob McCoskey (Richland, Wash ) 1 06 38 7, 45-Kelly Sondgeroth (Pullman, Wash ) 1 06 44 2, 46 Ja son Sondgeroth (Pullman, Wash ) 1 07 15 0, 47Kusten Rushton (Baker City) 1 1015,48Da vid Kenton (El Gianada, Calif ) 1 10 574, 49 dared Whipps (Ponland) 1 11 28 6, 50-gamic Akeis (La Grande) 1 18 34 6, 51 Dino May (La Grande) 1 21 388, 52 James Blanc (Indineyillage, Nev) 1 2342 7, 53-Robert Nelson (Kennevvick, Wash) 1 31 479
OLYMPICTV SCHEDULE Today Opening Ceremony, 7 30 p m Midnight
(E DTPDTI Canoeing Whitewater Qualifying Heats, 12 35
a m 1 35 a m (EDTPDTI NBC SPORTS NETWORK Men's Basketball Qualifying Round U S vs France (LIVEL Spain vs China (LIVEL Women' s FieldHockey U S vs Germany (LIVEL Beach Volleyball Qualifying Round (LIVEL Men' s Handball Qualifying Round, Equestuan Event ing Dressage, Women's Shooting Skeet Gold Medal Final, Women's Archery Team Gold Medal Final, 4 a m 7 p m
Tennis Early Rou ds(LIVEL n 7am 3 pm
vs Belarus, Butainvs UnuedArab Emirates, Weightlifung Gold Medal Finals, Table Tennis Qualifying Round, Badminton Qualifying
Round,7 am 5pm
NBC Swimming Qualifying Heats, Men's Cycling Road Race (LIVE LBeach Volleyball Qualifying
Round (LIVELWomen'syolleyball U S vs South Korea (LIVEL Women's Basketball U S Game (LIVEL Rowing Qualifying Heats, 5 a m 6 p m (E DTPDTI Swimming Gold Medal Finals Men's and Women's 400M Individual Medley, Men's 400M Freestyle and Women's 4x100M Freestyle Relay, Men's Gymnastics Team Competition, Beach Volleyball U S Qualifying Round, 8 p m Midnight (E DTPDTI Women'sWeightiifung Gold Medal Final, Table Tennis Qualifying Round, 1230a m 1 30a m
NBC SPORTS NETWORK Women's Soccer U S vs Columbia (LIVEL Beach Volleyball Qualifying Round (LIVEL Women' s Volleyball Qualifying Round (LIVEL Equestnan Evenang Dressage, Women' s Eenong Individual Foil Gold Medal Final, Shoot ing Men and Women's 10M Aii Rifle Gold
Medal Finals, Men's Archery Team Gold Medal Final, Women's Handball Qualifying Round, 4 am 8pm BRAVO
(LIVEL7 am3 pm
MSNBC Women's Soccer Qualifying Round (LIVEL Beach Volleyball Qualifying Round (LIVEL Women's Handball Qualifying Round, Badmin ton Qualifying Round, Table Tennis Qualifying
Round,7 am 5pm CNBC Boxing Eiiminaaon Bouts (LIVEL 8 30 a m 11 30 a m Boxing Eiiminaaon Bouts (LIVEL 3 30 p m 6 30
pm NBC OLYMPIC BASKETBALL CHANNEL Women's Basketball Qualifying Round, Austra
liavs Butain(LIVEL4a m 7 pm
NBC OLYMPIC SOCCERCHANNEL W omen's Soccer Quali fying Round Japan vs Sweden (LIVEL New Zealand vs Brazil (LIVEL U S vs Columbia (LIVEL Erancevs South Korea (LIVEL Canada vs South Afuca, Butain vs Cameroon, 7 a m 8 p m TELEMUNDO Opening Ceremony, Swimming Qualifying Heats, Women's Volleyball Qualifying Round, Beach Volleyball Qualifying Round, Boxing Eiiminahon Bouts,8a m 5 p m (EDTPDTI Swimming Gold Medal Finals, Men's Gym nasacs Team Competition, Midnight 230 a m
(E DTPDTI Women's Gymnasacs Team Compehhon, Svvimming Gold Medal Finals Women' s 100M Butterfly, Women's 400M Freestyle, Men's 100M Breaststroke and Men's 4x100M Freestyle Relay, Women's Diving Spnngboaid Synchronized Gold Medal Final, 7 p m Midnight
MSNBC Men's Soccer Qualifying Round (LIVEL Brazil
Tennis Early Rou nds
SUNDAY NBC Women's Gymnastics Team Competition, Swimming Qualifying Heats, Women's Cycling Road Race (LIVEL Beach Volleyball Qualifying Round (LIVEL Men' sVolleyball U S vs Serbia (LIVE L Men's Water Polo U S vs Montenegro (LIVEL Rovving Qualifying Heats, 7 a m 6 p m
TRANSACTIONS BASEBALL American League BALTIMORE ORIOLES Selected the contract of LHP Dana Eveland from Norfolk (IL) Opaoned INE Steve Tolleson to Norfolk MINNESOTATWINS Placed RHPAnthony Svvarzak on the 15day DL Transferred RHP Cail Pavanotothe 60-day DL Selected RHP Luis %rdomo from Rochester (IL) TORONTO BLUE JAYS Placed C J PAiena bia on the 15day DL Opaoned RHP Chad Beck to Las Vegas (PCL) Recalled RHP Joel Caiieno and LHP Evan Crawford from Las Vegas National League ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS Assigned RHP Yonata Ortega to Mobile (SL) CHICAGO CUBS AssignedRHP JairoAsen oo outnght to lovva (PCL) LOSANGELES DODGERS Placed INE Adam Kennedyon the 15day DL Recalled RHP Shavvn Tolleson from Albuquerque (PCL) MILWAUKEE BREWERS Designated C George Korlaras for assignment Reinstated C Jonathan Lucroy from the 15day DL Ophoned INE Jeff Bianchi to Nashville (PCL) Selected the contract of RHP Jim Henderson from Nashville NEWYORK METS RecalledC Rob Johnson from Buffalo (IL) AmericanAssociation EL PASO DIABLOS Signed RHP Luis Chinnos WINNIPEG GOLDEYES Signed RHP Guffin Bailey Released RHP Nick Carr Can-Am League NEWARK BEARS Signed RHP Caleb Cuevas, OE James Roche and OE Ryde Rodnguez Released INE Alex Bardeguez and C Euc McGee WORCESTERTORNADOES Released INE Melvin Ealu BASKETBALL National Basketball Association GOLDEN STATEWARRIORS Signed G Kent Bazem ore FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONA CARDINALS Signed G Russ Hochstein
HOUSTONTEXANS Released EB Jason Ford and CB Desmond Morrow
• 0 •
Allen Craig and Tony Cruz each had an RBI for the Cardinals, who are six back in the NL Central.
Jake Westbrook i9-8l pitched seven innings, lasting at least that longforthe third straight start.He allowed four runs — three earned — and seven hits with six strike outs. Jason Motte pitched the ninth for his 22nd save in 26 chances. Chris Capuano i10-6l gave up six runs and 11 hits in 4 1-3 innings.
NATIONALS 8, BREWERS 2 MILWAUKEE iAPl — Edwin Jackson pitched seven scoreless innings, Steve Lombardozzi hit a three-run triple and Washington sent Milwaukee to its seventh con secutive loss. The Nationals have won six consecutive games, matching a season high, and improved to 59-39. The last time a Washington-based team was 20 games over .500 was 1933, when the American League Senators finished 99-53 and lost the World Series in five games to the New York Giants.
Portland's Zagunis to lead U.S. at ceremony LONDON iAPl — The mother of fencing star Mariel Zagunis pushed up her flight by two days and franticall y packed her bags to make sure she gets to London in time. After all, it's not every day her daughter leads the U.S. team in the opening ceremony of the Olympics. So Cathy Zagunis threw her things together Thurs day at her home near Portland still overwhelmed with emotion a day after her daughter called with the news. The proud mom is intent on getting to Olympic Stadium to see the two time gold medalist serve as flag-bearer Friday night — and the U.S. Olympic Committee swiftly secured her ahard-to-getticketfor an event that could draw an upward of 1 billion viewers worldwide. "I'm speechless is the problem," Cathy Zagunis said by phone, fighting tears "I'm still in quite a bit of shock. It's an incredible hon or to represent your country, but to be the single person at the opening ceremony holding the American flag is an amazing thing — to be the flag-bearer is incredibly special. When she told me, I cried for an hour." For one night, Mariel Zagunis will turn her laser like fencing focus to another important task with the world watching. "I'm just going to focus on not tripping, not letting the flagtouch the ground and doing everything right," she said at a news conference Thursday. The start of the Olympics will be farm ore somber for the Israeli delegation. This is a time of remembrance — the 40th anniversary of the 1972 Olympics, when 11 Israeli athletesand coaches were killed in Munich by Palestinian gunmen. The IOC would not allow a moment of silence at the ceremony. NBC Sports broad caster Bob Costas, however, planned an on-air minute of silence of his own. All the while, Israeli swim coach Chanan Sterling tried to keephisathletesfocused, giventhe constantcoverage in London and beyond of thatterrible day 40 years
ago. "It's keeping them in our hearts, that's the main thing," Sterling said. "Every body knows about it, thinks aboutit. a We have a memorial also in Israel, there's a place in Tel Aviv that we gather
before the Olympics with all the people who are coming to the Olympics — coaches, athletes." Efrain Zinger, chief of the Israeli Olympic delega tion, said the team has no special plans fortheopening ceremony. The national Olympic committee will hold its own tribute Aug. 6 as it has during recent Summer
Olympics. "The Israeli delegation will march in the opening ceremony according to IOC rules," Zinger said.a We don' t have any intention to break any of their procedures or regulations. It'snottheplace to make a statement." But it will be a place for heavy hearts. "It's very hard for us," Sterling said as his team trained in the Olympic pool. "But those days there were so many things. One year later there was the war in Israel. Those days we were used to this kind of life, unfortunately. Today it's not like that." Through it all, he remains optimistic that any step toward bringing the world together — like an Olympics — will servea bettercause. a We are hoping for it every
day," he said. It was no easy thing for Zagunis to earn her spot at the front of the 530-member US. team — 269 women and 261 men. First, she made it as a finalist and then prevailed in five rounds of voting by team captains. Af ter four rounds, Zagunis and another unidentified athlete were tied. "To get that final vote, someone had to change their mind, and they changed their mind in my favor," she said. "Forthe decision to befor me, in my favor, it means a lot to me. I can't believe it' s going to be me." Few will question the spiritand resolve ofthe 27-year-old Zagunis, not to mention moxie. For the occasion, she has wrapped strands of her wavy blond hair with glitter. At the 2004 Athens Olym pics, Zagunis was a late replacement but went on to capture a stunning victory in sabre — the Americans' first fencing gold in 100 years. Then came more gold in Beijing four years later. Now in her third Olym pics, she welcomes her mo ment on the world stage and the attention it will bring to her sport. "This is going to be one of my best Olympic memories, definitely," she said.
• 0 •
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
For yourcontinuous outstandingsupport of our
Auction Sponsor
Pioneer West AUCTION CO-CHAIRMEN Billie Jo Bo o t h m an dk John Leithner
ADAMS Wilbur-Ellis Co ALOHA Bonnie Deesen BAKER CITY 'r la a Cook andEmele Heating Service Inc. Northwest Farm Credit Service Oregon Trail Livestock Robbins Farm Equip Baker & Enterprise 4r BATES Grand Champion FFA Hog John George Megan Lane, John Day Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Eastern Oregon BEND Gobeille Orthodontics Quick Silver Contracting Robberson Ford BOISE, ID Little Morris LLP COVE Bar MD Cattle Co Conley Farms, Sonny & Mary Jane J A Ranches Ketchem Famil y Ranch Murchison Farms Darren & Cheryl Grand Champion 4-H Hog Murchison Madalyn Moore, Summerville Rudd Farms Legacy Auto Group Steve Sharp E rioIEII ECHO fR 5] Double M Ranch & Top Cut Feedlot Eagle Ranch Echo FFA Chapter Stage Gulch Ranch ELGIN ACS Contracting LLC Steve Howes North End Construction RPM Custom Milling Wayne Treat Grand Champion FFA Steer Ruth Uhrig Molly DelCurto,Cove W C Construction Blue Mtn. Auto 8 Rudd Farms ENTERPRISE Bank of Eastern Oregon The Dollar Stretcher h• Dave & Pat Murrill / Thompson Auto Supply Wallowa Co Grain Growers HELIX Newtson Farm HERMISTON j Bud Rich Potato Circle C Equipment G&S Tire Factory Grand Champion 4-H Steer Hermiston Glass MaKenzi Hughes, Heppner Melonville Comedy Mike Becker Construction Festival Mikami Farms Northwest Farm Supply Pioneer Hi-Bred RDO Equipment Ross Machine & Steel Sales Shelco Electric Simmons Ins. Agency Umatilla Electric Coop Walmart Transportation Will Haul Transport Windy River Ent.
Grand ChampionFFA Lamb Nicholas Levy, Pendleton Intermountain Livestock
IMBLER Ross & Carrie Bingaman Shawn & Molly Bingaman Wade & Angie Bingaman Blue Mtn Seeds Kent & Deana Coppinger Deal Livestock Dian & John Frisch Bill & Stacey Merrigan Mt Harris Farms North Valley Mint Oregon Trail Mint Ken & Aimee Patterson Teeter Brothers Willow Creek Mint IONE Krebs Livestock ISLAND CITY Coote Auction & Producers Livestock Momentive PGG Wurdinger Recycling JOSEPH 1917 Lumber Company Community Bank Ronald & Cassie Botts J EA-Joseph Teachers Joseph FFA Alumni Joseph Hardware McClaran Ranch Old Town Cafe R & R Drive Inn Tripple Creek Cattle LA GRANDE Airport Ranch Alegre Travel Anderson-Perry & Associates Avista Utilities Back Country Custom Builders Banner Bank Bar V Cattle Company Barnes Diesel Power Baretto MFG Inc Baum, Smith LLC Mike Becker Construction Austin & Jeana Bingaman Blue Mtn Auto Parts Bunch-Isley Ranch Byrnes Oil Comp Bill & Pam Canavan John Collins CB's Portable
John J Howard & Assoc. Real Estate Janet Hume, CPA Intermountain Livestock Joseph & Ricker, LLC KIE Supply Corporation Koza Family Dental Care La Grande Gold & Silver La Grande New Holland/ SS Eq Inc La Grande Paint & Glass Legacy Auto Group Joe Martinez, DMD Dick McDaniel McDonald's (La Grande, Pendleton, Baker City & Arrowhead) Stephen McLean, DMD MiTrac Construction Mountain West Moving & Storage Pete Nilsson Northwood Manufacturing Inc. The Observer Obsidian Urgent Care Oregon Trail Electric Coop Owsley Canyon Engine Company Oxarc Papa Murphy's Pizza Diana Partridge Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Eastern Oregon Pioneer West Quiz nos R & K Mini Storage Ranch-N-Home Realty Remax Real Estate Team Shannon Remily Jonel K Ricker, PC Rogers Asphalt Paving Rovey Farms Spark and Barb Smutz Tri-County Equipment Union Co Farm Bureau Valley Insurance Waldrop Oil Tim Wallender Wallowa Co Grain Growers Steve Weishaar Wheatland Insurance Jennifer Williams LOLETA, CA Judie L Martin Community Bank LONG CREEK Country Animal Clinic A3 Ranch Crop Production Service Jan and Craig Ensign Diana Shaw Memorial LOSTINE Eagle Cap Steel & Doug McDaniel Supply MONUMENT Eagle Carriage & Brian Woodell Machine Cooper Contracting Edward Jones, Inc. NORTH POWDER Shawn Mangum Beef Northwest Forest Capital Partners LNK Ranches Mike & Cecelia Gerlach Keith McGinness Farrier Guyer & Assoc Service Hampton Paving M & H Ranch Mrs. Darwin Harris Alva & Butch Mascall Mark Harris, DMD Nedrow Livestock Hermiston Rock Products Oregon Trail Seed Homestead Ranch Wilson Cattle Co
NYSSA Lightning Feeders PAY ETTE, ID Intermountain Community Bank PENDLETON Rick Whalen WP Farms PILOT ROCK Barbara Platt Platt Ranch & Timene Cattle Co Allen & Becky Waggoner RICHLAND Richland Feed & Seed STANFI EL D Banner Bank Cooper Family Farm Diamond M Ranch Golden Valley East Farm John & Jean Jepsen Main Street Market Mikes Mobile Slaughter Mills Mint Farm Don Mills NW Hay Sales Stanfield Booster Club Stanfield Fire Dept. Steve Walker Farm SUMMERVILLE Pat Brogoitti Kent & Deana Coppinger Happy Walrus Ranch Johnson Family Fruit Don & Karen Starr Bob Thompson Brian Westfield UMATILLA Simplot Grower Solutions UNION Baremore Repair Jim & Lauri Bauer Broken Horn Ranch, Union Division Bronson's Home Center Fred Daggett Plumbing Alan & Rosemary Guttridge H & H Cattle Fred Hawkins Horizon Wind, LLC Tanya & Tony Humphries Judy Construction Kicking T Ranch Kevin Kohr Steve Lindley Contracting Frank & Valeria Maestas Rhonda Nay Joe Platz Lenora Rainsberry Ladd and Wendy Roberts Hank Rodman Steve Sheehy Turcotte Inc Union Market Vernon & Martha Valiant Gail Williams Trucking VALE Roman's Ranchos Charolais WALLA WALLA, WA Crown Paper and Janitorial Supply Inc
Reserve Champion FFA Hog Skylar Powell, Mt. Vernon Edward Jones, Inc.-Shawn Mangum
M~'Iliw~ Reserve Champion 4-H Hog Courtney Rynearson, Union
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Eastern Oregon <0ygE13 IASETH
' 4' , W
Reserve Champion FFA Steer Riley Merrigan, Imbler PGG
Reserve Champion 4-H Steer Terrel Platt, Pilot Rock
Legacy Auto Group P
I: • c D C
Reserve Champion 4-H Lamb Selena Giambitti, Union
Eagle Carriage8 Machine
4-H & FFA COUNTRY Financial
Intermountain Livestock
Lory Graham Family
N' . I
EOARC-Tim DelCurto
Computer Support
KE 0
Grand Champion 4-H Lamb Kelsey Walenta, Union Gail Williams Trucking
Showmanship Premium
Eas t ern Oregon Net, Inc.
Professional Auctioneer
John Coote, La Grande
Eagle Cap Copiers/Copy Club Justin Nedrow, North Powder Mirror Images Jake Seavert, Pendleton cO~i» 4-H F
Reserve Champion FFA Lamb Hannah Haefer, Imbler Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Eastern Oregon
EgAR5 Reserve Champion FFA Goat Mckenzie Evans, Union
q powz
ACK' Efvl ggfN
CBs Portables, Bill & Pam
Canavan, Grand Champion 4-H Goat Quinn Evans, Union
Rovey Farms
• 0 •
Grand Champion FFA Goat Bern Anderes, La Grande Rogers Asphalt & Paving
Reserve Champion 4-H Goat Ashley Durning, Imbler Mt. Harris Farms
• 0 •
La Grande Gold 8 Silver
• 0 •
FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 2012
Countdown continues for Opera House centennial gala Tiish Yerges
pre-orders now for the DVD
Observer Correspondent
set. The costis $20 plus ship Just last month a dwarf
ELGIN — With a little over two months to go, the committee for the Elgin Opera House Cenntennial gala is hustling to tie up the partydetailsforthelargest historic celebration Elgin has ever hosted. To help with public promo tion, committee member Rich Zinzer has designed and produced a beautiful, travel ing banner announcing "100 Years of Tradition." The 16-foot-long banner was first hung by commit tee members Kem Brainerd and Cindy Chandler at the entrance to the 66th annual Elgin Stampede PRCA rodeo. The banner will thereafter travel around town advertising the gala which is set for Saturday, Sept. 22. 'The committee wants to encourage people to buy their tickets for the event now because there are only a limited number of seats," said Brainerd.
The gala ticketscost$25 each and include admission to the entire day's events, including the centennial presentationinsidetheopera house, a tour of the opera house, a viewing of the historic DVD production by Rick Weatherspoon and Ty Bowen, and the cake recep tion outdoors. The tickets also include a seattothe7:30 p.m. per formance of"Fiddler on the Roof' directed by Denise Wheeler and produced by the Friends of the Opera House. The combination gala and Fiddler tickets may be purchased through the opera house ticket sales office at 541-663-6324.
+q.l r, THn CEaTrowtitxt.cENa~Ttw.„ OF THE t ' I tof "-'." eLotta ctpanaH@tf@ E
Bosnia pine tree donated by Grande Scapes nursery in La Grande was planted by members of the Dirt Diggers. It stands on the north side of the building where the cake reception will be held. Flower barrels which were planted earlier
ping/handling per set. He said people may place their orders by phone at 541-805 1015 or visit him at rick@ Brainerd said the opera house grounds are going to be beautified for the event, thanks to the help of the El
J ~n o' -5/
this year will be moved to the opera house grounds to dress it up. The public is warmly invited to take part in the celebrationofthe city's best known icon, the Elgin Opera House, serving the cultural interests of resi dents throughout Northeast Oregon.
gin Dirt Diggers plant club.
TrishYerges photo
A banner announcing the upcoming Sept. 22 Elgin Op era House Centennial gala was hung for display during the July 12-15 Elgin Stampede by committee members Cindy Chandler and Kem Brainerd. The banner was designed,produced and donated by Rich Zinzer. the Elgin Opera House." members Rich Weather Cindy Chandler is super spoon and Ty Bowen, co-pro vising the cake reception, and ducers of the history DVD. she saidthat the cake served Weatherspoon said that the history production has at the outdoor reception will feed 750 people. grown beyond his original "The cake is being made estimation due to an abun by Sarah Coston for $1,000," dance of historicphotosand information. The finished said Chandler. "It will be tiered, and there will also be product will be available on cupcakes available." a set of two DVDs that run Among the cake servers about two and a half hours are the two "Miss Elgin" rep in length. "It's been interesting how resentatives, Audrey Swin den, a junior at Elgin High everything occurred," said School, and Emmy Winskey, Weatherspoon. 'These DVDs a sophomore. Audrey is part are not just about the opera of the Health Safety Coali house, but also about City tion and Future Farmers Hall since the building had of America. Emmy is very a dual function. We have activein thetheater. plenty of information and "The queen mother is Ty Bowen has been a good Teresa Zyla," said Chandler. multi-tasker." 'The girls tried on hundreds The DVDs are organized of dresses, and ended up by chapters, he said. Each finding something like the chapterisa decade ofhistory Titanic era of clothing for the starting with 1920 to the gala." present day. Also busy are commitee Weatherspoon is taking
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'The tickets are $25 whether or not you go to the live performance in the evening," said Brainerd. "All profits go directly to support
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1 Tax, title and license are extra. Not available with some special finance and lease programs, and some other offers. Applies only to 2012 models. Take delivery by 9/4/12. See dealer for details. 2 Must show proof of current ownership of a 1999 or newer vehicle. Must trade in vehicle. Not available with some other offers. See dealer for details. 3 Based on Vincentric Zoio Model Level Analysis. 4 EPA estimated. 5 Always use safety belts and proper child restraints. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat. See the Owner's Manual for more safety information. 6 Requires a subscription sold separately by SiriusXM after trial period. See siriusxm.corn for customer agreement. Available only in the 48 contiguous United States and Washington, D.C. ©2012 General Motors.
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FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
flattlemen farmtaskferce in wake efmassivefires
t's t is time for high school reunions and many classes have set the datesfortheirgatherings. Early on, 1952 contacted me, so I turn to that year in their honor. Later I learned that the 1952 Class inWal lowa was celebrating their 60th year, also. Now I am invited to attend the Class of 1946 itwo years after my ownl. Of special im portance is the Class of 1942 imy husband George's class) as it meets for a wonderful 70 year reunion. There surely must be others that should be mentioned. Since I am committed to the one, I am hoping that there will be those who will pick up the others, especially theone of 70 years. Of course, even this column is dedicated to all high school students who remember, inserting their own special memories. •
The year was 1951 and it was September. A new batch of freshmen and re turning sophomores, juniors, and seniors were entering theoldLa Grande High School building for the last year. A new high school was to be built at K Ave. and Second Street, in La Grande, so the 195V1952 year was to be a nostalgic one for the stu dents, especially thegraduat ing class. On Aug. 18, 2012, this same group of graduates will meet from 1-9 p.m. at the Maridell Center at 1124 Washington Ave., the old Elks Lodge location in La Grande, for their 60th reunion. The plans are well underway, for the group meets every Wednesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. for lunch at the Flying J. Thel ma iAllenl Rhoton has been leading the planning com mittee, and has announced the reunion dates of Aug. 17 and 18 with an informal early evening gathering at the home of Rick and Wanda Davies, 1206 7th Street on Friday. Other members of the class will be assisting with registrat ion,music,decora tions, dinner and activities for a memorable reunion. Beforeallofthistakes place, though, it would be nice to look back on what was occurring in La Grande that very year and before the 130 high school seniors were graduatedand received their diplomas on Wednesday, May 28, 1952. Babies, they were, born in 1933 or '34. They were welcomed with Franklin D. Roosevelt's becoming the na tion's 32nd president. These were the Depression years and the President closed all U.S. banks. Congress passed New Deal social and economic measures in special session. In 1934, Dunham Wright began plans for the semi-cen tennial Union Pacific Rail road celebration. A newspa per adverti sement offered "... rugs washed, disinfected, and moths eliminated" at 1208 First St. A year later, boys' leather oxfords were available in brown or black with a broad toeorwing-tip for $2.49. Boys could alsobe outfitted in 60-cent shirts and 49-cent
Cverything Shoes
F.~t M~q a iba ~~
elementary schools to become freshmen at
25-percent, the La Grande DORY'S DIARY U.S. Post Office installed a DOROTHYSWART FLESHMAN postage meter. La Grande also established a Rural Fire the old high Department to meet fire caps. school building, not knowing safety/hazard demands. Forthegirls,1936 offered Sixteen-year-olds, and that their four years there a hair trim, shampoo and oil would be the last for the now juniors at the high permanent-wave for $2.00 at old school. It would become school, were more aware of an administrative office, war now as they began ma a local beauty shop. It was atimefor bobby sox,poodle a junior high school con turing. They would be faced skirts, and pony-tails. with the Korean War with an nected with the old Central At home, folks were able to elementary school next door, unsure future. La Grande's tune in to a new radio station and host a kindergarten for populationstood at8,635. in 1938 with the call letters Iva Sine didn't want to a bit before being tom down. of KLBM. The St. Joseph They would have been more see the destruction of the Hospital opened on K Ave. interested in the fact that old Dutch Mill at 5th and and 4th Street. Fiberglass Depot Triangle Park, so she television home-sets were came into being along with becoming available to the purchased it and moved the fluorescent lamps, ball-point building to East N Ave. for a public in black and white. Our family didn't buy one home. pens and Teflon. Laundry until 1954, two years after was done with wringer Now we finally come to 1952 and our 130 graduating washers. these students graduated. The next year the Somers What new was happening students. Hotel building on Depot and in La Grande in 1949 when At this point, we need Washington was given a new our students were age 15 and to pause and continue our coatofpainton itsexterior. now Sophomores at "good old narrative next Friday in the La Grande High" ? interestsofspace. Grocerystores offered coffee at 15-cents a pound, fresh To speed operation by See you then. salmon for 29-cents a pound, a dozen oranges for 20-cents, and 49 pounds of flour for
$1.09. Growing uprapidly,our students were now six years old in 1940 and entering the first grade of elementary school, only tobe greeted the following year as second graders and told about the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7th in 1941 and World War II. Third-graders heard talk around the dinner tableabout relatives and friends in the upper grades who were volunteering for service in the Armed Forces. Younger high school students were inducted into the school's Victory Corps program. Bob Goss and I iDoryl may be the only ones in the Class of 1944, then juniors, who still survive in that group of 20. The Dutch Mill Bakery Shop closed permanently. Now it was 1944 and the group of 10-year-olds in the ifthgrade may have been f learning about the election of FDR for a fourth term as U.S. President. With the invasion of France, D-Day was being celebrated. It was my gradu ating class, shrunk by those having answered the call to the military, who still walked the graduation march to "Pomp and Circumstance." We wondered what our future would hold. Vice-President Henry S. Tru man became President of the U.S. upon the death of FDR. During that year, World War II came to an end with the surrenderingofGermany on May 7, 1945, and Japan on Aug. 14. While the graduating Class of 1952 were still seventh-graders and on the brink of becoming teenagers, I was already 20 years old. Norma Smith, also a 1944 graduate, introduced her friend George to her friend Dorothy "Dory" in Septem ber. They were married in December. Becoming teenagers in 1947, the eighth-graders may have learned that transis tors had been discovered, a minute electronic device, but could they have guessed the affect they would have on the size of hearing aids and radios as well as all of the electronic wonders oftoday. Time moved on and the eighth graders left the
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ing that we felt the creation of a dedicated resource was the only way to provide the focus and attention this issue requires," said Martin, a rancher from Baker City. ''With his policy experience and deep knowledge of ranching, Colby is the right persontodrivethisprocess and to help us channel our resources to their highest and best use." The task force will work with the federal, state, and local governments, and the Oregon congressional del egation to channel resources and assistance to Oregon's livestock communities af fected by current wildfires and toimprove federal response to future fires. It will also enhance pub lic understanding of these crises by commissioning an economic study to exam ine the direct and indirect economicand societalcosts of wildfires in Oregon.
more at
2700e ~ ~
In response to the growing and devastat ing wildfires in Harney and Malheur counties, Curtis Martin, the Oregon Cattlemen's Association president, announced the creationofthe task force "Restore Everything Strate gically Through Organized Response". The task force within the Cattlemen's Association is dedicated to providing assistance and education, building understanding and awareness, and facilitating improvements regarding wildfires in the state. The task force will be led by Colby Marshall, a Burns native who spent eight years managing natural resource and energyissues on the stafF of Rep.Greg Walden, and who currently helps manages his family' s ranch near Burns. "The problem of wildfires is so enormously devastat
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Friday, July 27, 2012 The Observer & Baker City Herald
rai ru ,4
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live hilh,
n a awa enin
trainlsw • Lower-oxygen tentsareonetool in altitude training for endurance athletes
By Leslie Barker Garcia The Dallas Morning News
Mark Lennihan /AP
A bottle of Pepsi Next rests
amid cans often calorie sodas from PepsiCo Inc. Coke and Pepsi are chas ing after the sweet spot: a soda with no calories, no artificial sweeteners and no funny aftertaste.
Soda giants race for new sweet spot NEW YORK iAPl — Coke and Pepsi are chasing after the sweet spot: a soda with no calories, no artificial sweeteners and no funny aftertaste. The world's top soft drink companies hope that's the elusive trifecta that will silence health concerns about soda and reverse the decline in consumption of carbonated drinks. But such a formula could be years away. That's because the ingredi ent that makes soda taste good is also what packs on the pounds: high-fructose corn syrup. Artificial sweet eners like aspartame that are used in diet drinks don' t have any calories but are seen as processed and fake. Natural sweeteners that come from plants present the most promising alterna tive, but companies haven' t yet figured out how to mask their metallic aftertaste. Despite the complexities, soft drink makers push on in their search. "I can't say when it will be here, but it's in the reason able future," said Al Carey, who heads the beverage unit for the Americas at PepsiCo Inc., the world's No. 2 soda maker. There's good reason that soft drink makers are so eager to tweak their formu las. Once a beloved American treat, sodas are now being blamed for the nation's bulg ing waistlines — two-thirds of the country's adults are overweight or obese, accord ing to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That, coupled with the grow ing variety of flavored waters and sports drinks, has sent percapitasoda consumption down 17 percent to about 1.3 cans a day since its peak in 1998, according to Beverage Digest, an industry tracker. In New York City, a ban on the sale of sugary drinks bigger than 16 ounces in restaurants, theaters and See Pop / Ebge 2B
DALLAS, Texas — Maybe it hap pens at 3 a.m., when he trips on a tree root that his flashlight missed. Or when he feels yet another pebble stuck in his shoes. Or when he's so hungry or tired or sweating or shiver ing that he'd trade just about any thingfora shower and a hamburger. But at various t's keeping points during
that sensefo curiosity and wonder. I have
the 9 or 20 or 25
to pace mysel f,
10 0 -mile trail
ByAnneAurand Wescom News Service
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hours it takes him totraipse through 50- or
stayjoyful, talk runs, Matthew
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Crownover starts thinking about
~~joybeing out joy,aboutIf' and there. It's kind about how his w n travails at
of like how you the moment can get throughfe, li seem somewhat right?"
petty. "Half the time /
my eyes about my patients," says Crownover, who recently ran a 50-mile trail event in New Mexico's Jemez Mountains. 'Wouldn't they love to be out here ... icomplainingl about a rock in their shoe?" Crownover, 39, is a chaplain at Texas Health Presbyterian, working primarily on the oncology floor or with psychiatric patients. One evening, justbeforehe was getting ready to go home, he received a callfrom labor and delivery. A woman was to be induced within an hour or so. What necessitatedthe callto Crownover was that her baby was dead. So Crownover called upon his ex perience— as achaplain,asafather of four, as a trail runner. Knowing he needed sustenance before such an un dertaking, he went to his office. He ate a can of ravioli, listened to NPR and rested. Then he went to the bedside of the woman dealing with the first stage of unspeakable sorrow. Later, telling me about that night, he says, "I know not to try to be tough and brave and macho. You can' t bull — your way through climb ing a mountain in the middle of the night, and you can't bull — your way through someone in a terrible situa tion." Crownover, who has been a hospital chaplainfor 13 years,started outas a die-hard road ii.e. nontraill runner. He kept an eye on his watch and his fingers crossed that nothing would go wrong during races. Then he started trail running — what he calls his spiritual awakening — and all that changed. ''When you run these ultras, some thing different is happening," he says. 'You' re stepping into this vulnerabil ity. You know something is going to go wrong. There's an element of faith that's very different. You' re playing with the 'let go and let God' aspect. You' re trusting you' ll get through it, just trusting ill be OK. "If you screw up, embrace these mo ments. Don't give in to fear, keep your sense of humor. All that comes up in ultra trail runner
'teen •
Ben Torrea / Dallas Morning News
Matthew Crownover, 39, is an ultra-trail runner who runs several 50 and 100-mile races every year. His next race will be a 100-mile race in the mountains of New Mexico. ultramarathoning, and that's what I love about it." Running for hours on end, some times in darkness and often alone, opened up a world of learning, of com ing alive, he says. Instead of worrying what would happen to his 5K or 10K time, he started thinking about the basics: How would he navigate rush ing water? How could he run down a slopewithout thejostled dirtand stones knocking him to his knees? "All of that became like being a kid again, which is a deeply spiritual impulse," he says. "It's keeping that sense of curiosity and wonder. I have to pace myself, stay joyful, talk with friends, enjoy being out there. It' s kind of like how you get through life, right?" A "fairly traditional sense of calling"
led Crownover into the ministry, he tells me iafler first saying, "Like any good Presbyterian, I have a compli cated answer.") As he got older, he be came interested in people of all faiths, as well as those with no faith at all. A Dallas native, Crownover at tended Austin College and Perkins School of Theology, then ecumeni cal seminary in Cuba for a year. He served as a chaplain at Parkland and Baylor, Texas, hospitals before coming to Presbyterian five years ago. Dr. Kenneth Adams, medical direc tor of inpatient rehabilitation at Pres byterian, appreciatesCrownover's affmity for listening. The two only met a few months ago, but for several years Adams had read Crownover's pastoral notesin patients'folders. SeeRunning / Ebge 4B
Leading up to the Olym pic trials earlier this year, Oregon runner Max King slept in an altitude training tent almost every night. The tent fits over a mattress in a spare room of his house, next to his treadmill and his stock of running shoes. Altitude training — living, or atleastsleeping,forw eeks or months at high altitude, say8,000feet— trains the body to adapt to a relative lack of oxygen. True altitude training, such as moving to the mountains of Colorado for several weeks, can be simulated to some extent by using an altitude tent in which an athlete breathes airthat's been deprived of some oxygen. When people inhale fewer molecules of oxygen per breath, the body releases extra erythropoietin, or EPO, a hormone that stimulates the production of more red blood cells. Oxygen binds toredblood cellsto getto the muscles. Having more red blood cells allows more oxygen to reach the muscles, thus improving athletic performance. The effects can linger a few weeks after altitude training ends. For some time in the 1990s, using the tents was controversialbecause of the boost in EPO. EPO is the same hormone that some athletes have used as a performance-enhancing drug. But living at high alti tude ortraveling to training camps in the mountains was always a legal and natural way to stimulate EPO, and it was difficult to discernifan athlete had traveledor sleptin a tent. Many asked whether it even mattered. That controversy has generally passedand altitude tents are widely accepted in the United States.
A revolutionary concept In 1997, Drs. Ben Levine and JimStray-Gunderson of the Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine in Dallas published a landmark study that revolutionized how endurance athletes trained. Their study said living at high altitudes and travel ing daily to lower eleva tions for intense training could boost SeeTent / Page 2B
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"did not improve endurance performance or any of the measured, associated physi ological variables." Using a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, researchers at the University of Zurich in Switzerland studied 16 endurance cyclists for performance measures during and atter they spent 16 hours a day in either low oxygen rooms correspond ing toabout 9,800 feetorin normal-air rooms. All the cyclists trained the same. The high-altitude group didn' t An imperfect tool have faster time trials or bet ter oxygen processing capac But tents are imperfect. They can cost a couple of thou ity known as V02 maxi. Literature on the topic sand dollars. They also can pose "a significant challenge is without solid consensus for most people as they can "because there are so many feel very daustrophobic, tend variables that affectper formance," said Stephanie to develop odors, can be very hot, and are a huge inconve Howe, who teaches exercise nience for non-athlete sleeping science and health and fit partners," Downing said. ness at Central Oregon Com And, in recent years, some munity College. 'There's a research has questioned lot we still don't know about whether altitude-acclimati training and tents." zation in tents is that helpful. She doesn' tpracticealtitude One recent study published training at home and she in the Journal of Applied doesn't advocate using tents. Physiology concluded that Using tents to increase red four weeks of"live high, blood cells is just one piece of train low" routines, using a training puzzle, she said. altitude-simulated rooms, In a tent, an athlete may not
8,500feet— thebetterthe benefits. ''We'd like to do them more Continued from 1B often, but cost and missed performance by as much as 3 work time has been the percent. biggest impediment to XC They created a "live high, Oregon skiers doing these train low" training mantra, a types of camps. Over the new way to improve endur past 15 years we' ve only had a handful of skiers ever do ance sports performance. It meant moving to them," he said. On the other hand, some places such as Colorado or athletes use tents to simulate Utah, where a person can live in the mountains and the effects ofhigh altitude. drive downhill, where they Tents, or rather, the air pumped can maximize a workout. in fium an altitude generator, make'live high, train low" Because there's less oxygen for the body to work with at a concepts more convenient and high altitude, training there feasible. After sleeping all night gets scaled back. At high attheequivalentof8,000feet, altitudes, an athlete can' t a Bend athlete can step out in the morning and exercise at push his body as hard, can' t train his muscles to work 3,600feet. as rapidly as necessary for King first tried an altitude competition. tent during the tluee months leading up to a US. Cmss Geographically relocat ing to "live high, train low" Country Championship race in 2006. can be "very expensive and "I had a phenomenal race. logistically often a real pain," said XC Oregon Director JD That started it,"hesaid. Downing, who coaches elite A couple of years later, his racing life justified buying a adult cross-country skiers. Altitude training periods tent, he said. He figured he only had to improve a little need to be atleastthree to four weeks long to provide bit to win back the $1,500 lasting benefits, he said, and costofthetent. the more time spent at an He believes altitude ideal altitude — 7,000 to training has helped him
run faster in both high- and low-altitude races. It also has made a difference in how he feels at high races such as the TransRockies race in Colorado's mountains. Since he's been altitude training, he's experienced fewer side effects of altitude — nausea, appetite problems, headaches — at that event. ''When you include everything that enhances performance, you reach your potential," he said. "It's one pieceofthepie."
conducts, in which consum ers may be given a six-pack of a new product to try over the course of a week. To acceler ate the pace of such trials, Coca-Cola two years ago dedicated a produc tion line at one of its plants solely to churning out test beverages. But tasteisn'tthe only consideration for the world'sbiggestsoda maker. "Some of the very exciting isweetenersl we' re play ing with are really small in terms of production and planting, and they need to be nurtured," says Katie Bayne, president of Coca Cola's North American soda business. Coca-Cola also is testing versions of its Sprite and Fanta that use stevia in Atlanta, Detroit, Louisville, Ky. and Memphis, Tenn. The drinks have about half the calories ofregularSprite and Fanta i70 per can, instead of 140 or160,respectively).But the "Select" drinks fall short of the ideal because they have sugar. PepsiCo, based in Pur chase, N.Y., is also on the hunt for new drinks that use natural, no-calorie sweeten ers. In 2010, the company entered a $62 million, four year deal withfood flavor company Senomyx Inc. to developnatural sweeteners and "taste enhancers" that can intensify sweetness. Coca-Cola also previously had an eight-year contract with Senomyx; neither of the partnerships has yet
suggested it caused cancer and brain tumors in rats Continued from 1B even though The American Cancer Society says there' s stadiums could take effect as no evidence showing it has early as March. The mayor of any link with an increased Cambridge, Mass., proposed risk for cancer in adults. a similar ban last month. The concerns have led soft And in Richmond, Calif., vot drinkcompaniesto search for ers will decide in November natural, zero-caloriesweeten whether to pass the nation's ers, including stevia, which is first penny-per-ounce tax on derivedfi om a South Ameri soda and other sugary drinks can shrub. Natural sweeten such as fiuit juices and teas. ershave neitherthecalories All the negative publicity of sugar nor the negative has some once-faithful soda associations of artificial sweet drinkers cutting back. Krista eners. The trick, however, is figuringouthow to make Koster, a 29-year-old who lives in Washington D.C., them taste good in colas. "Every sweetener has its used to down about two cans of soda a day. Now she's try own notes that need to be ing to kick the habit and be mixed with other flavors," more conscious about what said Mehmood Khan, chief she drinks. science officer for PepsiCo. "I' ve just been hearing how "It's a bit like an orchestra bad soda is," said Koster, who playing music, as opposed to works in public relations. one instrument." 'You startconsideringa lotof So far, stevia is the natural the ingredients, whether it' s sweetener that has gotten fake sugar or the real sugar." the most attention and is al High-fructose corn syrup, ready used in Coca-Cola and the cheap sweetener that' s PepsiCo products, including orangejuiceand bottled teas. used in most sodas, has the same nutritional value and But it's proving more difficult to hide the aftertaste in colas. tasteofsugar.A can ofregu larsoda typically hasabout Soft drink makers are 40 grams of high-fi uctose testing different extracts corn syrup and 140 calories. Rom the stevia plant that By comparison, the same they hope will be easier to amount of apple juice has blend. They' re also scouring about 38 grams of sugar and the world for other naturally occurring sweeteners, such 165 calo ries,butcompanies as onecalled mogroside that can tout the vitamins and other nutrients juice provides. is extracted from monk fiuit Aspartame, the artificial and aderivative ofa berry sweetener commonly used in called miracle fruit. drinks such as Diet Coke and Coca-Cola, based in Diet Pepsi, doesn't have any Atlanta, says it's currently calories. But some drinkers testing additional drinks that worry about the fact that the use stevia and other natural sweeteners but declined to sweeteners are not naturally occurring in nature. Public givedetails.Thetests are perception has been colored part of the ongoing "home use tests" the company by past studies that have
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
produced any products for commercial use. Dr Pepper Snapple Group, the nation's third-largest soda maker, alsois searching for the right combination. The company's line of fla vored sodas, such as Sunkist and A&W Root Beer, may make it easier to mask the tasteofnaturalsweeteners like stevia than with colas. At a beverage industry conferenceearlier thisyear, Dr Pepper's Chief Financial Oifice Marty Ellen said he thinks a "sweetener break through" is achievable in the next few years. Recreating the exact taste of extremely valuable brands such as Coke and Pepsi is a high-stakes game and companies don't want to rush any drinks to the market. But making a natural cola that doesn't have any calories isn't impossible. Smaller com panies such as Zevia, based in Culver City, Calif., already make such colas using stevia. Zevia is now sold in 10,500 locations — including Kroger and Whole Foods — up Rom just850 locations fouryears
ago. CEO Paddy Spence
sleep as well, is more likely to become dehydrated, and may have an inhibited appetite, she said, all of which can hurt performance. Another thing about tents is that they can't replicate the otheraspectsofactual high-altitude living, such as air pressure. "At true altitude you have a change in pressure. In tents, it's a change of oxygen," said Howe. The percent of oxygen in the air is similar — 20.9 percent— atevery altitude. What changes with altitude isthe airpressure.At8,000 or 10,000feetforexample, the airpressure islower, sometimesreferred to as thinner air. Bodies can't get and use oxygen as well in those conditions, Howe said. Manipulating the percent of oxygen in the air of a tent chamber simulates what a body can process at higher elevations, she said. "If you go to real altitude you get more physiological changes," said Bart Bowen, a coach and owner of Powered by Bowen, a sports perfor mance training facility.'You have factors like barometric pressure that you can't do
with this isimulated altitude) therapy. Barometric pressure changes the structure of your cells."
Altitude training Altitude training is not just for Olympic hopefuls and profess ional athletes; it's practiced by all kinds of endurance athletes. Brett Yost, a Central Oregon Community Col lege math teacher, has been sleeping in an altitude tent to acclimate his body for moun taineering challenges. Before he settled in Bend, Yost had lived and worked in the mountains of Colorado, spending weeks at a time above12,000 feetin eleva tion, essentially constantly altitude training. But then he lived for some time at sea level in Washing ton, during which time he climbed Mount Rainier with out any acclimation training. He experienced some uncom fortable effects of altitude. So this year, in preparation for another Rainier climb, he slept for six weeks in an altitudetent. He recently summited Rainier quickly and felt good doing it, he said.
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doesn't think Coke and Pep si's efforts to come up with theirown zero-caloriedrinks will threaten his company. ''When consumers see a brand all of a sudden with different positioning, they see right through that," Spence
J. TABOR J E W E L E R S l~l 1 Ãll; in Ntrcct I P <kcr ('gatv a"4-1! k)!) ' Xlnn<lax - Salur<lai <l:A(l - R'30
said. 'The+I say'you're a
sugar soda company that has a couple different stevia products."'
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~ . 7o7 a. ~ ~ Located at 1012 Adams Avenue in La Grande (541) 962-7171 Located at 328 N Main next door to the historic Union Hotel out in Union (541 j 562-6031
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'Offer valid from7/I/Z01Z until 10/Z6/Z01Z Z9%APRis for 60months onlyon aII Gator Utility Vehicles excluding TXTurf andProGators Subject toapprovedcredit on Revolvmg Plan aservice ofJohnOeere finanoaI f s b for consumer use only Nodownpayment required Otherspeoalratesandtermsmaybeavailable mcludmghnanongforcommeroaluseAvailableatparticipatmgdealers Pricesandmodels may varybydealer Beforeoperatmgor riding always refer to thesafety andoperating informationonthe vehicleandmthe operators manual Actual vehicle speed mayvary basedon belt wear tire selection vehicleweight fuel condition terrain andotherenvironmental factors 'Theengmehorsepowerandtorquemformat ionare provided bytheenginemanufacturer to beused for comparison purposesonly Actual operatmghorsepowerandtorquewiII be less Refer to the enginemanufacturer s website for additional mformation JohnOeeres areenandveIIowcolor schemetheleaoina deer svmboIandJOHNOEEREaretrademarksof Oeere 8Company
• 0 •
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
HOW TO P LAY: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle — horizon tally, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them and C IRCLE T H E I R LOITERS O N LY . D O N O T C I R C L E T H E W O R D . Th e l eftover letters spell the Wonderword. BINAURAL BEATS Solution: 10 letters
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Flying Fitness: Cathy Rigby's gives tips for soaring while nearing 60
waste." Again and again, the word spirituality comes up in conversa tion. The more he embraces it, and the more he finds joy and grati tude in what he does, the faster he gets as a runner. "I am saying that the scope of these races is such that you play with these themes that are so much like life," he says. "It' s not about avoiding suffering but redeeming it. That's what I like about ultras. They demand so much. You have to confront that." He speaks about using each ofthethree prongs ofhislife faith, family, running — to help make sense of the others. "IfIcan'tgettherestofm y life lined up first, this isn't going to work," he says about running. "My family schedule comes first. That' s important to me." To avoid running for hours on weekends and taking up family time, Crownover gets his runs in when he can. At least once a week, he leaves his car, phone, wallet and keys at work and runs the 15 miles home to Sunnyvale, Texas. The next morning, he runs back. His wife, Juliana, usually accompanies him on his ultras, meeting him at various spots along the trail with sustenance and moral support. His two sons and two daughters, ages 2 to 10, are usually at the events, too, playing with families of other runners. At 39, Crownover could conceiv ably keep running for decades. Still, he knows there will come a day when he can no longer run. "That's why I'm grateful for today," he says. "It's not about ignoring our limits or denying mortality. We embrace it. We cel ebrate that today we can run, and thatisa greatway tolive."
Continued from 1B "Sometimes he brings up issues we were unaware of," Adams says. One might be what a patient' s church family is doing, perhaps. Or maybe the patient is depressed or suicidal. 'You have to sit with a patient to getthatout." When Crownover is working, he stri ves for an 80-to-20ratioof listening to talking. So when he' s not on chaplain duty, it seems as if all he has held inside comes out, in an effortless eloquence that begs not to be interrupted. His thoughts — joy, trust, gratitude, "the whole becoming human thing" — drop into conver sation as easily as ice cubes into a refreshing glass of water. Maybe that's honed by solitary hours of running with only his heartbeat and footfall and rushing water for rhythm; who can say? "It keeps coming back to gratitude. It keeps coming back to paying attention to what I am called to be. I guess you could call it discernment. It's a great chance to be present." This thought is not his own, he says. 'This is the blessing my pa tients teach me. I'm plagiarizing them. My cancer patients have taught me they' re not grateful for having cancer, but for what it taught them. For me, this is a lab version of that. I'm really glad to get outhere.Lifegetssim ple. I want some water. I want to sit down fora minute." His job as a chaplain is not to cure, but to heal, he says. It's all about redemption: "That's what happens when we have a baby or run races. It's not that there's no suffering. It's that it doesn't go to
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
By Nancy Chumin
a slow-cooker, with carrots sauteed in olive oil, a little butter and white DALLAS, Texas — Peter Pan wine. never grows up. Cathy Rigby, who The other essential component has made Peter her signature of her regimen is exercise, which rolefor more than two decades, Rigby has adapted as she's gotten older. When she was a competitive doesn't seem to have aged much either. gymnast, she worked out six to Peter's secretisfairy dust,but eight hours a day, doing 100 sit-ups Rigby, who turns 60 in December, at a time. When she hit her 40s, she relies on a sprinkling of pulverized discoveredthat a 30-minute session herbs sprinkled on fresh food and of Pilates along with light weight regularexercise to perform Peter's work and core exercises could keep her muscles strong without strain cartwheels, flips and flying during her national tour. ing her joints. She spoke about her fitness rou She varies her workouts, some tine before a recent Dallas show. times raising her legs while lying 'There's something really joy on her back wearing her Peter Pan ous in doing the things I still do, flying harness, other times lying on although I shouldn't be able to," the her stomach and lifbng her upper 4-foot-11 former Olympic gymnast body. While in Dallas, she's gotten says. "Itbringsoutthatcompetitive her exercise walking miles in the Peter Pan quality in me. It's fun, Jack White / Dallas Morning News Dallas Zoo and traipsing up and and it keeps me mentally much Cathy Rigby stretches before a down the stairs in the theater. The younger, especially being around performance of "Peter Pan" at key, Rigby says, is to warm up for at kids. Their zest for life is conta the Music Hall at Fair Park in least 30 minutes an hour before the gIOus. Dallas, Texas. show starts, something she sees the Eating right is a good first step, dancers who play the pirates and hard-cookedeggs,a pieceoftoast, Rigby says. Before she sets out on lost boys do, too. Afterward, instead of cooling tour,shepicksfresh tarragon,basil a cup of coffee and some fruit, with and parsley from her garden, which lunch a salad, often with apples, pe down, she takes a hot bath. sherefersto asherfairy garden She's attentive to her body's sig cans,carrots,balsamic vinaigrette becausethere are statues offairies and a drop of mayonnaise with olive nals. If, during a performance, she oilforflavor. feels a twinge in her leg when she that she and her grandchildren Her big meal, which she cooks lands or her back or neck while she pretend are real, along with a small herself in her "Peter Pan bistro," as turns, she' ll ease up slightly rather pond containing koi and turtles. There's even an aviary with finches she calls her Dallas kitchen, is after than pushing harder. the show, when she needs to replen While some let themselves go and cockatoos. She grinds the fresh herbs with ish her energy: pork chops sauteed when away from home, Rigby says a mortar and pestle, mixes them in a pan with a little olive oil, rice she finds it easier to stay fit without with sea salt, and packs them in a and chopped carrots, and fresh the distractions of being a wife, mom and grandmother. plastic bag. tomatoes and burrata ian Italian ''When you' re on the road, the Rigby eats lightly before a show cheese made from mozzarella and and not at all three or four hours cream). Sometimes, the menu will priority is your show, so you tend to before curtain. Usually, breakfast is consist of chicken and vegetables in takebettercareofyourself." The Dallas Morning News
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:
2 days prior to publication date
R X l
Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673 ~ www.bakercityhera Id. corn• classifiedsObakercityhera Id. corn• Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161 ~ www.lagrandeobserver.corn• classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.corn• Fax: 541-963-3674
105 - Announce ments LAMINATION UP
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140 - Yard, Garage 140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co. Sales-Baker Co. ESTATE LIQUIDATION SAT. ONLY; a le. 64463 Wolf Q8AM — 2 PM. C reek L a ne, N o r t h Powder. 7/27 Sr 7/28 8:30 am — 4 pm. Tools Sr misc., stunning an tique buffet, oak Qn. sleigh bed, generator, kitchen, bath, clothing, furniture, books, sport ing goods. Everything priced to sell, leaving the country!
• 0 •
140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.
140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.
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140- Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.
140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.
THE OBSERVER 1406 Fifth • 541-963-3161
ourgracegospel.corn BAKER COUNTY Health ...everything necessary Department offers a to save your never dy variety of a f f o rdable ing soul, trust what he birth control. Some in C~ did not what you are dividuals may qualify doing... for a program to get birth control at little or ourgracegospel.corn no cost. We also offer what He did, STI testing. Please call not what you are doing, if you have question or or have done. to make an appoint PINOCHLE: FRI., 6:OO ment, 541-523-8211. p m Senior Center 2810 Cedar St BINGO: SUN., 2 — 5 p.m St. Francis de Sales Public is welcome, pansh hall, 2245 First CHECK YOUR AD ON St. Sponsored by the THE FIRST DAY OF Knights of Columbus. PUBLICATION We make every effort CALL FOR Vendors t o a v o i d e rr o r s . sign up now for However mistakes your booth at do slip t h r ough. Community Night Out Check your ads the August 7th first day of publica Booth fee $15 for retail. tion Sr call us imme Free to non-profit.
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diately if you find an e rror. N or t h e a s t Oregon Classifieds
will cheerfully make ING contest, Saturday, your correction Sr August 1 1th, d u ring e xtend your ad 1 Union Grassroots Fes dav. t ival . Con t e s t a n t s PUBLIC BINGO: Mon. wanted, no entry fee. doors open, 6:30 p.m.; Down home cooking, early bird game, 7 p.m. cash prizes, trophy Sr ribbons. u n i oncham followed by r e g ular games. C o m m u nity ber©eonncom or 541-786-1492. Connection, 2810 Ce dar St., Baker. All ages KATHERINE Olsen, welcome. have had sole custody 541-523-6591 of my daug h t er, SEARCHING FOR John H annamae Ol s e n , M ontgomery f ro m since my divorce from Baker City, OR. Any in Donald Olsen w hich formation please con was finalized on Sep tember 27, 2007. Rea tact Robert Armstrong, 5 41-523-3246 or t h e son for divorce was ir r econcilable d i f f e r Baker City Herald at 541-523-3673 ences.
VETERANS OF KNOW S O M E ONE in FOREIGN WARS POST SAT. ONLY: 7 a.m. — 2 ESTATE SALE July 28 Sr 2806 3RD St. Saturday 1180 H St. the La Grande area 3048 MONTHLY 8 am — 3 pm. Furniture, Sun. 29; sam-3pm, 1899 Fn. — with Alcohol, Tobacco p.m. 42717 Nye Rd. MEETING 2nd Thurs. of 16th St. Baker City. clothes Sr housewares 8AM -3 PM 1040 F St. Hwy 86, left at Span or other Drug prob the month. Post Sr Auxil Washer, dryer, dish Collectibles, inflatable ish style house. 2 nd lem? Get the beautiful ALL A D S f o r GA cassette tape "RAISED iary meet at 6:30 p.m. kayak, girl's c lothes house on the nght. Ap washer, household fur 2051 VIRGINIA in South RAGE SALES, MOV niture, lawn furniture, size 10 — 14, household Baker. Sat., 7/28 F ROM THE RUINS". VFW Hall, 2005 Valley prox. 3 mn from town. ING SALES, YARD Ave., Baker lots of new or slightly san -2pm Sr much more! F REE/CONFIDENTIAL. 745 H St. Sat. only. 8 am SALES, must be PRE 541-523-4988 used small appliances, Y ou' ll love it! C A L L — 3 pm. Dinette set, Q 1 606 3RD St. exercise equip., vari MULTI-FAMILY SALE. PAID at The Baker City F REEDOMLINE 110 - Self-Help saws and etc. F n., 7/27 Sr Sat., 7/28. ous craft items, col Fn., 7/27; 8 AM — 3 PM Herald Office, 1 9 15 1-800-528-0070. Group Meetings First Street, Baker City 8AM -2 PM lectibles, books, mov Sat.,7/28; 9 AM — 2 PM DON'T FORGET to take or The Observer Of OREGON GREEN FREE AL-ANON-HELP FOR ies, etc. No early sales 375 Spring Garden your signs down after fice, 1406 Fifth Street, Meeting families Sr fnends of al please. your garage sale. LaGrande. Sat. — August 4 c ohol i c s . Un i o n Northeast Oregon 1050 Hughes lane County. 568 — 4856 or Classifieds 12 PM — 2 PM 562-5772
• 0 •
• 0 •
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS: i
2 days prior to publication date
Baker City Hera Id: 541-523-3673ewww.bakerci tyhera Id.corn • cl assifiedsO bakercityheraId.corn • Fax:541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e randeobserver.corn • classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.corn • Fax: 541-963-3674 110 - Self-Help Group Meetings AA MEETING:
130 - Auction Sales
Household 4uction for Judy and Richard Clark 2409 Century Loop, La Grande Lots of great stuff in like-new condition. Boxes and boxes of great collectibles, metal cabinets full of tools and parts. New electrical connectors and parts, crates full of ABS, a shop full of fabric and machine knitting yarn. Leather furniture, outdoor fixtures and irrigation parts. A room full of lumber and building supplies, 1000+ pounds of metal for fabrication, patio bricks, 2 BBQ's, Iuki sewing machine, serger, 2 Brother knitting machines, boxes of machine knit patterns, antique school bell, 2 bedroom sets, leather couch and chair, curio cabinets, desk, dining room set, tables, lamps and other furni ture, newspa tub, radial arm saw, yard art, let dust control system with parts, Troy-bilt chipper, new galvanized duct work. We will start on Saturday with collectibles, tools, yarn and fabric, yard art, some furniture, knitting machines and yard tools. Sunday we will sell out the tools and wood shop, big lawn furniture, work table, shelves and other items in the knitting shop, bricks, metal, commercial sewing machines and whatever is left of the collectibles and household items. Preview starts at 8:00AM both days, auction starts promptly at 10;00AM.Directions: Gekeler to 20th, turn on Century Loop and follow auction signs. Food and drinks will be available. Pictures and more info at www.clark-auctions.corn . Clark & Daughter auctions, Roger Clark, Auctioneer. Contact number 541-910-0189.
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This yard sale map is provided as a service by The Observer. Locations shown are approximations — Check individual ads for exact address. While we make every effort to be complete and accurate, we cannot be responsible for errors and ommissions.
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2 FAMILY Yard Sale.ESTATE SALE. Sat only GIANT YARD Sale. Fn. YARD SALE 1802 Cove YARD SA L E . S a t . , I Sat. J u ly 2 8 , July 28, 7am-4pm. Fur s8t S a t ., 9a m - 3 p m . I6 MARILYN COX gAve, Saturday 9 am — 13p7am-Noon. 3204 Oak ESTATE SALE 8am-12pm. Household n iture, t o o l s , w or k '64154 Case Rd. Near pm. Household items, St. New hot tub cover, items, furniture, camp bench, nding 8t push Alicel. Take Market Ln, toys, clothes, decor, shop stuff, books, and July 28th 8r 29h i ng gear, t o o ls , k i s mowers, bike, books, off Hwy 82, turn left Anchor Hocking glass, misc. 740 3rd St. items. 2102 Linda Ln. clothes. 405 First St. o n Case Rd. 1 m i l e more. North Powder YARD SA L E . S a t . , LG between D 8t F. down Case on left by 9AM -5 PM 2 FAMILY Yard Sale. YARD SALE. Fn. 8t Sat., 3I8am-2pm. 114 Polk b ig r e d b a r n . T o o g Sat., 8am-2pm. 2304 GARAGE SALE. Sat., m uch to l i st , s o m e Lots of Asian items!!! gg8am-2pm. 302 Aries A ve. ICids stuff, b i g Lg. carved Chinese May Ln. Furniture, Laz 8 8 am-4pm. 1 9 0 2 N people stuff, furniture, Ln. Furniture, studded thing fo r e v e r yone! and much more! Boy recliner, luggage Greenwood. Camping, A ny q u e s t ion s c a l l camphor chest, chow tires, household items. style end tables w/ 8t misc. items. Llama 541-786-3200, ask for unti ng , f is hi ng , SA L E . S a t . , matching chest, 20" gear, 2 s ets of h YARD SALE. Fn. 8t Sat., YARD ICan DeLint. c lothes, t o o l s , a n 908 21st St. Marwal chalkware mounted tires, gang g 38am-2pm. 1415 U g8am-5pm. tiques, and much figures, Asian mod. box, household items. HUGE YARD SALE Ave. Books, m a ga B aby g i r l c l o t h e s , more! No early birds! 60's Pagoda dining b ooks , f ur ni t u r e , 1402 W Av e ., Fri . zines, household, tons 2604 N Greenwood. h ousehol d it em s , set w/6 chairs, 10" Q8am-4pm. Continues of scrapbooking 8t rub misc. Fri. 6 p m - 8 p m , Sat . GIANT YARD SALE Iron Buddha, 8t other thru the w eek t ill all ber stamp s u p plies, 37:30am-1pm. Reload Corner of Adams Ave. 8t misc. Asian items. i tems are g o ne ! A l l h omemade ca r d s , YARD SALE. Sat., 8am. 60's Danish Teak ing e q u ip , r e c l i ner, 1st St. Fn. 8t Sat. Early p roceeds go t o t h e tools, and lots more! 3803 Highland Place, WW II books, baseball birds welcome. Jasmine Z a p h l i s hy end tables, 9-vintage off 12th St. Plus size b ooks, lots of o t h e r Fishing p o les, t a c k le, Medical Fund. Very metal lunch boxes, YARD SALE. Fn. 8t Sat., clothing, movies, boys electric d o w n rigger. misc. vintage Lamb Head clothing, antiques, g48am-3pm. 611 Crook c lothes s i ze s 0 - 3 T , Browning 20 g a uge, nice cookie lar, '40's Akro c ollect i b l es , ATV Ave. Furniture, craft, toys. Everything clean BENEFIT YARD SALE. Ithica 16 gauge pump sprayer, yard 8t Chnst Agate child's tea set, fabnc, and more! 8t pnced, no tunk. Friends of Jo e L u cius, A5, ammo, reloading vintage Remington m as dec o r a t i o n s . /w ho is fighting cancer, e quip., h an d t o o l s , 541-963-7294. typewnter, 1970 Jim YARD SALE. Fn. 8t Sat., YARD S A LE: To o l s, a re h ol d i ng a yard tools. Nice picture Beam decanters, gs8am-4pm. 1000 Alder h ousehold, other. 7 multi-household yard frames, 6 HP mower glassware, x-mas mi out of Elgin toward St., Elgin. Over 20 yr. sale. All proceeds go motor, s t e p l a d d er, LARGE MOVING Sale. 8r SO MUCH MORE! of accumulation! M inam, 7 4 924 Hw y I3 Sat. only, 8am-1 pm. to Joe, his wife 8t two elec. drill sharpener, 82. Sat July 28th only, 60917Wnght Rd. young boys. 9 01 Z ATV ramps, backpack Ave., (corner of Z 8r ing st ove, c o l lector Something for every MOVING S ALE. Sat., YARD SALE. Fn. 9am. 8 am to 3 pm. one! I78am-2pm. Corner of 0 g6Sat. 8am. 302 4th St. N. 3rd), Sat., J u ly doll, household items, Great back toschool 8t Aspen. F u rniture, 2 8th, 7 a m - 2 p m . good sheet sets, small YARD SALE of Commu lawn mower, house ~l*thi , b y 6 a p. S un., J u l y 29t h , kitchen appliances and ity donated items for h old i t e ms , b o o k s , Women' s, luniors, 7am-Noon. cookware, many cook I4n men' s, good quality! fundraising for Rock misc. books, other b ooks, Lots of m isc, books, wall Grange of Elgin. old records/LP's. ESTATE LIQUIDATION good toys. Small furni This event will be held t ure, n a m e b ra n d on the lawn adloining PHILLY FUNDRAISER. SSa le. 64463 Wolf clothing, shoes lew I I. 8t Sat. 7am-2pm. t he D a r ro w St o v e Is F YARD SALE. Sat. only, Creek Ln. North Pow two nice wall mir 2411 E N Ave. g77am-1pm. 1903 Wash Store on Main Street d er. July 2 7 8 t 2 8 , elry, rors, v i ntage g l a ss ington Ave. Something Elgin (Hwy. 82). Time 8:30am-4pm, toolsand wa re, many Ha vila nd is 8:00am-? on Fri. 8t for everyone! misc, antique buffet, STORAGE UNIT Sale. ieces, a n t i qu e h a t Sat. "Rooms full" of Ig Sat, 7am-1pm. Corner c lean s l e i g h be d , p boxes. Lots of collecti SA L E . S a t . , m erchandise w ill b e kitchen, bath, clothing, o f N B a l m 8 t C o v e YARD 8t antiques. Pnced g87:30am-?. 1707 Wal on the yard and easily furniture, books, sport bles Ave. Office furniture 8t to sell. n ut S t . Fur n i t u r e , accessible. ing goods, everything furniture, large onental coats, clothes, house priced to sell! Leaving rug, clothes, kitchen MULTIFAMILY YARD SALE IN barn. House wares, and many other hold goods. the country! IOSALE. Sat., 8am-1pm. IS h old, tools, t i r es 8 t items! ESTATE S A LE. Ju l y 703 Main Ave. Furni nms, hot tub, exercise YARD SA L E . S a t . , 6 27-28. 8a m-3p m. 406 ture, sporting goods, b ike, l o u ng e c h a i r , g97:30am-Noon. 14 1 2 N 14th, Elgin. 80 yrs of clothes, TV, firefight Cedar St. ICids toys, boys 8t girls clothes 8t YARD SALE 8 E Y FC a ntiques, o l dies 8t i ng gea r 8 t l o t s o f much more! Fri. 8t Sat, gpFUNDRAISER. Fri. 8t bike, clothes, books, g oodies. N o ear l y misc. items No e arly 8-2pm. 61477 Melody Sat. 7am-4pm. Corner free fish, household sales! items. sales! Rd. of Crook 8t N 3rd.
• 0 •
• 0 •
COUNSELOR I Drug/Al cohol Counselor at Powder River Correc tional Facility. Able to obtain CADC I w ithin 2 4 months o f h i r e . Must possess Associ ate degree or better.
Salary base: $13.86. Interested i n dividuals
must pass DOC Back ground Check. Work amiably and coopera tively with co-workers and contacts. Applica tions may be obtain © 2100 Main Street or on line at:
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210 - Help Wanted Baker Co.
110 - Self-Help Group Meetings AA MEETING:
S OCIAL W O R K E R The 12:05 Meeting needed for the top Self Help 8t Support Sat., 2 p.m. Mon.; 100 best places to G roup An n o u n c e Episcopal Church 12:05 p.m. — 1:05 p.m. work in healthcare ments at n o c h arge. 2177 First St. Baker City. St. Stephens i n the n a t i on . F T PI ea se ca I I Episcopal Church w/great b e n e f its. Julie at 541-523-3673. 2177 1st St. $20 — $24 per hr, NARCOTICS (in the basement) DOE. For more info ANONYMOUS: Open or to apply got to: Sun., 10 a.m. No Smoking NARCOTICS www. ohos ice.corn Baker County Library, ANONYMOUS: AL-ANON back room TLC (THOSE Who Have Monday, Thursday, 8t Baker Do you wish the drink Fnday at8pm. Episcopal Lost Children), a Chns ST ALPHONSUS — ing would stop? t ian-based s u p p o r t C ity is l o oking fo r a Church 2177 First St., PRN dietary aide and Mon., Noon OVEREATERS group, Mon. 7 p . m ., Baker City. full time cook. Previ Baker County Library ANONYMOUS: Valley Fellowship, 3rd ous food service expe Archive Room Fn., 8:45 a.m. 8 t M A v e n u es , L a r ience d e s i red a n d 2400 Resort St. Presbyterian Church Grande. More info. is Oregon Food Handlers NARCOTICS 541-523-5851 1995 Fourth St. a vail. by c al li n g ANONYMOUS card required. If inter Use alley entrance to 541-962-7662. HELP ested, please contact Noah Room upstairs. Tami at 541-523-8113 AL-ANON LINE-1-800-766-3724 Is food a problem for AA MEETING: or apply online at: Meetings: Concerned about you? Call 541-523-5128 Willing To Go To Any www.stal honsus.or someone else's drink 8:OOPM:Sunday, Mon Length Group day, Tuesday, Wednes b k t ~ ing? Tues.; 7 PM — 8 PM Sat., 9 a.m. day, Thursday, Fnday Sat.; 8 PM -9 PM Noon: Thursday AA MEETING: Northeast OR Compas BAKER SCHOOL DIS St. Francis de Sales 6:OOPM: Monday,Tues Powder River Group sion Center, 1250 TRICT 5J is currently Catholic Church day, Wednesday, Thurs Mon.; 7 PM -8 PM accepting applications Hughes Ln. 2335 1st St. day (Women' s) Wed.; 7 PM -8 PM (541 ) 523-3431 for a B a ke r M i d d le (in the basement) 7:OOPM: Saturday Fn.; 7 PM -8 PM School Volleyb all Open Grove St. Apts. Coach. For a complete Nonsmoking Rear Basement En Corner of Grove 8t D Sts AlcoholicsAnonymous descnption of the posi NE Oregon 24 Hour trance at 1501 0 Ave Open t ion s go to AA MEETING: Hotline Nonsmoking Been There Done That, Wheel Chair Accessible 1-866-285-061 7. or contact the employ Open Meeting m ent d i v i s i on . Y o u Sunday; 5:30 — 6:30 m ay a I s o ca I I Grove St Apts 541-524-2261 Corner of Grove 8t D Sts Nonsmoking Wheel Chair Accessible HOUSEKEEPING WITH e xp. i n s e n io r c a r e . 0 Flexible shifts. M u st 0 e. 120 Community Fruitdala Ln n >Zl 0 pass criminal b a ck Wood a. o lz Calendar Villalfr g round c h e ck . C a l l Bird Fruiidala 541-403-0275 as
2-Day 4uctfon
I I I I I ',
110 - Self-Help Group Meetings NARCOTICS CLASSIFIEDS of fers ANONYMOUS:
Survior Group. Wed. 8t Thurs. 12:05pm-1:05pm. Presbytenan Church, 1995 4th St. (4th 8t Court Sts.) Baker City. Open, Nonsmoking.
Saturday July 28th R Sunday July 29th
110 - Self-Help Group Meetings NORTHEAST OREGON
REAL ESTATE Auction Nominal opening Bid: www.newdirectionsnw.or $25,000 70581 Middle Rd, Elgin, New Directions NI/I/ OR is an equal opportunity 3BR 2BA 2,300sf+/ employer & treatment Sells: 8:00AM Mon., Jul. provider 30 on site Open to the Public Visit: williamsauction.c BUS DRIVER. Part-time om o r c a I I a nd fill-in; up t o 1 0 hours per week, plus 800-801-8003 for de fill in work available. $ tails. Many properties 9 .39 per h o ur, w i t h now available for on weekend shift differ line bidding! A Buyer' s e ntial a s nee d e d . P re m i u m may Drive general public apply. Williams 8t Wil bus; must work well liams JUDSON GLEN VAN with public; ability to assist people who use NOY, Williams 8t Wil mobility aids. Pre-em liams Worldwide Real E state, L L C . Li c . ¹ ployment and random drug test; criminal re 200507303. cord check; safe dnv ing record. R e quest 160 - Lost & Found attach copy of 3-year dnving record with ap FOUND BAG at Phillips plication. P a ssenger L ake, (SSP) Call t o endorsement CDL pre identify. 541-523-2222 ferred. EoE. Apply at Employment office by FOUND LARGE apncot 5pm, Aug. 3rd. tabby, non-neutered, male, about 1 yr. Big TRUCK DRIVER. Flat g olden-brown e y e s , bed d o u b l es . No super fnendly 8t affec nights or w e e k ends tionate. Found on 6th req'd. Based in Baker 8t G. 541-975-4168. C ity. Gary N . S m i t h T rucking . Co n t a c t LOST: F, cat. Tortoise Mike at 541-523-3777 shell/calico mix. H St. a rea. 541-523-4881. Baker City
MISSING YOUR PET? Check the Baker City Animal Clinic,
541-523-3611. Add symbols 8t bold ing! PLEASE CHECKthe Ani mal Shelter website in La Grande if you have It's a little extra that gets BIG results. a lost or found pet. www.bmhumane.or Have your adSTAND OUT 180 - Personals for as little as $1 extra. MEET S I NGLES right now! No paid opera tors, lust real people 220 - Help Wanted l ike y o u . Bro w s e Union Co. greetings, ex change m essagse and c o n IT IS UNLAWFUL (Sub n ect live. Try it f r e e . sectio n 3, O RS 6 59.040) for an e m CaII n ow : 877-955-5505. (P NDC) ployer (domestic help excepted) or employ ment agency to print or circulate or cause to be pnnted or circulated any statement, adver tisement o r p u b l ica t ion, o r t o u s e a n y form of application for employment o r to m ake any i n q uiry i n 210 - Help Wanted c onnection w it h p r o Baker Co. spective employment RN NEEDED FT in our which expresses di rectly or indirectly any new Baker City office. limitation, specification Rewarding career with or discrimination as to Heart 'n Home Hos pice. $ 2 8 - $ 3 2/hr., race, religion, color, sex, age o r n a t ional sign-on b o n u s of $ 2,500, gen e r o u s ongin or any intent to make any such limita PTO, full benefits. t ion, specification o r www.gohospice.corn discrimination, unless for more info. 8t to ap b ased upon a b o n a tly fide occupational quali LPN needed for the top 100 best places to work in health care in the nation. FT w/great benefits. $17 — $19 per hr, DOE. For more info or to apply got to: www. ohos ice.corn
LA GRANDE School Dis tnct has an opening for a C r o s s Cou n t r y Coach. Visit our web site for more informa tion! rande.k12.or. us EEO
• 0 •
FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 2012
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS: •
Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673e www.bakercityherald.corn • classifiedsObakercityherald.corn• Fax: 541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e randeobserver.corn • classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.corn • Fax: 541-963-3674
100- Announcements
600- FarmersMarket
105 Announc ements 110- SelHel f pGroups 120 -Community Calendar 130 Aucti - onSales 140- Yard,GarageSales,Baker Co 143- WallowaCo 145- UnionCo 150 Baz - aars, Fundraisers 160 -Lost8Found 170 -LoveLines 180- Personals
605 -MarketBasket 610 -Boarding/Training 620 -FarmEquipment 8Supplies 630- Feeds 640- Horse,Stock Trailers 650- Horses, Mules,Tack 660- Livestock 670 -Poultry 675 -Rabits, Small Animals 680 - Irrigation 690- Pasture
700- Rentals
200-Employment 210- HelpWanted, Baker Co 220- UnionCo 230- Outof Area 280 -SituationsWanted
701 - Wantedto Rent
705 -Roommate Wanted 710- Rooms for Rent 720 -ApartmentRentals 730 -FurnishedApartments 740 -DuplexRentals 750 -Housesfor Rent 760 -Commercial Rentals 770 -VacationRentals 780 -StorageUnits 790 -PropertyManagement 795-MobileHomeSpaces
2 days prior to publication date
220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted 230 - Help Wanted 360 - Schools & Union Co. Union Co. Union Co. out of area Instruction NOTICE TO GRANDE RONDE Hospi NEW DAY Enterprises E XPANDING R O C KATTEND COLLEGEON P ROSP ECTIVE tal: Foundation Man has an opening for an c rushing c om p a n y L INE f r o m H o m e . 'Medical, 'Business, EMPLOYEES WHO ager position- Bache individual to p r o v ide seeking career minded RESPOND TO lor's degree in market team leadership in an ' C r i m i na l J u st i c e , persons for all posi BLIND BOX ADS: employment program t ions . Dem a n d i n g ' H osp ita lity . J ob ing, c o m m u n ication,
PLEASE b e sure when you address your r esumes that t h e a d d ress is complete w it h all information required, such as the BLIND BOX NUMBER. T h i s is t h e o nly way w e h av e o f m aking sure y o u r r e sume gets to the proper place. Northeast Oregon Classified Staff
business mgmt. or re lated field. Experience i n s p e c ia l e v e n t s , knowledge of fundrais i ng, experience w i t h grant w r i t i ng . A d vanced computer skills r equired. A bi l it y t o write effectively and speak in public. Type 4 0wpm and h ave a current OR dnver's li cense. St a r t ing rate DOE. Apply on line at EOE
ALLEY BARBER &Salon in Pat's Alley has chair for lease. $275/month. Call J ul i e at 541-786-01 96. Ava il
for adults with devel
opmental disabilities. Experience in a voca tional setting or as a
mid manager is pre ferred Successful can d idates w il l n ee d t o demonstrate their abil ity to t r ain, organize,
plan, schedule, coordi nate, c o m m u n icate, and work as part of a t eam. P o s i t i o n in c ludes c o m p e t i t i v e
compensation and a benefit package (avail
physical labor w/ long placement assistance. hours. Willing to travel Computer available. Fi throughout the North nancial Aid if qualified. west. Competitive sal SCHEV certified. Call ary & benefits pkg. in 866-688-7078 cluding: Medical/den www.CenturaOnline.c tal/vision, 401IC/retire om (PNDC) m ent plan, p d h o l i days/vacation. Applica OAK HAVEN ICindergar ten registration open tions available at for Fall, Mon — Thurs. www.deatleycrushing.c 12-3, M. Ruth Daven om Send resumes to port, 5 4 1-663-1528, PO Box 759 Lewiston, 541-805-4972. I D 83501 o r f a x t o (208) 743-6474. EOE 380 - Service Direc
tory able after initial transi HISPANIC t ion p e riod) t ha t i n COMMUNITY LIAISON A CLASSIFIED ad is an
EASY W AY TO c ludes paid time o f f and c o m p a n y aid I nterMountain ES D i s REACH over 3 million currently seeking quali Pacific Northwestern medical, dental and vi A D A U G E 0 fied applicants for a sion insurance. Flexi ers. $ 5 2 5 / 25-word ARE YOU looking for a full- time H i s p a n i c classified ad in 30 daily bility in schedule is re career in Human Serv Community Liaison in MANAGEMENT newspap er s for q uired. M u s t pa s s ices? New Day Enter OPENING cnminal history investi Pendleton. 3-days. Call the pacific 310- Mortgages, Contracts, Loans p rises is l o o king f o r Position is Open gation, drug test and Northwest Daily Con enthusiastic individuals Until Filled. 320 -BusinessInvestments nection (916) 288-6019 to be Relief w orkers Adaugeo H e a l t h care have a valid Oregon Contac t Da n at seeks a candidate for dnver's license. Appli 0I emaiI 330- Business Opportunities available to work day, our management train cations can be picked (541)966-3224 for ad elizabeth©cnpa.corn swing and graveyards 340- AdultCareBaker Co ditional information or ing program in Pendle up at 1502 Washing for more info (PNDC) shifts. $9.50/hr and up. download an applica ton, O R . F u l l -time, t on from 8:00 AM t o 345 -AdultCareUnion Co Must be able to work ADVERTISE VACATION tion and view full lob s alaried position w it h 4:00 PM, M-F or con f lexible hours; be at 350- DayCareBaker Co c ompetitive pay a n d tact the Oregon Em d escription a n d i n SPECIALS to 3 million least 18 and able to Pacific Northwestern s tru c t i o n s at: benefits. A successful ployment Department 355 -DayCareUnion Co pass Criminal History ers! 30 daily newspa re: Job ¹898451. Re candidate will have a and drug screen. Must p ers, s ix s t at e s . 360 -Schools8 Instruction solid business and fi s ume m us t a c c o m possess a valid Driv WALLOWA MEMORIAL 2 5-word c l a s s i f i e d 801 Wan ted to B u y nance b a c k g r ound pany application. Clos 380 -ServiceDirectory er's License. Applica $525 for a 3-day ad. HOSPITAL it h a m i nd t o ing date is August 2, 810- Cond os,Townhouses,Baker Co tions are available at wanalyze/wor Located in Enterpnse, OR Call (916) 288-6019 or 2012 at 4:00 PM. k w it h 1 502 W as h i n g t o n v Is It RN Home Health 815 -Condos, Townhouses,UnionCo Ave., numbers. People man 8:00am-4:00pm, www.pnna.corn/adver Part time 820- Houses for Sale, Baker Co Monday through Fri agement skills are also t ising pndc.cfm f o r essential. Apply online UNION COUNTY Exten Current Oregon RN li 405 -Antiques day. the Pacific Northwest cense & CPR req. 825 -Housesfor Sale, Union Co at w w w . a d a u geo sion Se r v i c e 4- H D aily Co nne c t i o n 410- Arts 8Crafts Competitive benefit healthcare.corn or 840- MobileHomes, Baker Co SNACZ Program Coor C OM M U N IT Y C O N email r es u m e t o (PNDC) package. Visit our 415 -BuildingMaterials NECTION has an dinator website at 845 -MobileHomes, Union Co opening fo r a I C i ds Iobs©adaugeohealth ANYTHING FOR Oregon State University or contact Linda 420 -ChristmasTrees care.corn. 850- Lots8 Property, BakerCo A BUCK Club teacher. Up to 19 Union County Exten Childers at 425 -Computers/Electronics Same owner for 21 yrs. hours p er w ee k . sion Service is recruit (541)426-5313. EOE 855 -Lots8 Property, UnionCo 541-910-6013 $10.73 per hour. Lead i ng fo r a f ul l - t i m e, 430- ForSaleor Trade 860 -Ranches, Farms or assist with daily ac THE COVE School Dis fixed-term, Extension CCB¹101518, LG 435 -FuelSupplies trict i s c u r rently a c 4-H SNACZ Program t ivities fo r 5 - 1 2 y e a r 870 - InvestmentProperty ATTENTION DIABET cepting a p p l ications Coordinator. SNACZ is o ld c h i l dren . M u s t 440- HouseholdItems ICS wi t h M e d i c are. 880 -Commercial Property for a part time worker 4 -ye a r , pass criminal history a Get a F REE talking 445 -Lawns8Gardens check and drug test. in its kitchen, two days research-based, 4-H m eter a n d d i a b e t i c a week/6 hours a day. Application and lob de youth leadership pro 450- Miscellaneous testing supplies at NO Pay will range f rom scription available at gram. The coordinator COST, p l u s F REE 460 -MusicalColumn the Employment De $ 10.04-$11.53 p e r will provide oversight 902 - Aviation home delivery! Best of hour based on experi p artment . Po s i t i o n a nd l e adership f o r 465- SportingGoods all, this m e ter e l imi e nce. Position d o e s 910- ATVs , Motorcycles,Snowmobiles closes July 27th, 2012, SNACZ Teams which 310 - Mortgages, nates painful f i n ger 470- Tools n ot have a b e n e f i t w ill a d v o c at e f or Contracts, Loans at 5:00 pm. EOE 915 -Boats8Motors p ric k i n g ! Cal l p ackage. P r e v i o u s healthy snacks in five 475-Wanedto Buy CONSIDER a Re 888-739-7199. (PNDC) food service ex peri 920- Camprse elementary s c h ools EVER verse Mortgage> At 480- FREE Items ence desired and Ore a nd n e a r b y f ood 925 -MotorHomes l east 62 y e ars o l d ? BOONE'S WEED 8r Pest gon Food H a ndlers stores. R e sponsibili Control, LLC. Trees, Stay in your home & 930- TravelTrailers, 5thWheels Card required. Position ties include curnculum Orna m e n t a l & i ncrease cash f l o w ! THE OBSERVER closes August 10, with d evelopment, y o u t h Turf-Herbicide, Insect 940- Utility Trailers Safe & Effective! Call AND interviews and final se and volunteer leader & Fungus. Structural Now for y our FREE BAKER CITY HERALD 505 -Freeto aGoodHome l ection the w e e k o f 950- Heavy Equipment recruitment, and com Insects, including Ter C a l l No w Newspaper D e l ivery August 13-17. Applica m unication w i t h r e DVD! 510- Lost8Found mites. B a r e g r o und 960 -AutoParts 888-785-5938. (PNDC) routes, both c arrier tions can be accessed search faculty and the weed control: noxious and motor, will be ad 520 -PetGrooming at the Distnct's web 970- Autosfor Sale community. Minimum SOCIAL SECURITY D IS w ee ds , a q uat i c vertised in the B usi site under District in qualifications include a 525 -PetBoarding/Training AB IL ITY B EN E F ITS. weeds. Agriculture & 990 -Four-Wheel Drive n ess O p p o r t u n i t y formation. Please mail bachelor's degree in R ight o f W a y . C a l l WIN or Pay Nothing! section. Please see 530- PetSchools, Instruction applications to: h ealth promotion o r Start Your Application D ou g Bo o n e , classification ¹330 for Cove School Distnct elementary/middle 541-403-1439. B IC 550- Pets,General In Under 60 Seconds. any available routes PO Box 68 school education, or Call Today! Contact at this time. Cove, OR 97824 equivalent c o m b i na Link Disability Group, Inc. C EDAR/Chain fences, new construc tion of education and Licensed Attorneys & t ion , re m od e l i n g , experience. P r e f e r BBB Accredited Call ence will be given to h andyman s e r v i c e . 888-782-4075. (P NDC) candidates with a mas G reat ref e r e n c e s . t er's d e gree i n t h e 330 - Business Op CCB¹ 60701 Ihip Car t er Cons t r u c t i o n , specified area and a portunities 541-519-6273, BIC. background in nutntion and/or experience with INVESTIGATE BEFORE COMPUTERS youth leadership pro YOU INVEST! Always COLTON offers affordable, reli a good policy, espe grams. Salary is com mensurate with educa cially for business op able computer repair tion and e x perience. p ortunities & f ran service. 1-541-406-0380 chises. Call OR Dept. To review posting and o f J u stice a t ( 5 0 3 ) oi visit: a pply, p l e as e v i s i t 378-4320 or the Fed ww.coltonrepair.corn http: // >tl'Pirl 'ZE 4Mrl 0 eral Trade Commission CT LAWN Service: Mow Iobs. Apply to posting %PL),lL>v 'G AZL, r)[L"C,,', kCJElt1, ECJZC=> ELKI('. M EJ$3,'EI': ¹ 0009399 . C l o s i n g at (877) FTC-HELP for C.B.'S, LLC Septic TankCleaning weed eat & f l o w e r f ree i nformation. O r date: July 31, 2012 . & Portable Restrooms beds 541-519-5113 or Whirlpool' and KitchenAid' Embroidery by... JC Foster v isit our We b s it e a t Serving Northeast Oregon OSU is an AA/EOE. 541-523-9006. Ba ker APPLIANCES EXTERIOR k INTERIOR Blue Mountain Design for over 40 years! - Free Delivery PAINTING Final Expense for"SENIORS 1920 Coun Ave D S. H Roofing 5. ELGIN ELECTRIC Veteran Owned and Operated DEQr351 GradyRawls 86 541-963-5231 345 - Adult Care Baker City, OR 97814 43 N. 8th Elgin Free Local estimates, Construction, Inc UNION S C HOOL Dis stitches@bmdrrcom 541-398-1 825 Union Co. ~~.~.L).; L'LL!~II', I > 54f 437 2054 Licensed, bonded t rict is h i r ing a H i g h CCB¹192854. New roofs GRawls2I gmail.corn 541-523-7163 and Insured. S chool Lan g u a g e ADULT FOSTER home & reroofs. Shingles, 541-663-0933 Ltd%~W ILL".'l CB¹59684 Call )C Foster BLUE MOUNTAINSOLAR, INC in La Grande has im Arts/English Teacher. metal. All phases of i Get yourelectricity fromSunlight! i I IL' I Jd ' I l iliIL,') m ediate opening f o r construction. Pole build IIiJLI)IL' (<-LU 541 -962-7576 Please contact Super State andFederalTax Credits is(~.UIPMg Xi: =REP' male or female resi intendent Jon St. Ger ings a specialty. ccBr1780 92 541-568-4882 maine at 541-562-5278 d ent, p r ivate r o o m . Respond within 24 hrs. L'-) '.L~,'=E-,Rl.o.i<JL Clover Haven Ca II 541-91 0-7557. Licenseda Insured 541-524-9594 B IC o r v i s i t t h e Un i o n BACK To SCHOOL Therapeutic Riding Commercial & Residential V'<L~L~FL~L'1)NL¹L~ S chool District w e b Programs for Youth DESIGNER CLOTHING Oak Haven DO YOU NEED Call Angie I 963-MAID WALTER E L D ERLY s It e: Equine-facilitated Affordable Denture CARE has one pnvate islandCity Preschool - Private Tutoring 1431 Adams Ave., Psychotherapy Service? room available now, Beginning Piano La Grande t f Certified Tree Care 541-663-1528 Summer Preschool f or f e m a l e . Ni c e , information. Planting Pruning Removal Troy Stewart, LD Programs friendly, homelike at «liJ ~iLL <.'L'(tl < M. Curt/as PN-7077A BLUE MOUNTAIN K~ ljr) ' ] mosphere, with quality DENTURE CENTER CCB¹ 183649 care. 541-963-7998. TRT TEKNQWLEDGY THE COVE School Dis 21 94 Co urt St. 541 -786-8463 R ILEY EXCAVATION I N C All ComputersRepaired trict i s c u r rently a c 360 - Schools & Since 1982 Baker City, Or 97814 29 Years Experience cepting a p p l ications Instruction Mow, trim, edge, fertilize, leaf (541) 519-4696 or ALL OFFSET 54t-786-37t8 ) ii'L=LLL'll=;=. Excavator, Ba:khoe, Mini-Excavator, removal, tree a shrub trimming f or a pa i d M id d l e COMMERCIAL PRINTING (541)523-4752
300- Financial/Service
able immediately.
800- RealEstate
400- GeneralMerchandise
900- Transportation
500- Pets8Supplies
1000- Legals
(rtr Itop( clotpterr
M.A.S. Co.
I/I/E ALSO DOHOUSE CALLS 25 yearsexperience Call About Our Rates! fof FIR STREET
~ t)']tf;Z <'7lj'X~
GALERUST CONSTRUC TION Homes - PoleBuildings - Remodels
- Barns - Decks - Fencing - Siding - Windows - Garages
Dozer, Grader, Dump Truck & Treler
9 63- 0 3 5 8
541 -805-9777
License ¹163912
nleyexcavation@gmal.cpm ccBr 168468
FENCING Barbwire,T-Pos(sandMore!! No Job Too Big or Small Can
Troy Martin
1-208-741-01 66
2 08-573 - 6 5 8 5
("Where fhe Green GrassGrows!" )
(MQi- el- L~X ~(oL:
54l-9l0-4489 or DOOR GUY 54I-562-5005 THE RAYNOR GARAGE
Licensed —Bonded —Insured CCB¹183563
Serving EOSince1969
CT C=(=n( mXX= Teddi's Dog Grooming
1118 '/~ Adams Ave. Across from Red Cross Drug
Grooming by appointment 7 Days a Week
Bob Fager • 963-3701 • ccB.23272
Wayne Dalton Garage Doors Sales• Installation • Service Rick 963-0144 786-4440 CCBII32022
i,~~ VP,'l0 ~'I))I<-C
Fire Line Brush Clearing Property 1hinning Four wheeler trails 60905 Love Rd. No Job Too Small Cove 541-568-4329 Call For Quote
2 08-573 - 6 5 8 5
Camera ready orwecan set up for
P Z L ife S y s t e m
you.CorilaclTheObserver 963.3767
All InOne,All NaturalAdvanced WellnessFormula! FeelGoodandHaveMoreEnergy!
E/>l'Ff E% le Northeast Property Management, I.I.C
Commeraal8Residential LarrySch(esser . LicensedPropertyManager l.a Grande,OR or call
541-910-0354 LlLl. L-;"J/ML
n ~V>;,J»;Z Dozer Work
Servicing La Grande, Cove &Union
541-663-1528 L)L<xmr"~
Martin Financial Services
CONFIDENTIAL-COURTEOUS Se Hable Espano/ Small loans to $5,000 No Prepayment Penalty 800-725-7372 541-523-7372 1932 First Street Baker City
DANFORTHCONSTRUCTION Over 30 yern serving Union County Composition - Metal - Rat Roofs Continuous Gutters
c ome v l s l t o i s , I e s l
LEGACY FORD Paul Soward Sales Consultant
24 Hour Towing Saturday Service • Rental Cars 2906Island Ave.,La Grande,OR
541 -786-5751 541-963-2161
S c hoo l , EXTREME VALUE Ad grades 1-8. Now ac v ertising! 3 0 Dai l y cepting a p p l ications newspapers for 2012-2013 school $525/25-word classi year. A l l d e n omina fied, 3-days. Reach 3 tions accepted. Call million Pacific North 523-4165 or 519-1715 westerners. For more site under District in information call (916) 2 88-6019 o r e m a i l : formation. Please mail AIRLINES ARE HIRING T rain fo r h a nd s o n applications to: elizabeth©cnpa.corn Aviation Maintenance for the Pacific North Cove School Distnct Career. FAA approved PO Box 68 west D a ily C o nnec program. Financial aid Cove, OR 97824 tion. (PNDC) if qualified — Housing available. Call Aviatioin SPRING CLEANING. No I nstitute o f M a i n t e Iob too big or small. 8 WEEKEND yrs experience & ex nance. RECEPTIONIST 1-877-804-5293. cellent r e f e r e nces. W ildflower Lodge A s (PNDC) 541-519-5120, BIC sisted Living Commu nity in LaGrande, OR. is looking for an exp R eceptionist to w o r k e very w e e k en d t o carry out a d ministra tive tasks and provide support for the com
will respond to t e le phone calls and wel
Piano Studio
rrww joyfulsounds88.corn
Volleyb all
Coach. Position closes August 10, with inter views and final selec t ion t h e w eek of August 13-17. Applica tions can be accessed at the Distnct's web
munity. R e ceptionist
963-0144(Oflice) or Cell 786-4440
I')<)1t.'U'lit! ' I('MJ! JOYFUL SOUNDS
dents, and guests to t he c o m m unity a n d promote a p o s i t ive, professional facility im a ge. Mus t t y p e 6 0 wpm and be proficient with the computer. To apply please visit: www.prestigecare.corn
C hristia n
q 8 Looking for ~~a anewjob?
r Call to 523-3673 to start your new subscription and read new listings every day!
• 0 •
• 0 •
• 0 •
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS: •
2 days prior to publication date
Baker City Hera Id: 541-523-3673ewww.bakerci tyhera Id.corn • cl assifieds@ bakercityheraId.corn • Fax:541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e randeobserver.corn • classifieds@lagrandeobserver.corn • Fax: 541-963-3674 380 - Service Direc tory FRANCES ANNE
380 - Service Direc tory
YAGGIE INTERIOR 8E EXTERIOR PAINTING, Commercial @ Residential. Neat & efficient. CCB¹137675. 541-524-0369
GET FREE OF CREDIT CARD DEBT NOW! Cut payments by up to
LAWN 8E GARDEN SERVICE Rototilling Tatching anating Mowing, Tnming & Edging
Clean ups & Hauling Free Estimates 541-523-5131 15 years experience Baker City, OR
380 - Service Direc tory
445- Lawns & Gar dens
505 - Free to a good home
FOR SALE Leaf & lawn vacuum D & R Equip
POE CARPENTRY • New Home Construction • Remodeling
m ent w i t h spe c i a l hose only used twice.
Self propelled, cost $1800.00 will sell for $ 1400.00 like n e w . Ca II 541-437-8452 LG
• Additions
• Shops, Garages • Tile & Intenor Finish • Decks & Fences Fast Response & Quality Work Wade, 541-523-4947 or 541-403-0483 CCB¹176389
450 - Miscellaneous
430- For Sale or Trade 2 YOUTH Genesis Com p ound B o ws , b o t h equipped w/ w h isker
YARD A MESS? We can Help Lawns — Weedspray
Unwanted cars & trucks & scrap metals too! Call today for more info,
BAKER CITY AUTO SALVAGE Open Saturdays 541-523-7500 3210 H St.
Free to good home ads are FREE! 3 lines for 3 days.
550 - Pets
650 - Horses, Mules MULES AND horse sale: H e I I s C a nyo n M u I e Days, Saturday, Sept. 8th at 6:00pm, Enter pnse. Managed by In termountain Lwestock. More info/consigning,
call IML 541-963-2158 or 800-824-5298. Sale forms online at hells can onmuleda s.corn
AKC Y ELLOW La bs. 5-M, 3-F. Ava ilab le sights. One needs to now. Parents on site. 660- Livestock Spnnkler Systems be restrung. $250.00 541-519-6515 Tony's Tree Service WE BUY all classes of HANDYMAN. No lob too for both. Call 562-1188 600 Elm — 541-523-3708 QUALITY ROUGHCUT horses, 541-523 — 6119; big or small. Reason 9am-12:30a m or CCB¹ 63504 l umber, Cut t o y o u r J.A. Bennett L i v e albe rates. Call Roger 5:30pm-8pm. LG. s pecs. 1 / 8 " on u p . 541-519-1030 stock, Baker City, OR. A lso, h a l f ro u n d s , 500 GALLON propane 450 - Miscellaneous s tays , w e d ge s , tank. Good condition K.C. Home Repair slabs/firewood. Tama YOU TOO can use 690 - Pasture AVAILABLE AT Call 5 4 1 - 519-5792. t his attention g e t No Job too small rack, Fir, Pine, Juniper, THE OBSERVER SCARLETT MARY LMT Baker ter. Ask a classified WANTED: SPRING or Fences, decks Lodgepole, C o t t o n LAWN SERVICE, flower 3 massages/$100. NEWSPAPER r ep how yo u c a n & total remodel summer pasture for 25 w ood. Your l ogs o r FOUR STUDDED snow beds, tree t r i m ming, Call 541-523-4578 BUNDLES inter ior/Exterior get your ad to stand 2 00 p l u s c o w s . mine. 541-971-9657 "1954/65R-15 rototilling. Baker City, tires, Gift Certificates (Burning or packing) out like this! Painting 541-889-585 3 or 91T HANIC W409 BW 541-523-1677 Baker City, OR 541-519-8875 $1.00 each 208-741-0800. MUD". Snow pinned ALL TYPES scrap iron, CC B¹1 71 31 2 NEWSPRINT for studs. $300 OBO. car batteries, a p p li Baker City SEWING ALTERA ROLL ENDS OREGON STATE law re 81 3-41 5-41 47. ances, old cars & elec TIONS 8E REPAIRS. (Art prolects & more) q uires a nyone w h o tronics. Free drop-off JACKET 8t Coverall Re contracts for construc Hems, pockets, zippers, OLD 2 0 X24 b a rn f o r $2.00 8t up a nytime. 4 0359 O l d pair. Zippers replaced, suits & gowns, any t ion w o r k t o be sale. $2500 obo. You Super for young artists! Hwy. 30, (off the 306 p atching an d o t h e r censed with the Con item. Leave msg: Stop in today! tear down & clean up. e xit, 2nd d rwe w a y ) 541-786-5512. LG heavy d ut y r e p a irs. struction Contractors 1406 Fifth Street Built in 1860's, located M oye s p l ac e , Reasonable rates, fast Board. An a ct we 541-963-31 61 in Union. Call Wendell 541-51 9-41 20. service. 541-523-4087 cense means the con TREE PROBLEMS? at 541-459-81 33. or 541-805-9576 BIC tractor is bonded & in We can help CANADA DRUG Center 710 - Rooms for 605 - Market Basket sured. Venfy the con Insect & Disease Control is your choice for safe NORTHEAST OREGON JIM'S COMPUTERS tractor's CCB license Full Service Tree Care 435 - Fuel Supplies and affordable medica CLASSIFIEDS re J OHNSON F A M I L Y Rent On site service & repair through the CCB Con Fertiliing — Evaluations tions. Our licensed Ca serves the nght to re NOTICE Fruit has cherries for Wireless & wired A MIXED SPLIT, $175. s ume r W eb s i t e Tony's Tree Service nadian mail order phar I ect ads that d o n o t All real estate adver sale. We are located at networks Red fir in round $175, www.hirealicensed 600 Elm —541-523-3708 macy will provide you tised here-in is sublect comply with state and 65757 Courtney Lane Virus & Spam Removal split $200. 541-910-4661 contractor.corn. with savings of up to federal regulations or to th e F e d e ral F a ir CCB ¹ 63504 in Summerville. Fo r Jim T. Eidson 90 percent on all your that a r e o f f e n s ive, more information call H ousing A ct , w h i c h 541-519-7342 - Baker F IREWOOD $ 1 8 5 8 E medication needs. Call makes it illegal to ad TWILIGHT false, misleading, de 541-786-8485. Open www.jimeidson.corn $200 in t h e r o u nds; Today 888-419-5190 vertise any preference, ceptwe or ot herwise SEWER 8E DRAINS 8a m-6pm. $210 & $225 split, sea f or $10.00 off y o u r unacceptable. Time to clean out the limitations or discnmi WE DO lot weed soned, delwered in the first prescription and nation based on race, ROOTS! VICKIE'S CLEANING mowing. 541-523-3708 J OHNSON F A M I L Y valley. L a G r a n d e, free shippinq. (PNDC) c olor, r e ligion, s e x , Call for Appt. to be SERVICE 465 Sporting Fruit has peaches for (541 ) 786-0407. h andicap , f a mi l i a l worry free for an ' House Cleaning You can enloy extra vaca Goods sale. We are located at CEMETERY PLOTS other year! status or national on tion money by exchang ' Business Cleaning 65757 Courtney Lane S EASONED FI R E w ill t a k e a n i n COLT PYTHON, 4 in. g in, o r i n t e n t io n t o 541-519-0409 i ng idle i t e m s i n y o u r Vickie Schaber in Summerville. Fo r WOOD, deli v e r e d. crease as of July 1, blude; pachmyer gnps. make any such prefer home for cash ... with an All work guaranteed 541-519-6086, BIC more information call Mixed $150, Tamarack $ 125 0 obo. 2 012. I have t w o e nces, limitations o r ad in classified. (IN WRITING) Excellent References! 541-786-8485. Open $180. 541-786-2112. side-by-side lots for 208-250-4995 discnmination. We will 8a m-6pm. s ale that a ls o i n not knowingly accept c lude p e r p e t u a l any advertising for real 470 Tools KERNS RASPBERRIES: by Stella Wilder care a t a good estate which is in vio $25/FLAT. You p i ck pnce. 541-523-7523 lation of this law. All p ossible o r plac e MANTIS DELUXE Tiller. FRIDAY, JULY27, 20(2 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) - You must but you may be musing about this prema persons are hereby in o rders b y c all i n g N EW! FastStart e n Born today, you are quite comfortable in maintain an objective stance today,and avoid turely. Certain things have not yet wrapped DO YOU need papers to 541-523-547 8 o r g ine. S h ip s F R E E . start your fire with? Or thesociety ofothers,andyetyoupreferto do anything that lets thosearound you know just UP. 541-856-3595, Haines. One-Year Money-Back a re yo u m o v i n g & things on your own whenever possible. This what your opinions really are. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — You may Guarantee when you need papers to wrap formed that all dwell may seem aparadox, but the fact is that you scoRplo (oct. 23-Nov.21)- one small find yourself involved in a project that seems buy DIRECT. Call for 620 - Farm Equip those special items? i ngs a d vertised a r e do not like to mix your professional and per change today is likely to reap dramatic neverto end;makesureto paceyourselfand the DVD and FREE ment & Supplies The Baker City Herald available on an equal at 1915 F i rst S t r eet Good S o i l boo k ! FORKS, HEAVY duty sonal lives in any way; so, professionally you rewards — though not everyone is likely to feed yourself properly. opportunity basis. 877-357-5647. (PNDC) sells tied bundles of like to be on your own, while personally you appreciate them asyou do. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — You' ll be 59"x 6", $1500. Snow EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTU papers. Bundles, $1.00 P low, 10'x 3' , g o o d NITYY enjoy spending time with others. You know SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -You accountable, so you' ll want to know just how each. c ondition , $ 1500 . 2 AVAIL. rooms for rent how to keep a bright and clear line between may bemistaken forsomeone else — more far your reach really is, and who is influenced L oader bucket 9 3 " x these two aspects of your life, and you will thanonce.It'sallbecauseyou have chosen to by it. in quiet neighborhood, FAMILY LOOKING to 1 1/8 yd., fair condi p rivate bat h r o o m , not allow others to blur it for you in any way. highlight a particular personal trait. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -You may pick unwanted fruit & tion, $4 00 . O p t ional $350/month, all utilties - and You do your best to live life according to your CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - A find yourself in a position of authority veggies. 509-396-8065 coupler system for all included. First & l a st own rules and principles. friend or co-worker will appreciate it when when the time comes you will know exactly 3. Pictures available req. 541-910-9523. GREAT PRICES SATURDAY, JULY28 you break down a complicated issue into lay what to tell others to do, and why. email kkh711©q.corn. We buy all scrap 541-523-449 9 o r man's terms. Or was it really that complicat CANCER (June 21-JUIy 22) — You mustn' t LEO (JUIy 23-Aug. 22) — You mayhave to F URNISHED R O O M metals, vehicles & 541-519-1670. Baker stepin and keep someoneelse from fl ying off ed? lose sight of your real motives today; others plus pnvate full bath in half. Sto p
c r e d itors
calling. 866-775-9621. (PNDC)
b iscuit, quiver &
Fertilize — Renovations
batteries. Site
the handle as a result of a simple misunder AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)-You may may claim you are just in it for yourself, but standing. You know what's what. find your reputation on the line quite sud this is not entirely true. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You may denly today, but you' ll be ready to do some fEDIIQR5F ch dq u pl » t n Hdb w t g t h t e have to take things abit under tempo today in thing to ensure it is not damaged atall. CQPYRIGHT 2tll2 UNITED FEATURESYNDICATE INC order to suit the taste of someonewho is call PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -You could DISTRIBUIED BYUNIVERSALUCLICKFQRUFS l llOWd tSt K Qty IA Q all0aMtl255 67l4 ing the shots. be wondering what is going to happen next,
38 Briefcase item 39 Forest grazer 40 Consummate 43 Like some arches
1 Scratch or dent 4 Half a bray 7 Dudley Do-Right's org. 11 Toward shelter 13 Notre Dame sight 14 Drama award
DOWN 1 Mil. rank
2 Found a perch 3 Magritte's name 4 Platter players
5 Journalist — Ducommun 6 Underwater shocker 7 Cheese often grated
8 Trucker, often 9 Chinese dynasty 10 Football's — Rozelle 12 Outdo 8
Motel. Wi-Fi, color TV, m icrowave , f ri d g e . 541-523-6381
$150/ton. Small bales. ROOM FOR rent, $320. Utilities included, par No chemicals. Some tially furnished, plus lower quality hay avail. (541)519-0693, Baker. cable. 541-962-7708. LG
17 Between ports 19 Clod buster 22 Electrical unit 23 Sweet murmur 24 Kennel sound 25 -Magnon 26 Summa — laude 27 Hydroelectric
at you from the assifieds.
35 Put on the
block 36 Roman sun
D o you? If S o W e Have a Solution! CALL FREE CHICKENS:Differ ICERANIQUE TO FIND ent vaneties, 25 head. OUT MORE Y ou pic k up! 877-475-2521. (PNDC) 541-963-3260.
RATES: Ba ke r City
28 Gross! 29 Get misty-eyed 31 Grayish-brown 34 Dug
541-51 9-8600 541-403-2897
air conditioned private
residence. $75//wk or 1 YR, fnendly, male, part $300/mo. Ask for Fred, Siamese cat. Please CERTIFIED WEED free 541-21 5-51 1 9 call 541-523-4475. B IC Alfalfa an d o r c hard g rass, $ 1 0/bale o r G REAT W EEKL Y
7-27-12 © 2012 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS
48 Set the table 50 Gawk at 51 "Dude!" 52 Fierce whale 53 Pored over 54 Queen, maybe 55 Relay-race part
dOWIl 1
(2 wds.)
16 Bulb feature 18 Computer guru 20 Non-corn nickname 21 Aurora, to Socrates 22 Stag party attendees 23 Bike or trike 26 In an uproar 30 Boathouse gear 31 Laurel and Hardy 32 Rec-room gear 33 Pouched animal 36 Liable to break
630 - Feeds
Answer to Previous Puzzle
46 Thin foil
15 Hex
pi ises
505 - Free to a good home
4 BARN Kittens, 2 1/2 541-523-5081 m ont h s old , 541-91 0-6945, OVER 30 Million Women HAY FOR Sale: 1st Crop 541-43 7-1 91 6. Suffer From Hair Loss! Alfalfa & Alfalfa-Grass,
cleanups & drop off bins of all sizes. Pick up service available. Sam Haines Enter
37 Phone response 39 Actor Willem
38 40
40 1939 Lugosi role 41 Venetian magistrate 42 She, in Seville 43 Hack's customer 44 Peer of the realm 45 Friendly 47 At low
• 0 •
49 Mr. Hammarskjold
• 0 •
The Observer 1406 5th Street La Grande,OR 541-963-3161 classit)eds@lagrandeohserver.corn or online at la randeohserver.corn • 0 •
FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 2012
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday /
2 days prior to publication date
Baker City Hera Id: 541-523-3673ewww.bakerci tyhera Id.corn • cl assifiedsO bakercityheraId.corn • Fax:541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e randeobserver.corn • classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.corn • Fax: 541-963-3674 720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co.
720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co.
725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co.
750 - Houses For Rent Baker Co.
752 - Houses for Rent Union Co.
753 - Wallowa County Rentals
755 - Rent, Miscel laneous F O R re n t, 4 DRC'S PROPERTY
760 - Commercial Rentals
1 BDRM, 1 bath apart TAKING A p plications STUDIO, A L L ut i l ities FOR LEASE/RENT: Avail SINGLE WIDE, 2 bdrm, HOME 1400 SQ. ft. office space ment. $500/mo plus for two 2-bdrm, 1 bath immediately. 3-bdrm, mobile home w/ wood Management, Inc. w/parking. $450/mo. p a id , $ 32 5 . bdrm, 2 bath, carport, 541-91 0-0354. N o rt h 2 bath. L ike ne w i n 541-663-1066 dep. All utilities includ a partments . Q u i e t , cover, covered porch stg shed, maintained 2034 Auburn Avenue. ing WiFi and cable TV. completely remodeled. east Prop. Mgt. new subdivision. Two fit garage. Located ap yard, in Wallowa. No 112 Depot, La Grande Baker City 541-403-2220 No pets. D ow ntown car garage fit fenced 541-785-3515 prox. 8 rd miles East pets. 541-886-4305. l ocation. $ 6 9 5 / m o . www.La randeR back yard. No smoking of Elgin, towards Wal A t * t : ~ Please call between Sm. pet c o nsidered. lowa County, off Hwy Studio, $325.00-$375.00. APPROX. 1300 sq. ft. enta Is. corn 2 BDRM : Rent commercial business 8 a.m. 5 p.m. $1400/mo. plus dep. 82 fit Hind men Rd. 1 b dr m,$395. 00 $460/m o. pl us sec. downtown, pnme loca 740 - Duplex Rentals 541-523-4435 541-51 9-3704 Beautiful, country set Apts, some utilities paid. dep. $350. W/S/G paid tion. Attractive store t ing. W /d, ele c t . Baker Co. No pets or s moking. 725 - Apartment front. Mt. Emily Prop s tove, refrig, w/ s i n Houses: 1 BDRM, all u t ilities HOME SWEET HOME Lorac Properties LLC. Rentals Union Co. e rty M a n a g e m e n t . cluded. Horse or cow Studio, 1 bath, w/s paid, paid. No smoking, no Cute clean 2 fit 3 bdrms. (541 ) 523-5756 541-91 0-0345, LG. $375.00. pasture nearby avail. DORM R OOM $2 0 0. pets. $ 6 7 5 m o n t h, 1 sm. pet considered. Looking for a now f o r ren t . No Economical off-street $ 60 0 depos it . No smoking. BEARCO BUSINESS smoking. Pets ok upon New Best Friend? 'LG fit SM Storage Units 2-BDRM., 2-BATH: In office spaces, . All 541-91 0-3696. Ed Moses:541-519-1814 Park 3 6 0 0-1200 sq. approval. $495/month. in La Grande fit Union cludes space rent fit utilites paid. Northeast Check daily for new ft. units available. For Refundable s e c urity some u t i l i t i e s . No Propert y M g mt 3 BDRM, 1 bath. Fenced m or e i nf o c al l listings in the dep. of $700. $30 ap Commerical Units yard, nosmoking/pets. smoking/pets. Swim 541-91 0-03 54. 541-963-7711. LG. Baker City Herald! plication fee, applica Downtown $550/m o. Ava i la b I e ming pool, spa fit laun b le t o r en t . Ca l l dry on-site. Rental ref 6/01. 541-519-2878 OFFICE SPACE, approx CENTURY 21 523-3673 HELP ATTRACT 541-979-8235. e rences re q u i r e d . 1300sq ft, r e ception PROPERTY ATTEMTIGN TG CLOSE T O E Q U . 1 a nd waiting room. 3 2845 MANAGEMENT $495/m o. 'll'GUR ADI bdrm, new vinyl, new offices, restrooms, all Hughes Ln. Space ¹ 1 paint, no smoking, no 541-523-4824 utilities paid . $1300 La pets. $ 4 0 0 m o n t h, Add symbols fit bold month, $1200 deposit. ciS l% B 3 C S T S F L L C R Cq L W I% $ 30 0 depos it . ing! 541-91 0-3696. 541-91 0-3696. ADULT LIVING. Quiet 1 (541)963-1210 It's a little extra that gets bdrm, 1 b at h a part 745 - Duplex Rentals ment. Laundry on site. CIMMARON MANOR BIG results. by Stella Wilder Union Co. B eautifu l b ui l d i n g . ICingsview Apts. W/S/G included. Close 2 bd, 1 ba. Call Century 2 BDRM, recently re Have your adSTAND to park fit downtown. OUT done, $525 plus dep. SATURDAY,JULY28, 2012 clean. ly be impossible to avoid all obstacles, and 21, Eagle Cap Realty. 2134 G r o v e St . 541-963-51 25. for as little as $1 extra. 541-963-1210 Born today, you have a deep and lasting LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)-You know that there is one in particular that may seem to $ 600/mo p lu s d e p . appreciation of tradition and history, and the you can do almost anything that is asked of threaten more than others. 541-523-303 5 o r CLOSE T O E Q U , 1 2 BDRM, w/s paid, $550 way you live your life reflects this in every you today - provided you are not asked to do ARIES (March 21-April 19) — You can 541-51 9-5762 plus dep. Mt . E m ily bdrm, most u t i lites Prope rt y M g t . 752 - Houses for area. It is likely that you will do almost every something against your principles. avoid a significant rise in tension between pd. No smoking/ pets, 541-962-1 074. thing in a way that is reminiscent of how SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Your conflicting parties — and you can do much to c oin-o p l au nd r y , Rent Union Co. A VAI LAB L E NOW!! $300 dep, LARGE NEWER, 3 bcl, 2 other have done similar things in the past immediate goals may warrant some close calm things aswell. F IRST MO N T H ' 5 $375/month 541-91 0-3696. 2 BDRM, 1 bath, mobile and yet you will always add to it your own examination; things are not exactly as they TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — You should ba te R ENT $150. Nice 1 h ome. C e ntral A C , flair. You know how to present yourself in a seem,and may requireadjustment. be able to insinuate yourself into a certain B drm ap t i n B a k e r CLOSE T O E O U 2 , quiet park. $550, plus C ity. Elderly o r D i s bdrm, 3rd floor, most way that is expected by others in a given situ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)-Don' t situation and influence its outcome in a way $750 sec. W/s/g paid. $825. 541-963-9430. abled. Subsidized Low ation, without betraying your own true self; try to tell others what to do; they' ll only resist that is appreciated by all. utilities paid, coin-op N o p e t s / s m o k i n g . Rent. Beautiful River 541-91 0-0056. laundry, no smoking, TRI PLEX 5 b d r m , 5 you can get along with all manner of individ — and some aggressively so. Focus on your GEMINI (May 21-June20) - Today you'll S etting. A l l u t i l i t i e s no pets, $450/month. uals, even when they find themselves in dra own endeavors. want to keep things on the up-and-up at all bath, no smoking, no paid except phone and $400 dep. - You times; avoid any attempts at deception, as pets. All utilities pd. matic conflict. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) c able . Bro ok s i d e 3 BDRM, 2 b ath in La 541-91 0-3696. $800 mo., $700 dep SUNDAY, JULY29 and a rival may find yourself in something of they are likely to backfire on you. Grande, avail. Aug 1st. Manor. Equal Opportu 541-91 0-3696. N o s m o k ing, s m a l l n ity H o u s i ng . C a l l CLOSE TO EOU, studio fit LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)-You' ll havemany a standoff; in the end, you' ll both realize that CANCER (June21-July 22) —You do not 541-523-3240 (off-site pets w/ a p p roval fit good ideas today, but one in particular is further conflict is futile. 1 bdrm, all utilities pd. 750 - Houses For have unlimited options, but you canmakethe dep. No HUD, garbage mgr) or Taylor RE fit $400-$450. 91 0-0811 likely to get you excited andeager to enter the AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18) —You don't most of the few that seem most promising. Rent Baker Co. Mgm t at pd. 1st fit last months, fray. want to seem inhospitable in any way; do You can showanother how it's done. CLOSE TO park fit pool, 2-BDRM, 1 bath. Newly $500 cleaning fit dam 503-581-1813. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You were everything you can to makethose around you 2 bdrm , no TTY-711. age dep. Ref. w/ credit remodeled. $600/mo, n DIIQRSF do a q u pl » « t a H l W u s th I s c smoking/pets,coin op certainly responsible for something that is feelwelcome and comfortable. report, to view fit pick $600 secunty deposit COPY RIGHT 2tll2 UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE, INC laundry, $405/month, u p application. C a l l having a profound influence. It's time to come PISCES (Feb.19-March 20) - It will sure DISCIRIBVIED BYUNIVERSAL UCLICK FOR UFS fit utilities. 1407 Wash CLEAN, QUIET 2-bdrm.: lllOWa tSt K » C t yIAOallOaMtl 255 67l4 $300 dep. 910-3696. 509-741-0306. ington. 541-861-3311 S tove, f r i dge, d i s h w asher, $ 4 0 0 / m o . DOWNT OW N STUDIO, 2-BDRM, 1-BATH home SUNDAY, JULY29, 2012 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -You may be aredone athome or atwork thatease ten Contact Nelson Real $425, includes h eat i n n ic e B a k e r C i t y 3 BDRM, 2 bath, house Born t oday , you m a y not have known wh at threatened by someone who doesn't under sionsand increaseyourrateofreturn. for rent in country. Ani Estate, 541-523-6485 a nd di s hn e t tv . n eighborhood . P e t - You may 0I e ven i n g s mals are negotiable, you wanted to do with yourself and your life stand just how you may react when you real ARIES (March 21-April 19) 541-569-51 89. considered. $625/mo 541-856-3932. $ 700/m o nt h. $ 5 0 0 at an early age, even when others will have ize what is going on. Keep things in propor have to take evasive action of some sort in with a $625 deposit. dep. Available 09/01. References checked. spent a great deal of time and energy trying tion. order to dodge a threat that comes to you 541-805-851 0. 541-519-0712 "WELCOME HOME" to guideyou toward one specific avenue or SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Youcan from a surprising source. IN BAKER: Studio, $300 another. Then, at some point in your matu make a dream come true — or, at the very TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - You' ve rent. Most utilities pd. 3-BDRM, 2 ba th on 5 CaII No pets. $ 300/dep. rity, you may havestumbled onto something least, see what it would be like if it were to been impressing those around you with your acres, w/barn fit hay 3 BDRM. 2 bath $750, (541) 963-7476 541-853-231 3 $600 dep. No tobacco, barn. Newly r e mod that becomesthe defining aspect of your life, come true eventually. technical skill, and today you may beasked e led. $ 12 0 0 / m o . , n o pets , n o HU D . and you will follow this road faithfully, come SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — You to become more deeply involved. 541-962-0398. GREEN TREE $1200 security dep. what will, until the bitter end. Exploration is may uncover the truth aboutsomeone else's GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Youmay NICE 1 bdrm apartment APARTMENTS 43800 Spring Creek in Baker City. Elderly the key, of course;you insist on being allowed recent activities. Is it time to alert the author not want to commit fully to something that is Loop. 541-861-3311 CLOSE TO park fit pool, or Disabled. S u bsi 2310 East Q Avenue to explore life and its options freely, as you itiest Not quite yet. still in the planning stages — but keep your dized Low Rent. Beau La Grande, OR. 97B50 4 BDRM, 2 bath. All ap nice 2/3 bdrm, 1 bath, will, without restriction - or expectation. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) —You'l eyes on its progressand reassess. tmana er@ slcommunities.c fenced yard, no smok tiful River Setting. All pliances included Lg. MONDAY, JULY30 CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Thesim get the messagethat another is sending out to ing, pets ok w/ d e p. u tilities p a i d e x c e p t garage. Close to park. - You' ll be more you -but it may losesomething in the trans pler LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) youarein yourself-expressiontoday,the $ 750/month, $ 6 5 0 p hone a n d cab l e . Income Restnctions Ap No smoking. Pet neg. dep. 910-3696. than willing to go along for the ride today lation. more likely you will be to gain ground in a E qual O p p o r t u n i t y I ly $850/mo. plus deposit. h ou s i n g . Ca l l Professionally Managed especially if that certain someone is in the AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18) - You may difficult area. Don't overcomplicate matters. 541-788-5433. Ba ker 5 , 2 at ouse , 541-523-3240 (off-site driver's seat. find yourself in a situation reminiscent of by in Union. $900/month. nDIIOR5F«dl a q u p l» t n H ll w a s t h u s c manager) or Taylor RE DOUBLE WIDE mobile GSL Properties VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You and a one that really put you to an emotional test No pets, no smoking. fit M gm t at home for rent. Nice, In COPYRIGHT 2tll2 UNITED FEATURESYNDICATE, INC Located Behind La r ival may be exer t i ng unus ual i nfl u ence over not long ago. DISCI RIB V IE D BY UN IVE RSAL UCLICK FOR UFS V a I I ey Re a I t 503-581-1813. Durkee. Leave mes 11lOWa tSt K» Ct y l AOalIOa Mtl255 67l4 Grande 541-963-41 74. others in an attempt to wrest power from PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — You can TTY-71 1 sage. 541-877-2202 Town Center each other. Is it worth itt make a few minor changesto theway things SUNFIRE REAL Estate FEMALE, LOOKING for PET FRIENDLY LLC. has Houses, Du roommates to s h a re All utilities included. NEW 6-PLEX, all utilites plexes fit Apartments nice 3 bdrm, 3 bath in 2 bdrm, 2 bath; $550/mo paid, $2100. Northeast for rent. Call Cheryl La Grande. $325 ea., plus dep. Ref. checked. P ro p . Mgt . Guzman fo r l i s t ings, i nclude u t i l it ies a n d 541-51 9-071 2 — Ba ke r 541-523-7727. wifi. 541-805-0972. (541 ) 910-03 54.
T 'E
CROSSWORD PUZZLER 36 Chase away 37 Spree 38 More than want 42 News agency founder
ACROSS 1 Plumbing problem 5 -relief 8 Drink slowly 11 Hen 12 Jungfrau or Eiger 13 Poker card 14 Hypnotized 15 Hiker's bane 17 Wahine's welcome 18 White rabbit, maybe 20 Develop, as a storm 22 "— Buttermilk Sky" 23 Runway sight 27 Type of seaman 29 Unusual sighting 30 Spiny cactus 33 Like kaiser rolls 34 Cake-pan type 35 Place to hibernate 1
Answer to Previous Puzzle MAR H EE R A L E E LE O J IN X F L A M T EC H I E S A E OS MEN
45 -tzu
46 Mushroom 49 B-vitamin source 51 Not just mine 52 Cravat 53 Ms. Lauder 54 Sportscaster — Allen 55 Kyoto honorific
1 Hard-hit drive 2 A funny Murphy 3 Lime cooler 4 Sedgwick of the screen 5 Talk incoherently 6 Kate's sitcom friend 7 Joyride 6
I $I
• 0 •
35 38
19 Kinks' tune Of 1970
21 Salad with apples 24 911 responder 25 New Year in Hanoi 26 Hog enclosure 28 Diner order 29 — de coeur 30 "60 Minutes" network 31 What was that? 32 Plastic — Band 33 Parakeet quarters 35 Triangular sail 37 Actor Raul 39 Raise spirits 40 Cut some slack 41 Lavish
• 0 •
t. I'
8 Gathered dust 9 Bartender's rocks 10 Apiece 11 Tulip source 16 Temporary stay
7-28-12 © 2012 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS
12 14
56 LOSt no time
39 45
attention 43 Salamanders 44 Bread grains 46 Cat or turkey 47 oaters' Lash La 48 Home page addr. 50 Telepathy
• 0 •
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS: •
Baker City Hera Id: 541-523-3673ewww.bakerci tyhera Id.corn • cl assifiedsO bakercityheraId.corn • Fax:541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e randeobserver.corn • classifiedsOlagrandeobserver.corn • Fax: 541-963-3674 760 - Commercial Rentals PRIME COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE BRAND NEW CONSTRUCTION Intenor ready to be de signed to meet your needs. 2, 515sq ft available. 8,440 sp ft future e x p a n s ion ( option split into 3
spaces) paved park ing lot, ADA accessi
b ility, p r ivate a n d public r e s t r ooms, waterfall feature at street e n t e r ance, decorative landscap ing and lighting, cov ered sidewalks and
780 - Storage Units 12X35 STORAGE unit. $100 mo 541-963-41 25.
e Security Fenced e Coded Entry e Lighted for your protection + 4 different size units e Lots of RV storage 41296 Chico Rd, Baker City
PRIME OFFICE &i retail space avail. for rent at 1405 Campbell St. Call 541-523-4434
OFFICE SUITE for lease, 700 sq. ft., all utilities provided, 1502 N Pine. Good location, lots of
parking. Available July 1st. 541-963-3450
A PLUS Rentals has storage units available. 5x12 $30 per mo Bx8 $25-$35 per mo Bx10 $30 per mo 'plus deposit' 1433 Madison Ave., or 402 Elm St. La Grande. Call 541-403-1524
820 - Houses For Sale Baker Co.
' New 'Secure '10x15 541-523-5500 3365 17th St. Baker American West Storage 7 days/24 hour access 541-523-4564 COMPETITIVE RATES Behind Armory on East and H Streets.
Surveillance Cameras Computenzed Entry Covered Storage Super size 16'x50'
I' ll pay cashfor your trust deed, real estate contract or mortgage. - NO FEES«
541-523-2128 3100 15th St. Baker City
Call today!
Michael R. Nelson MortgageBroker/Owner Bonded
ANCHOR MINI STORAGE • Secure • Keypad Entry • Auto-Lock Gate • Security Lighting • Fenced Area (6-foot barb) NEW 11x25 units for "Big Boy Toys"
or Joe Rudi 1-800-898-6485 541-523-6485
• Mini-Warehouse • Outside FencedParking • ReasonableRates For informationcall:
523-8315days 523-4SD7evenings
NELSON Capital Beneats, LLC
mi .
out .
Go to spot.corn for details. Call 541-403-0398 for a showing. Baker.
NEED CASH BUYERS Greatly d i s c o u nt ed p roperties i n B a k e r C
ly . ~
-'uf 0+'=
825-Houses for Sale
4-BDRM., 2-BATH: On 2
grand e n t e rance, off Pocahontas on-site management and m a i ntenance, and the most amaz ing view of the Elk 2 ST O R A G E u ni t s , h or n m o unt a i n 12x24, $40/mo, 1808 r ange. Located a t 3rd St, L a G r a nde, 3370 10th Street in (541 ) 398-1 602 Baker City, Oregon. Lease options nego tiable. Rock Creek 7X11 U N IT, $ 30 m o . Developments, LLC dep. $25 Call 541-523-9048 (541 ) 910-3696. ask for Bill or Lorne
78 0 - Storage Units 78 0 - Storage Units 80 5 - Real Estate
ro ert deals.corn 541-403-0773 NEW HOME being built. 3-bdrm,2-bath, vaulted great room, fireplace, c usto m cab in e t s . 541-523-5726. CCB ¹ 3295!
PEACE 8e QUIET on 4 acres. Trees, seasonal
2 days prior to publication date
855 - Lots & Prop erty Union Co.
ROSE RIDGE 2 Subdive sion, Cove, OR. City: Sewer/VVater available. PARK.Eagle CapSteel, I Regular price: 1 acre Eagle Carriage & Ma m/I $69,900-$74,900. chine, Crisp Color, and We also provide property management. C h eck Barnes Diesel are some of the well established out our rental link on our w ebs i t e businesses in this in dustrial park. This is m or call hard to find property zoned Heavy Industrial. Property has been total ly rocked and is fenced with chain link fencing. Ranch-N-Home Realty, City water & sewer are In c. 541-963-5450. available. Great parcel to start your new busi 860 - Ranches, farms ness. 12489423
$320,000 4.66 AC. IN BAUM INDUSTRIAL
Century 21 Eagle Cap Realty, 541-963-0511.
salmon creek. 2000
WANTED RANCH, will w ork trade for a f i n ished, Mt. H ood/Co
l umbia R i ve r v i e w , 3-bdrm, 2 bath custom gated, residential de home. 3 bay shop with 825 - Houses for velopment. In the Co 3785 10th Street bonus room upstairs. 5 Sale Union Co. lumbia River Gorge. m i. o u t of Bak e r . 3 BDRM, 2 ba, house in 509-767-1 539. 820 - Houses For $365,000. Sunny Hills. 1365 sq. 541-51 9-501 1 Sale Baker Co. 795 -Mobile Home ft. 2 g a s f i r eplaces. 880 - Commercial 3 BDRM, 2 bath ranch in REAL NEAT! 2-bdrm., K itchen u p g rade i n Property Spaces 2000, new 40 yr roof 1200 PLUS sq. ft. pro quiet n e i ghborhood, 1-bath, detached ga ONE BLOCK from Safe near the High School. in 2005, new high effi rage. Nice area, close 823-1688 fessional office space, way, trailer/RV spaces. c iency f u r nace a n d F ireplace, f en c e d , to shopping. $79,000 4 o f f ices, r e c e ption W ater, s e w er , g a r 2312 14th central air in 2007, gor 2 c a r g a rage. cash. 541-403-0773, re a , Irg bage. $200. Jeri, man patio, geous bamboo floonng aconference/break $159,000. Agents wel Baker City. area, ager. 541-962-6246 LG come. 541-519-5132 i n much of h o use i n handicap accessible. 2009 w/ ba remodel at 825 - Houses for Price negotiable per same time, many win length of lease. North CLASSIC STORAGE 4-BDRM, 1 bath. 1600 Sale Union Co. d ows r eplaced w i t h east Property Manage 541-524-1534 sq. ft. New electrical, 3 B D R M , 1 . 5 ba t h , l ow-E cas e m e n t s ment (541)910-0354. 2805 L Street carpeting, p a i n t & i $129,000, 460 7th St., since 2008. Beautiful Imb le r. 541-534-4124. landscaping &i private NEW FACILITY!! blinds. Owner finance. Vanety of Sizes Available 1306 4th St . B aker. View a t w w w . r e a l c ourtyard . $ 17 6 K . Secunty Access Entry $85,000 with $10,000 estateeasternoregon.c 541-962-7696. RV Storage down. 541-379-2645 om. Listing ¹1840. BAAL NMIM
BEAUTIFUL 4 bdrm, 3 bath home i n I s land City. Very large garage w/ office, sits on large lot, plus irngation well. Newly r e m o d e l ed, 915- Boats & Motors must see! Contact 541-963-5315. 1973 STARCRAFT 16' A luminum boat w i t h CAMAS COURT, 3 br, 40hp Mariner outboard 2ba, MH, new carpet motor. Package also &i paint, A/C, fenced includes trailer &i Eagle yard, carport, storage I.D fishfinder. All for shed, financing avail., $2500. 541-523-6918. $49,900, Baker City 541-805-9358. •
CUSTOM LOG home, 925 - Motor Homes end of road privacy, 5 acres, 2 4 0 0 s f , 4 1982 32' Jaco 5th wheel: Fully self c o ntained. bdrm, 2.5 bath, large g arage/shop, b a r n , $3500. 541-523-3110 $ 372, 0 0 0 , ca II 541-963-7595. 25 FT MOTORHOM E Generator and roof A/C. $2900/OBO. HOME 8e Shop For Sale By Owner In Cove Baker 541-519-4962 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, plus of fice. 1614 sq. ft. Built in 1994. View intenor &i extenor pictures: Google vvvvvv.trulia.corn
Address: 1506 Jasper St. Reduced pnce at $219,000. Can view by appt. only. 541-910-4114
IMBLER HOME For Sale 1496 sq. ft. One 1 acre lot. 3 bdrm, 2 b a t h, new kitchen, custom
h ickor y c ab in e t s , vaulted ceilings, 2 car a ttache d gara g e , 30x40 insulated shop &i RV storage, horse barn, u n d e r g round spnnklers. 541-786-4792.
NEAR GREENWOOD s chool, recently r e m odled f o u r b d r m h ome, w i t h bon u s r oom. S m al l r e n t a l home and large shop o n p roperty. $ 2 0 5 , 000. 5 4 1-786-0426; 541-42 8-21 1 2.
NEWLY REMODELED, T ri-level, 3 b d rm , 3
In a crash, the right-sized safety seat can save yOur Child'S life. So makeSurethey' re SeCure —every time. Remember,neverhold your kids if) your lap. AI)d kids under 13 should ride irl the backseat, awayfromfront-impact airbags. For moreinformation and achild satety seat clinic nearest you, contact the Child SafetySeat ResourceCenter.
hid s e
THE SALE of RVs not beanng an Oregon in signia of compliance is illegal: call B u i lding
Codes(503) 373-1257 2 007 FL E E T W O OD Prowler Regal Trailer Extreme Edition 27ft.
Smoke free. Dbl cen ter slide out. Propane stove and oven never been used! Free ship p ing within a 300 m i .
ra di u s of G ra ha m, WA. Union and Baker Coun t ies i n c l uded . N e w $28,000 , a s k i ng $18,000. More info &i p ictures at w w w . o n m ID¹ 4 5852 or Visit www.lagrandenickel.c o m. C al l Da r r e l 541-805-1681 or email dolgewater© m. For sale by owner. La Grande
Ultra-Lite T h o r w/ p u I Io- ut, f u I I y c o n bath. Dining area, Ig. t ained, sl e e p s 6, l iving r o o m w / f i r e n ewer r u bber r o o f , place, Ig. great room, moke free. $1 2 k . double ca r g a r age, s n ew d eck, 2 b d r m 541-437-91 90. LG rental u n it , o n .83 FOR SALE:29' 1987 self a cres. 1006 21st St . -contained Terry Travel Ca II 541-963-5996 Trailer, good condition, l imited use. $ 3 9 5 0 . SEE ALL RMLS Ca II 541-962-7481
960 - Auto Parts BAKER CITY
845 -Mobile Homes Union Co.
DOUBLEWIDE FORsale in La Grande. 3 bdrm, 2 full baths, &i very
Used Parts Parts Locater Service Unwa nted ca rs &i trucks towed away
spacious kitchen, din ing &i living room. All n ew a p p l iances, & i
completely remodeled &i painted. $39,500. Call (541) 910-3513.
1-877-793-2608 childsafetyseat.orft
930 - Recreational Vehicles
LAST 2 lots available in 55+ park, M o u ntain Park Estates. Double wide o nly . 541-91 0-351 3 or 541-786-5648.
Save $$ today! 541-523-7500 3210 H Street Open Saturdays
FIVE STAR TOWING Your community
855 - Lots & Prop erty Union Co. 81X113, 1818 Z Ave. Utilities available, $39k OBO. 541-963-2668
• 0 •
• 0
• II •
• 0 •
towing company Reasonable rates 541-523-1555
N EW P RICE! F L A G LOTS for sale near 970 - Autos For Sale Greenwood school. 110x83, plus dnveway 111x20. 1706 V Ave, 1998 S EBRING SLT, CaII $34,000. 541-786-0426; $1500. 541-428-211 2. 541-963-7481 .
• 0 •
FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 2012
Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday /
2 days prior to publication date
Baker City Hera Id: 541-523-3673ewww.bakerci tyhera Id.corn • cl assifieds@ bakercityheraId.corn • Fax:541-523-6426 The Observer: 541-963-3161e randeobserver.corn • classifieds@lagrandeobserver.corn • Fax: 541-963-3674 970 - Autos For Sale
1001 - Baker County Legal Notices
2007 F O R D Ra n g e r If you have any ques Pickup. 24,554 miles, tions, you should see $10,000. 963-2728. an attorney i m m e di ately. If you need help COLLECTORS P R O in finding an attorney, JECT, 2 1963 Corvairs you may contact the plus extra parts. $750 O regon St at e B a r ' s Ca II 541-963-7481 . Lawyer Referral Serv ice online at www.ore t t b . by
calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metro politan area) or toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. T his summons i s i s sued p u r s u an t t o ORCP 7. ROUTH C R A B TREE OLSEN, P.C.
1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices
1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices
tor, to Steven J. Jo seph, as s u c cessor trustee, in favor of Ru len F. Collier Estate, as beneficiary, dated July 17, 2009, r e c orded July 17, 2009, in the records of U nion C ounty, Oregon, a s Microfilm D o c u ment No. 20092666, cover ing the following de scribed real property situate d
U n io n
County, State of Ore gon, to wit: Commenc ing at a point 20 feet east of the northwest 1001 - Baker County corner o f L o t 1 in Legal Notices Block 10 of the Town of UNION (in the City PUBLIC NOTICE Community Connection By o f U n i o n ) , U ni o n of Northeast Oregon, Tony ICullen, County, Oregon, ac Inc. will be presenting OSB ¹ 090218 cording to the original our Needs A s s ess Attorneys for Plaintiff recorded plat; thence east 100 feet; thence ment and a c cepting 621 SW Alder St., comments on our Area Suite 800 south 77 feet and 10 Plan at 1:00 p.m. on Portland, OR 97205 inches; thence w e st 100 feet; thence north A ugust 15 , 2 0 1 2 i n (503) 459-0140; Baker City at the Sen Fax (425) 623-1862 77 feet and 10 inches ior Center, 2810 Cedar tkullen©rcolegal.corn to the point of begin Street. The Area Plan ning. Both the benefi is an overview of sen Lega I No. 00025996 ciary and s u ccessor Published: July 13, 20, trustee have elected ior services that Com m unity C o n n e c t i o n 27, August 3, 2012 to sell the real prop erty to satisfy the obli provides and the serv ice delivery systems 1010 - Union Co. gations secured by the for the next four years. Legal Notices trust deed and notice The public is encour C OM M U N IT Y C O N of default has been re aged to attend. NECTION of N o r th c orded p u r suant t o ORS 86.735(3); the de east Oregon, Inc. will Lega I No. 00026316 b e p r e s e nt in g o u r f ault fo r w h i c h t h e Published: July 27, 2012 foreclosure is made is Needs A s s essment grantor's failure to pay a nd accepting c o m IN THE CIRCUIT m ents o n o u r A r e a when due the follow COURT FOR THE ing s u ms : P r i n cipal Plan at 11:00 a.m. on STATE OF OREGON IN payment s in t he August 6, 2012 in La AND FOR THE amount of $665.13 per Grande at the Senior COUNTY OF Baker m onth f r o m J un e Center, 1504 Albany 2 011; interest at t h e Street. The Area Plan BAC Home Loans Servic rate of 7% per annum is an overview of sen ing, LP f/k/a Country from June 2011; late services that Com w ide H o m e Lo a n s ior m unity C o n n e c t i o n fees in the amount of Servicing LP, its suc $ 33.26 p e r m o n t h c essors i n in t e r e s t provides and the serv from June 2011; and ice delivery systems and/or assigns, U nion C o u nt y r e a l for the next four years. property taxes as fol The public is encour Plaintiff, I ows: 2 0 0 8- 0 9 aged to attend. V. $1,315.38; 2 0 0 9-10 $1,127.04; 2 0 1 0-11 July 27, 2012 Unknown Heirs of Ber Publish: $1,002.09. By reason Legal no. 26322 tha P. Ridpath; Nathan of the default lust de Aldrich; Fritzi Aldnch; REQUEST FOR Proposal scribed, the benefici llena Fleming; Frances Pierce; Bert Osborne; The Union School Dis UNITED STATES OF trict of Union, Oregon A M E R IC A; M i d I a n d invites proposals for Funding LLC; State of the Union High School O regon; an d O c c u Mechanical p r o lect. pants of the Premises, The prolect consists of Defendants. the design and installa tion of a new heating system at t h e U n i on Case No. 12039 High School and High School gym and some SUMMONS BY associated minor pro P U B ICATION L Iects. Contractors shall comply with ORS 279C.800 to TO THE DEFENDANTS: 279C.870 relating to Unknown Heirs of the payment of prevail Bertha P. Ridpath: ing wages. In the name of the State Prolect information, con o f Oregon, you a r e tract documents, and hereby required to ap other materials are at pear and answer the the office of the Inter complaint filed against Mountain E d u cation you in the above-enti Service District, 2001 tled Court and cause SW Ny e Av e n u e , on or before the expi Pendleton, OR 97801. ration of 30 days from Copies may also be t he date o f t h e f i r s t obtained by contacting publication o f t hi s Scott Rogers, Director summons. The date of Facilities and Sup of first p u blication in port Services, at said this matter is July 13, address, or by t e l e 2012. If you fail timely at p hon e to appear and answer, 541-966-3225. Plaintiff will apply to Proposals m u s t be t he a b o v e - e n t i t l e d sealed and conform to c ourt fo r t h e r e l i e f all requirements con prayed for in its com tained within the pro plaint. This is a Iudicial Iect documents, must foreclosure of a deed be accompanied by a o f trust in w h ich t h e b id s e c urity a s r e Plaintiff requests that quire d by O RS the Plaintiff be allowed 2 79C.365(4) i n t h e to foreclose your inter a mount of 5% of t h e est in the following de a mount o f t h e p r o scnbed real property: posal, and must be de LOT 1, B LOCK 18, livered to the attention B RATTA N 5 of the U nion School M CCOMA'5 A D D I Distnct, ATTN.: Mendy TION TO BAICER CITY, Clark, Deputy Clerk at I N BA ICE R C ITY, 540 S. M ai n S t reet, COUNTY OF BAICER Union, Oregon, 97883 AND STATE OF ORE by August 20th, 2012 GON. at 3:00 PM. Proposals will be publicly opened C ommonly known a s : at the U n ion School 2710 A Street, Baker d istrict o n A ug u s t City, Oregon 97814. 2 1st, 2012, a t 3 : 0 0 PM. Faxed and elec NOTICE TO t ronic proposals w i l l DEFENDANTS: not be accepted. READ THESE PAPERS There will be a manda CAREFULLY! tory walk through/con A lawsuit ha s b e e n ference at 540 S. Main started against you in Street, Union, Oregon, t he a b o v e - e n t i t l e d on August 3rd, 2012 at court by BAC Home 1:00 PM. Statements L oans Servicing, L P m ade by t h e U n i o n f /k/a C o u n t r y w i d e S choo l Di s t ri c t ' s Home Loans Servicing agents at the confer LP, its successors in ence are not b i nding i nterest a n d /o r a s upon the School dis signs, Plaintiff. P lain trict unless confirmed tiff's claims are stated by Wntten Addendum. i n the w r i t t e n c o m The Union School Dis plaint, a copy of which t rict ma y r e l ect a n y w as f i l e d w i t h t h e proposal not in compli above-entitled Court. a nce w i t h a l l pr e You must "appear" in scribed public procure this case or the other ment procedures and side will win automati requirements , and cally. To "appear" you may relect fo r g ood must f i l e w i t h t he cause any or all pro court a l e ga l p aper posals upon a finding called a "motion" or that it is in the public " answer." The " m o interest to do so. tion" or "answer" must be given to th e Publish: July 23, 25, 27, court clerk or adminis 2012. trator within 30 days Legal no. 26183 of the date of first pub
ary has declared all sums owing on the ob ligation secured by the t rust d e e d i m m e d i ately due and payable, those sums being the f ollowing , t o w it : $69,514.86 principal, together with interest thereon at the rate of 7 percent per annum from July 25, 2 0 11, u ntil paid, p lu s l a t e fees, and r econvey ance fees; t o g ether with t i tl e e x p e nses, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees in curred by reason of said default; and any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for t he protection of t h e above described real property and its inter est therein. WHERE FORE, notice is hereby given that the succes s or t r ustee w i l l o n September 20, 2012, at the hour of 1 1 :00 o' clock A.M., in accord with the standard of t ime e s t ablished b y ORS 187.110, outside the main entrance of the Union County Of fices located at 1001 4th Street, in the City of La Grande, Union County, State of Ore gon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bid
1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices
1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices
1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices
trustee. Notice is fur RICHER, LLC, PO Box t her given t ha t a n y 3230, 901 Washington person named in ORS Avenue, La Grande, 86.753 has the right, 0 R 97 8 5 0 , ( 5 4 1 ) a t any t im e p r io r t o 963-4901 . five days before the d ate last set fo r t h e Publish: July 13, 20, 27, sale, to have this fore 2012; August 3, 2012. closure p r o c e e ding Lega I no. 26024 dismissed a n d t he trust deed reinstated THE U N ION Co u n ty b y payment t o th e W olf D ep r e d a t i o n Compensation Com beneficiary of the en tire amount then due mittee w i l l ho l d a (other than such por meeting on Monday, tion of the principal as July 30, 2012 at 4:00 would not then be due p .m. a t t he Uni o n h ad no d e f ault o c County Commission
curred) and by curing any other default com plained of herein that i s capable o f b e i n g cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addi tion to p a ying t h ose sums or tendenng the performance neces s ary to cure the d e f ault, b y p a y ing a l l costs and expenses actually incurred in en forcing the obligation a nd trust d e ed , t o g ether w i t h t r u s t e e and attorney fees not exce e d i n g the amounts provided by ORS 86.753. In con
special session, Mon day, August 6, 2012, 7 :00 p . m . , Dan i e l Chaplin Building Con ference Room, 1001 4th Street, La Grande, w il l co ns i d e r a Plan/Zone Amendment application submitted
by Donald 5 Rachel Edmondson, Seubert Excavators, Agent, to add 51 acres to an ex isting 10 acre invento
ried basalt aggregate site and include it in a
1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices Subdivision Ordinance. Failure to raise a spe cific issue w it h s u ff i cient specificity at the
local level precludes appeal to LUBA based on that issue. The ap plication and all infor m ation related to t he proposal are available for review at no cost and copies can be sup plied at a reasonable cost. For further infor mation contact this of f ice b y pho n e at 9 63-1014, or stop i n M onda y t hr ou g h Thursday 8 : 3 0-5:00 p.m.
Surface Mining Zone. The property is located er's Annex Conference east of S u m merville Room, 1106 IC Ave Road, about 2 m i l es nue, La Grande. All west of the City of El meetings of this com Hanley Jenkins, II gin, and is described mittee are open to the as Twp. 1N, Range 39 Planning Director public. EWM, Tax Lot 5300, approximately 240 to Publish: July 27, 2012 Publish: July 27, 2012 tal acres, in A-3 Agn Lega I no. 26284 Leqa I no. 26321 c ultural F o rest U s e and SM Surface Min NOTICE OF Hearing ing Zones. Classified are worth look Union County Planning Commission The applicable Land Use ing int o w h e n y o u ' re Plan/Zone Amendment Regulations are found looking for a place to live in OAR 660-023-0180 NOTICE IS H E REBY and Section 23.05 (3) ... whether it's a home, G IVEN, t h e Uni o n of the Union County an apartment or a mobile County Planning Com Zoning, Partition and home. m ission, m e e t in g i n
struing this notice, the
singular includes the plural, the word "gran tor" includes any suc c essor in i n terest t o the grantor as well as any other person ow ing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "benefi ciary" include their re spective successors in interest, if any. DATED
der for cash the inter est in said real prop erty described above which the grantor had or had power to con vey at the time of the execution by g rantor of said trust deed to gether with any inter est which the grantor or grantor's s ucces s ors i n i n t e rest a c quired after the execu Ap n I 27, 201 2. Steve n tion of the trust deed, J. Joseph, JOSEPH 5 to satisfy the forego ing obligations thereby secured and the costs Too many puppies, not and expenses of the enough room? Classified sale, including a rea can help. sonable charge by the
• 0
It may not look scary, but the deadliest threat to kids isn' t
guns or drugs Qr illnesses — it's motor vehicles. You can keep kids safer. Buckle them Up every time in the right size child safety seat and always in the back seat. Slow down. And drive sober — because your kids are counting on yoU to keep them safely in the picture.
l icatio n s p e c if i e d TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF herein along with the SALE r equired filing fee. I t
m ust b e i n pr o p e r R eference is m ad e t o form and have proof of that certain trust deed service on th e P lain made by Beryl Brook tiff's attorney or, if the s hire a n d Do r o t h y Plaintiff does not have Brookshire, husband an attorney, proof of and wife as tenants by service on the Plaintiff. the entirety, as gran
• 0 •
Drive Safely. The Way te Oe. Transportation Safety — ODOT • 0 •
• 0 •
FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 2012
g gt.c f 8-+ W ED>
Wedne sday, August 1,2012 Lineup at5:30, Parade at 7:00pm
g.99 L<s~ ««" ~" FRI AUGUST
Thursdag,August Rnd, 8018 OutsideattheFairgrounds 8 a.m. • 10a.m.
7:30 PM
Y A89iist 2
All Seniors receive FREE Admission
nion ounair unior uc ion
li •
5.00PMSaturday,August4,2012 FAIR ADMISSION
Adults ....................................S5 Adult Season Pass...............S15 K'ids........................................S3
Kids SeasonPass...................S9
6 & Under ...........................Free Thursday Seniors 60+.......................Free
E • 0 •
• 0 •
• 0 •
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
Moms of son's playmates resist joining in on the fun DEAR ABBY: I have ason with two good friends. They are at myhouseoften and are really good boys. I enjoy them, and I'm glad my sonis friendly with them. The problem is their
mothers. Both these
the randch g ildren?
Talk to her about your relationship with Jerry and ex plain that you still would like to be a part of her life, but that
it will require her to accept thenew man in YOURS.
DEAR ABBY: My daughter, "Joanne," is 42 and lives athomewith me. She's attractive, friendly, well-liked and hasa good job. Shepays all her own bills. Theproblem is,sheseemsstuckinher a little face time at the very least. I find life. Shehasn'tdatedinyearsandappears their behavior rude andwould love to say content to just go to work andcome home. something. I'm just not surehow. What Whenever I try to encourageher to get do you suggest? — PLAYDATE ETIQUETTE out more, shesays, "It is what it is." She's DEAR PLAYDATE ETIQUETI'E: I not shy. She's outgoing, so I don't under think you are expecting too much of these stand. I'd love for her to beindependent women. Becauseyoursonisfriendly andhaveherown apartment.Sometimes she' ll turn it around andask, "Do you with theirs does not guarantee that the friendship must extend to theparents. If WANT me to leave?" the only thing you have in common with Joanne doesn't seem toun them is the fact that their boys spendtime derstand that I'm concernedonly for her with your son, then it may not be somuch future. Shehasno siblings, and I worry a matter of what you "deserve" but what that when I'm gone she' ll be alone. I they are comfortable with. If you want to wanther to getoutm ore,m eetsomeone and eventually fall in love. How do I get be compensate d forthesnacks,thensay through to her without nagging? so, but don't expect them to bepaid for with friendship ... 'cause it ain't gonna —ONLY WANTS THE BESTFOR happen. HER DEAR ONLY WANTS THE BEST: DEAR ABBY: I havebeen widowed Your daughter hasmany positive at for four years andhavehadthe good tributes. Has it occurred to you that she fortune to meetsomeonespecial. I' ll call may be perfectly happy with her life as it him Jerry. My mother-in-law, whom I am is and not looking for the kind of life you very close to, is stillsieving the loss of would like her to have?Worrying about herson.Shesaysitishard forhertosee her won't do either of you anygood. Jerry and metogether. Let the future work itself out. There's an Does this mean I can't invite him to
old proverb with much truth in it: "Man
any family events? We are at the point in our relationship where I think it would be unkind to makehim feel like he is not welcome. Jerry hasbeenpatient, loving andconsiderateofmeand my kids.W hat do you think I should do? —DOESN'T WANT TO HURT HER DEAR DOESN' T:Your mother-in
tops 1 billion in
plans; God laughs." Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known asJeannePhillips,and was founded by hermother, Pauline Phil lips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby. corn or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
NEW YORK iAPl — NBC said years ago, said Seth Winter, execu Wednesday that it has topped the $1 tivevice president ofsalesforthe
Winter said. "If they want to reach the audience they want to reach, we' re in the position of having the billion mark in advertising sales for NBC Sports Group. the Olympic Games beginning this The cost ofadvertising time per most enviable platform in all of week in London. minute on NBC's prime-time broad media." That tops the $850 million in ad cast has increased by less than 10 Two substantial new advertisers sales for the Beijing games in 2008 percent, Winter said. That telecast is are Chobani yogurt and Fruit of the and is the biggest advertising haul where NBC gets its most money and Loom underwear. The electronics sec ever for an Olympics, NBC said. biggest audience. tor is also strong, NBC said. Advertisers have plenty ofoptions, As television audiences continue There's no indication about what since NBC Universal is showing to fragment, the ability to reach crossing the $1 billion threshold some 5,535 hours of the Olympics on a broad, family audience through means to NBC Universal's bottom NBC, Telemundo, cable affiliates like special events like the Olympics or line. The company, citing the high MSNBC, CNBC and the NBC Sports Academy Awards gets more valuable. costs of doing business in London, "Everyone who is on the air or Group, and online. has said it expects to lose money The $60 million in digital ad sales wants to be on the air in the third presenting the coverage. triples what the network earned four quarter has to be on the Olympics," NBC is still holding back time for
to $49.99 each.They alsocan be boughtfor$3 a packfiom m ass retailers.
'Goat man' in Utah mountains identified as hunter SALT LAKE CITY iAPl — A
m an spotted dressed in a goatsuit among a herd of wild goats in the AP photo mountains of northern Utah has been identified as a hunter prepar Tori, a 15-year-old orangutan smokes a cigarette inside her He's being held on a $500bond ing for a Canadian archery season. After a hiker spotted the so cage at Satwa Taru Jurug zoo in and is scheduled to appear in court called goat man on July 15 in the Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. Aug. 9. It was not clear ifhe has a lawyer. mountainsabove Ogden, about Indonesian zoo moves 40 miles north of Salt Lake City, Pieces of balloon boy orangutan to stop her wildlife officials said they wanted saucer sold as trading smoking totalktotheperson to be certain JAKARTA, Indonesia — Indo cards he was aware of the dangers as nesian zookeepers have moved an LOVELAND, Colo.— Pieces of hunting season approaches. orangutan out of visitors' sight so the infamous flying saucer that They speculated he might have she' ll no longer smoke lit cigarettes starredin Colorado'sballoon boy been an extreme wildlife enthu hoax are now available as trading people regularly throw into her siast who just wanted to get as cage. cards. closeas possible to the goats.A Taru Jurug Zoo spokesman Michael Fruitman, the balloon's few days after the spotting, state Daniek Hendarto said Thursday current owner, struck a deal with wildlife authorities received an that Tori and her male companion, New York-based sports and enter anonymous call from an "agitated man" who simply said, "Leave Didik, were moved Wednesday to a tainment card company Topps to small island within the zoo. There use a segment of the Mylar saucer goat man alone. He's done noth are four endangered orangutans at for individual trading cards. ing wrong." the zoo in the Central Java town The cards are included in the This week, however, the mystery of Solo. recently released 2012 Topps Base was solved. The 15-year-old Tori has been ball Allen & Ginter Relics Set, the Phil Douglass of the Utah Divi smoking for a decade. She mim LovelandReporter-Herald reported. sion of Wildlife Resources said ics humans by holding cigarettes The silver, UFO-like helium he received a call Monday from a 57-year-old Southern California casually between her fingers while balloongripped the country's visitors watch and photograph her attention in 2009 when Richard hunter who explained he was merely trying out his goat suit in puSng away and flicking ashes on and Mayumi Heene said their the ground. 6-year-oldson had fl oated away preparation for a mountain goat Hendartosaid recent medical in it. hunt in Canada next year. The parents were charged when "He gave me enough details tests show the four primates are in good condition. The two other itwas discovered theboy was about the area and the situation orangutans will be moved later to never onboard the saucer, and they that it made me feel confident another island. were ordered to pay $36,000 in this was him," Douglass said restitution. Tuesday. Man charged for refusing The Heenes lived in Fort Collins "In talking to him, I felt he to leave NC jail at the time but have since moved was very knowledgeable, a very WENTWORTH, N.C.— A man to Florida. experienced hunter. He's hunted who'd just been released from jail Fruitman acquired the balloon internationally." in northern North Carolina was from the couple's California at — From wire reports arrestedagain forrefusing toleave torney, who says the Colorado man the jail after authorities wouldn' t paid$2,502 foritin an auction.
Olympics ad sales
The Mylar-adorned trading cards are available fiom eBay sellers seeking anywhere fiom 99 cents
give him a ride to a motel. The News & Record of Greens bororeportsthat37-year-old Rodney Dwayne Valentine was charged with trespassing. Valentine was released from the Rockingham County jail Saturday morning after being behind bars since May 22. The sherifFs office says he asked them to drive him to a local motel and they refused. Deputies charged Valentine with second-degree trespassing when he had refused to leave the jail by Saturday afternoon.
law will ALWAYS pieve the loss of her son. The question is, is shewilling to risk becoming distanced from you and
women are receptive to playdate invites, but when I seethem in social situations, they say very little to me andalmost act as if theydon'tknow me. Evenwhen theypick up their kids, talking to them is awkward, and they give the impression they' re always in a hurry. I think if your kids spend five hours at my house andIhavefed them,Ideserve
advertisers to join once the London games start ,W inter said. In an election year, NBC said President Barack Obama's campaign has spent $6.5 million to buy na tional ads during the Olympics. Mitt Romney hasn't bought any Olympics ad time, Winter said. An organization called UnPac. org is starting an online petition to urge NBC not to accept any politi cal advertising from special-interest PACs during the Olympics. Winter said some NBC affiliates have sold some advertising time to PACs but NBC hasn't on a national level to this point.
t bn -
Saturday's weather
REGIONAL TEMPS Thursday'shigh/Friday's low Baker County: 89/57 Union County: 91/66 Wallowa County: na/na
Chance of a t-storm early
M o s t ly sunny M o s tly sunny M o s tly sunny M o s tly sunny
PRECIPITATION La Grande 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: 1.49/0.61 Year to date/Normal: 9.66/9.95
85/ 52
86/ 52
Enterprise 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: 0.00 Month to date/Normal: 0.18/0.78 Year to date/Normal: 9.51/1 0.64 State's wettest: 0.02" at Astoria
Partly cloudy
Mostly sunny Slight chance of Mostly sunny
C O U N T Y FO R E C A S T 81/48
82/ 48
83/ 48
84/ 48
Hi T he Dalles 96 Joseph 86 Corvallis 79 Newport 61 Portland 83
Lo 65 57 52 54 60
Prc 0 0 0 0.02 0
Temperatures indicate previous day's "ig" andovemig "I Iow to S a.m. Pacific time. Partly cloudy
Mostly sunny plight chance g M ostly sunny
MOON PHASE Waxing, 66 percent visible Last
A u g . 9 A u g . 17 Aug. 24
Q tstorms'
M o s tly sunn
Hottest Thursday
Weather History
Nation: 117 in Death Valley, Calif Oregon: 100 in Ontario
On July 28 in 1952, a severe storm near Benson, Ariz., dropped 1.5-inch diameter hail. The storm dropped the temperature to 37 degrees, with 3 to 4 inches of hail on the ground and drifts 46 inches deep.
Coldest today
• 0 •
' , ,
' Q'<
Meacham 8 1 Pendleton 9 2 Redmo n d 91 Pasco 97 Walla Walla 9 4 Bak er City 8 9 Ontar i o 100
46 61 53 63 71 57 77
0 0 0 0 0 tr 0
Across the nation
Sunset: 8:24 p.m. Sunrise: 5:34 a.m.
Aug. 1
Temperatures indicate previous day' s M o s tly sunny high and overnight Iow to 4 a.m.
ogj -"
Across the region
Baker City 24 hours ending 4 a.m.: Trace Month to date/Normal: 0.42/0.58 Year to date/Normal: 6.06/6.29
87/ 55
Nation: 39 in Truckee, Calif. Oregon: 46 in Meacham
• 0 •
Hi Lo Prc SkV Atlanta 98 7 7 0 pc Bill ings 8 8 63 0 pc Des Moines 9 5 67 0 s D etroit 86 70 0 . 0 2 t I ndianapolis 9 4 6 9 0 pc Kansas City 9 5 72 0 s Minneapolis 8 4 6 4 0 pc New Orleans 92 7 7 0.11 t Anchorage 6 8 51 0 pc Boise 101 67 0 pc
B oston 84 64 0 . 0 2 s h Chicago 89 66 0 pc Denver 93 64 0 . 0 1 t Honolulu 87 74 0 s Houston 94 7 5 0 s Las Vegas 106 80 0 s LosA ngeles 7 0 6 0 0 pc Mia m i 91 80 0 pc N e w York City 88 70 0.60 t Pho e ni x 107 90 0 pc Sa l t Lake City 100 75 0 pc S a n Francisco 70 5 5 0 pc Se a ttle 78 57 0 pc W a shington, DC100 77 0 pc
• 0 •
Friday, July 27, 2012 The Observer & Baker City Herald
BAKER COUNTY COUGAR: Cougars can be found throughout Baker County, but hunters should target areas with high con centrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. COYOTE: Coyote num bers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late af ternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunt ing on private property. SQUIRRELS: Ground squirrels are out and active throughout the valley. Hunters should find good numbers of squirrels when the weather cooperates; re member to ask permission before hunting on private property.
UNION COUNTY GROUND SQUIRRELS: Squirrels are up and active. Remember, always ask first to hunt on private land. COUGARS: Cougars are common inUnion County. Due to the mild winter, deer and elk can be found at higher elevations. Focus on game rich areas with long ridgelines or saddles that cats typically travel. Setting up downwind of a deer or elk killed by a cou gar can be productive. SeeHunting / Pbge 5C
VIEWING Report BAKER COUNTY Bald and golden eagles can be seen along open water areas of the Snake River and Brownlee Res ervoir. For best viewing, drive the Snake River Road between Richland and Huntington. Turkeys can be seen and heard throughout the county in the transitional zone between the forest and the valley. A good area to look is on the Elkhorn Wildlife Area.
Waterfowl using the area include Canada goose, northern pintail, American wigeon, ring-necked duck, mallard, gadwall, cinna mon teal, green-winged teal and northern shoveler. Broods of ducklings and goslings can be seen in nearly any wetland. Most Canada goslings are nearly as big as the adults and have "colored up" to look like them, too. Shorebirds have included killdeer, black-necked stilt, SeeViewing / Pbge 5C
r ji@ -~+
p.""p „!i".
Jim Ward photo
LaGrande hay farmer Stewart Sholund ships several tons of hay to dairies in Washington every summer. When he discovered a brood of barn owls in his stack he was able to move them to the other end — giving the birds time to fledge. The farmer is very pleased to have the birds around working his fields and it costs nothing.
am ow s: • Barn owls will consume over 6,000 rodents to raise one brood
ers ' r i en
By Jim Ward For The Observer
tewart Sholund is a hay farmer. To be successful at that, he has to be part-time meteorologist, a bit of a soil scientist, heavy equipment operator and a good mathematician. He sells hisproduct to dairy farmers in Washington which re quires skill with an eighteen wheeler. With many acres under his care,itpaystobe a shirt sleeve wildlife biologist as well. Encouraging species that he can benefit from and discouragingpestsisgood for business. SeeOwls / Page 2C
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Jim Ward photo
Nest boxes are very attractive to barn owls. Numerous studies have shown that barn owls consume an incredible number of rodents — especially when raising young. Since rodents can be very harmful to crops, considering these birds in any farm plan can be of great benefit to the farmer.
Ton of antlers to be auctioned Saturday The Union/Wallowa County chapter of the Oregon Hunters Association is hold ing another antler auction Saturday at the Eagles Hot Lake RVParkeastof La Grande. The event will begin at 9 a.m. with a silent auction and should be concluded by 11 a.m. Nearly one ton of elk and deer ant lerswere picked up atseverallocations throughout the state and donated by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Proceeds from the sale will go towards wild life and hunting-related efforts in the area. Lastyear,over $11,000 was raised atthis event. Funded projects included a bighorn sheep trap and transplant effort on the Snake River, roosterpheasants for a special youthhunt on Ladd Marsh and hunter a) safety equipment for area youths. Over 300registered antlerbuyers have been contacted about this event and the Jim Ward photo general public is invited to participate as Scores of elk and deer antlers were picked up at several locations through well. For more information, call Morgan out the state and donated by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olson,568-4587 or Craig Ely,963-7926. Standing amid antlers areTy Hammond, left, andTanner Owen.
WALLOWA LAKE: rain bow trout, kokanee, lake trout
Fishing remains good for kokanee, but catch is still mostly smaller fish. If warmer weather persists, anglers should expect kokanee to find refuge in deeper water. SeeFishing / Page 5C
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GRANDE RONDERIVER: trout, whitefish, bass Grande Ronde River flows are dropping steadily and clarity is recovering from recent rain events. With stable flows, trout and whitefish can be caught on a variety of gear including flies, spinners, and other light tackle. Water temperatures are also increasing and small mouth bass are turning on, especially in the lower nver. Bass can be caught on light spinners and jigs tipped with rubber grub tails. Fly fisherman can have banner days targeting bass on woolly buggers, other small streamers and surface poppers. IMNAHA RIVER: trout, whitefish Imnaha River flows con tinue to drop towards sum mer base flows. Should the pattern continue, fishing should remain good for trout and mountain white fish. Look for whitefish in deeper runs and holes, and target them using beaded nymphs. Bull trout are also present this time of year, and anglers are reminded to handle these fish care fully and immediately release them. JOHN DAY RIVER: bass and channel catfish A flash flood occurred on the upper John Day River on Sunday, July 15. This has muddied the river down to Clarno making fishing poor. The river should clear after a week and fishing will return to normal. Trout fishing is available on the North and Middle Forks of the John Day River which were not affected by the flash flood. JUBILEE LAKE: Fishing is good for rainbow trout. The lake has been stocked with legal and trophy-sized fish. MORGAN LAKE: trout, bullheads, bass Fishing for trout is fair to good. OLIVE LAKE: rainbow and kokanee W as stocked with 2,000 legal-sized rainbow trout and 500 trophies. Kokanee salmon are also available in the deeper parts of the lake. PEACH POND (Ladd Marsh): rainbow trout The pond has been stocked multiple times this season with legal and trophy-sized rainbow
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FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
OWLS Continued from1C One thing for sure, Shol und isn't a rocket scientist. But, that's not necessary to calculate the benefits raptors ihawks and owlsl can provide by reducing the damage to his alfalfa by rodents. He can see this first hand. Barn owls live in his silo and haystacks. He finds evidence of their kills below their nests. Simple studies r d have shown that barn owls /~r will consume over 6,000 II rodentsjustto raise one brood of owls. Barn owls usu allyraisetwo broods ayear, so when you do the math, it's easy to figure how these birds can benefit the farm. Did I mention that Sholund isgood atmath? Craig Ely, a rancher near r LaGrande, fi gureshishay r a r crop is much larger since he r attractedapairofbarn owls to nest in his barn. "My field was riddled with gopher mounds," he says. Pocket gophers not only eat the roots of the plant, their mounds make the ground a very rough for the hay equip ment. 'The owls work the Jim Ward photo fields all summer and now With no other suitable nesting opportunities, barn owls will often nest in haystacks. This can be bad for the owls when the farmer needs to feed out I have very few gophers his hay or ship it. With a bit of care, the young can be moved to either a nearby nest box or a part of the stack that won't be used for awhile. These resulting in a larger, annual five owlets were the result of that. '
crop of hay," Ely adds. As their name implies, barn owlsare associated with barns. They roost in them and they hunt in and around them. However, many barns don't have proper structure for nesting — they have nar row beams and no platforms large enough for a nest. So, many landowners in the Grande Ronde Valley have put in barn owl boxes with incredible success. Still, some owls are forced to find other nesting oppor tunities. Many will nest in haystacks. All it takes is a crack large enough between the bales and a pair will set
up housekeeping. And that' s where they often get into trouble. Lynn Tompkins knows very well the situation with barn owls and haystacks. Tompkins operates the Blue Mountain Wildlife Rehabili tation Center in Pendleton. Along with many other wild critters, from skunks to bald eagles, 421 young barn owls were brought into the center last year. Most of the owlets were orphaned when hay farmers dug into their stacks while loading the hay onto trucks. Birdscame from asfar
away as the Yakima Valley and from farms around the Tri-cities and Hermiston areas. Ittakes agood dealof rodentstofeed 421owlets about 1600 a day. Rodents were purchased, at great expense, from commercial rodent farms and fed to the young owls by the center's assistants. The birds were hacked out at sites in South ern Washington when they w ere old enough tofly. Tompkins has persuaded many farmers to install owl boxesnear the stacks to lure the owls away. Some have
even put boxes on poles near the stacks. Oftentimes, small stacks of old hay will accu mulatearound the hay yard. When birds are discovered in the fresh hay, they can be moved to the old stuff if it isn't too far from the original nest. The young will beg for food during the night and the parents will find them at the new site. Stewart Sholund has tried this and it works well. He was forced to move a brood of five owlets out of his new stack. He put them in a part of the stack that he won' t need for awhile — giving the
many others, finding ways to encourage wildlife to their benefit. The barn owls can continue to prosper, and for the farmers, it can be down right good business.
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Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Open Houses
birdstime togrow and leave. It seems that humans and wildlife are often at odds with each other. So, it's good to see farmers like Craig Ely, Stewart Sholund, and
In August the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) and Idaho Power will host open houses in communities along the Boardman to Hemingway (B2H) transmission line route.
Please stop by anytime between 6 and 8 pm for
updates on: • • •
Alternatives to be considered in the draft environmental impact statement Next steps for the federal and state review processes Upcoming events in 2013 and future public comment opportunities Monday, August 6
Pilot Rock, OR
Pilot Rock Community Center 285 Northwest Cedar Place
Bring your lunch and laun chairs to the park and enjoy the m sic, Suggested donation $5 per person
Tuesday, August 7
Boardman, OR
Port of Morrow Riverfront Center 2 Marine Drive
Potoder Ritter Music Rettieto concert series is presented to raise funds to build a ban stand pattilion in the center o f dreiser-P ollman Park, Thanks to the m sicians for donating their time and talent
Monday, August13
La Grande, OR
Blue Mountain Conference Center 404 12th Street
Tuesday, August 14
Baker City, OR
Best Western Sunridge Inn 5 Conference Center, 1 Sunridge Lane
Wednesday, August15
Marsing, ID
American Legion Conference Center 126 2nd Avenue W
Thursday, August16
Ontario, OR
Four Rivers Cultural Center 676 Southwest 5th Avenue
for this fund raising effort, Brochure and brick order forms toill be at tailable at toeekly concerts or may be dotonloaded attototo,facebook,corn/BAKERCITYBANDSTAND for anyone interested in purchasing an engrat ted brick to be placed in the stage(foundation of the neto ba s t and patti lion,
, „ i a l l III I
Project Background
The B2H Project is a proposal by Idaho Power Company to build, operate and maintain a new single-circuit, 500 kilovolt power line between Boardman, Oregon and Melba, Idaho. The proposed route is approximately 300 miles long and will relieve pressure on the existing transmission system, improve electrical reliability and provide additional energy capacity to meet demand. Put your name dorm in history toith an engratted brick - makes great birthday, annittersary and holiday gi fts or memorial tributes,
4 inch by 8 inch bricks are $60 8 inch by 8 inch bricks are $300 12 inch by 12 inch tiles are $1000 A support column sponsorship is $10,000
Questions? Bureau of Land Management: Holly Orr, 541-573-4501 Oregon Department of Energy: Sue Oliver, 541-567-3840, Ext. 225 Idaho Power Company: Todd Adams, 877-339-0209
Potoder Rioer Music Reoieto is sponsored by the Baker City Herald and organized by volunteers of the Bandstand Committee.
Or email
• 0 •
e ' format'
Soroptimist International of Baker County (SIBC) is the 501(c)3 non profit for this project, Matching grant donations are most toelcome, •
• •
FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 2012
HELLS CANYON RESERVOIR: trout, steelhead Chinook fishing has slowed Continued from1C below Hell sCanyon dam, and no salmon were reported Sea variety of light tackle. With warmer weather, fly in last week's creel surveys. anglers should start pitch Managers are evaluating the ing terrestrial patterns near fishery and are considering overhanging brush for trout. closure on Sunday, Aug. 5 at Whitefish can be consistently sundown. Check the ODFW caughtwith beaded nymphs wesbite later in the week for a in runs and pools. closure announcement. Water BROWNLEE RESERVOIR: temperatures have warmed crappie, bass, perch, catfish, up and were in the 70's last bluegill, trout week. Bass are active and Current water level is at eager to bite, and sturgeon 2069 feet. All boat lanunches fishing continues to be great. Anglers are also reminded can be used. Fishing for smallmouth bass is good and that new for 2012, only for channel catfish very good, adipose-clipped trout may be but slow for crappie. Channel kept in the Snake River. ANTHONY LAKE: hatchery cats are being picked up at the mouth of the Powder River rainbow trout, brook trout Arm in 2-4 feet of water. Fish The lake has been stocked ing for crappie remains slow with trophy-sized rainbow but the fish are good-sized. trout. Fishing is good. From Call the Idaho Power Com the bank try PowerBait along pany's recording at 1-800-422 shoreline where water is 3143 to get information on deeper or try trolling spinners access at recreational sites or from a boat. This is the first visit their website time that this lake has been OXBOW RESERVOIR: trout, stocked with large numbers of crappie, bass, catfish trophy trout. Fishing has been fair to EAGLE CREEK: hatchery good for for smallmouth bass rainbow trout, brook trout and channel catfish, but slow Eagle Creek has been for crappie. stocked with legal-sized HELLS CANYON RESER rainbow trout. Fishing will VOIR: trout, crappie, bass, improve as flows recede. catfish FISH LAKE (Wallowa Moun Fishing has been good tains): rainbow trout, brook for for smallmouth bass and trout channel catfish, but slow for The lake was stocked with crappie. legal and trophy-sized rainbow SNAKE RIVER below trout last week. Fishing should
VIEWING Continued from1C American avocet, greater yellowlegs, spotted sandpiper, Wilson's snipe and others. Some southbound shorebirds have started to show up. Local sandhill cranes have hatched and the young may bevisible as
they feed in meadows with their parents. Many young cranes have fledged and joined small groups with the adults. Cranes can be seen from county roads in several locations. Please report any sandhill cranes wearing leg bands to the Ladd Marsh staff (541-963 4954). If possible, note the color and order of bands on
be good. PHILLIPS RESERVOIR: trout, perch The water level is at 77 percent full. Fishing for 8 to 14-inch rainbows has been good, but will slow as water temperatures rise. PILCHER RESERVOIR: trout, crappie The water level is at 85 per cent. No recent fishing report. POWDER RIVER: trout, spring chinook The section below Mason Dam hasbeen stocked with legal rainbows and the fishing is good. This is a good oppor tunity for mid-summer trout fishing as water released out of Phillips Reservoir is cold. THIEF VALLEYRESERVOIR:
slowly and use every bit of cover as they approach. Using remote calls will focus the cat's attention away from your blind. Above all, do not move — their eyesight is excellent. COYOTE: Coyote num bers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon.
Continued from1C A cougar kill is often covered with material that has been scraped up in about a 10 foot diameter circle around the carcass. Cougars will often drag their kill to the nearest cover next to the kill site (pay attention to drag marks).You need to be extremely patient and wear camo when calling cougars as they come in
Wallowa County. Calling coyotes with rabbit distress type calls has been effective for hunters. It is important to choose areas with abundant coyote sign and little human activity. COUGAR numbers are strong throughout Wallowa County. Most lions are taken incidental to other hunting; however, calling with fawn bleat, or locating a cougar kill and waiting for a cat to return are often successful techniques.
WALLOWA COUNTY Good numbersofcoyotes can be found throughout
Treat your yard to something new
The Bureau of Reclamation Hydromet reports water level is at 63 percent. No recent report, although fishing is expected to be slow with high water temperatures and reced ing water. The boat launch will soon be dewatered. Spring sampling showed some 11 to 13-inch yellow perch in the reservoir as well. UNITY RESERVOIR: trout, bass, crappie Water level is at 55 percent. No recent report, although fishing for trout is expected to be slow with high water temperatures and receding water level. WOLF CREEKRESERVOIR: crappie, trout No recent report.
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Oregon Trail Landscape & Nursery • Hwy 30 600 Elm • Baker City • 541-523-3708 ~ Closed Tuesday, open all other weekdays & Sat 9 AM-5 PM Sun 11 AM -4 PM
Webcams make Alaska bears accessible The project isa partner of effort and a lot of money, (AP) — A new video initiative ship with, which and the webcams will make is bringing the famed brown set up four high-definition it accessible to anyone with bears of Alaska's Katmai Na cameras in Katmai, spokes access to a computer, a tional Park directly to your man Jason Damata told The smartphone,a tabletdevice," computer or smartphone. Associated Press. Three of Wood said. Without having to go them are at existing viewing The park draws just under there, you' ll be able to watch stands where bear fans come 10,000visitorsayear,but m ature bears compete for to watch the animals. about2,200 bearslivein salmon at Brook Falls and The cameras provide Katmai National Park. About other sites and cubs tumbling accessto a national park 100 of them are in the Brooks Camp area. over each other as they play. thatisdificulttoreach and Starting Tuesday, a live Web expensivefor most tourists.It One camera is at Brooks stream (http// ) is about 275 miles southwest Falls, where the bigger male will allow the public to log on of Anchorage, but no roads bearscompete forsalmon, and see the brown bears in lead to Katmai. A trip there some while the fish are their natural habitat. involves multiple airplanes trying to jump the falls. The "I think it's an tmparal and alotofadvanced plan bears eat mostly the brains leledopportunity for people ning:it'shard to geta lodge and eggs of these fish and let reservation at Brooks Camp to getthatfrontrow seat the carcasses flow down ofthelivesofthe bearsat before2014.Camping is stream. This is the prime Brooks Camp," said Roy allowed, but on a reserva viewing area now. tion system that goes online W ood, chiefofinterpretation for Katmai National Park The second camera is Jan. 5. and Preserve. "It takes a lot of time, a lot about 150 yards away, where
10%%u o OFF 20' %ou OFF 50%%u o OFF Perennials & Shrub s
each of the bird's legs (e.g., pink above white on left leg; silver above black on right leg). The specific combina tion and order can identify individual birds. Songbirds are nesting and many are feeding young. The songs of territorial males are mixed with the cries of hungry young in the overall sound scape of the marsh.
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The La Grande Observer an d th e B a ker City H e r al d aze requesting your h elp with th e 2 0 1 2 H u n t i n g E d i t i on . Send us your f a v o r i t e h u n t i n g or f i s h irLg photos along wit h a b r i e f ex p l a n a t ion an d we w il l p u b l ish t h ezrL in The O bserver and Th e H er al d on F r i d ay, Au gust 17th or F r i d ay, Au gust 2 4 t h . J ust fill out th e f or zrL below and zrlail or br in g in by M o n d ay, Au gust 1 3 t h . W e will ret ur n t h e p h o t o s so zrlake sure they aze clearly i d e n t i f i e d . Name of hunter(s) or fishermen:
Where and when was theanimal or fish shot or caught?
What kind of animal or fish and what is the weight, length, etc.?
Any interesting or unusual details about the hunting or fishing trip?
R eturn photo inform at i on : Name
Address Phone
Thank you and don't forget to get your Hunt ing Edition copy on A ugust 17th and August 24th .
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FRIDAY, J ULY 27, 201 2
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