The La Grande Observer 06-04-14

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By Kelly Ducote The Observer

As Shelter From the Storm supportersprepare torally and march in support of the shelter Wednesday











MacLeod: Shelter 'biting the hand that feeds' • Former shelter board member, county commissioner says situation is out ofhand





UNION COUNTY night, some Union County residents feel the situation between the county and shelter has gotten out ofhand. That is the case with Colleen MacLeod, a former Shelter From the Storm boardmember and county commissioner. M acLeod said she believespeople SeeShelter / Page 5A

Phil Bullock/The Observer

Former Shelter From the Storm board member and Union County commissioner Colleen MacLeod won't be walking with shelter supporters during their rally Wednesday.


• Urban RenewalAgency unlikely to vote on grocery store project until July More info

By Kelly Ducote The Observer

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The Urban Renewal Agency spent time Monday

There is still much work to be done before the La Grande Urban Renewal Agency makes a final decision on whether it will help fund a proposed grocery store downtown. Market Place Family Foods has requested



the number of jobs that would be required underthe $500,000 in Urban Renewal agreement. funding to help get estabCity staff were lished at the corner of Fourth comfortable Street and Adams Avenue. with the The URA last month voted proposed 10 to allow District Manager full-time lobs Robert Strope to enter into at $15 an hour negotiati ons with developer and five partAl Adelsberger and grocer time jobs, but Troy Berglund, who are part- the applicants nering in the venture. have since City stafF are now in the requested a midst of nailing down an reduction. agreementthat,ifapproved SeeDeal / Page 5A

MEDICAL MARIJUANA LOC'RT/~/v QaFINITcuIS (K f 2 ) c<a ca coriarrvsvrorcoc rt-Iz i arra scllocL


• rrrt~ x treT Chris Baxter/TheObserver

La Grande High School educators, clockwise from bottom left, Kevin Cahill, Shauna Hendrickson, Kristy Moore, Ryan Minor and Aislinn Becktold, look at and discuss the results of a statewide education survey.


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• Results show La Grande teachers feel they have time to collaborate with other educators The Observer

The La Grande School District' sthree-year-old Professional Learning Communities program is making a noteworthy impact on the opportunity for teachers to provide a higher quality of education. At least that's what the results of a new survey administered by the state at all public schoolsin Oregon appears to indicate. The Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning Oregon Survey indicates that La Grande School District teachers have more time to collaborate with fellow educators than many others throughout the state. 'This may mean that many schools do not have PLCs," said La Grande High School English and French teacher

The Elgin School District's budget committee hit a high note for musicon Monday evening. Page 2A

Chris Baxter/TheObserver

La Grande High School social studies teacher John Lamoreau applauds the steps the school is taking to reduce class sizes. Kevin Cahill. of Education, offering teachers The survey was administered a n d administrators the chance at every public school in the to ra n k their school on everystate by the Oregon Department t h ing from safety to professional

INDEX Business........1B Horoscope.....9B Classified.......BB Lottery............2A Comics...........5B Obituaries......3A Crossword.....9B Opinion..........4A Dear Abby ...12B Record ...........3A

RIDAY •000

WE A T H E R Sports ............9A State...............BA Sudoku ..........5B Wallovva Life.. BA Wondervvord... 5B

Fu l l forecast on the back of B section

Tonight 42 bOW Clear




76/38 Mostly sunny

development to the availability of technology. The school district's PLC program provides teachers with opportunities to meet during the schoolday to develop strategies foraddressing the needs ofstudents using data driven instruction models. The cornerstone of the program aresessions from 8 9 a.m .each Monday during which teachers meet. School begins an hour late each Monday because of the PLC meetings. LHS social studies teacher John Lamoreau describes these sessions as highly productive. SeeResults / Page 5A

Residents express fear, support for dispensaries Inside

By Dick Mason The Observer

They are questions many residents have on their minds lately — where should La Grande's future medical marijuana dispensaries be locatedand what restrictions should apply to their operation? City of La Grande Planner SeeInput / Page 5A



Call The Observer newsroom at 541-963-3161 or send an email to More contact info on Page 4A.

Issue 67 3 sections, 36 pages La Grande, Oregon

aa '

City of La Grande Planner Michael Boquist takes input Monday regarding possible rules for the operation of medical marijuana dispensaries.



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Phil Bullock/TheObserver


By Dick Mason


s I

The Cove City Council ponders illegal dumping at city's recycle center. Page 2A

51 1 53 0 0 1 00 I







2014EOLS crowns its queen


School district

TODAY Today is Wednesday, June 4, the 155th day of 2014. There are 210 days left in the year.

may add music • Elgin budget proposal includes hiring music teacher

TODAY INHISTORY On June 4, 1944, during World War II, U-505, a German submarine, was captured by a U.S. Navy task group in the south Atlantic; it was the first such capture of an enemy vessel at sea by the U.S. Navy since the War of 1812. The U.S. FifthArmy began liberating Rome.

By Dick Mason The Observer

The Elgin School District's budget committee hit a high note for music on Monday evening. The budget committee voted to recommend that the school board adopt a 2014-15 general budget of more than $4.3 million, an increase of

more than $138,000. The

ONTHIS DATE In 1919, Congress approved the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing citizens the right to vote regardless of their gender and sent it to the states for ratification. In 1939, the German ocean liner MS St. Louis, carrying more than 900 Jewish refugees from Germany, was turned away from the Florida coast by U.S. officials.

proposed budget includes funding for the addition of a full-time music teacher. The school district has not had a music teacher for three or fouryears afteritwas eliminatedbecause ofbudget constraints. aWe are really excited about this. This was the first thing we wanted to

Chris Baxter /The Observer

TOP PHOTO:With proud dad,Will Ryan, at her side, Shania Ryan of lmbler tries to maintain her composure after being crowned the2014s Eastern Oregon Livestock Show QueenTuesday at a ceremony in the EOLS Clubhouse in Union. Ryan was chosen from the EOLS Royal Court, which also included Stephanie Greenhalgh, Brea Harris and MarliTracy-Mallory. BOTTOM PHOTOS: Riders and their horses go through their paces as they participate in 4-H Horsemanship competitionTuesday morning in early EOLS action.

I II II Ii ~I II ~I I ' I< ii I< ' t h i , I: i '

add back," said Elgin School


District Superintendent Wayne Herron."Building the program back up was one of our top priorities." The school district has

Megabucks: $3.3 million

$69,709 in its proposed bud-


get for hiring a music teacher and purchasing music supplies. The music teacher would initially teach high school choir for one period a day and then spend the remainder ofhis or her time at Stella Mayfield Elementary School, teaching kindergarten through eighth grade students. The teacher's responsibilities would include teaching middle school band, Herron said. Later, when middle school band students moved into high school, the teacher would begin instructinghigh school band. Herron said it is important not to neglectsubjectslike music in an era when so much emphasis is placed by the state on student assessm ent test scoreson core subjects. 'You can't lose sight of the other things. It is important that we have a well rounded program," Herron said. The school district'sbudget is up in part because 2014-15 will be the second year of the 2013-15 biennium. The state provides districts with 49 percent ofwhat itgives schools in the first year of the bienrnum and 51 percent of the total in the second year of a biennium. The funding the Legislature is providing school districts in

Megamillions: $45 million

19-28-62-66-74-6-x3 Powerball: $192 million

15-27-31-34-48-1-PB 2 Win for Life:

Chris Baxter /The Observer

16-37-66-69 Pick 4: June 3 • 1 p.m.: 7-5-3-1 • 4 p.m.: 2-0-2-3 • 7 p.m.: 6-3-2-8 • 10 p.m.: 6-3-4-8 Pick 4: June 2 • 1 p.m.: 3-4-2-2 • 4 p. m.: 7-7-0-7 • 7 p. m.: 5-5-0-3 • 10 p.m .: 2-8-8-3

MARKETS Wall Street at noon: • Dow Jones average — Up 7 points at 16,730 Broader stock indicators: • SBtP 5001ndex — Up 3 points at 1,927 • Tech-heavy Nasdaq composite index — Up 15 points at 4,250 • NYSE — Up 6 points at 10,776 • Russell — Up 4 points at 1,130 Gold and silver: • Gold — Down 10 cents at $1,244 • Silver — Up 5 cents at


Conncilpondersrecvclinlcenterissnes By Kelly Black For The Observer

COVE — A giant stufFed dog, an orange tiger and a fish tank with bright blue rocks sit next to the mixed-paperonly recycling bin at Cove City Hall, a symbol of the illegal garbage dumping that threatens the recycling center. "It is daily now that garbage is being dumped," said Public Works Director Michael Brown. Cushions are stuffed under the metal-only recycling bin. A broken kitchen drawer and household garbage have been thrown behind the bins. Brown has found broken toilets, tires and a television.

"I went to somebody's house on Friday and asked them to come back and remove all of the stufF that they brought down here and threw alongside the recycle bins," Brown said. Although city workers regularly cleanup the garbage left atthe recycling site, more keeps coming. "It is getting a lot worse," said Mayor Lyndon Rose. Recently, the city got a call from someone who twisted their ankle on debris while trying to use the recycling bins. "As a council, we have to weigh the issues of safety and liability versus the privilege ofbeing able to recycle," Rose

sald. Brown told the council that the City of Joseph removed its recycling bins for two yearsbecause itgottired ofdealing with all the garbage. Councilor Regina Kruse does not favor removing the bins. "I think penalizing the people who do it correctly is not the solution," Kruse said.aWe want to encourage recycling." The council discussed other options besides closing the recycling center such as installing video surveillance and sending out a reminder that there is a fine for illegal dumping. aWe need to come up with some ideas really soon," Rose said.


GRAIN REPORT Soft white wheat — June

$729; July, $7.22; August, $7.22 Hard red winter — June, $8.14; July, $8.11; August, $8. 06 Dark northern springJune, $8.32; July, $8.30; Au g ust, $8.30 Barley — June, 178 — Bids provided bV Island City Grain Co.

QUOTE OFTHE DAY "As people used to be wrong about the motion of the sun, so they are still wrong about the motion of the future. The future stands still; it is we who move in infinite space." —Rainer Maria Rilke, German poet(1875-1926)

Cherry fruit Ay return expected today • Spraying to begin UNION COUNTY soon to minimize should be made within the first week after emergence, efects ofpest By Kelly Ducote The Observer

The adult Western Cherry Fruit Fly is expected to emerge in the La Grande areatoday,according tolocal ofFrcials. Full emergence of the fly is expected by June 26. "It's earlier because it's been so warm," said Greg Franklin, Union County cherry frrnt fly inspector. Initial spray applications

Itis Tecommended that two or three weeks. people remove cherrytreesnot Franklin said the cherry used for fiuit pmduction. Resi- fruit fly problem has worsdents are reminded to make ened as the lack ofharsh winand follow-up spray applicasure inse4cides are labeled for ters fails to kill the insects. "There's a serious probtionsshould be scheduledto use on fiuit trees and to follow lem," he said."People should control the insectuntil harvest. labeldirectionsforsafeuse. aWe have a window of Cherry frrnt flies spend spray or call me." sprayingtime for about 10 about 10 months each year For more information on days," Franklin said.aWe'll as pupae in the soil. In the cherry fruit fly management set traps out next week." first week after emergence, and control, call the Union Franklin said he helps adults feed on available County Extension OfFrce at 541-963-1010. protectcommercial growers sweet substances and moisbut that backyard trees are ture and begin laying eggs also at risk. People should after seven days. Adult emerContactKelly Ducote at 541-786-4230or kducote CI spray their trees, hire a com- gence continues for up to two mercial applicator to spray months with eggs hatching them or remove blossoms within seven to 10 days and Follow Kellyon Twitter and frrnt priorto em ergence. larvae feeding in the frrnt for @IgoDucote.


2013-15 is almost $1 billion more than what it provided in 2011-13. The Legislature is able to provide additional funding because of the state's improving economy. The Elgin School Board will vote on whether to adopt thedistrict'sproposed 201415 budget when it meets on June 16. ContactDick Mason at 541-786-5386or dmason C Dickon Twitter C IgoMason.


For information on clinic dates and to schedule an appointment, call: (541) 889-7300 Saint Alphansus Medical Group •



GRH Regional Medical Clinic 506 4th Street La Grande, OR 97850







LOCAL BRIEFING From stag reports

Retirement party set this aRernoon UNION — Longtime Buffalo Peak Green Superintendent Rich Goodrick has retired. A retirement party is plannedfor2p.m. to 4 p.m . today at the Buffalo Peak Clubhouse in Union to wish him well in his retirement.

Register for children's music classes Mark Emerson is offering m usic classesforchildren 12 months to 4 years old this summer at the ArtsEast

Music Room from June through August. Four sessions are offered this month: 2 p.m. June 4, 2 p.m. June 11,4p.m. June 18 and 2 p.m. June 25. All classes are held at the ArtsEast building, Sixth Street and LAvenue, across the street 6om the police station. Nine classes are being offered, with each classbeing

$10. For $70, achild can attend all nine classes. Siblings attendingthe classreceives adiscountof30percentofa single class fee. To register for dasses and

for more information, contact Mika Morton atArtsEast, 541-962-3629, or send an email to

freefor children 12 and younger. A quilt will be raffled at the close of the show at approximately 3 p.m. Saturday. Quilt show unfolds Raflle tickets are available Friday, Saturday at the show for $1 each or JOSEPH — The Wallowa six for $5 or from the guild's Mountain Quilters' Guild's website, www.wallowamoun Ticket holdUptown Quilt Show takes place Friday and Saturday. ers do not have to be present The show is at the Joseph to win. Community Center, 102 E. Proceeds from the raffle First St., Joseph. Hours are support the guild's activities throughout the year. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and The show is an opportuni9 3 p.m .Saturday. Admissionis$3.50for adults, ty to view a variety of quilts,

ranging from traditional piecedprojectsto artsy landscape and wildlife quilts. The show is held simultaneously with Taste of Joseph, sponsored by the Joseph Chamber of Commerce.

Neighbor-to-Neighbor volunteers needed The Neighbor-to-Neighbor M inistries woodlot needs at least four woodcutters and trucks to cut and haul wood on Friday and Saturday and on June 13 and 14. The work sessions on all four days will

run from 8 a.m. to noon. The work will be done at the Neighbor-to-Neighbor woodlot, which is on the north end of Umatilla Street. Neighbor-to-Neighbor has two permits to cut seven cords of wood and is short of workers. Volunteers are neededforalltypesofwork, including stacking, raking debris, moving pallets and pulling weeds. For information on the woodlot or volunteering to cut wood call 541-663-8265.

OIIITUARIES she worked at St. Anthony Hospital for many years. After his Nash dea t h, she marriedthe loveof her life, Berle Nash of Athena, on June 27, 1991. He preceded her in death in May 2009. She was a member of Altrusa International, Chapter EM, P.E.O., and St. Andrew's Catholic Church. She enjoyed her weekly games of Mahjong, her birthday club and attending musical events in Portland and Pendleton. Survivors include her sister, Lanetta Paul of La Grande; stepsons, Jason Nash ofAlbany, Damon Nash of Union and Chris Nash of Portland; brother-in-law, Bob Sunderman ofLa Grande; two nephews; three grandsons and three granddaughters. She was preceded in death by her parentsand her sister,Darla Sunderman. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to Chapter EM, P.E.O., Pendleton Altrusa International or the charity of choice in care of Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, 131 S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton, OR

homemakerand mother and kept an immaculate home, garden and flower beds. She was an excellent cook and seamstress. She excelled in her embroidery, knitting and crocheting. For many years, she taught piano lessons out ofher home and had a keen intelligence. She loved being with her children and grandchildrenand alsoloved to travel around the valley viewing wildlife through binoculars. Joanna provided day careinLa Grande formany years. She took special care of the children and formed long-lasting friendships with many wonderful families who remain dear to her family. Joanna is proud to have been a fourth generation Oregonian; some ofher ancestors were the first settlers in Wallowa and Union counties. Some well-documented and noteworthy accounts tell aboutsome oftheseancestors in Eastern Oregon history. Survivors include her children and their spouses, David and Karen Sass of Genesee, Idaho, Catherine Bars of La Grande and Nancy and Bobby Morrison ofAntlers, Okla.; sister, Mary Jean, and brother-in-law, Max Henry, of Baker City; nine grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; three nieces and other relatives. Memorial contributions may bemade to theOregon Heart Association. To sign the online guestbook, visit www. Arrangements are entrusted to Daniels-Knopp Funeral, Cremation & Life Celebration Center in La Grande.

Funeral Chapel. Benjamin was born July 23, 1955, in La Grande to Phillip Keith and Winnifred Arlene iFlowersl Ward. He was raised in La Grande and graduated from La Grande

sent to officer training school * at Idaho State Wallowa and later the University of Mary"Cory" G. Corson, 89, Stangel Ne w Mexico in Wallowa, died today at a Albuquerque, La Grande care facility. A full High School. where he remained Benjamin was employed at until the end of obituary will be published later. Loveland Funeral Boise Cascade for 30 years. the war. He then Chapel & Crematory will be He enjoyed fishing, hunting, returned to the handling the arrangements. mushroom picking, huckMayville area near Condon to leberry picking and campfann and ranch on the family ing. His favorite sport was land. Elgin He married Margaret Mae baseball. Benjamin is survived by his Schomp of Mayville on May 5, mother, Winnie Ward; sister, 1948. They continued fanning James W. Owens, 86, Elgin, died Tuesday at home. A full Charlene Cross; and brother, and started a family, with Ronald P. Ward, and his obituary will be published daughter, Kathy, and sons, later. Loveland Funeral spouse, Cami, of La Grande; Joe and Bob, born while they Chapel & Crematory will be four nieces and nephews; were in Mayville. handling the arrangements. many aunts and uncles and They purchased their own many cousins. He was prefann in Enterprise in 1958, ceded in death by his father. and son, Dick, was born Online condolences to the shortly after they moved to La Grande family may be made at www. Wallowa County. While ing in Enterprise, Bud got inTyler K Weber, newborn, La Grande, died Tuesday at terested in flying and got his Grande Ronde Hospital. A commercial license in 1962. full obituary will be published He continued farming while later. Loveland Funeral Enterprise operating Stangel Flight SerChapel & Crematory will be 1924-2014 vice and was instrumental in handling the arrangements. the construction of Enterprise Francis Neil"Bud" Stangel, Municipal Airport. He flew 89, died in Enterprise May 31. more than 39,000 hours, deFuneral services will inlivering mail and supplies to Formerly of La Grande clude Rosary at 7 p.m. Friday ranchers in the Snake River 1937-2014 97801. at St. Katherine's Catholic area, flying for the Forest SerChurch in Enterprise, Mass vice and Game Commission, Barbara iCarterl Nash, at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at St. teaching many locals to fly, Katherine's Catholic Church, and providing air ambulance 76, of Pendleton died May 29 La Grande after an automobile accident 1932-2014 withgraveside servicesatthe and general aviation flights. Enterprise Cemetery followKnown for his mechanical at Meacham. A funeral Mass will be ing Mass, at approximately abilities, he did equipment Joanna Mae Sass, 81, of La Grande, died May 31 at 11:45 a.m. Lunch and memo- repair forpeoplethroughout celebratedat 11 a.m .TuesGrande Ronde Hospital. A ries will be shared following the winter, and he repaired day at St. Andrews Catholic Church in Mission. Following family service will be held the gravesideserviceSaturvarious aircraft for resale. the service, a light lunch will Saturday at Summerville day at the Cloverleaf Hall in He was active in the comEnterprise. munity and served on the Enbe served at St. Andrews. Cemetery. Barbara was born Sept. Joanna was born on July terprise City Council for eight He was born in a farm23, 1937, in La Grande to 24, 1932, the daughter of house just outside of WilsonHarvey and Genevieve ville on June 14, 1924. He Wayne and Marjorie%allsI iAdlerl Carter. She graduated ingerl Reavis in La Grande. grew up outside of Canby and from La Grande High School She attended elementary attended school at Barlow 1311 AdamS• La Grande • 963-3866 and then earned degrees in school in Union, and when School in Aurora through eighth grade. After his father occupational therapy from the she was in the eighth grade, La Grande STARTS FRIDAY EDGEOFTOMORROW(PG-13) University of Puget Sound her family moved to Richland, 1955-2014 died, he moved to Condon, THEFAULTINOURSTARS PG-13 and physical therapy from where she graduated from where he finished high school MALEFIE CNTiPG) FantaysAngesnaJoseEeFannsng Stanford University. She high school. Benjamin John Ward, 58, of in 1942. Wed-Thur140,420,700,910 lived and worked in Portland On Dec. 31, 1950, she marLa Grande, died June 2 at his Bud joined the Navy and X-MEN: DAYSOFTHEFUTUREPASTiPG-13) Adionsa-tiHughJackmanJamesMcAvoy and then Salem, where she ried Orin Herman Sass. They residence. A celebration served two years, mainly Wed-Thur115,400,6452D,9203D End sThurs married Ron Freeman. They had three children together. oflife service will be held at in the South Pacific, on a BLENDED (PG-13) Com edyDrewBarrymoreAdamSander Joanna was a devoted 10 a.m. Saturday at Loveland destroyer settled in Pendleton, where escortbefore being Wed-Thur130, 410,650,920 EndsThurs

Many'Cory'G. Corfon

James W.Omens

Tyler K. Weber

Barbara (Carter) 1Vash

Joanna Mae Sass


Francis 'Bud' Stangel

years, was a member of St. Katherine's Catholic Church, and a member of B.P.O.E. Enterprise Elks Lodge. After retirement, he restored an antique biplane that he enjoyed flying, and he attendedvarious aircraft shows in the Northwest. Restoring antique cars became his passion, and he restored seven models. He used his gifted talent to m anufacture obsolete parts for these very rare cars. His cars have won numerous awards at antique car shows and have been used for many weddings, parades and other community events. Bud was preceded in death by his wife, Margaret, in 1996; father, Wenzel Stangel; mother, Martha Quinn; stepfather, Charlie Quinn; brothers, Paul and Charles, and sister, Mart. He is survived by his daughter, Kathy; sons, Joe, Bob and Dick; 13 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and many relatives. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Bud's name to Wallowa Memorial Hospital Home Health or Enterprise FFAAlumni, in care of Bollman Funeral Home, P.O. Box 547, Enterprise, OR 97828.

Please join us for an open house gathering in honor of the life of Betty Courtright


Bem'amin John Wafd

Graham Saturday, June 7, 2014 Mamacita's lower level 2003 4th Street La Grande, OR

j.:Oopm - 3:Oopm



Arrested: Savannah Grace Mastrude, 20, La Grande, was arrested Monday on a charge of second-degree child neglect. Accident: No one was injured in a vehicle vs. bike accident at Washington and Penn avenues Monday afternoon. Arrested: Zachary lan Beatty, 40, Marysville, Wash., was arrested May 28 on a charge of third-degree theft. He was additionally arrested on a Union County warrant charging second-degreetheft and possession of less than an ounce of marijuana. Theft: Vandalism and theft was reported the Northeast Oregon PublicTransitTuesday morning. A report was taken. Vandalism: A Greenwood School employee reported vandalism Tuesday morning. Police took a report.

Arrested: MarkAndres Johnston,42, Elgin, was arrested on a Union County warrant charging failure to appear on an original charge of driving under the influence of intoxicants. Arrested: Gary C. Morrison, 32, unknown address, was arrested on a Union County warrant charging violation of a release agreement on original charges of delivery of meth, possessionof meth and possession of a schedule II substance. Accident: No one was injured in an accident at Hunter Road andWoodell Lane in Summerville Tuesday night.


lance crews responded to five calls for medical assistance Monday and 10 calls for medical assistance Tuesday.











• 0






/ I





> ~' .on the train! Be brilliant in everything you do! Our world, needs it!




Free souvenirfor kids! Shorter ride Great value


/ •

Crews responded to two calls for medical assistance Monday and two calls for medical assistance Tuesday.









LE R s

1913 Main Street

B a L er City

524-1999 ' MonJay — SaturJay 9:30 — 5:30

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• 0


WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014 La Grande, Oregon

THE Write a letter




HlsHWA >W~Ho~k(Nc Touu~EPA&ND~l- ~




AHEP.KW~Kw~I P~ ggl8zloNZ.

BA,LlY, slR,W~ HELL i Q, AQOHl&H ll,",,',CQgg E WW&. ,ICHQEfbE




O~ Editorial from The Bend Bulletin:

Gov. John Kitzhaber is going on the offense in the Cover Oregon debacle, seeking to shik the focus to website developer Oracle's failings and away from errors by the state. Offense may play better politically than defense, but with at least four federal investigations ongoing, a lawsuit against Oracle Corp. may be premature. Kitzhaber launched his volley last week by asking Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum to "immediately initiate legal action to recover payments and other damages from Oracle ..." Rosenblum's response was cautious, saying her team was "fully engaged in the 'legwork"' and "thoroughly investigating the facts and developing successful legal strategies." She offered the governor a"confidential update." Kitzhaber also asked the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to levy fines against Oracle and sought help from Oregon's U.S. Sens. Ron

Wyden and JeA'Merkley. Armed with a report from First Data, a company Oregon hired to figure out what went wrong, Kitzhaber said Oracle "promised something it did not deliver." He admitted the state made mistakes and listed steps he has taken to correct those errors, such as replacing top leadership and bringing in a reorganization team. The state has been widely criticized for its failure to hire a systems integrator to oversee the Cover Oregon project, and with making"time and material" contracts with Oracle that required paying for programmers' time rather than for a finished product. Oracle has responded by saying the state mismanaged the project. The huge technology company said extensive documentation exists to show the state failed to deliver requirements to Oracle. Because Cover Oregon's bills were paid by the federal government, ongoing federal probes are being conducted by the FBI, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Government Accountability OKce and the U.S. House oversight committee. Better to see where those investigations lead than to launch an expensive, complex legal action against Oracle, a company that would no doubt be a formidable legal foe, especially given the complex mix of state and corporate error involved. •

• o •


ioners t for the existing building? Of course. Originally, a community block developStorm is taking a stand to protest the ment grant was written to fund the MaryEllen LaBerge demolition of their building, they are building, which was designed specifiof La Grande Is ungrateful for all the years of'free" rent a 13-year hotline cally for the needs of SFS. The SFS is and"fiee" utilities bestowed upon the not grateful to have the "rug pulled out volunteer, sexual from under its feet." SFS by the county commissioners. assault response team This raises the question of what is The county commissioners helped volunteer and a board "fiee" and what ourtax money should SFS create the right environment to member with Shelter From the offervictims thechance to be survivors, be spent on. Storm. First of all, the building was ours to My Voice columns should be to give them the chance to fight for their begin with, so why would there be need rights, and now they seem surprised 500 to 700 words. Submissions for rent? Second, utilities have always should include a portrait-type that the shelter is ready to fight for its very existence — its own survival. Just been apart ofthebudget. photograph of the author. Authors After researching how it all began, I like a battered woman, the county is esalso should include their full name, sentially telling the SFS to "shut up and have come to realize how far the comage, occupation and relevant missioners have retreated from the organizational memberships. do what you're told." This is not a question of gratitude or goodwill they accomplished 16 years Send columnsto La Grande ingratitude. It is a question of making ago. At that time, they collaborated, they Observer, 1406 5th St., La Grande, communicated, they worked together Ore., 97850, fax them to 541-963sane decisions, of making good decisions, of making decisions that are morally tocreatea spacefor aprogram that 7804 or email them to acutler@ w as to offermuch-needed servicesto right, of making decisions that are best their constituents. They helped create for the residents of Union County not a short-sighted decision, but one with a a space where Union County residents long-termvision thatwo rks bestforall. could 'freely" seek help. The plan that I would submit that'free" has long Solving one problem by creating another the commissioners now have to relocate since been paid for by the 700-plus is not the solution. thatspace is short-sighted. I am wondering if the commissionvolunteer hours per year put in by A new courthouse? ers realize how much good SFS has Union County residents, has been paid Yes. for by the hours of overtime put in by a Shelter From the Storm? done. A service that once helped 98 staff that's underpaid and overworked, Yes. people a year now serves over 600 new clients each year, with more than 8,000 has beenpaid for by theU nion County One at the cost of the other? instancesofservicebeing offered to residents who have been utilizing these No. ''f ree"servicesthroughout allthese Mutual respect for the worthy work those victims of domestic violence and/ or sexual assault who walk through the years. done by both the county commissioners Is SFS grateful the county comand the shelter? Yes. doors the commissioners are now wanting to tear down. missioners shared the weight of this For as Ghandi once said, "The true Is agood decision made 16 years ago burden, all those years ago? Of course. Is measure of any society is how it treats it grateful to have had the land donated itsmost vulnerable members." about to be reversed? t has been brought to my attention

t that because the Shelter From the

About the author

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Will gas prices affect your summer travel plans? RESULTS Yes 56.3% No. . 40% I don't know.. 3.8%

New poll question Should Oregon have self-service gasoline? Cast your vote at

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4 rules, Dick Mason (Tuesday, June 3)

4 shelter, Jack Howard (Wednesday, May 7)

Furniture store changes hands, Bill Rautenstrauch (Wednesday, May 28)

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"Although we have apprehension that due to coffee rust and long dry season, they can cause the coffee price rise. Let us not anticipate this to happen if coffee shops are not increasing the price. Just enjoy the coffee you drink and lay aside the worries." — CoffeeLovers on the story "Coff ee drinkers take note: prices unlikely to rise"

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Publisher.........................................KariBorgen Customerservicerep.............. CindieCrumley Editor .........................................AndrewCutler Customer service rep...................PamHerrera Ad director.................................. Glenas Orcutt Advertising representative ....Karrine Brogoitti Operations director ..................Frank Everidge Advertising representative.Brant McWiliams Circulation director.............Carolyn Thompson Advertising representative ............. Karen Fye Bookkeeper....................................MonaTuck Graphic designer supervisor ....DorothyKautz Sports/outdoors editor...............Eric Avissar Graphic designer ....................CherylChristian Sports/outdoors writer.............. Josh Benham Press supervisor ....................... Curt Blackman Photo/design editor ...................... PhiBul l lock Pressman...............................................TCHull Go! editor/design editor............Jeff Petersen Pressman......................................DinoHerrera News editor/reporter .................. KellyDucote Distribution center supervisor.........JonSilver Reporter......................................... DickMason Distribution center.................... TerryEveridge Reporter.........................................KatyNesbitt Distribution center........................ LauraCutler Photographer................................ChrisBaxter Distribution center.........................ChrisDunn Circulation specialist........................ KelliCraft Distribution center.......................RyanDowell Classifieds ....................................... Erica Perin Distribution center.......................Sally Neaves Circulation district manager Amber Jackson

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RESULTS Continued from Page1A "PLC's definitely enhance the quality of education," Lamoreau said. La Grande Middle School sixth-grade teacher Lisa Nicholson noted that the PLCs along with common preparation periods are helping give teachers valuable time to work together to address student needs. Nicholson noted that at LMS, the sixth-grade teachers have their daily preparation periods at the same time, making iteasierfor teacherstom eet and discussteaching strategiesfortheirstudents. Tara Tucker, also a LMS sixth-gradeteacher,said the school's sixth-grade educatorsalsomake a pointof meeting outside the school day to discuss how to better meet the needs of students. cWe live and breath it. We truly enjoy each other's company,"Tucker said. Central Elementary School Principal Reta Doland said that the TELL survey results reflect directly upon PLCs and the support the PLC program is receiving from the La Grande School Board. uiThe PLC program) is a giftmost ofthe state doesnot have," Doland said. The TELL survey's many questions also asked teachers if they believed that"class sizes were reasonable such that teachers have the time availableto m eetthe needs of all students." Most teachers surveyed in Oregon and the La Grande School District saidthey believed that class


LOCAL sizes were such that they did not have the time availabletomeet the needs ofall students. Lamoreau said he has had afew classesthathe believes were toolargebutsaid most are not. The social studies teachersaid heisim pressed with the steps high school administrators are taking, despite budget constraints, to keep class sizes as small as

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possible. "The school works extremely hard to keep class sizes down," Lamoreau said. Cahill said that when discussing class sizes at the high school level it is important to remember that there are least two ways to gauge it — the number of students in a class and total number of students a teacher has in all ofhis or her classes. "A teacher with 100 students will not feel overloaded but one with 200 will," Cahill sald. Kristy Moore, an LHS English teacher,said aclass filled with students with a wide range of abilities may be more challenging for a teacher than a larger one filled with students of more equal abilities. "It is more difficult to meet the needs of all students in the same classroom ii ftheir skill levels are wide rangingl,u Moore said. A total of19,373 teachersand administrators at Oregonschoolsparticipated in the TELL survey. Contact Dick Mason at 541-786-5386 or dmason C Follow Dick on Twitter C IgoMason.


"Iapologize form y over exuberance on that," he said. Continued from Page1A URA member John Lackey had voiced concerns with by the URA, would loan setting the number of jobs $500,000to the partiesto too high, noting that if that establishthe grocery store. number exceeded the grocer's Ifthe storemeets certain demand, it could cause more criteria, that loan could be problems for the store. URA convertedinto agrantafter m embers seemedtoagree five years. that requiring a lower numAt aMonday night work ber of jobswould be more session, Strope detailed posbeneficial. sible ideas fortheagreement Many other aspects of the and how to tackle the project agreement are resolvedif the grocery fails to meet like that funding is contincriteria in a given year. gent upon applicant retain"An option for dealing ing ownership and operation, with this would be to not money will be disbursed as forgiveany oftheprincipal progress payments based on during those years that the proofofactualexpenditures, performance measures were the store must be open a not met. Another option was minimum of five days a week to alsoincrease theinterest for 52 weeks a year for five charged during those periods years and the applicant must of nonperformance," Strope obtain a Small Business Adsaid Tuesday."The primary ministration loan and/or cash focusrelated to theforgiveofnotlessthan $750,000 for ness issue was protecting the project. the agency and the risk, The city is still waiting on while not creating an undue elevationsand a completed hardship on the applicant. site plan for the store, so it is If the store was struggling unlikely that the URA would financially and unable be asked to make a decision to maintain the required until July. "The applicant has pronumber of jobs, declaring the agreement in default and videdrenderings that area calling the note would make depiction of what the grocery things worse." store would look like, but URA members seemed to stafFhas been consistent in generally agree with stipula- requesting the more detailed tions like that in the agreeelevations, "Strope said. ment. Strope said he would At the end of a lengthy continue working on that discussionabout theproject, issue. URA member Jerry SebestyThe URA also spent time en said his vote last month discussing the number of against moving forward with jobs that would be required negotiations was strengthunder the agreement. City ened by the complexities of stafFwere comfortable with the agreement. He, Mayor the proposed 10 full-time Daniel Pokorney and Troy jobs at $15 an hour and five Pointer voted against moving part-time jobs, but the appli- forward with negotiations cants have since requested a last month. reduction. Berglund said at the meeting that at miniContact Kelly Ducote at 541-786-4230 or kducoteC mum he would need seven full-time and five part-time Follow employees. Kelly on Twitter @IgoDucote.

Phil Bullock /Tbe Observer

A group of residents offer input related to medical marijuana dispensaries in La Grande to City Planner Michael Boquist, right, Monday at Cook Memorial Library.


meeting, suggesting that medical marijuana dispensaries also not be allowed within1,000 feetofday carecenters, Continued ~om Page1A parksand publiclibraries.N obody at Michael Boquist received heartfelt the meetingvoiced objections tothe input regarding both Monday night proposedadditions and some wanted during a hearing conducted to obtain additions made. One person, concerned about public input on the topics. Community members also shared La Grande's image, asked that the their opinions about medical marijuana, list include major entrances into La both pro and con. The majority who Grande be made offlimits. spoke expressed reservations about Several people said they would like medical marijuana dispensaries coming to seerulesadopted restricting the size of the signs medical marijuana to La Grande. Union County Sheriff dispensaries could have and limiting Boyd Rasmussen was among them. He fearsthatme dicalm arijuana dispensahow flashy they could be. "Discreet signage is critical," said rieswillattractm orehard drug users. "How many people who use heroin Lynn Harris of La Grande. never tried marijuana?" Rasmussen Boquist said that passing sign said."Atougher type ofdruguserwill restriction ordinances would be very be harder to deal with. The results will difficult. He noted the city can regulate not be good." the size of signs but not their content. uilmposing sign restrictions) would Jan Harris of La Grande was among those at the meeting who would want be very challenging because you would any additional rules regarding medical be regulating free speech,"he said. marijuana dispensaries to be as restricRandy Lindsey, who will soon be runtive as possible. ning a medical marijuana dispensary "I think that the fear factor is huge with his wife, Rona, at 1709 Adams for a lot of people in this room. They Ave., had reassuring words for people are concerned about their children," worried about glitzy signs. He said he Harris said. has no plans for anything flashy. cWe are not into strobe lights," said Harris and others want medical m arijuana dispensariesto beasfar Randy Lindsey, whose medical marifrom areaschildren gather aspossible. juana dispensary will be named Green Oregon law only states that medical Apothecary. marijuana dispensaries cannot be Any medical marijuana dispensary within 1,000 feet of kindergarten rules the city adopts in the future will through 12th grade schools with not apply to Green Apothecary because multiple grades or another dispensary of agrandfather clause in the state or a marijuana grower. Municipalities medical marijuana dispensary law. have the option,however,ofadding A number of people said they would placesdispensaries cannot be near plus like to see the city require that medical imposing other operating restrictions. marijuana dispensaries be brightly The City of La Grande is considering lit for security reasons. Maxine Hines doing both and conducted Monday's of La Grande said good lighting will meeting to get ideas and public input be cri ticalbecause many ofthepeople on proposals. coming to the dispensaries will have Boquist presented a draft list at the serious health conditions.

SHELTER Continued ~om Page1A lack information and are too quick to take a divisive stance on the issue. Shelter supporters have planned a demonstration for6 p.m. Wednesday night. They will march &om Max Square to the Union County Board of Commissioners office to show their support for the shelter as the county moves forward with siting a new county courthouse on the shelter advocacy center's footprint. "I love the mission iof the shelter)," MacLeod said. "I just think they ought to have the information." MacLeod, who now owns and operates Joe Beans with her husband, Al, served on the shelter'sboard ofdirectorsfrom November 1989 to September1993.During that time she was involved in facilitating and building the safe house. Later, while a county

commissioner, MacLeod was 2013, but MacLeod says the involved and saw the shelter nonprofit should have been building built on the county saving money by operating campus. without paying a lease. "It was good news. It was "If you've had 15 years a really good idea," she said, of free rent and you do any noting that commissioners sort of budgeting, you should did get some pushback &om have something saved for the community for putting the future," she said. the building up. The former commissioner MacLeod served as a also takes issue with the county commissioner &om fact that the county has 1997 to 2008. offered the current court MacLeod notes that space in the Joseph Building the grant agreement that to SFS at no cost for rent or funded the construction of utilities. Shelter From the the shelter building, which Storm employees have said is owned by the county the space would need to be and sits on county land, renovated and that they allowedthe shelterto oper- could not work in the same ate in the building for five building that houses parole years. and probation. "They've been living there "The generosity continues for10 years pastitsdue i&om the county)," MacLeod date," she said. said."It's more than biting The county had renewed the hand that feeds you." the lease up until August As commissioner,

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MacLeod said she worked with a number of other agencies like Habitat for Humanity, the Mt. Emily Safe Center and the former Commission on Children and Families, that work hard for the most vulnerable in the community and have always had to find their own space. As cit izens gather to march — less than a block from MacLeod's coffee shop — they will not be garnering support &om her, especially since the shelter has filed suit against the county. "It's a gratitude thing. It seems to me you shouldn't be making enemies out of ithe commissioners)," she said.'Therearetwo sidesto everything."


adventures onyour


"People using walkers and wheelchairs need extra light," Hines said. Hines is a supporter of medial marijuana dispensaries. She used medical marijuana while receiving treatment forcancer and creditsitw ith preventing her from becoming so sick that she could not eat. "It helped me so much. I'm not into drug use at all but it made such a difference," Hines said, her voice cracking with emotion. Lighting at Green Apothecary, which is handicapped accessible, will not be an issue for much of the year because its business hours will be 10 a.m. to 7p.m.Monday through Saturday,according to Rona Lindsey. Operating hours are another aspect of medical marijuana dispensaries the city has the authority to regulate. It was suggested that the hours of allowed operationbe 9 a.m. to 7 p.m . Some people may see the option municipalities have to add dispensary rules as a chance to make itimpossible for any additional ones to operate in La Grande, something Boquist said is not true. "If we consign the whole city to circles iwithin which medical marijuana dispensaries cannotoperate)we have a problem," Boquist said.cWe can't zone an industry out of the city. It is illegal." Green Apothecary, of course, will be abletooperateregardless ofw hat restrictions the city imposes. It will be run in a building that previously was a residential structure. The building was recently upgraded so it can meet commercial standards. The upgrade included steps to make the building completely handicapped accessible. Randy Lindsey spoke with a sense of pride on Monday regarding the service he believes Green Apothecary will provide. cWe live in this city. We want to be good stewards," he said.



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IoseShtoshoINitselfolatneIN event Submitted to The Observer

A new summer event showcasing Joseph businesses,events,shops, galleries and restaurantsattheirbest is being organized by the Joseph Chamber of Commerce for Saturday. ATaste of Joseph and Uptown Quilt Show will include a full day of varied activities throughout downtown Joseph starting at 10 a.m. plus a major quilt show produced by the Wallowa Mountain Quilters' Guild at the Joseph Community Center. "Our chamberwanted to come up with something for summer visitors to do on what would have been our Oregon Mountain Cruise car show weekend," Chamber President Troy Berglund said. Cruise organizer Chuck Garrett had announced earlier that the car show would take this year off and return in 2015. Joseph, located near Wallowa Lake in Wallowa County, is home to numerous world-class artists and features quaint shops, art galleri es,restaurants and

• Meet-and-greet featuring the Chief Joseph Days Rodeo Courtand the rodeo'svintage stagecoach. • Fly-fishing demonstrations by owner Rob Lamb at

A work party to enhance riparian habitat along the Lostine River with the Wallowa Land Trust has been set for June 13. Volunteers are needed for a day of stewardship work at the confluence of the Lostine and Wallowa rivers on the Woody Wolfe Ranch.



Joseph Fly Shoppe. • Sled dogs and sleds &om

Courtesy phato

ATaste of Joseph and Uptown Quilt Show will include a full day of varied activities throughout downtown Joseph Saturday. a dozen bronze sculptures along its Main Street. For the event, Sandy Warnock,owner ofSimply Sandy's gift shop, has organized these planned activities: • Outdoor concert by piano entertainer Brady Goss &om 5 to 8p.m. • Re-enactment of a locally famous 1896 bank robbery. • Demonstration of saddle and leather work by saddle-

maker Ray Wilson. • Display of antique tractors owned by Erl McLaughlin of Sunrise Iron. • Horseback rides provid-

ed by Eagle Cap Wilderness

EagleCap Extreme SledDog Races. • Artisan bread from Liberty Bakery. • Joseph Trading Post smoked meats and cheeses 6om Mt. Joseph Family Foods. • Bratwurst sandwiches and polka music to benefit Oregon's Alpenfest SwissBavarian festival. • Live blues music &om Bronze, Blues and Brews. • Homemade pies baked by Wallowa County Museum members. • Antique car display at Alpine Auto. • Live music at Wallowa County Farmers Market. • Display of vintage "glamping" travel trailers by

Pack Station. • Artists' demonstrations at Kelly's Gallery on Main and Norman Arts Gallery. • Spinning and weaving Simply Sandy's. demonstrations at The Sheep For more information, call Warnock at 541-263-0390. Shed.

Uolnnteersneededto dnildfencesatconflnence Observer staff


The project isdesigned to protectvulnerablenative trees &om becoming deer treats by building small fenced exclosures around the trees. These structures will allow the trees to grow big enough to withstand browse and will improve fish habitat along the river.

To car pool to the worksite, meet at 9 a.m. at the Wallowa Land Trust's office, 116 S. River St. in Enterprise, or meet at the Woody Wolfe Ranch hay barn on Highway 82 beforeentering the curves to Wallowa at 9:30 a.m. Bring water, snacks and work gloves and wear sturdy boots.

Families are welcome, but children younger than 14 must be accompanied by an adult. The work party will take place rain or shine. For more information, visit or call the Wallowa Land Trust at 541-426-2042orjulia@

Courtesy photo

The featured entertainers this year at the second annual Hootenanny &. Shoo-fly Pie Social are from Genesee, Idaho. Thorn Creek Express is a bluegrass band with lots of energy and talent.

Bluegrass band featured at Hootenanny k Shoo-fly Pie Social Submitted to The Observer

The second annual Hootenanny &Shoo-fl y Pie Social will begin at 4 p.m. Sunday. Admission is a suggested

donation of $10. This year the event is a joint fundraiser for The Wallowa Valley Music Alliance and the Enterprise Odd Fellows Hall, where the event will be held. The featured entertainers this year, &om Genesee, Idaho, are Thorn Creek Express, a young bluegrass band with lots of energy and talent. These four brothers &om the Palouse country — Lucas, Tyler, Austin and Carson Sass — have attended the Wallowa Fiddle Tunes Camp since its beginning. They cite Johnny Cash, Bob Wills and Mark OConner as their influences, along

with Dierks Bentley, Gary Allan, Rascal Flats and Jason Aldean. Also performing at the Hootenanny will be the trio of Pam Royes, June Colony and Katch Josephy, with their vocal harmonies and sweetsenseofsisterhood. They wowed the audience at a recent performance in Joseph, the first in more than 10 years. That reunion sparked the energy to keep singing together. Opening the show will be singer/songwriter/fiddler and local legend Caleb Samples. He has been busy recordinga solo album. Last year's event had first place in pies going to Karen Kearns for her key lime pie. People are invited to bring their best pie and win a prize. There will also be raffle prizes.

The wonders of living in the West: My life is a vacation t

n the mid-'90s I found myselfback in Washington, D.C., after three years in Colorado. I cried the entire drive east. I had fallen in love with Colorado, and those years on the East Coast m ade merealizeIwasa Westerner at heart and that's where my home was. I settled back into the old routine. I rode the train to the metro station. Despite the sultry summer heat, I spent lunchtime in a local park under huge shade trees. On the weekends, I would go to the woods or sail on the Chesapeake or any number of small reservoirs. I made fiiends who liked to climb rocks in Great Falls National Park and rode the trails around the urban areas of Baltimore and Washington on bicycle. Despite my longing fortheWest, Idiscovered pocketsofquietspaces. Afteracouple yearsof the ebb of the weekends and

to know my surroundings. From my house, I could walk to mountain parks or KATY NESBITT run on trails &om one end of Boulder to the other. I was a the flow of the weekdays few blocks from downtown I started a fund from my for coffee, happy hour or muhouse-sitting and pet-sitting sic at the Boulder Theatre. gigs. Within a few months, I looked around and realI got even more ambitious ized my life was a vacation. and took on a part-time job to This past weekend, the supplement my day job. Then Scout wanted to go to Hat I got another part-time job Point. I went once last sumand shoved the extra money mer to take pictures of wildinto a savings account. fire smoke curling up over Finally, I burned out, the Snake River on the Idaho packed up the Subaru and side. It was a long drive for a drove back to Colorado. I photo, but that's the nature lived with a fiiend the first ofthejob covering an entire few months and got a job in county. At times, a four-hour a couple days. I awoke on triptotakea pictureofa East Coast time and went for washed-out road or to cover a hikes in the early morning. field trip in the national forIloveto travel,butm akest is all in a day's work. ing such a transition from We didn't make it to Hat suburban Maryland to Point due to some squishy Boulder I knew I had to focus snow, but discovered a woodon my new job and recouped area where a fiiend used ing the finances spent in the to live in a long-gone Forest move, so I settled into getting Service guard station. The


Scout foraged and I shot pictures of flowers, mountains and, of course, the puppy. Work and play often overlap and I wondered if there was a way to get &om where we were to Puderbaugh — a corner of the Imnaha country that has a timber managem ent project I'vebeen covering. Apparently, the Scout was thinking the same thing,

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but we didn't communicate that until we got home. We will continue that exploration another day. The Wallowa Valley Arts Festival was last weekend and the official start to my summer of events. The pace is speedy &om now until Alpenfest in September. I walked up to a coffee shop with Cavan for an inter-

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LaGran eHots ots et e-o trainin • Firefi ghtercrewsbattle lightning-sparked blaze near Unity over the weekend By Jayson Jacoby VVesCom News Service

BAKER CITY — A crew of elite firefighters had an unusually early chance to test their skills Sunday in the mountains southwest of Unity. The 20-member La Grande Hotshots from the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest were dispatchedto douse a lightning-sparked blaze that was abnormally energetic considering the summer solstice was still three weeks away. The hotshots contained the 12-acre fire at

about5:30p.m .M onday,and thegl probably finish mopping up the blaze Wednesday evening, said Willy Crippen, fire management officer for the Wallowa-Whitman's BurntPowder Fire Zone. The La Grande Hotshots had concluded their training last week. Then onSaturday a seriesofthunderstorms brought lightning, and only spotty rain, to Northeastern Oregon. "It was a good opportunity for some on-thejob training," Crippen said of the fire near Unity, which was reported Sunday. Although thunderstorms aren't especially rare in early June, lightning rarely ignites forest fires because the ground remains moist from recently melted snow. That a lightning bolt not only started the ire Saturday along the South Fork ofthe f Burnt River, about six miles southwest of Unity, but that flames also spread into the surrounding forest, is tangible evidence that the area in southern Baker County"is unusually dry for this time of year," Crippen said. "I'm hoping for some good June rains in

Wolveskill three lamhs, iniure20othersinattack • Incident marks

NORTHEAST OREGON WILDFIRES that Unity country," he said. The fir edid haveone advantage,Crippen conceded. Itstartedin an area thatwas logged a couple years ago, and there was an abundance of combustibles in the form of pitchy stumps and limbs, he said. The 12-acre size is a bit misleading, Crippen saId. The blaze had burned about 5 acres when the La Grande Hotshots arrived Sunday. The crew used nearby roads as firebreaks, then purposely burned areas between the roads and the main fire, Crippen said. Saturday's storms, which spawned about 50 lightning strikes in the Unity and Sumpter areas, also sparked a much smaller blaze about half a mile west of Sumpter. A lightning bolt ignited a single tree, and flames spread to the ground, covering about one quarter of an acre. Lightning wasn't the only firestarter over the weekend. Members of the Powder River Rural Fire Protection District near Sumpter responded to apairofcampfiresthatwereleftbefore they were dead out. Both were near Phillips Reservoir. One blaze burned about one acre, the other was just a spot. Crippen hopes the two human-caused fires will remind forest users of the new campfire rules that took effect Sunday on the WallowaWhitman, Umatilla and Malheur national forests. Before building a campfire you need to create a fire pit surrounded by bare dirt or rocks, within a five-foot radius that's free of flammable material and overhanging branches. The rules apply to developed campgrounds and todispersed campsites.

By Katy Nesbitt The Observer

ENTERPRISE — Three lambs were killed and 20 injured by wolves on a Zumwalt Prairie ranch. According to Wallowa CountyChiefDeputy Fred Steen, a sheepherder living amongst a band of sheep on Elk Mountain Road outside of Enterprise said he heard wolves howling at approximately 11:30 p.m. May 29. Then he said his guard dogs came towardthe trailer ata high rate of speed. According to an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife report, when he shined a flashlight he saw three wolves and shot a .22 into the air to scare them. 'The sheepherder said when he shotin the air, they just stood there," Sleen said. ' He was very unnerved and upset that theyweren't scaIed. They are gettinghabituated." The sheepherder told investigators he had previous experience with wolves

• Corns, 8c Callouses

The Observer

ENTERPRISE — The Wallowa County Commissioners signed a letter in support of Congressman Greg Walden's Bill 4272 that would repeal the U.S. Forest Service's Travel Management Plan. 'You are very aware of the anguish and hostility that was displayed in Northeast Oregon when the Forest Service rolled out their Travel Management Plan," the letter said.'That plan, with its tremendous overreach,looked for solutionsfor problemsthatdon'texistwas the epitome offederalgovernment agencies usurping local government's authority and trampling on the rights of ourcitizens." The letter said that Wallowa County's approach to the Travel Management Plan rule was to complete a roads analysis on all national forest roads within the county. The letter said,"Thirtythree volunteers spent days driving and analyzing the roads based on 18 criteria. That information resulted in the Wallowa County Travel Management Plan that was adopted into our local Comprehensive Land Use Plan." The letter said that input

• 0

was largely ignored. Andrew Malcolm in Walden's Washington, D.C., office said the hearing on the bill will be Tuesday. So far, the bill has six cosponsors: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash.; Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif.; Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M.; Rep. Mike Simpson,R-Idaho; Rep.Mark Amodei, R-Nevada; and Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah. In the board of commissioners Tuesday meeting, Mike Allen of Joseph asked the commissioners to consider a request to make the county commissioner elections nonpartisan. He saidthe requestaroseoutof informal discussions around the county. "Union County recently passed a measure making the county commissioner positions nonpartisan, making it the 23rd county in Oregon to do so,"Allen said. Other Eastern Oregon countiesthat passed similar measures in the last year are Crook, Lake and Klamath. Harney County passed a measure making the commissioner race nonpartisan two years ago, Allen said. ''We believe it is something that is timely and designed to make the whole electoral process more open,"Allen saId.

Creek neighborhood outside of Joseph last winter. Wolves have killed and injured sheep in Umatilla County in the past couple of years, but until last week Wallowa County ranchers have only had confirmed losses of calves, cows and a mule to wolves in the last four years. The first confirmed loss of livestock to wolves in the Wallowa Valley was in May 2010 when a dead calf was discovered by a ODFW employee on the Zumwalt Prairie.

dead at the scene. He was using safety restraints. OSP troopers from the PendletonArea Command office are continuing the investigation. Trooper John Juzeler is the lead investigator. OSP was assisted at the scene by Milton-Freewater Police Department and Milton-Freewater Rural Fire Department.

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By Katy Nesbitt

on a ranch in Idaho and he had come close enough to hitting a wolf with a shovel to protect the flock. EarlyFridaymorning rancher Mark Dawson was drivingout Crow Creek Road to the KIeb's Ranch and told LeannaWentz, the owner of the sheep, thathe had seen a wolfin the road approximately two miles from herranch. This is the first significant sheep depredation account in Wallowa County. The only other loss of sheep was one confirmed in the Prairie


Observer staff

Commissioners send letter in support of repealing TMP

— Observer staff

Finally ...

Policeiwestilatinl crashthat leaves1deadinllmatilla CountV to release the identity later Wednesday afternoon. Police said that a pickup driven by a 22-year old male was traveling westbound on Highway 332 negotiating a curve at Triangle Station Road when it went off the highway. The pickup rolled into a field where it came to reston itstop. The driver was pronounced

PORTLAND — Northeast Oregon's wandering wolf, OR7,and a mate have produced off spring in Southwest Oregon's Cascade Mountains, wildlife biologists confirmed this week. In early May, biologists suspected that OR7, originally from Northeast Oregon's Imnaha wolf pack, had a mate in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest when remote cameras captured several images of what appeared to be a black female wolf in the same area. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife biologists returned to the area M onday and observed two pups.Scatsamples from the area have been collected and submitted to a laboratory for DNA analysis, which will take several weeks. The pups mark the first known wolf reproduction in the Oregon Cascades since the mid-1940s.

significant loss of sheep to wolves

• Treatment and Surgery of the Foot and Ankle

The Oregon State Police areinvestigating thecause of an early Wednesday morning single vehicle fatal traffI ccrash thatoccurred along Highway 332 west of Milton-Freewater in Umatilla County. The crash resulted in the death of an adult male. Police said they were expecting

It's oNcial: Pups for OR7

countIr's first


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• 0




OREGON IN BRIEF Erom wire reports

Police: Woman killed trying to cross Interstate 5 in Oregon

Courtesy phato

The only coal-fired plant in Oregon is at Boardman and is operated by Portland General, which plans to close the facility by 2020.

EPAcallsfor regontocut emissions4 yercent The Associated Press

PORTLAND — Oregon m ust slash itscarbon dioxide emissions from power plants nearly in halfby 2030 under federal requirements the Obama administration has proposed to curb global warming. The state Department of Environmental Quality will be in charge of drawing plans to meet the goal. The initiative gives each state flexibility in how to reduce carbon emissions by 2030. About half a dozen power plants in Oregon would be afFected by the requirements, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Colin McConnaha, climate changespecialistatOregon's environmental quality agency, said Monday that the state is already well on its way toward energy efFIciency, and plans to stop burning coal at Portland General Electric's Boardman plant

could be a big help. The plant in north-central Oregon is the only coal-fired electricity plant in the state, and PGE has said it plans to stop using coal there by 2020.Coal plants are the top emitterofgreenhouse gases in the U.S. 'There's a lot of flexibility in how we can get the emissions down," McConnaha said."Certain plants might be ableto operate asthey are, if others shut down or the

U.S. to cut carbon emissions The Obama administration announced a plan to reduce carbon emissions from power plants, the biggest source of carbon dioxide pollution, which is a major cause of global warming.

The PlanCut emissions from power

Plan saysit's up

plants by 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030

to the states

U.S. carbonemissionsbysector In billions of metric tons of carbon dioxide 2012

Electric power

2.0 billion

2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0-

1.8 -























0.5 '90





Coal biggestsource of electricity Energy sources used by power plants, Natural

Coal 3

gas 30

renewables 5

Each state will determine how to meet customized targets set by EPA A state could have more time to submit plan if it joins with other states States get credit for steps already taken to cut emissions

Power plants have reduced emissions by nearly 13 percent since 2005, almost half way to White House goal Ways to cutMake power plants more efficient, reduce frequency that coal-fired plants supply power to grid; invest in more low-carbon energy sources

City Council has voted to oppose what would be the Pacific Northwest's largest crude oil train terminal. The vote came well after midnight on Tuesday in council chambers packed with hundreds of people, many of them opposed to theproject. The terminal would receive daily shipm ents of up to360,000 barrelsofoilvia four trains a day rolling through iconic river communities and into the crowded Portland/ Vancouver metro area, each train more than a mile long.

SUTHERLIN — Oregon State Police say a Tuesday afternoon crash killed a 51-yearold female pedestrian in the southbound lanes of Interstate 5 in southern Oregon. Sgt. Matt Bowersox said a commercial truck pulling a trailer was southbound in the right lane in Sutherlin when the pedestrian began to run from the right shoulder toward the center median. The pedestrian was hit by the lrailer's rear wheels and was dead at the scene. Lt. Gregg Hastings said the name of the victim will be released Wednesday.

Oregon deputy, teen rescued from dangerous surf

Visiting hours to resume W ednesdayatE.Oregon prison

PORTLAND — A deputy sherifFon Southern Oregon's coast who spent 45 PORTLAND — Oregon Corrections ofminutes battling the surf and keeping a ficials say an Eastern Oregon prison that's teenager's head above water was described been plagued by inmate fights in the past as delirious and losing consciousness when week is slowly returning to normal. Regurescuers were finally able to pull the two lar visiting hours are expected to resume from 50-degree water. DeputyTerry Brown was hypothermic Wednesday. and hospitalized in critical condition MonEastern Oregon Correctional Institution spokesman Ron Miles says there have been day, but he and the 14-year-old are expected no fights since Friday. to recover. The medium-security prison at Pendleton Curry County Sheriff John Bishop says has been on lockdown most of the time since the boy got pulled out to sea by what's May 26 after multiple inmate fights. known as a rip current. An investigation of the brawls continues. Brown was among those responding to a 911 call. He stripped to his uniform pants Attempted murder charge filed and T-shirt, put on an orange life vest and in 3unction City shooting went after the boy. JUNCTION CITY — A 24-year-old man Landing gear problem halts accused of shooting a woman in the head Portland-Houston flight has been charged with attempted murder. The Register-Guard reported that PORTLAND — A United Airlines flight 24-year-old Joseph Eska of Junction City from Portland to Houston returned to the airport shortly after takeofFTuesday mornwas charged Tuesday in Lane County Circuit Court. ing and landed successfully after the crew The 26-year-old victim was reported in was unable to raise the aircraft's landing critical condition at a Springfield hospital. gear. Police found her wounded early Monday in Portland International Airport spokesEska's home. man Steve Johnson says the plane made what looked like a smooth landing at about Vancouver City Council 7 a.m., and there were no reports of injuries. opposes oil train terminal United says the plane was repaired and left for Houston about two hours later. VANCOUVER, Wash.— The Vancouver

Source: U.S. Energy lnformation Administration, Natural Resources Defense Counal, Ap Graphic: Judy Treible © 2014 MCT

demand on those is significantly reduced." Among the options for the states: making power plants more efFIcient, investing in more renewable, low-carbon energy sources and expanding programs to make households and businesses more energy-efFIcient. Already, Oregon's Renewable Portfolio Standard requiresthe state'slarge

utili tiestodraw 25 percent ofelectricity from renewable resources by 2025. Nationwide, the administration' splan callsforcarbon emissions from the power sector to be reduced by 30 percentbelow 2005 levels. Each state has an individual goal.Oregon'sisa 48 percent reduction — one of the highest percentages among the states.


Klamath drought settles in; claims for surface water begin The Associated Press

KLAMATH FALLS — With another year of drought taking hold in the Klamath Basin and the irrigation season underway, water rights holders are puttingin their daims. It'sthesecond year for allocatingsurfacewater on the basisofanew state-level determination of who has priority ,based on seniority: The older the claim date, the more senior the water right. The Klamath Tribes hold the most senior water right buthave notyetmade aformal call for water this year, the Herald and News reported. Irrigation districts and the national wildlife refuges have made calls. The tribes exercised theirrightlastyear in the interest of fish they hold sacred, keeping water in streams running through theirformer reservation lands. "I don't know if we are goingtoberegulating or not. It's too early to tell," said Scott White, watermaster at the Klamath Falls office of the Oregon Water Resources Department ofFIce. Flows into Upper Klamath Lake and the snow pack at Crater Lake are well below averages — 6 percent of norm al at one observation point in the national park. Irrigators in a district along the Oregon-California border have enough water now

• 0

because of mid-May rain, but the heaviest demand comes as the crops emerge in June and face the heat of July. "Everybody is pretty worried about what's going to happen later," said Ron Fenster, watermaster of the Tulelake Irrigation District. Wildlife such as birds using wetlands on the Pacific Flyway are likely to suffer.

Acting Manager Greg Austin said the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge hasn't had water deliveries since November, and it is expected to bedry by theend ofJuly. The forecast through August is expected to be warmer and drier than normal, said Ryan Sandler, a National Weather Service m eteorologi st.

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TA 0 f't Sf



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Wednesday, June 4, 2014 The Observer



It'sallGoodforIlnion/Covein slltesemifinalroaduictorV

FRIDAY • Prep Softball: Bonanza vs. Union/ Cove, OSAA 2A/1A state championship game, Corvallis, 1 p.m.

Observer staff


EOU to host

soRball camp Eastern Oregon softball head coach Betsy Westermann has announced that EOU will host its annual softball camp June 16-18. The individual skills camp will take place on June16 for players ages 5-9, June 17 for players 10-14 and June18 for 15-19-year-olds. Westermann and members of the 2014 EOU softball team will work with participants on offensive drills, defensive drills, baserunning and will have a full field game. Participants will receive an EOU softballT-shirt. The registration fee for the camp is $45, and checks are to be made out to Eastern Oregon Softball. The registration form is available at www.

LG volleyball fundraiser The La Grande high school volleyball team will host a taco feed fundraiser on June 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Latterday Saints Church located on the corner of Gekeler lane and 12th street. Tickets are $5 for adults, $3 for kids and $20 for a family of six. For tickets, contact Melinda Baker at 541-910-0764 or Alisa Rasheed at 858-2313883.

Sharapova wins at French Open PARIS (AP)This is what Maria Sharapova does. She digs herself a big hole in a match, then figures a way out, no matter what it takes. Sharapova did it in the fourth round at the French Open, turning things around by winning the last nine games. On Tuesday, she reeled off nine of the last 10 games to put together a 1-6, 7-5, 6-1 victory over 35th-ranked Garbine Muguruza of Spain that put 2012 champion Sharapova in the semifinals at Roland Garros.

Jim Welch photo

Sarah Good singles up the middle in the top of the eighth inning Tuesday to drive in the winning runs.



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Observer file photo

Tyson Wicklander forces out a baserunner at second base and prepares a throw to first to complete a double play for the Tigers during a home game against Baker/PowderValley.

• Wicklander graduates after starring in three sports

the next day I could hardly walk. I hit a doublein my lastcareer at-batand I could barely jog to second base when I could'vemade itto third." In spite ofhis pain tolerance, WickBy Eric Avissar The Obsverver lander had to miss four games during For Tyson Wicklander, the physical the season with a serious ankle sprain. "I was so upset that I had to miss cost oflettering as a varsity athlete all fouryears in three different sportsat those games,"Wicklander said."If I La Grande high school was a steep one. wasn't on crutches and could have During his high school career, Wickwalked, I would have definitely played. lander has battled a litany of injuries I just can't ever picture myself not and ailments, and each time that he's playing." Time after time, Wicklander has pushed his body to its physical limit, he can't help but keep pushing one step been willing to compete and perform further. at a high level while hurt — and In his senior year, Wicklander had sometimes injured — in all three to battle more pain than ever. As the sports. Former La Grande football leadoffhitter for the Tigers baseball coach and close friend of Wicklander, team, Wicklander finished out the sea- Kenny Mace, said his standout reson with severe back pain as the result ceiverhad to puton overa rolland a of a hip flexor he suffered La Grande's half of tape on his ankle to make sure win at Scappoose to open the OSAA 4A he was able to play the final game of his high school football career. Followstateplayoffs. "During the Scappoose game, I ing La Grande's 2013-14 basketball didn't feel anything because of the season, Wicklander was named firstadrenaline,"Wicklander said.'Then team all-state and Greater Oregon

League Player of the Year after playing through the entire season with a broken foot. "Tyson is a guy who will do whatever it takes to get on the field and get it done no matter what," Mace said."In a lot of cases, you have to be willing to ignore pain, and that's exactly what Tyson was willing to do every day, going full speed in every practice. His ability to play through pain really inspired a lot of other kids to give it their all when we were going through some very, very tough times." Wicklander has broken both ankles and suffered countless sprains playing every sport. He said he has also broken his nose 12 times and his arm once, suffered through recurring back issues, and cracked his jaw twice. In addition, Wicklander admitted to playing football with a concussion without telling his coaches or teammates on more than one occasion. After starting at quarterback his junior year, Wicklander opted to play SeeWicklander / Page11A

fyou follow prep sports, it was hard to miss the uproarover the lastcouple weeks. On May 23, Grant Union ended its regular season with a blowout. Actually, that doesn't do it justice — they defeatedPrairie City,65-0. Yes, it was a baseball game, and no, that is not a misprint. Although the Oregon School Activities Association website initially saiditwa s75-0,theactual result was still just as ridiculous. Prairie City's head coach Mark Woodbury was adamant after the game that Grant Union was not running up the score intentionally. Grant Union apparently did everything in their power to ensure as much, pulling their starters early and then stopped advancing runners, even on passed balls and what would have been obvious doublesand triples. It's also not like Prairie City hadn't been shellacked beforethisspring,asitended the season 0-17. Meanwhile, Grant Union had won their previous two meetings by a combined score of 62-1. However, something is seriously wrong when a high school game results in one team winning by 65 runs. I'm sure most people who saw that score thought to themselves, Wow, that coach must be a jerk.' Running up the score has been around in sportsfordecades,starting with John Heisman's Georgia SeeBench / Page10A


Mountiesaddtwomorerecruitsto2015class Observer staff

Eastern Oregon University softball head coach Betsy Westermann announced Tuesday that Ashley Driscoll of Hillsboro and Corinna Maestas of Clarkston, Wash. have signed Cascade Collegiate Conference letters of intent to play softball for the Mount-

ies next spring. Driscoll joins the Eastern team after finishing up high school at Liberty High School. In 19 games last season, Driscoll pitched 108-V3 innings and finished with a record of 11-3. She recorded a 2.33 ERA on the season, while tallying 61 strikeouts.

Battling through hip pain she's been suffering through since the regular season finale win over Vale, Jaiden Wright once again delivered a brilliant performance on the mound for Union/Cove The sophomore pitched a complete game in the state semifinal win over North Douglas/Elkton, throwing seven strikeouts while giving up eight hits and no walks.

When not on the mound, Driscoll hit.313 on the season and recorded an on-base percentage of.361 and held a slugging percentage of.403 in her senior season. Maestas comes to EOU after spending two years at Williston State College in North Dakota. In


Wright continues remarkable form

turned out to be the hero for the Lady Cats. With two outs in the top of the eighth inning, Good struck a two-RBI single on a line drive down the m iddle ofthepark togivethe Lady Cats a 6-4 lead. Jaiden SeeLady Cats / Page11A



• 0

With a 4-2 lead in the botThe Union/Cove softball tom of the seventh inning, the team will have the opportuLady Cats nearly imploded, nity to defend its OSAA 2A/1A committing up two errors that allowed the hosts to tie the statesoftballchampionship after winning a 6-4 thriller game up and force extra over North Douglas/Elkton in lnnlngs. eight innings Tuesday. However, Sarah Good


Yankees take on Athletics The New Yorkvankees will try to bounce back on their home field from Tuesday's 5-2 loss in 10 innings against the Oakland Athletics.

• 0



JOSH HAMILTON:In his first game back since breaking his left thumb sliding into first base on April 8, the former AL MVP hit a home run in the eighth inning of the

TOMAS BERDYCH: Berdych suffered a crushing defeat in the quarter finals of the French Open, losing to Ernests Gulbis, 6-3, 6-4, 6-2 as the world No. 6 committed 10 unforced errors in the final set.

Astros' 7-2 win over the


4 p.m., ESPN

her sophomore season for the Tetons, Maestas hit.417 on the season with one homerun and eight RBI. She scored 37 runs on the season and led the Tetons in stolen bases with 11. Driscoll and Maestas joins Vanessa Parrales, CeCe Pratt, Shelby Baertsch and Maryssa Santi in the 2015 class.

• 0




SCOREBOARD MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL American League East Division Pct GB W C GB . 5 93 29 27 ,51 8 4'/ 2 '/2 29 2 8 . 509 5 27 3 1 .4 6 6 7' /2 3 23 3 6 .3 9 0 12 7'/ 2 Central Division W L Pct GB W C GB 31 23 . 5 74 30 3 0 . 500 4 1 29 3 0 .4 9 2 4' /~ 1/2 28 3 0 . 483 5 2 27 2 9 . 482 5 2 West Division W L Pct GB W C GB 36 22 . 621 30 2 7 526 5'/ g 30 2 8 . 517 6 29 2 9 . 500 7 1 W L 35 24

Toronto Baltimore New York Boston Tampa Bay Detroit Chicago Cleveland Kansas City Minnesota



Oakland LosAngeles Seattle Texas Houston





11 ' / g


Str Home Away

L1 0 8-2 5-5 5-5 7-3 2-8

W-3 W-3 L-3 L-2 L-8

L1 0 3-7 5-5 6-4 4-6 4-6

L-3 W-1 W-5 W-2 W-1

L1 0 6-4 3-7 6-4 6-4

18-13 1 7-11 11-12 1 8-15 12-15 1 7-13 15-17 1 2-14 12-14 1 1-22

Str Home Away 14-12 17-11 17-14 13-16 20-11 9 - 19 13-14 15-16 13-14 14-15

Str Home Away

W-4 L-4 W-4 L-1 8-2 W-1

17-12 15-13 14-15 13-14 13-17

19-10 15-14 16-13 16-15 12-17

NATIONAL LEAGUE Atlanta Miami Washington New York Philadelphia

W 31 30 28 28 24

Milwaukee St. Louis Pittsburgh Cincinnati Chicago

W 35 30 28 27 21

San Francisco LosAngeles Colorado San Diego Arizona

W 37 31 28 26 24

East Division L Pct G B W C G B 26 .544 2 8 .517 1 '/~ 28 5 0 0

2' /g


30 .483 3 '/ ~ 2 32 .429 6 '/ ~ 5 Central Division L Pct G B W C G B 24 .593 '/~ 29 .508 5 30 .483 6 '/ ~ 2 2 7'/g

L10 Str Home Away 6-4 L-1 19-13 16-11 3-7 L-3 16-14 14-15 6-4 W-3 16-13 12-17 5-5 W-4 13-12 14-17 4-6 W-1 11-13 10-21

West Division L Pct G B W C G B 21 .638 29 .51 7 7 2 9 .491 8 '/~ 33 .441 1 1'/~ 36 .400 14

L10 Str Home Away 7-3 L-1 1 9-9 18-12 5-5 L-1 13-18 18-11 2-8 L-5 1 6-8 12-21 4-6 L-3 14-17 12-16 5-5 W-1 9 -22 15-14

29 4 8 2 34 3 8 2

6' /g 12



Monday's Games Cleveland 3, Boston 2 Seattle 10, N.Y. Yankees 2 Miami 3, Tampa Bay1 Milwaukee 6, Minnesota 2 Kansas City 6, St. Louis 0 L.A. Dodgers 5, Chicago White Sox 2

Tnesday's Games Cleveland 5, Boston 3 Oakland 5, N.Y. Yankees 2, 10 innings Toronto 5, Detroit 3 Seattle 7, Atlanta 5 Miami 1, Tampa Bay 0 Kansas City 8, St. Louis 7 Baltimore 8, Texas 3 Houston 7, L.A. Angels 2 Minnesota 6, Milwaukee 4 Chicago White Sox 4, L.A. Dodgers 1

Wednesday's Games Seattle (Iwakuma 3-2) at Atlanta (Minor 2-3), 9:10 a.m. Boston (Workman 0-0) at Cleveland

(Kluber 6-3), 4:05 p.m. Oakland (J.Chavez 4-3) at N.Y. Yankees (Nuno 1-2), 4:05 p.m. Toronto (Dickey 5-4) at Detroit (Porcello 8-2), 4:08 p.m. Miami (Koehler 4-5) at Tampa Bay (Price 4-4), 4:10 p.m. Baltimore (B.Norris 3-5) at Texas (N.Martinez 1-1), 5:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (Richards 4-2) at Houston (Cosart 4-4), 5:10 p.m. Milwaukee (Estrada 5-2) at Minnesota (Nolasco 3-5), 5:10 p.m. St. Louis (Wainwright 8-3) at Kansas City (Vargas 5-2), 5:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Joh.Danks 3-5) at L.A. Dodgers (Beckett 3-2), 7:10 p.m. Thnrsday's Games Oakland (Pomeranz 5-2) at N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka 8-1), 10:05 a.m. Toronto (Happ 4-2) at Detroit (Verlander 6-4), 10:08 a.m. Miami (Ja. Turner 1-3) at Tampa Bay (Odorizzi 2-5), 1:10 p.m. L.A. Angels (Skaggs 4-3) at Houston (Peacock 1-4), 4:10 p.m. Baltimore (Mi.Gonzalez 3-4) at Texas (Lewis 4-4), 5:05 p.m. Milwaukee (W.Peralta 4-5) at Minnesota (Correia 2-6), 5:10 p.m. St. Louis (Wacha 4-3) at Kansas City (Ventura 2-5), 5:10 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE

Monday's Games N.Y. Mets 11, Philadelphia 2 Miami 3, Tampa Bay1 Milwaukee 6, Minnesota 2 Kansas City 6, St. Louis 0 L.A. Dodgers 5, Chicago White Sox 2 Pittsburgh 10, San Diego 3

Tnesday's Games Washington 7, Philadelphia 0 Cincinnati 8, San Francisco 3 Seattle 7, Atlanta 5 Miami 1, Tampa Bay 0 Kansas City 8, St. Louis 7 Chicago Cubs 2, N.Y. Mets 1 Minnesota 6, Milwaukee 4 Arizona 4, Colorado 2 Chicago White Sox 4, L.A. Dodgers 1 Pittsburgh 4, San Diego 1

Wednesday's Games Seattle (Iwakuma 3-2) at Atlanta (Minor 2-3), 9:10 a.m. Pittsburgh (Liriano 1-5) at San Diego (Kennedy 4-6), 3:40 p.m. Philadelphia (A.Burnett 3-4) at Washington (Strasburg 4-4), 4:05 p.m. Miami (Koehler 4-5) at Tampa Bay (Price 4-4), 4:10 p.m. San Francisco (Vogelsong 3-2) at Cincinnati (Cingrani 2-5), 4:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Matsuzaka 2-0) at Chicago Cubs (E.Jackson 3-5), 5:05 p.m. Milwaukee (Estrada 5-2) at Minnesota (Nolasco 3-5), 5:10 p.m. St. Louis (Wainwright 8-3) at Kansas City (Vargas 5-2), 5:10 p.m. Arizona (Collmenter 4-2) at Colorado (Lyles 5-1), 5:40 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Joh.Danks 3-5) at L.A. Dodgers (Beckett 3-2), 7:10 p.m. Thnrsday's Games San Francisco (Bumgarner 7-3) at Cincinnati (Leake 3-4), 9:35 a.m. Philadelphia (K.Kendrick 1-5) at Washington (Fister 3-1), 1:05 p.m. Miami (Ja. Turner 1-3) at Tampa Bay (Odorizzi 2-5), 1:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets (deGrom 0-2) at Chicago Cubs (T.Wood 5-5), 4:05 p.m. Milwaukee (W.Peralta 4-5) at Minnesota (Correia 2-6), 5:10 p.m. St. Louis (Wacha 4-3) at Kansas City (Ventura 2-5), 5:10 p.m. Arizona (Arroyo 4-4) at Colorado (Nicasio 5-3), 5:40 p.m.

MLB Baseball Calendar June 5 — Amateur draft. July 15 — All-Star game, Minneapolis. July 18 — Deadline for amateur draft picks to sign. July 27 — Hall of Fame inductions, Cooperstown, N.Y. July 31 — Last day to trade a player without securing waivers. Sept. 1 — Active rosters expand to 40 players. Sept. 30 — Postseason begins. Oct. 22 — World Series begins. November TBA — Deadline for teams to make qualifying offers to their eligible former players who became free agents, fifth day after World Series. November TBA — Deadline for free agents to accept qualifying offers, 12th day after World Series. Dec. 2 — Last day for teams to offer 2015 contracts to unsigned players. Dec. 8-11 — Winter meetings, San Diego. Dec. 8 — Hall of Fame golden era (1947-72) vote announced, San Diego. 2015 Jan. 13 — Salary arbitration filing. Jan. 16 — Salary arbitration figures exchanged. Feb. 1-21 — Salary arbitration hearings. July 14 — All-Star game, Cincinnati. July 17 — Deadline for amateur draft picks to sign. July 31 — Last day to trade a player without securing waivers. Sept. 1 — Active rosters expand to 40 players. Dec. 7-10 — Winter meetings, Nashville, Tenn.

• 0

L10 Str Home Away 4-6 L-1 18-13 13-13 5-5 W-2 22-11 8 - 17 4-6 W-1 17-15 11-13 7-3 L-1 13-17 15-13 3-7 L-4 12-19 12-13

OSAA Playoffs Baseball All Times PDT Class 6A Semifinals Tnesday's Results Sheldon 3, Hillsboro 1 North Medford 4, Tualatin 0 Final Saturday's Game At Volcanoes Stadium, Keizer Sheldon vs. North Medford, 10 a.m. Class 5A Semifinals Tnesday's Results Sandy 6, Sherwood 3 Hood River Valley 8, Crescent Valley 1 Final Saturday's Game At Volcanoes Stadium, Keizer Hood River Valley vs. Sandy, 1:30 p.m. Class 4A Semifinals Tnesday's Results Sisters 7, North Marion 2 Henley 4, Ridgeview 3 Final Saturday's Game At Volcanoes Stadium, Keizer Henley vs. Sisters, 5 p.m,. Class 3A Semifinals Tnesday's Results Glide 3, Valley Catholic 0 Cascade Christian 10, Horizon Christian, Tualatin 9 Final Friday's Game At Volcanoes Stadium, Keizer Glide vs. Cascade Christian, 5 p.m. Class 2A/1A Semifinals Tnesday's Results Weston-McEwen 3, Knappa 2 Monroe 7, Regis 1 Final Friday's Game At Volcanoes Stadium, Keizer Weston-McEwen vs. Monroe, 1:30 p.m.

Softball Class 6A Semifinals Tnesday's Results North Medford 2, Westview0 South Salem 6, South Medford 0 Final Saturday's Game At Oregon State University South Salem vs. North Medford, 10 a.m. Class 5A Semifinals Tnesday's Results Putnam 3, St. Helens 2 Pendleton 3, Hood River Valley 2 Final Saturday's Game At Oregon State University Putnam vs. Pendleton,4 p.m. Class 4A Semifinals Tnesday's Results Henley 4, Banks 3 McLoughlin 10, Ridgeview 2 Final Saturday's Game At Oregon State University Henley vs. McLoughlin, 1 p.m. Class 3A Semifinals Tnesday's Results Vale 7, Blanchet 1 Rainier 1, Dayton 0 Final Friday's Game At Oregon State University Vale vs. Rainier, 4 p.m. Class 2A/1A Semifinals Tnesday's Results Bonanza 2, Weston-McEwen 1 (10 inn.) Union/Cove 6, North Douglas 4 (8

Smith, Oakdale, Calif. $23,050; 6. Chant DeForest, Wheatland, Calif. $20,362; 7. Josh Peek, Pueblo, Colo. $19,951; 8. Justin Thigpen, Waycross, Ga. $16,660; 9. Kyle Lucas, Carstairs, Alberta $16,231; 10. Landon McClaugherty, Tilden, Texas $13,612; 11. Trenten Montero, Winnemucca, Nev. $13,223; 12. Rhen Richard, Roosevelt, Utah $12,788; 13. Seth Hall, Albuquerque, N.M. $12,6061 14. Paul David Tierney, Oral, S.D. $12,090; 15. Blake Hirdes, Turlock, Calif. $11,676; 16. Shane Erickson, Terrebonne, Ore. $11,559; 17. Mason Malone, WarnerSprings, Calif. $8,105; 18. Jack Vanderlans, Temecula, Calif. $7,887;19.Payden Emmett, Ponca, Ark. $7,362 Bareback Riding 1. Kaycee Feild, Spanish Fork, Utah, $67,401; 2. Austin Foss, Terrebonne, Ore., $58,654; 3. Steven Peebles, Redmond, Ore., $57,389; 4. Richmond Champion,The Woodlands, Texas, $38,414; 5. Tim O'Connell, Zwingle, lowa, $30,534; 6. Caleb Bennett, Morgan, Utah, $28,612; 7. Winn Ratliff, Leesvill e,La.$29,562; 8.Jessy Davis, Power,Mont.$27,026; 9.Bobby Mote, Culver, Ore. $26,152; 10. Jake Vold, Ponoka, Alberta $24,713; 11. Bill Tutor, Huntsville, Texas $24,114; 12. Tilden Hooper, Carthage, Texas $22,868; 13. W ill Lowe, Canyon, Texas $20,749; 14. Luke Creasy, Lubbock, Texas $19,785; 15. R.C. Landingham, Pendleton, Ore. $17,460; 16. Justin McDaniel, Porum, Okla. $17,448; 17. J.R. Vezain, Cowley, Wyo. $16,529; 18. Kyle Bowers, Calgary, Alberta $15,277; 19. Justin Miller, Billings, Mont. $15,001; 20. Seth Hardwick, Laramie, Wyo. $14,836

Steer Wrestling 1. Luke Branquinho, LosAlamos, Calif., $47,321; 2. Trevor Knowles, Mount Vernon, Ore., $42,010; 3. Casey Martin, Sulphur, La., $40,371; 4. Clayton Hass, Terrell, Texas $29,706; 5. Jule Hazen, Ashland, Kan. $27,339; 6. Dakota Eldridge, Elko, Nev. $27,166; 7. Dean Gorsuch, Gering, Neb. $26,324; 8. WyattSmith, Rexburg, Idaho $25,070; 9. Hunter Cure, Holliday, Texas $23,566; 10. Seth Brockman, Wheatland, Wyo. $20,367; 11. Ty Erickson, Helena, Mont. $19,532; 12. BrayArmes, Ponder, Texas $19,209; 13. Stan Branco, Chowchilla, Calif. $17,253; 14. Timmy Sparing, Helena, Mont. $16,930; 15. K.C. Jones, Decatur, Texas $16,887; 16. Billy Bugenig, Ferndale, Calif. $15,583; 17. Olin Hannum, Ogden, Utah $14,893; 18. Cole Edge, Durant, Okla. $14,609; 19. Jake Rinehart, Highmore, S.D. $14,538; 20. Blake Knowles, Heppner, Ore. $14,428

Team Roping (header)

1. Clay Tryan, Billings, Mont., $57,272; 2. Dustin Bird, Cut Bank, Mont., $46,105; 3. Trevor Brazile, Decatur, Texas, $38,761; 4. Nick Sartain, Dover, Okla., $30,790; 5. Kaleb Driggers, Albany, Ga. $30,099; 6.Colby Lovell, Madisonvil le,Texas $29,426; 7.Spencer Mitchell, Colusa, Calif. $29,189; 8. Erich Rogers, Round Rock, Ariz. $28,512; 9. Riley Minor, Ellensburg, Wash. $25,453; 10. Coleman Proctor, Pryor, Okla. $23,884; 11. Jake Barnes, Scottsdale, Ariz. $23,718; 12. Keven Daniel, Franklin, Tenn. $21,737; 13. Chad Masters, Cedar Hill, Tenn. $21,108; 14. Brock Hanson, Casa Grande, Ariz. $19,747; 15. Luke Brown, Stephenville, Texas $19,711; 16. Tyler Waters, Stephenville, Texas $19,699; 17. Turtle Powell, Stephenville, Texas $19,662; 18. Cory Kidd V, Statesville, N.C. $19,277; 19. Clay Smith, Broken Bow, Okla. $18,605; 20. Drew Horner, Plano, Texas $18,211

Team Roping (heeler)

1. Jade Corkill, Fallon, Nev., $57,272; 2. PaulEaves, Lonedell,Mo.,$49,016; 3. Travis Graves, Jay, Okla., $38,761; 4. RichSkelton, Llano, Texas,$30,790; 5. Patrick Smith, Lipan, Texas $30,099; 6. Cory Petska, Marana, Ariz. $28,860; 7. Martin Lucero, Stephenville, Texas $27,626; 8. Russell Cardoza, Terrebonne, Ore. $26,257; 9. Brady Minor, Ellensburg, Wash. $25,453; 10. Jake Long, Coffeyville, Kan. $24,884; 11. York Gill, Stephenville, Texas $21,737; 12. Cesar de la Cruz, Tucson, Ariz. $21,427; 13. Brad Culpepper, Sylvester, Ga. $19,338; 14. Jake Smith, Broken Bow, Okla. $18,605; 15. Tyler Barton, Buckner, Ark. $18,360; 16. Buddy Hawkins II, Columbus, Kan. $18,211; 17. Richard Durham, Weatherford, Texas $17,618; 18. Dakota Kirchenschlager, Morgan Mill, Texas $17,582; 19. Kory Koontz, Sudan, Texas $17,324; 20. Kollin VonAhn, Blanchard, Okla. $16,711 Saddle Bronc Riding 1. Taos Muncy, Corona, N.M.,

$51,444; 2. Cody Wright, Milford, Utah, $49,552; 3. Cort Scheer, Elsmere, Neb., $40,850; 4. Jacobs Crawley, Stephenville, Texas, $33,223; 5. Wade Sundell, Coleman,Okla.,$32,589; 6.Spencer Wright, Milford, Utah $29,262; 7. Chad Ferley, Oelrichs, S.D. $28,987; 8. Sam Spreadborough, Snyder, Texas $28,721; 9. Tyrel Larsen, Inglis, Manitoba $27,477; 10. Cole Elshere, Faith, S.D. $26,130; 11. Ryan MacKenzie, Jordan Valley, Ore. $24,450; 12. Heith DeMoss, Heflin, La. $23,891; 13. Sterling Crawley, Stephenville, Texas $20,298; 14. Dustin Flundra, Pincher Creek, Alberta $19,536; 15. TylerCorrington, Hastings, Minn. $18,350; 16. Jesse Wright, Milford, Utah $17,893; 17. Troy Crowser, Whitewood, S.D. $17,884; 18. Bradley Harter, Weatherford, Texas $17,445; 19. Isaac Diaz, Desdemona, Texas $17,018; 20. Chet Johnson, Sheridan, Wyo. $16,182

Tie-down Roping

1. TufCooper, Decatur, Texas, $51,581; 2. Shane Hanchey, Sulphur, La., $39,375; 3. Clint Robinson, Spanish Fork, Utah, $37,008; 4. Timber Moore, Aubrey, Texas, $33,901; 5. Jesse Clark, Portales, N.M., $29,474; 6. Trevor Brazile, Decatur, Texas, $28,866; 7. Ryan Watkins, Bluff Dale, Texas, $28,084; 8. Fred Whitfield, Hockley, Texas $27,539; 9. Tyson Durfey, Colbert, Wash. $27,450; 10. Caleb Smidt, Bellville, Texas $26,873; 11. Ryan Jarrett, Comanche,Okla.$26,648; 12.Hunter Herrin, Apache, Okla. $26,592; 13. Adam Gray, Seymour, Texas $25,364; 14. Matt Shiozawa, Chubbuck, Idaho $24,909; 15. Reese Riemer, Stinnett, Texas $24,564; 16. Marty Yates, Stephenville, Texas $23,009; 17. Cade Swor, Winnie, Texas $21,120; 18. Clint Cooper, Decatur, Texas $20,561; 19. Ryle Smith, Oakdale, Calif. $18,343; 20. Trent Creager, Stillwater, Okla. $18,032

Steer Roping 1. Trevor Brazile, Decatur, Texas, $29,828; 2. Chet Herren, Pawhuska, Okla., $27,753; 3. Cody Lee, Gatesville, Texas, $26,824; 4. Chance Kelton, Mayer, Ariz., $19,614; 5. Jess Tierney, Hermosa, S.D., $18,383; 6. Vin Fisher Jr., Andrews, Texas $16,488; 7. J. Tom Fisher, Andrews, Texas $14,589; 8. Tony Reina, Wharton, Texas $13,618; 9. Brodie Poppino, Big Cabin, Okla. $13,229; 10. Neal Wood, Needville, Texas $12,820; 11. Bryce Davis, Ovalo, Texas $11,735; 12. Leo Campbell, Amarillo, Texas $11,497; 13. Brady Garten, Claremore, Okla. $11,490; 14. Brent Lewis, Pinon, N.M. $11,278; 15. Ralph Williams, Skiatook, Okla. $10,994; 16. Troy Tillard, Douglas, Wyo. $10,327; 17. Jason Evans,Huntsville,Texas $9,697; 18. J.P. Wickett, Sallisaw, Okla. $9,232; 19. J.B. Whatley, Gardendale, Texas $8,127; 20. Scott Snedecor, Fredericksburg, Texas $7,239 Bull Riding 1. Sage Kimzey, Strong City, Okla., $82,711; 2. J.W. Harris, Mullin, Texas, $62,680; 3. Trey Benton III, Rock Island, Texas,$40,865;4.Ty Wallace,ColIbran, Colo., $35,537; 5. Dustin Bowen, Fredricksburg, Pa., $34,352; 6. Cody Teel, Kountze, Texas, $30,770; 7. JeffAskey, Martin, Tenn. $28,792; 8. Cody Campbell, Summerville, Ore. $28,425; 9. Elliot Jacoby, Fredricksburg, Texas $27,272; 10. Tim Bingham, Honeyville, Utah $26,340; 11. Paul Coppini, Kuna, Idaho $25,655; 12. Dylan Vick Hice, Escalon, Calif. $25,507; 13. Josh Koschel, Nunn, Colo. $25,239; 14. Aaron Pass, Dallas, Texas $25,234; 15. Beau Hill, West Glacier, Mont. $24,281; 16. Tyler Smith, Fruita, Colo. $23,348; 17. Reid Barker, Comfort, Texas $22,607; 18. Trevor Kastner, Ardmore, Okla. $22,450; 19. Beau Schroeder, China, Texas $22,051; 20. Ardie Maier, Timber Lake, S.D. $21,919

Barrel Racing

1. Lisa Lockhart, Oelrichs, S.D., $64,242; 2. Nancy Hunter, Neola, Utah, $59,165; 3. Fallon Taylor, Whitesboro, Texas, $56,501; 4. Carlee Pierce, Stephenville, Texas $46,246; 5. Jana Bean, Ft. Hancock, Texas $40,389; 6. ShellyAnzick, Livingston, Mont. $40,185; 7. Michele M cLeod, Whitesboro,Texas $39,918; 8. ShelleyMorgan, Eustace,Texas $36,973; 9. Trula Churchill, Valentine, Neb. $34,707; 10. Sabrina Ketcham, Yeso, N.M. $33,701; 11. Britany Diaz, Solen, N.D. $32,608; 12. Mary Walker, Ennis, Texas $32,554; 13. Christy Loflin, Franktown, Colo. $30,939; 14. Kassidy Dennison, Roosevelt, Utah $28,447; 15. Kimmie Wall, Roosevelt, Utah $25,790; 16. Kenna Squires, Fredonia, Texas $24,761; 17. Sherry Cervi, Marana, Ariz. $23,754; 18. Victoria Williams, Kiln, Miss. $23,751; 19. Taylor Langdon, Aubrey, Texas $22,545; 20. Sheena Robbins, Fresno, Calif. $21,731


forPrairie City.Let'sfaceit, in all likelihood these kids will not be professionals in Continued ~om Page 9A any sport. They play for a Tech football team, when fun experience, a chance to they massacred Cumberbond with their classmates land College 222-0 in 1916. Bnd tO eXPerienCe the thrill However, by all accounts ofcompetition. the Grant Union-Prairie ShOuldthey haVe to be City game was a completely subjected to humiliations different situation. I spoke like the one they suffered? I with La Grande head coach don't think so. Parker MCKinley, Bnd hiS The reclassification of initial reaction was very high schools plays a part similar to most observers. in that. Teams that were "Just like everybody else, COmPetitiVe in 3A Bnd 4A I wondered how that could have been dropping down have happened," he said. to 2A/1A in recent years. McKinley has a much 'You get schools like m ore in-depth perspective Grant Union, where in on it than others, as he has John Day, that's a baseball known Grant Union head town," McKinley said."The coach Brian Delaney for town shrinks to a 2A level, years. but it still has a rich tradt"I know him really well, tion. With the reclassificaBnd (ntnning uP the SCOre) tion they try to do as good would be the farthest thing of a job keeping it competi&om the truth," McKinley tive." said."I know for a fact he As teams like Grant Union, the reigning 2A/1A was doing everything he COuld to get it OVer. I'm Sure champion,move down in (Delaney) was hanging classes, it will lead to situhis head just as much as ations like the 65-0 game. Prairie City." The score was 30-0 after In all sports, a coach nev- two innings, but with the er WantS to"Call O(I'the dOgS" impending victory well for fear of a letdown and in hand, the game was allowing a comeback by the notstopped.That raises opposing team. In baseball, the question of why there it's not like you can drain aren't more "mercy rules" the clock or anything. The in place than the typical Otherteam StillneedSto get 10-run or 15-run rules. "I don't think that would three OutS in Bn inning, Bnd short of standing on home be out of the question, but the thing is, it comes up Plate Bnd Putting yOurSelf so rarely thatpeople don't out when a player swings, there's only so much you can think about it," McKinley do. Also, going through the said.'You don't expect that mOtiOnS juSt to get the game at the varsity level, it's just over can result in players one of those things." getting hurt. So the answer is mud"I would never ask my dled. No coach or player kidStodOthatatthe VarWantS to be aPartOfgameS sity level," McKinley said like that, Win Or 1OSe,Bnd of not trying their hardest. fixing situations like this "But I haven't come across will take a great deal of a game like that. Games changes. But something that are 20-0 are hard needS to be dOne, Whether enough. You get to that that is rearranging the point where it's not fun for conferences in 2A/1A or, anybody involved." more importantly in my Therein lies the problem. view, implementing more Aren't high school sports, aggressive mercy rules. It's a sad situation all above all, supposed to be a setting for youth players to around. Hopefully, kids in enjoy themselves? the future don't have to be Think about the players on either side.

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Final Friday's Game At Oregon State University Bonanza vs. Union/Cove, 1 p.m.




NHL Stanley Cup Glance All Times PDT (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Wednesday, June 4: NY Rangers at Los Angeles, 5 p.m. Saturday, June 7: NY Rangers at Los Angeles, 4 p.m. Monday, June 9: LosAngeles at NY Rangers, 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 11: LosAngeles at NY Rangers, 5 p.m. x-Friday, June 13: NY Rangers at Los Angeles, 5 p.m. x-Monday, June 16: LosAngeles at NY Rangers, 5 p.m. x-Wednesday, June 18: NY Rangers at Los Angeles, 5 p.m.


All Times PDT (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Thursday, June 5: Miami at San Antonio, 6 p.m. Sunday, June 8: Miami at San Antonio, 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 10: San Antonio at Miami, 6 p.m. Thursday, June 12: San Antonio at Miami, 6 p.m. x-Sunday, June 15: Miami at San Antonio, 5 p.m. x-Tuesday, June 17: San Antonio at Miami, 6 p.m. x-Friday, June 20: Miami at San Antonio, 6 p.m.



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Pro Leaders Through Jnne1

All-aronnd 1. Trevor Brazile, Decatur, Texas, $97,455; 2. Clayton Hass, Terrell, Texas, $35,964; 3. Russell Cardoza, Terrebonne, Ore. $33,239; 4. Caleb Smidt, Bellville, Texas $31,047; 5. Ryle




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Jim Welch photo

Union/Cove's Kortnee Marriot slides home safe to score the final run ofthe game in the 6-4win at North Douglas/Elkton Tuesday.


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Observer file photo

Tyson Wicklander drives for a lay-up during a regular season game of his senior season. Wicklander played through the entire season with a broken foot to earn first team all-state honors and Greater Oregon League player of the year, as the Tigers reached the 4A state semifinals.

TYSON Continued~om Page 9A wide receiver in his senior year, and was named first team all-GOL at receiver, punter and free safety despite the Tigers finishing the season with just two wins. Wicklander never came close to the success on the gridiron that he attained on thediamond and hardwood, asthe Tigers won a combined eight games in his four years iincluding a winless junior season), but he still looks back on hisfootballexperiences asa period of immense personal growth. "Going 0-8 as the starting QB really made me mature as a man,"Wicklander Observer file photo said."Therewere alotoftearfulgames, Tyson Wicklander throws a pass and even coach Mace and me would during his junior season in which cry together. I would never change how the Tigers went winless. that 0-8 season went because it made me really grow up. Losing so many baseball at BMCC because he feels heartbreakers really made me build my baseball is his best sport and saw joincharacter." ingtheprogram as the perfectopportuMace said Wicklander was one of the nity to get immediate playing time as biggestreasons he decided to takeover the projected starting shortstop. "I get asked a lot what my favorite the head coaching gigforthefootball team just one week before the 2012 sea- sportis,butifIchose oneIprobably son started. Wicklander said he had quit would have just focused on that one," the football team until Mace took over he said."I love all three sports equally. because he disliked then-head coach There's not a day that goes by where I don't want to put on my football pads Dave Collinsworth. "He gaveme a calla week before and hit someone or score a touchdown, the season to let me know he was the or lace up my basketballshoes.Ilove coach and I didn't believe him when he baseball, and I feel like my best chance first told me,"Wicklander said on his tocompete in collegeatmy very bestis reaction to La Grande hiring Mace."I with baseball." had known him since seventh grade and Wicklander added that he hopes to this day, he is one of my best friends. to also pitch for the Timberwolves as I told him, 'I'll see you in an hour, I'm the starterin the second game ofits coming to practice."' doubleheaders next season. He will Wicklander said spend this summer I mightget exCi~ed abou~tt/ha~ on the diamond once the 2013-2014 La

school career was not the three straight years he was named first-team all GOL, but rather finishing his freshman year as a second-team all-GOL selection. "Getting second-team infielder as a freshman was a huge accomplishment for me as far as coming in my first year, and having to prove a point," he said."I had to bat ninth my freshman year and my coach talked about moving me up to fifth or sixth in the lineup. I said I'm comfortable batting last,I didn't want to step on anyone's toes, and I wanted to earn everyone's respect." In the aftermath of a challenging freshman year, in which Wicklander said it was difficult for him to battle nerves and prove himself, he has since grown into an athlete and a leader that McKinley said he always knew he could count on.

"He did a great job ofleading by

example for us," McKinley said."He's one of those kids that always wants the ball, and when the game is on the line he wants it to come down to him. He was all about holding everyone on the team accountable, including himself. His experience, his athleticism and goals he sets for himself allow him to have such high expectations." With consistently high expectations, Wicklander said that throughout his high school sporting career, he's been accused ofbeing cocky and arrogant. "I honestly don't think I could be where I am today without being confident in myself,"Wicklander said."I have the mentality that I will do whatever it takes to beat you, and you will not beat me. Granted, you're going to be beaten, because there's always someone who's better than you. But people have called me arrogant and cocky, and I don't care Grande basketball haPPens.migh I tyell and scream again playing for because I'm going to do whatever it squad was the best aboupip bupi'm not going to rub La Grande baseball takes to win. "I might get excited about what hapteam he's ever been head coach Parker part of Foiiowing it i n yOurfaCe." McKinley and the pens. I might yell and scream about it, —Tyson Wicklander, LHS graduate a junior season in La G r ande American but I'm not going to rub it in your face. which he played Legion baseball team My parents have helped me learn to througha broken jaw,Wi cklander aver- after leading the high school squad to keep my cool and let anyone say whata 17-12 record and a 9-3 mark in the aged 12.5 points, 5.5 rebounds and 4 ever they want about me, but at the end assists per game in his senior campaign. GOL. of the day, I'm going to let my play do The Tigers finished with a 20-3 reguIn his final season for the Tigers, the talking." lar season record, with a 16-game winWicklanderbatted a team-best.513, Wicklander said he's also been ridining streak and a run to the 4A state earning first-team all-GOL honors and culed for choosing to play baseball for a semifinals, losing to Philomath. a spotin the4A baseballall-stargame BMCC team that won only five games "Although I played shooting guard, I in Roseburg. The highlight of Wicklast season, over offers from much wasn't the best shooter, but I could live lander's season came when he nearly bigger schools such as Montana and in the paint and make free throws all threw a no-hitter to lead the Tigers to a Montana St. Wicklander turned down day,"Wicklander said."My teammates victory over Tillamook in the 4A play-in offersto to play baseballfrom schools Brandon Dall and Troy Williams did game. Winning the contest broke a hex that included College of Southern Idaho, an amazing job of taking the pressure on the Tigers, as they ended all of their Pacific and Lewis & Clark. "People ask me why I'm going to Blue off my shoulders by doing such a great previous three seasons with play-in job of setting me up to score, and they game losses. Although Wicklander was Mountain, and I tell them I want to turn played great defense. Our team chemis- disappointed to lose in a 12-3 shelthe program around,"Wicklander said. "I know I'm ready to step up and prove try was incredible." lacking to North Marion in the state Throughout his high school sports quarterfmals, he was nonetheless proud myself right away. Just because the career, others have encouraged Wickof the Tigers for resoundingly surpassed team isn't good right now doesn't mean I can't help make it better." lander to focus on one sport. expectations. 'There were a lot of people, including "There were a lot of ups and downs," Graduating from La Grande with my friends, who asked me to imagine Wicklander said while reflecting on his a 3.57 GPA, Wicklander said he will how good I'd be if I just focused on one final season for La Grande."Going into choose between physical therapy and sport,"Wicklander said."I would rethe season, there weren't really high nursing for his field of study at Blue spond, Yeah, but could you imagine me expectations knowing that we lost two Mountain, where he knows he will have tryingto giveup another sport?"' great players with Kaleb White and another balancing act between school Wicklander, who earned all-GOL Garrett Avila. We knew there would be and baseball. eIQ1 be tough because both programs honors in all three sports, had multiple a lot of pressure on us seniors and we offersto play each onein college.Before started off very hot going 6-0, winning are lots of work, but I've always had finally deciding to play baseball at Blue tournaments in Baker and Ontario. a strong work ethic and know school Mountain Community College in late Afterthat expectations really started comes first,"Wicklander said."I want to April, Wicklander agonized over his to jump, then it seemed like we went play baseball as long as I can, and will decision. into a brick wall with a five-game losing do absolutely whatever it takes to keep "It was hard for me,"Wicklander streak. I'm still very proud of this team playing." said on his final decision."I could never because we finished much better than decide what sport to play. I had many expected to reach the state quarterfiContact Eric Avissar at 541-963sleepless nights trying to figure out nals." 3161or e-mail him at eavissar@ what to play and where to go to college." Wicklander said the accomplishlagrandeobserveroom. Follow him on Ultimately, Wicklander chose to play ment he's most proud of during his high Twitter C Igoavissar.



Continued ~om Page 9A gave up one hit in the bottom of the eighth inning before Delanie Kohr threw from third base to Viki McCabe at first for the final out. "We had to play with a lotofheart today,"Good said. "When they tied the game up, we had to decide how bad we really wanted it. None of us wanted to go home, and we were willing to do everything necessary to battle back and win." Good fi nished the game with four RBI, as she also struck a two-RBI double in the top of the fourth innmg toscoreKortnee Marriot and Chelsea Houck. "I feel a lot more confident now than I did in my lastgame," Good said."In bothat-batsIgota hit,I waited after the first strike, then was able to read the pitches and knew it was time to really drive the ball." In the bottom of the seventh inning, North Douglas/ Elkton center fielder Bella Mast hit a deep drive that scoredboth oftheprevious runners that reached base off Lady Cat errors. Mast ended up getting tagged out at third base fortheWa rriors' second out. cWe didn't play as calm as we normally do," Phillips said. There was a lot of nervous energy out there, and it showed with our defensive mistakes that could have really hurt us. When things looked like they had fallen apart, they showed a ton of heart to pull out this win." Phillips also praised the leadershipofshortstop Keesha Sarman, who implored her team to stay focused after the damage was done. "Keeshaisthe leaderof this team," Phillips said. ''After they forced extra innings, she rallied the team together, and everyone really bonded around her. She really kept us in check." Sophomore pitcher Jaiden Wright continued her impressive run of form on themound, throwing a complete game in which she had seven strikeouts while giving up eight hits, no walks and one earned run. Wright has been battling hip pain since the regular season finale against Vale, but has

thrown a complete game in each ofher four outings since then. "Jaiden threw really well

today," Phillips said."She still has a bit of discomfort, but there is no doubt she will be ready to throw for us on Friday." The Lady Cats tied the game up in the second inning after giving up a run in the first with Chelsea Houck hitting a RBI single that drove in Viki McCabe. Houck went 2-for-3 with a walk, while Carsyn Roberts went 3-for-4 with three singles. With the win, the No. 3 Lady Cats will now face No. 4 Bonanza in Corvallis, with the first pitch currently set for 1 p.m. Friday. Bonanza advanced to thestate title game after defeating No. 1 WestonMcEwen/Griswold 2-1 in 10 innings. The Lady Cats will look to win their second straight state title after Weston-McEwen/ Griswold beat them out for the Special Distric 5 crown this season. cWe told ourselves at the startofthe season we're going back to Corvallis," Good said. "Everyone has been gunning for us all season, and it feels so good to know we're going back." Phillips expected to face Weston-McEwen/Griswold for the title, and admitted he was almost in shock upon learning Bonanza pulled the upset. Phillips called it a"pleasant surprise" to face a new and unfamiliar opponent for the state championship showdown. cWe havefi veplayers that played in last year's state title game, and I think that will be huge for us," Phillips said."I think our experience will really benefit us playing on a stage that can be very intimidating if you've never been there before." Phillips added that he will not make any changes to his lineup, and is confident ofhis team's chances of once again reaching its ultimate goal. cWe're going to continue to focus on putting the ball in play early," Phillips said. "If we can keep getting runners on base to put on immediate pressure, I really like our chances to repeat as state champions."

jaiden Wright Union/Cove 9'

Wright pitched two complete game shutout victories for Union/Cove Wednesday and Friday in the OSAA 2A/1A softball playoffs. Wright also had great performances from the batter's box, going a combined 7-for-8 in the two playoff games the Lady Cats hosted.

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Taliban release video of Bergd a n d -off to U.S.

WIRE BRIEFING Nation & World News

Former mayor pleads guilty to corruption CHARLOTTE, N.C.

By Kathleen Hennessey and Christi Parsons Tnbune Washington Bureau

Dempsey: Army may still pursue desertion charges

A Pentagon spokesman says defense officials "have BRUSSELS — The no reason to doubt" the auArmy may still pursue thenticity of a newly released an investigation that videothatappears to show could lead to desertion the calm and peaceful handor other charges against off of Army Sgt. Bowe BergSgt. Bowe Bergdahl, dahl by his Taliban captors to who was freed from five U.S. custody last weekend. years ofTaliban captivity The 17-minute video, rein a prisoner exchange leased to NBC News by what last weekend, Gen. Marthe network reported was a tin Dempsey, chairman "known Taliban spokesman," of the Joint Chiefs of shows both sides quickly Staff saidTuesday. shaking hands before BergDempsey also told dahlishanded over,patted The Associated Press in down and helped into a U.S. a telephone interview helicopter fortransport. from his plane that In astatement released Bergdahl's next promoWednesday, Pentagon Press tion to staff sergeant, Secretary Rear Admiral John which was set to hapKirby said the video showing pen soon, is no longer thecontroversialhandover automatic because was still being reviewed at Bergdahl isn't missing the Pentagon. in action any longer. "Regardless, we know the Speaking publicly for transfer was peaceful and the first time about the successful, and our focus case, Dempsey said he remains on getting Sgt. does not want to prejudge Bergdahl the care he needs," the outcome of any invesKirby said. tigation or say anything Bergdahl was released that might influencea Saturday after five years of commander's decision. imprisonment and several But he said U.S. milimonths of negotiations. The tary leaders "have been Obama administration accused of looking away negotiated his freedom in from misconduct, and it's exchange for the transfer premature" to assume to Qatar of five detainees they would do so in from the detention center at Bergdahl's case, despite Guantanamo Bay. the soldier's five years as The swap has been critiaTaliban prisoner. cized by Republicans who say Service members the White House violated who are missing in acpolicy by releasing Guantation routinely continue namo detainees without the to be promoted on the requiredadvanced notice to same schedule as their Congress. peers. But, Dempsey The video opens with footsaid, "his status has age of the 28-year-old Bergnow changed, and dahl seated in a white truck, therefore the requirehis head and face completely ments for promotion shaven, speaking with a man are more consistent who at one point pats him on with normal duty the chest. status." Asa result, Dressed in a white tunic he said, other things with a blanket over his shoulneeded for promotion, ders, Bergdahl blinks rapidly such as proper levels and wipes at his eyes as they of education and job wait for a helicopter to appear performance, would in the cloudy skies above. now apply. The video then captures — The Associated Press images of a U.S. helicopter coming into sight, circling meet Bergdahl and the two and landing, and then of men who accompany him. three men in dark clothing One of Bergdahl'sescorts running out several yards to carries a white flag tied to


Former Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon pleaded guilty Tuesday toa federal public corruption charge, and he now faces up to 20 years in prison. The plea capped a fouryear investigation in which he took bribes in exchange for the promise ofhelping developers. He entered a guilty plea to one count of honest services wire fraud, a charge commonly used in cases where a public official takes kickbacks or bribes. After the hearing, Cannon saidhe regretted having broken the public trust, and that he would still try to have apositiveim pacton Charlotte.

The Bergdahl prisoner swap Key datesin the effort to free Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahlin exchange for five high-level Taliban members held at Guantanamo detention facility.

June 30 Bergdahl detained by Taliban after he is found unarmed, wandering in Paktika province, Afghanistan

2011 Prisoner swap talks first begin as part of U.S. effort to facilitate direct peace talks between Taliban and Afghan government

2013 June Taliban opens political office in Qatar; U.S. says it is amenable to indirect talks Sept. Taliban says it's interested in talks about Guantanamo detainees

2014 Jan. Taliban releases video of Bergdahl to show U.S. that he is still alive Feb. Taliban suspends talks to exchange five Taliban for Bergdahl March Qatar agrees to be intermediary in U.S. -Taliban talks May 27 President Barack Obama talks with Qatari emir about conditions for Taliban release May 30 Qatari diplomats arrive at Guantanamo May 31 Defense Dept. notifies House Armed Services Committee that five detainees would leave Guantanamo for Qatar in five hours; plane carrying detainees and Qatari diplomats departs before 2 p.m.ET; U.S. Embassy in Qatar gets call that Bergdahl is in U.S. hands

First Amendment rights.

Obama seeks to reassure allies WARSAW, Poland-

but theseparatistssaid the claimswere exaggerated. Parliament speaker Olexander Turchinov said Ukrainian army and security forcesstormed a secret"terror ist"camp in the Donetsk region, killing scores of people, and officials also claimed to have inflicted major damage on separatist snear the city of Slovyansk.

US, Israel split over Hamas backing JERUSALEM — The inauguration of a Palestinian unity government backed by the militant Islamist group Hamas has opened a public rift between Israel and the United States over policy toward the interim Cabinet sworn in Monday by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The announcement by Washington that it would do business with the new government — aCabinet of technocrats backed by Abbas' Fatah faction and Hamas as part of a reconciliation deal — has drawn sharp rebukes from Israeli officials. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in comments Tuesday to the Associated Press distributed by his office, said the U.S. announcement"deeply troubled" him, adding that Hamas had murdered "countless innocent civil1ans.




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PAKISTAN Source AP, House Armed Services Committee, ESRI, Mcclatchy Washington Bureau Graphic Judy Treible O2 014 M CT

a stick. Both escorts shake hands with the men before handing Bergdahl over to them. After leading Bergdahl back to the helicopter, the men pat him down. The video then shows the helicopter disappearing into the sky, and closes with a superimposed messagemisspelled and uncapitalized, but clear:"Don' come back to afghanistan."

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The Associated Press


ment would Inhtbtt ctttzens'

Amid worries about a rise of Russian aggression, President Barack Obama landed in Eastern Europe Tuesday offering new reassurances and a show of military muscle aimed at keeping Moscow in check. Under drizzling morning rain, Obama was greeted at the airport by Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski on the first stop of a fourday European trip — a visit likely to be dominated by talk of Russia's moves in Ukraine and the future of Debate begins over European security. The two Constit ution change leaders wasted little time WASHINGTON — The declaring their alliance. Speaking to reporters in a Senate began debate Tuesday on a Democrat-proposed hanger at the airport, Obama constitutional amenddeclared European security ment that would allow the the"cornerstone of our own government to regulate security and it is sacrosanct campaignmoney again,a ... It is a commitment that is response to recent Supreme particularlyimportant at this Court rulings that removed point in time." limits on certain election Ukraine reports contributions. advancesin fight Democrats argue that the Supreme Court's deciMOSCOW — Ukrainian sions in two cases allowed authorities claimed sigbillionaires — most notably nificant progress Tuesday in their off-and-on fight conservatives Charles and David Koch — to influence againstRussian separatists in the east of the country, politics at rates dispropor-


Housestumyed onhealthlaw alternatives Phil Roe, R-Tenn., said he WASHINGTON — House told Cantor during the meeting last week."It's moving at Republicans are united as everintheirelection-year op- a snail's pace.... We want to be for something." position to"Obamacare," but they're increasingly divided Roe said he got little reply overtheirpromise tovote this beyond polite attention. year on an alternative to it. Cantor's spokesman, Doug The disagreement comes Heye, said,"Majority Leader amid a shifting political Cantor continues to work calculus around President towards bold legislative soluBarack Obama's health care tionstoreplace'Obamacare."' law. Millions are enrolled for Behind the scenes, lawmedical insurance through makers and aides say, powerthe law's exchanges, and an ful committee chairmen with all-out repealhasbecome jurisdiction over the issue less practical and popular. have been unable to agree Some Democrats have begun over how to proceed. Some promoting the measure have even begun to suggest in campaign commercials, publicly that this year is not the time to vote on an alterand some Republicans are native that likely would die treading more carefully in belittling the program. in the Democratic-controlled At a recent closed-door Senateorfacea vetothreat from Obama. House Republican caucus meeting, severalconservaThat argument looks tivespressed GOP leaders especially compelling in light overthe pledge Majority of Republican hopes of taking Leader Eric Cantor made in over the Senate in November. ''We know that we have a January that House Republicans would rally around an Senate that's not going to do alternative to"Obamacare" much," Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman and pass it this year. ''We said attheretreatin Fred Upton, R-Mich., said. He also pointed to the dwinJanuary we were going to do this. Well it's June and dling number oflegislative we still haven't done it," Rep. days this year.

tionateto therestofthe populace. Republicans fought back Tuesday, saying the amend-


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HAPPENINGS v i s er, a c

NAIFA Blue Mountain donates

$1,000 to 3 Rivers Race Shelter From the Storm's largest annual fundraiser received a major financial shot in the arm recently from the Blue Mountain chapter of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. Blue Mountain NAIFA has donated $1,000 to the 3 Rivers Race, which benefits Shelter From the Storm. Founded in 1890 as the National Association of Life Underwriters, NAIFA isone ofthenation'soldestand largest associati ons representing theinterestsof insurance professionals. The Blue Mountain chapter, which supports various community projects and programs, includes member companies from Umatilla, Union, Baker and Wallowa counties. The 3 Rivers Race is slated for Saturday morning, beginning atPioneer Park. Bikers are set to start around 6 a.m., while half-marathon runners and all walkers will start at 10 a.m. The 5K and 10K runners start at noon. Registration information is available online at www.3riversrace. com or at the Mountain Works bike shop.

Tate earns principal broker's license Local real estate broker Gary Tate took a stepforward in hiscareer recently, earning certification as a principal broker. Tate, of Mt. Emily Realty, was licensed as a broker three years ago, and earned his principal broker's license Tate by completing the 40-hour online Brokerage Administration and Sales Supervision course required by the state. Mount Emily Realty at 1112 Adams Ave. is staffed by Tate, Arnie Hill and Bill McDonald. All are licensed as principal brokers.


a c er Arevon too enout oorsstore havingfnnP

• Blue Mountain Outfitters fills retail space formerly occupied by Blue Turtle Art Gallery in downtown La Grande



By Bill Rautenstrauch ForWesCom News Service Cg

Lovers of Northeast Oregon's substantial and always-beautiful great outdoors have a new place to shop for gear, now that Jim Whitbeck is opening Blue Mountain Outfitters on Adams Avenue in downtown La Grande. For the past several weeks, Whitbeck has been transformingthe retailspaceat 1124Adams Ave.— formerly occupied by the Blue Turtle Art Gallery — into a store that will cater to people who love those wide open spaces. An avid skier and back-

Bill Rautenstrauch /For Wescom News Sennce

Jim Whitbeck will open Blue Mountain Outfitters on June 14.Whitbeck says he aims to sell quality gear while providing outdoor recreationists a place to socialize and compare notes on their adventures.

"Ifoundtherearea lotofoutdoor ssubcultures,from birdwatchers to skiersand backpackers,and notreall y anyone to outfit them. I saw anopportunity to build a

place that would be ahub."

— Jim Whitbeck, Blue Mountain Outfitters owner

"I've explored the Wallowa Mountains and had a lot of packer himself Whitbeck said fun,"Whitbeck said. "I can't believe how beautihe came to La Grande to visit a fiiend about six months ago ful this place is. There's world and"fell in love with the place." class everything within a hunHe said he's made trips into dred miles of La Grande." the mountains on foot and on He said that as he became skis, and he likes whathe's seen. acquainted with the outdoor

scene, he came to believe an outdoors store would be a good fitin La Grande. "Ifound therearea lotof outdoors subcultures, from birdwatchers to skiers and backpackers, and not really anyone to outfit them. I saw SeeStore / Page 2B

Northwest Farm Credit Services hands out scholarships locally Northwest Farm Credit Services announced the winners of the 2014 Scholarship Program. Forty-four scholarships were given, including two locally, to sons and daughters of Northwest FCS customers and employees in Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Eight high school students and three college students from each state were awarded $1,500 scholarships. Four employees' studentsreceived $1,500 scholarships. Human Resources also awarded two diversity and four land grant university

scholarships worth $1,500 apiece. High school scholarship recipients from Northeast Oregon included Emily Spang of Wallowa. She is the daughter of Derek and Julie Spang. She has been her high school class vice president and treasurer, student body vice president and treasurer and FFA chapter vice president and president. Spang enjoys softball and volleyball. She is involved with 4-H, National Honor Society and the Rotary Interact. She's a member of Grand Ronde ModelWatershed and has worked as a ranch hand. She plans to pursue a degree in nursing and livestock production management. Luke Coomer of Baker City is the recipient of a Northwest FCS Employee Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to a son or daughter of a Northwest FCS employee. Luke is the son of Mark and Beverly Coomer. He is a student at Oregon State University studying agricultural education. He has been an active member of his 4-H and FFA, and has been a 4-H teenleaderand historian and reporter for the Baker FFA Chapter. He was part of a 4-H equestrian team that competed in the Eastern National 4-H Roundup in Kentucky.

About thiscolumn Small Business Happenings covers Northeast Oregon's small-business community. The column carries news about business events, startups and owners and employees who earn awards and recognition or make significant gains in their careers. There is no charge for inclusion in the column, which is editorial in nature and is not ad space or a marketing tool. Products and services will be discussed only in general terms. Email items to or call them in to 541-963-3161. Baker County residents can submit items to or call them in to 541-523-3673.


Congress spars over white spuds • Group of senators wants white potatoes, a major Northwest crop, included in the list of approved foods for the federal WIC program By Rob Hotakainen McClatchy Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — Chris Voigt, who once ate 20 potatoes a day for 60 days in a row, says poor kids should have the right to eat more white spuds. "The whole intent of the diet was to show that there's so much nutrition in a potato that you could literally live off of it,"said Voigt,49,the executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission. With white potatoes under attack on Capitol Hill, Voigt is happy that his state's senators, Democrats Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, are on hisside,promoting one ofthe state's major crops in Congress. They're part ofabipartisan group of 20 senators from 12 states who want white potatoes included in the list of approvedfoods for the federalSpecial Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. "I see some inconsistencies between the treatment ofdifferent vegetables, "said Murray, who got a $1,000 donation from the National Potato Council last year. So farthe pro-potato members are carrying the day in Congress. Last week, the Senate Appropriations Committee, of which Murray is a veteran member, approvedthe plan to include potatoeson a voice vote. The House Appropriations Committee followed suit Thursday, voting 31-18 to include similar language proposed by Idaho Republican Rep. Mike Simpson. The senators, including a half dozen who received financial contributions from the potato lobby, represent many potato-rich states: Idaho and Washington, which rank first and second in production, respectively, along with Texas, Kansas, Oregon, New York, Colorado, Maine, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Michigan and North Dakota. The proponents include Republican Sens. Michael Crapo and Jim Risch of Idaho, John Cornyn of Texas and Jerry Moran of Kansas and Democratic Sens. Mark Udall and Michael Bennet of Colorado and Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow of Michigan.

File photo

Critics say kids already eat enough starch and need other fruits and vegetables, which is why the U.S. Department of Agriculture omitted white potatoes from its list of approved WIC foods four years ago. It's an unusual position for some of the senators, including Murray and Cantwell, who are at odds with groups such as the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association. Critics say kids already eat enough starch and need other fruits and vegetables, which is why the U.S. Department of Agriculture omittedwhite potatoes from itslistofapproved WIC foods four years ago. The issue has ignited a fuss, with both sides SeeSpuds / Page 2B


have always liked watching team sports. Sometimes you don't even have to be watching a game to know how things are going. You simply have to listen. You can hear the winners. In the summer of 1992, I heard Bill Clinton give his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. My gut feeling was that based only on what I heard he was going to be elected president that November. At the conclusion of his speech, for the first time in my life, I did not hear "Happy Days Are Here Again," the theme song the Democrats had used since 1932. I heard instead, "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" by Fleetwood Mac. It's an uplifting, fun song. Last weekend I watched the movie "Million Dollar Arm," and enjoyed actor Alan Arkin play the part of a worn out baseball scout while the contestants threw pitches. Arkin sat quietly at the tryouts, eyes closed. He told his employer that he didn't need to see the kids throwing the baseball. He simply heard the best pitches. I've noticed it is a whole lot more fun when the teams you cheer for, the teams you spend money on, the teams whose jerseys and caps you wear, are winning. The question is: are you having fun in your business? Drive, desire and effort count, but that is not enough to win consistently. I've noticed that winning teams have fun. Losing teams don't. Usually, when the owner isn't having fun, no one is. That is pathetic. The sad part is that the owner is supposedtobesetting an example forall those who work in the company. Why isn't the owner having fun? Apparently, they have received some bad news. Or maybe it is a bad trend. Itcouldbe a one-time thing or adecade worth of declining sales and profits. Sometimes owning a business isn't fun. Owning a business should be something that brings joy to the owner and the stakeholders. What's the slippery slope from laughter and happiness to sour looks and bad attitudes look like? Itstartswhen the smilesdisappear. Laughter becomes a scare commodity. Then the owner disengages from the peoplethey are supposed to beleading. Communication is forced. Decisionmaking grinds to a halt. Isolation continues. It is already lonely at the top; by further reducing interaction and discussion, the leader literally shuts down all facets of communication with those he or she is leading. Immediate results take on more importance than before. Anger is shown and heard more frequently. Instead of admitting they no longer havepassion fordoing thejob oreven interestin doing the job the owners tell themselves and those who ask"I'm tired." Maybe you've lost the passion, and the job is ho-hum; there is no excitement left. This is no way to lead people who are relying on your leadership. One of my clients has been through business and personal hell these past few years, and one of the reasons he maintains a smile and a fiiendly outlook is because he knows what he likes to do and he spends his time doing those things. The activities my client likes energize him; they make him laugh and he can feel the difference in himself and the impact this has on his team. Only a few of us laugh as much as we should and if we are spending as many hours a week doing what we are supposed to be enjoying, we should be laughing and smiling a whole lot more. Owners who carry around the weight of the world on their shoulders need to understand that smiling and laughter costnothing and arepriceless. W ant to bea betterleader?Lead by havingfun asthe owner ofyourcompany and let everyone see you having fun. Ken Keller is a syndicated business columnist based in Valencia, Calif He owns a leadership advisory firm specializing in smail and midsize companies.





STORE Continued from 1B an opportunity to build a place that would be a hub," he said. Whitbeck grew up in Portland, graduating from West Linn High School in 2003. After high school he attended the University of Oregon, majoring in philosophy and minoring in business and journalism. He graduated in 2007, and is continuing his education with online study of supply chain management. He said he grew up with alpine skiing, was a racer in high school, and in college he took classes in wilderness survival. Opening the store here gives him the chance to combine his love for the outdoors with his business acumen. ''Afler college I was focused on a business career, but when I came to La Grande I saw the chance to reconnect iwith the outdoors)," he said. Whitbeck said he hasn't had to do much remodeling of the space, which Blue Turtle vacated early this year. Mainly, he's been installing racks and shelves and building displays. He said his new store will be offering tents,backpacks,outdoorappareland a broadselection ofrelated gear like cookstoves,cookware,waterbottles, water filtration systems and more. Whitbeck also plans to be buying and selling used outdoor equipment. Whitbeck said he's working to make Blue Mountain Outfitters a place where outdoors recreationists can meet and share experiences. One corner of the store will be a lounge where people can soci alizeovercoffee,and beer and wine on special occasions. Another feature will be a board where up-to-the-minute local outdoors recreation information will be posted, including weather forecasts and reportson thebestplacestogo. "I'm coming at this from two different ways. One is to build community, and the other is to support customers with quality equipment that will deliver what they need in the field and stand the test of time,"Whitbeck said. A grandopening isslated for June 14.


Focus of campaign s 'fts to e local level By Ricardo Lopez

Organizers plan to do the same in nearbyBerkeley and Richmond Congressional action to raise as they push the latest twist in the minimum wage may have their strategy of going local. stalled, buta grass-rootscamRichmond had been on the paign to lift basic pay is picking vergeofapproving a hikethis up steam at city halls and state year to $12.30 an hour, but the legislat ures— and probably head- local Chamber of Commerce ing to ballot boxes. slowed the process, arguing that The Seattle City Council the ordinance would kill jobs and unanimously passed an ordinance forcebusinesses to m ove. Monday that gradually increases Such a boost in the minimum the minimum wage in the city wage could raise living standards in the industrial city of 100,000, to $15, which would make it the highest in the nation. where nearly one in five of the Cities nationwide, including predominantly minority residents San Diego, are considering passlive in poverty. ing ordinances or facing ballot Richmond's proposed ordinance now includes several exemptions measures that would raise the minimum wage to $10 to $15 an — forwaiters and other tipped workers, those under 18 and nonhour, wellabovethefederalrate of $7.25. profit employees. The last-minute The efforts mark an important changes have irked labor and community activists, sparking strategic shift in the campaign to raise the minimum wage. Though their decision to take the fight to efforts in Congress to boostthe the voters. federal minimum wage to $10.10 They plan to seek signatures haven't died, they have faced for a ballot measure this fall that fierce lobbying by opponents. would raise the minimum wage So labor leaders and commuto $12.25 an hour by next spring, nity advocates are instead turning index the rate to rise with inflatheir attention to cities and states tion and require employers to that have the power to raise provide paid sick leave. Laborgroups also plan asim iwages on a local level. "Urban areas tend to be more lar ballot initiative in Berkeley, sympathetic" to raising the even though its city council reminimum wage, said Ken Jacobs, cently approved a minimum wage director oftheInstituteforReof $12.53 that would be phased in search on Labor and Employment over two years. The rate, though, is below $15 an hour that activat UC Berkeley.'What we have seen are cities and counties work ists were pursuing. "In conversations with our as laboratorie sofdemocracy." Recently, laborand progressive community groups, we learned groups said they turned in enough they weren't happy with those signatures in Oakland, Calif., to watered-down versions," said put an initiative on the November Gary Jimenez, East Bay regional ballot to raise that city's minivicepresident forthe Service mum wage to $12.25 an hour. Employees International Union, Los Angeles Times

Local 1021.'They took a look at our measure in Oakland and liked that." Just across the bay, San Francisco is considering raising

a higher minimum wage was split. Americans overwhelmingly supported a higher rate, with 76 percent saying in November that theyapproved a minimum wage

its $10.74 minimum wage to $15

of $9 an hour.

an hour. Other California cities, including Davis and San Diego, are not far behind. Connecticut in March voted to approve a $10.10 minimum wage, the same amount President Obama isseeking for the federal rate. Minnesota in May approved a $7.75 minimum wage, up 50 centsfrom the priorrate. The proposals at municipal levels allow for some customization, advocatessaid.A one-size-fits-all minimum wage — whether at the state or federal level — often falls short in cities with high costs of living, such as San Francisco. Organizers also are using ballot initiatives and targeting key cities, such as the Bay Area's three biggest Alameda County cities, to build momentum for raising base wages in broader metropolitanareas. "Itmakes better policy," Jimenez said. "At this point, it looks like our elected officials don't have the wherewithal to put that forward.... We're pretty confident the voters are going to do the right thing." In the minimum wage battle, proponents for a higher rate say a hike will help boost consumer spending, which is the biggest driver of the economy. Opponents say wage hikes would cause job losses as business owners look for ways to automate entry-level

In Richmond, business owners initially seemed to support the idea of raising the minimum wage, but later reversed course. Richmond Councilman Tom Butt helped draft some of the changes to help soften the blow to businesses.

jobs. Nationally, polling by Gallup found that business support for

' While ithe changes) may

be attacked as weakening the protection of low-wage workers, significant job loss is the worst thing for low-wage workers," Butt wrote for the Richmond Standard, a local news site funded by ChevronRichmond, the refinery in the city. The California Restaurant Association, one ofthe trade groups that oppose minimum wage hikes, cites a study that found that a hike in minimum wages would harm the local economy. The research came from the conservative Employment Policies Institute, a group led by a public relations executive with ties to the restaurant industry. "Local efforts are amplifying," said Angie Pappas, a spokeswoman for the restaurant trade group."Richmond is not really considering the effect on businesses and jobs." Lifelong Richmond resident Lenora Brown, 58, said an increase would help her and others tremendously. "It's way overdue," said Brown, who earns $8 an hour in a parttime job at a nonprofit organization.

"For whatever reason, overthelastseveral years potatoes have been

Congress' duty to provide oversight over the adminisContinued from 1B tration when they make a fundamental scientific error, demonized by some folks and that's why they're doing claiming they have science it." backing them. thatshould really know Potato lobbyists say the Industry officials contend better .W hen they make battle isn't just over money, that the administration a conclusion saying that ignored the most recent but also a chance to defend America's top-consumed people are already eating dietary guidelines, published vegetable. in 2011, which called for "For whatever reason, over enough potatoes, that's increased consumption of the thelastseveralyearspotatoes notscience-based, that's categoryofvegetables that have been demonized by some opt'nt'on." includes white potatoes. folks that should really know — Frank Muir, president, Voigt said he wanted Idaho Potato Commission to make a bold statement better," said Frank Muir, the VISA ~ presidentofthe Idaho Potato about the nutritional value Commission.'When they allows participants to buy of thepotatowhen he began make a conclusion saying white potatoes but only from his two-month potatothatpeople arealready eating farmers markets. only diet in 2010, when the enough potatoes, that's not Voigt said poor families Agriculture Department science-based, that'sopinion." deserved better access. excluded potatoes from the "Most of the WIC mothers Two weeks ago, The New WIC list. "There's really no doubt York Times lambasted the in Washington state don't live senators in an editorial, callnext to a farmers market," about how nutritious it is," ing them"potato heads" and he said."Let's make it so the he said. You use your DebIt Card for many purchases already, why not accusing them of putting the WIC mother can go down the Muir, who represents Idaget rewarded? We believe card rewards should be straightinterests of the potato indusblock to her grocery store and ho growers, who account for forward and easy to earn. one-thirdofallthe potatoes try over science. pick it up there." Voigt, who represents 250 Crapo saidwhite potatoes grown in the United States, Contact Your Local Branch potato growers in Washington had been excluded unfairly saidhe ate potatoes every To Learn More! state, said he was amused to from the WIC program. He day, getting the complex hear critics bemoan the power said the Agriculture Depart- carbohydrates he relied on La Grande 541-962-7600 ofhis industry, with some ment had used outdated for energy and fuel. "One of the things potatoes La Grande Valley 541-963-3434 referring to it as "Big Potato." dietary guidelines from 2005 "It's funny, we're kind of to make the decision. do is give you lots of energy," Baker City 541-524-7667 "Congress must rectify being portrayed like this big, he said."I'm almost 59 years Elgin 541-437-1811 bad potato lobby," hesaid. this wrong and reverse this old, yet I run every day, I Local Money Working For Local People Wallowa 541-886-9151 'They're trying to make our impractical rule," Crapo said compete in martial arts, I ski, Enterprise 541-426-4511 www.comm u n I tyba n four-person National Potato after last week's vote in the I play basketball, I still play ]oseph 541-432-9050 Council look like Big Tobacco. Senate Appropriations football. No tbad for 59." Member FDIC ... Their whole office is four Committee. people, and that counts the Opponents of the potato receptioni st." bill warn that it would be a The debate ispartofa m istake forCongress tostart broader examination of dictatingspecifi cfoodsfor nutrition and school lunch the WIC program. "Congress has never programs as Congress decides What is household hazardous waste? What you should how much to spend on poor beforeprescribed thedetails HHWis anything labeled toxic, flammable, corrosive, reactive or know about household explosive. These materials can threaten family health and the safety children and what foods offederalnutrition programs of pets and wildlife. — we should not start to do hazardous waste. would be best for them. What are some examples of hazardous waste? So far, Muir is optimistic. that now," said Democratic gmericans • Aerosols, Bleach, Drain Cleaners, Metal Polish, Mothballs, Oven "In Congress today, I've Rep. Rosa DeLauro of ConQeneraie 1.6 Cleaners, Toilet Bowl Cleaners, Ammonia-based Cleaners, Mercury seenmore bipartisan support necticut, arguing against mitI>o" io" Thermometers, Wood Polishes,Waxes,Fertilizers, Insecticides, HHy per year in getting potatoes on the the plan last week when it Herbicides, Rodenticides,Spaand Pool Chemicals, Roofing 1 ' 4pgoL' W IC program than on any passed the House AgriculCompounds, Antifreeze, Batteries, Motor Oil, Paint Strippers and CLEAN Thinners, Gasoline and more. other issue they're facing," he ture Appropriations SubcomWhere can I safely dispose of my hazardous waste? said."If potatoescan create an mittee. La Grande Facility: Open to any resident of the three counties environment where cooperaVoigt said he understood D every other Tuesday, 8am-12 noon. By appointment, however, small tion can take place in Washthe fearsofa precedent but I QOO' labeled quantities accepted daily. (541) 963-5459. ington, that's even better." added that Congress had no Oo0L " Baker City Facility: Open the first Wednesday of each month, In a letter to Agriculture choicebut to act. 10am-12 noon. By appointment only. (541) 523-2626. he average h "Today it could be potatoes Secretary Tom Vilsack earlier can accu Enterprise Facility: Open the 2"' and 4'" Saturday of each month "+utate as this month, the 20 senators and tomorrow, who knows, it niucIias )pp 10am-12 noon. By appointment only. (541) 426-3332. of haza~ouSPounds said the WIC program has couldbe cigarettesorwine WaSte "glaring inconsistencies," or salmon or whatever — I including a provision that get that," he said."But it's

Many Customers Are Very Happy With Their Cash Back Rewards!








'GMO-free' ay sales mislea in

$FOn a auo$ae$ ain$

By Greg Stiles

By Jerry Hirsch

MailTnbune, Medford

Los Angeles Times

, OF ,

California and water worries in the region. EAGLE POINT — CharBut the idea of jacking up lie Boyer admits he got a prices for quick gain is counlittle steamed upon learning terintuitive to Robert Nieder"GMO-fiee" grass hay was meyer, an alfalfa farmer who being marketed locally on lives in the Thompson Creek Craigslist. area. 'There is no such thing be"This year is pretty draing sold as genetically modimatic," Niedermeyer said."If fied grass hay in Jackson you are growing dry-ground alfalfa, you'll get one and a County, in Oregon or anywhere in the United States," half cuttings. "If you simply go by said Boyer, a longtime hay farmerwho tends 50 acresoff California being out of water Linn Road. and Klamath being cut short, In the wake of county then we're going to see a hay shortage," he said."Some voters passing a ban May 20 on genetically modified people will profiteer. A lot organisms, it was predictable of the people we work with farmers would identify their have a limited or set income and are not able to make the produce as GMO-fiee. But Boyer and other hay iupwardl adjustment. farmerssay some people are 'You could make a huge exploiting the ban to charge profit offthebaseprice,but more for a crop that has no there's the possibility we'll connection to the debate. have two wet seasons and a While the US. Department lot of people will have a lot of of Agricul ture has approved hay and the people will remember who took advantage GMO versions of alfalfa, there aren't any in the grass of them when that happens." hay realm. Transporting hay into There are eight USDACalifornia is rigidly reguapproved GMO commercial lated, preventing most hay crops allowable in the coungrowers from shipping their try: Corn, soy, cotton, papaya harvests south. "If anyone thinks they iwhich was exempted from a ban in Hawaii), squash, aregoing to getrich because of the shortage ofhay and sugar beets, canola and alfalfa, which was approved, the crisis in California, they removed, then regained better do their homework," approval. Boyer said."I just can't put Yet multiple entries have hay on the back of a truck appearedon Craigslist and ship it to California. promoting "GMO free hay," If we don't have inspected "Non-GMO Hay" and "Qual- fields, I can't ship to Califority hay, no spray, no gmo." nia,because there are insect Boyer said that late last species iassociated with month, he spotted one seller crops), and get it through the who was asking $25 per inspection site." bale, the equivalent of $830 Heath Wakefield, a horse per ton. Hay qualities vary, trainer and breeder who whether they are grass or works across the state line as alfalfa, organic or traditional, well as in Southern Oregon, but the general range at advertises a mix ofgrassand non-GMO alfalfa. presentisbetween $200 to "Demand never goes away," $250 per ton. "Anyone who sells grass Wakefield said."There's a hay in the U.S. is selling non- really large overseas demand GMO hay," Boyer said.'You and thatreally drives don'tneed to pay a premium market." for it." Wakefield has seen lower When contact numbers for quality hay sold for as little four of the Craigslist"nonas $120per ton.It'stypical, GMO" entries were dialed he said, for middlegrades Monday, one person hung up to run $240 to $250 per ton, when asked about the adwhile second cuts in the vertisement and two phone Klamath Basin and Northmessages went unreturned. ern California are fetching Another factor in hay $300 or more per ton. prices — and potential for Like everything else transexploitation, some farmported, fuelcostsadd to the ers say — is the drought in final costs.

F $ 8 F, OO l 0 $

New vehicle inventories tighten up

After a sluggish start to the year, auto sales came roaring back in May with General Motors, Chrysler, Toyota and Nissan all posting big gains. Earlyestimates project the industry to have sold more than 1.5 million vehicles in the U.S. last month, up about 7 percent from May 2013. The strong sales — boosted by the five weekends in May and the Memorial Day holidayput car manufacturers on pace to sell over 16 million vehicles this year. Automakersareheaded fortheir best year since 2006. "The industry is back to the level we expected at the beginning of the year," said Larry Dominique, executive vice president of TrueCar, an auto shopping company. General Motors Co. dealers delivered 284,694 vehicles in May, up 13 percent compared with the same month a year earlier. It was the company's best May in seven years. "May represents one of the strongest sales months of the year, as consumers take advantage of warm weather and the extended Memorial Day sales weekend," said Alec Gutierrez, an analyst at Kelley Blue Book. "Although transaction prices remain at record highs, shoppers have been able to offset rising prices with low-interest financing and affordableleaseoptions even for those with less-than-

New cars and trucks began to piie up on deaier lots during this year's cold winter, giving buyers more choices and putting downward pressure on prices. But belter saiesin March and April have left suppiies of some vebictes tight, which could mean higher prices.

while built-up Bigsix inventories shrank I• April ...

Hottest sellers I • the U.s....

Supply of new cars and trucks, in days, at the six biggest automakers ,' The five hottest-selimg vehicles in the U.S., as measured by days' in the of Apnl 1, and percent drop in inventones from March supply as of Apnl 1; supply reflects either high demand or 1;a 60-day supply of vehicles is considered adequate manufacturer's deasion to cut back production

83 days



Chevrolet Corvette




23 days

49 Mazdas

General Motors

Fo r d

Hond a

Chry s ler N is s an

Toy o t a

Mazda CX-S

$ 29


g 3O

Dodge Caravan


Percent change from Narcb ~ 5/

~ 0.8

~ 20

~ 11.6

~ 14.7

~ 21

... aId while some ofthe Bigsix cut production ... Number of vehicles produced through Apnl 1 of thisyear compared to the same penod last year; three of the Big Six have slowed production, which could make pnces firmer going forward



... aId slowest-sellers The five slowest-seliing vehicles in the U.S., as measured by days' supply as of Apnl 1; these five have the greatest supply, and most have been most havebeen slow selling for months

867,426 83s p66

449 days 520,086 sos,827 494,206 ~

SRT Viper General Motors

Fo r d

Hond a

Chry s ler N is s an

Toy o t a


Honda Insight

Percent change from2013 ~ 7.9'/

~ 30

~ 5.3

~ 1.

~ 18.5

... inventories are still the highest I • five years Average numberof days' supply as of Apnl 1 in each of the last five years; although supplies have tightened, the average days'supply of

53 d ays 54 5 4






~ 3.2

60 63

Domestics vs. imports Average days' supply, as of Apnl 1, of domestic brands compared with European and Asian

76 days (Oown12.6%)

vehicles at dealerships is the highest it has been since 2010


DetroitThree Source Aulomolive News


Eur o pea n


Japa n e se




Graphs Terry Box, Twy Oxford, Dallas Morning News

perfect credit." Ford Motor Co. sales totaled 254,084 vehicles in May, up3percent from a year earlier. "It was a very good month for the industry. It startedvery solid.W ehad a very strong Memorial Day weekend," said John Felice, Ford's vice president of U.S. m arketing, salesand service. Felice said he was encouraged by the pace of industry sales last month, especially

afterthe slow startto the year. Chrysler Group posted U.S. sales of 194,421 units, a 17 percent increase and the automaker's best May since

Toyotareported salesof 243,236 vehicles, an increase of 17 percent from the same period a year earlier. "Industry sales in May soared as consumer 2007. confidenceimproved and Chrysler is growing on the demand for new vehicles strength of its Jeep brand. continued to strengthen," Helped by a 58 percent gain said Bill Fay, Toyota division over the prior year, Jeep had group vice president and its best ever sales month in general manager."Toyota the U.S. had its best month in six Japanese automakers also years, led by strong Camry, did well in the U.S. in May. Corolla and hybrid sales."

Jane8 - 15 - 22 - 29 ' tuty 6- 13 27 • Quycu-s 3-

' Sunda B

If you liked Jer wis piano, you will love Brady Goss! 2 PM at Geiser-Pollman Park on

Campbell Street in Eaker City June 15: Margie Mae/Hank Williams Act

Newcollegegraduales seehopeiniodmarket By Mara RoseWilliams

trending up," said Mike Theobald, thedirector of KANSAS CITY, Mo. —Reid career services at Rockhurst Browning counts himself University."Our monthly job among the fortunate ones. postings that come through After graduating last our career servicesoffi ce are month from the University up by 30 percent. There are of Missouri, he's taking a alotmore job opportunities job at Kraft Foods that has today then we'd seen in the been waiting for him since an lastcouple ofyears." That's good news for the internship last summer. "I was very lucky with the 1.8 million college graduates way that internship and full- just entering the job market. time job fell into place," said A recent survey by the Browning, 22, of Kansas City. National Association of ColBrowning said that with a leges and Employers found job in hand it's easy for him that employers expect to hire to bepositive about thejob more new college gradumarket, but his friends, even ates this year than last. The those who graduated in 2013 reportsaid employers plan to and are still unemployed, givejobs to8.6 percent more seem upbeat, too. graduatesfrom the classof 'They are starting to get 2014. interviews and calls coming And the pay should be a in now," he said."I have one little better. The association's friend who just got hired. survey said the average We know things are getting starting salary for new better. We arejustglad w e graduates with a bachelor's weren't out there searching degree is $45,473, up 1.2 in 2008 and 2009." percentfrom lastyear. Five years after the Great The not-so-good news? The Recession made finding a job national unemployment rate nearly impossible for many foryoung collegegraduates is new college graduates, doors 8.5percent,according tothe to employmentappear to be Economic Policy Institute. opening a little wider. Itwas 5.5 percent in 2007 'Things are definitely before the recession. The Kansas City Star

• 0

June 22: High Desert Renegades June 29: Terry LaMont Margie Mae 8 Hank Williams July 6: Bruno Dunes Band July 13: Jimmy Lloyd Rea 8 The Switchmasters July 27: Frank Carlson Aug 3: Johnny 8 The Lawbreakers Aug>10: Nancy Ames Aug 1.7-:Larry Howe Next'Week

Aug 24. Marv 8 Ft tends Aug 31: TBD

Thanks to the musicians for donating their time and talent to raise funds to build the bandstand. Musicians will have tapes or cd's for sale at the concert. Bring your lunch and lawn chairs to the park and enjoy the music. Donation gladly accepted — suggested donation $5 per person Powder River Music Review concert series is presented to raise funds to build a bandstand pavilion in the centerof Geiser-Pollman Park. Brochure and brick order blanks may be downloaded at for anyone interested in purchasing an engraved brick to be placed in the stage of the new bandstand pavilion. There will also be a brick order table at the concert. Soroptimist international of Baker County (SIBC) is the 501(c)3 non-profit for this project . Grant donations are most welcome. Put your name down in history with an engraved brick — makes great memorial tributes, birthday, anniversary or holiday gift. THINK FATHERS DAY! 4 inch by 8 inch bricks are $60 8 inch by 8 inch bricks are $300 12 inch by 12 inch tiles are $1000 A support column sponsorship is $10,000 Special price for Veteran bricks 8 inch by 8 inch for $150 Powder River Music Review is sponsored by Baker City Herald and organized by volunteers of the Bandstand Committee. See concert photos at Questions call 541-519-5653

• 0

• 0




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Find us on



©20f4byVickiWhiting, Editor JeffSchinkel,Graphics Vol.30, No.25

e ••• • • • •

• •• • • •

Our handy checklist is here! Fight boredom as you and your friends check off each of these cool things to do.


aIIlf fry

Enjoy refreshing pineapple and other

of art.

little while. Then, set it free!


tune-up. Clean it

I gg

yo uf Kmastfor

stand. Work out

how much -it-will


cost to purchase

lemonade and cups and price your drinks accordingly.

Make a recording of you in our favorite song. dd Then, crank it up and dance o i .

nlenuth y I'lanthe

enI ht before and set the e table,too.

Make a lemonadep•


' efogk


to your tires.



BIfggggye • •

• • •

g~ SV«t'"g g, IL




h t ln g P ~ r i t






t clues f«you






' ~te'ko»'

O Headlines

e atrtk

• ....y~ ' ~ •



M ak e some

fe "yooro" 20

,, s ome pasta and ' thread i«n a





St I'Ing.• • • • • •

•• • • •

down your f), weather predictions


seIttpan"eb~a I Co f>clllde a baif t l

Have a group of friends sit in a circle. The more friends the better for this game!

Rewrite three or Write


Tape one of these on eac person's back without lettin hem see the word. Then they can ask others YES or N questions to try and figure out w are.

Blindfold a player an them to a nearby tree. Let them touch the tree, feel the leaves or pine needles, for as long as they wish. Then bri them back to the starting point and remove the blindfold. Can they find their tree a ain?

own recipe for an ice cream sundae. Be sure to include lots of fruit.

MOUNTAIN,ROCK an other things that could be found on a camping trip.


Create your


„ little pie ". wnte things like TR

•••• H

• • • • • • • • •



Everyone should work ogether to slowly untangle and try to create one big circl


witharag,oil the " chain, and add air

Og~~ee O

H ave a group of friend n d in a close circle. Have eac person place one hand in the center. Then have everyone grab someone else's hand at random.

Give your bike a



ties y@ay


Invite some friends over tonight to make s'mores and watch movies.

favorffe work

its behavior for a

island treats.


IfrawfIIN your

entiy capture an insect and observe

and dance the hula.


. ayin l'~jarna Curl as all „, ttzlt h n a co a good b'eer oog


Hawaiian Day! Make a colorful lei

Ost '3'D83 r

~f~ff a focafarf Ifaffery or muceum,NrfIIN

very own Create yo Qse oIt course go Ianks cuqs p buc e akea •• d® ore to ®a an • bagenging' • @ course

Here are somefttn games to play while camping or anytime yott have a group ofPiends together.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e• • • • • • •

--- 3-



Sooner or later this summer, you'll find yourself saying, "There's nothing to DO! I'm bored silly!"




for the week

ahead. Were you



• Ilnder alIdaaoiIe +® I,toaclimb blanket tO CraIlff over.

Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Use the skills and strategies of the reading process to follow written directions.

Armchair Arnie travels the world without leaving home. He

reads books about people and places in different parts of the world, in the past and even in the future! Do each math problem

to see where Arnie's book will take him.

I'm going to 23!

A Distant Galaxy

6+9+ 12


Treasure Island

7 +11+ 5


Ancient Greece

9+3+ 10


Standards Link: Math: Compute sums to 30


more newspaper headlines to mean

just the opposite. Try not to laugh as you read them aioud to a

f' d


Standards Link: Writing: Use skills of the writing process to convey the main idea.

Find the words in the puzzle. Then

look for each word in this week's Kid Scoop stories and activities.


Have everyone start pas in a small ball around as fas hey can without throwing it. must be handed from player to player. Then add a larger ball and have that assed from player to playe in the same direction. he player that winds up w t e largeand smallball at the same time is OUT! St dar . y sical Educati loco o il l s as components of games; follow rules for games.



e 0 so



This week's word:

BORED The verb bored means to be ' tired and restless because of

having nothing to do.


Kid Scoop kept me from being bored this summer.


Try to use the word bored in a sentence today when

Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns.

talking with your friends and family members.

T hi s p a g e i s p u b l i s h e d a s p a r t o f T h e O b se r v e r ' s N e w sp a p e r s i n E d u c a t i o n p r o g r a m :

I Was SO Bored!


Write a funny story about a


• 0

time you were incredibly bored. How did you get through it? Did you escape into your imagination?

w sp ap e r s in E d u ca t io n

• 0

• 0








HOW TO P L AY: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle — horizontally, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them and C IRCLE T H E I R LEITERS O N LY . D O N O T C I R C L E T H E W O R D . Th e l eftover letters spell the Wonderword. LOM B A R D I'S PIZZA Solution: 7 letters

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. MONDAY'SSOLUTION

T A G 0 T T 0 M A T 0 P I E S

T 0 T E S B N Y P S I R C R A

N E P T N B E 0 S K N I R D N

el Io el

N A T T A H N A M E W C S M L A 0 C Y D 0 U G H E







P 0 N E E L C R U S T M






I N G U E S E R S S V V A H E Z 0 M Z


R 0


E E 0 L B 0


0 U A S A I U

0 M S R N L A

0 H C N A K S




A T Z 0 B N


0 B P E T S C


© 2014 Universal Uclick w w w J o in us on Facebook


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el IL






* 4










A merica' s F i r st , A n c h o v i e s , B a k e d , B a r , B a s i l , B e e f , B e s t , B everag es , B r e a d s t i c k s , C a l z o n e , C h e e s e , C o a l , C r i s p y , Crust, Deals, Dough, Drinks, Famous, Gennaro, Large, Love, Manhattan, Meatballs, Mott, Mozzarella, Mushrooms, Napoletana, N olita , O i l , O v e n , R e s e r v a t i o n s , R i c o t t a , S a n M a r z a n o , S auce, Seating, S p r ing S t r e et, T a ste, T o m at o P i es , T o p p i n g s





%)I IT5 Tcc7 A5 F~

&X7T UF', MU45 ~E P T HI Z EE ~Y I H CS!

e I s ' a ' R'

Monday's Answer: Artillery To purchase THE COLLECTED WONDERWORD, Volume 27, 31, 35, 36, 37 or 38,

order online at (Contains 43 puzzles.)









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"...then there's the after-prom party, the before-breakfast party, the post-prom picnic, the pre-sunrise gala, the late-post party..."


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Does your carrier never miss a cIay? Are they always on time, no matter what kind of weather? Do they bring your paper to your front door? If so we want to hear from you. The Observer and Baker City Herald wants to recognize all of our outstanding carriers and the service they provide to ensure your paper gets to you. Let us know about their service by sending your comments to cthom son@la randeobseTTIercomor send them to 14065t StreetLa Grande ORI/7850

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Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

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Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673e•• Fax: 541-523-64 The Observer: 541-963-3161e www. Ia •• Fax: 541-963-3674 105 - Announcements



105 - Announcements

Sale starts11 AM/MT. Lunch Served. Terms:Cashorbankablechecksaleday.Nobuyerspremium. No CrediCards. t Everythingsold asiswhereis.




BAKER CITY LIONS CLUB Thurs., 12:00 noon Sunndge Inn 1 Sunndge Ln. Everyone welcome!


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$1.00 per foot iThe Observer i s not responsible for flaws in material or machi ne error) THE OBSERVER 1406 Fifth • 541-963-3161

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e-mails,just e-mail us at:

Baker County's breastfeeding support group. Meets every 2nd &t 4th Thursday of the month 11 a.m. —Noon St. Luke's EOMA, 3950 17th St. 541-523-3681


Te I I s o m e o n e H a p py

and FREE! To receive our SNEEK PEEK

i' I i'




Sat., 9 a.m. Northeast OR Compassion Center, 1250 Hughes Ln. Baker City

terminaI illnesses) Meets 1st Monday of every month at St.

Lukes/EOMA©11:30 AM $5.00 Catered Lunch Must RSVP for lunch 541-523-4242

AA MEETINGS 2614 N. 3rd Street La Grande




aerlner Ln

Haw Trail Ln Uaion County airgrounds Black I


Fruitd Ie






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This yard sale map is provided as a service by The Observer. Locations shown are approximations — Check individual ads for exact address. While we make every effort to be complete and accurate, we cannot be responsible for errors and ommissions.

Private Party

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Blvd Eastern Oregon

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5 $ISlshd

Ronde ~

Mulh lland Dr

A Hillcrest Cemetery

F Av





Ave Cslvary Cemetery ~

Plus Map

5 untain ~

as Court Dr


Sernie Park


srk Df

Mountain ~~ Park Dr Jacob Ave T rra Lea

0 O




GeminrP +~Park




210 - Help WantedBaker Co.


Cem tery


Mountain D Ronde

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.


104 OAK Str. Fn &t Sat ANOTHER END Road 2 8-4. New JVC theater 5 area Yard Sale. June system, truck tool box, 7th, 9-5. 62397 variety of g ood g o lf Wagoner Hill Lane, c lubs, ho us e h o l d Summerville. Watch i tems, g o o d c l e a n for signs, household c lothes, ni c e old items, motor cycle, butcher block, y a rd utility trailer, books, stuff, tvs, c o llectible and lot's of misc. furniture, much more.

You can drop off your payment at The Qbserver 1406 5th St

La Grande

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.

MOVING SALE, Fri 6-7 ANNUAL MOPS Yard 6 &t Sat6-8, 8am —4pm. 3 Sale. Fri. 6/6, Sat. 6/7 F urnit u re , t oo l s, 7am-2pm both days. Visa, Mastercard, and household items. 1309 Discover are Donation drop off 0 Ave, LG. accepted between 1 0am-4pm Thurs. 6/5 Valley FelYard Sales are $12 50 for 5 lines, and $1 00 for lowship 507 Palmer each additional line LG (by Pioneer Park) YARD SALE Sat. only, Call for more info 7 9-2, 703 Washington 541 963 3161 Ave. LG Baby &t todler MULTI F A M ILY, Sat, c I ot h e s, h o u s e h odI M ust have a minimum o f 1 0 Yard Sale ad's t o 4 June 7th, 8-1, 2310 items, &t children toys. print the map G reenwood St . L G kids, baby, household, SAT. ONLY, 8-12. Lots something for every- No need to travel all over of kids clothes/toys, one! town to look for garage home decor, and vinsales ... you'll find them tage items. 1 1a-12p listed nght here in classiitems 1/2 off ! 1 0912 Classifieds get results. fied. ICnstin Way. Island City QR

• 0

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co. ESTATE SALE R O A D Y a r d 10HUGE JU NE 6 8, 2014

145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.


145 - Yard, Garage Sales-Union Co.

SUBSCRIBERS 8AM-4PM Joe Davis TAICE US ON YOUR Estate, 66962 End Rd. PHONE! 8:ooam-4:oopm. Summerville, OR LEAVE YOUR PAPER Over 15 yard Sales AMAZ IN G!!! O V E R AT HOME in 1 mile. Spend the 2000sq.ft of v i n tage day! Whatever your c ollectib le s (i nc l . Full editions of a re looking fo r i s tools/yar d t oo l s , The Observer h ere : Cl ot h e s , c lothes, k i t c h en , & t is now available household, furniture, outdoor), guns, ammo, online. horse tack, crafts, boats, BBQs + Large a ntiques , t oo ls , Event BBQ on trailer, 3 EASY STEPS guns. a ntique f ar m i m p l e m ents, s i g ns, J o h n 1. Register your Follow Blue Mountain Deere c o l l e c t ibles, account before you 4 h center &t E n d electrician's materials, leave R oad Y ar d S a l e tools, restaurant equip/ 2. Call to stop your signs form Summersupplies, wood cherry pnnt paper ville, OR 2 miles to crates, canning equip/ 3. Log in wherever you END ROAD. (GPS: supplies, freezers u se 6 6 50 1 E N D refngerators, oak wine ROAD 97876 to find barrels, steel shelves, END ROAD.) player piano, Catholic collectibles, household are at and en)oy HUGE 2 Family Sale. Fn. items, &t Much More! 8 6th, 8-2, Sat. 7th, 8-12. Credit cards accepted. 541-963-31 61 62764 Fruitdale Ln. LG Ca II 541-612-0882 Lot's of it ems, come FOR DETAILS! Call Now to Subscnbe! see what we have! END 8 Sales! S a t u r d ay, June 7,

• 0

Yo u

may aIs o 541-524-2261.

c a II

LOCAL VETERINARY Clinic is looking for a qualified receptionist

to work PT; Must have computer &t customer service ex p e n ence, proper phone etiquette a nd be ab le t o multi-task and follow direction. Please submit resume &t letters of recommendation to Blind Box ¹ 1 74, c/o Baker City Herald, P.O. Box 807, Baker City, OR, 97814.

HKLP ATNACT ATTNTION TO YOURAP! Add BOLDING or a BORDER! It's a little extra that gets

BIG results. Have your ad STAND OUT for as little as

$1 extra.


ew Diredions'

JOIN OUR TEAM! 4 NEW POSITIONS Medical Billing Clerk M-F; 8-5. Exp. with all aspects of medicalhnsurance coding and billing.

Developmental Disabilities-Case Mgr A ssist c l ients w i t h community services

to achieve goals and maintain independence. BA or equivalent w o r k e x p e rience with DD certificate desired.

Office Specialist A t P o w de r R i ver Correctional. Profic ient in W o r d a n d

Excel. Knowledge of a l l office equip., filing and p h ones. Team c o o r dinator working w/ co-workers and clients

for a B a ke r M i d d le School Math teacher. F or a c o mplete d escription of th e p o si-


, soE

, C9 O I Gran


ment division .

accepting applications

I 2'

Granview Av




ntai Dr

go or contact the employ-

8'6" LIMA Glass steel head pole, Black Bait casting reel, Blue Shimano t a c k l e box shovel. Lost on Mental Health Morgan Lake Rd. Call Counselor Devon © 541-805-5247 Provides culturally competent and apKEYS LOST © propnate behavioral Hog Wild Day's. health treatment for CaII the Baker City residents. Shenff's office M- F; 8-5. Avail. for 541-963-1 01 7 cnsis work on rotati ng s h i f ts . P r e f e r MISSING YOUR PET? LCSW or LPC . Check the Baker City Animal Clinic Excellent Benefits 541-523-3611 Package, includes PLEASE CHECKthe Free Health Animal Shelter webInsurance 8tPaid slte In Educational Training La Grande if you have a lost or found pet. khendricksl www.bmhumane.or 541-523-7400 for app.

Private party advertisers only. 3 days must run consecutively. Yard Sale map publishes wednesday and Friday with minimum or 10 ads

unny U

p e Res rvoir

160 - Lost & Found

For information call MONA 541-963-3161 GekelerLn

N8 Avs 0

AZZ a rd sale ads mast be PREP AI D ! Additional L i n es ~1.00 p er lin e 10 AM the day before desired publication date.



Q Bonneville



t io n

Treatment Facilitator All shifts available working with teens and adults. HS d iLittle W h it e C h u rch, ploma. Paid training. South Main Str, Union




Mon.; 7 PM -8 PM Wed.; 7 PM -8 PM Fn.; 7 PM -8 PM Grove St. Apts. Corner of Grove &t D Sts. Baker City, Open Nonsmoking Wheel Chair Accessible

western decor, garden




TRICT 5J is currently accepting applications for an assistant boys' b asketbaII coach a t Baker High S c hool. F or a c o mplete d escription of th e p o si-

COUNTRY CRAFT Sale by Sheri's Shop Fri. &t Sat. June 6th &t June 7th 9:ooam at The

Birc h L nSchool „' ,


X Ave

so +


@Il)ct LL.i white o


trance at 1501 0 Ave.

150 - Bazaars, Fundraisers

g ~"

5th ~[


Is Pioneer Park



Rd Club Gard Park

Mon. — Tues. — Thurs. Fn. &t Sat. -8 PM Episcopal Church Basement 2177 1st Street Baker City

Info. 541-663-41 1 2







Goin' Straight Group M t ~

AA Meeting

nt St ilroad Ave

Bn n Ri na Pa El

ok ingloff

,illa r


Be n


h ndler

Riverside Park


Thursday night, Free dom G roup, 6-7pm Faith Lutheran Church 12th &t Gekeler, LG 541-605-01 50









210 - Help WantedBaker Co. LA GRANDE Al-Anon BAKER SCHOOL DIS-

Presbyterian Church 1995 Fourth St. NORTHEAST OREGON CLASSIFIEDS of fers Use alley entrance to Noah Room upstairs. Self Help &t Support G roup An n o u n c e - Is food a problem for ments at n o c h arge. you? CaII 541-519-4676 For Baker City call: J uli e — 541-523-3673 AA MEETING: For LaGrande call: Powder River Group E n ca — 541-963-31 61


Birthday in our classified section today!


AL-ANON Concerned about someone else's drinking?

Baker City. Open, No smoking.


Its fast, easy

Evenings ©7:00 pm Elgin Methodist Church 7th and Birch

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings

(541)523-3431 First Saturday of every PREGNANCY month at 4 PM SUPPORT GROUP Pot Luck — Speaker AL-ANON-HELP FOR Pre-pregnancy, Meeting families &t fnends of alpregnancy, post-partum. c oho l i c s . U n i on 541-786-9755 NARCOTICS County. 568 — 4856 or ANONYMOUS: 562-5772 Monday, Thursday, &t VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS POST AL-ANON. At t i tude of Fnday at8pm. Episcopal Church 2177 First St., 3048 MONTHLY Gratitude. W e d n e sBaker City. MEETING 2nd Thurs. of days, 12:15 — 1:30pm. the month. Post &t AuxilNARCOTICS Faith Lutheran Church. iary meet at 6:30 p.m. ANONYMOUS 1 2th &t Gekeler, L a VFW Hall, 2005 Valley HELP Grande. Ave., Baker LINE-1-800-766-3724 541-523-4988 Meetings: BAKER COUNTY 8:OOPM:Sunday, MonCancer Support Group day, 110 - Self-Help Tuesday, WednesMeets 3rd Thursday of Group Meetings day, Thursday, Fnday every month at Noon: Thursday AA MEETING: St. Lukes/EOMA © 7 PM 6:OOPM: Monday,TuesSurvior Group. Contact: 541-523-4242 day, Wednesday, ThursMon., Wed. &t Thurs. day (Women's) 12:05 pm-1:05 pm. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS 7:OOPM: Saturday Presbytenan Church, (For spouses w/spouses 1995 4th St. who have long term Rear Basement En(4th &t Court Sts.)

are at and en)oy


For colored pictures of this and upcoming auctions, please see our website. I

1. Register your account before you leave 2. Call to stop your pnnt paper 3. Log in wherever you

This is just apartial list. Pleasecheck ourwebsite for afull list. The realestatewill also besold. Pleasecheck ourwebsite for a detaileddescriptionandtermsfor the real estate.



Meeting times

1st &t 3rd Wednesday

Check your ads the first day of publication &t please call us immediately if you find an error. Northeast Oregon Classifieds will cheerfully make your correction &t extend your ad 1 day.


in Elgin Wednesday Warnors

t o a v o i d err o r s . However mistakes d o s l i p thr o u g h .

HOP E SUIPMENT SS Milwaukee mitre saw, Milwaukeehot saw, Milwaukee angle drill, Pro Tek 6" bench grinder, Ryobi cordless set, rigid pipe vise stand, conduit benders /2 to 1 /2, direct drive small air compressor, Ryobi 110 V log splitter, Chicago chain sawsharpener, Chicago180 amp arc welder, belt disc sander, propaneelect heater, Coleman 1500watt generator, lazer level, 6- trim chain saws, Shop Smith combination wood saw, sander, lathe w/accessories, 6" wood planer, table router, Oxy acetylene outfit, Hein Warner 1 8 /2 ton hyd bumper jack, F.M. Benchdrill press LAWN & GARDEN Troy built horsereartine rototiller, 2- Craftsmanlawn mowers, Earthquake tiler weeder HOUSEHOLD dining set w/6 chairs, couch & loveseatset, rocker recliner, wash standw/pitcher & bowl,coffeetable, several endtables, bedroomentertainmentcenter, large jewelry cabinet, 5 piece bedroomset, 3 pc cedar bedroomset, cut glass & crystal, stemware&glassware, doll highchair, chinahutch ANTI UES & COLLECTIBLES 2- WWII ration booksw/stamps, knick knackracks, antique clocks, spinningwheel,antique chest of drawers,woodwash board, 4- Hummels,Onyxstemware, silver flatware set, antique steel bedframe, large cast iron skillets, largecast iron dutch ovens&roasters, othercast ironcookware, severalmilk cans, cocacola crates, boiler, antique 3tier endtable, carnival glass, blueglass

110 - Self-Help Group Meetings AL-ANON MEETING


Take us with you! Full editions of The Observer & The Baker City Herald are now available online.

SATURDA Y JUNE7, 2014 FromWilder IDi/2 mileEastonSimplot Blvdto 25375Simplot Blvd WilderlD 83676

i' l l

105 - Announcements

t io n


to or contact the employment division .

Yo u

TRUCK DRIVER. Flat may aIs o c a II bed d o u b l es . No 541-524-2261. weekends r e q u ired. Based in Baker City. Gary N. Smith Truck- WANTED: EXP. carpenter. All phases of coning. Contact M ike at struction. Call &t leave 541-523-3777 msg. 541-523-6808 BAKER SCHOOL DISTRICT 5J is currently STEP FORWARD Activiaccepting applications

for a S c h ool Board member. This position w ill e n d J u n e 30 , 2015. Interested parties can pick up an application form at Baker School District, 2090 4th St. and return to Norma N e m e c by June 4, 2014, at 3:30 p.m. If you have any q uest i o n s , ca ll 541-524-2261.

BAKER SCHOOL DISTRICT 5J is currently accepting applications for an assistant volley-

t ies h a s i m m e d i a t e openings for part time respite staff. This posi-

t ion can lead t o f u l l time w o rk . F u ll-time positions carry benefits; medical, life insurance, retirement plan, pd. holidays, vacation, sick l e ave . S t a r t ing wage i s $ 1 1 . 42/hr. Qualified a p p l icants m ust be 1 8 y r s . o f age, pass a c r i minal history check, &t have a valid Oregon dnver's license. Apply at 3720 10th St., Baker City.

ball coach at B a k er H igh School. F o r a NEEDED complete description IMMEDIATELY o f the position go t o Full time applicator for agriculture b usiness. or contact the employCDL preferred. Please ment division . Yo u pick up application at 2331 11th St., Baker. may aIs o c a II 541-524-2261. 541-523-6705

• 0



210 - Help WantedBaker Co.


220 - Help Wanted Union Co.

220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted 220 - Help Wanted Union Co. Union Co. Union Co. Union Co. ELGIN SCHOOL Distnct IT IS UNLAWFUL (Sub- THE CITY of La Grande FULL TIME position for a

Seeking a ft/pt, office

copters, Inc. is recruiting experienced CDL

is accepting applications for the following dnvers: Class "A" CDL positio n f o r t he 2 014-2015 s c h o o l License with Hazmat Candidates should have and Tank e n d orse- 2 years of experience year: ments. Please send rein an of f ice e nviron- Varsity Boys Basketball sume to: ment. The nght candiCoach david.mccart Ocolumbiadate will have expen- applications are located b asinhelico o r e nce w i th Q uic k on our distnct website: ca II (541) 963-7388 Books, Payroll, Exel, www.el Scheduling, and proper and any school office. 220 - Help Wanted phone adequate. For more information, Union Co. W or k ho u rs ar e p lease c o n t act t h e 8am-5pm, M o n d ay- mai n o ff i c e at EASTERN O R EGON 541-437-1211. P osiFriday. The salary deUniversity is looking to pends on expenence. tions open until filled. hire a multicultural adElgin School District is missions c o u n selor. Mountain West M oving is an equaI-opportunity an equal opportunity For more information employer. employer. please go to: htt s: eou. eo leadmin. To apply, send resume to ICaiger Braseth, com ~ FOR expenOperations Manager at LOOKING e nce couple t o r u n 1315 Jefferson, Te I I s o m e o n e H a p py small Motel, for room Birthday in our classified La Grande, OR 97850. and board. For more NO WALIC INS PLEASE. section today! info (509) 592-8179 assistant.

in Baker City,La Grande, 4'surrounding areas


330 - Business Opportunities


sectio n 3, O RS is accepting applica- heavy dieselmechanic/ 6 59.040) for an e m tions for the following truck dnver. Must ployer (domestic help p 0 s It I 0 n s: have a CDL with a THE OBSERVER excepted) or employclean driving record. At AND ment agency to print Administrative least 5 years of BAKER CITY HERALD or circulate or cause to A ssistantCity mechanic expenence. RN and LPN needed in Newspaper D e l i very be pnnted or circulated Manager Office Must be willing to routes, both c arrier Baker (!t La Grande. any statement, advertravel and work in and motor, will be adSome positions have tisement o r p u b l ica- Required City application Enterpnse (!t LaGrande vertised in the B usimoving expenses and t ion, o r t o u s e a n y may be obtained from locations. Wages ness O p p o r t u n i ty bonus. Top 100 Best form of application for the City of La Grande DOE. Please send section. Please see Places to Work! employment o r to website at resume to: Vemco, classification ¹330 for www. ohos m ake any i n q uiry i n www. c ityofla g ra n de. org 320 Golf Course Road, any available routes c onnection w it h p r oor Heather Ralkovich Enterpnse, Oregon 230 - Help Wanted at this time. spective employment in the Finance Depart97828. NO PHONE out of area which expresses diment, City Hall, 1000 CALLS PLEASE! . RAHN'S SANITARY has rectly or indirectly any Adams Avenue, PO FULL-TIME OFFICE limitation, specification Box 670, La Grande, a Iob opening for saniADMINISTRATOR tation position. 40hrs, or discnmination as to OR 97850, TRAINEE 541-962-1316, race, religion, color, pay DOE, benefit packsex, age o r n a t ional hburgess©cityoflgrande. Local financial services age, CDL R equired. firm seeks responsible ongin or any intent to org. Opened until filled E-mail Resume to: person for full-time poI I I I rahnsanitary© make any such limitawith first review of apsition in client service t ion, specification o r plication received by Enterpnse, 541-426-3492 and branch office addiscrimination, unless 5:00 p.m., Monday. ministration. Candidate b ased upon a b o n a June 16, 2014. must be a self-starter, fide occupational qualiAA/EEO • I I well organized, and ac- THE IDAHO Department fication. curate w i t h d e t a i ls. of Lands has an openCERTIFIED I I I I I Must also have exceling for a Lands Scaler, LIFEGUARD lent oral and w r itten at Cove Pool. Leave Senior in Boise. When responding to communication skills. m g 541-568-4890. For more information, I • I I I Blind Box Ads: Please Please apply online at login to: be sure when you adI I • www.edwar dress your resumes that careers, Iob¹ 14431 ~ I • I the address is complete Equal Opportunity with all information reEmployer quired, including the

Blind Box Number. This is the only way we have of making sure your resume gets to the proper place.

FIR E S EASON APPROACHING!!! EYE OF THE EAGLE looking for Fire Fighters (!t a Engine boss ($450 a day). Contact 541-91 0-4444.

NEED 2 strong helpers for loading stuff into a U-haul. Pay $ 5 0 .00 each for 3hrs date to s tart l o a ding: J u n e 12/14at 6:00am. Contact ¹ 541-377-4453


University is looking to hire a Accountant 1. For more information

• I

please go to: htt s://eou. eo leadmin. com







K a t e h e n A l cI D u y


DRYCLEANING8,ALTERATIONS 109 Elm Street near Adams lnthe oldApple EyeCarebuilding

aradise Truck & RVWash We Wash Anything on Wheelsi

www paradisetruckwash com Auto Detailing • RV Dump Station


~ I add's AutoI I C Wrecking8 Recycling Quality UsedParts New /I Used Tires BuyingFerrous artd Nort-Ferrous Metals• Iye also Buy Cars





Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently) • All body locations• All hair types • All skin colors • All phases ef hair growth • Medically related hair issues

CIovlzr tfavtzn 541-663-I528

L~ Q g



j LE ( 29 Years Experience



805 9777

Pozer grader Dump Truck k

rile excavatlonC

CCB¹ 168468

w Cljt RopatIf:htljer


F ine Q p a l i t y C onsig n m e n t C l o t h i n g




CONSTRUCTION Wayne Dalton Garage Doors Sales • Installation • Servtce

GILE RUSTCONSTRUCTION 54l-9lN489 or 54l-562-5005 L icensed - Bonded - Insured

CCB¹ 18 3 5 6 3

Serving EOSince 1969 •

963-0144 (days) or786-4440 (cell) CCB¹32022



808 NW 1st, Enterprise, OR• 541-426-4141 mtviewglass(


www. 54t 963 4174 10201 W. 1st St., Suite 2 La Grande, OR ( eII 54t 9t0 3393

541-786-5751 541-963-2161




24 Hour Towing Saturday Service Rental Cars


r I N co r

Rebecca go~A czc~h,e~ Dnrerzor Paznr Speczslzsr Repaznrs Paux Pznzs/ es Specialtt/ P urnitur e Q us t ~ g rt n t o r k teiercit~vooeltliiitleirieiii(ciiiii ' ee/t¹10)/68 5 ' +1-+10-60$+



Over 30 years serving Union County Comgosition — Metal — Flat Roofs — Continuous Gutters

963-0144 (office) or 786-4440 (ceII) CCB¹32022


OREG0N SIGN C0MPANY Signs ol a kinds to meetyour needs

Featuring Services /fRepair: Walk-BehindMorrers RidingMorrers String Trimmers ChainSaws Rototillers BladeSharpeningandmore!

CNC PlasmaServices


5 '41-910-66 0 9


2906 Island Avenue La Grande, OR


Pickupt DelireryAraiableReasonableRales



• Snow Removal

isposal t Qss • Leaf D

K ( Q ge S

New arrivals daily! COMPAREPRICES-SHOPWISELY. Taastltra sa«o:oo-5:3o 1431 Adams Ave. La Grande 541-663-0724

Homes-Pole Buildings-Remodel s- Barns-Decks- Fencing Siding - Windows - Garages


• Yard Care Trimming D avid Lillard 541 -6 6 3 - 7 0 7 5


S p e c i a l i z in g In A l l P h a s e s Q f C o n s t r u c t io n a nd G a r a g e D o o r I ns t a l l a t i o n

g g~ ' g

B a k e r City, OR 97814

Equine-facilitated Learning and Psychotherapy Therapeutic Riding Horse Crazy Camp for Kids


J IM S T A N D L E Y 5 4 1 - 7 8 6 -5 5 0 5





See All RMLS Ltsttngs


Don't let insects&weedsruin yourlawn

c cb¹ 1

Stxrnn aV~

Blue Mountain Design

TreesDrip? Shrubs lookbad? Lawnsfull of weeds? We CanHelp!

541-523-3708 CCe(3aO 4

Anita Fager, Principal Broker

tgf'g Clfsh)PPgQge~+

Residential, Rental and Commercial Cleaning g' ServingPnlon County since 2006 Llcensed~d Ins!tr¹d

Embroidery by... 1920 Courl Ave


Leare the headachesfoyourinrestment property with us!!

Exit 304o!I -84• 2410PumSl BakerCity, OR97814

541-523-5070 541-519-8687

Larry Schlesser Licensed Property Manager La Grande, OR 97850

Call Angie I 963-MAID

Commercial ck Residential Property

Licensed 8 Bonded Residential 8 Commercial

We cleanandsewit all - including wedding dresses!

Northeast Property Management, LL


D; %ViOUL ~<FE>R><S owing -N- More-

Koleidoscope Child 8r Family Therapy Tammie Clausel Licensed Clinical Social Worker 1705 Main Street Suite 100 • PO. Box t70 • Baker City, OR 9781t 5u 523 5tzt • fax 5u 523 5516

G et y o u r e l e c t r i c i t y f r o m s u n l i g h t f

State and Federal Tax Credits



icing La Grande,Cove, Iml)ler &Union

7 1-24 1 - 7 0 6 Marcus Wolfer

Preschool Openings for Mornings & ExtendedDayPrograms. Tutoring• PianoLessons



54i-56S-4SS2 MICHAEL 541-7S6-S463

M. Curtiss PN-7077A CCB¹ 1836'49

A Certified Arborist

K~ls nas.g

RUEE N - -RUsrlc

All Breeds • No Tranquilizers • Dog & Cat Boarding


MERCANTILE Gun's NRA Certi fied ConcealedInstructor Ammo 5 41-9 6 2 - 7 S 3 , 8 More 10703-1/2Walton La Grande

ALL OFFFETCOMMERCIAL PRINTING Camera ready orwecan ser rt/t for yort. • Tgbg Contact • BrOadSheet The Observer

• Full Color gg $ 963 3$6$

Y OGAs unligh Stut edn i o p


' ,

sauna 541-91 0-4114





Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date

R E l

Baker City Herald: 541-523-3673e •• Fax: 541-523-64 The Observer: 541-963-3161e • • Fax: 541-963-3674 330 - Business Opportunities


350 - Day Care Baker Co.

380 - Baker County Service Directory

380 - Baker County Service Directory BOONE'S WEED 8r Pest JIM'S COMPUTERS

4 NEW REGISTERED 4 In-Home Daycare Limited openings left for summer Clean, safe, fun with family fnendly rates! Call today to schedule

385 - Union Co. Ser445- Lawns & Garvice Directory dens N OTICE: O R E G O N

Control, LLC. On site service (!t repair Trees, Ornamental @ Wireless (!t wired Turf-Herbicide, Insect (!t networks Fungus. Structural Virus (!t Spam Removal IND EP END ENT Insects, including Jim T. Eidson CONTRACTED Termites. Bareground 541-519-7342 HAULER an interview. weed control: noxious needed forthe Ashley (541) 519-2589 weeds, aquatic weeds. Baker City Herald on Agriculture (!t Right of OREGON STATE law reMonday, Wednesday Way. Call Doug Boone, q uires a nyone w h o 360 - Schools & and Fnday afternoons. 541-403-1439. contracts for construcInstruction Please fill out an t ion w o r k t o be information sheet at the BECKIES STUDIO censed with the ConCEDAR 8r CHAIN link Baker City Herald, OF DANCE struction Contractors 110 Depot Street, fences. New construc1915 First St., Board. An a c t ive 541-805-8317 t i o n, Re m o d el s ( ! t Baker City cense means the con" Stor B o o k 1 " D e n c e ha ndyma n services. 7:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. tractor is bonded (!t inc em: Fo r 3 1/2 to 5yrKip Carter Construction ~ Monday through Friday sured. Venfy the conolds.Monday, June 9th to 541-519-6273 Friday J u ne 13 t h tractor's CCB license Great references. 9a m-1 pm. Theater Da nce, through the CCB ConCCB¹ 60701 Creative Ballet and Tums ume r W eb s i t e ble. www.hirealicensed" Stor Bo o k II De n c e cem " : For a g es 6 to ~



Monday, Wednesday, and Fnday's, within Baker City.

Ca II 541-523-3673

INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS wanted to deliver the The Observer

Monday, Wednesday,

Byrs old. Monday, June D 5. H Roofing 5. 16th to Fnday, June 20th 9a m-1 pm. Theater Da nce, Construction, Inc Creative Sampler: Jazzy CCB¹192854. New roofs hip-hop, Ballet, Tap, Tum(!t reroofs. Shingles, ble. metal. All phases of 5 week Dence Session construction. Pole Starts July 1st offering: Preballet, Ballet, Pointe, buildings a specialty. Respond within 24 hrs. Tap, M odern , 541-524-9594 Jazz/Hip-Hop, Acrobatics and Tumble. All skill levels ages 3 1/2 to Adult. Includes free 1 day marching camp. DIRTY Registration for camps and WINDOWS? 5 wk session held a the Call: studio on Friday May 23 rd 3pm to 6pm and Fnday Clear Windows, June 6th Bam-10am Window Cleaning 5pm-6pm Service

EMBARK CONSTRUCTION INC CONCRETE Foundation — Flatwork and Decorative Daniel McQuisten 541-51 9-4595 CCB¹ 174039

EXPERIENCED caregiver seeks work. Reasonable and reliable. References furnished. 541-523-3110

q ualifie d i n d i v i d u a l contractor who has fulBAKER BOTANICALS filled the testing and 3797 10th St experience r e q u irements fo r l i censure. Hydroponics, herbs, houseplants and For your protection call Non-GMO seeds 503-967-6291 or visit 541-403-1969 our w ebs i t e : to c heck t h e lic e n s e I BUY used large chain status before contractsaws any condition. ing with the business. 541-530-6623 Persons doing l andscape maintenance do not require a landscap- 450 - Miscellaneous ing license.

435 - Fuel Supplies

$185 split, seasoned, delivered in the valley.

385 - Union Co. Service Directory ANYTHING FOR A BUCK



services be liwith the LandC o n t ractors T h i s 4 - d i g i t 1951 AC tractor W/ front loader, all onginal, runs number allows a congreat, perfect for colsumer to ensure that lector or small farm, t he b u siness i s a c $3,200 OBO, call for tively licensed and has e-pics, 541-910-4044. a bond insurance and a

A MIXED CORD fi r e w ood $150 a c o r d , R ed Fir $170 i n t h e round, $200 split and delivered. T amarack $ 185 i n t h e r o u n d , $215 split and delivSCARLETT MARY Ul!IT ered. 541-975-3454 3 massages/$ 1 00 Ca II 541-523-4578 FIREWOOD Baker City, OR PRICES REDUCED Gift CcifilicatcsAvailable! $150, in the rounds;

541-519-7033 Free Estimates

Adding New Services: Cove La Grande 8r "NEW" Tires Wallowa Count Mount (!t Balanced Come in for a quote Ca II 541-963-3161 You won't be disappointed!! Sat 3 Bam to 5pm INVESTIGATE BEFORE MonLADD'S AUTO LLC YOU INVEST! Always 8 David Eccles Road a good policy, espeBaker City cially for business op(541 ) 523-4433 p ortunities ( ! t f r a n chises. Call OR Dept. o f J u stice a t ( 5 0 3 ) 378-4320 or the Federal Trade Commission FARE DECREASE!! at (877) FTC-HELP for As of May 1st f ree i nformation. O r In Town Rates: v isit our We b s it e a t $6 one- way $10 round-tnp Out of Town Rates: $2 per mile 340 - Adult Care $1.50/mi. — round-tnp 541-523-6070 Baker Co.

tracting censed s cape B oard.

RUSSO'S YARD 8E HOME DETAIL Aesthetically Done Ornamental Tree (!t Shrub Pruning 503-668-7881 503-407-1524 Serving Baker City & surrounding areas

(!t Residential

and Fnday's, within

Law (ORS 671) requires all businesses that advertise and perform landscape con-

New Homes Remodeling/Additions Shops, Garages Siding (!t Decks Win dows (!t F in e finish work Fast, Quality Work! Wade, 541-523-4947 or 541-403-0483 CCB¹176389


380 - Baker County Service Directory

Landscape Contractors



440 - Household Items

Same owner for 21 yrs. 541-910-6013 CCB¹1 01 51 8

Commercial (!t Residential. Neat (!t efficient. CCB¹137675

DON'I MISS OUT! Sign up for our



and we'll notify

you of upcoming news features, special coupon offers, local contests and more.

Its fast, easy

BEAUTIFUL WOOD futon w/new mattress. $1 40. 541-41 9-8523

and FREE!

R EADY F O R A C HANGE? D o n ' t LARGE SECTIONAL 1yr. old. Paid $2200. AskJACKET 8r Coverall Re- just sit there, let the $ 8 5 0 . Firm L ike pair. Zippers replaced, c lass i f i e d h e l p ing N ew 541-524-0369 p atching an d o t h e r wanted column find heavy d ut y r e p a irs. Reasonable rates, fast a new and challeng- OAK COMPUTER desk. service. 541-523-4087 ing job for you. $500. 541-524-9347 or

4-PLOTS in old section of Mt. Hope Cemetery. Perpetual care included $3200/0B0 208-365-9943


$1.00 each

B AKER CO . Y A"-aRgaeaga B 8r e



e-mails,just e-mail us at:

505 - Free to a good home

6 8t


FIISlbFfI4 LIPE Free to good home

ads are FREE! (4 lines for 3 days)


A St




8 rrtpbell st

Cantpbell St

Caititpbell 8t



Isrrn st

MadlaorI St

5I' Bgtter St

St Fra r lCIS De Salas CathednII I- I Cl ~h,st tif Ctrurc!II st Brrita~

TWO FLUFFY litter box trained kittens. 1male, 1female 541-568-7762

-g I'


I s SV ~


C3 HOIIse ® Atjter Muaeu



620 - Farm Equipment & Supplies POST HOLE auger. 12" on 720 3-point double flight auger head. $500 Wayne: 541-480-3662


K VAisttirrgton Ave

630 - Feeds


rt Ave

ALFALFA, GRASS, and Oat Hay. Barn stored Bolb avg. $5.00/bale OBO 541-534-5410


PIace St

Pilam SI

Plam St

This yard sale map is provided as a service by Baker City Herald. Locations shown are approximations — Check individual ads for exact address. While we make every effort to be complete and accurate, we cannot be responsible for errors and ommissions.

Private Party

Ea St

Y ARD, G A R A G E 5 Lines,

Cmlm St

s oays '


Plus Map



rrlie st


% H ..

140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

1305 11TH Fri. (!t Sat.

2900 HILLCREST DR NEW 8E USED SALE Fn. — Satd 9 am - 3 pm D Fn., 6/6 (!t Sat. 6/7 B am-4 p m 2101 Main St C Basche-Sage Mall (next to Flagstaff Sports) CLEAN 4-FAMILY SALE FunTab Tablet, 32" LCD E 43334 Pocahontas Rd. Fri., 6/6 (!t Sat., 6/7; TV, Bluetooth speakers, 7:30 — 4:30. NO EARLY furniture, clothing, SALES. Tools (new (!t shoes, handbags, used) 5th wheel hitch, bedding, portable power HUGE vanety of items. chargers, cookware (!t NO DOGS. much more!

A6/6-6/7. Bam -? Horse Tack, Boat (!t Motor, Dressers, Shelves, Old Utility Trailer, (!t More!

2803 9TH St. Fn. (!t Satd II 8 — 2. Misc. household, furniture, kids stuff,old guns (!t guys stuff.

DON'T FORGETto take your signs down after your garage sale. Northeast Oregon Classifieds lassifieds get results.

• 0


140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

5 Il3I:FT 5I:LLK:P




Tracy km

LI s ~~M-


ar d sa le a ds mast be PREP AI D ! Additional L i n es s/. 00 p er l i n e 10 AM the day before desired publication date.

14663 COUNTRY Ln. F Fn. (!t Satd Ba — 3p.'05 Truck, '03 27' t ravel trailer, 4-wheeler, rototiller and a lot more.

Looking for something in particular? Then you need the 2380 16TH St. Fn4 12 — 5 Classified Ads! This G (!t Satd 7-?. Scrapbook- is the s i m p lest, ing totes (!t supplies, exercise equip., lace most inexpensive curtains (!t valances, w ay fo r y o u t o nice dishware (!t name brand teen c l othing, r each people i n Harman ICardon re- this area with any ceiver stack, 8 t r ack y ou stereo w/8 tracks, vin- m eSSage tage Bmm prolector (!t much more!!!

• 0

m igh t


Want t o

limitations or discnmi-

nation based on race, c olor, r e ligion, s e x , h andicap , f a mi l i a l status or national ong in, o r

i n t e n t io n t o

make any such prefere nces, limitations o r discnmination. We will

not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in vio-

lation of this law. All persons are hereby in-

720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co.

660 - Livestock

140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co. YARD SALE MAP

In order to publish the map, we must have a minimum of 10 ads scheduled for Wednesdays(!tFndays


CUSTOM SHEEP shearing call Caleb or Jeff Smith, (541)962-5416 F OR SA L E b ull s . Angus/salers/optimizers. 2 y r o l ds (!t y earlings. b l (! t r e d . S eaman a n d tr ic k tested Ca n d e l i ver. R easonable p r i c e s . 541-372-530 3 or 208-741-6850.

Office, 1915 First St., Baker City or

The Observer Office, 1406 Fifth Street, LaGrande.

2-BDRM, 2 bath, plus a den great for an office. Apartment located on t he 9th floor of T he Baker Tower. This is the only unit on t h at floor. Very pnvate and quiet.

Available 6/15/14 Approx. 2,200 SF Newly remodeled. Abundant natural light with fantastic views to

t he south, east a n d North from the tallest b uilding i n B ake r . High-end kitchen appliances: D i s hw asher, Oven, Refngerator, Mic rowave . W al k in c loset T i l e k i t c h e n counter tops. Tile floors in kitchen and b at hroo m s. Sta ck-a bIe washer and dryer loc ated in u n it . W a t e r and garbage paid for by the Landlord. Electncity is paid for by the Tenant. Secured buildi ng on e v e ning a n d weekends. No p ets. No smoking. Off-street parking available.Lease term of 1 y e a r p r ef erred . Re nt is

$1,075.00/ Month, Security D ep o s i t of $550.00 i s r e q u ired along with a Cleaning

Deposit of $150.00. For more information c a I I: HoIIy 1-541-728-0603 or visit:

3-BDRM, 1 bath. $ 625 W/S paid. Completely remodeled.Downtown QUARTER HORSE for location. 541-523-4435 sale. "Sandi" 27year old is gentle and great APARTMENTS AVAIL with kids. Blue nbbon All utilities paid. for 4-H champion. Ter- $450/mo and up, +dep r ific s t a r t e r h o r s e . References required $500. 541-963-5980. 541-403-2220

2 yr. old Polled Hereford Bulls, $2250. ea. Will be semen t e sted (!t Private party advertisers only. 3 days must run consecutively. Yard Sale ready to go to w o rk. map publishes Wednesday and Friday with minimum or 10 ads Ca II Jay S ly , I (541 ) 742-2229.

140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

All real estate advertised here-in is sublect to th e F e d e ral F a ir H ousing A ct , w h i c h makes it illegal to advertise any preference,

650 - Horses, Mules

For information call JULIE 541-523-3673

140 - Yard, Garage Sales-Baker Co.

710 - Rooms for Rent NOTICE

2 BDRM $5 00./mo + $375/dep No Smoking, No Pets. 541-523-5756



iB St

Commercial Rentals 1200 plus sq. ft. professional office space. 4 offices, reception area, Ig. conference/ break area, handicap access. Pnce negotiable per length of lease.

deer, moose, buying 1-BDRM, UTILITIES paid $475/mo + $300/dep all grades. Fair honest 541-403-0070 p rices. Call N ate a t 541-786-4982.




serves the nght to reformed that all dwellI ect ads that d o n o t i ngs a d vertised a r e comply with state and available on an equal federal regulations or opportunity basis. that a r e o f f e n s ive, EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUfalse, misleading, deNlTY ceptive or o t herwise unacceptable. GREENWELL MOTEL 541-963-4134 ext. 101 Rent $450/mo. WHEELCHAIR RAMP. Furnished room w/microCustom made, v e ry wave, small fridge, color sturdy. 303-910-8478 TV, phone (!t all utilities or 541-523-2869 i ncluded. 30 5 A d a m s Ave. La Grande.

475 - Wanted to Buy

To receive our



541-51 9-0259

or 541-805-9576 BIC


%METAL RECYCLING We buy all scrap metals, vehicles (!t battenes. Site clean ups (!t drop off bins of all sizes. Pick up service available. WE HAVE MOVED! Our new location is 3370 17tI1 St Sam Haines Enterpnses 541-51 9-8600

NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS DO YOU need papers to Art prolects (!t more! start your fire with? Or a re yo u m o v i n g ( ! t Super for young artists! $2.00 8r up need papers to wrap Stop in today! those special items? 1406 Fifth Street The Baker City Herald at 1915 F i rst S t r eet 541-963-31 61 sells tied bundles of papers. Bundles, $1.00 SWINGSET 8r Trampoeach. line $150./ea Blow-up B oat w / o a rs . $ 4 0 . 541-403-11 33


Furniture Repair Custom Woodwork 541-523-2480

450 - Miscellaneous

WE BUY all classes of horses, 541-523 — 6119; J.A. Bennett L i v estock, Baker City, OR.

FAMILY HOUSING We offer clean, attractive two b edroom a partments located in quiet and wel l m a i ntained settings. Income restnctions apply. •The Elms, 2920 Elm S t., Baker City. C u rre n t ly av a i I a b I e 2-bdrm a p a rtments. Most utilities paid. On site laundry f a cilities

and playground. Accepts HUD vouchers. Call M ic h e l l e at (541)523-5908.

+SPECIAL+ $200 off

1st months rent! This institute is an

equal opportunity provider.

Q l8

TDD 1-800-545-1833

• 0





Monday: noon Friday Wednesday: noon Tuesday Friday: no o n Thursday DISPLAY ADS:

2 days prior to publication date

R E l

Baker City HeraId: 541-523-3673e •• Fax: 541-523-6426' The Observer: 541-963-3161e • • Fax: 541-963-3674 xg w 720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co. ELKHORN VILLAGE APARTMENTS

720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co.

720 - Apartment Rentals Baker Co. AVAIL. NOW! Newly re- UPSTAIRS STUDIO. modeled, aprox. 960 ONE UNIT AVAIL.

Senior a n d Di s a b l ed Housing. A c c e pting applications for those aged 62 years or older as well as those disabled or handicapped of any age. Income restrictions apply. Call Candi: 541-523-6578

CLEAN, QUIET 2-bdrm. S tove, f r i dge, d i s hw asher. $ 4 0 0 / m o . Contact Nelson Real Estate. 541-523-6485





CLOSE TO EOU 2bdrm basement a p t . , a ll sq. ft., 2-bdrm, 2-bath Remodeled, New Winutilities paid, coin-op apartment unit located dows, Ne w E x t e rior laundry, No smoking, on the 7th floor of The Paint. All utilities paid, No pets. $ 5 50/mo, Baker Tower. Abuni ncluding D i s h n e t p lus $ 5 0 0 d e p o s it dant natural light with work. Laundry on site. 541-91 0-3696 v iews t o t h e s o u t h , $475/mo w/$475 deSENIOR AND DISeast and west. Stainposit. 541-523-3035 or ABLED HOUSING less steel kitchen ap541-51 9-5762 Clover Glen Apartpliances: Dishwasher, ments, 2212 Cove Oven, Refngerator, Mi- 725 - Apartment Avenue, crowave. Tile kitchen Rentals Union Co. La Grande countertops. Tile floors 2109 3 RD St . , 1 b / 1 b Clean at well appointed 1 in kitchen and b a t hApartment, W/S/G Inat 2 bedroom units in a r ooms. St a c k a b l e cluded, Coin-op Launquiet location. Housing washer and dryer lodry, Fr ee W i- Fi , for those of 62 years c ated in u n it . W a t e r $475/m o A v a iIa b I e or older, as well as and garbage paid for 7/1/14 541-963-1210 those disabled or by the Landlord. Elechandicapped of any or rent, tncity is paid for by the age. Rent based on inl ocated d o w n t o w n , Tenant. Secured buildcome. HUD vouchers walking distance to lo i ng on e v e ning a n d accepted. Call Joni at cal businesses, nice weekends. No p ets, 541-963-0906 and spacious, utilities no smoking. Off-street TDD 1-800-735-2900 incl. 509-592-8179. p arking av a i l a b l e . Lease term of 1 year This institute is an equal CENTURY 21 preferred. R e n t i s PROPERTY $735.00/ Month, SecuMANAGEMENT nty Deposit of $550.00 i s required a t l e a s e execution. For more information



call 541-728-0603 or visit:





725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co.


opportunity provider.




725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co.

725 - Apartment Rentals Union Co.

Welcome Home!




(541) 963-7476

307 20th Street


at COVE APARTMENTS 1906 Cove Avenue

2310 East Q Avenue La Grande,QR 97850


tmana er@ slcommunities.c

Income Restnctions

Apply Professionally Managed by GSL Properties Located Behind La Grande Town Center

APPLY today to qualify for subsidized rents at these quiet and centrally located multifamily housing properties.


1, 2 8t 3 bedroom units with rent based on income when available.

800 N 15th Ave Elgin, OR 97827

Prolect phone ¹: (541)963-3785 TTY: 1(800)735-2900


Now accepting applica67 tions f o r fed e r a l ly funded housing. 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units with rent based on income when available. 730 - Furnished

Prolect phone number: 541-437-0452 TTY: 1(800)735-2900

NICE 1 bdrm apartment 2 bd, 1 ba. Call Century Pinehurst Apartments 2 bdrm, in house. Wi-fi W/S/G paid $1200/mo. in Baker City. Elderly 21, Eagle Cap Realty. 1502 21st St. or Disabled. S u b si541-963-1210 "This institute is an (541)388-8382 La Grande I I • dized Low Rent. BeauequaI opportunity 740 - Duplex Rentals tiful River Setting. All CLOSE TO do wntown A ttractive one and tw o provider." I • I a nd E O U , st u d i o , Baker Co. u tilities p a i d e x c e p t bedroom units. Rent p hone a n d cab l e . w/s/g pd, no smoking, 2-BDRM, 1 bath duplex based on income. InE qual O p p o r t u n i t y no pets, $375 month, w/carport, carpet at all come restrictions ap$ 30 0 depos it . housing. Call T a ylor stainless steel appliply. Now accepting ap- La Grande Retirement 541-91 0-3696. RE a t M g mt at Apartments ances. Quiet area near plications. Call Lone at 503-581-1813. 767Z 7th Street, La nver. W/S/G and yard (541 ) 963-9292. CLOSE TO downtown, TTY-711 maintenance included. Grande, Oregon 97850 nice 1 brdm, all utiliNo smoking, no pets. ties pd, no smoking, This institute is an equal $500/mo plus dep. Call opportunity provider. no pets, coin-op launMake your advertising Senior and Disabled 541-523-0527(Days) or dry, $500 mo, $450 Complex dollars go further! List 541-523-5459 (Nights) dep. 541-910-3696. your business every day Affordable Housing! 745 - Duplex Rentals CLOSE TO EOU, small TDD 1-800-735-2900 in the Service Directory Rent based on instudio, all utilities pd, Union Co. come. Income restncin our classified section no smoking/no pets, www.La rande 2BDRM, W / S p aid , tions apply. Call now $395 mo, $300 dep. of this newspaper. fenced yard $625/mo to apply! 541-91 0-3696. plus deposit. Mt. Emily Prop. 541-962-1074 Beautifully updated Community Room, featur- CLEAN QUIET Southby Stella Wilder ing a theatre room, a side, 3 bed, 2 bath, pool table, full kitchen laundry room w/ hook WEDNESDAY,JUNE 4, 20)4 havebeenin thepast;you'rem oreinterested yetyou may notbeready to m akethechangand island, and an ups, dw, new winYOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder in forging a new,original "you"! es required ifyou explore further. electnc fireplace. dows/doors/paint, tile, Renovated units! Born today, youenjoy dabbling in all kinds LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Others will AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Certain patio, No pets/smokof things, and you can often be found in the swing into your orbit — and out again — all mysteries prevail, and you're eager to get to ing. $765/mo Please call (541) 541-963-9430. most unexpected or unlikely of places. day long. There is something about you that the bottom of at least one of them. Clues 963-7015 for more inIndeed, exploring is what you enjoy most attracts all kinds. abound; interpretation is key. formation. EXCELLENT 3 bdrm duand,to a large degree,whatyou do best.If VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — What you PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may plex, storage, South there' san issuethatneedsto beuncovered,a see is, indeed, what you will get -- at least in want to let your turn pass at this time, to give TTY 1-800-735-2900 Side La Grande location, close to EOU No mystery exposed or anything else revealed, most cas es. Where love is concerned, get yoursel fa greateropportunity to prepare for This institute is an Equal smoking o r pet s . the next round. you arethe one for the job -- as long as it ready for a wild ride. Opportunity Provider. $ 725/ m o . C a II requires exploring! You love getting involved LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Take carethat ARIES (March 21-Apr!I 19) -- You're 541-963-4907. I



in the nitty-gritty of things; you're not the kind to enjoy a "broad strokes" approach to anythingbecause you prefer examining the details quite closely, You like knowing how things work -- and why —and that goes for people aswell asdevices! THURSDAY,JUNE5

GEMINI(May21-Junezo) — Itisbest that you put yourselfin fine array as others will be judging you onstyle aswell as substance. This is a strength!

CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Youdon't want to borrow from yourselfas much asyou

you don't confuse the emotional with the seeking something that cannot be found in intellectual. Your best bet, in fact, is to get out the usual ways. The moment you release ofyour head for now. yourself from its thrall, it may well become SCORPIO (Ocl. 23-Nov. 21) - You have available. what it takes to impress someone who is not TAURUS (Apr!I 20-May 20) -- You're easily impressed. The results, particularly readyto begin what somewould call a "workafter dark,arem orethanyou im agined. ing vacation," but you really don't see anySAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - You thing but fun in what lies ahead- - or do yout maybe haunted by a notion that has recently aDIIQn F a a q u pl »« t n R y p a« «c kept you up at night — but today you'll find a CQPYRIGHT2tln UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE INC way to freeyourselffrom itforgood. DtnRIBUIED BYUNIVERSAL UCLICK FQRUn llawr tst K » c e a c rc a a r r rr67s CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan. 19) - There is a certain attraction that cannot be denied,

36 37 38 40

1 Drawn tight 5 Sharp bark 8 Contented murmurs 12 Dull hurt 13 Acid rain grp. 14 Tucked in 15 Garbage bin output 16 Buyer and seller 18 Rub the wrong way? 20 Friend or — ? 21 Spouse's mom

41 45 49 51 52 53 54 55 56



1 Way of Lao-tzu 2 "Who Made Who" rockers 3 Klutz's cry

23 26 29 31

Night before Admonish Pilot's flap Clark —, aka Superman 32 Same old routine 33 B-movie pistols 34 Took up or let out 1



Sizable purse Fabric meas. Bakers' musts Paul Anka's "— Beso" Gives thumbs-up Still thirsty Lawless role Young horse Afore Put Night hunters AMA members This, in Spain

(hyph.) 4 Prefix for "trillion" 5 Mideast nation 6 Chimpanzee 7 Frozen dessert






13 16 18



21 26



























$600/mo. w/deposit. References required. (760)413-0001 or (760) 41 3-0002.


PICTURE PERFECT:Log cabin on Eagle Creek.

36 Impatient chuck 39 Twig junctures 40 House wings 42 Grease gun target 43 Enthusiastic shouts 44 Grumpy mood 45 Unexplained sighting 46 At present 47 "My gal" of

A vail. June 15. 5 m i . from Richland. Quiet at

secluded, 2-bdrm, 1 bath. Unfurnished with W/D, wood at electric heat, range at fridge. 12x16 storage building. Iarge garden area w/8x10 shed. Phone, DSL, cable available $750/mo and $750 s ecur it y de p os it 541-893-6341

song 53 55


• 0

NICE CLEAN 2 bdrm, 1ba. w/d, stove, fndge, 1 /2 garage, w/s p d , suitable fo r 1 o r 2 a dults, n o p e t s , n o smoking, not HUD approved. $575/mo. $400 dep. 310 1st St. LG. (541)910-5200

Now accepting applications f o r fed e r a l ly 750 - Houses For f unded ho using f o r Rent Baker Co. t hos e t hat a re sixty-two years of age or older, and h andi*LIVE III PAR ABISE* capped or disabled of Beautiful Home. any age. 1 and 2 bed2-bdrm,1-bath room units w it h r e nt in Sumpter. b ased o n i nco m e W/S/G paid. Wood when available. stove at propane. Pnvate nverside park $450/mo. + dep. Prolect phone ¹: 541-437-0452 541-894-2263

31 Round Table knight 32 Canceled 35 Sub-



Mallard Heights 870 N 15th Ave Elgin, OR 97827

1 BDRM in Cove, $450, w/s/g pd. NE Property Mgmt. 541-910-0354

780 - Storage Units A PLUS RENTALS has storage units availab!e.

1607 1 ST. S t . 3 b / 2 b 5x12 $30 per mo. home, W/D included, 8x8 $25-$35 per mo. fenced yard, $875/mo. 8x10 $30 per mo. 'plus deposit' 541-963-1210 1433 Madison Ave., 3 BDRM, 2 ba in Elgin. or 402 Elm St. La $800/mo. W/S pd. Grande. Ca II 541-910-3696 (541 ) 910-0354 3BDRM, 2BA, Mobile in LG, w/s paid, a/c, HUD

approved, $895 + dep. 541-91 0-01 22 3BRDM, 1BA, fe nced yard, clean, 1 yr lease, 1106 F St. LG $900/mo 541-963-7517

ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS 3 bdrm, 2 ba, fenced yard, garage, storage, $1,395/mo 541-91 0-4444 C HARM ING 3 B R D M , 1ba large house. NO Pets, NO Sm oking. $775/moplus $800 deposit 541-215-2571

MCHOR MIII STOIULGI Secure Keypad Entry Auto-Lock Gate Security Ligllting Fenced Area (6-foot barb) IIEW 11x36 units for aBig Boy Toys" • • • • •

S2S-1688 2512 14th


CLASSIC STORAGE 541-524-1534

La Grande-Island City:


2805 L Street

1 BR apts, 3 BR duplex 1 BR house 2 BR house La Grande 3 BR house Union Ranch-N-Home Rentals, Inc 54 1-963-5450

IN UNION Large older home $750/mo + dep. Mt. E m il y P r o p erty 541-962-1074

Vanety of Sizes Available Secunty Access Entry RV Storage

SAt'-T-STOR SECURESTORAGE Surveillance Cameras Computenzed Entry Covered Storage Super size 16'x50'

541-523-2128 3100 15th St. Baker City

LARGE 3 BDRM, 2b a house, good size yard, u pdated i n t erior, l o cated in land City No

pets, $900/mo. Call 541-975-380 0 or 541-663-6673

STEV ENSONSTORAGE •Mini W-arehouse • Outside Fenced Parking • ReasonableRates For informationcall:

REMODELED 2BR, 2BA in Cove. 1900+ sq ft, 528-N18days 3.5+/- fenced acres, 5234807evellings g reat v i ew ! Sho p , b arn, o r c hard, a p 378510th Street proved animals OIC, yard maintenance provided. N o s m o king. 795 -Mobile Home $ 1000/mo + d e p . 541-568-4540. Spaces SPACES AVAILABLE, S MALLER 2 B D R M , one block from Safetrailer in Lower Perry, way, trailer/RV spaces. $445/mo inlcuded w/s. W ater, s e w er , g a r 541-975-3837 bage. $200. Jeri, mana ger. La Gra n d e TAKING APPS. 2bdrm, 541-962-6246 1ba, Southside LG. All applinces included as well as dw, and w/d. Garbage paid. Sm priv at e y a rd , No smoking/pets $650/mo + $300 secunty. dep. 54-963-5740 UNION, 3 B D, 1 B T H $ 750. 2 B D $65 0 . 820 - Houses For 541-91 0-0811

760 - Commercial Rentals

Sale Baker Co.

2.89 ACRES w/ 2 001 Manufactured 3 bdrm 20 X40 shop, gas heat, Home 99,000 C a sh roll-up a nd w a l k -in 541-519-9846 Durkee doors, restroom, small o ffice s p ace, $ 3 5 0 2505 COURT St. 3-bdrm, month, $300 deposit. 2-bath w/basement, Ig. 541-91 0-3696. lot, storage at MUCH more! Broker Ann MeBEARCO TTY: 1(800)735-2900 OREGON TRAIL PLAZA haffy, 541-519-0698 BUSINESS PARK Answer to Previous Puzzle 1-2 bdrm mobile homes Has 6000, 3000, 2000 sq "This Institute is an starting at $400/mo. ft units, all have over- 3350 ESTES St. 3-bdrm, equaI opportunity GO O H O OF S P U D Includes W/S/G 1 bath with attached 1 heard doors and man provider." RV spaces avail. Nice 1/2 garage on a corner RP M O R AL CO N E doors. Call quiet downtown location lot. $112,500. Please 541-963-7711 I AN R E FA S H I O N 541-523-2777 call: 541-403-0958 PL I E D WOO HOME SWEET HOME BEAUTY SALON/ Office space perfect FSBO: Sm., cute 2-bdrm Cute atClean W E A R D O M E D NEW, 1bdr, 1 ba, w/d, for one or two opera2 at 3-Bdrm Homes 1-bath on 2 1/4 acres GO R E B EA L U A U m ico, dw , r e f , a n d No Smoking/1 small ters 15x18, icludeds w/view.Close to town. r ange, w/s/g pd, no restroom a n d off pet considered. EL I B AR S S E $100,000. smoking, c l o s e to street parking. Call Ann Mehaffy (760)413-0001 or (760) LE F T A CE S K Y S at EOU, s e c luded $500 mo at $250 dep 541-51 9-0698 41 3-0002. quiet. 12th St., Ed Moses:(541)519-1814 541-91 0-3696 S O F A R T A M E garage parking, Pet ? L E A O T H E R 4-BDRM, 2 1/2 ba th in BIG!!! SHOP w/office, PRICE R E D UCED to No smoking,$750/mo. $155,000. Fully remodNorth Baker. 3000 sq. 2000 sq ft, 2 overhead + dep. 541-910-3568 S P E E D B UM P O V A eled home in beautiful, ft. Avail. May 3, Doudoors, large f e nced EA R N I S LE G E M NEWLY REMODELED, b le Garage, S h o p, outside storage area, q uiet a nd priv a t e 4b/1.5b A p a rtment, neighborhood. Located Fenced yard. Beautiful heat, a/c, will rent part WH A T T AB S S R S W/S/G Included, W/D at 3660 9th Dr. 1300 historic h o m e . No or all. Call for details 6-4-14 © 20 1 4 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclickfor UFS included, Free W i-Fi, sq. ft. home is 3-bdrm, Smoking. $ 1250/mo 541-963-51 25. $1400/mo . Available 2 bath with office/launp lu s d epos it . 8/1/14 541-963-1210 dry room at attached OFFICE SPACE, approx 541-403-11 88 8 Late tennis 19 Fish's rudder garage. Custom hard1300sq ft, r e ception STUDIO APARTMENTS AVAIL. July 1st. Lease a nd waiting room. 3 wood cabinets, granite great 22 Magna cumHUD A P P ROVED, option to buy: 3 bdrm, countertops, stainless 9 Santa — winds 23 Livy's "it was" offices, restrooms, all walking distance to lo2 bath fully remodeled. utilities paid . $9 0 0 steel appliances, new 10 Rome wrecker 24 Pull the lever c al businesses a n d Huge backyard. 2020 c arpet, tile a t w o o d month, $800 deposit. 11 Barracks off. 25 Annapolis grad restaurants, for more P I u m S t. $900/m o. 541-91 0-3696. f loors. 1/ 4 a c r e l o t 17 Monk's hood 26 Fuse together i nfo r m a t i o n c al l 1st, last, $900 refundcompletely landscaped 509-592-81 79 27 Colony a ble dep. N o p e t s . with automatic sprin780 Storage Units members 541-379-2645. Ba ker. 8 9 10 11 klers. Photos can be STUDIO, a I I ut i l i t i e s 28 AAA viewed at p aid., ac , c l o s e t o CUTE SMALL 2- bdrm, 1 suggestion Contac t D an at EOU, $4 2 5/ m o bath on 2 1/4 acres w/ 541-403-1223 30 "I" trouble 541-91 0-0811 v iew. Close to t o w n .


Union County Senior Living

752 - Houses for Rent Union Co.

Apartments Baker FURNISHED 1300 sq ft,



48 Use poor judgment 50 Oklahoma town

<<SIF Ec»

• 0

SUNFIRE REAL Estate LLC. has Houses, Duplexes at Apartments for rent. Call Cheryl Guzman fo r l i s t ings, 541-523-7727.



+ Security Fenced + Coded Entry + Lighted foryourprotection + 4 different size units + Lots ol RVstorage 41298 Chico Rd, Baker City offRocahontas

7X11 UNIT, $30 mo. $25 dep. (541 ) 910-3696.

825 - Houses for Sale Union Co. (FSBO) COMPLETELY

remodeled and Extremely well cared for 3br, 2 bath home with a 2 car detached garage plus 2 small storage buildings. This home is located in Union on approximately 1/4 acres with great landscaping, wood deck, patio, fruit trees and a very large garden area. Pnced to sell $169,800, caII Mike 541-200-4872 for a showing.

American West Storage 7 days/24 houraccess HOUSE FOR SALE N ewly R e m odeld, 2 541-523-4564 bdrm, 1bth. At 2604 COMPETITIVE RATES Behind Armory on East North Ash. To see call and H Streets. Baker City 541-963-3614

• 0

10B —THE OBSERVER a BAKER CITY HERALD 825 - Houses for Sale Union Co.

850 - Lots & Property Baker Co.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014 855 - Lots & Property Union Co.

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices 3 6 x 4 8 ROSE RIDGE 2 Subdivi- 2007 CHEVY Im p ala. CITY OF HAINES

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

970 - Autos For Sale

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

am — 4:00 pm, office 5 .78 A CRES, receive Petitions and shop, full bath, well sion, Cove, OR. City: Hwy miles, set snow C andidacy f i l in g b y closed from 1:00 pm- A yard sale is a great 8L septic installed. 7 Sewer/VVater available. t ires in c l . $230 0 . CANDIDATES FILING 3:30 pm , T u e s day, 2:00 pm for lunch. way to get people to August 26, 2014. Filmi. from town. Price Regular price: 1 acre 541-524-934 7 or FOR NONPARTISAN pay you to move all The City of Haines reduced to $166,600. m/I $69,900-$74,900. 541-51 9-0259 NOMINATION FOR CITY ings will be submitted compiies with the items you no lon503-385-8577 We also provide property COUNCIL/MAYOR- 2014 to the County Clerk by Section 504 of the management. C heck 980 - Trucks, PickGENERAL ELECTION 5:00 pm on Tuesday, ger need. And an ad in Rehabilitation Act of 855 - Lots & PropAugust 26, 2014 for out our rental link on ups 1973 and the Americans The Observer classierty Union Co. our w ebs i t e Eligible candidates must certification. with Disabiiities Act. fieds is a great way to 1991 F O R D F -1 5 0 . be registered to vote The City of Hainesis an 1/3 T O 3 a cr e lo t s , 2-WD, 5-speed Stanget yard sale shopm or c aII in Oregon and m ust Positions: equai opportunity South 12th, beautiful dard V8, Cruise con2-ye a r term Empioyer and Provider. Ranch-N-Home Realty, h ave resided i n t h e Mayor pers to your address. view, 62 creek starting trol, $1600. 519-4510. In c 541-963-5450. City of Haines during Call us today at 541a t $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 . Ca I I the 12 months imme- Councilor 4 - y ear term Legal No. 00036386 541-91 0-3568. 963-3161 or 541-523Published: June 4, 2014 2012 GMC Canyon 5cly, diately preceding the e I 3673! extended cab, Silver Councilor 4 y ear term B EAUTIFUL VIE W November election. Metallic Pick-up. Like LOTS f o r s a Ie by o wner i n C ov e O R . 880 - Commercial New! 2wd, all power, Twenty (20) nominating Councilor 4 - y ear term air conditioning, autosignatures a r e re3.02 acres, $55,000 Property m atic t r a n s m i s s i o n quired. Signers must For further information or a nd 4 ac r e s BEST CORNER location Only 4,000 miles and $79,000. Please caII be registered to vote assistance please confor lease on A dams 208-761-4843. s till u nde r Fa c t o r y in the City of Haines. tact C i t y R e c o r d er Ave. LG. 1100 sq. ft. Warranty. $17,000 obo Valene Russell, MonCORNER LOT. Crooked Lg. pnvate parking. Re541-962-0895 day — Thursday 8:00 The City Recorder must C reek S u b d i v i s i o n . m odel or us e a s i s . 11005 ICristen W ay . 541-805-91 23 101 ft. x 102 ft. Island Public Notice City. $70,000. A rmand o Rob l e s , FORM UR-2 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING 541-963-3474, A pubhc meetmg ofthe City of La Crande Urb n Renewal Agencywillbe held nJune 18,2014 at 600pm at City all, 1000 Adams Avenue, La Crand, Oregon The 541-975-4014 purpose ofthis meetmg is to discuss the bud et for the fiscal year begmmng uly 1, 2014 as approved by the La rande's Urban Renewal Agency's Bu get Committee A

$395,000 GREAT VIEWS OFTHE CITY, MOUNTAINS AND VALLEY from this 371 6 sq. ft. home. Updated home. Kitchen has a cooking island with all the appliances included. Large living room with hard wood flooring and a fireplace. Lower level has a huge family , room with custom wet bar and fireplace. 5-bedrooms, 4-bathrooms. 14263396 Century 21 , Eagle Cap Realty, , 541-9634511.

MT. VIEW estates subdivision, Cove, OR. 2.73 acres for sale. Electnc ava il. $49,9 00 . 208-761-4843.

Must see listing! New floonng, paint, and

co unte rs $79,000. 280 S College, Union. ~541 805-8074

s ummary o t e u g e t is presente e o w •

915- Boats & Motors

1001 - Baker County Legal Notices NOTICE

The City of Haines Landfill is open to all resi2002 6h p M e r c ury. dents of B a ker and 541-786-5674. Owner U nion Counties. T h e licensed real e s t ate Clean, Good Condition. Landfill is open 7:00 agent. $850. 1201 Place St. am to 1:00 pm every Baker, 541-523-2606 Saturday. Closures are possibl e due t o One of the n icest 930 - Recreational weather conditions, so things about want Vehicles check for upa ds i s t h e i r l o v v THE SALE of RVs not please dates at 541beanng an Oregon incost. Another is the 856-3366, press ¹2 for signia of compliance is Landfill. quick results. Try a illegal: cal l B u i lding classified ad today! Codes (503) 373-1257. LegaI No. 00036214 Call our classified Published: May 23, 26, a d d e p a r t m e n t PRESIDENT GOLF Cart. June 4,13, 2014 Good cond. Repriced today to place your at $2999. Contact Lisa ad. q uiet c u l -de-sac, i n 1981 SEA Nymph 12' Sunny Hills, South LG. Fishing Boat w/Trailer.

Call Us Today: 541-9634174 See all RMLS Listings:


(541 ) 963-21 61

840 -Mobile Homes Baker Co.


2-BDRM W/LG Added L iving R m . , P o r c h , Storage, Cute Fenced Yard. Mt. View P a rk H alfway $ 3 2 0 0 . 0 0 425-919-9218

FOR SALE, like new. 3bdrm, 2 bath, double wide mobile home. In new addition at Sundowner Mobile Park, sp ¹94. 541-91 0-351 3.







MOtprCo. M.J.GDSS 1415 Adams Ave • 541-963-4161

Sell your unwanted car, property and h ousehold items more quickly and affordably with the classifieds. Just call us today to place your a d and get r e ady t o s tart c o u n t in g y o u r cash. The Observer 541963-3161 or Baker City Herald 541-523-3673.

i I bb etac Ivbflag a de b g

E 4 I


Adbpted 8 dgeI Th i rea 20 13

2012 13 B eg» g F d B a l a ce/Net wb L g c a p i a l Fede al, SIate a d AllDIhe C, ami R e e e f b Bb di a d DI h e D e b t imef d T a i fe i AllDIhe Rei b c e i D c e I D » i b b f T a 8 3 e ca l L e Re e e f b D» i b b f T a Total Resoul'ces

App b ed 8 dgeI

1,567,725 233 775

500,000 863,108 30500 875 000

2 918 958 5

3 754375 FINANCIAL SUMMART — REQUIREMENTSBy OBJECT CLASSIFI CATION 309,772 1,52'I,95'I 108,321 993,790

Captal 0 Ilav Debt Se ce imef d T a i fe i C bm e c e i u a b at e d E d F Total Re ull'emetlts

d Bal a c e

817 538

3 754375

ei b cei

'I08,001 2,630,000 385,871 1,035,001 125 000 38'I 56'I

2 918 958 5

FINANCIAL SUMMART — REQUIREMENTS By ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM NamebfD g a z a t b a l u t b p b g a FTEfb tha t I b p bg a 3,75'I,375

8 dgetedfb 2 0 1 I 1 5a e I b lb a


332,970 9 4 6cm 8 267,0'I6 863,108 158 690 350 696

3 754375

Total Re ull'emetlts Total FTE

Ne I rea 2014 15 912NI36 25 000 2,000,000 1,035,001 33 000 963 000


993,790 'I'I 910 91'I175

Mate ali a dSe cei



'I, 968, 'I 3 7

2 918958

4 968 437

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIESand SOURCES OF FINANCING lba bf 15 0 0 0 0 0 a d t h e b t h e b id be f b 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 I h b g h s e l l g b b d i

0 e b id be a i h b I t e


E st ated Debt 0 I i t a d

E it a t e d Debt 4 Ih b z e d 8 I

Iv I,2013

Natl c


ed b I iv I

11 330 198 976 117

D Ihe Bb d i DIie B b

fOr our mOSt Current OfferS and to brOWSe our Complete inventory.

845 -Mobile Homes Union Co.

enue, etween t e ours o

Telephb e 54 1 96 2 1309

Cbmad R b ben St bpe



copy o t e u get may e msp cte or o tame at


SI500 000 1500 000

Total 12,306,315 Ifmores oce isneededtocom leteen sectionof this form insertbnes (rows)onthissheetoroddsheets youmo delete unusedhnes


Publish: June 4, 2014 Legal no. 4873

Public Notice FORM LB-1


beI ee Ihehb s b f B a

a d5p

Th s b d g eI s f a a

al b d g e l pe bd Ths b dgeI a s p e pa edba b a ss bfaccb I g l h I s I hesa e a s s edlhepeced gyea

Tele hb e 541 962 1309

Cbmad R bben St b e

Fmal i t

b e c t bf l a a de b


Adb ted 8 d eI Th irea 20 13

I I, 10'I, 3 5 0 9,090,097 'I l l 2 169 5,256,3'IB 272 250 3 935 2'IO 33 770454

4 b ed B d eI Ne Irea 2014 15 I1,978,286 9, 'I'I 5,5 2 9 'I281586 5,6'I'I,287 27'I 925 3 951 890 35 576 503

12 259 939

I1,620,96'I 6 7rm 480 5,782,202 36 I 323 I 297 532 1,956,566 6 007 387

llai36,662 6 139'I33 5,871,255 3 5 'I 3 2 'I 2 289 6'il 1,821,976 6 086 92'I




2012 13

by Stella Wilder may become confused for 8 time with the CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — It'5 unknown, though this doesn't aggravate8 time tO giVeSOmeOneWhO has taught yOU current home situation. much the credit that he or shereally deserves, LEO (Jufy 23-ALIg. 22) — You arefacing 8 asone chapter givesway to the next. problem that was not of your making. Give AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18) -- A distursomeonethechance to do what he or she bancein the natural rhythms that you enjoy thinks ispossible —then correct it. at home may give you goodreasonto pursue VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —The ability 8 goal notusually right for you. to go with the flow will certainlycomein PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Those handy, but8 certain development may give around you are likely focusing onissuesthat youpausetoward midday. are not central to the current problem you LIBRA (Sept. 23i ect. 22) — Events tug at face.Youhold the key, however. your heart and make it impossible for you to ARIES (March 21-Aprif 19) — Satisfaction approach8 certain situation as"strictly busi- is something that only you can give yourself ness."It is personal. right now, tryasyou might to involve others. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —You have They're not yet onboard. TAURUS (Aprif 20-May 20) -- It's8 good just enough time to do8 certain something that8certain someoneis waiting patiently for idea to give yourselfmore time to accomplish two or three routine things. This may require you to do. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - You 8 shift in perspective. canbemuch more specific about your own IEbIIbas F ds B q e pl u« t d ay F a mu C endeavors than you have been in the past, CbrraidBT2tlli UNITED FEATURE SYNDICATE INC and others will be keen on learning about bisIBIBUIEb BYUNIVERSALUCLICKFba UFB lllews tst K u o t r i abaiiea wtl23367li CANCER (June21-July 22) —The known them.

THURSDAY,JUNE 5, 2IJ14 YOUR BIRTHDAY byStella Wilder Born today, you are never satisfied with the statusquo, yet you do like things tobecomfortable and familiar. How do you reconcile this seeming conflict in your natureg To begin with, you must recognize that this comeswith being 8 true Gemini native - - you possess 8greatmanyseeminglycontradictory traits that, brought together in onepackage, serveto make you 8 strong, vibrant, compelling individual. "Exciting" is perhaps the word most people use to describeyou. Indeed, when you enter 8 room, things change - forthe betterorworse,and often permanently. You're not the kind to let things happen around you without participating directly insomeway. FRIDAY, JUNE6 GEMINI (May21-June20) —You're nearing the midwaypoint of8journey that is only truly known to you. Your destination is 8 mystery, but8 clear idea is forming.

B eg» g F d B a la ce/Netwb k g c a p t a l Feei, Lce iei,IN Ii, F ei, Assess e Ii 8 OIhe Se ce Cha gei Fede al, SIaIe a d All OIhe C, ami, C, Iti, AllbcaI b i a d Db aI b i imef d T a i fe i / im e al S e c e R e b i e e t i A ll QIhe Reib c e i D c e I c e I r ea 8 b e I T a e i c em rea 8 b en Ta ei Est ated tbbe Rece ed Total Resoul'ces

I1,725,28'I 8,813,27'I 2 226 059 5,380,6'II 325'I00 3 766 19'I 32 236 852

FINANCIAL SUMMARY I N ib e i S e c e i Mate ali a dSe cei

Cap tal 0 Ilav Debt Se ce imef d T a i f e i Cbm ge c ei ua b a t edEnd B a lace a d R eie edfb FI eE e dI e Total Requirements

RE UIREMENTS By 08 ECT CLASSIFICATI ON 10,2'I8,812 5 'I20 2'I5 2, 3 7 8, 'I 7 5 36 9 5 23 I 559 858




I b





I'I 189 320

9 835 396

10 769'I32

795 780


8'I'I 191

454 485

532 397

506 533

2 598 129 30 0 2 679 839

3231 076 30 75 2 591 118

2 972 785 27 6 2 930 183

I 006 111 7 15 'IBB 61'I 55 557 734

I'I08250 65 563 093


615 959

659 5'IB


536 96'I 3 00 'il9 037

'I60 706 3 75 'I25 603

13 I'I2 266 30 33 770454 115 15

12 'I33 072

'I 00 359 930 00 8 6'I 7 'I86

911 EMERc,ENcr FTE


Total Re ull'emetlts Total FTE

32 236 852 113 15

522 357

34 002 644 113 25

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIESand SOURCES OF FINANCING me 8 ticwbLi ate d»ib hai ed eiteda ate cease


a em Rate Le v

CROSSWORI3 PUZZLER 1 Debtors' notes 5 Mind-reader's letters 8 Cat or turkey 11 Chomp 13 Be untruthful 14 Ending for depart 15 He played the Wiz 16 Downy fruit 18 Bean or Welles 20 Taiga denizen 21 H.H. Munro 23 Hwys. 25 In case 28 Foretellings 30 Have a late meal 32 "The," in Berlin 33 Moon of Jupiter 34 Pistol, for one 36 Rule Ghandi

OIie B b

1 Rascal 2 Not just my 3 Release oxen 4 Making a run 5 Spiral-horned antelopes 6 Nurse a drink 7 Marquette's title















©2014 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclickfor Ui S

33 39


8 — away (ate) 9 Galleon cargo 10 Shook hands 12 Thousands of secs. 17 Out of sorts 8











• 0

52 56







43 48











b m I

b ie d

Rateb 4




53 58





7 'I392

b ed

7 'I392




d dt




fth f





b I lv l 12 306 315 12,306,315 th h t dd h t y

Est ated Debt 4 Ihb z ed, 8 I NbtI c e d b I iv i

0 00

yd lt


Publish: June 4, 2014 Legal no. 4872

Public Notice FORM ED-1


pu icmee ngo 6 o a 0 ire o rgun e e o n U ne pm a ain ., Dve, regon. e purpose is ng iB NOUBB e budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 BBapproved by the Cove School District Budget Committee. A summary of the budget ig presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 603 Main SI., Cove, OR between the hours of 6:00 B.m. Bnd 4:00 p.m. This budgst ia far an annual budget period. hiB budget wBB preptstesd on 6 basis of accounting that ig the same BB the preceding year. Telephone: 641-5664424

Contact Bruce Neil

Emai l : Bruce.Neil

FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Actual Amount Last Year 2012-2013 5991,607 6 inning Fund Balance Current Year Property Taxes, other than Local Opgon Taxes 629,315 Current Year Local Option Property Taxes 127 696 Other Revenue from Local Sources Revenue from Intermediate Sources 9,654 1,976,140 Revenue from State BoumBB Revenue from Federal Sources 196,937 Interfund TranBfeis 33,000 All Other Bu et RBBouroBB 63,966,649 Total Resources TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS

Adopted Budget This Year 2013-2014 $1,030,050 642 750

Approved Budget Next Year 2014-2016 $1,201,600 660,000

132,550 9,600 2,110,500 179,500 95,000

134,600 9,600 2 172,550 154,600 296,000


FINANCIAL SUMBBAR Y -REOUIREMENTB BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION $1,441,750 51,377,999 965,950 763,924 Purohnggd SBMCBB 354,976 657,500 175,127 266,100 Su lies & Nlaierlafg 5,524 43,950 Ga italoutla 31,569 57,200 Other Ob'eotg exce t debt service & interfund transfers 100,200 Debt Bervicaa" 67,010 95,000 Interfund TranBfora* 33,000 0 r alin Contin en 160,000 Una m riated Endi Fund Balance & Reserves 1,117,420 402,300 Total Requirements $3,966,646 B4,199,950

B1,537,000 969,700 630,200 253,250

Salaries Other ABBooisted Pa roll Costs












U N S L A K E D FO A L E R E 6-5-14





Rate b 4

E it a t e d Debt 0 I i t a d g





38 River in Italy 39 Arith. term 1

Answer to Previous Puzzle TA AC

bi e d



41 Tampa Bay pr0 43 Quibble 45 Wet thoroughly 47 Collar 49 Anthracite 50 Used to own 52 Like scree 54 Leaves 57 Asimov of sci-fi 60 Here, to Henri 61 Grant foe 62 Out of sight, informally 63 Depot info 64 Over there 65 Actress Patricia-


7 'I392




( B A TE UMiT 7 I392 Pe 11,000)

19 Choice word 21 Agronomists' studies 22 BP mergee 24 California's Big26 Brown-tinted photo 27 Monster of folklore 29 Periscope site 31 Felt boot 35 Wimple wearer 37 La Toya of music 40 Shaggy blossom 42 Lurch 44 Globetrot 46 Chiang — -shek 48 Actress Derek 51 "What's My Line?" host 53 England's FBI 54 Cry of disgust 55 World Series mo. 56 Thermal lead-in 58 Turkish honorific 59 Mil. rank


• 0

55,000 296 000 135,000 64,646,660

FINANCIAL SUNIMAR r - REQUIREMENTSAND FULL-TIINEEQUIVALENT EBBPLOYEES FTE BY FUNCTI ON $1,710,114 $2,013,950 $2,147,650 1000 InBtrucbon 22.13 20.15 20.04 FTE 937 411 1,347,650 1,473,760 2000 Support Saryictsg 7.95 7.47 FTE 93 750 3000 Enterprise & Communitt Service 61,594 90,650 1.65 FTE 1.65 1.65 4000 Fwoigt r Aottuieition & Construction FTE 5000 Other Uses 5100Debt ssrvice 67,01 0 100,200 296,000 5200 Interfund Transfers' 33,000 BB,MO 150,000 136,000 6000 Contin en 1,117,420 402,300 402,600 7000 Una ro ri ated Endin Fund Balance 63,966,649 B44BB,BBO B 648 960 Total u i r ementg 29.24 31.26 Total FTE * not Incduded in total 5000 Other Uses. To be appro risted separately from other 5000 ex enditureB STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES snd SOURCES OF FINANCING The Oregon economic outlook continues Io improve. This affects slate basic school support funding and will help Io cover increased contractual Balsry and benefit requirements. Federal funding iBdeclining placing more of 6 burden on the general fund to maintain programs. The district continues to encourage new student enrollment and anticipates enrollment will remain at current levels. A transfer to the capital improvement fund iB intended for updates Io the old Bym facility and will offset future bond le amounts. 2013-14 waB the last ear of a seven ear ca ital im rovement bond le

Permanent Rate Le Rat e Limit B4.6120 er $1,000 Localo tionLB L F o r General Obli ation Bonds LONG TERM DEBT

General Obli agon Bonds Other Bonds Olher eorrowin 8 Total

PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Im oged 54.6120. BB7,000

STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Estimated Debt Outglanding on Jul 1

Rate or Amount Im oged $4.6120.

R a t e or Amount rovsd $4.6120.

$65,000 EBBmated Debt Authorized, But Not Incurred on Ju 1

$0 $0

Publish: June 4, 2014 Legal no. 4865

• 0

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014 1001 - Baker County Legal Notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On June 24, 2014, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at t he B a k e r C o u n t y C ourt H o use, 1 9 9 5 T hird S t reet, B a k e r City, Oregon, the defendant's interest will be sold, sublect to redemption, in the real property c o m m o nly k nown a s: 2 190 Cherry Street, Baker City, Oregon 97814. The court case number is 13569, w here


and BRIAN FAHRNEY; MARNA FAHRNEY; DISCOVE R BANIC; CAPITAL ONE BANIC; and ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNICNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR I NTEREST IN TH E REAL P ROPERTY C O M MONLY ICNOWN AS 2 19 0 C H ER RY STREET, BAICER CITY, OREGON 97814 is defendant. The sale is a p ublic auction to t h e highest bidder for cash or cashier's check, in h and, made o u t t o

Baker County Shenff's Office. For more information on this sale go to: ww w . o re onsherLegal No. 00036184 Published: May 21, 28, June 4,11, 2014

INVITATION TO BID Clear Creek Restoration Project Request for Contracting Bids for the Implementation and C o nstruction of the Clear Creek R estoration P r o l e c t will be received from qualified vendors by the Eagle Soil and Water Conservation Dist rict, u n t i l 4 : 0 0 p m June 16, 2014 at the Distnct Office, located at 3990 Midway Dnve, Baker City, OR. P r oposals received will be opened the same day and evaluated in June 2014. A mandatory pre-bid site visit of the w ork area will be conducted on J une 9th, 2014. A l l prospective bidders int erested i n t h e s i t e v isit w i l l n e e d t o

R.S.V.P. by June 5th, 2014. All prospective b idders w h o hav e R.S.V.P.'d for the site v isit should m ee t a t the Distnct Office (address above) in Baker City, OR at 8:30 a.m.

Request for Bid packages are available at t he District Office. I f you have any q uestions o r c o m m e n t s, p lease c o n t act t h e D ISTRICT office a t 541-523-7121 x 111 or email: a n l alina.lohnston© This prolect is funded in

part by funds from the Oregon Lottery. Legal No. 000036193 Published: May 19, 21, 23, 26, 30, 2014 and June 2, 4, 6, 2014


1001 - Baker County Legal Notices

1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices Land 8r L ivestock, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S LLC, for a C o n d iSALE

1010 - Union Co. 1010 - Union Co. 1010 - Union Co. 1010 - Union Co. 1010 - Union Co. Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices LO R I IC. AL B R I CH; CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ESTATE OF required filing fee, U.S. ATTORNEY IMMEDIR ONDA NOEL A L OREGON FOR EVELYN F. BIDWELL, BANIC NATIONAL AS- ATELY. If yo u need tional Use Permit to BRICH; DOMESTIC DECEASED, UNhelp in finding an attorSOCAITION will apply UNION COUNTY e xtract a g g r e g at e On June 13, 2014 at the ICNOWN HEIRS AND to the Court for the ney, you may call the BANIC; AND OCCUfrom an existing aghour of 10:00 am at PANTS O F THE U.S. BANIC NATIONAL relief demanded in the O regon St at e B a r ' s DEVISEES OF g regate pit on 9 E . t he U n i o n Co u n t y PREMISES, are defen- ASSOCAITION, Complaint. T h e f i r st Lawyer Referral ServEVELYN F. BIDWELL, Campbell Street, also Sheriff's Office, 1109 dants,. The sale is a ice at (503) 684-3763 date of publication is k nown a s t a x l o t s 100, 103 and 104 in Section 1 5 B A of Township 9 S o uth, Range 40 East, W.M., Baker County, Ore-

g on ( R e f . 80 8 5 , 1 8212, 18213), l o cated in the general commercial (C-G) zone. The criteria the Planning C o m mission will use to review this request are outlined in Section 4.4.400 of the Baker City D e v e lopment Code. A copy of the Planning Department's staff report and recommendations to th e Planning Commission shall be available for review by

June 11, 2014, and c an be r e v i ewe d i n person at the Baker City-County P l a n ning Department, emailed to you, or a hard copy of the application can be obtained or sent by post mail, at a reasonable cost. For more information, please cont act P l a n ne r L a u r i H oo p e s at Ihoopes©bakercounty. org, or by p h one at (541) 523-8219. All interested persons

97814 is d e f endant. The sale is a p u b lic auction to the highest b idder f o r c a s h o r c ashier's c h e c k , i n h and, made o u t t o Baker County Shenff's Office. For more information on this sale go to: ww w . o re onsher-

Legal No. 00036194 Published: May 21, 28, June 4,11, 2014

ICAve, La Grande, Orep ublic auction to t h e gon, the defendant's highest bidder for cash interest will b e s o ld, or cashier's check, in sublect to redemption, hand, made out to Unin the r ea l p r operty ion County S heriff's commonly known as: Office. For more infor1 604 Foley S t , L a mation on this sale go Grande, Or 97850. The to: court case number is www.ore 13-07-48522, w h e re m sales.htm CITIMORTGAGE, INC., IT'S SUCCESSORS Published: May 21, 28, AND/OR ASSIGNS, is 2014 and June 4, 11, plaintiff, and LARRY E. B RADEN; M E G A N 2014 BRADEN; AND ALL Legal No.00036186 OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN C LAIM I N G A N Y RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, Qur farm communiOR INTEREST IN THE ty is well representREAL P R O PERTY COMMONLY ICNOWN ed in the classified A S 1 6 0 4 FOL E Y c olumns o f t hi s STREET, LA GRANDE, newspaper. For all OR 97850, are defen- y our a g r i c u l t u r a l d ants. The sale is a needs, look to clasp ublic auction to t h e highest bidder for cash sified. or cashier's check, in hand, made out to Union County S heriff's FORM Office. For more inforLB-1 mation on this sale go


DECEASED, and PER- May 14, 2014. or toll-free in Oregon SONS OR PARTIES NOTICE TO D E FEN- at (800) 452-7636. UNICNOWN CLAIMDANTS: READ THESE ING ANY RIGHT, PAP E RSCAR EFULLY! Published: May 14, 21, TITLE, LIEN, OR IN28, 2014 and June 4, You must "appear" in TEREST I N THE this case or the other 2014 PROPERTY side will win automatiDESCRIBED IN THE cally. To "appear" you Legal No.36079 COMPLAINT HEREIN must f i l e w i t h t he court a l e ga l p a per IN THE NAME OF THE called a "motion" or One Of the niCSTATE OF OREGON: "answer." The You are hereby "motion" or "answer" e st t h i n gS required to appear and must be given to t he defend against the court clerk or adminis- about classified allegations contained in the Complaint filed against y o u i n t he a bove e n t itled p r o ceeding w i t hin t h i rty

( 30) days f ro m t h e

NO. 140348943

date of service of this

t rator

w i t h i n thi r t y

days along with the r equired filing fee. I t m ust b e i n pr o p e r form and have proof of service on th e p l aintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff.

Summons upon you. If you fail to appear and defend this matter within thirty (30) days from the date of publi- I F YOU H AV E A N Y Q UESTIONS, Y O U cation specified herein SHOULD SEE AN along with the


adS iS their loVV COSt. AnOther iS

t he q uick results. Try a c lassified a d today!





. .




i ndividuals w i t h d i s abilities by contacting

Baker City Hall at (541) NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE 523-6541.

LegaI No. 00036441 Published: June 4, 2014

AM. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and receive comment from the public

on the budget. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after May 19, 2014 at the Oregon State University Extension Service office at 10507 N McAlister Rd, Room 9, Island City, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget

On June 20, 2014 at the hour of 10:00 a.m., at t he U n i o n Co u n t y Sheriff's Office, 1109 ICAve, La Grande, Oregon, the defendant's interest will b e s o ld, sublect to redemption, in the r ea l p r operty commonly known as: 671 North Dewey St, Union, Oregon 97883. The court case number i s 1 3 - 01-48149,

where J P M ORGAN CHASE BANIC, NATIONAL A S SOCIATION, its successors in interest and/or assigns, are Plaintiff and

MICHAEL P. F I TZPAT R I C IC A ICA M ICHAEL PATRICIC FITZPAT R I C IC A ICA M ICHAEL FITZPATRICIC JR; OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES, are defendants. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for c ash o r cas h i e r ' s check, in hand, made out to U n ion County S heriff's Office. F o r m ore information o n this sale go to:

www.ore onshenffs. com/sales.htm Published: May 21, 28, 2014 and June 4, 11, 2014 Legal No. 00036182


On June 20, 2014 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at t he U n i o n Co u n t y NOTICE OF BAKER Sheriff's Office, 1109 Committee. CITY PLANNING ICAve, La Grande, OreCOMMISSION gon, the defendant's Published: May 28, 2014 HEARING interest will b e s o ld, and June 4, 2014 sublect to redemption, CUP-14-131: The Baker LegaI No. 00036236 in the r ea l p r operty City Planning Comcommonly known as: mission will hold a 369 East Bryan Street, Union, Or 97883.The p ublic hearing o n Classified are worth Wednesday, June 18, l ooking into w h e n court case number is 2014, at 7:00 p.m., in 13-01-48165, w h e re you're looking for a the council chambers WELLS FARGO BANIC, of Baker City Hall, p lace t o l i v e N.A., its successors in 1 555 F i rst S t r e e t , w he t h e r i nterest a n d /o r a s it ' s a Baker City, to consigns, are Plaintiff and h ome, a n a p a r t sider a r e quest by ADRIAN L. ALBRICH Brent Gyllenberg, ap- ment or a m o b i le AICA ADRIAN LAWplicant, and property RENCE A L B RICH; o wner, Ha t B r a n d home. LORI IC MORRIS AICA

• 0

Plaintiff, v.

H Y P E R L I N IC A meeting ofthe Keating Rura!FireProtectionDistrict(governingbody) will be held on June8,2014 "http://www.oret 8:30 p.m. at the Keating Fire Station. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the budget htm" www.oreor the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014, as approved by the Keating Rural Fire Protection District Budget Committee sales. htm summary of the budget is presented below. Acopy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at Keating Fire Station by a re invited t o a t t e n d Publish: May 14, 21, 28 and will be given an and June 4, 2014 alling 541-519-7889 between the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. This budget was prepared on opportunity to be Legal ¹: 36040 basis of accounting that is X con sistent not consistent with the basis of accounting used during the preceding year heard concerning the proposal. Oral t e st iMajor changes, if any, and their effect on the budget, are explained below. This budget is for: X Ann ual Period 2 -Yea r Period mony will be taken in the f o llowing o r der: NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE applicant, other propoCounty City ChairPerson of Govemins! Body Telephone Number nents, opponents, and applicant's r e b u t tal. On June 19, 2014 at the 541-519-4662 Baker County Baker City Michael Cook hour of 10:00 a.m., at Oral testimony should t he U n i o n Co u n t y FINANCIAL SUMMARY avoid repetition of isSheriff's Office, 1109 sues and should be Adoyted Budget Approved Budget g Check this box if your ICAve, La Grande, Orebased on the applicagon, the defendant's Current Year 2013-14 Next Year 2014-15 tion and approval critebudget only has one fund TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS interest will b e s o ld, na listed above. If you 1. Total Personal Services sublect to redemption, are unable to at tend 2. Total Materials and Supplies 10,280 11,730 in the r ea l p r operty the heanng, you may 3. Total Capital Outlay commonly known as: s ubmit w r i t te n c o m Anticipated 4. Total Debt Service 1605 V Av e, La ments to the Baker CiRequirements 5. TobalTransfers ............... ty-County P l a n ning Grande, Or 97850. The court case number is 6. Total Contingencies ..... 800 D epartment at 1 9 9 5 1,000 13-08-48540, w h e re Third Street, Ste. 131, 7. Total Special Payments........ ...................... B aker City , O r e g o n L AICEVIEW L O A N 8. Total unappropriated and Reserved for Future Expenditure 97814 on o r b e f o re SERVICING, LLC, ITS 9. Total Requirements - add Lines 1 through 8 .... 11,080 12,730 SUCCESSORS 5:00 p.m. on the hear10. Total Resources Except Property Taxes 11,080 12,730 AND/OR ASSIGNS, is ing date. Only c o mPlaintiff and J U STIN Ant1cipated 11. Total Property Taxes Estimated te be Received ments on the relevant ENGLISH AICA JUSTIN a pproval cr iteria a r e Resources 12. Total Resources - add Lines 10 and 11 11,080 12,730 R. ENGLISH; LIBBY considered applicable 13. Total Property Taxes Estimated to be Received (line 11) 0 0 ENGLISH AICA LIBBY evidence. Telephone Estimated 14. Plus: Estimated Property Taxes Not To Be Received V. ENGLISH AICA LIBY conversations cannot A. Loss Due fe Constitutional Limits V. W A L ICE R AICA Ad Valorem be accepted as testiL I B BY V A L E Property Taxes B. Discounts Allowed, Other uncollected Amounts ...... 0 0 mony. WRIGHT;FIA CARD Pursuant to ORS 15. Total Tax Levied ....(add lines 13 and 14 A & Bi SERVICES, NATIONAL 1 97.763, f a i l ur e t o Rate or Amount Rate or Amount ASSOCIATION; and raise an issue in perTax Levies 16. Permanent Rate Limit Levy irate limit 0 0 ) STATE OF OREGON son, or by letter at the By Type 1 7. Local Option Taxes.......... . . . . . . . 0 0 DIVISION OF CHILD hearing, or failure to SUPPORT, are defen1 8. Levy for Bonded Debt or Obligations................ . . . . . . . 0 0 provide statements or d ants. The sale is a evidence sufficient to STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS afford t h e d e c i s ion p ublic auction to t h e highest bidder for cash maker an opportunity Debt Outstanding Debt Authorized, Not Incurred or cashier's check, in to respond to th e i s(2 None Q As Summar)zed Below g None Q As Summarized Below hand, made out to Unsue, means that an apion County S heriff's peal based on that isOffice. For more infors ue cannot b e f i l e d 150-504-073-2 (Rev 12/1 0) mation on this sale go w ith t h e L a n d U s e Legal No. 25-005568 Published: June 4, 2014 to: B oard o f App e a l s www.ore onshenffs. (LUBA). com sales.htm Baker City operates under an EEO policy and FORIIII ED-1 HOTICF.OP BUDSKT HEARING complies with Section Published: May 21, 28, A puble meerrnl of Ae Soard or Educalion rer Bskw Schoal Oistrid 5J wN be held oa June tata. 2014 al & G apm al 2090 Faanh Street. Ssker Clly, 2014 and June 4, 11, 504 of the Rehabilitaoregon The purpose of thls eeelin9 is lo discuss the budget <orthe riscaiiyear aegeaing July 1,201 • am approved by %e Baker 2014 tion Act of 1973 and school Disrricr 5JBudget comrrrarse. A suemarr af rhe budger tspreseatedbekrw A copyar the budget may ae Inspeaee or aarlaaed ar 20sOI'our@ t he A m e ricans w i t h sseel saxer cily. oregon berweenIhe hoursof7 30 e m.and 430 p m This budger is for aa aewal budser peAxl. Tars budgelwae prepared on a oasis Disabilities Act. Assis- Legal No. 00036162 of accounrleg Ihal is the same as ihe precedin9 year. tance is available for

On June 24, 2014, at the 1010 - Union Co. hour of 9:15 a.m. at t he B a k e r C o u n t y Legal Notices C ourt H o use, 1 9 9 5 NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE T hird S t reet, B a k e r MEETING City, Oregon, the defendant's interest will be sold, sublect to re- A public meeting of the Budget Committee of demption, in the real property c o m m o nly the 4-H 5 Extension known as: 2210 8th Service Distnct, Union S treet, B a ke r C i t y , County, State of Oregon to discuss the O regon 97814. T h e budget for the fiscal court case number is 13568, where WELLS yea r J uly 1, 2014 to FARGO BANIC, N.A. June 30, 2015, will be held at the Joseph AnITS S U CCESSORS nex Conference AND/OR ASSIGNS, is p laintiff, a n d D E N A Room, 1106 IC AveW ESTFALL A IC A nue, La Grande, OR. DENA IC A R G ER; The meeting will take SCHMID M A L O NE place on the 11th day LLC; and ALL OTHER of June 2014 at 8:30



contact oeu Dalton. CFO

TeleahaneIS40 524-2250 E m aC ddalion baker.k12.orus FINANCIAL SVNNARY RISOUItCKS Aclual Amount Last vear 201z« t 3


F u nd Salance

Currenl Year Property Taxes oaer raan Local OpaonTaxes current Year Local orrrln prope Tsxes olher evenue rrom Loesl sawces Revenue Irom IrNermediale Sources Revenue Irorn Stare Sources Revenue Irorn Federal Sources Ielerrund Tran All Other aesources

Adopted Budget Th's Yearztn 3.14

$3.$44.522 3,910.207

$3.468 081 3,973.868

Appfaved Btldger NeA Year 2014-15 $3.70$415 4 002.377



1.856 Qi7



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Levy For Generk» Obt abea Bands

STATENRNT OF INDKQTEDNISS Kslbaameri Debl Oualandiig


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Generar Obli atian Bands

Fsthnaled Debf Avraenzad. Bsr Nor Ihcvrfed oa Jvl 1


" IImore space is needed fe eomslete anr seaion or Ihe form srsen lines Irewsron ltua sheer Yau may delete ldank rlras Legal No. 25-005570 Published: June 4, 2014

• 0

• 0





Aging population will cause alzheimer's numbers to soar

Hail,tornadoesrenortedas stormscrosstheMidwest

DEAR ABBY: More and more of my would never try to take that rote awayfrom friends are tryirg to work and take care of my boyfriend's ex, but this puts me in an parents who have Alzheimer's disease. One cuvkward situation. As much as I love his of my closest friends'husbands was recently girls, Idon'twant tocausedrama or have Peart getin trouble with her mother. diagnosed withit. Heis only 62. Ithought Alzheimer's was only memory toss, butit — SHE CALLED ME MOM DEAR CALLED ME MOM: Talk to Pearl. seems tike so much more. His personality has changed. She tells me he gets argry with her Tell her you were touched knowing she feels when she tries to help him. thatway about you and deeply fl attered when she called you"Mom," Whut exactty isAtzheimer's, and what can be done tostopit? but you feel ifher mother DEAR — UNSURE INOAK knew about it that she would PARK ILLINOIS ABBY be hu r t . iThis is especially DEAR UNSURE: I'm sortrue if the girls live with their mother.) Then ask Pearl ry to say — &om personal experience — that Alzheimer's disease, while to come up with another affectionate name often thought of as "minor memory loss," is for you, or suggest one to her. a disease that is ultimately fatal. Its cause is not yet understood. I lost my mother to it. DEAR ABBY: I suffered a serious accident Alzheimer's kills nerve cells and tissue in at work and have endured numerous surgerthe brain, causing it to shrink dramatically. ies, with another on the horizon. Because It affects a person's ability to communicate, the injuries are in the cervical and lumbar to think and, eventually, to breathe. At least areas, they are not visible. 44 million people worldwide are now living Last week, I parked my car in a handiwith Alzheimer's disease and other demencapped spot in the supermarket parkirg tot. tias. As our populations age, those numbers Having a proper tcg on my license plate, I didn't think twice about it. As I entered the will swell to 76 million by 2030. Currently there is no way to prevent, store, a woman who had parked nearby stopor even to slow theprogression of started shouting at me, saying I shouldn't Alzheimer's disease. Some drugs manage have parked where Idid. Iindicated she the symptoms, but only temporarily. This is should read my plate, to which she then why more funding for Alzheimer's and more replied that I was "phony" for taking advansupport for the families who are caring tcge of the system. Iimcgine she thought this for loved ones who have it are so urgently because I was walking unaided that day. — HURTING IN needed. Please suggest to your fiiend that NORTHERN CALIFORNIA she contact the Alzheimer's Association for helpbecause itofferssupport groups for DEAR HURTING: This subject has apspouses. peared in my column before. You are correct that not all disabilities are visible. One that Readers, June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month. If you are concerned comes to mind would be a heart problem that prevents a patient &om walking long about Alzheimer's disease — and we all should be — you can get involved by joining distances. Another would be multiple sclethe global fight against this very nasty disrosls. Readers, if you are concerned that ease. To learn more, someone is gaming the system, rather DEARABBY: I'm currently dating a man than con&ont the person, write down the license number of the car with the handicap who is 10yearsolderthan Iam. I'm 24;he's 84. Wehaveknown each otherfortwoyears plate and inform the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you are correct, the authorities and we tive together. He has two beautiful will be interested in that information. And daughters I adore. if you are not, you won't have caused someHis older daughter, "Peart"(age12), called me "Mom"the other night, and then asked one who already has problems additional distress. me i fit was OK I'm not their mother, and I

The Associated Press

DES MOINES, IowaBaseball-sized hail pummeled homes and cars in Nebraska and Iowa on Tuesday as powerful thunderstorms moved through a swath of Midwest states, also causing severe flooding and promptingreports of tornadoes. The National Weather Service said reports of extensive hail damage and flooding trickled in as storms pushed into Nebraska and moved into neighboring Iowa, where winds of up to 85 mph were recorded. Up to 4 inches of rain was expected in parts those states, which were the hardest hit. The storm also tracked across parts of Kansas, Missouri, South Dakota and Illinois. "This is one of these days we can't let our guard down," said Bill Bunting, forecast operations chief at the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma. Bunting said several trainedspottersreported tornadoes in central and southwest Iowa, and at least one report came in &om southwest Kansas. Reports will not be confirmed until damage can be assessed Wednesday morning. Becky Kern, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Valley, Nebraska, said the system has involved a"training" of thunderstorms, which involvesa seriesofthunderstorms following one after another. The system will move to the southeast early Wednesday, toward parts

• ACCuWeather.cOm ForeCaS Tonight



Mostly sunny

Baker City Temperatures 5 36 1 0 38 (8



High I low(comfort index)

16 40 10

11 41


80 40


1 1 43 (> 0)

19 45 (8)

81 44 (8)

1 4 43 (8 )

1 1 46 (8)

1 8 41 ( 8)

La Grande Temperatures 42 (8) 16 38 (>0) Enterprise Temperatures

5 42 (>0)

44 (8)

The AccuWcather Comfort Index is an indication of how it feels based on humidity and temperature where 0 is least comfortable and 10 is most comfortable for this time of year. s


Shown is Thursddy's weather weather. Temperatures areWednesday night's lows and Thursday's highs.




' ; ~

'~ 52 Q3

' Salem






. The allPs "

4L 44>,"




I 49I86.

• -41n 7

, Eugeee,.


f ~ , ir os'r


• Tuesday for the 48 contiguqus states


. 7J


Q Klamath FBIIS ~ ~ <' ~,0~42/80

",4t< 'g~

Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2014

High:109 .......... DcathValley,Calif. Low: 25 ...... Mammoth Lakes, Calif. ' W ettest: 5.30" ............... Omaha, Neb. regon: High: 88 ..... Ontario Low:37 .. Lakeview Wettest: 0.04" ... ...... Joseph





100 mi es




Officials feared the potential for derecho storm, a large system of strong straight-line winds spanning at least 240 mi. (386 km)



Graphic: Robert Dorrell

Source: National Weather Sertrice, AP

of Missouri and Illinois, she satd. "It looks like the threat has pushed further south into northern Missouri, the strongest of the storms," she sard. Heavy rain and flooding were reported in the Omaha area of Nebraska, where dozens of residents were evacuated &om low-lying homes on the northeast side of the city. The Eppley Airfield airport closed for several hours. "It's just completely flooded these areas, and these homes are now filling up with water in their basement areas, so we're pulling people out," said Omaha police spokesman James Shade, noting a 95-year-old woman in a wheelchair was rescued. Police also used boats to assis tdozens ofdrivers stranded in floodwaters around the city. Shade said many cars remain stuck on thosefl ooded streets. Iowa Gov. Terry Brans-

r icultu

g L'a Grand





~ , ;


Baker City High Tuesday ................ 77 Low Tuesday ................. 39 Precipitation Tuesday ......................... 0.00" 0.07" Month to date ................ Normal month to date .. 0.15" 3.96" Year to date ................... 4.68" Normal year to date ...... La Grande High Tuesday ................ 79 Low Tuesday ................. 46 Precipitation 0.00" Tuesday ......................... 0.07" Month to date ................ 0.19" Normal month to date .. Year to date ................... 7.04" 7.99" Normal year to date ...... Elgin High Tuesday .............................. 78 Low Tuesday ............................... 45 Precipitation Tuesday ................................... Trace Month to date .......................... Trace Normal month to date ............. 0.17" Year to date ............................ 22.74" Normal year to date ............... 12.10"




Mostly sunny

+ Hail Severe storms brought high winds, large hail and 0 High winds tornado reports from Wyoming through South Dakota,Nebraska and lowa. Reports as of9 p.m .ET June 3.




Severe storm activity


Hay Information Thursday Lowest relative humidity ................ 25% Afternoon wind .. NNW at 7 to 14 mph Hours of sunshine .................... 13 hours Evapotranspiration .......................... 0.41 Reservoir Storage through midnight Tuesday Phillips Reservoir 51% of capacity Unity Reservoir 83% of capacity Owyhee Reservoir 17% of capacity McKay Reservoir 95% of capacity Wallowa Lake 53% of capacity Thief Valley Reservoir 102% of capacity Stream Flows through midnight Tuesday Grande Ronde at Troy .......... 4860 cfs Thief Vly. Res. near N. Powder 196 cfs Burnt River near Unity .......... 145 cfs Lostine River at Lostine .............. N.A. Minam River at Minam ........ 2230 cfs Powder River near Richland .... 96 cfs

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tad issued Tuesday night a proclamation of disaster emergency for Pottawattamie County in the western part of the state, which will allow offic ialsto usestate resources torespond tothe effectsof the storms. In the northeast Nebraska cities of Norfolk and Blair, residentsreported shattered windows in homes and vehicles after baseball-sized hail passed through. The weather service received reports of two motels with roofs torn in western Iowa's Missouri Valley. On Interstate 29 north of Council Bluffs in western Iowa, more than 25 vehicles had their windows shattered by hail, said Terry Landsvork, an observation program leaderfortheN ational Weather Service in Valley, Nebraska. 'They were driving along Interstate29,had noplace to go, and whether they were driving or pulled over, they just didn't escape the hail," he said.



Sunset tonight ........ Sunrise Thursday ..

F irst

Ful l

... 8:35 p.m. ... 5:06 a.m. L ast New

6 86 • eather HiStor O ut-of-seasonfrostsproved fatalto many crops, and snow fell in Boston, in June 1815. 1815 was known as the "year without a summer." Strong evidence credits a volcanic eruption in Indonesia that year.

e in

1 i ies Thursday

Corvallis Eugene Hermiston Imnaha Joseph Lewiston Meacham Medford Newport Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem Spokane The Dalles Ukiah Walla Walla

Hi L o


80 4 8 76 4 3 84 4 4 81 4 8 76 4 1 80 4 6 69 3 2 86 5 1 63 4 6 86 5 1 84 4 6 80 4 7 77 5 2 78 3 9 77 4 7 73 4 7 83 5 1 73 4 2 79 5 0

pc pc s s s s s s pc s s s pc s pc s s s s

Recreation F OreCaSt Anthony Lakes Mt. Emily Rec.

Eagle Cap Wild. Wallowa Lake Thief Valley Res. Phillips Lake Brownlee Res. Emigrant St. Park McKay Reservoir Red Bridge St. Park

55 2 9 67 3 9 62 3 5 76 41 75 3 6 73 3 9 83 4 9 68 3 2 78 4 5 76 3 8

Weather iwi: s-sunny, pr -partiy cloudy, i -cioudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, st-snow flurries, sn-snow, l-ice.

s s s s s s s s s s

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