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Free headshots for UNI students
from 2-6-23
MEG GROVE Staff Writer
Whether you’re preparing for post graduation or want to start building your network on platforms like LinkedIn, a professional headshot can set you up for success. UNI is holding Career Readiness Headshot Day on Feb. 8, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Rod Library.
UNI students can get their headshot taken for free and speak to Career Services to have their resume reviewed. “You don’t need an appointment… keep in mind there might be a line,” said Melinda Beland, Library Clerk IV, Public Relations. “It takes just a couple days for us to go through all of the pictures we take and get them back to you.”
Professional attire is recommended for the headshot. “If employees are looking at their LinkedIn account or something else it shows that
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This has happened in many ways here in the U.S. People often focus on their immediate needs. Many of those begin with basic necessities, and increasing economic prosperity is a way to meet those needs. Once those needs are met, people are more likely to deal with other issues, such as conservation, pollution and climate change. That is why so many people in the polls mentioned above viewed inflation as more pressing than climate change. This is a key factor I think those proposing drastic action are missing. Instead of short-circuiting our economy to deal with climate change, the U.S. and the world should work to innovate and improve economies. People are more likely to invest in renewable energy, decreasing pollution and ecological practices if they are less expensive than environmentally-degrading ones. When countries try to forcefully shake up their economies to deal with climate problems immediately, the harmful impacts on economies and people’s standards they are serious, looking to be professional and career orientated,” said Beland. “Prepare for the job you want.” In addition to coming off as professional, having a nice headshot gives you the chance to show a bit of personality.
Professional headshots can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used on network- ing sites as profile pictures. This allows employers to put a face to the name that is following their profile and liking their posts. Headshots are useful for portfolio and personal websites. People who view your website can see your work and your face, connecting the two makes you stand out from others. Other uses for headshots include email signature lines, business cards, resumes, social media platforms and more. It’s easier to connect to a person when you know what they look like, which is why it’s important to have one and use it in a variety of ways.
This is a great opportunity to get ready for the UNI of living could outweigh any ecological benefits.
Career Fair coming up on Feb. 23, 2023. Students looking for full time jobs, internships or just to network with employers could all benefit from having a professional headshot and resume ready to go at the fair.
Career Services offers a variety of ways to prepare students for their next step. UNI students can get help with resumes, cover letters and interviews. Feeling prepared and confident is important to make the best impression possible. Career Services can also help you explore career options, find employment opportunities and build your network. Visit the Career Services tab on the UNI website to find more in depth information about these topics and the resources available.
Headshots are one of the first things potential employers or clients see. First impressions count so make sure you’re putting your best foot forward with a professional headshot.
Students can utilize career services for other resources, including resume building and finding employment opportunities.
Potentially beneficial effects of climate change
Furthermore, not all of the effects of climate change are bad. For example, several studies by NASA have suggested that it actually could be boosting plant growth.
Projections in Nov. of 2021 suggested that although corn production globally could fall, wheat production could also rise by 2030. The projected drop in corn production globally is also due to localized climates, as in northern regions, it could actually have increased yields as well. The Earth has also seen substantial plant growth in the last two decades, which could be due to both increased carbon dioxide and also humans replanting forests. Despite claims to the contrary, it is possible that climate change can increase food production rather than cause massive famines.
Research shows that there is climate change. It is probable some of it is caused by humans and carbon emissions. However, I think the severity is often overstated. This is bad because it can cause mental health problems in children, lead to restrictive laws that can damage economies and cause unnecessary panic. The truth is that life expectancies in the U.S. have increased dramatically over the last hundred years. Innovations in health and science that are making beneficial changes are still increasing. Based on the current trends, instead of a global climate catastrophe, the world will likely be a cleaner, healthier place in the next 10 to 15 years.
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“Por lo menos, quiera que los estudiantes inmersos en los programas académicos tengan la oportunidad del desarrollo de carrera que estuvieron anticipando”, dijo Scholl. “Este semestre, estamos empezando los viajes al aire libre para identificar avenidas que pueden aumentar oportunidades de liderazgo al aire libre dentro de un programa académico”.
Colleen Mulholland,
decana por el colegio de educación, escuchó las preocupaciones de los estudiantes de la pérdida del programa de Adventure Trips y también estuvo increible con el apoyo a traer el programa Adventure Trips a la gloria del pasado. “Ella ha sido nuestra cabellera en armadura brillante. No puedo restar importancia a que significante es que una decana realmente se preocupa de [el programa Adventure Trips]”, dijo Abrams.
Desde ahora, el programa está en una evaluación para ver cómo puede ser integrado en el currículo académico.
Según Abrams, los viajes se parecen lo mismo de cuando el programa estuvo operado debajo de UNI Outdoors.
La única diferencia que los estudiantes pueden ver es que para apuntarse para los viajes tienen que apuntar en la página web del Colegio de Educación. Durante este tiempo de empezar, los viajes están disponibles solo para los estudiantes de UNI por el departamento de SRSC. Ocho viajes están planeados para este invierno y primavera.
“Tenemos una buena mezcla de alpinismo, mochile - ando, esquiando en el campo traviesa y escalando en hielo”, dijo Abrams. “Vamos a ir hasta el Red River Gorge en Kentucky y fuera a la Needles de Rushmore, lo cual es un destino del alpinismo directamente detrás de Mount Rushmore. Tenemos mochileando en Yellow State Forest lo cual está casi debajo de la carretera y vamos a esquiar en el campo traviesa en Dubuque de lado de Mines of Spain. Tenemos un poquito para todos lo cual es agradable”.
Abrams enfatiza los beneficios de involucrarse en estos viajes y sus comunidades fuertes.
“Estamos parados uno al otro por gruesa y delgada en el campo, lo cual es difícil a veces, pero lo superamos y crecemos lo cual pone mucho significado en la experiencia del colegio”, continuó Abrams. “Puedes superar el colegio simplemente por ir a las clases y regresar a tu dormitorio. Pero al ir en estos viajes de verdad encuentras mucho significado en lo que estás haciendo”.
Para apuntar por un Adventure Trip este semestre, visita https://coe.uni. edu/hrcs/students/hrcs-adventure-trips.