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SpecialOlympicsWhangarei Bytheathletes –for theathletes More thanjust sports

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Bythe athletes – forthe athletes Morethanjust sports


SpecialOlympics hasbeenprovidingsports training,competition,andsocialising opportunitiesfor intellectually challenged athletes in Whangareiandthe KaiparaDistrict for almost40years. We arealsocommitted to givingourathletes opportunitiestoexperience leadership, to developand usetheir initiative,to act as coaches, andtotruly playanactivepartin therunning of theirown club.

Ourmantra,Bytheathletes, fortheathletes, meansexactlythat.Weare encouraging allour athletes to take littleleadershipopportunitiesat trainingandduring competitionandnot merely follow blindly. At ourNationalSummerGamesin Decemberthisyeartwoexperiencedathletes will actuallyattendascoaches.Asfar as weknowthis isa ‘first’for Special OlympicsNew Zealandwide, and we’rehopingit will inspire other capable athletes inourclubtostepup as well.

Potentiallywecan cater forpeople from 8 to80years,butsomeofour older participants cometotraining formainlysocial reasons and do notenter competitions,however the outingand thesubsequent exercise is definitelybeneficial

Unlike most sports groups,weare multi sport.Atpresentweprovideweekly training opportunitiesinathletics,football, swimming, indoorbowls, andtenpinbowling.People joining us cantakepartinany,orallofour sportsfor theone smallsubscription. A handfulofourmembersparticipatein3 or 4 activitieseachweek

A groupofcommitted volunteershelpusto provideactivitiesinWhangareiandDargaville for around60peoplewhowouldnormallybe sidelinedinmainstream competitivesports. Shouldyouwishtojoinusasa volunteer, becauseyouwillbeworkingwithvulnerable people,youwillneeda currentpolice clearance, whichwecan arrange.Wealsoaskthat,should youvolunteer, that youstandbackandmentor ratherthantakingcharge. Interested parents, athletes, prospective volunteers,orvolunteer drivers pleasecontact ourchairperson: MartinBarrie Phone:0211182422

Sporting Sporting and and re recreationcreation opportunities opportunities for for persons persons with with an an Intellectual Intellectual impairment impairment

We We are multisportare multisport athletics: equestrian,athletics: equestrian, football, football, indoor indoor bowls, bowls, swimming swimming and and tenpin tenpin bowling bowling

Athletes Athletes fromfrom 8 to 80 years8 to 80 years old old

Developing Developing self self esteem esteem — — encouraging encouraging initiative initiative

Activities developedActivities developed by by the the athletes, athletes, for for the the athletes athletes

Special Olympics Whangarei

For all enquires contact Martin Barrie Phone: 021 118 2422 – Like us on Facebook.


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