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Parkinson’sNew Zealand KeepMoving

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Parkinson’sNew ZealandCharitable Trust organises many differentexercise groups forpeople with Parkinson’sas exercise isofhuge benefit to those whoare livingwiththecondition.

Exercisegroupsincludewalking groups, singing andvoice training,hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, TaiChi,ballroom dancing and Movementfor PD classes.Counterpunch, which involvesboxing training, hasrecently beenadded to theweekly groups providedin the Northland area.

Maureen“Stinger”Slako,a client of Parkinson’sNew Zealand,hasbeenattending one of theseexerciseclasses andthe benefits are immediatelynoticeable.

“IshuffleinbutI walk out,”she says.

Her goalsare to walkbetter andregain strengthinher voice.

Thesmallgroup meetseachweekto don boxing glovesandpractice jabbing atpunching bags. Runby coachHenrietta Sakey,theexercises aredesignedtostimulate the areasofthebrainandbody that are commonly affected by Parkinson’s.

Thesessionisloud andthere is lots of movingaround. Henrietta starts thegroup offwithsquatsand shoulder rollswitha few groupexercisesbefore quicklyassigning each person to apunchingbag andcallingoutthe sequencesthey have to remember.

Henrietta says theexercise regime isall aboutbig movements andfillingthe lungs and usingtheirvoices.

“With Parkinson’s, everythingrestrictsand movements become smaller andtheytendto losetheir speech.

“Here everything is designedtobebig, ’’ shesays,assheinstructsthegroup to yell out loudly as they countthrough another sequence of punches.

Geoff“Ali”Skudderwas diagnosedwith Parkinson’sabout10yearsago andisalsoa clientofParkinson’sNew Zealand.Heloves the sessions as ithelpshisstrength andbrain co-ordination skills.Healso doesTai Chiand playsgolfusinga golf carttohelphim get aroundthecourse.

“Thisisa greatworkout. Weget to exercise every partofthebodyanditchallengesme mentally.”

Ken “Tyson”Gavin wasdiagnosed with Parkinson’sabout16years agoand says exerciseisanimportantpartofhis day.

“Idoexercisesofsomesort everymorning. It’simportanttokeepmoving.IfI standstill,with Parkinson’sitisdifficulttogetmovingagain.’’

Moredetails aboutthe importance of Parkinson’sSpecificExerciseandinformation aboutParkinson’scan be foundatwww. parkinsons.org.nz

Maureen “Stinger” Slako, loves her weekly boxing sessions. Photo: Donna Russell

Counterpunch coach Henrietta Sakey leads off a session with Parkinsons New Zealand clients. Photo: Donna Russell


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