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Bay of Islands College

Together we will develop caring students, maximising their potential

From the principal


PrincipalEdithPainting-Davisreflectsthat theexperiences of 2020 demonstrated how resilientwecan be in a crisis. Education has hadtoadapt and change, andwenow have the opportunitytoshape the future of learningfor our children. We have become more resourceful and the curriculum has been reframed with thestudents at thecentre. Refurbishment of the schoolcontinues in 2021 with the new Technology block currently underconstruction and more innovative learning spaces being created. Academically, Bay of Islands College is performing abovethe national average statisticsfor NCEA Levels 1,2 and 3. Theseresults for 2020wereoutstanding considering that Covid restricted onsite access and we attribute much of the successtothe ManaiakalaniEducationTrust whichwas implemented in 2016. Whenstaff, students and whanauwent into Lockdown they were alreadyfamiliar with learning through the digital platform. What thepandemic did was acceleratetheexperience and highlight inequities. The Ministry of Education triedtoaddress these issues albeit a bit haphazard buteven now,the disparities persist.Another successtoaccentuateis the AratakiLeadership Programme which has 80students participatingtodate. It has given students confidence to exploreone daycourses such asPapa Taiao and Carving ortojoin our Gateway programme. Our vision of creatinga BayTrades Academy (BAYTA) is drawing closerevery day. We have the potentialtobe more than just a school. Bay of Islands College’sroll has increased through positive actions anda fabulous Board of Trustees who fully support thewellbeing of all. Weworkcollaboratively and constantlyreflect on our practicestodemonstratethat we truly are a school that cares.


BACK ROW: TaneSigley(Prefect), MereToeke (KapahakaLeader), Mark Linton (Miro House Captain), Tipene Parata-Tana (Rata HouseCaptain, Prefect), MoanaKopa-Halliday (Miro House Captain,Prefect),Poshy Ngawati (Prefect) THIRDROW: PrincipalEdithPainting-Davis, Sarah Grace(Kauri House Captain), Laetin George(KapahakaLeader, Prefect),Florence Cooper (Kauri House Captain), Wi Taahu Hapurona (Prefect), AdeliaLatu (Prefect), EliJackson-Tait (Prefect) SECOND ROW: Tyissa Hape (Kapahaka Leader, Totara House Captain), Grace Maioha(Prefect), KilaniBrophy-Pomare (Prefect), Hayley Henwood (Prefect),Teyja Hape (Prefect),RiversLoveridge(Prefect),Inverness Cowles (Prefect), Sarah Hati (Kapahaka Leader,TotaraHouse Captain, Prefect). FRONT ROW: Rome Davis(BoardofTrusteesStudentRep), HoriTane (Deputy Head Boy), Michael Martin (HeadBoy), Hawaiikii Henare (Head Girl), AngelReti (DeputyHead Girl), Sophia Su (Rata HouseCaptain, Prefect)


HEADBOY Michael Martin

HEAD GIRL Hawaiikii Henare DEPUTY HEAD GIRL AngelReti

Therole ofa leader istoinspire andtomotivate others. They demonstratecourage and put the needs ofothers before themselvesfor the greater good or to achievea commongoal. Our 2021 SeniorLeadershave these qualities and will be provided with many occasionstodemonstratethem. They areour ambassadors in thecommunity andrepresent our school ata variety ofevents throughout theyear. Some of them have alreadycontributedtothe positive profile of the school and willcontinuetohone their leadership skills in theirvarious roles.TeAmorangi ki mua,te hāpaiōki muri. Head Prefectsare at the front, but therestof the senior leaders aretheworkers at theback making sure everything iswell looked after. Both jobs are equally important, but without one, theother is not as effective.

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