11 minute read

Whangarei Boys’ High School

Kia ora, My name is Leo Palmerand Iamhumbled to be theHeadBoy at Whanga reiBoys’ High Schoolfor 2021. With ourschool rebuild on track to be completed at the end of this year,Ifeel honoured to lead the last teamofsenior prefects in the current school. Iamfroma beautiful place on Northland’seast coast called Whananakiand Ilove representing my whanau and iwi Ngati wai with pride. My passion is rugby and this will be my second year in our schools 1st XV. Next yearIhope to study teaching or psychologyatAuckland University.Ihave chosen thesubjects of Biology,English, Health, Physical Education Development and Psychologyto help me achievemyaspirations. I, along with my teamofsenior prefects, areexcitedfor themany blessings to come in 2021.


Leo Palmer Head Boy 2021 Hugo Davidson Deputy Head Boy

Mahanga Mitchell Deputy Head Boy

Tena koutou katoa, Ko MahangaMitchell toku ingoa. Ihave thegreat opportunity to lead alongside myfellow Prefects as aDeputy Head Boyof WBHS. Hailing from thebeautiful Hokianga locatedonthe wicked west coast, Igrewuplovingmyculture. Participation in ma -ori cultural activities is amust for me.Ilove performing arts and Iwish to pursue drama andattend ToiWhakaari once my time ends at WBHS with the hope of becoming aprofessionalactor. This year Ichose to study Drama, Senior Maori Arts, Outdoor education, English andMathematics. Iwant to honemy leadership skills as aDeputy Head Boy and looktocreate positive change in our kura working alongsidemyfellow Prefects. He wakaeke noa!

Ben Woodgates BoT Student Representative

Kia ora, Ever since Ican remember Ihave looked up to the impressive Prefects at Whanga reiBoys’ High School and the hardmahi they put in -which Ihope to carry on and improve their legacy.With the help of my fellow Whanau captain Kaden Donaldson Ihope to lead the Bledisloe Whanau to asuccessful year,aswell as improving my own leadership skills. Ihave enjoyed living in Whanga reimost of my life. Ialways strive to “use every opportunity that comes your way”. This year Ihope to endorse Level 3with Excellence for the thirdyear in row. Ialso hope to lead the WBHS sailing team to asuccessful regatta at nationals. Along with sailing, Ienjoy avariety of different sports such as squash, surfing, soccer and snowboarding. For the last three years Ihave also been tutoring younger kids with maths. Iamgrateful for all the opportunities that Ihave been given and will continue to use them to help others and myself as much as Ican.

name name is is Hugo Hugo Da Davidson vidson andIamone of threeDeputy Head

WBHS WBHS for for 20 2021. 21. It It is aprivilegetohold thisposition and ing ing opp opportunity ortunity t to give something back toa schoolthat ns nsuc ucha ha big big pa part rt of my life these lastfour years. chos chosen en the the subject subjects Physics, Calculus, English,Chemistry, chology.Iamhopichology.Iamhopingto achieve excellence endorsements thesethese subjects,subjects, se setting myself up well for thenew challenge rsity rsity next next year.year. of of academics,academics, my my main passion is football. This year is is to to lead lead the the WBH WBHS First XI to success locally andat annual annual national national tourntournament, building on the team’shigh ment ment in in recentyearecentyears.

a, My nameisKadenDonaldsonand this year Iwas fortunate ho hono nouredured to to be be re re-elected as Student Representative on our enough to join Josh Smith in leading the Bledisloe Whanau.I dofTrusteesdofTrustees for for 202 2021. have admired thehardmahi thatIhave seen the past Whanau cited to join back ue helping the scho enew school build cited to join back whereIleft offin2020 and am ready to ue helping the school move further in apositive direction. enew school build underway,it’sa busyand exciting Captain leaders that Bledisloe has position from the very beginning of Iwould feel privilegedto get it. had. Iknew that my high school Iwanted this years andthat the the Board.It’saBoard.It’saprivilege to be trusted by the boys to This year Iwant to take advantage of my role as Whanau Captain esent esent them.them. in order to improve myleadership skills, public speaking ability yearIamtakingyearIamtaking Eco Economics, English, Statistics, Photography, and organisational skills to use furtherinto the rest of my life. ography.I’mography.I’m unsureunsureofwhatdirection I’ll take once leaving Outside of school Ibalance my part time job with hanging out High, High, but but I’llcontI’llcontinue doing what Ienjoy and surrounding and socializing withfriends. Ialso enjoy almost alltypesof fwithfwith goodpeoplegoodpeople -what could go wrong. physical activity andlike to keep fit and healthy. mbitioustombitiousto continucontinue growing both as aleaderand aperson year.I’myear.I’m proudproud of of m my fellow Prefects and am excited to work alongside alongside them them throughoutthroughout the year.

is is Cory Cory MacKay MacKay an and Iamprivileged to be the Carruth Whanau Captain GrowingGrowing up up as as a ayoung lad in aschool considerably larger than my last Bay Bay School, School, IloIlooked up to the leaders of WBHS, in the yellow and black hroughhrough my my develo development and the confidence Ihave gained over the years, opportunity opportunity arosarose to become one of these esteemed leaders Iwas to to accept accept that that c challenge. enjoyed enjoyed living living in in Whanga reiall my life and never miss an opportunity to outdoors outdoors with with apartiaparticular passion for fishing and diving. For this year Ihope achieve achieve Level Level 3NCEA3NCEA w with Excellence making it my thirdyear with this result hope hope to to get get as as involved as possible in my community by playing sports, participating participating in in the the Whan Whanga-rei Pipe Band and volunteering. While Iwas once anxious anxious young young boy,byboy,bygetting involved and taking every opportunity that has ave ave developed developed into aconfident young man -and it is this mentality I everyone everyone should should p pursue. Being one of the Whanau Captains of Carruth with history history of of winni winning the inter Whanaul competition, comes with quite some but but it it is is somet something that I’m keen to get stuck into. Nga Mihi Ra

Shi-on Ko Deputy Head Boy

Kaden Donaldson Bledisloe WhanauCaptain

The first folds of an origami model arethe mostimportant, as are the firstyears of our lives beforeadulthood. With this in mind, I took up theposition of Deputy Head Boy to develop myselfand to develop others. My passions includepiano, badminton, dance,running, and of course, origami. However, Iultimately enjoy givingmyself a challenge; whether it’slearning to handstand, teachingmyself the guitar,orlearning an entireexternal overnight afterheavy procrastination. This year, Iwill be facing my greatest challenge. Iaim to place first in NewZealand academically by obtaining the most NZQA scholarshipsinthe country; proving to myself that anything can be achieved with alittle luckand alot of hard work. Likewise, Iask you to challenge yourself. Shape theorigami model of your life.“If you reallywantit, thenyou’ll make your dream happen.” -Morrie Schwartz.

Kia ora, BeingchosenasCarruth WhanauCaptain for 2021 has filled me withgreat pride.Ihaveaspired to be in this position since the startofmytimeatBoys’ High, in aweofall of the past Whanau Captains. Thisyear Iamaiming to achieveanExcellence Endorsement in NCEA Level 3and to qualify andparticipate in the Hillary Challenge(a 5day adventurerace on Tongariro). Furthermore, Iwould like to get Carruth back to their winning ways after not doing so well in the pastfew years. Taking on this position also gives me the opportunity to develop my leadership, something Ihavedevelopeda passionfor. Ilook forwardtowhat this year has to offer as we enterour final year of high school.

Cole Tilly Carruth Head Boarder

Ben Campbell Grey Whanau Captain

Adyn Jones Hobson Whanau Captain

Diamond Middleton Marsden Whanau Captain

Kia ora, My name is Cole Tilly and this year I have been given the prestigious role of Carruth Head Boarder. This is a role that I have strived for from year 9, and alongside my fellow Carruthian Prefects I’m sure we can do better for future boys at the hostel. My passions and hobbies are rugby, boxing, hunting and almost anything to do with water. However one of the things that I enjoy most is helping others and this is why I want to join the navy as a marine engineer officer. As quoted by the great Muhammad Ali “service to others is the rent for your room here on earth”. This year my goals are to develop as a leader and learn different ways of leading, as well as endorsing level three and going as far as I can in my chosen sports. Nga mahi nui

Kia ora, My name is Ben Campbell and I have been selected as one of the Grey House Whanau Captains for 2021. I feel honoured to be selected for this position and am looking forward to the challenges that it will provide throughout the year. A large passion of mine is football - taking up most of my spare time. Throughout my years at Whanga rei Boys’ High School I’ve been involved in numerous teams, more specifically the Boys’ High 1st Xl, where we have won two of the three national tournaments attended. Goals I am currently working towards are receiving excellence endorsements in all of my chosen subjects, as well as developing my public speaking skills and of course, more importantly, bringing the inter whanau trophy to Grey for a third consecutive year!!!

Kia ora,

Ever since year nine, I have aspired to be a Whanau Captain for my house, Hobson. I feel privileged and honoured to have attained my goal, and I am looking forward to what 2021 brings us. Along with this, another goal of mine is to become our schools 1st XV captain, which is one that I am currently working on achieving. My type of leadership is leading by example rather than being vocal in front of crowds. Public speaking has not been a strength of mine, but is something that I wish to develop in 2021. Nga mihi

Kia ora, My name is Diamond, and I am privileged to be one of the Marsden Whanau Captains for 2021. Kapa haka and Te Ao Maori has been a major factor in my schooling life, one of my life goals is to speak fluently in Te Reo Ma ori. I plan on going to University next year to pursue a degree in Electrical Engineering however plans could change. In year 10, I had the honour of being a Junior whanau captain (for Marsden) and was able to experience a taste of what the job required of me and to see how exciting this position was for the seniors, and so ever since that moment I have aspired to be a Whanau Captain, In 2020, I had the honour of being awarded the role and I look forward to leading Marsden to victory alongside Quinn Morgan for 2021.

Hayden Ganley Grey Whanau Captain

Kia ora, Ever since I first enrolled at Whanga rei Boys’ High School, I have had a keen interest in the part that the Whanau Captains play within the school and surrounding community. I was lucky enough to be one of two Junior Whanau Captains (for half a year) which boosted my confidence in a wide range of areas from leadership to goal setting. Some of my goals from my past few years as a senior student have been to make the NZ U18 hockey squad and to endorse NCEA with Excellence at every level. So far I have achieved both of these goals and in 2021 I have added the goal of co-leading Grey Whanau to another win in the inter Whanau competition. I look forward to what this year brings us and I can’t wait to get stuck in.

Ben Murray Hobson Whanau Captain

Kia ora, Whanga rei Boys’ High School has been a major part of my life for the last four years. When given the opportunity to give back to a school that has given me so much, I, of course, jumped at the chance to apply for a senior leadership position. The role of Whanau Captain is not one that I would have seen myself in back in year nine, as it seemed both daunting and exhausting. I now know both of these to be true. What I didn’t realise back then was that this is the point; the shaky nerves, background work and planning are what make this job so rewarding. My personal goals this year are to lead the WBHS 1st XI hockey team to victory both locally and across the country, to achieve excellence endorsements in all my subjects, and, of course, to lead Hobson Whanau to a victory alongside Adyn Jones.

Quinn Morgan Marsden Whanau Captain

I have the privilege this year to be one of Marsden Whanau Captains and to hopefully lead them to a house victory for 2021 alongside Diamond Middleton . The role of Whanau Captain has always been something I looked to obtain throughout my first four years of high school. I have played for the WBHS senior volleyball team for the past two years and have been to NZ volleyball nationals twice, and during year 9 I also played for the football first XI. I look forward to going to Auckland University next year and studying Architecture and Civil Engineering, taking the skills I learnt at WBHS into the world and sharing my talents.

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