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Decode design trends
The world of design trends can get a bit baffling. Like any creative endeavour, interior design - much like fashion - is subject to constantly changing descriptions of what’s ‘in’ or not, and they often come with new snappy labels to try and define them in one word, like Japandi or Cottagecore.
Thegoodnewsis,diga littledeeperand most of thoselabelsrefer to trends that have comeandgoneover time, andhave simplybeengivena fresh spintomake themrelevantandup-to-date. Someare classicarchitecturalstylesthat evolve butnever reallygooutofstyle,someare more ephemeralbutfuntrendsthat we become enamouredwithfor ashorttime- oftendriven byfactors like socialmedia- before thenext thingcomesalong.
Whiletheonlytrendthat reallymatters, andnever goesoutofstyle,isfindingdesign stylesthat resonatewithyou personally, here’s a quickguidetodecodingsomeofthetrends, ideasandstylesaroundrightnow.
ArtDeco Artdeco is adistinctive styleofdesignand architecture that emerged in the1920s.It’s a balance of glamour, elegance,functionand modernity, distinguishedbygeometricshapes givenanopulentfinishwithhigh-shinesurfaces andgold,chromeorbrassmetallictouches.
TraditionalArtDeco colours arestrikingand boldwitha lotofcontrast.Try butteryyellows like ResenePopcornpairedwithduskyblues like ReseneCobalt; or brickredslike Resene Lusty withpastelpinkReseneCinderella.
Includecontrastingfinishesfor aluxurious look, so you’remixingmatte ReseneSpaceCote Flat on walls, withglossyReseneEnamacrylon trims,furniture or decorpieces.
ArtNouveau Popularatthe turn of the20thCentury, particularlyinEurope, ArtNouveau is defined by fluidlinesandflowingcurves based on natural formsandtraditionallyusedmuted or pastel colours particularly botanicalgreens,pale beiges,and softpinksandpainterlyfinishes.
Thestyleishavinga renaissance,reflecting ourmoderndesire to connect withnature and tolive in lessrigidlydefined,single-usespaces. Bringituptodatewithslightlyboldershades suchasgreyedgreenReseneRivergumorlush ReseneGecko,pairedwithmodernneutrals suchasfreshReseneBlanc,charcoalResene Sharkandfoamy pink ReseneEbb.
Tomake abiggerstylestatement, try a wallpapermurallike ReseneWallpaper CollectionHX4-027.
Cluttercore is,atheart, simplya maximalist approachtointeriordesign.It’s apush-back against an earliertrendfor strict decluttering andminimalismandisa funtrendtoplaywith becauseyou canembrace acurated riot of colours,shapes,texturesandpatterns.
It’s astylethat canquicklyslipfromartfully uniquetomessychaotic.Thekey is keeping someorganisationamongtheclutter.
Successfulmaximalismisaboutinteresting juxtapositions.Cluttercore is reallya subset of that focusingoncreatingseveral interesting smallvignetteswithina larger space.
Start by pickingoneshelforcabinet top, and playwithbooks,decor, framedartandplants inunexpected colours andshapestosee what configurationsmost pleaseyoureye.Fromthere you canstart topulltogether othervignettes aroundthe room. Iftheshapeofanaccessory suits your stylebut thecolour doesn’t, update thecolourwithResene testpots.
Coastal Grandma A trendbornonsocialmedia,Coastal Grandmotherisallaboutchicsimplicity.
Not that thelookisreallyanythingnew. ThinktimelessHamptonsstyle with deep bluesandgreenslike ReseneCoast and ResenePermanentGreenor evenmutedreds like ReseneOxide Redpairedwithwhite or creamyneutralslike ReseneQuarter Spanish White.Plentyof naturalstainedorwashed woodcompletes thelookalong withlotsof greenery andothernaturalfibrestoucheslike caneorwicker.
Give thelooka bachyspinwitha washedor weatheredfinishusingReseneFXPaintEffects mediumtoroughlyblendtwo colours andopt for woodstainsinReseneColorwoodDarkRimu orReseneColorwoodShore ThingfromtheWe SpeakBeachcollection.
Cottagecore Cottagecoreisanothertrendstemming from themoderndesire to simplifyourlives.Where theCoastal Grandmothertrendisfocusedon stylishbeachyrelaxation,Cottagecore(also knownasFarmcore or Countrycore)isallabout adoptingelements of a simplerurallifestyle.
Itembracestheideaofeating locallygrown,orevenhomegrown food,and getting outinnature unpluggedfromtechnology.
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Itcomes witha preference for rustic finishes ininterior design, whether that’sreviving a farmhouse-stylekitchen,upcycling vintage furniture or optingfor weathered lookingpaint finishes like limewashingusingReseneFX Paint Effectsmedium.
Dark Academia This is thecontemporary spin ongothicstyle, with dark andstormycolours,paired with walnut oroak tonedwooden furniture and sumptuousfabrics like velvet and suede.
It’s agood place to start ifyou’re wanting tocreatean interior space perfect for winter retreats forreading,watching movies,studying orstimulatingconversation.Try goingdark on walls withcolours like Resene Bokara Grey or ResenePersianRed, addmuted and moody lamp lighting andstained flooring inResene ColorwoodDark Ebony, covered in plush rugs. Add the odd splash of freshness with aneutral like ReseneHalfTea for definition.
Japandi Asthe name suggests, Japandi isa blend of Japanese and Scandinavianstyles, which means it is about simplicity ofstyle witha focus onwellbeing. It is influencedbythe Japanese philosophy ofwabi-sabi which is about not interferingtoo much in the natural process of things and accepting imperfection.From a design point of view that meansrelaxed finishes, natural materials andtextures that haven’t been enhancedtoo much.
Think minimalism that is warm and welcoming. That meansworking with beige oroaty shades such asReseneTea or Resene Triple Merinorather than bright whites, and adding darkercolours that arestill quite neutral but add accent notes, like Resene Midnight Moss orResene Dark Knight. Layer withtextures ofwood, hemp, bamboo and rice paper.
Mid-century modern Mid-century modern typicallyreferstothe period of the 20thcentury stretching from the 1940stothe end of the 1960s. It is characterised bysimpleforms and clean lines that often incorporate organic curves.Aswell as furniture and interiors, this era of design also influences other design disciplines including architecture, graphic design andfashion.
When itcomestointeriors,otherkey traits includea strongfocus onwood finishes, but in balance withother man-made materials that wereavailabletodesigners of the mid-20th century including vinyl, nylons, glass and plywood.
For yourcolourpalette tryrich, naturaltones such as olive greens like Resene Fiji Green, mustardgolds like Resene Hacienda andearthy browns like Resene Antique Brass. There’s alsoroomfor bolder, brighter shades such as burgundy-tonedreds like Resene Hot Chile,teal blues like Resene Cello and dusty oranges such asReseneTuscany.
Regencycore Sometimes known asRoyaltycore, we have popular Netflix show Bridgertontothankfor this trend, which is all about embracing the look of opulence and elegance associated with Englishstately homes,particularly from the Regency Eraof theearly 19thcentury.
Thegood news is it doesn’t needtobe expensive to createa sense of opulence. Work with ornatewallpapers that include notes of metallic andtexture like ReseneWallpaper Collection 24110 orgofor an on-trend bold floral ofReseneWallpaper Collection KEN001.
Try paintinga classic black and white checkerboard floor in high glossResene Black White andResene All Blacktoanchoryour historic look and upcycle an ornatemirror with a coatof metallicResene Bullion.
Finish withvelvetcushions ora throw.
Scandi Scandinavian, or Scandi, design has been popularfor most of the 21st century so far, thankstoits paredback, often minimalist, aesthetic and freshcolourpalette.
Try plywoodwalls or floor in simpleResene Colorwood Whitewash, with sage Resene Spanish Green, or charcoalReseneTuna.
Thestyle hasevolvedover theyears to be warmer and softer with floaty curtains and layers of differentwood finishes, but ultimately Scandi design iscentred on clean lines, utility, simplicity anda connectiontonature, all drenched in as much natural light as possible.
Don’tfeel the needtostickstrictlytoone designstyle. Find the ones that resonateyou and borrowthose elements that appealtoyou tocreatea designstyleof yourown.
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