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How to avoid the major mistakes people make whenrenovating

How to avoid the major mistakes people make when renovating



Repainting a home is a great way to freshen up the old bones.

Many people think that renovations will addvaluetoyour home,and while this is mostly true, poor choicescan lead tofrustratedhome buyers anda difficulttaskfor your real estate agenttomarket.

Quality workmanshipand unfinishedwork is one of the biggest factorsthat buyers notice, and they sure notice it if theexecution is poor.

Repaintinga home isa greatway to freshenupthe old bones, but don’tpaintover imperfect walls orwallpaper that actually needstobestripped.

The prospect of havingtore-do what the seller has done is frustrating and devalues the home instantly.

Shoddywork whether it be tiling,building orpainting isbestreflected on what should be

DIY andwhentocall in quality tradespeople tocarry out thework to a high standard that is councilcompliant.

A greatexercise isa ‘defect walk’.

Stand one metre away and lookatevery defect that youcan see.

Startworkingyourway through this list,you will findyou canremedy most of them with a mixofDIYandprofessional trade help.

Badcolour choices alsomakeit onthe list.

Bykeepingyourpaint schemeor kitchen splashback neutralyou appealtoa wider range of buyers readyfor them to make their mark on the interior withcoloursthat they physiologicallyconnect with.

Boldfeature walls and tiles inbathrooms are trickytoreplace so thinkcarefully about your product selection.

Overpricedrenovationscatch homeowners out when they get carried away withstarting on one areawhich evidently leadstotwo or three more areas that subsequently needtobe updated as nowit looksworse.

Bybeing selective withzones, youcan avoid thiscompletely.

Keep in mind that most homes are open plan so ifyou do tackle the kitchen, then the whole living-dining area generally needstobe updated toofor afinishedrenovation.

Ifyou areworkingona small budget perhaps look at replacing the flooring,paint, make sure allfittings aren’t mismatched, updating the laundry and the street appeal of your homefor firstimpressions.

Lastly allocatea proportion ofyour budget tostylingyour home both inside and out.

Thiscould bea newfront door and the streetfrontrefreshed with new plantings and letter box throughtoreplacing light fittings and door handles, hanging artwork, andstagedor atleast curatedexisting furniture to remove the personal touch and achievemore of a show homeexperience.

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