Connected Communities BC : Digital by Design
Disconnected Disconnected communities are cut off from the digital world and the associated benefits that come with it.
1 Leadership and Support Connected communities have a vision for how digital can enhance community development strategies. Implementing these requires leadership, governance, collaboration and the effective use of resouces.
Vision & Strategy
Assessment of the vision and supporting Connected communities apply a digital strategies underpinning digitally enhanced mind-set to integrate digital as an aspect communities. into their community development vision and strategies.
Assesses the level of leadership in driving digital adoption, adaption and transformation in the community.
Assesses the degree of collaboration among stakeholders on digital collaboration (i.e. governments, businesses, entrepreneurs, postsecondary, community support and develoment organizations, neighbouring communities, including First Nations).
Resources and Funding
0 No digital vision and strategies included in existing community plans.
Digital Inclusion Basic communication provides inclusion and access to vital services such as first responders. Limited connectivity restricts the community's ability to benefit from a digital economy.
Digital Integration Moderate connectivity supports most business and community needs, fostering greater integration and access to improved services.
Digital Innovation
Good connectivity and digital capability supports A truly connected community is at the forefront a knowledge workforce and attracts talent that of cutting edge of technology, continuously evolving and innovating. It’s a thriving drives innovation and growth opportunities. community and a place where people want to live, work and play..
Digital vision exists, no digital strategies included Digital vision exists, some digital strategies are in existing community plans. defined and included in existing community plans.
Digital vision exists, defined digital strategies are Digital vision and strategies are integrated and included in existing community plans. influencing existing and future community plans.
Connected communities benefit from one No digital champions, or catalysts. or more champions who acts as a catalyst to lead digitally enabled initiatives.
Some digital leadership demonstrated through a Digital leadership demonstrated but limited champion but no support. support.
Recognized champions, but no well-defined governance structure to support digital leadership.
Celebrated champions leading the development of a well-defined governance structure.
Communication, coordination and No communication, coordination or collaboration form the backbone for digital collaboration on digital transformation. transformational success.
Some level of communication but no coordination or collaboration for digital transformation.
Communication exists, and some level of digital coordination, but no collaboration for digital transformation.
Coordination among stakeholders groups exists and some collaboration for digital transformation has emerged.
Full collaboration among all stakeholders on transformational initiatives, and collaborations extend to stakeholders beyond the community (i.e.national or international collaborations).
Assesses the availability of funding and Digital infrastructure requires shared No funding sources or resources at local level. resources from local sources, governments resources and targeted funding to optimize and private sector investments. investments.
Limited funding sources at local level, and resource barriers exist to accessing government or private sector investment.
Funding sources available at local level, and resources enable access to government or private sector investment.
Funding and resources across all levels are available,but not aligned for optimal return.
Funding and resources available across all levels is invested strategically to optimize return.
Determine the access, coverage and availability of internet services to the end user.
Accessible internet relies on the availability No access to broadband service. and reliability of backhaul infrastructure and last mile technology to the end user.
Broadband access is limited to certain areas (commercial and residential).
50% of community (commercial and residential) 80% of community (commercial and residential) Entire community (commercial and residential) has access to broadband service. has access to broadband service. has access to broadband service.
Determine the access, coverage and availability of cellular services to the end user.
Accessible cellular relies on the availability Mobility not possible due to absence of cellular and reliability of infrastructure to the end service. user.
Mobility is possible in 50% of community; not along highways or in nearby recreational areas.
Mobility is possible in 80% of community; not along highways or in nearby recreational areas.
Mobility is possible in 80% of community and limited access along corridors between communities and in recreational areas.
Mobility enabled throughout the community (via access to high density, small cell technology enabling super fast, high-bandwidth communications); access extends to corridors between communities and in recreational areas.
Broadband speeds are critical for businesses and users.
Access to basic broadband upto 5 MBps download/upload speed).
Access to standard broadband upto 15 MBps download/upload speed).
Access to high-speed broadband (50 MBps download/upload speed).
Access to high-speed broadband (100+ MBps download/upload speed).
2 Connectivity People,businesses and organizations 2.1 have the ability to connect and collaborate virtually. Broadband is the cornerstone of connected communities, providing the necessary digital infrastructure that unlocks the benefits of connectivity.
Assessment of a community's access to broadband speeds.
No access to broadband.
Assessment of the affordability of Affordability impacts digitial adoption and Cost of service is more than 50% higher than broadband from an end-user point of view is critical for enabling economic comperable service pricing in the Lower compared to cost for similar service and development and diversification. Mainland. speed in the lower mainland (%variance from lower mainland pricing and % adoption of the community).
Cost of service is 30-50% higher than comparable Cost of service is 20-30% higher than comparable Cost of service is 10-20% higher than comparable Cost of service is 0-10% higher than comparable service pricing in the Lower Mainland. service pricing in the Lower Mainland. service pricing in the Lower Mainland. service pricing in the Lower Mainland.
Digital Capacity
Assesses the state of digital literacy and skill levels of the community.
Digital literacy and skill levels of the community affects the level of adoption, integration and innovation.
Majority of residents are unable to interact virtually for work, community or social benefit.
Majority of residents have some level of digital Majority of the residents can comfortably use literacy and skill but remain unable to work via computers, smartphones, etc.) 30 - 60% of computer or access online services with ease. (ie. residents are using internet. basic Internet navigation, basic software skills, can use devices for simple tasks). Less than 30% of residents are using internet.
Majority of the residents are leveraging digital Some residents are highly digitally-skilled and skillsets for employment, community leveraging digital skillset to innovate. Over 80% engagement, education attainment, etc. 60 - 80% of residents are using internet. of residents are using internet.
Skills Development
Assesses the degree to which education/training is accessible in the community, at all ages and stages, to create a knowledge workforce.
Creating a knowledge workforce to support the digital economy leads to prosperity.
No local training/development available.
Limited local training/development opportunities, specific to stages or ages (no aligned or integrated).
Partnerships with local college/university; community-based skills development organizations and business to address local needs.
Data Capture and Usage
Measures the effectiveness of a The ability to consume and leverage data community to consume and leverage data. supports the ability to change and innovate.
Data is not valued as an asset within the community. (i.e. collected and used for specific purposes,such as delivering a services).
Data re-use/sharing within and between Data sharing and analysis has resulted in Demand and/or opportunities for public data Established open data platforms that elevate organizations is limited and fraught with barriers. economic benefit or service improvements exists and open data platforms enable moderate integrated use of data for multiple smart (i.e.tourism ROI, safety/emergency planning and use of data for specific smart soluitons. solutions. response, water conservation).
3 Digital Capability Digital literacy, adoption and skills development are fundamental to the digital economy. Greater capability spawns greater innovation that drives business opportunities and improves livability.
Distance learning programs and remote mentoring is available, no formal programs or partnerships to increase participation or align training/develoment to local needs.
Fully integrated and seamless training/development opportunities in the community to enable continuous training/development for all ages and stages.
Current State
Future State
Disconnected Disconnected communities are cut off from the digital world and the associated benefits that come with it.
4 Sustainability Sustainable communities are rooted in a diversified resilient economy that respects, supports and leverages the environment and community values. The need to adapt, grow and innovate requires wokrforce attraction, support structures, programs for entrepreneurs and environmental stewardship.
0 4.1
Assesses the current status of the economy.
Long term sustainability requires innovation to diversify or specialize the economy.
Workforce Retention & Attraction
Assesses the community's existing workforce retention & attraction strategies, as they relate to the skills and abilities needed in a digital era.
Local economy is dependent on legacy or decling industry with no innovation to improve competitiveness (diversification or specailization).
Digital Inclusion Basic communication provides inclusion and access to vital services such as first responders. Limited connectivity restricts the community's ability to benefit from a digital economy.
Digital Integration Moderate connectivity supports most business and community needs, fostering greater integration and access to improved services.
Digital Innovation
Good connectivity and digital capability supports A truly connected community is at the forefront a knowledge workforce and attracts talent that of cutting edge of technology, continuously drives innovation and growth opportunities. evolving and innovating. It’s a thriving community and a place where people want to live, work and play..
Stable economy, supporting existing businesses; focus is architecting innovation to improve future competitiveness (increase high-value services, diversification or specialization).
Diversification through new economic opportunities (increase in high-value services, diversity of sectors or diversity of opportunities within a sector).
Ability to retain, attract a skilled workforce Workforce is in decline. and provide high paying jobs that will support economic prosperity in the digital era.
Workforce retention and stabilization. No workforce attraction programs in place that capitalizes on the digital economy.
Workforce retention and attraction approach is Workforce retention and talent attraction is adhoc; may align with emerging digital economy supported by digital economy trends; programs opportunities. in place which are aligned with future economic vision.
Strategic attraction of top talent from around the world to support digital economy development.
Assesses a community's commitment to environmental stewardship.
Communities with access to a sustainable environment are more attractive to residents, and businesses that leverage pristine environments for economic benefit.
Limited consideration for environmental sustainability.
Moderate consideration for environmental sustainability.
Integrates consideration for environmental sustainability into all community decisions.
Innovation Stimulus
Assesses the structures and programs in place to support entrepreneurship and business opportunities.
Support structures and programs support No support structures. entrepreneurship and business opportunities.
Limited support for entrepreneurs and new businesses, such as co-working space.
Support programs such as accelerator programs Financial support such as seed investment and VC Innovation eco-system that support and incubators, and mentorship programs for investments. entrepreneurs and new businesses along the entrepreneurs. way.
Health & Social
Assesses a community's general access to healthcare (consultation, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and prevention).
Communities with access to many facets of healthcare (local or remote) are more sustainable and attractive.
Access to any facet of healthcare requires travel Consultation is possible without leaving the outside community or is limited to certain days community and diagnostics for common each month. conditions; other diagnostics, referrals and emergency treatment requires travel outside community.
Consultation diagnosis and some treatment services are available without traveling outside the community.
Community Engagement
Assesses the level of direct citizen engagement and participation in community planning, development and decision-making.
Citizen-centric communities require an engaged community that frequently connects, collaborates and participates in local planning, development and decisionmaking.
Community is not engaged or participating in local planning, development and decisionmaking. Community decisions are not transparent.
Community is engaged using traditional forms and processes (i.e. only key stakeholders are engaged and informed of planning and development priorities/decisions rather than invited into the development process itself).
Community is engaged in meaningful ways to Citizen engagement is a standard way of provide input at all planning and development conducting planning and development processes. stages, which may include face-to-face meetings, community events, online forums, social media, etc.
Citizen engagement is a cornerstone of community planning and development, and is strategically used to create new development opportunities, drive innovation and solve local challenges.
Community Building & Identity
Assesses the collectiveness, accepted history, community spirit and identity.
Strong community identity leads to deep cultural connection, pride, a sense of belonging and well-being.
No common experience upon which to build identity; no effort to develop a community identity.
Weak community identity that lacks cultural connections and pride.
Community identity exists but is not articulated, and cultural connections are building.
Community culture is enriched and enhanced through promoting and sharing history, celebrating strengths and values, language preservation, etc.
Community leverages unique identity to increase visibility, which attracts more people and investment.
Quality of Life
Assesses the impact that a community's quality of life has on attracting talent and business.
Lifestyle and quality of life help attract individuals, families and businesses to relocate.
Lifestyle and quality of life features are not being Lifestyle and quality of life are poorly promoted Lifestyle and quality of life of community are promoted to support retention and attraction of and have little impact on retention and attraction moderately promoted for retention and people and business. of people and business. attraction of people and business.
Lifestyle and quality of life of community are actively promoted and are attracting talent and business.
Lifestyle and quality of life features are locally & globally recognized, and are being strategically used to attract targeted talent and business attraction.
No considereration for environmental sustainability.
Economic transformation and innovation (economy is self sustainable; more resilient to global market changes).
Good consideration for environmental sustainability.
Competitive advantage across different industries and sectors (i.e key differentiators in key industries or diversified up and down value /supply chains); highly resistent to global market changes.
5 Community Wellbeing Healthy communities support quality of life. Citizen and business engagement is central to shaping community identity and building community wellbeing.
Treatment for a variety of conditions is available without traveling beyond the community, monitoring and prevention are availbale in the community or in the home.
All elements of healthcare (Consultation, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, followup) are seamlessly avaiable to residents, based on their need (at home, in senior's centre, from local clinic).
Current State
Future State
Connected Communities BC: Digital by Design Roadmap Digital Integration
Digital Innovation
Connected Communities
Leadership & Support
Digital Inclusion
Digital Capability
Community Wellbeing