Northern Express

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God’s Army is Outside Mancelona not too pretty


NORTHERN MICHIGAN’S WEEKLY • october 14 - october 20, 2019 • Vol. 29 No. 40

2 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

HIT SEND! Kudos to Tuttle Sir Walter Scott wrote “O, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” Fast-forward to the present times with life at the White House. Many say it is a mess. It is a mixture of fake news and false news; where is the truth to be found? Mix in the ingredients from TV talk shows, political ads, and reports from newspapers to help form the tangles. These are serious times. We can also maintain a sense of humor about it all, because it helps to lessen our anxiety and worry. I think Stephen Tuttle’s weekly column, with its well-informed instincts, does a fine job of reporting the facts, keeping us positive. Thomas E. Hagan, Empire A Fine Mess We’ve Made When I hear rhetoric and read words from other people in my demographic, they reflect an underlying fear, it seems to me, of future cultural change. I’m an aging 66-yearold white man that is quite singular because my politics are left progressive, and I don’t watch Fox News. Trump’s election was not only a racialist backlash to a two-term African American president but also the last gasp of a disintegrating white man’s world. Worldwide, people on the move because of starvation, war, and government oppression numbered 80 million in 2018. By 2040, estimates are 200 million immigrants worldwide. Political, cultural and social change are inevitable. How governments cope with with this sea of immigrants is another question. Attrition is on the menu for spectators of Fox News. Us old white men clinging on to worn out, meaningless platitudes of patriotism and white supremacy are dying animals. The fear of “the other” and arming ourselves to the teeth for protection against some illusion of future government threats seems to be a common theme among old white Social Security and Medicare recipients. It’s not so subtle in significance the huge increase in suicide rates among white men in my age group. The most preferred form of self-inflicted demise is gunshot — typical of us male members of the aging and shrinking white power structure to leave behind a gruesome mess for others to clean up. Bret Albright, Traverse City Ring Your Bell I would like to offer this suggestion regarding multi-use, non-motorized, trailuser interactions. Communication between bicyclists, joggers, walkers, dog walkers, and rollerbladers, is essential to avoid collisions on these trails and pathways. Announcing “on your left” passing warnings aren’t familiar to all trail users and might leave them confused as to what they should do — move right or left. On the Top of Michigan Trails network, we ask bicyclists to equip their bicycles with a bell, the “civilized” way to announce your approach to pass. Ringing the bell generally elicits these responses from the trail user about to be passed: They may move to the right side of the trail. They might wave their hand and stay to the right, not looking back at you but acknowledging that they are aware you are passing. They may also look back and make eye contact with the bicyclist — the best-case

scenario — making both trail users aware of each other’s position on the trail. Very often the trail user being passed will thank you for your courtesy. We also ask the bicyclist to install a rearview mirror, allowing them to see when they will be overtaken and passed by another trail user. Mirrors are especially helpful to see the bicyclist that passes at speed and offers no bell or verbal warning. I consider that to be rude and uninformed behavior. Using a bell and mirror on your bike-path bicycle will bring peace of mind to you and the other trail users. Bicycle shops should recommend a bell and rearview mirror to any bicycle buyers that they know will be using the bicycle on multiuse, non-motorized trails. Keep pedalng and enjoy the trails! Bill Prall, Harbor Springs Pedal in My Shoes Since your [Oct. 7 opinion column by Mary Keyes Rogers, “Please Don’t Make Me Almost Kill You,”] was directed to me — a person who bicycles and also a father, husband, physical therapist, neighbor — I feel inclined to respond. Thanks for sharing how you feel when you encounter a person on a bike while driving your vehicle. You mention you feel “gut punched” and “guilty” and then “relief ” when you successfully navigate your “one-ton killing machine” past a person on a bike. I’m sorry that my presence on a bicycle on our shared streets makes you feel that way. Noticeably absent from your article, Mary, is empathy for me — the person you almost killed. Even if you’ve never had the opportunity to ride a bicycle, can you imagine how it might feel to be sitting in the saddle? Let me paint the picture for you: It’s a beautiful TC day with a light breeze as my legs push me and my bicycle home from a long day at work. Then I hear it, the low groan of a car engine rapidly approaching. As I glance to my left, I feel the woosh of the speeding vehicle blow past my face and see the driver looking down at their phone as they mindlessly pass by. Can you guess how I feel now? Gut punched — my goodness, I was almost killed! Guilt — why did I bike today? I almost didn’t make it home to my family. And then relief. You also asked why I take the risk of riding in areas where cars and bikes interact. I’m fortunate enough to have made a conscious decision to ride my bike to work each day. I do it for my health, for the environment, for my wallet, and simply for the enjoyment. But not all who bicycle do so because they want to. Many do it because they have to. Not all have the means to own and operate a motor vehicle. Lastly, you ask what is the answer here. I think it starts with recognizing the feelings on both sides. People who drive and people who bike are, at the end of the day, people. People with feelings and values and lifestyle choices that matter to that individual. And then what? Then we work toward designing equitable transportation systems that provide access for all people — not just those who drive. Chris Hinze, Traverse City Students Are The Problem Stephen Tuttle has his heart in the right place, but his head ... ugh! Those who will not learn from history will repeat the mistakes of U.S. district judge Russell Clark, who in 1985 ordered widespread changes and billions of dollars of new spending to fix “inequalities” in the schools of Kansas City, Missouri. The results: No improvement for the “victim” populations but mass harm to the majority who were forced to flee the area to keep their children from becoming victims themselves. Low-spending school districts often outperform high-spending ones, and homeschooled children routinely outscore

those from all but the very best public schools. The difference isn’t the money spent in the schools, but who the students are. Given that “educators” are charlatans who put fads before facts, is putting children in their care for even more years of their lives a solution, or more of the problem? Russ Cage, Williamsburg Think Qualifications Grand Traverse County Districts 3, 5, 6, 7 lack good commissioners. If you read the paper or attend board meetings, you know what I mean. We need good candidates to come forward to lead Grand Traverse County in 2020 and beyond. Job requirements should read something like this: Focus. Commissioner must be able to stay focused on relevant county issues. Training. Commissioner must be willing to take Sexual Harassment Training and others recommended by our county attorney or other qualified consultants. Open mind. Commissioner must not harbor ill will or prejudice toward any people groups. Representation. Commissioner is elected to represent their constituents, not their selfinterest. Commissioner must understand that the “good ol’ boy” governance style of the past is no longer acceptable. Commissioner must be able to meet the demands of current governmental leadership “best practices” including, but not limited to, a clearly written code of ethics and transparency. Commissioner must be committed to advancing our county into the future with sustainable living, a healthy environment, and clean energy, prioritizing quality of life for residents of all income levels. Additional skills a plus: An understanding and focus on the developing technology sector in Grand Traverse County, with minimal focus on tourism going forward. There are thousands of GT County residents ready to support new capable candidates. Thank you.

CONTENTS features Crime and Rescue Map......................................7 The Sacred Earth...............................................10 Be pretty. But not too pretty.............................15 Inside the Minds of Interlochen’s Filmmakers....17 Meet the Artist: Bobby MaGee.........................21 Little Bay Boards...........................................24 The Saxiest Man in America..........................27 Podcasting for personal growth.....................29 Better Beauty, Made in Northern Michigan........30 Seen...................................................................32

dates................................................33-37 music Four Score.....................................................39


columns & stuff Top Ten...........................................................5

Spectator/Stephen Tuttle....................................6 Opinion..............................................................8 Modern Rock/Kristi Kates................................38 Film................................................................40 Advice..........................................................43 Crossword...................................................44 Freewill Astrology..........................................45 Classifieds..................................................46

Kate Dahlstrom and Lynne VanNess, Traverse City Bicycle Safety I just read the Oct 7 opinion column by Mary Keyes Rogers. As an avid cyclist and member of a local 400+ cycling club, I appreciate Ms. Rogers observations and viewpoint. I really appreciate that she is hypervigilant when she sees cyclists on the road. In the past year, the State of Michigan and the League of Michigan Bicyclists (LMB) have done a lot to improve safety for cyclists on Michigan’s roads. There is a new driver’s safety education bill that will require a minimum of one hour of safety training for new Michigan drivers, and there is a new 3-foot minimum safe passing distance between motorists and cyclists. At present, the state legislature is also considering a distracted driving bill that will require hands-free operation of cell phones and increased penalties for prohibited phone use while driving. See LMB’s website for more information on this legislation ( Still, legislation will not eliminate accidents. Cyclists and motorists need to exercise caution and control on the roads. While cyclists try and stay as “far to the right as practicable,” there are many sticks, potholes, and opening car doors to avoid while traveling our roads. All we ask is that motorists exercise caution when they interact with all vulnerable roadway users and give us the 3-foot minimum as they pass. Taking another minute or two to reach your destination is well worth a life saved.

Northern Express Weekly is published by Eyes Only Media, LLC. Publisher: Luke Haase 135 W. State St. Traverse City, MI 49684 Phone: (231) 947-8787 Fax: 947-2425 email: Executive Editor: Lynda Twardowski Wheatley Finance & Distribution Manager: Brian Crouch Sales: Kathleen Johnson, Lisa Gillespie, Kaitlyn Nance, Mike Bright, Michele Young, Randy Sills, Todd Norris For ad sales in Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Boyne & Charlevoix, call (231) 838-6948 Creative Director: Kyra Poehlman Distribution: Dave Anderson, Dave Courtad Kimberly Sills, Randy Sills, Roger Racine Matt Ritter, Gary Twardowski Listings Editor: Jamie Kauffold Reporter: Patrick Sullivan Contributors: Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsny, Ross Boissoneau, Jennifer Hodges, Al Parker, Craig Manning, Todd VanSickle Michael Phillips, Steve Tuttle, Kristi Kates, All Parker Copyright 2019, all rights reserved. Distribution: 36,000 copies at 600+ locations weekly. Northern Express Weekly is free of charge, but no person may take more than one copy of each weekly issue without written permission of Northern Express Weekly. Reproduction of all content without permission of the publisher is prohibited.

Bill Danly, President Cherry Capital Cycling Club, member of the League of Michigan Bicyclists, Traverse City

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 3

this week’s

top ten

fall for dance “Fall for Dance” is the 13th annual student-orchestrated performance put on by Crooked Tree Arts Center School of Ballet Pre-Professional dancers, taking place Sun., Oct. 20 at 5pm at Harbor Springs Performing Arts Center. These dancers not only showcase their abilities in dance and performance, but also set and costume design, choreography, lighting, musical selection and directing. Tickets: $15 adults, $5 students. Proceeds benefit Harbor Springs Performing Arts Center.

Kirtland’s Warblers Removed from List Kirtland’s warblers no longer warrant protection under the Endangered Species Act, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The small songbird was once on the brink of extinction, but it’s thriving today thanks to a diverse and dedicated effort to save it. “The effort to recover the Kirtland’s warbler is a shining example of what it takes to save imperiled species,” said Margaret Everson, USFW principal deputy director. Kirtland’s warblers need jack pine forest habitat in order to survive, and jack pine forests require a cycle of wildfires in order to exist. Modern wildfire suppression greatly diminished the Kirtland’s warbler breeding habitat. In the absence of wildfire, land managers found ways to mimic natural processes that regularly occurred within the jack pine ecosystem, primarily through large-scale timber harvesting and human-assisted reforestation. Kirtland’s warblers were among the first creatures in the United States identified as being at risk of extinction. Populations dipped to a low of 167 pairs in 1974 and dipped again in 1987 before starting a steady climb toward recovery. Currently, the population is estimated to be around 2,000 pairs, double the goal identified in the species’ recovery plan.


Bottoms up Rolling Oak’s Donut Beer

Downtown Grayling’s Rolling Oak Brewery loves thy neighbor. So much so that its brewers, Radel Rosin and Jason Malone, created a beer to honor of one of ’em. The guys like to keep business as local as possible, said Rosin, so, in addition to sourcing ingredients like hops from nearby farms, they decided to source that less common addition in beer-making — donuts, from the bakery across the street. “We put about 10 dozen donuts from Goodale’s into our mash tun,” said Rosin. The result: Rolling Oak’s aptly named Good Ale, a light and creamy beer with a vanilla flavor reminiscent of, you guessed it, a glazed donut. Of course, the ale form clocks in at a 5.1 ABV, offering a different kind of buzz than its densely sugared inspiration. Goodale’s Bakery thinks the liquid ode is pretty cool, and so, too, do its matter-of-fact makers. “No one else does a donut beer, so that is what we wanted to do,” Rosin said. On average, the brewery has about 13 of its own beers on tap at a time, an impressive display of inventiveness and efficiency considering the brewers operate on a petite threebarrel system. That’s not a hindrance, but an asset, said Rosin: “We focus on really good craft-style beers. Working on a smaller system, you’re going to get better quality beer.” Find Rolling Oak Brewery at 509 Norway St., across from Goodale’s Bakery, in Grayling. (989) 745-6280,

4 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly


Hey, read it! Once Upon a River

On a snowy winter solstice near the turn of the 19th century, the bards of the Swan, an inn along the River Thames, have once again gathered to turn their tales. Even the most skillful spinners are rendered silent, however, when a stranger bursts through the door, the lifeless body of a young girl in his arms. Hours later, the child stirs — brought back to life as if by magic. But, who is she? As dusk turns to dawn, three families lay their claim; but for the residents of the river, the puzzles the girl protects are only the beginning. From bestselling novelist Diane Setterfield comes “Once Upon a River.” A cozy combination of fact and fable, this is the story to keep you snug for the season.



Your FishPass Questions Answered

Questions about FishPass will be answered at an upcoming meeting, but first, officials want to find out exactly what those questions are. The Lower Boardman River Leadership Team has arranged two meetings to gather questions about the dam project and a third meeting to answer them. Want a primer about the FishPass project planned for the Union Street dam in Traverse City? Check out “Is Northern Michigan Ready for FishPass?” in the Oct. 7 edition of Northern Express or online at The two question-gathering meetings will take place Oct. 15 at the Governmental Center, one from 11:30am to 1pm; the other from 5:30pm until 7pm. A public forum to hear answers to the questions will take place from 5:30pm to 7pm Oct. 30 at the City Opera House. All questions collected will be answered by FishPass staff or advisory board members on behalf of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.

Stuff we love Butterfly Treats on halloween This year, instead of stuffing trick-or-treaters’ pails and pillowcases with sugary crud they’ll get more than enough of, give ’em a little something truly sweet: a packet of seeds they can use to grow milkweed, the host plant our endangered Monarch butterflies need to aid their transformation from wee caterpillar and, once a butterfly, to be their transportation fuel for their great migration. The Save Our Monarchs Foundation is offering 100 packets of milkweed seeds, which can be planted this fall, for a $35 donation — far less than a 100 candy bars would cost you. Check out the Halloween promotion under Get Seeds at to get yours.

Frolic in the Foliage Your average fall color tour Up North usually includes a car ride, some bikes, or maybe a chairlift. If you’re feeling fancy, maybe you hop on a train. One we haven’t done? A woodsy run and yoga. Thanks to Yoga Bellaire and the Antrim County Conservation District, such a pretty opportunity is available to folks of all ages and fitness levels 3pm–4:30pm Saturday, Oct. 19 under the fiery fall foliage at Cedar River Natural Area in Bellaire. The Antrim Conservation District will lead the guided run and hike — a beginner-friendly guided 5k run through the serene trails of Cedar River or 1 mile hike, your pick — and afterward, Yoga Bellaire’s Rebecca Rankin will lead the group in some low-key yoga, no mat required. The $15 per person cost includes this perk: All attendees also receive a free pass to try a class at Yoga Bellaire. To learn more and register, search “Yoga Bellaire” on Facebook or email

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S’mores are a staple around any campfire during summer. But as the seasons change, that doesn’t mean the sweet treat needs to be shelved. Thanks to Sweet Shannon’s in Kalkaska, s’mores are available year-round in some shape or form. Owner Shannon Sorensen decided to turn the chocolate-graham-marshmallow trifecta into truffles after her s’mores shakes brought all the boys and girls to her shop’s yard this summer. “I thought, now that it’s fall, let’s do some chocolates,” Sorensen said. “They are tasty.” The s’more truffles have all the required ingredients — chocolate, graham crackers and marshmallows — but no pesky campfire is needed. The rich marshmallow fluffy center is mixed with graham cracker chunks and encased in a smooth chocolate shell. The decadent sweetness conjures up many a summer’s night memory while keeping you 100 percent free of lingering woodsmoke. Sweet Shannon’s, cozied up inside a turn of the century Victorianstyle home in downtown Kalkaska, has all the basic sweets you’d expect in a candy shop, but her homemade goodies are the real gems. Find it: 224 S. Cedar St. in Kalkaska. Open Tuesdays–Sundays, 12pm to 7pm now; hours vary during winter. (231) 564-2232, or search “Sweet Shannon’s” on Facebook.

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 5




spectator by Stephen Tuttle We are suddenly very concerned about corruption in other countries. Extremely concerned if a member of the Biden family has ever visited those countries. 1133 S. Airport Rd. W., Traverse City • (231) 929-9866


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It’s not that we’ve never before cared much, but the geopolitical realities have always forced us to turn a blind eye to corrupt allies. We’ve been doing it for a long time.

Then there are Iraq and Afghanistan, countries over which we actually do have some control. You would think those would be locations in which we would insist on reducing corruption since it is U.S. tax dollars being squandered.

Corruption isn’t especially easy to quantify; there’s no simple formula, and objective criteria is scant. There is, however, an organization called Transparency International

Despite, or perhaps because of, our presence in both countries, Iraq is the 168th least corrupt, and Afghanistan the 172nd least. (Remember, that’s out of 180 countries.)

Despite, or perhaps because of, our presence in both countries, Iraq is the 168th least corrupt, and Afghanistan the 172nd least. (Remember, that’s out of 180 countries.) that tries to keep track of such things. They produce an annual World Corruption Perception Index based on financial and governmental transparency, and they define corruption as anything using the public sector for private gain beyond salary. They use 16 different, detailed surveys and analysis from 12 international financial institutions to draw their conclusions. Of the 180 countries listed this year, Denmark and New Zealand tied as the least corrupt countries. Somalia was named the most corrupt. The United States finished as the 22nd least corrupt, just behind France and ahead of Ecuador. Ukraine, the object of President Trump’s current focus, and long a seat of volatile politics and a corrupt business environment, finished a dismal 120th least corrupt country. That was worthy of attention long before any Biden showed up there, but we’ve just now decided they need some scrutiny. Let’s see how some of our “friends,” whose corruption is of little interest to us, fared. Saudi Arabia finished as the 68th least corrupt, but it’s especially hard to quantify there since one giant family literally owns most of the country. Is it corrupt to use the treasury as an ATM if you own the treasury? Their financial institutions are so opaque, it’s difficult to know what they’re doing. Turkey, to whom the president has just given the green light to slaughter our Kurdish allies in Syria, is 78th least corrupt. Aside from the obvious betrayal of long-time allies, their president is another right-wing dictator with his hand in the cookie jar. But we’ll ignore that. (Trump’s withdrawal decision is a big victory for Syria’s oppressive dictator, Bashar Assad, and his Russian allies.)

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6 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

gotten funds himself. We’ve not yet uttered so much as a peep about that.

Our good friends in Russia are the 138th least corrupt, despite the country being a cesspool of insider dealing that has created an oligarchy of billionaires who were handed massive companies during a brief privatization spree. Vladimir Putin, Trump’s buddy, is alleged to have squirreled away billions of ill-

The inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction reports at least $10 billion simply unaccounted for — and many, many billions more wasted there. Among the projects our money has funded: medical clinics with no electricity, schools for which there are no available students, office buildings and homes with neither electricity nor water, and some structures that actually disintegrated in the weather. That doesn’t even include the nearly $80 billion we’ve spent perpetually training and equipping the Afghan army. Things are even worse in Iraq. We’re still searching, though without much diligence, for as much as $23 billion missing in action in Iraq. We know it arrived but seem to have no clue what happened to it after that. Presumably somebody knows, but disclosure has not been forthcoming. Being a conscientious steward of American tax dollars is a legitimate exercise, and we should be judicious in how that money is spent on foreign governments. But if we’re suddenly going to make reduction of corruption a requirement for our continued assistance, then we should be a bit more consistent. That is especially true where we have the most invested, and the Congressional Budget Office says we’ve spent nearly $2.5 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan. And they are now two of the most corrupt countries on earth. The significant difference is, it’s our money financing the corruption, and we aren’t doing a very good job keeping track of it. At least tens of billions has vanished, though nobody knows how much for sure, and we’ve wasted many times more. The president needs to broaden his newfound concerns about corruption a bit to include countries with no connection to a political rival. Demanding Ukraine investigate corruption, in general, is perfectly legitimate. Asking them to investigate the Biden family is illegal, not to mention almost bizarrely hypocritical. We have corruption aplenty right under our noses in the Middle East. If we’ve decided a crackdown is our new policy, that would be a good place to start.

Crime & Rescue BALD EAGLE SHOT AND KILLED Two downstate men are accused in the death of a bald eagle. The New Boston men, ages 53 and 24, were hunting birds when one of them shot the 2-yearold female Oct. 5 in Manistee County. They mistook it for a goose, according to the Department of Natural Resources. Conservation officers found the injured eagle and took it to Wings of Wonder in Leelanau County to be rehabilitated, but the bird was euthanized after it was determined it could not survive. Two river guides witnessed the shooting and told officers that they saw the eagle flying, heard a gunshot, and watched the bird fall from the sky. They immediately reported the shooting to the DNR’s Report All Poaching hotline. DNR officers and Manistee County Sheriff’s deputies arrived at the scene just as the two suspects were attempting to leave. The men confessed, they said. The DNR plans to submit a report to prosecutors. CHARGES: MAN HELD TWO AT GUNPOINT A 24-year-old Interlochen man who spotted his girlfriend in bed with another man on a home security video-surveillance system returned home and held the man and woman at gunpoint, police said. State police were called at 11pm Oct. 2 to the home in Interlochen where they detained the suspect, Kevin Rennhack. Rennhack allegedly had demanded the man’s name and told him not to move as he aimed an AR-15 rifle at him; he held the pair hostage for several minutes before letting them go. Rennhack faces charges of unlawful imprisonment, a 15-year-felony, and felonious assault and felony firearm, which carry four-year and two-year prison terms. He was originally given a bond of 10 percent of $10,000, but at a court hearing Oct. 7, that was raised to $50,000 cash. TWO EJECTED IN ROLLOVER CRASH A motorist who failed to notice an approaching stop sign had to swerve at the last moment to avoid a stopped car, running his vehicle off the road and rolling twice, coming to rest against a tree, Wexford County Sheriff’s deputies said. Deputies were called at 6pm Oct. 7 after a passing motorist witnessed the crash and called 911. The crash happened on M-115 in Springville Township. The driver and a passenger were ejected from the car but suffered non-life-threatening injuries. The driver was taken to a hospital by airlift and the passenger by ambulance, deputies said. RECKLESS DRIVER ARRESTED A 40-year-old Suttons Bay man was tasered and jailed after some wild driving through Kingsley. Witnesses called 911 about someone driving erratically at a little past 6pm Oct. 6; the vehicle was seen swerving and crossing the center line, and witnesses said the driver drove into the front yard of a Subway restaurant and crashed into a fence, Grand Traverse County Sheriff’s Sgt. Chris

by patrick sullivan

Oosse said. The vehicle next backed out of the Subway, headed north, driving erratically through town until winding up at the cemetery on M-113, where the driver struck another fence. The vehicle stopped at the Northland Food Store when deputies arrived and confronted the driver, whom Oosse said did not cooperate. He was tasered, taken to the hospital for a blood-alcohol blood draw, and taken to jail. TWO CHARGED FOR DOG NEGLECT A mother and daughter face charges following an animal abuse investigation in Manistee County. The Kaleva women, ages 27 and 61, face charges of abandonment/cruelty to animals involving 10 to 25 animals, felonies that carry up to four years in prison. Sheriff’s deputies arrested the women Oct. 7. In September, deputies got a tip and visited the women’s home in Marilla Township. Deputies found 29 huskies and husky-mix dogs living in filthy conditions in the home and in a pole barn. POLICE: MAN CRASHED INTO LAKE A 32-year-old Cadillac man fled the scene after he crashed his car into a lake, but he was later arrested. Cadillac Police were called at 1:53am Oct. 4 after a vehicle crashed into Lake Cadillac from North Boulevard, near Newland Street. The vehicle crashed into a small tree before landing in the water. Police said the suspect fled but was tracked down; they suspect alcohol was a factor in the crash.

WRONG-WAY WOMAN ARRESTED A woman was arrested for drunk driving after she drove the wrong way on I-75. State police responded at 7pm Oct. 3 after witnesses made numerous calls to 911 about a vehicle travelling the wrong way on the interstate; the 58-year-old Merritt woman was headed north in the southbound lanes. A patrol car was positioned near the 300mile marker and waited, with its lights and sirens activated, for the vehicle; the suspect’s vehicle slowed down and passed the trooper, but eventually pulled over when the trooper followed directly behind. When the suspect, Natalie Thompson, was asked where she was going, she said she didn’t know. Thompson was arrested on a charge of third-offense drunk driving and driving with an open container, an open bottle of vodka.

The call came in at 10pm Oct. 4; one person who was in the room where the explosion occurred was injured and taken to Munson Medical Center for treatment. Deputies asked state police and the Traverse Narcotics Team for assistance in the investigation.

DRUG LAB EXPLODES IN MOTEL ROOM Wexford County Sheriff’s deputies said they found evidence of a clandestine butane hash-oil lab in a motel room where an explosion occurred. Authorities responded to an explosion and fire at the Mushroom Cap Motel in Mesick.

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Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 7

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opinion bY Jack Segal When I made my 40th — and final — trip to Afghanistan in 2010, I thought the end of our Afghan nightmare was in sight. I was wrong. Now, eight-plus years later, we still cling to the same goals for that country that we defined at the beginning, when we established the Afghanistan Freedom Support Act of 2002: “to establish a broad-based, gender sensitive, multi-ethnic and fully representative government.” Really. In late 2001 we demanded that the Taliban government turn over Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaida criminals to us. When they refused, we toppled the Taliban regime and established a semblance of control over the entire country. But we were pushing on an open door. The Taliban saw no gain in standing and fighting, so they simply “went to ground” — they were not defeated. In those early days, U.S. troops were welcomed as liberators and, by many Afghans, as saviors. No more. Now, 18 years later, at a July 22 meeting with Pakistani President Imran Khan, President Trump boasted that he could have had Afghanistan “wiped off the face of the earth” but did not “want to kill 10 million people.” That threat worried many Afghans who know U.S. air power first-hand. Mr. Trump told reporters that Pakistan would help negotiate peace in Afghanistan and help us “extricate ourselves” from the conflict. This was news to the Ghani government in Kabul, which views Pakistan’s not-so-covert decades-long support for the Taliban as a root cause of the ongoing insurgency.



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Visit LIFECHALLENGESCOUNSELING.COM | 231.590.2747 8 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

To that point, the year-long talks between the Taliban and U.S. Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad (a U.S. Ambassador of Afghan descent) excluded the government in Kabul. They produced a draft deal for a partial withdrawal of the remaining 14,000 U.S. troops, if the Taliban promises to halt its attacks. But Khalilzad needed President Trump to endorse the deal. The President jumped into the process at an Aug. 30 meeting with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Ambassador Khalilzad, and then National Security Adviser John Bolton. A suggestion to finalize the negotiations in Washington appealed to the president’s penchant for diplomatic drama. The president promptly announced a Camp David meeting between the Taliban, Khalilzad, and the Afghan government (which had never endorsed Khalilzad’s negotiating efforts). But very quickly, it became obvious, even to President Trump, that inviting Taliban leaders to Camp David to endorse a partial deal after sidelining Afghanistan’s legitimate government was a bad idea. Trump abruptly withdrew the invitation. The Taliban overplayed their hand shortly thereafter: On Sept. 9 the group claimed credit for a suicide attack in central Kabul that killed an American soldier. President Trump announced that talks with the Taliban were “dead.” Then, without explanation, on Oct. 2, the president re-started negotiations by sending Ambassador Khalilzad to Pakistan for talks with Taliban leader Mullah Berader and Pakistan’s foreign minister. But the Afghan

government — rejected as a “puppet” regime by the Taliban — still wasn’t included in the talks. Meanwhile, Afghan President Ghani’s opposition to the draft peace agreement text between the U.S. and the Taliban so annoyed President Trump that he withdrew Ghani’s invitation to Washington. In recent weeks, Ghani’s National Security Adviser, Hamdullah Mohib, delivered a tough message to the U.N. General Assembly and to Washington elites. He warned a Council on Foreign Relations audience that “the Taliban are not ready to make peace with anybody. They are ready to take over Afghanistan and return their regime [to power].” Mohib also warned that the KhalilzadTaliban talks “are not peace negotiations. [Those] would be between the Afghan government and the insurgents … [W]hile the U.S. can negotiate its withdrawal with whomever it wants, it should be doing this through the legitimate partner in whom you have invested so much.” (Read: the Ghani government.) Mohib warned, “The Taliban are not a government in waiting; they are an insurgency that is fighting against its own people … I don’t think the free world would sit and watch a regime like that to return to Afghanistan.” In case you need a bit more complexity, Afghanistan held a presidential election Sept. 28. Results are not yet tabulated, and charges of voting fraud have been lodged by all sides. The leading candidates are the two current “co-leaders,” President Ghani and “Chief Executive” Abdullah — the naming of Abdullah as chief executive is an arrangement the U.S. brokered to avoid a civil war after the country’s flawed 2014 election) — and a third possible compromise candidate, former Interior Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar. Ghani has made clear his disagreements with President Trump. It’s uncertain whether Abdullah or Atmar might seek a separate deal with President Trump as the votes are counted. Might President Trump help rig an election to suit his purposes? You be the judge. Given our volatile president’s nature and his desire for some results before his re-election campaign goes into high gear, I expect Trump to reprise that dramatic Taliban meeting. If the Afghan president cries “foul,” he’ll soon find himself in the same doghouse as many of our other former allies, or out on the street. We’re at the end of this road, and the view is not pretty. There is no military solution. Our dreams about ending corruption, establishing a gender-sensitive democracy, and creating a unified state are just that: dreams. Is the American public ready to abandon those dreams and those of many Afghans, especially women? Do we have a choice? Pulling out and turning things over to local leaders to sort out who should rule their country is not a pretty picture. But we did it in Vietnam, and we’re doing it now in Syria. Time to go. Jack Segal is a retired US and NATO diplomat. He was chief political advisor to NATO’s operational commander in Afghanistan from 2002 to 2010.

People With Issues There’s so much to unpack about Sexy Vegan, a 37-year-old from West Hollywood, California, that we scarcely know where to begin. His real name is Hansel DeBartolo III. After changing his name in 2016, he had the new handle tattooed on his forehead and chest. He’s an “Instagram sensation” and a 2020 presidential candidate, according to his IMDb profile. But most recently, Vegan’s been a resident of the Twin Towers Correctional Facility, reported the Los Angeles Times, following his arrest Sept. 26 on charges of sexual abuse of his dog, which authorities say he captured on video and posted on social media. “I do get judged a lot for being different,” Vegan told Dr. Phil in 2017. The Continuing Crisis -- At New Lynn’s Peaches and Cream, a sex toy shop in suburban Auckland, New Zealand, staffer Kat Maher immediately noticed a strange customer on Sept. 23. “He was very energetic and erratic, going around the shop, talking a lot,” she told Stuff. Strangely, he also closely resembled Elvis Presley, with slickedback black hair and sunglasses, although he was wearing a high-visibility orange vest. “He brought a sex toy called ‘Like a Virgin’ up to the counter, but his card declined,” Maher said. When the purchase didn’t go through, the man grabbed the “fake vagina” toy, worth about $60, and ran out of the store. Maher reported the theft to police, but fake Elvis has not been apprehended. She also noted that the shop gets robbed about once a week: “It’s really frustrating when this sort of thing happens. So rude and it ruins your day.” Recurring Themes -- Sunday morning shoppers in central Auckland, New Zealand, got more than an eyeful on Sept. 29 when for several hours, pornography was broadcast on a large outdoor video screen at the Asics sportswear store. The “totally inappropriate and offensive” scenes apparently continued for about nine hours -until staff arrived at the store around 10 a.m. and turned the screen off, the New Zealand Herald reported. “Some people were shocked, but others just stopped and watched,” said security guard Dwayne Hinango. The store manager, who gave only “John” as his name, said the incident stemmed from a cybersecurity breach, and Asics apologized on its website and through email to its customers. -- And in Auburn Hills, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit, motorists along an interstate got a free show late on Sept. 28 after two people broke into a small building connected to an electronic billboard and uploaded pornography to the sign. Auburn Hills police told WDIV that two hooded young men were captured on surveillance video entering the structure at 10:49 p.m. and staying about 15 minutes. Police started getting reports of the images around 11 p.m. “I was just looking up at it and I was like, ‘Huh, oh, wow. That’s porn,’” said driver Chuck McMahon. Police are still looking for the hackers. Unclear on the Concept Lee Dong-jin, the mayor of Jindo county in South Korea, wanted to make International Coastal Cleanup Day special for his community. So on Sept. 20, the day before the global event, he instructed crews to transport more than a ton of trash that had already been collected from coastlines and deposit it on a pristine beach in Jindo, according to

Agence-France Press. “We brought in waste Styrofoam and other coastal trash gathered from nearby areas so the 600 participants could carry out clean-up activities,” Lee said. He apologized for deceiving the volunteers and assured residents that there was no “secondary pollution.” News that Sounds Like a Joke The Hudson Regional Health Commission in New Jersey is investigating a mystery odor, according to WABC. People in Jersey City and Bayonne complained about the smell on Sept. 24, and officials, following the wind, searched in Newark but couldn’t identify the source of the odor, which some described as similar to rotting fish. “Being a peninsula, we have water on three sides and sometimes at low tide you can smell the bay,” explained Edoardo Ferrante, coordinator at the Office of Emergency Management. “It was really nothing like that. It was a very nasty, almost like a foul meat type of smell.” The HRHC is continuing to investigate the odor. Family Values Bozhena Synychka, 20, and Volodymyr Zaitsev, 25, just got “tired of looking after” their toddler boys, Andrey, 3, and Maksim, 2. So in mid-August, they dropped the boys off at a homeless encampment in Zaporizhia, Ukraine -- and didn’t come back. The naked toddlers were watched over by men at the camp for a week as they drank from a river and foraged through trash for food, until passerby Olena Tashevska spotted them on Aug. 26 and called police, reported the Daily Mail. A pediatrician who examined them at the hospital said they suffered from viral infections and malnutrition. “They are weak now and barely can walk,” Dr. Taisa Klimenko told local media. Police are pursuing criminal charges against the parents, and the boys are living in an orphanage in the meantime. Buh-bye! Michael and Georgina Parsons’ 54 neighbors in Little Bay Islands, Newfoundland, are resettling on the mainland this fall as part of a program to centralize populations in growth areas. But not the Parsons. In spite of the fact that the government will cease all services to the island on Dec. 31 -- electricity, mail delivery, ferry and snowplow -- the Parsonses have decided to stay. “We’re not nervous,” Michael told CTV. “I don’t know if that’s because we’re just plain crazy or whatnot.” They are busy preparing for life off the grid, purchasing a snowmobile and wood stove, and installing a solar panel system. “We’re also learning to do without some fresh fruits and vegetables and go to more dry goods, bottled goods, powdered milk -- that sort of stuff,” Georgina said. Overreaction Police were called to an IHOP restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina, on Sept. 26, after a group of patrons lost their composure when told their orange juice refills weren’t free. Authorities told WLOS the customers damaged the restaurant and assaulted its manager and another employee. Police are examining surveillance video in an effort to identify the suspects. “We never want to see anyone injured, especially over a bill at a restaurant,” said Asheville police spokesperson Christina Hallingse.

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Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 9

The Sacred Earth There is a Christian outpost outside of Mancelona that’s wholeheartedly dedicated to the environment and wants to address the climate crisis. (If you visit, just please be sure to refer to environmental stewardship as “creation care.”)

By Patrick Sullivan Located on 200 acres on a pond in the woods between Kalkaska and Mancelona, the Au Sable Institute still looks like the small summer boys camp it once was, since its founding in the 1950s. But it’s much more than a camp today. Throughout the school year, Au Sable hosts hundreds of students from around northern Michigan for field trips exploring the natural world. Each summer, the institute hosts 30 to 40 college students from around the country to teach them how to be Christian environmentalists. Au Sable is the headquarters for an institute that runs environmental studies campuses in Washington State, Costa Rica, India, and, beginning next year, Chicago. Fred Van Dyke, Au Sable’s executive director, is a formally trained wildlife biologist and self-taught theologian, and he’s passionate about expressing his faith through environmental work. That might make Van Dyke unusual among evangelicals, but Van Dyke hopes to change that, one student and a time. Northern Express trekked into the woods to visit Van Dyke at the institute’s campus and learned about how the place started and what they do. Northern Express: So, if I follow correctly,

Dr. Harold Snyder established this place first as the Au Sable Trails Camp for Youth in the 1950s, and over the years it evolved into the institute that it is today. A major turning point that made that possible came in 1979, after Au Sable received an incredible gift. Fred Van Dyke: Yes. One of the gifts, not the only one, was the fact that Harold bought this land originally from a man named Louie Kleinschmidt. And Louie was

As far as we know, Harold did not succeed in his primary objective. But one winter when they hadn’t heard or seen Louie around for a while, one of the neighbors went to the trailer and banged on the door. No answer. He went inside. And Louie was dead. But Louie had changed his will, and in his will, he had bequeathed to the institute 80 acres, close to but not contiguous with it, down on Sunset Trail, close to Pickerel Lake. Express: And that turned out to be a very

And the third reason why I admit I don’t feel great angst is when we consider how Au Sable acquired the endowment: It didn’t come from any scheming or deception or any kind of contractual ploy. It happened because Au Sable’s founder, acting as a disciple of Jesus Christ, very intentionally went about loving somebody that nobody else loved.

not particularly well-liked, locally. He was an alcoholic and lived alone in a trailer in the woods. He didn’t have many friends, but Harold consistently befriended him. Harold wanted to win Louie to Jesus Christ, so he often brought Louie over to the camp to meet the boys, get comfortable. Louie did, and it was very moving for him. Harold relates that Louie often cried when he talked to the boys.

10 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

valuable piece of property. Van Dyke: No one thought much of it at the time because it was covered with scrubby pines. But Louis also bequeathed with that land the mineral rights, and as the energy development began in this part of the country in the 1970s, some energy companies approached the board and asked

for permission to explore that back 80. The board didn’t initially agree, but they negotiated with a lot of different companies and finally reached an agreement. And the deposit that they struck has been one of the longest-lasting and most productive — both with oil and natural gas — in northern Michigan. That led to a lot of royalties. To be as precise as possible, 1979 is an important year, because that is when Au Sable officially became an institute. Express: Do you agree that it’s ironic that an institute dedicated to environmental studies owes its life to oil money? Is there anything about that that you find problematic? Van Dyke: Well, some people do, but I think it’s not as ironic as it looks, for several reasons. The first is that I haven’t been an academic all my life. I used to work for Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks as a wildlife biologist, and I know that my helicopter that we used to radio-collar the moose and the elk and the deer, was burning about 15 to 20 gallons of flight fuel per hour. And the Super Cub, the plane I used to track them, was burning about six to 10 gallons an hour. And if we get bigger, it takes 500,000 gallons of rocket fuel to put one satellite in orbit that will track whales and ospreys and all kinds of long-distance moving creatures.

Conservation is very energy demanding. If you make it more local, in order to teach the students how to care for God’s creation, to do a good job, we’re going to have to move them off of this campus sometimes, so we will consume gasoline and fossil fuels like that in the course of their education. So, in that sense, whether we had the wells or not, we would be a consumer of fossil fuels until we succeed in transforming our technology, which we intend to do over the long haul, so it doesn’t need carbon emission-type fuels. Express: You’ve given this a lot of thought. Van Dyke: The second dimension of it, which is not as much ironic as it is appropriate, is that we recognize being part of the problem of landscape fragmentation. The Au Sable well, when it was put in, removed forest, and that’s happened on over 60,000 well sites in Michigan. So, we engaged the DNR and two energy companies in a study of the best methods for reforesting abandoned oil pads, because they don’t reforest themselves. We just completed the field work on that. My goal is that this work will be submitted [for publication in an academic journal] in early 2020. So, we recognize that we’re part of the problem. And this, I think, is the more significant problem than just the fact that the oil came out of the ground — the fact that you’ve changed the system. So, we’re working with energy companies and the DNR to find a way to put those sites back into a forest ecosystem, and then to publish that so it’s accessible and shared with the whole scientific and conservation community. So that is an appropriate act of our repentance. And the third reason why I admit I don’t feel great angst is when we consider how Au Sable acquired the endowment: It didn’t come from any scheming or deception or any kind of contractual ploy. It happened because Au Sable’s founder, acting as a disciple of Jesus Christ, very intentionally went about loving somebody that nobody else loved. Express: I know a lot of what you do here has a national or international focus, but you also dedicate a lot of time to educating children from all over northern Michigan. Tell me about that. Van Dyke: There’s all kinds of local engagement. One is the Environmental Leadership Intensive Program, a professional development program for current or post-graduate students who are especially interested in environmental education and in working in and someday leading a notfor-profit organization. So, they teach K–12 students from home, parochial, and public schools all around us in northern Michigan. And when they’re not teaching, they’re actively engaged with the staff in lessons about how not-for-profits are organized, how they’re led, what kind of skills you need, how they’re budgeted, so that when the person leaves, we want them to be able to be a good teacher, but also be a good staffer in an environmental organization. The teaching aspect goes back to the very beginning of the institute, and over 130,000 people have gone through the environmental program here on this campus to learn about creation care. Express: Do you ever encounter conflicts as a Christian organization that works a lot with public schools? Van Dyke: No. In the public school, we’re going to present the knowledge and skills and techniques needed to care for God’s creation

even if the school doesn’t acknowledge that’s what it is and calls it nature, which is OK. Now, when we work in other contexts, where it’s explicitly important for them to know our mission, then we are explicit about that, and our mission is one that we state as “Au Sable inspires and educates people to serve, protect and restore God’s Earth.” And then all of the theological basis behind that has also been an important work of the institute. But we don’t encounter conflict, because we are engaged in doing work that God wants us to do, but our work in that setting is not to evangelize the students; it’s to do the work.

centuries, going back to Augustine. So we see no conflict there because we’re affirming the truth of the Genesis narrative that creation is an act of God; it didn’t create itself, it doesn’t sustain itself, and it doesn’t have goodness in itself. Its goodness is imparted to it and made a part of it by God. So, no. In terms of specifics, we don’t experience and see conflicts between science and Scripture. Science is not designed to answer the questions that Scripture is answering.

Express: Does having your mission based on Christianity lead to any notable difference between the Au Sable Institute and secular environmental groups?

Van Dyke: For the record, I wasn’t a conservation officer, although I helped them sometimes in law enforcement. I was a wildlife research biologist. I had spent a little time in academia before that at a small Christian college in Indiana, then five years in Montana, then back to academia at a Christian college in northwestern Iowa, then to Wheaton [College, in Illinois]. I think in that whole spread I was always trying to express my faith in what I did and what I said and what I wrote. So, I published a lot of scientific studies, but I also wrote books about Christian ethics and environmental care. One’s called “Redeeming Creation,” and the other is called “Between Heaven and Earth.” Those are two of the best known. I also was trying to contribute to my own field, so I produced a textbook in conservation biology.

Van Dyke: We have a lot of similarities and shared goals and aspirations, and sometimes, when we work together, some shared achievements. We have differences in what we think are the key foundational pillars of what we are doing. I would say from a Christian standpoint, there are five: We affirm biblically that all of creation is good; that is the issue of moral value. We affirm that, with moral value, there is appropriate moral agency in human beings, and the right response is to serve and protect, which comes to us from Genesis 2:15: “The Lord God took the man and put him the Garden of Eden to serve it and to protect it.” We affirm the capacity and the responsibility and authority of human beings to actually do the work — that’s the capacity that comes from being made in the image of God, so you have the capacity to be a reflective interactant with other creatures. You can understand what their needs are and act on that. And the authority to act as a representative of God — not in physical likeness, but in personal presence — and pursue the same aims that He would have for the good of his creation. And the fifth pillar is that we have redemptive hope. Our work has significance because all of creation is included in God’s plan of redemption and restoration, and so we don’t have to be filled with despair if we save this endangered species today, and it becomes extinct in 10 years. That would be tragic, but it’s not a basis for despair, nor is it even to be expected because we affirm and believe hopefully that God has a plan for restoring his creation, and we are acting congruently. So those are differences. Express: I can see also that there must be a lot of overlap, also, because your objectives are going to be mostly similar. Van Dyke: Yeah. There’s overlap there. I think one of the biggest differences is we are willing to ask a question that a lot of conservation organizations aren’t willing to ask, and that’s the “So, what?” question. So, what if we accomplish this and maybe it turns out badly in 10 years or 20? We answer that by saying there is significance to our work because it’s cooperative with and congruent with a long-term eternal destiny for creation. It’s not work that’s done in vain. Express: What happens when you encounter conflicts between Scripture and science? Van Dyke: Well, we don’t fundamentally encounter those conflicts. I mean, if you’re talking about a literal interpretation of six days of creation, you know, that might be a conflict if we felt compelled to adopt that view, but that’s one of many interpretations of that part of Genesis, and has been for

Express: Tell me about how you went from being a Montana conservation officer to the director of Au Sable.

Express: It seems like you had these two things that made you ideal for your current position. Van Dyke: It gave me some positive characteristics. There were other people that were considered, so I’m grateful and pleased the trustees finally selected me, but I think all I was really trying to do my whole life was be myself. I wasn’t trying to impress one side or the other by being something other than what I was. It is odd, because sometimes you don’t know quite where you fit in, but Au Sable is one place where I do. Express: What do you consider the most pressing environmental issue facing northern Lower Michigan? Van Dyke: We have several. Maybe you’ve heard there’s going to be a septic summit, in Traverse City on Nov. 6. Fifty states in the U.S., and there’s only one that doesn’t have a statewide septic ordinance. Yet Michigan defines itself by its water. “Four out of five Great Lakes prefer Michigan” — you can see that on bumper stickers. Right here, we’re within 40 minutes of the headwaters of six rivers. Two major fish hatcheries are within 40 minutes. One is a federal fish hatchery, and one is a state fish hatchery. The state fish hatchery, in Grayling, is probably about 35–40 minutes away. Most of the people living in the North are living on wells on their own property. Nevertheless, septic ordinances that regulate septic fields and their septic tanks is the only thing — if they exist at all — that stand between them and the pollution of the water they drink. So that’s a major issue for Michigan to address. A second problem is the restoration of vacated well and gas pads. We’ve got 60,000 of those — that’s probably close to 120,000 acres of land — and yet there’s no systemic plan as to how that land is going to be restored and to what purpose. That’s starting — I don’t want to give the DNR a bad name, they are starting to do it — but it still has a long way to go. And the third is to remove any significant

threat from Pipeline 5 [Enbridge energy company’s expired pipeline that carries petroleum from western Canada to eastern Canada through the Strait of Mackinaw], either through some kind of underground technology or shutting it down. Express: What worldwide environmental issue concerns you the most? Van Dyke: Climate — well, two things. I was about to say climate change, and that’s still true, but climate change is really now one of a number of anthropogenic affects. You may know that even the official geologic societies are considering renaming the current epoch, because human beings are no longer just a disturbance that we have to mitigate. Humans are the driving force, geologically, biologically, ecologically, and climatologically. There are only perhaps 20 percent of ice-free terrestrial lands today that could be classed as wildlands or natural environments. Everything else is either humaninhabited or strongly human modified. So even the old maps of global ecosystems are, for most of the world, obsolete — no longer useful. So, what you’ve got to do is really figure out is not how to treat humans as a “disturbance,” and then remove the disturbance from the system. Humans beings are no longer “disturbing” natural systems; they are shaping them, because human beings are driving the system, so you have to figure out how you do conservation in a human-dominated nature. That’s the big global issue, can you have a responsible Anthropocene [epoch]? Now, climate change is one of the biggest drivers. It’s one of the most pervasive anthropogenic effects, and it affects all conservation planning today. So, it’s probably the No. 1 hazard to deal with, because your risk is so high and is already materializing into a hazard. You’re already seeing the hazardous effects of climate change. Express: Do you find it frustrating that more Christians don’t think the way you do about this? Van Dyke: I guess I don’t dwell on it to think of it as a frustration. It’s one more problem to solve. There are many Christians who are active and quite eloquent. There are whole Christian organizations dedicated entirely to conservation, some dedicated entirely to climate change. I think that the larger body of evangelicals in the United States will have to at some point decide we’re going to be more discerning about individual issues and less tribal. Because there’s always a tendency of people to gravitate together to someone who holds out the promise that they will increase your influence — especially when you’re feeling your influence in society is being taken away by other sources. So, in that sense, evangelicals as a political group tend to be linked together with a constellation of issues. That’s not entirely unjustified, but some of it is, because some of the more in-depth surveys reveal that only about half of the voters who identify themselves as evangelicals actually hold evangelical beliefs. Why that half wants to be identified as evangelical, I’m still puzzled. Express: Are you saying that there are evangelicals out there that claim the political end of the movement but don’t care about the spiritual side of it? Van Dyke: Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. And there’s a lot of them. And the media often overlook very prominent evangelicals doing good work.

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 11

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12 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly







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Downtown TC 126 E Front St • 231.932.0510 Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 13

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Be pretty. But not too pretty. By Katy Bertodatto A year ago, I had an incident while attending a children’s book writer’s conference in Manhattan. The evening before the final day of the conference, I dropped by the hotel lounge to have a glass of wine before heading to bed. I met a man who was also at the conference. We chatted for a bit at the bar. The following was relayed to me the next day because I do not remember finishing my second glass of wine. I stood up from my bar stool to take my leave and immediately slumped. My legs didn’t work. In an effort to control myself, I managed to knock an earring from my ear and grasped the man next to me for support. He tried to remove me from the lounge. The bartenders, recognizing something was amiss, tried to stop him. We managed to cause such a commotion that the women at a nearby table stepped in to see what was going on. One woman took hold of me and looking directly into my face asked, “Are you with this man?” I managed to reply a very assured, “No.” She told me the following day that I looked terrified, fighting for control. When she attempted to remove me from the grasp of the man, he became aggressive,

insisting that he would take care of me. The bartenders, clearly good at their jobs, which requires far more than slinging drinks, stopped the man from taking me from her. She took me to the elevator, which the man tried to enter with us. He was blocked by another employee. The man took the stairs and met us in the lobby, where he again attempted to disentangle me from the woman. She held firm. The doorman in the lobby saw the confrontation and forced the man to leave. Before he did, this man — another writer, a colleague, of sorts — snarled at the woman holding me up, “I’m not going to hurt your precious Katy.” Then he stormed off into the night. I woke up the following day, with no recollection of the evening before and the worst hangover of my life, recognizing only that I was late to the final events of the conference. It was there I ran into the woman who had saved me — potentially saved my life. I later learned another female conference attendee was drugged and raped, a few blocks away, only a couple hours after my incident. I have spent more than a year trying to sort out that night. What I did. What I should have done. What I should be doing now. What was I wearing? What was my body language?

What did I say? What did I do? How did I attract this attention? I have since relayed this story to numerous friends here in northern Michigan and beyond. I found something interesting in doing so. Most men were shocked — absolutely astounded and appalled that something like this could happen. Outrage and disbelief were a common thread. Good. They should be outraged. But the disbelief? Not a single woman expressed disbelief. Not a single woman was completely shocked. Why? Because every single one of them had stories of their own. One hundred percent of the women I spoke to had at least one, if not multiple, incidences of sexual harassment, assault, or rape of their own. Every. Single. One. What do we do with this information? In the past, we have used stories like mine to teach our daughters to be wary, to be careful of what they wear, how they act, how much they drink, be mindful of the positions they put themselves in. That’s what I learned. But I don’t remember finishing my second glass of wine at a professional conference where I was wearing slacks, a crisp button-up, and heels. Maybe it was the heels. Maybe it was my blonde hair, my mascara, my lipstick — be

pretty but not too pretty. Grasp attention, command a room, be confident, but if you do, be aware that it might be your fault if you get too much attention, the wrong kind of attention. I have two sons. I hear over and over how lucky I am that I don’t have daughters, that I don’t have to raise girls in this world where they have to be wary. Bulls**t. There is a generation coming up behind me, a generation saying no. They are a generation of women who, instead of accepting the education that “this will happen, and this is how you deal with it,” are saying No, this is not acceptable. They do not accept our tools of tolerance for male impulsivity: Watch where you walk, watch what you do, watch what you wear, how you act, what you say, what you don’t say. No. Boys, my boys, my brothers, my friends, my colleagues, please. Please watch what you say, how you act, what you do, what you allow others to do. Please. A feminist is not anti-men. By definition, a feminist is a person who supports the belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men. I couldn’t possibly make a more prolific plea than Ruth Bader Ginsberg when she said, “I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks.”

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 15



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16 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

Peek Inside the Minds of Interlochen’s Young Filmmakers A single-night screening of the works of Motion Picture Arts students and alumni

By Ross Boissoneau The Interlochen Artists at Kirkbride series has showcased many musicians in multiple forms and genres at Grand Traverse Commons: singers, songwriters, opera, jazz. The next one in the series, however, goes in a different direction. “Artists from Interlochen at Kirkbride Hall: Motion Picture Arts,” taking place this Thursday, Oct. 17, will showcase short films on the campus of Interlochen Arts Academy — all produced by, featuring, directed by, and written by Interlochen students over the past several years. “There’s a variety of work,” said Michael Middelstaedt, the director of Motion Picture Arts for the academy. That’s for sure; the dozen short films vary in length, from six minutes to more than 20, as well as in topic and treatment. Audiences can expect animation, documentaries, comedy, comingof-age stories (lots of those, according to Middelstaedt), horror, and satire. One of the filmmakers is Eve Robitshek. Now a freshman at UCLA, she said film attracted her for many reasons. “I was always a lover of movies. There are so many different aspects — lighting, writing, producing, acting. You’re able to tell people’s stories in many ways. Film universally connects us all,” she said. Another Interlochen alum whose work will be shown is Miles Carey. Like Robitshek, he, too, is still in school — though not for film studies. He’s enrolled in Harvard University’s divinity program, following his recent graduation from Princeton as an English major. “It was a pretty circuitous route,” he said. Neverthless, Carey see his time at Interlochen, including the work in film, as

being beneficial to his undergraduate and post-graduate education. “The arts classes are invaluable, but the academics are rigorous too. My senior thesis was a play [he minored in theatre at Princeton]. My capstone film [which will be shown at Kirkbride] feels like a time capsule — where we were in life at that time. It was a coming-of-age film, dealing with identity, saying goodbye to friends, filtered through a magic, robust, fantastical world.” Middelstaedt said all the films he’s selected for the showcase reflect the things that were important to the students. He also said there’s a universality to the films that he believes audiences of all ages will enjoy, both as a reflection of their youth and simply as enjoyable movies. The technology of movie-making has improved dramatically over the past few years, with cameras becoming smaller and both cameras and software becoming more affordable. That’s great for a film program, but Middelstaedt and the students say the program at Interlochen deals with the entirety of filmmaking. “The focus of the Interlochen film program was on storytelling, rather than technical [aspects] — cinematography, for example,” said Carey. That also works directly into another benefit for film students attending Interlochen: the availability of resident classmate who can add their (often immense) talents in acting, writing, and music. “A lot of close friends were able to work on it with me,” said Carey. Middelstaedt started the motion picture arts program when he was hired by Interlochen 15 years ago. While both Robitshek and Carey are Traverse City natives, he said the motion picture major actually trends toward more international students.

Dana Nessel with Traverse City Mayor Jim Carruthers at a 2018 Pride Week event.

“It’s remarkable. We have kids from all over the world — South Africa, Lithuiania, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Kazahkstan. The stories [they can tell] are important to people all over the world,” Middelstaedt said. He said the setting of the arts academy — “Parts of Interlochen are super-modern; parts of it are 50, 60 years old.” — and the surrounding area lend themselves to most any type of movie. “Lighthouses, the waves of Lake Michigan, frozen landscapes — it’s as much ambition as imagination,” he said. Middelstaedt said a majority of the film students from the academy go on to film school, though they often branch out in different directions. “They expand into other [areas]: photography philosophy, religious studies. One student went into makeup effects, worked on the Cat in the Hat and Looper. He’s now a production manager. Two others are doing theme parks and roller coasters. There are so many opportunities.” For Robitshek, the chance to study film has so far topped all else. She went to UCLA because it offers both smaller classes and a broad curriculum. “There are only 17 freshmen [in the film program] this year,” she said, which means more individual attention. “It’s well-rounded. The first two years you take a lot of other classes. I’m taking a philosophy class and English. I can find more of who I am, more than just how to run a camera or write a script — it’s how to articulate your thoughts.” Maybe divinity school isn’t such a stretch after all. Artists from Interlochen at Kirkbride Hall: Motion Picture Arts begins at 7:30pm Oct. 17. For tickets, go to

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20 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

Meet the Artist:

Colorful murals have been popping up across the region in recent years. Here’s who’s behind some of our favorites:

Colorado’s Bobby MaGee The man behind Clinch Park Tunnel’s glyphitti

BRIANNE FARLEY She’s built a growing reputation as an illustrator of award-winning children’s books, but Farley also is a skillful muralist. Two of her most popular works reign at the TC hot spot Little Fleet, one inside near the bar and the other outside, near the stage. Farley earned her MFA in illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design before working as a designer for Random House Books for Young Readers and Schwartz & Wade Books in New York. In addition to the Little Fleet works, she’s done murals for the Traverse City Area District Library, the Platte River School, and at a private home in TC. “I like doing murals,” she said. “It’s a change of pace from the children’s books and a more loose style than the books. I would love to see more murals in town.” Learn more about the works of this Old Mission native at

By Al Parker Traverse City’s coming display of public art, a colorful mural in the Clinch Park tunnel, will be full of eye-catching images with several splashes of “glyphitti.” “Glyphitti is a form of writing that combines ethnic characters and symbols to create an aesthetic version of a culture,” said Colorado artist Bobby MaGee Lopez, who created the panels that line the walls of the tunnel. “It combines elements of style and calligraphy.” “It has a lot of different imagery, something for everyone,” said the 39-yearold Lopez. “It features bold colors, draws awareness to the [northern Michigan region], and pays homage to the Native American culture, a very textured culture.” The work also credits the previous art inside the tunnel — images of local animals and their names, written in the Anishinaabek language, which local artist Lois Beardslee painted decades ago — and weaves in varied themes and images, including plants and animals, tribal symbolism, body markings, and tattoos. The Traverse City Arts Commission selected Lopez through a public RFP process to create more than 600 square feet of art for the tunnel. He visited TC in early July, meeting with officials and touring the location. “It’s a nicely laid out town,” he said. “Not a lot of blight here.” Lopez, who is of Apache ancestry, is expected to have the panels completed by the end of July. The $70,000 mural project, much of which was covered by a nearly $44,000 grant from the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, also received funding from the Public Arts Trust Fund and other sources. GT Band officials did not respond to requests to comment on the project. LED lighting and a speaker system playing audio to accompany the artwork are also part of the installation. Lopez’s passion for art began at an early age, drawing with his father and sewing with his mother. His parents divorced when he was young and he spent his early years moving from state to state.

His name? “Yes, I was named after the Janis Joplin and Kris Kristofferson song,” he explained. “But I spell in M-A-G-E-E instead of McGee.” Showing a steady interest in art, at the age of 14, Lopez took lessons to learn to draw realistically. Throughout high school he practiced calligraphy and later used his skills to start a custom design business. He studied at the Art Institute of Colorado and the Metropolitan State University of Denver. During this time he shifted his focus to painting and spatial media, learning to paint murals. The same month he graduated from the university, Lopez opened Innespace Art Gallery in Denver. He ran the contemporary art gallery for two years. In 2014 he began splitting time between Colorado and Maui, Hawaii, pursuing his interest in simple, sustainable living. His murals often integrate elements of esoteric knowledge, existentialism, and spirituality in the form of pattern and figure. Emphasis is often placed on representing natural vibrations with timeless and contemporary arrangements. Learn more at The unveiling of Lopez’ art in Clinch Park Tunnel is anticipated for Oct. 28.

BIANCA TEMPLE Last year the 17-year-old Traverse City St. Francis student created a colorful mural at Northport’s Stubbs Sweetwater Grille. “Owner Kelley Radeke thought a mural would really spruce it up and make it more appealing,” said Temple. “So she asked me what I thought and if I would like to come up with something to paint on the side of the building.” It was Temple’s first attempt at a mural, and she was excited, but also hesitant. She lives in Traverse City and had to have her mother, Angela Ward, drive her to the Northport site again and again for about six weeks. “I also didn’t know if I could truly complete what was asked of me,” she said. Nevertheless Temple painted on, completing her final stroke on Aug. 30. “I painted an abstract sunset and crashing waves scene,” she said. Unfortunately, the building had some issues with asbestos and had to be demolished soon after Temple completed the project. “I am a bit sad my mural came to an end, especially since it was so short-lived. After completing the mural I had theorized how cool it would be to bring my future children back to their mom’s hometown and travel a little ways to see the mural.”

DARIN KNUPP For Northern Express, the Traverse City painter created one of the most popular must-take photo ops for tourists: a vintage-style Traverse City postcard mural painted on the west side of the Jay Smith Walkway, at 129 East Front Street. After earning his fine arts degree at Northern Illinois University, Knupp completed “quite a few murals” in Chicago before moving to TC three years ago. In that short time, he’s also completed other local murals, including one at the former Bistro Fou Fou and inside the TC Bear Company. “I’d love to do more,” said Knupp, 49, who admits he sometimes checks out vacant mural-worthy walls around the Cherry Capital. When he’s not creating colorful murals, Knupp works for Dan Brady Painting, as — what else — a painter. See his work at

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 21



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22 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 23

Photo by Philip Hutchinson

Little Bay Boards: Who Wants In? Petoskey’s internationally known SUP builder nosing toward next level. Sir Richard Branson approves.

By Ross Boissoneau What dad hasn’t wanted to do something special for his child? Jason Thelen loved being on his standup paddleboard, so when his nine-year-old daughter asked for one too, he was happy to oblige. One caveat: Instead of buying her a foam board made in China, Thelen took it upon himself to build her one. As a carpenter — and a doting dad — it was a challenge he gamely took on. So began Little Bay Boards. In the seven years since his daughter’s request, Thelen has made selling his handcrafted hollow-core wood standup paddleboards into not only a good living but also a thriving company, one with customers around the world. He’s moved from his dad’s makeshift workshop/garage to an actual production facility — twice — and has another such move in his sights. A beautiful Up North success story? Sure, with one huge problem: Thelen’s handcrafted SUPs are so in demand — he has some 40 boards on backorder right now — and the growing business so demanding, he’s run out of time to pursue the passion that prompted him to share it with his daughter in the first place. Thelen believes it’s time for new blood, more well-versed in building businesses than building boards. He’s looking for an investor to take it to the next level. “I know someone [else] could do the business better than me. I know how to do wood. But running and scaling up a company … payroll, workmen’s comp — I’m not a businessperson; I’m a craftsman,” he said. “I used to paddleboard all the time. Now I build paddleboards all the time.” TURNING POINT It was after some 60 single orders in 2015 that Thelen had finally decided to make his hobby his business. To do so, he had to quit his “real job” building energy-efficient homes” — a decision made even more risky by the fact that not only did he enjoy his work, his boss was his father-in-law. He figures that, at that time, between his

job and his board-making, he was working some 120 hours per week. That’s when his wife sat him down and said it was time to choose: “The secure job, or chase the dream,” he said. “I made the leap four years ago.” When Thelen began crafting the boards, he found a mentor in Paul Jensen, a longtime surfer located in the Pacific Northwest. Jensen had crafted his own hollow-core surfboard in 2001, and then went on to share his process to thousands of people who wanted to do the same. Today, Jensen’s hollow-core wooden surfboards — functional art that “allows the rider to experience the power and intimacy of [water’s] energy,” as opposed to foam, which he says feels “dead” — have inspired legions of followers to buy his boards, attend his workshops, and buy his frame and template kits to make their own boards. Jensen and Thelen maintain a business relationship — Jensen receives a royalty on each SUP Thelen makes — and an enduring friendship. “Paul and I are still friends, we talk all the time,” said Thelen. HARVEST LESS, GIVE MORE Crafting hollow core surfboards of woods allows Thelen to make his boards lighter and decrease the amount of natural resources needed. That was an important consideration, he said. “The world needs eco-friendly boards. These are VOC-compliant green-certified. All components are from the U.S. and are sustainably harvested,” said Thelen. Most of the wood, in fact, is harvested locally from Boyne Falls. The boards aren’t cheap, of course. The standard model retails for $1,500. Custom boards start at $2,600 and can climb as high as $5,000. One very important part of the business for Thelen is giving back. He’s worked with many nonprofits and charitable events. One particular area of emphasis is on schools, from Petoskey to Traverse City and beyond. Last year, Chris Davis, a woodshop teacher from Henry Ford II High School

24 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

in Sterling Heights, visited Thelen to learn the ins and outs of building the hollowcore wooden boards. “He said he wanted to introduce something cool to his woodshop class,” said Thelen. So he taught Davis the ins and outs of real wood and eco-friendly hollow-core board building. When Davis returned to school, he had 37 students enrolled in his class. By the second semester, 120 had signed up, though the class could only accommodate 60 students total in the two hours allotted. Interest continued to surge, however, so this year the school offered five class hours — and purchased a $50,000 CNC machine for it. SHOUT OUT FROM SIR RICHARD News of the positive snowball effect landed a shout-out from one of the world’s most well-known entrepreneurs, Sir Richard Branson — the billionaire behind Virgin Atlantic airlines, Virgin Records, and some 400 other companies. (The class had a connection to real estate entrepreneur Kristy Petrillo, of Georgia, who shared the tale with her friend Branson; he recently posted a video on his Facebook page commending the boards, as well as the efforts of Thelen, Davis, and the Henry Ford II students.)

If a company’s products and good works can pique the interest of Sir Richard Branson, it seems nuts to want to hand over the reins to someone else — but Thelen insists that he’s serious. He sees opportunity for the Little Bay Boards to dramatically increase its footprint (wake?) in the industry but recognizes that scaling up operations would necessitate an influx of both capital and business savvy he doesn’t have. “I’m a craftsman,” he said again. “We have to not market because we’re too busy. “To jump from two employees to more, with better tools — I don’t have the ability to do it,” he said. “I want to grow to get more eco-friendly. It’s better for the planet.” There is one important caveat that goes with his search efforts: Little Bay Boards must remain in Petoskey. That’s where Thelen is from, and that’s where his family is from, extending back to his three-times greatgrandfather, Chief Petoskey. (Close isn’t an option, either; Thelen recently turned down one investor who wanted to move the operation to Charlevoix, just 17 miles south.) While Thelen waits for an investor/angel/ CEO to step in, he continues to do what he does best: handcraft his boards. “They’re beautiful and ride great,” he said.

Making Little Bay Boards even busier: Their Old Ride New Face boards, in which snowboard owners supply their old rides, and LBB dolls them up. “There is a little less flex and a pound of weight added,” explains LBB. “But obviously, they’re sweet as hell.”

Little Bay Boards also handcrafts paddles; these beauties ultimately weight less than a bottle of beer.

Little Bay Boards teamed up with Harbor Springs’ Exodus Painting to craft this custom SUP fin, crafted from EcoPoxy resin and maple burlwood.

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The Saxiest Man in America to Play Leelanau Sands (This time without a whiteout blizzard accompaniment.) By Ross Boissoneau Having sold more than 75 million albums worldwide, you think it’d be time for Kenny G to coast. After all, the smooth jazz sax star has sold. But after more than 40 years as a professional musician, the smooth jazz sax star continually hones his skills to make sure he’s always playing at his best. “I just finished my three-hour practice,” he said when reached by phone at his Los Angeles area home. “I wake up every morning excited to play.” He might be the best-selling saxophonist in history, but Kenny G said he’s still learning — always. “I listen to Getz, Coltrane — they inspire me,” he continued. “Can I get my tone better? Better technique? Play faster, cleaner, softer? I don’t want to get ready. I want to always be ready. I want to put in the time to be at the top of my game.” That reference to Stan Getz and John Coltrane, two of the most revered saxophonists in jazz history, might engender hostility from the jazz police. Never a favorite of the critics, Kenny G’s music has oft been derided by the cognoscenti as (gasp!) pop music. CRITICS HATE POPULAR It’s true that his rigorously produced

recordings often feature simple, sing-able melodies. Further eliciting contempt from those who question his jazz bona fides is the fact that he’s sold all those records. Jazz artists are not supposed to have hit records, after all, and his success with singles like “Songbird” and “Auld Lang Syne” put a target on his back. No matter. Kenny G is comfortable with who he is as a musician, and in concert, his playing ability is unquestioned. His backing band — which features his Franklin High School classmate Robert Damper on keyboards — backs him with style, grace and power while he works the audience as a master showman, playing seemingly endlessly with everything he’s got. WHAT UP, GORELICK? The young Kenny Gorelick burst onto the scene when he joined the Jeff Lorber Fusion for 1980’s Wizard Island, which hit No. 1 on the U.S. jazz album chart. His fourth solo recording, Duotones, released in 1986, featured the single “Songbird,” which became a Top 5 hit and forever etched images in our minds of the curly-mulletcoifed musician playing his soprano sax on a balcony, a beach, a park bench, against a brick wall. This most famous of his songs (some call it “the babymaker”) launched him into the consciousness and music collections

of many a non-jazz listener, but rather than riding the wave of a one-hit wonder, the musician continued to crank out — and build a substantial fanbase with — another 15-plus albums, including a quartet of holiday offerings. OBOE WITH LIBARACE? While best known for his liquid soprano, Kenny is proficient on all saxes, typically holstering up his tenor in concert, too. He’s also familiar with other reeds, though he typically eschews them these days. “I did play oboe in Liberace’s band in my 20s,” he said, though admitted he had no experience with the challenging instrument prior to the show. When the flamboyant pianist was booking local musicians for a show in Seattle, Kenny assured the music director he could play oboe, then enlisted the aid of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra’s oboe player as he scrambled to learn it in two weeks. No such worries these days. He’s long since given up oboe and clarinet in favor of saxophone. Though he’s made many recordings with singers, from Barbra Streisand to Tower of Power alum Lenny Williams, his shows are almost exclusively instrumental, drawing from across his recorded history. “When we put on a show, we give a really great look at what instrumental music can do,” he said.

WIN A SAX Adding to the fun is the fact he raffles off an instrument — a Kenny G signature soprano saxophone, of course — at each concert. “It gets people excited. It’s fun for us and breaks up the show,” Kenny said. And the show must always go on. A previous play date at Leelanau Sands some years ago coincided with a massive blizzard that shut down roads for miles. Nevertheless, the group pressed on and made it to the stage just in time; Kenny G remembers the near sell-out crowd was somewhat sparse but said that makes no difference to the way in which he approaches a gig. “Sometimes that makes it even more fun,” he said; those in attendance simply have a more intimate experience with the music. “If it’s four or 4,000 or 25,000, it’s the same vibe. We’ll give the same amount of energy. “I don’t like a concert to be unsuccessful. I want the promoter to be happy, the crowd to be at a happening.” This next happening takes place at the Leelanau Sands Showroom at Leelanau Sands Casino, south of Omena, 7pm Sunday, Oct. 20. For tickets, go to

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 27


October 17, 2019 - 7pm to 9pm Mohs Surgery • Medical Dermatology Cosmetic Dermatology Prompt appointments available. (231) 486-0230 1225 West Front Street, Suite C, Traverse City

28 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

TAYLOR CRAMER Podcasting for personal growth



tapping a pumpkin filled with our Maple Brown and a Jack-o-lantern contest By Kristi Kates An MVP of a European basketball team. A single dad. A woman who was widowed at the early age of 33. A man who was unexpectedly injured out in the wilderness. And a plethora of local entrepreneurs, each with their own unique startup story. These are some of the people you’ll meet on the Cold Shower Podcast, a conversationbased show concepted, run, and hosted by Lake Ann resident Taylor Cramer. Cramer seeks out more challenging stories and topics for his podcast, with an aim to bring out conversations he thinks need to be heard. “I look for people with interesting backgrounds, people who have had unique things happen in their lives, and ways to have conversations over personal growth topics that people maybe aren’t always willing or able to have elsewhere,” Cramer said. You might expect Cramer to have a detailed backstory in broadcasting; but he actually has no podcasting, interviewing, or radio background. His main job is as a social worker with the Alzheimer’s Association of Traverse City; this is just a “side gig” for him so far, he said, but one that he feels passionate about and hopes to eventually monetize. The idea for the podcast came about from a blog he’d started back in 2015, pursuing similar stories and topics. “I started the blog around the time of the presidential election, when I was noticing a lot of discord around that event,” Cramer said. “I thought the blog would connect with people, but it lacked nuance. I eventually realized that more people would probably be willing to listen to a podcast than to read a blog. And as my wife and I had recently moved to the Traverse City area, I knew there would be a lot of people here to connect with and interview.” He jumped right into his podcasting idea in spring 2018, building out a section of the basement of his house and filling it with the

necessary equipment. “I started by buying a microphone,” Cramer said. “I’d actually never been super keen on computers, though, so I went to Google and YouTube to learn how to do the sound setup and all of that. I basically just pieced it together by myself.” Borrowing the basic format from his written blog, he started by bringing back some of the topics that he thought deserved an hour-long conversation, as opposed to just a short blog piece. His first interviewee was that aforementioned basketball MVP, who also happened to be his brother, Stephen Cramer, who traveled over to Germany to play with the Saar-Pfalz Braves team several years ago. The brothers talked about what it’s like for an American to go and play sports in a foreign country. Since that first episode, Cramer has notched more than 60 episodes with a wide variety of guests. “My goal is to present content that will help people grow,” he said. “A lot of times I meet people, and once they hear what I do, I’ll get referred to other people who have interesting stories.” A few of his latest have included Jessie Zevalkink and her now-husband, Luke, who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and back after they got engaged, making their way through a capsize and a run in with some glaciers; Christie Minervini, who advocates on behalf of Traverse City’s homeless population; and Loghan Call of Planted Cuisine, whom Cramer said has been on the podcast several times to discuss the sustainability of local food sources. Some months he has 9 or 10 episodes recorded ahead; other months he finds himself booking guests week to week. It just depends on whom he finds, and whom he feels fits his podcast format. He’s also planning some live events so that the studio audience can better interact with himself and his guest. “The majority of the episodes are released within a week of recording so they

don’t topically ‘age,’” he explained. “But I know these will all be unique conversations no matter who I have on. I’m just always looking forward to the next guest.” Find the podcast on iTunes and Spotify by searching “Cold Shower Podcast” or “Taylor Cramer.”

439 E Eighth St. • Traverse City


Taylor Cramer and Loghan Call are teaming up to talk beyond the podcast, and you’re invited to speak your mind (or simply listen in), live. They’re launching a community event series, Let’s Talk, to spur civil in-person conversations and respectful debate. A goal: to restore the seemingly long-lost skill of effectively communicating in the face of disagreement. (Read: What we used to do before the sharing of drive-by insults, memes, and unsubstantiated “news” stories on social media became our modus operandi.) The first event — Let’s Talk: Civil Discourse is dedicated to talking about, appropriately, how we talk to one another. It happens 5:30pm to 8:30pm Wed., Oct. 23, at GT Circuit, 225 W. 14th St., in Traverse City. RSVP and learn more about Let’s Talk, its format, and the rules at www. $10 suggested donation at the door; coffee, tea, and light bites available.

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 29

Better Beauty, Made in Northern Michigan 4 local makers making products for bodies, faces, and fingers When it comes to locally produced foodstuffs, there are probably more Northern options than you could eat in a week. Same for beverages, from sodas to beer, wine, spirits, even coffee and sparkling water in a can. That’s not the end of it. Companies from across the region are producing and selling — well, everything. That includes various skin and beauty products. From Traverse City to Harbor Springs, you can make your skin soft, your nails glittery, your hair silky and shiny, thanks to people and companies like those we profile below. By Ross Boissoneau


Start with the glitter (of course). Finding a way to avoid the harmful ingredients yet still embrace her showy side was what set KC Springberg on her path toward nail nirvana. She’d read about how toxic nail polish was and decided she could do better. That led her to long days and late nights reading, researching, and formulating non-toxic versions of a polish that is “all holographic, shimmery, and sparkly, because that’s what I liked.” Soon friends were clamoring for the product, including matte colors. “So I made a whole line of that too,” she said, eventually selling all of them on Etsy. “I did that for almost five years, then I started going to arts and craft shows, when I started to make more solid colors that were inspired by Michigan things.” She now sells directly from her website,, as well as several local establishments, including Eclectic Avenue, in Interlochen; Relish, in the Traverse City Warehouse District; and My Secret Stash and HNM Wellness, both in downtown Traverse City. Each season she comes up with new colors. This fall, they include Cider & Donuts (medium mauve brick crème), Oktoberfest (shimmering copper bronze), Apple Picking (deep berry pink crème) and Autumn Color Tour, a multi-chromatic nail polish that changes colors from brown to red, blue, and even a slight green shimmer, depending on the angle and lighting. She said she’s taken care to make the polish long-lasting, and she has also developed a natural soy-oil based nail polish remover. “It’s so cool because of the toxin-free, vegan formula,” Springberg said of her products.

30 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly


Bridgette Frye didn’t set out to make body lotions and the like. She was happy in her chosen career as a massage therapist — at least, until she took a close look at the ingredients in the items she was using in massage. “I wanted something safe for my clients and myself,” she said. That led to some R&D, courtesy of her dad’s man cave. He has a woodstove in it, which Frye utilized to melt and mix various oils and medicaments. “I turned his man cave into a science lab,” she said with a laugh. Those experiments led to a line of products under the Frye Wildcrafted Bath and Body label: organic whipped body butters, lotions, bath soaks, lip balm, lip scrubs, etc. All told, she offers nearly 30 different products, with more in development, including a “TSA-friendly” hard lotion. Frye said she uses four primary ingredients — coconut oil, hemp oil, coconut butter and shea butter — along with beeswax, lavender, sea salt, and even cherry pit powder, sourcing locally as much as she can. “The cherry pit powder, which is used as an exfoliant, is from a farm in Traverse City. The lavender is from Lavender Hill Farm in Boyne City, beeswax from Bliss Bee in Bliss,” she said. The business only started last year, with Frye’s first foray at the Harbor Springs Farm Market. Frye makes all her products all in small batches, and sells them online through a Facebook page (an e-commerce website is coming) and at her spa in Harbor Springs.

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Ann and Mark Bongiorno were veterans of the consumer products industry. So when they saw an opportunity to purchase a company based in their hometown of Traverse City, they jumped at it, purchasing TruSelf Organics in 2016 from its founders. Since then the couple has expanded the company’s product line and marketing efforts. “People shop globally — 25 to 30 percent of our orders are from outside the U.S.,” said Mark. While the market is global, the production is local. “We make most of our products here in Traverse City.” Those products run the gamut of skin care, from detoxifying masks to lip scrub, shampoo, shave cream, even bamboo products like brushes and cloths. “Our motto is ‘No bad stuff. Ever.’ We use as many organic ingredients as possible, but keep costs in line,” said Bongiorno. Locally some of the company’s products are available at Edson Farms, but Bongiorno said more than 95 percent are sold online. That allows the couple to live where they want and make a living doing what they want. “My wife is from Suttons Bay. We moved here in 2006. “We’re passionate about skin care. Skin is the biggest organ, and like everybody, we’re conscious about what goes in and on our bodies.”


If necessity is the mother of invention, connections to a ready market could be the aunt. “I had skin issues,” said Lynn Rodenroth, and because of those issues, she began making her own soap some two decades ago. She and her husband, Rob, were also veterans of the hotel industry, so when she began sharing her soap and other products, it was only natural that the two looked at the wholesale side as well as retail. “Our first accounts were in the hotel industry. Rob and I worked together [in the hotel industry] and this has been a spinoff,” she said. Quite a spinoff. Great Lakes Bath and Body has been selling soaps, bath fizzies, face and body lotions, soaking salts, and even soy candles in downtown Traverse City since 2013. One of the things that sets the company apart is that its production facility and retail operation are in the same location. The back half of the store in the City Opera House building is for production, while the front half is the retail side. “It’s part of the brand. Customers can see it being made,” said Rodenroth. That makes for a give-and-take between customers and staff that other stores and products can’t duplicate. She said the company staff can help customers determine what they need as well as want. “The [staff ] can answer questions — the ingredients, how it’s made.” As to that “how,” Rodenroth said the products are created with plant-based ingredients using simple formulas. She should know; Rodenroth is a certified Master Soapmaker.

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 31







NORTHERN SEEN 1. Ashley Fortuna, Bell Allen, Jen Lake, and Sarah Schneidt at a recent Swingshift and the Stars event. 2. Susan Johnson, Judy Harrison, and Carey Owens at the Swingshift event in TC. 3. (TC Mayor) Jim Carruthers and Whitney Waara pause for a smile and a photo during an event at Dennos Museum in TC. 4. Crowds gathered and enjoyed art, music, food and great weather at the annual Leelanau Uncaged event in Northport. 5. This trio pauses prior to a National Writers Series event at the City Opera House in TC. 6. Marty Lagina, co-star of The Curse of Oak Island reality show, and author Randall Sullivan sign books for a very long line of fans at an NWS event on Thursday.”

32 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

oct 12


19TH ANNUAL FIBER FESTIVAL: 10am-4pm, Oct. 1213, Old Art Building, Leland. Artists with original fiber art will exhibit & sell their work in mediums of wearable art, textiles, weaving, art quilts, fiber sculpture, knits & yarns.

---------------------ART & CRAFT SHOW: 9am-3pm, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, TC. Featuring 50 Michigan handcrafted artists & crafters. Free.

---------------------ARTS & CRAFTS FOR OUR PARKS: 9am4pm, Solon Township Hall, Cedar. Proceeds benefit the Solon Twp. parks. Free.

---------------------COFFEE BREAK BIRDING: Benzie Audubon members & friends will meet at Petals and Perks Coffee Shop on Main St. in Frankfort at 9am, & then carpool to local birding hotspots. Doug Cook leads the group. Free.


LEELANAU DAY OF PLANTING AT RUBY ELLEN FARM: 9am, Ruby Ellen Farm, 5946 S. Center Hwy., Leelanau County. Learn about & participate in proper planting methods, tree maintenance, seedlings, farm tours & more. Free.

---------------------VA CRAFT SHOW: 9am, VA, Veterans Dr., TC. All proceeds go to veterans emergency funds. Enjoy crafts, bake sale & lunch.

---------------------VOLUNTEER STREAM MONITORING COLLECTION DAY: Help gather micro-invertebrates to determine the health of Platte & Betsie rivers. Register by contacting John at the BCD: 231-882-4391;


11TH ANNUAL AUTUMN BREEZEWAY FALL COLOR CRUISES: Participants pick up bags filled with trip tips, color tour maps, coupons & other surprises at Royal Farms Winery in Atwood between 10am & noon. Next they proceed at their own pace along C-48 The Breezeway stopping, shopping, dining, enjoying a nature hike at one of the three preserves or enjoying an event along the route. End the experience at Boyne Mt. in Boyne Falls with a complimentary chair-lift ride for a view atop the mountain.

---------------------41ST ANNUAL APPLE FEST: Downtown Charlevoix, Oct. 11-13. Held in East Park, Bridge Park & on Mason St. Area orchards will be set up with more than 30 types of apples & a variety of fall harvest items & more. There will also be an Art & Craft Show, petting farm, real camel, Pine River Jazz Band, Apple Fest Fun Run & much more. Free.

---------------------COMMUNITY PRINTMAKING DAY: 10am2pm, Crooked Tree Arts Center, TC. Enjoy printmaking activities & touring printmaking exhibits. The driveway at CTAC will be turned into

a giant printing press. Team Elmer’s will help print with an asphalt roller. Free.



EMPTY THE SHELTERS: 10am-5pm, Little Traverse Bay Humane Society Shelter, West Conway Rd., Harbor Springs. An adoption event sponsored by the BISSELL Pet Foundation. Adopt a dog for $25. Cats & kittens are free.


---------------------FALL COLOR WALK: 10am, Louis Groen Preserve, Johannesburg. RSVP: 989-7310573. Free.


send your dates to:

FALL HIKE: 10am, DeYoung Natural Area, TC. Join Docent Dave Amos on a tour of this natural area on Cedar Lake & farmstead currently undergoing renovation. Free.

---------------------FRANKFORT FALL FEST: Downtown Frankfort. Enjoy a parade featuring the Scottville Clown Band, wagon rides, scavenger hunts, pie eating contests & pumpkin fun including the Weight Contest, Giant Pumpkin Drop & pumpkin carvings by Mr. Moody.

---------------------FRISKE’S APPLE FEST: 10am-5pm, Friske’s Farm Market, Ellsworth. Featuring an Apple Pie Pancake Breakfast, wagon rides, giant apple slingshot, big apple balloon, kiddie corn maze, & much more.

---------------------M22 ART2ART POPUP ART TOUR: Five venues featuring award-winning artists, all along M22 in Leelanau County. These include Glen Arbor Township Hall, Glen Arbor Arts Center, Cleveland Township Hall, Northport Arts Association Gallery, & Old Art Building. Today’s hours are 10am-6pm. Free.

---------------------MAKE A GIFT SERIES: HAMMERED FLOWER ART CLASS: 10am-noon, Interlochen Public Library. For adults. Register: 231-2766767. Free.

---------------------TC CARES DAY: 10am-2pm, Traverse Heights Elementary School, TC. Not affiliated with TCAPS. A free one-day health & wellness clinic offering medical, optical, chiropractic, physical therapy screenings & care; haircuts, family photos, a warm meal, manicures & spiritual counseling; winter outerwear.

---------------------PEDAL FOR POLIO: 10:30am, Little Traverse Historical Museum, Petoskey. Presented by Sunrise Rotary Club of Petoskey. Everyone is encouraged to participate for a minimum donation of $25.

---------------------6TH ANNUAL FRANKFORT BEER WEEK: Oct. 7-12. Featuring Michigan craft beer, beer themed events & special offers at area restaurants & businesses. These include an ExhiBEERtion at Oliver Art Center, “For The Love of Craft,” a short documentary film being shown at The Garden Theater, an Empire Malting Company presentation at Stormcloud Brewing Co.,

Take in the autumn colors as you ride the Peak2Peak race course at a leisurely pace during the Peaktober Fall Mountain Bike Color Tour at Crystal Mountain, Thompsonville on Sun., Oct. 20 at 11am. The route runs along the Betsie River Pathway, including a pitstop at Iron Fish Distillery for a tour and drinks. $29; includes bike rental and helmet. Chefvitational Beer Dinner at Rocks Landing & much more.

---------------------FALL INTO MACKINAW: 11am-10pm, Downtown Mackinaw City. Featuring the Monster Mash Street Bash, Fudge Prowl, live music by Will Springsteen & Billy Jewell, Creepy Critter Pet Parade, “Top Dog” Hot Dog Eating Contest, Headlands Challenge, Trunk or Treat Old School Park & more.


15TH ANNUAL CHILI COOKOFF: 11:30am2:30pm, Charlevoix United Methodist Church. All you can eat. $8.

---------------------AUTHOR EVENT: 11:30am-1:30pm, Saturn Booksellers, Gaylord. Featuring R.J. King, author of “Detroit: Engine of America.”

---------------------AFTERNOON WITH LIVE RAPTORS: Noon, Boardman River Nature Center, TC. Presented by the Wildlife Recovery Association. Register. $10 adult, $5 12 & under, free for 2 & under.

LINDA O’MEARA DAYS OF THE ARTS: 124pm, Dennos Museum Center, NMC, TC. Enjoy drawing, printing, dancing & playing your way through the galleries, kicking off the annual DRAW NoMI programs. Free.

---------------------ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE PROGRAM: WEARING SHORTS & WRITING SHORTS: 1pm, Phillip A. Hart Visitor Center, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Empire. Artist-inResidence Jeff Lockwood will share some very short writings about his experiences at national parks. He will also lead participants through two exercises to craft a cinquain & a message to a person who does not exist, but you already know. Free. Find on Facebook.

---------------------AUTHOR SIGNINGS: TOM MCGUIRE & CHARLES EISENDRATH: Horizon Books, TC. 1-3pm: McGuire will sign his book “Steller’s Orchid.” 4-5pm: Former Time Magazine foreign correspondent & East Jordan summer resident Charles Eisendrath will sign his book, “Downstream from Here,” a series of essays that

TC Studio TC Studio



Natural, undetectable, real-looking hair strokes that don’t melt or wash away.

$275 SALE* • 231-944-5272 Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 33

span four decades. Eisendrath’s essays reflect his many travels as a foreign correspondent, including to a near-fatal plane crash in Costa Rica, & to witnessing an assassination.

---------------------HOPS ‘N HIGHLANDS: 1-6pm, Boyne Highlands Resort, Harbor Springs. This microbrew festival will feature 45+ MI breweries & 175 microbrews. There will also be live entertainment, food trucks, complimentary chairlift rides from 11am-5pm, & more. $10 cover charge for 21+.

---------------------MODEL RAILROAD MEETING: 1pm, Otsego County Library, Gaylord. National Model Railroad Association North Central Region Division 2 Monthly Meeting. Includes a presentation on model railroading & a Show & Tell. For info, email: Free.

---------------------TEENS CONSIDERTHIS: ANIMAL RIGHTS: 1pm, Traverse Area District Library, TC. Teens will discuss the relationship between humans & non-human animals, & reflect upon beliefs. Free.

---------------------SIERRA CLUB FALL HIKE: 1:30pm, Cedar Run Creek Natural Area. You will hike about a 2.5 mile loop. Wear comfortable hiking shoes. Bring your binoculars, camera, water & snack. Free.

---------------------GAME DAY: 2-4pm, Interlochen Public Library. Many board games to choose from, plus toys for the little ones.

---------------------STIGGTOBERFEST: 3-8pm, Stiggs Brewing Company, Boyne City. Take a ride on the Boyne City fire truck “La France” or rise high above the crowd in the basket of the Ladder Tuck. Enjoy a game of tug of war against the BC Fire Department. Watch trained professionals perform live fire extinguisher demonstrations. There will also be live music by Erik Vanhorn, Under the Moon, & The Lavender Lions, & kids activities. Proceeds benefit the BC Fire Department.

---------------------POP-UP CIDER MILL AT THE SHED: 4-7pm, The Shed Beer Garden, TC. Featuring pumpkin carving (BYOP - bring your own pumpkin), activities for kids, donuts from Peace, Love and Little Donuts, hot apple cider & live music by Rhett & John. Bring non-perishable food items for the Father Fred Foundation. Free. Find on Facebook.

---------------------ORCHARDS AT SUNSET 5K & FUN RUN: Gregory/Miezio Farm, Suttons Bay. Fun Run, 4:30pm; 5K, 5pm. $35; $10.

---------------------AN EVENING WITH SARAH MILLER: 5pm, McLean & Eakin Booksellers, Petoskey. This author will talk about her latest YA book, “The Miracle & Tragedy of the Dionne Quintuplets.” RSVP: 231-347-1180. Free.

---------------------BAYSIDE TRAVELLERS CONTRA DANCE: Empire Township Hall. There will be a basic skills workshop from 7-7:30pm & the dancing will run from 7:30-10:30pm. The live band will be Dag Nabbit. $11 adult, $7 student, $9 member.

---------------------POVERTY: WHAT YOU CAN DO: 7pm, Trinity Church, Northport. Annual Belko Peace Lecture. Dr. Donna Beegle: Her journey from poverty to possibility. Free will offering.

---------------------SCREAMS IN THE DARK: 7-11pm, Northwestern Michigan Fairgrounds, TC. From the Swamp of Suffering to The Mausoleum, there’s something to terrify everyone. $5-$15.

---------------------“THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE”: 7:30pm, Crooked Tree Arts Center, Petoskey. Presented by Little Traverse Civic Theatre. Based on Robert Louis Stevenson’s Novella of the same name. $15 adults; $12 students.


house, Schmuckal Theatre, TC. An hysterical evening of inappropriate magic & mind reading with new material. For 18 & up. $25 plus fees.

---------------------FRESHWATER CONCERT: LAITH AL-SAADI: 8pm, Freshwater Art Gallery/Concert Venue, Boyne City. Enjoy a blend of blues, soul & classic rock. In 2016 Laith Al-Saadi won a spot in the finale of NBC’s “The Voice.” 231-582-2588. $35 advance, $40 door.

oct 13


19TH ANNUAL FIBER FESTIVAL: (See Sat., Oct. 12, except today’s hours are 10amnoon)


41ST ANNUAL FEST: (See Sat., Oct. 12)


---------------------M22 ART2ART POPUP ART TOUR: Five venues featuring award-winning artists, all along M22 in Leelanau County. These include Glen Arbor Township Hall, Glen Arbor Arts Center, Cleveland Township Hall, Northport Arts Association Gallery, & Old Art Building. Today’s hours are 10am-5pm. Free.

---------------------THE GREAT PUMPKIN DASH & PUPKIN COSTUME PARADE: 10am-2pm, Mt. Holiday, TC. You & your pumpkins have one goal: crossing the finish line unsquashed. Prizes for best costume, heaviest lug & more. The Dash rolls through Mt. Holiday’s woodsy terrain, taking you through four fun obstacles. You have to carry a pumpkin; pick one from the patch before the dash begins. The Halloween Dog Parade follows right after the dash. Awards given for creativity, look-alikes & more. Proceeds benefit Mt. Holiday & Cherryland Humane Society. $25 for each event.

---------------------GRAND TRAVERSE TAKES A GIRL MOUNTAIN BIKING: Timber Ridge Resort, TC. Presented by Norte. Meet at 11:45am; rolling at noon. Five distances available. Free.

---------------------ELITE WEDDING EXPO: 12-4pm, GT Resort & Spa, Acme. Featuring a wide array of wedding planning professionals to help you with your wedding. There will also be food samples & prizes. $10 advance; $15 door.

---------------------BRUCE CATTON’S BENZONIA: A WALKING TOUR: 1pm, Mills Community House, Benzonia. Presented by the Benzie Area Historical Society. The tour will highlight places mentioned by Catton in his reminiscence “Waiting for the Morning Train,” the story of his childhood & adolescence in Benzonia. Led by historian & Benzie Area Historical Museum Curator Jane Purkis. The tour will end at the Benzie Area Historical Museum with a discussion about Catton’s significance as a writer of popular Civil War histories. RSVP: 231.882.5539. Free/donations accepted.

---------------------LINDA O’MEARA DAYS OF THE ARTS: 1-4pm, Dennos Museum Center, NMC, TC. Enjoy drawing, printing, dancing & playing your way through the galleries, kicking off the annual DRAW NoMI programs. Free.

---------------------“MICHIGAN’S HAUNTED LIGHTHOUSES”: 2pm, Helena Township Community Center, Alden. Join author & Promote Michigan Founder Dianna Stampfler as she recounts the tales of over a dozen of Michigan’s ghostly beacons. 231-331-4318.

---------------------“THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE”: 2pm, Crooked Tree Arts Center, Petoskey. Presented by Little Traverse Civic Theatre. Based on Robert Louis Stevenson’s Novella of the same name. $15 adults; $12 students.

34 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

BOOKS, BABES & BOOZE: 2pm, Willowbrook Mill, Northport. Five authors writing in genres including urban fantasy/murder mystery, historical romance, rom/com, contemporary fiction & contemporary romance come together for lively discussion. Enjoy a cocktail reception where you will meet the authors, followed by a panel discussion on books, genres, writing techniques, funny stories & insights on the world of novel writing. $15.

---------------------GARDEN STORYTELLER SERIES — HARVEST TALES TO TELL TOGETHER: 2pm, The Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park, TC. Experience the magic of the autumn season with Michigan Humanities Touring Artist & Storyteller Jenifer Strauss. Enjoy stories & songs about the cycles of nature & a pumpkin craft. Free.

---------------------GUIDED ART PARK COLOR TOUR: 2:30pm, Michigan Legacy Art Park, Thompsonville. Join Michigan Legacy Art Park interpreter Caitlin Chism as she takes you on a tour of the fall foliage. You will learn why & how trees prepare for winter, as well as how to identify the more commonly found trees within the park. Free with $5 admission. tours-workshops

---------------------ARGENTINE TANGO IN THE AFTERNOON: 3pm, Elizabeth Lane Oliver Center for the Arts, Frankfort. Presented by The Traverse City Tango Club. Short instructional class followed by time for dance. Free.


TRAVERSE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA FANTASTIQUE NIGHT WITH NANCY STAGNITTA: 3pm, Interlochen Center for the Arts, Corson Auditorium. TSO Principal Flutist, Nancy Stagnitta, demonstrates her versatility & artistry in David Amram’s jazz-inspired musical love letter to the Beat Generation, Giants of the Night. $25.50-$61.50. concert/fantastique-night

---------------------YOUTH OPEN MIC: 3-5pm, The Shed Beer Garden, TC. For kids 18 or younger. The Beat Lab will provide a sound system. All you need is a guitar, piano or backing music tracks. Free. Find on Facebook.


TRAVERSE AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY OAKWOOD CEMETERY TOURS: 4pm. Meet at the main entrance of Oakwood Cemetery off of Eighth St., directly across from the intersection of Fair St. & Eighth St., TC. Find ‘TAHS Oakwood Cemetery Tours’ on Facebook.

---------------------A NORTHERN MICHIGAN SINGER/SONGWRITER TRIBUTE TO THE MUSIC OF JOHN PRINE: 7pm, Red Sky Stage, Bay Harbor. Singer/songwriters Kevin Johnson & Kirby, with special guests Sean Miller & Claire Bates, share some of their favorite music from Mr. John Prine. $15.

---------------------SCREAMS IN THE DARK: 7-10pm, Northwestern Michigan Fairgrounds, TC. From the Swamp of Suffering to The Mausoleum, there’s something to terrify everyone. $5-$15.

oct 14


COFFEE & CONVERSATION AT DICK’S POUR HOUSE: 10am, Dick’s Pour House, Lake Leelanau. Enjoy coffee & story telling on the history of this longtime, family owned bar. RSVP: 231-256-8121. Free.

---------------------BOYNE APPÉTIT! RESTAURANT WEEK: This celebration of EPIC FOODS encompasses the restaurants & food retailers in Boyne City & neighboring towns: Advance, Boyne Falls, Horton Bay & Walloon Lake. Participating restaurants & other merchants offer specialties with affordable price points for both lunch & dinner.

CHILL - PIECE OF MIND MONDAYS FOR TEENS: 4pm, Traverse Area District Library, TC. Take an hour to relax. Enjoy coloring, crafts, classical music, snacks, hot cocoa & tea. Free.


G.T. HUMANISTS WITH “CUBA: WHY CAN’T WE JUST MOVE FORWARD?”: 7pm, Traverse Area District Library, TC. Featuring Karen Puschel Segal. Free.

---------------------HPV VACCINATIONS: AN EVENING WITH EXPERTS: 7pm, Cowell Family Cancer Center, TC. Presented by the American Cancer Society & Munson Healthcare. Dr. Corey Treadway, ENT, of Munson Healthcare; Patty Davis, NP, Gynecologic Oncology, of Munson Healthcare; dental professionals & cancer survivors will discuss HPV, its impact on the community, how the vaccine is playing a role in preventing cancers related to HPV, & answer community member questions. Free.

---------------------LEELANAU COMMUNITY CHOIR REHEARSAL: Suttons Bay Congregational Church. The choir rehearses Mon. evenings, 7-9pm. All voices are welcome. Concerts are planned for Dec. 7-8. Dues are $25. 231-2716091;

oct 15


GET CRAFTY: CANDY CORN COLLAGE: Great Lakes Children’s Museum, TC. Make a paper candy corn craft. Held at 11am-noon & 2-3pm.

---------------------COMMUNITY PAINT FOR EMPTY BOWLS: 4:30pm, Arts for All of NMI Studio, 1129 Woodmere Ave., Unit A, TC. Paint to donate 100+ ceramic bowls for the Nov. Empty Bowls event. Free; $5 per bowl suggested donation.

---------------------GIRLS WHO CODE: 4:30pm, Traverse Area District Library, TC. A free after-school program for 6th-12th grade girls to use computer science to impact their community.

---------------------AUTHOR SIGNING: 5-7pm, Horizon Books, TC. Monica Duncan will sign her book “Twine.”

---------------------AUTHOR READING: 6pm, Elk Rapids District Library. Author Thomas McGuire will discuss the beauty & intrigue of the Alaskan wilderness & read from his latest novel, “Steller’s Orchid.” Free.

---------------------CITIZENS’ CLIMATE LOBBY MEETING: 6-8:30pm, Central United Methodist Church, third floor, TC. If you’re new, please arrive at 5:45pm for an intro to CCL policies to address climate change. For more info call: 231-499-6747 or email:

---------------------FOLIAS DUO: 6:30-8pm, Charlevoix Public Library. Featuring Andrew Bergeron & Carmen Maret on guitar & flute.

---------------------BOOKMARKS WITH ANNIE STRAINCHAMPS: 7pm, Crooked Tree Arts Center, Carnegie Rotunda, TC. Presented by IPR & National Writers Series. Strainchamps, host of the public radio show “To The Best Of Our Knowledge,” has been asking interview subjects about their reading habits for years. She & the TTBOOK team have gathered the best of those conversations in “Bookmarks,” a series of short stories of the books that have had a profound impact on writers & thinkers. Anne will share stories of books that shaped the hearts & minds of writers like Margaret Atwood, Tommy Orange, Jacqueline Woodson & Billy Collins. Free.

---------------------GTHC OCT PROGRAM: 7pm, Boardman River Nature Center, TC. Trekking the Swiss Haute Route & Berner Oberland by Sara Cockrell. Free.

sep 24

SWEETWATER EVENING GARDEN CLUB OCT. PROGRAM & MEETING: 7pm, Acme Township Hall, Willliamsburg. The guest speaker will be Robin Smillie of Garden Goods in TC. She will speak on “Putting Our Fall Gardens To Bed & Having Healthy Spring Gardens.” 938-9611.

oct 16


EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES WITH THE ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION: 2pm, Leland Township Library. Join Taylor Cramer from the Alzheimer’s Association to explore how communication changes when someone is living with Alzheimer’s, learn how to interpret verbal & behavioral communication, & identify strategies to help you connect & communicate at each stage of the disease. Free.

---------------------THE FBI: FABULOUS BRILLIANT INDIVIDUALS: 4:30pm, Traverse Area District Library, TC. A teen volunteer group who assists in planning programs makes suggestions to improve library service to teens, & helps out with various library programs. Free.

ming, social media, digital marketing, design, & more over bacon, eggs & coffee. Free + cost of breakfast.

---------------------INTERACTIVE STORYTIME: 11am, Great Lakes Children’s Museum, TC. Featuring “Moon Game” by Frank Asch, followed by a craft or activity.

---------------------FRANKFORT FILM FESTIVAL: The Garden Theater, Frankfort, Oct. 17-20. Featuring 16 award-winning films from around the globe. In addition, short films produced by students of Interlochen Arts Academy’s Motion Picture Arts program & the winning films in the 3rd Annual Frankfort48 Film Festival will be shown preceding the festival’s daily feature films. $12 each film.

---------------------READER CHEF, JUNIOR: BREAKFAST! PANCAKES & YOGURT PARFAITS: 4pm, Interlochen Public Library, Commercial Kitchen. For ages 10-15. Register: 231-276-6767. Free.


ENHANCED BUSINESS AFTER HOURS: 5-7pm, Castle Farms - 1918 Cellars, Charlevoix.

TEEN WRITING GROUP: 4pm, Traverse Area District Library, TC. Get together with other teen authors to discuss creative writing. If you are into: creating original stories, fan fiction, poetry, expanding your editing skills… this is the group for you. Bring small pieces of your work for others to critique. Free.

PUMPKIN FESTIVAL & MOONLIGHT MADNESS: 5-7pm, Downtown East Jordan. Participating businesses will be open until 7pm. There will also be early trick-or-treating, Twister Joe, Emergency Service Vehicles on display, the 10th Annual East Jordan Pie Contest & more.

NORTHLAND WEAVERS & FIBER ARTS GUILD MEETING: 5:30pm, TC Senior Center. Barbara & Sherie Waddell will demonstrate several fiber techniques, including using bleach on fabric to make custom patterns. Free.


---------------------THE BUSINESS SIDE OF BEING A MUSICIAN OR ARTIST: 5:30pm, Crooked Tree Arts Center, Carnegie Rotunda, TC. Presented by SCORE TC. Judy Harrison of High Impact Productions & Sue Ann Round of Michigan Artists Gallery, along with SCORE mentor Donna Probes, a 40-year professional musician, will talk about their experiences. Free; pre-registration required.

---------------------HERB GARDENING FOR WINTER: 6pm, Interlochen Center for the Arts, R.B. Annis Botanical Laboratory. Learn about potted herbs & indoor seasonal growing as we prepare for the cooler season ahead. Participants will leave with several plant starts, too. Free.

---------------------AQUATIC WORKSHOP: 6:30pm, Mills Community House, Benzonia. Please register for this free presentation by Dr. Jo Latimore & Erick Elgin regarding the health of local waters & how to monitor it. Hands-on aquatic plant identification; light refreshments. Contact 231.882.4391;;

---------------------NATIONAL WRITERS SERIES: 7pm, City Opera House, TC. A blaze at the Los Angeles Public Library lit an author on fire. Featuring author of “The Library Book” Susan Orlean. $15 GA; $5 students.

---------------------STAR TALK & VIEWING PARTY: APOLLO & THE RACE TO THE MOON: 7pm, Traverse Area District Library, McGuire Community Room, TC. With Bob Moler from IPR’s daily one-minute diary of the night sky & its blog called “Ephemeris.” Free.

---------------------PETOSKEY FILM SERIES: 7:30pm, Petoskey District Library, Carnegie Building. Featuring the documentary “Pavarotti.” Free; donations appreciated.

oct 17


OCTOBER GEEK BREAKFAST: 8am, Bubba’s, TC. A casual monthly communitydriven networking event for tech-minded people to discuss topics like program-


---------------------FALL FILM SERIES: “POLYFACES”: 6:30pm, Boardman River Nature Center, TC. A film about connecting to the land & the community. 941.0960, ext. 23. Free. event/fall-film-series-polyfaces

---------------------HOW NUTRITION TRANSFORMS BODIES, HEALS DISEASES, & SAVES LIVES: 6:30pm, First Congregational Church, TC. Presentation with Dr. Emily Boller, author of “Starved to Obesity.” Ticket includes potluck dinner. $5.

---------------------JOHN WIERNGA ON CLIMATE SCIENCE: 6:30pm, Elk Rapids District Library. John Wierenga will discuss the two century old history of climate science beginning with Joseph Fourier, the basic chemistry, the evidence. He will answer the question as to whether or not climate has always changed, if we should do anything about it, and if so, what. Register: 231-2649979 Free.

---------------------“THE ADDAMS FAMILY”: 7pm, Cadillac High School Auditorium. The humorous musical based on the TV family - Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday & Pugsley. $12, $14, $15.

---------------------“THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE”: (See Sat., Oct. 12)

---------------------ARTISTS FROM INTERLOCHEN AT KIRKBRIDE HALL: MOTION PICTURE ARTS: 7:30pm, Kirkbride Hall, The Village at GT Commons, TC. Enjoy a slate of documentaries & short films written, produced & directed by the Interlochen Arts Academy filmmaking students. $26 full, $14 student.


sides being a solo artist, Page has performed through an array of projects in film, theatre & television. $25, $30.

oct 18


ACORN ADVENTURERS: 10-11am, Boardman River Nature Center, TC. For ages 4 & under. Presented by the GT Conservation District. A mix of guided & self-guided outdoor activities that allow young explorers & their grown-ups to explore, engage with, & experience the outdoors. Free. acorn-adventurers

---------------------DISCOVER WITH ME: 10am-noon, Great Lakes Children’s Museum, TC. Have fun raking leaves & scampering through them.

---------------------MUNSON HEALTHCARE HOSPICE GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: 11am, Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital, 2nd floor conference room, Frankfort. Join a friendly environment where grief & loss are understood. Free.

---------------------PETOSKEY RESTAURANT WEEK - FALL: Oct. 18-25. Participating restaurants of Petoskey & Bay Harbor offer three course menus for $15/$25/$35 with some places offering two for one pricing.

---------------------FRANKFORT FILM FESTIVAL: (See Thurs., Oct. 17)

---------------------ARTY PARTY: 3-7pm, Old Art Building, Leland. Area artists offer a variety of original art, including acrylics, fused glass, handcrafted glass & gem jewelry, nature art, oil & watercolor paintings, pastels, photography, functional & sculptural pottery, sterling silver jewelry & textiles. Opening Reception on Fri., Oct. 18 at 4pm. Free.

---------------------FOR THE LOVE OF ART & PAPER EPHEMERA MARKET: 3-7pm, Mills Community House, Benzonia. A market featuring vintage possessions that communicate experiences, memories, lives, loves, past histories & stories with an element of art & craft.

---------------------12TH ANNUAL SUTTONS BAY FALL FINALE ART & WINE WALK: 5-8pm, Downtown Suttons Bay. Stroll from store to store viewing work from local artisans & sampling local fare & refreshments from area wineries & breweries. Enter a drawing to win a $10 gift certificate from each participating store. suttonsbayarea. com/fall-finale-art-wine-walk

---------------------“THE ADDAMS FAMILY”: 7pm, Cadillac High School Auditorium. The humorous musical based on the TV family - Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday & Pugsley. $12, $14, $15.

---------------------OWL PROWL: 7pm, Grass River Natural Area, Bellaire. Learn about local owls & their conservation with an indoor presentation, & then head out for a night hike in search of these birds. Bring a light. $5.

---------------------SCREAMS IN THE DARK: (See Sat., Oct. 12) ----------------------

SERAPH BRASS WITH ARTS ACADEMY BRASS ENSEMBLE: 7:30pm, Interlochen Center for the Arts, Corson Auditorium. Comprised of America’s top female brass musicians, Seraph Brass plays alongside the Interlochen Arts Academy Brass Ensemble. $28 full, $14 student.

SWINGSHIFT AND THE STARS: 7pm, City Opera House, TC. Dancing competition for local nonprofits, live swing band, desserts & coffee. Nonprofits benefitting: Bethany, Single MOMM, Spark in the Dark, Upbound at Work, Communities in Schools, Norte, Traverse City Christian School, TC Tritons Rowing. $25 & up.

STEVEN PAGE: DISCIPLINE USA TOUR 2019: 7:30pm, City Opera House, TC. Barenaked Ladies founding member & former frontman Steven Page’s latest album, “Discipline: Heal Thyself, Pt. II,” was released in 2018. Be-

THE REASON TOUR: UNSPOKEN, STARS GO DIM & CATIE HURST IN CONCERT: 7pm, East Bay Calvary Church, TC. $35 VIP, $15 GA, $12 GA groups of 10 or more. itickets. com/events/434172




---------------------JOSHUA DAVIS: 7:30pm, Old Town Playhouse, MainStage, TC. Joshua writes & performs songs that blend the roots of American music with gritty rock n’ roll & vintage soul. Fri., Davis will be joined by special guest, Laurel Premo, known for her roots music on clawhammer banjo, fiddle, guitar & vocals. On Sat., he will be joined by special guest, Jen Sygit, a country/folk/bluegrass singer-songwriter known for her “gritty and gutsy” music. $30 plus fees.

---------------------PETOSKEY FILM SERIES: 7:30pm, Petoskey District Library, Carnegie Building. Featuring the documentary “Pavarotti.” Free; donations appreciated.

oct 19


31ST ANNUAL RECOVERY PLUS PROGRAM: 8:30am2pm, Cowell Family Cancer Center, TC. For women who have had breast cancer, or are living with breast cancer. Participants will enjoy a continental breakfast, “pampering” session, & presentations by plastic surgeon Christopher Jeffries, M.D., oncology nurse navigator Linda Meyer, R.N., CPAN, & a breast cancer survivor. Lunch will also be provided. Register: 231-392-8492. Free.

---------------------HOME BUYER EDUCATION WORKSHOP: 9am-5:30pm, NW MI Community Action Agency, TC. Reserve your spot. Free.

---------------------MICAREER QUEST CHAR-EM ISD 2019: 9am, NCMC gymnasium, Petoskey. Ninthgraders from throughout Char-Em ISD’s 11 local school districts will have the chance to experience dozens of career paths in this amped-up career fair.

---------------------PEAKTOBERFEST: Crystal Mountain, Thompsonville, Oct. 18-20. Includes first-class mountain bike racing, live music, family fun, German food & award-winning brews surrounded by the autumn colors of northern MI. crystalmountain. com/event/peak2peak-mountain-festival

---------------------14TH ANNUAL PEAK2PEAK MOUNTAIN BIKE CLASSIC: 9:30am, Crystal Mountain, Crystal Clipper chairlift, Thompsonville. Junior races include the Tour de Tiny Tykes (6 & under) at 2pm, the Tour de Tykes (7-12 years old) at 2:30pm, & Tour de Trax (6+) at 3:30pm.

---------------------FALL HIKE AT CLAY CLIFFS: “LET’S ASK THE TREES & THEIR WILDLIFE BUDDIES!”: 10am. Join Conservancy docents Ann McInnis, Karl Hausler & Bert Thomas for some fun exploring the wonders of Clay Cliffs… as guests of its trees & wildlife buddies. Free.


FOR THE LOVE OF ART & PAPER EPHEMERA MARKET: 10am-4pm, Mills Community House, Benzonia. A market featuring vintage possessions that communicate experiences, memories, lives, loves, past histories & stories with an element of art & craft.

---------------------HALLOWEEN FUN AT THE GRAND TRAVERSE LIGHTHOUSE: 10am-4pm, Grand Traverse Lighthouse, Northport. Featuring a scavenger hunt, pumpkin bowling & much more. $5/person & State Park Recreation Passport. Find on Facebook.

---------------------NORTHERN HOME & COTTAGE TOUR: TRAVERSE AREA: 10am-5pm. Ten homes to tour. Each home features local designers, contractors, architects & more. Benefits Child & Family Services. $25.

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 35

SUPER SCIENCE SATURDAY: 10am, TC Central High School. A day filled with STEM activities for elementary students. These include making slime, marshmallow canons, elephant toothpaste, hour of code & experiments by Michigan Tech Mind Trekkers. Free.

---------------------ARTY PARTY: 11am-7pm, Old Art Building, Leland. Area artists offer a variety of original art, including acrylics, fused glass, handcrafted glass & gem jewelry, nature art, oil & watercolor paintings, pastels, photography, functional & sculptural pottery, sterling silver jewelry & textiles. Free.

---------------------AUTUMN FEST: 11am-3pm, Grass River Natural Area, Bellaire. Take a stroll through the nature preserve where GRNA naturalists, in costume, will tell you about the animals, play some tricks, & provide treats. There will also be games, a fire where you can roast marshmallows, & fall arts & crafts. Free.

---------------------PETOSKEY RESTAURANT WEEK - FALL: (See Fri., Oct. 18)

---------------------YMCA FALL FESTIVAL: 11am, West YMCA, Silver Lake Rd., TC. Check out vendor booths, family activities, a photo booth, inflatable obstacle course & more. Free. fall-festival

---------------------4TH ANNUAL GLEN ARBOR PUMPKIN FESTIVAL: 12-3pm, Glen Arbor Township Park. Games, pumpkin carving & carving demonstrations by Lord of the Gourd, face painting, crafts, entertainment, food & a costume parade. $5 suggested donation. glen-arbor-pumpkin-festival-4th-annual

---------------------FRANKFORT FILM FESTIVAL: (See Thurs., Oct. 17)

---------------------HORIZON BOOKS, TC EVENTS: 12-3pm: NaNoWriMo: World Building. 12-2pm: Peter Damm will sign his book “Wild Blueberries.” 2-4pm: Michael Khouri will sign his book “The Power of Ownership: It is Simply a Matter of Choice.” 6-9pm: A.V. Walters, Scott Couturier & fellow members of TC Authors will give fall presentations, readings & activities. horizonbooks. com/event

---------------------ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE PROGRAM: THE SOUL OF WIT: BRIEF WRITINGS: 1-3pm, Phillip A. Hart Visitor Center, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Empire. With Artistin-Residence Jeffrey Lockwood. Free. Find on Facebook.

---------------------AUTUMN ON RIVER STREET: 1-4pm, Elk Rapids. Enjoy a horse-drawn hayride, vote on the best merchant scarecrow, paint pumpkins, & sample Bake Off desserts. Free.

SPOOKTACULAR SATURDAY: 2pm, Crystal Mountain, Thompsonville. Featuring wagon rides, caramel apples, petting zoo, pumpkin carving, Burlap Races, Fall Bingo, Pumpkin Seed Spitting Contest, Haunted Trail (7:309:30pm) & much more. Haunted Trail is available Oct. 18-19 & 25-26. event/spooktacular-saturday

PEAKTOBER FALL MOUNTAIN BIKE COLOR TOUR: 11am, Crystal Mountain, Thompsonville. Ride the Peak2Peak race course at a leisurely tour pace. Make a pit-stop at Iron Fish Distillery for a tour & drinks. $29/person; includes rental bike & helmet or only $10 if you bring your own bike. event/peak2peak-mountain-festival

BATTLE OF THE BOOKS INFO SESSION: 4pm, Traverse Area District Library, McGuire Community Room, TC. An overview of the Fifth Annual Battle of the Books Grand Traverse. This National Writers Series program is a bookbased quiz competition open to 4th & 5th graders living in Grand Traverse, Benzie & Leelanau counties.



---------------------FALL FASHION SHOW: 6-9pm, Downtown Gaylord.

---------------------“THE ADDAMS FAMILY”: (See Fri., Oct. 18) ---------------------OWL PROWL: (See Fri., Oct. 18) ---------------------SCREAMS IN THE DARK: (See Sat., Oct. 12) ---------------------“THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE”: (See Sat., Oct. 12)

---------------------JOSHUA DAVIS: (See Fri., Oct. 18) ---------------------NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND: SOLD OUT: 8pm, Little River Casino Resort, Manistee. For over 50 years this band has continued to tour & create new music, resulting in multiple hit songs & numerous record sales. $40, $50, $55.

---------------------SELWYN BIRCHWOOD: 8pm, Dennos Museum Center, Milliken Auditorium, NMC, TC. Creating new directions for the blues, Selwyn Birchwood brings his music from “Pick Your Poison.” Before the show, ticket holders can visit the museum. Afterwards, meet the artists & enjoy light refreshments. $25-$30.

---------------------FREE OBSERVING NIGHT AT THE HEADLANDS: 10pm, Headlands International Dark Sky Park, Mackinaw City.

oct 20


FOR THE LOVE OF ART & PAPER EPHEMERA MARKET: 10am-noon, Mills Community House, Benzonia. A market featuring vintage possessions that communicate experiences, memories, lives, loves, past histories & stories with an element of art & craft.

---------------------HALLOWEEN FUN AT THE GRAND TRAVERSE LIGHTHOUSE: (See Sat., Oct. 19)

------------------------------------------ARTY PARTY: 12-4pm, Old Art Building, Leland. Area artists offer a variety of original art, including acrylics, fused glass, handcrafted glass & gem jewelry, nature art, oil & watercolor paintings, pastels, photography, functional & sculptural pottery, sterling silver jewelry & textiles. Free.

---------------------FRANKFORT FILM FESTIVAL: (See Thurs., Oct. 17)

---------------------3RD ANNUAL TADL CHILI COOK-OFF: 1-3pm, Traverse Area District Library, TC. Help decide the winners. Sample up to 20 chili entries & vote for your favorites to win the People’s Choice awards. Free.

---------------------FALL COLOR HIKE AT KRUMWIEDE FOREST RESERVE: 2pm. Join docents Joan Longton, Karl Hausler, Emmy Lou Cholak & Shelley Yaeger. Free. leelanauconservancy. org/events

dent-orchestrated performance put on by the Crooked Tree Arts Center School of Ballet PreProfessional dancers. $15 adults, $5 students.

---------------------AN EVENING WITH KENNY G: 6pm, Leelanau Sands Casino, Showroom, Peshawbestown. This Grammy & AMA award-winning artist has global sales of over 75 million records. $56-$95.

---------------------SCREAMS IN THE DARK: (See Sun., Oct. 13) ---------------------LYLE LOVETT & HIS ACOUSTIC GROUP: 7:30pm, Interlochen Center for the Arts, Corson Auditorium. Lovett has produced 14 albums & won four Grammy awards. Blending country, swing, jazz, folk, gospel & blues, his hits include “If I Had A Boat” & “She’s No Lady.” $59, $64, $69.





FREE ‘WRITING THROUGH LOSS’ WORKSHOPS: Thursdays, 9-10:30am through Oct. 17, Michael’s Place, 1212 Veterans Dr., TC. Presented by Hospice of Michigan. Open to adults grieving a loss & interested in writing. 947-6453.


SOUL SOOTHING YOGA: Sundays, 9am, Table Health, GT Commons, TC. Weekly donation-based community yoga class. Gather for a guided, uplifting, all-levels yoga practice.

GREAT LAKES CINEMA SERIES: “BEETLEJUICE”: 2pm, Great Lakes Center for the Arts, Bay Harbor. Free; tickets required. CONCERTS ON THE HILL: THE SINGING STRINGS & BRILLIANT BRASS: 3pm, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Beulah. Performed by Interlochen Arts Academy faculty & friends. Includes classical & pops selections. Benefits BACN. Free will offering.

---------------------FALL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP: 3pm, Pelizzari Natural Area, TC. Explore the trails & learn techniques for capturing fall colors. Hosted by professional photographer Christine Robinson, owner of Kicka Pix Photography & creator of Free.


HELP FROM MY FRIENDS’ 19TH ANNUAL CHILI COOK OFF & SILENT AUCTION: 4-7pm, Helena Township Hall, Alden. Benefits the pets residing at Help From My Friends’ Pet Crisis Center in Antrim County. Restaurants from all over the county participate for the title of Best Chili in Antrim County. $12 at door.

---------------------“FALL FOR DANCE”: 5pm, Harbor Springs Performing Arts Center. The 13th annual stu-

------------------------------------------THURSDAY NIGHT MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDE: Thursdays, 6pm, Crystal Mountain, Thompsonville. Open to all, but geared for intermediate level riders & new racers. You’ll get a chance to ride a lap of the Peak2Peak Mountain Bike Race Course including the Crystal Climb. Meet at the Park at Water’s Edge. Rental bike with helmet: $19. Helmet only: $10. event/thursday-night-mountain-bike-ride

---------------------GENTLE YOGA FOR ADULTS: Tuesdays, 10am through Oct. 29, Interlochen Public Library, Community Room. Focus on breathing, gentle repeated movements & stretches. Bring your own mats, water & towels.

---------------------BOYNE CITY FARMERS MARKET: Saturdays & Wednesdays, 8am-noon through Oct. 12. Veteran’s Park, Boyne City.

---------------------CTAC ARTISANS & FARMERS MARKET: Fridays, 10am-1pm, Crooked Tree Arts Center, Carnegie Building, Petoskey. Featuring a wide

Michigan’s Largest Zipline Canopy Tour

Located 2 miles from downtown Boyne City, across from Young State Park. For reservations call 855-ZIP-INFO or visit

36 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

variety of locally grown & handmade goods. NO MARKET ON NOV. 29. petoskey/market

---------------------CHEBOYGAN FARMERS MARKET: Festival Square, Downtown Cheboygan. Held every Weds. & Sat. from 8am-1pm through Oct. 30.

---------------------INTERLOCHEN FARMERS MARKET: Sundays, 9am-2pm, 2112 M 137, Interlochen.

---------------------SARA HARDY DOWNTOWN FARMERS MARKET: Weds., 8am-noon & Sat., 7:30amnoon, parking lot “B” at southwest corner of Cass & Grandview Parkway in downtown TC.

---------------------SUTTONS BAY FARMERS MARKET: Saturdays, 9am-1pm, intersection of M22 & M204, Suttons Bay.


“HARBOR SPRINGS: THEN & NOW”: Shay Hexagon House, Harbor Springs. Each piece of art from this exhibition is a snapshot of the people, events & landscapes which make up the heritage of Harbor Springs. Open on Fridays & Saturdays, 11am-3pm through Oct. 12.

---------------------“STILL LIFE WITH SOUP”: This juried show at Charlevoix Circle of Arts celebrates artist interpretations of the prompt, “Still Life With Soup.” Over 20 works will be on display along with a selection of handmade Soup Bowls by area potters. Runs through Nov. 2.

---------------------ANIMAL SAINTS & STRANGE ANGELS: Michigan Artists Gallery, TC. New works by artist Char Bickel. Runs through mid-Oct.

---------------------FIBER WITHOUT BORDERS: Glen Arbor Arts Center. A juried exhibition of 2D & 3D work exploring fiber materials in fresh, original ways. Runs through Nov 7. Hours: Mon. - Fri.: 9am4pm. Sat. & Sun.: 12-4pm.

---------------------JURIED FINE ART EXHIBIT: Gaylord Area Council for the Arts, Gaylord. Runs through Nov. 1 during gallery hours of 11am-3pm, Mon. through Fri. & 12-2pm on Sat.

---------------------OTP IS LOOKING FOR ART: Old Town Playhouse is looking for art depicting winter scenes or holiday scenes to be part of a mini art exhibit. This exhibit will take place during performances of “Elf the Musical,” beginning Nov. 15 & running through Dec. 14. Contact Deb Jackson: 947-2210. The art must be delivered to the Playhouse by Mon., Nov. 4, 2019.

---------------------ARTISTS FOR FLOW: Higher Art Gallery, TC, Oct. 12 – Nov. 5. Twenty artists in the region created a work based on the theme of or inspired by the Great Lakes. Proceeds from this show benefit the local organization, FLOW. RAVEN HILL GENERATIONS: Raven Hill Discovery Center, East Jordan. Inspired by the Smithsonian’s Museum on Main Street exhibit, “Crossroads: Change in Rural America,” Raven Hill’s exhibit is a chance to highlight for the community the importance of northern lower MI’s history through a collection of stories, artifacts, exhibits & structures. Runs through Oct. 12.

---------------------CROOKED TREE ARTS CENTER, PETOSKEY: - CALL FOR STUDENT ARTWORK - 2020 NYE AT CTAC, PETOSKEY: Entry is open to students 18 & under, in Charlevoix & Emmet counties, to submit their artwork for the New Year’s Eve at the Arts Center logo. The artwork will be used for promotional materials, t-shirts & admission buttons, & the selected artist will receive a family pass to the event & a gift certificate for art supplies. Download an entry form at The deadline is Mon., Nov. 11.

- “MICHIGAN NOW: ANNUAL JURIED FINE ARTS EXHIBITION”: Artists throughout the state of Michigan were invited to submit work of all media & subject matter. A total of 58 artists are represented in the exhibition of 79 works of art. Runs through Nov. 9.

---------------------- “THE CTAC INSTRUCTORS SHOW”: Held in Atrium Gallery, this exhibit highlights the creative work of CTAC visual arts instructors. Course instructors for both CTAC-Petoskey & CTAC-Traverse City locations were invited to participate. A variety of styles & media will be on display, including watercolor, oil, pastel, photography & fibers. Runs through Oct. 26.


CROOKED TREE ARTS CENTER, TC: - COGNEYEZANT: 365 DAYS OF EYES (A POP-UP EXHIBITION): Oct. 19-26. Featuring selected works from TC artist Nadia DanielsMoehle’s CognEYEzant, a creative project in which the 19-year-old challenged herself to create & complete an artistic representation of an eye every day for a year.


- TRAVERSE AREA CAMERA CLUB COMPETITION SHOW 2019: Runs through Nov. 16. - ORIGINAL: JURIED EXHIBITION OF CONTEMPORARY PRINTS: Featuring all forms of printmaking by artists from across the U.S. Runs through Nov. 14. - THE FLOATING WORLD: TRADITIONAL JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS: Held in Carnegie Rotunda. A select assortment of prints by Japanese artists of the Edo & Meiji periods, including Utagawa Hiroshige (1797– 1858) & Katsushika Hokusai (1760–1849), will be on display. On loan from Purdue University’s permanent collection. Runs through Nov. 14.

---------------------DENNOS MUSEUM CENTER, NMC, TC: - EXPLORATIONS IN WOOD: SELECTIONS FROM THE CENTER FOR ART IN WOOD: Runs through Dec. 29. Curated by Andy McGivern, this exhibition features 74 objects, a small sample of the work in the collection of Philadelphia’s Center for Art in Wood, gathered over a forty-year period. - CAROLE HARRIS: ART QUILTS: This fiber artist extends the boundaries of traditional quilting by exploring other forms of stitchery, irregular shapes, textures, materials & objects. Runs through Dec. 29.

---------------------OLIVER ART CENTER, FRANKFORT: - EXHIBEERTION II: A pop-up show celebrating Frankfort Beer Week. Runs Oct. 5-12. - KEN COOPER & PHIL JOSEPH EXHIBIT: Oct. 12 - Nov. 22. Cooper will show his abstract paintings & ceramic sculptures from his ‘Scratch and Dent’ series. Joseph will feature his large-scale abstract & landscape paintings.

---------------------TWISTED FISH GALLERY, ELK RAPIDS: - MEANDER: Featuring the works of Lindy Bishop, Mark Mehaffey & Lynn Uhlmann. Runs through Oct. 12. - WILD: Featuring paintings by Anni Crouter & Dani Knoph, & sculptures by Roger Smith, Sam Soet & James Troutman. An opening reception will be held on Fri., Oct. 18 at 6pm. Runs through Nov. 9.

Deadline for Dates information is Tuesday for the following week.


For the week ending 9/15/2019 HARDCOVER FICTION Testaments by Margaret Atwood Nan A. Talese $28.95 Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens G.P. Putnams’s Sons $27.00 A Better Man by Louise Penny PAPERBACK FICTION Goldfinch by Donna Tartt Little, Brown, & Company $10.99 Dead Man Running by Steve Hamilton G.P. Putnam’s Sons $9.99 Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman Penguin Books $9.99 HARDCOVER NON-FICTION Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? by Caitlin Doughty W.W. Norton & Company $25.95 A Good American Family by David Maraniss Simon & Schuster $28.00 Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell Little, Brown & Co. $28.99 PAPERBACK NON-FICTION From the Place of the Gathering Light by Kathleen Stocking Kathleen Stocking $25.00 Trails of M-22 by Jim Dufresne Michigan Trail Maps $19.95 Lake Michigan Rock Pickers Guide by Bruce Mueller & Kevin Gauthier `University of Michigan Press $15.95

231-421-8868 13o E. Front St • TC

Compiled by Horizon Books: Traverse City & Cadillac

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 37

SUPERGRASS ARE THE STRANGE ONES Supergrass fans will be glad to see that the band — following its reunion, after 10 years apart, at Glastonbury’s Pilton Party — has just announced a full reunion tour as well as the release of a career-spanning box set (which includes a great cover of The Police’s “Next to You”). Supergrass: The Strange Ones 1994–2008 will feature the band’s six albums on CD and vinyl picture disc, plus posters, a book, badges, and over six hours of previously unreleased material. The tour doesn’t have many stateside dates booked just yet — one in Los Angeles and another in Brooklyn this spring — but will kick off in winter with shows in Paris (Feb. 4); Dublin (Feb. 14); Manchester, England (Feb. 26); and Birmingham, England (March 3) … English rockers Muse will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its debut album, Showbiz, with a box set, too. Origin of Muse will include nine CDs and four records, including a plethora of demos and B-sides. The set will be collected in a 48-page casebound book that also features interviews with the bandmates, photos, set lists, posters, reproduced artwork from the original albums, and more. Origin of Muse will be in stores just in time for the holidays on Dec. 6 (but you can pre-order it now at a variety of outlets) …




Singer Angel Olsen’s fourth studio album, All Mirrors, just arrived last week, and with it some of her most experimental music yet, thanks in part to producer John Congleton. Olsen worked with a 14-piece orchestra for many of the tunes on this set, which added even more intensity to her already forceful music and filtered in quite a large amount of drama, as well. Included on the album, which is being offered by Jagjaguwar Records, are must-listen tracks “Too Easy,” “New Love Cassette,” “Impasse,” and “What It Is,” as well as the title track; all of the music includes Olsen’s usual mix of ’80s synths and quirky vocals … Emmylou Harris, Jackson Browne, Patty Griffin, and Steve Earle are among the musicians putting together a national music tour to assist those affected in the migrant/asylum-seeking situation on the U.S./Mexico border. Called The Lantern Tour II: Concerts for Migrant and Refugee Families, the events will kick off Nov. 5 with a show at Washington, D.C.’s Warner Theater, then New York City’s Town Hall on Nov. 6. Additional dates and venues for the tour are expected to be announced soon, with the trek planned to continue through next summer … LINK OF THE WEEK Noel Gallagher (Oasis) and his High

Flying Birds band have released a new track from Gallagher’s upcoming new EP, This is the Place. Check out “A Dream is All You Need to Get by,” available at ADIAINTGBTw… THE BUZZ Ben Rector and Andy Grammer are teaming up for an Oct. 20 performance at 20 Monroe Live in Grand Rapids … Grand Rapids band August has just released its new album, Bloom, which was recorded at the local River City Studios …



38 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

Fellow GR band The Skinny Limbs has also released its latest album (its second), Seafarer, which the band calls its “most mature work yet” … One for the vintage fans: Arlo Guthrie will perform Oct. 23 at Ann Arbor venue The Ark … and that’s the buzz for this week’s Modern Rock … Comments, questions, rants, raves, suggestions on this column? Send ’em to Kristi at

FOURSCORE by kristi kates

Rustic furnishings

The Lumineers – III – Dualtone

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This is quite a switch-up for the Grammy-nominated band. While III includes the sharp vocals and shifting arrangements that you’ve come to expect, everything’s encased in a much darker tone. Not a cheerful album — or an easy listen, lyrically — the album is divided into three chapters, each focused on a singular character/story introduced and told through a variety of tracks — “Life in the City,” “Left for Denver,” and “Leader of the Landslide” are particularly gripping — before the set reaches its sad conclusion.

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The Rain Parade – Emergency Third Rail Power Trip Limited Red and Yellow Starburst Edition – Real Gone

The Rain Parade’s debut album was released at the height of the Paisley Underground scene in Los Angeles in the early 1980s. It combined the band’s many peer influences into one heady audio brew, from the psychedelia of Dream Syndicate (“I Look Around”) to the ’60s harmonies of The Byrds and The Bangles (“Talking in My Sleep”). If you can only pick up one album to encapsulate that era, this is a good one to choose, especially in this newly re-issued version pressed on red and yellow vinyl.

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The Pixies – Beneath the Eyrie – Infectious Early ’90s woe-pop outfit The Pixies haven’t had a whole lot of good press for their last couple of albums; it seemed they’d lost some of their quirky songwriting style along the way. Unfortunately, the same holds true for this set, which is a nostalgic listen at best. Overly simplistic lyrics, subject matter that leans a little too far to left field, even for this band (see “Catfish Kate,” about a woman chasing a fish), and yet another drinking song (“This is My Fate”) make this an album better passed on than purchased.

Joseph – Good Luck, Kid – ATO Records

From Joseph’s (literal) backyard in Portland, Oregon, where the band started playing music for family and friends, this folk-pop group with the stitch-tight harmonies has come a long way. It’s been invited to perform on shows like Today and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, and have also opened for James Bay. This second album takes the approach of a road trip, as the three bandmates careen through songs like the anthemic lead single “Fighter” and pace themselves for quieter numbers like “Enough in Your Eyes” and “Revolving Door.”

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 39


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For as long as I can remember, when posed with the hypothetical question “If you could travel back in time, when and where would you go?” one of the first things that has always come to my mind is to be in the audience on April 23, 1961, to witness “Judy Garland at Carnegie Hall.” And while the new Judy Garland biopic, Judy, takes place several years later — toward the end of her life, during a string of performances at London’s Talk of the Town — for a few glorious moments, I experienced a new sense of what it must’ve been like to be in that concert hall in a way my well-worn recording of the event could not. The film not only immerses audiences in a compelling facsimile of her work as a live entertainer but also helps us understand a little more acutely the emotion and pain behind Garland’s performances.

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This is all in thanks to Renee Zellweger’s phenomenal work as Garland; there’s definitely nothing original or new going on here storywise. Director Rupert Goold goes the popular route of focusing on a particular moment in his subject’s life that speaks to the whole (while also filling in with some flashbacks to her days on the set of The Wizard of Oz and as part of MGM’s — or more specifically, Louis B. Mayer’s — star machine), but he doesn’t add any artistic flourishes outside of letting his leading lady shine.

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40 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

So since the film lives and dies on the Zellweger’s performance, what we have here is some first-rate Oscar Best Actress bait. This is not the first time Garland has been brought to the screen. Judy Davis’ performance in the miniseries Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows has long been the high-water mark. But Zellweger brings a softness and openness that Davis was lacking. And also, of course, the mirroring of

Zellweger’s own comeback narrative makes this fairly irresistible to both awards voters and moviegoers. I wager we will see her among nominees on Oscar night. Because truly, in some moments, I could swear I was looking at the real Judy. And it wasn’t just the makeup, or the hair, or the angle. It’s the way she swings her microphone cord, the way she stands up for gay fans, that way she talks to her kids from thousand of miles away, the way she makes poor decisions — it’s the heart of a performer on full display. Uninsurable, and thus, unhirable by the movie studios because of her erratic and unreliable behavior, Garland had to turn to live gigs in order to pay the bills. Without a home of her own, she drags her two children with Sid Luft (Rufus Sewell) from gig to gig and hotel to hotel. But the situation has grown untenable, and the kids need stability. And so Garland leaves them with her exhusband in Los Angles and heads overseas to London in order to raise some much needed cash to get them back. And while London is ready to welcome her with open arms, Judy is looking to fall into the arms of a younger man (Finn Wittrock), who is also in search of a business opportunity. Some days are good, some days are bad, but, man, when she is on, she is on, and it’s a beautiful thing. In the end though, the story goes to show why Garland remains one of Hollywood’s most tragic figures and what it cost her to give voice to our dreams to go “over the rainbow.” Meg Weichman is a perma-intern at the Traverse City Film Festival and a trained film archivist.

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d Astra is focused on Roy McBride (Brad Pitt), an incredibly stoic astronaut in a near but very different future in which we have colonized the moon and Mars, who must journey into the “heart of darkness” (Apocalypse Now references abound) to find his Kurtz — his father (Tommy Lee Jones). See, Roy has receiving shocking news that his dad, an astronaut long thought to have disappeared on a deep-space mission, might be alive — and also the source of electrical surges that are having devastating effect back on earth. Very much a poetic, existential, and ruminative space odyssey, Ad Astra is mesmerizing, thrilling, and suspenseful. There’s something about the scope of the infinite that brings the innermost issues of the human heart into focus, and that is what this film does so poignantly and vividly. It shows how, even when so distant from humanity, in solitude and isolation and staring into the great beyond, what you’re running from will still catch up with you. And the lump-in-the-throat ending of Ad Astra gracefully reveals a profound truth — that out of the grandest of tragedies can come the freeing realization that we really are all each other has. Elegant, dreamy, and unrelenting in its vision, this heady sci-fi is concerned with things far more human than anything extraterrestrial.

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downton abbey SUNDAY & MONDAY 1 • 4 • 7 PM TUE - THU 12:30 • 3:15 • 6 • 8:30 PM


rom the moment Downton Abbey’s iconic and sweeping theme music plays, you’ll be at peace. You’re instantly transported to the 1920s English countryside to visit everyone’s favorite well-intentioned aristocracy and their winsome servants, a group of 20+ characters we followed over the course of six seasons on PBS’ Masterpiece. Now, nearly four years after the beloved show went off air, checking in again on this world is like catching up with old friends. It is escapism, it is comfort, it goes down so very easy — that is the genteel pleasure of the film Downtown Abbey. And with this version, creator Julian Fellowes has outdone himself. Everything you know and love about the Downton-verse takes center stage — the sets, the costumes, the civility, the detail, Dame Maggie Smith’s zingers. It’s a gossamer-light confection that is completely unchallenging, even by Downton Abbey standards. Set in 1927, a little less that two years after the series finale in the timeline of the show’s events, there’s not much plot to speak of. Family secrets and royal intrigue are alluded to, but it’s pretty toothless. Instead, what you get is glorious fan service (it’s not just limited to Marvel films!) for Downton’s many devotees, as each character gets their moment in the sun while the staff and family prepare for a visit from the King and Queen.

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o film this year has electrified me and won me over quite like Hustlers. Yes, this scrappy flick is an unexpected knockout. Hot damn, it was entertaining. So toss your notions of this being “The Stripper Movie” aside, ’cause this ain’t no Showgirls; it’s a seriously sharp crime thriller that’s also funny, emotional, and a beautiful story of sisterhood and empowerment. And it’s honest to God no joke when I say Jennifer Lopez deserves some serious Oscar consideration for her masterful work in the film. Based on a true story chronicled in the New York Magazine article “The Hustlers at Scores,” we move back and forth in time as Destiny (Constance Wu) relates her tale of going from naïve stripper to the successful protégé of Lopez’s character, and then on to something much more dastardly in nature following the 2008 Wall Street crash. This perfectly and furiously plotted film comes flying at you and will make you want to hoot and holler.

at the ed film

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 41


OCt 12 - oct 20 edited by jamie kauffold

Send Nitelife to:

Grand Traverse & Kalkaska

ACOUSTIC TAP ROOM, TC 10/12 -- T.C Celtic’s Dane & Rick, 8 10/18 -- Steve Clark, 8 10/19 -- Corbin Manikas, 8

PARK PLACE HOTEL, TC BEACON LOUNGE: Thurs,Fri,Sat -- Tom Kaufmann, 8:30 RIGHT BRAIN BREWERY, TC Wed -- Traverse City Backgammon, 6-9

BONOBO WINERY, TC 10/18 – The North Carolines, 6-8

SAIL INN BAR & GRILL, TC Thurs. & Sat. -- Phattrax DJs & Karaoke, 9

FANTASY'S, TC Mon. - Sat. -- Adult entertainment w/ DJ, 7-close

TC WHISKEY CO. 10/17 -- Sam & Bill, 6-8 10/20 -- Bryan Poirier, 4-6

GT DISTILLERY, TC Fri. – Younce Guitar Duo, 7-9:30 KILKENNY'S, TC 10/11-12 -- Risque, 9:30 10/18-19 -- Broom Closet Boys, 9:30

THE DISH CAFE, TC Tues, Sat -- Matt Smith, 5-7 THE PARLOR, TC 10/12 -- Jim Hawley & Co., 8 10/15 -- Matt Mansfield, 8 10/16 -- Rob Coonrod, 8 10/17 -- Chris Smith, 8 10/18 -- Blue Footed Booby, 8 10/19 -- Joe Wilson, 8

LEFT FOOT CHARLEY, TC 10/14 -- Open Mic Night w/ Rob Coonrod, 6-9 10/18 -- Ruby, Katie & Dane, 6-8 ORYANA COMMUNITY CO-OP, TC 10/17 -- Blair Miller, 4

THE SHED BEER GARDEN, TC 10/12 – Pop-Up Cider Mill w/ Rhett & John, 4-7 10/13 – Youth Open Mic, 3

THE WORKSHOP BREWING CO., TC 10/12 -- The Real Ingredients, 8 10/13 -- Team Trivia, 7 10/14 – Big Fun Jam Band, 8 Tue -- TC Celtic, 6:30 Wed -- Jazz Jam, 6 10/18 – The Pocket, 8 10/19 – Jesse Ray & The Carolina Catfish, 8 UNION STREET STATION, TC 10/12 -- Snack Fivecoate, 10 10/13,10/20 -- Karaoke, 10 10/14 -- Chris Smith, 10 10/15 -- TC Comedy Collective, 8-9:30; then Open Mic/Jam Session w/ Matt McCalpin & Jimmy Olson 10/16 -- DJ JR, 10 10/17 -- DJ Fasel, 10 10/18 -- Happy Hour w/ Harvey Wallbangers; then Electric Red 10/19 -- Electric Red, 10

ETHANOLOGY, ELK RAPIDS 10/12 -- Steve Leaf & The Ex Pats, 8-11 10/19 -- The Pistil Whips, 8-11 LAKE STREET PUB, BOYNE CITY Sat -- Karaoke, 8-11

SHORT'S BREWING CO., BELLAIRE 10/12 -- The Pocket, 8:30-11 10/19 – Miss Tess, 8:30-11 STIGGS BREWERY & KITCHEN, BOYNE CITY 10/12 -- Stiggtoberfest w/ Under the Moon, Erik Vanhorn & The Lavender Lions, 3-8

BEARDS BREWERY, PETOSKEY 10/12 -- Dede and The Dreamers, 8-11 10/13 -- Charlie Millard, 6-9 10/15 -- Fall Trivia, 7-9 10/19 -- A Brighter Bloom, 8-11 10/20 -- Eliza Thorp, 6-9

KNOT JUST A BAR, BAY HARBOR Mon,Tues,Thurs — Live music

ODAWA CASINO, PETOSKEY OZONE: 10/19 -- Jabo Bihlman, 8

LEO’S NEIGHBORHOOD TAVERN, PETOSKEY Thurs — Karaoke w/ DJ Michael Willford, 10


Leelanau & Benzie DICK’S POUR HOUSE, LAKE LEELANAU Sat. — Karaoke, 10-2 GLEN ARBOR WINES, GLEN ARBOR 10/12,10/19 -- Blair Miller, 5 IRON FISH DISTILLERY, THOMPSONVILLE 10/12 -- Patty PerShayla, 6:30-9 10/18 -- Sydni K, 7-9:30 10/19 -- Wink (Solo), 6:30-9 LAKE ANN BREWING CO. 10/15 -- 1000 Watt Prophets, 6:30-9:30

WEST BAY BEACH, A DELAMAR RESORT, TC Thu -- Jeff Haas Jazz Trio & Laurie Sears w/ Guests, 6-8:30

LEELANAU SANDS CASINO, SHOWROOM, PESHAWBESTOWN 10/20 -- An Evening with Kenny G, 6 LUMBERJACK'S BAR & GRILL, HONOR Fri & Sat -- Phattrax DJs & Karaoke, 9 ST. AMBROSE CELLARS, BEULAH 10/12 -- Saldaje, 6-9 10/17 -- Open Mic w/ Jim & Wanda Curtis, 6 10/18 -- Blake Elliott, 6-9

10/19 -- The Lofteez, 6 STORMCLOUD BREWING CO., FRANKFORT 10/12 -- Abigail Stauffer, 8-10 10/16 -- Trivia Night, 7:30-9:30 10/19 -- Patty PerShayla, 8-10 10/20 -- Storm the Mic - Hosted by Blake Elliott, 6-9 THE CABBAGE SHED, ELBERTA 10/17 -- Open Mic Night, 8 10/19 -- Don Jones Tribute Event, 1-4

Otsego, Crawford & Central ALPINE TAVERN & EATERY, GAYLORD Sat -- Live Music, 6-9

Antrim & Charlevoix CELLAR 152, ELK RAPIDS 10/12 -- Blake Elliott, 7 10/18 -- Jeff Brown, 7-10

Emmet & Cheboygan

Manistee, Wexford & Missaukee 10/16 – Open Mic Night, 7 10/18 – Crosscut Kings, 7 10/19 – Something Great, 7 TORCH LAKE CAFÉ, CENTRAL LAKE 1st & 3rd Mon. – Trivia, 7 Weds. -- Lee Malone Thurs. -- Open mic Fri. & Sat. -- Leanna’s Deep Blue Boys 2nd Sun. -- Pine River Jazz




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Fri OCt 18- Buckets of Beer starting at $8 (2-8pm) Happy Hour: Harvey Wallbangers Then: Electric Red

Sat Oct 19- Electric Red Sun Oct 20 - KARAOKE (10PM-2AM) 941-1930 downtown TC check us out at

42 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

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the ADViCE GOddESS Captain Hookup


: I’m a single man in my 30s, and I don’t want a relationship right now. I keep meeting women online who say they only want something casual. Then, on the first or second date, it becomes obvious that they want a relationship, not just fun and sex. What’s with the bait and switch? — Annoyed


: Nothing like arriving for your reservation at a steak house only to be told, “We’re out of a few things tonight — everything made of cow. But good news! We’ve still got carrot kebabs, cauliflower schnitzel, and kelp stroganoff!” Women who bait and switch like this -- revealing their relationshippy intentions between the appetizers and the end of date two — are reflecting what evolutionary psychologists David Buss and David Schmitt call men’s and women’s conflicting “sexual strategies.” These are best summed up as “happily ever after” for women versus “hookupily ever after” for men. These differences in sexual strategy trace to differences in “obligatory parental investment.” This refers to how a man can bolt after sex —“Thanks, but I’ll pass on doing the dad thing!” — while a woman can get pregnant and stuck with a kid to drag around and feed. Accordingly, Buss and Schmitt explain that women typically benefit most from a “longterm sexual strategy,” vetting men to see that they’d commit: stick around to invest in any children that might come out of sex. Men, however, benefit most (that is, leave more descendants carrying their genes) from a “short-term sexual strategy” — having casual sex with a variety of hot-erellas. This doesn’t mean that men never want to commit or that women never want to hook up. They do this when circumstances make it in their best interest. But because men and women coevolved, they are at least subconsciously aware of each other’s intentions and shade the truth to put themselves in the most “marketable” light. So, men often act more interested in commitment than they actually are (in hopes of getting sex) and women often act less interested, in hopes of ensnaring Harry Hookup and turning him into Harry the Husband. It probably makes sense to err on the side of assuming a woman will want commitment, whether she knows or articulates that or not. Opt for my “cheap, short, and local” advice for first and second dates: Meet for happy hour



BY Amy Alkon


drinks or coffee for an hour or two, max. You still might get women who said they just want casual fun going gooey on you at the end of date two. At least you won’t have shelled out for filet mignon and fine wine only to hear the no-stringsattached sex version of “First 100 callers get a free TV!” … “Oh, sorry,’re caller 101.”


Mail Bonding


: My girlfriends are all writing out their visions for a partner, as if they’ve met him already (“Thank you, universe, for bringing me this man...”). They claim they’ve gotten boyfriends because of it. Is this just New Age crap, or is there something to writing down what you want? — Boyfriend-Seeking

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: This apparently is a thing, women writing a letter about the man of their dreams and then feeling like they ordered online from the universe: “My man’s on his way. Just waiting for the tracking number!” Once they get a boyfriend, the belief that their letter writing made it happen comes out of a common cognitive bias — a hiccup in rational thinking — called the “illusion of control.” This term, coined by psychologist Ellen Langer, describes people’s tendency to believe they have control over outcomes that they obviously do not. An example of this is gamblers blowing on dice — and not because the dice have complained bitterly that they are freezing to death and left their tiny square cardigans at home. Ironically, the fact that it’s irrational to do this doesn’t mean it’s unhelpful. Research by psychologists Michael I. Norton and Francesca Gino finds that a ritual, a “symbolic activity” a person performs in hopes of making something happen, tends to increase their “feelings of control” over situations in which outcomes are uncertain. This, in turn, decreases the stress they feel. In other words, it’s possible that the ceremonial act of writing a “Dear Santa” letter to the universe could make a woman more appealing to men by calming her down and getting her to act less crazy and desperate. It’s like putting in an order at a restaurant. You have faith your dinner is coming; you don’t stalk the waiter on Instagram and text him 30 times, alternating pictures of your boobs with plaintive questions and abuse: “Is the chef okay? ... Are you on a smoke break? ... I bet you gave my steak to a prettier girl. ... You’re a terrible waiter. ... I hate you.”

Oct. 25

Steep Canyon Rangers For nearly two decades, the Steep Canyon Rangers have been one of the most versatile and idiosyncratic bands in all of contemporary American music. The string sextet’s unique aesthetic blends pop, country, and folk rock into a genre-defying brand of bluegrass. Join the Grammy Award-winning ensemble for an evening of hits such as “Call the Captain,” “On the Water,” and “Caroline.”

View the full lineup at Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 43

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“Jonesin” Crosswords "This Or That?" --probably not. by Matt Jones








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44 • october 14, 2019 • Northern Express Weekly

ACROSS 1 “___ Can” (2008 campaign slogan) 6 Shoes in the 2015 “What are those?!” meme 11 Part of MRE 14 Word repeated on “Teletubbies” 15 Accounting inspection 16 FX in the Transformers series, e.g. 17 “Let’s change the subject” 19 Product of the mined? 20 Egyptian cross 21 Scratch or scuff 22 Oregon lake where you can drive around the rim 24 T-bone region 26 They may be pulled 27 “Baby Driver” actor Ansel 30 Private response? 31 ___ Laredo (city on the Rio Grande) 32 “Go on! Git!” 33 Perform like Migos 36 Instrument with a conical bore 37 Survey choice found in the four theme answers 38 Dash, for one 39 Pieces to be played 40 Breed like salmon 41 Symbol of Canada 42 State capital where Modest Mouse’s Isaac Brock was born 44 Declutter 45 Twain, actually 47 “___ n’est pas une pipe”: Magritte 48 Outcast 49 Half of a dance? 50 Ice melter 54 Magician Shin ___, “America’s Got Talent: The Champions” winner 55 Expression when someone suddenly needs help 58 One, in Italy 59 Sewing machine inventor Howe 60 Their work is often in anthologies 61 50-Across, in French 62 Send, as a payment 63 Chilean mountain range

DOWN 1 When repeated, a “Seinfeld” catchphrase 2 “Ghostbusters” character 3 Did well at Battleship 4 Heartfelt sign-off 5 H.S. course 6 Settlers of ___ (board game) 7 Industrial region of Germany 8 Shelley work 9 Advertisement insert 10 Clavicle neighbor 11 Healing through nature, e.g. 12 “Hollywood Squares” option 13 Arena levels 18 Leave unmentioned 23 Show initiative 25 Gold, to Pizarro 26 Figure above a 9 or 0, for short 27 1961 space chimp 28 Auto maintenance task 29 Type of power in Iceland 30 Either side of Aruba, for instance? 32 Overdoes the fandom, slangily 34 “Because Freedom Can’t Protect Itself” org. 35 Squishy Easter candy 37 Reason to put up a “Danger” sign on a drilling site 38 Marriott competitor 40 ___-Kinney (band that formed in Olympia, Wash.) 41 Dropped item 43 Former Big Four record co. 44 Unwrap hastily 45 In the high 70s 46 Patrik of the Winnipeg Jets 47 X-ray area, maybe 49 It may be spiced with cardamom 51 Waltzed through 52 Troubadour’s instrument 53 Julia Roberts’s “Ocean’s Eleven” role 56 “I Think You Should Leave” star Robinson 57 Superfund agcy.



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LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In ancient holy texts from India, soma was said

to be a drink that enhanced awareness and alertness. According to modern scholars, it may have been a blend of poppy, ephedra, and cannabis. In Norse mythology, the beverage called the Mead of Suttungr conferred poetic inspiration and the ability to solve any riddle. One of its ingredients was honey. In Slavic folklore, raskovnik is an herb with the magic power to unlock what’s locked and uncover hidden treasures. It’s not a four-leaf clover, but resembles it. I invite you Libras to fantasize about using these three marvels. To do so will potentize your imagination, thereby boosting the cosmic forces that will be working in your favor to enhance your awareness, confer inspiration, solve riddles, unlock what’s locked, and find hidden treasures.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The coming weeks will be a favorable time to arrange a series of high-level meetings between your body, mind, and soul. You might even consider staging an extravagant conference-like festival and festival-like conference. The astrological omens suggest that your body, mind, and soul are now primed to reveal choice secrets and tips to each other. They are all more willing and eager than usual to come up with productive new synergies that will enable each to function with more panache and effectiveness.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “I believe

in inhabiting contradictions,” writes Aquarian author and activist Angela Davis. “I believe in making contradictions productive, not in having to choose one side or the other side. As opposed to choosing either or choosing both.” I think Davis’s approach will work well for you in the coming weeks. It’s not just that the contradictions will be tolerable; they will be downright fertile, generous, and beneficent. So welcome them; honor them; allow them to bless you with their tricky opportunities and unexpected solutions.

PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): Piscean pianist

Frédéric Chopin (1801–1849) was a poetic genius whose music was full of sweetness and grace. “Without equal in his generation,” said more than one critic. Today, more than 170 years after his death, his work remains popular. Recently an Italian sound designer named Remo de Vico created an original new Chopin piece that featured all 21 of the master’s piano nocturnes being played simultaneously. (You can hear it here: As you might imagine, it’s a gorgeous mess, too crammed with notes to truly be enjoyable, but interesting nevertheless. I’ll counsel you to avoid a similar fate in the coming weeks, Pisces. It’s fine to be extravagant and expansive and mulitfaceted; just don’t overdo it.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): “We can’t change

anything until we get some fresh ideas, until we begin to see things differently,” wrote Aries psychologist James Hillman. I agree. And that’s very good news for you Aries people. In my view, you are more attracted to and excited by fresh ideas than any other sign of the zodiac. That’s why you have the potential to become master initiators of transformation. One of my favorite types of plot twists in your life story occurs when you seek out fresh ideas and initiate transformations not only in your own behalf, but also for those you care about. I bet the coming weeks will bring at least one of those plot twists.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Metaphorically

speaking, Taurus, you are now crossing a bridge. Behind you is the intriguing past; in front of you, the even more intriguing future. You can still decide to return to where you came from. Or else you could pick up your pace, and race ahead at twice the speed. You might even make the choice to linger on the bridge for a while; to survey the vast vistas that are visible and contemplate more leisurely the transition you’re making. Only you know what’s best for you, of course. But if you asked me, I’d be in favor of lingering on the bridge for a while.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): As I write this, I’m

sitting in a café near two women at another table. One sports a gold cashmere headscarf and pentagram necklace. The other wears a dark blue pantsuit and a silver broach that’s the glyph for Gemini the Twins. HeadScarf shuffles a deck of Tarot cards and asks PantSuit what she’d like to find out

during the divination she is about to receive. “I would very much like you to tell me what I really really want,” PantSuit says with a chuckle. “I’m sure that once I find out that big secret, I’ll be able to accomplish wonders.” I hope the rest of you Geminis will be on a similar mission in the coming weeks. Do whatever it takes to get very clear about what you want most.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Ancient Greek

philosopher Socrates was meandering through an Athenian marketplace, gazing at the appealing and expensive items for sale. “How many things there are in this world that I do not want,” he exclaimed with satisfaction. I recommend you cultivate that liberated attitude. Now is a perfect time to celebrate the fact that there are countless treasures and pleasures you don’t need in order to be charmed and cheerful about your life. For extra credit, add this nuance from Henry David Thoreau: People are rich in proportion to the number of things they can afford to let alone.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I invite you to try this

exercise. Imagine that one springtime you grow a garden filled with flowers that rabbits like to nibble: petunias, marigolds, gazanias, and pansies. This is a place whose only purpose is to give gifts to a wild, sweet part of nature. It’s blithely impractical. You do it for your own senseless, secret joy. It appeals to the dreamy lover of life in you. Got all that, Leo? Now, in accordance with current astrological omens, I suggest you actually try to fulfill a fantasy comparable to that one in the coming weeks.

120 feet of private frontage on all sports Spider Lake. Largest part of Spider Lake, sunshine on Woodsy setting beautifulbottom. view of Duck Lakecon& the westthe beach all with day,a sandy Quality erly sunsets. Duck Lakeonfrontage withinacres a very short Elaborate OldShared Mission estate 10 private w/soaring outstanding bay,pine countryside & avalley struction, perfectly maintained. Open floor plan w/ vaulted ceiling w/ wall views. of winwalking distance at the end of the road. Large wrap-around Shared East Bay frontage. Dramatic open floor plan,natural an abundance of windows, architecturally interestdows looking out to the lake. Floor-to-ceiling, Michigan stone, wood burning fireplace multi-level in the spacious yard that cherry backs up to a creek. ingHeatilator angles,decks 2 f/p’s, cedar lined ceilings, cabinets, Corian counters. Separate living quarters on w/ vents. in bookcases in 2separate area of living room for cozy reading center. Open floor plan. MasterBuilt with cozy reading area, closets, slider main level w/ kitchen, living rm & bd rm. Sun rm off dining rm. 3 bd’s upstairs plus loft & bonus rm. Finished family room w/ woodstove. Detached garage has complete studio, kitchen, workshop, out torm, deck. Maple crown molding in kitchen &Spacious hall. Hickory level w/2 walk-out patio.deck upperhouse, deck. patio, 3 car garage plus separate 1 carpit 1&Fam ½bamboo bathsbdflooring & initslower own deck.level docks, large on main lakeside deck, bon-fire in main bedrooms. Built in armoire & garage. Currently set up for horses w/ custom built barn, tack rm, hay loft, 3 stalls, 3 stable areas, pad&dresser multiple setsbedroom. of stairs. Extensively landscaped plants in 2nd 6 panel doors. Finished familyw/ room in & flowers conducive to all the wildlife dock, electric fencing. Could be mini-farm, artist or writers retreat, workshop. (1867385) $1,275,000. that surrounds the area. (1791482) $570,000. walk-out lower level. MLS#1798048 $220,000.

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VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): My Virgo friend

Lola got a text-message from her Scorpio buddy Tanya. “Why don’t you come over and chill with me and my demons? It’ll be entertaining, I promise! My inner jerks are howlingly funny tonight.” Here’s what Lola texted back: “Thanks but no thanks, sweetie. I’ve been making big breakthroughs with my own demons—giving them the attention they crave without caving in to their outrageous demands—and for now I need to work on stabilizing our new relationship. I can’t risk bringing extra demons into the mix.” I suspect this is an accurate description of what could be happening for you, Virgo.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Inventor Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) was a visionary genius in numerous fields, including architecture, design, engineering, and futurism. In the course of earning 40 honorary doctorates, he traveled widely. It was his custom to wear three watches, each set to a different time: one to the zone where he currently was, another to where he had recently departed, and a third to where he would journey next. “I know that I am not a category,” he wrote. “I am not a thing—a noun. I seem to be a verb.” I recommend his approach to you in the coming weeks, Scorpio. Be a verb! Allow your identity to be fluid, your plans adjustable, your ideas subject to constant revision.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) “Art is good

for my soul precisely because it reminds me that we have souls in the first place,” said actress Tilda Swinton. How about you, Sagittarius? What reminds you that you have a soul in the first place? Beloved animals? Favorite music? A stroll amidst natural wonders? Unpredictable, fascinating sexual experiences? The vivid and mysterious dreams you have at night? Whatever stimuli bring you into visceral communion with your soul, I urge you to seek them out in abundance. It’s Soul-Cherishing and SoulEnhancing Time for you.

COMMUNITY FEATURES • Outdoor pool • Community lodge • Community activities • Pets welcome • City water and sewer • Snow removal, lawn & home maintenance services available • New, pre-owned & custom homes from the $70’s to the $100’s Better Living Homes (new & custom) 231.421.9500 • Cindy at 843 Woodcreek Boulevard Woodcreek (pre-owned) • 231.933.4800 Lyndsay at 501 Woodcreek Boulevard Conveniently located on South Airport Rd, a quarter mile west of Three Mile in Traverse City

Northern Express Weekly • october 14, 2019 • 45




SEEDS AFTER SCHOOL SITE COORDINATOR At SEEDS our educators specialize in providing safe, socially and emotionally rich learning environments. Currently, we are looking for a Site Coordinator at Cherry Street Intermediate in Kalkaska. Candidates should be passionate about working with students who come from diverse backgrounds and skill levels; and should enjoy engaging youth in STEAM subjects, energy and waste, getting outdoors, and teaching life skills. If this sounds like the dream job to you, call Katie at 231-947-0312, or email EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Benzie County Road Commission is seeking applicants for the position of Foreman. Applications are online at: or at the BCRC office at 11318 Main St, Honor, MI 49640 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS (Benefits Eligible) Paid training; Sign on Bonus; Insurance Benefits; Tuition Reimbursement EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Benzie County Road Commission is seeking applicants for the following positions: Full-time Mechanic, Seasonal Mechanic, Seasonal Mechanic’s Helper, Full-time Drivers, and Temporary Winter Drivers. Applications are available online at BenzieCRC. org or at the Road Commission office at 11318 Main St., Honor, MI 7:00 am to 3:00 pm M-F. PAID JOB TRAINING for Individuals 55 and over Positions are waiting to be filled. Paid parttime, on-the-job-training positions are available for seniors age 55 and over. Applicants must be unemployed, seeking work and meet program income guidelines. For information call AARP Foundation SCSEP at 231-252-4544. Serving the Grand Traverse Region as well as Antrim, Benzie, Manistee and Wexford counties

TCAPS EXTENDED DAY (DAY CARE) Assistants TCAPS is hiring Extended Day Assistants at multiple elementary schools. Candidates may choose AM shifts, PM shifts, or both! $12.88/hr Please view jobs and apply at

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SPECIALIST Grand Traverse Conservation District seeking full-time Community Engagement Specialist. Duties include communications/outreach, volunteer recruitment, PR & fund/friend-raising.

OTHER FURNISHED MASSAGE SUITE $400 MONTHLY Massage room for rent inside a cozy office suite in Traverse City. Available for month to month lease Friday’s, Saturday’s and Sundays. Fully furnished treatment room and lobby for your clients, you only need to provide your own supplies and clientele. All utilities included. Washer and dryer available on site plus many extras. 231-640-0435 for more info. HAND CRAFTED WOOD CASKETS starting at$750.00 Call Chuck at 231-590-8990 or see my website for more information. https://sites. MEDITATION RETREAT SATURDAY Oct 19 9am-4pm SokukoJi Buddhist CommunityTraverse City, a non profit org, will host at the Unitarian Universalist Building, 6726 Center Rd. Sokuzan, a dharma transmitted monk, will give am/pm talks about meditation as awareness practice. All are welcome. Come for all or part of the day. Lunch is provided. For details/rsvp: or COTTAGE FOR RENT TC Cottage for Rent, Nov. 1st, Beautiful 1 BR, Fully Furnished, Includes All Utilities, Wired for Cable & Internet, Washer/Dryer, Move-In Ready, $1,200 Per Month; 231-631-7512.

FALL FESTIVAL 12:00 -2:00 Family-friendly and candy-free. Apple bobbing, leaf labyrinth, scavenger hunt, face painting, games, crafts, craft show, bake sale and book fair too! Costumes? Yes, please! Hosted by the Unitarian Universalists of Grand Traverse at 6726 Center Highway, Traverse City CRAFT AND BAKE SALE Multiple local artists. Jewelry, baskets, fiber arts, pottery, teas & more! Hosted by the Unitarian Universalists of Grand Traverse. 6726 Center Road, Traverse City. 12:00-2:00

SUPER SCIENCE SATURDAY! THIS WEEK, OCT 19TH 10AM - 2PM at TC Central High School! FREE! A day filled with STEM activities for Elementary Students. Slime, Marshmallow Cannons & So Much More! This Year, Featuring Demonstrations & Experiments by the Michigan Tech Mind Trekker & Skype Presentation by NASA Astronaut, Greg Johnson! Presented By the CHS & WHS FIRST Robotics Teams. Sponsored by Newton’s Road. FURNISHED 3 BEDROOMN plus den for rent South west bayshore area, 4 miles to town, beautiful 3 BR furnished home available Nov 1st to May 15th,washer/dryer, 2 car garage, fenced in yard, no pets,$2200 310-245-2304 Barb GALLYS - CALLING ALL CARDIO DANCE CLASS LOVERS - Try Shine Dance Fitness! $5 - Gallys Upper Level Thurs 6 pm. Call 231620-9484. DAN’S AFFORDABLE HAULING Best rates in town! Hauling junk, debris, yard, misc. Anything goes! For a free estimate, call (231)499-8684 or (231)620-1370 WANTED OLD MOTORCYCLES // Road & Dirt Bikes Used ATV’s Snowmobiles Antique Boats & Motors Running Or Not.810-429-6823

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REGISTERED JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES Taking deposits now. 2 weeks old, champion bloodlines. Super cute! 231.409.6688 NEED A HANDYMAN? Call Hire-A-Guy 989889-5101 For jobs too small for a contractor but bigger than you care to tackle. COTTAGE FOR RENT TC Cottage for Rent, Nov. 1st, Beautiful 1 BR, Fully Furnished, Includes All Utilities, Wired for Cable & Internet, Washer/Dryer, Move-In Ready, $1,200 per month; (231) 631-7512. FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM Oldtown TC apartment $1250 Available til May 31,Includes utilities, no pets,references req.2313137020 DANCE BAND AVAILABLE Experienced dance band will play your fundraising potluck or banquet. Specializes in community organizations. Veterans, churches, charities and services. Reasonable fee. (231) 533-8368 POOL LEAGUE COORDINATOR WANTED Part time opportunity for a player who knows and loves the game to organize and promote Valley pool leagues in the greater Traverse City area. Email LIFE CHALLENGES COUNSELING FOR ADULTS: Dealing with challenges such as Grief--Death & Dying, Post-Divorce, Religious/ Spiritual Conflict, Forgiveness of Self /Others, Female/Male Equality and/or 10 other specific Life Challenges. Visit lifechallengescounseling. com or call Rev. Harry Dorman @ 231-590-2747.

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