North House Folk School Annual Report 2014

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North House Folk School

annual report 2014

on the cover North House Folk School

annual report 2014

North House’s roots make the organization strong, but roots are also elemental in traditional northern craft. Pictured on the front and back cover of this annual report are details of a birch bark canoe. Lashing the gunwales to the bow and joining the bark at the bow and stern (and in other areas of the boat), is spruce root, a durable and versatile material. Not only used for birch bark canoes, spruce root has been used by northern people in the construction of everything from baskets to clothing. Strong roots, indeed.


North House F olk S chool annual report 2014

on the harbor........... 3 year in review.......... 5 financials................... 12 support & membership............. 14

A 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit, North House Folk School welcomes charitable contributions that support its educational mission and vision. Gift types include annual support, memorials, in-kind donations and planned giving. For more information on giving, please contact us at 888.387.9762. North House Folk School is supported in part by hundreds of contributing members as well as the Lloyd K Johnson Foundation, Cook County Community Fund/Duluth-Superior Area Community Foundation, the IRRRB and the McKnight Foundation. This activity is funded, in part, by the Minnesota State Arts Board through the arts and cultural heritage fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the Legacy Amendment vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.

Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Printed by ProPrint, Duluth, MN Š2015 North House Folk School


sustaining north house

It was like a lullaby. Quiet and familiar. Steady and warm. Like an echo rooted in the soul. Nearby, the steady crackle of the fire in the woodstove added depth and harmony. The wooden bowl was almost finished and it sat upside down on the workbench; the small round bump at its center (all that remained of a tenon that held the bowl in place as it was turned on the lathe) was slowly disappearing. With each stroke of the sharp gouge, an elegant curl of birch rose and then tumbled. The blade’s steady progress sang to us as it effortlessly did its work. Shhhh. Shhhh. Shhhh. Slow and purposeful. It was a melody we all knew, a song that nourished our hearts. Like many people, the list of North House classes I hope to take seems to only grow longer year to year. And while working at North House has its distinct daily advantages, there is no substitute for being a student, immersed in the rich hands-on journey of discovery. I knew I’d enjoy making bowls on the lathe, but the flood of engagement was richer than ever. There is true joy in a tool designed for its work, the pleasure of laughter shared in the shop, the smell of wood as it is shaped, and sounds and songs of being a maker. As I worked on my bowls I could feel it – a deep-rooted affirmation that connected my hands, my hearts, my mind. This year’s Annual Report is dedicated to the many Roots that give North House strength, nourishment and direction. From the split spruce roots used for lashings on a birch bark canoe to the deepening roots of support from donors around the globe. From North House’s founders, who shaped the seed of North House and germinated its beginnings, to the affirming roots of the new Anderson Charitable Trust (see page 10). Each year, the roots that sustain and secure North House strengthen – we have much to be thankful for! While the craft and stories of the North may inspire all of us, it is the people and partners of North House that ultimately make it possible. To our growing base of students and our widening circle of active donors, North House extends its sincere thanks. To the innumerable volunteers, invested partners, inspiring instructors, talented staff and dedicated board members, our deepest appreciation. North House is thriving. Our roots are strong. There are songs to sing. Here’s to the journey ahead! With deep appreciation, Greg Wright, Executive Director


Built last fall by community volunteers and instructor Ian Andrus, North House’s new yurt has already proven a valuable space for gathering on campus.


to enrich lives and build community Coursework in the round

During special events it often feels as if there is just not enough room to fit all the programs, gatherings and happenings on to campus. With speakers, demos and coursework all happening at once, where can we find just a bit more space to celebrate craft and community together? Build Your Own is the answer. The result: a brand new campus yurt! Yurt classes have taken place at North House since our beginning, but the structures always head off campus with lucky students. Last winter, instructor Ian Andrus worked with an informal group of community members to build North House its very own yurt. And not a moment too soon. Not only was the yurt full to capacity for skill shares during the 2014 Winterer’s Gathering, it became the after-hours hangout for instructors and students. Community built and community building—it all comes full circle.

Helping Hands

Stars of North House

“It was the most perfect week ever..NHFS was an absolutely beautiful experience” – affirming words from a summer 2014 week-long work study participant! We agree: the work study program consistently brings willing hands with boundless energy to campus. We doubled the size of our work study program in 2014, significantly expanding program accessibility opportunities. Participants are now familiar faces on campus, valued both for their help and for their personal contributions to our community. After their spirited efforts, there’s nothing better than seeing their hands in action in the classroom. Work, then study – a perfect fit! In 2014, 21 people participated in our week-long program and another 18 on Wednesday campus set up. Who knows where the journey may lead–one of 2014’s week-long work study participants is back for 10 months this year as a 2015 program intern!

Our 2014 year-end campaign asked donors new and returning to help us add birch bark stars to our tree. And shine YOU did! In 2014, the number of North House supporters increased 12% to 1125, the most ever in our history. Find a list of donors and supporters in the back portion of this report. 1200













# of donors



by teaching traditional northern crafts

Serving Youth “Will it be big enough for my stuffed animals?” That was just one of many important questions from participants in January’s Toboggan Building andWinter Skills program. When working with kids the expectations for a project always take on new dimensions. While many of North House’s programs primarily engage adults, many youth also immerse in the world of craft throughout the year. The annual visit of local 3rd, 4th and 5th graders from Sawtooth Elementary is a great example. Each class spends three days on campus, building their own scale model of a birch bark canoe, flat-bottom boat and traditional toboggan (yes, each just the right size for a small stuffed animal!) Custom programs for visiting schools, summer sessions for the local adventure club, timber framing for two North Shore high schools (Grand Marais and Silver Bay) - all inspiring! Our Fall Family Weekend is a great example of our expanding efforts. So too, the family/youth focused programs we host at each of our special events. Connecting the generations; inspiring hands of every size! Ideas welcome.

Northern Craft? It was a spirited beginning! Inside North House’s first course catalog (circa 1997) were 23 courses shaped with care and purpose. Rosemaling, spoon carving, birch bark weaving, reindeer herding—all quintessential crafts of the North. Why Northern Craft? One look at Lake Superior’s horizon and the answer is clear. The siren song of the northern landscape has beckoned people throughout the eons. Craft speaks of how northern people made this place home, and of the joys, challenges and discoveries they faced. Today, craft reaffirms that our hands, hearts and minds are nourished by the timeless joy of creating. Craft underscores that we can shape our lives with care and purpose. Hands on learning is still at the center of North House. In 2014, we hosted 400+ catalog courses, and welcomed 2100+ students from across the globe.

Timber framing is one of North House’s signature teaching themes. Over the years, more than one hundred frames have been built at North House and they’ve spread from coast to coast, serving as homes, open-air pavilions, and even museums. 6

Local elementary students in the Toboggan Building and Winter Skills Program. Each child hand builds a tiny toboggan to take home.

Over 60 students took part in our first ever Wood Week in March 2014. Carving to turning, let the woodchips fly!


in a student-centered learning environment

Wood Week 2014 As the old saying goes: “If the shoe fits, wear it!” In this case, the shoe may be a wooden clog. In 2014, North House kicked off a new thematic weekend appropriately called Wood Week. It was a meeting of the minds over the endless things you can do with wood. Spoon carvers, ale bowl turners, relief carvers–they all converged to take part in eight courses with signature woodworking instructors. Wood Week also includes a “conference day” of mini sessions allowing students to mix and match, getting their hands on a variety of topics while meeting students in other classes. Each thematic weekends brings key North House themes alive. Northern Fibers, Family Weekend, Northern Landscapes and more. And the magic may happen anytime. A great example: at Wood Week 2014 instructor Phil Odin took them on an impromptu tour of campus, which generated a campus-wide show and share featuring students and their unique projects. It was a poetic example of the true folk school spirit, which says that anyone can be a teacher.

Craft Takes Flight Slowly, over the course of the afternoon, a whole flock of birch bark birds took shape. With criss-crossing folds and fancy tail feathers, they took flight along with their makers, who had just dipped their toes into traditional craft. The students were participants in one of North House’s new summer Instructor in Residence mini courses. The Instructor in Residence program launched in 2013 and expanded in 2014 to share the story of craft with the many folks curious about North House. Live demonstrations introduce people to craft, and most instructors also host a mini course, offering a beginning hands-on experience for participants of all ages. In 2014, 12 instructors offered two-hour mini courses from simple wood carving to birch bark birds. It was the perfect opportunity for participants’ imaginations to take flight while exploring a new craft.

A timber frame built by basic timber framing students was the perfect setting for craft demonstrations last summer. Instructor and interns shared their craft. Here intern Mary Cowen demonstrates felting. 9


that inspires the hands, the heart and the mind

The Power of Planning for the Future This year North House was given a truly beautiful yet bittersweet gift. It didn’t arrive in a box with a big bow; it was instead the culmination of years of thoughtful planning and steady support by Walt and Phyllis Anderson. In October North House was named one of two beneficiaries of a new charitable trust created by Phyllis and Walt who passed away in October 2014 and May 2004 respectively. Originally from Alexandria, MN, the Andersons frequented the North

Shore. Driving through Grand Marais one night in 1997, they noticed the lights on at the old Forest Service garages which had recently been rented by the fledgling North House Folk School. Upon pulling in for a closer look, they were welcomed by a group of enthusiastic wooden boat builders. Avid fans of all wooden watercraft and the rich stories of the North, Walt and Phyllis Anderson took an instant interest in the advancement of the school. The couple generously supported North House throughout their final years, including the most elemental needs: investing at a lead level during the school’s “Raise the Roof” capital campaign, funding a teaching kitchen and a new phone system. The Trust will fund some of the key areas that Phyllis and Walt valued most: strengthening our mission, engaging youth and improving campus resources. “Phyllis and Walt loved Cook County and the North, and they were determined to find a way to support things they cared about,” said Paul Anderson, Walter’s brother and past North House Board President. “Strong organizations are central to any strong community. I know they would be proud of what North House is accomplishing.” Legacy gifts like this let donors step forward with purpose and vision, playing a central role opening the door to the future. Please contact North House for Legacy information.

Phyllis and brother-inlaw Paul Anderson breaking ground for campus’ milling shop in 2008, kicking off the “Raise the Roof Campaign.” 10

Past intern Candace LaCosse found a love of shoemaking during her North House internship. She now co-teaches a shoemaking course and is opening her own business, Hemlocks Leatherworks, in Duluth, Minn.

2014 Financial Overview Revenue* Revenue 2014


9% 12%

23% 54%

Courses, Programs, Events



School Store

Courses, programs, events Donations Grants School Store Other


Courses, Programs, Events 629,616 Donations 270,796 Grants 138,886 School Store 98,771 Other 19,843 $1,157,911 Balance Sheet Notes:

North House assets include operating accounts, restricted savings, cash reserves, our endowment fund, store inventory and campus buildings/resources. Primary long-term liabilities include a mortgage for the east half of campus. As of Dec 31, 2014 total net assets equaled $1,285,579. The emergence of the new Anderson Charitable Trust (see pg 10) is an important new fiscal partnership for North House. 12

Expense& & Transfers 2014 Expense Transfers *



9% 14% 12%

Courses, Programs, Events Marketing & Fundraising



Facility & Schooner

Courses, programs, events School Store Provision for future Capital Needs Administration Facility & Schooner Marketing & Fundraising School Store Provision for Future Capital Needs

Courses, Programs, Events 586,961 Administration 130,963 Facility & Schooner 163,888 Marketing & Fundraising 97,311 School Store 64,129 Provision for future Capital Needs 85,000 $1,128,252 Excess Revenue over Expenditures $29,659 *Please note, all information is pre-audit. Requests for additional financial details, please contact North House. 13

Based in an early American folk art traditions, a student in the “Twig Furniture: Mosaic End Table” class uses a full spectrum of vividly colored branches to create a pattern on her table’s top. 14

our sincere thanks North House gratefully acknowledges these individuals, families, businesses and foundations for their generous involvement and support during 2014. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our records. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our apologies, and let us know how to correct our records. This list summarizes donations and support received from January 1-December 31, 2014.

major donors $25,000 and up Susan/Robert Morrison

Visit Cook County

$10,000 and up Randi Lyders and Scott Kindrick

Lois Schwob

$5000 and up Peter Henr y/Kari Wenger

Catherine/John Schoenherr

Roger/Phyllis Sherman

Gunflint Lodge Andrew Houlton Steve LeVahn Mar y Levins

Jan/Rick Neville Jane Shaw Sven & Ole’s Pizza

Jason Jacobs Java Moose Lake Superior Trading Post Darlene Lindsey/ Karen Miljour Jane Ljungkull Lutsen Resort Charlie/Cari Mayo Anne McKinsey Todd Mestad Naniboujou Lodge North Shore Federal Credit Union Jennifer Olson/ Richard Sveum The Pie Place &

Harbor Inn Lou/Inger Pignolet Janis/Dan Reuter Tom/Ann Rider Sawbill Outfitters Larr y/Lynn Schmitt Sivertson Art Galler y Brian Smith Stone Harbor Wilderness Supply Philip/Carol Westbrook White Pine North Martha/Eric Williams Carol Winter/Kirk Dornfeld Frank/Ann Wright

Cascade Vacation Rentals The Anderson Family at Crown Construction

Lisa Dayton Dockside Fish Market Ella’s Inn Chuck/Jan Engebretson

$2500 to $4999 Liz/Craig Aase Tom Anderson Paul Aslanian Bob/Brenda Gordon

$1000 to $2499 Jane Alexander Jodene Anderson Mar y/John Anderson Buck’s Hardware Hank Nancy Harrison/ Scott Burns Genevieve/Julio Calvillo Mike Carlson Edwin E. Thoreson, Inc Grand Marais Liquor Store Paul/Jean Groben Pete/Carol Harris Julie Houle Pat Hvidston/Roger Opp

lead donors $500 to $999 Ross Aigner Mark/Sophia Anema Angr y Trout Cafe Mar y/Dick Brainerd


$500 to $999 (cont’d...) Michael Evans Greg Fangel/Liz Wagner Carla Goers/Tom Iago Wendy/Mark Hansen Hedstrom Lumber Company Jeff/Erin Huebschman Rob/Marilyn Ilstrup Elizabeth Kallio Steve/Wanda Keefe Layne/Martha Kennedy Scott Krause MacArthur House Bed & Breakfast

Dan/Ann Mansfield John McColley Derek/Carrie Melby Judy Miner Bob Murphy/Ellen Cooke My Sister’s Place David/Karen Nasby Elizabeth O’Brien Ann Possis The Prestegaard Family Fund Russell’s Cottages Melaura SchmidtDuncan

Charlie Schreier John/Marsha Soucheray Cynthia/Robert Stevens Teresa/Anthony Stone Steve/Kate Surbaugh Clara Ueland/Walt McCarthy Dale Ulrich/Julie Brunner Vienna Volante Dove/Tracey Watkin

Gunflint Motel Outback Solar Doug/LeeAnna Hanson Harbor House Grille Amy Hubbard/Geoff Kehoe Bill/Mar y Lou Huron Jerri/Steve Johnson Lauri Jorgenson Marsha/Bruce Kaehne Art/Beth Kidd The Larsen Household Bert/Mar y Larson Jana/Mike Larson Jane Laurence/John Wright Karen Littlefield Fred Livesay Lindsay MacIndoe/ Wendy Holding Hugh/Nancy Magill Kristin/Ray Majkrzak Jim/Fawn Master Thomas/Diane McEvoy Jim/Jody Meizelis Mike’s Holiday Station Store Jan/Dave Morris Micheal Myszewski Nelson’s Traveler’s Rest Cabins & Motel Robert Nesheim/ Marlys Johnson Nor’Wester Lodge & Outfitters Mike Nystuen

Doug & Phyllis Ostergren Family Fund of The St. Paul Foundation Outpost Motel Phyllis/Dick Parker Craig/Dianne Peterson Radio Shack Patty Ratelle Harley/Norma Refsal Barr y/Diana Reicher Mark/Susan Richardson Kathy/Chuck Rundquist Jim/Nancy Sannerud Patrick Schifferdecker/ Lisa Krahn Curtis Sloan/Helen Duritsa Dan Strootman Mike/Ann Tessneer Thomsonite Beach Inn Judy Trousdell James Vadis Kris Wegerson/John Ipsen Craig/Karin Westgate Patricia White Anne/Rob Wight Skip Wilke Richard/Gretchen Wunderlich Daniel Zimmermann/ Kim Christensen

$250 to $499 Paul Anderson James Anstis Nicolas/Jessica Appert Tom Arneson Arrowhead Electric Cooperative Arrowhead Pharmacy Linnea/Jon Asp Tim/Berta Bauer John/Bonita Benschoter LuAnn Berg Betsy Bowen Studio Rusty Birkeland Blue Water Café Lee Brady Tyler Carlson/Kate Droske Clearwater Lodge/ Outfitters James Clinton Coldwell Banker Northshore Como Oil & Propane Cook County Whole Foods Co-op Crooked Spoon Dean/Kathy DeBroux Sam Demas/Laurel Bradley Lee/Lynda Dietrich Tim Eaton Michael/Linda Finney Kirby Fredericks Art Grabowski Grand Marais Lioness Club


$100 to $249 Ray Ahrens Jay/Pat Amato Gretchen/Bob Amis Amy Andersen/Tim Wilson Oz/Jean Anderson Carol/Fred Appleton Art House Bed & Breakfast Jane Aslanian Michael Bailey John Bailey/Eileen Keller Beverly Balos/Mar y Lou Fellows Brian/Laura Barch Carla/Dar yl Batalden Verna Beaver Tom/Kay Becken Jodi/Kevin Belluz Tracy Benson/Pete Kavanaugh Peter Berger Helen Bing Steve/Shelley Birkeland Marjorie Bjornstad Laurie Boser Jeanne Bourquin/Peter Pestalozzi Pat Braasch Clark/Mia Bremer Kurt Buetow/Jody Slocum Myron Bursheim Curtis Bush Dick Butler David/Bonnie Buzza John/Mari Buzza Caribou Highlands Lodge Harold Carlson Mark Catron Dennis/Mickey Chick John Clayburgh Jean/Tim Cochrane Garrett Conover Croftville Road Cottages Ken DeKam Jenny Delfs/Jeff Kern Joe/Suzy DesLauriers Ditmanson Family Don/Sue Dittus

Joseph Donohue/Nate Griggs Kevin/Beth Dooley Mar y Dragich/John Pastor David Drown/Lisa Berg Drur y Lane Books Carol/Bart Dunn Bill Dvorak Ebe/Carla Dyck Karl Egge Karen Ellingson/ Graham Butler Joyce/Don Elvestrom Dick/Nancy Enstad Barr y/Julie Ericson Jon/Carol Farchmin Matt/Sarah Flach Roger/Janet Flink Dave/Amy Freeman Dorothea/Randy Fritz John Fugelso Brian Goodno/Joan Gardner-Goodno Jim/Katherine Gear y Lyle Gerard Sylvia Gerbl/Betsey Blake Jean Getz Elaine/John Giebenhain Sally/Bill Giese Jim/Sandy Gilbert Glenn/Chelly Gilyard Richard Gilyard/ Sharon Emer y Jon/Mar y Gislason Mark/Mar y Glasnapp Golden Eagle Lodge Jim Goodwin Willie/Marilyn Gorham Don/Gerr y Grant Jan/John Green Lawrence/Gail Gresser-Pitsch Enid Grindland Ken Guenthner David Hagen/Elizabeth Hinske Bob/Diane Hagstrom Virginia/David Hahn Liz Halloran/David Klett


John/Evonne Halvorsen Betsy Hanson/Leon Pitzen Regina Harris Peter Hart Helen/Phil Hartley Anne Har vel/Don McClung Diana Hatchitt Herb Hedstrom Howard/Bonnie Gay Hedstrom Anne/Peter Heegaard Steve/Mar y Kay Helling Theresa, Lillian & Brendan Henehan John/Julie Henricksson Lisa Hensel Mike Hero/Marie Westerman David/Mar y Herr Steven Holli Dave Homyak Dean/Mar y Ann Honetschalayer Kathy/Jan Horak Tyler Howell Hungr y Jack Outfitters George/Gail Huschle Johnnie Hyde Deborah/James Ingebretsen Marcy/Bob Irby Diana/Kenneth Irons Jennifer/Michael Isaac Bob Jaskowiak Bob/Wendy Jickling Rita/Steve Johnsen Richard Johnson Barbara Joiner Dave Jorde/Holly Anderson Rozanne Junker Joe/Georgia Kandiko Sharon/Alfred Kauth Penny/Maureen Kennealy Merlyn/Linda Kiel Jim/Betty King Bob/Sue Kirchberg John Kisch Coralyn/Greg

$100 to $249 (cont’d...) Koschinska Ken/Carol Koscik Richard/Joyce Lamb Peter Lamb/Faith Harrington Brad/Michele Langley Liz/Loren Larson Del/Lorrie Leaf Thomas Lentz Donna Linden/Ray DeVogel Lynne Lindgren Maxene/Roger Linehan Karalyn Littlefield Tom Long/Connie Mortenson Catherine/David Lower y Steve Lukas Jim/Barb Lund Dave/Lorrie MacGillivray Paul/Barbara MacGregor John/Madeleine MacIndoe Doug Magney Rachel Matney Mike McHugh/Tammy Schroeder Bob McLean Don Miller Michael/Mar y Mishou Andrea/Tom Moffatt John/Whitney Morrill Norman Morris Nancy Nelson Gar y Neptune/Bibi Gottschall Gwendolyn/Frank Neumann Mark/Karen Niedermier Barbara, Megan/Brian Normandin Lon Olsen Gar y Olson OCA Organic Consumer’s Association


Louise Ostergren Lorrie/Phil Oswald Bob/Ginny Padzieski Bruce Patterson Cody/Kate Perkins Todd Petzel/Kathleen Dressel Bob/Marilyn Polkinghorn Bill/Janet Powell Roger/Consie Powell Don/Lois Quest Sarah Quimby Alissa Rath John/Sandi Reed Kathy Rice Paul Richard/Linda Har vey Pat Robins/Lisa Schamberg Sara Rogers Karen/Tom Rognsvoog Ron/Carolyn Rude Karen Rumisek Ewa/Anders Rydaker Michael Sampson/ Cathy Nevers Steve/LeAnn Schack Susan Scherer Br yan/Darlene Schmidt Bill/Joyce Schoon Tom/Ann Schroeder Chuck/Kathr yn Scott John Setala Bob Shannon/Yafa Napadensky Dale/Rhoda Sharpee Byron Shinn Sheila Smith/Perr y McGowan Mar y Kaye Smith Snell Mar y Clements Smith Robert Smith/Cydney Weiland Jackson Sneve Dave/Dodie Sorbel Larr y Sorensen Kathi Spaeth Grant Springer

Stephen/Suzanne Steinhagen Ann/Paul Stodola Jim/Cher Sulerud Don/Wildie Swanson Sandy/Al Taenzer Teri Takehiro/Mark Hansell Julie/Bill Taunton Philip Teeter John/Joyce Tester Jeffrey Thompson Kelly/Bob ThompsonFrater Edi/Roland Thorstensson Christine Tooley Brent Troldahl The Ulen - Klees Household Stephen/Susan Van Vleet Theresa Vaughan Russ/Kathleen Viton Jim/Sandy Waletzko Kay/Don Wall Teresa Wasick Nancy/Doug Watkins The Waugh Household John/Gracy Waugh Sue Weber Lou Ann/Joseph Weflen Llyd Wells Carol Westberg Jack/Kate Weyrens Jim White Gar y/Alberta Whitenack Rebecca/Jim Wiinanen Allen/Lindy Wilson Mark C. Wilson Janann Winburn Leesa/John Wisdorf Barb/Elger Wolle Lorenzsonn Greg/Jeanne Wright Emilie/John Zasada Kate Zuckerman

George Abrahams/ Marty Smith

Howard/Joan Abrahamson

$50 to $99 James Aasen


$50 to $99 (cont’d...) Douglas Affinito The Agnew - Curthays Household Anita/Keith Anderson Bart Anderson Brad/Carol Anderson Charles Anderson Mark/Donna Anderson Mar y Anderson Mar y Ann/Keith Anderson Phil/Karna Anderson Philis/Wayne Anderson Mar y Appel Brian Ayers Carey Bagdassarian Bear Track Outfitting / Bally Creek Cabins Andrew Beavers Tom/Coleen Behm Jim/Patricia Beilke John Beltman/Terr y O’Brien Fred/Karen Bengston Michael/Nancy Benz Traudi Bestler Beth’s Fudge & Gifts Katarina Bibova Birchbark Books & Gifts William/Bethel Blank Michele Bliss Harold Blumer Paul/Judith Bodmer Colleen Bohlin Kaitlyn Bohlin Marshall/Susan Bohlin Bruce/Charlene Bostrom Katie Bovee Roy/Patricia BowerJernigan Sarah Bowman The BrockMontgomer y Household Dick Buchheit Maureen Burnett Mark/Barbara Buswell Joshua Capps Paul/Tracy Cardinal Greg/Sue Carlson Laurie Carlson

Melvin Carlson Lanna Carter/Kyle Stroomer Deborah Cheney/Tom O’Donnell Dennis Chilcote/ Sedna Cedarstone Amy Christensen Jo Ellen Christiansen Terr y Christiansen Michelle Clarke/Derek Schmidt James/Lindsay Clear y Sandy/Peter Cochrane Tom/Ruth Cook Robert Cordy/Marley Giunta Linda/Jack Corey Chuck Corliss/Kim Schroeder Jane Covart Chris/Sara Cowen Peter Cramb Doug/Ruth Crane Roland/Lynn Crawford Tracy Cullen/Scott Husby E R Cunningham Joanna Czubernat Dave Dahl Susan/Brian DarleyHill Jean/Norman Davis Jeanne Debbink Carmel DeMaioribus Esther Derby Amy Derwinski Devil Track Lake Home Devil’s Track Cabins Devil’s Track Nordic Ski Shop Jill DeWitt/Charles Wurrey John Dinges Gar y Dobson Daniel Domeier Dar yl/Dennis Donath The Dietrich Household Heidi Doo-Kirk Carolyn Dr y Paul Egeland Suzann Ellis


Henr y Emmons/Jane Blockhus Mar y Erickson Liz Etnier Vennie Fahning Holly/Kenneth Findley Keith/Sharon Fleischauer Cynthia Fleur y Hillar y Freeman/Carol Mork Jessa/Eric Frost Sharon/Steve Fr ykman Mar y Fulton Steve/Annette Funari Chuck/Sue Futterer Jim Galloway The Garfield - Schmitt - Brown Household Kandise Garrison/Paul Fish Lilla Gidlow Ann Giere Krane The Gilleland Carlson Household Mark/Katya Gordon Patricia Gozel Mike/Connie Graham Molly Grant Kris Greene William/Linda Griffith Joanne Groten Thomas Guindon Jackie Gustner Cindy Hale Beth/Greg Halvorson Glen/Donna Hambleton Jon/Kim Hamilton Amanda Hand/Michael Garr y Michelle/Corey Hansen Sue Hansen Robert/Nancy Hanson Adam/Mica Harju Duane Hasegawa/ Barbara Heideman JoEllen Haugo John/Gina Hawkinson Advised Fund Jeanne Heitz Gar y Hennes Peter/Amy Henrikson Gayle Henton

$50 to $99 (cont’d...) Michael/Paul Hitz Mark Hodge/Anne DeMuth Heidi Hohmann Eileen Holz Allen Holzhueter/Kate Hartman Charlie Howe Erik Howells Dan/Phyllis Hundrup Michael/JoAnn Huss Cindy Imsdahl-Ceo/ Frank Ceo Teresa/Craig Innes Andy Ivancic Robert Jacobs Jeanne Jacobson Frances Jarchow Karen Jensen Durrae Johanek Jan Johansen David/Kari Johnson Lowell Johnson Maggie Jones/Bruce Nowlin Jim Joynes Adam/Melissa King Ricky, Colleen/Eric King Michael Kinzer Kathy Kippley Mar y Knoble Thomas Koehler/ Micky McGilligan Larr y/JoAnn Krause Carol Krieger Nathan/Joni Kristenson John/Joanne Kronstedt Betsy/Mark Kuleta Nicholas Kunz Sherr y/Wayne Kutter Mar y Lou Lamonda Mark Larson/Mar y Kennedy Lindsay Lee/Lee Zieke The Lenz Household David Liden/Martha Owen Jerr y/Joan Lilja Dan Liljedahl/Lisa Himmelstrup Kyle “Lindy” Lind/ Ashlee Kveton

Shirley Lindgren Reid/Anne Lindquist Howard/Mar y Lou Loomis Mark Lovig Ken Malkovich Karen Manwiller Justin Marston/Karen Copeland Marge Martin Caroline Mason Taylor Fay/Jasmine Mastel-Lipson James, Donna/Joe May Sherri/Jerr y McCallson Dennis/Kathleen McCauley John/Susan McCormick Michael/Marilyn Miller Ran Miner Heather/Ed Mishefske Sharon/Malcolm Mitchell Cristel Moecker Peter/Rosalise Molenda Tom Moore/Cindy Johnson Mark/Carol Morgen Kurt/Mar y Mueller Gail Murton/Doug Connell Gigi Nauer/Robin Raudabaugh Floyd Nelson Sandra/Carl Nelson Matt Nesheim Bruce Nicholas Patricia Nielsen Dan Nolan Paul Nordlund/Molly Hicken Karen/Leonard Nordstrom Mar y/Hugh Norsted Carmela Nyemetz/ Paul Danicic Aran O’Brien Bob O’Hara Keith/Amy Okan Mark Olson Steve/Penny Ortmann Tom Ostby


John/Heather Ostergren Carol Ouellette Steve/Bev Palmquist Cathr yn Peters John/Mar y Peterson Mark/Mar y Peterson Marti Phillips Sandi Pillsbur yGredzens Janice Poehlman/Jan Bandewig Chris Polston Mark Prazak Court Queen Cameron/Shannon Quie Peter/Krin Rauen Karren/Bruce Ray Charles Ray/Julie Buckles Louise/Dave Reavis Tim Redpath/Tracy Noble Jeffrey/Sherri Reihle Virginia Reiner Jerr y Rengo Todd Rhoades/Terri Cermak Tom/Andrea Robbins Cathy Roinas Jane/Phil Rollins Murray Roscoe Karina/Mike Roth Tim Rowoldt Ann/Wayne Russ Anne/Scott Rykken Mark Sateren Megan Savage Dawn Schilling Jeanne Schleh Milan/Carolyn Schmidt William Schreifels Todd/Nancy Schwartz Doug Scott Collin/Cindy Seifert Dale Seppa Chuck/Judy Shepard Jan Shepherd Chuck Shreffler Wil Shynkaruk Bob Simonson Doris Sivertson/Bruce Eskola

$50 to $99 (cont’d...) Duke Skorich/Patty McNulty Cathy Sletten Fred/Fran Smith Michael Smuk Paul Snyder/Robert Payne Mar y Sorensen/Rena Rogers Erin Spector Karen Sprinkle Gigi Stafne Mar y, Larr y/Talon Stammen Mar y/Bernard Stanke Ruby/Jim Starr Jan/Chuck Stenson Kati/David Stieler Paul/Joanne Stohl Duncan Storlie Greg/Meghan Stotko Roger Strand Erin Strauss/Liesl Chatman Glenn Strid Mar y Stunkard Jeffrey Sundell Elli Sundholm/Wilmer

Miller Dick/Bonnie Swanson Walter Swentko Steve/Rachelle Tait Steve/Jeanne Tanamachi Hank/Barb Thomas Jeff/Robin Thomford Andrew Thompson Bob/Bonnie Thomsen Chris Thorson/Lara Etnier Kathleen Timberlake Charles Tindell Jerr y Tjelle Dennis/Connie Tooley Suzanna/Paul Trapp Trout Lake Resort Marilyn/John Underhill Tom Van Cleve/Bruce Stahly Kathy/Bill Vanderwall Carolyn VanKrevelen Maggie/Phil VogelMartin Leslie Walsh/Mike Winckler Tom Wall

Ku Wang/Mar y Bahr Louise Washer Waters Edge Trading Company Bob/Linda Watson Don/Lynn Watson Jonathan/Billie Waugh Kathy Weber/Larr y Paulson Denise M. Wells Roberta Weltzin Karen Wenell James Whalen Jan/Paul Wicklund Ken/Donna Wielinski Larr y Wiesner Dyke/Katie Williams Jeff Wilt Lloyd Withers David Wolf David/Diane Wright John Wytanis Kristi York Paul Zaander Monica Zanotti Kenneth Zimmer

Margit/Tom Berg Jennifer Berges Dorothy Bergman Viola Bergquist Betty Bergstedt Jan Bilden Alexandra Bissell Barbara Ann Blondell Jim Borden The Borson Household Nancy Borson Anna Botner A J Fred Boulay Randall Boyd Jim Boyd/Jetty St John Lesa/Robert Brandt Thomas Branland Grace Brogan/John Kamman Ramona Brorson Caitlin Brown/Daniel Howells David Brunkow

Judy Budreau/Dick Osgood Kathy/Gerald Buhaug Jerr y/Martine Bunting Dana Butzow Becky Byers Strand Robert Carlson Roger/Janet Carlson Stephen/Ellen Casey Jonathan Chester/ Heidi Zettel Jonathan Childers Terri Chilefone Paul/Gloria Christensen Wayne Christianson Victor Ciurko Andy Collier Cook County Senior Center Jane Snell Copes Kay Costello Mar y Cowen Caroline Cox

up to $49 Karen Aakre Sue Abrahamsen Betty Abrahamson Roger Abrahamson Kathy Ahlers Jeff/Deb Alexander James Allen Joanne Alt Rachel Amankulor Cher yl Anderson Jerr y Anderson Roger/Dotie Anderson Chel Anderson/John Alt Rochelle Arens/ Kenneth Jewett Donn Arnold Jim/Judy Arnold John Balzar Shannon Barber-Meyer Eric Barth Shirley Barthel David Batley Thomas Beach


up to $49 (cont’d...) Jo Crill Lesley Ananda Curthoys Elaine Dacken Michele Dao Wade Davick Martha Davidsohn Jane Davis Pamela Davis Linda/George Delegan Tom Dengler Willem Dijstelbergen Neal Dimick/Joan Bibelhausen Maria Donofrio Beth Dow Paul Drees Mar y Dunning Michael Dunsmore Laura Dvorak Leah Dvorak Ralph Dvorak Margaret Eaves-Smith Steve/Ruthie Edlund Tamera/Jonathan Eirten Joe Encolono Patrick Enderle Richard Engdahl Joan Farnam Ken/Cindy Ferch The Fitzpatrick Skinner Household Anne Flueckiger Carmen Ford Doug Forgit Linda Forsland Rev Sherri Frederikson Marci French Carolyn Fritz Heather Froese Tina Fung Holder Ruth Furman Jim Gallagher Cindy/Jamie Gardner Kim/Dan Garrett Ted/Marcie Gephart Greg Gilbert Jim Gilkinson Margaret Glennon Dan Goodenough Paul Goodnature Bari/Avron Gordon

Carol Grim Valerie Gustafson Ted/Noelle Haland Tom Hall Toni Hanson Charlene Harkins Roy/Jane Hart John/Kristin HaugenWente Todd/Susi Hawkinson Gregor y Heide Doug Heimstead Amy Helein Dulcey Heller Hannah Hemmelgarn Katie Heneghan Jared/Mar y Herbert Wendell/Elaine Herron Bill Hoar Barbara Hokanson Jock Holmen Wendy Huey Maland/JoEllen Hurr Jay Hutchinson Mar y Icenhour Kirsten Ir vine Glen/Roxanne Jablonka Jeff Jackson/Eva Price Jim/Mar y Jahnke Geraldine Jensen Bruce Johnson Christine/Clifford Johnson Doug Johnson Janet Johnson Jason Johnson T.J. Johnson Jean Jordan Joanne Kaye Julie Kean Joanne Kellner Sally Kendall Jane Keppel Johnson Tom King Sonia Kjos Robert L Knowlton Val Knudsen Mike/Kim Knuth Al Knutson BJ/John Kohlstedt Mark Koivisto


John Kokesh Millie Krebsbach Jodell/Michael Kruse Julie Kuchinski Nathanael Kuenzli Solfrid Ladstein Cher yl Larsen Greg Laschum Judy Lathrop Anna Marie Lattu Eric/LeeAnn LeBlanc Kerstin/Sherr y Lee Natacha Lees Robert Lenertz Jill Levene Maria Lindberg Paul Linden/Maggie Evans Louis/LuAnn Lindmeyer Rolf/Layne Lindquist Doug Livingston Mar y Lofgren Helen Loing Debora/Morr y LynchRothstein Ellen Macdonald Ann MacGregor/Karen Chobot Brian Mader Cara Madsen Mar y Maher Shirley/Bob Maier Kirsten Maki John Mallak The Manleys Brad Marcuson Kelly Marshall Brian/Bridgit Maruska C. Thomas Maskell Tom McCann/Nancy Haarmeyer Kathy J. McQuinn Brenda Menier Bill Middlesworth Jim Mielke Mar y Miller Harris Mills John Mohr Donna Monty Martha Moon George Munkwitz Sharon Munkwitz

Hyla/Arnold Napadensky Lori/Bob Neises John/Cathie Neitge Lisa Nelson Melissa Nemeth Brenda/Greg Nether y Linda M Newell Jana Nichols Dave Noel Fred/Kay Nordeen David Noreen Anne Norris Nancy Olson Sue Olson Wendy Olson Arthur Orth Bill Ostrom Jim Ouray Joe Page Mark Paulson Mike Pauly The Pesek Household Rolf/Candy Peterson Ben/Mar y Petz Courtney Pickering Tim Pilcher Susan Plankis Kaili Plummer-Slate Jan Pohlen Kate Pond Carol Poore Diana Postlethwaite Linda & Dan Powell Lorel Powell Jacalyn Prentice Robert Prentiss Andy Pugh/Kaitlin Hallett-Pugh Matt Raske Craig/Susan Redalen

Melanie Redler Tom Reiter Sarah Reller Terr y Repp Kathleen Richards Claire Riddell Barbara/John Risken Angela Robins Carol Robins Josh Robinson Sarah Robinson William Roden Mar y Rossell Levi/Lynn Rugheimer Ken Rusk Gerald Sanders Christopher Saur Steve/Jeanne Schwabacher Randy Sharp Steve Shay Barbara Shelton Rich Sill Grant Skinner Rick Skoog Sandy Skrien/Wayne St. John Annette/Calvin Smith Lisa Smith Ruth Smith Terrence/Marge Smith Jeff Soderstrom Miriam Sommerness Roy/Judy Steinbrecher Daniel Sterling Laurie Stewart Kaela Stradiotto Stacy Strand Sean Sundquist Chris Sutter Richard/Sheila

Swanson John/Jane Sweeney Rueben Swenson Karl, Suzanne/Paul Thielmann John/Pat Thomas Sue Thorson Terr y Timm Peggy/Jim Tolbert Margit/Roald Tormondsen Rainbow Trout Br yan Truex Hagdis Tschunko Mercedes TumaHansen Amy VanNocker Beth Voss Jim Voytilla Eleanor/Jerr y Waha Bob Walker Rod/Paule Wannebo Jon Washington Kate Watson Stan Wendland Ger y/Carole Wendt Cynthia Werner Mark Westin Theresa Westine Bill White Vennie White John/Barbara Williamson Allen Windhorn Odia Wood-Krueger Michael Wurzbacher Alex Yerks Beth/Larr y Yokom William Youmans Jacqueline Young Craig Zoellner

other gifts and in-kind donations 1st and 2nd Thrift Store A Room of One’s Own Alis Olsen Allen Holzhueter/Kate Hartman Amy/Peter James Angr y Trout Cafe Anonymous Art House Bed & Breakfast

Aspen Lodge Grand Marais Hotel Company Barbara Cummard Barr y/Julie Ericson Bea Sorenson Bear Track Outfitting / Bally Creek Cabins Beaver House Best Western Superior Inn & Suites Betsy/Mark Kuleta


Betsy Bowen Studio Beverly Balos/Mar y Lou Fellows Bill/Janet Powell Bill/Joyce Schoon Bluefin Bay Resort Bob/Nancy Steward Odyssey Development Boundar y Countr y Trekking Buck’s Hardware Hank Cameron/Chris

other gifts and in-kind donations (cont’d...) Norman Caribou Highlands Lodge Carin Perkins Carla/Dar yl Batalden Carol Grim Cascade Lodge Cascade Vacation Rentals Chicago Bay Marketplace Chik-Wauk Museum & Nature Center Clearwater Lodge & Outfitters Cliff Wright Cobblestone Cove Villas Como Oil & Propane Cook County News Herald Cook County Whole Foods Co-op Craig/Dianne Peterson Craig Zoellner Crooked Spoon David Noreen Dick/Nancy Enstad Dick Buchheit Dockside Fish Market Donn Eliasen Eagle Ridge Resort East Bay Suites Edwin E. Thoreson, Inc Ella’s Inn Fox Chapel Publishing Fred Winters Fulton Brewing George Wilkes Glen/Donna Hambleton Glen/Peggy Keener Grand Forest Inc Grand Marais Art Colony Grand Marais Playhouse Grandma’s Saloon & Grill Greg Laschum Gunflint Hills Golf Course Gunflint Lodge Gunflint Mercantile

Harbor House Grille Harley/Norma Refsal Harley Refsal Heavy Duty Sewing Hedstrom Lumber Company Hollow Rock Resort Howard/Mar y Lou Loomis Hughie’s Taco House Hungr y Jack Lodge Ian/Rachel Andrus Jackson House Jackson Sneve Jan Burton Jan Healy Janet Little Janis/Dan Reuter Jason Hovatter Jay/Rose Arrowsmith DeCoux Jean/Jon Laing-Weber Jean Boyd Jeanne Kogl Jeff Latz Jim/Patricia Beilke Jim Rogers Joachim/Kelly Speldrich John/Bonita Benschoter John/Harriet of the Faroe Islands Joyce/Don Elvestrom Joynes Ben Franklin Julie Ingebretsen Karla Bradley Kathy/Jan Horak Kathy Rice Kelly Dupre/Jeff Stork Ken/Carol Koscik Ken Rusk Kyle “Lindy” Lind Lake Superior Trading Post Larr y Schmitt Laurie Senty Layne Kennedy Lions Club Liz Bucheit Lonnie Dupre Grand Marais Wellness Center Lou Pignolet


Lutsen 99er Lutsen Mountains Lutsen Resort Marcie McIntire Mar y/Jim Schliep Mar y/John Anderson Mar y Kaye Smith Snell Matt Nesheim Midwest Woodworkers Mike Schelmeske Neil Sherman New Scenic Café North Shore Expeditions North Shore Music Association Nor’Wester Lodge & Outfitters Okontoe Opel’s Cabins Pat/Phil Kruse Pat Hvidston/Roger Opp Paul Anderson Philis Anderson Points Unknown Pro Print, Inc. Randi Lyders/Scott Kindrick Ravens Beak Design Richard/Sheila Swanson Rob Wells Sawbill Outfitters Sawtooth Mountain Maple Syrup Company, LLC Scent From Nature/ Points Unknown Sea Glass Fine Art Sharon/Malcolm Mitchell Shoreline Inn Sivertson Art Galler y Solbakken Resort Stone Harbor Wilderness Supply Sue/Dale Amondson Superior National Golf Course Surfside on Superior Susan Goodell Sven & Ole’s Pizza Sydney’s Frozen

Custard Tall Tale Yarn Shop Ted/Marcie Gephart The Blue Moose The Duluth Experience The Inn at Terrace Point The Pie Place/Harbor Inn Thomsonite Beach Inn Threads Tim Heil

Timberwolves Fastbreak Foundation Tina Fung Holder Todd Miller Tom Sweeney Tom Westby Trout Lake Resort Tuscarora Lodge Verna Alt Vienna Volante Virginia Wolfe Waters Edge Trading Company

Wayne/Ann Russ Wendy/Mark Hansen World’s Best Donuts WTIP Community Radio

memorials Gifts in memory of late North House instructor Kristi Downing as part of the Kristi Downing Memorial Fund A. Eric Anderson Alvin/Judith Anderson Justin Anderson Nancy/Gerr y Anderson Oz/Jean Anderson Scott Anderson Sonja Anderson Steve Asche Leonard/Barbara Brennan Matthew Brown Tyrone/Delia Bujold Jane Calvin Carol Carlson Lisa Carlson Rev. Michael/Marilyn Carlson Sharon Clauson Amy Conn Tom Corr Darlene Dammermann Kyia Downing Sally Dunnington

Gar y Eichten Richard Farnan Michael/Kristin Garey Richard/Joanne Hyde Natalie Jones Carol Jo/Donald Kelsey Louise Klas Mar y Klonoski Lynn Koenig Ken/Carol Koscik Rebecca Koscik Jeff/Nancy Larson Maxene/Roger Linehan Erik/Cordelia Lokensgard Kevin Marshall/Jane Elias Kevin/Nancy McKenzie Susan/Donald Menier Mar y Monica Michenfelder Patrick Michenfelder Robin Murphy

Ham/Pearl Muus Rolf/Marlys Olson Frederic Renner Molly Rice Getey Ritchott Catherine/John Schoenherr Judith Schwartau Bob Shannon/Yafa Napadensky Joan Shroeder Christopher Taylor/ Alexa Lokensgard Adam Tebbe J.L./M.L. Thompson Siri Thompson Jennifer Trowbridge Christopher Werle Anne Westbrook Gudrun Witrak Eldri Wittkamper Joseph Yao-Kotay Kristopher/Ellen Ziegler

Other memorial gifts Betty Abrahamson in Brigg Bloomquist in Craig/Dianne Peterson in Paul Anderson in Eleanor/Jerr y Waha in David/Gretchen Calvit in Karen Johnson in Ann/Wayne Russ in

honor honor honor honor honor honor honor honor

of of of of of of of of

Michael Meuleners Nancy Carlson Nancy Carlson Phyllis Anderson Phyllis Andesron Warren Olson Ken Peterson Helen Symchych


foundations & funders Blue Heron Fund Doug & Phyllis Ostergren Family Fund of The St. Paul Foundation Duluth-Superior Area Community Foundation Fenner Family Foundation

Flora Family Foundation InFaith Community Foundation Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation Maine Community Foundation McKnight Foundation

Minnesota State Arts Board Peter and Carol Harris Family Fund of the DuluthSuperior Community Foundation Public Welfare Foundation

Dolby Match Program General Mills Foundation IBM Corporation Prudential Matching Gifts

Stanley Black & Decker Thrivent Financial Foundation for Lutherans Wells Fargo Community Support

matching gifts The 3M Foundation Adobe Ameriprise Financial Advisor Bank of America Disciplined Growth Investors

unplugged saturday night performers Jon Vezner Pat Donohue

Don Henr y Jeff Gilkinson

Bill Miller Ellis

board of directors President Vice President Treasurer Secretary

Mary Boyle Anderson Dave Morris Paul Aslanian Buck Benson

Members at Large

John Bergstrom / Jodi Belluz / Nancy Burns Jon Farchmin / Rob Ilstrup / Layne Kennedy Scott Kindrick / Jana Larson / Anne McKinsey Kathy Rice / Jim Sannerud / John Schoenherr Steve Surbaugh / Martha Williams

staff Executive Director Greg Wright Program Director Jessa Frost Office Manager Kay Costello Store/Intern Manager Andrew Beavers Facility Manager Russ Viton Communications Manager Kate Watson Development Manager Kaitlyn Bohlin Program Coordinator Matt Nesheim Office Assistants Kathleen Viton / Cindy Hansen / Janet Ditmanson Program Interns 2014 Mary Cowen / Emily Derke / Austin Kennedy Program Interns 2015 Martha Brummitt / Ben Byron / Caleb Mattison / Erin Swenson-Klatt


Over the course of two days “Crooked Knife: Craft Your Own� students make knives custom fit to their hands. Formally known as the mokotagan, the knives are used one-handed and pulled toward oneself for greater control.


The mission of the North House Folk School is: to enrich lives and build community by teaching traditional northern crafts in a student-centered learning environment that inspires the hands, the heart and the mind.

North House Folk School PO Box 759 500 West Highway 61 Grand Marais, MN 55604 NON-PROFIT ORG

MN 55805




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