A P R I L 2013
Farmers looking to sky for more precipitation Topsoil, subsoil moisture way below 5-year average By ROBERT PORE World-Herald News Service
Moisture in March 2013 was favorable when compared to last year. But as farmers prepare for the upcoming planting season, more moisture is needed to counter the impact the drought has had on the Nebraska landscape. Last month the National Weather Service in Hastings reported that Grand Island received 1.63 inches of precipitation, including 6.2 inches of snow. That was 0.16 of an inch below the 30-year average. But it was much better than last year, when Grand Island received just 0.83 of an inch of precipitation for March, which was nearly 1 inch below normal.
Since Jan. 1, Grand Island has received 2.77 inches of precipitation, which is 0.31 of an inch below the 30-year average but 0.73 of an inch above last year. Temperature-wise, March 2013 didn’t come close to March 2012. The daily average March temperature this year was 36.1 degrees, which was 3.3 degrees below the 30year average. Last March, the daily average temperature was 54.1 — 14.7 degrees above the 30year average. With Central Nebraska coming off a dry year in which almost the entire state was mired in extreme or exceptional drought, both topsoil and subsoil moisture are way below the five-year average.
According to U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Nebraska Field Office, topsoil moisture supplies were rated 37 percent very short and 43 percent short for the week ending March 31. Twenty percent of topsoil moisture supplies were rated adequate and 0 percent had a surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies weren’t any better, rating 60 percent very short, 36 percent short, 4 percent adequate and 0 percent surplus. For the week ending March 31, NASS said below-normal temperatures limited field work activities. There were 4 1/2 days suitable for fieldwork, the report noted. The best chance for sig-
nificant precipitation in the Grand Island area may be next Sunday night and Monday, when the National Weather Service in Hastings calls for a 40- to 50-percent chance for showers and thunderstorms. Until then, temperatures will warm up significantly, with a high expected near 70 degrees by Friday. There are small chances of precipitation Friday night (20 percent), Saturday (20 percent) and Sunday (30 percent). Drought conditions last year accounted for a 16-percent decline in the corn harvest and a 21percent decrease in soybean production compared to 2011. Last year in Nebraska, farmers harvested 3.33 million acres of dryland corn, with an average yield of 58.5 bushels per acre. State farmers harvested 2.67 million acres of dryland soybeans, with an average yield of 24.9 bushels per acre. The NASS reported that state wheat conditions were rated 14-percent very poor, 35-percent poor, 41-percent fair, 10-percent good and 0percent excellent. Oats planted were at 31 percent, behind last year’s
Heather Johnson / The North Platte Telegraph
This blowout in the Sandhills north of North Platte shows how dry the area is this spring. Farmers are going to need a lot of rain to bring pasture land back to health. 35 percent, but ahead of 16percent average. Last fall, state farmers seeded 1.45 million acres of winter wheat, up 5 percent from a year earlier. Oat intentions were estimated at 135,000 acres, up 80 percent from last year. Sensing the potential drought problems this year, state sorghum growers expect to plant 220,000 acres, up 52 percent from last year. Sorghum is a more drought-tolerant crop, though sorghum for grain production in 2012 is estimated at 3.5 million bushels, down 46 percent from 2011. Sorghum yield, at 59 bushels per acre, is down 35 bushels from a year earlier and the lowest since 2002. Area harvested for grain is 60,000 acres, down 10,000 acres
from a year ago and the lowest sorghum for grain acreage since 1937. NASS says livestock producers have reported favorable spring calving conditions with good survival rates. Hay and forage supplies rated 16-percent very short, 43 percent short, 41-percent adequate and 0-percent surplus. Cattle and calves condition rated 1-percent very poor, 2-percent poor, 24-percent fair, 69-percent good and 4-percent excellent. Spring calving was 61 percent complete. Sheep and lamb conditions were 0-percent very poor, 0-percent poor, 25percent fair, 73-percent good and 2-percent excellent. Stock water supplies rated 12-percent very short, 24-percent short, 63-percent adequate and 1-percent surplus.
Spring storm bringing needed snow to Colo., Wyo. April is typically the second-snowiest month for Colorado that boosts mountain snowpack DENVER (AP) — A slow-moving spring storm is bringing muchneeded moisture to parts of the Rockies and the Plains, but winds are raising the wildfire danger to the south. Rocky Mountain National Park has already gotten more than 2 feet of snow, and more is expected to fall through Wednesday. Southeastern Wyoming could also get up to a foot. It was also snowing in western South Dakota and Nebraska, and the storm is expected to push farther into Nebraska and Colorado’s plains Wednesday night. The first round of the storm came Monday, when Cheyenne, Wyo., received 6.9 inches of snow, breaking the old record of 6 inches set back in 1890. The snow also postponed the opening game of the Colorado Rockies-New York Mets series in Denver. After Rockies co-owner Dick Monfort and others pitched in to dig out Coors Field, the teams squeezed in a doubleheader Tuesday. Blowing snow closed a 150-mile section of Inter-
state 80 in Wyoming and caused delays at Denver International Airport because planes need to be de-iced. “Our crews can easily keep that road surface sustainable for travel, but if the wind comes up and you start get drifting and visibility problems then really you can’t plow fast enough to fix that, so it can be a losing battle at times,” Wyoming Department of Transportation spokesman Bruce Burrows said. The storm forced some Wyoming colleges and schools to close early Tuesday, and some state government meetings were canceled. Even a “Storm Spotter Training” session in Lander was canceled because of the storm, according to the National Weather Service. Meanwhile, parts of Colorado, including the state’s southwestern corner and the agricultural San Luis Valley, along with parts of New Mexico and Arizona got strong winds from the system, making it easier for wildfires to spread in the dry areas.
A 33-mile stretch of I-40 in northern Arizona was closed because of strong winds and reduced visibility. In southwest Colorado, the La Plata Electric Association said blustery winds and downed trees were believed to have caused power outages affecting hundreds of customers Tuesday. April is typically the second-snowiest month for Colorado and wet spring snows help boost the mountain snowpack that provides most of the water supply. It also helps delay lawn watering in Denver and along the rest of the populated Front Range region, where many water districts have limited watering after two years of drought conditions. “It doesn’t stick around as long, but it gives that soil moisture heading into the drier months,” National Weather Service forecaster Jeff Colton said of spring snow.
The Associated Press
A man jogs in a park the morning after fresh snow fell overnight in Denver on April 16. The second wave of a slow-moving spring storm system could bring another foot of snow to parts of Colorado Tuesday, on top of up to a foot already on the ground. The heavy blanket of snow does squash daffodils and other plants that have started to bloom, but any precipitation will be welcomed by dryland farmers on the Plains. The snowpack in both Colorado and Wyoming is below average but has risen in the last week to 77 percent of average in both states.
Most of Colorado’s ski areas are already closed for the season, but Vail, Breckenridge and Copper Mountain resorts announced Tuesday that they would open for a bonus three-day weekend this week because of all the new snow. Aspen
Highlands, which is still open, plans to open for an extra weekend next week. The storm system is expected to pick up speed as it moves east into the Great Lakes on Friday. It should move off the East Coast on Saturday, Colton said.
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USDA starts new program to track farm animals Object is so officials can quickly establish quarantines and other steps to prevent spread of disease MILWAUKEE (AP) — The federal government has launched a new livestock identification program to help agriculture officials to quickly track livestock in cases of disease. It is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s second attempt at implementing such a system, which officials say is critical to maintaining the security of the nation’s food supply. An earlier, voluntary program failed because of widespread opposition among farmers and ranchers who described it as a costly hassle that didn’t help control disease. There has been talk for years among consumer advocates about establishing a program that would trace food
from farm to plate. The livestock identification system doesn’t go that far and isn’t meant to. Its main goal is to track animals’ movements so agriculture and health officials can quickly establish quarantines and take other steps to prevent the spread of disease. “This ensures that healthy animals can continue to move freely to processing facilities, providing a dependable and affordable source for consumers as well as protecting producer’s livelihoods,” Abby Yigzaw, spokeswoman for the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, said in an email. Michael Doyle, director of the University of Georgia’s Center for
Food Safety, said livestock identification also helps investigators determine the source of disease — and whether it happened naturally or someone tampered with the food system. “Identify the farm from which it originated, which can help you identify the source,” Doyle said, adding, “Did it come in from the feed? Was it intentional?” The federal government has been trying for nearly a decade to establish an animal identification system. It introduced a voluntary program in 2006 but scrapped it several years later amid widespread complaints from farmers about the expense and red tape. Some also worried about possible privacy violations with the collection of information about their properties. The program ultimately failed because rela-
tively few participated. The new program is mandatory but more limited in scope. It applies only to animals being shipped across state lines, and it gives states flexibility in deciding how animals will be identified — an important concession to cattle ranchers in western states, where brands are still commonly used. While the program covers a range of livestock, much of the focus has been on cattle. That’s partly because aggressive programs to fight diseases such as sheep scabies have already resulted in widespread identification of those animals, said Neil Hammerschmidt, APHIS’ animal disease traceability program manager. Tracking cows has been less of a concern over the past decade because earlier programs targeting diseases that affect them have been successful, he said. Still, tracebacks — in which a sick animal’s movements are reviewed as part of the effort to control the spread of a disease — aren’t unusual. Dr. Paul McGraw, the state veterinarian in Wisconsin, a top dairy state, recalled a number done because of tuberculosis in cattle.
The Associated Press
This July 2012 photo provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, shows a cow with ear tags at a dairy farm in Lake Mills, Wis. The federal government has launched a new livestock identification program to help agriculture officials to quickly track livestock in cases of disease. In most cases, farmers and ranchers are likely to use ear tags that assign a number to each animal. “It’s probably safe to say nationwide, there’s probably been five or six of those in the last two to three years,” McGraw said. The rules that went into effect March 11 require dairy cows and sexually intact beef cattle over 18 months of age to be registered when they are shipped over state lines and outline acceptable forms of identification. In most cases, farmers and ranchers are likely to use ear tags that assign a number to each animal. “I’d say it’s very simi-
lar to a license plate on a car,” Hammerschmidt said. In Wisconsin, many of the larger dairy farms have already switched to ear tags that can be scanned electronically, said Mark Diederichs, president of the Board of Directors of the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin. The tags meet federal standards but aren’t required because of the cost. Diederichs and his partners, who have about 5,400 cows split Please see USDA, Page 5
USDA from Page 4
between farms in Malone and Poy Sippi, began using them eight years ago in part because they save time. Workers with handheld devices can scan the tags and immediately pull up animals’ birth, medical and other records. The tags also are important as companies like McDonald’s want to know where their food came from and be able to trace it back, Diederichs said, adding, “I think that’s going to be the bigger push” for others to switch. The federal rules allow two states to agree on alternative forms of identification, such as brands, for use with an-
imals shipped between them. South Dakota rancher Kenny Fox said this is an improvement over the earlier program, but he still believes the federal government should recognize brands. Ear tags can fall off, but brands are a permanent mark of ownership, he said. And brands can be registered and assigned a number in computer systems so that they can be quickly tracked back to a farm or ranch. Fox, the animal identification committee chairman for R-Calf USA, an advocacy group for ranchers, said the program won’t mean a big change in practice for him. He has about 500 cows plus their calves in Belvidere, S.D., and al-
ready tags his cows as part of a program to control brucellosis, a disease that can cause pregnant animals to miscarry. But he also brands his cattle because the state recognizes brands as proof of ownership. “It has been very beneficial to our operation,” Fox said. “In the past, the inspectors have found three, four animals that belong to me that were mixed up with other people’s livestock.” It would be nice, Fox said, if he could use brands for both livestock tracking and proof of ownership. But he added, “I’m thankful they didn’t keep using the (earlier program). It just wasn’t going to work out here in this country.”
Check out the Telegraph website at www.nptelegraph.com
Ag land prices push up state’s property tax valuation Hamilton Co. led all counties with a 40.09-percent increase By DAVID HENDEE World-Herald News Service
LINCOLN — Agricultural land is carrying an increasingly heavier share of the property tax burden levied across Nebraska. Ag land now makes up about a third of the statewide property tax pie. It was about a fifth of the pie in 2007. “That’s huge,” said Bruce Johnson, a University of NebraskaLincoln agricultural economist. “I never imagined seeing it up that much. Agricultural land is the heavy lifter for local units of government across Nebras-
ka.” Johnson was reacting to a new Nebraska Revenue Department report showing that a boom in ag land prices over the past year has pushed the state’s taxable property valuation up by nearly $13.6 billion. Ag land values climbed by 22.8 percent from 2012 to 2013. The tremendous boost comes on top of growth ranging from 10Â percent to 12 percent each year since 2008 in the agriculture category, said Ruth Sorensen, the Revenue Department’s property tax administrator.
“Agricultural land property values have seen double-digit increases for five years and going on a sixth,” she said. “The increases are based on sales.” Hamilton County ag land led all other counties with a 40.09 percent increase last year. Nebraska residential and commercial growth were much more modest last year. Residential property values grew by 1.62 percent. The commercial and industrial category saw 3.5 percent growth. Overall assessed valuations for real property across Nebraska increased 8.76 percent. Johnson’s own surveys have shown similar robust ag land values. Despite an extreme drought and indicators
Ag land values climbed by 22.8 percent from 2012 to 2013 of weaker ag earnings on the horizon, the markets for farms and ranches have remained strong. The state’s all-land average value rose 25 percent over the 12-month period ending Feb. 1. Higher property tax valuations do not automatically translate into higher property tax bills. The amount property owners pay depends on both the value of their property and the property tax rates set by local governments. “Booms get to be precarious, but that’s what
assessors have to deal with,” Johnson said. “There was no way to factor in anything less than this during the last two or three years.” The land boom is riding a surging ag economy, particularly among farmers who grow corn and other commodities. Livestock producers have had a tougher time. Johnson said farmers and ranchers, not outside investors, are buying most ag land. “Outside investors are the wannabes,” Johnson said. “No doubt that they’re bid-
ding up some of the land, but 75 percent of sales are to active farmer buyers.” Ag land property taxes are a significant source of revenue for counties, schools, fire districts, educational service units, natural resources districts, rural housing developments and other entities in many parts of the state. Ag land represents more than half of the assessed value in 58 of Nebraska’s 93 counties, according to Johnson. It’s more than 60 percent of the value in 47 counties. “Ag land carries 80 percent or more (of assessed value) in some low-population counties,” Johnson said. Please see PRICES, Page 8
Groundwater festival to mark 25th anniversary Baton passed from one generation to the next By HAROLD REUTTER World-Herald News Service
GRAND ISLAND — The Nebraska Children’s Groundwater Festival is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. That means the students who attended the very first festival are now adults. In that time, the festival’s baton has been handed off from Susan Seacrest and the Groundwater Foundation to Kelly Cole and Marcia Lee of the Central Platte Natural Resources District. The Nebraska Children’s Groundwater Festival made its first international outreach
in 1998, when students from Australia, Canada, Russia, the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe came to Grand Island to participate. The baton also has multiplied, so now numerous groundwater festivals are being held in 40 states, as well as in Mexico, Canada, India and the United Kingdom, all based on the annual Children’s Groundwater Festival in Grand Island. For the past few years, Grand Island Senior High students have been helping pass the Children’s Groundwater Festival baton to a new generation of fourthand fifth-
graders by designing hands-on activities to help the younger students learn what festival organizers call “our most precious resource: groundwater.” This year is no exception, with students from three of Bridget Czaplewski’s environmental science classes at Senior High creating activities to help students learn about Nebraska’s groundwater, which is vital to agriculture, to the state’s many communities whose citizens get their drinking water from groundwater and also to industry. More GISH students in Tim Burnham’s environmental science classes will also create activities for the 2013 festival, which will be May 7 at Central Community College-Grand Island and College Park. Three of Czaplews-
ki’s students have been to the Nebraska Children’s Groundwater Festival themselves. Jocelyn Avila said she attended when she was a fifth-grader at Dodge Elementary, Linda Aguilar said she went to the festival as a Was-
show called “Mime, Masks & Magic of Groundwater.” Perez said he also can remember one activity where students used fishing poles to draw “fish” out of a plastic wading pool, with a number attached to
“I remember the magician the best.”
mer Elementary student and Isidro Perez said he saw the festival when he was a Dodge Elementary student. “I remember the magician the best,” said Perez, who noted the magician worked facts about groundwater and the environment into his act. Some things never change. The 2013 festival will feature Fax Gilbert presenting a
each fish. He said each number corresponded to a question about groundwater or the environment that the elementary school students were supposed to answer. Now, GISH environmental science students are creating their own hands-on activities to help elementary students learn about groundwater and the environment. Avila said students in each of Czaplewski’s environmental science classes proposed various activities for the fourth- and fifth-
PRICES from Page 6
Statewide, new construction and growth accounted for $1.73Â billion, or nearly 13 percent, of the overall increase in property tax values, the report showed. The remaining $11.84Â billion, or 87 percent, of the increase reflects the higher values for existing property. Douglas County’s residential property values increased by forty-two hundredths of a per-
graders to do at the 2013 groundwater festival. They then voted on the best idea to send to the festival. Avila and Aguilar said students in Czaplewski’s fourth-period class voted to send a game called “Lost in the Wetlands” to this year’s festival. “It’s kind of like Monopoly,” said Aguilar, describing the life-size board game. Aguilar said students who play the game will be asked questions about wetlands or other water-related questions. If they answer the question correctly, they get to roll a die to determine how many steps forward they can go on the “board,” which is laid out on the floor. Just like Monopoly, there are some squares that students won’t want to land on “ specifically the ones marked with a red “X,” which will send them backwards, Aguilar said. Once a project had been selected, then students decided on a division of labor to Please see 25TH, Page 15
cent, commercial by 2.83 percent and agriculture by 24.12 percent. Sarpy County’s residential property values were up sixty-five hundredths of a percent, commercial by 2.5 percent and agriculture by 26.27 percent. Lancaster County’s residential values were up 2.11 percent, commercial 4.6 percent and ag land 27.31 percent. Real property valuations are set by county assessors and are subject to review before the Tax Equalization and Review Commission.
Nebraska State Fair board finalizes $5.4M building project By ROBERT PORE World-Herald News Service
GRAND ISLAND — The Nebraska State Fair Board of Directors officially approved a resolution at its April 12 meeting in Grand Island to take out a loan for the construction of the $5.4 million Nebraska Building. After the fair board officials met, they held a press conference on the fairgrounds at Fonner Park to officially announce the project. According to Joseph McDermott, Nebraska State Fair executive director, the new building will be called the Nebraska Building and it’s “the final piece of the original Nebraska State Fair building complex plan.” Construction is planned to begin within the next 30 days, with anticipated completion by February of 2014. The Nebraska Building will be built just inside the main State Fair Boulevard entrance and located just across the street north of the Exhibition Building and on the west edge of the Family Fun Zone. Another resolution passed by the fair board Friday was to give McDermott and the board’s executive committee the authority to start signing contracts for construction of the new building. McDermott said the building will be two stories, with exhibition space on the ground floor and the Nebraska State Fair administrative offices on the second floor. The total building measures 120-
World-Herald News Service
As State Fair Executive Director Joseph McDermott, left, speaks, Cindy Johnson, right, Grand Island Area Chamber of Commerce president; Hugh Miner Jr., Fonner Park executive vice president and chief executive officer; Greg Ibach, Nebraska Department of Agriculture director; and Ronnie Green, vice chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, listen April 12 during a Nebraska State Fair press conference to formally announce plans to construct the Nebraska Building on the state fairgrounds in Grand Island. The new building will feature 54,000 square feet of exhibition space on the first floor and 10,800 square feet of office space on the upper level. feet wide x 450-feet long, with a total of 54,000 square feet of exhibition space on the ground level. On the upper level, the administrative offices will have a total of 10,800 square feet and will serve as headquarters for the Nebraska State Fair staff and management. Chief Industries of Grand Island will be providing the materials for the project and B&B Construction will build the building. Since moving to Grand Island, the Nebraska State Fair has done well financially, McDermott said, allowing them to take on the debt for the $5.4 million building project. Since 2010, State Fair attendance has totaled nearly 1 million people.
“Over the past three years the fair has just continually gotten better, with more support from not only the community of Grand Island, but the state,” McDermott said. “That, with the operating funds and the lottery funds, gives us great confidence in moving forward with the project.”
More exhibit space McDermott said another role of the Nebraska Building will be to help increase the amount of exhibition space for the State Fair. The building project will allow some exhibitions to be moved from Please see FAIR, Page 13
FFA adviser of year follows family’s entrepreneur tradition Nollette honored for building Amherst’s ag education, FFA By LORI POTTER World-Herald News Service
AMHERST — When agriculture teacher and FFA adviser Brent Nollette talks to his Amherst students about the need for entrepreneurs in rural Nebraska, he speaks from experience. He grew up on a northern Cherry County ranch near Nenzel and saw his dad and uncle combine careers as cattle producers and ag teachers. Nollette has followed in their footsteps. His success in developing Amherst’s ag education program and FFA chapter over the past five years earned him a 2013 Nebraska FFA Ad-
viser of the Year award from Nebraska Farm Bureau. It was presented at last week’s state FFA Convention in Lincoln and also will be acknowledged at the April 29 Amherst FFA Banquet. Education was not his first career choice. “I wanted to ranch. That’s what I wanted to do. But it’s just a small family operation,” Nollette said. “... All my cows are there. We raise registered Angus and Gelbvieh.” So he earned an ag education degree from the University of NebraskaLincoln. “I could still stay involved in production agriculture and also be around young people every day,” he said.
Although he can’t help with the day-to-day cattle chores, Nollette said, “I do what I can. I do a lot of the paperwork and (cattle) registrations.” When he and his wife, Jennie, go home, he helps with cattle and two entrepreneurial ventures started by Nollette’s dad: Niobrara Valley Vineyards and a catering business. Nollette’s younger brother will graduate from UNL in May with an animal science degree and then have an ag marketing internship at a feedlot through December. Their younger sister is working on a nursing degree at Northeast Community College in Norfolk and is engaged to a Cody rancher. As a new teacher and adviser for an Amherst FFA chapter chartered in 2005, Nollette said his goals were to tell stu-
dents more about the FFA organization and make them aware of the many career opportunities in agriculture. The chapter has grown from about 20 members to 45 under his leadership. Nollette took 28 students to the 2013 state convention where they all competed. “One of my rules is they have to qualify in an event to go,” he said. “There is something for everyone in agriculture,” Nollette said. “It took awhile to get them to understand that you don’t have to live on a farm or ranch to be in FFA.” The chapter is building a tradition with two events, a petting zoo at Amherst during or near National FFA Week in February and a March beef progress show at
World-Herald News Service
This greenhouse built at Amherst Public School three years ago has helped agriculture teacher Brent Nollette meet his goal of including more science into his plant science course and other classes. Last week, he received a Nebraska FFA Adviser of the Year award from Nebraska Farm Bureau. Freshman students watering plants are Regan Rasmussen, left, and Brian Please see FFA, Page 17 Bramer.
Smith, Johanns welcome Japan joining trade talks TPP objective of removing tariff, non-tariff barriers will require adjustments in both countries ag sectors By ROBERT PORE World-Herald News Service
Both U.S. Rep. Adrian Smith, R-Neb., and U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns, RNeb., are welcoming the news of last week’s announcement that the Obama administration is welcoming Japan joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations. Smith said the announcement represents “a positive development, which could expand market access for Nebraska exporters in one of the world’s largest economies.” “While Japan has shown progress and signaled a willingness to recognize science-based food standards, more
work is needed,” Smith said. “It is imperative the administration and Congress continue to seek assurances Japan wants a comprehensive agreement in line with the ambitious goals established in current TPP negotiations. We cannot undermine gains in market access by allowing non-tariff trade barriers to prevent Nebraska producers from exporting their quality products.” According to the U.S. Grains Council, the recent announcement by the office of U.S. Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis of its completion of bilateral negotiations with Japan regarding the Trans-Pacific Partner-
ship (TPP) opens the door for USTR to formally notify Congress of its intent to support formal inclusion of J a p a n into the TPP neg o t i a tions. According to the council, TPP is an “ambiAdrian t i o u s, Smith next-generation, regional trade agreement that seeks to create a “new millennium model for trade.” As the world’s third largest economy, the addition of Japan will provide the platform for a Free Trade Area of Asia Pa-
cific and will strengthen our economic and strategic relationship. TPP will also provide opportunities for free and fair trade. And when trade works, the world wins.” The TPP objective, according to the council, of removing tariff and non-tariff barriers will require adjustments both in the U.S. and Japanese agricultural sectors as the TPP negotiations evolve, particularly as the Japanese feed, livestock and starch sectors adjust to the present and future realities of supply, demand and trade. The TPP is a regional trade negotiation that includes the United States, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam, which account for a combined 30 percent of global GDP. Japan already has free trade agreements with seven of the 11 TPP countries: Brunei, Chile,
Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Smith, a member of the H o u s e Mike Ways and Johanns Means Subcommittee on Trade, said the U.S. food and agricultural exports to the Asia-Pacific region have previously reached more than $80 billion, and account for more than 70 percent of total U.S. agricultural exports to the world. Japan is Nebraska’s third-largest trading partner, behind Canada and Mexico. In 2011, Nebraska exported $538 million worth of goods to Japan. “I congratulate Japanese and American leaders for taking this important step in deepening our already strong trade and diplomatic relationships,” Johanns said. “I look forward to a comprehensive agreement that
lowers tariffs and includes science-based standards for market access. Japan recently removed some barriers to U.S. beef “ we should build on that progress with a strong agreement that benefits our economy, farmers and workers, as well as our negotiating partners.” Japan was the second-largest export market for U.S. beef in 2012 at $1 billion in sales. On Feb. 1, Japan implemented new import protocols allowing U.S. beef from cattle harvested under 30 months in age. This was an important step forward to improve market access for U.S. beef into Japan, which previously limited imports to beef from cattle under 21 months in age. Johanns said this is also “great news for America’s ag producers.” “Japan is one of the largest markets in the world for agricultural products and bringing them to the negotiating Please see JAPAN, Page 17
with Five Points Bank and three other local banks “ Pinnacle Bank, from Page 9 Cornerstone Bank and the Exhibition Building Jones National. into new quarters in the Nebraska Building: Planning for n Nebraska Departthe future ment of Agriculture n Thirty commodity McDermott said that groups represented the new Nebraska n Nebraska Depart of Building represents Agriculture presenta- continued growth and tion stage progress for the State n Grow Nebraska Fair. To continue that n Nebraska Food growth, the State Fair Products board of directors will n Nebraska State His- bring in a facility advistorical Society er to help form five-year That will open up ap- and 10-year plans with proximately 23,000 specific goals and timesquare feet of addition- lines for completion of al space in the Exhibi- new building projects at tion Building for com- Fonner Park. mercial exhibitors and “As the board indicatsponsors. That is pro- ed today, we are ready to jected to raise an addi- move on with the Netional $75,000 per year braska Building, but bein revenue for the fair. yond that we have not “We anticipate a re- had a conversation or turn on our investment, develop a consensus of in that it will provide where we should go,” he additional exhibit space said. and we will no longer McDermott said they need to rent space for will begin the longour administrative ofrange planning process fice,” McDermott said. in the fall after the 2013 “Each year we have a waiting list of commer- Nebraska State Fair, cial vendors who want which runs Aug. 23 through Sept. 2. to be part of this fair.” Jana Kruger, NebrasHe said low interest rates were another mo- ka State Fair board tivating factor in bor- chairwoman, said conrowing the money to struction of the Nebuild the new Nebraska braska Building is part of the continuing efBuilding. They will be borrow- forts to refocus the Neing about $5 million, braska State Fair as a with the loan primarily venue to promote and
showcase Nebraska agriculture. At the press conference to announce construction of the building, Greg Ibach, Nebraska Department of Agriculture director, and Ronnie Green, vice chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, were there to present their collaborative approach to use the new building as a venue to promote agricultural literacy. Working with the UNL’s Cooperative Extension Service, they hope to develop yearround exhibits that can help educate people about Nebraska agriculture, Green said. The permanent yearround educational venue will use about 28,000 square feet to promote Nebraska agriculture and natural resources in what Green called “in the modern style of an interactive museum with informational kiosks.”
“At our old fairgrounds, agriculture was on the edges,” Kruger said. “You had to go looking for agriculture and we really wanted to make it the focal point and centerpiece when we moved to Grand Island.” Also at the press conference was James Douglas, director of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He said the new building will allow Game and Parks to become more actively involved with the State Fair as it was when the fair was located in Lincoln.
Fonner Park expansion The Nebraska Building also continues the transformation of Fonner Park, which was created by the Hall County Livestock Improvement Association in 1954. Over the years, the nonprofit facility has provided support from the race track for 4-H programs, the Hall County Fair and other charitable activities. The Heartland
Nebraska Sandhills Ranch 27,495 Ac. plus 1,280 lease. 50 windmills, 40+ miles pipeline. 10 sets of steel corrals. First class headquarters. 128 Ac pivot. $18,000,000.
Gosper County Farm 160 Acres between Elwood and Arapahoe. 96.5 acres dryland. 64.5 acres pasture. Completely remodeled 4-bedroom home. $450,000. Sold.
Lincoln County Pasture 618 Acres just south of N.Platte. $620,000. Under Contract.
160 Acres Snake River Between Valentine and Merritt Reservoir. $800,000.
Lincoln County Pasture 640 Acres northeast of No. Platte. $400,000. Sold. Joe A. Nutter 308-530-0101 Brad Atkins 308-530-9012 Office 308-534-5514
Events Center was added in 2006. More than $40 million in new facilities were built on the Fonner grounds in 2010 to accommodate the State Fair when it moved from Lincoln. Hugh Miner Jr., Fonner Park executive vice president and chief executive officer, said the Nebraska Building is a “needed project.” “Having this new building will not only be a big bonus for State Fair employees, but will allow for better communication between Fonner and the State Fair,” Miner said. The new building will allow the State Fair staff to be located on a permanent basis at Fonner Park. “We have always had good communications, but this will make it better,” Miner said. “We will actually be neighbors and that is a positive thing.” He said there has been
some big changes at Fonner Park, beginning with the Heartland Events Center in 2006, and now with the Nebraska Building to open in 2014. “It is great for the community and Central Nebraska and it reaches beyond the state of Nebraska,” Miner said. “From the very beginning we were very excited and knew this was going to be a good thing. After nearly 60 years, Fonner Park is still growing.”
Success in Grand Island Kruger said the construction of the Nebraska Building is the final phase of the $42 million project to relocate the State Fair to Grand Island from Lincoln. “Budget constraints, at the time, didn’t allow us to build this building at the same time we did the other six buildings,” she Please see FAIR2, Page15
5 Residential Real Estate
554 Houses For Sale
New, Used & Rebuilt tractor parts. Most makes and models. Buying tractors, combines & hay equipment for salvage. Miller Repair LLC, Maxwell, NE. 308-582-4303. Email: millerrepair@yahoo. com
828 Household Goods
849 Pets
8 Piece Thomasville Queen bedroom set. Fine 18th Century Heirloom series. The Mahogany Collection. Original price $6,332.48 excellent shape. No longer produced, $3500 OBO. 308530-2366 308-530-0696
MERCURY 2000 MARQUIS - 4 door, blue, new tires, 60,000 miles, excellent condition inside and out.
4014 Bretwood Court Saturday & Sunday 1pm- 4pm. Inquires call 402-980-5843
Sunday 2pm-5pm and by appointment 709 Clearwater Court
308-532-0747 or 308- 539-8748 For Sale By Owner $380,000. (2500 sq. ft upstairs plus full basement) 5 bdrm, 4 bath, cul-de- sac, custom tile, large lot with alley access. North Platte 214 East 9th. 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, single f a m i l y. F i x e r u p p e r, d e tached garage, Lease option or cash discount $2000 Down & $627 per month. 803-978-1542
Farm & Ranch
Few more Big round bales of NEW Prairie hay (308) 532-7967 or 308539-7967
CHEVROLET 2005 MALIBU LS- 4 door Sud a n , 3 . 5 l i t e r, V 6 , 7 7 , 0 0 0 miles, new tires & brakes. Excellent condit i o n , l i k e n e w, $ 7 8 0 0 . 308-534-8607
625 Livestock 2 Ye a r o l d R e g i s t e r e d A n gus Virgin Bulls, Dew Drop Angus. (308) 423-2191
SOLD SOLD SOLD JOHN DEERE X324 4 wheel steer riding mower 48” deck great condition, with shade.
SOLD SOLD SOLD Austrian Pine Blue Spruce con color fir trees 1 to 7 foot. 308-539-3420
FOR MORE INFO! 308-532-9263
Automotive & Transportation
1005 Cars
FOR SALE at Private T r e a t y, Angus & Gelbvieh/Angus Balancer coming 2 year old virgin bulls good dispositions & reasonable. Apple Tr e e Angus. 308-520-4072
828 Household Goods
1013 Campers/RVs
SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD King Cutter trail mower RFM60 rear discharge. COXMO spreader like new, hold about 300 pounds. King Cutter KYR72 YK 6’ rake like new.
849 Pets
604 Farm Machinery 2 0 0 9 N H T 6 0 7 0 T r a c t o r, 1 2 0 H P, w i t h f r o n t w h e e l assist. 580 hrs. (308) 423-2191
Longhorn Canvas Print by JF Policky. #22/72. Signed & numbered. Nice frame, $1200 OBO. Also several unframed prints $150 each OBO. 308-708-0370
FORD 2 0 11 FUSION SELFully loaded, l e a t h e r, s u n r o o f , b a c k u p camera, Sync, Sony sound system, excellent condition, 25,000 miles, $17,900. (308) 520-3967 T O Y O TA 2 0 0 7 C A M RY L E - Ve r y n i c e c a r w i t h 69,500 miles, Desert tan c o l o r, $ 11 , 0 0 0 . Call 308-534-5282 leave message or 308-5304816
SOLD SOLD SOLD JOHN DEERE 790with 340 hours, 300 loader with bucket & blade. Like new tractor loader & blade, . Also have King cutter XBL 48-40 bush hog, 48”.
8 Merchandise
Disc rollingJess Putnam Jr. Sell, Install & Roll Disc blades. 866-297-5130 (308) 325-4608 Minden, NE
LAST FEMALE !!Take home on 4/14/13, AKC $900, family pet no AKC papers $600. Call to come see her. 308-660-1202
AKC Registered Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies, 308-530-7277 or 308- 530-1040.
1025 Motorcycles HONDA 2009 RUBICONpower stering and GPS, very good condition, always shedded & serviced r e g u l a r. $5800. (308) 367-6434
834 Lawn & Garden 613 Feed/Hay/Grain
1005 Cars
CHEVROLET 2 1964 CHEVELLE EL CAMINOSALSO a Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu Convertible & 1964 Chevelle parts North Platte 308-5324696
CHEVROLET 1978 CORVETTE- Selling as a INDY pace car tribute! N e w r e b u i l t 3 5 0 / 4 0 0 H P, with tunnel ram, 700R4transmission, AC, new tires and breaks, asking $23,000 OBO. 308289-1259 NE.
WINNEBAGO 2001 JOURNEY DL- 69,000 m i l e s , 1 o w n e r, a l w a y s garaged, serviced regul a r l y, $ 5 9 , 0 0 0 . 3 0 8 - 5 3 0 0685
1025 Motorcycles HONDA 1982 GOLDWING- 64,000 miles, Gold, always garaged. $1,700 OBO. See at 1521 West 17th. (308) 520-2105. HARLEY D AV I D S O N 2007 DYNA SUPER GLIDE- 15,900 miles, many extra Runs great, excellent condition, $8250 308-520-2837 see at 121 West 2nd
1031 Pickups T O Y O TA 2 0 1 0 T U N D R A Long box, 2 wheel drive, 31,000 miles. $21,000. HOMELITE Chain saw 14” blade with case $30. (308) 532-8544 D O D G E 2 0 0 1 D A K O TA Club cab, V6, 2 wheel drive, new tires, bucket and bench seats, power windows & locks, long b o x w i t h a c o v e r. $ 8 , 5 0 0 OBO. (308) 368-5802 CHEVROLET 2001 S10Extend cab, 4 wheel drive V6, automatic, 91,000 miles, $6,250 FORD 2006 F150 4 wheel drive, extend cab, 5 . 4 V 8 , 11 5 , 0 0 0 m i l e s . $ 1 3 , 7 5 0 B o t h Ve r y g o o d condition. (308) 539-4597 FORD 2003 F550 Lariat C r e w C a b , S u p e r D u t y, p o w e r s t r o k e 6 . 0 L i t e r, air suspension systems, Classic traveler Fontaine custom 8’ bed with tool and tire ben. 2 fuel t a n k s , $ 2 4 , 8 0 0 . Te x t f o r photo (402) 376-1083 DODGE 2007 RAM 15004 wheel drive, Hemi 78,000 miles, black, remaining extended warr a n t y, l e v e l i n g k i t , 3 5 inch tires & remote start. Sharp truck, $19,500 308-520-1156
1032 SUVs NISSAN 2000 XTERRA Yellow, 115,000 miles, new tires, $5000. 308-520-2608 CHEVROLET 1996 B L A Z E R LT- w h i t e , r u n s good, $1700. 308-6604730 FORD 2002 EXPLORER - 97,000 miles, 4 wheel drive, automatic, power Locks & windows. $4,000 (308) 520-6626
25TH from Page 8
complete it. Ashley Garcia, a classmate of Perez, said their thirdperiod class voted in favor of a game called “Scavenge4Pollution.” Garcia said there was a media committee, which was responsible for writing a newsletter about the project; a research committee, which was responsible for creating the questions and answers for their game; a construction committee, which built the game; and an art committee, which created a poster for the game. Garcia and Perez said that elementary students who play their game will be divided into two teams. Each team is asked questions and each time the team answers a question correctly, it will be able to pick up a piece of “pollution,” which will be represented by a piece of wadded up paper or a plastic bottle. The team that answers the most questions correctly and cleans up the most “pollution” wins the game. Avila, from Czaplewski’s fourth-period class, said the newsletter was created to keep students’ parents informed about their projects. She said students also had to keep a daily journal about the groundwater festival projects. Tristan Smith and Michael Morales said students in their second-period class voted for an activity called “Shooting Gallery.” The first step is spinning a color-coded wheel. Students who land on yellow will get a question from one environmental category, with students who land on green or blue being asked questions from different categories. All students will get an opportunity to par-
ticipate in the “Shooting Gallery,” which will use toy guns to fire “Nerf bullets” at a bull’s-eye target, a tin can or plastic ducks of various sizes. Students who answer the question correctly will get more shots than students who don’t give the right answer. Likewise, the various targets have different point totals depending on how difficult they are to hit, Smith and Morales said. Students get a small Tootsie Roll for each point they earn. Morales noted that he never had an opportunity to go to the Nebraska Children’s Groundwater Festival as a Grand Island student because he moved to the community just four years ago. But he said he has heard about the festival and is looking forward to seeing it himself. Smith said that he has had an opportunity to go to the Children’s Groundwater Festival as a member of Senior High’s Key Club, but never took advantage of that offer. However, Smith said, “I’ve been wanting to go.” Among the students in other environmental science classes who will be presenting activities to fourth- and fifthgrade students are Rachel Harris, who will be with students in the seventh- and eighth-period classes presenting an activity on water conservation; 12th-period environment science students, who will have a water cycle activity; Gabriela Garcia, who is joining students in the 11th-period class to present an activity called “Stop and Flow” to teach students about how people in foreign countries use groundwater; and Michaela Hahn, who will be with students who have a “Wheel of Fortune” game.
FAIR2 from Page 13
said. “So, as we move forward and enter our fourth year in Grand Island, it is time we move forward and continue this success we have enjoyed since 2010.” State Fair board member Tam Allan
said the Nebraska Building is a building “we have planned all the way along to build.” “We wanted to be very careful on our finances moving to Grand Island from Lincoln,” Allan said. “But now is a good time to do it.” He said the original plan for the building
called for it to be 30,000 square feet. “It was much different than what we have now,” he said. “Actually, the delay in building it has enabled us to incorporate some amazing ideas with our partners in this building, who will be full-time, yearround tenants in this building.”
McDermott said the “true benefactor, as it is with everything that we do, is those who attend the Nebraska State Fair.” “Our promise from the beginning was to continually improve the Nebraska State Fair and the experience we provide our visitors,” he said.
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FFA from Page 11
the Buffalo County Fairgrounds in Kearney. Other activities include range and livestock judging contests and leadership skills such as public speaking, ag demonstrations and parliamentary procedure. “The 4-H background these kids have makes my life easier,” Nollette said. He enjoys seeing the projects his students select for their supervised agricultural experiences, which are required for FFA proficiency awards. There are crops and cattle ideas, but also honeybees, construction and electrical projects, and outdoor recreation work for Kearney Park and Recreation Department. Nollette has a nineweek introduction class for junior high students and then teaches a full intro to agriculture course that freshmen must take before they can enroll in the specialty courses: food science, welding, woodworking, plant science and animal science.
He said those upperlevel courses can be taken at any grade level as they fit students’ schedules. One goal is to enhance the science elements so that ag courses qualify for core curriculum science credits. Nollette expanded his opportunities to teach plant science after a greenhouse was purchased and built three years ago. He spent two weeks last summer taking UNL’s Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education course, which focuses on getting more science into the high school intro to agriculture class. “I’m working on a biology endorsement. I’m only one class away,” he said. Nollette said Amherst is different than his hometown school of Cody-Kilgore because it is so close to Kearney, a regional economic and education center. “In my world growing up, no one goes to Cody just to go to Cody,” he said, which is common for many of Nebraska’s small communities. One reason is the lack of job opportunities un-
less there is room to join a family farm, ranch or other small business. “If we want people to come back to rural areas, they’re going to have to be trained to create their own jobs” as entrepreneurs, Nollette said. He didn’t know he had been nominated for the FFA adviser honor until he received a letter of congratulations from Nebraska Farm Bureau. When he showed it to Amherst FFA President Miranda Kegley, suspecting that she might have been involved in the nomination, “she ripped it out of my hands and said it was supposed to be a surprise.” The chapter officers also include Vice President Bryan Wietjes, Secretary Logan Dibbern and Treasurer Cody Gugel. Kegley said Nollette’s strengths as a teacher include his use of hands-on activities and his overall ability to make learning fun. “I just think he’s a great ag teacher,” she said. “I look up to him and I’ve even considered being an ag teacher.”
This announcement is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any of these Securities. The offer is made only by the Prospectus.
from Page 12
table can only help improve access to this important market for our farmers and ranchers. America needs strong trading partners in the AsiaPacific region and TPP negotiations will play a key role in helping us develop these relationships,” Johanns said. Bob Stallman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, said his organization is “pleased with the decision of the U.S. to approve the addition of Japan as a negotiating partner in the Trans Pacific Partnership. As a major U.S. trading partner, Japan would bolster the reach of the TPP for U.S. agriculture.” “As the fourthlargest U.S. agricultural export market, with
nearly $14 billion in purchases in 2012, trade with Japan is important to America’s farmers and ranchers,” Stallman said. “Both the United States and Japan will benefit from Japan being a TPP partner, and by sharing in improved sanitary and phytosanitary standards for agricultural trade and expanded market access with TPP nations.” Stallman said the recent decision by Japan to increase access for U.S. beef shows that Japan can act to improve market access for U.S. agricultural products based on sound science. “A comprehensive TPP agreement that includes Japan will strengthen trade relationships, address remaining barriers and improve the competitiveness of the Asia/Pacific market,”
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Stallman said. The National Pork Producers Council also praised the Obama administration for agreeing to accept Japan into the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations. “The addition of Japan to the negotiations will exponentially increase the importance of the TPP to pork producers and to other sectors of the U.S. economy,” said NPPC President Randy Spronk, a pork producer from Edgerton, Minn. “Japan’s entry into the trade talks will spur interest in the TPP among other countries in Asia and Latin America, and it will signal to other nations that efforts to negotiate more open and transparent trading arrangements will continue, even as multilateral efforts to do so are stymied.”
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Neb. meat workers hurt after chemical reaction
Grand Island Fire Chief Cory Scmidt says the mixture of chemicals caused a reaction that produced toxic gas. Part of the plant was GRAND ISLAND (AP) evacuated for more — Five workers at a beef than an hour while the processing plant in Grand Island are recov- ventilation system was used to clear the gas. ering after being exFive workers were posed to dangerous chemicals during an ac- treated for exposure at cident that forced part of a Grand Island hospital Sunday night and rethe plant to be evacuatleased. ed. Company officials did Emergency crews not immediately rewere called to the JBS spond to messages Swift plant around 10 p.m. Sunday after bleach Monday morning, so it was mistakenly pumped wasn’t clear how the incident affected producinto a container of acid at the plant. tion.
IKE 7 years old, neutered male, front declawed, Domestic Shorthair. Litter Trained. TERRIFIED, but opens up. He is scared and needs a family, ASAP!! Don't make him wait another day! Come give him some love!
Adult, neutered male, front declawed, Domestic Shorthair. Litter Trained. He is handsome, healthy and would make a great family pet! TERRIFIED, but affectionate. He is out of his element and needs a home, ASAP!!
3 weeks in the shelter! 1 year old, intact male, Mixed Breed (possibly Heeler/Aussie Shepherd). He is good with dogs & kids. He is mellow for his age. Very engaging & lights up around everyone!
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