Northridge High School 2901 Northridge Road Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406
est. 2003
The student est.voice 2003of Northridge High School
Motivational speaker informs students about dangers of vaping
SPEAKING HIS MIND Robb Holladay presents the untold truths of the vaping industry; how companies market to younger customers to get them addicted to their products, and how vaping can lead to cancer. (Photo by Will McLelland) WILL MCLELLAND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
At the beginning of his presentation, Holladay pulled a large latter out of a small bag and proceeded to place pieces of paper on the latter representing the different stages of life. “We’re all born, and we’re all gonna die, but in between we have a lot of fun to have, [and] we got a lot of decisions to make,” Holladay said. “In order to make the right decisions, you gotta have good knowledge.” High school motivational speaker Robb Holladay paid a visit to Northridge on April 2 to inform students about the consequences of vaping and the intentions of companies who sell vaping products. Between zero and second block, students from every grade watched Holladay present his case for why people should be concerned with the relatively new substitute for smoking known as vaping. “The CDC has declared vaping an epidemic,” Holladay said. “And they don’t do that for everything, but for this phenomenon, they have declared it an epidemic, so I saw the need to start talking to these kids about this.” Holladay said his strategy to getting stu-
dents to pay attention to his presentations is that he tries to act like them, and dress like them. Once he is able to connect with the students, he gives them the facts. To open his talk, Holladay recalled a story from his youth when he jumped off of his apartment building to impress a girl, only to end up breaking his ankle and to find out she was not interested in him. Holladay said that from that moment on, he would never let himself be embarrassed like that again. “I started watching people,” Holladay said. “I started looking at their eyes when they’re talking, looking at their body language when they’re talking so that I would know if they’re telling me the truth, or telling me a lie.” Holladay used that sentiment as a theme for the rest of his talk. Sometimes during his presentation, he would perform magic tricks to illustrate his talking points. After listing off the different ways people obtain knowledge throughout their lives like personal experiences, outside influences, and formal education, Holladay asked the students to reflect on their lives. “I want you to think back to your last bad decision,” Holladay said. “We all make bad decisions. What would have happened if you would have taken a moment to think about the decision, think about the conse-
quences, maybe you would have made a different decision.” Holladay transitioned into a story about the passing of his father-in-law, Carroll Gibson, who smoked cigarettes since he was 14 years-old. Holladay said Gibson expressed regret for his smoking on his deathbed, and he used that story as a way to announce the thesis of his lecture. “The way I talk is I’m just straight,” Holladay said. “Here’s some realtalk: if you smoke, if you vape, if you smoke marijuana, if you do any of those things, here’s the truth, you have a 60 percent chance of dying at least 15 to 20 years early. That’s a fact.” One of the main points Holladay tried to drive to the audience was that vaping companies do not think about their customers. “[Vaping companies] do not care about you at all,” Holladay said. “They don’t care if you get sick. They don’t care if you get cancer. They don’t care if you get popcorn lung. They don’t care about anything. The only thing they don’t want is they don’t want you to die, because if you die, you can’t buy their products.” In his roughly hour long lecture, Holladay discussed the differences between young and old advertising and how they affect consumers, what companies like Juul do to make their products more addictive,
and the chemicals inside Juul pods that have cancerous side-effects. Holladay as been touring the country since 2002, talking to students initially about cyber bullying, but for the last four years his focus has been about vaping. Holladay said that he has seen an encouraging response from students over the years who have seen his talks. “With the cyber bullying [talks] I didn’t get as good of a response, it was just kind of ‘yeah we know it’s bad’ or whatever,” Holladay said. “With [vaping], a lot of [students] don’t really know it’s that bad. When I share with them facts, they respond to it and they say ‘well, maybe this guy knows what he’s talking about.’” Katelyn Tubbs, freshmen, saw Holladay’s talk in the auditorium and found it unorthodox, but appreciated what he had to say. “It was nice actually,” Tubbs said. “Well he started off like, ‘y’all are probably wondering why this little white -=man is in your hood,’ so it doesn’t really want to make you focus on him. Now you’re just kind of wondering ‘what is he talking about? He’s just talking about nonsense. But if you put that aside, he was actually talking about some really good things and I appreciate that he brought his real life into his speech.”