Northridge High School 2901 Northridge Road Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406
est. 2003
the April 30, 2016
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The student voice of Northridge High School
Physics student makes difference in lives of others
he fourth period bell has just rung, and students file into the lab, talking and taking their seats. But this isn’t a normal class. While waiting for the final students to enter, Brian Binion McCoy, senior, describes the day’s lesson. “[We’ll be] talking about distance, time and velocity,” the AP Physics student says. “A lot of visual stuff. We’re gonna use some rulers, do some hands-on stuff, and use video. Balancing chemical equations. Now they’re getting into the physics part of physical science, which is probably my favorite,” he says with a smile. This is McCoy’s second time to teach Dr. Victoria Evans’ fourth-period physical science class - a class which “consists of students with very different backgrounds and experiences than those in third period AP Physics,” Evans, who requested to be interviewed by email, said. “Many of them are very smart and bring a lot of knowledge to the table. However, many have been plagued by relatively low expectations and little consistent structure. Sure, there are bad choices being made daily by some students. But that is only part of the larger picture,” she said. Evans said Brian was inspired to teach by a former Northridge student, who shared with the AP Physics class her own story of overcoming drug addiction. “One day when Brian was saying how much he enjoyed Kaley Price (NHS alum and friend) coming and sharing her story with third period AP Physics, the conversation moved into me saying I wish I could get more students motivated to set long-term goals and work hard in fourth period,” she said. “We talked about issues in education, since Brian is considering a career as a science educator. Then Brian offered to come talk to fourth period! To share his own story, and to try to connect with some kids in that class. I took that offer very seriously, and we planned it! We both agreed that if he reached just one or two students, that could make a huge difference for those kids - so it was a worthwhile expenditure of time and energy.” Today is McCoy’s second time to teach the class, but he’s already spoken before, sharing his personal testimony of the struggles he and his family have faced. “I know that in education, there’s a dis-
parity between white and black people, and those who come from a lower social class. I’m both of those. I come from a family of five boys, and my mother and father instilled in me the importance of education. The obstacles were very visible. “This is my second time teaching the class, but before that, I talked to the class and told them my story and my opinion on their situation,” he said. “I told them that at some point in time, you have to say, ‘This bad cycle ends now, and something good begins here.’ I told them that opportunity comes from having the chance to fail. You seize the opportunity, and you don’t care if they don’t look like you.” When asked which figures inspire him, McCoy paused for a moment. “That’s a lot of people,” he says. “My mom and dad, Dr. Evans...those people care for other people. Social activists - I personally admire Fredrick Douglass. Even though everyone tried to deny him that higher education, he persevered.” McCoy said his biggest struggle in teaching is his “closeness in age” to the students. “I don’t want to have this sense of ‘I’m your superior.’ But at the same time, I want them to know, ‘I’m here to help you; I’m here to mentor you.’ [But my] biggest success - them coming in and saying, ‘Hey, what’s up?’ I’m a memorable face, and some of the things I’ve said probably stuck. They’ve probably never heard this stuff before, and they’re hearing it from someone who looks like them,” he said. As McCoy begins his lesson on distance, time and velocity, Evans stands in the background, occasionally whispering advice to him as the class eagerly responds to his queries. According to Evans, McCoy’s speaking abilities have increased “quite a bit!” since he began teaching. “He is learning to anticipate questions, wait patiently to give students time to think and respond, and to have a good sense of timing - also not to assume anything,” she said. “Still, he is a natural. “The most successful [aspect of him teaching] - as far as what can be immediately observed - is the interest that some students in fourth period have regarding this collaboration. They tend to really pay attention when Brian is talking, and they ask about Brian often when he isn’t there. Some of them really appreciate an older black student pointing out that AP classes
Physics fun Brian Binion McCoy, senior, helps students in Dr. Victoria’s fourth-period physical science class with an outdoor lab examining distance, time and velocity (above). McCoy answers a question from a class member on the bellringer lesson he is teaching (right). Photos by James Niiler
are not just for white kids. “Brian has a gentle way and a nice sense of humor, and he is very straightforward with students about working towards goals. Students realize and appreciate that Brian is spending some of his time with them, which means a lot. It is also successful for some of these students to see a situation where a teacher and a student are working together with shared vision to help them achieve,” she said. McCoy’s students appear to agree with Evans’ assessment of his skills. “I feel like he’s a good teacher. He works at a steady and slow pace,” Ladenya Nolan, sophomore, said. “Yes, I think he’d be good at being a teacher. He makes sure everybody’s got it. He asks if we have questions at the end, if everyone needs help still.” “I like that he takes his time, and he comprehends things,” said Nick Henry, sophomore. “I learned how to do [a lot of ] science things, like physics and measuring things, and things like that. [He’s] the same
AT A GLANCE batman v. superman zpage page 8 8om-
softball page 11
as a teacher.” Evans said that thanks to Brian’s efforts, the students are starting to believe they can be “agents of change in their own lives.” “Forming the idea of ‘good student’ as part of your identity can be unbelievably hard for some people. Having Brian come in to speak with and to teach the class has a subtle but yet very real impact. Students start to be able to see themselves setting goals, working hard, and taking advantage of educational opportunities which are available,” she said. “Some of these students have stopped playing so much, and have stopped being so angry about my high expectations for both behavior and academics. I really do credit Brian for helping a lot with that.” McCoy himself says he simply wants to “make a difference.” “Through it all, it’s how much you want it,” he said. “And you can’t let labels others put on you stop you from what you were put on this earth to do.”
Sometimes we gotta go through a little storm to see a good sunshine.
See story on pages 6-7