Northridge High School 2901 Northridge Road Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406
est. 2003
The student voice of Northridge High School
TERROR IN PARIS Photo from MCT Campus
Students, teachers shocked, saddened over French ISIS attacks
Nearly 130 people were killed in terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. The attacks shocked many people all over the world, including English teacher Mary Ruffin Moore. “The first thing I said was ‘wow.’ I was sad and scared for our world,” Moore said. Attacks occurred over Paris and a northern suburb Saint-Denis. Near the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, three suicide bombings occurred. These bombings were followed by mass shootings in cafes, restaurants, and music venues in Paris. Over the next couple of days, the French media
released more information, giving the world an inside look on what really happened. Moore said the more she learned, the more saddened she became. “As I learned more about it I got mad that this happened to innocent people,” she said. Some have blamed Syrian refugees for the attacks, but Ethan Sneckenberger, freshman, doesn’t think that the Syrian refugees are to blame. “The Syrian refugees shouldn’t be held responsible for it, because ISIS is who bombed France,” Sneckenberger said. On Sunday, Nov. 15, France responded to the attacks by dropping 20 bombs in Raqqa, Syria. Many people around the world were surprised by how quickly France acted in defense, including English
teacher Chelsey Moore. “They acted more quickly than the U.S. would have responded,” Moore said. As of now, the United States has not yet used military force to react to the attacks, but soon might. Sneckenberger thinks that the United States should use military force against ISIS. “The United States needs to intervene before ISIS grows. The U.S. has been through terrorist attacks and many remember and can empathize with France,” Sneckenberger said. Please visit our Opinion and Beat pages for more coverage of the Paris tragedy and related issues.
REST IN PEACE French citizens gather in mourning outside La Bataclan theatre in Paris, one of the sites of the Nov. 13 deadly terrorist attack that left nearly 130 dead.
High school orchestra celebrates ten-year anniversary Monday Dec. 7 was the tenth annual Strings in Schools winter concert. All city middle and high schools played in the concert. Stephen Finley, orchestra teacher, has taught strings at the school for three years. Planning for this concert started around a year ago. “We had several meetings with other strings teachers around the district and with Dr. Anne Witt from the University of Alabama. We threw around a bunch of different ideas and repertoire selection,” he said. Planning for the concert involved determining who would conduct, who would play what, who would speak at the event, and how to get people from out of state. “We had a meeting maybe every two months to discuss the progress,” Finley said.
This year the biggest issue was that there were too many people in the concert hall. “There were more middle schoolers than we anticipated; there’s like 310,” Finley said. This year the concert went better than expected, even though before the concert two students became sick and were sent home. “I had to replace the principal cellist with [sophomore] Jessie Kate Joiner; she stepped in last minute and took over,” Finley said. “This is our ten-year anniversary concert, so there was a lot of hype and publicity. Also, there were so many middle schoolers so if each of them brings their whole family... On top of that, our winter concerts are usually well attended just from people in the community.” Hunter Harris, sophomore, said that the concert “went great” and was “exciting.” He said that “they prepared the same way they Photo by Mayci Hartley do for all of their concerts.” BRAVO! The Tuscaloosa City Schools High School Orchestra performs under the direction of “I’ve played in a lot of concerts so this Stephen Finley at the Strings in Schools winter concert Dec. 7. The concert, held at the Moody wasn’t much different,” Harris said. Music Building, celebrated ten years of the Strings in Schools program.
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It’s a win-at-all-costs game; the Capitol is littered with traps for the invaders, and the rebels, who Everdeen belongs to, are perfectly willing to do what it takes to acheive victory.
See review on PAGE 9