The Northridge Reporter December 2016

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Northridge High School 2901 Northridge Road Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406

est. 2003





The student est.voice 2003of Northridge High School


tudents in the Tuscaloosa shows the amount of families it helps. Civinettes is volunteering “You could tell how many people it helped their time and wrapping by how busy it was. The line was always out skills in order to help those the door,” Bradford said. While the line is out in need. the door this year, it has not always been that way, growing Santa’s Elves, a non-profit orexponentially over the years. ganization begun in 2009, pro“When [my parents] first began, it was just fifty kids, vides toys for chilren in need but now it’s over 750,” Goldstein said. The organization is from kindergarten to the 5th grade. It helps able to provide toys based on the help that the Goldstein’s local families by providing toys for parents to receive. choose from for their children. “Without the area businesses and my parents’ friends Depending on donations, they determine there would never be enough money to buy all those gifts,” the amount of children that can be serviced Goldstein said. “During the holidays people want to do and split the presents between city and county for others, and because Christmas is about giving not reschools. Next, counselors pick which children ceiving.” to be selected, and their parents are contacted. Many girls from Civinettes have taken advantage of the Each year, hundreds of children receive gifts opportunity to volunteer with Santa’s Elves. from the organization. The Tuscaloosa Civinettes Bradford has helped her freshman and sophomore years. has used Santa’s Elves as its main community Bradford said the years that she volunteered she wrapped outreach since the organization began. toys and helped set up. The Civinettes helps by giving gifts and wrapping Civinettes that volunteer will either organize the shop paper, as well as helping parents the night they come. on a day before the parents come in or they will help parSanta’s Elves are set up like a store so that the parents have ents find gifts for their children or wrap toys. more of a real shopping experience when choosing gifts for Goldstein stated that “she goes with her parents to buy their chiltoys, set up dren. the shop, Parents and is a that come personal can choose shopper.” MAYCI HARTLEY three gifts for their child and receive a stocking full of Hudson volunteered this year for the second time beBUSINESS MANAGER goodies. cause during her time as a freshman, the envi“It’s always sweet to see anyone come in and ronment was fun and she got to volunteer with get excited about a present that they know their her friends. child will love,” Brooke Hudson, sophomore, The ability to see a child smile is reward for said. any volunteer. The Goldstein family started the organization “My best memory [from Santa’s Elves] is to help the needy during the holiday season. when I was helping a little boy pick out his “I think my dad started the organization bepresents, and his face had the biggest smile,” cause he thought that a lot of people are unforGoldstein said. “It just made me so grateful to tunate and wanted to reach out and help them see him so happy.” so that they can have a great Christmas,” said Bradford has had similar rewarding experijunior Madison Goldstein, daughter of the orences volunteering. “My favorite memory is of ganization’s founder. an old man who constantly thanked me, told “He also thought that parents should be able me that I was doing a great job wrapping, and to choose the gifts that they give their children told me about his grandkids,” Bradford said. and not just be given the gifts. He thought it “I think during the holidays people want to would mean more to the parents and the kids.” do things for others. Christmas is about giving The Civinettes donate toys and wrapping panot receiving. Without local businesses and my per to Santa’s Elves. “This year there was a car parents friends there would never be enough CHRISTMAS SPIRIT From left to right, juniors McLean Moore full of toys donated,” Emma Bradford, senior, money to buy all of those gifts,” Goldstein said. (Tuscaloosa Academy) Mary Katherine Winfield, Emory Grace Edsaid. If students would like to donate next year The line of waiting parents at Santa’s Elves wards , Grace Evans, and Madison Goldstein display their presents. they can contact Madison Goldstein or teacher, Erin Darnell.




Students help out local gift-giving organization


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It was awesome getting to help other people with their houses, and it was super fun. MYCHI TRAN, SENIOR

See story on PAGE 4


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