The Northridge Reporter Volume 14 Issue 3: November

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Northridge High School 2901 Northridge Road Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406

est. 2003




The student est.voice 2003of Northridge High School


Faculty organizes mock election to inspire students to vote Out of 349 voters....



On Nov. 7, the day before the presidential election, stu- to participate in Mock dents were given the opportunity to participate in a mock the Vote. In addition to election, called “Mock the Vote.” According to Nancy taking part in the mock Canterbury Reed, social studies teacher and department head, the idea election, was “to do something in house to get our students excited voted in the national presidential election. “It about the election.” “We tried to provide our students with a somewhat ‘real’ was a really cool feelfor experience with the 2016 Presidential election. One of the ing to vote in the actual PRESIDENT Donald Trump biggest deficits in the United States is low voter turnout,” election. To be able to said Reed. “We are ranked near the bottom in the world. walk into the polls and VICE PRESIDENT Mike Pence One way to remedy this would be to start getting kids in feel like an adult was rethe habit of participating and emphasize why it is import- ally neat,” he said. While Canterbury thought ant to vote. I want them to understand the importance of the voting process and why it’s such an awesome right that Mock the Vote was a great idea for we have as American citizens. Regardless of our election students to learn about the politihistory in the State of Alabama, if you want change of any cal process, he commented on the kind, you have to show up at the polls. Let your voices be differences between the mock election and the real election. “I think heard.” for Reed said that Mock the Vote was a “collaborative ef- Mock the Vote does a good job of PRESIDENT Hillary Clinton fort,” but it came about because Mallie Humber, yearbook making the students who can’t vote VICE PRESIDENT Tim Kaine adviser, wanted to have a voting section in the yearbook, feel included and excited for when then “Ms. Oatts took the reins and made it come to life,” they can, as well as encouraging the eligible students to vote in the real Reed said. GREEN PARTY Surprisingly, Mock the Vote was executed in a very short election as well,” he said. “[But] time frame. “We actually planned it in one day,” said Reed. Mock the Vote was a lot PRESIDENT Jill Stein sim“Ms. Oatts had SGA LIBERTARIAN PARTY create everything and VICE PRESIDENT Ajamu Baraka PRESIDENT Gary Johnson since she is so organized, everything came VICE PRESIDENT William Weld together rather quickpler and less time consuming. It was had a dead tie,” said Canterbury. One possible cause for ly.” also a lot less serious and less pri- the high Clinton vote in the senior class was the surprisVoter turnout was 28 vate.” percent for the whole ing popularity of third party candidate, Gary Johnson. Canterbury says he plans on vot- Johnson received 17.3 percent of the senior vote, 11.6 school, but Reed was ing in the next election as well. not discouraged by this percent higher than the average Johnson vote from the Both Reed and Canterbury said number. “I was very other classes. that the mock election results from pleased overall since it Overall, Reed believed Mock the Vote to be a great the junior and senior classes were was our first time doexperience. “I loved every second of it,” she said. “I loved unexpected. The junior class was ing this school-wide,” seeing our kids getting involved, and I personally enjoyed divided equally between Trump and working with the other ‘precinct captains’. We had some she said. “I wish that we had a little more THE POLLS Students cast their ballots in mock election Clinton, with 36 votes each, and great conversations and had a lot of fun. I cannot wait for the senior class voted Clinton by a participation, but hav2020!” margin of 9.2 percent. “I was surprised that Hillary won ing the turnout we had was not that bad.” Christopher Canterbury, senior, was one of the students the senior class but even more surprised that the juniors Photos by Nancy Reed




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[Ariel] was very energetic, always smiling, and made everyone feel better just by her being around. NICK BLAIR, SENIOR



See story on PAGE 10

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