Northridge High School 2901 Northridge Road Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406
est. 2003
The student est.voice 2003of Northridge High School
Students sample various careers at local exposition EMILY MATTHEWS OPINION EDITOR
HE SHELTON STATE World of Work expo was held from Oct. 12 -13 and was put on by West Alabama Works. “World of work is basically where industries in our local community come to advertise their industry and increase awareness of opportunities their companies can provide,” said junior counselor Lauren Wolbach. Northridge high school attended the new tradition and had the most students and parents to attend, earning the school $600. “This is our first year organizing a bus and offering transportation,” said Wolbach. “Our buses are full. I think we have 81 students going to Shelton to participate, and we have several students that have asked about driving or having parents check them out.” The expo housed not only the Northridge student body but also other Tuscaloosa city and county schools along with some smaller school districts around Tuscaloosa. The event is not only important for students but also for the businesses. “There’s a huge demand for students as workers and a lot of them have incredible benefits, including some paying for students to go to school in order to increase their abilities and offer career incentives,” said Wolbach. Students were also able to participate in various hands-
NORTHRIDGE WORKS (Clockwise from upper left) Sophomore Katie Ray looks on to a military demonstration, students speak with members of the Tuscaloosa Police Department, senior Jalen Manassa visits an operating room, and junior Karina Brown sits with a Phifer representative.
Photos by Emily Matthews.
I learned what’s at stake when it comes to THE CAREER YOU WANT to choose vs. THE CAREER YOU NEED based on your skills.
on activities for many different occupations and businesses. “It’s not a traditional career fair,” said counselor Lynsey Vickery. “You can go in, and if you were interested in health sciences, you could go and draw blood. There’s a birthing station where you can go and watch a baby be born. They have modules and simulators where you can actually experience what it would be like on the job.” The field trip is a great way for students to get in contact and information from representatives to make plans for their future. “Our students are very fortunate to live in this area right now in the next two years because of the job market,” said Vickery. “There will be over 5,000 available jobs with good benefits, a good solid salary, and allow you to get an education and training at the same time.” The community has many spots open and waiting to be filled by those going to college or straight to work out of high school. “A common misconception is that it’s for people who aren’t going to college and that’s not what this is about,” said Vickery. “It’s about going and partnering with industries.” Students that went were able to experience many jobs and industries at the event. “I liked the fact that I was able to explore my options no matter where I went both college and career wise and take a chance looking at careers I never knew I would be interested in,” said junior Alex Wilkins. Some also were able to start thinking about the jobs they like and make decisions. “I learned what’s at stake when it comes to the career you want to choose vs. the career you need based on your skills,” said Wilkins.
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I thought about posters and art stuff and I was like, ‘what if I started my own club’? LUKE MARTIN, JUNIOR
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