The Northridge Reporter October 2015

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Northridge High School 2901 Northridge Road Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35406

est. 2003

the OCTOBER 30, 2015

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The student voice of Northridge High School


BIG. zero tolerance Photo illustration by James Niiler

Drug testing to become common soon



he random drug and alcohol screening program has returned this year with more purpose and dedication. Keith Jackson, new vice principal, stated that all students who play a sport, participate in extracurricular activities and drive will be subjected to drug testing. These tests are scheduled to be administered every nine weeks or as frequently as possible. Some students were hesitant to these tests because they thought of it as violation of their rights and an invasion of their privacy. Jackson argued that the school cannot randomly test students without proper parental consent and a legal objective. He also admitted that this information is private and is only released to the parents of the student. The school only wants to help lead the student to a better future, he said. “Reasons for drug testing, I think, would be to keep the students healthy so they can focus on academic success,” Jackson said. “This would very well prevent bigger problems such as addiction and [help students] overcome issues of peer pressure.” Scott Johnson, math teacher, supports drug testing and blames society for dragging young teenagers into a world of unnecessary substances. “I think it is a shame that we even need to take this step. It would be nice to think that we could live in a society that’s not overrun with drug and alcohol abuse,” said Johnson, “but unfortunately that’s not the case, so I think society has forced our hand. Also, if there was better parenting out there, we wouldn’t have to drug test.” Carly Drake, senior cheerleader, tested negative last year. “I think drug testing is important because like drugs are bad and drug testing like helps us stay a drug free zone...

And I think the students don’t really care unless they are doing drugs,” Drake said. Jackson said he has seen close friends and family members affected by drug use. “I have seen close friends impacted by taking drugs; I have seen the damage it does to the families of affected students...I have also noticed the long-term consequences these students have to go through because of one bad decision,” Jackson said. “We are a proactive school; we do not want to punish students but help them become aware of the risks and outcomes of these harmful drugs.” Jacob Frazier, junior male cheerleader who also tested negative, said he wants to maintain a safe environment in which to learn. “I think the administrators are doing a good job to keep kids safe,” said Frazier. “I also think if students are scared of drug tests, then that means no weed, so less risk of addiction.” He thinks testing should be mandatory. “It’s like a 10-minute test; you pee in a cup and they test you then you’re done...I think you should wait until you are an adult to make these choices,” Frazier added. Jackson said that the consequences of being positively tested for drug use can be “ineligibility” to drive or participate in extracurricular activities and sports until tested negative the next time they are subjected to drug test. “We want to build the students to make them more aware and help them make clear decisions - not mistakes,” he said. Jackson wants the students to find a good purpose in life so they do not waste good opportunities and regret it in the future. “I used to be a teenager too one time, and I guess you do tend to think about today just being the most important day but you don’t look long-term,” he said. ”I guess what I am trying to say is drugs might make you happy now but won’t in the future.”


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New business club



t’s big. It’s bold. It’s epic. It’s unforgettable. The Distributive Education Clubs of America, known as DECA, has a new chapter at Northridge. “(DECA) is an organization that was made to help build future business leaders and entrepreneurs, and it’s to help prepare them for jobs such as marketing and finance,” sophomore Kaylashia Spencer, Northridge DECA President, said. An organization similar to FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), DECA differs in that it’s “really specific” in terms of “business and leadership,” Northridge DECA Vice-President, sophomore Sara Turner, said. “[It’s] to get you ready for leadership positions once you graduate from college or go on to your career,” she said. “It gives you the experience.” Spencer said that DECA is characterized as being “more one-on-one” than FBLA, and that this difference extends to DECA’s convention competitions. “Depending on what competition you’re in, they give you a sheet of paper on which you work out situations. You’re given a problem that needs to be solved,” she said. These problems include analysis, “real-life,” and “one-on-one communication skills,” she said. Turner, a past FBLA participant who said she “prefers” DECA to FBLA, described a DECA convention. “It’s a joint leadership conference. We first meet in a group with different organizations. We break into different groups, and we go into a DECA room. Leaders explain DECA’s missions” and fundraising goals, she said. “We get to meet different people from different schools.” Spencer said the Northridge DECA chapter is currently engaged in fundraising to attend such a convention. “The first conference we will have will be Oct. 20, at the Sheraton in Birmingham. It came pretty quickly!” she said. Spencer attributed the birth of DECA at Northridge to Beth Gibson, career prep teacher. “She’s one of the teachers that was able to stand out and bring something new to the table,” Spencer said. “We don’t have FBLA anymore. For Mrs. Gibson to step out shows how strong her character is.” Spencer emphasized the need for the Northridge DECA club to expand. “So far we’ve had two meetings, but most will be held before the school day begins,” she said. “We’re trying to recruit as many people as we can. Right now we have 10 or 15...I would recommend this for any people who want to work with taxes, work with savings. This is something you’re going to need for life. If you’re going to own a business someday, this would be a really good organization to get into. I would say even if you don’t want to be a part of a business or think DECA isn’t for you, try it out. You might love it.”

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