August 2012

Page 1


august 2012


august 2012


Contents AUGUST 2012


20 26



Robert Allen Smith A small tuft of hair tucked where it should not have been – a medical mistake, really – piqued Dr. Robert Allen Smith’s curiosity and set him on a new career as a scientist/inventor/entrepreneur. What began as an accidental and unexpected discovery has made Dr. Smith noted in wound care circles. Keraplast products have gained attention around the world.

26 Judge Rhesa Barksdale

“Blessed” is a word that comes often to the lips of Rhesa Barksdale, senior judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. “I was blessed to be born into my family; I was blessed to become the leader of my platoon in Vietnam; I was blessed to receive my appointment to the federal bench.”


Born to Perform Sara Thomas Easley is a girl who knows where she is going. “To Yale. I can get a great education there, and it has a good drama department. My friend Olivia Stringer and I talk about it all the time.” Sara Thomas (she goes by the double name) loves her life at home, in school and performing. Especially performing.


august 2012



Departments August




49 50 53 55 55 57 59 59 60 60

Lauren Christine Egger/ Thomas Clayton Williamson Jr.



Taylor Scott McPherson/ John Anderson Banahan Jr.


Mary Kathryn Thomas/ James Buckley Allen Jr. Alice Cameron McVey/ Ryland Stephen Lucie


Lauren McKee Vanlandingham/ Patrick Sanford McDavid Bonnie Jean Grace/ Guy Blan Newcomb


Tresse Nicole Young/ Austin Michael Sumrall Tana Laine Poole/ Jon Trotter Flynn Jr.


Megan Lea McGowan/ Jon Marc McLeod Meredith Jeanne Monsour/ Gregory Scott Schiefer



Engagement Party The Madison home of Jeff and Sandy Rawlings was the setting for an engagement celebration honoring Lauren Vanlandingham and Patrick McDavid.

Engagement Party Marjorie Garretson and Drew Lewis were recently honored with an engagement party at the Lake Cavalier Clubhouse.

Engagement Party Cameron McVey and Ryland Lucie were honored recently with an engagement party in the home of her aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mrs. Eric McVey.

Engagement Party Kristen Krouchick and Jamie Mallinson were honored with an engagement party in the home of Gloria Walker.

Engagement Party An engagement celebration was recently held in honor of Megan Peterson and Matt McCluer in the home of Debbie and Jim Sones.

Engagement Party The home of Dr. and Mrs. Heber Simmons Jr. was the setting for a recent engagement celebration honoring the Simmons’ granddaughter, Lauren Green, and her fiancé, Clif Egger.


38 44


northside sun

Tennis Advantage Jenny Markow

Food Wise Marlana Walters




Ultimate Fashion Show The Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi’s Ultimate Fashion Show and Champagne Luncheon was held recently at the Country Club of Jackson.

Sante South Wine Festival The eighth annual Sante South Wine Festival benefiting the Alzheimer’s Association Mississippi Chapter was held recently at The South.


Arts on the Green Sponsors Party


Operation Shoestring Spring Fling


Chaine des Rotisseurs


Patricia Evans Reception


Men’s Night Out


Jackson Symphony League Spring Luncheon

St. Andrew’s Episcopal School hosted an “Arts on the Green” sponsors party at Gallery 119. The party recognized sponsors who helped support the annual fund-raiser for the school. Lorna Chain and Kellye Montjoy chaired the event.

The Mississippi Museum of Art was the setting for Operation Shoestring’s major fund-raiser, Spring Fling. The evening benefited the nonprofit’s programs.

Chaine des Rotisseurs met recently at the home of Melissa and Ralph Daniel. Chaine des Rotisseurs is the oldest and largest food and wine society in the world. Special guest was Tony Hirsh, from the Chambellan Provincial, Bailli Myrtle Beach Chapter.

The Mississippi Law School has named the admissions suite for Patricia Evans, who is retiring this year. A reception was held in her honor recently at the school. Evans was the director of admissions for the school.

The Ridgeland Chamber of Commerce hosted its second annual Men’s Night Out at the Jackson Yacht Club. Featured was the final playoff game of the March Madness NCAA basketball tournament. The evening included dinner, snacks, networking and silent auction.

The Jackson Symphony League held its annual meeting and spring luncheon recently at The South. During the luncheon Maison Weiss presented a fashion show featuring Lafayette 148 New York fashions.


northsidesun magazine

Back to School



Jimmye Sweat


Susan Deaver • Glenda Wadsworth • Anthony Warren • Jenny Markow Jenny Woodruff • Marlana Walters • Katie Eubanks • Judy Smith


Beth Buckley • Lonnie Kees • Christina Cannon • Chris Grillis • David Johnston Rachel Kabukala • Anthony Warren • Jenny Woodruff



Katy Agnew • Holly Dean • Amy Forsyth • Carly O’Bryant • Lauren Breazeale


GRAPHIC DESIGN Mary Margaret Thiel

Throughout your family’s academic years,



we’re here to help them be a success.

Jo Ann Ward

Feeling good, looking great and all the


essentials to prepare them for a bright future.




I-55 North at Northside Drive, Exit 100 Shops open Mon-Sat 10A-6P Restaurant hours may vary


northside sun

Judge Rhesa Barksdale was photographed by Rachel Kabukala.

Robert Allen




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northside sun

Robert Allen


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(1) Skin care products (2) Ulcer (3) Brochure on wound dressing (4) Before and after skin disease (5) Products


northside sun


“I realized from the first that he had an enormous

CURIOSITY.� (1) Andrew, Betsy, Sutherland, Anna Prescott and Collier Smith (2) Jerry and Jane Hyde Sheally (3) Robert Allen with Robert Allen III at his last football game of high school in Austin 2012 (4) Jane and Robert Allen Smith visiting his plant in Lincoln, New Zealand (5) Jane and Robert Allen Smith (6) Clayton and Amy Smith, with children Mary Margaret and Schuyler


- Jane Smith






august 2012


Robert Allen


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northside sun


northside sun



“Blessed” is a word that comes often to the lips of Rhesa Barksdale, senior judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. “I was blessed to be born into my family; I was blessed to become the leader of my platoon in Vietnam; I was blessed to receive my appointment to the federal bench.”

august 2012


Claire and Rhesa Barksdale

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northside sun

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Q (1) Rees, Claire, Trhesa and Russell Barksdale, 2004 (2) Dick Hoffman, Rees, Bob Barnett, Justice Byron White, 1973 (3) Rees, Coach Paul Dietzel, 1965 (4) Barksdale Christmas card 1952 (5) Gen Young, Rees promoted to captain 1968 (6) Rees, 1966 (7) Biven and William, 2012 (8) Tom, Jim, Jack; (front) Rees, Claiborne, Bryan, early 1950s (9) Barbara and VP George Bush, Rees 1987 political event in VP home






august 2012


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august 2012



northside sun







ara Thomas Easley is a girl who knows where she is going. “To Yale. I can get a great education there, and it has a good drama department. My friend Olivia Stringer and I talk about it all the time.” Sitting on her living room couch, blonde Sara Thomas, looking much like a young Disney star in a puffy white jacket, holds her two-year-old sister, Lila, contentedly on her lap. In that snapshot you have this 12-year-old’s life pretty much wrapped up. Sara Thomas (she goes by the double name) loves her life at home, in school and performing. Especially performing. Sara Thomas, a student at Jackson Academy, has been fortunate enough through a winning appearance at the International Presentation of Performers (iPOP) competitions to acquire agents in Los Angeles, New York and New Orleans. She spent two months in Los Angeles in 2010 making the rounds of auditions during the television pilot season, and she has had additional auditions in New York City. She has auditioned for the role of Annie in a Broadway revival of the show of the same name. She has made two call-backs and is hoping for another. “If I could get into a Broadway show,” she says, eyes gleaming, “I would enjoy every minute.” Although she has yet to make it to the Great White Way, she continues to grace Jackson area stages with her considerable talent. At four, she auditioned for The Wizard of Oz at Actors Playhouse in Pearl and won a part as a member of the Lullaby League. Mother Lea tells, “A friend suggested I take her to the auditions, she was excited to try out, and loved being in the show.” This singer-dancer-actress has since appeared at Actors Playhouse as Chip in Beauty and the Beast, as Small Alice in Alice in Wonderland, and as the Littlest Who in Suessical. She played Gretl’ in The Sound of Music at Millsaps College. At New Stage she took the part of Dixie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, starred as Helen Keller in The Miracle Worker and more recently captivated her audience in the title role of Annie. At Jackson Academy she played the major role of JoJo in Suessical.


As JoJo in Suesical at JA

“If I could get into a

As Annie at Newstage

show, I would enjoy every minute.” - Sara Thomas Easley She is an accomplished actress and dancer, but singing is her favorite performance medium. Her vocal talents were apparent even in kindergarten. Marsha Revere, her kindergarten music teacher at JA, recognized that in Sara Thomas she had found an exceptional child. “When she performed, she was like a beacon. You could not turn your eyes away from her. I told her mother to get her into everything she could, to find every avenue to nurture this talent. Her parents have tried to do just that. They have supported and cultivated Sara Thomas in every way. I can’t wait to see what she becomes.” Sara Thomas has had a wealth of support from her family. Her mother, Lea, herself a dancer at Mississippi State, is an owner of Dancing Divas, a cheer and dance specialty store on I-55 North; her father, Cal, is a financial advisor and co-owner of Easley Investments Consultants in Flowood. Brother Turner, nine, is a student at JA, and Lila is the baby of the family. Easley family members have consistently fostered their oldest child in her reach for the stars. They have been willing to invest the considerable funds, time and effort to prepare her to move along the road to fame, including the best of the best coaches to mold her talents, and have put aside their own personal plans on a moment’s notice for out-of-state auditions. “We

As Helen Keller with Jessica Wilkinson at New Stage august 2012




had only two days’ notice to pack, obtain plane tickets, and get to New York for the Annie auditions,” says Lea. The 2010 Los Angeles auditions required a temporary move to California to make the rounds of the television pilot auditions. Grandmother Sherry McColgin facilitated that move by spending part of the two-month period with Sarah Thomas, transporting her to the television readings. Father Cal remarks, “We lean heavily on our family. My mother spent two weeks with Sara Thomas in Los Angeles to give Lea a chance to return home to tend to the family and her business. Lea’s mother has come from Alabama to care for Lila and Turner when Lea and Sara Thomas are out of town, and even my dad has pitched in to help out.” McColgin describes the Los Angeles weeks. “Most of the out-of-town children and their parents stayed in furnished apartments in a single complex which catered to child actors and provided a meeting room for many of the auditions. In the mornings the children met with a tutor, and for several hours Sara Thomas worked on her own lessons provided by JA. Each child did the same lessons he or she would have done in their home schools – book reports, special projects, homework.” Her parents are most grateful to Jackson Academy for the flexibility the administration and faculty showed when Sara Thomas auditioned out of town and again when she was performing mornings in Annie. Says Lea, “On both occasions the school provided her lessons by correspondence, and she was able to keep up with her classes.” McColgin continues, “Afternoons Sara Thomas

attended any auditions scheduled for her, some at the apartment complex, some elsewhere. I had my GPS to help me get around. During free times we did some sightseeing. My main job there was to feed and entertain my granddaughter.” Sara Thomas says that the auditions are not nearly so glamorous as in the movies. “You wait in a room with lots of others who are auditioning. When they call your name, you go down a long corridor and into a small room where several people sit. You introduce yourself and do your audition. Then you leave and hope for a call-back.” When Sara Thomas was only six, she began voice lessons with Winona Costello. “Her mother brought her to me,” says Costello. “I normally do not take children that young. Some kids have the ‘it’ factor, and when I heard her I knew she had ‘it.’ The first or second summer I took her to New York to a week-long musical theatre workshop. They loved her there, they took her under their wing. She was a hit. She is a triple threat. She can dance, sing, and act. That is what musical theatre wants, and she’s got it. I can’t say enough good about her.” Bob Westbrook of Memphis is her manager, and he prepared Sara Thomas for iPOP auditions two years ago, and acquired agents for her. He enthusiastically speaks of her potential. “Sara Thomas is short for her age, which gives her greater flexibility in the roles she

At her trailer on set of Dungeons and Dragons


“When she sings, you feel it in your bones. She feels her roles, she

- Sherry McColgin

can play. She has a good memory for lines, a great ear for music, and a terrific voice.” Sara Thomas has been singing and acting for years now, but she took up dancing only three or four years ago. Melanie Creek is her dance teacher at Xpress Dance in Madison. Creek acknowledges that Sara Thomas is a hard worker and takes her dancing seriously. Within two years of beginning lessons she auditioned for and was selected to be a member of the Xpress dance company which travels to and competes in nationwide competitions. “Sara Thomas definitely has the dance skills necessary to work on Broadway.” Father Cal enjoys his daughter’s success. “It’s been fun to watch her perform. She has such passion and heart. Her success has been overwhelming.” Sara Thomas’ brother, third-grader Turner, is into


northside sun

sports, likes to hunt with his father, and has his own musical gifts. He sings and writes songs. “His sister’s notoriety has been a non-event,” according to Cal. “This is the way he has always known her.” Lila, though young, likes to sing along with Sara Thomas when she is practicing, so there may be more Easley performers in the offing. According to Cal, theirs is a musical house. “We all sing, though some of us only sing in the shower.” Sara Thomas’ grandmother says “of course” her granddaughter will make it to Broadway or the movies. “When she sings, you feel it in your bones. She feels her roles, she lives them. She has such a sweet spirit, such a sweet disposition. She is bright, mature and a real fighter. She wants to perform and is so grateful for her gifts and for what her family and teachers have done to help her succeed.”






uring the recent Mississippi Junior Closed Qualifier, junior players from the Northside dominated. When the final match was completed and all winners were crowned, seven out of 10 singles champions and nine out of 10 doubles champions were from the tri-county area. The Ridgeland Tennis Center has hosted these championships for the last 13 or 14 years. In addition to RTC, courts at River Hills Tennis Club and Country Club of Jackson were also used. “This year’s tournament ran without a hitch,” says tournament director Cheryl Harris. “With a tournament of this size we always have a few issues, but this year we had none. The parents and players all are to be commended,” continues Harris. Several tennis facilities across the area sponsored warmup camps for players to attend prior to the tournament. Kent Shultz is the director of player development for USTA Mississippi and I talked to him about why he thinks the local kids did so well this year. “The juniors seem to be playing each other more than they used to. In the past, they really only met each other at tournaments. All of the local pros are encouraging them to play each other, which I believe has been one of the deciding factors in their success,” says Shultz. The winners in the age groups are: Girl divisions: 10s Juliette Finch, 14s Meredith Roberts, 16s Turner Yates; Boys divisions: 10s Mathis Billman, 12s Darius Kent, 14s Stedman Strickland, 18s Phillip Qu. Doubles winners in the girls divisions are: 10s Emman Dye and Emma Roberts, 12s Faatamah Bashir and Callie Billman, 14s Megan Humphreys and Meredith Roberts, 16s Katie Rico and Victoria Roberts. In the boys doubles divisions, winners are: 10s Mathis Billman and Jackson Ward, 12s Darius Kent and Christopher Rios, 14s Trey Randall and Saideep Reedy, 16s Travis Bell and Brighton Lowther, and 18s Robert Mounger and Phillip Qu. Players who qualify during this tournament travel across the southern section to play in the Southern Closed Championships. The 10s went to Memphis and out of 22 who qualified, 19 were from the Northside. Mathis Billman of Brandon led the way for both the boys and girls by finishing second in both singles and doubles. Tennis is by no means the United States Postal Service, but to alter a slogan often referred to as their motto: Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds, neither rain nor heat nor gloom of night can halt a USTA League Adult MS Championship. The 2012 Championship was recently held on the Gulf Coast during a long weekend of much needed rain for that area.

“We have been very fortunate throughout the years that we haven’t experienced more rainouts during our championships,” reports Lindsey Sartain, director of adult leagues. “Although the play was finally canceled totally on Sunday, we were able to get most all of our matches played during the four-day championships, thanks to an incredible group of volunteers and local league coordinators,” continues Sartain. Once play was canceled and the committee met, the decision was made to give each division the opportunity to play out what ever matches they had left to determine the champions in each level. “We feel very strongly that the most important result of any championship is that Mississippi is sending the best teams to the Southern Sectionals Championships.” Last year, Mississippi had a national championship team, Carrie Stark’s 3.0 women from the Jackson area. Although many of the champions have been determined, you can find all the winners by going to Congratulations and good luck to all 2012 USTA League adult champions. For the last five or six years, the USTA president has given all 17 sections tickets to the US Open in the president’s box for local Community Tennis Associations (CTA) to use as a fund-raiser. The tickets must generate a certain amount of money for the CTA. In the Southern Section, each state receives two tickets and offers them out to interested CTAs across the state to use to raise money. The New Albany, West Point and Tri-County CTAs have each had the opportunity to sell the tickets. For 2012, Tri-County received the tickets and had a raffle to raise money. The winning ticket was drawn during the USTA League Adult Championships on the Gulf Coast. Greg McNair from Jackson is the lucky winner. Greg has been buying tickets for the last five years, never dreaming he would ever win. He bought three tickets from Julie Jackson, the CTA treasurer and his reaction to the phone call is pretty funny: “I received a phone call on The 2012 winner of the US Open tickets to the President’s Friday night, June 8. I knew the Box raffled off by the Tri-County CTA is Greg McNair. Shown tournament was going on, but I with him are longtime friends Stephanie Hammond (left) and Lisa Washburn (right). wasn’t even thinking about the

2012 Senior Cup: Jeff Lambdin; Marty Pearson men’s captain; Ken Toler; Linda Thompson women’s captain; Steve Garmin, Albert Lyle, Hap Davis, Ron Johnson, Ted Viator, Ken Koelling, Tom Carter; (front) Don Frilot, Camille Soulier, Willie Mae Lott, Gail Harper, Sybil Child, Betty Byers, Debbie Foster, Geri Smith, Sally Thompson, George Beemon

Wimbledon Kickoff Pam Cure, Zu Aron, Sylvia Chough, Shawn O’Mara, Leigh Ann Allen, Hope Ladner, Debbie McNeely, Sally Birdsall, Brittany Cooper, Hilary Craddock, Cheryl McInnis, Melissa Lowery, Jill Siler, Teresa Ayers; Leigh Ann Allen was the chairman.

northside sun

qbkkfp ^as^kq^db tennis trip drawing. I let the call roll into my voice mail and a message appeared. I checked the message and when I heard the person call say he was Dennis Miller ... I thought what prankster buddy of mine is doing a Dennis Miller impersonation (ala Saturday Night Live)? Then I recognized Dennis’ voice and I jumped for joy like a 10-year-old kid. Santa Claus came early this year. I still can’t believe I’m going to attend the US Open through this raffle opportunity. One of my mixed doubles teammates (Tracy Mason) won the US Open raffle a few years ago, so I will have to pick were such fun trips. In 2009, I was able to see the eventual women’s and men’s singles champions play in early rounds, Kim Clijsters and Juan Martin del Potro, plus watch the Bryan brothers in a doubles match ... all of which were played at Louis Armstrong Stadium. I have never been inside Arthur Ashe Stadium, so knowing I will not only be in Arthur Ashe, but in the president’s box is more than I can comprehend. I’m very excited about this opportunity and wonder what players I may get to see play that day at Arthur Ashe.” McNair was born and raised in Philadelphia. Greg lived in Atlanta for more than 10 years before moving back home. While living there, he became involved in ALTA tennis leagues through some friends and that’s how he started playing tennis on a regular basis. In 2000, he moved back here and immediately started playing USTA league tennis. For the last five to six years, mixed doubles has become his favorite league. “I captain an 8.0 mixed team and this is our fifth year together with a core group of friends. I’ve really enjoyed the fellowship and match play with them. Plus, our women teammates over the past five years have always rocked,” says McNair. “In Atlanta and especially here in Jackson, tennis has allowed me to meet some of the finest people around and I feel like I have lifelong friends due to USTA participation. There are so many good tennis players here in the Jackson area and in Mississippi in general. For our population base, Mississippi is a terrific tennis state. Thanks again to the USTA and Tri-County CTA for offering this chance through its fund-raising efforts and thank you

The 2012 USTA League Adult Championship was held on the Gulf Coast. Teams from Jackson that will go to Mobile to compete during the USTA Southern Sectionals are:

Julie ‘Jazz’ Jackson for selling the winning raffle ticket.” Greg is a senior loan review officer at Trustmark Bank. The top adult players from the nine states in the Southern Section met May 31-June 3 for the 2012 Southern Senior Cup in Huntsville, Ala. The weekend consisted of more than 300 players in team competition for men’s and women’s 35s through 75s with two singles and one doubles match. Despite a rain delay on Friday morning, the weather was perfect, and the team camaraderie and spirit was at its best. This was by far and away the closest race for all of our championships. All of the states in the Senior Cup 2012 should be proud. This just reinforces that the Southern Senior Cup continues to be the crown jewel of adult competition in the South. Tani Deaton and Joc Simmons did another remarkable job in serving up another fabulous championship this year. The Southern Cup would not be possible without the work of our dedicated 18 captains, who have coordinated the schedules and arrangements for three to five teams for their respective state. Marty Pearson from Oxford and Linda Thompson from Brandon were the Mississippi team captains. When playing tennis in this heat, please remember to hydrate before you head to the courts. For all your tennis needs, go to or find us on Facebook at USTA Mississippi.

4.0 Men Daniel McFatter, Don Jones, Alex Boyd, Johnston Walker, Ed Herbert; (front) Curtis Utroska, Ryan Brister, Donnall Myles, Stuart Street

4.5 Men Front L-R: Brooks Buffington, Mitch Peters, Matthew Chow, Stan Roberts; Back L-R: Guillermo Chaves, Chris Walker, Clark Brewer, Mark Thompson. Not pictured: William Van Kirk, Wright Scott, Matthew Martin, Maximilian Eurisch, Jeffrey Farris, Lloyd Klusendorf

5.0 Men Michael Ward, Will Usry, Bryan Liles, Jamie Chustz, John Ballard, Drew Brooks, Thomas Blalock

3.5 Women Jan Miller, Alisha Rushing, Elizabeth Tran, Mary Beth Cantrell, Abba Mapp, Jennifer Boydston, Shannon Pool, Olivia McCay

4.5 Women Gretchen Ware, Lisa Jeffcoat, Joanna Triplett, Lauree Davis; (front) Jan Johnson, Celia Coffey, Kechinye Didia, Ashton Hartley (not pictured: Kathy Morgan, Laura Leigh Moody, Kirby Smith, Denise Jones, Camille Soulier)

august 2012


The 2012 Mississippi Junior Closed Qualifier was recently held at the Ridgeland Tennis C When all was completed, the juniors from the N

Amanda Kilduff and Sylvia Viljoen

Brady McDaniel

Bray Koury and Katie Reed

Brighton Lowther, Travis Bell,Andrew Hildenbrand Will Swindo

Brighton Lowther

Campbell Perkins

Elena Roberts and Ellie Rogers

Callie Billman, Faatimah Bashir, Emory Laseter, Caroline Hil

Emma Roberts and Juliette Finch

Jackson Brister and Eric Huey

Jackson Ward and Andrew Sweat

Darius Kent, Christopher Rius, Brady McDaniel, Jack Brister


Andrew and Betsy Ditto

Katie Lai and Turner Yates

Larry Qu

Lauren Pratt

is Center. More than 300 juniors from across the state came to compete in the tournament. he Northside did fabulous. Congratulations to all.

Elena Roberts, Campbell Perkins, Emma Roberts, Emma Dye

Macy Price

Mathis Billman and Andrew Ditto

Megan Humphries and Callie Billman

Meredith Roberts and Megan Humphreys

Meredith Roberts and Natalie Finch

Peryn Carby and Victoria Roberts

Phillip Qu

Robert Mounger and Bryce Stong

Saddie St. Amant and Arthi Reddy

Stedman Strickland and Mason Vice

Travis Bell

Walker Laseter, Chad Gutierrez, Trey Randall, Sadeep Reedy

Sophie St. Amant and Faatimah Bashir

Trey Randall and Saideep Ready

Stedman Strickland

august 2012


august 2012



“RED, RED WINE” I'm gonna love you till I die and that’s no lie!



ven before I learned about wine for college credit and was romanced by the wine rooms of Sonoma County, I was fortunate to have grown up with a vineyard in my backyard. Well, vineyard may be a stretch - but when my parents bought my childhood home the sellers actually produced wine from the grapes they grew themselves.


northside sun

M A R L A N A WA LT E R S Marlana Walters, Proprietor The Everyday Gourmet

Until my mother corrected my recollection of the origin of our family vineyard, I firmly believed that we had a little vineyard in the heart of the Mississippi Delta. I was five years old when we moved from Lexington to Greenwood so my version of the vineyard acquisition is grandiose, as some (but not all) of my memories were accurate. As I recall, my parents took my sister and me in search of a new house. We began with a tour of a couple of homes and my parents really liked one in particular. The real estate agent could tell my parents liked the bedroom to bathroom ratio and the overall layout. So in an effort to seal the deal, the real estate agent began to describe all of the amenities of the house, which included grapevines across the back portion of the property. My sister and I leapt for joy - grapes, yum. Even my mother’s interest was sparked by the mention of fruit production. My mother proclaimed, “I could make grape jelly.” The agent was quick to squash all of our visions of Welch’s grape juice and jelly dreams as she informed my parents that the vines were wine grapes not table grapes. Since I knew nothing about wine, except what I’d seen on an episode of “I Love Lucy” of Ethel and Lucy stomping grapes, I still held out hope that the vines would bring about some entertainment for my sister and me. My dad must not have shown the same level of enthusiasm that my mom, sister and I displayed for the wisteria-like vine. The agent could tell

she’d lost the interest of the parties paying the bills and in an effort to sweeten the deal for my parents she said the owner would throw in bottles so that they could make wine in the fall. “We’ll take it” and just like that my parents purchased the one and only vineyard in North Greenwood. I am not sure if it was the grapevines or the bottles that made my parents buy the vineyard. Regardless, they didn’t need to sleep on it before making an offer. Truthfully, my parents liked the house so they bought it. My mother wanted me to clarify that they did not buy the house for the vineyard (the 10 grapevines growing along the alley behind the house) nor did they ever make wine. However, Mom did confirm that the bottles used for making wine by the

FOODWISE previous owner were part of the purchase agreement. Soon after we moved into our new home, the wine bottles in our attic were the only proof that the vineyard ever existed. My dad was quick to convert the vineyard into a dog pen. Fast forward through the next few years of my childhood, (no grapes - just dogs barking in the backyard) suddenly the song “Red, Red Wine” becomes a pop hit and even though there was no wine in our house I was singing about red wine making me feel so fine. Neither of my parents sang along to the catchy tune and since they had closed the vineyard, I could only assume that we had chardonnay instead of cabernet grapes growing in the dog pen. Twenty years after first hearing the UB40 version of Neil Diamond’s “Red, Red Wine” I can actually relate to the lyrics. Red wine is my absolute favorite of all the types of wine. My preferred variety is pinot noir – Oregon pinot noirs to be more specific. Oregon’s cool climate is perfect for growing the arduous pinot noir grape. Unlike the cabernet sauvignon grape, which will grow pretty much anywhere, pinot noir is known as an extremely difficult grape to grow and to make into wine. When you find a really good pinot noir it can be amazing, just as a bad one can be absolutely awful. Red wine is different from white not only in color, but in the complexity of aromas and flavors. Reds are often blended more than white wine to balance the tannins and enhance the fruit flavor. White wine is often described as acidic, while red wine is tannic.

TERMS USED WIDELY IN RED WINE DESCRIPTIONS: Blend: A wine made from more than one type of grape. Can be made from multiple types of grapes to produce a wine (combining merton and cabernet sauvignon to produce a red table wine) or the same variety of grape used to produce a wine (pinot noir from multiple vineyards to produce a pinot noir wine). Bouquet or nose: Various smells and fragrances created by a wine’s development, aging – whether in the barrel or in the bottle. Breathing: Allowing air to reach the wine by either uncorking, pouring into a glass or decanting that eliminates unpleasant odors and brings out the aroma and bouquet. Aerating is a common method used to speed up the breathing process. Legs: Trails or streaks of wine remaining on the sides of the glass after wine is swirled. Longer legs indicate higher levels of glycerin (a soft, almost oily tinge on the palate) and alcohol. Tannin: Creates a bitter or astringent character in wine, and is an important preservative for the proper aging of certain red wines. Tannin is the result of a chemical compound in a wine and it typically comes from the wine skins and seeds. You cannot directly taste or smell tannin, but it’s the reason you will at times feel like a wine makes your mouth pucker. Aging reduces the effect of tannin in red wine. Vintage: The year grapes used to make the wine were harvested, not the year the wine was bottled.

VARIETIES OF RED GRAPES AND MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS: CABERNET SAUVIGNON (Ca-burr-nay so-veen-yaw) Higher quality cabs age well, and develop a variety of five or more tastes within it. Characteristics: Cabernets have a high tannin content, but can be mellow and mild, hearty or rich. Generally the color is dark purple or ruby, medium to full-bodied, and has an array of aromas and flavors with the primary taste being black currant. Regions: Cabernet is grown all over the world - Australia,

Canada, France (Bordeaux), Lebanon, South America, United States (California, Long Island and New York). GAMAY (ga-MAY) With its lower alcohol content, gamay is meant to be drunk soon after it is bottled. Gamay grapes are used to produce beaujolais nouveau wines and are not suitable for aging past two years. Characteristics: It is fresh, low in tannin, light and fruity. Region: France (Beaujolais). MALBEC (Mal-bek) Malbec is often blended with other varieties such as cabernet sauvignon and merton to make bordeaux style wines. The tannins are typically low and balanced. Characteristics: Generally it produces an easy-drinking style, well colored wine that tastes of plums, berries, and spice. Regions: Argentina, Australia, Chile, France (Bordeaux and Loire Valley), United States (California). MERLOT (Mare-lo) It is one of the more drinkable types of red wine with its low acidity and mellow softness. Characteristics: Merlot is known for the flavors of plums, black cherry, violets, and orange. Regions: Australia, Chile, Italy, Romania, United States (California and Washington). PINOT NOIR (Pee-know na-wahr) One of the noblest red wine grapes. Pinot noir is difficult to grow and rarely blended with other grapes. Characteristics: The structure is delicate and fresh, with soft tannins and fruity flavors of cherry, strawberry, plum and sometimes notes of tea-leaf, damp earth, or worn leather. Regions: Australia, Austria, France (Burgundy), New Zealand, United States (California, Oregon and Washington). SANGIOVESE (San-gee-oh-ve-zee) Sangiovese is best known as being the fruity, fresh wine that is at the core of all traditional Italian chianti wines. Characteristics: Sangiovese is a rather hefty red wine, and goes well with traditional Italian dishes and well-seasoned foods with flavors of fresh berry and plum. Region: Italy (Tuscany). SYRAH (or Shiraz) (Sah-ra or Shi-raz) Shiraz or Syrah are two names for the same variety. Europe vintners only use the name syrah. Characteristics: The syrah variety can produce big hearty reds and has been known to produce some of the world’s finest wine with intense flavors and excellent longevity. Cooler growing temperatures bring out the spicy, peppery flavors while warmer climates bring out the mellower flavors of plum and blackberry. Regions: Australia, France (Rhone Valley), United States. ZINFANDEL (Zin-fan-dell) Perhaps the world’s most versatile wine grape, making everything from blush wine (white zinfandel), to rich, heavy reds. Characteristics: Zinfandel is a spicy, peppery wine, with a hint of dark cherries or berries often the taste range. Region: United States (California). Generally younger vintages are higher in tannin and are reduced with age. Pay close attention to the age and variety of a grape when making a wine selection. In general, more expensive vintages ($25 and up) get better with age than less expensive red wines (under $12). You can buy a case of $10 wine, but chances are it won’t taste better in 10 years. I love to do tastings – and blind tastings are a great way to test your palate. As a suggestion, at your next dinner party, purchase two bottles of wine with the same vintage and region with the only difference being the price. Just for fun see if anyone can tell the difference. You may be surprised by the outcome. You will also be surprised by the difference in the taste of a decanted or aerated wine verses a wine poured directly from the bottle. The exposure to air can totally transform the aroma

and flavor of a glass of wine. I use a vinturi wine aerator for almost every glass of pinot that I pour into my Riedel glass and the difference in the taste is notable. Similar to the enhancement of the flavor of wine brought about by breathing, so is the character of the wine when paired with food. Red wines are natural compliments to heavier dishes. The intensity of red wine can range from light to big and bold. As a rule - the heavier the fare, the bigger the red wine paired with the dish.

WINE AND FOOD PAIRING GUIDE FOR THE MOST POPULAR VARIETALS OF RED WINE: Just as white wines have vast differences by variety and growing region, red wines can range from subtle to overpowering. A light and fresh beaujolais nouveau is meant to be enjoyed immediately after it is bottled. In contrast, a cabernet sauvignon often gets even better with age. Unlike white wine, red wine is noted to have health benefits. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of as heart healthy. The alcohol and certain substances in red wine called antioxidants may help prevent heart disease by increasing levels of ‘good’ cholesterol and protecting against artery damage.” However, I wouldn’t start guzzling red wine if you have a heart condition just because the Mayo Clinic said red wine has health benefits. Marilyn Monroe looks pretty happy on the bottles of Marilyn Merlot and the Norma Jean (a young merlot), but we all know that didn’t end well. As the song says Red, Red Wine makes you feel so fine, it will also go to your head. Trust me on this one, red wine will make a steak dinner taste better, but it will not make you forget your troubles – after the bottle is finished, you still have to do the dishes. Cheers. august 2012



northside sun

august 2012


the northside sun magazine our wedding policy IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE



Please type, double space, your article in story format. No forms are used by the Sun. All write-ups should be submitted by the first day of the month for the following month’s publication. (i.e. November 1st is deadline for the December issue) Please include photos. At least one photo will be featured with each wedding and engagement announcement. More will be used as space permits. If a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed, every effort will be made to return photos. Please include a daytime phone number on all releases. Payment is due with submission. Wedding announcements are $150 and are full page. Engagement announcements are a half page for $90. Mail to Northside Sun Magazine, P.O. Box 16709, Jackson, 39236; or e-mail to Deliveries are also accepted at our office at 246 Briarwood Dr. For more information,

call 601.957.1123.

The Sun accepts no responsibility for unsolicited stories, artwork or photographs.


northside sun


Lauren Christine Egger & Thomas Clayton Williamson Jr. JULY 9, 2011 GALLOWAY MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH • JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clayton Williamson Jr.

auren Christine Egger and Thomas Clayton Williamson Jr. were united in holy matrimony July 9, 2011, at 6:30 p.m. at Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Thompson Egger Jr. of Ridgeland. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Davis of Raymond and Mrs. Perry T. Egger and the late Mr. Egger of Clinton. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clayton Williamson Sr. of Freemont, N.C. He is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reason of Wilson, N.C. and the late Mr. and Mrs. George Williamson of Freemont. The Rev. Cliff Nelson officiated the double-ring ceremony. Prelude music was presented by organist Dr. Robert Knupp and the Magnolia String Quartet. Debbie O’Neal and Mr. Samuel Puckett, vocalists, sang “Be” by Johnson and Robinson and “The Prayer” by Foster and Sager. The reading of the Scripture was by Elder Harold Pittman. Given in marriage by her parents and escorted by her father, the bride wore a designer gown that was ivory hand beaded and embroidered tulle with floral accents. It was fashioned with a sweetheart neckline, elongated bodice with a circular skirt drifting in a chapel train. With her gown she wore a cathedral-length ivory veil with hand beading and embroidering matching that on her bridal gown. The bride carried a bouquet of creme roses and creme callas hand tied with ivory ribbon. Attached to the bride’s bouquet was an antique button necklace, a gift of the bridegroom’s parents. Her attendants wore silky taffeta midnight blue ball gowns with pleated strapless sweetheart bodices, flower accents at the natural waist with box-pleated skirts. They carried bouquets of creme roses, cremes hydrangea and lime phaeleonopsis orchids with fuchsia orchids stems tied with fuchsia ribbons. Katelyn Louise Graben was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Sawyer Channing Bowering, Emily Jane Davis, Georgia Clare Davis, Stephanie Marie Davis, Diana Erin Hancock, Jennifer Faye Williamson, sister of the groom; and Emily Rose Younger. The bridegroom’s father was best man. Groomsmen were Anthony James Crocker; Justin Philip Egger, brother of the bride; Christopher Michael Kobe; David Josiah Long; Ramsey Forrest MacNeill, Christian Michael Parobek; and Flint Wang. Flower girls were Catherine Elizabeth King and Eva Caroline King. They wore sleeveless ivory dresses with full skirts and carried mini creme nosegays. The ring bearer was Roman Timothy Davis. Program attendants were Mallory Elise Coleman, Rachel Renee Givan, Lauren Elise Host, Shelby Leigh Johnson and Lindsey Brooke Whaley. The bride’s proxy was Courtney Alexander. Following the ceremony, the bride’s parents hosted a reception at River Hills Club. Guests enjoyed a catered buffet and danced to music provided by Mo Money. Sitting on an antique silver plateau, the bride’s four-tiered ivory cake was made of chocolate and vanilla layers and butter cream frosting. The design and beading was the same as the bride’s dress created especially for her by “The Cake Diva.” The bridegroom’s red velvet cake, a surprise of the bride, was an exact replica of the inside of the Duke Cameron Indoor Basketball Stadium and a tribute to the couples alma mater, Duke University. The cake was surrounded by cookies in the shape of tar heels representing the bridegroom’s current attendance at the University of North Carolina Medical School. On the eve of the wedding, the bridegroom’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner at the Dupree House in Raymond. A wedding day brunch was held at Julep, for the bride, bridesmaids and close friends of the bride. Following a wedding trip to Whitehouse, Jamaica, the couple is at home in Chapel Hill, N.C. august 2012



Taylor Scott McPherson & John Anderson Banahan Jr. APRIL 14, 2012 HALF MOON IN ROSE HALL, JAMAICA


Dr. and Mrs. John Anderson Banahan Jr.


northside sun

r. Taylor Scott McPherson and Dr. John Anderson Banahan Jr. of Birmingham celebrated the blessing of their marriage April 14 at 5:30 p.m. at Half Moon in Rose Hall, Jamaica. Mary Lewis Dassinger officiated the ceremony on a lawn overlooking the Carribean Sea. The first musical selection was sung by Carmen Allen Poindexter and Emma Kate Poindexter, cousins of the bride, and a second selection was sung by bridesmaid Meagan Michell. Mollie Hart McNeel, niece of the bridegroom, was the flower girl and Anne Marie Nicholson read a passage from the New Testament. Susan Robertson Allen directed the wedding. Following the ceremony, the bride’s parents hosted a reception at the Royal Pavilion where family and friends enjoyed an evening of dinner and dancing. On the eve of the wedding, the bridegroom’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner with entertainment at the Oleander Terrace at Half Moon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John William McPherson Jr. of Indianola. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Lewis Scott Poindexter Jr. of Inverness and Mrs. John William McPherson and the late Mr. McPherson of Indianola. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Banahan of Pascagoula. He is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Chamberlin Jr. of Columbus, Mrs. Hart Anderson Banahan of Jackson and Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Banahan Jr. of Rock Springs, Texas. Escorted by her father and given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore an ivory French Alencon lace sheath gown with a Juliet neckline, an open keyhole back and a trumpet skirt. Orange mokara and white dendrobium orchids adorned the bride’s hair. She carried a bouquet of Pat Austin copper roses, mokara orchids, and mango calla lilies with stems wrapped in an antique lace handkerchief passed down from the bride’s late, great-great-grandmother Pauline Scott Poindexter. Kathryn Gresham Blonkvist of Midland, Texas, and Rachel Elizabeth Poindexter of Birmingham, both cousins of the bride, were matron and maid of honor respectively. Bridesmaids were Jessica Banahan McNeel of Ocean Springs, and Abigail Banahan Wills of Pascagoula, sisters of the bridegroom; Brittany Lee MacNealy of St. John, Virgin Islands; and Allison McPherson Nash of Jackson, cousins of the bride; Lora Elisabeth Bingham of Madison; Catherine Frances Estevez of Baltimore; Dr. Amanda Lee Harrell and Carolyn Marie Roscoe, both of Richmond, Va.; Dr. Kaitlin Jean Herald of Cincinnati; Emily Anderson Linn of Oxford; Dr. Jennifer Meredith May of Charleston; Dr. Aashoo Pande Mentreddi of Dallas; Meagan Ashlee Michell of Memphis; Dr. Glenda Lois Montague of Chicago; and Marion Beckham Savage of Mobile. The bridegroom’s father was best man. Groomsmen were John William McPherson III of Memphis, and Jones Poindexter McPherson of Indianola, brothers of the bride; Taylor Brantley McNeel of Ocean Springs, and Calen James Wills of Pascagoula, brothers-in-law of the bridegroom; Dr. Richard Dane Ballard, Blair Hawkins James, Christopher Lloyd Kimmel, Justin Cole Terrell, and Samuel Weatherly Waller, all of Jackson; William Ferrill Battley of Gautier, Hanson Douglas Horn of Pascagoula; Dr. William Darden North of Lexington, Ky.; Dr. Marcus Andrew Presley and Christopher Edward Smith, both of Nashville; and Caleb Arthur Ruckdeschel of New Orleans. Drs. Taylor and Johnny Banahan are 2011 graduates of the University of Mississippi School of Medicine and both are second year residents at the University of Alabama-Birmingham Hospitals in obstetrics/gynecology and radiology respectively. The couple is at home in Birmingham.


northside sun




ary Kathryn Thomas and James Buckley Allen Jr. were united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony on the evening of February 18 at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Oxford. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Frank Thomas Jr. Allen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Buckley Allen . Officiating the nuptial mass was Father Joe Tonos. Nuptial music was provided by Melody Carol Eubank, soloist; Ann Boswell Johnson, cantor; Charles F. Miles, musician; and Betty B. Harness, organist. Readers of the sacred Scripture were Jean Evans Stalcup and Sarah Cummings Smith. Reader of the Prayers of the Faithful was Mary Katherine Sims Whelan. Escorted by her father, the bride wore a gown of ivory duchess satin that was fashioned with a strapless sweetheart neckline. The gown featured a fitted bodice embroidered with silver thread, beaded with pearls, rocals, and rhinestones in a floral design. The A-line skirt, with box pleats in the front and back, swept into a chapel train. The fingertip veil was edged with appliqué adorned with pearled beading and sequins. The veil was worn by the bride’s sister. The bride carried a rosary with her bouquet that belonged to her father. The bride’s bouquet was English hand-tied style of bridal white peonies and hints of green beauty roses. The stems were wrapped in rosette ribbon and adorned with her grandmother’s broach. Maid of honor was Elizabeth Thomas Bowers of Memphis. Bridesmaids were Vicki Paige Bee, Leah Chancellor McKenzie and Jennifer Suzanna Word Stubblefield of Oxford; Stephanie Ann Henson of Atlanta; Holli Elaine Hines of Belden; Amelia Taplin Hinton and Leigh Lancaster Terrell of Mobile; Jeannie Blair Hood of Athens, Ga.; Courtney Lynn Kowalski of Washington, D.C.; Emma Magee Munderloh of Nashville; Sarah Elizabeth Newton Nabors of Knoxville; Caroline Cannada Rush of New Orleans; Cassandra Bess Scrivner Kruger and Emily Evans Stacy of Dallas; Mary Brook Traxler of Birmingham; Anna Hamilton Watson of Jackson; and Anna Leigh Nance Wohrman of Memphis. They wore gowns of black chiffon with a criss crossed ruched sweetheart neckline. Junior bridesmaids were Anna Blake Lively and Mary Elizabeth Lively, both of Rogers, Ark. Flower girls were Natalya Elizabeth Salvo, Olivia Quinn Salvo, and Caroline Rivers Walker, all of Jackson. The bride’s proxy was Lauren Taylor Pickering of Nashville. The bridegroom’s father was best man. Groomsmen were Cooper Draughon Allen of Mr. and Mrs. James Buckley Allen Jr. Shenzhen, China; Tyler Caldwell Bennett and Adam Clark Quick of Oxford; David James Blanks, Wesley Douglas Ehrhardt, Jacob Nicholas Haralson, James Majure Markow, Stacey Brian O’Neal, Dallas Percy Quinn, Elliott Frank Thomas III and Taylor Allen Treece, all of Jackson. Dr. Christopher Hale Decker of New Orleans; Robert Nelson Finger, John Adam Goodman and David Reid Neely, all of Nashville; Walter Michael Harkins Jr. and Chesley Richard James of Madison; and Charles Allen Laney of Lexington, Ky. Ring bearer was Campbell Leland Walker of Jackson. Following the ceremony, the bride’s parents hosted a reception at the Powerhouse Community Arts Center, where the guests were honored with a cocktail buffet and entertained by the music of The Compositions. On the eve of the wedding, the bridegroom’s parents hosted a rehearsal party dinner at the Powerhouse Community Arts Center. Prior to the wedding weekend, the bride and her bridesmaids were honored at a bridesmaids luncheon at Brennan’s Restaurant in New Orleans. The party was hosted by Kandy Sims, Alon Bee, Cindy Brooks, Angela Cannada, Ann Collins, Ann Henson, George Johnson, Kathy Kowalski, Hannah Lang, Tammy McLaurin, Judy Pickering, Lisa Reed, Betsy Ritter, Nancy Roberts, Cathey Russell, Sandra Salvo, Sissy Stacy, Sylvia Tighe, and Melissa Thomas. On the day of the wedding, the bridal party and out of town guests were honored at a party in the Downtown Inn Suite. The party was hosted by Vicki Benefield, Lea Cross, Diane Hazard, Deanne Gilbert, Tana Graham, Julie Gresham, Bridget Harkins, Susan Johnson, and Donna Russell. The bridegroom and his groomsmen were honored at a lunch at the Blind Pig Pub. The party was hosted by Vicki Lynn and Lamar Adams, Deborah and Sidney Allen, Gennie and Darrell Black, Becky and Tommy Blanks, Karen and John Burwell, Anne and Rick Calhoon, Jeanne and Barney Chadwick, Karen and Bill Clement, Carol and Reagan Coleman, Gay and Mickey Crosby, Pat and Charles Decker, Judy and John Decker, Becky and Frank Goodman, Susan Haralson, Jean and Scott Hines, Paula and Randy James, Sharon and Jimmy Jernigan, Suzan and Charles Laney, Ted Lloyd, Jenny and Pete Markow, Mary and David Mathison, Trenton and JP Milam, Diane and Johnny Neely, and Sam Seay. After a wedding trip to St. Lucia, the couple is at home in Jackson. The bride is a senior tax associate with Horne LLP, and the bridegroom is a producer with Regions Insurance. august 2012



northside sun


Alice Cameron McVey & Ryland Stephen Lucie



r. and Mrs. John House McVey announce the engagement of their daughter, Alice Cameron McVey, to Ryland Stephen Lucie, son of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Stephen Lucie of Jacksonville. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mrs. Donald Hugh Slappey Sr. and the late Dr. Slappey of Birmingham, and the late Dr. and Mrs. Eric Alexander McVey Jr. of Jackson. The prospective bridegroom is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. John James Morrison of Vero Beach, Fla., and the late Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Edgar Lucie Jr. of Savannah. Miss McVey is a graduate of Jackson Preparatory School. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia where she was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma social sorority. She received a master’s of fine arts from Columbia University. Lucie is a graduate of the Bolles School. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill where he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon social fraternity. He earned a master’s of business administration from Duke University. The couple will exchange vows September 8 in Park City, Utah, and will live in Jacksonville. Alice Cameron McVey

Lauren McKee Vanlandingham & Patrick Sanford McDavid


SEPTEMBER 29, 2012


Lauren McKee Vanlandingham

r. and Mrs. George Lacy Vanlandingham Jr. of Leland announce the engagement of their daughter, Lauren McKee Vanlandingham, to Patrick Sanford McDavid, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sanford McDavid. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mrs. Joseph Maurice Brown and the late Mr. Brown of Leland and the late Mr. and Mrs. George Lacy Vanlandingham Sr. of Calhoun City. Miss Vanlandingham is a graduate of Washington School and the University of Mississippi, where she received a master’s degree in communicative sciences and disorders. Miss Vanlandingham is a member of Chi Omega sorority and was presented at the 2006 Delta Debutante Ball. She is associated with Aegis Therapies and practices as a speech-language pathologist in Southaven. The prospective groom is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Walton Beckham and the late Oliver Wendell Waggener Jr. of Madison, and Mr. and Mrs. John Land McDavid of Jackson. McDavid is an honor graduate of Jackson Academy and was graduated magna cum laude from the University of Mississippi, where he received a master’s in accountancy. He is a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity and is a CPA with the public accounting firm KPMG in Memphis. The wedding ceremony will be held September 29 at First Baptist Church of Leland. A reception will follow at the home of the bride. august 2012



northside sun


Bonnie Jean Grace & Guy Blan Newcomb


SEPTEMBER 22, 2012


Guy Blan Newcomb, Bonnie Jean Grace

r. and Mrs. Stephen Judson Grace announce the engagement of their daughter, Bonnie Jean Grace, to Guy Blan Newcomb. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mrs. Harold Wright Busching of Ridgeland, and the late Mr. Busching and Mr. and Mrs. John Nesbit Grace of Madison, and the late Jean Ball Grace. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leslie Lloyd of Jackson, and John Nolan Newcomb of Thornton. He is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCall of Memphis, and Mrs. Guy Newcomb of Osceola, Ark. and the late Mr. Newcomb. Miss Grace is a 2003 graduate of Jackson Academy. She attended the University of Mississippi where she was a member of the Kappa Delta sorority. She is a petroleum landman with Crownpointe Resources in Jackson. After graduating in 2004 from Jackson Academy, Newcomb attended the University of Mississippi. He is a manager with Newk’s Express Café. The couple will exchange vows September 22 at Fondren Presbyterian Church. A reception will follow at The South.

august 2012



northside sun


Tresse Nicole Young & Austin Michael Sumrall



indy and Michael Necaise of Gulfport, announce the engagement of their daughter, Tresse Nicole Young, to Austin Michael Sumrall, son of Dawn and Hiram Sumrall of Summit. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Ann and the late Bobby Young of Richton, and Albert and Lois Ann Necaise of Gulfport. She is an honors graduate of St. John High School in Gulfport. She attended the University of Mississippi for pre-nursing and is an alumna of the Kappa Delta sorority. She is an honors graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi with a bachelor’s degree in nursing. The prospective bridegroom is the grandson of Robert and Martha Milliet of Florence, and William and Ann Sumrall of Jackson. He is an honors graduate of Parklane Academy. He attended the University of Mississippi where he received his bachelor’s degree in hotel and restaurant management. He is a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. He is completing his associate’s degree in culinary science at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, N.Y. An outdoor ceremony is planned for October 20 at the Lazy H Ranch in Liberty.

Tresse Nicole Young, Austin Michael Sumrall

Tana Laine Poole & Jon Trotter Flynn Jr.

M Jon Trotter Flynn Jr., Tana Laine Poole


r. and Mrs. William Kendall Poole announce the engagement of their daughter, Tana Laine Poole, to Jon Trotter Flynn Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jon Trotter Flynn Sr. of Canton. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James Foster of Natchez, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tate Poole of Bienville, La. The prospective bridegroom is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Foster Love, and the late Dr. and Mrs. Billie Underwood Flynn, all of Canton. Miss Poole is a 2000 graduate of Northwest Rankin High School. She attended the University of Mississippi where she was a member of the Phi Mu sorority. She was graduated in 2005 with a bachelor’s degree in business studies in international business, marketing, and management. She is a marketing representative for Mississippi Blood Services. Flynn is a 1996 graduate of Canton Academy. He attended Mississippi State University where he was a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. He was graduated in 2000 with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics and received his master’s in agribusiness management in 2001. He is an account representative for Carhartt, Inc. The couple was engaged March 2 in Jackson Square in New Orleans while vacationing for Miss Poole’s birthday and for Flynn to run the Mardi Gras Marathon. The couple will wed September 1 at 7 p.m. at The South. Following a wedding trip, the couple will make their home in Madison. august 2012



Megan Lea McGowan & Jon Marc McLeod


SEPTEMBER 22, 2012


Jon Marc McLeod, Megan Lea McGowan

r. and Mrs. Jack C. McGowan announce the engagement of their daughter, Megan Lea McGowan, to Jon Marc McLeod, son of Mrs. Freida Keyes of Memphis, and Daryl McLeod of Pelahatchie. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of the late P.W. ‘Jack’ McGowan and Kathryn McGowan of Terry, and the late David Wright and Linda Wright of Lake Conroe, Texas. The prospective bridegroom is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. James E. McLeod of Brandon and the late Thomas R. Wood and Virginia Wood of Pelahatchie. He is the great-grandson of Eunice Smith of Star. Miss McGowan is a 2006 graduate of University Christian Academy. She attended Holmes Junior College and Hinds Junior College. She is in medical records with Jackson Pulmonary Associates at St. Dominic’s Hospital. McLeod is a 2006 graduate of East Rankin Academy. He attended Holmes Junior College and the University of Mississippi. He is associated with Advanced Auto Parts in Gallman, in warehouse management. The couple will exchange vows September 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Covenant Presbyterian Church. A reception will follow at the Mississippi Agriculture Museum, Sparkman Auditorium.

Meredith Jeanne Monsour & Gregory Scott Schiefer


SEPTEMBER 21, 2012


Meredith Jeanne Monsour 60

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r. and Mrs. Mitchell Dial Monsour announce the engagement of their daughter, Meredith Jeanne Monsour, to Gregory Scott Schiefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald David Schiefer of Hickory, N.C. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mildred D’Aubert Crouere and the late Joffre John Crouere of Covington, La., and the late Mr. and Mrs. Emil Thomas Monsour and Ruth Monsour, all of Jackson. Miss Monsour is a 2002 graduate of Jackson Academy. She was graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2006 with a double major in managerial finance and real estate. At Ole Miss she was a member of Chi Omega sorority. As a debutante, Miss Monsour was presented in 2004 by the Bachelors’ Club and Pickwick Club in New Orleans. Miss Monsour is associated with Cumberland Consulting Group in Nashville as a healthcare consultant. The prospective bridegroom is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Charles Reisch of Mohnton, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Albert Schiefer of Reading, Pa. A 2001 honor graduate from St. Stephen’s High School, Schiefer was graduated from Clemson University in 2005 with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. He is a project engineer at W.L. Hailey and Co. in Nashville. The couple will exchange vows September 21 at The Church of the Immaculate Conception in New Orleans. Following the ceremony, a reception will be held at the Windsor Court. The couple will live in Nashville.



Laura Vanlandingham and Patrick McDavid engagement party

John, Mary Beth and Patrick McDavid, Lauren, Marcia and George Vandlingham

engagement party Patrick McDavid, Lauren Vandlandingham

Marcia and Lauren Vandlandingham, Mary Beth McDavid

Jordan Cantrell, Dendy McDavid, Leisel and Nicholas Jew

The Madison home of Jeff and Sandy Rawlings was the setting for an engagement celebration honoring Lauren Vanlandingham and Patrick McDavid. Miss Vanlandingham is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Vanlandingham of Leland. McDavid is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sanford McDavid of Madison. The couple will wed September 29 in Leland. Co-hosts and hostesses were Mary Jo and Phil

Baker McConnell, Collin Jones

Blevins, Tricia and Tim Cantrell, Nancy and Preston Derivaux, Kathy and Nelson Gibson, Melissa and Rich Green, Susan and Walter Harkins, Diane and Reed Hogan, Pam and Jay Jacobus, Susan and David McNamara, Jean and Jeff Miller, Jenny and Jim Neeld, Carol and Steve Pittman, Lori Quarles, Michele and Tim Risler, Susan and Sam Shaffer, Judy and Doug Varney and Malinda and Jim Warren.

Marion Keyes, Bee McNamara

Dendy McDavid, Lauren and Ansley Vanlandingham, Carman Berryman, Elizabeth McRight, Trisha Hopkins, Michelle McAuley, Katie Buford august 2012


Jean Miller, Tricia Cantrell, Jenny Neeld, Pam Jacobus, Sandy Rawlings, Melissa Green, Judy Varney, Malinda Warren; (front) Kathy Gibson, Dianne Hogan, Michele Risler

Dianne and Johnny Neely


northside sun

Sandy Rawlings, Michele Risler, Susan Harkins

Laura Givens, Bee McNamara, Betsy and Matt Sights, Thomas Givens

Jeff Miller; (front) Tricia and Tim Cantrell



Marjorie Garretson and Drew Lewis engagement party

Sandra Garretson, Drew Lewis, Marjorie and Roland Garretson

John, Helen, and Drew Lewis, Marjorie Garretson

engagement party Marjorie Garretson and Drew Lewis were recently honored with an engagement party at the Lake Cavalier Clubhouse. Miss Garretson is the daughter of Sandra and Roland Garretson. Lewis is the son of Helen and John Lewis. Co-hosts and hostesses were Melissa and Randy Abraham, Alison and Max Bowman, Joy and Donnie Cannada, Gea and Garry Graves, Janet and Bubba Holmes,

Brittany and Beth Threadgill, Aleene Walters, Annice Howard, Adrienne Brantley

Lisa and Stewart Horsley, Donna and Jimmy Jon Josey, Vicki and Larry King, Suzanne Lampton, Dana Lang, Melissa and Mack Lowery, Anne and Charles Pringle, Jane and Lynn Stringer, Beth and Tim Threadgill, Shawn and Bob Wilkerson, Karan and Frank York. The wedding will be July 14 at First Presbyterian Church of Jackson.

Bobby Wilkerson, Bradley Pennington, Dawson Graves, Connor King, Drew and Watson Lewis, Dillon King, Daniel Lang, Hunter Wilkerson, William Crim

august 2012




Cameron McVey and Ryland Lucie engagement party

Steve, Sharon and Ry Lucie, Cameron, Emily and John McVey, Anna and Micah Usry, Patti and Alice Slappey

Cameron McVey, Ry Lucie

engagement party

Cameron McVey and Ryland Lucie were honored recently with an engagement party in the home of her aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mrs. Eric McVey. Co-hosts and hostesses were Messieurs and Mesdames Richard Aiken, Hall Bailey, Kyle Ball, Joel Bobo, Bob Brister, Barry Cannada, Donnie Cannada, Phillip Carpenter, Sandy Carter, Arthur Davis, Doug Garland, Alexander Haick Jr., David Harris; Also, Messieurs and Mesdames Wyatt Hazard, Reed Hogan, Jimmy Hood, Larry Houchins, Carey Johnson, Robert Jones, Stephen Kruger, Rob Love, George W. May Jr., Barry McCay, Doug McDaniel, John McDill, David McNamara, Richard McNeel,

John McVey, Alice Slappey, Emily McVey

Jimmy Hood, Doug McDaniel, Larry Houchins, Stephen Kruger 64

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Cameron and John McVey

Tom McRee, Billy Mink, Charlie Molpus, Billy Mounger; Also, Messieurs and Mesdames Darden North, George Patton, Mike Peters, Jeff Randall, George Ritter, Joe Roberts, Steve Rosenblatt, Chris Shapley, John Studdard, Doug Thompson, David Traxler, John E. Wade Jr., Jim Watts, T. Calvin Wells, Terrel Williams, Walter Wofford, Wirt Yerger, Ken Gresham; Also, Pryor Buford Graeber, Sally Hederman, Ken Toler, Jane Wiggins, Gerry Ann Houston and Abe Malouf.

Courtney and Rob Love, Ruth Fly

Carter White, Wilson Hood, Molly McVey, Jamie Elkin, Sam Love, Damon Wofford

Leslie Carpenter, Pamela Houchins, Dianne Hazard, Betsy Ritter

Nancy and Billy Mink

Chris and Mary Shapley, Janie and Arthur Davis

Grace Buchanan, Paula Hood, Deetsa Molpus, Betsy Ritter

Carole Bailey, Leslie Carpenter, Ellen McCay, Mary Shapley, Nina Johnston

Donna and Buster McVey

Julie Gresham, Buster McVey, Susan McNamara, Hall Bailey

august 2012




Kristen Krouchick and Jamie Mallinson engagement party

Barbara Mallinson, Helene, Bob and Kristen Krouchick, Jamie, Andrew and Ashley Mallinson, Tom O’Neil

Jamie Mallinson, Kristen Krouchick

engagement party

Kristen Krouchick and Jamie Mallinson were honored with an engagement party in the home of Gloria Walker. Miss Krouchick is the daughter of Helene and Bob Krouchick and Mallinson is the son of Barbara and Andrew Mallinson. Co-hosts and hostesses were Cheryl and David Allen, Deborah and Sidney Allen, Melissa and Si Bondurant, Cathy and Bob Bullock, Lanita and Mike Campbell, Rebecca and Deaver Collins, Dannie and Boyce Craig, Vicki and Hal Daughdrill, Gigi and Dave Dinkins, Phyllis and Clinton Doby, Leigh and Jim Eley, Vicki and Tim Ellis,

Jane Smith, Dannie and Boyce Craig

Curtis Wilson, Barbara Mallinson, Joanne Wilson, Andrew Mallinson 66

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Mary Ann and Jay Fontaine, Lynne and Walter Green, Clare and Tim Hanlon; Also, Christi and David Hardy, Jane and Ken Jones, Ellen and Eason Leake, Grace and S. Shinn Lee, Mary Anne and Larry Lefoldt, Elizabeth and Tommy Lyle, Robin and Mark Mayfield, Margaret McLarty, Frances and Cooper Morrison, Jane and Don Nichols, Gail and John Pittman, Sara and Bill Ray, Jane and Bill Smith, Lynn and Gaines Sturdivant, Joanne and Curtis Wilson. The wedding will be August 11 in Pennsylvania.

Jamie and Ashley Mallinson

Jamie Mallinson, Kristen Krouchick, Jane Jones

Bob, Helene and Kristen Krouchick, Jamie Mallinson, Gloria Walker, Barbara and Andrew Mallinson

Ken and Jane Jones, Andrew and Barbara Mallinson, Gloria Walker

Steve Rogers, Ellen and Eason Leake, Ann Rogers

Ashley Mallinson, Helene Krouchick, Gloria Walker, Barbara Mallinson, Vicki Daughdrill, Kristen Krouchick

Owen Mayfield, William Craig, Jerad Meyers, Jamie Mallinson, Tye Menist, Clayton Dinkins, Edmund Lee; (seated) Derek Martin, Will Fontaine, Alex Bondurant, Robert Rives

Bob Bullock, Robin Mayfield, Cathy Bullock

Sara and Bill Ray, Beth Graham

Mauve Wilson, Kristen Krouchick, Joanne Wilson, Ashley and Barbara Mallinson

august 2012




Megan Peterson and Matt McCluer engagement party

Allan and Matt McCluer, Megan Peterson, Ginger and Conner McCluer

engagement party Matt McCluer, Megan Peterson

Donna and Geoffrey Morgan, Debbie Sones

Donna Morgan, Devan, Shannon and Megan Peterson, Ginger McCluer 68

northside sun

An engagement celebration was recently held in honor of Megan Peterson and Matt McCluer in the home of Debbie and Jim Sones. Co-hosts and hostesses were Shelia and Jim Allred, Judy Altman, Peggy and Bobby Delaughter, Anne and Mike Dulske, Donna and Geoffrey

Ginger McCluer, Steve Peterson

Morgan, and Vonda Reeves-Darby. Miss Peterson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Joseph Peterson of New Orleans. McCluer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCluer of Madison. Shown are scenes from the party.

Sherri and Stan Burton

Geoffrey and Donna Morgan, Debbie and Jim Sones, Vonda Reeves-Darby, Judy Altman, Peggy Delaughter, Shelia and Jim Allred

Steve, Shannon and Megan Peterson, Matt McCluer, Devan Peterson

Vonda Reeves-Darby, Geoffrey and Donna Morgan

Debbie Sones, Donna Morgan, Vonda Reeves-Darby, Judy Altman, Peggy Delaughter, Shelia Allred

Conner McCluer, Maddie Gould, Devan Peterson, Scott Swiler

Matt McCluer, Lee Shirley, Conner McCluer

august 2012




Lauren Green and Clif Egger engagement party

Lee Thompson, Sam Egger, Abigail and Mark Green; (second row) Clifton and Diana Egger, Sherye and Mark Green; (front) Clif Egger, Lauren Green

engagement party

Lauren Green, Clif Egger

The home of Dr. and Mrs. Heber Simmons Jr. was the setting for a recent engagement celebration honoring the Simmons’ granddaughter, Lauren Green, and her fiancÊ, Clif Egger. Miss Green is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Green. Egger is the son of Clifton and Diana Egger. The couple will wed September 2 in Asheville, N.C. Co-hosts and hostesses were Karen and Chris Ball, Maury and Kyle Ball, Susanne and Bob Biggs, Redonna and Chip Burns, Karen and Charles Bush,

Anna Lawrence, Swayze and Will Pentecost, Lauren Ferguson, Ellen Clarke

Beth and Joe Young, Heber Simmons 70

northside sun

Carol and Dennis Craig, Beth and Richard Dean, George Anne and Sam Denney, Ann and Jack Fry, Rhonda and Bert Green, Sondra Holman, Wyeth and Bill Luter, Cathy and George May, Jeannie and Joe Niswanger, Mitzi and John Norris, Trudy and Dave Powers, Beverly and Walter Shelton, Marti and Will Sorey, Claire and David Sullivan, Carolyn and Jim Tatum, Susan and Joe Uithoven, Mollie and Billy VanDevender, and Julia and Terrel Williams. Shown are scenes from the party.

Carolyn Tatum, Ann Fry, Marti Sorey, Redonna Burns; (third row) Wyeth Luter, George Anne Denney, Julia Williams, Trudy Powers, Claire Sullivan, Beverly Shelton; (second row) Rhonda Green, Susanne Biggs, Sam Egger, Beth Dean, Jeannie Niswanger, Abigail Green; (front) Shirley and Diana Egger, Lauren and Sherye Green, Sister Simmons

Amye Blubaugh, Austin Lovitt, Clif Egger, Lauren Green, Laura Anne and Chris Cox

august 2012



northside sun

august 2012


EVENTS w h a t ’ s

ULTIMATE FASHION SHOW The Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi’s Ultimate Fashion Show and Champagne Luncheon was held recently at the Country Club of Jackson.

h a p p e n i n g

Lori Busick, Carol Winterstone

Stephanie McAlpin, Addie and Tricia Flasck

Joan Fabbri, Rebecca Fairly, Irena McClain

Kristin Allen, Courtney Shaw, Kathleen Williams, Katy Barrett

Irena McClain, Tricia Boyd, Doyle Warrington, Mary Fortune Phyllis and Piper McCalop

Warren Jones, David Joseph, Mary Fortune

Laura Glaze, Susie Baltz, Linda Allen

Dixie Myrick, Shirley Schlessinger, Dawn Jayroe

Angela Gregory, Bridget Booker, Tammy Patt

Vicki Bruns, Julie Middleton 74

northside sun

ULTIMATE FASHION SHOW Kathy Lankford, Wendy Walker

Lesley Toohey, Dianne Barratt

Kathy Briner, Tricia Redditt

Catrice Swopshire, Kristin Merrell

Kaitlan Sudduth, Emily Carpenter, Abbey Dennis, Candice Wolken

Pam Partridge, Patti Clark, Weslyn Wood, Stacy Palmer

Sonya Walker, Amy Batson

Nina Johnston, Cheryl Wells Bruce Leach, LeAnne Brewer, Dolphus Blackmon, Melissa Ellis

Luke Abney, Jennifer Bracken, Marcie Robertson Jancsi Artz, Mary Fortune, Sister Dorthea, Art Leis

august 2012



Avery and Dana Page

Cindy and Megan Mitcham

Ashlee Ellis, Natalie Roberts Laura McCalop, Risa Moriarity

Allison Abney, Shelly Brown

Judy Rankin, Shannon Lyle

Cathy Hudgins, Beth Garland


e love a good party and so do our readers!

Don’t let your party end when the guests go home. Keep it going by submitting pictures from it to The Northside Sun Magazine. It’s Easy. Just make sure when using a digital camera to have the setting at the highest resolution possible and e-mail them to us or submit a CD. Or the old fashioned way using film prints still works great!!! Type up something about the fun event and identify everyone in the photos and it’s done. And remember we like photos exclusive to us.

Still have questions? Gives us a call: 957-1122 or e-mail 76

northside sun

EVENTS w h a t ’ s

SANTE SOUTH WINE FESTIVAL The eighth annual Sante South Wine Festival benefiting the Alzheimer’s Association Mississippi Chapter was held recently at The South.

h a p p e n i n g

Alan Arrington, Donna Doran

Jake and Betty Lynn Coleman, Daynelle and Ken Lee

Jonathan and Kristie Tabor

Amanda and Scott Overby, Lynn Fillingham

David and Kate Bowman, Bill Long

Joan and Denis Damiens, Lucy Taylor

Amy Batson, Cindy Logan, Christine Newman, Christy Williams

Jessica Lohmeier, Jenny Woodruff, Leslie Hollingsworth

Tom Ramsey, Jennie Pitts, Matt Eichelberger

Olga Abramovich, Andy Quinn, Pam McGee

Daniel Bouque, Kasey Charpentier

august 2012


SANTE SOUTH WINE FESTIVAL Selah, Buddy and Susan Graves

Lindsay Palmer, Robin and David Dichira

Tacy Rayburn, Jean Rose, Marti Nance, Margaret Bucci

Nicole Kemp, V Guardado


northside sun

Brett Dunaway, Amanda and Grady Griffin, John Reeves

Alex Manning, Jackye Shanks-Moore and Rodney Moore

Deanna Gronlie, David Stewart

Mona Nicholas, Patrick Hilton, Delia Smith, Jancsi Artz

Ellen Bourdeaux, Mike McBride

Hunter and Mike Scott

Chris and Maggie Waddell


Maggie Middleton, Sarah Dill

David and Michelle Pharr

Sheena Daigle, Patrick Volden

Steve Rowell, Deena Heath, Isabelle and Chuck Crawford

David Hollingsworth, Jamie Campbell, Jerry Abdalla, Jeffrey Lohmeier

Angie Robinson, Debbie Westbrook

Amile Wilson, Kathryn Gurtler

Maury and Lauren Breazeale

James Hendrix, Leslie LeBlanc

Tammy and Ramel Cotton

Patty Dunn, Keith Plunkett

Stephanie Hall, Amy Milner

Tony Bahou, Lindsay Cash

august 2012


EVENTS w h a t ’ s

h a p p e n i n g

ARTS ON THE GREEN SPONSORS PARTY St. Andrew’s Episcopal School hosted an “Arts on the Green” sponsors party at Gallery 119. The party recognized sponsors who helped support the annual fund-raiser for the school. Lorna Chain and Kellye Montjoy chaired the event. Lorna Chain, Kellye Montjoy, Kenny Windham

Stephany Griebler, Pat Mardis, Jane Hill

Leanna Range Owens, Eric Norwood Betsy Greener, Margaret Palmer, Alison Fisackerly

Paul McNeill, Suzanne Kotfila, Beth Smith, Frances Jean and Walter Neely Ruthie Hollis, Elizabeth Buyan

Renee Jones, Debbie Good, Susan Frazier

Joey and James Garner Margaret Palmer, Mike McRee, Susan Frazier


northside sun

George Ardelean, Carol and George Penick

Vernon and Julia Chadwick

ARTS ON THE GREEN SPONSORS PARTY Charles Johnson, Kellye Montjoy

Kevin Lewis, Billy Edwards

Debbie Good, Honey East

Sherribeth Farmer, Greg and Elizabeth Buyan

Wendy Mullins, Pat Mardis, Jane Hill

august 2012


EVENTS w h a t ’ s

h a p p e n i n g

OPERATION SHOESTRING SPRING FLING The Mississippi Museum of Art was the setting for Operation Shoestring’s major fund-raiser, Spring Fling. The evening benefited the nonprofit’s programs. Robert Langford, Betsy Bradley, Doug Boone

Rachel and Sara Kabukala, Crisler Boone

Tracy and Ira Murray Ken Barton, Betsy Bezat, Lucille and Earl Webster

Suzie and Ashby Foote

Virgi Lindsay, Betty and Howard Nichols, Meredith and J.D. May

Linda Trifore, Rhonda Hale

Darrell Winston, Cary Smith

Don and Becky Potts

Alisha and Eric Redd 82

northside sun

Robin and John Davis Henderson

OPERATION SHOESTRING SPRING FLING Patricia Rucker, Paul Myers, Gina Myers

Frances and Cooper Morrison, Suzie and Ashby Foote

Ann Nichols, Jeanne Yarbrough

Robert and Michelle Alexander

David Johnson Jr., Heather Montgomery, David Johnson Sr.

Jennifer and Peder Johnson

Celestie Lindsey, Bobbie Moore, Beverly Shaeffers, Lanetta Bullie

Anna Frame, John, Gayla and Mary Purvis

Ann Peyton, Lillie Williams, Monica Lanos

Donna and Tommy Reaves

Deniece Williams, Liana Peavie

august 2012


OPERATION SHOESTRING SPRING FLING Suzanne and Bill Boone, Rebecca Wiggs

Frederick Suttles, Rolanda Alexander, Joseph Daughtry

Ashley Ewing, Elizabeth Bush, Alice Skelton, Kimberly Lassiter, Alex Guy


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Lyndsay and Scott Simpson

Erica Freeman, Walter Neill

Eugene McQuirter, Aakeela Hudnall

EVENTS w h a t ’ s

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Jack and Marianne Wilson

CHAINE DES ROTISSEURS Chaine des Rotisseurs met recently at the home of Melissa and Ralph Daniel. Chaine des Rotisseurs is the oldest and largest food and wine society in the world. Special guest was Tony Hirsh, from the Chambellan Provincial, Bailli Myrtle Beach Chapter. Betty Ruth Johnson and Tommy James

Allyson Hirsh, Melissa Daniel, Janice Blumenthal

J.D. Fly, Marlin Rains, Alex Allenburger, Samar Dac, Dev Manisundaram

Dan and Buddy Blumenthal, Ralph Daniel, Tony Hirsch

Dev and Brenda Manisundaram

Ben and B.C. Rogers, J.D. Fly, Dan Blumethal

Sabra Sullivan-Majure, Troy Majure Carol and Fred Parker

Norm Rush, Sara Knight

Jim Rawls, Seymour Pooley

Melissa, Ralph and Jonathan Daniel august 2012


EVENTS w h a t ’ s

h a p p e n i n g

PATRICIA EVANS RECEPTION The Mississippi Law School has named the admissions suite for Patricia Evans, who is retiring this year. A reception was held in her honor recently at the school. Evans was the director of admissions for the school.

Robin Owen, Amy Ward

Leigh Ann and Patricia Evans, Leslie Dixon

Larry Lee, Lee Hetherington, Jerry Abdalla

Justyn and Mary Reid Dixon, Patricia Evans, Sims and Leslie Dixon Anne Gorton, Carolyn McLendon

Cheryl Welch, Melissa Cavett 86

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Claudia Hauberg, Jackie Root, Nell Ward, Sally Carmichael, Rita Johnson Lee and Alicia Hall, Meredith Aden

Margaret Smith, Patricia Evans, Mary Zimmerman

Mike and Cherie Maloney, Michelle Partridge, Jeff Jackson

Russ Hawkins, Pat Bennett

PATRICIA EVANS RECEPTION Jim Rosenblatt, Joan Bat Moore

Wesley Webb, John Lyons

Elizabeth and Len Stanga, Nell Wall

Judy Johnson, Phillip McIntosh, Karen Hayes, Ann McIntyre

Jim Rosenblatt, Jerry Abdalla, Pat Evans, Lee Hetherington, Tom Abdalla

august 2012


EVENTS w h a t ’ s

h a p p e n i n g

Dexter Young, Sedric Brinson

MEN’S NIGHT OUT The Ridgeland Chamber of Commerce hosted its second annual Men’s Night Out at the Jackson Yacht Club. Featured was the final playoff game of the March Madness NCAA basketball tournament. The evening included dinner, snacks, networking and silent auction. Brian Ramsey, Trizell Harden, Wint McGee

Carey Stout, Alan Hart; (front) Joe Smiley, Greg Starnes, Bryan Johnson

Eddie Hopper, Larry Simons

Ann Carraway, Dan Hammond

Larry Foote, Lynda Alman, Michelle Little

Scott Jones, Bruce McKinley, Wayne McLeod, Ramon Broerman

Tom Welch, Randy Keng, Alan Chester

Jay Tucker, Justin Gauthier, Ken Brooks

Philip Holman, Cleve Barham, Bernie Holman

Rob Oates, David Whitt 88

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MEN’S NIGHT OUT Paula Payne, Dave Dyar

D.I. Smith, Tom Logue, John Taylor, Angie Steadman

Kevin Nall, Cal Adams

Eric Coleman, Trizell Hardin

Chris Burgio, Mike MacGown, Matthew Kirk

august 2012


EVENTS w h a t ’ s

h a p p e n i n g

Ellen Gully, Phoebe Smith Porter

JACKSON SYMPHONY LEAGUE SPRING LUNCHEON The Jackson Symphony League held its annual meeting and spring luncheon recently at The South. During the luncheon Maison Weiss presented a fashion show featuring Lafayette 148 New York fashions. Lele Rooks, Janice Ingram, Michele Rogers

Faira Bishop, Kim Porter, Nell Wall

Lauri Byrd, Angela Myers, Faye McGriff, Cora Jeanne Miller

Earline Raines, Robin Browning, Ruth Tant, Dean Alexander, Frances Walton, Nora Frances McRae, Jackie Root Blair Hederman, Kelly Abdo

Sue Lobrano, Kathy Lyell


northside sun

Betty Lynn Freeman, Malinda Warren, Bean Sulser, Nell Weiss

Lawana McLennan, Mena Applewhite, Holley Noblitt

Jackie Petrus, Ann Rice, Kathy Henry

Ginny Roberts, Michelle Jennings

JACKSON SYMPHONY LEAGUE SPRING LUNCHEON Rochelle Hicks, Susan McNamara, Lindsay Hamm

Terrell Rogers, Katherine and Nora Frances McRae

Eula Stanley, Marlane Dove, Betty Bivins, Charlene Kelly, Rita Wray

Amber Sukhbaatar, Page Farris

Susan Copeland, Emily Dye

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northside sun

and so do our readers! Don’t let your party end when the guests go home. Keep it going by submitting pictures from it to the Northside Sun Magazine. It’s Easy. Just make sure when using a digital camera to have the setting at the highest resolution possible and e-mail them to us or submit a CD. Or the old fashioned way using film prints still works great!!! Type up something about the fun event and identify everyone in the photos and it’s done.

And remember we like photos exclusive to us. Still have questions? Gives us a call: 957-1122 or e-mail


Subscribe to the Northside Sun Magazine and have it delivered right to your mailbox. Be one of the first to see what’s going on in your neighborhood and around the town. It’s so convenient! Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone Number: Check enclosed for $20.00 for one year subscription. Please bill me $20 for one year subscription.

Northside Sun

P. O. Box 16709 • Jackson, MS 39236 or call 601-957-1542 august 2012


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