TBB December 2022

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NewBurgerKingRestaurant ComingforThunderBay INCREASESINGRAIN,POTASH SHIPMENTSATTHEPORTOFTHUNDERBAY INSIDE World Population Now 8 Billion:Canada 37 Million! My Most Unforgettable Christmas LOCALBUSINESS SHOWCASING 36 LOCALVENDORS and growing… North Superior Publishing @tbay25 DigitalCourseProvides ManyBenefitsForNew Snowmobilers

CancerCare in Northwestern Ontario Getting a Huge Boost

People who live in Northwestern Ontario will soon have access to improved cancer care services closer to home thanks to funding from the Ontario government, Cancer Care Ontario and the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation.

The total project costs come in at just over $13.2M. It includes the addition of a new, third Linear Accelerator (LINAC) and a new state of the art Positron Emission Tomography (PET/CT) CTscanner. The PET/CTand LINAC are essential components of leading edge cancer diagnosis and treatment.

“We have seen firsthand the benefits to the patient of being able to offer quality cancer care closer to home,” said Dr. Rhonda Crocker Ellacott, President and CEO of Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) and CEO of Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute (TBRHRI). “Now thanks to this funding and donations, we will be able to address any gap in radiation therapy treatment capacity in the region, while keeping up with state of the art technology to accurately diagnose and manage best cancer care. This is great news for the communities we serve.”

PET/CTcombines two general types of imaging – nuclear and x-ray. The PET (nuclear) imaging “lights up” cancer cells where they are present and the CT(x-ray) imaging allows doctors to see exactly where in the body those lit-up areas are located. PET/CTimaging allows doctors to more accurately diagnose and manage disease and supports physicians in developing a treatment plan. The current PET/CTis an aging unit due for replacement. The LINAC is used for radiation treatments for patients with cancer. It delivers high-energy electrons to the affected area, destroying the cancer cells while sparing the sur-

rounding normal tissue. The technology is essential in supporting cancer care.

“We are pleased to announce the addition of a third linear accelerator to our Hospital,” said Dr. Nicole Laferriere, Chief of Oncology and Medical Director at Regional Cancer Care Northwest, TBRHSC. “Radiation therapy treatment volumes have grown to require this additional piece of equipment. We have seen firsthand the benefits to the patient of being able to offer cancer care closer to home. Now we will be able to address any gap in radiation therapy treatment capacity in the region.”

Pictured (From L-R): Dr. Margaret Anthes, Medical Lead, Radiation Oncology, Regional CancerCare Northwest, TBRHSC; Kevin Holland, M.P.P. forThunderBay-Atikokan; and Dr. Rhonda CrockerEllacott, President and CEO, TBRHSC and CEO, TBRHRI.

The world has now reached a population of 8 billion! That’s so many people and with Canada now at 37 million makes me realize how unique we are as a country in the world. We are less than 1/2 of 1 % of the world population yet occupy a large rich land base. Our GDPas a country is around $1.64 trillion and ninth on some lists with the USAtops at $ 20.89 trillion. Next is China with $14.72 trillion and then Japan at $ 5.06 trillion. Perhaps a better way to look at it is GDPper capita with Canada at $42,080, the USAat $63,413 and China at $10,434. For example India has a GDPof $2.66 trillion but GDPper capita of $1,877.

My point is we are lucky to live in Canada and have a good economic environment and all the perks that go with it like health care, abundant food, jobs and places to live. I realize not everyone in Canada has this as they would like but many do.We also have a pretty good safety net for people in Canada.

In my opinion here is nothing more vital in any human being than the mind,no matter where you live and in what country. There is no question, doubt, or debate about this fact. Really the mind is a marvel, a miracle that is so complicated it's virtually impossible to figure out. Neurosurgeons for example, have a fantastically complex job when they work on the human brain.

So what does that mean for us as human beings? We need to use the magnificent mind that God gave us. We need to maximize our potential, and THINK our way through life with skill and abilities that only human beings have. Unfortunately many people, in fact most people, use only a tiny portion of their mind's ability. It is a giant shame and is something we need to change RIGHTNOW! This will be the best thing you could ever do for yourself, bar none.

I believe your mind is like your body in that it needs good ideas, just as our body

I love to eat.Most of us do.So how do we continue to do what we enjoy without packing on the pounds?Over the Christmas season this becomes even more of a challenge.If you were to study the history of our food intake (diet), it is interesting to notice how ideas and principles often seem to go in big circles.What you will find is that many dieting plans have some truths and some exaggerations or overreaching conclusions.What I look for is the general principles that they all have in common.No one diet is going to be most effective for everyone.But for us living a Western lifestyle, the following points are quite consistent.

1 Most of us eat too much. No really, we eat too much!An over abundance of cheap food, good and bad, mixed with excessive marketing strategies has the cards stacked against our ability to eat less calories.It doesn’t matter what diet you do, one of the biggest reasons that they work, for a short time period, is that amongst other things you are consuming less calories.You

do so because you are motivated, for a period of time, to stick to it.

2 We eat too fast.Many studies have consistently shown that portioning your food and eating slower will reduce calories consumed at any one sitting.It takes twenty minutes for your body to perceive it is full.Instead of loading your plate with everything at the buffet all at once, break your meal into courses and go back multiple times.

3 Over consumption of sugar is much worse for you than fat.Fat has been the goat for far too many decades, mostly due to skewed scientific research.Fat is an essential component of every cell in our body, but again, too much of it can cause health problems.However, substituting tasty fat with sugars is worse because your body changes sugar to triglycerides, which is much worse for your arteries and heart than fat. That doesn’t mean it is okay to eat a pound of bacon; animal fats are much worse for you than plant fats. Nuts, avocados, vegetable oils and beans all have fat that is more heart/artery healthy for you than animal fat.

4 Salt. We need it to survive. Too much salt is the problem.The killer is not the salt shaker, it is the processed food: crackers, cereal, bread, cookies, cheese, canned soups, cured meats, chips etc.

5 I love to eat out at a restaurant just as much as the next person. But restaurant eating will pile on the calories and salt sky high, unless you plan on leaving half your meal on the plate.Restaurants make their food as tasty as possible using three main ingredients: sugar, fat and salt. The combo of which is not only lethal but also delicious.Think kettle corn.All savory sauces include sugar while all desserts include salt and they all have fat, to provoke your body’s desire to consume more.What is worse is that the Western taste palette is addicted to only these three taste options.We need to develop our taste senses to appreciate

needs good food. You have to continue to feed your mind positive, fantastic ideas on a daily basis, that will change your entire way of thinking and YOUR LIFE. There have been many fantastic individuals who have lived before us in this magnificent world of ours who have developed incredible ideas. These ideas have been available for us to discover in books.

After attending primary school, high school, and 6 years of university and after reading countless books on all types of business subjects, I actually stopped reading. However the Norman Vincent Peale book, The Power of Positive Thinking, was exactly the remedy I needed to prompt me to start reading once again. I find the ideas fabulous. They feed the mind with some positive food with which to develop. Now I try to read the best books every day, usually at night. An important point to realize is that, what you think about is really what matters in your life. It is more important than your circumstances, or what happens around you. It's what YOU

think about what's going on that matters. How you choose to react to the events that happen to you, and around you, is the only important thing. This sets your attitude and therefore your life. It's really that simple.

This is an exceptionally important point to think about. You can't always choose what happens to you, or how people treat you, but you can choose how you react to it or them. You have complete control of your mind at all times. Anyone, even the prisoner in jail, can choose what to think about at any given moment. He doesn't have to feel confined or finished, but can be striving to make life better. It all starts in the mind. This is the beginning. It's like creating a brand new road map for the life that remains starting now.

If you live in a rich country like Canada with so much to offer or in a more developing country you can do well and enjoy your life. It really begins with you! www.scottsumner.com

without Tipping the Scale

a much wider variety of flavours that can become a desirable substitute.Sour, tart, spicy, herbaceous, are different colours to be explored.Can you appreciate the rich and interesting flavours of lobster, shrimp, mushrooms, broccoli, collard greens or anything other than chicken breast without soaking them in butter and cheese sauce?

6 Intermittent fasting.This has become more popular over the last few years.The idea is to find certain days of the week where you fast for 12 to 24 hours. Some studies have shown that it can help regulate insulin levels as well as reduce the overall calories consumed in a week.The rise in popularity is because you have flexibility on when as well as how long to fast.You can make your own schedule and feel the positive health benefits of consuming less.For these reasons it is a sustainable option, unlike most “diets”, for both short term weight loss and a long term healthy lifestyle.This may be a good strategy before those holiday big meals. Other seasonal traditions that will modify

your food consumption include sleeping patterns (staying up late stimulates snacking urges), leaving treats out on the table and counter (you can only tell yourself “no” so many times before you succumb), and lack of daily activity (keep the focus on fun and less on food).Have a game plan going into the holiday season.With a little mindfulness around your food consumption, you will have a much better chance to enjoy all those tasty delights without tipping the scales.

James DiGiuseppe is a local chiropractor with a busy family and wellness practice.For more health information or to contact Dr. DiGiuseppe visit: www.portarthurchiropractic.com

Publisher’s Note
Population Now
Canada 37 Million!
Scott Sumner Enjoy Eating this Holiday Season

On November 24th, PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise held their annual THRIVE; Prospering PARO Women conference, bringing together women in business to share the teachings and successes that come with navigating the business world, post-COVID.

The conference, held at the Valhalla Inn in Thunder Bay, covers a variety of topics pertaining to both emerging entrepreneurs and scaling business professionals. THRIVE sees diversity as a strength, and touches on the needs and goals of Indigenous women, Francophone women, 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals, women who identify with disability, and those who are new to Canada.

Says Rosalind Lockyer, CEO of PARO; “THRIVE is all about giving women entrepreneurs the chance to meet face-to-face post pandemic – a place where they can talk about triumphs and challenges, what barriers they’ve faced and what they’ve learned. Whether they’re new to the world of business or have a lifetime of experience, there’s so much to be learned from each other.”

The conference also discusses how COVID19 disproportionately affected womenowned businesses in Ontario; data shows that women shouldered the majority of increased child and elder care responsibilities during the pandemic, and women-dominated sectors such as small business, retail, food and services, were the most vulnerable to the economic losses of the pandemic.

Continues Rosalind Lockyer, CEO of

PARO; “Despite the hardship that befell women-owned businesses during the pandemic, PARO women are optimistic about the future. The number of woman-owned businesses is on the rise, both locally and globally, and with the determination to break down barriers that women have demonstrated in business, we see nothing but a bright future.”

The THRIVE; Prospering PARO Women conference also features keynotes from Cheekbone Beauty founder, Jenn Harper, and comic, storyteller, and mentor, Deborah Kimmett. It is being held as both an in-person and virtual event, inviting individuals from all across Ontario to partake in the teachings of new and seasoned business professionals.

To learn more, visit www.paro.ca/thrive2022

need to succeed in Ontario

wake up everyday and think I don’t know what I am doing. But I still just figured it out and got a team of people to help who had the skills I didn’t have, like getting a CFOin place and the right science team for R&D.”

“ I am really excited about the future for Cheekbone Beauty. If you would wake up every some days, especially in the early phases, and still do your business for no money it means you are really passionate about it. We all need money but it shows you have a passion for the business and should keep going.”

Jenn Harper, CEO and Founderof Cheekbone Beauty Cosmetics Inc.was keynote speaker

“ We started in 2016 with just me in the company until 2019 when my appearance on the Dragon’s Den TVshow aired. Then we needed help so I hired two people and of course my family was helping with unpaid support. Now we are 12 employees and we work with many different agencies for marketing support, sustainability support, creative support, PR agencysupport and many other consultants all in the background that help the company grow. We are now a multi million dollar business.”

“ You are always learning. I met a really successful business women in the jewelry industry at a conference in my early business days and asked her if she ever felt she didn’t know what you are doing like I did sometimes and she said all the time. I would

“We thought it was time to let people know that women in business survived the pandemic, but not only survived but did well and thrived. We want to put the good face out there. Crisis can bring you success if you look for the opportunities. Being optimistic and knowing who you are and what you want to do is important. Jenn Harper, our speaker today, is a great example of that. You can take advantage of the types of supports that are available around and you can thrive.”

“Our community needs diversity, all people in all walks of life to be the best that they can be. We don’t want to leave anyone out.”

“ At Paro, because of the way it is in the virtual world, we learned to operate in the pandemic and can now help women anywhere in the province or in Canada even. We can meet in person, which is wonderful and nurturing, but we can also talk together in a virtual way everyday.”

THRIVE; Prospering PARO Women conference tackles barriers and enablers forwomen in business.
What women entrepreneurs
2022 Chevrolet Silverado Crew LTTrailBoss * Preferred Equipment Group * 5.3 LECOTEC3 V8 W/O DFM * * 10 Speed Automatic Transmission * 18” Black Painted Aluminum Wheels * White * Automatic Climate Control * Front Bucket Seats * 1.99 % @ 84 Months - 22 Silverado 399 Memorial Avenue ThunderBay, On P7B 3Y4 Tel: (807) 683-4900 Fax: (807) 345-8005 Toll Free: 1-800-465-3915 2022 Chevrolet Silverado LTTrail Boss
Rosalind Lockyer, CEO of PARO and Jenn HarperCEO and Founderof Cheekbone Beauty Cosmetics Inc.

My Most Unforgettable Christmas

My most unforgettable Christmas was in 1955 I was 10 years old. Let me tell you a little about how it came to be. My parents were going through difficult times. There was to be no money for Christmas. But, as always, that Christmas they pulled through and there

process of building on 81 Gertrude Street. We had to carry lumber through the bush when we first moved in as there was no road. As soon as the exterior walls were up we moved in so you can imagine how much work needed to be done inside. My father would come home just black after shoveling coal all day. He was coated in black dust and I

bring it home and store it in the garage. There would be nothing for Christmas without these treasures he stashed in the garage. There were broken toys, scratched skates, bicycles that needed work and dolls that needed bathing and dressing which Mom did for Dad.

A few months before Christmas, I noticed Dad didn’t seem to be working on the house and I became very curious and wondered why. I also wondered why when Dad was at work in the garage the door was always locked. When I just couldn’t stand it anymore, not knowing why Dad was spending so much time in the garage, I very carefully tip-toed to the basement entrance to the garage to take a peak. There stood my father with a paintbrush in one hand and a smile on his face, admiring his repair job on a little wooden crib that I would receive that Christmas. In his eyes I saw love, joy and peace. Love given in the tender-

hearted care he put into turning that crib into the most beautiful crib I ever saw.

I didn’t make a sound, but I stood there with a tear in my eye admiring my special dad, then I quietly made an exit and never breathed a word of what I had seen.

On Christmas morning though, I had even greater appreciation for the wonderful gifts that were under the tree. In the following years I had more anticipation waiting to see which skates would be polished like new and what bicycles had spokes replaced and what toys had been repaired. I listened to Dad working in the garage never forgetting the smile on his face as he worked to give his children the most unforgettable Christmas.

were gifts for each one of us.

My father (John Pobihushchy) was working at inland Coal at the time and his job was very strenuous as he shoveled coal by hand in the bitter cold winters. When he came home, my mother who knew how hard he worked would come up with the most delicious dishes, even though there weren’t many elaborate fixings to cook because we were barely making it.

At the time we were living in an unfinished home that my dad was in the

would like to get him talking because the black dust made the whites of his eyes and teeth look pearly white. The fist time my little brother saw him though he was scared because he didn’t recognize him. Well, Dad would wash up eat and have a short nap and then begin working on the house. I don’t know how he even kept the pace up but I do know why – it was for us.

For many months before Christmas, Dad would watch to see what people threw out and if it was repairable he would


New BurgerKing Restaurant Coming forThunderBay

Local construction company M Builds is finishing off a new building that will soon house Thunder Bay’s third Burger King restaurant across from the Intercity Shopping Centre. I asked Graham Belluz, Project Manager at M Builds some questions about the project.

Tell me about the building size, type of construction and finishes that were used?

“ MBuilds is constructing a 5100 sq ft building, consisting of shallow concrete foundations, structural steel framing,

heavy gauge steel studs walls,and a 4 ply built up asphalt roof system.The use of structural steel for the building structure has allowed specialized canopies and multiple types of finishes to be applied to the exterior of the building, which is of course the latest architectural craze.This buildingexterioris finished with multiple unique materials such as: EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finish System commonly known asstucco), masonry brick and block, precast concrete sills, aluminum composite panels, fiber cement siding, corrugated metal cladding, aluminum store front and glazing.The exterior is complimented with landscaped areas and a coloured concrete patio area.”

Overall how has the project gone and are you almost complete? How did the build process go? What were the stages of construction of this facility? Were you affected by any issues such as supply chain of materials, approvals orany services needed for the project?

“ The projectfollowed typical new build construction schedulesequencing. M Buildsand our subcontractors completed allprocurement activities andshop drawingsas early in the process as possibleto avoid any supply chain issues for materials for this project.We did experience some delays early in the construction season, and these were due to a late springthawas well asthe labour disputes andstrikesthat were prevalent in the industry this Spring, and thisdid not allow us to start as early as we anticipated. Overallthis project has progressed well andwe are looking to wrap up at months end.Our Site Superintendent Tony Tesolin and all of our subtrades have provided a very high quality product, that the Owner and Consultants are very happy with.”


New BurgerKing Restaurant Coming forThunderBay

The site is large and includes other adjacent buildings already complete orready forfurtherdevelopment?

leadership team has given us the confidence to move quickly and achieve results. Our deep understanding of how to successfully operate and grow restaurants in a vast Canadian landscape has made us one of the country’s leading restaurant operators.

Canada, with signed agreements for almost 500 additional restaurants over the next few years.

Sovereign Asset Management owns this development at 905-911 Fort William Road. It is a vertically-integrated property development company focused on delivering quality retail space to our tenants through the use of our in-house expertise in site selection, planning, design, and engineering. We are a privately held company looking to aggressively grow our portfolio through the

acquisition and development of raw land and underdeveloped properties. We focus on high-traffic, single-user and multitenant retail locations across Canada. Some of our recently completed projects include a 40,000 square foot grocery store in Hamilton Ontario, retail plazas in Barrie and Collingwood Ontario, and single-use buildings in Moncton, New Brunswick and Charlottetown, P.E.I.

“ Underthis contact MBuilds completed the foundations for a future building we call “B2”and we have an option for this workwhich will be built in the foreseeable future, as the owner is in the process of finalizing the agreements with the new tenants. M Builds has already provided all of the servicing and site work to ensure minimal disruption to the area once the tenant agreements are finalized. We are currently working with other Tenants to finalize all of the agreements required for Buildings C and D as well.”

What is yourfeeling on the current construction market in ThunderBay and area?

“ The current construction market in NWO has been keepingM Builds and our valued sub-contractors in area very busy. The Covid 19supply chain issues, which have resulted in unprecedented increases inthecost of new materials have been the largestimpediment toour industrythis past year. Due to these issues,it seems that thebudgetfor the project is not adequate,and this has resultedin tenders and projects being deferred, and in many cases,cancelled. We are looking for a moderation in the supply chain issues, and with the experience of the past year, for the project budgets to catch up with the material cost increases that we have seen, and the value of the finished real estate that the Owners or Developers enjoy once the project is completed.”

The new Burger King restaurant will be operated by Redberry Restaurants who are proud to be one of Canada’s largest restaurant operators.

Redberry is a perpetually curious, agile, and determined restaurant company. Leveraging a combined 80-plus years of business experience from our executive

Redberry has 160-plus locations across

and growing…

As in any community, it is vital to keep business and commerce alive, and our Thunder Bay community is passionate and committed to preserving and growing that inherent ideologic, when it comes to local business.

In September, 2022, yes, just a short while ago, two local entrepreneurs, Robbyn Fraser,

any heart.And…Fraser Design and Media, also provide professional multi-media services in Graphic Design, Advertising and Branding.

Shop Local Boutique, who’s new business address is also 112 Frederica Street East, boasts, ‘timeless merchandise, along with unique items and toys, for those personal desires of the heart, not to mention, interest-

would be the perfect place for my business’. Robbyn immediately pulled her vehicle over and decided to take a look at the building. Upon her approach, she saw a woman inside, sweeping up, who was noticing Robbyn, taking a photo of the information on the ‘FOR RENT’sign.The woman opened the door and with a welcoming gesture, beckoned Robbyn into the shop for an ‘impromptu’ tour, and thus, the conversation for this ‘dream come true’, began!

flavourful spices, nicely sized cutting boards and cheese boards, chartreuse boards, which are a must, especially for the Holiday Season and summertime BBQs. There are also unique wall plates and candles of all types,

owner of Fraser Design and Media, and Dayna Gordon, owner of Shop Local Boutique, partnered under one roof, to bring consumers service and selection, while spotlighting the importance of SHOPLOCALfor business growth within the community.

Fraser Design and Media, who has been in full operation for over 15 years, has just moved to their new address, 112 Frederica Street East. Company owner, Robbyn Fraser, has been creating helium balloon designs and décor, for all occasions, turning ordinary areas into magical masterpieces for ANY event.Robbyn also specializes in creative, professional gift wrapping, that would delight

ing gifts for friends and family, alike.For children, adults and even pets, there is something interesting for everyone and all are reasonably priced. All merchandise is locally furnished or created by, local artisans, craftspeople and vendors, here in Thunder Bay. And as for having an actual storefront for both Robbyn and Dayna, this was the perfect fit.

How did it begin?An entrepreneur with a passion! Robbyn Fraser, just happen to be driving down Frederica Street one day, when she saw a ‘FOR RENT’sign in the window of 112 Frederica Street E.She was more than excited and thought to herself, ‘this

Robbyn, and her husband, are both life long residences of, not only Thunder Bay, but of Westfort as well, but this was the dream Robbyn had always envisioned, a shop of her own.And now, that serendipitous opportunity had arrived!After viewing the site, Robbyn realized it was too much space for what she needed.That’s when she thought of Dayna Gordon, of Shop Local Boutique, who was the fronteering for a variety of local vendors.Robbyn thought ‘just maybe she would be interested in sharing this business space with me?’Timing was certainly on Robbyn’s side, and and Dayna’s as well, thus, the two worked in dual partnership, that they may both have their businesses under one roof, complimenting and supporting each other’s individual business specialty and interests.

About Shop Local Boutique.Shop Local Boutique has really, ‘anything and everything’for special interests.The shop features, timeless hobby supplies for crocheting, knitting, embroidery and sewing and merchandise in handmade jewelry, pieces such as earrings and bracelets.And yes!They carry handcrafted fishing lures as well…place a couple of those in a jewelry box, gift wrapped by Robbyn, under the tree this year! And for the home?You will find items such as an interesting selection of

just to name a few.And for the kiddies, there are stuffed animals, painting and activity kits, wooden, handmade, colourful characters. And for older children, there are agerelated activity kits, including a game board by a local author.And let’s not forget the family pet?Make sure you ask about their pet shampoos, dog treats and toys, and other pet essentials.





Especially with the Holiday Season, rapidly approaching, bring a friend and take time to see the friendly ladies at Shop

you can slip into the coffee shop, right next door, directly attached to the boutique, and enjoy hand crafted, made right in the coffee shop, delicious baked treats, with your favourite cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.

case their creations at this venue.

Shop Local Boutique located at 112 Frederica Street East, Thunder Bay, Ontario, call 807-629-1034 and ask for Dayna.

Faser Design and Media, also located at 112 Frederica Street East, Thunder Bay, Ontario, call 807-622-8661 and ask for Robbyn.

Dayna and Robbyn want to invite everyone to come in and browse this exciting, and interesting venue.

Shop local with us!

may find there. And then, while you wait, to have your purchases delightfully, gift wrapped by Robbyn in her balloon studio,

Local Boutique and Fraser Design and Media, 112 Frederica Street East, and see what interesting and exciting treasures you Dayna Gordon of Shop Local Boutique, invites inquiries from any local vendors who wish to have the opportunity to show-

Last year, I wrote abut the virtues of gifting, and promised that this year, I will talk about the law of gifts.

Gifting is an important legal concept. A gift is different from a loan, a sale, the creation of a trust, or a bailment.

Agift is a free transfer intended to give the recipient beneficial ownership of the property. Abailment transfers possession only (like leaving your car for repairs).Aloan must be repaid. A sale is not free. Where a trust exists, legal title is transferred, but the beneficial ownership is not given with that legal title.

If you give property to your spouse, or

adult child it is presumed to be in trust for you. Do the same to your underage child and it is presumed to be a gift. If you die, or go through marital break-


down, this affects your finances, since beneficially ownership is what really counts. For that reason, it is desirable to draw up a declaration of gift or declaration of trust to avoid fights later. Both trust property in your name (but not really yours) and gifts are exempt if you bankrupt. But creditors may still

challenge the validity of either trust or gift. Always best to give the gifts early. Waiting increases the risk. With an outright gift, you give up control of the property. If you hold it in trust as the trustee, you still deal with the property. Just also realize that it is no longer really yours. You cannot take back a gift whether it is outright or in trust.

To make a gift legally, you need to express your intention to gift, and deliver the property to the recipient, who must accept the gift. No trojan horses, please. Land and buildings are normally gifted in writing by a transfer, while other assets like money, cars, furniture, can be gifted by handing them to the recipient. To prove inten-

tion and acceptance, a “deed of gift” or declaration of gift may be appropriate. Gifts may also be conditional. “I will give you my Mustang when you graduate”. So, if you plan to get engaged during the holidays, be careful how you phrase the terms upon which you present grandma’s ring.

With those cheerful parting words, on behalf of everyone at Weilers Law, we wish you happy and safe holidays, and may all your gift wishes come true.


Shipments of Western Canadian grain are on the rise at the Port of Thunder Bay.Grain elevators handled 840,000 tonnes of wheat, canola, and other grains during the month of October. Monthly grain shipments increased by 33% from September, and 8% over last October.

The increase was expected as the fall grain harvest moves its way through the supply chain.This marks a return to a more typical volume of grain transiting the port, following a year of decreased shipments.Last year’s grain harvest was negatively impacted by drought and heat on the Prairies.

At an estimated 93.5 million tonnes, this year’s Prairie grain harvest is the third largest on record.

In contrast to grain cargoes, shipments of potash cargoes have been strong throughout the 2022 shipping season. As of October 31, more than 1 million tonnes of the product have been transshipped at the Port of Thunder Bay, the most in over 30 years.Global supplies of potash, an important fertilizer input, have been strained by sanctions on product from Russia and Belarus, which comprise 32% of global production capacity.

ThunderBay CEDC Supports Twelve More Local Entrepreneurs

The Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission (CEDC) is pleased to announce another round of successful entrepreneurs who participated in the Starter Company Plus program. The program saw twelve business owners successfully complete all workshops, training and mentorship to receive the $5000 grant. The latest round of participants brought the year total for the program to nineteen entrepreneurs.

“Through the Entrepreneur Centre the Thunder Bay CEDC continues to support a strong start-up ecosystem in Thunder Bay,” states Jamie Taylor, CEO, Thunder Bay CEDC. ”The Starter Company Plus program is a great tool for entrepreneurs to create, expand or purchase a business and gain valuable entrepreneurial skills. The program is also a great way to build networks through the mentorship provided.”

The Starter Company Plus program is supported by the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation, and Trade

and is lead locally by the Thunder Bay and District Entrepreneur Centre, part of the Thunder Bay CEDC. The goal of the program is to mentor and train local entrepreneurs who are looking to

ability to build a business plan that is realistic and attainable, solidifying the vision we have for our company. The grant will fund vital equipment to help us achieve our goals. We are looking

AMMAConnect Inc.


Bloom and Branch HR

June & Jo Spice Co.

Lewk Clothing Muggs Coffeehouse

Norteños Taqueria

·Sound Hearing Inc.

The Boreal Museum

Umbrella Medical Clinic Inc.

·Wildflower Studio

Xoxo Photography

Participants include 9 start-ups and 3 expansion projects.

Visit www.gotothunderbay.ca/startercomanyplus for more information about the program.

start up, expand or purchase an existing business. Participants complete workshops relating to market research, business insurance, social media marketing, and financial decision making.

"The Starter Company Plus program is providing us with the tools needed to expand our business,” states Audry and Katie, Co-owners of June & Jo Spice Co. “The training has developed our

forward to the continued mentorship provided by the CEDC and building connections with local businesses through the program."

The twelve new successful participants for the Starter Company Plus program are as follows: Al Dar Immigration Services Inc.

In photo: Audry Gavin and Katie Porobic (Co-owners)


Digital Course Provides Many Benefits ForNew Snowmobilers

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) has announced that effectively immediately, the OFSC Driver Training Program will be offered exclusively online.

Delivered by the OFSC under the authority of theMinistry of Transportation of Ontario(MTO) since 1976, Driver Training has graduated more than 260,000 students aged 12 and older, teaching the rules and behaviours necessary to be a safe and courteous snowmobile operator.

Online Driver Traininglaunched in 2019 as a virtual alternative to traditional classroom instruction, and has proven to be a popular digital platform for 13,459 graduates to date. Online Driver Training allows for easy access from the convenience of home, better accommodating today’s busy family schedules, and responds to the learning preferences of a new generation of snowmobilers. Online Driver Training is also available in both English and French year-round and 24/7.

“I want to acknowledge and thank the countless volunteer instructors who have provided in-classOFSC Driver Training for decades, contributing immeasurably to the safety of recreational riding on OFSC Prescribed Snowmobile Trails.” said Ryan Eickmeier, OFSC CEO. “After two years of offering the course online only as a result of the COVID pandemic, as well as the evolving learning preferences of our youth, the demand has shifted significantly towards this offering. As such, we are now focusing our efforts and resources on making this online educational experience world-class to ensure the next generation of snowmobilers are fully equipped to safely enjoy our trails.”

Online registration and OFSC Driver Training are now available from the OFSC website. Students must be 12 years of age or older, and upon graduation may qualify to obtain an online Motorized Snow Vehicle Operator’s


The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) is a volunteer led, not for profit association that provides the voice for organized snowmobiling in Ontario.

OFSC snowmobile trails managed by 200 community based, member clubsgener-

ate up to $3.3 billion in economic activity in the province each year.


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