2015 PROSPECTUS Version 2: November 2014
HE MIHI TENEI Te-nei ahau ko te ho-kai nuku, ko te ho-kai rangi Ko te ho-kai nei a taku tupuna a Ta-ne I pikitia ai ki Te Rangi Tu-ha-ha- ki Te Tihi O Manono Ki te tiki nga- kete o Te Wa-nanga Ko te kete Tuauri Ko te kete Tuatea Ko te kete Aronui I tiritiria, i poupoutia ki runga i a Papatua-nuku Kia puta atu i te whei ao ki Te Ao Ma-rama Tihewa Mauriora! Ko Ruarangi te maunga, ko Raumanga te awa, ko Te Puna O Te Ma-tauranga te whare. E nga- Reo, e nga- Mana, e nga- tini ka-rangaranga ta-ngata, te-na- koutou katoa. He mihi te-nei ki a koutou e pa-nuitia nei te-nei pukapuka mo- to- ta-tou kuratini o Te TaiTokerau Wa-nanga.
Ma- te tauparapara i runga ake nei e takitaki haere te huarahi mokoutou e rapu nei i te ma-tauranga. “Ko te manu e kai ana te miro, no-na- te nga-here. Ko te manu e kai ana te ma-tauranga, no-na- te ao”. He whakatauki- te-nei hei whakamanawa i a koutou e whakaarongia nei ki te-nei a-huatanga. Hei aha? Hei oranga mo-u, mo- to- wha-nau, mo- te ha-pori puta noa. Ka whakamaumaharatia i o ta-tou mate tini kua whetu-rangitia; haere koutou e nga- mate, moe mai ra-, moe mai ra-. Ka-ti ra-, ko ra-tou te hunga mate ki a ra-tou, ko ta-tou te kanohi ora ki a ta-tou. Na- reira e rau rangatira ma-, kua tangihia nga- mate, kua mihia nga- ora. Nga- manaakitanga a te wa-hi ngaro ki a koutou katoa. Te-na- koutou, te-na- koutou, te-na- ano- ta-tou katoa.
For more detailed information visit: or Freephone: 0800 162 100 Tou iwi, tou wananga • Your people, your place
Your educational journey begins here
About NorthTec
Campuses and learning centres
Strategic partnerships
Student Success
Financial support
Tënä koe and welcome to NorthTec.
Applying to NorthTec
Enrol now
We are ready to help you get started on your educational journey. This prospectus highlights the many exciting programmes available throughout Northland.
Our expert tutors bring years of industry experience and many maintain industry relationships and ties.
Business Administration & Computing, Travel & Tourism 16 Hospitality
Creative Industries and Humanities
Our graduates take advantage of these connections to gain employment or apprenticeships right here in the North. NorthTec’s qualifications are recognised throughout New Zealand and around the world.
Visual and Digital Arts, Fashion Design
Toi Te Waingärahu (Mäori Arts)
Foundation Studies, Applied Writing
Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy
As Northland’s leading tertiary education provider we offer high quality, relevant and practical education to prepare you or your whänau for further education or your next career move.
Social Service
Toitü Te Reo
Health, Science and the Environment
Our campuses and learning centres are equipped with the technology and support you need to succeed on our programmes.
Conservation & Environmental Management, Science 27 Horticulture, Sustainable Rural Development
Education can transform your life.
Commercial Transport
We look forward to welcoming you to NorthTec in 2015.
Sport and Recreation
Trades and Technology
Architecture and Building Technology
Automotive Engineering
Electrical, Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Construction and Painting
Health and Safety
Getting involved
Courses and programmes may be cancelled, postponed or have their content or configuration changed from time to time (including during the academic year) at the discretion of NorthTec. Refer to our website for terms and conditions.
About NorthTec NorthTec is the only Northland-based tertiary education institute that provides programmes ranging from foundation, certificate and diploma levels to degrees. Working closely with local and national industries, NorthTec provides practical, quality training that meets Northland’s needs.
Ruth Green-Cole 2
Campuses and learning centres NorthTec has campuses and learning centres in Whangarei, Kerikeri, Räwene, Kaikohe and Kaitaia. NorthTec also has over 30 community-based delivery points from Coatesville in rural Rodney to Ngataki in the Far North.
Raumanga Campus, Whangarei Our main campus is located on Raumanga Valley Road. In Whangarei, NorthTec also has locations at Future Trades (Dyer Street) and at the ASB Stadium, Kensington. 51 Raumanga Valley Road, Whangarei Phone: +64 9 470 3555
Campuses and learning centres
Future Trades Campus, Whangarei NorthTec’s trades and primary industries training is based at a multi-million dollar, purpose-built campus in Whangarei’s industrial area. 19 Dyer Street, Whangarei Phone: +64 9 470 3980
Bay of Islands Campus, Kerikeri NorthTec’s Kerikeri campus is set in an inspiring location and offers a range of courses. 135 Hone Heke Road, Kerikeri Phone: +64 9 407 5855
Kaitaia Learning Centre In this friendly Far North township sits NorthTec’s northernmost campus. 6 Oxford Street, Kaitaia Phone: +64 9 408 6117
Räwene Learning Centre Friendly tutors, whänau atmosphere and supportive local community make Räwene a great place to study. 2 Nimmo Street East, Räwene Phone: +64 9 405 7659
Kaikohe Learning Centre The Kaikohe Learning Centre is run by the community, for the community. 4 Park Road, Kaikohe Phone: +64 9 470 4162
Rodney District NorthTec offers courses from construction to horticulture, forestry and te reo in this district, south of Whangarei.
Strategic partnerships Educational partnerships with other tertiary institutes provide opportunities for NorthTec students to earn qualifications through other tertiary providers while studying with NorthTec.
Sam Wellington 4
The following are NorthTec’s key academic partners: Auckland University of Technology (AUT) NorthTec has agreements in business, science (conservation and environmental management) and sports science with AUT University. Lincoln University Lincoln University and NorthTec joined forces in 2013 to deliver the Lincoln Diploma in Horticulture in Northland. Massey University In October 2003 NorthTec and Massey University agreed to cooperate in a venture that would improve study and research opportunities in Northland. The agreement also facilitates cooperation in staff development. Te Wänanga o Aotearoa Te Wänanga o Aotearoa and NorthTec work side-by-side to provide staircasing opportunities from each other’s programmes. Te Whare Wänanga o Awanuiärangi Te Whare Wänanga o Awanuiärangi formed a partnership with NorthTec in 2009 and delivers graduate and undergraduate programmes at NorthTec’s Raumanga campus. Unitec Students on the Bachelor of Applied Science programme taught at NorthTec earn the Unitec degree. University of Auckland NorthTec is a member of the James Henare Mäori Research Centre Advisory Board.
Te Taitokerau Trades Academy NorthTec and Te Taitokerau Trades Academy have formalised a secondary tertiary partnership arrangement to alleviate anxieties for students transitioning from school to tertiary. The Tertiary Accord of New Zealand (TANZ) NorthTec is a member of the TANZ network of six institutes of technology and polytechnics. Te Matarau Education Trust NorthTec and Te Matarau Education Trust formed a partnership in 2014 to provide trades training for Mäori and Pasifika learners.
Strategic partnerships
OERu The OERu is an independent, not-for-profit network that offers free online university courses for students worldwide. NorthTec is one of New Zealand’s anchor partners. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand brings together 100,000 highly trained professionals. CPA Australia CPA Australia is one of the largest, most recognised and respected accounting bodies in the world. Project Management Institute Study project management as part of your Bachelor of Applied Management, graduate diploma or as a oneoff course and be eligible for the Project Management Institute’s Certified Associate in Project Management certification (CAPM)®.
The following are NorthTec’s key non-academic partners: Chamber of Commerce Northland Rugby League Northland Rugby Union
Helping you achieve at NorthTec The Student Success team is here to help you on your journey from enrolment to graduation. We have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through issues that may impact on your study and to help you make the most of your time at NorthTec.
Student advisors
Our student advisors are available to assist you with any questions, queries and concerns you may have about being a NorthTec student on any of our campuses, learning sites or online. Our aim is to support you in every way we can, wherever you are, face-to-face, over the phone, or via text or email.
The Student Health Centre based at the Raumanga campus is staffed by experienced registered nurses who offer a comprehensive range of professional and confidential health services.
Career and study advice Our team of student advisors can help you with questions about your career options or study pathways.
Disability services NorthTec welcomes and supports all students with disabilities whether through physical, sensory, learning or mental difficulties. Our Student Advisors will provide information and support to make your study easier.
Library The NorthTec library is located on the Raumanga campus. The professional and friendly staff are here to help you with research or to find information online and in books, journals and DVDs. The library service is available online at and to regional students through a convenient mailing service.
Fitness centre For approximately $30 a semester, you can access the fitness centre and full range of cardio equipment at our Raumanga campus, complete with a dedicated gym instructor.
Campus Books
NorthTec has partnered up with a team of specialist, independent counsellors to provide students with free access to counselling services in Northland. Whilst you are studying, life carries on and personal problems or life crises can affect your studies. We want to ensure that all students have the opportunity to resolve these worries as quickly as possible through access to your student advisor or to counselling services. This is part of our commitment to promoting a healthy learning environment in which you have every opportunity to succeed.
The friendly staff ensure books required for all NorthTec courses are available, saving you the hassle of shopping elsewhere. And even better, all students get a 10% discount on every purchase. You can visit the store at the Raumanga campus or order your books online at
Mäori student support Whether you need academic, pastoral or cultural support, kaitakawaenga are here to support you. We provide one-on-one individual support and group work with other students and study skills workshops.
Student success
Computer labs With computer labs at every campus, we support you in your study by providing convenient access to the latest technology. You can borrow laptops, iPads and other equipment to assist you while you study.
Orientation Students start their journey with NorthTec by joining in a pöwhiri, take a campus tour and meeting tutors and fellow students. The Student Success team also visits all programme areas and campuses to make sure you know about all the support available.
Contact the Student Success team phone: 0800 808 856 or email: 7
Financial support Student loans and allowances When you are studying, you may be eligible for financial support from StudyLink. Student Allowance is a weekly payment to help with your living expenses while you study full-time. How much you get depends on your circumstances. You don’t have to pay this back. Student Loans are made up of three parts - compulsory fees, courserelated costs and living costs. You have to pay a student loan back but you can choose how much you want to borrow. You may not need a loan if you can pay your course fees yourself or if you receive a scholarship.
BreakOut is a database of awards, scholarships and grants for people in New Zealand. This database will help you find the funding schemes relevant to you and what you want to do. BreakOut has scholarships for schools, polytechnic or travel grants; sports and arts schemes; personal grants; personal development funds; academic and non-academic funding for people like you. Visit:
Applying for a student loan or allowance through StudyLink can take time. Make sure you apply well before your programme is due to start, to make sure your payments start on time. You can find out more about StudyLink online at
Fees free Study Assist - support for school leavers Choosing to embark on further study after leaving school is a big decision, especially if you are worried about the financial side of things.
If you are currently in receipt of Sole Parent Support or Supported Living Payments please see your WINZ Case Manager to let them know you have enrolled for a course before making your StudyLink application.
At NorthTec, we believe that continuing your education is an important investment in your future success. To help make things easier, we have Study Assist.
If you need advice or help with your application, contact our Student Advisors on 0800 808 856 or by emailing
Awards, grants and scholarships There is a range of awards, grants and scholarships available for students starting their study and for students who are continuing on to further levels of study.
Youth Guarantee Are you 16 – 19 years old? If so, you might be entitled to additional free support under the Youth Guarantee initiative. This is a government programme that provides young learners with financial help, transport assistance and access to a dedicated support team. This initiative lets you choose from a range of fees free level 2 and 3 study programmes at NorthTec. Ask us about Youth Guarantee when you enrol.
Study Assist is designed to help students currently studying at a Northland secondary school to take the next step towards a degree by covering the costs of the first year’s tuition fees. Study Assist is available to all Northland school leavers planning to enrol in full-time undergraduate study at NorthTec for the first time. Study Assist is available for the following degrees: • Bachelor of Applied Management • Bachelor of Applied Arts (Visual Arts) • Bachelor of Applied Social Service To be eligible for Study Assist you must: • Be a recent Northland school leaver • Meet the entry requirements for the course you are applying for.
Applying to NorthTec Choosing a programme At NorthTec there are over 100 programmes to choose from. You’ll find them all listed in this prospectus or online at www.northtec. Our Enquiries and Enrolments team are on hand to answer any questions you may have before enrolling. However, you should make your own investigations into whether the programme suits your needs. You can start your study at a level that suits you. You may have the necessary knowledge and skills to enter directly into the programme of your choice, or you may want to start with one of our foundation programmes. Many of our programmes offer pathways into further study. A qualification is made up of courses which can be modules, papers or units of study, which lead to a qualification. Some qualifications require successful completion of compulsory subjects whilst others offer elective subjects. Levels Each programme is classified by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) with a level from 1 to 10 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). The higher the level, the more complex and demanding the programme. Credits Credits show the ‘value’ of a programme and denote the length of time required to successfully complete it. One credit represents approximately ten hours of study. 120 credits represent a one-year, full-time programme of study. To obtain a particular qualification, students are required to gain a set amount of credits. For example, a bachelor’s degree requires 360 credits, with various credits achieved at certain levels.
Credit recognition You may be able to gain credit towards your chosen NorthTec qualification from courses you have passed previously (Credit Transfer, or CT) or through prior experience (Recognition of Prior Learning, or RPL). You can ask staff about the credit recognition process at your interview, or contact Registry for further information ( English language entry requirements Unless otherwise stated, students are required to have attained an acceptable level of English language fluency. This may be demonstrated in a variety of ways, including successful study in English, approved scores on TOEFL or IELTS tests, or completion of accepted international equivalents. For more information, please contact the International Office (
Financial support Applying to NorthTec
Fees Fees must be paid in New Zealand dollars and can be paid by cash, cheque, eftpos, credit card or internet banking. It is essential that fees are paid before your programme starts. Students are responsible for arranging payment of their fees. If you need assistance with your StudyLink application, contact our Student Advisors on 0800 808 856. Withdrawal Domestic students wishing to withdraw from some or all of their courses must complete a Programme/Course Withdrawal Form, available from Registry. The policy Domestic Student Fees (03.017) covers information about fee refunds. Further information is available from NorthTec Registry (
Entry criteria NorthTec’s programmes are designed to suit students entering study with varying levels of previous study and life experience. Each programme has entry
criteria. These criteria may be academic, relate to work and life skills and experience, or be related to age. Here is a guide to help you check your entry level.
If you have
You could enrol in
No formal qualifications or skills
Foundation level programme
NCEA level 1 or equivalent (or) Are a mature student with the equivalent skills
Certificate programmes at levels 2, 3 and 4
NCEA level 2 or 3 or equivalent (or) A relevant certificate level qualification (or) Are a mature student with the equivalent skills
Diploma programmes at levels 5, 6 and 7
Degree entry criteria (or) A relevant diploma qualification (or) Are a mature student with the equivalent required skills
Bachelor’s degrees at level 7
A bachelor’s degree
A post-graduate qualification
Degrees and Graduate Diplomas
Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5
Levels 5, 6 and 7
Level 7
Certificates at NorthTec are usually between levels 1 and 4, and with at least 40 credits. They can take from 12 weeks to a full year to complete and can provide a pathway into diploma and degree programmes. This includes foundation level programmes. Most trades and service jobs require level 3 or 4 certificates.
Diplomas are usually between levels 5 and 7. They take one to two years of full-time study and can lead to further study at degree level.
Degrees are qualifications at level 7. They usually take three years of full-time study to complete and can lead to further study at master’s degree or doctorate levels. A person who holds a bachelor’s degree may be able to enrol for a post-graduate diploma or master’s degree.
Graduate diplomas Graduate diplomas are qualifications at level 7. They are often one year of full-time study; a bachelor’s degree or equivalent is the usual entry requirement.
Enrol now With the help of our friendly Enquiries and Enrolments team, enrolling at NorthTec is easy. The Enquiries and Enrolments Centre is a one-stop-shop, so whether you want to know about upcoming programmes, need help organising your enrolment or are continuing your study with NorthTec, contact them today.
Follow these simple steps to enrol:
Entry criteria
Complete an enrolment form This can be submitted online, in person or via post. We will acknowledge and assess your application.
Documentation You will need to provide us with verification of your identity. We will let you know if you need to complete any other course-specific paperwork.
Enrol online
Enrol by post
We will contact you to arrange an interview if necessary. Not all programmes require interviews upon enrolment.
We will send you an invoice for your study. Your fees must be paid before starting your course.
Welcome to NorthTec!
Apply online at
Call 0800 162 100 or email to request an enrolment pack. Complete an enrolment form and return it to: NorthTec Enquiries and Enrolments Private Bag 9019 Whangarei 0148
We will send you a letter to confirm your acceptance onto the course.
Enrol now
Enrol in person Visit the Enquiries and Enrolments Centre at our Raumanga Campus in Whangarei, or at our regional and learning centres in Kerikeri, Kaitaia, Räwene and Kaikohe. We will answer all of your questions and guide you through the enrolment process.
Helping you achieve at NorthTec There’s no need to leave home in order to gain your degree. You can stay here in Northland and study one of our seven degrees on offer in 2015.
Ligi Pakieto-Johnstone 12
Gain your degree at NorthTec A bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate degree which normally requires at least three years of full-time study. NorthTec offers seven applied bachelors’ degree which are very career-oriented and have a practical focus. Bachelor of Applied Science (Biodiversity Management) • Offered in Whangarei • Degree awarded by Unitec
Bachelor of Applied Management • Offered in Whangarei • Majors in accounting, project management, business transformation and change, or double major in project management and business transformation and change. • Accounting major accredited by NZICA and CPA • Aligned with Project Management Institute’s professional qualifications of CAPM® and PMP® • Fees free Study Assist scholarships available
Bachelor of Applied Arts - Visual • Offered in Whangarei and Kerikeri • Internationally recognised tutors • Multi-million dollar revamp of our arts facility at the Raumanga Campus • Fees free Study Assist scholarships available
Bachelor of Applied Social Service • Offered in Whangarei • Strong bi-cultural component • Award-winning tutors • 3 year degree in 2015 (4 year degree from 2016) • Endorsement in social work • Fees free Study Assist scholarships available
Gain your degree at NorthTec
Bachelor of Sport and Recreation • In partnership with AUT • Based at ASB Stadium, Kensington, Whangarei • High energy environment • Degree awarded by AUT Bachelor of Nursing • Offered in Whangarei • Full time • Blend of e-learning and classroom delivery
Maunga Kura Toi - Bachelor of Mäori Art • New degree for 2015 • Offered in Whangarei and Kaikohe • Choose to specialise in raranga, contemporary Mäori arts or whakairo • Blend of face-to face teaching and noho marae stays.
Helping you achieve at NorthTec NorthTec’s quality programmes will prepare you to stay ahead of the game in the fastpaced world of business, commerce and hospitality.
Jessica Stringer 14
NorthTec offers a wide range of business programmes with flexible study options at sites across Northland. NorthTec’s tutors come from real-world business backgrounds and they will equip you for a career in the business world. If you’re interested in management, project management, accounting or business change, our business programme is for you. Our pathways can take you from entry-level programmes to a diploma or a degree. The Bachelor of Applied Management programme includes a major in accounting with new majors in project management, business transformation and change, and a double major in project management and business transformation and change. The project management major is aligned with the Project Management Institute’s professional qualifications CAPM® and PMP®. The major in accounting is accredited by the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand for their Chartered Accountant designation, and Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) Australia for their Professional Accountant designation. These internationally recognised qualifications will open doors for you to work around the world.
Our business students come from all walks of life and include school leavers taking their first step towards a career, to mature students looking to upskill or start a new direction. Our classes are small and our top calibre tutors have been recognised for their excellence. This is a friendly, supportive environment with innovative, enthusiastic teachers who will encourage and inspire you to realise your potential. Qualification
Level Location
National Certificate in Business 3 Whangarei Full time/Part time (First Line Management) (Level 3)
Start date(s)
Varies depending Throughout the year on training option selected
NZIM Diploma in Management 5 Whangarei, Kerikeri
Full time/Part time/ 1 year full time Online
February and July
NZIM Diploma in Practice 5 Whangarei/Online Management (Health) (Level 5)
Part time/ Online
February, July
New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 6)
Full time/Part time
2 years full time
February, July
Bachelor of Applied Management
Full time/Part time
3 years
February, July
Full time/Part time
1 year full time
February, July
(Feb only for full time)
Majors in accounting, project management, business transformation and change
Graduate Diploma in Business
Business Administration and Computing
NorthTec’s business administration and computing programmes provide a solid grounding in business and computing skills and career preparation, including CVs and communication. All levels include Microsoft Office suite applications such as Word and Excel and processing financial transactions. As the levels increase so does the difficulty, and at level 4 we include MYOB and accounting processes for GST. Attaining this knowledge will give you the confidence and skills you need to apply for positions as a receptionist, business administrator, PA, accounts clerk, store person, or in customer service. You can progress to a diploma in management or even a degree. Let us help you on your path; come and talk to us.
Start date(s)
National Certificate in Business 2 Kaitaia, Räwene Full time 6 months Administration and Computing (Level 2)
February, July
National Certificate in Business 3 Whangarei, Kaitaia, Full time 6 months Administration and Computing Räwene, Kerikeri (Level 3)
February, July
National Certificate in Business Administration (Level 4)
Whangarei, Kerikeri
Full time/Part time
6 months full time February, July
National Certificate in Computing (Level 4)
Full time
6 months
Diploma in Information Systems
Full time/Part time
1 year
Level Location
Travel and Tourism
If you love to travel and would like to encourage others to see the world, then NorthTec’s tourism and travel course is for you. If you dream of becoming a tour operator or travel agent, or working for an airline, cruise line or travel agency, the travel and tourism course will get you prepared to reach your goals.
Qualification Certificate in Travel and Tourism
Level 3
Start date(s)
Full time
1 year
Whether it’s in the kitchen, front of house, or in a restaurant, there are great employment opportunities for chefs and trained hospitality professionals. NorthTec’s hospitality programmes can get you where you want to go. In 2015, exciting new qualifications are being introduced to align our hospitality programmes with New Zealand-wide qualifications. Our training facilities on the Raumanga Campus are world-class, with a working café, bar and restaurant and a fully outfitted barista training room at the Apprentice Restaurant. You’ll learn all aspects of the business – from the fine art of reading customers the minute they step through the door, to making them the perfect cup of coffee at the end of their meal. Learn from some of the top chefs in Northland who will teach you what it takes to make it in the real world. The award-winning tutors have all done it themselves – working in top restaurants and hotels and owning their own businesses.
Business Administration and Computing
Students are challenged during their study, but they’ll live up to their expectations. NorthTec has won numerous medals at high profile competitions like the Nestlé Toque D’Or contest.
Travel and Tourism
Our hospitality programme pathways cater to all aspects of the industry from a solid grounding in basic cookery, to acquiring the skills of a chef, to owning or managing your own restaurant or boutique hotel.
Level Location
Start date(s)
New Zealand Certificate in Food and Beverage Service (Level 3) with strands in Café Services and Barista
Full time
19 weeks
February, July
New Zealand Certificate in Cookery (Level 3)
Full time
19 weeks
February, July
New Zealand Certificate in Cookery (Level 4)
Full time
1 year
February, July
New Zealand Certificate in Food and Beverage Service (Level 4) with strand in Restaurant Services
Full time
19 weeks
February, July
New Zealand Diploma in Cookery (Advanced) with strand in Cookery (Level 5) (Pending approval)
Full time
1 year
Helping you achieve at NorthTec Tap into your creative side and launch your career in fine arts or humanities, or start your student journey with foundation level programmes.
Leanne Jackson 18
Visual and Digital Arts
Get inspired! Northland has a strong focus on the arts. If you want to use your creative side, these programmes will prepare you for work in a creative field. NorthTec’s award-winning tutors are active in the arts community and their connections help students launch their careers. You’ll be challenged but supported on your journey towards becoming a creative arts practitioner where you will get to apply your chosen discipline surrounded by first-class facilities. Toi Te Pito, located at the Raumanga Campus in Whangarei, is a new facility dedicated to the arts programmes, and includes the Geoff Wilson Gallery, which holds numerous exhibitions throughout the year. Many students begin working as professional artists while still completing their programmes. As graduates, they go on to develop as self-employed artists, working locally or establish national and international careers. Qualification
Diploma in Applied Arts (Visual Arts)
Full time/Part time 2 years full time
February, July
Diploma in Applied Arts (Digital Arts)
Full time/Part time 2 years
February, July
Bachelor of Applied Arts (Visual Arts) 7
Visual and Digital Arts Fashion Design
Start date(s)
Whangarei, Full time/Part time 3 years full time February, July Kerikeri (year 3 only) (6 years part time)
Fashion Design
If you dream of becoming a fashion designer, working in the fashion industry, or having your own label, NorthTec’s Diploma in Fashion Design will prepare you for a future in fashion. Our graduates are in demand, and enjoy success by making their mark in the fashion industry. This hands-on programme has small classes and lots of one-on-one tutoring. Motivated students leave our programme workready, with skills in design and drawing, pattern making and garment construction. Our tutors have close ties to the fashion industry which helps students get a real overview – and real jobs. If you’re passionate about being a part of this stimulating, creative industry, then fashion design is right for you. Qualification Diploma in Fashion Design
Level 5
Start date(s)
Full time
2 years
Toi Te Waingärahu (Mäori Arts)
Contemporary Mäori art developments connect us to a cultural heritage that expresses concepts of who we are as a people. Our Mäori arts programme will teach you customary practices using natural materials and resources and provide a learning environment that is steeped in tikanga and the narratives and reo of Ngäpuhi-nui-tonu.
Our programme encourages an appreciation of patterns and designs, concepts and practices with an emphasis towards local iwi narratives. Students have the opportunity to study carving, weaving, visual arts, clay, kapahaka, waiata and Mäori art theory and practice.
The tutors are practising artists with Ngäpuhi connections. They teach both the theory and practical skills necessary to aid students in the mastery of the techniques and materials. Students are able to mix with the visual arts programmes to share ideas and inspiration. Regular exhibitions allow opportunities to display artwork with fellow students, tutors and the community. Qualification Maunga Kura Toi - Bachelor of Mäori Art (with endorsements in Raranga; Whäkairo; or Rauangi) (subject to approval)
Level 7
Start date(s)
Whangarei, Kaikohe
Full time
3 years
For more detailed information visit: or Freephone: 0800 162 100 Tou iwi, tou wananga • Your people, your place
Foundation Studies
If you’re returning to formal education, foundation studies will help you gain confidence in your academic ability and provide a great pathway to further qualifications at NorthTec. The programmes are tailored to meet each student’s needs and include literacy, numeracy and communication skills. Graduates of these certificates will be prepared to pursue a career pathway that includes further education and training, and will have enhanced employment opportunities in relevant industries. The tutors are right behind you every step of the way and, with their support, these programmes will help you reach your goals. Qualification
Start date(s)
Certificate in Vocational Studies 2
Whangarei and throughout Northland
Full time
1 year
February, July
Foundation Studies
Certificate in Foundation Studies (Level 2) 2
Whangarei and throughout Northland
Full time
6 months
February, July
Applied Writing
Certificate in Foundation Studies (Level 3) 3
Whangarei and Full time 6 months throughout Northland
February, July
Certificate in Academic Studies (Level 4) 4
Whangarei and Full time 6 months throughout Northland
February, July
Toi Te Waingärahu (Mäori Arts)
Applied Writing
NorthTec’s well-respected applied writing programme is fully online. The tutors are accomplished award-winning authors with expertise in a range of genres from children’s literature to poetry. If your goal is to be a published author, this programme will help you get there. Qualification
Start date(s) February, July
Diploma in Applied Writing (Level 5)
Full time/Part time
1 year full time
Diploma in Applied Writing (Level 6)
Full time/Part time
2 years full time February, July
Diploma in Applied Writing (Professional Editing) (Level 6)
Full time/Part time
2 years full time February, July
Diploma in Advanced Applied Writing
Full time
1 year
Our certificates are a great way for you to get skills, gain confidence and prepare yourself for a career as a hairdresser. The Certificate in Hairdressing is a hands-on programme, including work experience that can reduce your apprenticeship by up to 18 months. The Certificate in Hairdressing (Practice) (Level 3) will prepare you to take up a hairdressing apprenticeship and to complete the final stages of the National Certificate (Professional Stylist) (Level 4) (in employment). Students learn in a working salon on the Raumanga campus.
Start date(s)
Certificate in Hairdressing
Full time
1 year
Certificate in Hairdressing (Practice) (Level 3)
Full time
1 year
Beauty Therapy
Graduates from our beauty programme have a variety of career opportunities in spas, salons, pharmacies, sales, hotels, resorts, cruise ships and even as business owners. If you want to join the growing beauty industry and gain an internationallyrecognised qualification, this programme is for you. Students learn in a working salon on the Raumanga campus. Qualification Certificate in Beauty Therapy (Level 5)
Level 5
Start date(s)
Full time
1 year
February, July
Social Service
Studying social service isn’t just about getting a qualification, it’s about taking a life-changing journey and walking alongside other people who need help on their journey. If you have a passion for helping others and want to contribute to the community on a daily basis, consider NorthTec’s social service programme. NorthTec’s applied social service degree is a nationally-recognised qualification that is designed to meet Northland’s needs, with a strong bi-cultural component. 2015 is the final intake for the three year degree. From 2016, the Bachelor of Applied Social Service will be a four year degree. During your study, you’ll get experience in the social service field. This programme provides well for mature students and, with a strong student focus, you will help yourself to help others.
Hairdressing Beauty Therapy Social Service
The Certificate in Mental Health and Addictions will provide you with the skills and knowledge to work with clients who have mental health and addictions needs.
Start date(s)
Certificate in Mental Health 4 and Addictions
Whangarei, Kaitaia, Kerikeri
Full time
6 months
February, July
Bachelor of Applied Social Service (major in Social Work)
Full time
3 years
For more detailed information visit: or Freephone: 0800 162 100 Tou iwi, tou wananga • Your people, your place
Helping you achieve at NorthTec If you are on a journey of discovery, our Toit체 Te Reo programmes offer you the opportunity to learn about M채ori language, culture and tikanga, with a strong Te Tai Tokerau focus.
Anthony Dalton 24
Toitü Te Reo
If you are on a journey of discovery, our Toitü Te Reo programme offers you the opportunity to learn about Mäori language, culture and tikanga, with a strong Te Tai Tokerau focus. Our te reo programme is grounded in marae protocol, customs and values. At the heart of all our learning here is te reo, our rich and beautiful Mäori language, which opens up so many aspects of Mäori culture and knowledge. Many of our mature students come with a lot of life experience and a real thirst for knowledge. Others come at the very beginning of their journey. Joining us here will involve making a big commitment in your future.
Toitü Te Reo
No matter who you are, how old you are, or where you come from, if you come with a desire to learn and to share, you will find a warm, inclusive environment at Toitü Te Reo. Qualification
Start date(s)
Te Pökaitahi Ngäpuhi-Nui-Tonu 3
Whangarei, Silverdale, Panguru, Manukau
Full time
1 year
Te Pökairua Ngäpuhi-Nui-Tonu
Full time
2 years
For more detailed information visit: or Freephone: 0800 162 100 Tou iwi, tou wananga • Your people, your place
Helping you achieve at NorthTec If you love the outdoors, working with people and our beautiful natural environment, check out our diverse and exciting health, science and environmental programmes.
Ashlee Lawrence 26
Conservation and Environmental Management
With abundant natural resources at our fingertips, Northland is the perfect place to study environmental management and conservation. Our programmes take full advantage of the area’s marine, terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. What you learn in the classroom will be put into practice while working alongside industry professionals, iwi and community groups. NorthTec’s tutors are experts in their fields and their enthusiasm for the local environment is inspiring. Our programmes incorporate pathways to help you progress from foundation to degree level. The qualifications you’ll gain can also lead to employment in the industry. If your dream is to work as an environmental ranger, biodiversity officer, pest control officer, ecologist or eco-tourism operator with organisations such as the Department of Conservation or local and regional councils, investing in environmental studies is a good choice. Qualification
Level Location
Start date(s)
Certificate in Professional Hunting 3 and Pest Control
Whangarei, Far North
Full time
6 months
February, July
Certificate in Marine Adventure and Eco Tourism
Full time
1 year
Certificate in Conservation and Environmental Management
Full time/Part time
1 year full time February, July
Diploma in Conservation and Environmental Management
Full time/Part time
2 years full time February, July
Bachelor of Applied Science (Biodiversity Management) - Unitec (Year 3 only)
Full time/Part time
1 year full time February, July
Conservation and Environmental Management Applied Science
Applied Science
Enjoy a sense of discovery and be excited by practical science investigations and research as you do applied science at NorthTec. Students gain hands-on skills and develop the confidence to walk into a laboratory or scientific environment and know they can do the job. Qualification
Start date(s)
National Certificate in Science (Level 4)
Full time
6 months
National Diploma in Science (Technician) (Level 5) encompassing National Certificate in Science (Level 5)
Full time
1 year
NorthTec’s primary industry programmes are hands-on, flexible, relevant, accessible and tailored to meet your needs with programmes ranging from levels 3 to 5. You can enter at the most appropriate level for you and then progress into higher-level programmes.
Many students gain employment while studying at NorthTec. Graduates have gone on to establish careers in the horticulture industry, including setting up their own small businesses and co-operatives. NorthTec’s horticultural programmes are popular with students due to their organic and permaculture focus. The national certificate programmes are for people who are looking for a career in the horticultural industry and wish to gain employment in a nursery, orchard, vegetable production unit or in amenity horticulture (parks and gardens).
Level Location
Start date(s)
National Certificate in Horticulture (Level 3)
Throughout Northland
Full time
30 weeks
February, July
National Certificate in Horticulture (Level 4)
Throughout Northland
Full time
1 year
February, July
Diploma in Horticulture (Lincoln University)
Full time/Part time
1 year full time
Sustainable Rural Development
The sustainable rural development programme is designed for individuals or small communities who wish to use their natural resources to identify and develop land-based business to create employment opportunities. Qualification
Start date(s)
Throughout Northland
Full time
19 weeks
February, July
Certificate in Sustainable Rural 3 Throughout Northland Full time 19 weeks Development (Level 3)
February, July
Certificate in Sustainable Rural 4 Throughout Northland Web enhanced 1 year Development
February, July
Diploma in Sustainable Rural Development
February, July
Certificate in Sustainable Rural Development (Level 2)
Level 2
Throughout Northland
Full time
2 years
Agriculture is Northland’s fourth-largest industry and biggest employer, with dairy, beef and sheep farms all represented within the region. NorthTec offers a number of programmes on a range of farms and venues throughout Northland. Programmes are practical and relevant and will teach real-life skills while completing NZQA qualifications. Students will work with qualified and experienced tutors who will offer them theory and practical knowledge in a number of areas, including animal husbandry, soil and crop management, fencing, quad bikes, chainsaws, farm machinery, day-to-day activities of farming life and land management. Qualification
Level Location
Start date(s)
National Certificate in Agriculture 2 Throughout Northland Full time/Part time 9 – 12 weeks (General Skills)
February, April, July, September
Certificate in General Farm Skills (Level 3)
Throughout Northland
Full time/Part time 17 – 20 weeks
February, July
National Certificate in Farming Skills 3 (Work Ready) Level 3
Throughout Northland
Full time
February, July
New Zealand Diploma in Agribusiness 5 Management (subject to approval)
Web enhanced with face to face regional workshops
Full time/Part time 2 years Web enhanced
34 – 40 weeks
Horticulture Sustainable Rural Development Agriculture
For more detailed information visit: or Freephone: 0800 162 100 Tou iwi, tou wananga • Your people, your place
With NorthTec’s practical and affordable forestry programmes, you’ll learn from industry experts and get the skills to join this growing sector.
Forestry offers fantastic opportunities right here in Northland. Five million tonnes of timber are harvested here each year so there’s big demand for qualified, skilled people. If you get the qualifications, you can be sure to find a job locally or nationally.
In this industry you can still start at the bottom, get the skills, and work your way up. The money is good and, with experience, you can become your own boss or work as a contractor. Men and women come into forestry from all walks of life. With forestry training you can create a lifestyle choice, a chance to live in the sub-tropical north and the opportunity to work outdoors in some spectacular scenery. The programmes include hands-on practical work. The remaining classroom work is in a supportive environment so even nonacademic students surprise themselves with their achievements. Qualification Certificate in Solid Wood Processing
Level Location
Start date(s)
Whangarei, Mid North
Full time
14 weeks
February, July
Certificate in Foundation Forestry Skills 2
Throughout Northland
Full time
6 months
February, July
Certificate in Forestry (Forest Industries) Level 2
Throughout Northland
Full time
6 months
February, July
National Certificate in Forest 3 Throughout Northland Full time/Part time Operations (Level 3)
6 months full time or 1 year part time
February, July
National Certificate in Forest 4 Throughout Northland Full time/Part time Operations Advanced (Level 4)
6 months full time or 1 year part time
For more detailed information visit: or Freephone: 0800 162 100 Tou iwi, tou wananga • Your people, your place
Commercial Transport
NorthTec offers industry training and assessment for the log transport, passenger service and goods service sectors of the transport industry. NorthTec’s certified heavy vehicle driver training programmes give employers the confidence that their operations are being carried out efficiently, safely and within the requirements of industry best practice standards and New Zealand law. NorthTec’s driver trainers are qualified driving instructors, ITO accredited assessors and NZTA approved providers. This, coupled with their extensive industry experience, enables them to provide training that meets the requirements of national unit standards. They also pass on their own experiences and knowledge to the trainee drivers allowing for a greater learning experience and outcome.
Forestry Commercial Transport
We design and carry out our training activities in collaboration with industry organisations to reduce impact on daily operations, while still ensuring professional training standards are maintained. Training includes safe driving traffic law, health and safety relating to heavy vehicles, heavy vehicle driving skills, heavy vehicle dynamics, risk reduction, safe driving strategies, vehicle systems and components, loading procedures and restraint systems, log book and fatigue management, and fuel efficient driving. Qualification
Start date(s)
National Certificate in Goods Service (Core Skills) with optional strands in Dangerous Goods and Forklifts
Throughout Northland
Full time/Part time
19 weeks full time February, July
National Certificate in Transportation of Logs by Road
Full time/Part time
1 year part time
Certificate in Road Transport 3 Throughout Northland Full time 12 weeks
February, July February, May, August
Nursing is a world-class qualification that will lead to a meaningful career right here in Northland or anywhere in the world.
There’s never been a better time to get into nursing. Pay rates have risen, career pathways have opened up, and New Zealandtrained nurses are in demand here and around the world.
If you’ve often thought about nursing as a career, come and have a chat with us about it. We recognise that many of our students have to juggle jobs and families and overcome their fear of returning to formal education in order to be here. We appreciate that it requires a big commitment and we’ve structured our programmes to attract more people into nursing who have real life experience and maturity. If you have the desire and the determination to succeed, we are committed to helping you reach your goal. We offer the stepping stones and the support you’ll need along the way. With small classes, teachers who get to know you as an individual, and a flexible learning structure, we make it possible for students from all walks of life to gain well-recognised qualifications and to transform their lives. Our nursing training blends online learning modules with classroom teaching – allowing students to study largely off-campus – making it ideal for people with commitments that prevent them from moving away from their home towns. The combination of e-learning, cutting edge technology, and the varied range of nursing experience to be gained here in Northland is quite unique. For registered nurses trained overseas or in New Zealand who do not have a current practising licence, we offer a competency assessment programme from which graduates will be eligible to work as a registered nurse in New Zealand. Qualification
Bachelor of Nursing 7
Whangarei, Full time/Part time 3 years full time; Web enhanced 4 years part time
Start date(s) February, July
Certificate in Registered Nurse 7 Whangarei Web enhanced Competence
Flexible - 8 weeks minimum
March, May, August, October
Preceptorship in Nursing
5 weeks
Sport and Recreation
You can help ordinary New Zealanders make positive long-term lifestyle changes. You can be a personal trainer or coach elite athletes. Our sports and recreation programme will take you there. Today, more and more medical professionals are prescribing exercise instead of medication to help tackle New Zealand’s health problems. You could be a part of the solution. Our students train at the state-of-the-art facility at Kensington ASB Leisure Centre. This is a fantastic place to learn. It’s a high-energy environment with top-of-the-line fitness testing equipment, small classes and highly motivated, enthusiastic tutors. Gym membership is included in your fees.
Nursing Sport and Recreation
Our students come from all walks of life, from school leavers, to mothers returning to the workforce, to people looking to break out of corporate life. This is hands-on applied learning, with lots of field trips. As a highly-trained sports and fitness professional, your skills will be in demand in a wide range of areas. Qualification
Start date(s)
Certificate in Sport and Recreation (Level 5)
Full time
1 year
February, July
Diploma in Sport and Recreation
Full time
2 years
Bachelor of Sport and Recreation – Year 3 (AUT)
Full time/Part time
1 year full time
Helping you achieve at NorthTec The purpose-built Future Trades Campus based in the heart of Whangarei’s industrial district is a world-class trades training facility. If you want to join this growing sector, check out our trades offerings in Whangarei and across Northland.
Daniel Tattersall 34
Architecture and Building Technology
NorthTec’s hands-on architecture and building technology programme provides a solid grounding in design and aesthetics as well as technical skills. Everyone from share-milkers to single mothers to students straight from school have come through our course. Some have gone on to successful careers as architectural designers working for architects, engineers and housing developers. Others have gone on to study architectural degrees at university. The National Diploma in Architectural Technology gives a sound grounding in design and aesthetics as well as technical skills like auto-cad and archi-cad. You also learn logistical tools that equip you to cost, document and administer building projects.
Architecture and Building Technology
Here’s a chance to combine computer work with outdoor observation. You won’t just be stuck in a classroom. There are lots of field trips to sites, architects’ offices and museums. We even go on a camping trip where we’ll teach you to sketch freehand. Our graduates can work as architectural technicians on small and medium scale building projects. They are able to be part of a project from first client contact, to research and design, to documentation, tender, contract and construction, to completion. With more experience they can extend into larger and/or more complex projects. In a drive to provide management qualification for qualified builders and to increase the availability of higher level qualifications to the building sector in Northland, due in part to the new licensing regulations in the building industry, NorthTec is now offering the National Diploma in Construction Management and the National Diploma in Quantity Surveying. The programmes are theoretical in nature and teach the skills and knowledge required of industry’s construction managers and quantity surveyors. Qualification
Start date(s)
National Diploma in Architectural Technology (Level 6)
Full time
2 years
National Diploma in Construction Management
Full time
2 years
National Diploma in Quantity Surveying
Full time
2 years
Automotive Engineering
NorthTec’s automotive programmes will teach you the skills you need for a future career in the motor industry. Modern, custom-built premises in the heart of Whangarei’s industrial district are the home base for our automotive engineering courses. The automotive workshop is loaded with state-of-the-art equipment and has plenty of cars to pull apart and rebuild. Our hands-on programmes provide the required practical skills and theoretical knowledge for entry into the automotive trades. They also cover the overhaul of brakes, clutches, engines, fuel pumps and transmissions. You’ll get generous workshop time to develop skills to repair and maintain vehicles for yourself or future customers. We also offer automotive engineering training across Northland and through flexible delivery. These programmes are the perfect platform into a workshop apprenticeship, whether you’re working with cars, motorbikes, trucks, trains or farm equipment. Because our qualification is recognised around the world, this training opens the door for either local or international employment.
Start date(s)
National Certificate in Motor Industry 3 (Vehicle Servicing) (Level 3)
Whangarei, Kaikohe, Moerewa, Kaitaia
Full time
1 year
National Certificate in Motor Industry
Full time
1 year
Electrical, Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Do you enjoy hands-on work? Are you a practical thinker who enjoys a technical challenge? Skilled tradespeople are in demand now more than ever, and at NorthTec we have the courses, tutors and facilities to get you started in your trades career. Based out of our Future Trades Campus, a purpose-built premises in the heart of Whangarei’s industrial district, we run a wide range of engineering courses including electrical, civil and mechanical. With state-of-the-art workshops and outstanding tutors to guide you, these hands-on programmes can lead you into a wide range of careers. You could become an electrician or mechanic, or work in telecommunications, civil engineering or welding, fitting and turning. NorthTec’s workshops are fitted with the latest equipment and technology and their central location ensures you work closely with local industry, so your learning reflects industry practice and standards. Our engineering qualifications are recognised around the world and will open doors for you with both local and international employers. Qualification
Start date(s)
Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Level 2)
Full time
6 months
February, July
National Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Level 3)
Full time
1 year
National Certificate in Engineering Fabrication (Level 4)
Full time
6 months
February, July
National Certificate in Mechanical 5 Whangarei Part time/Online 1 year Engineering (Level 5)
Any time by application
New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Civil)
February, July
Full time/Part time
2 years full time
Automotive Engineering Electrical, Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Construction and Painting
Learn life-long skills with NorthTec’s wide range of affordable carpentry, construction and trade painting programmes across Northland. You can enter the construction industry as an apprentice carpenter. You can get a taste of what carpentry is about, to find out if it’s for you. Or you can acquire the knowledge to do basic construction work on your own home. You’ll learn the skills required to work on your own place, including practical experience on small building projects, plus how to safely operate machinery and power tools. You will cover all the theory units needed to prepare you for an apprenticeship with a building company, plus you get the required hands-on work experience two days a week with a builder. If you’re interested in painting and decorating, you can gain the skills and knowledge at NorthTec to take up entry-level employment in the industry. You’ll learn how to select, use and maintain the correct equipment for the job, how to prepare surfaces for painting and apply surface coatings, and you’ll also learn the industry methods of measuring and calculating.
The practical experience gained through these programmes helps reinforce what you learn in the classroom. You learn the language of the industry, get into good work habits, and equip yourself with the skills employers are looking for. This is a great way to get an understanding of what it takes to be a builder or a trade painter.
Start date(s)
Certificate in Elementary Construction 2
Throughout Northland
Full time
18 weeks
February, July
Certificate in Painting (Trade) (Level 2) 2
Throughout Northland
Full time
18 weeks
February, July
National Certificate in Painting and 4 Decorating (Level 4)
Throughout Northland
Full time
18 months
Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4) 4
Throughout Northland
Full time
1 year
24 weeks (over 2 years)
National Certificate in Construction 5 Whangarei Part time Trades (Main Contract Supervision) (Level 5)
Health and Safety
Health and safety compliance is the law. SafeTrades North was established in 2005 when the Northland Training Alliance, a body comprised of local industries, in conjunction with NorthTec, began offering the training in safe work practices and machinery operation. The National Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (Level 3) and the National Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (Co-ordination) (Level 4) aim to suit the requirements of employers and employees. Northland companies like Golden Bay Cement, Refining NZ and CHH Futurebuild have adopted the SafeTrades certificates as their respective minimum site safety training standard.
Construction and Painting
The programmes offer comprehensive practical and classroom training to ensure you fully understand the requirements of New Zealand law associated with hazards and safe work practices. This can include such skills as working at height or in confined spaces, handling chemicals, understanding potential hazards, forklift driving and applying safe measures in the workplace.
Health and Safety
Start date(s)
National Certificate in Occupational 3 Whangarei and other Part time Health and Safety (Workplace locations subject to Safety) (Level 3) demand
Varies depending on Throughout training option selected; the year day, evening classes or block courses
National Certificate in Occupational 4 Whangarei and other Full time/ Health and Safety (Co-ordination) locations subject to Part time (Level 4) demand
Varies depending on Throughout training option selected; the year day, evening classes or block courses
For more detailed information about SafeTrades North: Visit: Freephone: 0508 237 233 email: Tou iwi, tou wananga • Your people, your place
Getting involved Student Association The NorthTec Student Association is a group of like-minded students who represent the views of NorthTec students and advocate for them at all levels of NorthTec, including staff, tutors and management, with an aim to improve the student learning experience. The association is also involved in organising student events and activities on and off campus and improving student services. All students are welcome to join and contribute their ideas on how to make NorthTec a better place for students. For more information you can email the association at or visit Student Representatives Class Representatives are selected from each class at the beginning of the academic year. The role of these representatives is to attend regular meetings to provide feedback, share ideas and act as a voice for NorthTec students. Campus Chamber The Campus Chamber represents a bridge between Northland’s tertiary and business sectors. Not only does it encourage entrepreneurship, but it raises awareness amongst the business sector of the need to nurture and bring on new business talent that brings its own benefits. It enables tertiary students to network and develop links with Northland’s business sector and has proven to provide opportunities for research projects and employment. NorthTec volunteers/student ambassadors NorthTec has a number of opportunities for students to get involved in both NorthTec and community events. This is a great chance to gain real-life experience in different roles, meet and network with key people in the community and local industry.
Lyndon Summerlee
With thanks to our students and staff who are featured throughout this prospectus: Jessica Stringer: Business Administration student Sam Wellington: Nursing student Daniel Tattersall: Social Services student Ruth Green-Cole: Visual Arts tutor Ashlee Lawrence: Environmental graduate Anthony Dalton: Architecture student Leanne Jackson: Visual Arts graduate Ligi Pakieto-Johnstone: Social Services graduate Lyndon Summerlee: Social Services graduate Connect with NorthTec
A special thanks to artist Billy Harrison, Certificate in Applied Art (M채ori Art and Design) graduate, for gifting NorthTec the artwork used throughout this publication.
The information contained in this programme guide was correct at the time of printing, however, courses and programmes may be cancelled, postponed or have their content or configuration changed from time to time (including during the academic year) at the discretion of NorthTec. Refer to our website for terms and conditions.
Connect with us to get the latest news and information about our programmes, events and more.
Version 2: Published November 2014
Whangarei Campus 51 Raumanga Valley Road, Whangarei, 0110 Private Bag 9019, Whangarei, 0148, New Zealand Telephone +64 9 470 3555 or 0800 808 856 Facsimile +64 9 470 3556 Freephone 0800 162 100 (Enquiries and Enrolments)
R채wene Learning Centre 2 Nimmo Street East, R채wene, 0443 PO Box 171, R채wene, 0443, New Zealand Telephone +64 9 405 7659 Facsimile +64 9 405 7683
Future Trades Campus 19 Dyer Street, Raumanga, Whangarei 0110 Private Bag 9019, Whangarei, 0148, New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 470 3980 Facsimile: +64 9 459 7218
Kaikohe Learning Centre 4 Park Road, Kaikohe, 0405 PO Box 675, Kaikohe, 0440, New Zealand Telephone +64 9 470 4162 Facsimile +64 9 405 3493
Bay of Islands Campus 135 Hone Heke Road, Kerikeri, 0230 PO Box 332, Kerikeri, 0245, New Zealand Telephone +64 9 407 5855 Facsimile +64 9 407 5669
Kaitaia Learning Centre 6 Oxford Street, Kaitaia, 0410 P O Box 622, Kaitaia, 0441, New Zealand Telephone +64 9 408 6117 Facsimile +64 9 408 6118