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President’s Message Dustin Anthamatten
Message from Our President
Dear ACHE Colleagues,
As we look forward into 2022 and year three of the pandemic, I am reminded of a quote from the Reverend Joseph Lowery, stating, “Everything has changed and nothing has changed.” Last year at this time, the DFW healthcare community was coming out of a surge and recovering from SNOVID-21, with optimism of seeing the first light at the end of the tunnel, which feels similar to the sentiment I am hearing today. While there are similarities and new challenges, in my opinion, the resilience of our healthcare community to take care of our patients and each other, still holds as our greatest strength and accomplishment. This year, we are more knowledgeable and prepared than last year and we will continue to innovate our care models to adapt to the changing environment, continuing to achieve all of our missions and meet the healthcare needs of North Texas.
In a similar context, The ACHE North Texas Board of Directors, committee chairs, and volunteers are continuing to adapt to keep us connected to support our members and sponsors. We have developed a flexible model of providing a mix of in-person, virtual, and hybrid events to respond to both the community and individual needs of our chapter. In addition, our board is proud to continue to expand on our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives this year, by continuing to build on the diversity of our leadership and integrating diversity and inclusion related goals throughout all of our committee work. I confidently state, our success in prior years and continuing this momentum this year is carrying us to be recognized as a “best practice chapter” for ACHE nationwide.
I am looking forward to what this team can accomplish this year and I am honored to serve as the leader of the North Texas chapter this year. I hope to see all of you, both in-person and virtually, this year.
Dustin Anthamatten Vice President, Operations & Finance Methodist Charlton Medical Center
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