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Texas – Northern Regent’s Message Dr. Trinette K. Pierre
Message from Our ACHE Regent, Northern
Happy New Year ACHE Family!
I pray you all are experiencing the blessings of excellent health, joy, and peace as we enter into another season of 2022. Time really does move quickly these days. Thank you all for your dedication to our communities, to ACHE, and for ensuring healthcare continues to progress to greater heights of excellence.
I’d like to showcase the 2021 Regent’s Award recipients for ACHE Texas Northern Division. These phenomenal individuals have worked diligently during 2021 and previous years to ensure our chapter and our healthcare communities were well represented. Please join me again in congratulating each of these amazing leaders.
Dr. Trinette K. Pierre, DHA, BSN, RN, CCC, CEC, CHLC, FACHE, NEA-BC Regent – Texas Northern
Dr. Monaliza Gaw, FACHE – ACHEETX Leader Extraordinaire Award

Dr. Monaliza Gaw received the 2021 ACHE East Texas Forum Leader Extraordinaire Regent’s Award. As ACHE ETX Forum Chapter President, Mona faced many challenges during the pandemic. Although it was difficult keeping her chapter engaged, Monda worked tirelessly to ensure the camaraderie and support she is known for did not waver during the height of the pandemic. Mona worked to ensure the chapter members remained abreast of pandemic-related changes from National and has been instrumental in keeping the chapter members engaged during the difficult times.
Dr. Gaw, thank you for your and ensuring the ACHEETX Forum members remained engaged during the pandemic. We appreciate you. Many blessings to you in your new role.
Brock T. Spencer, MBA, HCM ACHENTX Stepping Up & Stepping Out Award
Dresdene Flynn-White, FACHE (R) ACHENTX Lifetime Achievement Award

Brock received the 2021 ACHE of North Texas Stepping Up & Stepping Out Regent’s Award. Brock received the award because of his willingness to assist with various initiatives for ACHENTX, including co-hosting a LinkedIn Bits & Bytes webinar in 2021. Well done, Brock! Keep shining!
Mrs. Flynn-White received the 2021 ACHE of North Texas Lifetime Achievement Regent’s Award. This honor was long overdue and well deserved. Mrs. Flynn-White has contributed to various ACHENTX committees, the ACHENTX board, has served as ACHENTX president, and has been a pioneer of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within the healthcare communities in which she served throughout her career. Mrs. Flynn-White acts as mentor, advisor, and confidant for various healthcare executives and has been integral to the success of ACHE of North Texas.
Mrs. Dresdene, thank you for your dedication to ACHE, our communities, and the healthcare profession.

Fallon D. Wallace ACHENTX Chapter Catalyst Award

Fallon received the 2021 ACHE of North Texas Chapter Catalyst Regent’s Award because of her dedication to keeping the Mentorship Committee moving forward. Fallon has worked diligently to ensure the committee ran smoothly even after moving back to California in 2021. Fallon worked remotely from CA to facilitate various initiatives alongside members of the Mentorship Committee. Fallon’s dedication to ACHENTX has not gone unnoticed.
Fallon, thank you for being dedicated to ACHENTX and for continuing to carry out your volunteer commitment from afar. We miss you and we appreciate all you have done for ACHENTX. Many blessings in 2022.
Herron Mitchell, MBA, SSGB ACHENTX COVID Response Champion Award

Herron Mitchell received the 2021 ACHE of North Texas Covid Response Champion Regent’s Award for his dedication to the COVID Response Initiatives of Dallas County and surrounding counties. Herron led the design, implementation, and daily operations of numerous COVID testing and immunization sites in Dallas County. He was also responsible for leading the operations of the American Airlines Center COVID Testing Mega Site during the height of the pandemic. Mr. Mitchell operated and worked alongside his team for 12-18 hours per day, 7 days a week during the pandemic. Mr. Mitchell moved from clinic site to clinic site multiple times per day to show support to his team and to pitch in to help wherever and however needed. His dedication to Dallas County and surrounding counties has been recognized by city and county leaders.
Herron, thank you for your unwavering dedication to our community during the pandemic. Thank you for not only being a leader, but being a servant leader who walks the walk. Well done.
Jennifer “J” Alexander, FACHE ACHENTX Chapter Connector Award

Jennifer “J” Alexander received the 2021 ACHE of North Texas Chapter Connector Regent’s Award. If you know anything about J, you know she loves keeping us all connected and inthe-know about one another, upcoming events, and healthcare innovations and initiatives. J is the person who walks up to you and invites you to sit with her when she meets you for the first time at ACHE events. J does not believe in anyone being a stranger. She embraces everyone and treats them like she has known them for years at the first interaction. J is our social media guru and loves posting about her peers. She is truly one of a kind.
J, you are a blessing to ACHE and the healthcare community. Thank you for all you do for ACHENTX and thanks for keeping us “connected!’
John Whittemore ACHENTX Leadership Leverage Award

John received the 2021 ACHENTX Leadership Leverage Award to recognize his exemplary service to ACHENTX. John is our Executive Director and works overtime to keep all committees on track, the board organized, and the chapter running smoothly. John’s unwavering support and uncanny ability to “pull it all together” makes him a leader who resonates excellence in all he does. John is known to have the answer to the strangest questions and his plethora of knowledge is unsurpassed. John deserves recognition for his ability to make the impossible possible. John, thank you for being an expert, a confidant, and a blessing to ACHENTX. We appreciate you more than words can express. Blessings in 2022.
ACHE of North Texas Foundation
The IRS is currently reviewing the tax-exempt application we have submitted for the formation of the ACHE of North Texas Foundation. Once approved, the Foundation will be a separate 501.c.3 organization. Donations to the Foundation will be accepted and will be tax deductible. The creation of this Foundation will enable ACHENTX to better support local healthcare communities and build on the community-supporting services the chapter currently provides. The chapter will publish more details about the Foundation after the 501.c.3 status is granted. Please be considering ways you and your organization can financially support the Foundation. The goal for the ACHE of North Texas Foundation is to make meaningful differences within our community.
A special thanks again to ACHE of North Texas sponsor, Gray Reed Attorneys & Counselors for their pro bono support in preparing and processing the appropriate applications to form this Foundation.