North Toronto Health
Best Massage Center in Toronto , Canada
Services we provide • North Toronto Health Provide all Massage therapy and Holistic Nutrition. We have well equipped massage center and highly experienced massage therapist. We are not only provide traditional massage therapy but medical care, rehabilitative therapy and companion assistance.
Massage Therapy Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body. Massage Therapy can be used to treat both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs can work with a variety of patients in the treatment of illness, injury rehabilitation and disability. Massage therapy can be beneficial in treating a wide variety of conditions.
ACUPUNCTURE • Acupuncture is well known massage therapy very famous in china. But due to its good effect now becomes popular in European countries also. This therapy should be performed by well trained therapist only. In this therapy thin needles are inserted into precise trigger points along the body. The triggering of these points, known as acupuncture points, helps to alleviate pain and can be used to treat numerous health conditions.
CUPPING THERAPY This therapy has been discovered in ancient records dating back 3500 years and is still used today by many alternative medicine practitioners as an effective technique. Advancements in technology and materials have been integrated with cupping therapy and it is used for many different treatments and musculoskeletal conditions.
Hot Stone Massage Hot Stone Massage is a form of massage therapy in which heated stones are used to weigh down, warm, and massage tight muscles. The heat from the stones is extremely relaxing and helps to loosen muscle tension so that the muscles can be worked on more deeply and effectively. At North Toronto Health, all of our massage therapists are well versed in Hot Stone Massage.
NORTH TORONTO HEALTH ARE EXPERT IN FACIAL ALSO This deep cleansing treatment will help smoothen the skin’s appearance, and reduce the size of your pores. It will add radiance to your skin. You can expect your skin to be more hydrated and fine lines reduced through exfoliation and stimulating the growth of new skin cells. All skin types.
Holistic Nutrition Holistic nutrition focuses on a natural approach to a healthy diet and considers the individual as a whole, including all aspects of his lifestyle . This natural approach incorporates emotional, spiritual and physical health to create a state of well-being for optimum health.
REIKI Reiki is an ancient technique for reducing stress, promoting relaxation and encouraging the body into a balanced and healed state of well-being. It is a gentle, subtle, yet powerful energy healing art that involves our spiritual level, mind and body.
OUR LOCATION 124 Merton Street, Unit 208 Toronto, M4S 2Z2 Yonge & Eglinton Ontario, Canada