VOL.3 | OCTOBER 2019
TAKING CHARGE Blue Ridge Medical Center Chronic Pain Management Program Newsletter
Action Planning At BRMC we're huge advocates of pain self-management. After all, who knows more about what your body needs than you? One of our favorite tools are action plans. Action plans are tiny, micro-goals you can accomplish in a week or less. Setting a small, achievable goal each week is an excellent way to train your brain to develop new healthy habits. An action plan can be about anything, as long as it's something that matters to YOU! Maybe you want to exercise more, to take your medication on time, or to get the pile of laundry folded. Action plans are all about taking small steps to success, and here is the best part you don’t do it every day. Those who are most successful with action plans only do them 23 times a week. We are trying to create a habit, not drive ourselves crazy!
OVERVIEW: Action Planning But I hate working Out How exercise helps ease pain
Deciding on an action plan is simple, you just need to follow a few guidelines. 1) It has to be something YOU want to do. 2) It needs to be something you can accomplish within 7 days 3) It should focus on a specific action (hence the name, action plan). Here are some questions to ask yourself as you develop your action plan:
Can Diet Heal Chronic
• What do I want to do: Be more active? • What is one thing I can do to achieve that? Walk for at least 30 minutes every week • When am I going to do that? Two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday • How long am I going to do it? I’ll walk for 15 minutes on each day • What If I can’t do it on a day I planned to? I’ll walk on a different day
Snack Time
Once you have all the details, it’s time to pull together your plan! My Action Plan: This week I will walk for at least 30 minutes. I will walk for at least 15 minutes two days a week on Tuesday and Thursday. If it rains or something else comes up, I’ll walk on another day. Now, the very last step is to do the gut test. Did you pick something you will actually do? If your gut says, “No, I don’t want to do that” then start over, this time pick something you REALLY want to do. By setting small goals each week you can trick your brain into developing healthy habits. Try it, it works. I promise!
Pain? Keep it Moving Preventing Pain Workshop
434-263-4000 www.BRMedical.org