2 minute read
Social and Ethical Responsibility
Through this project, I will be ensuring that everyone I interview will be comfortable throughout the process and be fully aware of the situation, what they are agreeing to and all withdrawal and anonymity rights they have. Everyone I have spoken to has willingly signed an informed consent form detailing what the project is, what their information/words/etc will be used for and where, how they can withdraw any and all data and asking if they need to be kept anonymous in any way. After the project ends and this becomes an individual venture, I will make my informed consent forms and continue to offer the same options from then on.
To allow for privacy I have offered to hold interviews over zoom or email as many people may not be comfortable with a video call or not have access to the necessary hardware. Because a lot of my subjects will be opening up about very personal experiences and feelings, I am being extra cautious to be sensitive and aware of their reactions and ending the question or interview if I or they feel if it is necessary for their comfort. At the start of every interview, I also state that if they do not want to answer any questions that are fine, and they do not need to explain why. If anyone does need to end the interview suddenly then I will contact them over email straight after with links to resources for LGBT+ (or otherwise appropriate) helplines and support in their area.
For the website, I will be using trigger/content warnings at the beginning of articles that discuss more sensitive subjects and providing links to appropriate external resources such as LGBT+ specific helplines, national charities, and NHS resources. I will also be making sure to clarify that any and all advice on the website or its associated social media are followed at your own risk and Gender Free Diet is not a replacement for seeing an appropriate professional.
I am to keep the brand as sustainable as possible by keeping everything online where possible, including hosting interviews over zoom or email and keeping all files digital. In the future, if I ever expand, I will want to move the website over to providers with better transparency on their environmental effects as Squarespace and Namesco do not currently have easily accessible sustainability policies.