Refrigerant gases are causing ozone depletion and high CO2 emissions. Cold temperatures suppress taste buds, meaning people are losing out on flavour. But not with our brand. This drink blends unique and original ingredients to create a rich, full-bodied flavour with unique, complex notes.
Non-alcoholic beverage Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
So please do not refrigerate this drink. Sit back and bask in the fragrant finish.
Please recycle this can.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
Final can design
Recycling units for guests to dispose of their cans in. The used cans will be put through my brand mark, symbolising how they are giving back to the earth. Please recycle your can.
Non-alcoholic beverage
Non-alcoholic beverage
Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
Please recycle your can.
Non-alcoholic beverage Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Non-alcoholic beverage Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Non-alco holic
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
blend of Silky, aromatic and ginger. persimmon, apricot
Silky, persimmon,aromatic apricot blend of and ginger.
Savour Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
the Don’t flavour, chill.
Non-alcoholic beverage Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
Non-alcoholic beverage Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Non-alcoholic beverage Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
blend of Silky, aromatic and ginger. persimmon, apricot
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
Non-alcoholic beverage
Non-alcoholic beverage
Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
Non-alcoholic beverage
Non-alcoholic beverage
Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Silky, aromatic blend of persimmon, apricot and ginger.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
Savour the flavour, Don’t chill.
The event would be lit only by candlelight, linking with the sustainability theme by having a natural organic source of light.