PART s b o J TIME How to work hard and play hard at University
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Types of jobs Where to find jobs
What's worked best for me Tips on how to crack that work/ uni / social life balance
Studying at University? Fed up of not having any money as you've spent the majority of your student loan in the first three weeks? or do you simply want to save some money for a big summer adventure? Finding yourself a part time job alongside your studies is easy and can be lucrative as well as fun!
jobs Hospitality and retail are the typical part time jobs that spring to mind and are often very practical for students. Other part time work that you might not have considered before include: Student Brand Ambassador roles Working for Northumbria Part time Internships
Student Brand Ambassador roles This work involves being a part time rep for big companies. You are required to run on campus and online promotions to spread the word about new products or campaigns they are running.
Working for Northumbria Northumbria offers a wide variety of jobs for students to get involved in. These includes being a course representative, helping out at events such as open days, teaching sports, content writing, photographer and call centre work.
Part time Internships Finding a part time paid internship is also a good idea to not only generate an income but to also develop employability skills
Finding a part time paid internship is also a good idea to not only generate an income but to also develop employability skills Northumbria's JOBS ONLINE page is a great place to start. This database is accessible to Northumbria students only and regularly lists a wide variety of part time work for students in the surrounding areas of Newcastle. Other places to keep your eyes peeled include: Milkround, Facebook, local newspapers, Total Jobs or simply take the old school route of handing your CV out to local companies. You should also check out Northumbria's part time jobs fair that runs at the beginning of every new academic year.
What's worked best for me ?
Good question I'v done it all...
Brand ambassador During my first year at Northumbria I worked part time as a Student Brand Ambassador, running on campus and online campaigns for companies such as Lidl, Credit Suisse and Telefonica. The role was great as it was extremely flexible and paid higher than minimum wage. It is also an impressive role to have on your CV.
Hubstar I currently work as a Hubstar for Northumbria s '
Undergraduate marketing team. The role is five hours a week and involves me writing content such as this. I am also a Uni Rep and help out most of the open days delivering accommodation tours to potential students. Working for Northumbria has allowed me to develop experience in marketing, which is an area I am to build a career in. They also pay higher than minimum wage and are very flexible.
I have previously completed a one month internship for a luxury lingerie company. The role was part time and involved me setting up a pre Christmas sample sale to sell discounted items to targeting the student market. The role was fun, however it was very time consuming. I was paid in commission so it required a lot of effort to ensure sales for me to see a financial reward. There are a variety of internships students can get involved in so don't rule this option out as a great way to earn money and build your CV.
Bar and waitress I now have a part time job working as a waitress and member of the bar team at a local sports club. I found the role on Northumbria's 'JobsOnline' and it provides me with a stable income as I am contracted to work 16 hours per week..
Tips The Do's Find a part time job you enjoy if you can find a job relating to your career ambitions then that's great to build your CV experience Plan your job around your studies leave time to socialise with friends after all your at uni to have fun !
The don'ts Take on to much at once I made this mistake and couldn't keep up with my uni work or spend time with friends Go on a big night out before a 9am shift start Trust me, I know I sound like your mum here but I am saying this from experience, It is NEVER a good idea to work when hungover.