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Epping Parking Changes Upate
From 10th May 2021 you will be required to pay for car parking at 14 car parks in Epping Forest. These include all the car parks in Chingford (Bury Road, Barn Hoppitt, the Golf Club, Warren Pond, Connaught Water etc), High Beach, Leyton and Wanstead. If you are going on a Ramblers’ walk, or a walk on your own, and you use these car parks, it will cost you £4 for up to 4 hours or £6 for up to 6 hours parking. The charges apply all day, every day of the week.
You will also need to be aware that cash payment IS NOT an option. In Chingford, Leyton and Wanstead you will only be able to pay with mobile phone technology using RingGo (RingGo provide cashless, ticketless mobile phone payment schemes across the country for Council and hospital car parks. For more information please visit their website myringgo.co.uk). You have to download the RingGo app to your phone and set up an account with them, giving your mobile number, car registration and payment details. Once you have parked, you then register your arrival and intended length of stay at the car park via your mobile, and they charge your account ditect.
This is definitely worth looking at prior to planning to park at any of these sites. Sometimes it may take a little while to set this up.
High Beach does not have mobile phone coverage. Therefore, only at High Beach will there be pay and display machines. Again, the system will be cashless and payment will be by card only.

COVID-19 self-test kits now easier to order
COVID-19 self-test kits are available for collection from some local pharmacies, Epping Library or online from the NHS as part of the latest campaign to make testing even more accessible and convenient. Residents, who do not have COVID-19 symptoms, can collect 2 boxes of 7 tests, so that they can do twice weekly tests at home to help prevent the spread of the virus. The test is simple, and quick to carry out at home. Alternatively you can pick one up from Epping Library is at St John’s Road, Epping,CM16 5D, from Monday to Saturday between 9am and 5pm. Essex County Council received an initial stock of 199,000 home test kits to kick off the scheme. Further tests, and potentially more libraries, will come online.