9 minute read
First mission for new airbase
Norway House Donations
Essex & Herts Air Ambulance’s (EHAAT) new airbase at North Weald became operational today, 28thApril 2021 when a critical care team based at North Weald, was tasked with its first mission by the East of England Ambulance Service Trust, to an incident in Bishop’s Stortford. Cliff Gale, EHAAT’s Operations Director, said: “The first mission from our new airbase is a historic landmark for the charity and we would like to thank all of our amazing supporters who have made this first-class facility possible”. “This first mission is the culmination of a great deal of commitment, planning and hard work. We are delighted to see our crews operational from the new base by helicopter and rapid response vehicle. This building will give the charity a home for decades to come with facilities that will allow us to continue providing a world-class clinical service.” Stuart Elms, EHAAT’s Clinical Director, said: “After years of planning and preparation it is great to see this state-of-the-art building being used as a base from which our highly skilled prehospital care teams can attend critically ill and injured patients across Essex, Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas”. “I’m delighted for the charity, our supporters, our clinicians and our patients as it will be central to how we deliver care and how we continue to improve outstanding patient care.” The new purpose-built airbase was completed in February 2021 and replaces a leased facility nearby. A time-lapse video showing the complete build can be viewed at https://www.ehaat.org/ north-weald-airbase/. It includes dedicated areas for training which will benefit not only EHAAT’s crews and the local pre-hospital care community along with an interactive visitor centre for supporters, who we look forward to welcoming to this incredible new building when such visits become possible again once government restrictions are fully lifted. The new airbase includes a hangar which is capable of housing two helicopters when necessary, for aircraft maintenance and has underground heating beneath the helipad to keep it free of snow and ice during the winter months. It has been designed with “green” issues very much to the fore. Photovoltaic panels on the roof means that the building generates more electricity than it uses with the excess sold to the national grid. Electric vehicle charging points enable users of electric vehicles to charge them. There is bicycle parking for staff who wish to cycle to work and as much waste as possible will be recycled. The building has been well insulated in order to retain heat and reduce noise pollution and it makes as much use as possible of natural light in order to save on electricity. This exciting day really does mark an important milestone in the charity’s history and the whole team would like to thank everyone involved in this project.

For more information about EHAAT and its work, visit ehaat.org.

Norway House has asked us to share their sincere thanks and gratitude to both the Parish Council and the local community for all the support shown to Norway House during these difficult times, with the donations received over the last 14 months really helping their families during what has to be the toughest of years in a very long time! However, they have now come to a point whereby they are receiving random donations left either outside their storage unit or inside their main reception. Whilst Norway House has tried to reach out to organisations to stop this, they are still receiving lots of donations that cannot be used or stored.
Therefore, if you do wish to make a donation, please can you please only do this by arrangement, please contact this via email on norwayhousemanagers@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

Revised plans for former North Weald Golf Club
Epping Forest District Council has posted planning notices in the local area which relate to plans submitted to develop the disused North Weald Golf Course. The plans are for over 550 homes. These are the only recent notification of this particular planning development. This has been ongoing for a few years. This development will be in addition to developments outlined in the local plan for North Weald.
Many people have already submitted their comments on these proposals on previous occasions when the plans were originally submitted or revised. The notice in the image does invite people to comment within 21 days of this notice being posted, quoting the planning reference EPF/1494/18. The deadline now mentioned on Epping Forest District Council's planning pages is 1st May. Below I have put a link to the original planning application in the comments below. I have no idea if previous comments will be taken into account, whether in support or against this development.
If you have raised previous comments or objections, it may be worth submitting these again to the parties below quoting the planning reference to ensure they are taken into account. You may want to consult revised plans on the EFDC website.
Norway House Donations
Norway House has asked us to share their sincere thanks and gratitude to both the Parish Council and the local community for all the support shown to Norway House during these difficult times, with the donations received over the last 14 months really helping their families during what has to be the toughest of years in a very long time!
However, they have now come to a point whereby they are receiving random donations left either outside their storage unit or inside their main reception. Whilst Norway House has tried to reach out to organisations to stop this, they are still receiving lots of donations that cannot be used or stored.
Therefore, if you do wish to make a donation, please can you please only do this by arrangement, please contact them via email on norwayhousemanagers@eppingforest dc.gov.uk Objections or comments to be sent via email to: ldfconsult@eppingforestdc.gov.uk or sdhadwar@eppingforestdc.gov.uk quoting the planning reference number EPF/1494/18 by 1st May. It is important we have our say, this time not much has been done to actively engage with residents and ask for our concerns or what we want for our village that we live in!

The Epping Ongar Railway is delighted to announce that its heritage rail services will recommence on 22 May (subject to the Government’s road map remaining unchanged). Due to essential engineering work our initial service will be formed of a heritage diesel multipleunit operating between North Weald and Ongar. We expect steam services to operate from early summer. Visit www.eorailway.co.uk for the latest information.
During March and April our volunteers and staff have been busy taking part in ‘Shakedown 21’, designed to ensure all our rolling stock and personnel are ready for the reopening date.
We are actively seeking new working volunteers to assist with running our trains. On operating days, we need volunteers to work at our stations, check tickets on board the trains and to generally assist our customers to enjoy the experience. During the weekdays we need help to maintain our track, rolling stock and buildings. If you can help please get in touch. Adult membership costs just £20 per year and that includes four copies of our 44page in-house magazine Mixed Traffic, which is packed with interesting railway related articles. Our Membership Secretary will be pleased to hear from you, he can be contacted at membership@eorailway.co.uk
Robert Good Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer Society
Photos: Top – DMU at Ongar (EOR Collection)
North Weald Bassett Parish Council, in accordance with protocol, have opened a Book of Condolence following the sad passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
The Book of Condolence will be online as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Members of the public will be able to email their comments, thoughts and words to the parish council and the messages will be uploaded onto the parish council's website.
After the period set by protocol, the Book of Condolence will be closed, and a copy printed and retained for historic purposes, along with a copy passed to the Essex Records Office.
Hall feasibility study
North Weald Bassett Parish Council is to undertake a feasibility study on The Parish Hall at Thornwood Common as it starts to debate its future and maintenance requirements - and looks to attract new hirers into the building.

More than 14,000 children offered parents' top primary school preference
Nearly 16,000 parents and carers in Essex discovered the outcome of their primary school applications today on 16th April, with those who applied online getting confirmation by email or via the Essex County Council (ECC) website. Out of a total of 15,779 applications that were received on time, 14,161 pupils who are due to start in Reception Year in September 2021 have been offered their parent or ca rer ' s first preference of primary school.
This equates to 89.75% of the total eligible cohort and represents a slight increase on last year which saw 89.38%. Nearly 6% of children were offered their parent's second preference of school. ECC’s school admissions team, alongside school organisation and place planning colleagues have worked closely together to deliver the admissions process again, despite the challenges brought by the pandemic. The county council continues to invest significantly in creating new school places to meet demand now and in the future. More information about school place planning in Essex is available here: https://www.essex.gov.uk/school-organisation-and -place-planning/school-organisation-and-place-planning-service As the current Covid-19 restrictions ease it is anticipated many people will head to coastal locations and inland water beauty spots. Few people would think they might become a water incident statistic. But the fact is in the UK in 2019 more people died from accidental drowning than cyclists did on the road.

Specialising in plastering, external rendering and K rend

The National Fire Chiefs Council’s (NFCC) Be Water Aware’s recent campaign. Essex County Fire and Rescue Service is taking part to encourage people not to be complacent when spending time in and around water. The aim is to encourage people to be safe by being aware of the risks.
Following simple advice will help reduce the 223 accidental drownings reported in 2019 and the many more injuries, which can be lifechanging, following water related incidents. The advice includes:
• Never swim alone in case you need help • Don’t drink alcohol when undertaking water related activities, it impairs judgement and your ability to swim • Avoid walking routes near water if you have been drinking alcohol • Don’t dive or jump straight into open water, this can cause potentially fatal cold water shock even on the warmest day • Actively supervise children in and around water - drowning can happen fast and silently Violin for Sale • If you find yourself unexpectedly in the water, don’t panic, extend your arms and legs out and float on your back until the effect of cold water shock pass • Never enter the water to try and rescue someone, call 999 and ask for the Fire Service if inland and the Coastguard if you are at the coast. Source: Essex County Fire & Rescue Service