Local Plan consultation on further Main Modifications The Local Plan is a district-wide plan which identifies the vision and aspirations for the future of the area. The planning policies, and allocations in the plan identify sites or areas which can be developed and those which should be protected. The Local Plan will help shape future development in the district Councillor Nigel Bedford, Cabinet Portfolio Holder responsible for up to 2033. It sets out the level and distribution of planned the Local Plan was pleased to update councillors at Full Council growth, including new homes and employment land. on Tuesday 11th October. The Plan includes policies which will be used to assess planning The Council is aiming for the consultation to commence on or applications, ensuring new development is sustainable, well dearound 28th October 2022. Council staff are working behind the signed and provides for the future needs of the district. scenes to prepare the website, documents and consultation Once finalised and adopted, the Local Plan will become the statforms. The consultation will last 6 weeks. utory (legal) development plan for the Epping Forest district. Consultees will be given the opportunity to comment solely upon the further Main Modifications proposed at this stage. It is not an Responses to the consultation will be sent to the independent opportunity to comment upon previous changes that have al- government-appointed inspector. Once the inspector has considready been consulted upon, or parts of the Plan that are not sub- ered the responses, including the evidence presented throughout the duration of the Examination, he will determine whether the ject to further modification. Local Plan is ‘sound’ and make his final recommendations to the The Schedule of Main Modifications, clearly identifying the fur- Secretary of State. Only once the plan has received ministerial ther Main Modifications which are subject to consultation, and all approval can it then be adopted by the Council. supporting documents will be published via the Council’s Local Plan website. An additional consultation on the further changes (known as further Main Modifications) to Epping Forest District Council’s emerging Local Plan is scheduled to start shortly as the Council reaches the final stages of the Plan’s Examination.
Anyone who has previously registered for the Local Plan updates will receive notification when the consultation commences. Paper copies of the consultation material will be available at the Civic Offices and local libraries.
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