4 minute read
Northern Naturalist
Glacial Erratics of Pelizzari (Face to Face) Love Pelizzari? Or perhaps you have heard of it but never been? Learn so much more about this special natural hiking area at the base of Old Mission Peninsula. Join instructor Jerry Sura on a field excursion of Pelizzari Natural Area to examine glacial aspects of the rolling and irregular surrounding terrain. You are encouraged to naturejournal your findings and musings as you go on a hunt for glacial erratics. Tree identification, bird and floral subjects will also be noted and documented. Hiking distance is 3 miles with hills. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate. Meets at Pelizzari Natural Area parking lot (6852 Center Rd. on Old Mission Peninsula, just north of the Unitarian Church). Fri., Sept. 25 1-3 p.m. Pelizzari Natural Area (6852 Center Rd., TC) Instructor: Jerry Sura $29
Aquatic Insects and Water Quality (Hybrid) There are some incredible insects and other invertebrates that spend much of their life in water before emerging to the land or air. Learn the natural history of these insects and how the quantity and quality of aquatic life equates to the health of a stream or body of water. In this hands-on course, join the staff of the Grass River Natural Area as you work with the tools and techniques used to measure water quality in our region by looking at our local fauna. Run chemical and physical field tests and evaluate your results to determine the levels of oxygen, turbidity, pH, temperature and nutrients. The first class will be livestreamed via Zoom, the next two meet at Grass River Natural Area near Alden/Bellaire (directions provided at the first class). This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate.
3 Mon., Sept. 28-Oct. 12 1-4 p.m. Grass River Education Center (6500 Alden Highway, Bellaire) Instructor: James Dake $89 Fall Mushroom Foray at Grass River (Face to Face) Tour the woods and fields with naturalists at Grass River Natural Area to freshen up on your mushroom identification skills. On the trek you will seek, find and identify fun fall fungi. In the process, learn about the life-cycles, habitats and features of these organisms. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate and takes place at Grass River Natural Area; meet at Grass River Education Center (6500 Alden Highway, Bellaire). Thurs., Oct. 1 1-4 p.m. Grass River Education Center (6500 Alden Highway, Bellaire) Instructor: James Dake $49
Structural Pruning for Young Trees (Face to Face) Discover how tree pruning improves the health, beauty and function of your trees. In a few short hours you will learn a variety of pruning techniques in order to achieve several different outcomes. Whether you want to increase light, reduce deadfall, or enhance your view; certified arborist, Bo Burke, provides demonstrations so you can learn what it takes to make safe and effective cuts and reduce mistakes. The location for this class will be sent to registered students 14 days before class (Sept. 21). Mon., Oct. 5 4:30-6:30 p.m. Location to be announced Instructor: Bo Burke $49
LIFE Academy classes are now found throughout the catalog by topic, which we hope you will find more convenient.
Entomology for the Naturalist (Livestream) The largest segment of the animal kingdom provides excellent fodder for the naturalist in you. Explore the world of Arthropods and gain expanded knowledge to share with others. Learn to differentiate between arthropods and other kinds of animals, and practice collection techniques. Leave with a better understanding of insect ecology and the important role each plays in the natural world. This course is required for the Naturalist Certificate.
2 weeks, Mon. & Wed., Oct. 5-14 2-3:30 p.m. Instructor: Dr. Erwin (Duke) Elsner $59 Interpretation and Environmental Education (Livestream) You have been working toward getting your Naturalist Certificate and you are excited to share all of your new knowledge. But what is the best way to communicate all of the fantastic knowledge you have learned to various audiences? Learn the art of interpretation and environmental education. Learn interpretive techniques, research effective environmental education, and put together an action plan to turn your knowledge into impact! This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate.
Wed., Nov. 4 1-3 p.m. Instructor: James Dake $49 Signs of River Otters and Other Elusive Animals (Face to Face) River otters are active and healthy at Grass River Natural Area. Join a naturalist to learn the natural history of river otters and how to spot signs of these elusive and fun indicators of water quality. On the trail we will look for signs of other elusive animals, like bobcat, mink or black bear. This course qualifies toward the Naturalist Certificate and takes place at Grass River Natural Area; meet at Grass River Education Center (6500 Alden Highway, Bellaire). Tues., Nov. 24 1-4 p.m. Grass River Education Center (6500 Alden Highway, Bellaire) Instructor James Dake $49
Northern Naturalist Classes and Certificate Explore the natural environment of this unique area through Livestream instruction and field experience. Details at www.nmc.edu/naturalist
Qualifying courses on pages 28-29:
• Glacial Erratics of Pelizzari • Aquatic Insects and Water Quality • Fall Mushroom Foray at Grass River • Entomology for the Naturalist • Interpretation & Environmental Education • Signs of River Otters & Other
Elusive Animals
Northern Naturalist Certificate nmc.edu/naturalist For more information about this exciting program, contact John Plough at jplough@nmc.edu