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Culture & Religion
The last year has brought many challenges. Are you seeking ways to tune into yourself and the world in which we live, without feeling overwhelmed? Join experienced instructor, Margaret Bennett, to learn this life changing practice. With a busy and thoughtful mind that does not like sitting still and quiet, this class will gently bring you into the space with guided meditation and other strategies that make it easier. Find clarity and calm the effects of stress on the body. Margaret Bennett 10 sessions | $99 #1164 Jan. 20 –March 24 Livestream F 12:15 – 12:45 pm Margaret Bennett 12 sessions | $125 #1169 April 14 –June 30 Livestream F 12:15 – 12:45 pm
Chair Yoga
Be the best version of yourself — explore your potential with yoga! Join instructor Margaret Bennet, who will guide you through your chair yoga practice. Enjoy the benefits of the essential elements of yoga in a seated position at home. Yoga improves flexibility, posture, balance, and spiritual and mental wellness. Practice a variety of yoga poses and discover the rewards of gentle stretches, postures, and relaxation through breathing and meditation. All levels and abilities are welcome. Margaret Bennett 10 sessions | $99 #1165 Jan. 20 –March 24 Livestream F 1 – 1:45 pm Margaret Bennett 12 sessions | $125 #1170 April 14 –June 30 Livestream F 1 – 1:45 pm
Culture Bites Series
What we eat says a lot about our culture and who we are as individuals. Food gives us an opportunity to socialize with family, friends, and the community; transmits culture; defines family and gender roles; represents religious beliefs; plays a role in festivals and holidays; and becomes part of our identity, among other things. We do not just ingest calories; what we consume ties us to our culture and the environment and is also often a political and ethical act as well. Join us as we explore the world around us bite by bite. Register for the full series $119
Culture Bites: Say Cheese!
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Food is often part of cultural and even national identity. In this class we are going to explore the idea of food as identity using cheese. Cheese has a surprisingly long history going back around 8,000 years. Join us as we travel From France to the Netherlands, Finland to Greece with other stops along the way. We will be exploring cultures, history, and of course tasting cheese! Christa Abdul-Karim 1 session | $49 #1299 March 16 University Center Th 6 – 7:30 pm UC 208
Culture Bites: Bugs They’re What’s for Dinner
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Did you know that there are over 2,000 species of edible insects? Billions of people around the world enjoy eating insects and they have been a part of rich culinary traditions for thousands of years. While there is a growing trend to get insects on the menu in the United States, there are still cultural biases that stand in the way. This course will examine why food taboos arise in general and how they can be overcome, the benefits of eating insects, and of course insect tasting - featuring crickets, mealworms, chapulines, black ants, and others. Christa Abdul-Karim 1 session | $49 #1285 April 20 University Center Th 6 – 7:30 pm UC 208
Culture Bites: Global Snacks
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Is there a tastier way to get to know a culture than through its snack food? Everyone nibbles but each culture tends to have different favorite snack flavors that can range from shrimp to spicy plum to seaweed to curry to roast chicken, among many other flavors. In this class we will explore six cultures around the world through salty, sweet, and sometimes spicy deliciousness. Christa Abdul-Karim 1 session | $49 #1300 May 4 University Center Th 6 – 7:30 pm UC 208