See play in a whole new way.
If a tree falls in the forest...
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We think so. In fact, almost anything can inspire us– a magical forest, a sunken ship, a busy city...anything.
...can it inspire an awesome play structure? At Cre8Play, we design and build realistic worlds that capture the imagination and delight the senses. Our mission is to create the most amazing play environments the world has ever seen. So step inside and let your inner child run wild. And don’t forget the bug spray! Page 2 |
The lost art of drawing is a huge part of our creative process. To truly capture an idea, we use hand sketching, digital rendering, 3D modeling, and artistic prototypes.
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s artists. Some folks call u h that. we’re Okay wit
ept drawings From initial conc of life-like to the fabrication everything we do play structures, tail product. Every de shows in the final ntion it needs to is given the atte ults alike. dazzle kids and ad r nothing less. We will settle fo
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Where would you like to go? The Great Pyramids of Egypt? The Amazon Rainforest? An intergalactic space station? It just doesn’t matter. Cre8Play can take you anywhere your imagination can conjure up. Using concrete, steel, glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), composite wood, sculpting epoxy, and various plastics, we can achieve realism and durability that will amaze and delight for decades to come. Page 5 |
Raising the bar on Play
A playground can be a magical place. When you mix materia ls, textures, and style s, it creates a world th at seems real and authentic. Our goal is to replicate nature, down to th e most minute deta il. Kids notice. Adults notice. And communities no tice. It’s this attention to detail that make s our work rise above wh at’s being done elsew here in the industry. Page 6 |
Let’s Face it...
Most playgrounds ar e boring. You’ve seen them a hundred times. But with Cre8Play, you’re getting something completely custom and entirely unique - So much more than the traditional post and platform play structure. So yo u can either look like everyone els e, or have a look all yo ur own.
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It’s OK to be Differ
Who said you have to be like everybody els e? Your community is distinctive - your pla y environment should be too. Don’t sett le for the standard solution . Your project dese rves a play environment th at sets you apart an d draws people from other communities to visit and interact wi th something origina l. It’s more than a pla yground. It’s an alternate un iverse. Page 9 |
“OMG! This is the most wicked playground I’ve ever seen.” — Nichol C., Age 11
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You can discover more about a perso n in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
- Plato Greek philosopher 427–347 BC
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Studies show that play may, in fact, be the highest expression of our humanity, both imitating and advancing the evolutionary process. Play allows our brains to exercise their very flexibility, to maintain and even perhaps renew the neural connections that embody our human potential to adapt, to meet any possible set of environmental conditions. Isn’t it worth investing in?
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Let’s Rock the Boat
st the grain, It’s time to go again o, and march to shatter the status qu n drum. Life is the beat of your ow on a boring too short to work ings up! project. Let’s spice th s and try things Let’s explore new idea done before. that have never been ure. Let’s go on an advent Let’s Cre8Play!
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Who is this Guy? Hi! I ’m Todd Lehman. I ’ m the “design guy” behind this whole operation. There is nothing I enjoy more than creating fantastical worlds that blow people’s minds. I have spent my entire career building a company that embraces creativity and breaks the mold of traditional playground manufacturers. When you work with our team of skilled artists, I personally guarantee an experience that is enjoyable, creative, and fun. Your project will be amazing. I’ll have it no other way. I look forward to working with you.
Page 14 | | | 5121 Winnetka Ave. N | Suite 108 | New Hope, MN 55428 | Phone: 612.670.8195 | Fax: 612.486.7740 All images and concepts are copyright Š 2012, Cre8Play, LLC - All rights reserved