ASNU Student Body President Welcome to Northwest University! Our goal at NU is to see you successfully graduate and to love your community learning experience. We want to see you grow, belong, and thrive! Toward that end, we’ve compiled this booklet with a number of helpful resources and opportunities. As you make your way through this guide, I encourage you to process how you would like to be involved on campus, because you get to define your student experience! At Northwest University, learning is not strictly confined to the classroom, nor spiritual formation exclusive to the chapel. Opportunities for learning, connection, and spiritual growth are around every corner. As Wendell Berry said, “Teachers are everywhere. What is wanted is a learner.” This year, I challenge you to view the entire community experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. Don’t sit back and expect life-changing opportunities to find you. Get out of your comfort zone. Explore. Be present. Be intentional. Be a learner. Make the most of your Northwest University experience by purposefully engaging both in and out of the classroom. As you explore elements of our thriving campus life enclosed in this guide, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Office of Student Development. We are here to serve and journey with you. We are looking forward to a great year ahead and meeting you at Welcome Weekend!
DR. RICK ENGSTROM Vice President for Student Development
Hello friends, What a blessing it is for me to say, "Welcome to Northwest!" to each of you. I can confidently say that these next few years will change your life for the better, and I am excited for you to embark on this journey. Your future likely holds some lake jumps, late night Taco Bell runs, and new friendships that you don’t expect. These memories will last you a lifetime, so I encourage you to seize these moments when they arise! As your student body president, I consider it a joy to be present with you as this journey begins. You are not a number here, and you are not just another student to me. If I don’t already know you, please reach out so that I can meet you! My goal in this position is to know you and your story, and equip you for success in any way I can. I am here to elevate your voice, to hear your desires for NU, or just to be a friend. You are a valuable part of this community, and I pray that you will see just how many people here—including myself—care deeply about you. In being part of this community, your role on campus extends beyond student. You are a scholar, a friend, and a leader—and each of these titles will be what you make of them. Your professors are excited to teach you and lead you, so don’t hesitate to reach out to them and invest in what you are learning. The strangers that live in your residence hall could easily become some of your best friends, so don’t be afraid to leave your door open. And this campus is ready and waiting for you to be a leader that sparks change. When you take ownership of this college experience, you will see the amazing ways that God will use you here. This is the beginning of a wonderful journey, and you are ready. I and so many others are praying and cheering for you along the way. Welcome home!

CONTENTS WELCOME LETTERS .......................................... 2 STUDENT LEADERSHIP ..................................... 4 GET INVOLVED ................................................ 5 LIVING ON CAMPUS ......................................... 6 COMMUTERS ................................................... 6 SPIRITUAL FORMATION ................................ 8–9 THE WELLNESS CENTER ................................. 10 ACADEMIC SUCCESS AND ADVISING ............... 10 NU BUCKET LIST CHALLENGE .......................... 11 FAQS ....................................................... 12–13 DIRECTORY ................................................... 14 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ................................... 15 CAMPUS MAP ................................................ 16 3

At Northwest University, we have a passion to invest in students as current and future leaders. One tangible way we do this is through student leadership opportunities. We have approximately 60 student leadership positions each year and over a quarter of a million dollars offered in scholarships!
STUDENT ACTIVITIES BOARD SAB exists to promote and build a positive, inclusive community by engaging students socially, physically, and culturally through fun events and programs. Their hope is to encourage student development through involvement and generate enthusiasm and support for NU while creating a sense of belonging.
Campus Ministries is supported by student leaders who facilitate various aspects of spiritual formation programming at NU. They serve in the areas of prayer, chapel and Pursuit services, Life Groups, hospitality, media, lighting and sound, graphic design and social media, photography, missions, and ministry teams. The aim of Campus Ministries student leaders is to help our community love, trust, and follow Jesus.
Keep your eyes open for opportunities to get involved. Student leadership selection takes place each February, and you have the chance to apply for these leadership positions! Learn about the different ways student leaders shape our campus.
MOSAIC The MOSAIC family cultivates open spaces for students to encounter the diversity of God's Kingdom by choosing to grow in humility, joy, and compassion through lasting relationships. Everyone is welcome and brings a uniquely valuable perspective to these community events. With faith as the foundation, Mosaic believes unity in the midst of diversity is possible and something worth pursuing together.
The Residence Life staff is committed to encouraging, facilitating, and growing community here at NU. The resident assistants (RA) role is one of support and challenge, toward Christ-like community, belonging, and authentic relationships. RAs assist in co-creating safe and supportive environments through programming, mentoring relationships, and conflict mediation and resolution.
ASNU is an elected group of representatives who serve as student voices and are committed to listening to student concerns, advocating for student needs, and bringing positive changes to NU. ASNU executive officers are elected each spring and student senators are elected in September. Be on the lookout for more information about applying to be an elected officer!

• Volunteer with SAB.
• Join Campus Ministries photography team.
• Join the SAB hospitality team.
• Cheer on Eagle athletics.
• Join or start a student club.
• Check out equipment from the ASNU office.
• Become a chapel greeter.
• Audition for the worship team.
• Apply to go on a mission trip.
• Attend MOSAIC events.
• Get involved with NU Theatre.
• Join an intramural team.
• Apply to be a senator.
• Join a Life Group.
• Start a study group.
• Join Monday Night Prayer Team.
Whether you are looking for something to participate in once or on a weekly basis, something to simply attend, or a place where you can use your leadership skills, we have something for everyone. And, if you can’t find something that excites you, we encourage you to start something new! For more information on how to start a student group, check out the ASNU website on Eagle. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, September 6, at 4:30 p.m. outside The Caf for our You Belong Fair to meet our student groups and learn about how to join! Please stay up to date with the Life at NU emails sent out each week.
• Become an NU ambassador.
• Attend SAB events.
• Go to coffee with your professor.
At Northwest University, our hope is for you to find a place you belong! There are a lot of ways to be intentionally involved here at NU, both on and off campus, and we encourage you to explore the different opportunities that are of interest to you.
• Find out more about music ensembles.

LIVING AREA COMMUNITIES LIVING ON COMMUTERSCAMPUS COMMUTER TIPS: • Stay on campus after classes to study, go to events, or just be with people. • Take advantage of $3.50 lunches on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. • Join a club or Life Group. • Work on campus to meet more people. • Sit and hang out in the residence hall lobbies (your ID card will get you in). • Purchase a meal plan and eat in The Caf. RA ON-CALL NUMBERS • GPC RA on call: 503-673-6294 • Gray/Beatty RA on call: 503-476-1296 • Apt. RA on call: 971-266-1073 HOUSING CONTACT INFO • 425-889-5334 • • Main office located in the Pecota Student Center. Do you live off campus and commute to class? Approximately 30% of our students do, too! Make sure to check out our commuter resources on Eagle to make the most of your experience. For more questions about commuter life, contact the Community Life Coordinator at 6
Convenience. Support. Community. Living on campus is a unique, intentional, and rewarding experience. Take advantage of the resources and relationships that come from sharing life together on campus. From learning to live with others to cooking on your own, living on campus provides you with life skills and lifelong relationships!
• Resident Assistants (RAs) are student leaders who live on each floor to provide leadership, guidance, care, and fun for residents.
• Wi-Fi and Ethernet cable capability.
• Themed Community Crews are a big deal here at NU. Their names are: Jungle, Wolfpack, Hive, Ducks and Chicks, Den, and Neighborhood.
• Area Coordinators (ACs) are professional, live-in staff who provide leadership within a living area with the hopes of developing a Christ-centered living and learning community. They council and support students, facilitate programming, assist with crisis management and conflict resolution, and provide leadership and mentoring to students and RA teams.
• Credit- and debit-operated washers and dryers.
• Quiet hours are 10 p.m.–8 a.m. every day.

7 "Get out of your comfort zone. Explore. Be present. Be intentional. Be a learner. Make the most of your Northwest University experience by purposefully engaging both in and out of the classroom." - DR. RICK ENGSTROM Vice President for Student Development

• Chapel Gatherings (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:00 a.m. and 11:20 a.m.) – 42 opportunities
• Pursuit Gatherings (Mondays at 8:00 p.m.) – 13 opportunities
• Life Groups (See for more information; one credit per week) – 15 opportunities
MICAH LORENZ Associate Campus Pastor FORMATION
• Chic Chat and Fellaship (Women's and men's gatherings) – 2 opportunities
SPIRITUAL LIFE CREDITS To help cultivate a spiritually vibrant community and to foster the spiritual formation of each member, the Campus Ministries office, along with other departments, provides spiritually enriching opportunities for our community. Each opportunity is associated with a Spiritual Life credit. All traditional undergraduate Kirkland-campus students taking 12 or more credits are required to attain 35 Spiritual Life credits this semester. Traditional undergraduate Kirkland-campus students taking 7–11 credits are required to attain 15 Spiritual Life credits this semester. There are over 80 opportunities for Spiritual Life credits this semester:
• Short-Term Mission Trips (Campus Ministries sponsored trips; more information on – 5 credits Given upon completion of spring semester NU Missions class.
• Other approved events as advertised (Reel Talk, Courageous Conversations, etc.) – 5+ opportunities
• Bible Reading Plans (reading through the Gospel of Matthew and Exodus) – 2 credits per reading plan Hey, family! The greatest attribute of NU is that we are a community committed to following Jesus. In your time here at NU, you will find that our passion to follow Jesus is not a cliche or something good to tweet. All of usstudents, faculty, and staff - are deeply invested in one another's spiritual lives. So, I invite you to join us and help make NU a spiritually vibrant community! Welcome home!
• Local Missions Opportunities (Campus Ministries partners with local organizations to love and serve our community; more information on

CHECKING YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE CREDITS Students are expected to keep track of their Spiritual Life credit record. To do so, log onto “My Attendance” through the Campus Ministries Eagle page. Students have five days following a Spiritual Life credit opportunity to email about any discrepancies, questions, or concerns. Campus Ministries is located in Pecota and can be reached at 425-889-5308 or NORTHWEST DEVO APP We have created an app for all things Northwest Spiritual Life. You can read through devotionals written by our community, text in a prayer request, see all Spiritual Life credit opportunities, go through a Bible reading plan, find out who’s speaking in chapel, watch and listen to sermons, find a Life Group, and so much more. Download the Northwestu Devo app in all app stores today. 9

THE WELLNESS CENTER NU’s Wellness Center is committed to a whole-person approach to health care by promoting wellness in body, mind, spirit, relationships, and environment. We serve currently enrolled undergraduate students for counseling, medical, and nutrition services. Appointments are $10 per 50-minute session and $15 per 90-minute session. See below for free opportunities. COUNSELING SERVICES • Supportive counseling for anxiety and depression reduction, relationship issues, overcoming trauma, grief, and more. • Limited crisis support. • The first two counseling sessions are free. • A limited number of counseling scholarships are available. Contact the Wellness Center or talk to your counselor to apply. NUTRITION SERVICES • Nutrition education for optimal health. • Practical meal planning. • Sports nutrition. • Weight management. • One free 15-minute mini-session available. MEDICAL SERVICES • Care for illness and minor injury. • Medical advice. • COVID testing. • TB testing.* • Seasonal flu vaccine.* *additional fees may apply CONTACT INFO • 425-889-5282 • • Everette D. Greeley Center (building 5 on campus map) ACADEMIC SUCCESS AND ADVISING The goal of the Academic Success and Advising office is to set students on the right path from the start and help them stay there each and every step of the way. Before a student even arrives, we create their first schedule according to the major the student has chosen. We make sure to take into account any transfer credits the student may have and align it carefully with the plan of study that best fits the major. Walking alongside students as they transition from home to school, high school to college, community college to university, one college to another, adolescence to adulthood, and dreams to reality is a great honor for us, and we take the responsibility very seriously. PRACTICAL SERVICES • Change of major. • Add/drop a class. • Withdraw from a class. • Apply for graduation. • Substitute a class. • Petition for a unique circumstance. SUPPORT SERVICES • Assignment calendaring. • Career services. • GPA calculation. • Disability accommodation. • Test makeup. • Academic life coaching. CONTACT INFO • 425-889-5227 • • Williams Hall, room 10 (building 10C on campus map) 10

Connect your wireless devices to the NU_Wireless network and log in with your NU email address and password. For the best experience, connect your computer to the wall jack in your residence hall room or apartment with an Ethernet cable. Remember, no personal routers are allowed.
• Attendance credit for Spiritual Life events.
• Access to the Eagle Fitness Center.
EMAIL Checking your NU email is a crucial part of being a student—this is how the university communicates with you most often. Whether it is an announcement, class or professor information, or an account statement notification, you'll find what you need to know through email. Access your NU email via the Eagle homepage.
The Campus Security office is located in the Crowder Lobby. Security officers are on duty 24/7 and can be reached at 425-864-1552.
Have a car on campus? Great! Just make sure you register your vehicle on the Eagle website and pay the registration fee (find Campus Parking on the My Profile page). NU now uses virtual registration and students will not receive a physical parking permit. This is a change from previous years. If you have any questions, please reach out to the campus parking administrator at If you don't have a car on campus, we have great public transportation with bus routes picking up right in front of campus. Consider purchasing an Orca Card through King County Metro and Sound Transit.
• Resource check-out at the library.
ID CARDS Your NU ID Key Card is imperative to your functioning as a student at NU! If you lose your card or if it isn’t working properly, please visit the Information Technology Help Desk in the Barton Building. You’ll use your card for the following:
DISCOVERY Your professors will post class information, syllabi, assignments, and more on the Discovery website. Access Discovery via the Eagle homepage. Check out Discovery guides in the NU Student Tutorials course.
• Discounts at local businesses.
• Door access into residence halls and other buildings.
• Admission to athletic and other NU events.
• Check-in to campus events.
Need to print something? Use your student printing balance to print in computer labs, print kiosks, and in the library (add pages on your Eagle Website My Profile). Color printing, copying, and scanning to email can be done using the library student copier.
Your campus mailing address and mailbox number are printed on the back of your NU ID Key Card. Student mailboxes are located in the Pecota Student Center, and packages can be picked up from Print and Mail Services in the Barton Building. We'll send you a text and email whenever you receive a package.
• Meals at The Caf.
Have a question regarding internet access, printing, your NU ID Key Card, login information, or other campus technology? Please email or stop by the Help Desk (located next to Print and Mail Services on the first floor of the Barton Building) for IT answers or assistance.
The 24-Hour Space in the Library entrance (Hurst 214) has computers and printing kiosks for your late night study needs.
THE CAF Monday–Friday | 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. Saturday | 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Sunday | 7:30–9:30 a.m., 12:30–2:00 p.m., 5:00–6:00 p.m.
For holiday hours, see the library website.
Monday–Thursday | 7:30 a.m.–9:00 p.m. Friday | 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. All students on the full meal plan or living in the student apartments have $100 to spend at the Aerie! If you have special dietary needs, please contact the Pioneer College Caterers director at 425-889-5285. Pioneer Catering hires student workers at the beginning of each academic year. If you are interested in working at The Caf or Aerie Cafe, don’t hesitate to reach out to the dining director at The Caf at
Monday–Friday | 9:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
Something wrong in your room? No problem. Submit a maintenance request through Eagle by going to the Maintenance page and then clicking on “NU Maintenance Requests.” The first time you do this, you’ll need to register. Once you click the button to do so, you will need to input your information and the account code: 1351861760. Next time, you’ll only need to use your email and password. Once you are in the system making the request, an additional password is required to submit—that password is “password.” If you have any questions, please call Maintenance at 425-889-5585.
EAGLE FITNESS CENTER Hours are subject to change.
For more information on the above resources and much more, check out our Eagle website at
Monday–Thursday | 7:30 a.m.–10:30 p.m. Saturday | 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Friday | 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Sunday | 3:00 p.m.–10:30 p.m.

ACADEMIC SUCCESS AND ADVISING 425-889-5227 | Williams Hall, room 10 Foradvising@northwestu.eduquestionsregardingadvising, testing, tutoring, career development, disability accommodations, or academic resources (including, but not limited to, change of major and adding or dropping a class). CAMPUS MINISTRIES 425-889-5307 | Pecota Student Forcampusministries@northwestu.eduCenterquestionsregardingprayerorpastoralcounseling, Life Group applications or information, mission trip information, and participating in a local missions group. HOUSING 425-889-5334 | Pecota Student Center Forhousing@northwestu.eduquestionsregardingresidence hall and apartment housing, RAs, and ACs. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 425-889-5310 | Barton, first floor Forhelp@northwestu.eduhelpwithcomputers,printing, ID Key Cards, internet and Wi-Fi, passwords, and other technology at NU. REGISTRAR 425-889-5228 | Davis, Suite Forregistrarsoffice@northwestu.edu111questionsregardingclassschedulesand registration, transcripts, and graduation requirements. STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES 425-889-5210 | Barton, second financialForstudentfinancialservices@northwestu.edufloorquestionsregardingpayments,balances,andaid. STUDENT DEVELOPMENT 425-889-5234 | Pecota Student andstudentForstudentdevelopment@northwestu.eduCenterquestionsregardinghousing,commuterinformation,leadership,clubsandorganizations,andsocialmulticulturalevents. WELLNESS CENTER 425-889-5282 | Everette D. Greeley Wellness Center andTowellnesscenter@northwestu.edumakeanappointmentforcounseling,medical,nutritionservices. ACADEMIC COLLEGES College of Adult and Professional Studies 425-889-7793 College of Arts and Sciences 425-889-5315 College of Business 425-889-5754 College of Education 425-889-5299 College of Ministry 425-889-5253 College of Nursing 425-889-7822 College of Social and Behavioral Sciences 425-889-5286 DIRECTORY For a full directory, check out the Eagle website or call 425-822-8266 to reach the front desk receptionist to be transferred. 14

ACADEMIC CALENDAR AND OTHER IMPORTANT DATES FALL SEMESTER 2022 First Day of Classes (Undergraduate Program)................................................................. Aug. 29 Academic Convocation .............................................................................................................Aug. 31 Last Day to Register; Last Day to Add/Drop Classes Sept. 2 Labor Day Holiday (University Closed).................................................................................. Sept. 5 Reading Days (No Classes) Oct. 20–21 Priority Registration for Spring Semester Opens ................................................................ Oct. 31 Last Day to Withdraw From Classes ...................................................................................... Nov. 18 Thanksgiving Break (No Classes) Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Holidays (University Closed) ................................................................. Nov. 24–25 Last Day of Classes Dec. 12 Final Exams .......................................................................................................................... Dec. 13–16 Student Semester Break (No Classes) ..................................................................... Dec. 19–Jan 8 University Offices Closed Dec. 23–Jan 2 SPRING SEMESTER 2023 Residence Halls and Dining Hall Open (Returning Students) Jan. 8 First Day of Classes (Undergraduate Program)..................................................................... Jan. 9 Last Day to Register; Last Day to Add/Drop Classes ......................................................... Jan. 13 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (University Closed) .................................................................... Jan. 16 Presidents’ Day (University Closed) ...................................................................................... Feb. 20 Spring Break (No Classes) Mar. 6–10 Priority Registration for Fall Semester Opens .................................................................... Mar. 27 Reading Day (No Classes) .......................................................................................................... Apr. 6 Last Day to Withdraw From Classes Apr. 7 Good Friday (University Closed) ............................................................................................... Apr. 7 Last Day of Classes Apr. 28 Baccalaureate Chapel ............................................................................................................... Apr. 28 Final Exams ............................................................................................................................... May 1–4 Graduation Celebration May 5 Commencement ........................................................................................................................... May 6 15
14 11 16 7C 8C 8D 8A 8B 7B 177A 1810A 10B 10C 12 13 5 4A4B3 23 6B 6C6D6E 6F6G6A 1 2B 2A 4C 9 10D 108th AVE NE 108th AVE NE ST53NErd CHAPEL CAFTHE PAVILION (GYM) 111th LN NE 111th LN NE 113th PL NE 114th AVE NE 111th WAY NE 111th WAY NE 111th WAY NE NE55thLN NE55thLN NE55thLN 110th WAY NE 110th WAY NE 109th LN NE WAY58thNE 110th LN NE WAY58thNE ANDHEALTH CENTERSCIENCES ADMISSIONS IOSSMIDANS 17 BuildingBarton CEHTAF 3 HallDining CHAPEL 14 ChapelButterfield GYM 13 Pavilion HSC 18 CenterSciencesandHealthrgueA 14 CenterMusicmundsenA 10A HallonsonBr 10D HalleeF 5 CenteryGreele 9 LibraryHurst 16 BuildingMaintenance 12 HalldMillar 10 CenterAcademicNess 11 CenterStudentecotaP 10B HallRice 10C HallilliamsW 1 BuildingDavis 23 Building6710 HOUSING 2B HallResidenceBeatty 4A CrowderResidenceHall 6 HousingFaculty/StaxDuple 7 Apartments.I.R.sF 2A GrayResidenceHall 4B HallResidenceGuy 4C HallResidenceerksP 8 EastHousingCampus Key HousingAcademicAdministrativeNEAve108th5520 98033WAKirkland, 425.822.8266 16