Northwood Community Report - 2022-2023

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2022-2023 Please visit our website for additional resources Northwood - Live More community report Bedford Campus, Ivany Place Northwood Home Care, In Your Home Across Nova Scotia Halifax Campus, Edward Roach Centre NORTHWOOD CORPORATE OFFICE Suite 1 South, 130 Eileen Stubbs Ave, Dartmouth Nova Scotia B3B 2C4 1-866-700-2273 902-425-2273 Celebrating over 60 years while looking to the future 2022 / 2023 Strategic Directions Beaver Bank Campus Ivy Meadows

A message from our Board of Governors

This year has brought a feeling of excitement to Northwood. There is more activity, more community contact, and an easing of restrictions around visitations. Volunteer board members have missed being able to interact with residents, staff and other volunteers. We are looking forward to more opportunities to experience first hand our vibrant organization. Please take the time to read the many success stories in this report. We think you will be amazed at how many different programs and services are offered by Northwood.

We are pleased to report that relationships with external agencies and the government are very positive. Northwood is seen as a leader in community care thanks to the organization’s innovative approach and investment in research. We are a values based organization and we use those values to help in decision making at board meetings. The board looks at safety and quality issues and this guide’s resource allocation keeping focused on the needs of the clients, residents and families. We are also grateful for the community support and the work of the Northwood Foundation who raise awareness and funds to provide some of the “extras” that allow residents to live with dignity.

We are preparing for an Accreditation Canada survey later this year. This process plus our annual licencing inspections are very rigorous but provide important feedback on how we are doing as an organization. One of our values is “We can always do Better” and the board listens carefully to any suggestions on quality improvements. The board also monitors progress against strategic plans monthly and insures the organization is financially stable.

Northwood was founded over 60 years ago because of the need for societal change for those that need continuing care and supportive housing. Today the board continues to support and advocate for improved investments in community care. We are thankful for the many citizens and community groups who believe in and help further the Northwood vision.

On behalf of the board I want to thank the leaders at Northwood, the medical and clinical teams as well as the support staff who insure the best care for residents and clients. Northwood is indeed a community of caring and compassionate people.

With great appreciation, Barbara Hall,

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Progress toward our established goals.
Board member from 2019 to 2023

Progress toward our established goals in the final year of our Strategy to Action Plan 2014 - 2023

As we look to our future, our 61st year of serving Nova Scotians, we continue to make progress toward our vision and mission. This report outlines the progress that the team has made to help Nova Scotians LIVE MORE. This report is intended to provide you with an overview of our progress over the past year toward our strategic priorities. Our Board of Governors have set this direction based on the needs of our tenants, clients, residents, families our community and our team, factoring our successes as well as our current challenges and future trends in delivering high quality services. These strategic priorities will continue to guide us in our journey over the next few years.

We sincerely thank our Board of Governors for their stewardship of the organization. These volunteers have supported the organization through challenging times, remaining dedicated to our mission, vision and values and continuing to be forward looking.

The Northwood Foundation continues to provide support to assist us in supporting individuals to LIVE MORE. We thank them for their dedication and support.

I continue to be so amazed at the resiliency of our tenants, clients, residents and their families, our team and our community. I would like to personally thank our team, our families and our community for your commitment and assistance to our values and assisting us in living our values. The Northwood family, with the tremendous support of our community and the entire health system, continues to respond to challenges we face and embracing new opportunities to further our mission and vision.

Our future is bright with new programs and services on our horizon. We are in the process of planning for new longterm care beds, expanding our campus model to other communities. While the communities and people we serve have evolved over the last 61 years, our commitment to continuously strive to do better and positively impact the communities and people we serve – our Power of Lovehas not.

A Message from CEO & President, Janet Simm
Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Progress toward our established goals. Lead the development of new models of Community Living: A holistic approach to housing ...3 Be a Learning and Teaching Organization: Curiosity and a commitment to continuous quality improvement ...12 Leadership in Community Care: A trusted voice on matters of fairness, dignity, and uncompromising standards of care ...15 Celebrate and learn from the rest: Being an innovator ...16 Attract, develop, and keep the people we need: Attracting people who are committed to our mission and supporting them, so they choose to continue in their role ...21 2

Lead the Development of new models of Community Living:

A holistic approach to housing - beyond accommodations.


Northwood began as a social movement. Moved to act, founder Ed Roach invited over 580 individuals and groups to a public meeting in 1962 to discuss the plight of seniors living in Nova Scotia. Two hundred and eighty-five concerned citizens gathered that night at St. Thomas Aquinas School in the South end of Halifax to hear Ed's vision for the future.

He spoke passionately about the plight of seniors and the need for affordable housing. The meeting resulted in a call to action and the creation of the Halifax Senior Citizens' Housing Corporation (HSCHC), with Ed Roach as president. Northwood was born.

Northwood quickly became a voice for seniors in Nova Scotia, demanding a new approach to aging in place. Northwood's mission began by providing an affordable option for seniors wanting to remain independent within a supportive environment. In 1970, Northwood opened Northwood Centre, an innovative new approach to long-term care, and began reaching out to the community through its Multi-Purpose Centre.

As a leader in Continuing Care, over the past 61 years, we have been the ‘First’ at many things. Northwood introduced a Home Care Service, Intouch, and Adult Day to support seniors wishing to remain in their own home, in their own community. Northwood was the first to provide a licensed lounge, Hospice and Pastoral Care, Health Centre Services, and a dedicated floor designed for the deaf community.

We have continued to introduce new programs and services to respond to unmet needs in the community, such as our mental health program Seeds of Success, Kaye's Place (Dementia Friendly Family Program Space), High Tech with Heart, and expanding programs that continue to be successful such as Adult Day and our Dementia Friendly Fitness Centres.

Northwood is also a champion for diversity. We represent over 20 nationalities and are proud to do so. Northwood was the first long-term care facility in Nova Scotia to have a diversity committee to support its staff! Northwood was the first long-term care facility to participate in Halifax Pride and has been participating since 2010. Northwood embraces all employees for who they are with no barriers. Northwood welcomes with open arms the LGBTQIA2S+ community, international persons, families, and people from all backgrounds.

Our campus model continues to evolve and thrive through our 61 years of caring. Our Halifax Campus continues to adapt to changing needs, and our Bedford Campus continues to grow. We have a new Bedford building underway and a final building being planned. We have also begun planning for the next phase of our Bedford community garden and park. Our campus model will also be expanded to Fall River and Dartmouth.

The Northwood Bedford Campus continues to grow with the addition of our new affordable Retirement Living building, Northwood Gardens. The opening is scheduled for late winter/spring 2024.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • A holistic approach to housing - beyond accommodations.
Strategic Directions

Home Support

Northwood Home Support meets the needs of those living independently or with family in the community. We are currently delivering care to approximately 1400 clients. Our Home Support team continues to grow post COVID-19. We currently have approximately 390 staff but we are working hard to get back to our preCOVID numbers. We believe all Home Support clients deserve to be supported by our highly skilled Home Support team. The Northwood Home Support Program serves Halifax Regional Municipality, West Hants, Hantsport, Antigonish and the surrounding area, Victoria County, and Windsor.

Areas we specialize in include:

• Personal care and assistance with mobility

• Meal preparation and assistance with feeding

• General household tasks

• Alzheimer’s / Dementia / Palliative Care

• Respite Care, providing the family a break from care giving

Northwood believes People Come First. Assisting people to stay in their homes for as long as they can is a key priority.

For information on the Provincial Home Care Program, contact the Continuing Care Program at the Department of Health: 1-800-225-7225 or visit their website:

Quick Response Program

In 2023, Northwood was contacted by Healthcare Business Review Magazine. After doing some investigation and interviewing our President and CEO, Healthcare Business Review Magazine featured Northwood in their Home Healthcare edition highlighting Northwood as one of the top Home Healthcare providers in Canada for 2023.

meals on wheels partnership

Supported by the Department of Seniors and Long-Term Care, we are spearheading pilots with Meals on Wheels Sackville, Bedford, and Halifax to deliver prepared meals to Home Support Clients.

The Quick Response Program (QRP) is a program which supports individuals to leave emergency departments and return home with support. We have delivered 30,456 hours of support to over 260 clients since April 2021 to safely return home from the emergency department.

The pandemic has changed the world vastly. As we begin to stabilize and head to what we hope will be post pandemic times, Northwood Home Care continues to look at recruitment strategies, continued advancement in technology and scheduling, and ongoing infection, prevention and control practices. If you or someone you know would enjoy being part of our highly skilled team, please contact our HR department at 902-454-3369.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • A holistic approach to housing - beyond accommodations.
Healthcare business review 4

Northwood Health Services

Northwood Health services continues to support our facilities, communities, and partners throughout HRM and the province.


This program is a great way for individuals with a caring spirit and previous caregiving experience to begin their career in the healthcare industry. The Northwood Care Aide Program (NCA) allows an individual to earn an income while learning and gaining experience on the pathway to achieving a formal Nova Scotia certification.

Along with the original program, we have recently begun an accelerated (NCA) program aimed at assisting Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) and other professional healthcare designations, such as doctors who are newcomers to Canada to jump right into a shortened program and clinical aspect, as these individuals have a strong background in providing care in their home country. To become a Northwood Care Aide, please email Elaine Blanchard at



Recruitment of skilled health care professionals continues to be a challenge that the entire health care system is facing. As the system works to rebuild our post COVID-19 workforce, the Travel Nurse Program is providing temporary support to ensure individuals living in long-term care receive the care they deserve.

This ongoing initiative has levelled out and then grown again to meet the needs of facilities across the province. On behalf of the Department of Seniors and Long-Term Care, we are thrilled to be in a position to assist the health system through these challenging times. Northwood is coordinating the delivery of PSWs (filling CCA roles), LPNs, and RNs to 23 facilities with 118 travel staff in province.

Navigating our health care system in Nova Scotia can be a challenge. This can be even more challenging when you or a family member are ill or perhaps you are trying to support a loved one when you are living in another jurisdiction.

The Navigator role has been in place at Northwood for over a decade. It was established to ensure that Northwood was providing accurate information and ensuring appropriate linkages were being made to meet the needs of individuals who reached out to Northwood for support.

Our Navigator works closely with community based services, Nova Scotia Health Care Coordinators and 311 to ensure we can direct and support individuals as they navigate the health care system. The Northwood Navigator role will continue to evolve based on the changing needs of our clients.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • A holistic approach to housing - beyond accommodations.

Community Recreation & Wellness

The Community Recreation and Wellness Centres’ offer a variety of programs and services to support individuals to remain healthy in the community. This past year has introduced new programs, new team members, re-established relationships with community partners/funders, and forged new ones. Throughout the year, we supported our members to get back to participating in community outings and offered programs in the community. Members walked in the Pride Parade, visited the Black Cultural Centre, and enjoyed an afternoon at the Lieutenant Governors’ annual tea. At Ward 5 Community Centre, we have been offering a weekly Pilates class.

In collaboration with community groups and our internal departments, we are bringing back community integrated programming. Prescott Group has been hosting a weekly tea at our Almon Street location; MacPhee Centre for the Arts and the Second Chances Band have performed at our Halifax location; and Mocean Dance has been offering a free weekly dance program. We are also excited to have Spira, Choirs for Change, join us this summer for a weekly choir rehearsal at our Halifax site. In partnership with Chebucto Links, we have been offering a weekly yoga class virtually and have increased virtual program offerings across the sites.

Through grants and other financial supports, new programs and infrastructure projects were made possible. The Pauline Potter Fitness Centre was able to replace most fitness equipment with newer, safer models, and the Bedford Community Garden beds were completely replaced with sustainable materials in 2023. In 2023 Northwood added to our environmental stewardship commitment by partnering with Alveole and adding a working beehive to our beautiful community garden at our Bedford Campus.

A specialized Music Therapy program to support isolated seniors living in community settings was introduced in Halifax and Bedford. A special thanks to the Mental Health Foundation of NS for supporting the music therapy program and to the Province of Nova Scotia, Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage for supporting the Live More Community Garden replacement project.


Volunteers strengthen the fabric of our community. As restrictions have lessened, Volunteer Services has been able to welcome volunteers back to the campuses in a variety of roles. In 2022, Volunteer Services was able to successfully reinstate most of their volunteer lead programs that had been paused during the COVID-19 pandemic. In April 2023 for Volunteer Appreciation week, the team was able to host appreciation lunches for our very dedicated volunteers. As of May 2023, we are excited to be welcoming back the Leadership Class from Charles P. Allen High School to our Bedford Campus as volunteers.

While, volunteer hours have been steadily increasing, we are also looking to the future in how we support recruitment and retention of volunteers. As part of the strategy, we applied for and were the successful recipient of the Community Services Recoveries Fund. The fund will support a review of Northwood’s current processes, look to industry trends and provide a road map for growth.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • A holistic approach to housing - beyond accommodations. 6

Adult Day

The Adult Day program is designed to provide respite to caregivers who are caring for a loved one at home. We are pleased to now be open at all four locations for the past year and running successfully! We offer a variety of programming, providing opportunities for socialization and meaningful engagement through a holistic approach. Our goal is to provide a service that will enable our clients to continue to live independently for as long as possible in their homes. Our team also provides support to caregivers. We are a multidisciplinary team consisting of LPNs, RNs, CCAs, and Therapeutic Recreation Programmers. For general inquiries call 902454-9706.

We are a true community program that loves to connect with our community members. As you can see, it could involve many activities at the Sackville Sports Stadium, taking in the community garden at our Ivany location, checking out the Beehive in Dartmouth, or even going to our dementia-friendly gym at our Halifax location.

General Inquiries: 902-454-9706

Program Location and Addresses

Dartmouth ADP

130 Eileen Stubbs Ave Unit 6

Dartmouth, NS.

Halifax ADP

Halifax Campus 2630 Gottingen Street

Halifax, NS.

Bedford ADP

Bedford Campus 123 Gary Martin Drive

Bedford, NS.

Sackville ADP

Sackville Sports Stadium 409 Glendale Drive

Lower Sackville, NS.

On May 9, 2022, we were advised that we were approved to include a location for an Adult Day Program in the design of our new Long-term Care facility in Fall River. We will be working with the volunteers who currently deliver a program in the Fall River area. This program will be an important part of the Fall River Campus!

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • A holistic approach to housing - beyond accommodations.


Mental Health and Wellness Program

Over the last year, our Mental Health and Wellness Program Seeds of Success has been able to get back to basics since we moved on from Covid. Since February of this year, we have been able to get back to group work for gardening, and creative expression while we continuing to provide one-onone’s for those residents who are not able to participate in group settings. This program continues to be a source of therapeutic support for many residents at Northwood in Halifax. The program has also been a great support for the Bedford Campus, on a smaller scale than Halifax. The Bedford program continues to support residents with a therapeutic gardening program for those who need assistance with mental health support.

The program lead, Leilani Reum supports both the Halifax and Bedford programs, offering the program 5 days per week between each site. Most recently, the program partnered with Community Recreation on the Black Street Mural workshop which was held in our space. The goal was to generate ideas for the mural from the community as well as program participants. As we look forward to the next year, there will be a Mental Health Support Group in our space. This is wonderful for our residents to have a place for conversation and to further promote their wellness. Lastly, our space has taken on a new look and is so much brighter. If you are in the building, please drop in for a look.

As the list of Northwood facilities grows, so does the need for continued investment in our campus communities. It is essential for our residents, tenants, and staff that all of our facilities run safely and efficiently and have an interconnectivity that supports our community within the West Bedford community.

On March 1st, we were very happy to open the Bedford Campus pedway, finally creating a true Bedford Campus. The pedway connects Ivany Place, our Bedford long-term care facility, to Northwood Place and our Bedford Community Centre.

The March 1st event was well received, with a large group of staff, residents, tenants, donors, and others in attendance.

One tenant of Northwood Place, one of our affordable retirement living buildings' called the new pedway his "causeway", to allow him to visit his wife each day at Ivany Place. His love story with his wife began crossing the Canso Causeway.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • A holistic approach to housing - beyond accommodations.


Maintaining our facilities/campuses to ensure they continue to meet the changing needs of those who call Northwood home.


One important project that was completed in 2023 was the replacement of the hot water boilers and storage system. The system is made up of eight smaller storage tanks set parallel to each other. This system will guarantee supply and sustainability during any repairs.

Northwood has also replaced the existing booster pump. Booster pumps send the water supply to the Manor building. We have installed two booster pumps, so we would have redundancy i.e. back up.

New Northwood sign

During the exterior painting process, it was suggested that we install a new Northwood sign facing Barrington Street and the MacDonald Bridge. On an average work day, there are approximately 48,000 crossings on the bridge. We thought that having a Northwood sign facing in that direction would be a great branding opportunity.

Exterior painting

In 2022, it was decided that the exterior of the Halifax Campus was in need of a face-lift. Over the span of ten months, the Centre and Manor buildings were power washed, painted, and sealed. There were also concrete tears repaired during this process. This process helped improve the look of the building and tie it all together with a common colour scheme.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • A holistic approach to housing - beyond accommodations.
Installed two state of the art hot water boilers. Installed water storage tanks.

The maintenance department has been working hard on tasks that will safeguard critical services at Northwood. They have been using what is called a "Critical Matrix" which the maintenance department uses to determine which equipment and systems are critical to the operational objectives of Northwood.

The maintenance team has identified the following as critical systems and equipment:

• Water supply and distribution systems

• Sewage system

• Power supply and distribution, including back-up generated power

• Nurse Call System - partnered with IT team

• Care beds and lifts

• Ventilation systems

• Medical equipment

• Lift safety, five alarm, sprinkler, and security systems

• Building structure

For 2022 the following Maintenance tasks have been completed:

• Security systems: Installed a card swipe system in the Manor elevator.

• Building Structure: Installed new ceiling in the Halifax Cabana.

• Water supply and distribution systems: Installed new boilers and storage system in the Manor.

• Water supply and distribution systems: Installed new boilers and storage system in the Manor

• The main street at our Halifax Campus has had a face-lift as well - emulating the warmth and character of a community main street.

• Activity Centre: We initiated a project to update the Activity Centre and upgrade our audiovisual equipment

The following maintenance tasks are scheduled in 2023.

• Nurse Call System: Replace the nurse call system in the Centre building and the Manor building.

• Lift safety systems: Install new fire alarm panels in the Tower, Centre, and the Manor building.

• Lift safety systems and security: Install fire suppression system in the Northwood IT computer room in the Manor.

• Water supply and distribution systems: Replace water and sewage lines in the Centre - West.


Bedford Campus

For 2022/2023 the following maintenance tasks have been completed:

• Hallways have been painted

• Counter tops in the dining rooms and serveries have been replaced

• Upgraded the laundry facility with a new high capacity washing machine

• Replacement of the loading leveler

• Exterior siding replacement

• Changes to the parking lot to prevent through traffic which had created safety issues Exterior siding replacement

• External storage unit

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • A holistic approach to housing - beyond accommodations. 10

Long-Term Care


This is a unique model for Northwood. It is being developed in partnership with Vision 7 Developments.

The campus will include outdoor amenities and activities. Stay tuned as this project evolves.

We also have two very unique LongTerm Care facility projects that are in the planning stage.

On March 23, 2023 government approved the location of our new 144 -bed Long-Term Care facility in Fall River.

The facility will be part of a campus that will include independent and supportive living options.

Bedford Memory Care Innovation Centre

The 48-bed Bedford Memory Care Long-Term Care Facility concept has been approved. It is being designed to meet the needs of LTC residents with advanced dementia who require level 2 care. Our new build will be a technology -enhanced innovative memory care facility called Northwood Live More Village & Innovation Centre. This facility will be based on Northwood’s own learnings through research projects and informed by the work and concept of the Hogeweyk (Dementia Village) in the Netherlands.

We have begun our discussions with The Department of Seniors and LongTerm Care and Nova Scotia Health as to what is possible and where and how we can position this new facility to be as effective as possible. This discussion includes determining how the placement process will work.


In 2022, Northwood was asked to operate the 36-bed Ivy Meadows facility in Beaver Bank, partly in response to the reduction of 100 LTC beds at our Halifax Campus.

We are extremely excited to announce that the Ivy Meadows transition was completed on April 1st, 2023. On that day, the new signs were installed and Ivy Meadows in Beaver Bank was officially added to the list of Northwood LTC facilities.

The original Ivy team continues to work at that site, but Northwood has been supplementing and supporting operations there to increase their resident numbers. The support for this initiative comes from teams across Northwood, including LTC, Infrastructure, HR, Finance, Health Services, etc. We are thrilled to welcome the Ivy Meadows team to the Northwood family.



We have an additional project that we are working on with a partner that will challenge the status quo - stay tuned for further announcements!

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • A holistic approach to housing - beyond accommodations.


Curiosity and a commitment to continuous quality improvement

RESEARCH 2022/2023

Developing and testing a resident-centred rehabilitation program for long-term care residents with dementia. PI – Dr. Caitlin McArthur

Many residents in long-term care live with dementia, affecting their quality of life and increasing their risk for negative outcomes like impaired mobility, falls, and fractures. Rehabilitation can improve quality of life and mobility and prevent falls and fractures. Residents with dementia are less likely to receive rehabilitation than those without and are often excluded from rehabilitation studies in long-term care.

The purpose of our study is to identify the goals of rehabilitation and the meaning of quality of life and function in relation to rehabilitation for long-term care residents with dementia. The findings will inform us on the development of a resident-centred rehabilitation program designed for residents with dementia. The second objective is to identify barriers and facilitators of adequate nutrition intake through the lens of residents with moderate to severe dementia, their family members, and care. It is important to include all players involved in nutrition.

ACTing Collectively to map and address the needs of community-living older adults in Nova Scotia. PA – Dr. Grace Warner and Dr. Tanya Packer

Community-level data is needed to evaluate and monitor the health and wellbeing of aging adults and the communities in which they live.

The ACTing Collectively research project will pilot an innovative approach to gathering data on the needs of, and available resources for, community-living older adults to age well in communities. The Age Care Technology (ACTTM) is a set of integrated tools used to: 1) assess the needs of older adults and provide them with an individualized report linked to a list of related community resources, 2) aggregate individualized reports into customized community-level reports that can be used by policy makers and planners to identify common concerns and local resources important to aging well, and

3) connect to a global database that tracks intervention outcomes and trajectories in aging adults’ wellbeing, independence, social connection and health in other locations.

The overall objective is to assess the usefulness and feasibility of implementing the ACT™.

Dysphagia and Oral Health Concerns in Long-Term Care. PI – Dr. Rebecca Affoo

Texture-modified diets are foods and liquids that have been prepared to be a specific texture or consistency, and are prescribed to residents to manage concerning oral health conditions and swallowing impairments. Given that texture-modified diets are associated with malnutrition, dehydration, and reduced quality of life, over-use of texture modified diets is a concern warranting closer scrutiny. The results of our work suggests that front-line LTC staff may have limited knowledge of swallowing disorders. Staff are reporting concerns related to oral health and swallowing impairments when identified, however, assessment of these concerns appear to be rare.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Be a Learning and Teaching Organization.
Strategic Directions 12


Northwood will be welcoming Accreditation surveyors on September 27th, 28th, and 29th. An onsite survey is conducted by trained surveyors who will assess Northwood against various standards. The surveyors are health care professionals and administrators from other accredited health care organizations. During the three days the surveyors are here, they will look at our policies and procedures, talk to staff, clients, residents, family members, leaders, board members, and our community partners. They will also observe key areas of care or service and ask about examples and stories that demonstrate our commitment to quality and safety. After the visit, we will be provided with a report detailing our strengths and areas for improvement, and will be given our standing.

Although the two programs that are being accredited are the Home Support Program and Long -Term Care, Accreditation is an organization wide endeavour. While on-site, a surveyor could approach anybody, and ask them questions related to Northwood’s commitment to quality, safety, and risk management.

If you have questions related to Accreditation, please contact Tasha Ross, Manager, Quality and Risk at or 902-229-2236.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Be a Learning and Teaching Organization.

Infection Control

Northwood campuses have seen a steady stream of a variety of respiratory illnesses throughout most of the fiscal year.

Guidelines were updated by Public Health and Wellness regarding what was considered a SARS-COV2 facility-wide outbreak compared to what was considered a floor outbreak. This change made it easier for residents and families to visit loved ones and helped residents access the community if the outbreak was not directly affecting their floor.

Further into our year, we were reintroduced to Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). We have not seen either virus for 2 ½ years on our campuses. At this time the province is seeing an increase in RSV and Influenza in children as well as our elderly population.

Our fall COVID-19 Bivalent doses were received for our residents, leading to 96% of our resident population being immunized. Spring doses are now being given at all campuses for eligible residents.

As for now respiratory illness overall seems to be lower but we are still seeing COVID-19 cases popping up throughout the year. We continue to educate our staff, residents, and families on keeping each other safe.

The Health Standard Organization and Simulation Canada came together to search for long-term care facilities that would take part in the IPAC simulation pilot project. Northwood's long-term care facility was chosen along with 15 other long-term care facilities across Canada to participate. This was a very exciting project to participate in to help our overall learning experience in infection control.

The objective of the pilot project simulations is to help with improving care providers competencies in infection prevention and control practices through simulation.

Simulation involves hands-on infection control case studies, discussions, and online learning. Our goal is to educate at least 20% of our staff, residents, and families within a 3-month time frame. In the past three months, our educators along with staff, have been successful in educating 24% of staff and residents at our Halifax site, and 25% of staff and residents at our Bedford Campus. The IPAC simulations include hand washing, donning and doffing PPE, and respiratory etiquette. Once the simulation session was completed, a debriefing session took place for staff and residents to talk about their experience and how they felt about the

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Be a Learning and Teaching Organization.

Leadership in Community Care:

High Density Housing

Northwood has been working with the Nova Scotia Department of Seniors and Long-Term Care, the Nova Scotia Housing Agency, and Nova Scotia Health to look at a different model of in-home and external supports for folks living in our high-density buildings. The project has given us an opportunity to delve into different possibilities for accessing and meeting the needs of people in these environments.

ACT Quarterly Review

Northwood will be featured by ACT in their Quarterly Research Review. Their first quarterly report was released earlier in 2022, in which we featured Chek Hooi from Tsao Foundation. You can view the report here https://

We are proposing to the government that the ACT Tool be utilized as part of the evaluation framework for the High Density Housing Projects provincially.


In 2022, Northwood was asked to select a high-need housing building and develop a proposal to provide a unique set of supports based on their individual needs. An ACT assessment will be performed. We have received $500,000 to support this pilot. This project is in collaboration with a number of community partners.

This project is just getting underway, but we are excited to be part of the process and to better serve our population.

In 1993, Ivy Meadows recognized they needed transportation for their residents. They started with a station wagon, and after that an unreliable bus.

It was decided they would need to purchase a new bus at a cost of $83,000. The Friends of Ivy Meadows Residence Society stepped up to the plate to raise the funds and to maintain the bus.

In April of 2023, The Friends of Ivy Meadows donated the Ivy Meadows bus to Northwood. The community raised funds so the residents of Ivy Meadows could enjoy regular outings. The bus will continue to serve Ivy Meadows residents and may supplement the Northwood bus on occasion.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Leadership in Community Care.
A trusted voice on matters of fairness, dignity, and uncompromising standards of care. Strategic Directions


Being an Innovator

Northwood Care is proud to announce the development of Chestnut Lake, a residence to support those living with dementia and their families through this arc of life.

With financial support from the Department of Seniors and Long-Term Care, we are piloting a new model with augmented care staff and technology to provide a dignified living environment for people living with dementia who need various behavioural supports.

Chestnut Lake is a place where meaningful communication and connections with others are encouraged and the opportunity for choice is provided.

Our focus for Chestnut Lake is to optimize a dignified environment for people living with behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) and support suitable, integrated living within the Northwood community. Social interaction is encouraged, and life will be enriched through such things as way-finding enhancements, increased access to the outdoors and gardening, music therapy, pet therapy, sensory, art, and expression.

Northwood has established a strong and diverse interdisciplinary team with substantial knowledge and experience providing care to those living with BPSD.

Working alongside residents and their families, the team provides excellence in behavioural health care and overall wellness for those living with the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

Chestnut Lake may provide temporary support and care to some people, while others will call it home for the duration of their stay at Northwood. Our interdisciplinary team will be working both with residents and their families to support each resident’s life-long patterns, current interests, strengths, and needs.

There are a lot of other improvements and evidence -informed plans coming up. Stay tuned for many new initiatives, like new patio gardens, gratitude boards, and much more.

improvements and evidence


Sleepsense Bed Sensors

The Sleepsense Bed Sensor is placed under one leg or wheel of the resident's bed. The sensor measures in real time the resident's heart rate, and respiration rate while the resident is in their bed sleeping or just watching TV.

This incredible sensor monitors sleep and can also alert staff if the resident exits their bed or takes longer than anticipated to return to bed.

Alerts can be sent to a mobile device or hardwired into the nurse call system. Staff can perform virtual rounds without needing to wake the resident.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Celebrate and learn from the rest.
Strategic Directions

Remote curtain devices

Assisted technology is rapidly evolving, and our residents are enjoying the additional independence.

Tasks as simple as closing your curtains can be difficult for many of our residents. Their existing curtains can be converted to voicecontrolled operation.

By adding a wireless-controlled device to the curtain rod, the residents can open and close their curtains independently.


While this past year had challenges, it was also filled with much success. The entire UVC Light Study team is grateful for your support.


Northwood Intouch saw the launch of their first mobile help button, On-TheMove, last May. The device has been very popular, surpassing projected growth goals and receiving positive feedback. It offers the ability for clients to have access to help while they are at home or in the community. We added a companion button in 2023. This companion button connects to the On-The-Move device via Bluetooth and allows for a smaller and lighter weight version of the button for around the home, while bathing, and while the main device is charging.

The Stover Sensor that has been offered for the last number of years has been upgraded with a new device that is made in Canada. The new sensor has added features such as being able to program it remotely and sending alerts via text and email.

Below are some exciting changes

1) New lamps - More has been learned about far-UVC light over this past year, so we are upgrading our study lamps to stay current with new technology and science guidelines. The participating facilities have already agreed to the installation of new lamps.

2) Additional site - Currently, this study is active at Windsor Elms Village (Falmouth) and Northwood (Halifax). To greatly increase our participant total, we are planning to include a third long-term care facility - The Cove Guest Home, in Sydney, Cape Breton!

3) Extended data collection! - We initially planned to monitor resident health for a maximum of 24 months, but to significantly increase the strength of the data, this part of the study will be extended until February 2025. This means participants could now be monitored for up to 40 months in total.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Celebrate and learn from the rest.
New Stove Sensor

Young Adult Pilot

We were successful in obtaining funding through the Provincial Innovation Grant Program administered by the Health Association (HANS).

This pilot is intended to support further development of our unique supports for our young adult population including our SMARTech Project and Elderdog research. We have been approved for $354,004.


The Halifax Recreation Therapy Department has acquired an exciting piece of technology thanks to generous grant funding: the OmiVista Mobii interactive projector. This portable projector uses responsive technology to project images, videos, and games onto floors or tabletops. It creates an immersive environment with sights and sounds that respond to physical gestures like ball tossing, or beanbag throwing.

Northwood, the Nova Scotia Health Authority, and national and international partners have been awarded funding through AGE-WELL, Canada’s Technology and Aging Network, to advance research on SMART assistive technology and person-centred care solutions in continuing care. Northwood has received $648,055 from the SLTC Innovation Program to support equipment purchases, IT support, and our rehab team.

Using off-the-shelf devices and the breakthrough Emitto technology, the research explores how to enable older people aging with complex mobility needs to live with greater independence and dignity.

The data collection portion of the project is complete. Data is currently being analyzed and manuscripts are being written.

The Northwood staff funded by the Innovation Grant have completed their work. A new .4FTE technology navigator position was created for ongoing support to our SMARtech participants.

Stay tuned for more information on how we will continue to integrate this technology into our programs.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Celebrate and learn from the rest.
SMARTech 18

(LTCF) Assessment System

The interRAI Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF) Assessment System is a comprehensive, standardized system for evaluating the needs, strengths, and preferences of persons in chronic care and nursing home institutional settings. Completing an LTCF assessment enables a health care provider to assess key domains of function, mental and physical health, social support, and service use.

The interRAI assessment instruments are a rich source of information to support clinical and organizational decision-making. Because these clinical assessments share core assessment items and use standardized language, the information remains meaningful across health care sectors and promotes continuity of care.

Contributing to this database will allow us to benchmark our outcomes against other longterm care providers.

Car Share

In our continued effort to support Northwood’s eco-friendly initiatives, we are hosting two vehicles from Communauto’s car sharing program. These vehicles are available to all members of our community, including tenants and staff. More information about this program can be found by visiting the Communauto website –


Northwood has implemented the use of the Obi, an adaptive eating aid for residents with upper extremity mobility, strength, or coordination limitations.

Through the use of a touch switch, the user is able to select the food from one of four sections of the plate and, through a second switch, choose when the food is brought to their mouth.

(EMAR) implementation

Halifax Long-Term Care Electronic Medical Record (EMAR) implementation was completed in May 2022.

Research Symposium

In June 2020, we were scheduled to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this event. Unfortunately, due to COVID, the event was postponed.

In conjunction with the support of our Research Advisory Committee, we offered a virtual Symposium on Friday, June 19, 2022.

Our 2022 Research Symposium was jam packed with exciting and informative presentations from leaders in their field like Dr. Kenneth Rockwood and Dr. Lisa Barrett. From Caring Canines to Smart Technology, there was something for everyone.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Celebrate and learn from the rest.

2023 Northwood Scorecard Indicators

Key Points: The prevalence (total % of residents with a pressure injury) is based on the % of residents with a pressure injury on a particular day. The pressure ulcer prevalence for Halifax in March was 1.07%. The PI prevalence for Bedford in December was 1.29% Note: some pressure injuries in the prevalence report are the same residents carried over with chronic pressure injuries.

It should be noted that Northwood includes stage (14, unstageable, deep tissue injury) Pressure Injuries in prevalence rates, which is not necessarily the case in other facilities.

Hand Hygiene at Northwood

Hand hygiene is one of the best ways to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. Below we have included some stats and facts on hand hygiene at Northwood. Northwood does regular Hand Hygiene audits at all of our sites. The Hand Hygiene rate in 2022-23 was 94%

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Celebrate and learn from the rest. 20

Strategic Directions




We have resumed our Leadership DropIn sessions for front line staff. We have completed sessions in Dartmouth, Bedford and our Halifax Campus. We will continue to rotate through our sites, providing front-line staff from across the organization a chance to dialogue with our leaders.


June - Sept., 2022

Be You, With Us!

• Facebook/Instagram

• Radio

• Transit

Sept. - Nov., 2022

Local Means

• Facebook/Instagram

• Snapchat

• Radio

• Cinaplex


As a way of thanking Nova Scotia’s health care workers while encouraging more of them to keep working in the province, on March 20th, Premier Tim Houston announced a bonus for health care workers in Nova Scotia’s publicly funded healthcare system.

We congratulate our eligible team members and thank our entire Northwood team for their work every day to serve our clients in all of our programs.

Nov. - Jan., 2023

You Have the Power

• Facebook/Instagram

• Radio

Jan. - March., 2023

This is Your Time

• Facebook/Instagram

• Snapchat

• Radio

• Billboards

• Geo-Fencing

March - April, 2023

This is Your Time

• Facebook/Instagram

• Snapchat

April - On-going, 2023

Grow Your Career

• Facebook/Instagram

• Snapchat

• Digital Out of Home

• Transit

• Billboards

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Attract, Develop, and Keep the People we Need.
NEED: Attracting people who are committed to our mission and supporting them, so they chose to continue in their role


We have had a very busy year with students completing their Recognizing Prior Learning Process (RPL) toward their CCA certification. To date, the Northwood Career College has graduated 12 students in the RPL process. Of the 12 students, eight have successfully passed the CCA Certification exam; one is waiting exam results and three are getting ready to write the provincial exam in July. The Northwood Career College continues to register conditionally hired staff to help them obtain their CCA certification.

The Northwood Career College was created to support staff who do not already meet the requirement for entry to practice which is a provincially certified CCA. Like other private career colleges we are held to the standards of the CCA Program and the Private Career College Act, Operations and Regulations. Students registering with the Northwood Career College for RPL Phase II are also held to the policies of the college and are required to be engaged, meet the attendance requirement for self-directed learning, and complete all components of their learning path within the one-year timeline as per their signed student contract.


Northwood has been named one of Nova Scotia’s and Atlantic Canada’s Top Employers for 2023. Northwood has been named a top employer in Nova Scotia since 2014 and a top employer in Atlantic Canada since 2013.

This special designation recognizes employers in Nova Scotia and in Canada’s four Atlantic provinces that lead their industries in offering exceptional places to work.

Employers are evaluated by the editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers using the same criteria as the national competition and are also compared to other organizations in their field to determine which organization offers the most progressive and forward-thinking programs.


Comprising a diverse and passionate group of individuals from our various care areas and communities, the C&FAC has been instrumental in fostering a client-centered approach to care, offering meaningful insights, and advocating for improvements in the various areas of Northwood’s service delivery systems. Through their regular meetings, the C&FAC has actively engaged with leaders, staff, as well as with fellow clients and their loved ones, ensuring that the voices of those who utilize our services are heard, respected, and considered in the decisionmaking processes. By collaborating with the C&FAC, Northwood has successfully implemented several initiatives aimed at promoting client empowerment, addressing system-level disparities and gaps, and enhancing communication and transparency in our services.

The invaluable feedback received from the C&FAC has played a pivotal role in shaping Northwood’s policies, programs, and services, resulting in a more inclusive, compassionate, responsive, and home-like environments for all. We extend our deepest gratitude to the members.

Our Diversity Committee continues to provide leadership to the organization. Diversity at Northwood continues to make strides toward a welcoming supportive environment for all. Most recently, the committee added "belonging" to its title, Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging Committee. We continue to grow and take every opportunity to celebrate when given the opportunity. We conducted a survey last year – Embracing Diversity and Inclusion at Northwood. To summarize, we are making significant progress but there is always room for improvement.

Some of our highlights for the year have been: Attending a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conference in Truro in December hosted by Human Resources Sector Council. We continue to work with ISHANS to support our newcomers and staff who require support. We continue to receive support from The Association of Black Social Workers (ABSW) by providing education to staff. Recently, we had a drumming event which the residents loved. We also signed the Anti-Racism Recreation Charter back in October that will unfold over this coming year. Lastly, there is an opportunity to apply for grants through the Diversity and Community Capacity Fund through Nova Scotia Communities, Culture, Tourism & Heritage which we will take full advantage of. We are looking forward to the future.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Attract, Develop, and Keep the People we Need.
"Everyone Plays a Part" 22


The health and well-being of our staff is extremely important to us. Throughout the pandemic, mental health resources have been available. The Northwood Hub provides access to a wealth of important staff information and resources.

In April of 2023, Northwood hosted an amazing Staff Appreciation event to thank all those who helped get Northwood through the outbreak. The Thank You Event was open to all Northwood staff along with any volunteers and staff from other organizations that helped during the outbreak.

Dr. Robert Strang joined the event congratulating the Northwood team on their heroic effort in responding to the global pandemic. He acknowledged the personal toll that it took on all of us.

Although some COVID-19 protocols still needed to be used, everyone had a great time. Attendees were able to see some fun circus acts, great music, and above all, the chance to see Dr. Strang walk the tight rope.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Attract, Develop, and Keep the People we Need.
Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Attract, Develop, and Keep the People we Need. WORKFORCE STAFF SURVEY RESULTS 24

The Northwood Foundation

With every passing year, there are challenges that arise for all of us, but there are always opportunities for reflection and growth. The Northwood Foundation is no exception. With the pandemic behind us, we set our focus on visioning – building and engaging our Northwood Foundation board to believe in the possible.

Northwood touches the lives of over 7000 Nova Scotians every day – who need special, loving care.

The Northwood Foundation’s role is to build relationships and share stories with people that not only see – but also feel the impact that Northwood makes in people’s lives.


September is Dignity Month. Due to popular demand, we kept the online, virtual silent auction in support of dignified living. Lasting all month long, this auction raised over $45K to help people live with dignity. A big thank you to all our sponsors, donors, and bidders.

Soles in Motion donated new shoes for our residents and tenants and they were given out during Dignity Month.

Throughout the year, the foundation team focuses on raising funds for Dignified Living, Mental Wellness Programs, and special projects that allow people to live more. This past year, we welcomed new ideas from donors who wanted to support Northwood in their own way.

Every donor, whether big or small, makes a difference for our Northwood Community –because they think with their hearts. And when your heart believes – together we can move mountains.

I am privileged to be a part of the Northwood Foundation that tells the story – that sets the stage for believing.


In March of 2022, residents were treated with a gift of their very own, handmade lap blankets from Mrs. McCrae who has been using her time and talents to make a difference for years. The residents were in awe as they got to keep the blankets they were posing with!

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Northwood Foundation.
Beautiful holiday cards from our Holiday Card Campaign.


In November, Petsmart chose Northwood as one of their Chance Friends so customers could donate a stuffed animal to our Northwood community. The response was overwhelming and we were able to give every resident one to call their own, plus we treated the staff who have worked hard all year long with some too. Thanks Petsmart!


On January 25th, Northwood continued our support of Bell Let's Talk Day. We did our part to kick start the conversation and take action to create a positive change for mental health in Nova Scotia and Canada. Together, we can make a difference and make the change happen.

northwood bus

The Northwood Foundation purchased a bus years ago to take our residents on outings. In October, just after having our bus repaired, the catalytic converter was stolen. After realizing the wait list for getting a new part was months away, Steele Auto Group found us a used one, and saved the day! Planning for a new bus began that day – stay tuned for the 2023 Live More Awards as all proceeds from that event will support the purchase of a new bus!


Once again, Jack 929 embraced our Holiday Card Campaign, and Giving Tree Campaign and the turn out was amazing! Thank you to the team at Jack 929 who are always helping Northwood. Over 3,000 holiday cards were dropped off from daycares, schools, businesses, and community members who wanted to remember a resident during the holidays.


Amy Murphy created a new event in support of Northwood residents at Ivany Place. Children could purchase a ticket to chat with Santa, and brought a teddy bear for Northwood residents too. Santa even had time to visit with the residents before he went back to the North Pole. We love Amy and her little Elf for their festive spirit and love for our Northwood community!

John Gracie returned again this year performing classic holiday tunes for the Ivany Place residents during our tree lighting celebration. Special thanks to Eastlink for making this happen again this year.

Community Report • 2022 / 2023 • Northwood Foundation. 26

Northwood is Nova Scotia's original senior citizen advocate, dating back to 1962. As a not-for-pro t organization, we re-invest our surpluses back into a system of care that helps our community. We are recognized both here at home and across Canada as an extraordinary example of the power of social justice.

We like to call it the power of love.

Northwood is a full spectrum health, lifestyle and continuing care organization.

• Health, Fitness & Lifestyle Programs and Services in your community

• Home Care

• Fall Alert & Other Assistive Technologies

• Adult Day, specializing in memory loss

• A ordable Retirement Living

• Assisted Living

• Long Term Care

• On Campus Health, Fitness, Lifestyle and Wellness Programs and Services

• Northwood Foundation

Northwood Corporate O ce | Suite 1 South, 130 Eileen Stubbs Ave, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 2C4 T 902-425-2273 TF 1-866-700-2273
Bedford Campus (Ivany Place) Bedford Campus Northwood Home Care Halifax Campus Beaver Bank Campus Northwood Corporate Office | Suite 1 South, 130 Eileen Stubbs Ave., Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 2C4 T 902-425-2273 TF 1-866-700-2273

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