NYA Philanthropy Report for 2015-2016

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2015 2016 Legacy Circle $25,000+ Davis Family Foundation John M. Kauffmann 4 Rhode Island Foundation Heritage Circle $15,000-$24,999 Nick & Jessie Alberding H Allen ’60 & Victoria Bornheimer H Lee & Holly Thibodeau H Benefactor’s Circle $10,000–$14,999 Anonymous (2) James E. ’98 & Renée Cabot H Stephen Malcom & Martha Barrett H Portland Volvo Peter & Deirdre Quesada H Eric & Laura Schaeffer H Southern Maine Chrysler Dodge Jeep Academy Circle $5,000–$9,999 Stephan Bachelder & Deborah Strachan H Susan & Josh Burns H Lincoln ’75 & Kim Merrill H Julia & Robert Moss H Bruce & Anne Myers/ Myers Family Fund H David Osborne/ Osborne Charitable Fund H Patriot Insurance Company John & Jennifer Humphreys Rohde ’88/ Rohde Family Fund of the Maine Community Foundation Bill Waldron & Stacie Hamilton-Waldron H Founder’s Circle $1,814–$4,999 Richard & Debra Abbondanza H Anonymous (1) Laura & David Argitis H Robert & Ann Billings Craig & Kristin Coleman H Jean, James & Hillary Detert ’12 H Jay ’94 & Julie Flower H Jason & Laura Gall Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hemenway F. Alan Hull & Susan Kepes H Benjamin & Amity Jackson Erik & Nancy Jensen H Knickerbocker Group, Inc. K. Erik Kostelnik & Catherine Jakubowitch H Scott & Corinne Larson Bingbing & Rong Lu H Scott & Barbara Marr H Warren & Harriet Miskell H Mrs. Judith Miskell H Bruce Poliquin H Michael & Priscilla B. Savage H Gary Schroeder H Mrs. Alexandra White Smith H Rob & Betsy Tod H


PHILANTHROPY REPORT The 2015–2016 Philanthropy Report reflects gifts made to North Yarmouth Academy between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Both unrestricted annual gifts and restricted gifts are included. NYA is grateful for the support of these donors.

Caroline Olmstead Wallach ’95 & Scott Wallach/ Chess Foundation H Michael & Aungelea Wayashe David ’96 & Rebecca Williams H Katie & Stephen Woods Head of School’s Circle $1,000–$1,813 Ananda Fund Jeanette August & Michael Hynes H William & Jomay Barron Walter & Gayle Barschdorf H Bartley’s Driving School Dana Bartone & Margaret Limm H Gary & Laura Bergeron Bill & Linda Burnham H Jeanne Cardwell H John & Ronni-Jo Carpenter H David & Lynne Champoux H William Chapman III & Holly Bentley Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Clock, Jr. H John Drisko & Cindy Boothby H Tom & Anne Echeverria H Mark & Pattie Fasold H Frank & Michelle Fassett H G. David & Margaret J. Fenderson H David & Heidi Fitz/ Helen Dickey & David G. Fitz Charitable Fund H James ’98 & Courtney Anson Garrett ’98 H H.M. Payson & Co. Hancock Lumber Hopkinson & Abbondanza Alice W. Ingraham Walter Juve H Kingsley Pines Camp Christopher & MaryBeth Lorenz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Loring H Mr. & Mrs. Case Lynch Pamela MacQuarrie Timothy & Barbara Mahoney Maine State Archives/ Historical Collections Grant Program Lee & Caroline Mallett H Walter & Linda Manchester H Fred & Fran Masciangelo Richard & Alexandra Maurer H Nelson & Elizabeth Mead H David & Libby Millar Max Milliken ’03 H Roger & Margot Milliken H Peter Mote & Jessica Lynch Peter & Lynn E. Noyes H Daniel & Jane O’Halloran H Pat’s Pizza of Yarmouth Pierce Atwood LLP Alison & Todd Prawer H Michael Rayder & Beth Franklin H David Rines & Chiharu Katayama Chip & Lynne Roche H Theodore ’60 & Sharon Libby Sharp ’61 H Peter & Ann Sheldon H Thomas & Lillian Smith H

Clara Keith Snow ’39 4 Spaces by LLG James & Elizabeth Taylor H G. Robert & JoAnn A. Tod H Dana ’80 & Elizabeth Twombly H Mark & Michele Zajkowski Honor Roll Circle $500–$999 Alexander & Schmidt AlliedCook CMS Corp. Philip & Meredith Anson H Robin & Victoria Baron/ The Baron Family H John Bueche & Sarah Kelly H J. Nicholas Burns ’63 H Camp Wawenock Compass Rose Events Patrick & Joyce T. Coughlan John E. ’66 & Betsy Cussen H Dermatology Associates Christopher & Tonya DiMillo Courtney Dumont ’10 Joseph Faulstich ’76 H Christopher & Jane Flower H Peter & Marie Gerrity H Jim & Mary Gribbel H H & D Title & Closing Services, LLC Garry W. ’79 & Julia Hallee H Jane Ellyn Hamilton ’83 Patricia Hoynoski H Island Treasure Toys James Place Inn B & B Glenn & Jenna Jonsson Leonard Kaminow & Maria Mazorra H Josh Kelton ’06 H Kathryn Kendall Veli & Judy Lapinoja H Marcus, Clegg & Mistretta, P.A. Mrs. Dorothy Mathews H Mister Bagel David E. Mullare ’66 Donald & Jean Nichols H James & Kimberly O’Connell Payroll Management, Inc. Yvon & Jackie Pellerin Riley Insurance Agency Khen Rinpoche Stephen & Kathryn Rosenfeld H Silver Street Group LLC Single Source Staffing Storey Brothers, Inc. Patricia Thelven H Christopher M. ’92 & Erica Thompson Hall & Deborah Thompson H Carl Tourigny H Mrs. Claudia Webster H Dr. Christopher M. Zitnay ’82 & Dr. John Hong H Black & Orange Circle $250–$499 Dr. & Mrs. David L. Adams H Mrs. Patricia Alberding Diana Morse Allen ’53 H Robert L. Appleby ’50 H Eric & Amy Austin H Bangor Savings Bank Ellen Benson ’90 H

H 3 or more years of consecutive giving to The Academy Fund 4 Deceased

Deane G. ’53 & Thelma E. Bornheimer H James & Trudy Briggs Bruce’s Burritos Charles J. Burliss ’75 Camp Nashoba North Peter & Gail Cinelli H William & Emily Clark H R. Brian Clarke ’80 Clayton’s Café & Bakery Jonathan Commons & Jennifer Riehl Madeleine G. Corson H Timothy C. & Laura P. Coughlin H Jennifer Lane Crosby ’85 Stephen & Janette Davis Bruce Drouin, Sarah Drouin ’07 & Janet Hansen H Dr. & Mrs. Rod Durgin H Elsmere BBQ & Wood Grill Engineering Assistance & Design, Inc. Richard T. Ewell ’91 Cory ’96 & Lyndie Fasold H Margaret Fast H Robert Fast H Margaret Fenderson ’84 Crombie & Deborah Garrett H Ted & Candy Gibbons Brian Gilbert Associates William Goddard Gritty McDuff’s Rosalie Hackleman H Jack & Kathleen Hardy H Phyllis Hetzler H Tara & Doug Johnson H Keller Williams Realty/ Chapman & Mitchell Real Estate Group Keith & Hollie Kenniff L.D. Holmes Construction Lebel & Harriman, LLP Jim & Ellen Macklin Maine Roasters Coffee Tom & Carol McFarland Harpswell Capital Advisors Jill & Bryan O’Connor H Mr. & Mrs. Ruel Orff Dave Page Lisa A. Parker ’77 H Dimitrios Pilitsis ’06 Elmer & Sandra Plummer H Martha Russell Andrew & Catriona Sangster H Scott Dugas Trucking & Excavating Curt & Nina Scribner H David D. Selleck ’54 H Nathaniel & Jessica Smith H Chip & Grace Smoley Dana & JoAn Street Christopher B. Swan ’83/ The Swan Agency The Belted Cow Co. LLC Randall Wade Thomas & Jay Thomas H Joel Thompson ’90 H Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walker Reinhold & Andrea Wappler John E. Williams ’64 H Jim ’66 & Zaidee Winton H Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Yankee


Planned gifts are a meaningful way to remember NYA. North Yarmouth Academy has grown and prospered through the generosity of many friends for more than 200 years. Making a planned gift to NYA is simple and can easily be integrated in your current estate planning. Legacy gifts need not be large to have significant impact. Join the NYA Founders’ Society of individuals who have made a planned gift benefiting the Academy in their estate plans by making gifts of cash or marketable securities, real estate or tangible property, or life insurance or retirement plan policy designation. For more information and to have a confidential conversation about ways to combine planning for the future and supporting NYA, please contact Ben Jackson, Head of School (207) 847-5444.

Loyalty Circle $249 & under T. Bradley Abbott ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ackerman Ken & Mary Aldrich Liam Anderson ’08 Anonymous (2) Caroline Anson ’08 Hayley Anson ’02 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Austin H David A. Babcock ’91 Brandon Barrett ’10 Jason, Danielle, Maia ’27 & Quinn Barschdorf ’29 H Enoch & Mary Barton Madeleine Beasley ’10 Kristi & Scott Belesca H Gil & Edith Hazard Birney Roscoe Bishop ’02 Kenneth & Beverly Bixby H Chris Bixby ’03 H Jillian Bjorn-Caron ’14 Eric Blakeman ’90 Ann Block & Donald Youker H Michelle Bolen & Loretta Beisel H Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Bradley Tom & Carolyn Breslin Ralph Wellman Brewer ’85 Ausma Melkis Briedis ’58 Timothy Brook ’90 Gleynn E. Brooks Jr. ’50 H Stuart F. Brown ’91 Bruce B. Brown, Jr. ’66 H Maximilian Bueche ’15 Christian & Michele Buehner H Colin Bumby ’00 H

Dick & Martha Burns J. Frisbee Campbell & Susan Macdonald Campbell ’52 H Alison Carpenter ’09 H Ronald J. & Mary Lou Carroll Robert ’50 & Janice Crouse Chamberlain ’55 H Alexander Champoux ’07 H Phillip Champoux ’10 H Calvin Chicoine ’09 Joel Chretien ’91 Christina Cinelli ’97 & James Wilkerson H Class of 1956 Class of 2016 Benjamin Claytor ’13 Rachel Clegg ’10 Mr. Arthur Collins H Craig Collins & Pam Gardiner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Collins Matt & Stephanie Cook Torrey Cooke H Ryan & Chrysta Coulombe H Sean Coulombe Johanna Coale Coyle ’97 H Angela Gleason Crocker ’89 Millard ’47 & Elizabeth Trask Crossett ’48 H Garry W. Croudis ’55 H Ross Cudlitz ’74 Shawn Curtis ’95 Ted ’62 & Laurie Curtis H Rodger & Becky Cuthbert Fred & Dottie Damon Susan & Howard Dana Steve & Katherine Davis H Daniel H. Day ’54


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