How Buprenorphine Works For Opioid Addiction Treatment
Buprenorphine is an approved medicine by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to treat opioid addiction. Many experienced and authorized doctors prescribe buprenorphine along with counseling and behavioral therapy for opioid addiction treatment. The success of this treatment option is very high and any known and trusted clinics help patients regain their regular life by offering an effective treatment choice. Norton Health Care is one of the best clinics and has experienced doctors for conducting a treatment process.
Buprenorphine and methadone are both approved medicines for opioid addiction treatment. But due to the limitation associated with Methadone, buprenorphine is used widely. Methadone needs a restricted environment for addiction treatment and it must be performed in a structured clinic. Buprenorphine is the first such medicine which can be available from physician offices. Many medical practitioners can get the authority as a buprenorphine provider, including U.S. physicians, mid-level practitioners with X-License. They are eligible to provide suboxone for opioid addiction treatment.
Norton Health care is one of the renowned rehab clinics in Norton MA. It has also other branches in Salem and Dover NH. Doctors are experienced and are offering a comprehensive treatment plan though the MAT treatment. It is a Medication-Assisted Treatment that includes medicines and counseling therapy. Alone medicines can provide the best result. Addicts who are having opioid addiction need counseling and behavioral therapy also. It helps them understand their value and keeps them confident to stick to addiction treatment.
FDA approved Buprenorphine products for the addiction treatment : Bunavail contains buprenorphine and naloxone and it comes in a buccal film. Suboxone contains buprenorphine and naloxone and comes in film form. Zubsolv with Buprenorphine and Naloxone and is used in sublingual tablets. Buprenorphine with transmucosal products for treating opioid addiction.
Buprenorphine lowers the chances of misuse and gradually decreases the cravings for drugs. The drug is a partial opioid agonist and this is why it does not cause any sudden change for your opioid addiction. Though it attaches the receptor sites of the brain, it does not cause any euphoric condition. Always consult with your doctor for any medications.
Norton Health Care comes up with the right treatment for your opioid addiction. Experienced doctors also accept insurance to lower your treatment costs. If you want further help, contact us. We will be happy to help you with your addiction treatment.
45 Stiles Road, Unit 206 Salem, NH 0307 Phone: (603) 824-6937
85 East Main Street, Suite A Norton, MA 02766 Phone: (508) 285-8550
750 Central Avenue, Unit Q Dover, NH 03820 Phone: (603) 834-9585
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